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@theofidry theofidry released this 05 Mar 02:15

3.0.0-alpha.0 is marking the first milestone for this fork. The goal of the Box project did not change, but it needed some serious adjustments. The main changes so far:

  • Complete internal overhaul
  • Make it easier to use: no config file required by default
  • Massive performance improvements
  • PHP-Scoper integration which allows to isolate the PHAR dependencies

There is a lot more that happened (see the following) and a lot more to come. Now that this milestone has been reached, the next part will be about to polish the edges and work on the next features such as #5, #78 or #13.

Backward Compatibility (BC) break changes are tracked in


  • Allow Symfony 4.x components
  • Add missing validation for the compression algorithm compression to provide a more user-friendly validation
  • Add more information to logs when building a PHAR:
    • Display the configuration file loaded
    • Log if remove the previous PHAR file
    • Log the replacement values
    • Log the registered compactors
    • Log the main file path used
    • Remove the list of files & binary files paths added and log the number of files added for each category instead
    • Log the details of the generated stub or the stub used if a file is given or the
      default stub is used:
      • The shebang line being used
      • The banner used
    • Log the compression algorithm used
    • Log the file permissions used
    • Log the generated PHAR size
    • Log the time & memory taken by the build command
  • Add a working-dir|d option to the build command to be able to change the working
    directory from which the build command is executed
  • Reduce the number of files added to the PHAR by eliminating the duplicate files upfront
  • Process files in parallel
  • Allow disabling the shebang line
  • Allow to disable the banner
  • Allow to build a PHAR without any configuration
  • Include all files when no file setting is used
  • Exclude dev dependencies when building the PHAR
  • Add debug mode which allows to debug the parallel processing or having access to a dump of the files added to the PHAR
  • Add a PHP-Scoper integration which allows to isolate the dependnecies bundled in the PHAR


  • Fix Box usage when installed as a global Composer dependency
  • Create the necessary directories to create the target
  • Fix the usage of the blackfilter with absolute path: it now matches the real file paths to know if a file should be excluded or not
  • Fix the usage of the blackfilter with base paths: the base path is now applied to the files listed in the blacklist filter as well
  • files and files-bin now works with absolute paths
  • files and files-bin now throws a user-friendly error when a file does not exists or is a directory instead of a file
  • directories and directories-bin now works with absolute paths
  • directories and directories-bin now throws a user-friendly error when a directory does not exists or is a file instead of a directory
  • Normalize the paths given for the file options when superfluous spaces are used in the paths (trim the path). Applies
    • base-path
    • blacklist
    • files
    • files-bin
    • directories
    • directories-bin
    • finder (as well as the Finder::append() and Finder::exclude() arguments)
    • finder-bin (as well as the Finder::append() and Finder::exclude() arguments)
  • Make main script mandatory (the value, not the setting)
  • Normalize the main script path
  • Add a friendly error message when an invalid symlink is being used for a file and exclude symlinks whenever possible

Misc changes

  • Bump the minimal PHP version from 5.3.3 to 7.1
  • Bump the minimal Symfony dependencies from 3.0 to 3.4
  • Dropped the following commands:
    • add
    • remove
    • extract
    • key:create
    • key:extract
  • Process the configuration when loading it instead of lazily processing it. Also add a friendly error message when the
    configuration is invalid
  • Dump files in a temporary directory to build the PHAR from and existing directory instead of adding the files
    processed contents one by one
  • Register the main script before the files instead of after
  • Remove support for web PHARs
  • Remove support for extractable PHARs
  • Make the main script path relative to the base path
  • Do not allow a config with no file registered
  • Configure index.php as the default main script
  • Rename the command build to compile

Other changes highlights

  • Moved Box2 under the Humbug umbrella:
    • Change of project
    • The new Composer package is now humbug/box
  • Re-organise the project in a more standard structure
    • Upgrade autoloading from PSR-0 to PSR-4
    • Move lib/src to src
    • Move lib/test to tests
    • Move the Herrora\Box namespace to KevinGH\Box
  • Dropped the following deprecated packages:
    • kherge/amend which has been replaced by padraic/phar-updater
    • phine/path
    • herrora-io/json
    • herrora-io/phpunit-test-case
  • Simplify the usage of the library as a contributor and maintainer by using a Makefile
  • Update PHPUnit configuration
  • Set-up PHP-CS-Fixer and fix the CS
  • Upgrade from PHPUnit 3.7 to PHPUnit 7.0
  • Add e2e tests
  • Add Infection for the tests
  • Add Blackfire
  • Do not allow a string value for the blacklist anymore
  • Remove usage of global Box constants: BOX_PATH, BOX_SCHEMA_FILE, BOX_EXTRACT_PATTERN_OPEN
  • Leverage nikic/iter instead of custom functions
  • Leverage Assert for some checks when retrieving the compactors
  • Create a dedicated FileSystem component