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Uplifting a pull request

Shivan Kaul Sahib edited this page Mar 22, 2024 · 28 revisions

Painfully hand-created table of contents:

What are uplifts?

  • Most of our pull requests go against master ("Nightly")
  • If approved by the reviewers, the owner then typically submits the same pull request against the other branches ("Beta", "Release") as needed
  • The uplift approvers will take a look at those pull requests and approve/deny
  • These PRs cannot be merged until CI passes (or have only known failures) and the owner of the PR tests that their fix works on Nightly.
  • If an uplift has been sitting for too long, it is the responsibility of the person that requested the uplift to make sure it gets approved and to ping the needed people.
  • It is the responsibility of the person who did the uplift request to merge the change. Although sometimes someone else will merge.

Using automation to create those pull requests

NOTE: this script only works for clean uplifts. If there are merge conflicts, you'll have to do it manually. Regardless, this should save some time.

NOTE: for the automation to work, the PR branch has to exist. When PRs are merged, their branches are automatically deleted, but they can be restored on the PR page by clicking restore branch.

Jenkins job

This is the preferred way to do it!

  • visit
  • click Build with Parameters:
    • put the pull request number (must already be merged)
    • pick the channels you want to uplift to: release or beta or beta,release (which does both)
    • click build
  • uplifts are created (no need to use CLI)

Uplift your pull request with Jenkins

Running locally

If you don't want to use Jenkins, you can run the script locally. This is a great option if you want to help fix bugs with the script or add a new feature 😄

Getting started

There's a script available in brave-core which helps automate the tedious task of creating all the pull requests: ./script/

In order to use this, you'll need to create a GitHub personal access token

  • visit
  • click Generate new token
  • set the scopes (if needed). If you're not sure what to do, you can always change them later
  • capture the token that is output
  • open your .npmrc (~/.npmrc) and add the token value (NOTE: if you do this and store your dotfiles publicly (on GitHub/GitLab/etc), you'll want to specifically add .npmrc to your .gitignore file)

If you don't want to store this in your .npmrc, you can always set the environment variable or include the environment variable in the usage:

BRAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN=0a0aaa00a0000aa0aaa0000000a0a0000a00aa0a ./script/ --options-go-here

General overview of what happens

  • changeset is found by diffing local branch against master
  • branches are created locally
  • all changes are cherry-picked into applicable branches
  • local branches are pushed to remote
  • a PR is created via the API for each specified channel
  • the PRs are then each opened in your default web browser (BRAVE!)

Example usage

You submitted a PR to master and it was approved and merged 🎉. You now need to merge this to RELEASE. You can specify ----uplift-using-pr= along with --uplift-to=release.

./script/ --uplift-to=release --uplift-using-pr=1632

A PR would then be created against beta and release.

Advanced command line usage

There are a log of flags you can include. Here are the ones currently present:

  1. Want to verify what'll happen (without actually pushing anything!). Do a dry run:
./script/ --uplift-to=beta --uplift-using-pr=1632 --dry-run

This will create the branches needed, but nothing is sent to GitHub (details are READ from GitHub however, so the token is required). What would have been sent should be shown in stdout

  1. Want to see the full API output from GitHub API? Use verbose mode
./script/ --uplift-to=beta --uplift-using-pr=1632 --verbose

This will show the raw responses sent back from GitHub

  1. Want to specify the assignees on the PR? Use --owners (comma separated list):
./script/ --owners=bsclifton,petemill --uplift-to=release --uplift-using-pr=1632
  1. You can specify the title of the PR explicitly Use --title:
./script/ --title="Fix that really bad bug" --uplift-to=release --uplift-using-pr=1632
  1. You can specify labels to apply to all PRs Use --labels (comma separated list):
./script/ --labels=ui,bug --uplift-using-pr=1632
  1. Do you only want to submit a patch against RELEASE and BETA?. Use start-from:
./script/ --uplift-to=release --start-from=beta --uplift-using-pr=1632

Getting help

  • Hit up @bsclifton (@clifton on Slack)
  • On Slack, ask in #brave-core or #continuous-integration-guest

Command line help

You can run the script with --help to see all the available inputs:

[15:49:17] (~/Documents/brave-browser/src/brave)
clifton@iMac-Pro (master=) $ ./script/ --help
usage: [-h] [--owners OWNERS] [--uplift-to UPLIFT_TO]
                 --uplift-using-pr UPLIFT_USING_PR [--start-from START_FROM]
                 [-v] [-n] [--labels LABELS] [--title TITLE]

create PRs for all branches given branch against master

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --owners OWNERS       comma seperated list of GitHub logins to mark as
  --uplift-to UPLIFT_TO
                        starting at nightly (master), how far back to uplift
                        the changes
  --uplift-using-pr UPLIFT_USING_PR
                        link to already existing pull request (number) to use
                        as a reference for uplifting
  --start-from START_FROM
                        instead of starting from nightly (default), start from
  -v, --verbose         prints the output of the GitHub API calls
  -n, --dry-run         don't actually create pull requests; just show a call
                        would be made
  --labels LABELS       comma seperated list of labels to apply to each pull
  --title TITLE         title to use (instead of inferring one from the first

Helpful notes

  • The "version" used by master is determined by looking at the package.json in the root of the brave-browser repo. At the time of this writing, 0.63.0 is master. When the PR is created for beta, this assigns the milestone 0.62.x
  • You can get verbose output with --verbose
  • You can do a "dry run" with --dry-run
  • Owner (assignee) is optional
    • If provided, they are a comma separated list
    • usernames / logins are validated against GitHub to make sure they're spelled correctly
    • if omitted, the script will determine the owner by looking at the token
  • The script will TRY to set the title automatically:
    • It'll use the subject from the first commit
    • You can override the title using --title
  • You can provide labels you'd like to apply to each pr using --labels (comma separated list)

Implementation notes

Known issues / enhancements

Also see

If you enjoyed this document, check out the following docs too! 😎

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