diff --git a/_docs/_user_guide/engagement_tools/locations_and_geofences/faqs.md b/_docs/_user_guide/engagement_tools/locations_and_geofences/faqs.md index 6f0502cdfe4..240f3e1f5e7 100644 --- a/_docs/_user_guide/engagement_tools/locations_and_geofences/faqs.md +++ b/_docs/_user_guide/engagement_tools/locations_and_geofences/faqs.md @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Braze geofences use a combination of all location providers available to a devic Typical accuracy is in 20–50m range and best-case accuracy will be in the 5-10m range. In rural areas, accuracy may degrade significantly, potentially going up to several kilometers. Braze recommends creating geofences with larger radii in rural locations. +For more information on the accuracy of geofences, refer to [Android](https://developer.android.com/develop/sensors-and-location/location/geofencing) and [iOS](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/RegionMonitoring/RegionMonitoring.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497-CH9-SW1) documentation. + ### How do geofences affect battery life? Our geofencing solution uses the native geofence system service on iOS and Android and is tuned to intelligently trade off accuracy and power, ensuring best in class battery life and improvements in performance as the underlying service improves.