diff --git a/docs/api.md b/docs/api.md
index 9bd6a22c42..91f0bb8c13 100644
--- a/docs/api.md
+++ b/docs/api.md
@@ -11633,7 +11633,6 @@ This module contains the API for templating. For more detailed instructions, rea
* [~zcl_attributes_client(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_attributes_client) ⇒
* [~zcl_attributes_server(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_attributes_server) ⇒
* [~zcl_atomics(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_atomics) ⇒
- * [~zcl_baseline_types(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_baseline_types) ⇒
* [~zcl_cluster_largest_label_length()](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_cluster_largest_label_length) ⇒
* [~largestLabelLength(An)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..largestLabelLength) ⇒
* [~zcl_command_arguments_count(commandId)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_command_arguments_count) ⇒
@@ -12059,18 +12058,6 @@ Block helper iterating over all atomic types.
| --- | --- |
| options | \*
-### Templating API: static zcl helpers~zcl\_baseline\_types(options) ⇒
-Block helper iterating over all baseline types in matter from atomics.
-**Kind**: inner method of [Templating API: static zcl helpers
](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers)
-**Returns**: Promise of content.
-| Param | Type |
-| --- | --- |
-| options | \*
### Templating API: static zcl helpers~zcl\_cluster\_largest\_label\_length() ⇒
diff --git a/docs/helpers.md b/docs/helpers.md
index 9b1a7c4ace..8b0eec8b8e 100644
--- a/docs/helpers.md
+++ b/docs/helpers.md
@@ -3333,7 +3333,6 @@ This module contains the API for templating. For more detailed instructions, rea
* [~zcl_attributes_client(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_attributes_client) ⇒
* [~zcl_attributes_server(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_attributes_server) ⇒
* [~zcl_atomics(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_atomics) ⇒
- * [~zcl_baseline_types(options)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_baseline_types) ⇒
* [~zcl_cluster_largest_label_length()](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_cluster_largest_label_length) ⇒
* [~largestLabelLength(An)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..largestLabelLength) ⇒
* [~zcl_command_arguments_count(commandId)](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers..zcl_command_arguments_count) ⇒
@@ -3759,18 +3758,6 @@ Block helper iterating over all atomic types.
| --- | --- |
| options | \*
-### Templating API: static zcl helpers~zcl\_baseline\_types(options) ⇒
-Block helper iterating over all baseline types in matter from atomics.
-**Kind**: inner method of [Templating API: static zcl helpers
](#module_Templating API_ static zcl helpers)
-**Returns**: Promise of content.
-| Param | Type |
-| --- | --- |
-| options | \*
### Templating API: static zcl helpers~zcl\_cluster\_largest\_label\_length() ⇒
diff --git a/docs/zap-schema.svg b/docs/zap-schema.svg
index 4b75d7212c..390b1a43ad 100644
--- a/docs/zap-schema.svg
+++ b/docs/zap-schema.svg
@@ -5,3106 +5,3109 @@
diff --git a/src-electron/generator/helper-zcl.js b/src-electron/generator/helper-zcl.js
index c28339e9ab..35394ddadd 100644
--- a/src-electron/generator/helper-zcl.js
+++ b/src-electron/generator/helper-zcl.js
@@ -887,68 +887,6 @@ async function zcl_atomics(options) {
return templateUtil.templatePromise(this.global, promise)
- * Block helper iterating over all baseline types in matter from atomics.
- *
- * @param {*} options
- * @returns Promise of content.
- */
-async function zcl_baseline_types(options) {
- const baselineTypes = []
- const baselinekeys = new Set()
- let atomictypes = await templateUtil
- .ensureZclPackageIds(this)
- .then((packageIds) =>
- Promise.all(
- packageIds.map((packageId) =>
- queryZcl.selectAllAtomics(this.global.db, packageId)
- )
- )
- )
- .then((x) => x.flat())
- for (let i = 0; i < atomictypes.length; i++) {
- // Creating a key to determine distinct baseline types
- const key =
- `${atomictypes[i].size}-${atomictypes[i].isSigned}-${atomictypes[i].isString}-${atomictypes[i].isLong}-` +
- (atomictypes[i].isString ? `${atomictypes[i].name}-` : '-') +
- (atomictypes[i].name.toLowerCase().includes('single') ||
- atomictypes[i].name.toLowerCase().includes('double')
- ? `${atomictypes[i].name}`
- : '')
- if (
- !baselinekeys.has(key) &&
- (atomictypes[i].size || atomictypes[i].isString) &&
- atomictypes[i].size != 0 &&
- (!atomictypes[i].isComposite || atomictypes[i].isString)
- ) {
- baselinekeys.add(key)
- baselineTypes.push(atomictypes[i])
- }
- }
- // Sort the baselineTypes array
- baselineTypes.sort((a, b) => {
- // Sort by isFloat (false before true)
- if (a.isFloat !== b.isFloat) {
- return a.isFloat ? 1 : -1 // Sort false before true
- }
- // Sort by isSigned (false before true)
- if (a.isSigned !== b.isSigned) {
- return a.isSigned ? 1 : -1 // Sort false before true
- }
- // Sort by size (numerically)
- const sizeComparison = Number(a.size) - Number(b.size)
- if (sizeComparison !== 0) {
- return sizeComparison // If sizes are different, return comparison
- }
- // Sort by isString (false before true)
- return a.isString === b.isString ? 0 : a.isString ? 1 : -1
- })
- return templateUtil.collectBlocks(baselineTypes, options, this)
@@ -3153,4 +3091,3 @@ exports.as_zcl_data_type_size = as_zcl_data_type_size
exports.zcl_command_responses = zcl_command_responses
exports.zcl_struct_items_by_struct_and_cluster_name =
-exports.zcl_baseline_types = zcl_baseline_types
diff --git a/test/gen-matter-1.test.js b/test/gen-matter-1.test.js
index e04c023c59..d4c3aaa8dd 100644
--- a/test/gen-matter-1.test.js
+++ b/test/gen-matter-1.test.js
@@ -187,29 +187,6 @@ test(
'ExternalAddon : This is example of test external addon helper.'
- // Test baseline data types for Matter
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeStringLikeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeStringLikeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer>(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
- expect(simpleTest).toContain(
- 'return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);'
- )
// Testing base types based on xml defining them
expect(simpleTest).toContain('Baseline type for bitmap8 : int8u')
expect(simpleTest).toContain('Baseline type for bitmap32 : int32u')
diff --git a/test/gen-template/matter/simple-test.zapt b/test/gen-template/matter/simple-test.zapt
index ff99f231ac..cd648c3f2c 100644
--- a/test/gen-template/matter/simple-test.zapt
+++ b/test/gen-template/matter/simple-test.zapt
@@ -19,29 +19,6 @@ ExternalAddon : {{test_external_addon_all_commands_helper}}
ExternalAddon : {{test_external_addon_all_events_helper}}
ExternalAddon : {{test_external_addon_helper}}
-switch (AttributeBaseType(metadata->attributeType))
- return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer(decoder, isNullable, out);
- {{#if size}}
- {{#unless isFloat}}
- case ZCL_INT{{multiply size 8}}{{#if_compare ./isSigned true operator='==='}}S{{else}}U{{/if_compare}}_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE: // {{#if_compare ./isSigned true operator='==='}}Signed{{else}}Unsigned{{/if_compare}} {{multiply size 8}}-bit integer
- return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer<{{#if (is_power_of_two (multiply size 8))}}{{#if_compare ./isSigned true operator='==='}}{{else}}u{{/if_compare}}int{{multiply size 8}}_t{{else}}OddSizedInteger<{{size}}, {{isSigned}}>{{/if}}>(decoder, isNullable, out);
- {{else}}
- case ZCL_{{as_delimited_macro name}}_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE: // {{multiply size 8}}-bit float
- return DecodeIntoEmberBuffer<{{name}}>(decoder, isNullable, out);
- {{/unless}}
- {{else}}
- case ZCL_{{as_delimited_macro name}}_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE: // {{name}}
- return DecodeStringLikeIntoEmberBuffer<{{#if_compare "octet" ./name operator='in'}}Byte{{else}}Char{{/if_compare}}Span, {{#if_compare "long" ./name operator='in'}}Long{{else}}Short{{/if_compare}}PascalString>(decoder, isNullable, out);
- {{/if}}
- default:
- ChipLogError(DataManagement, "Attribute type 0x%x not handled", static_cast(metadata->attributeType));
- return CHIP_IM_GLOBAL_STATUS(Failure);
// Extract all baseline types:
{{#if baseType}}
diff --git a/zap-schema.svg b/zap-schema.svg
index 4b75d7212c..390b1a43ad 100644
--- a/zap-schema.svg
+++ b/zap-schema.svg
@@ -5,3106 +5,3109 @@