diff --git a/SMRT/dialog.gd b/SMRT/dialog.gd
index 6b5dc46..94b20f5 100644
--- a/SMRT/dialog.gd
+++ b/SMRT/dialog.gd
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 extends Patch9Frame
 #Declared variables:
 export (String, FILE, "*.lan") var language = "res://addons/SMRT/example.lan"
 var dialogs = []
 var speech_bubble
@@ -16,6 +17,9 @@ export (int) var font_size = 32
 export (SpriteFrames) var face_sprites = preload("res://addons/SMRT/faces/dialog.tres")
 export (Texture) var next_dialog_texture = preload("res://addons/SMRT/next_line.png")
 export var dialog_frame_height = 4
+export var show_debug_messages = false
 #Speed of the typewriter effect. If there is no value given in the message,
 #it defaults to this.
 var speed = float(.05)
@@ -27,12 +31,12 @@ signal dialog_control(information)
 #It is a string that is interpreted: "top", "middle" and "down"
 #Thinking of making some global constants and change it to vector2 values
 var position
 #If true, a beep sound will play for each character, excluding " "
 var beep = true
 # The pitch is a float that enables the beep to sound lower or higher to
 # create variations for characters.
 var beep_pitch = float(1.0)
 var finished = false
 var on_dialog = false
 var text
@@ -40,10 +44,10 @@ var typewriter = true
 var enable_question
 var answers
 var btn_answers
+var answer_number
 var black_screen
 var texture_width
+var dialog_array
 #AND answer_selected
 var info = {chapter = null, dialog = null, last_text_index = null, total_text = null, answer = null}
@@ -68,21 +72,22 @@ func _ready():
 	if beep_WAV == null:
-		print(audio.get_sample_library().get_sample_list())
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("Beep sound file not found, loading default")
-		print("NULL BEEP WAV")
 	var beep = SampleLibrary.new()
 	beep.add_sample("beep_letter", beep_WAV)
-	print("beep letter: ",audio.get_sample_library().get_sample_list())
-	print(font, typeof(font))
 	if font == null:
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("Font file not found, loading default")
 	if face_sprites == null:
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("Face sprites file not found, loading default")
-		print("FACE SPRITES", face)
-		print(face.get_sprite_frames().has_animation("default"))
 	if next_dialog_texture == null:
@@ -97,6 +102,17 @@ func _ready():
+func reset():
+	if show_debug_messages:
+		print("reseting the dialog system")
+	finished = false
+	on_dialog = false
+	text = null
+	position= null
+	side = null
+	answer_number = null
+	textObj.set_bbcode("")
+	dialog_array = []
 func load_language(lang_file="res://addons/SMRT/example.lan"):
@@ -105,13 +121,15 @@ func load_language(lang_file="res://addons/SMRT/example.lan"):
 		lang_file = "res://addons/SMRT/example.lan"
 	#Check for and load the language file
 	if (file.open(lang_file,File.READ) == OK):
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("Found dialog file" , lang_file)
 		var temp_lang = file.get_as_text()
 		var dictionary = {}
 		return dictionary
-		print("Error loading the language file")
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("Error loading dialog file")
 		var temp_lang = {"Problem":{"Debug":[{"beep_pitch":1, "face_position":1, "beep":true, "text":"Error loading the language file!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":1, "face_frame":1}]}}
 		var dictionary = {}
@@ -121,7 +139,7 @@ func load_language(lang_file="res://addons/SMRT/example.lan"):
 func store_dimensions():
 	dimensions.box_rectangle = get_rect()
 	dimensions.text_rectangle = textObj.get_rect()
-	print("DIMENSIONS ARE: ", dimensions.text_rectangle)
 	dimensions.text_rectangle.size.x += textObj.get_margin(0) + textObj.get_margin(2)
 	dimensions.text_rectangle.size.y += textObj.get_margin(1) + textObj.get_margin(3)
 	dimensions.font_size = font_size
@@ -132,19 +150,16 @@ func store_margins():
 	dimensions.text_margin.right = textObj.get_margin(2)
 	dimensions.text_margin.bottom = textObj.get_margin(3)
-func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
+func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at = 0):
+	text=""
 	if start_at == null:      
 		start_at = 0
-	var dialog_array
 	if chapter =="single_text":
 		info = {chapter = chapter, dialog = null, last_text_index = null, total_text = 1, answer = null}
 		dialog_array = dialog
 		position = 1
 	if typeof(dialog_array) == TYPE_STRING:
-		print("dialog was a single line of string")
 		var single_text = {"text": dialog_array}
 		dialog_array = []
@@ -153,11 +168,12 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 		if current_chapter.empty():
 			dialog_array.append({text: "Chapter has no dialogs"})
-			print("CHAPTER SIZE IS: ",current_chapter.size())
 			if current_chapter.has(dialog):
-				print("Found dialog: ",dialog)
+				if show_debug_messages:
+					print("found dialog ", dialog)
 				dialog_array = current_chapter[dialog]
-				print("FOUND DIALOG!")
 				if not dialog_array == null and typeof(dialogs) == TYPE_ARRAY:
 					info.chapter = chapter
@@ -180,12 +196,13 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 	BOTTOM = (get_viewport_rect().size)-Vector2(0,get_size().y)	
 #	A while loop that goes over each array value inside of dialog_array 
 #	based on the start_at parameter
-	while start_at < dialog_array.size() and on_dialog:
-		get_node("nextLine/animation").stop()
+	while on_dialog and start_at < dialog_array.size():
 		textObj.add_font_override("normal_font", font)
 #		Gets the values to be reseted at the end of the loop
+		if show_debug_messages:
+			print("STARTED DIALOG AT ", start_at)
 		if dialog_array[start_at].has("beep"):
 			beep = dialog_array[start_at].beep
 		if dialog_array[start_at].has("beep_pitch"):
@@ -206,7 +223,7 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 			texture_width = face.get_sprite_frames().get_frame(face.get_animation(), face.get_frame()).get_width()
-			print("TEXTURE WIDTH IS: ",texture_width)
 #		Side of the dialog to display the face
 		text = dialog_array[start_at].text
@@ -217,16 +234,14 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 		if dialog_array[start_at].has("typewriter"):
 			typewriter = dialog_array[start_at].typewriter
 		if typewriter:
-			print("=============")
 			if dialog_array[start_at].has("typewriter_speed"):
 				speed = dialog_array[start_at].typewriter_speed
 #		If typewriter boolean is false, then gives ZERO to speed variable
 #		to make the effect disapear.
@@ -244,7 +259,6 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 		#POSITION if the dialog is not bubble
 		if position==0:
-			print("position is TOP")
 		elif position==1:
@@ -275,37 +289,43 @@ func show_text(chapter, dialog, start_at=0):
 			#Play beep sound for each character
 			if beep:
+				if show_debug_messages:
+					print("beep pitch = ", beep_pitch)
 			textObj.set_visible_characters(textObj.get_visible_characters()+ 1)
-			#print("Value of characters visible: ",textObj.get_visible_characters())
 			yield(timer, "timeout") #So, it will only happen if it is false at first
 		if textObj.get_total_character_count() <= textObj.get_visible_characters():# and not finished and start_at < dialog_array.size()-1:
-			print("Finished text display")
+			if show_debug_messages:
+				print("Finished text display")
 			finished = true
 			yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
 			info.last_text_index = start_at
 			if enable_question:
+				start_at +=1
 				yield(self, "answer_selected")
-			start_at +=1
+			else:
+				start_at +=1
 			finished = false
 			#RESET The message system:
-			print("Added +1 to the start_at variable")
 	on_dialog = false
 # Emits a signal when all the dialogs are over.
 # Useful to know exactly when it is possible to free the resources it holds.
+	if show_debug_messages:
+		print("SMRT finished displaying all the dialog")
 	beep_pitch = 1.0
 func question(answer_array):
+	if show_debug_messages:
 	btn_answers = HButtonArray.new()
 	btn_answers.add_font_override("font", font)
 	btn_answers.add_style_override("normal", StyleBoxEmpty.new())
@@ -322,9 +342,20 @@ func question(answer_array):
 func selected_answer(btn):
-	info.answer = btn
+	if show_debug_messages:
+		print("Answer selected: ", btn)
+	answer_number = btn
 func _input(event):
+	if not event.is_echo() and event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") and btn_answers != null and answer_number != null:
+		info.answer = answer_number
+		answer_number = null
+		emit_signal("dialog_control", info)
+		emit_signal("answer_selected")
+		btn_answers.queue_free()
+		info.answer = null
 	if not event.is_echo() and event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):
 		if textObj.get_total_character_count() > textObj.get_visible_characters() and on_dialog:
@@ -332,13 +363,10 @@ func _input(event):
 	if finished and not event.is_echo() and event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):
 		emit_signal("dialog_control", info)
-	if not event.is_echo() and event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") and btn_answers != null and info.answer != null:
-		btn_answers.queue_free()
-		btn_answers = null
-		print(btn_answers)
-		emit_signal("dialog_control", info)
-		emit_signal("answer_selected")
-		info.answer = null
 func stop():
-	on_dialog = false
+	if show_debug_messages:
+		print("Stopping smrt godot")
+	if btn_answers != null:
+		btn_answers.queue_free()
+	reset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SMRT/dialog.tscn b/SMRT/dialog.tscn
index 8ac9340..c74b968 100644
--- a/SMRT/dialog.tscn
+++ b/SMRT/dialog.tscn
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 [ext_resource path="res://addons/SMRT/next_line.png" type="Texture" id=6]
 [ext_resource path="res://addons/SMRT/font/zig_____.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=7]
-[sub_resource type="Animation" id=2]
+[sub_resource type="Animation" id=1]
 length = 1.0
 loop = true
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ tracks/0/interp = 1
 tracks/0/imported = false
 tracks/0/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0, 0.5 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1, 1 ), "update":1, "values":[ true, false ] }
-[sub_resource type="Animation" id=3]
+[sub_resource type="Animation" id=2]
 length = 1.0
 loop = false
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ tracks/1/interp = 1
 tracks/1/imported = false
 tracks/1/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0, 0.6 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1, 1 ), "update":0, "values":[ 0.0, 1.0 ] }
-[sub_resource type="Animation" id=4]
+[sub_resource type="Animation" id=3]
 length = 1.0
 loop = false
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tracks/1/interp = 1
 tracks/1/imported = false
 tracks/1/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0, 0.6 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1, 1 ), "update":0, "values":[ 1.0, 0.0 ] }
-[sub_resource type="Animation" id=5]
+[sub_resource type="Animation" id=4]
 length = 1.0
 loop = false
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ tracks/1/interp = 1
 tracks/1/imported = false
 tracks/1/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1 ), "update":0, "values":[ 1.0 ] }
-[sub_resource type="SampleLibrary" id=6]
+[sub_resource type="SampleLibrary" id=5]
 samples/beep_letter = { "db":0.0, "pitch":1.0, "sample":ExtResource( 3 ) }
-[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=7]
+[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=6]
 font/size = 12
 font/use_mipmaps = false
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ stretch_mode = 0
 playback/process_mode = 1
 playback/default_blend_time = 0.0
 root/root = NodePath("..")
-anims/idle = SubResource( 2 )
+anims/idle = SubResource( 1 )
 playback/active = true
 playback/speed = 1.0
 blend_times = [  ]
@@ -154,11 +154,9 @@ centered = false
 playback/process_mode = 1
 playback/default_blend_time = 0.0
 root/root = NodePath("..")
-anims/blackScreen = SubResource( 3 )
-"anims/blackScreen off" = SubResource( 4 )
-anims/default = SubResource( 5 )
-"next/blackScreen off" = ""
-next/default = ""
+anims/blackScreen = SubResource( 2 )
+"anims/blackScreen off" = SubResource( 3 )
+anims/default = SubResource( 4 )
 playback/active = true
 playback/speed = 1.0
 blend_times = [  ]
@@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ autoplay = ""
 [node name="SamplePlayer" type="SamplePlayer" parent="."]
 config/polyphony = 1
-config/samples = SubResource( 6 )
+config/samples = SubResource( 5 )
 default/volume_db = -18.0
 default/pitch_scale = 1.0
 default/pan = 0.0
@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ margin/left = 16.0
 margin/top = 8.0
 margin/right = 16.0
 margin/bottom = 8.0
-custom_fonts/normal_font = SubResource( 7 )
+custom_fonts/normal_font = SubResource( 6 )
 custom_colors/default_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
 bbcode/enabled = true
 bbcode/bbcode = "ABRAKADABRA"
diff --git a/SMRT/editor.tscn b/SMRT/editor.tscn
index 0ef3c4d..4d9ab86 100644
--- a/SMRT/editor.tscn
+++ b/SMRT/editor.tscn
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 18.0
 margin/right = 750.0
-margin/bottom = 54.0
+margin/bottom = 52.0
 [node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/PanelContainer"]
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 7.0
 margin/top = 7.0
 margin/right = 743.0
-margin/bottom = 29.0
+margin/bottom = 27.0
 alignment = 0
 [node name="info" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/PanelContainer/HBoxContainer"]
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 0
 margin/left = 0.0
-margin/top = 4.0
+margin/top = 3.0
 margin/right = 74.0
-margin/bottom = 18.0
+margin/bottom = 17.0
 text = "File loaded:"
 align = 1
 percent_visible = 1.0
@@ -93,18 +93,23 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 78.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 307.0
-margin/bottom = 22.0
+margin/right = 255.0
+margin/bottom = 20.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 4
 button/min_button_size = -1.0
 button/align = 0
 button/0/text = "New"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Load"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/2/text = "Save"
+button/2/tooltip = ""
 button/2/icon = null
 button/3/text = "Help"
+button/3/tooltip = ""
 button/3/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -115,9 +120,9 @@ focus/stop_mouse = false
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
-margin/top = 58.0
+margin/top = 56.0
 margin/right = 750.0
-margin/bottom = 342.0
+margin/bottom = 337.0
 alignment = 0
 [node name="ChapterContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"]
@@ -129,8 +134,8 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 117.0
-margin/bottom = 284.0
+margin/right = 114.0
+margin/bottom = 281.0
 [node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ChapterContainer"]
@@ -140,8 +145,8 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 7.0
 margin/top = 7.0
-margin/right = 110.0
-margin/bottom = 277.0
+margin/right = 107.0
+margin/bottom = 274.0
 alignment = 0
 [node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ChapterContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 103.0
+margin/right = 100.0
 margin/bottom = 14.0
 alignment = 0
@@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 18.0
-margin/right = 103.0
+margin/right = 100.0
 margin/bottom = 218.0
 [node name="HButtonArray" type="HButtonArray" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ChapterContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -192,14 +197,17 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 222.0
-margin/right = 103.0
-margin/bottom = 244.0
+margin/right = 100.0
+margin/bottom = 242.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 2
 button/min_button_size = 1.0
 button/align = 0
 button/0/text = "Add"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Dup"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -210,15 +218,18 @@ focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
-margin/top = 248.0
-margin/right = 103.0
-margin/bottom = 270.0
+margin/top = 246.0
+margin/right = 100.0
+margin/bottom = 266.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 2
 button/min_button_size = 1.0
 button/align = 0
 button/0/text = "Del"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Edit"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -229,10 +240,10 @@ focus/ignore_mouse = false
 focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
-margin/left = 121.0
+margin/left = 118.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 238.0
-margin/bottom = 284.0
+margin/right = 232.0
+margin/bottom = 281.0
 [node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/DialogContainer"]
@@ -242,8 +253,8 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 7.0
 margin/top = 7.0
-margin/right = 110.0
-margin/bottom = 277.0
+margin/right = 107.0
+margin/bottom = 274.0
 alignment = 0
 [node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/DialogContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -255,7 +266,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 103.0
+margin/right = 100.0
 margin/bottom = 14.0
 alignment = 0
@@ -283,7 +294,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 18.0
-margin/right = 103.0
+margin/right = 100.0
 margin/bottom = 218.0
 [node name="HButtonArray" type="HButtonArray" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/DialogContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -294,14 +305,17 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 222.0
-margin/right = 103.0
-margin/bottom = 244.0
+margin/right = 100.0
+margin/bottom = 242.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 2
 button/min_button_size = 1.0
 button/align = 0
 button/0/text = "Add"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Dup"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -312,15 +326,18 @@ focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
-margin/top = 248.0
-margin/right = 103.0
-margin/bottom = 270.0
+margin/top = 246.0
+margin/right = 100.0
+margin/bottom = 266.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 2
 button/min_button_size = 1.0
 button/align = 0
 button/0/text = "Del"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Edit"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -332,10 +349,10 @@ focus/ignore_mouse = false
 focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
-margin/left = 242.0
+margin/left = 236.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 411.0
-margin/bottom = 284.0
+margin/right = 381.0
+margin/bottom = 281.0
 [node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/TextContainer"]
@@ -345,8 +362,8 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 7.0
 margin/top = 7.0
-margin/right = 162.0
-margin/bottom = 277.0
+margin/right = 138.0
+margin/bottom = 274.0
 alignment = 0
 [node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/TextContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -357,7 +374,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 155.0
+margin/right = 131.0
 margin/bottom = 14.0
 alignment = 0
@@ -385,7 +402,7 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 18.0
-margin/right = 155.0
+margin/right = 131.0
 margin/bottom = 218.0
 [node name="HButtonArray" type="HButtonArray" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/TextContainer/VBoxContainer"]
@@ -396,16 +413,20 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
 margin/top = 222.0
-margin/right = 155.0
-margin/bottom = 244.0
+margin/right = 131.0
+margin/bottom = 242.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 3
 button/min_button_size = 1.0
 button/align = 1
 button/0/text = "Add"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "Dup"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/2/text = "Del"
+button/2/tooltip = ""
 button/2/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -416,15 +437,18 @@ focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
 margin/left = 0.0
-margin/top = 248.0
-margin/right = 155.0
-margin/bottom = 270.0
+margin/top = 246.0
+margin/right = 131.0
+margin/bottom = 266.0
+flat = false
 button/count = 2
 button/min_button_size = -1.0
 button/align = 1
 button/0/text = "/\\"
+button/0/tooltip = ""
 button/0/icon = null
 button/1/text = "\\/"
+button/1/tooltip = ""
 button/1/icon = null
 button/selected = 0
@@ -434,10 +458,10 @@ focus/ignore_mouse = false
 focus/stop_mouse = true
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
-margin/left = 415.0
+margin/left = 385.0
 margin/top = 0.0
-margin/right = 418.0
-margin/bottom = 284.0
+margin/right = 388.0
+margin/bottom = 281.0
 [node name="GridContainer" type="GridContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"]
@@ -445,10 +469,10 @@ focus/ignore_mouse = false
 focus/stop_mouse = false
 size_flags/horizontal = 2
 size_flags/vertical = 2
-margin/left = 422.0
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@@ -813,12 +838,14 @@ size_flags/horizontal = 2
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@@ -975,6 +1003,7 @@ margin/top = 18.0
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diff --git a/SMRT/example.lan b/SMRT/example.lan
index efcb8cc..e950228 100644
--- a/SMRT/example.lan
+++ b/SMRT/example.lan
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"INTRO":{"OLD MAN":[{"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"This is a little example file for SMRT-Godot!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":0, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Who am I you ask?", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":0, "typewriter":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":2, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"It'za me Mario!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":0, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":1, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":["Let's go!", "Yup, let's go!", "Nope."], "beep":true, "text":"Shall we begin demonstrating what can be done with [color=#ff0000]SMRT[/color]ness?", "enable_question":true, "frame_position":0, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"So... we can make this go slower", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":1, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.1, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"And yes, appearing on the middle of the screen as you probably noticed.", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.052353, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"We can color our [color=#0062ff]L[/color][color=#58ff00]E[/color][color=#b400ff]T[/color][color=#eaff00]T[/color][color=#2c762b]E[/color][color=#7c72ad]R[/color][color=#975f30]S[/color] any RGB color we wish!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":1, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"We can also change the pitch of the sound so we can give it more character.", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":1, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":4, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Like this", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.105906, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":0.5, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Or this", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.105906, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"So... yeah... go on...", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Try moving the logo with the arrow keys towards the other logo to see another example!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}], "Freddie":[{"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Don't stop me now!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":0.1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Mother... just killed a man", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.1, "face_frame":1}], "NPC1":[{"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Hi there!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"I am a little NPC... a very simple one.", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}]}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"INTRO":{"Freddie":[{"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Don't stop me now!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":0.1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Mother... just killed a man", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.1, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}], "OLD MAN":[{"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"This is a little example file for SMRT-Godot!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":0, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"Who am I you ask?", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":false, "frame_position":0, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":2, "beep":true, "text":"It'za me Mario!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":0, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":["Let's go!", "Yup, let's go!", "Nope."], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":1, "beep":true, "text":"Shall we begin demonstrating what can be done with [color=#ff0000]SMRT[/color]ness?", "enable_question":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":0, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"So... we can make this go slower", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.1, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":1, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"And yes, appearing on the middle of the screen as you probably noticed.", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.052353, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"We can color our [color=#0062ff]L[/color][color=#58ff00]E[/color][color=#b400ff]T[/color][color=#eaff00]T[/color][color=#2c762b]E[/color][color=#7c72ad]R[/color][color=#975f30]S[/color] any RGB color we wish!", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":1, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"We can also change the pitch of the sound so we can give it more character.", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":1, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":4, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Like this", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.105906, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":0.5, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Or this", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.105906, "face_frame":1}, {"answers":[], "beep_pitch":1, "face_position":0, "beep":true, "text":"So... yeah... go on...", "enable_question":false, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "typewriter":true, "frame_position":2, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Try moving the logo with the arrow keys towards the other logo to see another example!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}], "NPC1":[{"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"Hi there!", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}, {"face_position":0, "beep_pitch":1, "answers":[], "beep":true, "text":"I am a little NPC... a very simple one.", "enable_question":false, "frame_position":2, "typewriter":true, "typewriter_speed":0.05, "face_frame":1}]}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SMRT/plugin.cfg b/SMRT/plugin.cfg
index ad70b14..0840242 100644
--- a/SMRT/plugin.cfg
+++ b/SMRT/plugin.cfg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 description="SMRT is a dialog system for godot"