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Curated Datasets

pharr117 edited this page Oct 15, 2023 · 1 revision

πŸš€ Cosmos-Indexer: Datasets

🌐 Introduction

The Cosmos-Indexer project aims to provide an innovative tool capable of indexing any Cosmos chain. This tool is designed to empower developers by enabling them to delve deep into the rich data and events of the Cosmos network, such as governance decisions, validator performance, interchain transactions, and much more.

As a part of our grant proposal, we plan to curate five key datasets, each aiming to focus on different aspects of the Cosmos ecosystem.

πŸ—‚ Datasets and Milestones

1. πŸͺ™ Validator Delegation Dataset

πŸ“š Description

This dataset contains comprehensive details about validator delegations, including the number of delegators, total and average amount of ATOMs staked, and historical data of delegations and undelegations.

❓ Relevant Questions

  • What is the total amount of ATOMs staked by delegators for a specific validator?
  • What is the average amount of ATOMs delegated per validator?

🚧 Development Milestones

  • Extract, transform, and load data from MsgDelegate and MsgUndelegate.
  • Implement a database schema and handlers to parse and store this data.
  • Provide API endpoints for developers to query this dataset.

πŸ—„ Database Schema


Validator ID Validator Address Validator Description Validator Commission Rate


Delegation ID Delegator Address Validator ID Amount of ATOMs Delegation Timestamp

2. 🚦 Validator Status and Performance Dataset

πŸ“š Description

This dataset includes information about validator uptime, commission rates, and slashing events. It can be used to analyze validator performance and reliability.

❓ Relevant Questions

  • What is the correlation between validator uptime and the number of delegators they have?
  • How often do validators change their commission rates?

🚧 Development Milestones

  • Extract, transform, and load data from MsgCreateValidator, MsgEditValidator and MsgUnjail.
  • Implement a database schema and handlers for this data.
  • Provide API endpoints for developers to access this dataset.

πŸ—„ Database Schema


Validator ID Validator Address Validator Description Validator Commission Rate


Status ID Validator ID Status Status Timestamp

3. πŸ› Governance Voting Dataset

πŸ“š Description

This detailed dataset about governance votes includes data on how often delegators supersede their validator's vote, the percentage of votes that align with the validator's decision, and the voting history of specific delegators.

❓ Relevant Questions

  • How often do delegators supersede their validator's vote on proposals?
  • What is the overall percentage of votes that align with the validator's decision across all proposals?
  • What is the voting history of a specific delegator across all proposals?

🚧 Development Milestones

  • Extract, transform, and load data from MsgVote.
  • Create a database schema and handlers for this data.
  • Make this dataset queryable through API endpoints for developers.

πŸ—„ Database Schema


Proposal ID Proposer Address Proposal Description Proposal Submit Time


Vote ID Proposal ID Delegator Address Vote Vote Timestamp

4. πŸŒ‰ IBC Transactions Dataset

πŸ“š Description

This dataset contains data about interchain transactions across different Cosmos chains, including their frequency and common transaction types.

❓ Relevant Questions

  • What is the frequency of interchain transactions (IBC) across different Cosmos chains?
  • Which chain has the most interchain transactions, and what are the common transaction types?

🚧 Development Milestones

  • Extract, transform, and load data from MsgTransfer under the ibc.core.transfer.v1 module.
  • Implement a database schema and handlers for this data.
  • Provide API endpoints for developers to access this dataset.

πŸ—„ Database Schema


Chain ID Chain Name

IBC Transactions

Transaction ID Source Chain ID Destination Chain ID Transaction Type Transaction Timestamp

5. πŸ›‚ Authorization Delegations Dataset

πŸ“š Description

This dataset includes information on the use of authz to allow third parties to vote or stake on behalf of delegators.

❓ Relevant Questions

  • How many delegators are using authz to allow third parties to vote or stake on their behalf?

🚧 Development Milestones

  • Extract, transform, and load data from MsgGrant under the cosmos.authz.v1beta1 module.
  • Implement a database schema and handlers for this data.
  • Provide API endpoints for developers to query this dataset.

πŸ—„ Database Schema


Delegator Address Delegator Information


Authorization ID Delegator Address Grantee Address Authorization Grant Time Expiration Time

🎯 Conclusion

The Cosmos-Indexer will be a vital tool in the Cosmos ecosystem, providing much-needed insights into the Cosmos chain's workings. Our development milestones are clearly outlined to provide these datasets, which will enable developers to answer complex queries and make informed decisions.