The biggest reason is that as many developers don't have problems seeing color, they never stop to consider that their (or their colleagues') choices of colors make their website unusable and frustrating to those who can't see some shades of color. It's not even a small problem either; lots of people struggle with red and green.
However, there are JavaScript bookmarklets that let you do this on the fly without having to run a build step. I built this with the thought in mind you could create an automated step to create a report of how you're doing with color.
And lastly, building plugins for PostCSS is so damn easy and fun.
This plugin currently works for any place a CSS color is declared, whether it's
a named color (like red
or papayawhip
), hex, rgb, rgba, hsl or hsla. It
supports gradients and will also convert any linked images into color adjusted
embedded data.
npm install postcss-colorblind
To make this module as effective as possible, make this the last module that modifies your CSS.
var fs = require("fs")
var postcss = require("postcss")
var colorblindPlugin = require("postcss-colorblind");
var css = fs.readFileSync("input.css", "utf8");
.then(function(result) {
fs.writeFileSync('output.css', result.css);
The module expects an object with a method name that it can give to the color-blind module. Thus, as of writing, any of the following will work:
Borrowed from @skratchdot's color-blind, the dependency of this module.
Group | |||
Trichromat 3 good cones |
Normal | ||
Anomalous Trichromat 2 good cones, 1 bad |
Protanomaly low red |
Deuteranomaly low green |
Tritanomaly low blue |
Dichromat 2 good cones, 1 blind |
Protanopia no red |
Deuteranopia no green |
Tritanopia no blue |
Monochromat 1 good cone, 2 blind/bad |
Achromatomaly almost no color |
Achromatopsia no color |
All colors, no filter:
Deuteranopia, no green:
Achromatopsia, no color:
❤️ Brian Holt, Ben Briggs