Create and manage the basic resources needed for a new Azure project
using Terraform and Github Actions.
You will need to install the Azure CLI and log-in. I would also reccommend you install a secrets or password manager to hold the credentials we will create. I'll be using a free Bitwarden account along with their bitwarden-cli to manage my secrets for this demonstration.
Install Azure CLI
brew update && \ brew install azure-cli
Install Bitwarden CLI
brew install bitwarden-cli
# Authorize the Azure CLI az login
You need to create a service account to represent your digital self and use that to run terraform locally. In production, a unique service account should be created for running and applying the terraform jobs,and it should create smaller accounts at instantiation to run the infra it provisions.
'Owner' level access is required because we need to create role assignments. This may potentially be scoped down to 'User Access Administrator' + 'Contributor'
Create your service principle and then add the resulting data to KeePassXC / Bitwarden for now. You will need it again multiple times.
SUBSCRIPTION=$(az account show --query id --output tsv) SP_NAME="myserviceaccount" az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth \ --display-name="${SP_NAME}" \ --role="Owner" \ --scopes="/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION"
Setup the Azure Active Directory Permissions for your Service Principle. This is required in order to set AD roles in terraform.
Login to
Navigate to
Azure Active Directory
Roles and administrators
from the left-side menu -
Application administrator
Add Assignments
Search for your service accounts name
Repeat for
Application Developer
Before we start you should login to Azure again, but now as the service principle we created. We will use this account to create the terraform state bucket. That way, only the service-principle will have access to it.
az login --service-principal \ --username $(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientId") |.value') \ --password $(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientSecret") |.value') \ --tenant $(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="tenantId") |.value')
Now Create the Terraform state bucket
export SUBSCRIPTION=$(az account show --query id --output tsv) export KIND="StorageV2" export LOCATION="westeurope" export RG_NAME="example-tf-state" export STORAGE_NAME="examplertfstatebucket" export STORAGE_SKU="Standard_RAGRS" export CONTAINER_NAME="exampletfstate" az group create \ -l="${LOCATION}" \ -n="${RG_NAME}" az storage account create \ --name="${STORAGE_NAME}" \ --resource-group="${RG_NAME}" \ --location="${LOCATION}" \ --sku="${STORAGE_SKU}" \ --kind="${KIND}" az storage account encryption-scope create \ --account-name="${STORAGE_NAME}" \ --key-source Microsoft.Storage \ --name="tfencryption"\ --resource-group="${RG_NAME}" \ --subscription="${SUBSCRIPTION}" az storage container create \ --name="${CONTAINER_NAME}" \ --account-name="${STORAGE_NAME}" \ --resource-group="${RG_NAME}" \ --default-encryption-scope="tfencryption" \ --prevent-encryption-scope-override="true" \ --auth-mode="login" \ --fail-on-exist \ --public-access="off"
Add your state-bucket details to the
file if you made any customisationsbackend "azurerm" { resource_group_name = "example-tf-state" storage_account_name = "examplertfstatebucket" container_name = "exampletfstate" key = "example.terraform.tfstate" }
Add your ip-address and personal azure account's clientID to the
file under theFirewall
header.# Firewall allowed_ips = [""] admin_users = ["clientId-goes-here"]
Initialize the terraform project
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \ -e ARM_CLIENT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientId") |.value') \ -e ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientSecret") |.value') \ -e ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="subscriptionId") |.value') \ -e ARM_TENANT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="tenantId") |.value') \ -v $(pwd):/terraform -w /terraform \ hashicorp/terraform init
Plan / Apply resources
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \ -e ARM_CLIENT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientId") |.value') \ -e ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientSecret") |.value') \ -e ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="subscriptionId") |.value') \ -e ARM_TENANT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="tenantId") |.value') \ -v $(pwd):/terraform -w /terraform \ hashicorp/terraform apply
Destroy Resources
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \ -e ARM_CLIENT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientId") |.value') \ -e ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="clientSecret") |.value') \ -e ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="subscriptionId") |.value') \ -e ARM_TENANT_ID=$(bw get item admin-robot |jq -r '.fields[] |select(.name=="tenantId") |.value') \ -v $(pwd):/terraform -w /terraform \ hashicorp/terraform destroy
# ToDo
This project is tested using NVadsA10v5, NCasT4_v3, and NVv3 instances which utilize Nvidia A10, T4 and M60 GPUs. If you do not need a GPU, you are advised to consider Hetzner or Equinix who have better prices on CPU-only instances. Buildstar Online the following quota limits in west-europe:
- 72 vCores for NVadsA10v5
- 64 vCores for NCasT4_v3
- 48 vCores for NVv3
All prices are for Spot/hourly in the closest datacenter to Amsterdam, NL
NVadsA10v5 series virtual machines are powered by NVIDIA A10 GPUs and AMD EPYC 74F3V(Milan) CPUs with a base frequency of 3.2 GHz, peak frequency of all cores of 4.0 GHz.
Instance Size GPUs GPU RAM vCPUs RAM (GiB) Disk Size (GB) Network (Gbps) Spot Price Standard_NV6ads_A10_v5 1/6 4 6 55 180 5 €0.1362 Standard_NV12ads_A10_v5 1/3 8 12 110 360 10 €0.2724 Standard_NV18ads_A10_v5 1/2 12 18 220 720 20 €0.4802 Standard_NV36ads_A10_v5 1 24 36 440 1440 40 €0.9604 Standard_NV72ads_A10_v5 2 48 72 880 2880 80 €1.9568
NCasT4_v3 series virtual machines are powered by Nvidia Tesla T4 GPUs and AMD EPYC 7V12(Rome) CPUs.
Instance Size GPUs GPU RAM vCPUs RAM (GiB) Disk Size (GB) Network (Gbps) Spot Price Standard_NC4as_T4_v3 1 16 4 28 180 8 €0.1275 Standard_NC8as_T4_v3 1 16 8 56 360 8 €0.1821 Standard_NC16as_T4_v3 1 16 16 110 360 8 €0.2916 Standard_NC64as_T4_v3 4 64 64 440 2880 32 €1.0539
The NVv3 series virtual machines are powered by NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPUs and NVIDIA GRID technology with Intel E5-2690 v4 (Broadwell) CPUs and Intel Hyper-Threading Technology.
Instance Size GPUs GPU RAM vCPUs RAM (GiB) Disk Size (GB) Network (Gbps) Spot Price Standard_NV12s_v3 1 8 12 112 320 6 €0.1317 Standard_NV24s_v3 2 16 24 224 640 12 €0.2632 Standard_NV48s_v3 4 32 48 448 1280 24 €0.5264
Name | Version |
azuread | ~>2.36.0 |
azurerm | ~>3.47.0 |
random | ~>3.4.3 |
time | ~>0.9.1 |
tls | ~>4.0.4 |
Name | Version |
azurerm | ~>3.47.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
environment-base | | n/a |
scale-set | | n/a |
Name | Type |
azurerm_client_config.current | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
account_replication_type | n/a | string |
"LRS" |
no |
account_tier | n/a | string |
"Standard" |
no |
admin_identity | n/a | string |
"bradley" |
no |
allowed_ips | n/a | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
cr_sku | n/a | string |
"Basic" |
no |
environment | n/a | string |
"dmeo" |
no |
eviction_policy | n/a | string |
"Deallocate" |
no |
github_username | n/a | string |
n/a | yes |
hostname | n/a | string |
"azurespot" |
no |
kv_sku_name | n/a | string |
"standard" |
no |
location | n/a | string |
"westeurope" |
no |
log_storage_tier | n/a | string |
"Hot" |
no |
max_bid_price | n/a | string |
n/a | yes |
overprovision | n/a | bool |
false |
no |
priority | n/a | string |
"Spot" |
no |
resource_group | n/a | string |
"demo-rg" |
no |
scale_in_force_deletion_enabled | n/a | bool |
true |
no |
scale_in_rule | n/a | string |
"NewestVM" |
no |
scale_set_name | n/a | string |
"scale-set" |
no |
spot_restore_enabled | n/a | bool |
true |
no |
spot_restore_timeout | n/a | string |
"PT1H30M" |
no |
ultra_ssd_enabled | n/a | bool |
false |
no |
user_data_path | n/a | string |
"./NVadsA10v5.yaml" |
no |
username | n/a | string |
n/a | yes |
vm_instances | n/a | number |
1 |
no |
vm_network_interface | n/a | string |
"vm-nic" |
no |
vm_os_disk_size_gb | n/a | number |
64 |
no |
vm_sku | n/a | string |
n/a | yes |
No outputs.