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Land Mapping Python Package

The landmapy package is being built as a complement to the 2024-25 Earth Data Analytics course taught through the Earth Lab. Special thanks to Elsa Culler as well as Nate Quarderer, Lilly Jones-Sanovia, and Alison Post.

Interestingly, Earth Lab members developed a Python package a few years ago, earthpy (GitHub repo). It seems fairly self-contained, but may have some dated features. For instance, is uses rasterio, which seems to now be superceded by rioxarray. Still there are some interesting and subtle ideas here that are worth exploring.

This is somewhat a companion to my R package landmapr. They are being developed in parallel, with somewhat different goals. Right now, focus is on the python package to keep up with the Earth Data Analytics course.

Install and Import

From within python, you can install this package directly from GitHub:

pip install git+

Then you would use import landmapy, or more likely from landmapy.<module> import <function> to import desired functions.

I for now use my local machine cloned copy of the package in ~/Documents/GitHub/landmapy and the python command

pip install ~/Documents/GitHub/landmapy


I am happy to collaborate on development of this package. Please contact me and/or create issues. If you want to become more involved, contact me, fork the repo, modify (in a tame way, please) and submit pull requests.

Use Cases

This python package was begun in nov-dec 2024 as I found the project tools growing. I got some initial advice from EDA staff, then learned by doing and looking at other tools. To date, this package has been used in the following projects:

These are all craft pieces, with increasing use of functions. More recent projects shifted from a Jupyter notebook (project.ipynb) to a Quarto document project.qmd that is rendered as Markdown file with accompanying *.png figures in project_files/figure-markdown/ using the shell command

$ quarto render project.qmd -t markdown

With care (see Plot Data section of Package Modules and Functions below), the resulting markdown and *.png figures are compact (Kb, not Mb) and can be pushed to GitHub for ready viewing and sharing. Note that I set up the .gitignore file to ignore *_files/ folders; commenting this line out briefly to enable commiting the png files (followed by uncommenting *_files/) is a handy way to incorporate figures into the once committed and pushed to GitHub.

Example use with Habitat Project

In a sense, this package enables me to off-load pages of code, replacing them by one-line commands. These basically look like pseudocode, but are actually functional. For instance, for the Habitat Suitability project last December (and now being revisited), here is the beginning.

First I visited USFS Geospatial Data Discovery: National Grassland Units (Feature Layer) and manually downloaded the GeoJSON file from DataSet into directory ~/earth-analytics/data/habitat. Then I did the following steps, shown below in code:

# Install `landmapy` package.
pip install --quiet git+

# Import needed libraries.
import geopandas as gpd # read geojson file into gdf
from landmapy.initial import create_data_dir # create (or retrieve) data directory
from landmapy.plot import plot_gdf_state # plot gdf with state overlay

data_dir = create_data_dir('habitat')
# Read all grasslands GeoJSON into `grassland_gdf`.
grassland_url = f"{data_dir}/National_Grassland_Units_(Feature_Layer).geojson"
grassland_gdf = gpd.read_file(grassland_url)
# Subset to desired locations.
buffalo_gdf = grassland_gdf.loc[grassland_gdf['GRASSLANDNAME'].isin(
        ["Buffalo Gap National Grassland", "Oglala National Grassland"])]


Goal of EDA project

  • Organize tools by topic (module) & function
  • Build Quarto & Markdown environs
  • Viz data patterns with ggplot (plotnine)
  • Explore stats to prioritize interesting patterns, not to test
  • Collaborate with others to improve & share
  • Develop Shiny modular interactive apps (see my examples in Shiny Apps)

Broader goal

  • Collaborate widely
  • Share via self-documented training examples
  • Viz data patterns to improve insight
  • Explore AI tool environment
  • Evolve data as a verb

Technical goal

  • Rationalize plots more
    • Fewer routines that are more flexible
    • plot, hvplot/gvplot analogs
    • ggplot widgets to visualize relationships
    • overlays, side-by-side, over time movies/sliders
  • Better grasp of moving between da, df, gdf, other
    • Should lead to simpler plot options
  • Algebra on images
    • visualize in lat/lon/elev space
    • explore multiple measurements

Package Modules and Functions

Plot Data

Several HoloViews and GeoViews functions have arisen and are included. These are cool functions and easy to manipulate or render interactively, but they generate massive image objects--Mb vs Kb for matplotlib.pyplot similar image objects. In some cases, I have created simpler plot functions to generate simpler qmd and md pages. For instance

#| label: fig-resid
from landmapy.plot import plot_gdfs_map
plot_gdfs_map(logndvi_cdc_gdf, column=['asthma','resid','edge_density'], color=['Blues','RdBu','Greens'])

generates a small (168Kb) named figure, big-data_files/figure-markdown/fig-resid-output-1.png with optional accompanying figure caption (via a line #| fig-cap: "Blah Blah"). An alternative is the fancier GeoViews/HoloViews, which generates a larger (Mb) object that is embedded in the Markdown, making it too big to render on GitHub. Here is that code:

import holoviews as hv
from landmapy.gvplot import gvplot_ndvi_index, gvplot_resid

model_fit = gvplot_ndvi_index(ndvi_cdc_gdf)
resid = gvplot_resid(logndvi_cdc_gdf, reg, yvar='asthma')
models_gv = (model_fit[0] + resid + model_fit[1]), 'bigdata_model.html')

Below are current plot functions:

module function return effect project description
ggplot coming...
gvplot gvplot_gdf gvplot plot plot Plot asthma data as chloropleth
gvplot gvplot_chloropleth gvplot plot plot Generate a chloropleth with the given color column
gvplot gvplot_ndvi_index gvplot plot plot Plot NDVI and CDC data
gvplot gvplot_resid gvplot plot plot Plot model residual
hvplot hvplot_cluster hvplot plot Plot of RGB and Clusters
hvplot hvplot_delta_gdf hvplot plot plot HV Plot Delta GDF
hvplot hvplot_matrix hvplot plot plot Plot of model matrix
hvplot hvplot_tract_gdf hvplot plot plot Plot census tracts with satellite imagery background
hvplot hvplot_train_test hvplot plot plot Plot test fit
hvplot hvplot_index_grade hvplot plot plot Plots for index and grade
hvplot hvplot_index_pred hvplot plot plot Plot the model results
plot plot_cluster plot plot Plot of RGB and Clusters
plot plot_delta_gdf plot plot plot HV Plot Delta GDF
plot plot_gdf_da plot plot Overlay gdf on da map
plot plot_gdf_state plot plot Plot overlay of gdf with state boundaries
plot plot_gdfs_map plot plot Create Row of Plots
plot plot_index plot plot Show plot of index
plot plot_matrix plot plot Plot of model matrix
plot plot_train_test plot plot Plot test fit
Access Data with APIs
module function return effect project description
cdcplaces download_cdc_disease df download CDC Places Download CDC Disease data
cdcplaces download_census_tract gdf download CDC Places Download the census tracts
cdcplaces join_tract_cdc gdf merge CDC Places Join Census Tract and CDC Disease Data
cdcplaces shp_tract_path str CDC Places Set tract path
polaris soil_url_dict dict read POLARIS Set up soil URLs based on place
polaris merge_soil da read POLARIS Merge soil data
redline redline_gdf gdf read redline Read redlining GeoDataFrame from Mapping Inequality
redline redline_mask gdf redline Create new gdf for redlining using regionmask
redline redline_index_gdf gdf redline Merge index stats with redlining gdf into one gdf
reflect compute_reflectance_da function reflect Connect to files over VSI, crop, cloud mask, and wrangle
reflect merge_and_composite_arrays function reflect Merge and Composite Arrays
reflect read_delta_gdf gdf read delta Read Delta WBD using cache decorator
reflect read_wbd_file gdf read eelta Read WBD File using cache key
reflect reflectance_kmeans df reflect KMeans Clusters for Reflectance Bands
reflect reflectance_range df reflect Check ranges of bands
reflect reflectance_rgb da reflect RGB saturation of reflectance
srtm srtm_download da download SRTM Download SRTM data and create da
srtm srtm_slope da SRTM Calculate slope from SRTM data
thredds process_maca df read THREDDS Process MACA Monthly Data
thredds maca_year da THREDDS Extract and print year data
Explore Data
module function return effect project description
explore index_tree decision_tree explore Convert categories to numbers
explore ramp_logic da explore Fuzzy ramp logic
explore train_test nparray explore Model fit using train and test sets
explore var_trans df explore Variable Selection and Transformation
Set up Data Mechanics

Initial module is useful for beginning of project. Process module has various mechanics that might belong elsewhere but seem broad in scope. Cached module is a decorator used in to simplify caching of time-expensive objects (see EDA Reference Python Coding: Decorators for references). Check module is for checking parts of objects, at this point CSVs.

module function return effect project description
initial creata_data_dir char mkdir Create Data Directory if it does not exist
initial robust_code setup Make code robust to interruptions
cached cached function decorator reflect A decorator to cache function results
check header_csv str Header of CSV file
check get_last_row_csv str Check Last Row of CSV File
check check_element_in_csv bool Check value of element in CSV file
check check_naip_tracts df NAIP Check if NAIP tracts stored
process da2gdf gdf Convert a DataArray to a GeoDataFrame using rioxarray and geopandas
process gdf_da_bounds da Clip bounds from place_gdf on da extended by buffer
process process_bands da process Process bands from gdf with df metadata
process process_cloud_mask array process Load an 8-bit Fmask file and create a boolean mask
process process_image da process Load, crop, and scale a raster image from earthaccess
process process_metadata df process Create df of raster data URIs from earthaccess metadata


Land Mapping Python Package







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