I will share my bug bounty tips here
Want to scan port super fast? This the command that I normally use. Trust me it is the fastest.
nmap -sS -T4 -A -p- -iL live_subdomains.txt --min-rate 1000 --max-retries 3
Do you wanna run ffuf with mutliple urls? Here is what you are looking for.
Note:I saw that rush command from twitter and it works really well but I forget the source link:")
Before we run the ffuf with rush make a directory because you gonna output all the domain from your file.
mkdir dir
First we will use rush which is the tool that can run parallel. We then use unfurl to extract all the url in domain to output as domain. Finally , we run ffuf.
rush -i urls.txt -j 10 'ffuf -o $(echo {} | unfurl domains) -w wordlist.txt -u "{}/FUZZ"'
After running above command , you will get a bunch of result with json format. By running the following command, you will get nice list of url with directories , length and status code.
cat * | jq -r '.results[] | "\(.length)"+ " " +"\(.url)" + " " + "\(.status)"' | sort -unt " " -k "1,1"
I also wanna demonstrate the script that I write in python which does same thing to above. Just copy the following python script and save it to a file. As above step make a directory and it will print the final result.
python3 ffufer.py urls.txt words.txt
import sys
import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse
file = sys.argv[1]
wordlist = sys.argv[2]
with open(file) as file_in:
lines = []
for line in file_in:
for url in lines:
output = urlparse(url).netloc
cmd = os.system("ffuf -u {}/FUZZ -w {} -o {}".format(url,wordlist,output))
out = os.system('cat * | jq -r '"'"'.results[] | "\(.length)"+ " " +"\(.url)" + " " + "\(.status)" '"'"' >> result.txt')
result = open("result.txt", "r")