diff --git a/common/dynamicconfig/constants.go b/common/dynamicconfig/constants.go
index ef1e21c98bb..57b9eb63a09 100644
--- a/common/dynamicconfig/constants.go
+++ b/common/dynamicconfig/constants.go
@@ -2859,6 +2859,13 @@ const (
 	// Allowed filters: domainName, taskListName, taskListType
+	// LocalTaskWaitTime is the wait time for a task to wait before considering task forwarding
+	// KeyName: matching.localTaskWaitTime
+	// Value type: Duration
+	// Default value: 10ms
+	// Allowed filters: domainName, taskListName, taskListType
+	LocalTaskWaitTime
 	// LastDurationKey must be the last one in this const group
@@ -5148,6 +5155,12 @@ var DurationKeys = map[DurationKey]DynamicDuration{
 		Description:  "LocalPollWaitTime is the time a poller waits before considering request forwarding.",
 		DefaultValue: time.Millisecond * 10,
+	LocalTaskWaitTime: {
+		KeyName:      "matching.localTaskWaitTime",
+		Filters:      []Filter{DomainName, TaskListName, TaskType},
+		Description:  "LocalTaskWaitTime is the time a task waits for a poller to arrive before considering task forwarding",
+		DefaultValue: time.Millisecond * 10,
+	},
 var MapKeys = map[MapKey]DynamicMap{
diff --git a/service/matching/config/config.go b/service/matching/config/config.go
index cc14d869176..1e1e02184ab 100644
--- a/service/matching/config/config.go
+++ b/service/matching/config/config.go
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ type (
 		ForwarderMaxChildrenPerNode  dynamicconfig.IntPropertyFnWithTaskListInfoFilters
 		AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout     dynamicconfig.DurationPropertyFnWithTaskListInfoFilters
 		LocalPollWaitTime            dynamicconfig.DurationPropertyFnWithTaskListInfoFilters
+		LocalTaskWaitTime            dynamicconfig.DurationPropertyFnWithTaskListInfoFilters
 		// Time to hold a poll request before returning an empty response if there are no tasks
 		LongPollExpirationInterval dynamicconfig.DurationPropertyFnWithTaskListInfoFilters
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ type (
 		MaxTaskDeleteBatchSize        func() int
 		AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout      func() time.Duration
 		LocalPollWaitTime             func() time.Duration
+		LocalTaskWaitTime             func() time.Duration
 		// taskWriter configuration
 		OutstandingTaskAppendsThreshold func() int
 		MaxTaskBatchSize                func() int
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ func NewConfig(dc *dynamicconfig.Collection, hostName string) *Config {
 		AllIsolationGroups:              mapIGs(dc.GetListProperty(dynamicconfig.AllIsolationGroups)()),
 		AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout:        dc.GetDurationPropertyFilteredByTaskListInfo(dynamicconfig.AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout),
 		LocalPollWaitTime:               dc.GetDurationPropertyFilteredByTaskListInfo(dynamicconfig.LocalPollWaitTime),
+		LocalTaskWaitTime:               dc.GetDurationPropertyFilteredByTaskListInfo(dynamicconfig.LocalTaskWaitTime),
 		HostName:                        hostName,
 		TaskDispatchRPS:                 100000.0,
 		TaskDispatchRPSTTL:              time.Minute,
diff --git a/service/matching/config/config_test.go b/service/matching/config/config_test.go
index 1c7738518ff..d6073776930 100644
--- a/service/matching/config/config_test.go
+++ b/service/matching/config/config_test.go
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ func TestNewConfig(t *testing.T) {
 		"AllIsolationGroups":              {dynamicconfig.AllIsolationGroups, []interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}},
 		"AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout":        {dynamicconfig.AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout, time.Duration(25)},
 		"LocalPollWaitTime":               {dynamicconfig.LocalPollWaitTime, time.Duration(10)},
+		"LocalTaskWaitTime":               {dynamicconfig.LocalTaskWaitTime, time.Duration(10)},
 		"HostName":                        {nil, hostname},
 		"TaskDispatchRPS":                 {nil, 100000.0},
 		"TaskDispatchRPSTTL":              {nil, time.Minute},
diff --git a/service/matching/tasklist/matcher.go b/service/matching/tasklist/matcher.go
index c8af219ce5b..14b7250834e 100644
--- a/service/matching/tasklist/matcher.go
+++ b/service/matching/tasklist/matcher.go
@@ -136,10 +136,36 @@ func (tm *TaskMatcher) Offer(ctx context.Context, task *InternalTask) (bool, err
 			return false, err
-	// TODO: Pollers are aggressively forwarded to parent partitions so it's unlikely
-	// to have a poller available to pick up the task below for sub-partitions.
-	// Try adding some wait here.
+	e := event.E{
+		TaskListName: tm.tasklist.GetName(),
+		TaskListType: tm.tasklist.GetType(),
+		TaskListKind: tm.tasklistKind.Ptr(),
+	}
+	localWaitTime := tm.config.LocalTaskWaitTime()
+	if localWaitTime > 0 {
+		childCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, localWaitTime)
+		select {
+		case tm.getTaskC(task) <- task: // poller picked up the task
+			cancel()
+			if task.ResponseC != nil {
+				// if there is a response channel, block until resp is received
+				// and return error if the response contains error
+				err := <-task.ResponseC
+				tm.scope.RecordTimer(metrics.SyncMatchLocalPollLatencyPerTaskList, time.Since(startT))
+				if err == nil {
+					e.EventName = "Offer task due to local wait"
+					e.Payload = map[string]any{
+						"TaskIsForwarded": task.IsForwarded(),
+					}
+					event.Log(e)
+				}
+				return true, err
+			}
+			return false, nil
+		case <-childCtx.Done():
+			cancel()
+		}
+	}
 	select {
 	case tm.getTaskC(task) <- task: // poller picked up the task
 		if task.ResponseC != nil {
@@ -155,12 +181,8 @@ func (tm *TaskMatcher) Offer(ctx context.Context, task *InternalTask) (bool, err
 		// root partition if possible
 		select {
 		case token := <-tm.fwdrAddReqTokenC():
-			event.Log(event.E{
-				TaskListName: tm.tasklist.GetName(),
-				TaskListType: tm.tasklist.GetType(),
-				TaskListKind: tm.tasklistKind.Ptr(),
-				EventName:    "Attempting to Forward Task",
-			})
+			e.EventName = "Attempting to Forward Task"
+			event.Log(e)
 			err := tm.fwdr.ForwardTask(ctx, task)
 			if err == nil {
@@ -259,18 +281,23 @@ func (tm *TaskMatcher) MustOffer(ctx context.Context, task *InternalTask) error
 	// attempt a match with local poller first. When that
 	// doesn't succeed, try both local match and remote match
 	taskC := tm.getTaskC(task)
+	localWaitTime := tm.config.LocalTaskWaitTime()
+	childCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, localWaitTime)
 	select {
 	case taskC <- task: // poller picked up the task
+		cancel()
 		tm.scope.RecordTimer(metrics.AsyncMatchLocalPollLatencyPerTaskList, time.Since(startT))
 		e.EventName = "Dispatched to Local Poller"
 		return nil
 	case <-ctx.Done():
+		cancel()
 		e.EventName = "Context Done While Dispatching to Local Poller"
 		return fmt.Errorf("context done when trying to forward local task: %w", ctx.Err())
-	default:
+	case <-childCtx.Done():
+		cancel()
 	attempt := 0
diff --git a/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager.go b/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager.go
index c663d1504b1..27fa626ebaf 100644
--- a/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager.go
+++ b/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager.go
@@ -724,6 +724,9 @@ func newTaskListConfig(id *Identifier, cfg *config.Config, domainName string) *c
 		LocalPollWaitTime: func() time.Duration {
 			return cfg.LocalPollWaitTime(domainName, taskListName, taskType)
+		LocalTaskWaitTime: func() time.Duration {
+			return cfg.LocalTaskWaitTime(domainName, taskListName, taskType)
+		},
 		ForwarderConfig: config.ForwarderConfig{
 			ForwarderMaxOutstandingPolls: func() int {
 				return cfg.ForwarderMaxOutstandingPolls(domainName, taskListName, taskType)
diff --git a/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager_test.go b/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager_test.go
index 187f827f257..f35de5e4ef9 100644
--- a/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager_test.go
+++ b/service/matching/tasklist/task_list_manager_test.go
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ func defaultTestConfig() *config.Config {
 	config.AllIsolationGroups = []string{"datacenterA", "datacenterB"}
 	config.GetTasksBatchSize = dynamicconfig.GetIntPropertyFilteredByTaskListInfo(10)
 	config.AsyncTaskDispatchTimeout = dynamicconfig.GetDurationPropertyFnFilteredByTaskListInfo(10 * time.Millisecond)
+	config.LocalTaskWaitTime = dynamicconfig.GetDurationPropertyFnFilteredByTaskListInfo(time.Millisecond)
 	return config
@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ func TestTaskListManagerGetTaskBatch(t *testing.T) {
 				RunID:                  "run1",
 				WorkflowID:             "workflow1",
 				ScheduleID:             scheduleID,
-				ScheduleToStartTimeout: 1,
+				ScheduleToStartTimeout: 100,
 		_, err = tlm.AddTask(context.Background(), addParams)
@@ -739,7 +740,7 @@ func TestTaskExpiryAndCompletion(t *testing.T) {
 			cfg.MaxTimeBetweenTaskDeletes = tc.maxTimeBtwnDeletes
 			// set idle timer check to a really small value to assert that we don't accidentally drop tasks while blocking
 			// on enqueuing a task to task buffer
-			cfg.IdleTasklistCheckInterval = dynamicconfig.GetDurationPropertyFnFilteredByTaskListInfo(10 * time.Millisecond)
+			cfg.IdleTasklistCheckInterval = dynamicconfig.GetDurationPropertyFnFilteredByTaskListInfo(20 * time.Millisecond)
 			tlMgr, err := NewManager(
@@ -767,7 +768,7 @@ func TestTaskExpiryAndCompletion(t *testing.T) {
 						RunID:                  "run1",
 						WorkflowID:             "workflow1",
 						ScheduleID:             scheduleID,
-						ScheduleToStartTimeout: 5,
+						ScheduleToStartTimeout: 100,
 				if i%2 == 0 {