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Multiple precision arithmetic in JS with WASM


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Multiple precision arithmetic in JS with WASM.

Note: This is pretty experimental, as WASM is itself somewhat experimental right now.



Just grab this off of NPM:

npm i mp-wasm
const mpWasm = require('mp-wasm')
// ...


Download the files mp.wasm and mp-wasm.js. In your page, just pop this in there:

<script src="mp-wasm.js"></script>
fetchMPWasm('mp.wasm').then((mpWasm) => {
    // ...

They're Different?

Yes. Synchronous feels right on Node.JS for this. Likewise, the web is built for asynchronous stuff.

The rest of this is the same though (that is, synchronous).


The main API object (named mpWasm above), currently exposes one thing: mpf, which is a GNU MP floating point reliably factory:

const { mpf } = mpWasm

mpf lets you make MPFloat instances (I will now use mpf to also refer to MPFloat):


You can also set the value of an mpf instance after it's initially created:


It also has a bunch of functions which accept parameters of all types:

mpf.add(1, '3.56')
mpf.sub(3247321987493214231n, mpf('7.67653431432143214324321432115e21'))

All these functions are curried into methods for instances as well:


Instance Configuration

Many of the functions also carry similar options which may be expressed as an optional last parameter. For example,

mpf(1.567e10, { prec: 3 })

creates an instance of mpf with only three bits of precision in its significand. Likewise, a rounding mode may be specified:

mpf(1.5, { roundingMode: 'roundTowardZero' })

Or both, if you'd like:

mpf(3.5, { prec: 128, roundingMode: 'roundTowardPositive' })

Available Rounding Modes

These modes correspond with MPFR's:

| 'roundTiesToEven'     |  0  |
| 'roundTowardZero'     |  1  |
| 'roundTowardPositive' |  2  |
| 'roundTowardNegative' |  3  |
| 'roundAwayZero'       |  4  |
| 'roundFaithful'       |  5  |
| 'roundTiesToAwayZero' | -1  |

Either the string or the number value may be specified as the rounding mode.

General Configuration

For getting/setting the default precision in bits used (be sure to set this to a higher precision than its default starting value 53, which is comparable to just doing plain double float computations):


For getting/setting the default rounding mode:

getDefaultRoundingMode() {
setDefaultRoundingMode(roundingMode) {

Past mpf instances do not get updated when this parameter changes. Future new instances and computations will use these default settings though.


These functions gets a corresponding math constant and returns an shared instance of it:



Unary operators:

sqr       sqrt      recSqrt    cbrt    neg     abs
log       log2      log10      log1p
exp       exp2      exp10      expm1
cos       sin       tan        sec     csc     cot
acos      asin      atan     
cosh      sinh      tanh       sech    csch    coth
acosh     asinh     atanh      fac
eint      li2       gamma      lngamma      digamma
zeta      erf       erfc       j0    j1    y0   y1
rint      rintCeil  rintFloor  rintRound
rintRoundeven       rintTrunc  frac

Binary operators:

add       sub       mul        div
rootn     pow       dim
atan2        gammaInc     beta
jn        yn        agm       hypot
fmod      remainder
min       max

And comparison operators < (lt), <= (lte), > (gt) >= (gte), == (eq), and <> (lgt) exist, with the latter two distinguishing between edge cases with NaN values. All of the comparison operators are on the prototype and must be called as a method on the instance:


Cast these mpfs to JS primitives with:


The following checks are also available:


Internal Representation

mpf instances can have their internal representation info acquired with the following methods:

  • isSignBitSet()

    This returns true if number is a negative number/zero/infinity, and false otherwise.

  • getBinaryExponent()

    This returns the exponent for a given number x when x is written in the form significand * 2^exponent, where significand is in the range [0.5, 1). Also, for some special cases:

    • If x is ±0, return −∞
    • If x is ±∞, return +∞
    • If x is NaN, return NaN
  • getSignificandRawBytes()

    This returns a Uint8Array of the bytes of the significand in little-endian order padded to a multiple of the WASM machine word size. The least significant bits of this array are zeroes according to the precision of the mpf. Unlike IEEE 754, there is no leading bit convention, and the significand will typically have its most significant bit explicitly set.

Future Stuff

Add MPC, MPFI, and/or iRRAM?

At least some complex ops would be nice.