forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v5.0.1
Staking pool with a twist. Pool allows for creation of "sub-accounts" a.k.a vaults. Each vault has its own unique set of fees, as set by the vault creator. Users can will then seek to stake in whichever vault appeals to them, based on the fees levied.
In short, users stake into vaults. The pool emits a certain amount of token rewards per second, which is distributed across all created vaults proportionally, based upon their allocPoints. Vaults have differing allocPoints as a consequence of their duration and number of NFTs staked in them.
Pool has a specified startTime and endTime. Vaults created must start and end within this period.
allows for Pool to be deployed in advance, and for staking to begin at some future time as defined by it.- Users cannot interact with the Pool before the
- txns will revert. - Users cannot create vaults or engage in any kind of staking before
or afterendTime
. - Users can unstake and claim any rewards or fees after a vault or pool ends.
Users are expected to interact with the Router, not the stakingPool contract directly. Need to build router next
The pool emits a constant amount of reward tokens per second as defined in pool.emissisonPerSecond
This gets proportionally split across all the vaults as per their weighage against pool.totalAllocPoints
is the sum of all the allocPoints of all the vaults created.
Only a user that meets certain RP requirements, can create a vault.
How to call RP contract? smlj signature
A vault must end before the pool's endTime; else it cannot be created.
There are 3 types of vaults:
- 30 day
- 60 day
- 90 day
Longer duration vaults (60/90), have a multiplier effect to the rewards they accrue. Meaning to say, a basic 30-day vault will have lower allocPoints compared to the basic 60-day vault. The basic 90-day vault will have the highest allocPoints of all 3.
This is to incentivize users to create longer-term vaults and stake into them.
When a user wishes to create a vault, he must specify the creatorFeeFactor
and totalNftFeeFactor
The rewards accrued by a vault are subject to both these fees. The fee factors are expressed as percentages.
Users that stake in a vault earn rewards less of the fees levied.
Limits on feeFactors?
The vault creator earns the creator fee, while the rewards accrued from the totalNftFeeFactor
is split amongst the various nft stakers.
The total rewards earned from levying said fees are reflected in the vault.accounting struct as:
- accCreatorRewards (goes to vault creator)
- accNftStakingRewards (split amongst nft stakers)
Since we need to accommodate the fact that nfts could be staked at different times through the lifecycle of a vault, we use vaultNftIndex
together with userNftIndex
to accurately award nft staking rewards to said users.
While a vault is active, creator can lower the creatorFeeFactor and increase the totalNftFeeFactor to make their vault more appealing to token and nft stakers.
Fees are applied to rewards accrued by a vault, once there are tokens staked into it.
- fees only begin accrue if
vault.stakedTokens > 0
- rewards accrued by the vault prior to that, as a result of baseVaultAllocPoints (i.e. virtual allocPoints), are not subject to fees.
Users are expected to stake Moca tokens into a vault to earn staking rewards.
- Once staked, users can only unstake their assets once the vault has matured.
- However, users are free to claim rewards and fees before the vault has matured, and restake them - in any vault of choice.
There are staking limits based on RP now? need to confirm before implementing
A vault's allocPoints is determined by: stakedTokens * multiplier
This means that if the vault's multiplier is > 1, users staked tokens are effectively multiplied and they earn rewards as if they had staked a much larger sum.
A vault's multiplier is determined by two factors:
- duration (60/90)
- number of nfts staked
Each nft staked increases the vault multiplier by a fixed amount as defined by the constant nftMultiplier
Vault multiplier accounting needs to be confirmed. Are we doubling the entire amount or just the base? Will it be an additive series or multiplicative?
To incentivize users to seek and stake into empty vaults, we have the concept of bonusBall.
A vault accrues rewards the moment it has been created, even if no tokens have been staked into it.
It is treated as though it has allocPoints (vaultBaseAllocPoints
) - and based on this the rewards due to the vault are calculated and alloted.
These rewards which have been accrued on the basis of vaultBaseAllocPoints
, are awarded to the 1st staked into the vault.
The longer a vault is left empty, the greater this reward.
The duration multiplier effect applied to the
As fees accrue the moment tokens are staked into vault, this would mean that the nftFee is applied on incoming rewards although there might be no nft staked.
- These rewards are awarded to the 1st nft staker.
- Subsequently, fee payouts are calculated normally and split amongst the nft stakers as per their time staked.
if(latestPoolTimestamp > vault.endTime) return vault
- Need a script to updateVaults seconds before they end
- This is to update vaultIndex before the vault expires, as once the vault expires it cannot be updated.
- Avoid rewards slippage.
- vault ends at t=60
- last transaction made involving the vault occurs at t=3
- assuming nothing else happens, the vault will hit its endTime with a stale vaultIndex, as per t=3.
- thus when rewards are calculated when users call
after vault expiry, it will be based on the vault state at t=3
There is no possible way to have the vaultIndex automatically capture the poolIndex at the time of its expiry as updates to the vault is transaction driven.
Script should call updateVault
some time before vault maturity to prevent index drift.
- Once a vault ends, its allocPoints is not automatically deducted from the poolAllocPoints.
- Only when
is called, is vaultAllocPoints deducted and therefore poolAllocPoints. - This means that we must wait for someone to come along and call
or we could just do it for all the vault users upon maturity.
The pool emits a fixed amount of rewards per second, which is split amongst all the vaults in existence.
- operates on allocPoints
- pool.totalAllocPoints
- vault.allocPoints
- updated in
, based on duration. - update in
, based on stake amount: incomingAllocPoints = (amount * vault.multiplier)
internal to a vault
- can operate on token values
- convert vaultIndex(rewardsAccPerAllocPoint) to vaultIndex(rewardsAccPerToken)
- userIndex(rewardsAccPerToken)
how they work:
poolIndex = accRewardsPerAllocPoint
poolIndex reflects the rewardsAccruedPerAllocPoint since inception. poolIndex will be updated when either one of the following changes: 1. totalAllocPoints 2. poolEmissisonPerSecond
totalAllocPoints is incremented on vault creation and decremented on vault maturity.
need a script to update totalAllocPoints to prevent dilution, specific on vault mautiries
Vaults can be created on an ad-hoc basis during the staking period. Upon creation, vaultIndex == poolIndex, to disregard all prior accrued rewards.
- Therefore, the rewards captured by a specific vault is defined as the delta between its initial vaultIndex value and final value at maturity.
- Each time a vault experiences a state-change (stake, claim), rewards earned from
till now are booked into accRewards.
Similar to vaultIndex, the userIndex reflects the rewards captured by a specific user, for a specific vault, based on their duration of staking exposure.
However, where vaultIndex
is based upon allocPoints, userIndex
is based upon tokens - userIndex
represents the rewardsAccruedPerTokenStaked.
Upon staking, userIndex
is initially set to equal vault.accounting.rewardsAccPerToken
at the time of staking. This is to negate all prior earned rewards.
Subsequently, each time the user engages in state-changing behaviour, his prior rewards up till that point is calculated and booked into accStakingRewards
The userIndex
is net of fees.
vaultIndex * fees(0.80) = vault.accounting.rewardsAccPerToken = userIndex
So to calculate a user's staking rewards, we simply multiply their stakenTokens with their userIndex.
We want to incentivize users to stake NFTs in pools that do not have any staked in them.
At a vault level:
- If vault has tokens staked, apply NFT fee.
- In vault,
is incremented reflected the fee cut on the incoming rewards for tt period. - if there are stakedNfts as well,
is incremented, reflecting rewardsAccPerNFT.
This means tt from 1st token staked till 1st nft staked:
- accNftBoostRewards is incremented
- vaultNftIndex is not.
vaultNftIndex only begins to increment from 0, after the 1st nft is staked.
Therefore, the initial period during which only the accNftBoostRewards
increments while vaultNftIndex does not, is reflective of the incentive to the 1st person to stake their NFT into the vault.
Similar concept to bonusBall - 1st mover advantage.
Subsequently, nftStakingRewards are calculated as per the nftIndex which can accommodate calculating the rewards split across different nft staking actions by different users across multiple points in time.
Assuming something untoward happens, the primary concern is securing users' staked funds and to immediately pause emission of rewards.
Calling pause
achieves this and allows assessment of the situation to determine the best course of remediation action.
The following would be the remediation actions available: 1. allow users to only withdraw principal staked assets (unclaimed rewards forgone) 2. allow users to withdraw both principal and unclaimed rewards accrued to date.
Given that exploiting the rewards emissions mechanism is one of the highest probability attack vectors, it is sensible to follow the approach as laid out in option 1. Subsequently, a new pool and be deployed for continuation.
Thus the contingency plan will be as follows:
- assess
- If sitrep deems a valid attack, call
. Elseunpause
for continuation. - On
: user can withdraw staked assets viaemergencyExit
. - If the scope of attack somehow incapacitates the withdrawal of principal assets, we would need an admin emergency function:
--> (legal will have issues?)
Note that pool and vault indexes will NOT be updated to brought in-line with the present time. - in the event of an emergency.
Assuming false positive:
: some random vault, poolIndex will also be updated.
In this flow, operation continues as per normal. The time delay between pausing and unpausing will not affect(truncate) the rewards emitted by the pool. This is due to the manner in which the poolIndex is updated via timeDelta.
The only material impact would be that during the paused period users cannot claim rewards and stake assets. Essentially, a 'lost' period of activity.
No time.