diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
index 4ea99c2..72a6ea0 100644
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
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-Attribution 4.0 International
-Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and
-does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of
-Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or
-other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related
-information available on an "as-is" basis. Creative Commons gives no
-warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their
-terms and conditions, or any related information. Creative Commons
-disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the
-fullest extent possible.
-Using Creative Commons Public Licenses
-Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and
-conditions that creators and other rights holders may use to share
-original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright
-and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The
-following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not
-exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses.
- Considerations for licensors: Our public licenses are
- intended for use by those authorized to give the public
- permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by
- copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are
- irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms
- and conditions of the license they choose before applying it.
- Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before
- applying our licenses so that the public can reuse the
- material as expected. Licensors should clearly mark any
- material not subject to the license. This includes other CC-
- licensed material, or material used under an exception or
- limitation to copyright. More considerations for licensors:
- wiki.creativecommons.org/Considerations_for_licensors
- Considerations for the public: By using one of our public
- licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the
- licensed material under specified terms and conditions. If
- the licensor's permission is not necessary for any reason--for
- example, because of any applicable exception or limitation to
- copyright--then that use is not regulated by the license. Our
- licenses grant only permissions under copyright and certain
- other rights that a licensor has authority to grant. Use of
- the licensed material may still be restricted for other
- reasons, including because others have copyright or other
- rights in the material. A licensor may make special requests,
- such as asking that all changes be marked or described.
- Although not required by our licenses, you are encouraged to
- respect those requests where reasonable. More considerations
- for the public:
- wiki.creativecommons.org/Considerations_for_licensees
-Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
-By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree
-to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons
-Attribution 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the
-extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are
-granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of
-these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in
-consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the
-Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
-Section 1 -- Definitions.
- a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar
- Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material
- and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered,
- arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring
- permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the
- Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed
- Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording,
- Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is
- synched in timed relation with a moving image.
- b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright
- and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in
- accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License.
- c. Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights
- closely related to copyright including, without limitation,
- performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database
- Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or
- categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights
- specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar
- Rights.
- d. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the
- absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws
- fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright
- Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international
- agreements.
- e. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or
- any other exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights
- that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.
- f. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database,
- or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public
- License.
- g. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the
- terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to
- all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the
- Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.
- h. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights
- under this Public License.
- i. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or
- process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such
- as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution,
- dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material
- available to the public including in ways that members of the
- public may access the material from a place and at a time
- individually chosen by them.
- j. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright
- resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of
- the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases,
- as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially
- equivalent rights anywhere in the world.
- k. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights
- under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning.
-Section 2 -- Scope.
- a. License grant.
- 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License,
- the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free,
- non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to
- exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to:
- a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or
- in part; and
- b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.
- 2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where
- Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public
- License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with
- its terms and conditions.
- 3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section
- 6(a).
- 4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The
- Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in
- all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created,
- and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The
- Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or
- authority to forbid You from making technical modifications
- necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including
- technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective
- Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License,
- simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)
- (4) never produces Adapted Material.
- 5. Downstream recipients.
- a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every
- recipient of the Licensed Material automatically
- receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the
- Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this
- Public License.
- b. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose
- any additional or different terms or conditions on, or
- apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the
- Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the
- Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed
- Material.
- 6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or
- may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You
- are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected
- with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by,
- the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as
- provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
- b. Other rights.
- 1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not
- licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity,
- privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to
- the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to
- assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited
- extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed
- Rights, but not otherwise.
- 2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this
- Public License.
- 3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to
- collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed
- Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society
- under any voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory
- licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly
- reserves any right to collect such royalties.
-Section 3 -- License Conditions.
-Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the
-following conditions.
- a. Attribution.
- 1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified
- form), You must:
- a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor
- with the Licensed Material:
- i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed
- Material and any others designated to receive
- attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by
- the Licensor (including by pseudonym if
- designated);
- ii. a copyright notice;
- iii. a notice that refers to this Public License;
- iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of
- warranties;
- v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the
- extent reasonably practicable;
- b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and
- retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
- c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this
- Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or
- hyperlink to, this Public License.
- 2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any
- reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in
- which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be
- reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or
- hyperlink to a resource that includes the required
- information.
- 3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
- information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent
- reasonably practicable.
- 4. If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter's
- License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted
- Material from complying with this Public License.
-Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights.
-Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that
-apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:
- a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right
- to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial
- portion of the contents of the database;
- b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database
- contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database
- Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database
- Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material; and
- c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share
- all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.
-For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not
-replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed
-Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.
-Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
- c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided
- above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent
- possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and
- waiver of all liability.
-Section 6 -- Term and Termination.
- a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and
- Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with
- this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License
- terminate automatically.
- b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under
- Section 6(a), it reinstates:
- 1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided
- it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the
- violation; or
- 2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.
- For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any
- right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations
- of this Public License.
- c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the
- Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop
- distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so
- will not terminate this Public License.
- d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public
- License.
-Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions.
- a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different
- terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.
- b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the
- Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and
- independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.
-Section 8 -- Interpretation.
- a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and
- shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose
- conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully
- be made without permission under this Public License.
- b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is
- deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the
- minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision
- cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License
- without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and
- conditions.
- c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no
- failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the
- Licensor.
- d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted
- as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities
- that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal
- processes of any jurisdiction or authority.
-Creative Commons is not a party to its public
-licenses. Notwithstanding, Creative Commons may elect to apply one of
-its public licenses to material it publishes and in those instances
-will be considered the “Licensor.” The text of the Creative Commons
-public licenses is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 Public
-Domain Dedication. Except for the limited purpose of indicating that
-material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as
-otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at
-creativecommons.org/policies, Creative Commons does not authorize the
-use of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any other trademark or logo
-of Creative Commons without its prior written consent including,
-without limitation, in connection with any unauthorized modifications
-to any of its public licenses or any other arrangements,
-understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For
-the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the
-public licenses.
-Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.
+Attribution 4.0 International
+Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and
+does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of
+Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or
+other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related
+information available on an "as-is" basis. Creative Commons gives no
+warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their
+terms and conditions, or any related information. Creative Commons
+disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the
+fullest extent possible.
+Using Creative Commons Public Licenses
+Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and
+conditions that creators and other rights holders may use to share
+original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright
+and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The
+following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not
+exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses.
+ Considerations for licensors: Our public licenses are
+ intended for use by those authorized to give the public
+ permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by
+ copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are
+ irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms
+ and conditions of the license they choose before applying it.
+ Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before
+ applying our licenses so that the public can reuse the
+ material as expected. Licensors should clearly mark any
+ material not subject to the license. This includes other CC-
+ licensed material, or material used under an exception or
+ limitation to copyright. More considerations for licensors:
+ wiki.creativecommons.org/Considerations_for_licensors
+ Considerations for the public: By using one of our public
+ licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the
+ licensed material under specified terms and conditions. If
+ the licensor's permission is not necessary for any reason--for
+ example, because of any applicable exception or limitation to
+ copyright--then that use is not regulated by the license. Our
+ licenses grant only permissions under copyright and certain
+ other rights that a licensor has authority to grant. Use of
+ the licensed material may still be restricted for other
+ reasons, including because others have copyright or other
+ rights in the material. A licensor may make special requests,
+ such as asking that all changes be marked or described.
+ Although not required by our licenses, you are encouraged to
+ respect those requests where reasonable. More considerations
+ for the public:
+ wiki.creativecommons.org/Considerations_for_licensees
+Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
+By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree
+to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons
+Attribution 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the
+extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are
+granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of
+these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in
+consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the
+Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
+Section 1 -- Definitions.
+ a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar
+ Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material
+ and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered,
+ arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring
+ permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the
+ Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed
+ Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording,
+ Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is
+ synched in timed relation with a moving image.
+ b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright
+ and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in
+ accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License.
+ c. Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights
+ closely related to copyright including, without limitation,
+ performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database
+ Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or
+ categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights
+ specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar
+ Rights.
+ d. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the
+ absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws
+ fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright
+ Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international
+ agreements.
+ e. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or
+ any other exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights
+ that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.
+ f. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database,
+ or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public
+ License.
+ g. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the
+ terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to
+ all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the
+ Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.
+ h. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights
+ under this Public License.
+ i. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or
+ process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such
+ as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution,
+ dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material
+ available to the public including in ways that members of the
+ public may access the material from a place and at a time
+ individually chosen by them.
+ j. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright
+ resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of
+ the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases,
+ as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially
+ equivalent rights anywhere in the world.
+ k. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights
+ under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning.
+Section 2 -- Scope.
+ a. License grant.
+ 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License,
+ the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free,
+ non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to
+ exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to:
+ a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or
+ in part; and
+ b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.
+ 2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where
+ Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public
+ License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with
+ its terms and conditions.
+ 3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section
+ 6(a).
+ 4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The
+ Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in
+ all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created,
+ and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The
+ Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or
+ authority to forbid You from making technical modifications
+ necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including
+ technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective
+ Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License,
+ simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)
+ (4) never produces Adapted Material.
+ 5. Downstream recipients.
+ a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every
+ recipient of the Licensed Material automatically
+ receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the
+ Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this
+ Public License.
+ b. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose
+ any additional or different terms or conditions on, or
+ apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the
+ Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the
+ Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed
+ Material.
+ 6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or
+ may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You
+ are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected
+ with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by,
+ the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as
+ provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
+ b. Other rights.
+ 1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not
+ licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity,
+ privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to
+ the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to
+ assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited
+ extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed
+ Rights, but not otherwise.
+ 2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this
+ Public License.
+ 3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to
+ collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed
+ Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society
+ under any voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory
+ licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly
+ reserves any right to collect such royalties.
+Section 3 -- License Conditions.
+Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the
+following conditions.
+ a. Attribution.
+ 1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified
+ form), You must:
+ a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor
+ with the Licensed Material:
+ i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed
+ Material and any others designated to receive
+ attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by
+ the Licensor (including by pseudonym if
+ designated);
+ ii. a copyright notice;
+ iii. a notice that refers to this Public License;
+ iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of
+ warranties;
+ v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the
+ extent reasonably practicable;
+ b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and
+ retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
+ c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this
+ Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or
+ hyperlink to, this Public License.
+ 2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any
+ reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in
+ which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be
+ reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or
+ hyperlink to a resource that includes the required
+ information.
+ 3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
+ information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent
+ reasonably practicable.
+ 4. If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter's
+ License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted
+ Material from complying with this Public License.
+Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights.
+Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that
+apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:
+ a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right
+ to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial
+ portion of the contents of the database;
+ b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database
+ contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database
+ Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database
+ Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material; and
+ c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share
+ all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.
+For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not
+replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed
+Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.
+Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
+ c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided
+ above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent
+ possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and
+ waiver of all liability.
+Section 6 -- Term and Termination.
+ a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and
+ Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with
+ this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License
+ terminate automatically.
+ b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under
+ Section 6(a), it reinstates:
+ 1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided
+ it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the
+ violation; or
+ 2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.
+ For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any
+ right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations
+ of this Public License.
+ c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the
+ Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop
+ distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so
+ will not terminate this Public License.
+ d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public
+ License.
+Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions.
+ a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different
+ terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.
+ b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the
+ Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and
+ independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.
+Section 8 -- Interpretation.
+ a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and
+ shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose
+ conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully
+ be made without permission under this Public License.
+ b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is
+ deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the
+ minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision
+ cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License
+ without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and
+ conditions.
+ c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no
+ failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the
+ Licensor.
+ d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted
+ as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities
+ that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal
+ processes of any jurisdiction or authority.
+Creative Commons is not a party to its public
+licenses. Notwithstanding, Creative Commons may elect to apply one of
+its public licenses to material it publishes and in those instances
+will be considered the “Licensor.” The text of the Creative Commons
+public licenses is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 Public
+Domain Dedication. Except for the limited purpose of indicating that
+material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as
+otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at
+creativecommons.org/policies, Creative Commons does not authorize the
+use of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any other trademark or logo
+of Creative Commons without its prior written consent including,
+without limitation, in connection with any unauthorized modifications
+to any of its public licenses or any other arrangements,
+understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For
+the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the
+public licenses.
+Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dc0fe68..789919e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# XCOPA: A Multilingual Dataset for Causal Commonsense Reasoning
-The Cross-lingual Choice of Plausible Alternatives dataset is a benchmark to evaluate the ability of machine learning models to transfer commonsense reasoning across languages. The dataset is the translation and reannotation of the English [**COPA**](https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/copa.html) ([**Roemmele et al. 2011**](#cite)) and covers 11 languages from 11 families and several areas around the globe. The dataset is challenging as it requires both the command of world knowledge and the ability to generalise to new languages. All the details about the creation of XCOPA and the implementation of the baselines are available in the [**paper**](#).
-[**Languages**](#languages) | [**Baselines**](#baselines) | [**Cite**](#cite) | [**Paper**](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf)
-## Data
-The XCOPA data are stored in [data](data). Alternatively, they can be loaded through [🤗Datasets](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets) as follows:
-from datasets import load_dataset
-xcopa_dataset = load_dataset('xcopa')
-The "translate test" data obtained via Google Translate are available in the folder [data-gmt](data-gmt) (note that these do not include Quechua).
-## Examples
-| Language | Premise | Question | Choice 1 | Choice 2 |
-| qu | Sipasqa cereal mikhunanpi kuruta tarirqan. | Result | Payqa pukunman ñuqñuta churakurqan. | Payqa manam mikhuyta munarqanchu. |
-| en | The girl found a bug in her cereal. | Result | She poured milk in the bowl. |She lost her appetite. |
-| th | ตาของฉันแดงและบวม | Cause | ฉันร้องไห้ | ฉันหัวเราะ |
-| en | My eyes became red and puffy. | Cause | I was sobbing. | I was laughing. |
-## Languages
-| ISO 639-2 | Name | Family | Area1 |
-| et | Estonian | Uralic | Northern Europe |
-| ht | Haitian Creole | French Creole | Carribean |
-| id | Indonesian | Austronesian | Southeastern Asia |
-| it | Italian | Indo-European | Southern Europe |
-| qu | Southern Quechua2 | Quechuan | Southern America |
-| sw | Swahili | Niger-Congo | Eastern Africa |
-| ta | Tamil | Dravidian | Southern Asia |
-| th | Thai | Kra-Dai | Southeastern Asia |
-| tr | Turkish | Turkic | Western Asia |
-| vi | Vietnamese | Austroasiatic | Southeastern Asia |
-| zh | Mandarin Chinese | Sino-Tibetan | Eastern Asia |
-1 According to the United Nations geoscheme.
-2 Translation by [Irma Alvarez Ccoscco](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irma_Alvarez_Ccoscco), an Eastern Apurímac Quechua speaker.
-## Leaderboard
-If you want to see your results reported, please:
-1) submit them on the [XCOPA state-of-the-art page on Papers with Code](https://paperswithcode.com/sota/cross-lingual-transfer-on-xcopa);
-2) make a pull request changing the table below.
-| Model | Paper | *avg* | et | ht | id | it | qu | sw | ta | th | tr | vi | zh |
-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| ---|
-| Human | [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 97.60 | 98.2 | 96.4 | 100.0 | 97.0 | 94.8 | 99.0 | 98.6 | 98.2 | 96.4 | 98.4 | 96.6 |
-| RoBERTa Large (Translate test)| [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 76.05 | 81.0 | 73.8 | 82.2 | 77.8 | (50.0) | 74.2 | 79.6 | 71.4 | 79.6 | 81.0 | 86.0 |
-| XLM-R Large | [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 68.69 | 71.4 | (50.0) | 79.8 | 72.6 | (50.0) | 59.2 | 73.0 | 72.8 | 74.4 | 73.8 | 78.6 |
-| MAD-X Base | [Pfeiffer et al. (2020)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.00052.pdf) | 60.94 | 61.3 |53.7 | 65.8 | 63.0 | 52.5 | 56.3 | 61.9 | 61.8 | 60.3 | 66.1 | 67.6 |
-The performance of other multilingual pre-trained encoders is shown in the figure.
-## Cite
-If you use the data from this repository, please cite both XCOPA ```\cite{ponti2020xcopa}``` and the original COPA paper ```\cite{roemmele2011choice}```.
- title={{XCOPA: A} Multilingual Dataset for Causal Commonsense Reasoning},
- author={Edoardo M. Ponti, Goran Glava\v{s}, Olga Majewska, Qianchu Liu, Ivan Vuli\'{c} and Anna Korhonen},
- booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
- year={2020},
- url={https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf}
- title={Choice of plausible alternatives: An evaluation of commonsense causal reasoning},
- author={Roemmele, Melissa and Bejan, Cosmin Adrian and Gordon, Andrew S},
- booktitle={2011 AAAI Spring Symposium Series},
- year={2011},
- url={https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/publications/AAAI-SPRING11A.PDF},
+# XCOPA: A Multilingual Dataset for Causal Commonsense Reasoning
+The Cross-lingual Choice of Plausible Alternatives dataset is a benchmark to evaluate the ability of machine learning models to transfer commonsense reasoning across languages. The dataset is the translation and reannotation of the English [**COPA**](https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/copa.html) ([**Roemmele et al. 2011**](#cite)) and covers 11 languages from 11 families and several areas around the globe. The dataset is challenging as it requires both the command of world knowledge and the ability to generalise to new languages. All the details about the creation of XCOPA and the implementation of the baselines are available in the [**paper**](#).
+[**Languages**](#languages) | [**Baselines**](#baselines) | [**Cite**](#cite) | [**Paper**](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf)
+## Data
+The XCOPA data are stored in [data](data). Alternatively, they can be loaded through [🤗Datasets](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets) as follows:
+from datasets import load_dataset
+xcopa_dataset = load_dataset('xcopa')
+The "translate test" data obtained via Google Translate are available in the folder [data-gmt](data-gmt) (note that these do not include Quechua).
+## Examples
+| Language | Premise | Question | Choice 1 | Choice 2 |
+| qu | Sipasqa cereal mikhunanpi kuruta tarirqan. | Result | Payqa pukunman ñuqñuta churakurqan. | Payqa manam mikhuyta munarqanchu. |
+| en | The girl found a bug in her cereal. | Result | She poured milk in the bowl. |She lost her appetite. |
+| th | ตาของฉันแดงและบวม | Cause | ฉันร้องไห้ | ฉันหัวเราะ |
+| en | My eyes became red and puffy. | Cause | I was sobbing. | I was laughing. |
+## Languages
+| ISO 639-2 | Name | Family | Area1 |
+| et | Estonian | Uralic | Northern Europe |
+| ht | Haitian Creole | French Creole | Carribean |
+| id | Indonesian | Austronesian | Southeastern Asia |
+| it | Italian | Indo-European | Southern Europe |
+| qu | Southern Quechua2 | Quechuan | Southern America |
+| sw | Swahili | Niger-Congo | Eastern Africa |
+| ta | Tamil | Dravidian | Southern Asia |
+| th | Thai | Kra-Dai | Southeastern Asia |
+| tr | Turkish | Turkic | Western Asia |
+| vi | Vietnamese | Austroasiatic | Southeastern Asia |
+| zh | Mandarin Chinese | Sino-Tibetan | Eastern Asia |
+1 According to the United Nations geoscheme.
+2 Translation by [Irma Alvarez Ccoscco](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irma_Alvarez_Ccoscco), an Eastern Apurímac Quechua speaker.
+## Leaderboard
+If you want to see your results reported, please:
+1) submit them on the [XCOPA state-of-the-art page on Papers with Code](https://paperswithcode.com/sota/cross-lingual-transfer-on-xcopa);
+2) make a pull request changing the table below.
+| Model | Paper | *avg* | et | ht | id | it | qu | sw | ta | th | tr | vi | zh |
+|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| ---|
+| Human | [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 97.60 | 98.2 | 96.4 | 100.0 | 97.0 | 94.8 | 99.0 | 98.6 | 98.2 | 96.4 | 98.4 | 96.6 |
+| RoBERTa Large (Translate test)| [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 76.05 | 81.0 | 73.8 | 82.2 | 77.8 | (50.0) | 74.2 | 79.6 | 71.4 | 79.6 | 81.0 | 86.0 |
+| XLM-R Large | [Ponti et al. (2020)](https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf) | 68.69 | 71.4 | (50.0) | 79.8 | 72.6 | (50.0) | 59.2 | 73.0 | 72.8 | 74.4 | 73.8 | 78.6 |
+| MAD-X Base | [Pfeiffer et al. (2020)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.00052.pdf) | 60.94 | 61.3 |53.7 | 65.8 | 63.0 | 52.5 | 56.3 | 61.9 | 61.8 | 60.3 | 66.1 | 67.6 |
+The performance of other multilingual pre-trained encoders is shown in the figure.
+## Cite
+If you use the data from this repository, please cite both XCOPA ```\cite{ponti2020xcopa}``` and the original COPA paper ```\cite{roemmele2011choice}```.
+ title={{XCOPA: A} Multilingual Dataset for Causal Commonsense Reasoning},
+ author={Edoardo M. Ponti, Goran Glava\v{s}, Olga Majewska, Qianchu Liu, Ivan Vuli\'{c} and Anna Korhonen},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
+ year={2020},
+ url={https://ducdauge.github.io/files/xcopa.pdf}
+ title={Choice of plausible alternatives: An evaluation of commonsense causal reasoning},
+ author={Roemmele, Melissa and Bejan, Cosmin Adrian and Gordon, Andrew S},
+ booktitle={2011 AAAI Spring Symposium Series},
+ year={2011},
+ url={https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/publications/AAAI-SPRING11A.PDF},
diff --git a/data-gmt/it/test.it.jsonl b/data-gmt/it/test.it.jsonl
index 92abde5..067e59b 100644
--- a/data-gmt/it/test.it.jsonl
+++ b/data-gmt/it/test.it.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "The item was wrapped in stamped plastic.", "choice1": "It was delicate.", "choice2": "He was young.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had emptied my pockets.", "choice1": "I pulled out a ticket stub.", "choice2": "I found a weapon.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Termites invaded the house.", "choice1": "Termites disappeared from the house.", "choice2": "Termites rose the wood of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The travelers reached the border.", "choice1": "The patrol officer checked their passports.", "choice2": "The patrol officer accused them of smuggling.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The office was closed.", "choice1": "It was vacation.", "choice2": "It was summer.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl ran out of energy.", "choice1": "He had played checkers.", "choice2": "He had jumped rope.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had lost her place in line.", "choice1": "More people lined up.", "choice2": "She had left the line.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl had held her nose.", "choice1": "The baby had been drooling on the bib.", "choice2": "The baby had soiled her diaper.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The group played their hit song.", "choice1": "The audience cheered to the beat of the music.", "choice2": "The audience listened politely in silence.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl wanted to thank the math teacher.", "choice1": "The girl stayed after school as punishment.", "choice2": "The girl brought an apple to the teacher.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The young campers were scared.", "choice1": "The animator told them a story of fear.", "choice2": "They toasted marshmallows on the bonfire.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man banged his head.", "choice1": "He got lost in his thoughts.", "choice2": "He suffered a concussion.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The check I had formed was uncovered.", "choice1": "My bank account was empty.", "choice2": "I had received a pay raise.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's inbox was full of spam.", "choice1": "He deleted the spam.", "choice2": "He sent a mass email.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The sailor was quarantined.", "choice1": "He had been exposed to the disease.", "choice2": "He recovered from the disease.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl had memorized the code.", "choice1": "He had recited it to himself.", "choice2": "She had forgotten to write it down.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I poured the water into the glass.", "choice1": "The water satisfied my thirst.", "choice2": "The glass filled.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was silent when his friend finished speaking.", "choice1": "He wanted to offer support to his friend.", "choice2": "He was thinking of his friend's words.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The accident was my fault.", "choice1": "I felt guilty.", "choice2": "I filed a complaint.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The chain broke.", "choice1": "The chain was mounted on a wheel.", "choice2": "There was a broken link in the chain.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple had decided to compromise.", "choice1": "They were bored with arguing.", "choice2": "They avoided discussing the problem.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman decided to run for public office.", "choice1": "He hired an election campaign manager.", "choice2": "He testified in court.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had expected low temperatures during his journey.", "choice1": "He had packed warm clothing.", "choice2": "He was traveling with a large suitcase.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student knew the answer to the question.", "choice1": "He raised his hand.", "choice2": "Leisure.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's eyes filled with tears.", "choice1": "Dust had gotten into his eyes.", "choice2": "He had been wearing goggles.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The player won five games in a row.", "choice1": "Her opponent accused her of cheating.", "choice2": "Her opponent felt sorry for her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The teacher tore off the student's exam.", "choice1": "He caught the student copying.", "choice2": "The student's answers were wrong.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I paused to stop talking.", "choice1": "I lost my voice.", "choice2": "I gasped.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Frozen food thawed.", "choice1": "I put it in the microwave.", "choice2": "I covered it with cling film.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The clerk pretended to be unwell.", "choice1": "He had stomach cramps.", "choice2": "He wanted a day off.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl landed in the pool.", "choice1": "He ran to the edge of the pool.", "choice2": "He jumped off the diving board.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tickets for the film sold out.", "choice1": "It was the launch of the film.", "choice2": "The film had received bad reviews.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had lost weight.", "choice1": "People isolated him.", "choice2": "People complimented him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Blisters appeared on the girl's hands.", "choice1": "He had typed a letter.", "choice2": "She had climbed a rope.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The circus artist was juggling while riding a unicycle.", "choice1": "The audience cheered him in amazement.", "choice2": "The acrobat swung from a trapeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I lost my patience.", "choice1": "My friend made me wait.", "choice2": "My friend arrived on time.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Countries at war wanted peace.", "choice1": "They developed nuclear weapons.", "choice2": "They negotiated a treaty.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man took some sleeping pills.", "choice1": "He became sleepy.", "choice2": "He got a fever.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman hit the sofa.", "choice1": "The sofa leg loosened.", "choice2": "He bruised his knee.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy squeezed the balloon.", "choice1": "The balloon burst.", "choice2": "The balloon flew away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The travelers checked into their hotel room.", "choice1": "They emptied their suitcases.", "choice2": "They went to the airport.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had taken a bite of the peach.", "choice1": "The peach bruised.", "choice2": "The juice splashed out.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My hands got sticky.", "choice1": "I ate a donut.", "choice2": "I was greedy for sweets.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pushed the door.", "choice1": "The door opened.", "choice2": "The door closed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Activists boycotted the products.", "choice1": "The product had been tested to ensure its quality.", "choice2": "The product was manufactured through child labor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had made a hole in the wall.", "choice1": "A mouse slipped out of the hole.", "choice2": "Dust rose from the hole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was envious of her sister.", "choice1": "The sister was happy.", "choice2": "The sister had divorced.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I poured some wine on my shirt.", "choice1": "I put on an apron.", "choice2": "I changed my shirt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cashier opened the cashier.", "choice1": "The customer searched his wallet.", "choice2": "The customer gave him his money.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The street musician drew a crowd.", "choice1": "People gave him some change.", "choice2": "He sent the crowd away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy whimpered to the babysitter.", "choice1": "He missed his parents.", "choice2": "It was snack time.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The pilot's radar detected a storm.", "choice1": "The pilot sailed away from the storm.", "choice2": "The pilot flew through the storm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The tree lost its leaves.", "choice1": "The leaves changed color.", "choice2": "The leaves piled up on the ground.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy was in the mood for spite.", "choice1": "He decided to play cards with his sister.", "choice2": "He decided to play a joke on his sister.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child complained that he had to go to the bathroom.", "choice1": "The father gave him a soda to drink.", "choice2": "The father stopped at the gas station.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child spread the fish food in the aquarium.", "choice1": "The fish leapt out of the aquarium.", "choice2": "The fish swam to the feed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman's political views had changed.", "choice1": "She changed the party she was affiliated with.", "choice2": "He participated in a protest.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bathroom sink was clogged.", "choice1": "I turned on the tap.", "choice2": "I poured some muriatic acid into it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The passenger got off the train.", "choice1": "The train had arrived at the station.", "choice2": "The train whistled.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man pressed the damp flap of the wrapper.", "choice1": "He put a stamp on the wrapper.", "choice2": "He sealed and closed the wrapper.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Friends lost contact.", "choice1": "They enjoyed each other's company.", "choice2": "They moved to different cities.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The accountant had mismanaged the company's funds.", "choice1": "She was fired from her role.", "choice2": "She went to maternity leave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I looked at the clock.", "choice1": "I had heard the clock tick.", "choice2": "I wanted to check the time.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had a cramp in my hand.", "choice1": "I had written the theme by hand.", "choice2": "My wife and I held hands.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bolt tightened.", "choice1": "I had replaced it.", "choice2": "I had turned the wrench.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple signed the lease for an apartment.", "choice1": "The couple moved into the apartment.", "choice2": "The city declared the apartment unusable.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had sat on the porch.", "choice1": "He wanted to watch the sunset.", "choice2": "He thought he saw lightning.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man wore a life jacket in the water.", "choice1": "He couldn't swim.", "choice2": "The water was shallow.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman made a typo in the program.", "choice1": "He deleted the document.", "choice2": "He hit the backspace key.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl had bragged to her friends.", "choice1": "He had received a bad grade.", "choice2": "He had won a race.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The lawn was muddy.", "choice1": "It was flooded in the night.", "choice2": "It was full of weeds.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had overslept.", "choice1": "He had spent the night in the hotel.", "choice2": "He had forgotten to set the alarm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had put on sunscreen.", "choice1": "He sat in the shade.", "choice2": "He had gone to the beach.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Researchers proved the theory.", "choice1": "The researchers retracted the theory.", "choice2": "People accepted the theory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fans whistled during the match.", "choice1": "The match had exceeded the time limits.", "choice2": "The referee made a wrong decision.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had put the combination in the lock.", "choice1": "I closed the padlock.", "choice2": "The lock snapped open.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The crowd thickened.", "choice1": "The father gave his son some money.", "choice2": "The father took his son by the hand.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Snow was blocking the driveway.", "choice1": "I made a snowball.", "choice2": "I cleared the snow away.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The rowers paddled with their oars.", "choice1": "The canoe reached the coast.", "choice2": "The canoe hit a wave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The girl lost control of the bicycle.", "choice1": "He let go of the handlebar.", "choice2": "He ran into a fence.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I turned on the fan.", "choice1": "He splashed water on my skin.", "choice2": "I felt cold air pass over me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The surfers returned to the beach.", "choice1": "They were soaked.", "choice2": "They had seen a shark.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pulled the cap off the tub.", "choice1": "The water in the tub dried up.", "choice2": "Water splashed on the floor.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The husband felt guilty of having betrayed his wife.", "choice1": "The accusation of infidelity.", "choice2": "He confessed that he had been unfaithful to her.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The ink on the poster smeared.", "choice1": "I had waited for the ink to dry.", "choice2": "I had spilled some water on the poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy woke up screaming.", "choice1": "He had had a nightmare.", "choice2": "He had wet the bed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy put his feet on the table.", "choice1": "The father sat down at the table.", "choice2": "The father scolded him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My friend turned his head towards me.", "choice1": "I had screamed his name.", "choice2": "I had waved my arms.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The government had oppressed its citizens.", "choice1": "Citizens staged a revolt.", "choice2": "Citizens registered to vote.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A boy was lost in the woods.", "choice1": "He set up a tent.", "choice2": "He yelled for help.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had traveled abroad.", "choice1": "He wanted to learn how to draw.", "choice2": "He wanted to know other cultures.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was jealous of his colleagues.", "choice1": "His colleagues had been promoted.", "choice2": "His colleagues worked late.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had witnessed the aliens.", "choice1": "He had been hallucinating.", "choice2": "He was meditating.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's hair turned blond.", "choice1": "He had put some bleach in it.", "choice2": "He had put some shampoo in it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The artist created a new work.", "choice1": "He had criticized his previous work.", "choice2": "He had had a rush of inspiration.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The son moved away from home.", "choice1": "He had been discharged from military service.", "choice2": "He was on his way to college.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Books fell from the bookcase.", "choice1": "The shelves were covered with dust.", "choice2": "An earthquake shook the bookcase.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The electricity in the house went out.", "choice1": "I turned on a light.", "choice2": "I reset the life saver.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "We took a ride on the roller coaster.", "choice1": "It looked scary.", "choice2": "It sounded funny.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bag of popcorn began to pop.", "choice1": "I had poured some butter into the bag.", "choice2": "I had heated it in the microwave.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A tree fell on the power line.", "choice1": "The lights went out in the whole neighborhood.", "choice2": "The forecasts were for strong winds.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The speaker made some politically incorrect comments.", "choice1": "He bored the audience.", "choice2": "He offended the public.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I stung myself with the brooch.", "choice1": "Sweat beaded my face.", "choice2": "A drop of blood has formed on my finger.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The fish floated on the surface of the tank.", "choice1": "He was hungry.", "choice2": "It was dead.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had a hoarse voice.", "choice1": "He had a cold.", "choice2": "He quit smoking.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The elevator doors opened.", "choice1": "The elevator has arrived at the intended floor.", "choice2": "The elevator got stuck between two floors.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy slipped out of the house.", "choice1": "He lied to his parents.", "choice2": "His parents put him in detention.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bathroom got flooded.", "choice1": "The toilet got clogged.", "choice2": "The water heater broke.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The puppy did not stray from its master.", "choice1": "The owner has put a collar on the puppy.", "choice2": "The owner kept the puppy on a leash.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man caught his reflection.", "choice1": "He stood under a sprawling tree.", "choice2": "It stood near a calm lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I missed my girlfriend's phone call.", "choice1": "I called her back.", "choice2": "I met her for dinner.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family scoured the neighborhood.", "choice1": "Their dog had run away from home.", "choice2": "Expensive jewelry had disappeared from their home.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "When I exhaled I saw my breath.", "choice1": "It was cold outside.", "choice2": "I had pain in my chest.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The employees formed a union.", "choice1": "They wanted better working conditions.", "choice2": "Their employer raised their salary.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I made an apple tart.", "choice1": "The kitchen smelled rotten.", "choice2": "The kitchen had a welcoming smell.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman struggled to walk.", "choice1": "She wore high heels.", "choice2": "She had taken off her shoes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Steam has risen from the pot full of water.", "choice1": "The water was boiling.", "choice2": "I covered the pot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "All my socks were in the laundry to wash.", "choice1": "I wore sandals.", "choice2": "I wore boots.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The politician's argument was considered absurd.", "choice1": "He lost the support of the voters.", "choice2": "He was accused of corruption.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Everyone was against the couple's official engagement.", "choice1": "The couple was pregnant.", "choice2": "The couple got married in secret.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The palace was dedicated to the millionaire.", "choice1": "The millionaire wanted to destroy the palace.", "choice2": "The millionaire contributed funds for its construction.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The sales assistant accused the girl of theft.", "choice1": "The sales assistant saw the girl stuff some merchandise into her purse.", "choice2": "The sales assistant helped the girl find the handbag she liked.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The nation has declared war on neighboring territory.", "choice1": "The soldiers were sent on missions to fight.", "choice2": "The soldiers reunited with their families.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The court upheld the controversial ruling.", "choice1": "A revolt has started in front of the court of justice.", "choice2": "A couple exchanged vows of marriage in front of the court of justice.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl could smell burning.", "choice1": "He took some cookies from the jar.", "choice2": "He left the cookies in the oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "It was raining heavily.", "choice1": "The storm got worse.", "choice2": "I ran into the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The palace was evacuated.", "choice1": "The elevator has stopped working.", "choice2": "The fire alarm went off.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The father could not stand his son's alcoholism.", "choice1": "The father bought his son a beer.", "choice2": "The father threw the son out of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The lawyer walked up the stairs to her office.", "choice1": "The secretary came home after work.", "choice2": "The elevator was broken.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was annoyed by his friend.", "choice1": "His friend interrupted him.", "choice2": "His friend offered him lunch.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl gave the money to the cashier.", "choice1": "The cashier gave the change to the girl.", "choice2": "The cashier forgot to give the receipt to the girl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was placed in a wheelchair.", "choice1": "She was paralyzed in an accident.", "choice2": "She entered the hospital on a stretcher.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Citizens hung the national flag on the facade of their homes.", "choice1": "The country was commemorating its independence.", "choice2": "The country was facing a severe economic situation.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The team lost the tournament.", "choice1": "They disappointed their fans.", "choice2": "They inspired their fans.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My friend pointed out that I had food stuck between my teeth.", "choice1": "I felt embarrassed.", "choice2": "I was proud of myself.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy didn't pass the history exam.", "choice1": "He paid attention in class.", "choice2": "He forgot to study.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The building in the city center collapsed.", "choice1": "An earthquake hit the city.", "choice2": "Crime in the city has increased.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's girl left him.", "choice1": "He begged her to get back together.", "choice2": "She introduced him to her parents.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The two children reached down simultaneously to take the balloon.", "choice1": "The balloon has rolled away.", "choice2": "They hit their heads against each other.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The raccoon went through the garbage can.", "choice1": "There was cardboard inside the garbage can.", "choice2": "The lid did not cover the garbage can.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy sharpened the pencil.", "choice1": "It was cheap.", "choice2": "It was not very pointed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cashier did not give the woman a refund for the dress.", "choice1": "The woman lost the receipt.", "choice2": "The dress did not fit her well.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The scratch on my skin was deep.", "choice1": "He healed quickly.", "choice2": "He left a scar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The passengers on the train looked at the man oddly.", "choice1": "He was staring at the floor.", "choice2": "He was talking to himself.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child left some crumbs on the floor.", "choice1": "The ants climbed towards the crumbs.", "choice2": "The child has put away the bread.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman gave her sister a handkerchief.", "choice1": "The woman's sister folded her hands.", "choice2": "The woman's sister began to cry.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man took a mint.", "choice1": "His lips were chapped.", "choice2": "He was afraid he had bad breath.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple soon left for the show.", "choice1": "They had expected traffic around the theater.", "choice2": "They had gotten directions to the theater.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had stayed home from work.", "choice1": "Her boss praised her.", "choice2": "Her work colleague covered her up.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man signed the activists' petition.", "choice1": "He supported their cause.", "choice2": "He denounced them as crazy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's heart was pounding before his performance.", "choice1": "He had stage panic.", "choice2": "He had memorized his lines.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I was lost.", "choice1": "I counted my money.", "choice2": "I opened a map.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The ripe fruit remained exposed to the sun.", "choice1": "It was eaten.", "choice2": "It has withered.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The car broke down.", "choice1": "I started it.", "choice2": "The engine has overheated.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man hurt his back.", "choice1": "He visited a psychiatrist.", "choice2": "He stayed in bed for several days.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I made a fire in the fireplace.", "choice1": "There was no more wood.", "choice2": "It was cold in the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman has stopped jogging.", "choice1": "A cramp came in her side.", "choice2": "She recovered a little.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I knocked on my neighbor's door.", "choice1": "My neighbor invited me inside.", "choice2": "My neighbor left her home.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman let out a sigh of frustration.", "choice1": "Her husband did not understand her concerns.", "choice2": "Her husband kissed her goodbye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The teacher praised the student.", "choice1": "The student answered correctly.", "choice2": "The student hesitated to answer the question.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had run out of eggs.", "choice1": "She went to the farm.", "choice2": "She went to the supermarket.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I met an old friend.", "choice1": "I told him a secret.", "choice2": "I hugged him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman avoided entering the lake.", "choice1": "He caught a fish.", "choice2": "It looked polluted.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student arrived in the classroom completely soaked.", "choice1": "His umbrella was broken.", "choice2": "His bike was stolen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cursor on the computer screen has moved.", "choice1": "The user clicked the mouse.", "choice2": "The user moved the mouse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The driver made a detour.", "choice1": "There was an accident on the main road.", "choice2": "She followed the van in front of her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I hung the wet laundry on the drying rack outside.", "choice1": "The laundry has dried.", "choice2": "The laundry got stained.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman wore sunglasses.", "choice1": "The sunlight was dazzling.", "choice2": "He hailed a taxi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man admired the night sky.", "choice1": "He wished it was summer.", "choice2": "He thought it was gorgeous.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I felt exhausted.", "choice1": "I went to sleep early.", "choice2": "I stayed up all night.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The man went to the barber.", "choice1": "She was letting her hair grow.", "choice2": "Her hair was getting long.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy was playing tricks on his new classmate.", "choice1": "The little boy welcomed his new classmate.", "choice2": "The kid didn't like the new classmate.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I craved a glass of milk.", "choice1": "I was eating some cookies.", "choice2": "I was baking some bread.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "It started raining.", "choice1": "The driver has access to the headlights.", "choice2": "The driver put the car in reverse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The building's parking lot was empty.", "choice1": "I parked across the street.", "choice2": "I parked near the entrance.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The writer missed the deadline to send the draft.", "choice1": "He had writer's block.", "choice2": "He corrected the draft.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The clerk closed the phone in my face.", "choice1": "I asked to go to a superior.", "choice2": "I gave him my identification number.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The wind blew through the open window.", "choice1": "The doorbell rang.", "choice2": "The curtains swayed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "There was a power outage in my house.", "choice1": "I unplugged a lamp.", "choice2": "I have blown a fuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cuturist groaned.", "choice1": "He flexed his muscles in the mirror.", "choice2": "He raised the bar over his head.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student tried to do the math in his head.", "choice1": "He pulled out a calculator.", "choice2": "He got confused.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child fell asleep.", "choice1": "The dad changed the baby's diaper.", "choice2": "The father gently rocked the baby.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl threw the water balloon at the boy.", "choice1": "The boy had a concussion.", "choice2": "The boy got soaked.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The photographer forgot to use the flash.", "choice1": "The photos came out blurry.", "choice2": "All the people in the photo refused to smile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I turned down the invitation to the birthday party.", "choice1": "I was alone.", "choice2": "I was out of town.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I did gymnastics.", "choice1": "I felt full of energy.", "choice2": "I was scared.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I wrung out the damp sponge.", "choice1": "He absorbed some water.", "choice2": "Water is pouring.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The vacationers reached the holiday village by ferry.", "choice1": "The resort was full.", "choice2": "The tourist village was located on an island.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little girl got a tattoo.", "choice1": "He was afraid of needles.", "choice2": "He wanted to rebel.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "An unknown car parked outside my house.", "choice1": "I got suspicious.", "choice2": "I called the police.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The criminal has constituted himself.", "choice1": "Evidence indicted him.", "choice2": "There was no evidence against him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A robust man has decided to lose weight.", "choice1": "He excluded sweets from the diet.", "choice2": "He avoided caffeine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl stepped on ice.", "choice1": "She slipped.", "choice2": "He shivered.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had bags under her eyes.", "choice1": "She stayed up all night.", "choice2": "He put his son to sleep.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lava leaked from the volcano.", "choice1": "The volcano erupted.", "choice2": "The volcano was dormant.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman put on her shoes.", "choice1": "He knew everyone at the party.", "choice2": "He wanted to leave the party.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I paid the toll attendant.", "choice1": "He let me pass the toll booth.", "choice2": "He held me at the toll booth.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The executive went bankrupt.", "choice1": "He sold all the shares in the company.", "choice2": "He squandered his fortunes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man went to the doctor.", "choice1": "The doctor was on leave.", "choice2": "The man had fallen ill.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I left my bedroom through the window.", "choice1": "The house was on fire.", "choice2": "The house was empty.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child's fingers were shriveled.", "choice1": "He took a long shower.", "choice2": "He doused his hands with soap.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I spat out the milk.", "choice1": "The milk was sour.", "choice2": "My mouth was dry.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I missed the bus.", "choice1": "I was early for work.", "choice2": "I arrived late for work.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The truck collided with the car.", "choice1": "The truck accelerated.", "choice2": "The car broke up.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The team has rigged the contest in their favor.", "choice1": "Won.", "choice2": "They withdrew.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bottle of the drink fizzed.", "choice1": "I turned the bottle upside down.", "choice2": "I unscrewed the cap.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child was locked out of the house.", "choice1": "He came back by slipping into a window.", "choice2": "He climbed onto the roof.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The doorbell rang.", "choice1": "The visitor knocked on the door with the knocker.", "choice2": "The woman peered out through the keyhole in the door.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man stained his suit.", "choice1": "He dry cleaned it.", "choice2": "He hung it in the closet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl crushed the toothpaste tube.", "choice1": "The toothpaste splashed out of the tube.", "choice2": "The girl spat out the toothpaste.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Civilian deaths from the war spiked.", "choice1": "The pacifists organized a protest.", "choice2": "The pacifists held a parade.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl tore the bow off her hair.", "choice1": "He tied the bow.", "choice2": "The bow made her look childish.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had plastic surgery.", "choice1": "He has aged.", "choice2": "He looked younger.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A chick peeked out of the egg.", "choice1": "The egg has hatched.", "choice2": "I broke the egg.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The prisoner was undernourished.", "choice1": "Is dead.", "choice2": "He ran away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man lost his balance on the ladder.", "choice1": "He went up the ladder.", "choice2": "He fell off the ladder.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child burped.", "choice1": "He took a sip of soda.", "choice2": "He opened a can of soda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A cold draft entered the window.", "choice1": "I relaxed.", "choice2": "I shivered.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student received a university scholarship.", "choice1": "Her classmates respected her.", "choice2": "He had high marks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl joked with the boy.", "choice1": "She lived next door.", "choice2": "She had a crush on him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The hungry wanderer has stolen some food.", "choice1": "It was pitying.", "choice2": "He had no money.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I called my friend to chat.", "choice1": "I was looking for solitude.", "choice2": "I felt alone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man held out his hand to me.", "choice1": "I shook his hand.", "choice2": "I slapped him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I dodged.", "choice1": "The fireworks were thrown into the air.", "choice2": "The Frisbee is gliding towards my head.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl bit her fingernails.", "choice1": "She was worried.", "choice2": "She was surprised.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I turned the page on the calendar.", "choice1": "I marked an appointment on the calendar.", "choice2": "It was the beginning of a new month.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The husband found out that his wife was cheating on him.", "choice1": "He fired his lawyer.", "choice2": "He filed for divorce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl dropped the rubber ball.", "choice1": "The ball bounced.", "choice2": "The ball glowed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl made a mistake in her assignment.", "choice1": "He guessed the answer.", "choice2": "He deleted the answer.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The player has tackled his opponent.", "choice1": "His opponent took the pass.", "choice2": "His opponent fell to the ground.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I picked the vine tomatoes.", "choice1": "They were ripe.", "choice2": "I watered them.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man wanted to be romantic.", "choice1": "He met his ex for lunch.", "choice2": "He bought his girlfriend some chocolates.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The mercury in the thermometer has risen.", "choice1": "I dropped the thermometer.", "choice2": "The climate has warmed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A tornado has passed through the city.", "choice1": "The courthouse roof has blown off.", "choice2": "The highway was dangerously frozen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student went to repetitions.", "choice1": "His grades have improved.", "choice2": "He copied on examination.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I felt comfortable.", "choice1": "I knelt on the ground.", "choice2": "I wrapped myself in a blanket.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I polished the stone.", "choice1": "It became slippery.", "choice2": "She became lucid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I added some sugar to the coffee.", "choice1": "The coffee gave off a very strong smell.", "choice2": "The coffee tasted sweet.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man turned the pages.", "choice1": "It is cut with paper.", "choice2": "He destroyed the pages with the paper shredder.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I hit the nail with the hammer.", "choice1": "The nail has sunk into the wood.", "choice2": "The nail has rusted.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The fish bit the line.", "choice1": "The fisherman pulled the fish up.", "choice2": "The fisherman threw the line again.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The little girl was embarrassed to go to school.", "choice1": "He had a pimple.", "choice2": "She took off her braces.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My face lit up.", "choice1": "I have received some good news.", "choice2": "I lost my patience.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I dried my hands with a towel.", "choice1": "The towel was wet.", "choice2": "My hands were wet.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man lost his balance on the stool.", "choice1": "The stool wobbled beneath him.", "choice2": "He spilled paint on the stool.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teammates blamed each other.", "choice1": "They lost the game.", "choice2": "Their coach canceled training.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I asked for forgiveness.", "choice1": "I regretted my mistake.", "choice2": "I have achieved my goal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman got bored with her boyfriend.", "choice1": "He asked questions about her.", "choice2": "He talked about himself incessantly.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl flashed a smile.", "choice1": "Her cheeks are flushed.", "choice2": "The dimples emerged.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The enemy ship exploded.", "choice1": "It passed over a mine.", "choice2": "It is docked in the harbor.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man punctured his foot.", "choice1": "He stepped on a puddle.", "choice2": "He stepped on broken glass.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Investigators checked the prints at the crime scene.", "choice1": "They found out the identity of the killer.", "choice2": "They found the murder weapon at the crime scene.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "There was a lot of traffic on the highway.", "choice1": "I took a detour.", "choice2": "I asked for a ride.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The national economy was in decline.", "choice1": "Many people have fallen ill.", "choice2": "Many people have faced unemployment.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The traffic cop blew the whistle to the children.", "choice1": "The children were about to cross with the oncoming traffic.", "choice2": "The policeman recognized them from his neighborhood.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I rolled my eyes with my friend.", "choice1": "He told me the truth.", "choice2": "He made a sarcastic comment.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The car ran out of petrol.", "choice1": "The driver got stuck on the road.", "choice2": "The driver took on a hitchhiker.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman went into labor.", "choice1": "The baby was delivered.", "choice2": "The woman was sick in the morning.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's hat flew off.", "choice1": "The man took off his hat.", "choice2": "It was blowing wind out.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl attended her classmate's birthday party.", "choice1": "He received an invitation.", "choice2": "He bought a gift.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy's forehead was hot.", "choice1": "His mother took a fever.", "choice2": "His mother took him to the park.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man sprayed the perfume.", "choice1": "He wanted to impress his date.", "choice2": "He has gelled his hair.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The electricity in the house has gone out.", "choice1": "I looked for a flashlight.", "choice2": "I picked up a shovel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family moved to a larger house.", "choice1": "The son graduated from high school.", "choice2": "The mother gave birth to twins.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The marathoner kept a slow pace.", "choice1": "He wanted to save energy.", "choice2": "He saw the finish line.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy kicked the vending machine.", "choice1": "The distributor spat out the rest.", "choice2": "The packet of chips was stuck inside.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My friend's dog died.", "choice1": "I rolled my eyes.", "choice2": "I hugged him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The business owner's credit card was declined.", "choice1": "He wrote a bill of exchange.", "choice2": "He paid in cash.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man cursed.", "choice1": "He cut his nails.", "choice2": "He slammed his finger.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was proud of his brother.", "choice1": "His brother had a fight with their parents.", "choice2": "His brother has entered law.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl wanted to know more about the solar system.", "choice1": "She went to the library.", "choice2": "He looked at the stars.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The poster stuck to the wall.", "choice1": "I placed the poster over the door.", "choice2": "I put duct tape behind the poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The client approved the design of the building created by the architect.", "choice1": "The architect built the palace.", "choice2": "The architect arranged the project.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man dropped his spoon.", "choice1": "His hand was shaking.", "choice2": "He licked the spoon.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The CEO of the company has resigned.", "choice1": "The board of directors dissolved the company.", "choice2": "The board of directors has found his replacement.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I arrived late for class.", "choice1": "I found a seat at the back of the classroom.", "choice2": "I approached the podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was released from prison.", "choice1": "His family paid the bail.", "choice2": "He attacked another prisoner.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family has lost all their belongings.", "choice1": "They sold the house.", "choice2": "Their house went up in flames.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I stepped on the can.", "choice1": "The can was recycled.", "choice2": "The can was crushed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl joined the debate group.", "choice1": "He learned to use a computer.", "choice2": "He has learned communication skills.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My mood has improved.", "choice1": "I listened to some music.", "choice2": "I have washed the dishes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The charity has set itself the goal of raising funds.", "choice1": "They fed the homeless.", "choice2": "They held an auction.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The car plunged down the abrupt descent of the roller coaster.", "choice1": "The passengers laughed.", "choice2": "The passengers screamed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I was furious.", "choice1": "I checked the mailbox before leaving home.", "choice2": "I slammed the door on my way out of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man wanted to see the sunrise.", "choice1": "He traveled north.", "choice2": "He got up early.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I folded the paper.", "choice1": "I recycled the sheet.", "choice2": "The paper is wrinkled.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The nation suffered a natural disaster.", "choice1": "The leaders of other nations have created an alliance.", "choice2": "The leaders of other nations have sent emergency relief efforts.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy's clothes got soaked.", "choice1": "He climbed out of the pool.", "choice2": "He fell into the pool.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student finished the book quickly.", "choice1": "It was time to take him back to the library.", "choice2": "He borrowed it from a friend.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The criminal was executed.", "choice1": "He was thrown in jail.", "choice2": "He was charged with murder.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sunlight had entered the room.", "choice1": "I opened the shutters.", "choice2": "I opened the door with the key.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pulled the impostor's hair out.", "choice1": "His wig has come off.", "choice2": "He became bald.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The editor reformulated a sentence from the manuscript.", "choice1": "He found the manuscript interesting.", "choice2": "He found the sentence unclear.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman canceled her credit card account.", "choice1": "She realized she had lost her card.", "choice2": "She noticed that the card had expired.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man and the woman fell in love.", "choice1": "They went to university.", "choice2": "They married.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The music was too low to be heard.", "choice1": "I turned up the volume.", "choice2": "I composed my own song.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy's hair was matted.", "choice1": "The girl messed them up.", "choice2": "The girl pulled them.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The insect was squashed.", "choice1": "I sprayed the repellent spray on myself.", "choice2": "I stepped on the insect.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I opened my eyes.", "choice1": "I woke up.", "choice2": "I relaxed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The neighbor's music was deafening.", "choice1": "I asked him to turn the volume down.", "choice2": "I asked him to lend me the CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's family lived in poverty.", "choice1": "He was thrifty with his salary.", "choice2": "He earned less than the minimum wage.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student graduated from the university.", "choice1": "I'm looking for a job.", "choice2": "He found himself a pastime.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The artist mixed the yellow paint with the blue one.", "choice1": "The gouache sprayed all over.", "choice2": "The gouache turned green.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I changed the subject of conversation.", "choice1": "I had run out of things to talk about.", "choice2": "The conversation became tense.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "My brother was released from the hospital.", "choice1": "I welcomed him home.", "choice2": "I treated him coldly.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The park tent rose.", "choice1": "The opening scene of the show began.", "choice2": "The actors of the show left the stage.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The hostage submitted to the kidnapper's orders.", "choice1": "The kidnapper threatened to harm the hostage.", "choice2": "The kidnapper left the hostage alone.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A rumble reverberated across the stage.", "choice1": "The musician stamped his foot.", "choice2": "The musician pounded on the drum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The parents rushed to their son's bedroom.", "choice1": "The son had woken up from a nightmare screaming.", "choice2": "The son was afraid to look under the bed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman communicated through sign language.", "choice1": "She was born premature.", "choice2": "She was deaf from birth.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "There was drought in the region.", "choice1": "The water was contaminated.", "choice2": "The crop was destroyed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cat chased the bird.", "choice1": "The bird flew away.", "choice2": "The bird caught a worm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl changed schools.", "choice1": "It was the summer holidays.", "choice2": "She had moved to a new city.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The factory owner refused to raise his workers' wages.", "choice1": "The master hired a new administrator.", "choice2": "The workers went on strike.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The party leader antagonized extremists within his own country.", "choice1": "The extremists influenced him.", "choice2": "The extremists murdered him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I walked barefoot on the beach.", "choice1": "The sand stuck to my feet.", "choice2": "The waves broke along the beach.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I woke up in the middle of the night from the cold.", "choice1": "I put on the sweatpants.", "choice2": "I drank a glass of water.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The mother silenced her son.", "choice1": "His son made a grimace of satisfaction.", "choice2": "His son was whimpering.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My jeans ripped apart.", "choice1": "I pulled up the zipper.", "choice2": "I stumbled on the sidewalk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy wore the braces.", "choice1": "He took the cavities.", "choice2": "His teeth straightened.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yesterday I practiced in the gym.", "choice1": "Today I woke up with sore muscles.", "choice2": "Today I woke up with a sore throat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girls kept talking to each other at the table.", "choice1": "Other students sat down at the table.", "choice2": "The other students at the table felt excluded.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl landed on the trampoline.", "choice1": "He flew into the air again.", "choice2": "He decided to try a somersault.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I put a letter in the hole.", "choice1": "The post office delivered the letter.", "choice2": "The post office speeded up the letter.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The gambler was sure of himself.", "choice1": "He wagered all his money.", "choice2": "He returned home penniless.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The fire spread through the forest.", "choice1": "The winds intensified.", "choice2": "The arsonists were arrested.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child peeled his knee.", "choice1": "His mother sent him to her room.", "choice2": "The mother put a band-aid on the wound.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man survived a fatal disease.", "choice1": "He had signed his will.", "choice2": "He had received an organ transplant.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I took a sip of the hot coffee.", "choice1": "I bit my tongue.", "choice2": "I burned my tongue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The publisher fired the writer.", "choice1": "The writer avoided distortions in her stories.", "choice2": "The writer had missed an important deadline.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I felt exhausted.", "choice1": "I slept all day.", "choice2": "I studied all day.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The doctor diagnosed the patient.", "choice1": "He identified the patient's symptoms.", "choice2": "He prescribed pills to the patient.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I scratched my skin.", "choice1": "She was sweaty.", "choice2": "It itched.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man underwent emergency surgery.", "choice1": "He had lost control.", "choice2": "He had had a heart attack.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The muscles on the man's arm jerked out.", "choice1": "He had contracted his arms.", "choice2": "He massaged his arms.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man raised his eyebrows.", "choice1": "He was surprised.", "choice2": "He felt discouraged.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I excused my colleague's gaffe.", "choice1": "I thought he had good intentions.", "choice2": "I thought it was more judicious.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man stopped smoking.", "choice1": "He began to practice more.", "choice2": "He started waking up earlier.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman punched the attacker's nose.", "choice1": "The body of the assailant fell lifeless.", "choice2": "The assailant began to bleed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The dart missed the center of the target.", "choice1": "The man had aimed badly.", "choice2": "The man was losing the game.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The owner requested that an exterminator come to his home.", "choice1": "He discovered rats in the cellar.", "choice2": "He kept an ant farm in his room.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I suggested to my host that they dine out.", "choice1": "I was too tired to prepare anything.", "choice2": "My host had extended his stay too long.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl caught her brother peeking at his diary.", "choice1": "He began to hide the diary.", "choice2": "He bought a new diary.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman lacked the rent money.", "choice1": "He worked overtime at work.", "choice2": "He quit his job.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy's hand withdrew quickly.", "choice1": "He had touched the hot stove.", "choice2": "He stroked the puppy dog's head.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The company wanted to measure customer satisfaction.", "choice1": "They offered a discount to new customers.", "choice2": "They handed out a questionnaire to customers.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The wooden floor was scratched.", "choice1": "The boy had thrown the pillows off the sofa.", "choice2": "The boy had dragged a chair across the floor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I shielded my face.", "choice1": "My enemy had mocked me.", "choice2": "My enemy had clenched his fist.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The famous statue was burned.", "choice1": "She had been struck by lightning.", "choice2": "People came to worship her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I left the fruit out on the table.", "choice1": "The seeds fell from the fruit.", "choice2": "Midges circled the fruit.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The dancer tore a ligament.", "choice1": "She was on tiptoe.", "choice2": "She had twisted her ankle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy had his shoes undone.", "choice1": "He had learned to tie them.", "choice2": "He had run around the playground.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The book had captivated me.", "choice1": "I returned the book.", "choice2": "I lost track of time.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had beliefs similar to those of his parents.", "choice1": "His parents had influenced him.", "choice2": "His parents had repudiated him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The car gradually slowed to a stop.", "choice1": "He had run out of gas.", "choice2": "The driver had fallen asleep.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man ate ice cream in the sun.", "choice1": "The ice cream lost its flavor.", "choice2": "Ice cream dripped from the cone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I hung a work of art in the room.", "choice1": "The carpet looked dirty.", "choice2": "The walls looked bare.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I left work early.", "choice1": "I had a headache.", "choice2": "My boss held a meeting.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The puppy soiled the carpet.", "choice1": "The owner scolded the puppy.", "choice2": "The owner gave the puppy a reward.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I apologized to my friend.", "choice1": "My friend forgave me.", "choice2": "My friend was furious.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man stood out from the crowd.", "choice1": "He was carrying a backpack.", "choice2": "He wore a reflective vest.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The witness lied under oath.", "choice1": "He completed his testimony.", "choice2": "He was accused of perjury.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman dyed her hair.", "choice1": "He wanted a new look.", "choice2": "He wanted to go unnoticed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Immigrants were caught residing illegally in the country.", "choice1": "They found a job.", "choice2": "They were deported.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The speaker made a joke.", "choice1": "The audience laughed.", "choice2": "The audience rose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I stared at the sun.", "choice1": "The sun blinded me.", "choice2": "The sun tanned my skin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I felt bored.", "choice1": "I snorted.", "choice2": "I yawned.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The steak was difficult to cut.", "choice1": "The knife was blunt.", "choice2": "The steak was raw.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The woman filed for bankruptcy.", "choice1": "He received maintenance checks.", "choice2": "He had taken on a huge debt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The lights in my friend's apartment were on.", "choice1": "I wondered if he had gone out.", "choice2": "I decided to go and visit it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I put the flower under my nose.", "choice1": "Petals fell from the flower.", "choice2": "I sensed the scent of the flower.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman felt nostalgic.", "choice1": "She ran into a childhood friend.", "choice2": "He had scolded his children.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student procrastinated the topic.", "choice1": "He handed in the essay early.", "choice2": "He delivered an incomplete essay.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My car broke down.", "choice1": "I went to the mall.", "choice2": "I called a mechanic.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I threw the note away.", "choice1": "It was anonymous.", "choice2": "It was illegible.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bird flapped its wings.", "choice1": "She laid her eggs.", "choice2": "He soared into heaven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I parked in the driveway.", "choice1": "The garage was open.", "choice2": "The garage was full.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The criminal aimed the gun at the victim.", "choice1": "The criminal lowered the gun.", "choice2": "The victim raised his hands.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I was looking forward to the weekend.", "choice1": "I was planning to attend my uncle's funeral.", "choice2": "I was planning to attend my friend's wedding.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lost track of time.", "choice1": "I was daydreaming.", "choice2": "I was nauseated.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The printout of the document was illegible.", "choice1": "The printer was almost out of ink.", "choice2": "The printer ran out of paper.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The stadium played the national anthem.", "choice1": "The fans turned to the flag.", "choice2": "Fans rushed to the pitch.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The dressing was bland.", "choice1": "I served him.", "choice2": "I put some salt in it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I put some paper towels on the spill.", "choice1": "The paper absorbed the liquid.", "choice2": "The spill left a sticky residue.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was interrupted as she read her book.", "choice1": "He bookmarked the page.", "choice2": "He read the book all over again.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The plane encountered some turbulence.", "choice1": "The man tightened his seat belt.", "choice2": "The man looked out the window.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy jumped.", "choice1": "The girl had ignored him.", "choice2": "The girl had teased him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The doctors gave the patient an artificial limb.", "choice1": "They had amputated her leg.", "choice2": "They had monitored his vital functions.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy pinched the girl's elbow.", "choice1": "She shrugged.", "choice2": "She jerked her arm away.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I asked my friend for advice.", "choice1": "I valued his opinion.", "choice2": "I knew I was right.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy walked in the mud.", "choice1": "The mud clung to his shoes.", "choice2": "The mud hit him in the face.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Several centimeters of snow settled on the city.", "choice1": "The schools closed.", "choice2": "People hid underground.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The clerk's shift was over.", "choice1": "He went home for that day.", "choice2": "He threatened to quit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The tree damaged the house.", "choice1": "The tree had fallen on the roof.", "choice2": "The tree shaded the garden.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The wood split in half.", "choice1": "I had stacked the wood in the fireplace.", "choice2": "I had dropped an ax blow on the wood.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family congratulated the couple.", "choice1": "The couple announced that they were separating.", "choice2": "The couple announced they were having a baby.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl had sent the boy a Valentine's Day.", "choice1": "She liked him.", "choice2": "She had kissed him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I nodded at my friend's statement.", "choice1": "I was confused.", "choice2": "I agreed with him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Friends tossed a coin.", "choice1": "They wanted to find a compromise.", "choice2": "They wanted to make the right decision.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The timer had gone off in the kitchen.", "choice1": "The man unloaded the groceries into the refrigerator.", "choice2": "The man took the pizza out of the oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman set an ambitious goal.", "choice1": "He beat the slack.", "choice2": "He worked hard.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The rich man died of old age.", "choice1": "His son got into some legal trouble.", "choice2": "His son inherited his fortune.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman stepped on the flames.", "choice1": "The flames went out.", "choice2": "Smoke rose from the flames.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman's car was at the mechanic.", "choice1": "Her license had been withdrawn.", "choice2": "It had ended up in an accident.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I fell asleep again after waking up.", "choice1": "I made breakfast.", "choice2": "I skipped breakfast.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The public figure stepped out of the limo.", "choice1": "Cameras blinded him with flashes.", "choice2": "His family attended the press conference.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman lingered in the tub.", "choice1": "The bath water became lukewarm.", "choice2": "The tub drained of the bath water.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The college student wanted to meet other students on campus.", "choice1": "He joined a fraternity.", "choice2": "He graduated in engineering.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I lifted the sofa cushions.", "choice1": "I was looking for coins.", "choice2": "I was rearranging the living room.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The wasp flew towards the boy.", "choice1": "The boy ran away.", "choice2": "The boy picked up a flower.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was charged with a minor offense.", "choice1": "She was sentenced to perform social services.", "choice2": "She was put on death row.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I mixed some sugar into the hot tea.", "choice1": "The tea was smoking.", "choice2": "The sugar dissolved.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The veteran walked lame.", "choice1": "He had been drafted for the war.", "choice2": "He was injured in battle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The criminal escaped the police.", "choice1": "The police took care of the victim.", "choice2": "The police pursued the criminal.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The laptop did not turn on.", "choice1": "I had dropped it.", "choice2": "I had loaded it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman ran out of space in her closet.", "choice1": "He had bought a large wardrobe.", "choice2": "He had folded the laundry.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The man was heartbroken.", "choice1": "The wife had given birth.", "choice2": "His wife had left him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man got a diploma.", "choice1": "He became qualified for the job he wanted.", "choice2": "His job offer was withdrawn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's voice spread clearly throughout the entire audience.", "choice1": "He greeted the audience.", "choice2": "He spoke into the microphone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I threw a coin into the water of the fountain.", "choice1": "The coin landed on the bottom.", "choice2": "The coin broke in half.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The player hit the ball towards the hole.", "choice1": "The ball landed in the hole.", "choice2": "The ball folded back towards the player.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I inhaled the dust in the attic.", "choice1": "I had the sob.", "choice2": "I sneeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The store cashier called security.", "choice1": "The customer had used counterfeit money.", "choice2": "The customer had left the headlights on.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I took out the garbage.", "choice1": "The garbage made the kitchen stink.", "choice2": "I accidentally threw my shopping list away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family went to the zoo.", "choice1": "The children admired the animals.", "choice2": "The children hunted the animals.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's breathing was heavy.", "choice1": "He had kidney failure.", "choice2": "He had pulmonary congestion.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had an extra ticket for the concert.", "choice1": "I asked my friend for directions to the room.", "choice2": "I asked my friend if he was interested in coming.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The air conditioner inside the house had broken.", "choice1": "I pulled out the covers.", "choice2": "I opened the windows.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy's back ached.", "choice1": "His backpack was open.", "choice2": "His backpack was heavy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I bought my mother a gift.", "choice1": "I made her a cake.", "choice2": "It was her birthday.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The daffodils in the garden had been destroyed.", "choice1": "A bee had stung the gardener.", "choice2": "Squirrels had unearthed the bulbs.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I struck the match.", "choice1": "The flame went out.", "choice2": "The match produced a flame.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The parties to the dispute reached an understanding.", "choice1": "They didn't want to argue in court.", "choice2": "They wanted to heal their personal relationships.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The children were sent to an orphanage.", "choice1": "Their parents were dead.", "choice2": "Their parents had spoiled them.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The meteorite landed in the ocean.", "choice1": "A tsunami occurred.", "choice2": "It began to hail.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The hiker encountered a poisonous snake.", "choice1": "He became dehydrated.", "choice2": "He panicked.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The oven got hot.", "choice1": "I had the oven on.", "choice2": "I had put the dish in the oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Squeeze the lemon wedge.", "choice1": "The lemon moldy.", "choice2": "The lemon splashed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The nation discovered a new territory.", "choice1": "The nation left the territory.", "choice2": "The nation colonized the territory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The glass fell off the table.", "choice1": "It shattered all over the floor.", "choice2": "He landed on a pile of rags.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The table swayed.", "choice1": "The floor was uneven.", "choice2": "The floor was slippery.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The father caught his son lying.", "choice1": "His son confessed the truth.", "choice2": "The father trusted his son.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's head throbbed with pain.", "choice1": "He took the cough syrup.", "choice2": "He took the aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The train slowed.", "choice1": "He was approaching the station.", "choice2": "He was late on schedule.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man went through therapy.", "choice1": "He had cases of mental illness in his family.", "choice2": "He had been diagnosed with depression.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman grabbed her throat.", "choice1": "He had swallowed some food.", "choice2": "She had choked on food.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The woman had a sore throat.", "choice1": "His voice sounded hoarse.", "choice2": "He spoke with a little accent.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The dog eyed the succulent steak on the table.", "choice1": "He drooled.", "choice2": "He lay down.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman's business was successful.", "choice1": "He fired his employees.", "choice2": "He became rich.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The students left the classroom.", "choice1": "The bell had rang.", "choice2": "The teacher had given her homework.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman claimed to have seen a ghost.", "choice1": "His acquaintances expressed their skepticism.", "choice2": "Her acquaintances showed her empathy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man lost his hearing.", "choice1": "He nearly drowned in the ocean.", "choice2": "He had nearly been killed by an explosion.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child let go of the balloon thread.", "choice1": "The balloon deflated.", "choice2": "The balloon rose into the air.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man lost the ability to speak.", "choice1": "He had had a heart attack.", "choice2": "He took a deep breath.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman tripped on the sidewalk.", "choice1": "There was a crack in the concrete.", "choice2": "He heard his name called.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man took a bomb dip in the pool.", "choice1": "The lifeguard jumped in after him.", "choice2": "The man drenched the lifeguard.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I took some antibiotics.", "choice1": "My infection was cured.", "choice2": "My infection spread.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The traffic light turned yellow.", "choice1": "The driver pushed the brake pedal.", "choice2": "The driver honked the horn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The plastic container melted.", "choice1": "Immerse the container in cold water.", "choice2": "I put the container on the hot stove.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The car was dented.", "choice1": "The driver had hit a telephone pole.", "choice2": "The driver had passed in red.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy studied all night.", "choice1": "He skipped the exam.", "choice2": "He passed the exam.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy clung to the poolside.", "choice1": "He was afraid of learning to swim.", "choice2": "The lifeguard was on duty.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I put my hand on my chest.", "choice1": "I felt my heart beat.", "choice2": "Heart rate quickened.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The building adjacent to my office was under construction.", "choice1": "My office was crowded.", "choice2": "My office was noisy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The family wanted to meet their new neighbors.", "choice1": "The family invited the neighbors to dinner.", "choice2": "The family greeted the neighbors from the garden.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Water splashed out of the pool.", "choice1": "The swimmer had dived into the pool.", "choice2": "The swimmer floated in the pool.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I ate a slice of watermelon.", "choice1": "I swallowed a seed accidentally.", "choice2": "I accidentally chipped my tooth.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy stumbled.", "choice1": "The zipper of his jacket was open.", "choice2": "Her shoelaces were untied.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman put on the headphones.", "choice1": "She was distracted by the noise.", "choice2": "She had pierced her ears.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I filled my water bottle.", "choice1": "I had drunk all the water.", "choice2": "I had kept it in the refrigerator.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The TV show was censored.", "choice1": "It contained foul language.", "choice2": "It had a complicated plot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The ship was wrecked.", "choice1": "The crew drowned.", "choice2": "The crew encountered pirates.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy was perplexed about the riddle.", "choice1": "He solved the riddle.", "choice2": "He asked for a clue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The phone rang.", "choice1": "The man hung up the phone.", "choice2": "The man answered the phone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was staring at me.", "choice1": "I hugged her.", "choice2": "I felt uncomfortable.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The group left the museum.", "choice1": "They had taken photos of the exhibition.", "choice2": "They had seen all the works.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man started arguing with me.", "choice1": "My friend introduced me to the man.", "choice2": "My friend defended me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The tire of my bike was on the ground.", "choice1": "I pumped air into the tire.", "choice2": "I changed gear.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl looked pale.", "choice1": "Her father told her a story.", "choice2": "Her father felt her forehead.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The pen was out of ink.", "choice1": "I used a pencil.", "choice2": "I signed my name.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man was refused a loan.", "choice1": "He was in debt.", "choice2": "He had started a business.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl stayed home from school.", "choice1": "He had chickenpox.", "choice2": "He enjoyed learning math.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The garbage can was full.", "choice1": "I threw it in the dumpster.", "choice2": "I dumped it down the sink.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I vacuumed the carpet.", "choice1": "My roommate had spilled a cocktail.", "choice2": "My dog had lost some hair.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man went into a rage.", "choice1": "He turned off the computer.", "choice2": "He threw a chair across the room.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl threw a twig into the bonfire.", "choice1": "The twig burned.", "choice2": "The fire went out.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man got out of the shower.", "choice1": "The hot water was out.", "choice2": "He couldn't find a towel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Parents wanted their children to go to college.", "choice1": "They set aside a savings fund for the tuition.", "choice2": "They encouraged their children to play outdoors.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man untied his shoes.", "choice1": "Shoes loosened.", "choice2": "The shoes wore out.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man ate half of the first.", "choice1": "He refrigerated the leftovers.", "choice2": "He memorized the recipe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My ankle was swollen.", "choice1": "I put ice on it.", "choice2": "I rubbed some lotion on it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The door to my office was open.", "choice1": "I spoke to the colleague at my desk.", "choice2": "I overheard the conversation in the hall.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had to wait in line.", "choice1": "I sat up.", "choice2": "I leafed through a magazine.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man swatted the fly.", "choice1": "The fly buzzed away.", "choice2": "The fly remained motionless.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The man wrote a will.", "choice1": "He was dying.", "choice2": "He was a widower.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The runner sensed that his rival was on his way.", "choice1": "He abandoned the race.", "choice2": "He accelerated the pace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I thought about the problem carefully.", "choice1": "I asked for advice.", "choice2": "I sensed a solution.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The traveler walked on the rickety suspension bridge.", "choice1": "He felt terrified.", "choice2": "He felt ecstatic.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had predicted the team's victory.", "choice1": "He met with his friends to watch the game.", "choice2": "He made a bet with his friends.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy could not fall asleep.", "choice1": "He set the alarm clock.", "choice2": "He counted the sheep.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The item was wrapped in stamped plastic.", "choice1": "It was delicate.", "choice2": "He was young.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had emptied my pockets.", "choice1": "I pulled out a ticket stub.", "choice2": "I found a weapon.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Termites invaded the house.", "choice1": "Termites disappeared from the house.", "choice2": "Termites rose the wood of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The travelers reached the border.", "choice1": "The patrol officer checked their passports.", "choice2": "The patrol officer accused them of smuggling.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The office was closed.", "choice1": "It was vacation.", "choice2": "It was summer.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl ran out of energy.", "choice1": "He had played checkers.", "choice2": "He had jumped rope.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had lost her place in line.", "choice1": "More people lined up.", "choice2": "She had left the line.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl had held her nose.", "choice1": "The baby had been drooling on the bib.", "choice2": "The baby had soiled her diaper.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The group played their hit song.", "choice1": "The audience cheered to the beat of the music.", "choice2": "The audience listened politely in silence.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl wanted to thank the math teacher.", "choice1": "The girl stayed after school as punishment.", "choice2": "The girl brought an apple to the teacher.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The young campers were scared.", "choice1": "The animator told them a story of fear.", "choice2": "They toasted marshmallows on the bonfire.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man banged his head.", "choice1": "He got lost in his thoughts.", "choice2": "He suffered a concussion.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The check I had formed was uncovered.", "choice1": "My bank account was empty.", "choice2": "I had received a pay raise.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's inbox was full of spam.", "choice1": "He deleted the spam.", "choice2": "He sent a mass email.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The sailor was quarantined.", "choice1": "He had been exposed to the disease.", "choice2": "He recovered from the disease.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl had memorized the code.", "choice1": "He had recited it to himself.", "choice2": "She had forgotten to write it down.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I poured the water into the glass.", "choice1": "The water satisfied my thirst.", "choice2": "The glass filled.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was silent when his friend finished speaking.", "choice1": "He wanted to offer support to his friend.", "choice2": "He was thinking of his friend's words.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The accident was my fault.", "choice1": "I felt guilty.", "choice2": "I filed a complaint.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The chain broke.", "choice1": "The chain was mounted on a wheel.", "choice2": "There was a broken link in the chain.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple had decided to compromise.", "choice1": "They were bored with arguing.", "choice2": "They avoided discussing the problem.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman decided to run for public office.", "choice1": "He hired an election campaign manager.", "choice2": "He testified in court.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had expected low temperatures during his journey.", "choice1": "He had packed warm clothing.", "choice2": "He was traveling with a large suitcase.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student knew the answer to the question.", "choice1": "He raised his hand.", "choice2": "Leisure.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's eyes filled with tears.", "choice1": "Dust had gotten into his eyes.", "choice2": "He had been wearing goggles.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The player won five games in a row.", "choice1": "Her opponent accused her of cheating.", "choice2": "Her opponent felt sorry for her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The teacher tore off the student's exam.", "choice1": "He caught the student copying.", "choice2": "The student's answers were wrong.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I paused to stop talking.", "choice1": "I lost my voice.", "choice2": "I gasped.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Frozen food thawed.", "choice1": "I put it in the microwave.", "choice2": "I covered it with cling film.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The clerk pretended to be unwell.", "choice1": "He had stomach cramps.", "choice2": "He wanted a day off.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl landed in the pool.", "choice1": "He ran to the edge of the pool.", "choice2": "He jumped off the diving board.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tickets for the film sold out.", "choice1": "It was the launch of the film.", "choice2": "The film had received bad reviews.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had lost weight.", "choice1": "People isolated him.", "choice2": "People complimented him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Blisters appeared on the girl's hands.", "choice1": "He had typed a letter.", "choice2": "She had climbed a rope.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The circus artist was juggling while riding a unicycle.", "choice1": "The audience cheered him in amazement.", "choice2": "The acrobat swung from a trapeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I lost my patience.", "choice1": "My friend made me wait.", "choice2": "My friend arrived on time.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Countries at war wanted peace.", "choice1": "They developed nuclear weapons.", "choice2": "They negotiated a treaty.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man took some sleeping pills.", "choice1": "He became sleepy.", "choice2": "He got a fever.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman hit the sofa.", "choice1": "The sofa leg loosened.", "choice2": "He bruised his knee.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy squeezed the balloon.", "choice1": "The balloon burst.", "choice2": "The balloon flew away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The travelers checked into their hotel room.", "choice1": "They emptied their suitcases.", "choice2": "They went to the airport.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had taken a bite of the peach.", "choice1": "The peach bruised.", "choice2": "The juice splashed out.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My hands got sticky.", "choice1": "I ate a donut.", "choice2": "I was greedy for sweets.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pushed the door.", "choice1": "The door opened.", "choice2": "The door closed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Activists boycotted the products.", "choice1": "The product had been tested to ensure its quality.", "choice2": "The product was manufactured through child labor.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had made a hole in the wall.", "choice1": "A mouse slipped out of the hole.", "choice2": "Dust rose from the hole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was envious of her sister.", "choice1": "The sister was happy.", "choice2": "The sister had divorced.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I poured some wine on my shirt.", "choice1": "I put on an apron.", "choice2": "I changed my shirt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cashier opened the cashier.", "choice1": "The customer searched his wallet.", "choice2": "The customer gave him his money.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The street musician drew a crowd.", "choice1": "People gave him some change.", "choice2": "He sent the crowd away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy whimpered to the babysitter.", "choice1": "He missed his parents.", "choice2": "It was snack time.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The pilot's radar detected a storm.", "choice1": "The pilot sailed away from the storm.", "choice2": "The pilot flew through the storm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The tree lost its leaves.", "choice1": "The leaves changed color.", "choice2": "The leaves piled up on the ground.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy was in the mood for spite.", "choice1": "He decided to play cards with his sister.", "choice2": "He decided to play a joke on his sister.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child complained that he had to go to the bathroom.", "choice1": "The father gave him a soda to drink.", "choice2": "The father stopped at the gas station.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child spread the fish food in the aquarium.", "choice1": "The fish leapt out of the aquarium.", "choice2": "The fish swam to the feed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman's political views had changed.", "choice1": "She changed the party she was affiliated with.", "choice2": "He participated in a protest.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bathroom sink was clogged.", "choice1": "I turned on the tap.", "choice2": "I poured some muriatic acid into it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The passenger got off the train.", "choice1": "The train had arrived at the station.", "choice2": "The train whistled.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man pressed the damp flap of the wrapper.", "choice1": "He put a stamp on the wrapper.", "choice2": "He sealed and closed the wrapper.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Friends lost contact.", "choice1": "They enjoyed each other's company.", "choice2": "They moved to different cities.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The accountant had mismanaged the company's funds.", "choice1": "She was fired from her role.", "choice2": "She went to maternity leave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I looked at the clock.", "choice1": "I had heard the clock tick.", "choice2": "I wanted to check the time.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had a cramp in my hand.", "choice1": "I had written the theme by hand.", "choice2": "My wife and I held hands.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bolt tightened.", "choice1": "I had replaced it.", "choice2": "I had turned the wrench.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple signed the lease for an apartment.", "choice1": "The couple moved into the apartment.", "choice2": "The city declared the apartment unusable.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had sat on the porch.", "choice1": "He wanted to watch the sunset.", "choice2": "He thought he saw lightning.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man wore a life jacket in the water.", "choice1": "He couldn't swim.", "choice2": "The water was shallow.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman made a typo in the program.", "choice1": "He deleted the document.", "choice2": "He hit the backspace key.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl had bragged to her friends.", "choice1": "He had received a bad grade.", "choice2": "He had won a race.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The lawn was muddy.", "choice1": "It was flooded in the night.", "choice2": "It was full of weeds.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had overslept.", "choice1": "He had spent the night in the hotel.", "choice2": "He had forgotten to set the alarm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had put on sunscreen.", "choice1": "He sat in the shade.", "choice2": "He had gone to the beach.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Researchers proved the theory.", "choice1": "The researchers retracted the theory.", "choice2": "People accepted the theory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fans whistled during the match.", "choice1": "The match had exceeded the time limits.", "choice2": "The referee made a wrong decision.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had put the combination in the lock.", "choice1": "I closed the padlock.", "choice2": "The lock snapped open.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The crowd thickened.", "choice1": "The father gave his son some money.", "choice2": "The father took his son by the hand.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Snow was blocking the driveway.", "choice1": "I made a snowball.", "choice2": "I cleared the snow away.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The rowers paddled with their oars.", "choice1": "The canoe reached the coast.", "choice2": "The canoe hit a wave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The girl lost control of the bicycle.", "choice1": "He let go of the handlebar.", "choice2": "He ran into a fence.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I turned on the fan.", "choice1": "He splashed water on my skin.", "choice2": "I felt cold air pass over me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The surfers returned to the beach.", "choice1": "They were soaked.", "choice2": "They had seen a shark.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pulled the cap off the tub.", "choice1": "The water in the tub dried up.", "choice2": "Water splashed on the floor.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The husband felt guilty of having betrayed his wife.", "choice1": "The accusation of infidelity.", "choice2": "He confessed that he had been unfaithful to her.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The ink on the poster smeared.", "choice1": "I had waited for the ink to dry.", "choice2": "I had spilled some water on the poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy woke up screaming.", "choice1": "He had had a nightmare.", "choice2": "He had wet the bed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy put his feet on the table.", "choice1": "The father sat down at the table.", "choice2": "The father scolded him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My friend turned his head towards me.", "choice1": "I had screamed his name.", "choice2": "I had waved my arms.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The government had oppressed its citizens.", "choice1": "Citizens staged a revolt.", "choice2": "Citizens registered to vote.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A boy was lost in the woods.", "choice1": "He set up a tent.", "choice2": "He yelled for help.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had traveled abroad.", "choice1": "He wanted to learn how to draw.", "choice2": "He wanted to know other cultures.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was jealous of his colleagues.", "choice1": "His colleagues had been promoted.", "choice2": "His colleagues worked late.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had witnessed the aliens.", "choice1": "He had been hallucinating.", "choice2": "He was meditating.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's hair turned blond.", "choice1": "He had put some bleach in it.", "choice2": "He had put some shampoo in it.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The artist created a new work.", "choice1": "He had criticized his previous work.", "choice2": "He had had a rush of inspiration.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The son moved away from home.", "choice1": "He had been discharged from military service.", "choice2": "He was on his way to college.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Books fell from the bookcase.", "choice1": "The shelves were covered with dust.", "choice2": "An earthquake shook the bookcase.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The electricity in the house went out.", "choice1": "I turned on a light.", "choice2": "I reset the life saver.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "We took a ride on the roller coaster.", "choice1": "It looked scary.", "choice2": "It sounded funny.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bag of popcorn began to pop.", "choice1": "I had poured some butter into the bag.", "choice2": "I had heated it in the microwave.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A tree fell on the power line.", "choice1": "The lights went out in the whole neighborhood.", "choice2": "The forecasts were for strong winds.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The speaker made some politically incorrect comments.", "choice1": "He bored the audience.", "choice2": "He offended the public.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I stung myself with the brooch.", "choice1": "Sweat beaded my face.", "choice2": "A drop of blood has formed on my finger.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The fish floated on the surface of the tank.", "choice1": "He was hungry.", "choice2": "It was dead.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had a hoarse voice.", "choice1": "He had a cold.", "choice2": "He quit smoking.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The elevator doors opened.", "choice1": "The elevator has arrived at the intended floor.", "choice2": "The elevator got stuck between two floors.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy slipped out of the house.", "choice1": "He lied to his parents.", "choice2": "His parents put him in detention.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bathroom got flooded.", "choice1": "The toilet got clogged.", "choice2": "The water heater broke.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The puppy did not stray from its master.", "choice1": "The owner has put a collar on the puppy.", "choice2": "The owner kept the puppy on a leash.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man caught his reflection.", "choice1": "He stood under a sprawling tree.", "choice2": "It stood near a calm lake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I missed my girlfriend's phone call.", "choice1": "I called her back.", "choice2": "I met her for dinner.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family scoured the neighborhood.", "choice1": "Their dog had run away from home.", "choice2": "Expensive jewelry had disappeared from their home.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "When I exhaled I saw my breath.", "choice1": "It was cold outside.", "choice2": "I had pain in my chest.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The employees formed a union.", "choice1": "They wanted better working conditions.", "choice2": "Their employer raised their salary.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I made an apple tart.", "choice1": "The kitchen smelled rotten.", "choice2": "The kitchen had a welcoming smell.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman struggled to walk.", "choice1": "She wore high heels.", "choice2": "She had taken off her shoes.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Steam has risen from the pot full of water.", "choice1": "The water was boiling.", "choice2": "I covered the pot.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "All my socks were in the laundry to wash.", "choice1": "I wore sandals.", "choice2": "I wore boots.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The politician's argument was considered absurd.", "choice1": "He lost the support of the voters.", "choice2": "He was accused of corruption.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Everyone was against the couple's official engagement.", "choice1": "The couple was pregnant.", "choice2": "The couple got married in secret.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The palace was dedicated to the millionaire.", "choice1": "The millionaire wanted to destroy the palace.", "choice2": "The millionaire contributed funds for its construction.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The sales assistant accused the girl of theft.", "choice1": "The sales assistant saw the girl stuff some merchandise into her purse.", "choice2": "The sales assistant helped the girl find the handbag she liked.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The nation has declared war on neighboring territory.", "choice1": "The soldiers were sent on missions to fight.", "choice2": "The soldiers reunited with their families.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The court upheld the controversial ruling.", "choice1": "A revolt has started in front of the court of justice.", "choice2": "A couple exchanged vows of marriage in front of the court of justice.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl could smell burning.", "choice1": "He took some cookies from the jar.", "choice2": "He left the cookies in the oven.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "It was raining heavily.", "choice1": "The storm got worse.", "choice2": "I ran into the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The palace was evacuated.", "choice1": "The elevator has stopped working.", "choice2": "The fire alarm went off.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The father could not stand his son's alcoholism.", "choice1": "The father bought his son a beer.", "choice2": "The father threw the son out of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The lawyer walked up the stairs to her office.", "choice1": "The secretary came home after work.", "choice2": "The elevator was broken.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was annoyed by his friend.", "choice1": "His friend interrupted him.", "choice2": "His friend offered him lunch.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl gave the money to the cashier.", "choice1": "The cashier gave the change to the girl.", "choice2": "The cashier forgot to give the receipt to the girl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was placed in a wheelchair.", "choice1": "She was paralyzed in an accident.", "choice2": "She entered the hospital on a stretcher.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Citizens hung the national flag on the facade of their homes.", "choice1": "The country was commemorating its independence.", "choice2": "The country was facing a severe economic situation.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The team lost the tournament.", "choice1": "They disappointed their fans.", "choice2": "They inspired their fans.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My friend pointed out that I had food stuck between my teeth.", "choice1": "I felt embarrassed.", "choice2": "I was proud of myself.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy didn't pass the history exam.", "choice1": "He paid attention in class.", "choice2": "He forgot to study.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The building in the city center collapsed.", "choice1": "An earthquake hit the city.", "choice2": "Crime in the city has increased.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's girl left him.", "choice1": "He begged her to get back together.", "choice2": "She introduced him to her parents.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The two children reached down simultaneously to take the balloon.", "choice1": "The balloon has rolled away.", "choice2": "They hit their heads against each other.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The raccoon went through the garbage can.", "choice1": "There was cardboard inside the garbage can.", "choice2": "The lid did not cover the garbage can.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy sharpened the pencil.", "choice1": "It was cheap.", "choice2": "It was not very pointed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cashier did not give the woman a refund for the dress.", "choice1": "The woman lost the receipt.", "choice2": "The dress did not fit her well.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The scratch on my skin was deep.", "choice1": "He healed quickly.", "choice2": "He left a scar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The passengers on the train looked at the man oddly.", "choice1": "He was staring at the floor.", "choice2": "He was talking to himself.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child left some crumbs on the floor.", "choice1": "The ants climbed towards the crumbs.", "choice2": "The child has put away the bread.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman gave her sister a handkerchief.", "choice1": "The woman's sister folded her hands.", "choice2": "The woman's sister began to cry.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man took a mint.", "choice1": "His lips were chapped.", "choice2": "He was afraid he had bad breath.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple soon left for the show.", "choice1": "They had expected traffic around the theater.", "choice2": "They had gotten directions to the theater.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had stayed home from work.", "choice1": "Her boss praised her.", "choice2": "Her work colleague covered her up.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man signed the activists' petition.", "choice1": "He supported their cause.", "choice2": "He denounced them as crazy.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's heart was pounding before his performance.", "choice1": "He had stage panic.", "choice2": "He had memorized his lines.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I was lost.", "choice1": "I counted my money.", "choice2": "I opened a map.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The ripe fruit remained exposed to the sun.", "choice1": "It was eaten.", "choice2": "It has withered.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The car broke down.", "choice1": "I started it.", "choice2": "The engine has overheated.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man hurt his back.", "choice1": "He visited a psychiatrist.", "choice2": "He stayed in bed for several days.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I made a fire in the fireplace.", "choice1": "There was no more wood.", "choice2": "It was cold in the house.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman has stopped jogging.", "choice1": "A cramp came in her side.", "choice2": "She recovered a little.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I knocked on my neighbor's door.", "choice1": "My neighbor invited me inside.", "choice2": "My neighbor left her home.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman let out a sigh of frustration.", "choice1": "Her husband did not understand her concerns.", "choice2": "Her husband kissed her goodbye.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The teacher praised the student.", "choice1": "The student answered correctly.", "choice2": "The student hesitated to answer the question.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had run out of eggs.", "choice1": "She went to the farm.", "choice2": "She went to the supermarket.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I met an old friend.", "choice1": "I told him a secret.", "choice2": "I hugged him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman avoided entering the lake.", "choice1": "He caught a fish.", "choice2": "It looked polluted.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student arrived in the classroom completely soaked.", "choice1": "His umbrella was broken.", "choice2": "His bike was stolen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cursor on the computer screen has moved.", "choice1": "The user clicked the mouse.", "choice2": "The user moved the mouse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The driver made a detour.", "choice1": "There was an accident on the main road.", "choice2": "She followed the van in front of her.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I hung the wet laundry on the drying rack outside.", "choice1": "The laundry has dried.", "choice2": "The laundry got stained.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman wore sunglasses.", "choice1": "The sunlight was dazzling.", "choice2": "He hailed a taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man admired the night sky.", "choice1": "He wished it was summer.", "choice2": "He thought it was gorgeous.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I felt exhausted.", "choice1": "I went to sleep early.", "choice2": "I stayed up all night.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The man went to the barber.", "choice1": "She was letting her hair grow.", "choice2": "Her hair was getting long.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy was playing tricks on his new classmate.", "choice1": "The little boy welcomed his new classmate.", "choice2": "The kid didn't like the new classmate.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I craved a glass of milk.", "choice1": "I was eating some cookies.", "choice2": "I was baking some bread.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "It started raining.", "choice1": "The driver has access to the headlights.", "choice2": "The driver put the car in reverse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The building's parking lot was empty.", "choice1": "I parked across the street.", "choice2": "I parked near the entrance.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The writer missed the deadline to send the draft.", "choice1": "He had writer's block.", "choice2": "He corrected the draft.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The clerk closed the phone in my face.", "choice1": "I asked to go to a superior.", "choice2": "I gave him my identification number.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The wind blew through the open window.", "choice1": "The doorbell rang.", "choice2": "The curtains swayed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "There was a power outage in my house.", "choice1": "I unplugged a lamp.", "choice2": "I have blown a fuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cuturist groaned.", "choice1": "He flexed his muscles in the mirror.", "choice2": "He raised the bar over his head.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student tried to do the math in his head.", "choice1": "He pulled out a calculator.", "choice2": "He got confused.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child fell asleep.", "choice1": "The dad changed the baby's diaper.", "choice2": "The father gently rocked the baby.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl threw the water balloon at the boy.", "choice1": "The boy had a concussion.", "choice2": "The boy got soaked.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The photographer forgot to use the flash.", "choice1": "The photos came out blurry.", "choice2": "All the people in the photo refused to smile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I turned down the invitation to the birthday party.", "choice1": "I was alone.", "choice2": "I was out of town.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I did gymnastics.", "choice1": "I felt full of energy.", "choice2": "I was scared.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I wrung out the damp sponge.", "choice1": "He absorbed some water.", "choice2": "Water is pouring.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The vacationers reached the holiday village by ferry.", "choice1": "The resort was full.", "choice2": "The tourist village was located on an island.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little girl got a tattoo.", "choice1": "He was afraid of needles.", "choice2": "He wanted to rebel.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "An unknown car parked outside my house.", "choice1": "I got suspicious.", "choice2": "I called the police.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The criminal has constituted himself.", "choice1": "Evidence indicted him.", "choice2": "There was no evidence against him.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A robust man has decided to lose weight.", "choice1": "He excluded sweets from the diet.", "choice2": "He avoided caffeine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl stepped on ice.", "choice1": "She slipped.", "choice2": "He shivered.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had bags under her eyes.", "choice1": "She stayed up all night.", "choice2": "He put his son to sleep.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lava leaked from the volcano.", "choice1": "The volcano erupted.", "choice2": "The volcano was dormant.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman put on her shoes.", "choice1": "He knew everyone at the party.", "choice2": "He wanted to leave the party.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I paid the toll attendant.", "choice1": "He let me pass the toll booth.", "choice2": "He held me at the toll booth.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The executive went bankrupt.", "choice1": "He sold all the shares in the company.", "choice2": "He squandered his fortunes.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man went to the doctor.", "choice1": "The doctor was on leave.", "choice2": "The man had fallen ill.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I left my bedroom through the window.", "choice1": "The house was on fire.", "choice2": "The house was empty.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child's fingers were shriveled.", "choice1": "He took a long shower.", "choice2": "He doused his hands with soap.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I spat out the milk.", "choice1": "The milk was sour.", "choice2": "My mouth was dry.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I missed the bus.", "choice1": "I was early for work.", "choice2": "I arrived late for work.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The truck collided with the car.", "choice1": "The truck accelerated.", "choice2": "The car broke up.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The team has rigged the contest in their favor.", "choice1": "Won.", "choice2": "They withdrew.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bottle of the drink fizzed.", "choice1": "I turned the bottle upside down.", "choice2": "I unscrewed the cap.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child was locked out of the house.", "choice1": "He came back by slipping into a window.", "choice2": "He climbed onto the roof.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The doorbell rang.", "choice1": "The visitor knocked on the door with the knocker.", "choice2": "The woman peered out through the keyhole in the door.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man stained his suit.", "choice1": "He dry cleaned it.", "choice2": "He hung it in the closet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl crushed the toothpaste tube.", "choice1": "The toothpaste splashed out of the tube.", "choice2": "The girl spat out the toothpaste.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Civilian deaths from the war spiked.", "choice1": "The pacifists organized a protest.", "choice2": "The pacifists held a parade.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl tore the bow off her hair.", "choice1": "He tied the bow.", "choice2": "The bow made her look childish.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had plastic surgery.", "choice1": "He has aged.", "choice2": "He looked younger.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A chick peeked out of the egg.", "choice1": "The egg has hatched.", "choice2": "I broke the egg.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The prisoner was undernourished.", "choice1": "Is dead.", "choice2": "He ran away.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man lost his balance on the ladder.", "choice1": "He went up the ladder.", "choice2": "He fell off the ladder.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child burped.", "choice1": "He took a sip of soda.", "choice2": "He opened a can of soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A cold draft entered the window.", "choice1": "I relaxed.", "choice2": "I shivered.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student received a university scholarship.", "choice1": "Her classmates respected her.", "choice2": "He had high marks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl joked with the boy.", "choice1": "She lived next door.", "choice2": "She had a crush on him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The hungry wanderer has stolen some food.", "choice1": "It was pitying.", "choice2": "He had no money.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I called my friend to chat.", "choice1": "I was looking for solitude.", "choice2": "I felt alone.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man held out his hand to me.", "choice1": "I shook his hand.", "choice2": "I slapped him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I dodged.", "choice1": "The fireworks were thrown into the air.", "choice2": "The Frisbee is gliding towards my head.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl bit her fingernails.", "choice1": "She was worried.", "choice2": "She was surprised.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I turned the page on the calendar.", "choice1": "I marked an appointment on the calendar.", "choice2": "It was the beginning of a new month.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The husband found out that his wife was cheating on him.", "choice1": "He fired his lawyer.", "choice2": "He filed for divorce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl dropped the rubber ball.", "choice1": "The ball bounced.", "choice2": "The ball glowed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl made a mistake in her assignment.", "choice1": "He guessed the answer.", "choice2": "He deleted the answer.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The player has tackled his opponent.", "choice1": "His opponent took the pass.", "choice2": "His opponent fell to the ground.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I picked the vine tomatoes.", "choice1": "They were ripe.", "choice2": "I watered them.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man wanted to be romantic.", "choice1": "He met his ex for lunch.", "choice2": "He bought his girlfriend some chocolates.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The mercury in the thermometer has risen.", "choice1": "I dropped the thermometer.", "choice2": "The climate has warmed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A tornado has passed through the city.", "choice1": "The courthouse roof has blown off.", "choice2": "The highway was dangerously frozen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student went to repetitions.", "choice1": "His grades have improved.", "choice2": "He copied on examination.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I felt comfortable.", "choice1": "I knelt on the ground.", "choice2": "I wrapped myself in a blanket.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I polished the stone.", "choice1": "It became slippery.", "choice2": "She became lucid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I added some sugar to the coffee.", "choice1": "The coffee gave off a very strong smell.", "choice2": "The coffee tasted sweet.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man turned the pages.", "choice1": "It is cut with paper.", "choice2": "He destroyed the pages with the paper shredder.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I hit the nail with the hammer.", "choice1": "The nail has sunk into the wood.", "choice2": "The nail has rusted.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The fish bit the line.", "choice1": "The fisherman pulled the fish up.", "choice2": "The fisherman threw the line again.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The little girl was embarrassed to go to school.", "choice1": "He had a pimple.", "choice2": "She took off her braces.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My face lit up.", "choice1": "I have received some good news.", "choice2": "I lost my patience.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I dried my hands with a towel.", "choice1": "The towel was wet.", "choice2": "My hands were wet.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man lost his balance on the stool.", "choice1": "The stool wobbled beneath him.", "choice2": "He spilled paint on the stool.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teammates blamed each other.", "choice1": "They lost the game.", "choice2": "Their coach canceled training.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I asked for forgiveness.", "choice1": "I regretted my mistake.", "choice2": "I have achieved my goal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman got bored with her boyfriend.", "choice1": "He asked questions about her.", "choice2": "He talked about himself incessantly.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl flashed a smile.", "choice1": "Her cheeks are flushed.", "choice2": "The dimples emerged.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The enemy ship exploded.", "choice1": "It passed over a mine.", "choice2": "It is docked in the harbor.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man punctured his foot.", "choice1": "He stepped on a puddle.", "choice2": "He stepped on broken glass.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Investigators checked the prints at the crime scene.", "choice1": "They found out the identity of the killer.", "choice2": "They found the murder weapon at the crime scene.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "There was a lot of traffic on the highway.", "choice1": "I took a detour.", "choice2": "I asked for a ride.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The national economy was in decline.", "choice1": "Many people have fallen ill.", "choice2": "Many people have faced unemployment.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The traffic cop blew the whistle to the children.", "choice1": "The children were about to cross with the oncoming traffic.", "choice2": "The policeman recognized them from his neighborhood.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I rolled my eyes with my friend.", "choice1": "He told me the truth.", "choice2": "He made a sarcastic comment.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The car ran out of petrol.", "choice1": "The driver got stuck on the road.", "choice2": "The driver took on a hitchhiker.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman went into labor.", "choice1": "The baby was delivered.", "choice2": "The woman was sick in the morning.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's hat flew off.", "choice1": "The man took off his hat.", "choice2": "It was blowing wind out.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl attended her classmate's birthday party.", "choice1": "He received an invitation.", "choice2": "He bought a gift.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy's forehead was hot.", "choice1": "His mother took a fever.", "choice2": "His mother took him to the park.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man sprayed the perfume.", "choice1": "He wanted to impress his date.", "choice2": "He has gelled his hair.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The electricity in the house has gone out.", "choice1": "I looked for a flashlight.", "choice2": "I picked up a shovel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family moved to a larger house.", "choice1": "The son graduated from high school.", "choice2": "The mother gave birth to twins.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The marathoner kept a slow pace.", "choice1": "He wanted to save energy.", "choice2": "He saw the finish line.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy kicked the vending machine.", "choice1": "The distributor spat out the rest.", "choice2": "The packet of chips was stuck inside.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My friend's dog died.", "choice1": "I rolled my eyes.", "choice2": "I hugged him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The business owner's credit card was declined.", "choice1": "He wrote a bill of exchange.", "choice2": "He paid in cash.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man cursed.", "choice1": "He cut his nails.", "choice2": "He slammed his finger.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was proud of his brother.", "choice1": "His brother had a fight with their parents.", "choice2": "His brother has entered law.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl wanted to know more about the solar system.", "choice1": "She went to the library.", "choice2": "He looked at the stars.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The poster stuck to the wall.", "choice1": "I placed the poster over the door.", "choice2": "I put duct tape behind the poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The client approved the design of the building created by the architect.", "choice1": "The architect built the palace.", "choice2": "The architect arranged the project.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man dropped his spoon.", "choice1": "His hand was shaking.", "choice2": "He licked the spoon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The CEO of the company has resigned.", "choice1": "The board of directors dissolved the company.", "choice2": "The board of directors has found his replacement.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I arrived late for class.", "choice1": "I found a seat at the back of the classroom.", "choice2": "I approached the podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was released from prison.", "choice1": "His family paid the bail.", "choice2": "He attacked another prisoner.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family has lost all their belongings.", "choice1": "They sold the house.", "choice2": "Their house went up in flames.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I stepped on the can.", "choice1": "The can was recycled.", "choice2": "The can was crushed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl joined the debate group.", "choice1": "He learned to use a computer.", "choice2": "He has learned communication skills.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My mood has improved.", "choice1": "I listened to some music.", "choice2": "I have washed the dishes.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The charity has set itself the goal of raising funds.", "choice1": "They fed the homeless.", "choice2": "They held an auction.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The car plunged down the abrupt descent of the roller coaster.", "choice1": "The passengers laughed.", "choice2": "The passengers screamed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I was furious.", "choice1": "I checked the mailbox before leaving home.", "choice2": "I slammed the door on my way out of the house.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man wanted to see the sunrise.", "choice1": "He traveled north.", "choice2": "He got up early.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I folded the paper.", "choice1": "I recycled the sheet.", "choice2": "The paper is wrinkled.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The nation suffered a natural disaster.", "choice1": "The leaders of other nations have created an alliance.", "choice2": "The leaders of other nations have sent emergency relief efforts.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy's clothes got soaked.", "choice1": "He climbed out of the pool.", "choice2": "He fell into the pool.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student finished the book quickly.", "choice1": "It was time to take him back to the library.", "choice2": "He borrowed it from a friend.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The criminal was executed.", "choice1": "He was thrown in jail.", "choice2": "He was charged with murder.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sunlight had entered the room.", "choice1": "I opened the shutters.", "choice2": "I opened the door with the key.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pulled the impostor's hair out.", "choice1": "His wig has come off.", "choice2": "He became bald.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The editor reformulated a sentence from the manuscript.", "choice1": "He found the manuscript interesting.", "choice2": "He found the sentence unclear.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman canceled her credit card account.", "choice1": "She realized she had lost her card.", "choice2": "She noticed that the card had expired.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man and the woman fell in love.", "choice1": "They went to university.", "choice2": "They married.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The music was too low to be heard.", "choice1": "I turned up the volume.", "choice2": "I composed my own song.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy's hair was matted.", "choice1": "The girl messed them up.", "choice2": "The girl pulled them.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The insect was squashed.", "choice1": "I sprayed the repellent spray on myself.", "choice2": "I stepped on the insect.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I opened my eyes.", "choice1": "I woke up.", "choice2": "I relaxed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The neighbor's music was deafening.", "choice1": "I asked him to turn the volume down.", "choice2": "I asked him to lend me the CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's family lived in poverty.", "choice1": "He was thrifty with his salary.", "choice2": "He earned less than the minimum wage.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student graduated from the university.", "choice1": "I'm looking for a job.", "choice2": "He found himself a pastime.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The artist mixed the yellow paint with the blue one.", "choice1": "The gouache sprayed all over.", "choice2": "The gouache turned green.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I changed the subject of conversation.", "choice1": "I had run out of things to talk about.", "choice2": "The conversation became tense.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "My brother was released from the hospital.", "choice1": "I welcomed him home.", "choice2": "I treated him coldly.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The park tent rose.", "choice1": "The opening scene of the show began.", "choice2": "The actors of the show left the stage.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The hostage submitted to the kidnapper's orders.", "choice1": "The kidnapper threatened to harm the hostage.", "choice2": "The kidnapper left the hostage alone.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A rumble reverberated across the stage.", "choice1": "The musician stamped his foot.", "choice2": "The musician pounded on the drum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The parents rushed to their son's bedroom.", "choice1": "The son had woken up from a nightmare screaming.", "choice2": "The son was afraid to look under the bed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman communicated through sign language.", "choice1": "She was born premature.", "choice2": "She was deaf from birth.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "There was drought in the region.", "choice1": "The water was contaminated.", "choice2": "The crop was destroyed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cat chased the bird.", "choice1": "The bird flew away.", "choice2": "The bird caught a worm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl changed schools.", "choice1": "It was the summer holidays.", "choice2": "She had moved to a new city.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The factory owner refused to raise his workers' wages.", "choice1": "The master hired a new administrator.", "choice2": "The workers went on strike.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The party leader antagonized extremists within his own country.", "choice1": "The extremists influenced him.", "choice2": "The extremists murdered him.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I walked barefoot on the beach.", "choice1": "The sand stuck to my feet.", "choice2": "The waves broke along the beach.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I woke up in the middle of the night from the cold.", "choice1": "I put on the sweatpants.", "choice2": "I drank a glass of water.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The mother silenced her son.", "choice1": "His son made a grimace of satisfaction.", "choice2": "His son was whimpering.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My jeans ripped apart.", "choice1": "I pulled up the zipper.", "choice2": "I stumbled on the sidewalk.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy wore the braces.", "choice1": "He took the cavities.", "choice2": "His teeth straightened.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yesterday I practiced in the gym.", "choice1": "Today I woke up with sore muscles.", "choice2": "Today I woke up with a sore throat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girls kept talking to each other at the table.", "choice1": "Other students sat down at the table.", "choice2": "The other students at the table felt excluded.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl landed on the trampoline.", "choice1": "He flew into the air again.", "choice2": "He decided to try a somersault.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I put a letter in the hole.", "choice1": "The post office delivered the letter.", "choice2": "The post office speeded up the letter.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The gambler was sure of himself.", "choice1": "He wagered all his money.", "choice2": "He returned home penniless.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The fire spread through the forest.", "choice1": "The winds intensified.", "choice2": "The arsonists were arrested.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child peeled his knee.", "choice1": "His mother sent him to her room.", "choice2": "The mother put a band-aid on the wound.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man survived a fatal disease.", "choice1": "He had signed his will.", "choice2": "He had received an organ transplant.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I took a sip of the hot coffee.", "choice1": "I bit my tongue.", "choice2": "I burned my tongue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The publisher fired the writer.", "choice1": "The writer avoided distortions in her stories.", "choice2": "The writer had missed an important deadline.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I felt exhausted.", "choice1": "I slept all day.", "choice2": "I studied all day.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The doctor diagnosed the patient.", "choice1": "He identified the patient's symptoms.", "choice2": "He prescribed pills to the patient.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I scratched my skin.", "choice1": "She was sweaty.", "choice2": "It itched.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man underwent emergency surgery.", "choice1": "He had lost control.", "choice2": "He had had a heart attack.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The muscles on the man's arm jerked out.", "choice1": "He had contracted his arms.", "choice2": "He massaged his arms.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man raised his eyebrows.", "choice1": "He was surprised.", "choice2": "He felt discouraged.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I excused my colleague's gaffe.", "choice1": "I thought he had good intentions.", "choice2": "I thought it was more judicious.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man stopped smoking.", "choice1": "He began to practice more.", "choice2": "He started waking up earlier.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman punched the attacker's nose.", "choice1": "The body of the assailant fell lifeless.", "choice2": "The assailant began to bleed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The dart missed the center of the target.", "choice1": "The man had aimed badly.", "choice2": "The man was losing the game.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The owner requested that an exterminator come to his home.", "choice1": "He discovered rats in the cellar.", "choice2": "He kept an ant farm in his room.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I suggested to my host that they dine out.", "choice1": "I was too tired to prepare anything.", "choice2": "My host had extended his stay too long.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl caught her brother peeking at his diary.", "choice1": "He began to hide the diary.", "choice2": "He bought a new diary.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman lacked the rent money.", "choice1": "He worked overtime at work.", "choice2": "He quit his job.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy's hand withdrew quickly.", "choice1": "He had touched the hot stove.", "choice2": "He stroked the puppy dog's head.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The company wanted to measure customer satisfaction.", "choice1": "They offered a discount to new customers.", "choice2": "They handed out a questionnaire to customers.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The wooden floor was scratched.", "choice1": "The boy had thrown the pillows off the sofa.", "choice2": "The boy had dragged a chair across the floor.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I shielded my face.", "choice1": "My enemy had mocked me.", "choice2": "My enemy had clenched his fist.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The famous statue was burned.", "choice1": "She had been struck by lightning.", "choice2": "People came to worship her.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I left the fruit out on the table.", "choice1": "The seeds fell from the fruit.", "choice2": "Midges circled the fruit.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The dancer tore a ligament.", "choice1": "She was on tiptoe.", "choice2": "She had twisted her ankle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy had his shoes undone.", "choice1": "He had learned to tie them.", "choice2": "He had run around the playground.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The book had captivated me.", "choice1": "I returned the book.", "choice2": "I lost track of time.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had beliefs similar to those of his parents.", "choice1": "His parents had influenced him.", "choice2": "His parents had repudiated him.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The car gradually slowed to a stop.", "choice1": "He had run out of gas.", "choice2": "The driver had fallen asleep.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man ate ice cream in the sun.", "choice1": "The ice cream lost its flavor.", "choice2": "Ice cream dripped from the cone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I hung a work of art in the room.", "choice1": "The carpet looked dirty.", "choice2": "The walls looked bare.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I left work early.", "choice1": "I had a headache.", "choice2": "My boss held a meeting.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The puppy soiled the carpet.", "choice1": "The owner scolded the puppy.", "choice2": "The owner gave the puppy a reward.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I apologized to my friend.", "choice1": "My friend forgave me.", "choice2": "My friend was furious.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man stood out from the crowd.", "choice1": "He was carrying a backpack.", "choice2": "He wore a reflective vest.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The witness lied under oath.", "choice1": "He completed his testimony.", "choice2": "He was accused of perjury.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman dyed her hair.", "choice1": "He wanted a new look.", "choice2": "He wanted to go unnoticed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Immigrants were caught residing illegally in the country.", "choice1": "They found a job.", "choice2": "They were deported.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The speaker made a joke.", "choice1": "The audience laughed.", "choice2": "The audience rose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I stared at the sun.", "choice1": "The sun blinded me.", "choice2": "The sun tanned my skin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I felt bored.", "choice1": "I snorted.", "choice2": "I yawned.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The steak was difficult to cut.", "choice1": "The knife was blunt.", "choice2": "The steak was raw.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The woman filed for bankruptcy.", "choice1": "He received maintenance checks.", "choice2": "He had taken on a huge debt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The lights in my friend's apartment were on.", "choice1": "I wondered if he had gone out.", "choice2": "I decided to go and visit it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I put the flower under my nose.", "choice1": "Petals fell from the flower.", "choice2": "I sensed the scent of the flower.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman felt nostalgic.", "choice1": "She ran into a childhood friend.", "choice2": "He had scolded his children.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student procrastinated the topic.", "choice1": "He handed in the essay early.", "choice2": "He delivered an incomplete essay.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My car broke down.", "choice1": "I went to the mall.", "choice2": "I called a mechanic.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I threw the note away.", "choice1": "It was anonymous.", "choice2": "It was illegible.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bird flapped its wings.", "choice1": "She laid her eggs.", "choice2": "He soared into heaven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I parked in the driveway.", "choice1": "The garage was open.", "choice2": "The garage was full.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The criminal aimed the gun at the victim.", "choice1": "The criminal lowered the gun.", "choice2": "The victim raised his hands.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I was looking forward to the weekend.", "choice1": "I was planning to attend my uncle's funeral.", "choice2": "I was planning to attend my friend's wedding.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lost track of time.", "choice1": "I was daydreaming.", "choice2": "I was nauseated.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The printout of the document was illegible.", "choice1": "The printer was almost out of ink.", "choice2": "The printer ran out of paper.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The stadium played the national anthem.", "choice1": "The fans turned to the flag.", "choice2": "Fans rushed to the pitch.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The dressing was bland.", "choice1": "I served him.", "choice2": "I put some salt in it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I put some paper towels on the spill.", "choice1": "The paper absorbed the liquid.", "choice2": "The spill left a sticky residue.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was interrupted as she read her book.", "choice1": "He bookmarked the page.", "choice2": "He read the book all over again.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The plane encountered some turbulence.", "choice1": "The man tightened his seat belt.", "choice2": "The man looked out the window.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy jumped.", "choice1": "The girl had ignored him.", "choice2": "The girl had teased him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The doctors gave the patient an artificial limb.", "choice1": "They had amputated her leg.", "choice2": "They had monitored his vital functions.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy pinched the girl's elbow.", "choice1": "She shrugged.", "choice2": "She jerked her arm away.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I asked my friend for advice.", "choice1": "I valued his opinion.", "choice2": "I knew I was right.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy walked in the mud.", "choice1": "The mud clung to his shoes.", "choice2": "The mud hit him in the face.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Several centimeters of snow settled on the city.", "choice1": "The schools closed.", "choice2": "People hid underground.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The clerk's shift was over.", "choice1": "He went home for that day.", "choice2": "He threatened to quit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The tree damaged the house.", "choice1": "The tree had fallen on the roof.", "choice2": "The tree shaded the garden.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The wood split in half.", "choice1": "I had stacked the wood in the fireplace.", "choice2": "I had dropped an ax blow on the wood.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family congratulated the couple.", "choice1": "The couple announced that they were separating.", "choice2": "The couple announced they were having a baby.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl had sent the boy a Valentine's Day.", "choice1": "She liked him.", "choice2": "She had kissed him.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I nodded at my friend's statement.", "choice1": "I was confused.", "choice2": "I agreed with him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Friends tossed a coin.", "choice1": "They wanted to find a compromise.", "choice2": "They wanted to make the right decision.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The timer had gone off in the kitchen.", "choice1": "The man unloaded the groceries into the refrigerator.", "choice2": "The man took the pizza out of the oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman set an ambitious goal.", "choice1": "He beat the slack.", "choice2": "He worked hard.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The rich man died of old age.", "choice1": "His son got into some legal trouble.", "choice2": "His son inherited his fortune.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman stepped on the flames.", "choice1": "The flames went out.", "choice2": "Smoke rose from the flames.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman's car was at the mechanic.", "choice1": "Her license had been withdrawn.", "choice2": "It had ended up in an accident.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I fell asleep again after waking up.", "choice1": "I made breakfast.", "choice2": "I skipped breakfast.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The public figure stepped out of the limo.", "choice1": "Cameras blinded him with flashes.", "choice2": "His family attended the press conference.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman lingered in the tub.", "choice1": "The bath water became lukewarm.", "choice2": "The tub drained of the bath water.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The college student wanted to meet other students on campus.", "choice1": "He joined a fraternity.", "choice2": "He graduated in engineering.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I lifted the sofa cushions.", "choice1": "I was looking for coins.", "choice2": "I was rearranging the living room.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The wasp flew towards the boy.", "choice1": "The boy ran away.", "choice2": "The boy picked up a flower.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was charged with a minor offense.", "choice1": "She was sentenced to perform social services.", "choice2": "She was put on death row.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I mixed some sugar into the hot tea.", "choice1": "The tea was smoking.", "choice2": "The sugar dissolved.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The veteran walked lame.", "choice1": "He had been drafted for the war.", "choice2": "He was injured in battle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The criminal escaped the police.", "choice1": "The police took care of the victim.", "choice2": "The police pursued the criminal.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The laptop did not turn on.", "choice1": "I had dropped it.", "choice2": "I had loaded it.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman ran out of space in her closet.", "choice1": "He had bought a large wardrobe.", "choice2": "He had folded the laundry.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The man was heartbroken.", "choice1": "The wife had given birth.", "choice2": "His wife had left him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man got a diploma.", "choice1": "He became qualified for the job he wanted.", "choice2": "His job offer was withdrawn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's voice spread clearly throughout the entire audience.", "choice1": "He greeted the audience.", "choice2": "He spoke into the microphone.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I threw a coin into the water of the fountain.", "choice1": "The coin landed on the bottom.", "choice2": "The coin broke in half.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The player hit the ball towards the hole.", "choice1": "The ball landed in the hole.", "choice2": "The ball folded back towards the player.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I inhaled the dust in the attic.", "choice1": "I had the sob.", "choice2": "I sneeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The store cashier called security.", "choice1": "The customer had used counterfeit money.", "choice2": "The customer had left the headlights on.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I took out the garbage.", "choice1": "The garbage made the kitchen stink.", "choice2": "I accidentally threw my shopping list away.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family went to the zoo.", "choice1": "The children admired the animals.", "choice2": "The children hunted the animals.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's breathing was heavy.", "choice1": "He had kidney failure.", "choice2": "He had pulmonary congestion.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had an extra ticket for the concert.", "choice1": "I asked my friend for directions to the room.", "choice2": "I asked my friend if he was interested in coming.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The air conditioner inside the house had broken.", "choice1": "I pulled out the covers.", "choice2": "I opened the windows.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy's back ached.", "choice1": "His backpack was open.", "choice2": "His backpack was heavy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I bought my mother a gift.", "choice1": "I made her a cake.", "choice2": "It was her birthday.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The daffodils in the garden had been destroyed.", "choice1": "A bee had stung the gardener.", "choice2": "Squirrels had unearthed the bulbs.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I struck the match.", "choice1": "The flame went out.", "choice2": "The match produced a flame.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The parties to the dispute reached an understanding.", "choice1": "They didn't want to argue in court.", "choice2": "They wanted to heal their personal relationships.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The children were sent to an orphanage.", "choice1": "Their parents were dead.", "choice2": "Their parents had spoiled them.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The meteorite landed in the ocean.", "choice1": "A tsunami occurred.", "choice2": "It began to hail.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The hiker encountered a poisonous snake.", "choice1": "He became dehydrated.", "choice2": "He panicked.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The oven got hot.", "choice1": "I had the oven on.", "choice2": "I had put the dish in the oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Squeeze the lemon wedge.", "choice1": "The lemon moldy.", "choice2": "The lemon splashed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The nation discovered a new territory.", "choice1": "The nation left the territory.", "choice2": "The nation colonized the territory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The glass fell off the table.", "choice1": "It shattered all over the floor.", "choice2": "He landed on a pile of rags.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The table swayed.", "choice1": "The floor was uneven.", "choice2": "The floor was slippery.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The father caught his son lying.", "choice1": "His son confessed the truth.", "choice2": "The father trusted his son.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's head throbbed with pain.", "choice1": "He took the cough syrup.", "choice2": "He took the aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The train slowed.", "choice1": "He was approaching the station.", "choice2": "He was late on schedule.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man went through therapy.", "choice1": "He had cases of mental illness in his family.", "choice2": "He had been diagnosed with depression.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman grabbed her throat.", "choice1": "He had swallowed some food.", "choice2": "She had choked on food.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The woman had a sore throat.", "choice1": "His voice sounded hoarse.", "choice2": "He spoke with a little accent.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The dog eyed the succulent steak on the table.", "choice1": "He drooled.", "choice2": "He lay down.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman's business was successful.", "choice1": "He fired his employees.", "choice2": "He became rich.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The students left the classroom.", "choice1": "The bell had rang.", "choice2": "The teacher had given her homework.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman claimed to have seen a ghost.", "choice1": "His acquaintances expressed their skepticism.", "choice2": "Her acquaintances showed her empathy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man lost his hearing.", "choice1": "He nearly drowned in the ocean.", "choice2": "He had nearly been killed by an explosion.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child let go of the balloon thread.", "choice1": "The balloon deflated.", "choice2": "The balloon rose into the air.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man lost the ability to speak.", "choice1": "He had had a heart attack.", "choice2": "He took a deep breath.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman tripped on the sidewalk.", "choice1": "There was a crack in the concrete.", "choice2": "He heard his name called.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man took a bomb dip in the pool.", "choice1": "The lifeguard jumped in after him.", "choice2": "The man drenched the lifeguard.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I took some antibiotics.", "choice1": "My infection was cured.", "choice2": "My infection spread.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The traffic light turned yellow.", "choice1": "The driver pushed the brake pedal.", "choice2": "The driver honked the horn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The plastic container melted.", "choice1": "Immerse the container in cold water.", "choice2": "I put the container on the hot stove.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The car was dented.", "choice1": "The driver had hit a telephone pole.", "choice2": "The driver had passed in red.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy studied all night.", "choice1": "He skipped the exam.", "choice2": "He passed the exam.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy clung to the poolside.", "choice1": "He was afraid of learning to swim.", "choice2": "The lifeguard was on duty.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I put my hand on my chest.", "choice1": "I felt my heart beat.", "choice2": "Heart rate quickened.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The building adjacent to my office was under construction.", "choice1": "My office was crowded.", "choice2": "My office was noisy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The family wanted to meet their new neighbors.", "choice1": "The family invited the neighbors to dinner.", "choice2": "The family greeted the neighbors from the garden.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Water splashed out of the pool.", "choice1": "The swimmer had dived into the pool.", "choice2": "The swimmer floated in the pool.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I ate a slice of watermelon.", "choice1": "I swallowed a seed accidentally.", "choice2": "I accidentally chipped my tooth.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy stumbled.", "choice1": "The zipper of his jacket was open.", "choice2": "Her shoelaces were untied.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman put on the headphones.", "choice1": "She was distracted by the noise.", "choice2": "She had pierced her ears.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I filled my water bottle.", "choice1": "I had drunk all the water.", "choice2": "I had kept it in the refrigerator.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The TV show was censored.", "choice1": "It contained foul language.", "choice2": "It had a complicated plot.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The ship was wrecked.", "choice1": "The crew drowned.", "choice2": "The crew encountered pirates.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy was perplexed about the riddle.", "choice1": "He solved the riddle.", "choice2": "He asked for a clue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The phone rang.", "choice1": "The man hung up the phone.", "choice2": "The man answered the phone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was staring at me.", "choice1": "I hugged her.", "choice2": "I felt uncomfortable.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The group left the museum.", "choice1": "They had taken photos of the exhibition.", "choice2": "They had seen all the works.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man started arguing with me.", "choice1": "My friend introduced me to the man.", "choice2": "My friend defended me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The tire of my bike was on the ground.", "choice1": "I pumped air into the tire.", "choice2": "I changed gear.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl looked pale.", "choice1": "Her father told her a story.", "choice2": "Her father felt her forehead.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The pen was out of ink.", "choice1": "I used a pencil.", "choice2": "I signed my name.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man was refused a loan.", "choice1": "He was in debt.", "choice2": "He had started a business.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl stayed home from school.", "choice1": "He had chickenpox.", "choice2": "He enjoyed learning math.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The garbage can was full.", "choice1": "I threw it in the dumpster.", "choice2": "I dumped it down the sink.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I vacuumed the carpet.", "choice1": "My roommate had spilled a cocktail.", "choice2": "My dog had lost some hair.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man went into a rage.", "choice1": "He turned off the computer.", "choice2": "He threw a chair across the room.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl threw a twig into the bonfire.", "choice1": "The twig burned.", "choice2": "The fire went out.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man got out of the shower.", "choice1": "The hot water was out.", "choice2": "He couldn't find a towel.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Parents wanted their children to go to college.", "choice1": "They set aside a savings fund for the tuition.", "choice2": "They encouraged their children to play outdoors.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man untied his shoes.", "choice1": "Shoes loosened.", "choice2": "The shoes wore out.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man ate half of the first.", "choice1": "He refrigerated the leftovers.", "choice2": "He memorized the recipe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My ankle was swollen.", "choice1": "I put ice on it.", "choice2": "I rubbed some lotion on it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The door to my office was open.", "choice1": "I spoke to the colleague at my desk.", "choice2": "I overheard the conversation in the hall.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had to wait in line.", "choice1": "I sat up.", "choice2": "I leafed through a magazine.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man swatted the fly.", "choice1": "The fly buzzed away.", "choice2": "The fly remained motionless.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The man wrote a will.", "choice1": "He was dying.", "choice2": "He was a widower.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The runner sensed that his rival was on his way.", "choice1": "He abandoned the race.", "choice2": "He accelerated the pace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I thought about the problem carefully.", "choice1": "I asked for advice.", "choice2": "I sensed a solution.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The traveler walked on the rickety suspension bridge.", "choice1": "He felt terrified.", "choice2": "He felt ecstatic.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had predicted the team's victory.", "choice1": "He met with his friends to watch the game.", "choice2": "He made a bet with his friends.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy could not fall asleep.", "choice1": "He set the alarm clock.", "choice2": "He counted the sheep.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data-gmt/it/val.it.jsonl b/data-gmt/it/val.it.jsonl
index d21bf9f..cc13200 100644
--- a/data-gmt/it/val.it.jsonl
+++ b/data-gmt/it/val.it.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "The man turned on the tap.", "choice1": "The toilet filled with water.", "choice2": "Water flowed from the spout.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl found an insect in the cereals.", "choice1": "He poured the milk into the bowl.", "choice2": "He lost his appetite.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman retired.", "choice1": "He received his pension.", "choice2": "He paid off his mortgage.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I wanted to conserve energy.", "choice1": "I swept the floor into the empty room.", "choice2": "I turned off the light in the empty room.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The burger meat has browned.", "choice1": "The cook froze it.", "choice2": "The cook grilled it.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I doubted the seller's gab.", "choice1": "I refused his offer.", "choice2": "He convinced me to buy the product.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I decided to stay home for the night.", "choice1": "The weather announced storm.", "choice2": "My friends insisted on going out.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My eyes turned red and swollen.", "choice1": "I was sobbing.", "choice2": "I was laughing.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The candle flame went out.", "choice1": "I blew on the wick.", "choice2": "I put a match on the wick.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man drank a lot at the party.", "choice1": "The next day he had a headache.", "choice2": "The next day he had a runny nose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bowling ball knocked the pins down.", "choice1": "The man rolled the bowling ball down the lane.", "choice2": "The man dropped the bowling ball onto his foot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The community learned of the man's death.", "choice1": "His family buried him in the cemetery.", "choice2": "His obituary appeared in the newspapers.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My computer has failed.", "choice1": "I have installed new speakers.", "choice2": "I have lost all my data.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman quit her job.", "choice1": "She aspired to get a managerial role in the company.", "choice2": "He believed that his superiors behaved immoral.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The player caught the ball.", "choice1": "His teammate threw it at him.", "choice2": "Her opponent tried to intercept her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The judge struck the gavel.", "choice1": "The classroom erupted into turmoil.", "choice2": "The jury announced its verdict.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The woman chased the children off her property.", "choice1": "The children threw a ball into his yard.", "choice2": "The children have trampled on his garden.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The kidnappers released the hostages.", "choice1": "They accepted the ransom money.", "choice2": "They escaped from prison.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cook's eyes watered.", "choice1": "He had run out of onions.", "choice2": "He had cut an onion.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman ran her finger under the cold water.", "choice1": "She had burned her finger in the toaster.", "choice2": "She had put a diamond ring on her finger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student made a spelling mistake.", "choice1": "The teacher corrected it.", "choice2": "The teacher ignored her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I regained my composure after my fit of anger.", "choice1": "My heart was pounding.", "choice2": "I took deep breaths.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I put my hands under the running tap.", "choice1": "The soap rinsed off my hands.", "choice2": "Water splashed in my face.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man dressed in his best suit.", "choice1": "He had made an appointment with an important client.", "choice2": "His wife had bought him a new tie.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man confessed his love for the woman.", "choice1": "The woman refused him.", "choice2": "The woman envied him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The driver punctured a tire.", "choice1": "He exceeded the speed limit.", "choice2": "He passed over a nail.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My view of the screen in the cinema was blocked.", "choice1": "The couple behind me were whispering.", "choice2": "A tall person sat across from me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The driver turned on the car's headlights.", "choice1": "He had heard thunder.", "choice2": "The sun had set.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The girl refused to eat the vegetables.", "choice1": "The father told her to drink her milk.", "choice2": "Her father confiscated the cake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman covered her mouth with her hand.", "choice1": "He had exhaled.", "choice2": "He had sneezed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The secretary put the interlocutor on hold.", "choice1": "On the interlocutor's phone the line was dropped.", "choice2": "The interlocutor waited on the line.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman walked on crutches.", "choice1": "She had shaved her legs.", "choice2": "She had broken her leg.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I coughed.", "choice1": "I had inhaled smoke.", "choice2": "I lowered my voice.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The clock struck.", "choice1": "It was the stroke of the hour.", "choice2": "The hour seemed to be getting longer.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The cook banged the egg against the rim of the bowl.", "choice1": "The egg cracked.", "choice2": "The egg rotted.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The police searched the criminal's car.", "choice1": "They were trying to get a confession out of him.", "choice2": "They were looking for illegal drugs.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple traveled south for the winter.", "choice1": "They were retired.", "choice2": "They were separated.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man felt compelled to attend the event.", "choice1": "She had refused her friend's invitation to go.", "choice2": "He had promised his friend that he would go.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The bride panicked before the wedding.", "choice1": "The wedding guests brought her gifts.", "choice2": "He canceled the marriage.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had aged.", "choice1": "His hair had turned gray.", "choice2": "He had sold his possessions.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Friends had decided to share the burger.", "choice1": "They cut the burger in half.", "choice2": "They ordered the fries with the hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I unscrewed the cap from the soda bottle.", "choice1": "The soda fizzed.", "choice2": "The soda has leaked.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student couple was scrutinized by the teacher.", "choice1": "Both students received excellent grades.", "choice2": "Their responses to the task were identical.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student was in a hurry to get to school on time.", "choice1": "He forgot his homework.", "choice2": "He took his lunch to school.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The reporter wrote a biography about the life of the philanthropist.", "choice1": "The philanthropist had been difficult for the reporter to interview.", "choice2": "The reporter was fascinated by the work of the philanthropist.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had defied the church authorities.", "choice1": "He donated money to the church.", "choice2": "He was excommunicated from the church.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman's hair fell over her face.", "choice1": "She pulled her hair back with a clip.", "choice2": "She soaped her hair with shampoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The ring got stuck on my finger.", "choice1": "My finger was swollen.", "choice2": "I had chipped my fingernail.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pulled the elastic.", "choice1": "He flew around the room.", "choice2": "It is tense.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pressed my hand into the fresh concrete.", "choice1": "My handprint has dried in the concrete.", "choice2": "Cracks emerged in the concrete.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My skin got filled with rashes.", "choice1": "I rubbed against poison ivy in my yard.", "choice2": "I uprooted poison ivy from my yard.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My magazine subscription has expired.", "choice1": "I threw away the new edition.", "choice2": "I have stopped receiving new editions.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The investigator uncovered an anomaly in the case.", "choice1": "He finalized his theory.", "choice2": "He discarded his theory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The little boy flared up.", "choice1": "The brother had taken one of his toys.", "choice2": "He had shared his toys with his brother.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The child learned to read.", "choice1": "He began to attend school.", "choice2": "He skipped a year at school.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The boy skipped dinner.", "choice1": "The mother had cooked her favorite dish.", "choice2": "He had eaten a lot for lunch.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman showered her friend with flattery.", "choice1": "He wanted to ask her a favor.", "choice2": "She was irritated by her friend's whining.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The key was missing from my trouser pocket.", "choice1": "The pocket had a hole.", "choice2": "The pants were new.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man fainted.", "choice1": "He had taken a nap.", "choice2": "He had run a marathon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man had lost the race.", "choice1": "The competition had been sabotaged.", "choice2": "He had intimidated his opponents.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The mother called an ambulance.", "choice1": "The son had lost the cat.", "choice2": "The son had fallen out of bed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The driver braked sharply.", "choice1": "A deer had appeared on the road.", "choice2": "The car radio had gone off.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The lock opened.", "choice1": "I had turned the key in the lock.", "choice2": "I had made a duplicate of the key.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had been wearing rubber gloves.", "choice1": "I was getting ready to wash my hands.", "choice2": "I was getting ready to wash the bathroom.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The animal species has become endangered.", "choice1": "Their habitat had been destroyed.", "choice2": "Their predators were extinct.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man noticed that the woman looked different.", "choice1": "The woman had cut her hair.", "choice2": "The woman wore a bracelet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The student had forgotten to do her homework.", "choice1": "He invented an excuse to tell the teacher.", "choice2": "The master promoted it to the following year.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The dog barked.", "choice1": "The cat was lounging on the sofa.", "choice2": "Someone knocked on the door.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Plans were announced to replace a local park with a shopping mall.", "choice1": "Environmentalists launched a petition.", "choice2": "Environmentalists produced a documentary.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple were delighted to see each other.", "choice1": "They kissed.", "choice2": "They rested.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman asked the man to leave.", "choice1": "He had insulted her.", "choice2": "He had thanked her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "A tree branch landed in the river.", "choice1": "The branch went with the flow.", "choice2": "The current of the river intensified.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The teacher assigned homework to the students.", "choice1": "The students passed their notes.", "choice2": "The students complained.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "The season passed from summer to autumn.", "choice1": "People evacuated their homes.", "choice2": "Leaves fell from the trees.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The politician was convicted of fraud.", "choice1": "He campaigned for re-election.", "choice2": "He was removed from office.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I pushed the wagon.", "choice1": "The objects in the wagon fell out.", "choice2": "The wagon wheels spun forward.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The lobbyist persuaded the legislature to support the bill.", "choice1": "The president vetoed the bill.", "choice2": "The legislature approved the bill.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My closet was in a mess.", "choice1": "I rearranged it.", "choice2": "I decorated it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I stayed up late.", "choice1": "I had vivid dreams that night.", "choice2": "In the morning I was tired.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man's pocket jingled as he walked.", "choice1": "The pocket was full of coins.", "choice2": "He had stitched up the hole in his pocket.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Everyone in the class turned to stare at the student.", "choice1": "The student's phone had rang.", "choice2": "The student was taking notes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The horse bucked.", "choice1": "A fly had stung him.", "choice2": "The jockey had stroked the horse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The jewelry thieves were caught.", "choice1": "The stolen jewelry was returned to the owners.", "choice2": "The cost of the stolen jewelry was estimated.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Political violence broke out in the nation.", "choice1": "Many citizens moved to the capital.", "choice2": "Many citizens took refuge in other territories.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was arrested.", "choice1": "She had entered rehabilitation.", "choice2": "He had committed an assault.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had read the newspaper.", "choice1": "He discovered the outcome of the elections.", "choice2": "He cast his vote in the elections.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The sick child coughed on his friend.", "choice1": "His friend fell ill.", "choice2": "His friend sneezed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The couple officially became engaged.", "choice1": "They arranged the wedding.", "choice2": "They separated for a while.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman contacted the real estate agent.", "choice1": "The woman was planning to buy an apartment building.", "choice2": "The woman needed to clean her house.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man won the lottery.", "choice1": "He became rich.", "choice2": "He owed money.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had lit a candle.", "choice1": "Wax dripped from the candle.", "choice2": "The wax on the candle hardened.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had spent the day in the pool.", "choice1": "I sprained my ankle.", "choice2": "I burned my face.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The man received a parking ticket.", "choice1": "He had parked S on the street.", "choice2": "The parking meter was out of date.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman had become famous.", "choice1": "Photographers followed her.", "choice2": "Her family avoided her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman wanted to wear earrings.", "choice1": "He had his ears pierced.", "choice2": "He got tattooed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "My ears were ringing.", "choice1": "I went to a museum.", "choice2": "I went to a concert.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I had cleaned up the house.", "choice1": "I was overwhelmed with work.", "choice2": "I was waiting for company.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The airline lost my luggage.", "choice1": "They offered me compensation.", "choice2": "They canceled my flight.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "It was too expensive to fix the computer.", "choice1": "I had it fixed.", "choice2": "I bought a new one.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "The woman was in a bad mood.", "choice1": "She started chatting with her friend.", "choice2": "She told her friend to leave her alone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man turned on the tap.", "choice1": "The toilet filled with water.", "choice2": "Water flowed from the spout.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl found an insect in the cereals.", "choice1": "He poured the milk into the bowl.", "choice2": "He lost his appetite.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman retired.", "choice1": "He received his pension.", "choice2": "He paid off his mortgage.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I wanted to conserve energy.", "choice1": "I swept the floor into the empty room.", "choice2": "I turned off the light in the empty room.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The burger meat has browned.", "choice1": "The cook froze it.", "choice2": "The cook grilled it.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I doubted the seller's gab.", "choice1": "I refused his offer.", "choice2": "He convinced me to buy the product.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I decided to stay home for the night.", "choice1": "The weather announced storm.", "choice2": "My friends insisted on going out.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My eyes turned red and swollen.", "choice1": "I was sobbing.", "choice2": "I was laughing.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The candle flame went out.", "choice1": "I blew on the wick.", "choice2": "I put a match on the wick.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man drank a lot at the party.", "choice1": "The next day he had a headache.", "choice2": "The next day he had a runny nose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bowling ball knocked the pins down.", "choice1": "The man rolled the bowling ball down the lane.", "choice2": "The man dropped the bowling ball onto his foot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The community learned of the man's death.", "choice1": "His family buried him in the cemetery.", "choice2": "His obituary appeared in the newspapers.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My computer has failed.", "choice1": "I have installed new speakers.", "choice2": "I have lost all my data.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman quit her job.", "choice1": "She aspired to get a managerial role in the company.", "choice2": "He believed that his superiors behaved immoral.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The player caught the ball.", "choice1": "His teammate threw it at him.", "choice2": "Her opponent tried to intercept her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The judge struck the gavel.", "choice1": "The classroom erupted into turmoil.", "choice2": "The jury announced its verdict.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The woman chased the children off her property.", "choice1": "The children threw a ball into his yard.", "choice2": "The children have trampled on his garden.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The kidnappers released the hostages.", "choice1": "They accepted the ransom money.", "choice2": "They escaped from prison.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cook's eyes watered.", "choice1": "He had run out of onions.", "choice2": "He had cut an onion.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman ran her finger under the cold water.", "choice1": "She had burned her finger in the toaster.", "choice2": "She had put a diamond ring on her finger.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student made a spelling mistake.", "choice1": "The teacher corrected it.", "choice2": "The teacher ignored her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I regained my composure after my fit of anger.", "choice1": "My heart was pounding.", "choice2": "I took deep breaths.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I put my hands under the running tap.", "choice1": "The soap rinsed off my hands.", "choice2": "Water splashed in my face.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man dressed in his best suit.", "choice1": "He had made an appointment with an important client.", "choice2": "His wife had bought him a new tie.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man confessed his love for the woman.", "choice1": "The woman refused him.", "choice2": "The woman envied him.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The driver punctured a tire.", "choice1": "He exceeded the speed limit.", "choice2": "He passed over a nail.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My view of the screen in the cinema was blocked.", "choice1": "The couple behind me were whispering.", "choice2": "A tall person sat across from me.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The driver turned on the car's headlights.", "choice1": "He had heard thunder.", "choice2": "The sun had set.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The girl refused to eat the vegetables.", "choice1": "The father told her to drink her milk.", "choice2": "Her father confiscated the cake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman covered her mouth with her hand.", "choice1": "He had exhaled.", "choice2": "He had sneezed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The secretary put the interlocutor on hold.", "choice1": "On the interlocutor's phone the line was dropped.", "choice2": "The interlocutor waited on the line.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman walked on crutches.", "choice1": "She had shaved her legs.", "choice2": "She had broken her leg.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I coughed.", "choice1": "I had inhaled smoke.", "choice2": "I lowered my voice.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The clock struck.", "choice1": "It was the stroke of the hour.", "choice2": "The hour seemed to be getting longer.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The cook banged the egg against the rim of the bowl.", "choice1": "The egg cracked.", "choice2": "The egg rotted.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The police searched the criminal's car.", "choice1": "They were trying to get a confession out of him.", "choice2": "They were looking for illegal drugs.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple traveled south for the winter.", "choice1": "They were retired.", "choice2": "They were separated.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man felt compelled to attend the event.", "choice1": "She had refused her friend's invitation to go.", "choice2": "He had promised his friend that he would go.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The bride panicked before the wedding.", "choice1": "The wedding guests brought her gifts.", "choice2": "He canceled the marriage.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had aged.", "choice1": "His hair had turned gray.", "choice2": "He had sold his possessions.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Friends had decided to share the burger.", "choice1": "They cut the burger in half.", "choice2": "They ordered the fries with the hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I unscrewed the cap from the soda bottle.", "choice1": "The soda fizzed.", "choice2": "The soda has leaked.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student couple was scrutinized by the teacher.", "choice1": "Both students received excellent grades.", "choice2": "Their responses to the task were identical.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student was in a hurry to get to school on time.", "choice1": "He forgot his homework.", "choice2": "He took his lunch to school.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The reporter wrote a biography about the life of the philanthropist.", "choice1": "The philanthropist had been difficult for the reporter to interview.", "choice2": "The reporter was fascinated by the work of the philanthropist.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had defied the church authorities.", "choice1": "He donated money to the church.", "choice2": "He was excommunicated from the church.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman's hair fell over her face.", "choice1": "She pulled her hair back with a clip.", "choice2": "She soaped her hair with shampoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The ring got stuck on my finger.", "choice1": "My finger was swollen.", "choice2": "I had chipped my fingernail.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pulled the elastic.", "choice1": "He flew around the room.", "choice2": "It is tense.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pressed my hand into the fresh concrete.", "choice1": "My handprint has dried in the concrete.", "choice2": "Cracks emerged in the concrete.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My skin got filled with rashes.", "choice1": "I rubbed against poison ivy in my yard.", "choice2": "I uprooted poison ivy from my yard.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My magazine subscription has expired.", "choice1": "I threw away the new edition.", "choice2": "I have stopped receiving new editions.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The investigator uncovered an anomaly in the case.", "choice1": "He finalized his theory.", "choice2": "He discarded his theory.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The little boy flared up.", "choice1": "The brother had taken one of his toys.", "choice2": "He had shared his toys with his brother.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The child learned to read.", "choice1": "He began to attend school.", "choice2": "He skipped a year at school.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The boy skipped dinner.", "choice1": "The mother had cooked her favorite dish.", "choice2": "He had eaten a lot for lunch.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman showered her friend with flattery.", "choice1": "He wanted to ask her a favor.", "choice2": "She was irritated by her friend's whining.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The key was missing from my trouser pocket.", "choice1": "The pocket had a hole.", "choice2": "The pants were new.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man fainted.", "choice1": "He had taken a nap.", "choice2": "He had run a marathon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man had lost the race.", "choice1": "The competition had been sabotaged.", "choice2": "He had intimidated his opponents.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The mother called an ambulance.", "choice1": "The son had lost the cat.", "choice2": "The son had fallen out of bed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The driver braked sharply.", "choice1": "A deer had appeared on the road.", "choice2": "The car radio had gone off.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The lock opened.", "choice1": "I had turned the key in the lock.", "choice2": "I had made a duplicate of the key.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had been wearing rubber gloves.", "choice1": "I was getting ready to wash my hands.", "choice2": "I was getting ready to wash the bathroom.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The animal species has become endangered.", "choice1": "Their habitat had been destroyed.", "choice2": "Their predators were extinct.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man noticed that the woman looked different.", "choice1": "The woman had cut her hair.", "choice2": "The woman wore a bracelet.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The student had forgotten to do her homework.", "choice1": "He invented an excuse to tell the teacher.", "choice2": "The master promoted it to the following year.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The dog barked.", "choice1": "The cat was lounging on the sofa.", "choice2": "Someone knocked on the door.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Plans were announced to replace a local park with a shopping mall.", "choice1": "Environmentalists launched a petition.", "choice2": "Environmentalists produced a documentary.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple were delighted to see each other.", "choice1": "They kissed.", "choice2": "They rested.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman asked the man to leave.", "choice1": "He had insulted her.", "choice2": "He had thanked her.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "A tree branch landed in the river.", "choice1": "The branch went with the flow.", "choice2": "The current of the river intensified.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The teacher assigned homework to the students.", "choice1": "The students passed their notes.", "choice2": "The students complained.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "The season passed from summer to autumn.", "choice1": "People evacuated their homes.", "choice2": "Leaves fell from the trees.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The politician was convicted of fraud.", "choice1": "He campaigned for re-election.", "choice2": "He was removed from office.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I pushed the wagon.", "choice1": "The objects in the wagon fell out.", "choice2": "The wagon wheels spun forward.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The lobbyist persuaded the legislature to support the bill.", "choice1": "The president vetoed the bill.", "choice2": "The legislature approved the bill.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My closet was in a mess.", "choice1": "I rearranged it.", "choice2": "I decorated it.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I stayed up late.", "choice1": "I had vivid dreams that night.", "choice2": "In the morning I was tired.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man's pocket jingled as he walked.", "choice1": "The pocket was full of coins.", "choice2": "He had stitched up the hole in his pocket.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Everyone in the class turned to stare at the student.", "choice1": "The student's phone had rang.", "choice2": "The student was taking notes.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The horse bucked.", "choice1": "A fly had stung him.", "choice2": "The jockey had stroked the horse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The jewelry thieves were caught.", "choice1": "The stolen jewelry was returned to the owners.", "choice2": "The cost of the stolen jewelry was estimated.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Political violence broke out in the nation.", "choice1": "Many citizens moved to the capital.", "choice2": "Many citizens took refuge in other territories.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was arrested.", "choice1": "She had entered rehabilitation.", "choice2": "He had committed an assault.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had read the newspaper.", "choice1": "He discovered the outcome of the elections.", "choice2": "He cast his vote in the elections.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The sick child coughed on his friend.", "choice1": "His friend fell ill.", "choice2": "His friend sneezed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The couple officially became engaged.", "choice1": "They arranged the wedding.", "choice2": "They separated for a while.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman contacted the real estate agent.", "choice1": "The woman was planning to buy an apartment building.", "choice2": "The woman needed to clean her house.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man won the lottery.", "choice1": "He became rich.", "choice2": "He owed money.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had lit a candle.", "choice1": "Wax dripped from the candle.", "choice2": "The wax on the candle hardened.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had spent the day in the pool.", "choice1": "I sprained my ankle.", "choice2": "I burned my face.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The man received a parking ticket.", "choice1": "He had parked S on the street.", "choice2": "The parking meter was out of date.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman had become famous.", "choice1": "Photographers followed her.", "choice2": "Her family avoided her.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman wanted to wear earrings.", "choice1": "He had his ears pierced.", "choice2": "He got tattooed.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "My ears were ringing.", "choice1": "I went to a museum.", "choice2": "I went to a concert.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I had cleaned up the house.", "choice1": "I was overwhelmed with work.", "choice2": "I was waiting for company.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The airline lost my luggage.", "choice1": "They offered me compensation.", "choice2": "They canceled my flight.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "It was too expensive to fix the computer.", "choice1": "I had it fixed.", "choice2": "I bought a new one.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "The woman was in a bad mood.", "choice1": "She started chatting with her friend.", "choice2": "She told her friend to leave her alone.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/et/test.et.jsonl b/data/et/test.et.jsonl
index 3be57af..1876791 100644
--- a/data/et/test.et.jsonl
+++ b/data/et/test.et.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Ese oli mullikilesse mässitud.", "choice1": "See oli õrn.", "choice2": "See oli väike.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tühjendasin oma taskud.", "choice1": "Ma leidsin pileti tüki.", "choice2": "Ma leidsin relva.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Termiidid tungisid majja sisse.", "choice1": "Termiidid kadusid majast.", "choice2": "Termiidid sõid läbi majas oleva puidu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Reisidjad jõudsid piirini.", "choice1": "Piirikontroll kontrollis nende passe.", "choice2": "Piirikontroll süüdistas neid smuugeldamises.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kontor oli kinni.", "choice1": "Oli puhkus.", "choice2": "Oli suvi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdrukul sai energia otsa.", "choice1": "Ta mängis kabet.", "choice2": "Ta hüppas hüppenööriga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kaotas oma koha järjekorras.", "choice1": "Veel inimesi liitus järjekorraga.", "choice2": "Ta astus järjekorrast välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk hoidis oma nina kinni.", "choice1": "Beebi ilastas oma põlle peale.", "choice2": "Beebi tegi oma mähkme täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bänd mängis oma hittlugu.", "choice1": "Publik plaksutas muusikaga kaasa.", "choice2": "Publik kuulas vaikuses.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis oma matemaatikaõpetajat tänada.", "choice1": "Tüdruk jäeti peale tunde.", "choice2": "Tüdruk tõi õpetajale õuna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Väikesed matkajad olid hirmul.", "choice1": "Laagrivanem rääkis neile õudusjuttu.", "choice2": "Nad grillisid lõkkel vahukomme.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees lõi pea ära.", "choice1": "Tal läks mõte sassi.", "choice2": "Ta sai peapõrutuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tšekk, mille kirjutasin, ei läinud läbi.", "choice1": "Mu pangakonto oli tühi.", "choice2": "Ma sain palgatõusu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe e-postkast oli rämpsposti täis.", "choice1": "Ta kustutas rämpsposti.", "choice2": "Ta saatis laiali massimeili.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meremees pandi karantiini.", "choice1": "Ta puutus haigusega kokku.", "choice2": "Ta paranes haigusest.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk jättis koodi meelde.", "choice1": "Ta luges seda endale ette.", "choice2": "Ta unustas selle üles kirjutada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma valasin vett klaasi.", "choice1": "Vesi kustutas mu janu.", "choice2": "Klaas sai täis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees oli vaikselt, kui tema sõber rääkimise lõpetas.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma sõpra toetada.", "choice2": "Ta mõtles oma sõbra sõnadele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õnnetus oli minu süü.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin end süüdi.", "choice2": "Ma esitasin süüdistuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kett lagunes tükkideks.", "choice1": "Kett oli kummi ümber mässitud.", "choice2": "Ketis oli katkine lüli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike otsustas kompromissile minna.", "choice1": "Nad väsisid vaidlemisest.", "choice2": "Nad vältisid probleemi arutamist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine otsustas riigiametisse kandideerida.", "choice1": "Ta palkas kampaaniamänedžeri.", "choice2": "Ta tunnistas kohtus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees nägi ette, et tema reisi ajal tuleb külm ilm.", "choice1": "Ta pakkis soojad riided oma kohvrisse.", "choice2": "Ta reisis suure kohvriga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane teadis küsimusele vastust.", "choice1": "Ta tõstis oma käe.", "choice2": "Ta viilis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe silmad jooksid vett.", "choice1": "Talle läks tolm silma.", "choice2": "Ta pani kaitseprillid oma silmadele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mängija võitis viis mängu järjest.", "choice1": "Vastane süüdistas teda sohitegemises.", "choice2": "Vastasel oli temast kahju.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpetaja rebis õpilase eksami pooleks.", "choice1": "Ta tabas õpilase spikerdamast.", "choice2": "Õpilase vastused olid valed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tegin pausi, et rääkimine lõpetada.", "choice1": "Mul läsk hääl ära.", "choice2": "Mul sai õhk otsa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Külmutatud toit sulas üles.", "choice1": "Ma panin selle mikrolaineahju.", "choice2": "Ma katsin selle plastik kilega.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Töötaja teeskles haigust.", "choice1": "Tal olid kõhukrambid.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis vaba päeva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk maandus basseinis.", "choice1": "Ta jooksis basseini tekil.", "choice2": "Ta hüppas hüppelaualt alla.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Filmipiletid müüsid välja.", "choice1": "See oli filmi esilinastus.", "choice2": "Film sai kehvad arvustused.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees võttis kaalust alla.", "choice1": "Inimesed isoleerisid ta.", "choice2": "Inimesed tegid talle komplimente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruku käed läksid villi.", "choice1": "Ta trükkis kirja.", "choice2": "Ta ronis köit mööda üles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tsirkuseartist žonglööris üherattalisega sõites.", "choice1": "Public hõiskas imestuses.", "choice2": "Akrobaat kiikus trapetsil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kannatlikkus katkes.", "choice1": "Ootasin oma sõbra järel.", "choice2": "Mu sõber saabus õigeaegselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sõdivad riigid tahtsid rahu.", "choice1": "Nad arendasid tuumarelvad.", "choice2": "Nad rääkisid lepingu osas läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees võttis unerohtu.", "choice1": "Ta muutus uimaseks.", "choice2": "Tal tõusis palavik.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kõndis diivanile otsa.", "choice1": "Diivanijalg tuli lahti.", "choice2": "Ta sai põlvele sinika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss pigistas õhupalli.", "choice1": "Õhupall läks katki.", "choice2": "Õhupall lendas ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Reisijad registeerisid end oma hotellituppa.", "choice1": "Nad pakkisid oma kohvrid lahti.", "choice2": "Nad läksid lennujaama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma võtsin virsikust ampsu.", "choice1": "Virisik sai mujutud.", "choice2": "Mahl purskas välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu käed hakkasid kleepuma.", "choice1": "Ma sõin sõõrikut.", "choice2": "Ma olin maiasmokk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma lükkasin ust.", "choice1": "Uks avanes.", "choice2": "Uks oli lukus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aktivistid boikoteerisid toodet.", "choice1": "Tooteid testiti kvaliteedi tagamiseks.", "choice2": "Tooted olid valmistatud lapstööjõudu kasutades.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma puurisin seina augu.", "choice1": "Hiir roomas august välja.", "choice2": "Tolm lendas august välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine tundis oma õe vastu kadedust.", "choice1": "Ta õde oli õnnelik.", "choice2": "Ta õde lahutas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ajasin veini omale särgi peale.", "choice1": "Ma panin põlle ette.", "choice2": "Ma vahetasin särki.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kassapidaja avas kassaaparaadi.", "choice1": "Ostja otsis oma rahakotti läbi.", "choice2": "Ostja ulatas talle raha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tänavamuusik erutas rahvast.", "choice1": "Inimesed andsid talle peenraha.", "choice2": "Ta saatis rahva laiali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Väike poiss nuttis oma lapsehoidjale.", "choice1": "Ta igatses oma vanemaid.", "choice2": "Oli snäkiaeg.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piloodi radar avastas tormi.", "choice1": "Piloot navigeeris tormist eemale.", "choice2": "Piloot sõitis läbi tormi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puu heitis oma lehed.", "choice1": "Lehed muutsid värvi.", "choice2": "Lehed kogunesid maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss oli üleannetus tujus.", "choice1": "Ta otsustas oma õega kaardimängu mängida.", "choice2": "Ta otsustas oma õele vingerpussi mängida.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps kaebas, et ta peab tualettruumi minema.", "choice1": "Ta isa andis talle joomiseks limonaadi.", "choice2": "Ta isa peatas bensiinijaamas auto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps puistas kalatoitu akvaariumisse.", "choice1": "Kalad hüppasid akvaariumist välja.", "choice2": "Kalad ujusid toidu suunas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naise poliitilised vaated muutusid.", "choice1": "Ta vahetas oma erakondlikku kuuluvust.", "choice2": "Ta osales protestis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vannitoa kraanikauss oli umbes.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin kraani lahti.", "choice2": "Ma kallasin äravoolu puhastusvahendit sinna sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Reisija tuli rongi pealt maha.", "choice1": "Rong saabus jaama.", "choice2": "Rong andis vilet.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees vajutas ümbrikul oleva niiske kleepriba peale.", "choice1": "Ta pani ümbrikule margi.", "choice2": "Ta pitseeris ümbriku kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sõbrad kaotasid ühenduse.", "choice1": "Nad nautisid üksteise seltsi.", "choice2": "Nad kolisid eri linnadesse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Raamatupidaja haldas firma rahalisi vahendeid valesti.", "choice1": "Ta vallandati oma töökohalt.", "choice2": "Ta läks emapuhkusele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma vaatasin kella.", "choice1": "Ma kuulsin kella tiksumist.", "choice2": "Ma thatsin keelaaega kontrollida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mul läks käsi krampi.", "choice1": "Ma kirjutasin essee käsitsi.", "choice2": "Mu naine ja mina hoidsime käest kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Polt pinguldus.", "choice1": "Ma vahetasin poldi välja.", "choice2": "Ma pöörasin mutrivõtit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike allkirjastas korteri üürilepingu.", "choice1": "Paar kolis korterisse sisse.", "choice2": "Linn tunnistas korteri kõlbmatuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine istus väljas verandal.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis päikeseloojangut vaadata.", "choice2": "Ta arvas, et nägi äikest.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kandis vees päästevesti.", "choice1": "Ta ei osanud ujuda.", "choice2": "Vesi oli madal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine tegi tekstitöötlusseadmes trükivea.", "choice1": "Ta kustutas dokumendi.", "choice2": "Ta vajutas tagasisammuklahvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk uhkustas oma sõbrale.", "choice1": "Ta sai halva hinde.", "choice2": "Ta võitis võistluse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muru oli mudane.", "choice1": "Öö läbi sadas.", "choice2": "See oli umbrohtu täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine magas sisse.", "choice1": "Ta veetis öö hotellis.", "choice2": "Ta unustas äratuskella panna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees pani päikesekreemi peale.", "choice1": "Ta istus varjus.", "choice2": "Ta läks randa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teadlased tõestasid teooria.", "choice1": "Teadlased võtisd teooria tagasi.", "choice2": "Üksikisikud aktsepteerisid teooria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fännid mängul hüüdsid halvakspanevalt.", "choice1": "Mäng läks lisaajale.", "choice2": "Kohtunik tegi halva otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma sisestasin oma luku kombinatsiooni.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin luku kinni.", "choice2": "Lukk avanes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rahvas intensiivistus.", "choice1": "Isa andis pojale natuke raha.", "choice2": "Isa krabas oma poja käest.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lumi blokeeris sissesõiduteed.", "choice1": "Ma tegin lumest lumepalli.", "choice2": "Ma kühveldasin lume tee pealt ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kajakisõitjad aerutasid oma aerudega.", "choice1": "Kajakk jõudis kaldale.", "choice2": "Kajakk sõitis tabas lainet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk kaotas oma ratta üle kontrolli.", "choice1": "Ta lasi lenkstangist lahti.", "choice2": "Ta sõitis aeda sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin puhuri tööle.", "choice1": "Mu nahale pritsis vett.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin, kuidas külm õhk minust üle läks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Surfarid naasesid randa.", "choice1": "Nad olid läbi ligunenud.", "choice2": "Nad nägid haid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin vanni äravoolukorki.", "choice1": "Vesi voolas vannist ära.", "choice2": "Vesi pritsis põrandale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tundis end naise petmise pärast süüdi.", "choice1": "Ta süüdistas teda truudusetuses.", "choice2": "Ta tunnistas oma truudusetust talle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trükivärv postril määris.", "choice1": "Ma ootasin, kuni trükivärv kuivab.", "choice2": "Ma ajasin vett postri peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps ärkas karjudes üles.", "choice1": "Ta nägi õudusunenägu.", "choice2": "Ta tegi voodi märjaks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss pani oma jalad lauale.", "choice1": "Ta isa istus laua taha maha.", "choice2": "Ta isa pidas talle loengu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu sõber pööras pea minu poole.", "choice1": "Ma hõikasin ta nime.", "choice2": "Ma lehvitasin oma käsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Valitsus surus oma kodanikke alla.", "choice1": "Kodanikud korraldasid ülestõusu.", "choice2": "Kodanikud registreerisid hääletama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss oli metsa eksinud.", "choice1": "Ta pani telgi püsti.", "choice2": "Ta hüüdis abi järele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine reisis välismaale.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis joonistama õppida.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis teiste kultuuride kohta õppida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees oli oma töökaaslase peale kade.", "choice1": "Ta töökaaslane edutati.", "choice2": "Ta töökaaslane töötas hilja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees nägi tulnukaid.", "choice1": "Ta nägi viirastusi.", "choice2": "Ta mediteeris.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe juuksed muutusid blondiks.", "choice1": "Ta pani neisse valgendit.", "choice2": "Ta pani neisse shampooni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kunstnik lõi uue töö.", "choice1": "Ta kritiseeris oma eelnevat tööd.", "choice2": "Ta tundis inspiratsioonihoogu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poeg kolis kodust ära.", "choice1": "Ta vabastati sõjaväest.", "choice2": "Ta läks kõrgkooli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Raamatud kukkusid raamaturiilust välja.", "choice1": "Riiulid olid tolmuga kaetud.", "choice2": "Maavärin raputas raamaturiiulit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kodus läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma panin lambi põlema.", "choice2": "Ma lähtestasin automaatkorgi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Me sõitsime Ameerika mägedel.", "choice1": "See tundus hirmus.", "choice2": "See tundus lõbus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kotitäis popkorni hakkas praksuma.", "choice1": "Ma kallasin võid kotti.", "choice2": "Ma kuumutasin seda mikrolaineahjus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puu kukkus elektriliinile.", "choice1": "Naabruskonnas läks elekter ära.", "choice2": "Ilmateade ennustas tugevaid tuuli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Esineja tegi poliitiliselt ebakorrektseid kommentaare.", "choice1": "Ta tüütas publikut.", "choice2": "Ta solvas publikut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma torkasin ennast oraga.", "choice1": "Mu näolt tilkus higipiisk.", "choice2": "Mu sõrmel moodustus veretilk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kala hulpis akvaariumi pinnal.", "choice1": "Ta oli näljane.", "choice2": "Ta oli surnud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe hääl kõlas kähe.", "choice1": "Tal oli külmetus.", "choice2": "Ta jättis suitsetamise maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Liftiuksed avanesid.", "choice1": "Lift jõudis määratud korrusele.", "choice2": "Lift jäi korruste vahel kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teismeline hiilis majast välja.", "choice1": "Ta valetas oma vanematele.", "choice2": "Ta vanemad panid ta koduaresti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vannituba ujutas üle.", "choice1": "Tualett ajas üle.", "choice2": "Boiler läks katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kutsikas püsis omaniku lähedal.", "choice1": "Omanik pani kutsikale kaelarihma.", "choice2": "Omanik hoidis kutsikat jalutusrihma otsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees nägi oma peegeldust.", "choice1": "Ta seisis laialivalguva puu all.", "choice2": "Ta seisis rahuliku järve ääres.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma magasin oma tüdruksõbra telefonikõne maha.", "choice1": "Ma helistasin talle tagasi.", "choice2": "Ma sain temaga õhtusöögiks kokku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perekond otsis naabruskonna läbi.", "choice1": "Nende koer jooksis kodust ära.", "choice2": "Kallid ehted olid nende kodust kadunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma nägin oma hingeõhku, kui ma välja hindasin.", "choice1": "Ilm oli jahe.", "choice2": "Mul oli rinnus kitsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Töötajad moodustasid ühingu.", "choice1": "Nad tahtsid paremaid töötingimusi.", "choice2": "Nende tööandja tõstis nende palku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma küpsetasin õunapiruka.", "choice1": "Mädanev lõhn täitis köögi.", "choice2": "Soe aroom täitis köögi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel oli raske kõndida.", "choice1": "Ta kandis kõrgeid kontsi.", "choice2": "Ta võttis oma kingad ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veepotist tõusis aur.", "choice1": "Vesi kees.", "choice2": "Ma katsin poti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kõik mu sokid olid pesus.", "choice1": "Ma kandsin sandaale.", "choice2": "Ma kandsin saapaid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poliitiku argumenti peeti absurdseks.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas valijate toetuse.", "choice2": "Teda süüdistati korruptsioonis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kõik panid paarikese kihlumist pahaks.", "choice1": "Paar jäi rasedaks.", "choice2": "Paar põgenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hoone pühendati miljonärile.", "choice1": "Miljonär tahtis, et hoone lammutataks.", "choice2": "Miljonär panustas selle ehitamiseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Müüja süüüdistas tüdrukut varastamises.", "choice1": "Müüja nägi, kuidas tüdruk kaupa oma käekotti pani.", "choice2": "Müüja aitas tüdrukul leida käekotti, mis talle meeldis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riik kuulutas naabruses asuvale territooriumile sõja.", "choice1": "Sõdurid saadeti välja võitlema.", "choice2": "Sõdurid taasühinesid oma peredega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kohus toetas vastuoluliset kohtuotsust.", "choice1": "Kohtuhoone ees puhkes mäss.", "choice2": "Paarike vahetas kohtuhoone ees vandeid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk haistis midagi põlemas.", "choice1": "Ta võttis küpsised purgist välja.", "choice2": "Ta jättis küpsised ahju.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vihma kallas alla.", "choice1": "Torm läks halvemaks.", "choice2": "Ma tormasin, et sisse jõuda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hoone evakueeriti.", "choice1": "Lift lõpetas töötamise.", "choice2": "Tulekahjualarm läks tööle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Isa pani poja alkoholismi pahaks.", "choice1": "Isa ostis pojale õlle.", "choice2": "Isa viskas oma poja kodust välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kohtunik läks trepist üles oma kontorisse.", "choice1": "Sekretär läks selleks päevaks koju.", "choice2": "Lift oli katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sai oma sõbra peale pahaseks.", "choice1": "Ta sõber katkestas teda.", "choice2": "Ta sõber ostis talle lõuna.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk andis oma raha kassapidajale.", "choice1": "Kassapidaja andis tüdrukule vahetusraha.", "choice2": "Kassapidaja unustas tüdrukule tšeki anda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pandi ratastooli.", "choice1": "Ta jäi õnnetuses halvatuks.", "choice2": "Ta sisenes haiglasse kanderaamil.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kodanikud heiskasid oma kodudel riigilipu.", "choice1": "Riik tähistas oma iseseisvust.", "choice2": "Riik seisis silmitsi majanduslike raskustega.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tiim kaotas turniiri.", "choice1": "Nad valmistasid oma fännidele pettumuse.", "choice2": "Nad inspireerisid oma fänne.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu sõber juhtis tähelepanu sellele, et mul oli toit hammaste vahel.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin piinlikkust.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin uhkust.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss kukkus oma ajaloo eksami läbi.", "choice1": "Ta pani tunnis tähele.", "choice2": "Ta unustas õppida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kesklinna hoone varises kokku.", "choice1": "Linna tabas maavärin.", "choice2": "Kuritegevus linnas kasvas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe tüdruksõber jättis ta maha.", "choice1": "Ta palus, et ta ta tagasi võtaks.", "choice2": "Ta tutvustas teda oma vanematele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaks last kummardusid üheaegselt, et maast pall võtta.", "choice1": "Pall veeres ära.", "choice2": "Nad lõid pead kokku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pesukaru tuhnis prügikasti läbi.", "choice1": "Prügikastis oi pappi.", "choice2": "Prügikastil oli kaas pealt ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss teritas pliiatsit.", "choice1": "See oli odav.", "choice2": "See oli nüri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kassapidaja keeldus naisele kleidi raha tagasi maksmast.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas oma tšeki ära.", "choice2": "Kleit ei istunud talle.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kriimustus mu nahal oli sügav.", "choice1": "See paranes kiiresti.", "choice2": "See jättis armi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sai rongis reisijatelt imelikke pilke.", "choice1": "Ta vaatas maha.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis endaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps jättis puru põrandale.", "choice1": "Sipelgad roomasid puru juurde.", "choice2": "Laps pani leiva ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine ulatas oma õele salvrätiku.", "choice1": "Naise õde pani käed risti.", "choice2": "Naise õde hakkas nutma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees võttis münti.", "choice1": "Ta huuled olid lõhenenud.", "choice2": "Ta muretses halva hingeõhu pärast.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike lahkus etendusele vara.", "choice1": "Nad aimasid, et teatri ümber on tihe liiklus.", "choice2": "Nad said juhised teatrisse minemiseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine jäi töölt koju.", "choice1": "Ta ülemus kiitis teda.", "choice2": "Ta töökaaslane võttis tema vahetuse üle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees allkirjastas aktivisti petitsiooni.", "choice1": "Ta toetas nende üritust.", "choice2": "Ta tembeldas nad hulluks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Näitleja süda peksis enne etendust.", "choice1": "Tal oli lavahirm.", "choice2": "Ta jättis oma ridu meelde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma olin eksinud.", "choice1": "Ma lugesin oma sularaha üre.", "choice2": "Ma voltisin kaardi lahti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Küps puuvili rippus päikse käes.", "choice1": "See söödi ära.", "choice2": "See tõmbus krimpsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Auto läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin süüdet.", "choice2": "Mootor kuumenes üle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tegi oma seljale haiget.", "choice1": "Ta läks psühhiaatri juurde.", "choice2": "Ta jäi mõneks päevaks voodisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tegin kaminasse tule.", "choice1": "Mul olid küttepuud otsas.", "choice2": "Majas oli külm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine lõpetas sörkimise.", "choice1": "Tal läks külg krampi.", "choice2": "Ta sai uue jõupuhangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma koputasin oma naabri uksele.", "choice1": "Mu naaber kutsus mind sisse.", "choice2": "Mu naaber läks kodust ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine ohkas frustreeritult.", "choice1": "Ta abikaasa ei mõistnud ta muresid.", "choice2": "Ta abikaasa suudles teda hüvastijätuks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpetaja kiitis õpilast.", "choice1": "Õpilane vastas küsimustele õigesti.", "choice2": "Õpilane kahtles, kas küsimusele vastata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel said munad otsa.", "choice1": "Ta läks farmi.", "choice2": "Ta läks supermarketisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kohtusin vana sõbraga.", "choice1": "Ma avaldasin talle saladuse.", "choice2": "Ma tegin talle kalli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine vältis järve minemist.", "choice1": "Ta püüdis kala.", "choice2": "See nägi saastunud välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane ilmus klassi läbimärjana.", "choice1": "Ta vihmavari oli katki.", "choice2": "Ta ratas oli ära varastatud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kursor liikus arvutiekraanil.", "choice1": "Kasutaja klikkis hiirega.", "choice2": "Kasutaja liigutas hiirt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juht tegi ümbersõidu.", "choice1": "Peateel oli õnnetus.", "choice2": "Ta järgnes tema ees sõitvale veokile.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma riputasin märjad linad õue pesunöörile.", "choice1": "Linad kuivasid.", "choice2": "Linad määrdusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pani päikeseprillid ette.", "choice1": "Päike oli ere.", "choice2": "Ta püüdis taksot.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees silmitses öist taevast.", "choice1": "Ta soovis, et oleks suvi.", "choice2": "Ta arvas, et see oli ilus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tundsin end rampväsinult.", "choice1": "Ma läksin varakult voodisse.", "choice2": "Ma olin terve öö üleval.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees läks juuksuri juurde.", "choice1": "Ta kasvatas oma juukseid välja.", "choice2": "Ta juuksed olid pikaks kasvanud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss tegi oma uuele klassikaaslasele kurjasid tempe.", "choice1": "Poiss tervitas oma uut klassikaaslast.", "choice2": "Poisile ei meeldinud uus klassikaaslane.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ihaldasin klaasi piima.", "choice1": "Ma sõin küpsiseid.", "choice2": "Ma küpsetasin leiba.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hakkas sadama.", "choice1": "Juht pani esituled põlema.", "choice2": "Juht pani tagurpidikäigu sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hoone parkimisplats oli tühi.", "choice1": "Ma parkisin üle tee.", "choice2": "Ma parkisin sissepääsu juude.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kirjanik ei pidanud mustandi esitamise tähtajast kinni.", "choice1": "Tal oli kirjaniku blokk.", "choice2": "Ta redigeeris mustandit.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Partner katkestas mu kõne.", "choice1": "Ma tahtsin ülevaatajaga rääkida.", "choice2": "Ma andsin oma eraldusnumbri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tuul puhus lahtisest aknast sisse.", "choice1": "Uksekell helises.", "choice2": "Kardinad liikusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu majas läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin lambi seinast välja.", "choice2": "Ma põletasin kaitsme läbi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tõstja röhatas.", "choice1": "Ta painutas peegli ees oma muskleid.", "choice2": "Ta tõstis kangi oma pea kohale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane proovis peast arvutada.", "choice1": "Ta võttis kalkulaatori välja.", "choice2": "Ta sattus segadusse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tita jäi magama.", "choice1": "Isa vahetas tita mähkmeid.", "choice2": "Isa kiigutas titat tasakesi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas poissi veepommiga.", "choice1": "Pois sai peapõrutuse.", "choice2": "Poiss sai läbimärjaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fotograaf unustas kaamera välku kasutada.", "choice1": "Pildid tulid udused.", "choice2": "Kõik keeldusid pildil naeratamast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ütlesin sünnipäevakutse ära.", "choice1": "Ma oli üksik.", "choice2": "Ma olin linnast väljas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tegin trenni.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin end energiliselt.", "choice2": "Ma kartsin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pigistasin niisket svammi.", "choice1": "See imas vett sisse.", "choice2": "Vesi nõrgus sellest välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puhkajad läksid praamiga puhkekeskusse.", "choice1": "Puhkekeskus oli broneeritud.", "choice2": "Puhkekeskus oli saare peal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teismeline tegi tätoveeringu.", "choice1": "Ta kartis nõelu.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis mässata.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Võõras auto parkis mu maja ees.", "choice1": "Ma muutusin kahtlustavaks.", "choice2": "Ma kutsusin politsei.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kurjategija andis end üles.", "choice1": "Tõendid segasid ta asjasse.", "choice2": "Tema vastu ei olnud tõendeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Turske mees otsustas kaalus alla võtta.", "choice1": "Ta lõpetas magusa söömise.", "choice2": "Ta vältis kofeiini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk astus jääle.", "choice1": "Ta libises.", "choice2": "Ta värises.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel olid rõngad silmade all.", "choice1": "Ta oli terve öö üleval.", "choice2": "Ta pani oma poja magama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laava voolas vulkaanist.", "choice1": "Vulkaan purskas.", "choice2": "Vulkaan oli uinunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pani kingad jalga.", "choice1": "Ta teadis kõiki peol.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis peolt lahkuda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma maksin tolliputka teenindajale.", "choice1": "Ta lasi mind tolliputkast läbi.", "choice2": "Ta pidas mind tolliputkas kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juhataja läks pankrotti.", "choice1": "Ta müüs oma firma atsiaid.", "choice2": "Ta raiskas oma varanduse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees läks arsti juurde.", "choice1": "Arst oli puhkusel.", "choice2": "Mees tundis end haiglaselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma väljusin oma magamistoast akna kaudu.", "choice1": "Maja põles.", "choice2": "Maja oli tühi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poisi sõrmed läksid kortsu.", "choice1": "Ta oli pikalt duši all.", "choice2": "Ta määris oma käsi seebiga.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma sülitasin piima välja.", "choice1": "Piim maitses hapu.", "choice2": "Mu suu oli kuiv.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma jäin bussist maha.", "choice1": "Ma jõudsin vara tööle.", "choice2": "Ma jäin tööle hiljaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veok põrkas autoga kokku.", "choice1": "Veok kiirendas.", "choice2": "Auto purunes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Võistkond sahkerdas, et neil võistlusel paremini läheks.", "choice1": "Nad võitsid.", "choice2": "Nad langesid välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sooda pudel sisises.", "choice1": "Ma pöörasin pudeli ümber.", "choice2": "Ma keerasin korgi maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Poiss oli oma majast välja lukustatud.", "choice1": "Ta roomas läbi lahtise akna.", "choice2": "Ta ronis üles katusele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uksekell helises.", "choice1": "Külaline koputas uksekoputit.", "choice2": "Naine piilus läbi ukse võtmeaugu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tegi oma ülikonna plekiliseks.", "choice1": "Ta lasi selle keemiliselt puhastada.", "choice2": "Ta riputas selle oma kappi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk pigistas hambapastatuubi.", "choice1": "Hambapasta purskas joana tuubist välja.", "choice2": "Tüdruk sülitas hambapasta välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Eraisikud surmad sõjas tõusid hüppeliselt.", "choice1": "Patsifistid korraldasid protesti.", "choice2": "Patsifistid pidasid paraadi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk tõmbas äkitselt paela oma peast.", "choice1": "Ta sidus paela.", "choice2": "Pael nägi lapsik välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees käis iluoperatsioonil.", "choice1": "Ta vananes.", "choice2": "Ta nägi noorem välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Munast tuli beebikana välja.", "choice1": "Muna koorus.", "choice2": "Ma lõin muna katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vang nälgis.", "choice1": "Ta suri.", "choice2": "Ta põgenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas redelil tasakaalu.", "choice1": "Ta ronis redelist üles.", "choice2": "Ta kukkus redelilt alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps krooksus.", "choice1": "Ta võttis sõõmu soodat.", "choice2": "Ta avas soodapurgi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Külm tuuletõmbus tuli aknast sisse.", "choice1": "Ma lõõgastusin.", "choice2": "Ma värisesin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane sai kolledžisse minemiseks stipendiumi.", "choice1": "Ta klassikaaslased austasid teda.", "choice2": "Ta sai häid hindeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas poisi üle nalja.", "choice1": "Ta elas tema naabermajas.", "choice2": "Ta oli temasse armunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Näljane hulkur varastas süüa.", "choice1": "Ta sütitas kaastunnet.", "choice2": "Tal ei olnud raha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma helistasin oma sõbrale, et lobiseda.", "choice1": "Ma tahtsin privaatsust.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin üksindust.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees ulatas mulle oma käe.", "choice1": "Ma surusin ta kätt.", "choice2": "Ma andsin talle kõrvakiilu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kummardusin.", "choice1": "Ilutulestik lasti õhku.", "choice2": "Lendav taldrik lendas mu pea suunas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk näris küüsi.", "choice1": "Ta oli mures.", "choice2": "Ta oli üllatunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pöörasin kalendris lehte.", "choice1": "Ma märkisin kohtumise kalendrisse.", "choice2": "Oli uue kuu algus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees avastas, et ta naisel oli afäär.", "choice1": "Ta lasi oma advokaadi lahti.", "choice2": "Ta andis lahutuse sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas kummipalli maha.", "choice1": "Pall põrkas.", "choice2": "Pall helendas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk tegi oma eksamil vea.", "choice1": "Ta aimas vastust.", "choice2": "Ta kustutas oma vastuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mängija nügis oma vastast.", "choice1": "Ta vastane püüdis söödu.", "choice2": "Ta vastane kukkus maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma noppisin taime küljest tomateid.", "choice1": "Need olid küpsed.", "choice2": "Ma kastsin neid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tahtis romantiliselt käituda.", "choice1": "Ta sõi oma ekstüdrukuga lõunat.", "choice2": "Ta ostis oma tüdrukule šokolaadikomme.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elavhõbe termomeetris tõusis.", "choice1": "Ma kukutasin termomeetri maha.", "choice2": "Ilm läks soojemaks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nornaado liikus läbi linna.", "choice1": "Kohtuhoone katus puhuti pealt.", "choice2": "Maantee muutus ohtlikult jäiseks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane sai koduõpetajalt tunde.", "choice1": "Ta hinded paranesid.", "choice2": "Ta spikerdas eksamil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tundsin end mugavalt.", "choice1": "Ma põlvitasin maas.", "choice2": "Ma keerasin end teki sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma poleerisin kivi.", "choice1": "See muutus libedaks.", "choice2": "See muutus säravaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma lisasin kohvile suhkrut.", "choice1": "Kohv lõhnas tugevalt.", "choice2": "Kohv maitses magus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees paigutas pabereid ümber.", "choice1": "Ta sai paberi lõikehaava.", "choice2": "Ta rebis paberid ribadeks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma lõin haamriga naela.", "choice1": "Nael läks vajus puidu sisse.", "choice2": "Nael läks rooste.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kala näkkas.", "choice1": "Kalamees vinnas kala välja.", "choice2": "Kalamees viskas uuesti ridva vette.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teismelisel oli piinlik kooli minna.", "choice1": "Tal oli vistrik.", "choice2": "Tal võeti breketid ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu näoilme lõi särama.", "choice1": "Ma sain häid uudiseid.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin oma kannatuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pühkisin oma käed rätikuga.", "choice1": "Rätik oli märg.", "choice2": "Mu käed olid märjad.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas taburetil tasakaalu.", "choice1": "Taburet ta all vabises.", "choice2": "Ta kukutas taburetile värvi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meeskonna liikmed ajasid süüd üksteise kaela.", "choice1": "Nad kaotasid mängu.", "choice2": "Nende treener jättis treeningu ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma palusin adestust.", "choice1": "Ma kahetsesin oma viga.", "choice2": "Ma saavutasin oma eesmärgi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel hakkas oma kohtingukaaslasega igav.", "choice1": "Ta küsis tema kohta küsimusi.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis lakkamatult endast.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk naeratas vilksamisi.", "choice1": "Ta põsed läksid punakaks.", "choice2": "Ta naerulohud ilmusid nähtavale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vaenlase laev lendas õhku.", "choice1": "See läks üle miini.", "choice2": "See seilas sadamasse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees torkas oma jalga.", "choice1": "Ta kõndis lompi.", "choice2": "Ta astus klaasikildude peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektiivid otsisid kuriteopaigalt sõrmejälgi.", "choice1": "Nad avastasid mõrvari identiteedi.", "choice2": "Nad leidsid kuriteopaigast relva.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maanteel oli tihe liiklus.", "choice1": "Ma tegin ümbersõidu.", "choice2": "Ma palusin, et mind ära visataks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riigi majandus langes.", "choice1": "Paljud inimesed jäid haigeks.", "choice2": "Paljud inimesed seisid silmitsi töötusega.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ülekäiguraja valvur puhus laste peale vilet.", "choice1": "Nad olid kõndimas lähenevasse liiklusesse.", "choice2": "Ta tundis neid oma naabruskonnast ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pööritasin oma sõbra peale silmi.", "choice1": "Ta rääkis mulle tõtt.", "choice2": "Ta tegi sarkastilise märkuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Autol sai bensiin otsa.", "choice1": "Juht oli abitult tee peal.", "choice2": "Juht võttis hääletaja peale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine hakkas sünnitama.", "choice1": "Tita sündis.", "choice2": "Naisel oli hommikune iiveldus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe müts puhuti ära.", "choice1": "Ta võttis oma mütsi ära.", "choice2": "Õues oli tuuline.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk käis klassikaaslase sünnipäevapeol.", "choice1": "Ta sai kutse.", "choice2": "Ta ostis kingituse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poisi otsmik oli kuum.", "choice1": "Ta ema kraadis teda.", "choice2": "Ta ema viis ta parki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees pihustas end odekolonniga.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma kohtingukaaslasele muljet avaldada.", "choice2": "Ta pani oma juustesse geeli.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Majas läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma otsisin taskulampi.", "choice2": "Ma võtsin labida kätte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pere kolis suuremasse majja.", "choice1": "Poeg lõpetas keskkooli.", "choice2": "Ema sünnitas kaksikud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maratonijooksja hoidis rahulikku tempot.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma energiat kokku hoida.", "choice2": "Ta nägi finišijoont.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss lõi müügiautomaati jalaga.", "choice1": "Müügiautomaat sülitas ta vahetusraha välja.", "choice2": "Krõpsukott oli kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu sõbra koer suri.", "choice1": "Ma pööritasin tema peale silmi.", "choice2": "Ma tegin talle kalli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ärimehe krediitkaart lükati tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta kirjutas võlakirja.", "choice2": "Ta maksis sularahas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees vandus.", "choice1": "Ta lõikas oma küüsi.", "choice2": "Ta lõi oma varba ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tundis oma vene üle uhkust.", "choice1": "Ta vend vaidles nende vanematega.", "choice2": "Ta vend sai õigusteduskonda sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis päikesesüsteemi kohta õppida.", "choice1": "Ta läks raamatukokku.", "choice2": "Ta vaatas tähti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Poster jäi seinale kinni.", "choice1": "Ma paigutasin postri ukse kohale.", "choice2": "Ma panin kleeplinti postri tagaküljele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Klient kiitis arhitekti hoone plaanid heaks.", "choice1": "Arhitekst konstrueeris hoone.", "choice2": "Arhitekt kohandas plaane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kukutas oma lusika maha.", "choice1": "Ta käed värisesid.", "choice2": "Ta limpsis lusikat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Firma tegevdirector astus tagasi.", "choice1": "Juhatus lõpetas firma tegevuse.", "choice2": "Juhatus leidis talle asenduse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma jäin loengusse hiljaks.", "choice1": "Ma istusin tagaritta.", "choice2": "Ma lähenesin poodiumile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sai vangist välja.", "choice1": "Ta pere maksis ta kautsjoni.", "choice2": "Ta ründas kaasvangi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pere kaotas kõik oma asjad.", "choice1": "Nad müüsid oma maja.", "choice2": "Maja läks põlema.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma trampisin alumiiniumpurgil.", "choice1": "Purk taastöödeldi.", "choice2": "Purk litsuti laiaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk ühines väitlusmeeskonnaga.", "choice1": "Ta õppis arvutit kasutama.", "choice2": "Ta õppis suhtlusoskusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu tuju paranes.", "choice1": "Ma kuulasin muusikat.", "choice2": "Ma pesin nõud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Heategevusorganisatsioon seadis eesmärgiks raha koguda.", "choice1": "Nad toitsid kodutuid.", "choice2": "Nad korraldasid oksjoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ameerika mägede rong sööstis järsust langusest alla.", "choice1": "Reisida itsitasid.", "choice2": "Reisijad karjusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma olin maruvihane.", "choice1": "Ma kontrollisin majast lahkudes postkasti.", "choice2": "Ma lõin majast lahkudes ukse pauguga kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tahtis päikesetõusu vaadata.", "choice1": "Ta reisis põhja.", "choice2": "Ta tõusis vara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma voltisin paberit.", "choice1": "Ma taastöötlesin paberit.", "choice2": "Paber kortsus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riik elas looduskatastroofi üle.", "choice1": "Teiset riikide juhid moodustasid liidu.", "choice2": "Teiste riikide juhid saatsid hädaabi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poisi riided olid läbimärjad.", "choice1": "Ta ronis basseinist välja.", "choice2": "Ta kukkus basseini.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane kiirustas raamatu lõpetamisega.", "choice1": "See tuli raamatukokku tagasi viia.", "choice2": "Ta laenas selle sõbralt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kurjategija hukati.", "choice1": "Ta pandi vangi.", "choice2": "Ta pani toime mõrva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Päikesevalgus kandus ruumi.", "choice1": "Ma tõmbasin kardinad eest.", "choice2": "Ma tegi ukse lukust lahti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma sikutasid petise juukseid.", "choice1": "Ta parukas tuli ära.", "choice2": "Ta jäi kiilaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Toimetaja muutis käsikirjas lause sõnastust.", "choice1": "Ta leidis, et käsikiri oli mõjuv.", "choice2": "Ta pidas lauset ebaselgeks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pani oma krediitkaardi konto kinni.", "choice1": "Ta avastas, et ta kaart oli kadunud.", "choice2": "Ta avastas, et ta kaart oli aegunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees ja naine armusid.", "choice1": "Nad käisid kõrgkoolis.", "choice2": "Nad abiellusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muusika oli liiga ähmane, et kuulda.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin volüümi juurde.", "choice2": "Ma komponeerisin oma enda laulu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poisi juuksed hoidsid püsti.", "choice1": "Tüdruk sasis neid.", "choice2": "Tüdruk tõmbas neid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Putukas lömastati.", "choice1": "Ma pihustasin endale putukatõrjevahendit peale.", "choice2": "Ma astusin putukale peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma avasin oma silmad.", "choice1": "Ma ärkasin.", "choice2": "Ma lõõgastusin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu naabri muusika oli kõrvulukustav.", "choice1": "Ma palusin tal see vaiksemaks panna.", "choice2": "Ma palusin talt CD'd laenuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe pere elas vaesuses.", "choice1": "Ta oli oma teenituga kokkuhoidlik.", "choice2": "Ta teenis alla miinimumpalga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane lõpetas ülikooli.", "choice1": "Ta otsis tööd.", "choice2": "Ta alustas hobiga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kunstnik segas kollase ja sinise värvi.", "choice1": "Värv pritsis igale poole.", "choice2": "Värv muutus roheliseks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma vahetasin vestlusteemat.", "choice1": "Mul said otsa asjad, millest rääkida.", "choice2": "Vestlus muutus pingeliseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu vend sai haiglast välja.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin ta soojalt kodus vastu.", "choice2": "Ma kohtlesin teda külmalt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Eesriie tõusis.", "choice1": "Näidendi avastseen algas.", "choice2": "Näidendi näitlejad lahkusid lavalt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pantvang alistus inimröövija käskudele.", "choice1": "Inimröövija ähvardas pantvangile haiget teha.", "choice2": "Inimröövija jättis pantvangi omapead.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kõmin kajas üle lava.", "choice1": "Muusik koputas jalaga vastu maas.", "choice2": "Muusik lõi tagus trummi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vanemad kiirustasid oma lapse magamistuppa.", "choice1": "Laps ärkas õudusunenäo pealt karjudes üles.", "choice2": "Laps kartis oma voodi alla vaadata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine suhtles viipekeeles.", "choice1": "Ta sündis enneaegselt.", "choice2": "Ta sündis kurdina.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piirkonnas ilmnes põud.", "choice1": "Vesi muutus saastatuks.", "choice2": "Saak hävis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kass jahtis lindu.", "choice1": "Lind lendas ära.", "choice2": "Lind püüdis ussikese kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk vahetas kooli.", "choice1": "Koolist oli suveks vabadus.", "choice2": "Ta kolis uude linna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tehase omanik keeldus töötajate palka tõstmast.", "choice1": "Omanik nimetas ametisse uue juhataja.", "choice2": "Töötajad streikisid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juht seisis vastu oma riigi ekstremistidele.", "choice1": "Ekstremistid mõjutasid teda.", "choice2": "Ekstramistid mõrvasid ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kõndisin paljajalu rannal.", "choice1": "Liiv jäi mu jalgade külge.", "choice2": "Lained laksusid mööda kallast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ärkasin keset ööd külmatunde peale üles.", "choice1": "Ma panin dressipüksid jalga.", "choice2": "Ma jõin klaasi vett.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ema vaigistas oma poega.", "choice1": "Ta poeg irvitas.", "choice2": "Ta poeg vingus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu pükstesse rebenes auk.", "choice1": "Ma panin oma pükste luku kinni.", "choice2": "Ma kukkusin asfaltil pikali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss kandis breketeid.", "choice1": "Ta sai hambaugu.", "choice2": "Ta hambad muutusid sirgeks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tegin eile jõusaalis trenni.", "choice1": "Ma ärkasin täna üles lihasvaluga.", "choice2": "Ma ärkasin täna üles valusa kurguga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdrukud sosistasid lõunalauas omavahel edasi-tagasi.", "choice1": "Teised õpilased istusid lõunalauda maha.", "choice2": "Teised õpilased lõunalauas tundsid end kõrvalejäetult.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps maandus batuudile.", "choice1": "Ta lendas tagasi üles õhku.", "choice2": "Ta otsustas saltod proovida.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin kirja kirjakasti.", "choice1": "Postkontor toimetas kirja kohale.", "choice2": "Postkontor vaatas kirja kiiresti läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hasartmängur oli enesekindel.", "choice1": "Ta vedas kihla kogu oma raha peale.", "choice2": "Ta läks koju pankrotis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Metsatulekahju levis.", "choice1": "Tuuled muutusid tugevamaks.", "choice2": "Süütajad tabati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapsel tuli põlve pealt nahk maha.", "choice1": "Ta ema saatis ta oma tuppa.", "choice2": "Ta ema pani sideme ta haavale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees elas surmava haiguse üle.", "choice1": "Ta allkirjastas oma testamendi.", "choice2": "Talle siirdati elund.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma võtsin lonksu kõrvetavat kohvi.", "choice1": "Ma hammustasin keelde.", "choice2": "Ma põletasin oma keele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Toimetaja lasi kirjaniku lahti.", "choice1": "Kirjanik vältis oma lugudes eelarvamusi.", "choice2": "Kirjanik ei pidanud olulisest tähtajast kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tundsin end rampväsinult.", "choice1": "Ma magasin terve päeva.", "choice2": "Ma õppisin terve päeva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arst pani patsiendile diagnoosi.", "choice1": "Ta tuvastas patsiendi sümptomid.", "choice2": "Ta kirjutas patsiendile tabletid välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kratsisin oma nahka.", "choice1": "See oli higine.", "choice2": "See sügeles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehele tehti erakorraline operatsioon.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas kannatuse.", "choice2": "Tal oli südamerabandus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe käelihased olid punnis.", "choice1": "Ta painutas oma käsi.", "choice2": "Ta hõõrus oma käsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kergitas kulmu.", "choice1": "Ta oli üllatunud.", "choice2": "Ta tundis end heidutatult.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma andestasin kolleegile ta eksituse.", "choice1": "Ma uskusin, et ta soovis head.", "choice2": "Ma uskusin, et ta teeb heal ja halval vahet.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees jättis suitsetamise maha.", "choice1": "Ta hakkas rohkem trenni tegema.", "choice2": "Ta hakkas varem ärkama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine lõi oma ründajale vastu nina.", "choice1": "Ründaja keha muutus elutuks.", "choice2": "Ründaja hakkas veritsema.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nool ei tabanud märklaua keskkohta.", "choice1": "Mehe sihtimine oli mööda.", "choice2": "Mees kaotas mängu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maja omanik palus, et parasiitide tõrjuja ta majja tuleks.", "choice1": "Ta avastas keldrist rotid.", "choice2": "Ta pidas oma toas sipelgafarmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pakkusin oma külalisele välja, et läheksime välja õhtust sööma.", "choice1": "Ma olin liiga väsinud, et midagi valmistada.", "choice2": "Mu külaline jäi lubatuks kauemaks minu juurde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk sattus peale, kui ta vend ta päevikud luges.", "choice1": "Ta hakkas päevikut peitma.", "choice2": "Ta ostis omale uue päeviku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel jäi üürirahast puudu.", "choice1": "Ta tegi tööl ületunde.", "choice2": "Ta tuli töölt ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Laps tõmbas käe kähku tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta läks kuumale pliidile vastu.", "choice2": "Ta patsutas kutsika pead.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Firma tahtis klientide rahulolu mõõta.", "choice1": "Nad pakkusid uutele klientidele allahindlust.", "choice2": "Nad saatsid klientidele küsimustiku laiali.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puupõrandale tulid kriimud.", "choice1": "Poiss viskas padjad diivani pealt maha.", "choice2": "Poiss vedas tooli mööda põrandat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma varjasin oma nägu.", "choice1": "Mu vaenlane mõnitas mind.", "choice2": "Mu vaenlane ajas rusika püsti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuulus kuju põles maha.", "choice1": "See sai välgutabamuse.", "choice2": "Inimesed tulid seda austama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma jätsin puuvilja lauale.", "choice1": "Puuvili levitas seemneid.", "choice2": "Kärbsed kihasid puuvilja ümber.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baleriin tõmbas sideme ära.", "choice1": "Ta sirutas oma varbad välja.", "choice2": "Ta väänas oma hüppeliigese välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapsel tulid kingapaelad lahti.", "choice1": "Ta õppis, kuidas neid siduda.", "choice2": "Ta jooksis mänguvaljakul ringi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Raamat kütkestas mind.", "choice1": "Ma viisin raamatu tagasi.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin ajataju.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees uskus sarnastesse asjadesse nagu tema vanemad.", "choice1": "Ta vanemad mõjutasid teda.", "choice2": "Ta vanemad tõukasid ta ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Auto aeglustas tasapisi kuni peatumiseni.", "choice1": "Sel sai bensiin otsa.", "choice2": "Juht uinus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sõi päikese käes jäätist.", "choice1": "Jäätis kaotas oma maitse.", "choice2": "Jäätis tilkus koonuse otsast.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma riputasin kunsti tuppa.", "choice1": "Vaip nägi must välja.", "choice2": "Seinad tundusid paljad.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma lahkusin töölt vara.", "choice1": "Mul oli peavalu.", "choice2": "Mu ülemus korraldas koosoleku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kutsikas tegi vaiba täis.", "choice1": "Omanik riidles kutsikaga.", "choice2": "Omanik andis kutsikale maiust.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma vabandasin oma sõbra ees.", "choice1": "Mu sõber andestas mulle.", "choice2": "Mu sõber läks marru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees paistis rahva hulgast silma.", "choice1": "Ta kandis seljakotti.", "choice2": "Ta kandis neoonvesti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tunnistaja valetas vande all.", "choice1": "Ta lõpetas oma tunnistuse.", "choice2": "Teda süüdistati valetunnistuse andmises.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine värvis oma juuksed ära.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis uut moodi välja näha.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis sisse sulanduda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Immigrandid jäid riigis ebaseaduslikult resideerumisega vahele.", "choice1": "Nad leidsid töö.", "choice2": "Nad saadeti riigist välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avalik esineja viskas nalja.", "choice1": "Publik naeris.", "choice2": "Publik tõusis püsti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma vaatasin päiksesse.", "choice1": "Päike pimestas mind.", "choice2": "Päike päevitas mu nahka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mul oli igav.", "choice1": "Ma mühatasin.", "choice2": "Ma haigutasin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Steiki oli raske lõigata.", "choice1": "Nuga oli nüri.", "choice2": "Steil oli toores.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kuulutas välja pankroti.", "choice1": "Ta sai alimente.", "choice2": "Tal oli hiigelsuur võlg.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu sõbra korteris põlesid tuled.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin huvi, et kas ta on väljas.", "choice2": "Ma otsustasin talle külla minna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin lille oma nina alla.", "choice1": "Lille kroonlehed tulid ära.", "choice2": "Ma tundsid lillelõhna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine tundis end nostalgiliselt.", "choice1": "Ta kohtas lapsepõlvesõpra.", "choice2": "Ta karjus oma laste peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane lükkas kirjatööd edasi.", "choice1": "Ta esitas kirjatöö vara.", "choice2": "Ta esitas poolelioleva kirjatöö.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu auto läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma läksin kaubanduskeskusesse.", "choice2": "Ma helistasin mehaanikule.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma heitsin märkuse kõrvale.", "choice1": "See oli anonüümne.", "choice2": "See oli illegaalne.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Lind laksutas oma tiibu.", "choice1": "Ta mnes.", "choice2": "Ta tõusis ülespoole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma parkisin sissesõiduteel.", "choice1": "Garaaž oli lahti.", "choice2": "Garaaž oli täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kurjategija suunas oma relva ohvri peale.", "choice1": "Kurjategija pani relva maha.", "choice2": "Ohver tõstis käed üles.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ootasin pikisilmi nädalavahetust.", "choice1": "Mul oli plaanis oma onu matustele minna.", "choice2": "Mul oli plaanis oma sõbra pulma minna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kaotasin ajataju.", "choice1": "Ma unistasin.", "choice2": "Mul iiveldas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dokument printis loetamatult.", "choice1": "Printeris oli vähe tinti.", "choice2": "Printeris oli paber otsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Staadion mängis riighümni.", "choice1": "Fännid pöörasid lipu poole.", "choice2": "Fännid tormasid väljakule.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dipp maitses mage.", "choice1": "Ma serveerisin seda.", "choice2": "Ma panin soola juurde.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin paberrätiku mahaläinud vedeliku peale.", "choice1": "Rätik imas vett sisse.", "choice2": "Mahaläinud vedelik jättis kleepuva jälje.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisele segati poole raamatu lugemise pealt vahele.", "choice1": "Ta pani järjehoidja oma lehekülje vahale.", "choice2": "Ta luges raamatu uuesti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lennuk sattus turbulentsi.", "choice1": "Mees pani oma turvavöö kinni.", "choice2": "Mees vaatas aknast välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss võpatas.", "choice1": "Tüdruk ignoreeris teda.", "choice2": "Tüdruk torkas teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arstid andsid patsiendile tehisjäseme.", "choice1": "Nad amputeerisid ta jala.", "choice2": "Nad jälgisid tema elutähtsaid organeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss näpistas tüdruku õlga.", "choice1": "Ta kehitas tema suunas õlgu.", "choice2": "Ta tõmbas oma käe tema juurest ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt nõu.", "choice1": "Mulle hindasin tema arvamust.", "choice2": "Ma teadsin, et tal on õigus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss astus mutta.", "choice1": "Muda jäi ta kinga külge kinni.", "choice2": "Muda tabas teda näkku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Linnas sadas mõned tollid lund maha.", "choice1": "Koolid sulgesid.", "choice2": "Inimesed peitsid end maa alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Töötaja vahetus lõppes.", "choice1": "Ta läks selleks päevaks koju.", "choice2": "Ta ähvardas oma töölt lahkuda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puu kahjustas maja.", "choice1": "Puu kukkus katusele.", "choice2": "Puu varjutas tagaaeda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puit läks pooleks.", "choice1": "Ma kuhjasin puud kaminasse.", "choice2": "Ma lõin kirve puusse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perekond õnnitles paarikest.", "choice1": "Paarike teatas, et nad lahutavad.", "choice2": "Paarike teatas, et nad saavad lapse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk saatis poisile sõbrapäeva kaardi.", "choice1": "Ta meeldis talle.", "choice2": "Ta suudles teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma noogutasin oma sõbra avalduse peale pead.", "choice1": "Ma olin segaduses.", "choice2": "Ma nõustusin temaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sõbrad viskasid kulli ja kirja.", "choice1": "Nad tahtsid leida kompromissi.", "choice2": "Nad tahtsid teha ausa otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Taimer köögis hakkas töööle.", "choice1": "Mees pakkis toidukaubad külmikusse lahti.", "choice2": "Mees võttis pitsa ahjust välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine seadis ambitsioonika eesmärgi.", "choice1": "Ta logeles.", "choice2": "Ta tegi kõvasti tööd.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jõukas mees suri vanadusse.", "choice1": "Ta poeg sattus juriidilistesse probleemidesse.", "choice2": "Ta poeg päris ta varanduse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine trampis leekidel.", "choice1": "Leegid kustusid.", "choice2": "Leekidest tõusis suitsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naise auto oli töökojas.", "choice1": "Ta autojuhiload peatati.", "choice2": "Ta sattus autoõnnetusse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ei kuulnud oma äratuskella.", "choice1": "Ma tegin hommikusööki.", "choice2": "Ma magasin hommikusöögi maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avaliku elu tegelane tuli limusiinist välja.", "choice1": "Kaamerad välgutasid tema suunas.", "choice2": "Ta pere osales pressikonverentsil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine logeles vannis.", "choice1": "Vannivesi muutus leigeks.", "choice2": "Vannivesi voolas vannist välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kõrgkooli õpilased tahtsid kohtuda teiste õpilastega ülikoolilinnakus.", "choice1": "Nad ühinesid korporatsiooniga.", "choice2": "Nad võtsid inseneeria põhiaineks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tõstsin diivanipadjad üles.", "choice1": "Ma otsisin lahtist vahetusraha.", "choice2": "Ma paigutasin elutuba ümber.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Herilane lenda poisi poole.", "choice1": "Poiss jooksis ära.", "choice2": "Poiss korjas lille.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine mõisteti väärteos süüdi.", "choice1": "Talle mõisteti üldkasulik töö.", "choice2": "Ta määrati surma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma segasin suhkrut kuuma teesse.", "choice1": "Tee auras.", "choice2": "Suhkur sulas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veteran lonkas.", "choice1": "Ta oli sõtta värvatud.", "choice2": "Ta oli lahingus vigastada saanud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kurjategija jooksis politsei eest ära.", "choice1": "Politsei tegeles ohvriga.", "choice2": "Politsei jälitas kurjategijat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sülearvuti ei läinud tööle.", "choice1": "Ma kukutasin selle maha.", "choice2": "Ma laadisin seda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel sai kapis ruum otsa.", "choice1": "Ta soetas laialdase riidevaliku.", "choice2": "Ta voltis oma pesu kokku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe süda oli murtud.", "choice1": "Ta naine sünnitas.", "choice2": "Ta naine jättis ta maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees omandas kraadi.", "choice1": "Ta muutus kvalifitseerituks töö jaoks, mida ta tahtis.", "choice2": "Ta tööpakkumine tühistati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe hääl kandus selgelt üle auditoorimi.", "choice1": "Ta tervitas publikut.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis mikrofoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma viskasin mündi purskkaevu.", "choice1": "Münt vajus põhja.", "choice2": "Münt läks pooleks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mängija lõi palli augu suunas.", "choice1": "Pall läks auku.", "choice2": "Pall tõmbus tagasi mängija juurde.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma hingasin pööningul olevat tolmu sisse.", "choice1": "Ma luksusin.", "choice2": "Ma aevastasin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poe kassapidaja kutsus turvatöötaja.", "choice1": "Klient kasutas valeraha.", "choice2": "Klient jättis esituled sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma viisin prügi välja.", "choice1": "Prügi pani köögi halvasti lõhnama.", "choice2": "Ma viskasin kogemata oma poenimekirja ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pere läks loomaaeda.", "choice1": "Lapsed imetlesid loomi.", "choice2": "Lapsed ajasid loomi taga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe hingamine oli vali.", "choice1": "Ta neerud ütlesid üles.", "choice2": "Ta kopsud olid ummistunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mul oli kontserdile üleliigne pilet.", "choice1": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt juhiseid toimumispaika.", "choice2": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt, kas talle pakuks minemine huvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maja õhukonditsioneer läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma tõin tekid välja.", "choice2": "Ma avasin aknad.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poisi selg valutas.", "choice1": "Ta seljakott oli lahti.", "choice2": "Ta seljakott oli raske.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma ostsin oma emale kingituse.", "choice1": "Ma küptsetasin talle koogi.", "choice2": "Oli tema sünnipäev.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nartsissid aias hävitati.", "choice1": "Mesilane nõelas aednikku.", "choice2": "Oravad kaevasid sibulad üles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma süütasin tiku.", "choice1": "Leek kustus.", "choice2": "Tikk tekitas leegi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vaidlevad osapooled jõudsid lahenduseni.", "choice1": "Nad ei tahtnud kohtus vaielda.", "choice2": "Nad tahtsid omavahelist suhet parandada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapsed saadeti lastekodusse.", "choice1": "Nende vanemad surid.", "choice2": "Nende vanemad hellitasid nad ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meteoriit langes ookeanisse.", "choice1": "Tekkis tsunaami.", "choice2": "Rahet hakkas sadama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Matkaja kohtus mürgise maoga.", "choice1": "Ta muutus dehüdreerituks.", "choice2": "Ta paanitses.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ahi läks kuumaks.", "choice1": "Ma panin ahju tööle.", "choice2": "Ma panin roa ahju.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pigistasin sidruniviilu.", "choice1": "Sidrun läks hallitama.", "choice2": "Sidrun pritsis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riik avastas uue maa-ala.", "choice1": "Riik hülgas maa.", "choice2": "Riik koloniseeris maa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Klaas kukkus laualt maha.", "choice1": "See purunes kildudeks üle kogu põranda.", "choice2": "See maandus riidekuhja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laud kõikus.", "choice1": "Põrand oli ebatasane.", "choice2": "Põrand oli libe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Isa tabas oma poja valetamas.", "choice1": "Ta poeg tunnistas tõe üles.", "choice2": "Isa usaldas oma poega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees pea tuikas valust.", "choice1": "Ta võttis köhasiirupit.", "choice2": "Ta võttis aspirini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rong aeglustas.", "choice1": "Ta lähenes jaamale.", "choice2": "Ta oli graafikust maas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tegi teraapia läbi.", "choice1": "Vaimuhaigus oli neil perekonnas.", "choice2": "Tal diagnoositi depressioon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Naine haaras oma kõrist.", "choice1": "Ta neelas oma toidu alla.", "choice2": "Ta lämbus oma toidu käes.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naisel oli kurk valus.", "choice1": "Ta hääl kõlas kriipiv.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis aktsendiga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koer silmitses laual olevat mahlast steiki.", "choice1": "Ta ilastas.", "choice2": "Ta heitis pikali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naise äri saavutas edu.", "choice1": "Ta vallandas oma töötajad.", "choice2": "Ta sai jõukaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilased lahkusid klassiruumist.", "choice1": "Kell helises.", "choice2": "Õpetaja andis kodutööd.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine väitis, et nägi tonti.", "choice1": "Ta tuttavad väljendasid skeptitsismi.", "choice2": "Ta tuttavad seostasid end temaga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas oma kuulmise.", "choice1": "Ta peaaegu uppus ookeanis.", "choice2": "Ta sai peaaegu plahvatuses surma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps lasi õhupallinöörist lahti.", "choice1": "Õhupall läks õhust tühjaks.", "choice2": "Õhupall tõusis õhku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas kõnevõime.", "choice1": "Tal oli insult.", "choice2": "Ta hingas sügavalt sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine komistas kõnniteel.", "choice1": "Tsemendis oli mõra.", "choice2": "Ta kuulis oma nime hüütavat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees hüppas basseini pommi.", "choice1": "Vetelpäästja hüppas talle järgi.", "choice2": "Mees kastis vetelpäästja läbimärjaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma võtsin antibiootikume.", "choice1": "Mu infektsioon taandus.", "choice2": "Mu infektsioon levis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Valgusfoor läks kollaseks.", "choice1": "Juht vajutas pidurit.", "choice2": "Juht lasi signaali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Plastnõu sulas.", "choice1": "Ma leotasin nõud soojas vees.", "choice2": "Ma panin nõu kuumale pliidile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Auto sai mõlgitud.", "choice1": "Juht sõitis vastu telefoniposti.", "choice2": "Juht sõitis punase tule alt läbi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss õppis terve öö.", "choice1": "Ta jättis eksami vahele.", "choice2": "Ta sai eksamist läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Noor poiss klammerdus basseiniääre külge.", "choice1": "Ta kartis ujuma õppimist.", "choice2": "Vetelpäästja oli tööl.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin oma käe oma rinnale.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin oma südamelööke.", "choice2": "Mu pulss kiirenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kontori kõrvalhoone oli ehitamisel.", "choice1": "Mu kontor oli ülerahvastatud.", "choice2": "Mu kontor oli lärmakas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pere tahtis oma uusi naabreid tundma õppida.", "choice1": "Nad kutsusid naabrid õhtusöögile.", "choice2": "Nad lehvitasid naabritele oma aiast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vesi pritsis basseinist üles.", "choice1": "Ujuja sukeldus basseini.", "choice2": "Ujuja hulpis basseinis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma hammustasin arbuusiviilu.", "choice1": "Ma neelasin kogemata seemne alla.", "choice2": "Ma murdsin kogemata oma hamba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss komistas.", "choice1": "Ta jope oli eest lahti.", "choice2": "Ta kingapaelad olid lahti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pani kõrvatropid kõrva.", "choice1": "Teda segas lärm.", "choice2": "Ta tegi omale kõrvaaugud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma täitsin oma veepudeli uuesti.", "choice1": "Ma jõin kogu vee selles ära.", "choice2": "Ma hoidsin seda külmikus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telesaade oli tsenseeritud.", "choice1": "See sisaldas vulgaarset kõnepruuki.", "choice2": "Sellel oli keeruline süžee.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laev hukkus.", "choice1": "Meeskond uppus.", "choice2": "Meeskond kohtus piraatidega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss oli mõistatusest hämmeldunud.", "choice1": "Ta lahendas mõistatuse.", "choice2": "Ta palus vihjet.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telefon helises.", "choice1": "Mees pani telefoni ära.", "choice2": "Mees võttis telefoni vastu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine jõllitas mind.", "choice1": "Ma kallistasin teda.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin ebamugavust.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Grupp lahkus muuseumist.", "choice1": "Nad tegin eksponaatidest pilti.", "choice2": "Nad vaatasid kõik eksponaadid ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees alustas minuga vaidlust.", "choice1": "Mu sõber tutvustas mind mehele.", "choice2": "Mu sõber astus minu kaitseks välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu rattakumm oli tühi.", "choice1": "Ma pumpasin õhku kummi.", "choice2": "Ma vahetasin rattal käike.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk nägi kahvatu välja.", "choice1": "Ta ise luges talle loo.", "choice2": "Ta ise katsus ta otsmikku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pastaks sai tühjaks.", "choice1": "Ma kasutasin pliiatsit.", "choice2": "Ma allkirjastasin oma nime.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehele ei antud laenu.", "choice1": "Ta oli võlgades.", "choice2": "Ta alustas äri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk jäi koolist koju.", "choice1": "Tal olid tuulerõuged.", "choice2": "Ta nautis matemaatika õppimist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Prügikott oli täis.", "choice1": "Ma viisin selle prügikonteinerisse.", "choice2": "Ma viskasin selle kraanikausist alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin vaiba tolmuimejaga üle.", "choice1": "Mu toakaaslane ajas punši maha.", "choice2": "Mu koer ajas karva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas kannatuse.", "choice1": "Ta sulges oma arvuti.", "choice2": "Ta viskas tooli toa teise otsa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas oksakese lõkkesse.", "choice1": "Oksake põles.", "choice2": "Tuli kustus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tuli duši alt ära.", "choice1": "Kuum vesi oli otsas.", "choice2": "Ta ei leidnud rätikut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vanemad tahtsid, et nende lapsed läheksid kõrgkooli.", "choice1": "Nad panid õppemaksu tarbeks hoiufondi kõrvale.", "choice2": "Nad julgustasid lapsi õues mängima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sidus oma kingapaelad lahti.", "choice1": "Ta kingad lõdvenesid.", "choice2": "Ta kingad muutusid läbikantuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sõi poole eelroast.", "choice1": "Ta pani jäägid külmkappi.", "choice2": "Ta salvestas retsepti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu hüppeliiges oli paistes.", "choice1": "Ma panin sellele jääd peale.", "choice2": "Ma määrisin sellele kreemi peale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kontori uks oli lahti.", "choice1": "Ma rääkisin oma laua juures oma kolleegidega.", "choice2": "Ma kuulsin pealt saalis toimuvat vestlust.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma pidin järjekorras ootama.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin istet.", "choice2": "Ma sirvisin ajakirja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees lajatas kärbsele.", "choice1": "Kärbes sumises minema.", "choice2": "Kärbes jäi liikumatuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mees kirjutas testamendi.", "choice1": "Ta oli suremas.", "choice2": "Ta oli lesk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jooksja tajus konkurenti endale järele jõudmas.", "choice1": "Ta katkestas võistluse.", "choice2": "Ta kiirendas oma tempot.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma mõtlesin hoolikalt probleemile.", "choice1": "Ma küsisin nõu.", "choice2": "Ma mõtlesin lahenduse välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Reisija kõndis väriseval rippsillal.", "choice1": "Ta tundis hirmu.", "choice2": "Ta tundis ekstaasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees aimas meeskonna võitu ette.", "choice1": "Ta sai oma sõpradega kokku, et mängu vaadata.", "choice2": "Ta vedas oma sõpradega kihla.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss ei suutnud uinuda.", "choice1": "Ta pani omale äratuskella.", "choice2": "Ta luges lambaid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ese oli mullikilesse mässitud.", "choice1": "See oli õrn.", "choice2": "See oli väike.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tühjendasin oma taskud.", "choice1": "Ma leidsin pileti tüki.", "choice2": "Ma leidsin relva.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Termiidid tungisid majja sisse.", "choice1": "Termiidid kadusid majast.", "choice2": "Termiidid sõid läbi majas oleva puidu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Reisidjad jõudsid piirini.", "choice1": "Piirikontroll kontrollis nende passe.", "choice2": "Piirikontroll süüdistas neid smuugeldamises.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kontor oli kinni.", "choice1": "Oli puhkus.", "choice2": "Oli suvi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdrukul sai energia otsa.", "choice1": "Ta mängis kabet.", "choice2": "Ta hüppas hüppenööriga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kaotas oma koha järjekorras.", "choice1": "Veel inimesi liitus järjekorraga.", "choice2": "Ta astus järjekorrast välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk hoidis oma nina kinni.", "choice1": "Beebi ilastas oma põlle peale.", "choice2": "Beebi tegi oma mähkme täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bänd mängis oma hittlugu.", "choice1": "Publik plaksutas muusikaga kaasa.", "choice2": "Publik kuulas vaikuses.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis oma matemaatikaõpetajat tänada.", "choice1": "Tüdruk jäeti peale tunde.", "choice2": "Tüdruk tõi õpetajale õuna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Väikesed matkajad olid hirmul.", "choice1": "Laagrivanem rääkis neile õudusjuttu.", "choice2": "Nad grillisid lõkkel vahukomme.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees lõi pea ära.", "choice1": "Tal läks mõte sassi.", "choice2": "Ta sai peapõrutuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tšekk, mille kirjutasin, ei läinud läbi.", "choice1": "Mu pangakonto oli tühi.", "choice2": "Ma sain palgatõusu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe e-postkast oli rämpsposti täis.", "choice1": "Ta kustutas rämpsposti.", "choice2": "Ta saatis laiali massimeili.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meremees pandi karantiini.", "choice1": "Ta puutus haigusega kokku.", "choice2": "Ta paranes haigusest.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk jättis koodi meelde.", "choice1": "Ta luges seda endale ette.", "choice2": "Ta unustas selle üles kirjutada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma valasin vett klaasi.", "choice1": "Vesi kustutas mu janu.", "choice2": "Klaas sai täis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees oli vaikselt, kui tema sõber rääkimise lõpetas.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma sõpra toetada.", "choice2": "Ta mõtles oma sõbra sõnadele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õnnetus oli minu süü.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin end süüdi.", "choice2": "Ma esitasin süüdistuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kett lagunes tükkideks.", "choice1": "Kett oli kummi ümber mässitud.", "choice2": "Ketis oli katkine lüli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike otsustas kompromissile minna.", "choice1": "Nad väsisid vaidlemisest.", "choice2": "Nad vältisid probleemi arutamist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine otsustas riigiametisse kandideerida.", "choice1": "Ta palkas kampaaniamänedžeri.", "choice2": "Ta tunnistas kohtus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees nägi ette, et tema reisi ajal tuleb külm ilm.", "choice1": "Ta pakkis soojad riided oma kohvrisse.", "choice2": "Ta reisis suure kohvriga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane teadis küsimusele vastust.", "choice1": "Ta tõstis oma käe.", "choice2": "Ta viilis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe silmad jooksid vett.", "choice1": "Talle läks tolm silma.", "choice2": "Ta pani kaitseprillid oma silmadele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mängija võitis viis mängu järjest.", "choice1": "Vastane süüdistas teda sohitegemises.", "choice2": "Vastasel oli temast kahju.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpetaja rebis õpilase eksami pooleks.", "choice1": "Ta tabas õpilase spikerdamast.", "choice2": "Õpilase vastused olid valed.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tegin pausi, et rääkimine lõpetada.", "choice1": "Mul läsk hääl ära.", "choice2": "Mul sai õhk otsa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Külmutatud toit sulas üles.", "choice1": "Ma panin selle mikrolaineahju.", "choice2": "Ma katsin selle plastik kilega.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Töötaja teeskles haigust.", "choice1": "Tal olid kõhukrambid.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis vaba päeva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk maandus basseinis.", "choice1": "Ta jooksis basseini tekil.", "choice2": "Ta hüppas hüppelaualt alla.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Filmipiletid müüsid välja.", "choice1": "See oli filmi esilinastus.", "choice2": "Film sai kehvad arvustused.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees võttis kaalust alla.", "choice1": "Inimesed isoleerisid ta.", "choice2": "Inimesed tegid talle komplimente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruku käed läksid villi.", "choice1": "Ta trükkis kirja.", "choice2": "Ta ronis köit mööda üles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tsirkuseartist žonglööris üherattalisega sõites.", "choice1": "Public hõiskas imestuses.", "choice2": "Akrobaat kiikus trapetsil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kannatlikkus katkes.", "choice1": "Ootasin oma sõbra järel.", "choice2": "Mu sõber saabus õigeaegselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sõdivad riigid tahtsid rahu.", "choice1": "Nad arendasid tuumarelvad.", "choice2": "Nad rääkisid lepingu osas läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees võttis unerohtu.", "choice1": "Ta muutus uimaseks.", "choice2": "Tal tõusis palavik.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kõndis diivanile otsa.", "choice1": "Diivanijalg tuli lahti.", "choice2": "Ta sai põlvele sinika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss pigistas õhupalli.", "choice1": "Õhupall läks katki.", "choice2": "Õhupall lendas ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Reisijad registeerisid end oma hotellituppa.", "choice1": "Nad pakkisid oma kohvrid lahti.", "choice2": "Nad läksid lennujaama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma võtsin virsikust ampsu.", "choice1": "Virisik sai mujutud.", "choice2": "Mahl purskas välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu käed hakkasid kleepuma.", "choice1": "Ma sõin sõõrikut.", "choice2": "Ma olin maiasmokk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma lükkasin ust.", "choice1": "Uks avanes.", "choice2": "Uks oli lukus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aktivistid boikoteerisid toodet.", "choice1": "Tooteid testiti kvaliteedi tagamiseks.", "choice2": "Tooted olid valmistatud lapstööjõudu kasutades.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma puurisin seina augu.", "choice1": "Hiir roomas august välja.", "choice2": "Tolm lendas august välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine tundis oma õe vastu kadedust.", "choice1": "Ta õde oli õnnelik.", "choice2": "Ta õde lahutas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ajasin veini omale särgi peale.", "choice1": "Ma panin põlle ette.", "choice2": "Ma vahetasin särki.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kassapidaja avas kassaaparaadi.", "choice1": "Ostja otsis oma rahakotti läbi.", "choice2": "Ostja ulatas talle raha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tänavamuusik erutas rahvast.", "choice1": "Inimesed andsid talle peenraha.", "choice2": "Ta saatis rahva laiali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Väike poiss nuttis oma lapsehoidjale.", "choice1": "Ta igatses oma vanemaid.", "choice2": "Oli snäkiaeg.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piloodi radar avastas tormi.", "choice1": "Piloot navigeeris tormist eemale.", "choice2": "Piloot sõitis läbi tormi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puu heitis oma lehed.", "choice1": "Lehed muutsid värvi.", "choice2": "Lehed kogunesid maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss oli üleannetus tujus.", "choice1": "Ta otsustas oma õega kaardimängu mängida.", "choice2": "Ta otsustas oma õele vingerpussi mängida.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps kaebas, et ta peab tualettruumi minema.", "choice1": "Ta isa andis talle joomiseks limonaadi.", "choice2": "Ta isa peatas bensiinijaamas auto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps puistas kalatoitu akvaariumisse.", "choice1": "Kalad hüppasid akvaariumist välja.", "choice2": "Kalad ujusid toidu suunas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naise poliitilised vaated muutusid.", "choice1": "Ta vahetas oma erakondlikku kuuluvust.", "choice2": "Ta osales protestis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vannitoa kraanikauss oli umbes.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin kraani lahti.", "choice2": "Ma kallasin äravoolu puhastusvahendit sinna sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Reisija tuli rongi pealt maha.", "choice1": "Rong saabus jaama.", "choice2": "Rong andis vilet.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees vajutas ümbrikul oleva niiske kleepriba peale.", "choice1": "Ta pani ümbrikule margi.", "choice2": "Ta pitseeris ümbriku kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sõbrad kaotasid ühenduse.", "choice1": "Nad nautisid üksteise seltsi.", "choice2": "Nad kolisid eri linnadesse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Raamatupidaja haldas firma rahalisi vahendeid valesti.", "choice1": "Ta vallandati oma töökohalt.", "choice2": "Ta läks emapuhkusele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma vaatasin kella.", "choice1": "Ma kuulsin kella tiksumist.", "choice2": "Ma thatsin keelaaega kontrollida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mul läks käsi krampi.", "choice1": "Ma kirjutasin essee käsitsi.", "choice2": "Mu naine ja mina hoidsime käest kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Polt pinguldus.", "choice1": "Ma vahetasin poldi välja.", "choice2": "Ma pöörasin mutrivõtit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike allkirjastas korteri üürilepingu.", "choice1": "Paar kolis korterisse sisse.", "choice2": "Linn tunnistas korteri kõlbmatuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine istus väljas verandal.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis päikeseloojangut vaadata.", "choice2": "Ta arvas, et nägi äikest.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kandis vees päästevesti.", "choice1": "Ta ei osanud ujuda.", "choice2": "Vesi oli madal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine tegi tekstitöötlusseadmes trükivea.", "choice1": "Ta kustutas dokumendi.", "choice2": "Ta vajutas tagasisammuklahvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk uhkustas oma sõbrale.", "choice1": "Ta sai halva hinde.", "choice2": "Ta võitis võistluse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muru oli mudane.", "choice1": "Öö läbi sadas.", "choice2": "See oli umbrohtu täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine magas sisse.", "choice1": "Ta veetis öö hotellis.", "choice2": "Ta unustas äratuskella panna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees pani päikesekreemi peale.", "choice1": "Ta istus varjus.", "choice2": "Ta läks randa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teadlased tõestasid teooria.", "choice1": "Teadlased võtisd teooria tagasi.", "choice2": "Üksikisikud aktsepteerisid teooria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fännid mängul hüüdsid halvakspanevalt.", "choice1": "Mäng läks lisaajale.", "choice2": "Kohtunik tegi halva otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma sisestasin oma luku kombinatsiooni.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin luku kinni.", "choice2": "Lukk avanes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rahvas intensiivistus.", "choice1": "Isa andis pojale natuke raha.", "choice2": "Isa krabas oma poja käest.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lumi blokeeris sissesõiduteed.", "choice1": "Ma tegin lumest lumepalli.", "choice2": "Ma kühveldasin lume tee pealt ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kajakisõitjad aerutasid oma aerudega.", "choice1": "Kajakk jõudis kaldale.", "choice2": "Kajakk sõitis tabas lainet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk kaotas oma ratta üle kontrolli.", "choice1": "Ta lasi lenkstangist lahti.", "choice2": "Ta sõitis aeda sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin puhuri tööle.", "choice1": "Mu nahale pritsis vett.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin, kuidas külm õhk minust üle läks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Surfarid naasesid randa.", "choice1": "Nad olid läbi ligunenud.", "choice2": "Nad nägid haid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin vanni äravoolukorki.", "choice1": "Vesi voolas vannist ära.", "choice2": "Vesi pritsis põrandale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tundis end naise petmise pärast süüdi.", "choice1": "Ta süüdistas teda truudusetuses.", "choice2": "Ta tunnistas oma truudusetust talle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trükivärv postril määris.", "choice1": "Ma ootasin, kuni trükivärv kuivab.", "choice2": "Ma ajasin vett postri peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps ärkas karjudes üles.", "choice1": "Ta nägi õudusunenägu.", "choice2": "Ta tegi voodi märjaks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss pani oma jalad lauale.", "choice1": "Ta isa istus laua taha maha.", "choice2": "Ta isa pidas talle loengu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu sõber pööras pea minu poole.", "choice1": "Ma hõikasin ta nime.", "choice2": "Ma lehvitasin oma käsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Valitsus surus oma kodanikke alla.", "choice1": "Kodanikud korraldasid ülestõusu.", "choice2": "Kodanikud registreerisid hääletama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss oli metsa eksinud.", "choice1": "Ta pani telgi püsti.", "choice2": "Ta hüüdis abi järele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine reisis välismaale.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis joonistama õppida.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis teiste kultuuride kohta õppida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees oli oma töökaaslase peale kade.", "choice1": "Ta töökaaslane edutati.", "choice2": "Ta töökaaslane töötas hilja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees nägi tulnukaid.", "choice1": "Ta nägi viirastusi.", "choice2": "Ta mediteeris.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe juuksed muutusid blondiks.", "choice1": "Ta pani neisse valgendit.", "choice2": "Ta pani neisse shampooni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kunstnik lõi uue töö.", "choice1": "Ta kritiseeris oma eelnevat tööd.", "choice2": "Ta tundis inspiratsioonihoogu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poeg kolis kodust ära.", "choice1": "Ta vabastati sõjaväest.", "choice2": "Ta läks kõrgkooli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Raamatud kukkusid raamaturiilust välja.", "choice1": "Riiulid olid tolmuga kaetud.", "choice2": "Maavärin raputas raamaturiiulit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kodus läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma panin lambi põlema.", "choice2": "Ma lähtestasin automaatkorgi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Me sõitsime Ameerika mägedel.", "choice1": "See tundus hirmus.", "choice2": "See tundus lõbus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kotitäis popkorni hakkas praksuma.", "choice1": "Ma kallasin võid kotti.", "choice2": "Ma kuumutasin seda mikrolaineahjus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puu kukkus elektriliinile.", "choice1": "Naabruskonnas läks elekter ära.", "choice2": "Ilmateade ennustas tugevaid tuuli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Esineja tegi poliitiliselt ebakorrektseid kommentaare.", "choice1": "Ta tüütas publikut.", "choice2": "Ta solvas publikut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma torkasin ennast oraga.", "choice1": "Mu näolt tilkus higipiisk.", "choice2": "Mu sõrmel moodustus veretilk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kala hulpis akvaariumi pinnal.", "choice1": "Ta oli näljane.", "choice2": "Ta oli surnud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe hääl kõlas kähe.", "choice1": "Tal oli külmetus.", "choice2": "Ta jättis suitsetamise maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Liftiuksed avanesid.", "choice1": "Lift jõudis määratud korrusele.", "choice2": "Lift jäi korruste vahel kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teismeline hiilis majast välja.", "choice1": "Ta valetas oma vanematele.", "choice2": "Ta vanemad panid ta koduaresti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vannituba ujutas üle.", "choice1": "Tualett ajas üle.", "choice2": "Boiler läks katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kutsikas püsis omaniku lähedal.", "choice1": "Omanik pani kutsikale kaelarihma.", "choice2": "Omanik hoidis kutsikat jalutusrihma otsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees nägi oma peegeldust.", "choice1": "Ta seisis laialivalguva puu all.", "choice2": "Ta seisis rahuliku järve ääres.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma magasin oma tüdruksõbra telefonikõne maha.", "choice1": "Ma helistasin talle tagasi.", "choice2": "Ma sain temaga õhtusöögiks kokku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perekond otsis naabruskonna läbi.", "choice1": "Nende koer jooksis kodust ära.", "choice2": "Kallid ehted olid nende kodust kadunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma nägin oma hingeõhku, kui ma välja hindasin.", "choice1": "Ilm oli jahe.", "choice2": "Mul oli rinnus kitsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Töötajad moodustasid ühingu.", "choice1": "Nad tahtsid paremaid töötingimusi.", "choice2": "Nende tööandja tõstis nende palku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma küpsetasin õunapiruka.", "choice1": "Mädanev lõhn täitis köögi.", "choice2": "Soe aroom täitis köögi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel oli raske kõndida.", "choice1": "Ta kandis kõrgeid kontsi.", "choice2": "Ta võttis oma kingad ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veepotist tõusis aur.", "choice1": "Vesi kees.", "choice2": "Ma katsin poti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kõik mu sokid olid pesus.", "choice1": "Ma kandsin sandaale.", "choice2": "Ma kandsin saapaid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poliitiku argumenti peeti absurdseks.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas valijate toetuse.", "choice2": "Teda süüdistati korruptsioonis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kõik panid paarikese kihlumist pahaks.", "choice1": "Paar jäi rasedaks.", "choice2": "Paar põgenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hoone pühendati miljonärile.", "choice1": "Miljonär tahtis, et hoone lammutataks.", "choice2": "Miljonär panustas selle ehitamiseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Müüja süüüdistas tüdrukut varastamises.", "choice1": "Müüja nägi, kuidas tüdruk kaupa oma käekotti pani.", "choice2": "Müüja aitas tüdrukul leida käekotti, mis talle meeldis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riik kuulutas naabruses asuvale territooriumile sõja.", "choice1": "Sõdurid saadeti välja võitlema.", "choice2": "Sõdurid taasühinesid oma peredega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kohus toetas vastuoluliset kohtuotsust.", "choice1": "Kohtuhoone ees puhkes mäss.", "choice2": "Paarike vahetas kohtuhoone ees vandeid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk haistis midagi põlemas.", "choice1": "Ta võttis küpsised purgist välja.", "choice2": "Ta jättis küpsised ahju.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vihma kallas alla.", "choice1": "Torm läks halvemaks.", "choice2": "Ma tormasin, et sisse jõuda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hoone evakueeriti.", "choice1": "Lift lõpetas töötamise.", "choice2": "Tulekahjualarm läks tööle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Isa pani poja alkoholismi pahaks.", "choice1": "Isa ostis pojale õlle.", "choice2": "Isa viskas oma poja kodust välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kohtunik läks trepist üles oma kontorisse.", "choice1": "Sekretär läks selleks päevaks koju.", "choice2": "Lift oli katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sai oma sõbra peale pahaseks.", "choice1": "Ta sõber katkestas teda.", "choice2": "Ta sõber ostis talle lõuna.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk andis oma raha kassapidajale.", "choice1": "Kassapidaja andis tüdrukule vahetusraha.", "choice2": "Kassapidaja unustas tüdrukule tšeki anda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pandi ratastooli.", "choice1": "Ta jäi õnnetuses halvatuks.", "choice2": "Ta sisenes haiglasse kanderaamil.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kodanikud heiskasid oma kodudel riigilipu.", "choice1": "Riik tähistas oma iseseisvust.", "choice2": "Riik seisis silmitsi majanduslike raskustega.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tiim kaotas turniiri.", "choice1": "Nad valmistasid oma fännidele pettumuse.", "choice2": "Nad inspireerisid oma fänne.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu sõber juhtis tähelepanu sellele, et mul oli toit hammaste vahel.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin piinlikkust.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin uhkust.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss kukkus oma ajaloo eksami läbi.", "choice1": "Ta pani tunnis tähele.", "choice2": "Ta unustas õppida.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kesklinna hoone varises kokku.", "choice1": "Linna tabas maavärin.", "choice2": "Kuritegevus linnas kasvas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe tüdruksõber jättis ta maha.", "choice1": "Ta palus, et ta ta tagasi võtaks.", "choice2": "Ta tutvustas teda oma vanematele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaks last kummardusid üheaegselt, et maast pall võtta.", "choice1": "Pall veeres ära.", "choice2": "Nad lõid pead kokku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pesukaru tuhnis prügikasti läbi.", "choice1": "Prügikastis oi pappi.", "choice2": "Prügikastil oli kaas pealt ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss teritas pliiatsit.", "choice1": "See oli odav.", "choice2": "See oli nüri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kassapidaja keeldus naisele kleidi raha tagasi maksmast.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas oma tšeki ära.", "choice2": "Kleit ei istunud talle.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kriimustus mu nahal oli sügav.", "choice1": "See paranes kiiresti.", "choice2": "See jättis armi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sai rongis reisijatelt imelikke pilke.", "choice1": "Ta vaatas maha.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis endaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps jättis puru põrandale.", "choice1": "Sipelgad roomasid puru juurde.", "choice2": "Laps pani leiva ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine ulatas oma õele salvrätiku.", "choice1": "Naise õde pani käed risti.", "choice2": "Naise õde hakkas nutma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees võttis münti.", "choice1": "Ta huuled olid lõhenenud.", "choice2": "Ta muretses halva hingeõhu pärast.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike lahkus etendusele vara.", "choice1": "Nad aimasid, et teatri ümber on tihe liiklus.", "choice2": "Nad said juhised teatrisse minemiseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine jäi töölt koju.", "choice1": "Ta ülemus kiitis teda.", "choice2": "Ta töökaaslane võttis tema vahetuse üle.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees allkirjastas aktivisti petitsiooni.", "choice1": "Ta toetas nende üritust.", "choice2": "Ta tembeldas nad hulluks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Näitleja süda peksis enne etendust.", "choice1": "Tal oli lavahirm.", "choice2": "Ta jättis oma ridu meelde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma olin eksinud.", "choice1": "Ma lugesin oma sularaha üre.", "choice2": "Ma voltisin kaardi lahti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Küps puuvili rippus päikse käes.", "choice1": "See söödi ära.", "choice2": "See tõmbus krimpsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Auto läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin süüdet.", "choice2": "Mootor kuumenes üle.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tegi oma seljale haiget.", "choice1": "Ta läks psühhiaatri juurde.", "choice2": "Ta jäi mõneks päevaks voodisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tegin kaminasse tule.", "choice1": "Mul olid küttepuud otsas.", "choice2": "Majas oli külm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine lõpetas sörkimise.", "choice1": "Tal läks külg krampi.", "choice2": "Ta sai uue jõupuhangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma koputasin oma naabri uksele.", "choice1": "Mu naaber kutsus mind sisse.", "choice2": "Mu naaber läks kodust ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine ohkas frustreeritult.", "choice1": "Ta abikaasa ei mõistnud ta muresid.", "choice2": "Ta abikaasa suudles teda hüvastijätuks.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpetaja kiitis õpilast.", "choice1": "Õpilane vastas küsimustele õigesti.", "choice2": "Õpilane kahtles, kas küsimusele vastata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel said munad otsa.", "choice1": "Ta läks farmi.", "choice2": "Ta läks supermarketisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kohtusin vana sõbraga.", "choice1": "Ma avaldasin talle saladuse.", "choice2": "Ma tegin talle kalli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine vältis järve minemist.", "choice1": "Ta püüdis kala.", "choice2": "See nägi saastunud välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane ilmus klassi läbimärjana.", "choice1": "Ta vihmavari oli katki.", "choice2": "Ta ratas oli ära varastatud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kursor liikus arvutiekraanil.", "choice1": "Kasutaja klikkis hiirega.", "choice2": "Kasutaja liigutas hiirt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juht tegi ümbersõidu.", "choice1": "Peateel oli õnnetus.", "choice2": "Ta järgnes tema ees sõitvale veokile.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma riputasin märjad linad õue pesunöörile.", "choice1": "Linad kuivasid.", "choice2": "Linad määrdusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pani päikeseprillid ette.", "choice1": "Päike oli ere.", "choice2": "Ta püüdis taksot.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees silmitses öist taevast.", "choice1": "Ta soovis, et oleks suvi.", "choice2": "Ta arvas, et see oli ilus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tundsin end rampväsinult.", "choice1": "Ma läksin varakult voodisse.", "choice2": "Ma olin terve öö üleval.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees läks juuksuri juurde.", "choice1": "Ta kasvatas oma juukseid välja.", "choice2": "Ta juuksed olid pikaks kasvanud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss tegi oma uuele klassikaaslasele kurjasid tempe.", "choice1": "Poiss tervitas oma uut klassikaaslast.", "choice2": "Poisile ei meeldinud uus klassikaaslane.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ihaldasin klaasi piima.", "choice1": "Ma sõin küpsiseid.", "choice2": "Ma küpsetasin leiba.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hakkas sadama.", "choice1": "Juht pani esituled põlema.", "choice2": "Juht pani tagurpidikäigu sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hoone parkimisplats oli tühi.", "choice1": "Ma parkisin üle tee.", "choice2": "Ma parkisin sissepääsu juude.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kirjanik ei pidanud mustandi esitamise tähtajast kinni.", "choice1": "Tal oli kirjaniku blokk.", "choice2": "Ta redigeeris mustandit.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Partner katkestas mu kõne.", "choice1": "Ma tahtsin ülevaatajaga rääkida.", "choice2": "Ma andsin oma eraldusnumbri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tuul puhus lahtisest aknast sisse.", "choice1": "Uksekell helises.", "choice2": "Kardinad liikusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu majas läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin lambi seinast välja.", "choice2": "Ma põletasin kaitsme läbi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tõstja röhatas.", "choice1": "Ta painutas peegli ees oma muskleid.", "choice2": "Ta tõstis kangi oma pea kohale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane proovis peast arvutada.", "choice1": "Ta võttis kalkulaatori välja.", "choice2": "Ta sattus segadusse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tita jäi magama.", "choice1": "Isa vahetas tita mähkmeid.", "choice2": "Isa kiigutas titat tasakesi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas poissi veepommiga.", "choice1": "Pois sai peapõrutuse.", "choice2": "Poiss sai läbimärjaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fotograaf unustas kaamera välku kasutada.", "choice1": "Pildid tulid udused.", "choice2": "Kõik keeldusid pildil naeratamast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ütlesin sünnipäevakutse ära.", "choice1": "Ma oli üksik.", "choice2": "Ma olin linnast väljas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tegin trenni.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin end energiliselt.", "choice2": "Ma kartsin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pigistasin niisket svammi.", "choice1": "See imas vett sisse.", "choice2": "Vesi nõrgus sellest välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puhkajad läksid praamiga puhkekeskusse.", "choice1": "Puhkekeskus oli broneeritud.", "choice2": "Puhkekeskus oli saare peal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teismeline tegi tätoveeringu.", "choice1": "Ta kartis nõelu.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis mässata.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Võõras auto parkis mu maja ees.", "choice1": "Ma muutusin kahtlustavaks.", "choice2": "Ma kutsusin politsei.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kurjategija andis end üles.", "choice1": "Tõendid segasid ta asjasse.", "choice2": "Tema vastu ei olnud tõendeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Turske mees otsustas kaalus alla võtta.", "choice1": "Ta lõpetas magusa söömise.", "choice2": "Ta vältis kofeiini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk astus jääle.", "choice1": "Ta libises.", "choice2": "Ta värises.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel olid rõngad silmade all.", "choice1": "Ta oli terve öö üleval.", "choice2": "Ta pani oma poja magama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laava voolas vulkaanist.", "choice1": "Vulkaan purskas.", "choice2": "Vulkaan oli uinunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pani kingad jalga.", "choice1": "Ta teadis kõiki peol.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis peolt lahkuda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma maksin tolliputka teenindajale.", "choice1": "Ta lasi mind tolliputkast läbi.", "choice2": "Ta pidas mind tolliputkas kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juhataja läks pankrotti.", "choice1": "Ta müüs oma firma atsiaid.", "choice2": "Ta raiskas oma varanduse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees läks arsti juurde.", "choice1": "Arst oli puhkusel.", "choice2": "Mees tundis end haiglaselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma väljusin oma magamistoast akna kaudu.", "choice1": "Maja põles.", "choice2": "Maja oli tühi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poisi sõrmed läksid kortsu.", "choice1": "Ta oli pikalt duši all.", "choice2": "Ta määris oma käsi seebiga.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma sülitasin piima välja.", "choice1": "Piim maitses hapu.", "choice2": "Mu suu oli kuiv.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma jäin bussist maha.", "choice1": "Ma jõudsin vara tööle.", "choice2": "Ma jäin tööle hiljaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veok põrkas autoga kokku.", "choice1": "Veok kiirendas.", "choice2": "Auto purunes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Võistkond sahkerdas, et neil võistlusel paremini läheks.", "choice1": "Nad võitsid.", "choice2": "Nad langesid välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sooda pudel sisises.", "choice1": "Ma pöörasin pudeli ümber.", "choice2": "Ma keerasin korgi maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Poiss oli oma majast välja lukustatud.", "choice1": "Ta roomas läbi lahtise akna.", "choice2": "Ta ronis üles katusele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uksekell helises.", "choice1": "Külaline koputas uksekoputit.", "choice2": "Naine piilus läbi ukse võtmeaugu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tegi oma ülikonna plekiliseks.", "choice1": "Ta lasi selle keemiliselt puhastada.", "choice2": "Ta riputas selle oma kappi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk pigistas hambapastatuubi.", "choice1": "Hambapasta purskas joana tuubist välja.", "choice2": "Tüdruk sülitas hambapasta välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Eraisikud surmad sõjas tõusid hüppeliselt.", "choice1": "Patsifistid korraldasid protesti.", "choice2": "Patsifistid pidasid paraadi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk tõmbas äkitselt paela oma peast.", "choice1": "Ta sidus paela.", "choice2": "Pael nägi lapsik välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees käis iluoperatsioonil.", "choice1": "Ta vananes.", "choice2": "Ta nägi noorem välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Munast tuli beebikana välja.", "choice1": "Muna koorus.", "choice2": "Ma lõin muna katki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vang nälgis.", "choice1": "Ta suri.", "choice2": "Ta põgenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas redelil tasakaalu.", "choice1": "Ta ronis redelist üles.", "choice2": "Ta kukkus redelilt alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps krooksus.", "choice1": "Ta võttis sõõmu soodat.", "choice2": "Ta avas soodapurgi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Külm tuuletõmbus tuli aknast sisse.", "choice1": "Ma lõõgastusin.", "choice2": "Ma värisesin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane sai kolledžisse minemiseks stipendiumi.", "choice1": "Ta klassikaaslased austasid teda.", "choice2": "Ta sai häid hindeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas poisi üle nalja.", "choice1": "Ta elas tema naabermajas.", "choice2": "Ta oli temasse armunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Näljane hulkur varastas süüa.", "choice1": "Ta sütitas kaastunnet.", "choice2": "Tal ei olnud raha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma helistasin oma sõbrale, et lobiseda.", "choice1": "Ma tahtsin privaatsust.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin üksindust.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees ulatas mulle oma käe.", "choice1": "Ma surusin ta kätt.", "choice2": "Ma andsin talle kõrvakiilu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kummardusin.", "choice1": "Ilutulestik lasti õhku.", "choice2": "Lendav taldrik lendas mu pea suunas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk näris küüsi.", "choice1": "Ta oli mures.", "choice2": "Ta oli üllatunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pöörasin kalendris lehte.", "choice1": "Ma märkisin kohtumise kalendrisse.", "choice2": "Oli uue kuu algus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees avastas, et ta naisel oli afäär.", "choice1": "Ta lasi oma advokaadi lahti.", "choice2": "Ta andis lahutuse sisse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas kummipalli maha.", "choice1": "Pall põrkas.", "choice2": "Pall helendas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk tegi oma eksamil vea.", "choice1": "Ta aimas vastust.", "choice2": "Ta kustutas oma vastuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mängija nügis oma vastast.", "choice1": "Ta vastane püüdis söödu.", "choice2": "Ta vastane kukkus maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma noppisin taime küljest tomateid.", "choice1": "Need olid küpsed.", "choice2": "Ma kastsin neid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tahtis romantiliselt käituda.", "choice1": "Ta sõi oma ekstüdrukuga lõunat.", "choice2": "Ta ostis oma tüdrukule šokolaadikomme.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elavhõbe termomeetris tõusis.", "choice1": "Ma kukutasin termomeetri maha.", "choice2": "Ilm läks soojemaks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nornaado liikus läbi linna.", "choice1": "Kohtuhoone katus puhuti pealt.", "choice2": "Maantee muutus ohtlikult jäiseks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane sai koduõpetajalt tunde.", "choice1": "Ta hinded paranesid.", "choice2": "Ta spikerdas eksamil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tundsin end mugavalt.", "choice1": "Ma põlvitasin maas.", "choice2": "Ma keerasin end teki sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma poleerisin kivi.", "choice1": "See muutus libedaks.", "choice2": "See muutus säravaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma lisasin kohvile suhkrut.", "choice1": "Kohv lõhnas tugevalt.", "choice2": "Kohv maitses magus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees paigutas pabereid ümber.", "choice1": "Ta sai paberi lõikehaava.", "choice2": "Ta rebis paberid ribadeks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma lõin haamriga naela.", "choice1": "Nael läks vajus puidu sisse.", "choice2": "Nael läks rooste.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kala näkkas.", "choice1": "Kalamees vinnas kala välja.", "choice2": "Kalamees viskas uuesti ridva vette.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teismelisel oli piinlik kooli minna.", "choice1": "Tal oli vistrik.", "choice2": "Tal võeti breketid ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu näoilme lõi särama.", "choice1": "Ma sain häid uudiseid.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin oma kannatuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pühkisin oma käed rätikuga.", "choice1": "Rätik oli märg.", "choice2": "Mu käed olid märjad.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas taburetil tasakaalu.", "choice1": "Taburet ta all vabises.", "choice2": "Ta kukutas taburetile värvi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meeskonna liikmed ajasid süüd üksteise kaela.", "choice1": "Nad kaotasid mängu.", "choice2": "Nende treener jättis treeningu ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma palusin adestust.", "choice1": "Ma kahetsesin oma viga.", "choice2": "Ma saavutasin oma eesmärgi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel hakkas oma kohtingukaaslasega igav.", "choice1": "Ta küsis tema kohta küsimusi.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis lakkamatult endast.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk naeratas vilksamisi.", "choice1": "Ta põsed läksid punakaks.", "choice2": "Ta naerulohud ilmusid nähtavale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vaenlase laev lendas õhku.", "choice1": "See läks üle miini.", "choice2": "See seilas sadamasse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees torkas oma jalga.", "choice1": "Ta kõndis lompi.", "choice2": "Ta astus klaasikildude peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektiivid otsisid kuriteopaigalt sõrmejälgi.", "choice1": "Nad avastasid mõrvari identiteedi.", "choice2": "Nad leidsid kuriteopaigast relva.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maanteel oli tihe liiklus.", "choice1": "Ma tegin ümbersõidu.", "choice2": "Ma palusin, et mind ära visataks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riigi majandus langes.", "choice1": "Paljud inimesed jäid haigeks.", "choice2": "Paljud inimesed seisid silmitsi töötusega.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ülekäiguraja valvur puhus laste peale vilet.", "choice1": "Nad olid kõndimas lähenevasse liiklusesse.", "choice2": "Ta tundis neid oma naabruskonnast ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pööritasin oma sõbra peale silmi.", "choice1": "Ta rääkis mulle tõtt.", "choice2": "Ta tegi sarkastilise märkuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Autol sai bensiin otsa.", "choice1": "Juht oli abitult tee peal.", "choice2": "Juht võttis hääletaja peale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine hakkas sünnitama.", "choice1": "Tita sündis.", "choice2": "Naisel oli hommikune iiveldus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe müts puhuti ära.", "choice1": "Ta võttis oma mütsi ära.", "choice2": "Õues oli tuuline.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk käis klassikaaslase sünnipäevapeol.", "choice1": "Ta sai kutse.", "choice2": "Ta ostis kingituse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poisi otsmik oli kuum.", "choice1": "Ta ema kraadis teda.", "choice2": "Ta ema viis ta parki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees pihustas end odekolonniga.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma kohtingukaaslasele muljet avaldada.", "choice2": "Ta pani oma juustesse geeli.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Majas läks elekter ära.", "choice1": "Ma otsisin taskulampi.", "choice2": "Ma võtsin labida kätte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pere kolis suuremasse majja.", "choice1": "Poeg lõpetas keskkooli.", "choice2": "Ema sünnitas kaksikud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maratonijooksja hoidis rahulikku tempot.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma energiat kokku hoida.", "choice2": "Ta nägi finišijoont.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss lõi müügiautomaati jalaga.", "choice1": "Müügiautomaat sülitas ta vahetusraha välja.", "choice2": "Krõpsukott oli kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu sõbra koer suri.", "choice1": "Ma pööritasin tema peale silmi.", "choice2": "Ma tegin talle kalli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ärimehe krediitkaart lükati tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta kirjutas võlakirja.", "choice2": "Ta maksis sularahas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees vandus.", "choice1": "Ta lõikas oma küüsi.", "choice2": "Ta lõi oma varba ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tundis oma vene üle uhkust.", "choice1": "Ta vend vaidles nende vanematega.", "choice2": "Ta vend sai õigusteduskonda sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis päikesesüsteemi kohta õppida.", "choice1": "Ta läks raamatukokku.", "choice2": "Ta vaatas tähti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Poster jäi seinale kinni.", "choice1": "Ma paigutasin postri ukse kohale.", "choice2": "Ma panin kleeplinti postri tagaküljele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Klient kiitis arhitekti hoone plaanid heaks.", "choice1": "Arhitekst konstrueeris hoone.", "choice2": "Arhitekt kohandas plaane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kukutas oma lusika maha.", "choice1": "Ta käed värisesid.", "choice2": "Ta limpsis lusikat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Firma tegevdirector astus tagasi.", "choice1": "Juhatus lõpetas firma tegevuse.", "choice2": "Juhatus leidis talle asenduse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma jäin loengusse hiljaks.", "choice1": "Ma istusin tagaritta.", "choice2": "Ma lähenesin poodiumile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sai vangist välja.", "choice1": "Ta pere maksis ta kautsjoni.", "choice2": "Ta ründas kaasvangi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pere kaotas kõik oma asjad.", "choice1": "Nad müüsid oma maja.", "choice2": "Maja läks põlema.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma trampisin alumiiniumpurgil.", "choice1": "Purk taastöödeldi.", "choice2": "Purk litsuti laiaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk ühines väitlusmeeskonnaga.", "choice1": "Ta õppis arvutit kasutama.", "choice2": "Ta õppis suhtlusoskusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu tuju paranes.", "choice1": "Ma kuulasin muusikat.", "choice2": "Ma pesin nõud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Heategevusorganisatsioon seadis eesmärgiks raha koguda.", "choice1": "Nad toitsid kodutuid.", "choice2": "Nad korraldasid oksjoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ameerika mägede rong sööstis järsust langusest alla.", "choice1": "Reisida itsitasid.", "choice2": "Reisijad karjusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma olin maruvihane.", "choice1": "Ma kontrollisin majast lahkudes postkasti.", "choice2": "Ma lõin majast lahkudes ukse pauguga kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tahtis päikesetõusu vaadata.", "choice1": "Ta reisis põhja.", "choice2": "Ta tõusis vara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma voltisin paberit.", "choice1": "Ma taastöötlesin paberit.", "choice2": "Paber kortsus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riik elas looduskatastroofi üle.", "choice1": "Teiset riikide juhid moodustasid liidu.", "choice2": "Teiste riikide juhid saatsid hädaabi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poisi riided olid läbimärjad.", "choice1": "Ta ronis basseinist välja.", "choice2": "Ta kukkus basseini.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane kiirustas raamatu lõpetamisega.", "choice1": "See tuli raamatukokku tagasi viia.", "choice2": "Ta laenas selle sõbralt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kurjategija hukati.", "choice1": "Ta pandi vangi.", "choice2": "Ta pani toime mõrva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Päikesevalgus kandus ruumi.", "choice1": "Ma tõmbasin kardinad eest.", "choice2": "Ma tegi ukse lukust lahti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma sikutasid petise juukseid.", "choice1": "Ta parukas tuli ära.", "choice2": "Ta jäi kiilaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Toimetaja muutis käsikirjas lause sõnastust.", "choice1": "Ta leidis, et käsikiri oli mõjuv.", "choice2": "Ta pidas lauset ebaselgeks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pani oma krediitkaardi konto kinni.", "choice1": "Ta avastas, et ta kaart oli kadunud.", "choice2": "Ta avastas, et ta kaart oli aegunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees ja naine armusid.", "choice1": "Nad käisid kõrgkoolis.", "choice2": "Nad abiellusid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muusika oli liiga ähmane, et kuulda.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin volüümi juurde.", "choice2": "Ma komponeerisin oma enda laulu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poisi juuksed hoidsid püsti.", "choice1": "Tüdruk sasis neid.", "choice2": "Tüdruk tõmbas neid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Putukas lömastati.", "choice1": "Ma pihustasin endale putukatõrjevahendit peale.", "choice2": "Ma astusin putukale peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma avasin oma silmad.", "choice1": "Ma ärkasin.", "choice2": "Ma lõõgastusin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu naabri muusika oli kõrvulukustav.", "choice1": "Ma palusin tal see vaiksemaks panna.", "choice2": "Ma palusin talt CD'd laenuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe pere elas vaesuses.", "choice1": "Ta oli oma teenituga kokkuhoidlik.", "choice2": "Ta teenis alla miinimumpalga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane lõpetas ülikooli.", "choice1": "Ta otsis tööd.", "choice2": "Ta alustas hobiga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kunstnik segas kollase ja sinise värvi.", "choice1": "Värv pritsis igale poole.", "choice2": "Värv muutus roheliseks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma vahetasin vestlusteemat.", "choice1": "Mul said otsa asjad, millest rääkida.", "choice2": "Vestlus muutus pingeliseks.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu vend sai haiglast välja.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin ta soojalt kodus vastu.", "choice2": "Ma kohtlesin teda külmalt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Eesriie tõusis.", "choice1": "Näidendi avastseen algas.", "choice2": "Näidendi näitlejad lahkusid lavalt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pantvang alistus inimröövija käskudele.", "choice1": "Inimröövija ähvardas pantvangile haiget teha.", "choice2": "Inimröövija jättis pantvangi omapead.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kõmin kajas üle lava.", "choice1": "Muusik koputas jalaga vastu maas.", "choice2": "Muusik lõi tagus trummi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vanemad kiirustasid oma lapse magamistuppa.", "choice1": "Laps ärkas õudusunenäo pealt karjudes üles.", "choice2": "Laps kartis oma voodi alla vaadata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine suhtles viipekeeles.", "choice1": "Ta sündis enneaegselt.", "choice2": "Ta sündis kurdina.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piirkonnas ilmnes põud.", "choice1": "Vesi muutus saastatuks.", "choice2": "Saak hävis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kass jahtis lindu.", "choice1": "Lind lendas ära.", "choice2": "Lind püüdis ussikese kinni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk vahetas kooli.", "choice1": "Koolist oli suveks vabadus.", "choice2": "Ta kolis uude linna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tehase omanik keeldus töötajate palka tõstmast.", "choice1": "Omanik nimetas ametisse uue juhataja.", "choice2": "Töötajad streikisid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juht seisis vastu oma riigi ekstremistidele.", "choice1": "Ekstremistid mõjutasid teda.", "choice2": "Ekstramistid mõrvasid ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kõndisin paljajalu rannal.", "choice1": "Liiv jäi mu jalgade külge.", "choice2": "Lained laksusid mööda kallast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ärkasin keset ööd külmatunde peale üles.", "choice1": "Ma panin dressipüksid jalga.", "choice2": "Ma jõin klaasi vett.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ema vaigistas oma poega.", "choice1": "Ta poeg irvitas.", "choice2": "Ta poeg vingus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu pükstesse rebenes auk.", "choice1": "Ma panin oma pükste luku kinni.", "choice2": "Ma kukkusin asfaltil pikali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss kandis breketeid.", "choice1": "Ta sai hambaugu.", "choice2": "Ta hambad muutusid sirgeks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tegin eile jõusaalis trenni.", "choice1": "Ma ärkasin täna üles lihasvaluga.", "choice2": "Ma ärkasin täna üles valusa kurguga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdrukud sosistasid lõunalauas omavahel edasi-tagasi.", "choice1": "Teised õpilased istusid lõunalauda maha.", "choice2": "Teised õpilased lõunalauas tundsid end kõrvalejäetult.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps maandus batuudile.", "choice1": "Ta lendas tagasi üles õhku.", "choice2": "Ta otsustas saltod proovida.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin kirja kirjakasti.", "choice1": "Postkontor toimetas kirja kohale.", "choice2": "Postkontor vaatas kirja kiiresti läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hasartmängur oli enesekindel.", "choice1": "Ta vedas kihla kogu oma raha peale.", "choice2": "Ta läks koju pankrotis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Metsatulekahju levis.", "choice1": "Tuuled muutusid tugevamaks.", "choice2": "Süütajad tabati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapsel tuli põlve pealt nahk maha.", "choice1": "Ta ema saatis ta oma tuppa.", "choice2": "Ta ema pani sideme ta haavale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees elas surmava haiguse üle.", "choice1": "Ta allkirjastas oma testamendi.", "choice2": "Talle siirdati elund.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma võtsin lonksu kõrvetavat kohvi.", "choice1": "Ma hammustasin keelde.", "choice2": "Ma põletasin oma keele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Toimetaja lasi kirjaniku lahti.", "choice1": "Kirjanik vältis oma lugudes eelarvamusi.", "choice2": "Kirjanik ei pidanud olulisest tähtajast kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tundsin end rampväsinult.", "choice1": "Ma magasin terve päeva.", "choice2": "Ma õppisin terve päeva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arst pani patsiendile diagnoosi.", "choice1": "Ta tuvastas patsiendi sümptomid.", "choice2": "Ta kirjutas patsiendile tabletid välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kratsisin oma nahka.", "choice1": "See oli higine.", "choice2": "See sügeles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehele tehti erakorraline operatsioon.", "choice1": "Ta kaotas kannatuse.", "choice2": "Tal oli südamerabandus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe käelihased olid punnis.", "choice1": "Ta painutas oma käsi.", "choice2": "Ta hõõrus oma käsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kergitas kulmu.", "choice1": "Ta oli üllatunud.", "choice2": "Ta tundis end heidutatult.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma andestasin kolleegile ta eksituse.", "choice1": "Ma uskusin, et ta soovis head.", "choice2": "Ma uskusin, et ta teeb heal ja halval vahet.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees jättis suitsetamise maha.", "choice1": "Ta hakkas rohkem trenni tegema.", "choice2": "Ta hakkas varem ärkama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine lõi oma ründajale vastu nina.", "choice1": "Ründaja keha muutus elutuks.", "choice2": "Ründaja hakkas veritsema.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nool ei tabanud märklaua keskkohta.", "choice1": "Mehe sihtimine oli mööda.", "choice2": "Mees kaotas mängu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maja omanik palus, et parasiitide tõrjuja ta majja tuleks.", "choice1": "Ta avastas keldrist rotid.", "choice2": "Ta pidas oma toas sipelgafarmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pakkusin oma külalisele välja, et läheksime välja õhtust sööma.", "choice1": "Ma olin liiga väsinud, et midagi valmistada.", "choice2": "Mu külaline jäi lubatuks kauemaks minu juurde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk sattus peale, kui ta vend ta päevikud luges.", "choice1": "Ta hakkas päevikut peitma.", "choice2": "Ta ostis omale uue päeviku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel jäi üürirahast puudu.", "choice1": "Ta tegi tööl ületunde.", "choice2": "Ta tuli töölt ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Laps tõmbas käe kähku tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta läks kuumale pliidile vastu.", "choice2": "Ta patsutas kutsika pead.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Firma tahtis klientide rahulolu mõõta.", "choice1": "Nad pakkusid uutele klientidele allahindlust.", "choice2": "Nad saatsid klientidele küsimustiku laiali.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puupõrandale tulid kriimud.", "choice1": "Poiss viskas padjad diivani pealt maha.", "choice2": "Poiss vedas tooli mööda põrandat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma varjasin oma nägu.", "choice1": "Mu vaenlane mõnitas mind.", "choice2": "Mu vaenlane ajas rusika püsti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuulus kuju põles maha.", "choice1": "See sai välgutabamuse.", "choice2": "Inimesed tulid seda austama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma jätsin puuvilja lauale.", "choice1": "Puuvili levitas seemneid.", "choice2": "Kärbsed kihasid puuvilja ümber.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baleriin tõmbas sideme ära.", "choice1": "Ta sirutas oma varbad välja.", "choice2": "Ta väänas oma hüppeliigese välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapsel tulid kingapaelad lahti.", "choice1": "Ta õppis, kuidas neid siduda.", "choice2": "Ta jooksis mänguvaljakul ringi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Raamat kütkestas mind.", "choice1": "Ma viisin raamatu tagasi.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin ajataju.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees uskus sarnastesse asjadesse nagu tema vanemad.", "choice1": "Ta vanemad mõjutasid teda.", "choice2": "Ta vanemad tõukasid ta ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Auto aeglustas tasapisi kuni peatumiseni.", "choice1": "Sel sai bensiin otsa.", "choice2": "Juht uinus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sõi päikese käes jäätist.", "choice1": "Jäätis kaotas oma maitse.", "choice2": "Jäätis tilkus koonuse otsast.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma riputasin kunsti tuppa.", "choice1": "Vaip nägi must välja.", "choice2": "Seinad tundusid paljad.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma lahkusin töölt vara.", "choice1": "Mul oli peavalu.", "choice2": "Mu ülemus korraldas koosoleku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kutsikas tegi vaiba täis.", "choice1": "Omanik riidles kutsikaga.", "choice2": "Omanik andis kutsikale maiust.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma vabandasin oma sõbra ees.", "choice1": "Mu sõber andestas mulle.", "choice2": "Mu sõber läks marru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees paistis rahva hulgast silma.", "choice1": "Ta kandis seljakotti.", "choice2": "Ta kandis neoonvesti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tunnistaja valetas vande all.", "choice1": "Ta lõpetas oma tunnistuse.", "choice2": "Teda süüdistati valetunnistuse andmises.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine värvis oma juuksed ära.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis uut moodi välja näha.", "choice2": "Ta tahtis sisse sulanduda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Immigrandid jäid riigis ebaseaduslikult resideerumisega vahele.", "choice1": "Nad leidsid töö.", "choice2": "Nad saadeti riigist välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avalik esineja viskas nalja.", "choice1": "Publik naeris.", "choice2": "Publik tõusis püsti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma vaatasin päiksesse.", "choice1": "Päike pimestas mind.", "choice2": "Päike päevitas mu nahka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mul oli igav.", "choice1": "Ma mühatasin.", "choice2": "Ma haigutasin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Steiki oli raske lõigata.", "choice1": "Nuga oli nüri.", "choice2": "Steil oli toores.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kuulutas välja pankroti.", "choice1": "Ta sai alimente.", "choice2": "Tal oli hiigelsuur võlg.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu sõbra korteris põlesid tuled.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin huvi, et kas ta on väljas.", "choice2": "Ma otsustasin talle külla minna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin lille oma nina alla.", "choice1": "Lille kroonlehed tulid ära.", "choice2": "Ma tundsid lillelõhna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine tundis end nostalgiliselt.", "choice1": "Ta kohtas lapsepõlvesõpra.", "choice2": "Ta karjus oma laste peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane lükkas kirjatööd edasi.", "choice1": "Ta esitas kirjatöö vara.", "choice2": "Ta esitas poolelioleva kirjatöö.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu auto läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma läksin kaubanduskeskusesse.", "choice2": "Ma helistasin mehaanikule.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma heitsin märkuse kõrvale.", "choice1": "See oli anonüümne.", "choice2": "See oli illegaalne.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Lind laksutas oma tiibu.", "choice1": "Ta mnes.", "choice2": "Ta tõusis ülespoole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma parkisin sissesõiduteel.", "choice1": "Garaaž oli lahti.", "choice2": "Garaaž oli täis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kurjategija suunas oma relva ohvri peale.", "choice1": "Kurjategija pani relva maha.", "choice2": "Ohver tõstis käed üles.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ootasin pikisilmi nädalavahetust.", "choice1": "Mul oli plaanis oma onu matustele minna.", "choice2": "Mul oli plaanis oma sõbra pulma minna.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kaotasin ajataju.", "choice1": "Ma unistasin.", "choice2": "Mul iiveldas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dokument printis loetamatult.", "choice1": "Printeris oli vähe tinti.", "choice2": "Printeris oli paber otsas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Staadion mängis riighümni.", "choice1": "Fännid pöörasid lipu poole.", "choice2": "Fännid tormasid väljakule.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dipp maitses mage.", "choice1": "Ma serveerisin seda.", "choice2": "Ma panin soola juurde.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin paberrätiku mahaläinud vedeliku peale.", "choice1": "Rätik imas vett sisse.", "choice2": "Mahaläinud vedelik jättis kleepuva jälje.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisele segati poole raamatu lugemise pealt vahele.", "choice1": "Ta pani järjehoidja oma lehekülje vahale.", "choice2": "Ta luges raamatu uuesti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lennuk sattus turbulentsi.", "choice1": "Mees pani oma turvavöö kinni.", "choice2": "Mees vaatas aknast välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss võpatas.", "choice1": "Tüdruk ignoreeris teda.", "choice2": "Tüdruk torkas teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arstid andsid patsiendile tehisjäseme.", "choice1": "Nad amputeerisid ta jala.", "choice2": "Nad jälgisid tema elutähtsaid organeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss näpistas tüdruku õlga.", "choice1": "Ta kehitas tema suunas õlgu.", "choice2": "Ta tõmbas oma käe tema juurest ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt nõu.", "choice1": "Mulle hindasin tema arvamust.", "choice2": "Ma teadsin, et tal on õigus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss astus mutta.", "choice1": "Muda jäi ta kinga külge kinni.", "choice2": "Muda tabas teda näkku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Linnas sadas mõned tollid lund maha.", "choice1": "Koolid sulgesid.", "choice2": "Inimesed peitsid end maa alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Töötaja vahetus lõppes.", "choice1": "Ta läks selleks päevaks koju.", "choice2": "Ta ähvardas oma töölt lahkuda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puu kahjustas maja.", "choice1": "Puu kukkus katusele.", "choice2": "Puu varjutas tagaaeda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puit läks pooleks.", "choice1": "Ma kuhjasin puud kaminasse.", "choice2": "Ma lõin kirve puusse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perekond õnnitles paarikest.", "choice1": "Paarike teatas, et nad lahutavad.", "choice2": "Paarike teatas, et nad saavad lapse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk saatis poisile sõbrapäeva kaardi.", "choice1": "Ta meeldis talle.", "choice2": "Ta suudles teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma noogutasin oma sõbra avalduse peale pead.", "choice1": "Ma olin segaduses.", "choice2": "Ma nõustusin temaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sõbrad viskasid kulli ja kirja.", "choice1": "Nad tahtsid leida kompromissi.", "choice2": "Nad tahtsid teha ausa otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Taimer köögis hakkas töööle.", "choice1": "Mees pakkis toidukaubad külmikusse lahti.", "choice2": "Mees võttis pitsa ahjust välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine seadis ambitsioonika eesmärgi.", "choice1": "Ta logeles.", "choice2": "Ta tegi kõvasti tööd.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jõukas mees suri vanadusse.", "choice1": "Ta poeg sattus juriidilistesse probleemidesse.", "choice2": "Ta poeg päris ta varanduse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine trampis leekidel.", "choice1": "Leegid kustusid.", "choice2": "Leekidest tõusis suitsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naise auto oli töökojas.", "choice1": "Ta autojuhiload peatati.", "choice2": "Ta sattus autoõnnetusse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ei kuulnud oma äratuskella.", "choice1": "Ma tegin hommikusööki.", "choice2": "Ma magasin hommikusöögi maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avaliku elu tegelane tuli limusiinist välja.", "choice1": "Kaamerad välgutasid tema suunas.", "choice2": "Ta pere osales pressikonverentsil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine logeles vannis.", "choice1": "Vannivesi muutus leigeks.", "choice2": "Vannivesi voolas vannist välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kõrgkooli õpilased tahtsid kohtuda teiste õpilastega ülikoolilinnakus.", "choice1": "Nad ühinesid korporatsiooniga.", "choice2": "Nad võtsid inseneeria põhiaineks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tõstsin diivanipadjad üles.", "choice1": "Ma otsisin lahtist vahetusraha.", "choice2": "Ma paigutasin elutuba ümber.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Herilane lenda poisi poole.", "choice1": "Poiss jooksis ära.", "choice2": "Poiss korjas lille.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine mõisteti väärteos süüdi.", "choice1": "Talle mõisteti üldkasulik töö.", "choice2": "Ta määrati surma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma segasin suhkrut kuuma teesse.", "choice1": "Tee auras.", "choice2": "Suhkur sulas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veteran lonkas.", "choice1": "Ta oli sõtta värvatud.", "choice2": "Ta oli lahingus vigastada saanud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kurjategija jooksis politsei eest ära.", "choice1": "Politsei tegeles ohvriga.", "choice2": "Politsei jälitas kurjategijat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sülearvuti ei läinud tööle.", "choice1": "Ma kukutasin selle maha.", "choice2": "Ma laadisin seda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel sai kapis ruum otsa.", "choice1": "Ta soetas laialdase riidevaliku.", "choice2": "Ta voltis oma pesu kokku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe süda oli murtud.", "choice1": "Ta naine sünnitas.", "choice2": "Ta naine jättis ta maha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees omandas kraadi.", "choice1": "Ta muutus kvalifitseerituks töö jaoks, mida ta tahtis.", "choice2": "Ta tööpakkumine tühistati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe hääl kandus selgelt üle auditoorimi.", "choice1": "Ta tervitas publikut.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis mikrofoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma viskasin mündi purskkaevu.", "choice1": "Münt vajus põhja.", "choice2": "Münt läks pooleks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mängija lõi palli augu suunas.", "choice1": "Pall läks auku.", "choice2": "Pall tõmbus tagasi mängija juurde.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma hingasin pööningul olevat tolmu sisse.", "choice1": "Ma luksusin.", "choice2": "Ma aevastasin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poe kassapidaja kutsus turvatöötaja.", "choice1": "Klient kasutas valeraha.", "choice2": "Klient jättis esituled sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma viisin prügi välja.", "choice1": "Prügi pani köögi halvasti lõhnama.", "choice2": "Ma viskasin kogemata oma poenimekirja ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pere läks loomaaeda.", "choice1": "Lapsed imetlesid loomi.", "choice2": "Lapsed ajasid loomi taga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe hingamine oli vali.", "choice1": "Ta neerud ütlesid üles.", "choice2": "Ta kopsud olid ummistunud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mul oli kontserdile üleliigne pilet.", "choice1": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt juhiseid toimumispaika.", "choice2": "Ma küsisin oma sõbralt, kas talle pakuks minemine huvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maja õhukonditsioneer läks katki.", "choice1": "Ma tõin tekid välja.", "choice2": "Ma avasin aknad.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poisi selg valutas.", "choice1": "Ta seljakott oli lahti.", "choice2": "Ta seljakott oli raske.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma ostsin oma emale kingituse.", "choice1": "Ma küptsetasin talle koogi.", "choice2": "Oli tema sünnipäev.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nartsissid aias hävitati.", "choice1": "Mesilane nõelas aednikku.", "choice2": "Oravad kaevasid sibulad üles.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma süütasin tiku.", "choice1": "Leek kustus.", "choice2": "Tikk tekitas leegi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vaidlevad osapooled jõudsid lahenduseni.", "choice1": "Nad ei tahtnud kohtus vaielda.", "choice2": "Nad tahtsid omavahelist suhet parandada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapsed saadeti lastekodusse.", "choice1": "Nende vanemad surid.", "choice2": "Nende vanemad hellitasid nad ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meteoriit langes ookeanisse.", "choice1": "Tekkis tsunaami.", "choice2": "Rahet hakkas sadama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Matkaja kohtus mürgise maoga.", "choice1": "Ta muutus dehüdreerituks.", "choice2": "Ta paanitses.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ahi läks kuumaks.", "choice1": "Ma panin ahju tööle.", "choice2": "Ma panin roa ahju.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pigistasin sidruniviilu.", "choice1": "Sidrun läks hallitama.", "choice2": "Sidrun pritsis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riik avastas uue maa-ala.", "choice1": "Riik hülgas maa.", "choice2": "Riik koloniseeris maa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Klaas kukkus laualt maha.", "choice1": "See purunes kildudeks üle kogu põranda.", "choice2": "See maandus riidekuhja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laud kõikus.", "choice1": "Põrand oli ebatasane.", "choice2": "Põrand oli libe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Isa tabas oma poja valetamas.", "choice1": "Ta poeg tunnistas tõe üles.", "choice2": "Isa usaldas oma poega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees pea tuikas valust.", "choice1": "Ta võttis köhasiirupit.", "choice2": "Ta võttis aspirini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rong aeglustas.", "choice1": "Ta lähenes jaamale.", "choice2": "Ta oli graafikust maas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tegi teraapia läbi.", "choice1": "Vaimuhaigus oli neil perekonnas.", "choice2": "Tal diagnoositi depressioon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Naine haaras oma kõrist.", "choice1": "Ta neelas oma toidu alla.", "choice2": "Ta lämbus oma toidu käes.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naisel oli kurk valus.", "choice1": "Ta hääl kõlas kriipiv.", "choice2": "Ta rääkis aktsendiga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koer silmitses laual olevat mahlast steiki.", "choice1": "Ta ilastas.", "choice2": "Ta heitis pikali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naise äri saavutas edu.", "choice1": "Ta vallandas oma töötajad.", "choice2": "Ta sai jõukaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilased lahkusid klassiruumist.", "choice1": "Kell helises.", "choice2": "Õpetaja andis kodutööd.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine väitis, et nägi tonti.", "choice1": "Ta tuttavad väljendasid skeptitsismi.", "choice2": "Ta tuttavad seostasid end temaga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas oma kuulmise.", "choice1": "Ta peaaegu uppus ookeanis.", "choice2": "Ta sai peaaegu plahvatuses surma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps lasi õhupallinöörist lahti.", "choice1": "Õhupall läks õhust tühjaks.", "choice2": "Õhupall tõusis õhku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas kõnevõime.", "choice1": "Tal oli insult.", "choice2": "Ta hingas sügavalt sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine komistas kõnniteel.", "choice1": "Tsemendis oli mõra.", "choice2": "Ta kuulis oma nime hüütavat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees hüppas basseini pommi.", "choice1": "Vetelpäästja hüppas talle järgi.", "choice2": "Mees kastis vetelpäästja läbimärjaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma võtsin antibiootikume.", "choice1": "Mu infektsioon taandus.", "choice2": "Mu infektsioon levis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Valgusfoor läks kollaseks.", "choice1": "Juht vajutas pidurit.", "choice2": "Juht lasi signaali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Plastnõu sulas.", "choice1": "Ma leotasin nõud soojas vees.", "choice2": "Ma panin nõu kuumale pliidile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Auto sai mõlgitud.", "choice1": "Juht sõitis vastu telefoniposti.", "choice2": "Juht sõitis punase tule alt läbi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss õppis terve öö.", "choice1": "Ta jättis eksami vahele.", "choice2": "Ta sai eksamist läbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Noor poiss klammerdus basseiniääre külge.", "choice1": "Ta kartis ujuma õppimist.", "choice2": "Vetelpäästja oli tööl.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin oma käe oma rinnale.", "choice1": "Ma tundsin oma südamelööke.", "choice2": "Mu pulss kiirenes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kontori kõrvalhoone oli ehitamisel.", "choice1": "Mu kontor oli ülerahvastatud.", "choice2": "Mu kontor oli lärmakas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pere tahtis oma uusi naabreid tundma õppida.", "choice1": "Nad kutsusid naabrid õhtusöögile.", "choice2": "Nad lehvitasid naabritele oma aiast.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vesi pritsis basseinist üles.", "choice1": "Ujuja sukeldus basseini.", "choice2": "Ujuja hulpis basseinis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma hammustasin arbuusiviilu.", "choice1": "Ma neelasin kogemata seemne alla.", "choice2": "Ma murdsin kogemata oma hamba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss komistas.", "choice1": "Ta jope oli eest lahti.", "choice2": "Ta kingapaelad olid lahti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pani kõrvatropid kõrva.", "choice1": "Teda segas lärm.", "choice2": "Ta tegi omale kõrvaaugud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma täitsin oma veepudeli uuesti.", "choice1": "Ma jõin kogu vee selles ära.", "choice2": "Ma hoidsin seda külmikus.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telesaade oli tsenseeritud.", "choice1": "See sisaldas vulgaarset kõnepruuki.", "choice2": "Sellel oli keeruline süžee.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laev hukkus.", "choice1": "Meeskond uppus.", "choice2": "Meeskond kohtus piraatidega.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss oli mõistatusest hämmeldunud.", "choice1": "Ta lahendas mõistatuse.", "choice2": "Ta palus vihjet.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telefon helises.", "choice1": "Mees pani telefoni ära.", "choice2": "Mees võttis telefoni vastu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine jõllitas mind.", "choice1": "Ma kallistasin teda.", "choice2": "Ma tundsin ebamugavust.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Grupp lahkus muuseumist.", "choice1": "Nad tegin eksponaatidest pilti.", "choice2": "Nad vaatasid kõik eksponaadid ära.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees alustas minuga vaidlust.", "choice1": "Mu sõber tutvustas mind mehele.", "choice2": "Mu sõber astus minu kaitseks välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu rattakumm oli tühi.", "choice1": "Ma pumpasin õhku kummi.", "choice2": "Ma vahetasin rattal käike.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk nägi kahvatu välja.", "choice1": "Ta ise luges talle loo.", "choice2": "Ta ise katsus ta otsmikku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pastaks sai tühjaks.", "choice1": "Ma kasutasin pliiatsit.", "choice2": "Ma allkirjastasin oma nime.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehele ei antud laenu.", "choice1": "Ta oli võlgades.", "choice2": "Ta alustas äri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk jäi koolist koju.", "choice1": "Tal olid tuulerõuged.", "choice2": "Ta nautis matemaatika õppimist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Prügikott oli täis.", "choice1": "Ma viisin selle prügikonteinerisse.", "choice2": "Ma viskasin selle kraanikausist alla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin vaiba tolmuimejaga üle.", "choice1": "Mu toakaaslane ajas punši maha.", "choice2": "Mu koer ajas karva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas kannatuse.", "choice1": "Ta sulges oma arvuti.", "choice2": "Ta viskas tooli toa teise otsa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk viskas oksakese lõkkesse.", "choice1": "Oksake põles.", "choice2": "Tuli kustus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tuli duši alt ära.", "choice1": "Kuum vesi oli otsas.", "choice2": "Ta ei leidnud rätikut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vanemad tahtsid, et nende lapsed läheksid kõrgkooli.", "choice1": "Nad panid õppemaksu tarbeks hoiufondi kõrvale.", "choice2": "Nad julgustasid lapsi õues mängima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sidus oma kingapaelad lahti.", "choice1": "Ta kingad lõdvenesid.", "choice2": "Ta kingad muutusid läbikantuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sõi poole eelroast.", "choice1": "Ta pani jäägid külmkappi.", "choice2": "Ta salvestas retsepti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu hüppeliiges oli paistes.", "choice1": "Ma panin sellele jääd peale.", "choice2": "Ma määrisin sellele kreemi peale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kontori uks oli lahti.", "choice1": "Ma rääkisin oma laua juures oma kolleegidega.", "choice2": "Ma kuulsin pealt saalis toimuvat vestlust.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma pidin järjekorras ootama.", "choice1": "Ma võtsin istet.", "choice2": "Ma sirvisin ajakirja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees lajatas kärbsele.", "choice1": "Kärbes sumises minema.", "choice2": "Kärbes jäi liikumatuks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mees kirjutas testamendi.", "choice1": "Ta oli suremas.", "choice2": "Ta oli lesk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jooksja tajus konkurenti endale järele jõudmas.", "choice1": "Ta katkestas võistluse.", "choice2": "Ta kiirendas oma tempot.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma mõtlesin hoolikalt probleemile.", "choice1": "Ma küsisin nõu.", "choice2": "Ma mõtlesin lahenduse välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Reisija kõndis väriseval rippsillal.", "choice1": "Ta tundis hirmu.", "choice2": "Ta tundis ekstaasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees aimas meeskonna võitu ette.", "choice1": "Ta sai oma sõpradega kokku, et mängu vaadata.", "choice2": "Ta vedas oma sõpradega kihla.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss ei suutnud uinuda.", "choice1": "Ta pani omale äratuskella.", "choice2": "Ta luges lambaid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/et/val.et.jsonl b/data/et/val.et.jsonl
index 8aac943..45bee34 100644
--- a/data/et/val.et.jsonl
+++ b/data/et/val.et.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Mees keeras kraani lahti.", "choice1": "Tualett täitus veega.", "choice2": "Tilast voolas vett.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk leidis oma helveste seest putuka.", "choice1": "Ta kallas piima kaussi.", "choice2": "Ta kaotas oma isu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine jäi pensionile.", "choice1": "Ta sai oma pensioni kätte.", "choice2": "Ta maksis oma hüpoteegi ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tahtsin energiat säilitada.", "choice1": "Ma pühkisin tühjas toas põranda.", "choice2": "Ma kustutasin tühjas toas tule.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamburgeri liha pruunistus.", "choice1": "Kokk külmutas selle.", "choice2": "Kokk grillis seda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma kahtlesin müügimehe kauba kiitmises.", "choice1": "Ma lükkasin ta pakkumise tagasi.", "choice2": "Ta veenis mind toodet ostma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma otsustasin ööseks koju jääda.", "choice1": "Ilmateade ennustas tormi.", "choice2": "Mu sõbrad käisid peale, et läheksin välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu silmad muutusid punaseks ja pundunuks.", "choice1": "Ma nutsin.", "choice2": "Ma naersin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Küünlaleek kustus.", "choice1": "Ma puhusin tahu peale.", "choice2": "Ma panin tiku tahu juurde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees jõi peol kõvasti.", "choice1": "Tal oli järgmine päev peavalu.", "choice2": "Tal oli järgmine päev nohu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keeglipall lõi keeglikurikad ümber.", "choice1": "Mees veeretas keeglipalli mööda keeglirada.", "choice2": "Mees kukutas keeglipalli endale jala peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kogukond sai mehe surmast teada.", "choice1": "Ta perekond mattis ta kalmistule.", "choice2": "Tema järelhüüe ilmus ajalehes.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu arvuti jooksis kokku.", "choice1": "Ma installeerisin uued kõlarid.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin kõik oma andmed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine astus oma töökohalt tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta pürgis firmas juhtiva rolli poole.", "choice2": "Ta arvastas, et ta ülemused käitusid ebaeetiliselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mängija püüdis palli kinni.", "choice1": "Ta tiimikaaslane viskas selle talle.", "choice2": "Tema vastane püüdis seda vahelt haarata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kohtunik tagus haamriga.", "choice1": "Kohtusaalis puhkes kära.", "choice2": "Vandekohus teatas oma otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine pagendas lapsed oma kinnisvaralt.", "choice1": "Lapsed lõid palli tema aeda.", "choice2": "Lapsed trampisid läbi ta aia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Inimröövlid vabastasid pantvangid.", "choice1": "Nad võtsid lunaraha vastu.", "choice2": "Nad põgenesid vangist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koka silmad jooksid vett.", "choice1": "Tal said sibulad otsa.", "choice2": "Ta hakkis sibulat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine hoidis oma sõrme külma vee all.", "choice1": "Ta põletas oma sõrma röstriga.", "choice2": "Ta pani deemantsõrmuse oma sõrme.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane kirjutas sõna valesti.", "choice1": "Õpetaja parandas teda.", "choice2": "Õpetaja lükkas ta tagasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma taasleidsin oma rahu suurest vihahoost.", "choice1": "Mu süda peksis.", "choice2": "Ma hingasin sügavalt sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin oma käed jooksva kraani alla.", "choice1": "Seep tuli mu kätelt maha.", "choice2": "Vesi pritsis mulle näkku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees riietus oma parimasse ülikonda.", "choice1": "Tal oli kohtumine olulise kliendiga.", "choice2": "Ta naine ostis talle uue lipsu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tunnistas üles oma armastuse naise vastu.", "choice1": "Naine ütles talle ära.", "choice2": "Naine kadestas teda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juhil oli kumm katki.", "choice1": "Ta ületas kiirust.", "choice2": "Ta sõitis üle naela.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu vaade filmiekraanile oli blokeeritud.", "choice1": "Paarike minu taga sosistas.", "choice2": "Pikk inimene istus minu ees.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juht pani auto esituled põlema.", "choice1": "Ta kuulis äikest.", "choice2": "Päike loojus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk keeldus oma köögivilju söömast.", "choice1": "Ta isa ütles talle, et ta jooks oma piima.", "choice2": "Ta isa võttis ta magustoidu ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kattis oma suu käega.", "choice1": "Ta hindas välja.", "choice2": "Ta aevastas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sekretär pani helistaja ootele.", "choice1": "Helistaja telefon kaotas levi.", "choice2": "Helistaja ootas liinil.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kõndis karkudega.", "choice1": "Ta raseeris oma jalgu.", "choice2": "Ta murdis oma jala.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma köhatasin.", "choice1": "Ma hingasin suitsu sisse.", "choice2": "Ma madaldasin oma häält.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kell lõi.", "choice1": "Oli täistund.", "choice2": "Tund näis venivat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kokk lõi muna kausiääre pihta.", "choice1": "Muna pragunes.", "choice2": "Muna mädanes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politsei otsis seaduserikkuja auto läbi.", "choice1": "Nad proovisid ülestunnistust välja meelitada.", "choice2": "Nad otsisid illegaalseid narkootikume.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike sõitis talveks lõunasse.", "choice1": "Nad olid pensionil.", "choice2": "Nad olid lahutatud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees tundis kohustust üritusel osaleda.", "choice1": "Ta ütles oma sõbra kutse ära.", "choice2": "Ta lubas oma sõbrale, et ta läheb.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pruut lõi enne pulmi araks.", "choice1": "Pulmakülalised tõid kingitusi.", "choice2": "Ta jättis pulmad ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees jäi vanaks.", "choice1": "Ta juuksed muutusid halliks.", "choice2": "Ta müüs oma asjad maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sõbrad otsustasid oma hamburgerit jagada.", "choice1": "Nad lõikasid hamburgeri pooleks.", "choice2": "Nad tellisid friikartuleid koos hamburgeriga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma keerasin korgi limonaadipudelilt maha.", "choice1": "Limonaad kihises.", "choice2": "Limonaad lekkis välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Paar õpilast olid õpetaja läbivaatuse all.", "choice1": "Mõlemad õpilased said suurepäraseid hindeid.", "choice2": "Nende ülesande vastused olid identsed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane kiirustas, et õigeks ajaks kooli jõuda.", "choice1": "Ta unustas oma kodutöö koju.", "choice2": "Ta võttis oma lõuna kooli kaasa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ajakirjanik kirjutas humanitaari elust biograafia.", "choice1": "Ajakirjanikul oli keeruline humanitaari intervjueerida.", "choice2": "Ajakirjanikku intrigeeris humanitaari töö.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees hakkas kiriku autoriteedile vastu.", "choice1": "Ta annetas kirikule raha.", "choice2": "Ta heideti kogudusest välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naise juuksed kukkusid ta näole.", "choice1": "Ta pani nad klambriga kinni.", "choice2": "Ta määris šampooni endale juustesse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sõrmus jäi mu sõrme kinni.", "choice1": "Mu sõrm paistetas.", "choice2": "Ma murdsin oma küüne.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin kummipaela.", "choice1": "See paiskus ruumi teise otsa.", "choice2": "See venis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma surusin oma käe märga tsementi.", "choice1": "Mu käejälg kuivas tsementi.", "choice2": "Tsement mõranes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu nahk muutus täpiliseks.", "choice1": "Ma läksin oma aias vastu mürgipuud.", "choice2": "Ma juurisin mürgipuu oma aiast välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu ajakirjatellimus aegus.", "choice1": "Ma viskasin uue numbri ära.", "choice2": "Ma ei saanud enam uusi numbreid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektiiv paljastas anomaalia juhtumis.", "choice1": "Ta vormistas lõplikult oma teooria.", "choice2": "Ta praakis oma teooria välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Poisil tuli jonnihoog.", "choice1": "Ta vend võttis ta mänguasja talt ära.", "choice2": "Ta jagas oma mänguasju oma vennaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laps õppis lugema.", "choice1": "Ta läks kooli.", "choice2": "Ta jättis koolis klassi vahele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poiss jättis õhtusöögi vahele.", "choice1": "Ta ema tegi ta lemmiktoitu.", "choice2": "Ta sõi suure lõunasöögi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine kuhjas oma sõbra meelitustega üle.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma sõbralt teenet paluda.", "choice2": "Talle käis oma sõbra vingumine närvidele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu püksitaskust oli võti kadunud.", "choice1": "Taskus oli auk.", "choice2": "Püksid olid uued.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees minestas.", "choice1": "Ta tegi uinaku.", "choice2": "Ta jooksis maratoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees kaotas võistluse.", "choice1": "Võistlust saboteeriti.", "choice2": "Ta heidutas oma vastaseid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ema kutsus kiirabi.", "choice1": "Ta poeg kaotas oma kassi ära.", "choice2": "Ta poeg kukkus voodist välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juht vajutas kõvasti pidurit.", "choice1": "Põder ilmus teele.", "choice2": "Auto raadio lõpetas mängimise.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lukk avanes.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin luku võtit.", "choice2": "Ma tegin võtmest koopia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin kummikindad kätte.", "choice1": "Ma valmistusin oma käsi pesema.", "choice2": "Ma valmistusin vannituba koristama.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Loomaliik muutus ohustatuks.", "choice1": "Nende elupaik hävitati.", "choice2": "Nende kiskjad surid välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehele tundus, et naine näeb teistsugune välja.", "choice1": "Naine lõikas juukseid.", "choice2": "Naine kandis käevõru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpilane unustas oma kodutööd teha.", "choice1": "Ta mõtles välja vabanduse, mida õpetajale öelda.", "choice2": "Õpetaja edutas ta järgmisse klassi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koer haukus.", "choice1": "Kass logeles diivanil.", "choice2": "Uksel kõlas koputus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teatati plaan asendada kohalik park kaubanduskeskusega.", "choice1": "Keskkonnakaitsjaid alustasid petitsiooni.", "choice2": "Keskkonnakaitsjad tootsid dokumentaalfilmi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike oli teineteise nägemise üle õnnelik.", "choice1": "Nad suudlesid.", "choice2": "Nad puhkasid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine palus mehel lahkuda.", "choice1": "Ta solvas teda.", "choice2": "Ta tänas teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puuoks maandus jõkke.", "choice1": "Oks liikus allavoolu.", "choice2": "Jõe vool muutus tugevamaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Õpetaja andis õpilastele kodutöö.", "choice1": "Õpilased saatsid kirju.", "choice2": "Õpilased ägisesid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aastaaeg muutus suvest talveks.", "choice1": "Inimesed evakueerisid oma kodud.", "choice2": "Lehed langesid puudelt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poliitikut süüdistati pettuses.", "choice1": "Ta tegi valmiskampaania tagasivalimiseks.", "choice2": "Ta kõrvaldati ametist.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma lükkasin vagunit.", "choice1": "Vagunis olnud asjad kukkusid välja.", "choice2": "Vaguni rattad tiirlesid edasipidi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lobist veenis legislatuuri seaduseelnõud toetama.", "choice1": "President vetos seaduseelnõud.", "choice2": "Legislatuur võttis seaduseelnõu vastu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kapp oli sassis.", "choice1": "Ma tegin selle korda.", "choice2": "Ma dekoreerisin seda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma olin kaua üleval.", "choice1": "Mul olid sel ööl elavad unenäod.", "choice2": "Ma olin hommikul väsinud.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mehe tasku kõlises, kui ta kõndis.", "choice1": "Ta tasku oli münte täis.", "choice2": "Ta nõelus augu oma taskus kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kõik klassiruumis pöörasid, et õpilast jõllitada.", "choice1": "Õpilase telefon helises.", "choice2": "Õpilane tegi märkmeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hobune perutas.", "choice1": "Kärbes hammustas hobust.", "choice2": "Ratsutaja silitas hobust.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ehetevargad saadi kätte.", "choice1": "Varastatud ehted tagastati nende omanikele.", "choice2": "Varastatud ehete väärtus arvutati välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rahva seas puhkes poliitiline vägivald.", "choice1": "Paljud kodanikud kolisid ümber parlamendihoonesse.", "choice2": "Paljud kodanikud läksid teistele aladele varjupaika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine arreteeriti.", "choice1": "Ta pani end taastusravisse kirja.", "choice2": "Ta pani rünnaku toime.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine luges ajalehte.", "choice1": "Ta avastas valimiste tulemused.", "choice2": "Ta hääletas valimistel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Haige laps köhis oma sõbra peale.", "choice1": "Ta sõber jäi haigeks.", "choice2": "Ta sõber aevastas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paarike kihlus.", "choice1": "Nad plaanisid pulma.", "choice2": "Nad veetsind mõnda aega lahus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine võttis ühendust kinnisvaramaakleriga.", "choice1": "Naine plaanis korterit osta.", "choice2": "Naisel oli vaja oma maja koristada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees võitis lotoga.", "choice1": "Ta sai rikkaks.", "choice2": "Ta oli raha võlgu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma panin küünla põlema.", "choice1": "Vaha tilkus küünalt mööda alla.", "choice2": "Vaha küünlal kõvastus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma veetsin päeva basseini ääres.", "choice1": "Ma väänasin oma hüppeliigese välja.", "choice2": "Mu nägu sai päikesepõletuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mees sai parkimistrahvi.", "choice1": "Ta parkis tänaval paralleelselt.", "choice2": "Ta parkimismõõtur aegus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine sai kuulsaks.", "choice1": "Fotograafid käisid tal järel.", "choice2": "Ta perekond vältis teda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis kõrvarõngaid kanda.", "choice1": "Ta tegi kõrvadess augud.", "choice2": "Ta tegi tätoveeringu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mu kõrvad vilisesid.", "choice1": "Ma käisin muuseumis.", "choice2": "Ma käisin kontserdil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ma tegin oma maja korda.", "choice1": "Ma olin töösse uppunud.", "choice2": "Ma ootasin külalisi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lennufirma kahjustas mu pagasit.", "choice1": "Nad pakkusid mulle kompensatsiooni.", "choice2": "Nad tühistasid mu lennu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arvutit oli kallis parandada.", "choice1": "Ma lasin selle ära parandada.", "choice2": "Ma ostsin uue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Naine oli halvas tujus.", "choice1": "Ta lobises oma sõbrannaga.", "choice2": "Ta palus oma sõbral end rahule jätta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees keeras kraani lahti.", "choice1": "Tualett täitus veega.", "choice2": "Tilast voolas vett.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk leidis oma helveste seest putuka.", "choice1": "Ta kallas piima kaussi.", "choice2": "Ta kaotas oma isu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine jäi pensionile.", "choice1": "Ta sai oma pensioni kätte.", "choice2": "Ta maksis oma hüpoteegi ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tahtsin energiat säilitada.", "choice1": "Ma pühkisin tühjas toas põranda.", "choice2": "Ma kustutasin tühjas toas tule.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamburgeri liha pruunistus.", "choice1": "Kokk külmutas selle.", "choice2": "Kokk grillis seda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma kahtlesin müügimehe kauba kiitmises.", "choice1": "Ma lükkasin ta pakkumise tagasi.", "choice2": "Ta veenis mind toodet ostma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma otsustasin ööseks koju jääda.", "choice1": "Ilmateade ennustas tormi.", "choice2": "Mu sõbrad käisid peale, et läheksin välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu silmad muutusid punaseks ja pundunuks.", "choice1": "Ma nutsin.", "choice2": "Ma naersin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Küünlaleek kustus.", "choice1": "Ma puhusin tahu peale.", "choice2": "Ma panin tiku tahu juurde.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees jõi peol kõvasti.", "choice1": "Tal oli järgmine päev peavalu.", "choice2": "Tal oli järgmine päev nohu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keeglipall lõi keeglikurikad ümber.", "choice1": "Mees veeretas keeglipalli mööda keeglirada.", "choice2": "Mees kukutas keeglipalli endale jala peale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kogukond sai mehe surmast teada.", "choice1": "Ta perekond mattis ta kalmistule.", "choice2": "Tema järelhüüe ilmus ajalehes.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu arvuti jooksis kokku.", "choice1": "Ma installeerisin uued kõlarid.", "choice2": "Ma kaotasin kõik oma andmed.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine astus oma töökohalt tagasi.", "choice1": "Ta pürgis firmas juhtiva rolli poole.", "choice2": "Ta arvastas, et ta ülemused käitusid ebaeetiliselt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mängija püüdis palli kinni.", "choice1": "Ta tiimikaaslane viskas selle talle.", "choice2": "Tema vastane püüdis seda vahelt haarata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kohtunik tagus haamriga.", "choice1": "Kohtusaalis puhkes kära.", "choice2": "Vandekohus teatas oma otsuse.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine pagendas lapsed oma kinnisvaralt.", "choice1": "Lapsed lõid palli tema aeda.", "choice2": "Lapsed trampisid läbi ta aia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Inimröövlid vabastasid pantvangid.", "choice1": "Nad võtsid lunaraha vastu.", "choice2": "Nad põgenesid vangist.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koka silmad jooksid vett.", "choice1": "Tal said sibulad otsa.", "choice2": "Ta hakkis sibulat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine hoidis oma sõrme külma vee all.", "choice1": "Ta põletas oma sõrma röstriga.", "choice2": "Ta pani deemantsõrmuse oma sõrme.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane kirjutas sõna valesti.", "choice1": "Õpetaja parandas teda.", "choice2": "Õpetaja lükkas ta tagasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma taasleidsin oma rahu suurest vihahoost.", "choice1": "Mu süda peksis.", "choice2": "Ma hingasin sügavalt sisse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin oma käed jooksva kraani alla.", "choice1": "Seep tuli mu kätelt maha.", "choice2": "Vesi pritsis mulle näkku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees riietus oma parimasse ülikonda.", "choice1": "Tal oli kohtumine olulise kliendiga.", "choice2": "Ta naine ostis talle uue lipsu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tunnistas üles oma armastuse naise vastu.", "choice1": "Naine ütles talle ära.", "choice2": "Naine kadestas teda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juhil oli kumm katki.", "choice1": "Ta ületas kiirust.", "choice2": "Ta sõitis üle naela.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu vaade filmiekraanile oli blokeeritud.", "choice1": "Paarike minu taga sosistas.", "choice2": "Pikk inimene istus minu ees.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juht pani auto esituled põlema.", "choice1": "Ta kuulis äikest.", "choice2": "Päike loojus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk keeldus oma köögivilju söömast.", "choice1": "Ta isa ütles talle, et ta jooks oma piima.", "choice2": "Ta isa võttis ta magustoidu ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kattis oma suu käega.", "choice1": "Ta hindas välja.", "choice2": "Ta aevastas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sekretär pani helistaja ootele.", "choice1": "Helistaja telefon kaotas levi.", "choice2": "Helistaja ootas liinil.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kõndis karkudega.", "choice1": "Ta raseeris oma jalgu.", "choice2": "Ta murdis oma jala.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma köhatasin.", "choice1": "Ma hingasin suitsu sisse.", "choice2": "Ma madaldasin oma häält.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kell lõi.", "choice1": "Oli täistund.", "choice2": "Tund näis venivat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kokk lõi muna kausiääre pihta.", "choice1": "Muna pragunes.", "choice2": "Muna mädanes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politsei otsis seaduserikkuja auto läbi.", "choice1": "Nad proovisid ülestunnistust välja meelitada.", "choice2": "Nad otsisid illegaalseid narkootikume.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike sõitis talveks lõunasse.", "choice1": "Nad olid pensionil.", "choice2": "Nad olid lahutatud.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees tundis kohustust üritusel osaleda.", "choice1": "Ta ütles oma sõbra kutse ära.", "choice2": "Ta lubas oma sõbrale, et ta läheb.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pruut lõi enne pulmi araks.", "choice1": "Pulmakülalised tõid kingitusi.", "choice2": "Ta jättis pulmad ära.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees jäi vanaks.", "choice1": "Ta juuksed muutusid halliks.", "choice2": "Ta müüs oma asjad maha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sõbrad otsustasid oma hamburgerit jagada.", "choice1": "Nad lõikasid hamburgeri pooleks.", "choice2": "Nad tellisid friikartuleid koos hamburgeriga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma keerasin korgi limonaadipudelilt maha.", "choice1": "Limonaad kihises.", "choice2": "Limonaad lekkis välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Paar õpilast olid õpetaja läbivaatuse all.", "choice1": "Mõlemad õpilased said suurepäraseid hindeid.", "choice2": "Nende ülesande vastused olid identsed.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane kiirustas, et õigeks ajaks kooli jõuda.", "choice1": "Ta unustas oma kodutöö koju.", "choice2": "Ta võttis oma lõuna kooli kaasa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ajakirjanik kirjutas humanitaari elust biograafia.", "choice1": "Ajakirjanikul oli keeruline humanitaari intervjueerida.", "choice2": "Ajakirjanikku intrigeeris humanitaari töö.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees hakkas kiriku autoriteedile vastu.", "choice1": "Ta annetas kirikule raha.", "choice2": "Ta heideti kogudusest välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naise juuksed kukkusid ta näole.", "choice1": "Ta pani nad klambriga kinni.", "choice2": "Ta määris šampooni endale juustesse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sõrmus jäi mu sõrme kinni.", "choice1": "Mu sõrm paistetas.", "choice2": "Ma murdsin oma küüne.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tõmbasin kummipaela.", "choice1": "See paiskus ruumi teise otsa.", "choice2": "See venis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma surusin oma käe märga tsementi.", "choice1": "Mu käejälg kuivas tsementi.", "choice2": "Tsement mõranes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu nahk muutus täpiliseks.", "choice1": "Ma läksin oma aias vastu mürgipuud.", "choice2": "Ma juurisin mürgipuu oma aiast välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu ajakirjatellimus aegus.", "choice1": "Ma viskasin uue numbri ära.", "choice2": "Ma ei saanud enam uusi numbreid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektiiv paljastas anomaalia juhtumis.", "choice1": "Ta vormistas lõplikult oma teooria.", "choice2": "Ta praakis oma teooria välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Poisil tuli jonnihoog.", "choice1": "Ta vend võttis ta mänguasja talt ära.", "choice2": "Ta jagas oma mänguasju oma vennaga.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laps õppis lugema.", "choice1": "Ta läks kooli.", "choice2": "Ta jättis koolis klassi vahele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poiss jättis õhtusöögi vahele.", "choice1": "Ta ema tegi ta lemmiktoitu.", "choice2": "Ta sõi suure lõunasöögi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine kuhjas oma sõbra meelitustega üle.", "choice1": "Ta tahtis oma sõbralt teenet paluda.", "choice2": "Talle käis oma sõbra vingumine närvidele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu püksitaskust oli võti kadunud.", "choice1": "Taskus oli auk.", "choice2": "Püksid olid uued.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees minestas.", "choice1": "Ta tegi uinaku.", "choice2": "Ta jooksis maratoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees kaotas võistluse.", "choice1": "Võistlust saboteeriti.", "choice2": "Ta heidutas oma vastaseid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ema kutsus kiirabi.", "choice1": "Ta poeg kaotas oma kassi ära.", "choice2": "Ta poeg kukkus voodist välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juht vajutas kõvasti pidurit.", "choice1": "Põder ilmus teele.", "choice2": "Auto raadio lõpetas mängimise.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lukk avanes.", "choice1": "Ma keerasin luku võtit.", "choice2": "Ma tegin võtmest koopia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin kummikindad kätte.", "choice1": "Ma valmistusin oma käsi pesema.", "choice2": "Ma valmistusin vannituba koristama.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Loomaliik muutus ohustatuks.", "choice1": "Nende elupaik hävitati.", "choice2": "Nende kiskjad surid välja.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehele tundus, et naine näeb teistsugune välja.", "choice1": "Naine lõikas juukseid.", "choice2": "Naine kandis käevõru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpilane unustas oma kodutööd teha.", "choice1": "Ta mõtles välja vabanduse, mida õpetajale öelda.", "choice2": "Õpetaja edutas ta järgmisse klassi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koer haukus.", "choice1": "Kass logeles diivanil.", "choice2": "Uksel kõlas koputus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teatati plaan asendada kohalik park kaubanduskeskusega.", "choice1": "Keskkonnakaitsjaid alustasid petitsiooni.", "choice2": "Keskkonnakaitsjad tootsid dokumentaalfilmi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike oli teineteise nägemise üle õnnelik.", "choice1": "Nad suudlesid.", "choice2": "Nad puhkasid.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine palus mehel lahkuda.", "choice1": "Ta solvas teda.", "choice2": "Ta tänas teda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puuoks maandus jõkke.", "choice1": "Oks liikus allavoolu.", "choice2": "Jõe vool muutus tugevamaks.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Õpetaja andis õpilastele kodutöö.", "choice1": "Õpilased saatsid kirju.", "choice2": "Õpilased ägisesid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aastaaeg muutus suvest talveks.", "choice1": "Inimesed evakueerisid oma kodud.", "choice2": "Lehed langesid puudelt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poliitikut süüdistati pettuses.", "choice1": "Ta tegi valmiskampaania tagasivalimiseks.", "choice2": "Ta kõrvaldati ametist.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma lükkasin vagunit.", "choice1": "Vagunis olnud asjad kukkusid välja.", "choice2": "Vaguni rattad tiirlesid edasipidi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lobist veenis legislatuuri seaduseelnõud toetama.", "choice1": "President vetos seaduseelnõud.", "choice2": "Legislatuur võttis seaduseelnõu vastu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kapp oli sassis.", "choice1": "Ma tegin selle korda.", "choice2": "Ma dekoreerisin seda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma olin kaua üleval.", "choice1": "Mul olid sel ööl elavad unenäod.", "choice2": "Ma olin hommikul väsinud.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mehe tasku kõlises, kui ta kõndis.", "choice1": "Ta tasku oli münte täis.", "choice2": "Ta nõelus augu oma taskus kinni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kõik klassiruumis pöörasid, et õpilast jõllitada.", "choice1": "Õpilase telefon helises.", "choice2": "Õpilane tegi märkmeid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hobune perutas.", "choice1": "Kärbes hammustas hobust.", "choice2": "Ratsutaja silitas hobust.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ehetevargad saadi kätte.", "choice1": "Varastatud ehted tagastati nende omanikele.", "choice2": "Varastatud ehete väärtus arvutati välja.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rahva seas puhkes poliitiline vägivald.", "choice1": "Paljud kodanikud kolisid ümber parlamendihoonesse.", "choice2": "Paljud kodanikud läksid teistele aladele varjupaika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine arreteeriti.", "choice1": "Ta pani end taastusravisse kirja.", "choice2": "Ta pani rünnaku toime.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine luges ajalehte.", "choice1": "Ta avastas valimiste tulemused.", "choice2": "Ta hääletas valimistel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Haige laps köhis oma sõbra peale.", "choice1": "Ta sõber jäi haigeks.", "choice2": "Ta sõber aevastas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paarike kihlus.", "choice1": "Nad plaanisid pulma.", "choice2": "Nad veetsind mõnda aega lahus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine võttis ühendust kinnisvaramaakleriga.", "choice1": "Naine plaanis korterit osta.", "choice2": "Naisel oli vaja oma maja koristada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees võitis lotoga.", "choice1": "Ta sai rikkaks.", "choice2": "Ta oli raha võlgu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma panin küünla põlema.", "choice1": "Vaha tilkus küünalt mööda alla.", "choice2": "Vaha küünlal kõvastus.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma veetsin päeva basseini ääres.", "choice1": "Ma väänasin oma hüppeliigese välja.", "choice2": "Mu nägu sai päikesepõletuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mees sai parkimistrahvi.", "choice1": "Ta parkis tänaval paralleelselt.", "choice2": "Ta parkimismõõtur aegus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine sai kuulsaks.", "choice1": "Fotograafid käisid tal järel.", "choice2": "Ta perekond vältis teda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tüdruk tahtis kõrvarõngaid kanda.", "choice1": "Ta tegi kõrvadess augud.", "choice2": "Ta tegi tätoveeringu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mu kõrvad vilisesid.", "choice1": "Ma käisin muuseumis.", "choice2": "Ma käisin kontserdil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ma tegin oma maja korda.", "choice1": "Ma olin töösse uppunud.", "choice2": "Ma ootasin külalisi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lennufirma kahjustas mu pagasit.", "choice1": "Nad pakkusid mulle kompensatsiooni.", "choice2": "Nad tühistasid mu lennu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arvutit oli kallis parandada.", "choice1": "Ma lasin selle ära parandada.", "choice2": "Ma ostsin uue.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Naine oli halvas tujus.", "choice1": "Ta lobises oma sõbrannaga.", "choice2": "Ta palus oma sõbral end rahule jätta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/ht/test.ht.jsonl b/data/ht/test.ht.jsonl
index 41b118b..2e360c2 100644
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+++ b/data/ht/test.ht.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Atik la te vlope ak papye bul.", "choice1": "Li te frajil.", "choice2": "Li te piti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te vide posh mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen jwenn yon bout biye.", "choice2": "Mwen te jwenn yon zam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Foumi yo te anvayi kay la.", "choice1": "Foumi yo disparèt nan kay la.", "choice2": "Foumi yo fin wonje bwa nan kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwayajè yo te rive sou frontyè a.", "choice1": "Ajan frontalye a te enspekte paspò yo.", "choice2": "Ajan frontalye a te akize yo de kontrabann.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Biwo a te fèmen.", "choice1": "Se te vakans.", "choice2": "Se te ete.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te pèdi ènèji li.", "choice1": "Li te jwe je de dam.", "choice2": "Li te sote kod.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te pèdi plas li nan liy nan.", "choice1": "Pi plis moun te vin rantre nan liy nan.", "choice2": "Li te sòti nan liy la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te pense nen li.", "choice1": "Ti bebe a te bave sou bavèt li.", "choice2": "Ti bebe a te sali couch li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bann nan te jwe chanson hit yo.", "choice1": "Piblik la bat bravo ak mizik la.", "choice2": "Piblik la rete koute an silans.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te vle remèsye profesè matematkik li.", "choice1": "Fi a te rete aprè lekòl an pinisyon.", "choice2": "Fi a te pote yon pom bay profese li a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jèn kanper yo te santi yo pè.", "choice1": "Animatè a te rakonte yo yon istwa fantom.", "choice2": "Yo te griye mashmalo sou dife boukan an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te frape tèt li.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi nan panse li.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon shok.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chèk mwen te fè a te rechte.", "choice1": "Kont labank mwen te vid.", "choice2": "Mwen te resevwa yon ogmantasyon salè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bwat imèl li te plen spam.", "choice1": "Li te retire spam nan.", "choice2": "Li te voye tout moun yon mesaj imèl an mas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te mete maren an nan karantèn.", "choice1": "Li te expoze a maladi a.", "choice2": "Li te geri de maladi a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te aprann kòd la pa kè.", "choice1": "Li te resite l pou kont li.", "choice2": "Li te bliye ekri li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te vide dlo a nan vè a.", "choice1": "Dlo te asouvi swaf mwen.", "choice2": "Vè a te vin plen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye rete an silans lè zanmi ni te fin pale.", "choice1": "Li te vle ofri zanmi ni yon sipo.", "choice2": "Li t ap refleshi sou sa zanmi ni te di.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aksidan an se te fòt mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi mwen koupab.", "choice2": "Mwen te pòte plent.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shenn nan tonbe an mòso.", "choice1": "Shenn nan te vlope toutotou yon kaoutchou.", "choice2": "Te gen yon lyen ki te kase nan shenn nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te deside jwenn yon konpromi.", "choice1": "Yo te vin fatige bat ansanm.", "choice2": "Yo te evite diskite pwoblem nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te deside prezante tèt li pou eleksyon an.", "choice1": "Li te anboshe yon chèf de kanpany.", "choice2": "Li te ateste nan tribunal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te prevwa fredi sou vwayaj li.", "choice1": "Li te pote rad cho nan malet li.", "choice2": "Li te vwayaje ak yon gwo malet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Eidyan an te kon repons sou kestyon an.", "choice1": "Li te leve men li.", "choice2": "Li te sote klas la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zye msye a te plen dlo.", "choice1": "Pousye te rantre nan zye li.", "choice2": "Li te met linèt nan zye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jouwè a te ganyen senk match youn apre lot.", "choice1": "Advesè li te akize l triche.", "choice2": "Advesè li te santi l mal pou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Metrès la te shire examen elèv la.", "choice1": "Li te jwenn elèv la ap triche.", "choice2": "Repons elèv la pa t bon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon ti pòz pou sispann pale.", "choice1": "Mwen te pèdi vwa mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi souf mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manje konjle a te deglase.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete li nan mikro-ond.", "choice2": "Mwen te kouvri li ak fim plastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anploye a te fè sanblan malad.", "choice1": "Li te gen doulè nan vant li.", "choice2": "Li te vle pran yon jounen konje.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te ateri nan pisin nan.", "choice1": "Li te kouri sou teras pisin nan.", "choice2": "Li te sote sou plonjwa a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tout biyè pou fim nan te fin vann.", "choice1": "Se te jou ouvèti fim nan.", "choice2": "Fim nan te resevwa move revu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te megri.", "choice1": "Moun te izole li.", "choice2": "Moun te fe l konpliman.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Men fi a te vin gen anpoul.", "choice1": "Li te tape yon lèt.", "choice2": "Li te grenpe yon kod.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atist Sik la te jongle pandan li t ap fè bisiklèt.", "choice1": "Piblik la te sezi epi bat bravo.", "choice2": "Akrobat la te balanse sou trapez la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pedi pasyans mwen.", "choice1": "Zanmi mwen te fè m tann.", "choice2": "Zanmi mwen rive a lè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Peyi ki t ap goumen yo te vle lapè.", "choice1": "Yo te develope zam nikleè.", "choice2": "Yo te negosye yon trete.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te pran yon somnifè.", "choice1": "Li te vin santi li andomi.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon fièv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te frape sofa a.", "choice1": "Pye sofa a te vin lach.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon ble nan jenou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te sere balon an.", "choice1": "Balon an te pete.", "choice2": "Balon an t al vole.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwayajè yo te anrejistre pou chanm otel la.", "choice1": "Yo te defèt malèt yo.", "choice2": "Yo te ale nan aeropò a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon mòso nan pèch la.", "choice1": "Pèch la te abime.", "choice2": "Ju te soti ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Men mwen te vin kole.", "choice1": "Mwen te manje yon benyè.", "choice2": "Mwen te gen dan dous.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pouse pòt la.", "choice1": "Pòt la louvri.", "choice2": "Pòt la femen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aktivist yo boykote pwodui yo.", "choice1": "Yo te fe teste pwodui yo asire kaliti yo.", "choice2": "Pwodui te fabrike ak travay timoun.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pese yon trou nan mi a.", "choice1": "Yon souri te soti nan trou a.", "choice2": "Pousye a te soti nan trou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè jalouzi pou sè li.", "choice1": "Sè li te kontan.", "choice2": "Sè li te divose.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te ranvese diven sou chemiz mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete yon tabliye.", "choice2": "Mwen te chanje chemiz mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kesye a te louvri kès la.", "choice1": "Klian an te sèche nan bous li.", "choice2": "Klian an te bay li lajan an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mizisyen lari a te atire yon foul.", "choice1": "Moun te bay li monnen.", "choice2": "Li voye foul la ale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te pran kriye ak bòn nan.", "choice1": "Li te manke paran li.", "choice2": "Se te lè pou manje.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rada pilot la te detekte yon tanpèt.", "choice1": "Pilòt la te navige lwen de tanpèt la.", "choice2": "Pilòt la te kondui na tanpèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pye bwa a te pèdi fèy li.", "choice1": "Fèy yo te tounen diferan koulè.", "choice2": "Fèy yo te ramase atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason a te santi li yon ti jan malen.", "choice1": "Li te deside jwe yon je kat ak sè li.", "choice2": "Li deside fè yon blag sou sè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te plenn li te bezwen ale nan twalèt.", "choice1": "Papa li te bay li yon kola pou bwè.", "choice2": "Papa li te rete machin nan nan yon ponp gazolin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te met manje pou pwason nan tank la.", "choice1": "Pwason yo te sòt voltije nan tank la.", "choice2": "Pwason yo te naje vè manje a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lide politik madanm nan te chanje.", "choice1": "Li te chanje afilyasyon politik li.", "choice2": "Li te angaje nan yon pwotès.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lavabo a te bouche.", "choice1": "Mwen louvri robinè a.", "choice2": "Mwen lage klowòks ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Pasaje yo te desann tren a.", "choice1": "Tren a rive nan estasyon an.", "choice2": "Tren a te sonnen siflè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te prese sou raba anvlòp lan.", "choice1": "Li te mete yon tenb sou anvlòp la.", "choice2": "Li kole anvlòp la fèmen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zanmi yo te pèdi kontak.", "choice1": "Yo te renmen pase yon moman ansanm.", "choice2": "Yo te deplase al nan lòt vil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kontab yo te mal jere finans konpanyi yo.", "choice1": "Yo te ranvoye l de post li.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan konje matènite.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te gade pandil la.", "choice1": "Mwen te tande pandil la ap fè tik-tok.", "choice2": "Mwen te vle verifye lè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Men mwen te sezi.", "choice1": "Mwen te ekri redaksyon an a la men.", "choice2": "Madanm mwen kenbe men avè mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te sere boulon an.", "choice1": "Mwen te ranplase boulon an.", "choice2": "Mwen te sere kle a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te siyen yon kontra pou yon apatman.", "choice1": "Koup la te vin abite nan apatman an.", "choice2": "Site a te kondane apatman an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te rete chita sou veranda a.", "choice1": "Li te vle gade kouche solèy la.", "choice2": "Li te kwè li te wè eklè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te mete yon jilè softaj.", "choice1": "Li pa t ka naje.", "choice2": "Dlo a pa t pwofon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè yon erè nan sa li t ap tape a.", "choice1": "Li te siprime dokiman an.", "choice2": "Le te frape touch pou tounen an arièr.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te fè enteresant devan zanmi li.", "choice1": "Li te gen move nòt.", "choice2": "Li te ganye yon konpetisyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gazon a te plen labou.", "choice1": "Te gen anpil laplui yè swa.", "choice2": "Li te plen move zèb.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te dòmi twòp.", "choice1": "Li te pase nuit la nan lotèl.", "choice2": "Li te bliye revèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te mete krèm pou solèy.", "choice1": "Li te chita nan lonbraj.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan plaj.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chèche yo te prouve teori a.", "choice1": "Chèche yo te retire teori a.", "choice2": "Sèten endividi ki te aksepte teori a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanatik nan match la te kriye boo.", "choice1": "Match la te fè tan ajoute.", "choice2": "Abit la te fè yon move apèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mwen te met konbinezon an nan seru a.", "choice1": "Mwen te femen seru a.", "choice2": "Seru a te louvri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Foul la te vin ogmante.", "choice1": "Papa a bay pitit gason li lajan.", "choice2": "Papa pran men pitit gason li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nèj la t ap bloke ale a.", "choice1": "Mwen fè yon boul ak nèj la.", "choice2": "Mwen te debarase nèj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kayakè yo te rame ak ram yo.", "choice1": "Kayak la rive sou rivaj la.", "choice2": "Kayak la te frape yon vag.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te pèdi kontwòl bisiklèt li.", "choice1": "Li te lache manch yo.", "choice2": "Li te frape yon kloti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te limen vantilatè a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te rouze po mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi yon briz fre pase sou mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sufè yo te tounen sou plaj la.", "choice1": "Yo te mouye nèt.", "choice2": "Yo te wè yon reken.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te tire bouchon nan benwa a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te sòti nan basen an.", "choice2": "Dlo a te jikle atè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mari a te santi l koupab poutèt li t ap twonpe madanm ni.", "choice1": "Li akize de twonpri.", "choice2": "Li te konfese twonpri li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lank sou postè a te badijonnen.", "choice1": "Mwen te tann lank la sèk.", "choice2": "Mwen te ranvèse dlo sou postè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te reveye ap rele.", "choice1": "Li te fè kochma.", "choice2": "Li te fè pipi nan kabann.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te mete pye li sou tab la.", "choice1": "Papa li te chita atab.", "choice2": "Papa li te reprimande li..", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Zanmi mwen te tounen tèt li nan direksyon mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te rele non li.", "choice2": "Mwen te siyale li ak bra mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gouvènman te oprime sitwayen li.", "choice1": "Sitwayen te òganizeyon revòlt.", "choice2": "Sitwayen yo te anrejistre vòt yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te pèdi nan bwa a.", "choice1": "Li te fè yon tant.", "choice2": "Li te rele osekou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te vwayaje aletranje.", "choice1": "Li te vle aprann fè desen.", "choice2": "Li te vle aprann pi plis sou lòt kilti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te jalou kolèg li.", "choice1": "Kolèg li te jwenn promosyon.", "choice2": "Kolèg li te rete travay ta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te wè extraterèstr.", "choice1": "Li t ap alisine.", "choice2": "Li t ap medite.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cheve msye a te tounen jòn.", "choice1": "Li te mete klowòks ladann.", "choice2": "Li te mete chanpou ladann.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atist la te realize yon nouvo tablo.", "choice1": "Li te kritike tablo li te fè anvan a.", "choice2": "Li te santi yon kout enspirasyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pitit gason a te kite kay la.", "choice1": "Yo te libere li de lame.", "choice2": "Li t ap ale nan kolèj.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Liv yo te sòt tonbe de bibliyotèk la.", "choice1": "Etajè liv yo te kouvè ak pousyè.", "choice2": "Yon tranbleman tè te vin shouke bibliyotèk la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elektrisite lakay mwen te femen.", "choice1": "Mwen te limen yon lanp.", "choice2": "Mwen te rekonekte disjonktè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nou te monte roulo coaster a.", "choice1": "Li te gen sanble terifyan.", "choice2": "Li te sanble amizan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sache pòpkòn nan te koumanse fè pop.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete bè nan sache a.", "choice2": "Mwen te chofe li nan mikro ond la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon pye bwa te tonbe sou liy elektrik la.", "choice1": "Elektrisite nan katye a te etenn.", "choice2": "Meteo a de prevwa van fò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oratè te di de bagay ki te politikman ensansib.", "choice1": "Asanble a te trouve l raz.", "choice2": "Li te vekse asanble a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pike m ak yon zepeng.", "choice1": "Yon gout swe te tonbe sou figi mwen.", "choice2": "Yon gout san te vin fòme sou dwèt mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pwason an te flote sou sifas tank la.", "choice1": "Li te grangou.", "choice2": "Li te mouri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwa msye a te sanble anwe.", "choice1": "Li te gen grip.", "choice2": "Li te arete fimen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pòt asansè yo te louvri.", "choice1": "Asansè a rive kote li dwe rive a.", "choice2": "Asansè a te kwense ant de etaj.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ado a te sòti de kay la tou dous.", "choice1": "Li te bay paran li manti.", "choice2": "Paran li te pini li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saldeben an te inonde.", "choice1": "Twalèt la te debòde.", "choice2": "Chofdlo a te kase.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti chen an te rete bòkot mèt li.", "choice1": "Mèt la te mete yon koliye sou ti chen an.", "choice2": "Mèt la te kenbe ti chen an sou yon lès.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te wè reflè li.", "choice1": "Li te kanpe sou gwo pyebwa a.", "choice2": "Li te kanpe odesou lak trankil la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te rate apèl menaj mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te rele li ankò.", "choice2": "Mwen te rankontre li pou dine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi a te chèche nan katye a.", "choice1": "Chen yo te kouri ale.", "choice2": "Te gen bijou ki chè anpil ki te disparèt de kay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mwen te wè souf mwen lè mwen te respire.", "choice1": "Tan a te frèt.", "choice2": "Pwatrin mwen te santi li sere.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anplwaye yo te fòmen yon sendika.", "choice1": "Yo te vle kondison travay pi miyò.", "choice2": "Patwon an te ogmante salè yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te fè yon tat pòm.", "choice1": "Yon odè pouri te ranpli kwizin nan.", "choice2": "Yon bon aròm te ranpli kwizin nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè efò pou li mache.", "choice1": "Li te mete soulye kikit.", "choice2": "Li te wete soulye li yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vapè te sòti sou bonm dlo a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te bouilli.", "choice2": "Mwen te kouvri bonm nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tout shosèt mwen te mete o sal.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete sandal.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete bòt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Agiman politisyen an te konsidere ridikil.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi sipò elektè yo.", "choice2": "Yo te akize'l de koripsyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tout moun te dezaprouve fiyansay koup la.", "choice1": "Koup la te vin ansent.", "choice2": "Koup la te chape.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Batiman an te dedye à milyonè a.", "choice1": "Milyonè a te vle kraze batiman an.", "choice2": "Milyonè te bay kòb pou bati li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vandè a te akize fi a de vòl.", "choice1": "Vandè a te wè fi a mete machandiz la nan sak li.", "choice2": "Vandè a te ede fi a jwenn sa li renmen a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Peyi a te deklare lagè sou teritwa vwazen an.", "choice1": "Yo te voye solda al goumen.", "choice2": "Solda yo te reyini ak fanmi yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tribunal la te fè respekte jijman kontroversyal la.", "choice1": "Yon dezòd te fin debake devan palèdjistis la.", "choice2": "You koup te echange ve yo devan palèdjistis la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te pran odè yon bagay kap boule.", "choice1": "Li pran bonbon yo nan bokal la.", "choice2": "Li te kite bonbon yo nan fou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laplui t ap desann.", "choice1": "Tanpèt late vin pi rèd.", "choice2": "Mwen kouri rantre anndan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bilding nan te evakiye.", "choice1": "Asansè a te rete fonksyone.", "choice2": "Alam dife a te sonnen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Papa a pa t kontan alkolis piti gason li.", "choice1": "Pap a te achte piti gason li yon byè.", "choice2": "Papa a te fè pitit gason li soti nan kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avoka a te pran eskalye a pou monte nan biwo li.", "choice1": "Sekretè a te ale lakay li nan fen jounen an.", "choice2": "Asansè a te tonbe anpan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te vin enerve ak zanmi li.", "choice1": "Zanmi li te entewonp li.", "choice2": "Zanmi li te achte li manje midi a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te bay kesyè a lajan li.", "choice1": "Kesyè a bay fi a monnen li.", "choice2": "Kesyè a te bliye bay fi a resi a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te mete madanm nan nan yo chèz roulant.", "choice1": "Li te paralize nan yon aksidan.", "choice2": "Li te rantre lopital sou yon branka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sitwayen yo te met drapo nasyonal la devan lakay yo.", "choice1": "Peyi a t ap komemore endepandans li.", "choice2": "Peyi a t ap fè fas a difikilte ekonomik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekip la te pèdi tounwa a.", "choice1": "Yo te desi fan yo.", "choice2": "Yo te enspire fan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zanmi mwen di m mwen te gen yon bagay nan dan mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m jennen.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m fyè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te echwe examen istwa li.", "choice1": "Li te fè atansyon nan klas.", "choice2": "Li te bliye etidye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Bilding anba lavil la te kraze.", "choice1": "Yon tranbleman tè te frape site a.", "choice2": "To kriminalite a te ogmante.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Menaj msye a te fini avè l.", "choice1": "Li te sipliye li tounen avè l.", "choice2": "Li te prezante li a paran li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "De timoun yo te lonje pou rekipere ballon an an mèm tan.", "choice1": "Ballon an te roule ale.", "choice2": "Tèt yo te fè kolizyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Raton lavè a te ravaje poubèl la.", "choice1": "Te gen katon nan poubèl la.", "choice2": "Poubèl la te manke kouvèk.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te egwize krayon li.", "choice1": "Li te bon mache.", "choice2": "Li te depwente.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kesyè a te derefize madanm nan yon ranbousman pou wòb la.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi resi a.", "choice2": "Wòb la pa te ale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Egratinu sou po mwen te pwofon.", "choice1": "Li te geri vit.", "choice2": "Li te kite yon plè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te resevwa de rega dròl lòt pasaje yo sou tren an.", "choice1": "Li t ap fikse rega li atè.", "choice2": "Li t ap pale poukont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te kite myèt pen sou planche a.", "choice1": "Foumi yo te ale pran myèt yo.", "choice2": "Timoun nan te debarase pe an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te bay sè I yon moushwa papye.", "choice1": "Sè madanm nan te kwaze bra li.", "choice2": "Sè madanm nan te koumanse kriye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te pran yon mant.", "choice1": "Lèv li te jerse.", "choice2": "Li te pè gen movèz alèn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te soti bonè pou pèfòmans la.", "choice1": "Yo te atann yo a trafik devan teat la.", "choice2": "Yo te pran direksyon pou ale nan teat la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te rete lakay li, li pa t al nan travay.", "choice1": "Chèf li te felisite l.", "choice2": "Kolèg li te kouvri pou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te siyen petisyon aktivist yo.", "choice1": "Li te sipòte kòz li.", "choice2": "Li te denonse yo antan ke fou.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kè aktè a t ap bat anvan pèfòmans li.", "choice1": "Li te gen trak.", "choice2": "Li te aprann liy li pa kè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pèdi.", "choice1": "Mwen te konte kash mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te etale kàt jeografik la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fwi rèk la te rete sou pyebwa a.", "choice1": "Yo te manje li.", "choice2": "Li te vin sèk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin nan te tonbe an pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te tounen kontakt la.", "choice2": "Motè a te surchofe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè do l mal.", "choice1": "Li te al wè yon sikyat.", "choice2": "Li te rete nan kabann pou plizyè jou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te met dife nan chemine a.", "choice1": "Mwen te fini ak bwa pou dife a.", "choice2": "Te fè frèt nan kay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te arete djògin ni.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon kranp nan kote li.", "choice2": "Li te jwenn yon dezièm souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te frape nan pòt vwazen mwen.", "choice1": "Vwazen mwen te envite m rantre.", "choice2": "Vwazen m te soti lakay li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te soupire ak desepsyon.", "choice1": "Mari li pa t konprann enkietid li.", "choice2": "Mari li te anbrase li orevwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Profese a te bay elèv la konpliman.", "choice1": "Elèv la te reponn kestyon yo korekteman.", "choice2": "Elèv la te ezite pou reponn kestyon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te fini ak ze yo.", "choice1": "Li te ale nan fèm nan.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan makèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen re rankontre yon vye zanmi.", "choice1": "Mwen te revele yon sekrè ba li.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwoke li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te evite ale nan lak la.", "choice1": "Li te atrape yon pwason.", "choice2": "Li te sanble kontamine.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Etidyan te rive nan klas la mouye nèt.", "choice1": "Parapli li te kase.", "choice2": "Bisiklèt li te vòlè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Flèch sou konpitè a te deplase.", "choice1": "Itilizatè a te klike sou souri òdinatè a.", "choice2": "Itilizatè te deplase souri a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chofè a te fè lòt wout.", "choice1": "Te gen yon aksidan sou wout prensipal la.", "choice2": "Li te suiv kamyon ki te devan li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen mete lenj mouye a deyò sou liy rad la.", "choice1": "Lenj la te vin sèk.", "choice2": "Lenj la te vin tashe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan mete linèt solèy li.", "choice1": "Solèy la te klere.", "choice2": "Li tev rele yon taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te kontanple syèl lannwit la.", "choice1": "Li te souete se te ete.", "choice2": "Li te trouve li bèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te santi m fatige nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale kouche bonè.", "choice2": "Mwen te rete kanpe tou lannwit la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te ale kay kwafè a.", "choice1": "Li t ap kite cheve li pouse.", "choice2": "Cheve li t ap vin long.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te jwe move tou sou nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te akeyi nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "choice2": "Ti gason an pa t renmen nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te gen yon sèl anvi pou yon vè lèt.", "choice1": "Mwen t ap manje bonbon.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap kwit pen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapli te koumanse tonbe.", "choice1": "Chofè a te limen limyè devan machin nan.", "choice2": "Chofè a te mete machin nan sou bak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pakin bilding nan te vid.", "choice1": "Mwen te estasyonen lòt bò lari a.", "choice2": "Mwen te estasyonen bòkot antre a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Ekriven an te rate dat limit pou premye bouyon an.", "choice1": "Li te gen blòk ekriven.", "choice2": "Li te pase men sou bouyon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Asosye a te rakwoche sou mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande pale dirijan an.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay nimewo idantite mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Van te soufle nan fenèt louvri a.", "choice1": "Sonèt la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Rido yo te souke.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elektrisite lakay mwen te fèmen.", "choice1": "Mwen te debranche lanp la.", "choice2": "Mwen te boule yon fyouz.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nèg ki leve fè a te gronyen.", "choice1": "Li te gonfle bibit li nan miwa a.", "choice2": "Li te leve fè a anwò tèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Etidyan te eseye fè kalkil la nan tèt li.", "choice1": "Li te soti yon kalkilatris.", "choice2": "Li te vin bwouye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti bebe a te tonbe dòmi.", "choice1": "Papa a te chanje koushèt li.", "choice2": "Papa a te bèse ti bebe a dousman.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te voye balon dlo a sou ti gason an.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te pran chòk.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te mouye nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fotograf la te bliye mete flash la nan kodak la.", "choice1": "Foto yo soti flou.", "choice2": "Tout moun nan foto yo te refize souri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te refize envitasyon pou fèt la.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m sèl.", "choice2": "Mwen pa t lavil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te fè egzèsis.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m enèjik.", "choice2": "Mwen te pè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te tòd eponj mouye a.", "choice1": "Li te abzòbe dlo a.", "choice2": "Dlo a te sòti ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vakansye yo te pran yon feri pou rive nan estasyon vakans la.", "choice1": "Estasyon vakans la te rezève.", "choice2": "Estasyon vakans la te sou yon zile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ado a te fè yon tatouaj.", "choice1": "Li te pè zegwi.", "choice2": "Li te vle fè rebèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon machin m pa te abitye wè te vin stasyonen devan kay la.", "choice1": "Mwen te vin mefyan.", "choice2": "Mwe rele lapolis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kriminèl nan te rann tèt li lapolis.", "choice1": "Prèv yo te enplike li.", "choice2": "Pa t gen prèv kont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gwo msye a te deside megri.", "choice1": "Li te arete manje sirèt.", "choice2": "Li te evite kafeyin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te mache sou vègla a.", "choice1": "Li te glise tonbe.", "choice2": "Li te tranble.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen sènman sou je li.", "choice1": "Li te rete kanpe tout lannwit la.", "choice2": "Li te met pitit gason li dòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lav te koule soti nan volkan an.", "choice1": "Volkan an te eklate.", "choice2": "Volkan an te andòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te mete soulye li.", "choice1": "Li te konn tout moun nan fèt la.", "choice2": "Li te vle kite fèt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te peye asistan peyaj la.", "choice1": "Li te kite m pase nan peyaj la.", "choice2": "Li fèm tann nan peyaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Egzekitif la te fè fayit.", "choice1": "Li te vann tout aksyon konpayi li.", "choice2": "Li te gaspiye richès li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te ale kay doktè a.", "choice1": "Doktè a te pran konje.", "choice2": "Msye a te santi l mal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te sòti nan chanm mwen pa fenèt la.", "choice1": "Kay la te pran dife.", "choice2": "Kay la te vid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dwèt ti gason an te vin ride.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon long douch.", "choice2": "Li te savonnen men li ak savon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te krashe lèt la.", "choice1": "Lèt la te gen gou si.", "choice2": "Bouch mwen te sèk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te rate bis la.", "choice1": "Mwen te vin nan travay bonè.", "choice2": "Mwen te anreta pou travay.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kamyon an te fè kolizyon ak machin nan.", "choice1": "Kamyon an te ale pi vit.", "choice2": "Machin nan te vin kraze.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekip la te mare konkou a pou avantaj pa yo.", "choice1": "Yo te genyen.", "choice2": "Yo te abondonnen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Boutèy kola a te sifle.", "choice1": "Mwen te vire boutey la.", "choice2": "Mwen te devise bouchon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te fèmen deyò.", "choice1": "Li te pase nan yon fenèt louvri.", "choice2": "Li te monte jouk sou do-kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sonèt la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Vizitè a te frape pòt la.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te lonyen nan trou pòt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te tashe kostim ni.", "choice1": "Li te fè li netwaye.", "choice2": "Li te mete li kroke nan amwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te peze tib pat dantifris la.", "choice1": "Pat dantifris la te jayi soti tib la.", "choice2": "Fi a te krashe pat dantifris la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lanmò sivil nan lagè a te ogmante.", "choice1": "Pasifis yo te monte yon pwotèst.", "choice2": "Pasifis yo te kenbe yon parad.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te tire riban soti nan cheve li.", "choice1": "Li te mare riban an.", "choice2": "Riban a te fè ti bebe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè chiriji plastik.", "choice1": "Li te vin granmoun.", "choice2": "Li te fè pi jèn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon ti poule te sòti nan ze a.", "choice1": "Ze a te kouve.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase ze a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Prizonye t ap mouri grangou.", "choice1": "Li te mouri.", "choice2": "Li te echape.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te pèdi ekilib li sou nechèl la.", "choice1": "Li te monte nechèl la.", "choice2": "Li te sòt tonbe sou nechèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te rann you gaz.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon goje kola.", "choice2": "Li te louvri kanèt kola a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon kourandè frèt te pase nan fenèt la.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete m alèz.", "choice2": "Mwen te tranble.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Etidyan te resevwa yon bous pou ale nan kolèj.", "choice1": "Kamarad klas li te respekte li.", "choice2": "Li te gen bon nòt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Fi a te takine ti gason an.", "choice1": "Li te rete akote li.", "choice2": "Li te renmen li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vagabon grangou a te vòle manje a.", "choice1": "Li te pwovoke pitye.", "choice2": "Li pa t gen lajan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te rele zanmi m pou koze.", "choice1": "Mwen te vle gade vi prive m.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m sèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te lonje men li ban mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te souke men li.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay li yon kalòt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te bese tèt mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te lanse fedatifis yo nan atmosfè a.", "choice2": "Frisbi a te vole sou tèt mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te manje zong li.", "choice1": "Li te enkyèt.", "choice2": "Li te sezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te tounen paj sou kalandriye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te make yon randevou sou kalandriye a.", "choice2": "Se te koumansman yon nouvo mwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mari a te dekouvri madanm li t'ap tronpe li.", "choice1": "Li te revoke avoka li.", "choice2": "Li te mande divòse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te lage boul kaoutchou a.", "choice1": "Boul la te rebondi.", "choice2": "Boul la te briye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te fè yon fòt nan examen ni.", "choice1": "Li te devine repons la.", "choice2": "Li te efase repons li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jouwè a te atake advèsè li.", "choice1": "Advèsè li te atrape pas la.", "choice2": "Advèsè li te tonbe atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Li te ramase tomat yo sou plant tomat yo.", "choice1": "Yo te rèk.", "choice2": "Mwen te aroze yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te vle fè yon ti jan romantik.", "choice1": "Li te rankontre ak menaj li pou manje midi.", "choice2": "Li te achte menaj li chokola.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mèki nan tèmomèt la te monte.", "choice1": "Mwen te kite tèmomèt la tonbe.", "choice2": "Tan a te vi pi cho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon tounad te pase nan lavil la.", "choice1": "Twati palèdjistis la te vole ale.", "choice2": "Gran wout la te vin danjere ak vègla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv la te resevwa leson patikilye.", "choice1": "Nòt li te amelyore.", "choice2": "Li te triche nan examen an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te santi m alèz.", "choice1": "Mwen te ajenouye atè a.", "choice2": "Mwen te vlope kò m nan yon lenn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te poli wòch la.", "choice1": "Li te vin glise.", "choice2": "Li te vin briyan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te ajoute sik nan kafe a.", "choice1": "Kafe a te santi fò.", "choice2": "Kafe a te gen gou sikre.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te biwouye papye yo.", "choice1": "Li te vin koupe ak papye a.", "choice2": "Li te chire papye yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te frape klou a ak mato a.", "choice1": "Klou a te rantre nan bwa a.", "choice2": "Klou a te vi rouye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pwason a te mòde liy la.", "choice1": "Pechè a te fè pwason yo monte.", "choice2": "Pechè a te relanse liy la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ado a te jennen ale lekòl.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon bouton.", "choice2": "Li te retire aparèy la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Espresyon sou figi m te kontan nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te resevwa bon nouvèl.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi pasyans mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te siye menm ak yon sèvyèt.", "choice1": "Sèvyèt la te mouye.", "choice2": "Men mwen te mouye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi ekilib li sou tabourè a.", "choice1": "Tabourè a te chimi anba li.", "choice2": "Li te vèse penti a sou taboure a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kanmarad yo te bay tò youn ak lòt.", "choice1": "Yo te pèdi match yo.", "choice2": "Antrenè te anile antrènman an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mande padon.", "choice1": "Mwen te regrèt fòt mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te reisi objektif mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm te vin anwiye ak moun li te pran randevou avèk la.", "choice1": "Li te poze l kestyon sou lavi li.", "choice2": "Li te pale de li san rete.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te bay you gwo souri.", "choice1": "Figi li te vin wouj.", "choice2": "Twou bote li te parèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bato lenmi a te eksploze.", "choice1": "Li te pase sou min la.", "choice2": "Li te rantre nan pò a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te pete pye li.", "choice1": "Li te mache nan yon flak dlo.", "choice2": "Li te mache sou yon mòso boutèy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektif yo te releve anprent yo sou lye yo.", "choice1": "Yo te dekouvri idantite asasen an.", "choice2": "Yo te jwenn zam nan sou lye yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Te gen anpil blokis sou gran wout la.", "choice1": "Mwen te pran yon detounen.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande yon woulib.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekonomi nasyon an te desann.", "choice1": "Anpil moun te vin malad.", "choice2": "Anpil moun te jwenn chomaj.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ajan sikilasyon an te sifle timoun yo.", "choice1": "Yo te prèt pou mache nan trafik la.", "choice2": "Li te rekonèt yo de katye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te woule je m bay zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Li di m verite a.", "choice2": "Li te di yon bagay iwonik.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin nan te fini ak gaz la.", "choice1": "Chofè a te bloke sou wout la.", "choice2": "Chofè a re bay yon hitchhiker woulib.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te koumanse akoushe.", "choice1": "Bebe a te vini.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te gen maladi gwosès.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chapo msye a te vole ale.", "choice1": "Li te wete chapo li.", "choice2": "Te gen van dyò a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te ale nan fèt kamard li.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa yon envitasyon.", "choice2": "Li te pote yon kado.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fwon ti gason an te santi cho.", "choice1": "Manman li te pran tanperati li.", "choice2": "Manman li te mennen li nan pak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te aspèje tèt li ak kolony.", "choice1": "Li te vle fè bòn enpresyon ak menaj li.", "choice2": "Li te mete jèl nan cheve li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elektrisite nan kay la te femen.", "choice1": "Mwen te chache yon flash.", "choice2": "Mwen te pran yon pèl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi an te demenaje nan yon lòt kay.", "choice1": "Pitit gason a te fini lekòl Segondè.", "choice2": "Manman te fè marasa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kourè maraton an te kenbe yon vitès pa twò vit.", "choice1": "Li te vle konsève enèji li.", "choice2": "Li te wè liy arive a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te bay machin a vann nan koutpye.", "choice1": "Machin nan te krache monnen an.", "choice2": "Pakè chips la te kwense.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shen zanmi mwen te mouri.", "choice1": "Mwen te woule je m.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwoke li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kat Kredi bisnismann nan pat aksepte.", "choice1": "Li te ekri yon fich de dèt.", "choice2": "Li te peye ak lajan likid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te joure.", "choice1": "Li te koupe zong ni.", "choice2": "Li te frape zòtèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te fyè frè li.", "choice1": "Frè li te dispite ak paran li.", "choice2": "Frè le te aksepte nan lekòl de dwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te vle aprann pi plis sou sistèm solè a.", "choice1": "Li te ale nan bibliyotèk la.", "choice2": "Li te gade zetwal yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Afich la te kole sou mi a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete afich la sou pòt la.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete tep dèyè afich la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Klian an te aprouve plan achitèk la pou bilding nan.", "choice1": "Achitèk la te monte bilding nan.", "choice2": "Achitèk la te adapte plan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te lage kiyè li.", "choice1": "Men li t ap tranble.", "choice2": "Li te niche kiyè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Drektè Jeneral konpayi a te bay demisyon li.", "choice1": "Consèy administrasyon an te disoud konpayi a.", "choice2": "Consèy administasyon an te jwenn yon ranplasan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te rive anreta nan konferans la.", "choice1": "Mwen te chita nan ran dèyè a.", "choice2": "Mwen te vin bokote podium nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te lache msye a de prizon.", "choice1": "Fanmi li te peye kosyon li.", "choice2": "Li te atake yon prizonye tankou li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi a te pèdi tout zafè pèsonèl li.", "choice1": "Yo te vann kay yo.", "choice2": "Kay yo te pran dife.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te kraze bwat Kola a.", "choice1": "Bwat la te resikle.", "choice2": "Bwat le te kraze nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te enskri nan ekip deba a.", "choice1": "Li aprann ki jan pou sèvi ak òdinatè.", "choice2": "Li te aprann jan pou li kominike.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te santi m pi byen.", "choice1": "Mwen te koute mizik.", "choice2": "Mwen te lave vesèl yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Asosyasyon an te antreprann pwokire fon.", "choice1": "Yo te bay malere manje.", "choice2": "Yo te òganize yon vant o zanchè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rolo coaster a te plonje anba pant apik la.", "choice1": "Pasaje yo te ri kont yo.", "choice2": "Pasaje yo te pouse yon rèl sou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te fache nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te gade bwat lèt la lè mwen t ap kite kay la.", "choice2": "Mwen te frape pòt la lè mwen t ap kite kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te vle gade solèy la leve.", "choice1": "Li vwayaje nan nò.", "choice2": "Li te kanpe bonè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pliye papye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te resikle papye a.", "choice2": "Papye a te pran yon pli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nasyon an te sibi yon katastròf natirèl.", "choice1": "Lidè lòt peyi te fome yon alyans.", "choice2": "Lidè lòt peyi te voye bwat ijans.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rad ti gason te vin mouye.", "choice1": "Li te sòti pisin nan.", "choice2": "Li te tonbe nan pisin nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Elèv la te depeche l pou fini liv la.", "choice1": "Li te sanse mennen li tounen nan bibliyotèk la.", "choice2": "Li te prete l bòkote yon zanmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kriminèl la te egzekite.", "choice1": "Yo te mete l nan prizon.", "choice2": "Yo te kondane pou asasina.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Limyè solèy la te antre nan pyès la.", "choice1": "Mwen te louvri rido yo.", "choice2": "Mwen te debloke pòt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te tire cheve magouyè a.", "choice1": "Perik li te vin sòti.", "choice2": "Li te vin chòv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Redaktè a te re-ekri yon fraz nan maniskri a.", "choice1": "Li te trouve maniskri a konvekan.", "choice2": "Li te trouve fraz la pa t klè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te anile kont kat kredi li.", "choice1": "Li te rann kont kat la te disparèt.", "choice2": "Li te rann kont kat la te expire.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye ak madanm nan te tonbe amoure.", "choice1": "Yo te ale nan kolèj.", "choice2": "Yo te vin marye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mizik la te twò ba pou nou te ka antann li.", "choice1": "Mwen te monte volim nan.", "choice2": "Mwen te konpoze pwòp chanson pa m.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cheve ti gason an te kanpe.", "choice1": "Fi a te degaye li.", "choice2": "Fi a te tire li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ensèk la te ekraze.", "choice1": "Mwen te flite mwen ak Begon.", "choice2": "Mwen mete pye m sou ensèk la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te louvri je m.", "choice1": "Mwen te reveye.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete m alèz.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mizik vwazen mwen t ap sonnen fò.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande li desann li.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande l prete sede li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi msye a te viv nan mizè.", "choice1": "Li pa t gaspiye lajan li.", "choice2": "Li te touche pi ba pase salè minimom nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Etidyan an te fini inivèsite a.", "choice1": "Li te chache yon travay.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse yon pastan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atis la te melanje penti jòn nan penti ble.", "choice1": "Penti te gaye toupatou.", "choice2": "Penti a te tounen vèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te chanje tèm konvèsasyon an.", "choice1": "Mwen te fini ak tou sa mwen te gen pou di.", "choice2": "Kovèsasyon an te vin ennnève.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Frè mwen te libere de lopital la.", "choice1": "Mwen te akeyi li lakay.", "choice2": "Mwen te frèt avè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rido sou sèn nan te monte.", "choice1": "Premye sèn nan pyès la te koumanse.", "choice2": "Aktè nan pyès la te kite sèn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Otaj la te fè sa kidnapè yo mande.", "choice1": "Kidnapè a te menase yo pral fè otaj yo mal.", "choice2": "Kidnapè a te kite otaj la pou kont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon boom te travèse platfòm nan.", "choice1": "Mizisyen an te tape pye li.", "choice2": "Mizisyen an te frape tanbou an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paran yo te kouri nan chanm timoun yo.", "choice1": "Timoun nan te reveye ak rèl fòt kochma li te fè a.", "choice2": "Timoun nan te pè gade sou kabann ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te kominike ak langaj siyen.", "choice1": "Li te fèt prematire.", "choice2": "Li te fèt soud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Te gen yon secherès nan rejyon an.", "choice1": "Dlo a te vin kontamine.", "choice2": "Rekolt la te peri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chat la te kouri apre zwazo a.", "choice1": "Zwazo te vole ale.", "choice2": "Zwazo a te atrape yon vè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te chanje lekòl.", "choice1": "Lekòl la te lage pou grann vakans yo.", "choice2": "Li te demenaje pou ale nan yon lòt vil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Patwon faktori a te refize ogmante salè anplwaye yo.", "choice1": "Patron an te nonmen yon nouvo direktè.", "choice2": "Anplwaye yo te fè grèv.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lidè a te fache estremis yo nan peyi li.", "choice1": "Estremis yo te enfliyanse li.", "choice2": "Estremis yo te asasinen ni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mache pye atè sou plaj la.", "choice1": "Sab te kole nan pye mwen.", "choice2": "Vag te vin kraze sou plaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te reveye frèt nan mitan lannwit la.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete pantalon joggin mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te bwè yon vè dlo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manman an te apeze pitit gason li.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li fè yon grimas.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te kriye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon twou te chire nan jin mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te zipe jin mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te trebiche sou trotwa a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te mete aparey nan bouch li.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon kari.", "choice2": "Dan li te vin dwat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te antrene m nan jim nan yè.", "choice1": "Mwen te reveye maten an ak misk k ap fè m mal.", "choice2": "Mwen te leve maten an ak yon gòj fè mal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi yo te chuchote youn ak lòt pandan yo te atab.", "choice1": "Lòt etidyan yo te chita sou tab la.", "choice2": "Lòt etidyan yo te santi yo eskli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te ateri sou tranplen an.", "choice1": "Li te voltije anlè.", "choice2": "Li te deside eseye fè yon so kabrit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te depoze lèt la nan bwat lèt la.", "choice1": "Biwo lapos la te livre lèt la.", "choice2": "Biwo lapos la te expedye lèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Azaryen an te gen konfians.", "choice1": "Li te parye tout kòb li.", "choice2": "Li te tounen lakay san kòb.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dife nan forè a te blayi.", "choice1": "Van yo te vin pi fò.", "choice2": "Yo te arete ensandyè yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te graje jenou li.", "choice1": "Manman li voye l nan chanm ni.", "choice2": "Manman li te mete yon pansman sou blesi a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te chape maladi mòtèl la.", "choice1": "Li te siyen testaman li.", "choice2": "Li te resevwa yon transplantasyon ògan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon goje kafe chode a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mòde lang mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te boule lang mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Redaktè a te revoke ekriven an.", "choice1": "Ekriven an te evite patipri nan istwa li.", "choice2": "Ekriven an te manke yon dat limit enpòtan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te santi m fatige nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te dòmi tout jounen an.", "choice2": "Mwen te etidye tout jounen an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Doktè a te diagnoze malad la.", "choice1": "Li te idantifye sentòm malad la.", "choice2": "Li te preskri grenn pou malad la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te grate po mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te transpire.", "choice2": "Li te grate m.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè yon operasyon dijans.", "choice1": "Li te pike yon kolè.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon kriz kardiak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misk bra msye a te bonbe.", "choice1": "Li te gonfle bra li.", "choice2": "Li te frote bra li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te leve sousi li.", "choice1": "Li te sezi.", "choice2": "Li te santi l dekouraje.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te eskize gaf kolèg mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te kwè entansyon li te bon.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwè li te gen pi bon sans.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te arete fimen.", "choice1": "Li te koumanse fè pi plis egzèsis.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse leve pi bonè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te bay agresè li yon kout pwen nan nen.", "choice1": "Kò agresè a te vin rèd.", "choice2": "Agresè a te koumanse senyen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Flèsh la te manke sib la.", "choice1": "Msye a te mal vize.", "choice2": "Msye a t ap pèdi jwèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Proprietè a te mande yon ekstèminatè vin lakay li.", "choice1": "Li te dekouvri rat nan anba kay la.", "choice2": "Li te kenbe yon foumiyè nan chanm ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te sigjere envite mwen pou nou soti al dine.", "choice1": "Mwen te twò fatige pou prepare yon bagay.", "choice2": "Envite mwen te rete twò lontan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te sezi frè li k ap li jounal pèsonèl li.", "choice1": "Li koumanse ap kache jounal pèsonèl li.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon nouvo jounal pèsonèl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan pa te gen ase lajan pou peye lwaye a.", "choice1": "Li te travay tan siplemantè.", "choice2": "Li te bay demisyon li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tiimoun nan te retire men li vit.", "choice1": "Li te touche fou cho a.", "choice2": "Li te karese tèt ti toutou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konpanji a te vle evalye satisfaksyon kliyan yo.", "choice1": "Yo te ofè yon rabè pou nouvo kliyan yo.", "choice2": "Yo te distribye yon sondaj bay kliyan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Planche an bwa a te vin grifonnen.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te voye cousen yo sòt tonbe divan an.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te rale yon chèz sou planche a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te proteje figi mwen.", "choice1": "Lenmi mwen te takine m.", "choice2": "Lenmi mwen te montre m ponyèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Estati selèb la te fin boule nèt.", "choice1": "Li te frape ak you kout zeklè.", "choice2": "Moun te vin venere li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te kite fwi yo sou tab la.", "choice1": "Fwi yo te fè grenn.", "choice2": "Mouch vin anvayi fwi yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Balerin la te chire yon ligaman.", "choice1": "Li te pwente zòtèy li.", "choice2": "Li te tòd cheviy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lasèt timoun nan te vin defèt.", "choice1": "Li te aprann ki jan pou mare yo.", "choice2": "Li te kouri nan lakou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te fin kaptive nan liv la.", "choice1": "Mwen te pote liv la tounen.", "choice2": "Mwen te bliye lè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te gen menm kwayans ak paran li.", "choice1": "Paran I te enfliyanse li.", "choice2": "Paran li te nye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin nan te vin arete tou dousman.", "choice1": "Li te fini a gaz la.", "choice2": "Chofè a te tonbe dòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te bwè krèm nan nan solèy la.", "choice1": "Krèm nan te pèdi gou li.", "choice2": "Krèm nan te koule nan kòn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pann tablo nan sal la.", "choice1": "Tapi a te sanble sal.", "choice2": "Mi yo te sanble vid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te kite travay mwen bonè.", "choice1": "Mwen te gen maltèt.", "choice2": "Patwon mwen t ap enbe yon reyinyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti toutous la te sali tapi a.", "choice1": "Mèt la te joure ti toutous la.", "choice2": "Mèt la te bay li yon sirèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mande padon bòkote zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Zanmi m te padone m.", "choice2": "Zanmi te fin fache nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè tèt li remake nan foul la.", "choice1": "Li te pote yon sak a do.", "choice2": "Li te pote yon vès liminez.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Temwen an te manti anba sèman.", "choice1": "Li te fini bay temwayaj li.", "choice2": "Li te akize de fo sèman.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mdanm nan te tenn cheve li.", "choice1": "Li te vle yo nouvo look.", "choice2": "Li te vle asimile.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te pran migran yo ap viv san papye nan peyi a.", "choice1": "Yo te jwenn travay.", "choice2": "Yo te depòte yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oratè te bay yon blag.", "choice1": "Asistans la te tonbe ri.", "choice2": "Asistans la te leve kanpe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te gade solèy la.", "choice1": "Solèy la te avegle m.", "choice2": "Solèy la te bronze po mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te santi m annuiye.", "choice1": "Mwen te rannafle.", "choice2": "Mwen te baye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Stèk la te difisil pou koupe.", "choice1": "Kouto a pa t file.", "choice2": "Stèk la te kri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te deklare fayit.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa pansion alimantè.", "choice2": "Li te akeri yon pakèt dèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Limyè nan apatman zanmi mwen te limen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande tèt mwen si li te soti.", "choice2": "Mwen te deside al wè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mete flè a sou nen mwen.", "choice1": "Petal yo te sòt tonbe flè a.", "choice2": "Mwen santi odè flè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te santi l nostaljik.", "choice1": "Li te kontre ak yon zanmi jenès li.", "choice2": "Li te rele sou timoun li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv la te tèjivèse sou papye a.", "choice1": "Li te remèt papye a bonè.", "choice2": "Li te remèt papye a san fini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin mwen te pran pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale nan sant komèsial la.", "choice2": "Mwen te rele yon mekanik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te jete nòt la.", "choice1": "Li te anonim.", "choice2": "Li te sanble majigriji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Zwazo a te bat zèl li.", "choice1": "Li te ponn ze.", "choice2": "Li te monte anwò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te gare nan ale a.", "choice1": "Garaj la te ouvè.", "choice2": "Garaj la te plen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kriminèl la te vize revòlvè a sou viktim li.", "choice1": "Kriminèl la te bese revòlvè li.", "choice2": "Viktim la te fè olèmen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen t'ap tann wikenn nan.", "choice1": "Mwen te planifye asiste nan fineray mononk mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te planifye asiste nan mariaj zanmi mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te bliye lè a.", "choice1": "Mwen t'ap reve.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m dekonpoze.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dokiman te sòti troub nan près la.", "choice1": "Près la te manke lank.", "choice2": "Près la te manke papye.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Stad la te jwe im nasyonal la.", "choice1": "Fan yo te tounen vè drapo a.", "choice2": "Fan yo te anvayi teren an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sòs la te gen gou fad.", "choice1": "Mwen te sèvi li.", "choice2": "Mwen te met sèl ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwe te met sèvyèt an papye sou sa ki tonbe a.", "choice1": "Sèvyèt an papye a te apsorbe likid la.", "choice2": "Sa ki te tonbe a te lese yon rezidi kolan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te entewonp madanm nan nan mitan sa li t ap li a.", "choice1": "Li te make paj la.", "choice2": "Li te liv la ankò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avyon an te kontre ak toubiyon.", "choice1": "Msye a te mare senti sekirite li pi fò.", "choice2": "Msye a te gade nan fenèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te flechi.", "choice1": "Fi a te inyore li.", "choice2": "Fi a te dige li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Doktè yo te bay malad la yon aparèy pwotèz.", "choice1": "Yo te koupe janm ni.", "choice2": "Yo te kontwole siy lavi li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te pense koud fi a.", "choice1": "Li te ose zepòl li.", "choice2": "Li te vit rekile bra li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mande zanmi m konsèy.", "choice1": "Mwen te apresye opinion li.", "choice2": "Mwen te si mwen te gen rezon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te mache nan labou.", "choice1": "Labou a te kole sou soulye li.", "choice2": "Labou a te frape li nan figi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vil la te pran plizyè pous nèj.", "choice1": "Lekòl yo te femèn.", "choice2": "Moun yo te kache anbatè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Woulman anplwaye a te fini.", "choice1": "Li te ale lakay li pou jounen an.", "choice2": "Li te menase kite travay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pyebwa a te andomaje kay la.", "choice1": "Pyebwa a tonbe sou do kay la.", "choice2": "Pyebwa a te bay lakou a lonbraj.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bwa a te kase an de.", "choice1": "Mwen te pile bwa a nan chemine an.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay bwa a yon sèl kout machèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi a te felisite koup la.", "choice1": "Koup la te anonse y'ap separe.", "choice2": "Koup la te anonse y'ap fè yon pitit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te voye ti gason an yon kat St Valanten.", "choice1": "Li te renmen li.", "choice2": "Li te anbrase li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te souke tèt mwen sou deklarasyon zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te bouye.", "choice2": "Mwen te dakò avè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zanmi yo te tire a pil ou fas.", "choice1": "Yo te vle jwenn yon konpromi.", "choice2": "Yo te vle pran yon desizyon jis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kwonomèt nan kwizin la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Msye a te dechaje pwovizyon yo nan fijidè a.", "choice2": "Msye a te sòti pitza a nan fou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te poze yon objektif anbisye.", "choice1": "Li te detann ni.", "choice2": "Li te travay di.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye rich la te mouri viyès.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li te gen pwoblèm ak lalwa.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te erite de fòtin li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te met pye li sou flam dife a.", "choice1": "Flam yo te etenn.", "choice2": "Lafimen te leve nan flam dife a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin madanm nan te nan magazen an.", "choice1": "Lisans li te revoke.", "choice2": "Li te nan yon aksidan machin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te dòmi twòp.", "choice1": "Mwen te prepare manje maten an.", "choice2": "Mwen te rate manje maten an.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pèsonaj la te sòti limouzin nan.", "choice1": "Aparèy foto yo te tenyen nan direksyon li.", "choice2": "Fanmi li te asiste a konferans de près la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te trennen nan benwa dlo a.", "choice1": "Benwa dlo a te vin tièd.", "choice2": "Dlo ben an te sòti ale benwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Etidyan an te vle rankontre lòt etidyan sou kanpus la.", "choice1": "Li te rantre nan yon asosyasyon.", "choice2": "Li te spesyalize nan jeni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te soulve kouse sou divan an.", "choice1": "Mwen t ap chèche monnen.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap met lòd nan salon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Gèp la te vole vè ti gason an.", "choice1": "Ti gason te kouri ale.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te keyi yon flè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te jwenn madanm nan koupab yon maldòn.", "choice1": "Li te kondane a sèvis kominotè.", "choice2": "Li te kondane amò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te brase sik la nan te cho a.", "choice1": "Te a te bay vapè.", "choice2": "Sik la te fonn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veteran an te mache bwate.", "choice1": "Yo te rele li pou fè lagè.", "choice2": "Li te blese nan batay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kriminèl la te sove ale lapolis la.", "choice1": "Lapolis la te okipe viktim nan.", "choice2": "Lapolis la te chase kriminèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Odinatè a pat vle limen.", "choice1": "Mwen te kite l tonbe.", "choice2": "Mwen te chaje li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan pat gen plas nan amwa li ankò.", "choice1": "Li te ranmase anpil rad nan gadròb li.", "choice2": "Li te pliye lesiv li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te gen kè-kase.", "choice1": "Madanm ni te fè yon pitit.", "choice2": "Madanm ni te lese li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te reisi pran yon diplòm.", "choice1": "Li te vin kalifye pou travay li te vle a.", "choice2": "Of pou travay la te vin anile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwa msye a te sonnen fò e klè nan oditwa a.", "choice1": "Li te akeyi asanble a.", "choice2": "Li te pale nan mikwofòn nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te voye yon pyès lajan nan fontèn dlo a.", "choice1": "Pyès lajan a te koule desann nan fon.", "choice2": "Pyès lajan an te kase an de.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jwè a te frape bal la vè trou a.", "choice1": "Bal la te rantre nan trou a.", "choice2": "Bal la te fè bak vè jwè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te respire pousyè nan grenye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te fè yon okè.", "choice2": "Mwen te etènye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kesye a te rele sekirite.", "choice1": "Kliyan an te sèvi ak fo lajan.", "choice2": "Kliyan an te kite limyè devan machin nan limen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te met fatra a deyò.", "choice1": "Fatra a te fè kwizin nan santi move.", "choice2": "Mwen te voye jete lis pou provizyon yo pa megad.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi a te ale nan zoo a.", "choice1": "Timoun yo te renmen zannimo yo.", "choice2": "Timoun yo te chase zanimo yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Respirasyon msye a te byen fò.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon ensifizans renal.", "choice2": "Poumon li te kojesyone.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te gen yon biyè an plis pou konsè a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande zanmi m pou direkesyon lokal la.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande zanmi m si li te vle ale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekondisyonè a nan kay la te kase.", "choice1": "Mwen te sòti kèk lèn.", "choice2": "Mwen te louvri fenèt yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Do ti gason an te fè li mal.", "choice1": "Sakado li te ouvè.", "choice2": "Sakado li te lou.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te achte manman m yon kado.", "choice1": "Mwen te fè li yon gato.", "choice2": "Se te fèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Narsis nan jaden an te detwi.", "choice1": "Yon abèy te pike jadinie a.", "choice2": "Ekirèy yo te fouye bulb yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te limen alimèt la.", "choice1": "Flam la te etenn.", "choice2": "Alimèt la te fè yon flam.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Moun ki tap diskite yo te reisi jwenn yon antant.", "choice1": "Yo pat vle pase nan tribinal.", "choice2": "Yo te vle repare relasyon yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te voye timoun yo nan yon ofelina.", "choice1": "Paran yo te mouri.", "choice2": "Paran yo te gate yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yon meteorit te ateri nan lanmè a.", "choice1": "Yon tsunami te frape.", "choice2": "Lagrèl te koumanse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwayajè a te kontre ak yon move koulèv.", "choice1": "Lii te vin dezidrate.", "choice2": "Li te pèdi sanfwa li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fou a te vin cho.", "choice1": "Mwen te limen fou a.", "choice2": "Mwen te met pla a nan fou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te prese sitwon an.", "choice1": "Sitron an te vin mwazi.", "choice2": "Sitron an te jikle ji.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Peyi a te dekouvè yon tè nouvèl.", "choice1": "Peyi a te abandonnen tè a.", "choice2": "Peyi a te kolonize tè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vè a te sòt tonbe sou tab la.", "choice1": "Li fin kraze nèt atè a.", "choice2": "Li tonbe nan yon pil lesiv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tab la te chimi.", "choice1": "Planche a te inegal.", "choice2": "Planche a te glise.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Papa a te jwenn pitit gason li ap manti.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li te avwe laverite.", "choice2": "Papa a te gen konfians nan pitit gason li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tèt msye a te fè l mal nèt ak doulè a.", "choice1": "Li te pran siwo pou tou li.", "choice2": "Li te pran aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tren a te ale pi dousman.", "choice1": "Li tap aproche stasyon an.", "choice2": "Li te anreta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè terapi.", "choice1": "Maladi tèt te nan fanmi an.", "choice2": "Yo te djagnostike li ak depresyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te kenbe gòj li.", "choice1": "Li te vale manje li.", "choice2": "Li te toufe sou manje li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen gòj fè mal.", "choice1": "Vwa li te graje.", "choice2": "Li te pale ak yon aksan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chen an te gade bèl stèk sou tab la.", "choice1": "Bouch li tap fè dlo.", "choice2": "Li kouche atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Biznis madanm nan te reisi.", "choice1": "Li te ranvwaye anplwaye li yo.", "choice2": "Li te vin rich.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv yo te sòti nan klas la.", "choice1": "Klòch la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Metrès te bay devwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan deklare li te wè yon fantom.", "choice1": "Akwentans li te enkrendil.", "choice2": "Akwentans li te konprann li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Msye te pèdi sans tande li.", "choice1": "Li te manke nwaye nan lanmè a.", "choice2": "Li te manke touye nan yon eksplozyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pitit la te lache fisèl balon an.", "choice1": "Balon an te degonfle.", "choice2": "Balon an te monte nan syèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi kapasite l pou pale.", "choice1": "Li te fè yon anboli.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon gwo souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te trebiche sou trotwa a.", "choice1": "Te gen yon fant nan siman an.", "choice2": "Li te tande yon moun ap rele non li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te fè yon kokenn plonjon nan pisin la.", "choice1": "Siveyan an te plonje apre li.", "choice2": "Msye a te mouye siveyan an nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pran antibyotik.", "choice1": "Enfeksyon mwen te geri.", "choice2": "Enfeksyon mwen te gaye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Limyè sikilasyon an te tounen jòn.", "choice1": "Chofè a te met fren a.", "choice2": "Chofè a te klaxonen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veso an plastik la te fonn.", "choice1": "Mwen te met veso plastik la nan yon dlo tiyèd.", "choice2": "Mwen te met veso a nan yon fou cho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Machin nan te pran yon bos.", "choice1": "Chofè a te frape yon poto telefòn.", "choice2": "Chofè a pat okipe limyè wouj la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te etidye tout l'annwit.", "choice1": "Li te sote egzamen an.", "choice2": "Li te reusi nan egzamen an.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te kenbe bò pisin nan.", "choice1": "Li te pè aprann naje.", "choice2": "Siveyan an la te de sèvis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te met men m sou pwatrin mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi kè m ap bat.", "choice2": "Batman kè m mwen te vin pi vit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo tap monte yon bilding bòkot biwo mwen.", "choice1": "Biwo mwen te gen anpil moun.", "choice2": "Biwo mwen te gen anpil bwi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanmi a te vle fè konesans nouvo vwazen yo.", "choice1": "Fanmi a te envite vwazen yo pou dine.", "choice2": "Fanmi a te voye men bay vwazen yo nan lakou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dlo a te jikle de pisin la.", "choice1": "Najè a te plonje nan pisin nan.", "choice2": "Najè a te flote nan pisin nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mòde yon mòso sitron.", "choice1": "Mwen te vale yon grenn pa aksidan.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase dan mwen pa aksidan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te trebiche.", "choice1": "Vès li pat fèt.", "choice2": "Lasè li te defèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te met bouchon nan zòrèy li.", "choice1": "Li te distrè ak bwi.", "choice2": "Li te fè pèse zòrèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te ranpli boutèy dlo mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te bwè tout dlo ladann.", "choice2": "Mwen te kenbe l nan frijidè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pwogram televizyon an te sansire.", "choice1": "Li te gen langaj gwosye.", "choice2": "Li te gen yon istwa konplike.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bato a te kraze.", "choice1": "Ekip la te nwaye.", "choice2": "Ekip la te bare ak pirat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te santi l konfu ak kont la.", "choice1": "Li te rezoud kont la.", "choice2": "Li te mande yon tip.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telefòn nan te sonnen.", "choice1": "Msye a te depoze telefòn nan.", "choice2": "Msye a te reponn telefòn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan tap gade m.", "choice1": "Mwen te kroke li.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m enkòmode.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gwoup la te kite mize a.", "choice1": "Yo te pran foto ekspoze yo.", "choice2": "Yo te gade tout ekspoze yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te koumanse yon kont avè m.", "choice1": "Zanmi m te prezante m a msye a.", "choice2": "Zanmi mwen te fè pa m.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaoutchou bisiklèt mwen te plat.", "choice1": "Mwen te met lè nan kaoutchou a.", "choice2": "Mwen te chanje vitès bisiklèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te sanble pal.", "choice1": "Papa l te li li yon istwa.", "choice2": "Papa li te manyen fwon li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Plim nan te vid.", "choice1": "Mwen te sèvi ak yon kreyon.", "choice2": "Mwen te siyen nonm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te refize msye a kob la.", "choice1": "Li te nan dèt.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse yon biznis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te rete lakay li e pat al lekòl.", "choice1": "Li te gen saranpyonl.", "choice2": "Li te renmen aprann mat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sak fatra a la ten plen.", "choice1": "Mwen te pote l nan boko fatra a.", "choice2": "Mwen te jete l nan lavabo a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pase aspiratè a sou tapi a.", "choice1": "Kamarad chanm mwen te vèse ponch la.", "choice2": "Shen mwen te kite pwal li tonbe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a tè pèdi sanfwa li.", "choice1": "Li te fèmen konpitè li.", "choice2": "Li te voltije chèz la nan sal la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te voye yon ti branch nan dife boukan an.", "choice1": "Ti branch la te boule.", "choice2": "Dife a te etenn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te sòti nan douch la.", "choice1": "Dlo cho a te fini.", "choice2": "Li pat ka jwenn yon sèvyèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paran yo te vle timoun yo ale nan kolèj.", "choice1": "Yo te met yon fon pou leson prive de kote.", "choice2": "Yo te ankouraje timoun yo jwe deyò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te defèt lasèt soulye li.", "choice1": "Soulye yo te vin pi lach.", "choice2": "Soulye yo te vin chire.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te manje mwatye nan antre a.", "choice1": "Li te met res yo nan frijidè a.", "choice2": "Li te kenbe resèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cheviy mwen te gonfle.", "choice1": "Mwen te met glas sou li.", "choice2": "Mwen te fwote losyon sou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pòt biwo mwen te ouvè.", "choice1": "Mwen te pale ak kolèg mwen bòkot biwo mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te tande konvèsasyon nan koridò la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te oblije tann nan liy la.", "choice1": "Mwen te chita.", "choice2": "Mwen te gade yon magazin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te bat yon mouch.", "choice1": "Mouch la te vole ale.", "choice2": "Mouch la te rete dousman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te ekri yon testaman.", "choice1": "Li tap mouri.", "choice2": "Li te vèv.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kourè a te santi konkiran ap genyen sou li.", "choice1": "Li abandonnen kous la.", "choice2": "Li ale pi vit.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te reflechi byen sou pwoblèm nan.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande konsèy.", "choice2": "Mwen te jwenn yon solisyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vwayajè a te mache sou pon sispandi a.", "choice1": "Li te pran pè nèt.", "choice2": "Li te santi l anlè nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te konnen ekip la ap gen viktwa.", "choice1": "Li te rankontre ak zanmi li pou gade match la.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon pari a zanmi li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an pat ka dòmi.", "choice1": "Li te mete revey la.", "choice2": "Li te konte mouton.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Atik la te vlope ak papye bul.", "choice1": "Li te frajil.", "choice2": "Li te piti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te vide posh mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen jwenn yon bout biye.", "choice2": "Mwen te jwenn yon zam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Foumi yo te anvayi kay la.", "choice1": "Foumi yo disparèt nan kay la.", "choice2": "Foumi yo fin wonje bwa nan kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwayajè yo te rive sou frontyè a.", "choice1": "Ajan frontalye a te enspekte paspò yo.", "choice2": "Ajan frontalye a te akize yo de kontrabann.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Biwo a te fèmen.", "choice1": "Se te vakans.", "choice2": "Se te ete.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te pèdi ènèji li.", "choice1": "Li te jwe je de dam.", "choice2": "Li te sote kod.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te pèdi plas li nan liy nan.", "choice1": "Pi plis moun te vin rantre nan liy nan.", "choice2": "Li te sòti nan liy la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te pense nen li.", "choice1": "Ti bebe a te bave sou bavèt li.", "choice2": "Ti bebe a te sali couch li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bann nan te jwe chanson hit yo.", "choice1": "Piblik la bat bravo ak mizik la.", "choice2": "Piblik la rete koute an silans.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te vle remèsye profesè matematkik li.", "choice1": "Fi a te rete aprè lekòl an pinisyon.", "choice2": "Fi a te pote yon pom bay profese li a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jèn kanper yo te santi yo pè.", "choice1": "Animatè a te rakonte yo yon istwa fantom.", "choice2": "Yo te griye mashmalo sou dife boukan an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te frape tèt li.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi nan panse li.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon shok.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chèk mwen te fè a te rechte.", "choice1": "Kont labank mwen te vid.", "choice2": "Mwen te resevwa yon ogmantasyon salè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bwat imèl li te plen spam.", "choice1": "Li te retire spam nan.", "choice2": "Li te voye tout moun yon mesaj imèl an mas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te mete maren an nan karantèn.", "choice1": "Li te expoze a maladi a.", "choice2": "Li te geri de maladi a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te aprann kòd la pa kè.", "choice1": "Li te resite l pou kont li.", "choice2": "Li te bliye ekri li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te vide dlo a nan vè a.", "choice1": "Dlo te asouvi swaf mwen.", "choice2": "Vè a te vin plen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye rete an silans lè zanmi ni te fin pale.", "choice1": "Li te vle ofri zanmi ni yon sipo.", "choice2": "Li t ap refleshi sou sa zanmi ni te di.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aksidan an se te fòt mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi mwen koupab.", "choice2": "Mwen te pòte plent.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shenn nan tonbe an mòso.", "choice1": "Shenn nan te vlope toutotou yon kaoutchou.", "choice2": "Te gen yon lyen ki te kase nan shenn nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te deside jwenn yon konpromi.", "choice1": "Yo te vin fatige bat ansanm.", "choice2": "Yo te evite diskite pwoblem nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te deside prezante tèt li pou eleksyon an.", "choice1": "Li te anboshe yon chèf de kanpany.", "choice2": "Li te ateste nan tribunal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te prevwa fredi sou vwayaj li.", "choice1": "Li te pote rad cho nan malet li.", "choice2": "Li te vwayaje ak yon gwo malet.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Eidyan an te kon repons sou kestyon an.", "choice1": "Li te leve men li.", "choice2": "Li te sote klas la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zye msye a te plen dlo.", "choice1": "Pousye te rantre nan zye li.", "choice2": "Li te met linèt nan zye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jouwè a te ganyen senk match youn apre lot.", "choice1": "Advesè li te akize l triche.", "choice2": "Advesè li te santi l mal pou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Metrès la te shire examen elèv la.", "choice1": "Li te jwenn elèv la ap triche.", "choice2": "Repons elèv la pa t bon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon ti pòz pou sispann pale.", "choice1": "Mwen te pèdi vwa mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi souf mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manje konjle a te deglase.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete li nan mikro-ond.", "choice2": "Mwen te kouvri li ak fim plastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anploye a te fè sanblan malad.", "choice1": "Li te gen doulè nan vant li.", "choice2": "Li te vle pran yon jounen konje.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te ateri nan pisin nan.", "choice1": "Li te kouri sou teras pisin nan.", "choice2": "Li te sote sou plonjwa a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tout biyè pou fim nan te fin vann.", "choice1": "Se te jou ouvèti fim nan.", "choice2": "Fim nan te resevwa move revu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te megri.", "choice1": "Moun te izole li.", "choice2": "Moun te fe l konpliman.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Men fi a te vin gen anpoul.", "choice1": "Li te tape yon lèt.", "choice2": "Li te grenpe yon kod.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atist Sik la te jongle pandan li t ap fè bisiklèt.", "choice1": "Piblik la te sezi epi bat bravo.", "choice2": "Akrobat la te balanse sou trapez la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pedi pasyans mwen.", "choice1": "Zanmi mwen te fè m tann.", "choice2": "Zanmi mwen rive a lè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Peyi ki t ap goumen yo te vle lapè.", "choice1": "Yo te develope zam nikleè.", "choice2": "Yo te negosye yon trete.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te pran yon somnifè.", "choice1": "Li te vin santi li andomi.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon fièv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te frape sofa a.", "choice1": "Pye sofa a te vin lach.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon ble nan jenou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te sere balon an.", "choice1": "Balon an te pete.", "choice2": "Balon an t al vole.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwayajè yo te anrejistre pou chanm otel la.", "choice1": "Yo te defèt malèt yo.", "choice2": "Yo te ale nan aeropò a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon mòso nan pèch la.", "choice1": "Pèch la te abime.", "choice2": "Ju te soti ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Men mwen te vin kole.", "choice1": "Mwen te manje yon benyè.", "choice2": "Mwen te gen dan dous.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pouse pòt la.", "choice1": "Pòt la louvri.", "choice2": "Pòt la femen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aktivist yo boykote pwodui yo.", "choice1": "Yo te fe teste pwodui yo asire kaliti yo.", "choice2": "Pwodui te fabrike ak travay timoun.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pese yon trou nan mi a.", "choice1": "Yon souri te soti nan trou a.", "choice2": "Pousye a te soti nan trou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè jalouzi pou sè li.", "choice1": "Sè li te kontan.", "choice2": "Sè li te divose.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te ranvese diven sou chemiz mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete yon tabliye.", "choice2": "Mwen te chanje chemiz mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kesye a te louvri kès la.", "choice1": "Klian an te sèche nan bous li.", "choice2": "Klian an te bay li lajan an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mizisyen lari a te atire yon foul.", "choice1": "Moun te bay li monnen.", "choice2": "Li voye foul la ale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te pran kriye ak bòn nan.", "choice1": "Li te manke paran li.", "choice2": "Se te lè pou manje.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rada pilot la te detekte yon tanpèt.", "choice1": "Pilòt la te navige lwen de tanpèt la.", "choice2": "Pilòt la te kondui na tanpèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pye bwa a te pèdi fèy li.", "choice1": "Fèy yo te tounen diferan koulè.", "choice2": "Fèy yo te ramase atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason a te santi li yon ti jan malen.", "choice1": "Li te deside jwe yon je kat ak sè li.", "choice2": "Li deside fè yon blag sou sè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te plenn li te bezwen ale nan twalèt.", "choice1": "Papa li te bay li yon kola pou bwè.", "choice2": "Papa li te rete machin nan nan yon ponp gazolin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te met manje pou pwason nan tank la.", "choice1": "Pwason yo te sòt voltije nan tank la.", "choice2": "Pwason yo te naje vè manje a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lide politik madanm nan te chanje.", "choice1": "Li te chanje afilyasyon politik li.", "choice2": "Li te angaje nan yon pwotès.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lavabo a te bouche.", "choice1": "Mwen louvri robinè a.", "choice2": "Mwen lage klowòks ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Pasaje yo te desann tren a.", "choice1": "Tren a rive nan estasyon an.", "choice2": "Tren a te sonnen siflè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te prese sou raba anvlòp lan.", "choice1": "Li te mete yon tenb sou anvlòp la.", "choice2": "Li kole anvlòp la fèmen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zanmi yo te pèdi kontak.", "choice1": "Yo te renmen pase yon moman ansanm.", "choice2": "Yo te deplase al nan lòt vil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kontab yo te mal jere finans konpanyi yo.", "choice1": "Yo te ranvoye l de post li.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan konje matènite.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te gade pandil la.", "choice1": "Mwen te tande pandil la ap fè tik-tok.", "choice2": "Mwen te vle verifye lè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Men mwen te sezi.", "choice1": "Mwen te ekri redaksyon an a la men.", "choice2": "Madanm mwen kenbe men avè mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te sere boulon an.", "choice1": "Mwen te ranplase boulon an.", "choice2": "Mwen te sere kle a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te siyen yon kontra pou yon apatman.", "choice1": "Koup la te vin abite nan apatman an.", "choice2": "Site a te kondane apatman an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te rete chita sou veranda a.", "choice1": "Li te vle gade kouche solèy la.", "choice2": "Li te kwè li te wè eklè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te mete yon jilè softaj.", "choice1": "Li pa t ka naje.", "choice2": "Dlo a pa t pwofon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè yon erè nan sa li t ap tape a.", "choice1": "Li te siprime dokiman an.", "choice2": "Le te frape touch pou tounen an arièr.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te fè enteresant devan zanmi li.", "choice1": "Li te gen move nòt.", "choice2": "Li te ganye yon konpetisyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gazon a te plen labou.", "choice1": "Te gen anpil laplui yè swa.", "choice2": "Li te plen move zèb.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te dòmi twòp.", "choice1": "Li te pase nuit la nan lotèl.", "choice2": "Li te bliye revèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te mete krèm pou solèy.", "choice1": "Li te chita nan lonbraj.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan plaj.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chèche yo te prouve teori a.", "choice1": "Chèche yo te retire teori a.", "choice2": "Sèten endividi ki te aksepte teori a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanatik nan match la te kriye boo.", "choice1": "Match la te fè tan ajoute.", "choice2": "Abit la te fè yon move apèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mwen te met konbinezon an nan seru a.", "choice1": "Mwen te femen seru a.", "choice2": "Seru a te louvri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Foul la te vin ogmante.", "choice1": "Papa a bay pitit gason li lajan.", "choice2": "Papa pran men pitit gason li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nèj la t ap bloke ale a.", "choice1": "Mwen fè yon boul ak nèj la.", "choice2": "Mwen te debarase nèj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kayakè yo te rame ak ram yo.", "choice1": "Kayak la rive sou rivaj la.", "choice2": "Kayak la te frape yon vag.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te pèdi kontwòl bisiklèt li.", "choice1": "Li te lache manch yo.", "choice2": "Li te frape yon kloti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te limen vantilatè a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te rouze po mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi yon briz fre pase sou mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sufè yo te tounen sou plaj la.", "choice1": "Yo te mouye nèt.", "choice2": "Yo te wè yon reken.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te tire bouchon nan benwa a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te sòti nan basen an.", "choice2": "Dlo a te jikle atè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mari a te santi l koupab poutèt li t ap twonpe madanm ni.", "choice1": "Li akize de twonpri.", "choice2": "Li te konfese twonpri li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lank sou postè a te badijonnen.", "choice1": "Mwen te tann lank la sèk.", "choice2": "Mwen te ranvèse dlo sou postè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te reveye ap rele.", "choice1": "Li te fè kochma.", "choice2": "Li te fè pipi nan kabann.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te mete pye li sou tab la.", "choice1": "Papa li te chita atab.", "choice2": "Papa li te reprimande li..", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Zanmi mwen te tounen tèt li nan direksyon mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te rele non li.", "choice2": "Mwen te siyale li ak bra mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gouvènman te oprime sitwayen li.", "choice1": "Sitwayen te òganizeyon revòlt.", "choice2": "Sitwayen yo te anrejistre vòt yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te pèdi nan bwa a.", "choice1": "Li te fè yon tant.", "choice2": "Li te rele osekou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te vwayaje aletranje.", "choice1": "Li te vle aprann fè desen.", "choice2": "Li te vle aprann pi plis sou lòt kilti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te jalou kolèg li.", "choice1": "Kolèg li te jwenn promosyon.", "choice2": "Kolèg li te rete travay ta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te wè extraterèstr.", "choice1": "Li t ap alisine.", "choice2": "Li t ap medite.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cheve msye a te tounen jòn.", "choice1": "Li te mete klowòks ladann.", "choice2": "Li te mete chanpou ladann.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atist la te realize yon nouvo tablo.", "choice1": "Li te kritike tablo li te fè anvan a.", "choice2": "Li te santi yon kout enspirasyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pitit gason a te kite kay la.", "choice1": "Yo te libere li de lame.", "choice2": "Li t ap ale nan kolèj.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Liv yo te sòt tonbe de bibliyotèk la.", "choice1": "Etajè liv yo te kouvè ak pousyè.", "choice2": "Yon tranbleman tè te vin shouke bibliyotèk la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elektrisite lakay mwen te femen.", "choice1": "Mwen te limen yon lanp.", "choice2": "Mwen te rekonekte disjonktè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nou te monte roulo coaster a.", "choice1": "Li te gen sanble terifyan.", "choice2": "Li te sanble amizan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sache pòpkòn nan te koumanse fè pop.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete bè nan sache a.", "choice2": "Mwen te chofe li nan mikro ond la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon pye bwa te tonbe sou liy elektrik la.", "choice1": "Elektrisite nan katye a te etenn.", "choice2": "Meteo a de prevwa van fò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oratè te di de bagay ki te politikman ensansib.", "choice1": "Asanble a te trouve l raz.", "choice2": "Li te vekse asanble a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pike m ak yon zepeng.", "choice1": "Yon gout swe te tonbe sou figi mwen.", "choice2": "Yon gout san te vin fòme sou dwèt mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pwason an te flote sou sifas tank la.", "choice1": "Li te grangou.", "choice2": "Li te mouri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwa msye a te sanble anwe.", "choice1": "Li te gen grip.", "choice2": "Li te arete fimen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pòt asansè yo te louvri.", "choice1": "Asansè a rive kote li dwe rive a.", "choice2": "Asansè a te kwense ant de etaj.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ado a te sòti de kay la tou dous.", "choice1": "Li te bay paran li manti.", "choice2": "Paran li te pini li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saldeben an te inonde.", "choice1": "Twalèt la te debòde.", "choice2": "Chofdlo a te kase.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti chen an te rete bòkot mèt li.", "choice1": "Mèt la te mete yon koliye sou ti chen an.", "choice2": "Mèt la te kenbe ti chen an sou yon lès.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te wè reflè li.", "choice1": "Li te kanpe sou gwo pyebwa a.", "choice2": "Li te kanpe odesou lak trankil la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te rate apèl menaj mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te rele li ankò.", "choice2": "Mwen te rankontre li pou dine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi a te chèche nan katye a.", "choice1": "Chen yo te kouri ale.", "choice2": "Te gen bijou ki chè anpil ki te disparèt de kay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mwen te wè souf mwen lè mwen te respire.", "choice1": "Tan a te frèt.", "choice2": "Pwatrin mwen te santi li sere.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anplwaye yo te fòmen yon sendika.", "choice1": "Yo te vle kondison travay pi miyò.", "choice2": "Patwon an te ogmante salè yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te fè yon tat pòm.", "choice1": "Yon odè pouri te ranpli kwizin nan.", "choice2": "Yon bon aròm te ranpli kwizin nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè efò pou li mache.", "choice1": "Li te mete soulye kikit.", "choice2": "Li te wete soulye li yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vapè te sòti sou bonm dlo a.", "choice1": "Dlo a te bouilli.", "choice2": "Mwen te kouvri bonm nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tout shosèt mwen te mete o sal.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete sandal.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete bòt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Agiman politisyen an te konsidere ridikil.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi sipò elektè yo.", "choice2": "Yo te akize'l de koripsyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tout moun te dezaprouve fiyansay koup la.", "choice1": "Koup la te vin ansent.", "choice2": "Koup la te chape.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Batiman an te dedye à milyonè a.", "choice1": "Milyonè a te vle kraze batiman an.", "choice2": "Milyonè te bay kòb pou bati li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vandè a te akize fi a de vòl.", "choice1": "Vandè a te wè fi a mete machandiz la nan sak li.", "choice2": "Vandè a te ede fi a jwenn sa li renmen a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Peyi a te deklare lagè sou teritwa vwazen an.", "choice1": "Yo te voye solda al goumen.", "choice2": "Solda yo te reyini ak fanmi yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tribunal la te fè respekte jijman kontroversyal la.", "choice1": "Yon dezòd te fin debake devan palèdjistis la.", "choice2": "You koup te echange ve yo devan palèdjistis la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te pran odè yon bagay kap boule.", "choice1": "Li pran bonbon yo nan bokal la.", "choice2": "Li te kite bonbon yo nan fou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laplui t ap desann.", "choice1": "Tanpèt late vin pi rèd.", "choice2": "Mwen kouri rantre anndan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bilding nan te evakiye.", "choice1": "Asansè a te rete fonksyone.", "choice2": "Alam dife a te sonnen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Papa a pa t kontan alkolis piti gason li.", "choice1": "Pap a te achte piti gason li yon byè.", "choice2": "Papa a te fè pitit gason li soti nan kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avoka a te pran eskalye a pou monte nan biwo li.", "choice1": "Sekretè a te ale lakay li nan fen jounen an.", "choice2": "Asansè a te tonbe anpan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te vin enerve ak zanmi li.", "choice1": "Zanmi li te entewonp li.", "choice2": "Zanmi li te achte li manje midi a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te bay kesyè a lajan li.", "choice1": "Kesyè a bay fi a monnen li.", "choice2": "Kesyè a te bliye bay fi a resi a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te mete madanm nan nan yo chèz roulant.", "choice1": "Li te paralize nan yon aksidan.", "choice2": "Li te rantre lopital sou yon branka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sitwayen yo te met drapo nasyonal la devan lakay yo.", "choice1": "Peyi a t ap komemore endepandans li.", "choice2": "Peyi a t ap fè fas a difikilte ekonomik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekip la te pèdi tounwa a.", "choice1": "Yo te desi fan yo.", "choice2": "Yo te enspire fan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zanmi mwen di m mwen te gen yon bagay nan dan mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m jennen.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m fyè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te echwe examen istwa li.", "choice1": "Li te fè atansyon nan klas.", "choice2": "Li te bliye etidye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Bilding anba lavil la te kraze.", "choice1": "Yon tranbleman tè te frape site a.", "choice2": "To kriminalite a te ogmante.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Menaj msye a te fini avè l.", "choice1": "Li te sipliye li tounen avè l.", "choice2": "Li te prezante li a paran li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "De timoun yo te lonje pou rekipere ballon an an mèm tan.", "choice1": "Ballon an te roule ale.", "choice2": "Tèt yo te fè kolizyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Raton lavè a te ravaje poubèl la.", "choice1": "Te gen katon nan poubèl la.", "choice2": "Poubèl la te manke kouvèk.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te egwize krayon li.", "choice1": "Li te bon mache.", "choice2": "Li te depwente.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kesyè a te derefize madanm nan yon ranbousman pou wòb la.", "choice1": "Li te pèdi resi a.", "choice2": "Wòb la pa te ale.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Egratinu sou po mwen te pwofon.", "choice1": "Li te geri vit.", "choice2": "Li te kite yon plè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te resevwa de rega dròl lòt pasaje yo sou tren an.", "choice1": "Li t ap fikse rega li atè.", "choice2": "Li t ap pale poukont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te kite myèt pen sou planche a.", "choice1": "Foumi yo te ale pran myèt yo.", "choice2": "Timoun nan te debarase pe an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te bay sè I yon moushwa papye.", "choice1": "Sè madanm nan te kwaze bra li.", "choice2": "Sè madanm nan te koumanse kriye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te pran yon mant.", "choice1": "Lèv li te jerse.", "choice2": "Li te pè gen movèz alèn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te soti bonè pou pèfòmans la.", "choice1": "Yo te atann yo a trafik devan teat la.", "choice2": "Yo te pran direksyon pou ale nan teat la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te rete lakay li, li pa t al nan travay.", "choice1": "Chèf li te felisite l.", "choice2": "Kolèg li te kouvri pou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te siyen petisyon aktivist yo.", "choice1": "Li te sipòte kòz li.", "choice2": "Li te denonse yo antan ke fou.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kè aktè a t ap bat anvan pèfòmans li.", "choice1": "Li te gen trak.", "choice2": "Li te aprann liy li pa kè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pèdi.", "choice1": "Mwen te konte kash mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te etale kàt jeografik la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fwi rèk la te rete sou pyebwa a.", "choice1": "Yo te manje li.", "choice2": "Li te vin sèk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin nan te tonbe an pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te tounen kontakt la.", "choice2": "Motè a te surchofe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè do l mal.", "choice1": "Li te al wè yon sikyat.", "choice2": "Li te rete nan kabann pou plizyè jou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te met dife nan chemine a.", "choice1": "Mwen te fini ak bwa pou dife a.", "choice2": "Te fè frèt nan kay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te arete djògin ni.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon kranp nan kote li.", "choice2": "Li te jwenn yon dezièm souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te frape nan pòt vwazen mwen.", "choice1": "Vwazen mwen te envite m rantre.", "choice2": "Vwazen m te soti lakay li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te soupire ak desepsyon.", "choice1": "Mari li pa t konprann enkietid li.", "choice2": "Mari li te anbrase li orevwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Profese a te bay elèv la konpliman.", "choice1": "Elèv la te reponn kestyon yo korekteman.", "choice2": "Elèv la te ezite pou reponn kestyon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te fini ak ze yo.", "choice1": "Li te ale nan fèm nan.", "choice2": "Li te ale nan makèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen re rankontre yon vye zanmi.", "choice1": "Mwen te revele yon sekrè ba li.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwoke li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te evite ale nan lak la.", "choice1": "Li te atrape yon pwason.", "choice2": "Li te sanble kontamine.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Etidyan te rive nan klas la mouye nèt.", "choice1": "Parapli li te kase.", "choice2": "Bisiklèt li te vòlè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Flèch sou konpitè a te deplase.", "choice1": "Itilizatè a te klike sou souri òdinatè a.", "choice2": "Itilizatè te deplase souri a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chofè a te fè lòt wout.", "choice1": "Te gen yon aksidan sou wout prensipal la.", "choice2": "Li te suiv kamyon ki te devan li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen mete lenj mouye a deyò sou liy rad la.", "choice1": "Lenj la te vin sèk.", "choice2": "Lenj la te vin tashe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan mete linèt solèy li.", "choice1": "Solèy la te klere.", "choice2": "Li tev rele yon taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te kontanple syèl lannwit la.", "choice1": "Li te souete se te ete.", "choice2": "Li te trouve li bèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te santi m fatige nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale kouche bonè.", "choice2": "Mwen te rete kanpe tou lannwit la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te ale kay kwafè a.", "choice1": "Li t ap kite cheve li pouse.", "choice2": "Cheve li t ap vin long.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te jwe move tou sou nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te akeyi nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "choice2": "Ti gason an pa t renmen nouvo kamarad de klas li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te gen yon sèl anvi pou yon vè lèt.", "choice1": "Mwen t ap manje bonbon.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap kwit pen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapli te koumanse tonbe.", "choice1": "Chofè a te limen limyè devan machin nan.", "choice2": "Chofè a te mete machin nan sou bak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pakin bilding nan te vid.", "choice1": "Mwen te estasyonen lòt bò lari a.", "choice2": "Mwen te estasyonen bòkot antre a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Ekriven an te rate dat limit pou premye bouyon an.", "choice1": "Li te gen blòk ekriven.", "choice2": "Li te pase men sou bouyon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Asosye a te rakwoche sou mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande pale dirijan an.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay nimewo idantite mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Van te soufle nan fenèt louvri a.", "choice1": "Sonèt la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Rido yo te souke.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elektrisite lakay mwen te fèmen.", "choice1": "Mwen te debranche lanp la.", "choice2": "Mwen te boule yon fyouz.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nèg ki leve fè a te gronyen.", "choice1": "Li te gonfle bibit li nan miwa a.", "choice2": "Li te leve fè a anwò tèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Etidyan te eseye fè kalkil la nan tèt li.", "choice1": "Li te soti yon kalkilatris.", "choice2": "Li te vin bwouye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti bebe a te tonbe dòmi.", "choice1": "Papa a te chanje koushèt li.", "choice2": "Papa a te bèse ti bebe a dousman.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te voye balon dlo a sou ti gason an.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te pran chòk.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te mouye nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fotograf la te bliye mete flash la nan kodak la.", "choice1": "Foto yo soti flou.", "choice2": "Tout moun nan foto yo te refize souri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te refize envitasyon pou fèt la.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m sèl.", "choice2": "Mwen pa t lavil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te fè egzèsis.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi m enèjik.", "choice2": "Mwen te pè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te tòd eponj mouye a.", "choice1": "Li te abzòbe dlo a.", "choice2": "Dlo a te sòti ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vakansye yo te pran yon feri pou rive nan estasyon vakans la.", "choice1": "Estasyon vakans la te rezève.", "choice2": "Estasyon vakans la te sou yon zile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ado a te fè yon tatouaj.", "choice1": "Li te pè zegwi.", "choice2": "Li te vle fè rebèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon machin m pa te abitye wè te vin stasyonen devan kay la.", "choice1": "Mwen te vin mefyan.", "choice2": "Mwe rele lapolis.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kriminèl nan te rann tèt li lapolis.", "choice1": "Prèv yo te enplike li.", "choice2": "Pa t gen prèv kont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gwo msye a te deside megri.", "choice1": "Li te arete manje sirèt.", "choice2": "Li te evite kafeyin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te mache sou vègla a.", "choice1": "Li te glise tonbe.", "choice2": "Li te tranble.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen sènman sou je li.", "choice1": "Li te rete kanpe tout lannwit la.", "choice2": "Li te met pitit gason li dòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lav te koule soti nan volkan an.", "choice1": "Volkan an te eklate.", "choice2": "Volkan an te andòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te mete soulye li.", "choice1": "Li te konn tout moun nan fèt la.", "choice2": "Li te vle kite fèt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te peye asistan peyaj la.", "choice1": "Li te kite m pase nan peyaj la.", "choice2": "Li fèm tann nan peyaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Egzekitif la te fè fayit.", "choice1": "Li te vann tout aksyon konpayi li.", "choice2": "Li te gaspiye richès li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te ale kay doktè a.", "choice1": "Doktè a te pran konje.", "choice2": "Msye a te santi l mal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te sòti nan chanm mwen pa fenèt la.", "choice1": "Kay la te pran dife.", "choice2": "Kay la te vid.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dwèt ti gason an te vin ride.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon long douch.", "choice2": "Li te savonnen men li ak savon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te krashe lèt la.", "choice1": "Lèt la te gen gou si.", "choice2": "Bouch mwen te sèk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te rate bis la.", "choice1": "Mwen te vin nan travay bonè.", "choice2": "Mwen te anreta pou travay.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kamyon an te fè kolizyon ak machin nan.", "choice1": "Kamyon an te ale pi vit.", "choice2": "Machin nan te vin kraze.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekip la te mare konkou a pou avantaj pa yo.", "choice1": "Yo te genyen.", "choice2": "Yo te abondonnen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Boutèy kola a te sifle.", "choice1": "Mwen te vire boutey la.", "choice2": "Mwen te devise bouchon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te fèmen deyò.", "choice1": "Li te pase nan yon fenèt louvri.", "choice2": "Li te monte jouk sou do-kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sonèt la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Vizitè a te frape pòt la.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te lonyen nan trou pòt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te tashe kostim ni.", "choice1": "Li te fè li netwaye.", "choice2": "Li te mete li kroke nan amwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te peze tib pat dantifris la.", "choice1": "Pat dantifris la te jayi soti tib la.", "choice2": "Fi a te krashe pat dantifris la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lanmò sivil nan lagè a te ogmante.", "choice1": "Pasifis yo te monte yon pwotèst.", "choice2": "Pasifis yo te kenbe yon parad.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te tire riban soti nan cheve li.", "choice1": "Li te mare riban an.", "choice2": "Riban a te fè ti bebe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè chiriji plastik.", "choice1": "Li te vin granmoun.", "choice2": "Li te fè pi jèn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon ti poule te sòti nan ze a.", "choice1": "Ze a te kouve.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase ze a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Prizonye t ap mouri grangou.", "choice1": "Li te mouri.", "choice2": "Li te echape.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te pèdi ekilib li sou nechèl la.", "choice1": "Li te monte nechèl la.", "choice2": "Li te sòt tonbe sou nechèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te rann you gaz.", "choice1": "Li te pran yon goje kola.", "choice2": "Li te louvri kanèt kola a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon kourandè frèt te pase nan fenèt la.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete m alèz.", "choice2": "Mwen te tranble.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Etidyan te resevwa yon bous pou ale nan kolèj.", "choice1": "Kamarad klas li te respekte li.", "choice2": "Li te gen bon nòt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Fi a te takine ti gason an.", "choice1": "Li te rete akote li.", "choice2": "Li te renmen li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vagabon grangou a te vòle manje a.", "choice1": "Li te pwovoke pitye.", "choice2": "Li pa t gen lajan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te rele zanmi m pou koze.", "choice1": "Mwen te vle gade vi prive m.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m sèl.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te lonje men li ban mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te souke men li.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay li yon kalòt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te bese tèt mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te lanse fedatifis yo nan atmosfè a.", "choice2": "Frisbi a te vole sou tèt mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te manje zong li.", "choice1": "Li te enkyèt.", "choice2": "Li te sezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te tounen paj sou kalandriye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te make yon randevou sou kalandriye a.", "choice2": "Se te koumansman yon nouvo mwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mari a te dekouvri madanm li t'ap tronpe li.", "choice1": "Li te revoke avoka li.", "choice2": "Li te mande divòse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te lage boul kaoutchou a.", "choice1": "Boul la te rebondi.", "choice2": "Boul la te briye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te fè yon fòt nan examen ni.", "choice1": "Li te devine repons la.", "choice2": "Li te efase repons li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jouwè a te atake advèsè li.", "choice1": "Advèsè li te atrape pas la.", "choice2": "Advèsè li te tonbe atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Li te ramase tomat yo sou plant tomat yo.", "choice1": "Yo te rèk.", "choice2": "Mwen te aroze yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te vle fè yon ti jan romantik.", "choice1": "Li te rankontre ak menaj li pou manje midi.", "choice2": "Li te achte menaj li chokola.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mèki nan tèmomèt la te monte.", "choice1": "Mwen te kite tèmomèt la tonbe.", "choice2": "Tan a te vi pi cho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon tounad te pase nan lavil la.", "choice1": "Twati palèdjistis la te vole ale.", "choice2": "Gran wout la te vin danjere ak vègla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv la te resevwa leson patikilye.", "choice1": "Nòt li te amelyore.", "choice2": "Li te triche nan examen an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te santi m alèz.", "choice1": "Mwen te ajenouye atè a.", "choice2": "Mwen te vlope kò m nan yon lenn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te poli wòch la.", "choice1": "Li te vin glise.", "choice2": "Li te vin briyan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te ajoute sik nan kafe a.", "choice1": "Kafe a te santi fò.", "choice2": "Kafe a te gen gou sikre.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te biwouye papye yo.", "choice1": "Li te vin koupe ak papye a.", "choice2": "Li te chire papye yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te frape klou a ak mato a.", "choice1": "Klou a te rantre nan bwa a.", "choice2": "Klou a te vi rouye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pwason a te mòde liy la.", "choice1": "Pechè a te fè pwason yo monte.", "choice2": "Pechè a te relanse liy la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ado a te jennen ale lekòl.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon bouton.", "choice2": "Li te retire aparèy la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Espresyon sou figi m te kontan nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te resevwa bon nouvèl.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi pasyans mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te siye menm ak yon sèvyèt.", "choice1": "Sèvyèt la te mouye.", "choice2": "Men mwen te mouye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi ekilib li sou tabourè a.", "choice1": "Tabourè a te chimi anba li.", "choice2": "Li te vèse penti a sou taboure a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kanmarad yo te bay tò youn ak lòt.", "choice1": "Yo te pèdi match yo.", "choice2": "Antrenè te anile antrènman an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mande padon.", "choice1": "Mwen te regrèt fòt mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te reisi objektif mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm te vin anwiye ak moun li te pran randevou avèk la.", "choice1": "Li te poze l kestyon sou lavi li.", "choice2": "Li te pale de li san rete.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te bay you gwo souri.", "choice1": "Figi li te vin wouj.", "choice2": "Twou bote li te parèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bato lenmi a te eksploze.", "choice1": "Li te pase sou min la.", "choice2": "Li te rantre nan pò a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te pete pye li.", "choice1": "Li te mache nan yon flak dlo.", "choice2": "Li te mache sou yon mòso boutèy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektif yo te releve anprent yo sou lye yo.", "choice1": "Yo te dekouvri idantite asasen an.", "choice2": "Yo te jwenn zam nan sou lye yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Te gen anpil blokis sou gran wout la.", "choice1": "Mwen te pran yon detounen.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande yon woulib.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekonomi nasyon an te desann.", "choice1": "Anpil moun te vin malad.", "choice2": "Anpil moun te jwenn chomaj.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ajan sikilasyon an te sifle timoun yo.", "choice1": "Yo te prèt pou mache nan trafik la.", "choice2": "Li te rekonèt yo de katye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te woule je m bay zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Li di m verite a.", "choice2": "Li te di yon bagay iwonik.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin nan te fini ak gaz la.", "choice1": "Chofè a te bloke sou wout la.", "choice2": "Chofè a re bay yon hitchhiker woulib.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te koumanse akoushe.", "choice1": "Bebe a te vini.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te gen maladi gwosès.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chapo msye a te vole ale.", "choice1": "Li te wete chapo li.", "choice2": "Te gen van dyò a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te ale nan fèt kamard li.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa yon envitasyon.", "choice2": "Li te pote yon kado.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fwon ti gason an te santi cho.", "choice1": "Manman li te pran tanperati li.", "choice2": "Manman li te mennen li nan pak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te aspèje tèt li ak kolony.", "choice1": "Li te vle fè bòn enpresyon ak menaj li.", "choice2": "Li te mete jèl nan cheve li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elektrisite nan kay la te femen.", "choice1": "Mwen te chache yon flash.", "choice2": "Mwen te pran yon pèl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi an te demenaje nan yon lòt kay.", "choice1": "Pitit gason a te fini lekòl Segondè.", "choice2": "Manman te fè marasa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kourè maraton an te kenbe yon vitès pa twò vit.", "choice1": "Li te vle konsève enèji li.", "choice2": "Li te wè liy arive a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te bay machin a vann nan koutpye.", "choice1": "Machin nan te krache monnen an.", "choice2": "Pakè chips la te kwense.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shen zanmi mwen te mouri.", "choice1": "Mwen te woule je m.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwoke li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kat Kredi bisnismann nan pat aksepte.", "choice1": "Li te ekri yon fich de dèt.", "choice2": "Li te peye ak lajan likid.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te joure.", "choice1": "Li te koupe zong ni.", "choice2": "Li te frape zòtèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te fyè frè li.", "choice1": "Frè li te dispite ak paran li.", "choice2": "Frè le te aksepte nan lekòl de dwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te vle aprann pi plis sou sistèm solè a.", "choice1": "Li te ale nan bibliyotèk la.", "choice2": "Li te gade zetwal yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Afich la te kole sou mi a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete afich la sou pòt la.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete tep dèyè afich la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Klian an te aprouve plan achitèk la pou bilding nan.", "choice1": "Achitèk la te monte bilding nan.", "choice2": "Achitèk la te adapte plan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te lage kiyè li.", "choice1": "Men li t ap tranble.", "choice2": "Li te niche kiyè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Drektè Jeneral konpayi a te bay demisyon li.", "choice1": "Consèy administrasyon an te disoud konpayi a.", "choice2": "Consèy administasyon an te jwenn yon ranplasan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te rive anreta nan konferans la.", "choice1": "Mwen te chita nan ran dèyè a.", "choice2": "Mwen te vin bokote podium nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te lache msye a de prizon.", "choice1": "Fanmi li te peye kosyon li.", "choice2": "Li te atake yon prizonye tankou li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi a te pèdi tout zafè pèsonèl li.", "choice1": "Yo te vann kay yo.", "choice2": "Kay yo te pran dife.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te kraze bwat Kola a.", "choice1": "Bwat la te resikle.", "choice2": "Bwat le te kraze nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te enskri nan ekip deba a.", "choice1": "Li aprann ki jan pou sèvi ak òdinatè.", "choice2": "Li te aprann jan pou li kominike.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te santi m pi byen.", "choice1": "Mwen te koute mizik.", "choice2": "Mwen te lave vesèl yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Asosyasyon an te antreprann pwokire fon.", "choice1": "Yo te bay malere manje.", "choice2": "Yo te òganize yon vant o zanchè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rolo coaster a te plonje anba pant apik la.", "choice1": "Pasaje yo te ri kont yo.", "choice2": "Pasaje yo te pouse yon rèl sou.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te fache nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te gade bwat lèt la lè mwen t ap kite kay la.", "choice2": "Mwen te frape pòt la lè mwen t ap kite kay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te vle gade solèy la leve.", "choice1": "Li vwayaje nan nò.", "choice2": "Li te kanpe bonè.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pliye papye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te resikle papye a.", "choice2": "Papye a te pran yon pli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nasyon an te sibi yon katastròf natirèl.", "choice1": "Lidè lòt peyi te fome yon alyans.", "choice2": "Lidè lòt peyi te voye bwat ijans.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rad ti gason te vin mouye.", "choice1": "Li te sòti pisin nan.", "choice2": "Li te tonbe nan pisin nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Elèv la te depeche l pou fini liv la.", "choice1": "Li te sanse mennen li tounen nan bibliyotèk la.", "choice2": "Li te prete l bòkote yon zanmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kriminèl la te egzekite.", "choice1": "Yo te mete l nan prizon.", "choice2": "Yo te kondane pou asasina.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Limyè solèy la te antre nan pyès la.", "choice1": "Mwen te louvri rido yo.", "choice2": "Mwen te debloke pòt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te tire cheve magouyè a.", "choice1": "Perik li te vin sòti.", "choice2": "Li te vin chòv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Redaktè a te re-ekri yon fraz nan maniskri a.", "choice1": "Li te trouve maniskri a konvekan.", "choice2": "Li te trouve fraz la pa t klè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te anile kont kat kredi li.", "choice1": "Li te rann kont kat la te disparèt.", "choice2": "Li te rann kont kat la te expire.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye ak madanm nan te tonbe amoure.", "choice1": "Yo te ale nan kolèj.", "choice2": "Yo te vin marye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mizik la te twò ba pou nou te ka antann li.", "choice1": "Mwen te monte volim nan.", "choice2": "Mwen te konpoze pwòp chanson pa m.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cheve ti gason an te kanpe.", "choice1": "Fi a te degaye li.", "choice2": "Fi a te tire li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ensèk la te ekraze.", "choice1": "Mwen te flite mwen ak Begon.", "choice2": "Mwen mete pye m sou ensèk la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te louvri je m.", "choice1": "Mwen te reveye.", "choice2": "Mwen te mete m alèz.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mizik vwazen mwen t ap sonnen fò.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande li desann li.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande l prete sede li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi msye a te viv nan mizè.", "choice1": "Li pa t gaspiye lajan li.", "choice2": "Li te touche pi ba pase salè minimom nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Etidyan an te fini inivèsite a.", "choice1": "Li te chache yon travay.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse yon pastan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atis la te melanje penti jòn nan penti ble.", "choice1": "Penti te gaye toupatou.", "choice2": "Penti a te tounen vèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te chanje tèm konvèsasyon an.", "choice1": "Mwen te fini ak tou sa mwen te gen pou di.", "choice2": "Kovèsasyon an te vin ennnève.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Frè mwen te libere de lopital la.", "choice1": "Mwen te akeyi li lakay.", "choice2": "Mwen te frèt avè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rido sou sèn nan te monte.", "choice1": "Premye sèn nan pyès la te koumanse.", "choice2": "Aktè nan pyès la te kite sèn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Otaj la te fè sa kidnapè yo mande.", "choice1": "Kidnapè a te menase yo pral fè otaj yo mal.", "choice2": "Kidnapè a te kite otaj la pou kont li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon boom te travèse platfòm nan.", "choice1": "Mizisyen an te tape pye li.", "choice2": "Mizisyen an te frape tanbou an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paran yo te kouri nan chanm timoun yo.", "choice1": "Timoun nan te reveye ak rèl fòt kochma li te fè a.", "choice2": "Timoun nan te pè gade sou kabann ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te kominike ak langaj siyen.", "choice1": "Li te fèt prematire.", "choice2": "Li te fèt soud.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Te gen yon secherès nan rejyon an.", "choice1": "Dlo a te vin kontamine.", "choice2": "Rekolt la te peri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chat la te kouri apre zwazo a.", "choice1": "Zwazo te vole ale.", "choice2": "Zwazo a te atrape yon vè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te chanje lekòl.", "choice1": "Lekòl la te lage pou grann vakans yo.", "choice2": "Li te demenaje pou ale nan yon lòt vil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Patwon faktori a te refize ogmante salè anplwaye yo.", "choice1": "Patron an te nonmen yon nouvo direktè.", "choice2": "Anplwaye yo te fè grèv.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lidè a te fache estremis yo nan peyi li.", "choice1": "Estremis yo te enfliyanse li.", "choice2": "Estremis yo te asasinen ni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mache pye atè sou plaj la.", "choice1": "Sab te kole nan pye mwen.", "choice2": "Vag te vin kraze sou plaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te reveye frèt nan mitan lannwit la.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete pantalon joggin mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te bwè yon vè dlo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manman an te apeze pitit gason li.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li fè yon grimas.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te kriye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon twou te chire nan jin mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te zipe jin mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te trebiche sou trotwa a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te mete aparey nan bouch li.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon kari.", "choice2": "Dan li te vin dwat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te antrene m nan jim nan yè.", "choice1": "Mwen te reveye maten an ak misk k ap fè m mal.", "choice2": "Mwen te leve maten an ak yon gòj fè mal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi yo te chuchote youn ak lòt pandan yo te atab.", "choice1": "Lòt etidyan yo te chita sou tab la.", "choice2": "Lòt etidyan yo te santi yo eskli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te ateri sou tranplen an.", "choice1": "Li te voltije anlè.", "choice2": "Li te deside eseye fè yon so kabrit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te depoze lèt la nan bwat lèt la.", "choice1": "Biwo lapos la te livre lèt la.", "choice2": "Biwo lapos la te expedye lèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Azaryen an te gen konfians.", "choice1": "Li te parye tout kòb li.", "choice2": "Li te tounen lakay san kòb.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dife nan forè a te blayi.", "choice1": "Van yo te vin pi fò.", "choice2": "Yo te arete ensandyè yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te graje jenou li.", "choice1": "Manman li voye l nan chanm ni.", "choice2": "Manman li te mete yon pansman sou blesi a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te chape maladi mòtèl la.", "choice1": "Li te siyen testaman li.", "choice2": "Li te resevwa yon transplantasyon ògan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pran yon goje kafe chode a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mòde lang mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te boule lang mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Redaktè a te revoke ekriven an.", "choice1": "Ekriven an te evite patipri nan istwa li.", "choice2": "Ekriven an te manke yon dat limit enpòtan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te santi m fatige nèt.", "choice1": "Mwen te dòmi tout jounen an.", "choice2": "Mwen te etidye tout jounen an.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Doktè a te diagnoze malad la.", "choice1": "Li te idantifye sentòm malad la.", "choice2": "Li te preskri grenn pou malad la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te grate po mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te transpire.", "choice2": "Li te grate m.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè yon operasyon dijans.", "choice1": "Li te pike yon kolè.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon kriz kardiak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misk bra msye a te bonbe.", "choice1": "Li te gonfle bra li.", "choice2": "Li te frote bra li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te leve sousi li.", "choice1": "Li te sezi.", "choice2": "Li te santi l dekouraje.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te eskize gaf kolèg mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te kwè entansyon li te bon.", "choice2": "Mwen te kwè li te gen pi bon sans.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te arete fimen.", "choice1": "Li te koumanse fè pi plis egzèsis.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse leve pi bonè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te bay agresè li yon kout pwen nan nen.", "choice1": "Kò agresè a te vin rèd.", "choice2": "Agresè a te koumanse senyen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Flèsh la te manke sib la.", "choice1": "Msye a te mal vize.", "choice2": "Msye a t ap pèdi jwèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Proprietè a te mande yon ekstèminatè vin lakay li.", "choice1": "Li te dekouvri rat nan anba kay la.", "choice2": "Li te kenbe yon foumiyè nan chanm ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te sigjere envite mwen pou nou soti al dine.", "choice1": "Mwen te twò fatige pou prepare yon bagay.", "choice2": "Envite mwen te rete twò lontan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te sezi frè li k ap li jounal pèsonèl li.", "choice1": "Li koumanse ap kache jounal pèsonèl li.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon nouvo jounal pèsonèl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan pa te gen ase lajan pou peye lwaye a.", "choice1": "Li te travay tan siplemantè.", "choice2": "Li te bay demisyon li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tiimoun nan te retire men li vit.", "choice1": "Li te touche fou cho a.", "choice2": "Li te karese tèt ti toutou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konpanji a te vle evalye satisfaksyon kliyan yo.", "choice1": "Yo te ofè yon rabè pou nouvo kliyan yo.", "choice2": "Yo te distribye yon sondaj bay kliyan yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Planche an bwa a te vin grifonnen.", "choice1": "Ti gason an te voye cousen yo sòt tonbe divan an.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te rale yon chèz sou planche a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te proteje figi mwen.", "choice1": "Lenmi mwen te takine m.", "choice2": "Lenmi mwen te montre m ponyèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Estati selèb la te fin boule nèt.", "choice1": "Li te frape ak you kout zeklè.", "choice2": "Moun te vin venere li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te kite fwi yo sou tab la.", "choice1": "Fwi yo te fè grenn.", "choice2": "Mouch vin anvayi fwi yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Balerin la te chire yon ligaman.", "choice1": "Li te pwente zòtèy li.", "choice2": "Li te tòd cheviy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lasèt timoun nan te vin defèt.", "choice1": "Li te aprann ki jan pou mare yo.", "choice2": "Li te kouri nan lakou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te fin kaptive nan liv la.", "choice1": "Mwen te pote liv la tounen.", "choice2": "Mwen te bliye lè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te gen menm kwayans ak paran li.", "choice1": "Paran I te enfliyanse li.", "choice2": "Paran li te nye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin nan te vin arete tou dousman.", "choice1": "Li te fini a gaz la.", "choice2": "Chofè a te tonbe dòmi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te bwè krèm nan nan solèy la.", "choice1": "Krèm nan te pèdi gou li.", "choice2": "Krèm nan te koule nan kòn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pann tablo nan sal la.", "choice1": "Tapi a te sanble sal.", "choice2": "Mi yo te sanble vid.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te kite travay mwen bonè.", "choice1": "Mwen te gen maltèt.", "choice2": "Patwon mwen t ap enbe yon reyinyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti toutous la te sali tapi a.", "choice1": "Mèt la te joure ti toutous la.", "choice2": "Mèt la te bay li yon sirèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mande padon bòkote zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Zanmi m te padone m.", "choice2": "Zanmi te fin fache nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè tèt li remake nan foul la.", "choice1": "Li te pote yon sak a do.", "choice2": "Li te pote yon vès liminez.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Temwen an te manti anba sèman.", "choice1": "Li te fini bay temwayaj li.", "choice2": "Li te akize de fo sèman.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mdanm nan te tenn cheve li.", "choice1": "Li te vle yo nouvo look.", "choice2": "Li te vle asimile.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te pran migran yo ap viv san papye nan peyi a.", "choice1": "Yo te jwenn travay.", "choice2": "Yo te depòte yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oratè te bay yon blag.", "choice1": "Asistans la te tonbe ri.", "choice2": "Asistans la te leve kanpe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te gade solèy la.", "choice1": "Solèy la te avegle m.", "choice2": "Solèy la te bronze po mwen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te santi m annuiye.", "choice1": "Mwen te rannafle.", "choice2": "Mwen te baye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Stèk la te difisil pou koupe.", "choice1": "Kouto a pa t file.", "choice2": "Stèk la te kri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te deklare fayit.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa pansion alimantè.", "choice2": "Li te akeri yon pakèt dèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Limyè nan apatman zanmi mwen te limen.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande tèt mwen si li te soti.", "choice2": "Mwen te deside al wè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mete flè a sou nen mwen.", "choice1": "Petal yo te sòt tonbe flè a.", "choice2": "Mwen santi odè flè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te santi l nostaljik.", "choice1": "Li te kontre ak yon zanmi jenès li.", "choice2": "Li te rele sou timoun li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv la te tèjivèse sou papye a.", "choice1": "Li te remèt papye a bonè.", "choice2": "Li te remèt papye a san fini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin mwen te pran pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale nan sant komèsial la.", "choice2": "Mwen te rele yon mekanik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te jete nòt la.", "choice1": "Li te anonim.", "choice2": "Li te sanble majigriji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Zwazo a te bat zèl li.", "choice1": "Li te ponn ze.", "choice2": "Li te monte anwò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te gare nan ale a.", "choice1": "Garaj la te ouvè.", "choice2": "Garaj la te plen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kriminèl la te vize revòlvè a sou viktim li.", "choice1": "Kriminèl la te bese revòlvè li.", "choice2": "Viktim la te fè olèmen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen t'ap tann wikenn nan.", "choice1": "Mwen te planifye asiste nan fineray mononk mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te planifye asiste nan mariaj zanmi mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te bliye lè a.", "choice1": "Mwen t'ap reve.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m dekonpoze.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dokiman te sòti troub nan près la.", "choice1": "Près la te manke lank.", "choice2": "Près la te manke papye.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Stad la te jwe im nasyonal la.", "choice1": "Fan yo te tounen vè drapo a.", "choice2": "Fan yo te anvayi teren an.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sòs la te gen gou fad.", "choice1": "Mwen te sèvi li.", "choice2": "Mwen te met sèl ladann.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwe te met sèvyèt an papye sou sa ki tonbe a.", "choice1": "Sèvyèt an papye a te apsorbe likid la.", "choice2": "Sa ki te tonbe a te lese yon rezidi kolan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te entewonp madanm nan nan mitan sa li t ap li a.", "choice1": "Li te make paj la.", "choice2": "Li te liv la ankò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avyon an te kontre ak toubiyon.", "choice1": "Msye a te mare senti sekirite li pi fò.", "choice2": "Msye a te gade nan fenèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te flechi.", "choice1": "Fi a te inyore li.", "choice2": "Fi a te dige li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Doktè yo te bay malad la yon aparèy pwotèz.", "choice1": "Yo te koupe janm ni.", "choice2": "Yo te kontwole siy lavi li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te pense koud fi a.", "choice1": "Li te ose zepòl li.", "choice2": "Li te vit rekile bra li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mande zanmi m konsèy.", "choice1": "Mwen te apresye opinion li.", "choice2": "Mwen te si mwen te gen rezon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te mache nan labou.", "choice1": "Labou a te kole sou soulye li.", "choice2": "Labou a te frape li nan figi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vil la te pran plizyè pous nèj.", "choice1": "Lekòl yo te femèn.", "choice2": "Moun yo te kache anbatè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Woulman anplwaye a te fini.", "choice1": "Li te ale lakay li pou jounen an.", "choice2": "Li te menase kite travay la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pyebwa a te andomaje kay la.", "choice1": "Pyebwa a tonbe sou do kay la.", "choice2": "Pyebwa a te bay lakou a lonbraj.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bwa a te kase an de.", "choice1": "Mwen te pile bwa a nan chemine an.", "choice2": "Mwen te bay bwa a yon sèl kout machèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi a te felisite koup la.", "choice1": "Koup la te anonse y'ap separe.", "choice2": "Koup la te anonse y'ap fè yon pitit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te voye ti gason an yon kat St Valanten.", "choice1": "Li te renmen li.", "choice2": "Li te anbrase li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te souke tèt mwen sou deklarasyon zanmi mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te bouye.", "choice2": "Mwen te dakò avè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zanmi yo te tire a pil ou fas.", "choice1": "Yo te vle jwenn yon konpromi.", "choice2": "Yo te vle pran yon desizyon jis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kwonomèt nan kwizin la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Msye a te dechaje pwovizyon yo nan fijidè a.", "choice2": "Msye a te sòti pitza a nan fou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te poze yon objektif anbisye.", "choice1": "Li te detann ni.", "choice2": "Li te travay di.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye rich la te mouri viyès.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li te gen pwoblèm ak lalwa.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te erite de fòtin li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te met pye li sou flam dife a.", "choice1": "Flam yo te etenn.", "choice2": "Lafimen te leve nan flam dife a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin madanm nan te nan magazen an.", "choice1": "Lisans li te revoke.", "choice2": "Li te nan yon aksidan machin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te dòmi twòp.", "choice1": "Mwen te prepare manje maten an.", "choice2": "Mwen te rate manje maten an.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pèsonaj la te sòti limouzin nan.", "choice1": "Aparèy foto yo te tenyen nan direksyon li.", "choice2": "Fanmi li te asiste a konferans de près la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te trennen nan benwa dlo a.", "choice1": "Benwa dlo a te vin tièd.", "choice2": "Dlo ben an te sòti ale benwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Etidyan an te vle rankontre lòt etidyan sou kanpus la.", "choice1": "Li te rantre nan yon asosyasyon.", "choice2": "Li te spesyalize nan jeni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te soulve kouse sou divan an.", "choice1": "Mwen t ap chèche monnen.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap met lòd nan salon an.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Gèp la te vole vè ti gason an.", "choice1": "Ti gason te kouri ale.", "choice2": "Ti gason an te keyi yon flè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te jwenn madanm nan koupab yon maldòn.", "choice1": "Li te kondane a sèvis kominotè.", "choice2": "Li te kondane amò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te brase sik la nan te cho a.", "choice1": "Te a te bay vapè.", "choice2": "Sik la te fonn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veteran an te mache bwate.", "choice1": "Yo te rele li pou fè lagè.", "choice2": "Li te blese nan batay la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kriminèl la te sove ale lapolis la.", "choice1": "Lapolis la te okipe viktim nan.", "choice2": "Lapolis la te chase kriminèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Odinatè a pat vle limen.", "choice1": "Mwen te kite l tonbe.", "choice2": "Mwen te chaje li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan pat gen plas nan amwa li ankò.", "choice1": "Li te ranmase anpil rad nan gadròb li.", "choice2": "Li te pliye lesiv li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te gen kè-kase.", "choice1": "Madanm ni te fè yon pitit.", "choice2": "Madanm ni te lese li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te reisi pran yon diplòm.", "choice1": "Li te vin kalifye pou travay li te vle a.", "choice2": "Of pou travay la te vin anile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwa msye a te sonnen fò e klè nan oditwa a.", "choice1": "Li te akeyi asanble a.", "choice2": "Li te pale nan mikwofòn nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te voye yon pyès lajan nan fontèn dlo a.", "choice1": "Pyès lajan a te koule desann nan fon.", "choice2": "Pyès lajan an te kase an de.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jwè a te frape bal la vè trou a.", "choice1": "Bal la te rantre nan trou a.", "choice2": "Bal la te fè bak vè jwè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te respire pousyè nan grenye a.", "choice1": "Mwen te fè yon okè.", "choice2": "Mwen te etènye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kesye a te rele sekirite.", "choice1": "Kliyan an te sèvi ak fo lajan.", "choice2": "Kliyan an te kite limyè devan machin nan limen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te met fatra a deyò.", "choice1": "Fatra a te fè kwizin nan santi move.", "choice2": "Mwen te voye jete lis pou provizyon yo pa megad.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi a te ale nan zoo a.", "choice1": "Timoun yo te renmen zannimo yo.", "choice2": "Timoun yo te chase zanimo yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Respirasyon msye a te byen fò.", "choice1": "Li te gen yon ensifizans renal.", "choice2": "Poumon li te kojesyone.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te gen yon biyè an plis pou konsè a.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande zanmi m pou direkesyon lokal la.", "choice2": "Mwen te mande zanmi m si li te vle ale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekondisyonè a nan kay la te kase.", "choice1": "Mwen te sòti kèk lèn.", "choice2": "Mwen te louvri fenèt yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Do ti gason an te fè li mal.", "choice1": "Sakado li te ouvè.", "choice2": "Sakado li te lou.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te achte manman m yon kado.", "choice1": "Mwen te fè li yon gato.", "choice2": "Se te fèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Narsis nan jaden an te detwi.", "choice1": "Yon abèy te pike jadinie a.", "choice2": "Ekirèy yo te fouye bulb yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te limen alimèt la.", "choice1": "Flam la te etenn.", "choice2": "Alimèt la te fè yon flam.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Moun ki tap diskite yo te reisi jwenn yon antant.", "choice1": "Yo pat vle pase nan tribinal.", "choice2": "Yo te vle repare relasyon yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te voye timoun yo nan yon ofelina.", "choice1": "Paran yo te mouri.", "choice2": "Paran yo te gate yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yon meteorit te ateri nan lanmè a.", "choice1": "Yon tsunami te frape.", "choice2": "Lagrèl te koumanse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwayajè a te kontre ak yon move koulèv.", "choice1": "Lii te vin dezidrate.", "choice2": "Li te pèdi sanfwa li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fou a te vin cho.", "choice1": "Mwen te limen fou a.", "choice2": "Mwen te met pla a nan fou a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te prese sitwon an.", "choice1": "Sitron an te vin mwazi.", "choice2": "Sitron an te jikle ji.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Peyi a te dekouvè yon tè nouvèl.", "choice1": "Peyi a te abandonnen tè a.", "choice2": "Peyi a te kolonize tè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vè a te sòt tonbe sou tab la.", "choice1": "Li fin kraze nèt atè a.", "choice2": "Li tonbe nan yon pil lesiv.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tab la te chimi.", "choice1": "Planche a te inegal.", "choice2": "Planche a te glise.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Papa a te jwenn pitit gason li ap manti.", "choice1": "Pitit gason li te avwe laverite.", "choice2": "Papa a te gen konfians nan pitit gason li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tèt msye a te fè l mal nèt ak doulè a.", "choice1": "Li te pran siwo pou tou li.", "choice2": "Li te pran aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tren a te ale pi dousman.", "choice1": "Li tap aproche stasyon an.", "choice2": "Li te anreta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè terapi.", "choice1": "Maladi tèt te nan fanmi an.", "choice2": "Yo te djagnostike li ak depresyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te kenbe gòj li.", "choice1": "Li te vale manje li.", "choice2": "Li te toufe sou manje li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen gòj fè mal.", "choice1": "Vwa li te graje.", "choice2": "Li te pale ak yon aksan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chen an te gade bèl stèk sou tab la.", "choice1": "Bouch li tap fè dlo.", "choice2": "Li kouche atè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Biznis madanm nan te reisi.", "choice1": "Li te ranvwaye anplwaye li yo.", "choice2": "Li te vin rich.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv yo te sòti nan klas la.", "choice1": "Klòch la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Metrès te bay devwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan deklare li te wè yon fantom.", "choice1": "Akwentans li te enkrendil.", "choice2": "Akwentans li te konprann li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Msye te pèdi sans tande li.", "choice1": "Li te manke nwaye nan lanmè a.", "choice2": "Li te manke touye nan yon eksplozyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pitit la te lache fisèl balon an.", "choice1": "Balon an te degonfle.", "choice2": "Balon an te monte nan syèl la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi kapasite l pou pale.", "choice1": "Li te fè yon anboli.", "choice2": "Li te pran yon gwo souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te trebiche sou trotwa a.", "choice1": "Te gen yon fant nan siman an.", "choice2": "Li te tande yon moun ap rele non li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te fè yon kokenn plonjon nan pisin la.", "choice1": "Siveyan an te plonje apre li.", "choice2": "Msye a te mouye siveyan an nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pran antibyotik.", "choice1": "Enfeksyon mwen te geri.", "choice2": "Enfeksyon mwen te gaye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Limyè sikilasyon an te tounen jòn.", "choice1": "Chofè a te met fren a.", "choice2": "Chofè a te klaxonen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veso an plastik la te fonn.", "choice1": "Mwen te met veso plastik la nan yon dlo tiyèd.", "choice2": "Mwen te met veso a nan yon fou cho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Machin nan te pran yon bos.", "choice1": "Chofè a te frape yon poto telefòn.", "choice2": "Chofè a pat okipe limyè wouj la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te etidye tout l'annwit.", "choice1": "Li te sote egzamen an.", "choice2": "Li te reusi nan egzamen an.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te kenbe bò pisin nan.", "choice1": "Li te pè aprann naje.", "choice2": "Siveyan an la te de sèvis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te met men m sou pwatrin mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te santi kè m ap bat.", "choice2": "Batman kè m mwen te vin pi vit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo tap monte yon bilding bòkot biwo mwen.", "choice1": "Biwo mwen te gen anpil moun.", "choice2": "Biwo mwen te gen anpil bwi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanmi a te vle fè konesans nouvo vwazen yo.", "choice1": "Fanmi a te envite vwazen yo pou dine.", "choice2": "Fanmi a te voye men bay vwazen yo nan lakou a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dlo a te jikle de pisin la.", "choice1": "Najè a te plonje nan pisin nan.", "choice2": "Najè a te flote nan pisin nan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mòde yon mòso sitron.", "choice1": "Mwen te vale yon grenn pa aksidan.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase dan mwen pa aksidan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te trebiche.", "choice1": "Vès li pat fèt.", "choice2": "Lasè li te defèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te met bouchon nan zòrèy li.", "choice1": "Li te distrè ak bwi.", "choice2": "Li te fè pèse zòrèy li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te ranpli boutèy dlo mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te bwè tout dlo ladann.", "choice2": "Mwen te kenbe l nan frijidè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pwogram televizyon an te sansire.", "choice1": "Li te gen langaj gwosye.", "choice2": "Li te gen yon istwa konplike.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bato a te kraze.", "choice1": "Ekip la te nwaye.", "choice2": "Ekip la te bare ak pirat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te santi l konfu ak kont la.", "choice1": "Li te rezoud kont la.", "choice2": "Li te mande yon tip.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telefòn nan te sonnen.", "choice1": "Msye a te depoze telefòn nan.", "choice2": "Msye a te reponn telefòn nan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan tap gade m.", "choice1": "Mwen te kroke li.", "choice2": "Mwen te santi m enkòmode.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gwoup la te kite mize a.", "choice1": "Yo te pran foto ekspoze yo.", "choice2": "Yo te gade tout ekspoze yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te koumanse yon kont avè m.", "choice1": "Zanmi m te prezante m a msye a.", "choice2": "Zanmi mwen te fè pa m.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaoutchou bisiklèt mwen te plat.", "choice1": "Mwen te met lè nan kaoutchou a.", "choice2": "Mwen te chanje vitès bisiklèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te sanble pal.", "choice1": "Papa l te li li yon istwa.", "choice2": "Papa li te manyen fwon li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Plim nan te vid.", "choice1": "Mwen te sèvi ak yon kreyon.", "choice2": "Mwen te siyen nonm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te refize msye a kob la.", "choice1": "Li te nan dèt.", "choice2": "Li te koumanse yon biznis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te rete lakay li e pat al lekòl.", "choice1": "Li te gen saranpyonl.", "choice2": "Li te renmen aprann mat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sak fatra a la ten plen.", "choice1": "Mwen te pote l nan boko fatra a.", "choice2": "Mwen te jete l nan lavabo a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pase aspiratè a sou tapi a.", "choice1": "Kamarad chanm mwen te vèse ponch la.", "choice2": "Shen mwen te kite pwal li tonbe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a tè pèdi sanfwa li.", "choice1": "Li te fèmen konpitè li.", "choice2": "Li te voltije chèz la nan sal la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te voye yon ti branch nan dife boukan an.", "choice1": "Ti branch la te boule.", "choice2": "Dife a te etenn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te sòti nan douch la.", "choice1": "Dlo cho a te fini.", "choice2": "Li pat ka jwenn yon sèvyèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paran yo te vle timoun yo ale nan kolèj.", "choice1": "Yo te met yon fon pou leson prive de kote.", "choice2": "Yo te ankouraje timoun yo jwe deyò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te defèt lasèt soulye li.", "choice1": "Soulye yo te vin pi lach.", "choice2": "Soulye yo te vin chire.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te manje mwatye nan antre a.", "choice1": "Li te met res yo nan frijidè a.", "choice2": "Li te kenbe resèt la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cheviy mwen te gonfle.", "choice1": "Mwen te met glas sou li.", "choice2": "Mwen te fwote losyon sou li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pòt biwo mwen te ouvè.", "choice1": "Mwen te pale ak kolèg mwen bòkot biwo mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te tande konvèsasyon nan koridò la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te oblije tann nan liy la.", "choice1": "Mwen te chita.", "choice2": "Mwen te gade yon magazin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te bat yon mouch.", "choice1": "Mouch la te vole ale.", "choice2": "Mouch la te rete dousman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te ekri yon testaman.", "choice1": "Li tap mouri.", "choice2": "Li te vèv.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kourè a te santi konkiran ap genyen sou li.", "choice1": "Li abandonnen kous la.", "choice2": "Li ale pi vit.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te reflechi byen sou pwoblèm nan.", "choice1": "Mwen te mande konsèy.", "choice2": "Mwen te jwenn yon solisyon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vwayajè a te mache sou pon sispandi a.", "choice1": "Li te pran pè nèt.", "choice2": "Li te santi l anlè nèt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te konnen ekip la ap gen viktwa.", "choice1": "Li te rankontre ak zanmi li pou gade match la.", "choice2": "Li te fè yon pari a zanmi li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an pat ka dòmi.", "choice1": "Li te mete revey la.", "choice2": "Li te konte mouton.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": true}
diff --git a/data/ht/val.ht.jsonl b/data/ht/val.ht.jsonl
index 6a42405..c2ca0c7 100644
--- a/data/ht/val.ht.jsonl
+++ b/data/ht/val.ht.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Msye a te louvri tiyo a.", "choice1": "Twalèt la te ranpli ak dlo.", "choice2": "Dlo a te soti nan bouch tiyo a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te jwenn yon pinèz nan sereyal li.", "choice1": "Li te vide lèt la nan bòl la.", "choice2": "Li te pèdi apeti li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madan m nan te pran retrèt.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa pansyon li.", "choice2": "Li te fin peye lajan sou kay li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "M te vle konsève enèji.", "choice1": "Mwen te fin baleye chanm lib la.", "choice2": "Mwen te femen limyè nan chanm lib la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Amègè a te pran koulè.", "choice1": "Kwizinyè a te mete'l nan frizè.", "choice2": "Kwizinyè a te fè l griye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "M'pat kwè aguman vandè a.", "choice1": "Mwen te refize of li.", "choice2": "Li te konvenk mwen achte pwodwui a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te deside rete lakay mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te prevwa move tan.", "choice2": "Zanmi-m ankouraje m soti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Je mwen te vin rouj e gonfle.", "choice1": "Mwen t'ap kriye.", "choice2": "Mwen t'ap ri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Flam bouji a te etenn.", "choice1": "Mwen te soufle bouji a.", "choice2": "Mwen te limen mèch bouji a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te bwè anpil nan fèt la.", "choice1": "Li te gen maltèt landemen.", "choice2": "Li te gen nen k'ap koule landemen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Boul bowling la te frape kiy yo.", "choice1": "Msye a te roule boul bowling la nan ale a.", "choice2": "Msye a te lage boul bowling la sou pye l.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kominote a te aprann lanmò msye a.", "choice1": "Fanmi li te antere l nan simtyè.", "choice2": "Anons lanmò parèt nan jounal la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Odinatè m te tonbe an pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te enstale nouvo hopalè.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi tout done yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te demisyone travay li.", "choice1": "Li te vle gen yon pozisyon exekitif nan biznis la.", "choice2": "Li te kwè patron yo t'ap kopòte yo mal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jouè-a te atrape ballon an.", "choice1": "Koekipye li te voye li ballon an.", "choice2": "Advèse a te eseye entèsepte li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jij la te frape mato li.", "choice1": "Moun yo te koumanse rele nan tribinal la.", "choice2": "Jiri a te anonse jijman li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè timoun yo soti sou propriete li.", "choice1": "Timoun yo te choute ballon an nan lakou li.", "choice2": "Timoun yo te pietinen jaden li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kidnapè yo te lage otaj yo.", "choice1": "Yo te aksepte lajan ranson an.", "choice2": "Yo te chape prizon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Je kwizinye a te fè dlo.", "choice1": "Li te fini ak zonyon yo.", "choice2": "Li te koupe yon zonyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te mete dwèt li sou dlo frèt la.", "choice1": "Li te boule dwèt li nan griy-pen a.", "choice2": "Li mete yo bag diaman sou dwèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv la a te mal ekri mo a.", "choice1": "Metrès la te korije li.", "choice2": "Metrès la te rejte li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te reprann kalm mwen aprè m te fè kolè.", "choice1": "Kè mwen t'ap sote.", "choice2": "Mwen te pran kèk gwo souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te met menm anba tiyo ki t'ap koule a.", "choice1": "Savon a te soti nan menm.", "choice2": "Dlo a te tonbe sou figi m.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te mete pi bon kostim ni.", "choice1": "Li te pran randevou ak yon klian enpòtan.", "choice2": "Madanm ni te ashte l yon kravat nèf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te konfese lanmou li pou madanm nan.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te rejte li.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te anvye li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shofè a te pran pan kaoutchou.", "choice1": "Li te depase limit vitès la.", "choice2": "Li te kouri sou yon klou.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vi mwen sou ekran an te bloke.", "choice1": "Koup ki te chita deye mwen t'ap chichote.", "choice2": "Yon moun wo t'ap chita devan mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shofè a te limen limyè devan yo.", "choice1": "Li te tande loraj.", "choice2": "Solèy la te kouche.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te refize manje legim li.", "choice1": "Papa li te di il bwè lèt li.", "choice2": "Papa'l te wete dèsè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te kouvri bouch li ak men li.", "choice1": "Li te bay souf.", "choice2": "Li te etènye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sekretè a te mete korespondan an ann atant.", "choice1": "Telefòn moun k'ap rele a te pèdi koneksyon.", "choice2": "Korespondan an te tann sou liy la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te mashe ak beki.", "choice1": "Li te raze janm ni.", "choice2": "Li te kase janm ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te touse.", "choice1": "Mwen te respire lafimen.", "choice2": "Mwen te pale pi dousman.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pandul la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Se te debu lè a.", "choice2": "Lè a te sanble trenen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kwizinye a te frape ze a sou bò bòl la.", "choice1": "Ze a te kase.", "choice2": "Ze a te pouri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapolis la te fouye machin kriminèl la.", "choice1": "Yo t'ap eseye fòse yon konfesyon.", "choice2": "Yo t'ap chashe drog.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te vwayaje nan sid pou ivè a.", "choice1": "Yo te nan retrèt.", "choice2": "Yo te separe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te santi l oblije asiste nan evènman an.", "choice1": "Li te refize envitasyon zanmi li pou li vin asiste.", "choice2": "Li te pwomèt zanmi li ke li prale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lamarye te pran pè anvan mariaj la.", "choice1": "Envite yo te mennen kado.", "choice2": "Li te anile mariaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te vin granmoun.", "choice1": "Chevel te tounen gri.", "choice2": "Li te vann efè pèsonèl li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zanmi yo te deside pataje anmbègè a.", "choice1": "Yo koupe te anmbègè a an de.", "choice2": "Yo te komande frit ak anmbègè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te devise boushon boutèy kola a.", "choice1": "Kola a te petiye.", "choice2": "Kola a te fwite.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "De elèv yo te vin sou siveyans profese a.", "choice1": "Tou le de elèv yo te resevwa nòt ekselan.", "choice2": "Repons yo sou devwa yo te parey.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv la te prese pou rive lekòl la a lè.", "choice1": "Li te kite devwa l lakay li.", "choice2": "Li te pote manje li lekòl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jounalis la te ekri yon biografi sou lavi imanitè a.", "choice1": "Imanitè a te difisil pou jounalis la fè entèvyou.", "choice2": "Jounalis la te kapte pa travay imanitè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te defye otorite legliz la.", "choice1": "Li te bay legliz la lajan.", "choice2": "Li te exkomuniye de legliz la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cheve madanm nan te tonbe nan figi li.", "choice1": "Li te tashe cheveli ak yon barèt.", "choice2": "Li te savonnen chanpou nan cheve li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bag ki sou dwèt mwen te kole.", "choice1": "Dwet mwen te gonfle.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase zong mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te tire elastik la.", "choice1": "Li te voltije a travè sal la.", "choice2": "Li te lonje.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te prese men mwen nan siman mouye a.", "choice1": "Anprent men mwen te seshe nan siman a.", "choice2": "Fisu te vin parèt nan siman a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Po mwen te develope yon gratèl.", "choice1": "Mwen te touche fèy lagratèl nan lakou mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te rashe lagratèl la soti lakou mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Abonman mwen pou magazin nan te fini.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete nimero sa a de kote.", "choice2": "Mwen te arete resevwa nouvo nimero.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektif la te revele yon bagay ki pa nòmal nan ka a.", "choice1": "Li te konplete teori li.", "choice2": "Li te kite teori li tonbe.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an te pike yon kolè.", "choice1": "Frè li te pran jwèt li.", "choice2": "Li te pataje jwèt li ak frè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun nan te apprann li.", "choice1": "Li te koumanse ale lekòl.", "choice2": "Li te sote yon class nan lekòl la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ti gason an pa t manje dine li.", "choice1": "Manman li te prepare manje prefere li.", "choice2": "Li te manje yon gran repa midi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te kouvri zanmi ni ak ti sousou.", "choice1": "Li te vle mande li yon favè.", "choice2": "Li te gen ase ak kriyadò zanmi ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kle yo te disparèt nan posh pantalon mwen.", "choice1": "Posh la te gen yon trou.", "choice2": "Pantalon yo te nèf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te endispoze.", "choice1": "Li te ale domi.", "choice2": "Li te kouri yon maraton.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi konpetisyon an.", "choice1": "Konpetisyon an te sabote.", "choice2": "Li te entimide kopetitè li yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manman an te rele yon anbilans.", "choice1": "Pitit gaso li te pèdi shat li.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te sòt tonbe nan kabann li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Chofè a te kraze fren yo.", "choice1": "Yon bish te parèt sou wout la.", "choice2": "Radio machin nan te femen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Seri a te louvri.", "choice1": "Mwen te tounen kle a nan seri a.", "choice2": "Mwen te fè yon kopi de kle a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te mete gan kaoutshou.", "choice1": "Mwe t ap pare pou lave men mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap pare pou netwaye sal dlo a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Espès bèt sa yo te vin an danje disparisyon.", "choice1": "Abita natirèl yo te detrui.", "choice2": "Predatè yo te disparèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye te apèsevwa ke madanm nan sanble diferan.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te fè koupe cheve li.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te mete yon braslè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elèv la te bliye fè devwa li.", "choice1": "Li pare yon eskiz pou bay metrès la.", "choice2": "Metrès fè li pase nan pwochen klas la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shyen an te jape.", "choice1": "Shat la te chita sou divan an.", "choice2": "Nou te tande frape sou pòt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yo te anonse plan pou yo ranplase yon park lokal ak yon sant komèsial.", "choice1": "Ekolojis yo te koumanse yon petisyon.", "choice2": "Ekolojis yo te pwodwi yon fim dokimantè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te kontan wè youn lòt.", "choice1": "Yo te bo.", "choice2": "Yo te repose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te mande Msye a degèpi.", "choice1": "Li te joure li.", "choice2": "Li te remèsye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Branch pyebwa a te tonbe nan rivyè a.", "choice1": "Branch la te ale an aval nan dlo a.", "choice2": "Kouran rivyè a te vin pi fò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Metrès la te bay timoun yo devwa.", "choice1": "Elèv yo te fè pase nòt.", "choice2": "Elèv yo te plenyen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sezon yo te shanje de ete a otòn.", "choice1": "Moun yo te vide kay yo.", "choice2": "Fèy yo te sòt tonbe sou pyebwa yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politisyen an te kodane pou frod.", "choice1": "Li te fè kanpay pou li vin re-elu.", "choice2": "Yo te fè li sòti nan pouvwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pouse sharyo a.", "choice1": "Materièl ki te nan sharyo a sòt tonbe.", "choice2": "Wou sharyo yo te roule an avan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Lobiist la te pèsuade legislativ la sipote pwoposisyon lwa a.", "choice1": "Prezidan met veto sou lwa a.", "choice2": "Legislativ la fe pase lwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lamwa mwen te an dezòd.", "choice1": "Mwen te met lòd.", "choice2": "Mwen te dekore li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te rete kanpe ta.", "choice1": "Mwen te fe de rev vif swa sa a.", "choice2": "Mwen te fatige nan maten.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Posh Msye a te fe ti bri lè li t ap mashe.", "choice1": "Posh li te plen monnen.", "choice2": "Li te koud trou nan posh li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tout moun nan klas la te vire gade elèv la.", "choice1": "Telefon elèv la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Elèv la te pran nòt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shwal la te tresote.", "choice1": "Yon mouch te mode shwal la.", "choice2": "Kavalye a te karese shwal la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Volè bijou yo te atrape.", "choice1": "Yo te bay proprietè a bijou yo te volè a.", "choice2": "Valè bijou yo volè a te kalkile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Violans politik te fin debake nan peyi a.", "choice1": "Anpil nan sitwayen yo te transfere nan kapital la.", "choice2": "Anpil nan sitwayen yo pran refij nan lòt teritwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te arete.", "choice1": "Li te anrejistre tèt li nan yon sant reabilitasyon.", "choice2": "Li te komèt yon agresyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te li jounal la.", "choice1": "Li te jwenn rezilta eleksyon yo.", "choice2": "Li te vote nan eleksyon a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timoun malad la te touse sou zanmi li.", "choice1": "Zanmi li te pran malad.", "choice2": "Zanmi li te etenye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koup la te fiyanse.", "choice1": "Yo te planifie yon mariaj.", "choice2": "Yo te pran tan apa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te pran kontak ak ajan imobilye a.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te vle ashte yon apatman.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te bezwen netwaye kay li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te ganye Loto a.", "choice1": "Li te vin rish.", "choice2": "Li te dwe lajan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te limen bouji a.", "choice1": "Si te sòt degoute sou bouji a.", "choice2": "Si a te vin pi di.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te pase jounen nan pisin.", "choice1": "Mwen te foule sheviy mwen.", "choice2": "Figi m te pran soley.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msye a te resevwa yon kotravansyon.", "choice1": "Li te mal estasyonen sou wout la.", "choice2": "Met pakin la te fini.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te vin selèb.", "choice1": "Fotograf yo te suiv li.", "choice2": "Fanmi ni te evite li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fi a te vle mete bouk dorey.", "choice1": "Li te pese zorey li.", "choice2": "Li te fe yon tatouaj.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zorey mwen t ap sonnen.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale nan yon mize.", "choice2": "Mwen te ale nan yon konsè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwen te fè menaj nan kay mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te gen twop travay.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap tann envite.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kopany avion an te mal okipe valiz mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te ofrim yon dedomajman.", "choice2": "Yo te anile vol la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konpitè a te koute shè pou repare.", "choice1": "Mwen te fe repare li.", "choice2": "Mwen te ashte youn nèf.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen move san.", "choice1": "Li te koze ak zanmi li.", "choice2": "Li te di zanmi li kite li trankil.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te louvri tiyo a.", "choice1": "Twalèt la te ranpli ak dlo.", "choice2": "Dlo a te soti nan bouch tiyo a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te jwenn yon pinèz nan sereyal li.", "choice1": "Li te vide lèt la nan bòl la.", "choice2": "Li te pèdi apeti li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madan m nan te pran retrèt.", "choice1": "Li te resevwa pansyon li.", "choice2": "Li te fin peye lajan sou kay li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "M te vle konsève enèji.", "choice1": "Mwen te fin baleye chanm lib la.", "choice2": "Mwen te femen limyè nan chanm lib la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Amègè a te pran koulè.", "choice1": "Kwizinyè a te mete'l nan frizè.", "choice2": "Kwizinyè a te fè l griye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "M'pat kwè aguman vandè a.", "choice1": "Mwen te refize of li.", "choice2": "Li te konvenk mwen achte pwodwui a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te deside rete lakay mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te prevwa move tan.", "choice2": "Zanmi-m ankouraje m soti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Je mwen te vin rouj e gonfle.", "choice1": "Mwen t'ap kriye.", "choice2": "Mwen t'ap ri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Flam bouji a te etenn.", "choice1": "Mwen te soufle bouji a.", "choice2": "Mwen te limen mèch bouji a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te bwè anpil nan fèt la.", "choice1": "Li te gen maltèt landemen.", "choice2": "Li te gen nen k'ap koule landemen.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Boul bowling la te frape kiy yo.", "choice1": "Msye a te roule boul bowling la nan ale a.", "choice2": "Msye a te lage boul bowling la sou pye l.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kominote a te aprann lanmò msye a.", "choice1": "Fanmi li te antere l nan simtyè.", "choice2": "Anons lanmò parèt nan jounal la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Odinatè m te tonbe an pan.", "choice1": "Mwen te enstale nouvo hopalè.", "choice2": "Mwen te pèdi tout done yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te demisyone travay li.", "choice1": "Li te vle gen yon pozisyon exekitif nan biznis la.", "choice2": "Li te kwè patron yo t'ap kopòte yo mal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jouè-a te atrape ballon an.", "choice1": "Koekipye li te voye li ballon an.", "choice2": "Advèse a te eseye entèsepte li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jij la te frape mato li.", "choice1": "Moun yo te koumanse rele nan tribinal la.", "choice2": "Jiri a te anonse jijman li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te fè timoun yo soti sou propriete li.", "choice1": "Timoun yo te choute ballon an nan lakou li.", "choice2": "Timoun yo te pietinen jaden li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kidnapè yo te lage otaj yo.", "choice1": "Yo te aksepte lajan ranson an.", "choice2": "Yo te chape prizon.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Je kwizinye a te fè dlo.", "choice1": "Li te fini ak zonyon yo.", "choice2": "Li te koupe yon zonyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te mete dwèt li sou dlo frèt la.", "choice1": "Li te boule dwèt li nan griy-pen a.", "choice2": "Li mete yo bag diaman sou dwèt li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv la a te mal ekri mo a.", "choice1": "Metrès la te korije li.", "choice2": "Metrès la te rejte li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te reprann kalm mwen aprè m te fè kolè.", "choice1": "Kè mwen t'ap sote.", "choice2": "Mwen te pran kèk gwo souf.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te met menm anba tiyo ki t'ap koule a.", "choice1": "Savon a te soti nan menm.", "choice2": "Dlo a te tonbe sou figi m.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te mete pi bon kostim ni.", "choice1": "Li te pran randevou ak yon klian enpòtan.", "choice2": "Madanm ni te ashte l yon kravat nèf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te konfese lanmou li pou madanm nan.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te rejte li.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te anvye li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shofè a te pran pan kaoutchou.", "choice1": "Li te depase limit vitès la.", "choice2": "Li te kouri sou yon klou.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vi mwen sou ekran an te bloke.", "choice1": "Koup ki te chita deye mwen t'ap chichote.", "choice2": "Yon moun wo t'ap chita devan mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shofè a te limen limyè devan yo.", "choice1": "Li te tande loraj.", "choice2": "Solèy la te kouche.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te refize manje legim li.", "choice1": "Papa li te di il bwè lèt li.", "choice2": "Papa'l te wete dèsè li.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te kouvri bouch li ak men li.", "choice1": "Li te bay souf.", "choice2": "Li te etènye.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sekretè a te mete korespondan an ann atant.", "choice1": "Telefòn moun k'ap rele a te pèdi koneksyon.", "choice2": "Korespondan an te tann sou liy la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te mashe ak beki.", "choice1": "Li te raze janm ni.", "choice2": "Li te kase janm ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te touse.", "choice1": "Mwen te respire lafimen.", "choice2": "Mwen te pale pi dousman.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pandul la te sonnen.", "choice1": "Se te debu lè a.", "choice2": "Lè a te sanble trenen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kwizinye a te frape ze a sou bò bòl la.", "choice1": "Ze a te kase.", "choice2": "Ze a te pouri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapolis la te fouye machin kriminèl la.", "choice1": "Yo t'ap eseye fòse yon konfesyon.", "choice2": "Yo t'ap chashe drog.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te vwayaje nan sid pou ivè a.", "choice1": "Yo te nan retrèt.", "choice2": "Yo te separe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te santi l oblije asiste nan evènman an.", "choice1": "Li te refize envitasyon zanmi li pou li vin asiste.", "choice2": "Li te pwomèt zanmi li ke li prale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lamarye te pran pè anvan mariaj la.", "choice1": "Envite yo te mennen kado.", "choice2": "Li te anile mariaj la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te vin granmoun.", "choice1": "Chevel te tounen gri.", "choice2": "Li te vann efè pèsonèl li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zanmi yo te deside pataje anmbègè a.", "choice1": "Yo koupe te anmbègè a an de.", "choice2": "Yo te komande frit ak anmbègè a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te devise boushon boutèy kola a.", "choice1": "Kola a te petiye.", "choice2": "Kola a te fwite.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "De elèv yo te vin sou siveyans profese a.", "choice1": "Tou le de elèv yo te resevwa nòt ekselan.", "choice2": "Repons yo sou devwa yo te parey.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv la te prese pou rive lekòl la a lè.", "choice1": "Li te kite devwa l lakay li.", "choice2": "Li te pote manje li lekòl.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jounalis la te ekri yon biografi sou lavi imanitè a.", "choice1": "Imanitè a te difisil pou jounalis la fè entèvyou.", "choice2": "Jounalis la te kapte pa travay imanitè a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te defye otorite legliz la.", "choice1": "Li te bay legliz la lajan.", "choice2": "Li te exkomuniye de legliz la.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cheve madanm nan te tonbe nan figi li.", "choice1": "Li te tashe cheveli ak yon barèt.", "choice2": "Li te savonnen chanpou nan cheve li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bag ki sou dwèt mwen te kole.", "choice1": "Dwet mwen te gonfle.", "choice2": "Mwen te kase zong mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te tire elastik la.", "choice1": "Li te voltije a travè sal la.", "choice2": "Li te lonje.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te prese men mwen nan siman mouye a.", "choice1": "Anprent men mwen te seshe nan siman a.", "choice2": "Fisu te vin parèt nan siman a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Po mwen te develope yon gratèl.", "choice1": "Mwen te touche fèy lagratèl nan lakou mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen te rashe lagratèl la soti lakou mwen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Abonman mwen pou magazin nan te fini.", "choice1": "Mwen te mete nimero sa a de kote.", "choice2": "Mwen te arete resevwa nouvo nimero.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektif la te revele yon bagay ki pa nòmal nan ka a.", "choice1": "Li te konplete teori li.", "choice2": "Li te kite teori li tonbe.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an te pike yon kolè.", "choice1": "Frè li te pran jwèt li.", "choice2": "Li te pataje jwèt li ak frè li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun nan te apprann li.", "choice1": "Li te koumanse ale lekòl.", "choice2": "Li te sote yon class nan lekòl la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ti gason an pa t manje dine li.", "choice1": "Manman li te prepare manje prefere li.", "choice2": "Li te manje yon gran repa midi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te kouvri zanmi ni ak ti sousou.", "choice1": "Li te vle mande li yon favè.", "choice2": "Li te gen ase ak kriyadò zanmi ni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kle yo te disparèt nan posh pantalon mwen.", "choice1": "Posh la te gen yon trou.", "choice2": "Pantalon yo te nèf.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te endispoze.", "choice1": "Li te ale domi.", "choice2": "Li te kouri yon maraton.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te pèdi konpetisyon an.", "choice1": "Konpetisyon an te sabote.", "choice2": "Li te entimide kopetitè li yo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manman an te rele yon anbilans.", "choice1": "Pitit gaso li te pèdi shat li.", "choice2": "Pitit gason li te sòt tonbe nan kabann li.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Chofè a te kraze fren yo.", "choice1": "Yon bish te parèt sou wout la.", "choice2": "Radio machin nan te femen.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Seri a te louvri.", "choice1": "Mwen te tounen kle a nan seri a.", "choice2": "Mwen te fè yon kopi de kle a.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te mete gan kaoutshou.", "choice1": "Mwe t ap pare pou lave men mwen.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap pare pou netwaye sal dlo a.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Espès bèt sa yo te vin an danje disparisyon.", "choice1": "Abita natirèl yo te detrui.", "choice2": "Predatè yo te disparèt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye te apèsevwa ke madanm nan sanble diferan.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te fè koupe cheve li.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te mete yon braslè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elèv la te bliye fè devwa li.", "choice1": "Li pare yon eskiz pou bay metrès la.", "choice2": "Metrès fè li pase nan pwochen klas la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shyen an te jape.", "choice1": "Shat la te chita sou divan an.", "choice2": "Nou te tande frape sou pòt la.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yo te anonse plan pou yo ranplase yon park lokal ak yon sant komèsial.", "choice1": "Ekolojis yo te koumanse yon petisyon.", "choice2": "Ekolojis yo te pwodwi yon fim dokimantè.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te kontan wè youn lòt.", "choice1": "Yo te bo.", "choice2": "Yo te repose.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te mande Msye a degèpi.", "choice1": "Li te joure li.", "choice2": "Li te remèsye li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Branch pyebwa a te tonbe nan rivyè a.", "choice1": "Branch la te ale an aval nan dlo a.", "choice2": "Kouran rivyè a te vin pi fò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Metrès la te bay timoun yo devwa.", "choice1": "Elèv yo te fè pase nòt.", "choice2": "Elèv yo te plenyen.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sezon yo te shanje de ete a otòn.", "choice1": "Moun yo te vide kay yo.", "choice2": "Fèy yo te sòt tonbe sou pyebwa yo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politisyen an te kodane pou frod.", "choice1": "Li te fè kanpay pou li vin re-elu.", "choice2": "Yo te fè li sòti nan pouvwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pouse sharyo a.", "choice1": "Materièl ki te nan sharyo a sòt tonbe.", "choice2": "Wou sharyo yo te roule an avan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Lobiist la te pèsuade legislativ la sipote pwoposisyon lwa a.", "choice1": "Prezidan met veto sou lwa a.", "choice2": "Legislativ la fe pase lwa a.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lamwa mwen te an dezòd.", "choice1": "Mwen te met lòd.", "choice2": "Mwen te dekore li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te rete kanpe ta.", "choice1": "Mwen te fe de rev vif swa sa a.", "choice2": "Mwen te fatige nan maten.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Posh Msye a te fe ti bri lè li t ap mashe.", "choice1": "Posh li te plen monnen.", "choice2": "Li te koud trou nan posh li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tout moun nan klas la te vire gade elèv la.", "choice1": "Telefon elèv la te sonnen.", "choice2": "Elèv la te pran nòt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shwal la te tresote.", "choice1": "Yon mouch te mode shwal la.", "choice2": "Kavalye a te karese shwal la.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Volè bijou yo te atrape.", "choice1": "Yo te bay proprietè a bijou yo te volè a.", "choice2": "Valè bijou yo volè a te kalkile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Violans politik te fin debake nan peyi a.", "choice1": "Anpil nan sitwayen yo te transfere nan kapital la.", "choice2": "Anpil nan sitwayen yo pran refij nan lòt teritwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te arete.", "choice1": "Li te anrejistre tèt li nan yon sant reabilitasyon.", "choice2": "Li te komèt yon agresyon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te li jounal la.", "choice1": "Li te jwenn rezilta eleksyon yo.", "choice2": "Li te vote nan eleksyon a.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timoun malad la te touse sou zanmi li.", "choice1": "Zanmi li te pran malad.", "choice2": "Zanmi li te etenye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koup la te fiyanse.", "choice1": "Yo te planifie yon mariaj.", "choice2": "Yo te pran tan apa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te pran kontak ak ajan imobilye a.", "choice1": "Madanm nan te vle ashte yon apatman.", "choice2": "Madanm nan te bezwen netwaye kay li.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te ganye Loto a.", "choice1": "Li te vin rish.", "choice2": "Li te dwe lajan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te limen bouji a.", "choice1": "Si te sòt degoute sou bouji a.", "choice2": "Si a te vin pi di.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te pase jounen nan pisin.", "choice1": "Mwen te foule sheviy mwen.", "choice2": "Figi m te pran soley.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msye a te resevwa yon kotravansyon.", "choice1": "Li te mal estasyonen sou wout la.", "choice2": "Met pakin la te fini.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te vin selèb.", "choice1": "Fotograf yo te suiv li.", "choice2": "Fanmi ni te evite li.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fi a te vle mete bouk dorey.", "choice1": "Li te pese zorey li.", "choice2": "Li te fe yon tatouaj.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zorey mwen t ap sonnen.", "choice1": "Mwen te ale nan yon mize.", "choice2": "Mwen te ale nan yon konsè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwen te fè menaj nan kay mwen.", "choice1": "Mwen te gen twop travay.", "choice2": "Mwen t ap tann envite.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kopany avion an te mal okipe valiz mwen.", "choice1": "Yo te ofrim yon dedomajman.", "choice2": "Yo te anile vol la.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konpitè a te koute shè pou repare.", "choice1": "Mwen te fe repare li.", "choice2": "Mwen te ashte youn nèf.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madanm nan te gen move san.", "choice1": "Li te koze ak zanmi li.", "choice2": "Li te di zanmi li kite li trankil.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/id/test.id.jsonl b/data/id/test.id.jsonl
index a04f2eb..2c0fa73 100644
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+++ b/data/id/test.id.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Barang itu dikemas dalam bungkus gelembung.", "choice1": "Barang itu rapuh.", "choice2": "Barang itu kecil.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya kosongkan kantong saya.", "choice1": "Saya ambil sebuah potongan tiket.", "choice2": "Saya temukan sebuah senjata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rumah saya diserbu oleh rayap.", "choice1": "Rayap itu tiada lagi di rumah saya.", "choice2": "Rayap itu memakan kayu rumah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para wisatawan sudah sampai di perbatasan.", "choice1": "Paspor mereka diperiksa oleh agen patroli.", "choice2": "Mereka dituduh atas penyelundupan oleh agen patroli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kantor itu tutup.", "choice1": "Saat itu sedang hari libur.", "choice2": "Saat itu sedang musim panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu kehabisan tenaga.", "choice1": "Ia telah main catur.", "choice2": "Ia telah main lompat tali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu kehilangan tempatnya di barisan.", "choice1": "Banyak orang mengikuti barisan itu.", "choice2": "Ia keluar dari barisan itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu mencubit hidungnya.", "choice1": "Bayi itu meneteskan air liur ke kain alasanya.", "choice2": "Bayi itu mengotori popoknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Band ini memainkan lagu hit mereka.", "choice1": "Para penonton bertepuk tangan mengikuti musik.", "choice2": "Para penonton dengan sopan mendengarkan dalam kediaman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu ingin berterima kasih kepada guru matematiknya.", "choice1": "Gadis itu ditahan setelah sekolah selesai.", "choice2": "Gadis itu memberikan apel kepada gurunya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para berkemah muda merasa takut.", "choice1": "Konselor kamp menceritakan sebuah cerita hantu.", "choice2": "Mereka membakar marshmallow di atas api unggun.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kepala pria itu terbentur.", "choice1": "Dia tenggelam dalam pikirannya.", "choice2": "Dia menderita gegar otak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cek yang saya tulis ditolak.", "choice1": "Rekening bank saya habis.", "choice2": "Saya mendapat kenaikan gaji.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kotak masuk email pria itu penuh dengan spam.", "choice1": "Ia hapus spam dari emailnya.", "choice2": "Dia kirim sebuah email massal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pelaut itu dikarantina.", "choice1": "Ia terkena penyakit.", "choice2": "Ia sembuh dari penyakitnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menghafalkan kodenya.", "choice1": "Dia membacakannya ke dirinya sendiri.", "choice2": "Ia lupa mencatatnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya tuang air ke gelas itu.", "choice1": "Air itu menghilangkan dahaga saya.", "choice2": "Gelas itu terisi penuh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu tetap diam ketika temannya selesai berbicara.", "choice1": "Ia ingin mendukung temannya.", "choice2": "Ia berpikir tentang apa yang dikatakan temannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kecelakaan itu salah saya.", "choice1": "Saya merasa bersalah.", "choice2": "Saya menuduh orang lain.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rantai itu terlepas.", "choice1": "Rantai itu terlilit di ban.", "choice2": "Salah satu mata rantai terputus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu memutuskan untuk berkompromi.", "choice1": "Mereka lelah dengan terus bertengkar.", "choice2": "Mereka menghindari diskusi tentang masalah mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu memutuskan untuk mencalonkan diri untuk jabatan publik.", "choice1": "Dia mempekerjakan seorang manajer kampanye.", "choice2": "Dia bersaksi di pengadilan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mengantisipasi adanya cuaca dingin di perjalanannya.", "choice1": "Dia mengemas pakaian hangat di kopernya.", "choice2": "Dia bawa koper besar untuk perjalanannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu tahu jawaban pertanyaan itu.", "choice1": "Ia angkat tangannya.", "choice2": "Ia salah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mata pria itu berkaca-kaca.", "choice1": "Debu masuk ke matanya.", "choice2": "Ia pakai kacamata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemain itu menang lima pertandingan berturut-turut.", "choice1": "Lawannya menuduh dia atas kecurangan.", "choice2": "Lawannya merasa kasihan padanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Guru itu merobek-robek kertas ujian siswanya.", "choice1": "Ia tangkap murid itu menyontek.", "choice2": "Semua jawaban murid itu salah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya berhenti bicara.", "choice1": "Suara saya hilang.", "choice2": "Saya kehilangan napas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Makanan yang terbeku itu dicairkan.", "choice1": "Saya cairkan di dalam microwave.", "choice2": "Saya tutup dengan bungkus plastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karyawan itu pura-pura sakit.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami kram perut.", "choice2": "Ia ingin bolos.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu tercebur dalam kolam renang.", "choice1": "Dia berlari di dek kolam renang.", "choice2": "Dia melompat dari papan loncat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tiket film itu terjual habis.", "choice1": "Itu terjadi ketika hari pembukaan untuk film itu.", "choice2": "Film itu mendapat ulasan buruk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Berat badan pria itu turun.", "choice1": "Orang-orang mengisolasinya.", "choice2": "Orang-orang memujinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tangan gadis itu melepuh.", "choice1": "Dia mengetik sebuah surat.", "choice2": "Dia memanjat dengan tali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemain sirkus itu menyulap sambil mengendarai sepeda roda satu.", "choice1": "Penonton bersorak dengan takjub.", "choice2": "Pemain sirkus itu berayun dari trapeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice1": "Teman saya membuat saya menunggunya.", "choice2": "Teman saya tiba tepat waktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Negara-negara yang sedang konflik ingin perdamaian.", "choice1": "Mereka telah kembangkan senjata nuklir.", "choice2": "Mereka menegosiasikan sebuah perjanjian.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu minum obat tidur.", "choice1": "Ia mengantuk.", "choice2": "Ia terkena demam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menabrak sofa.", "choice1": "Kaki sofa itu terlepas.", "choice2": "Lututnya pun memar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu meremas balon itu.", "choice1": "Balon itu meletus.", "choice2": "Balon itu terbang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para wisatawan check in ke kamar hotel mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka membongkar koper mereka.", "choice2": "Mereka pergi ke bandara udara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya gigit buah persik itu.", "choice1": "Persik itu memar.", "choice2": "Jus keluar dari buah persik itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tangan saya menjadi lengket.", "choice1": "Saya makan sebuah donat.", "choice2": "Saya suka makanan manis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya dorong pintu itu.", "choice1": "Pintu itu terbuka.", "choice2": "Pintu itu terkunci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para aktivis memboikot produk itu.", "choice1": "Produk itu telah di tes untuk kualitasnya.", "choice2": "Produk-produk tersebut diproduksi oleh pekerja anak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengebor sebuah lubang di dinding.", "choice1": "Sebuah tikus keluar dari lubang itu.", "choice2": "Debu berhamburan keluar dari lubang itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu iri dengan saudara perempuannya.", "choice1": "Saudaranya bahagia.", "choice2": "Saudaranya telah cerai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya tumpahkan minguman anggur di baju saya.", "choice1": "Saya pakai sebuah celemek.", "choice2": "Saya ganti baju saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasir itu membuka mesin kasirnya.", "choice1": "Pelanggan itu buka dompetnya.", "choice2": "Pelanggan itu berikannya uang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si musisi jalanan menarik perhatian banyak orang.", "choice1": "Orang-orang memberikannya uang kecil.", "choice2": "Ia suruh orang-orang untuk pergi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak laki itu menangis ke pembantunya.", "choice1": "Ia rindu orang tuanya.", "choice2": "Sudah waktunya untuk ia makan camilannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Radar pilot mendeteksi adanya badai.", "choice1": "Pilot menavigasi agar menghindari badai.", "choice2": "Pilot itu terus terbang menembus badai itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Daun rontok dari pohon itu.", "choice1": "Daunnya berubah warna.", "choice2": "Daunnya menumpuk di tanah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu sedang dalam suasana hati yang nakal.", "choice1": "Dia memutuskan untuk bermain kartu dengan saudara perempuannya.", "choice2": "Dia memutuskan untuk memainkan lelucon praktis kepada saudara perempuannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu mengeluh bahwa dia harus pergi ke kamar mandi.", "choice1": "Ayahnya memberinya minuman soda.", "choice2": "Ayahnya berhentikan mobil di sebuah pompa bensin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu menaburkan makanan ikan ke dalam tangki ikan.", "choice1": "Ikan itu melompat keluar dari tangki.", "choice2": "Ikan itu berenang menuju makanan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pandangan politik wanita itu berubah.", "choice1": "Dia ganti partainya.", "choice2": "Dia libatkan diri dalam protes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wastafel kamar mandi tersumbat.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan kerannya.", "choice2": "Saya tuangkan pembersih ke dalamnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para penumpang turun dari kereta.", "choice1": "Kereta telah tiba di stasiun.", "choice2": "Kereta itu meniup peluitnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menekan tutup amplop itu.", "choice1": "Ia cap amplop itu.", "choice2": "Ia tutup amplop itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teman-teman itu kehilangan kontak.", "choice1": "Mereka menikmati kebersamaan satu sama lain.", "choice2": "Mereka pindah ke kota yang berbeda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Akuntan salah mengelola dana perusahaan.", "choice1": "Ia di pecat dari jabatannya.", "choice2": "Ia pergi cuti hamil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memandang jam itu.", "choice1": "Saya dengar centangan jam itu.", "choice2": "Saya ingin tahu waktu saat itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tangan saya keram.", "choice1": "Saya tulis esai saya di atas kertas.", "choice2": "Saya pengangan tangan dengan istri saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baut itu mengencang.", "choice1": "Saya ganti baut itu.", "choice2": "Saya putar kunci pas itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu menandatangani kontrak untuk sebuah apartemen.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu pindah ke apartemen itu.", "choice2": "Apartemen itu diambil oleh pemerintah kota.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu duduk dihalamannya.", "choice1": "Ia ingin melihat matahari terbenam.", "choice2": "Ia pikir dia melihat kilat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mengenakan baju pelampung di air.", "choice1": "Ia tidak bisa berenang.", "choice2": "Airnya dangkal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu membuat kesalahan ketika mengetik dokumen.", "choice1": "Ia hapus dokumen itu.", "choice2": "Ia tekan tombol backspace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu berlagak di depan teman-temannya.", "choice1": "Ia dapat nilai yang buruk.", "choice2": "Ia menangkan sebuah kompetisi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Halaman itu berlumpur.", "choice1": "Ada turun hujan sepanjang malam.", "choice2": "Halaman itu penuh dengan rumput liar.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu ketiduran.", "choice1": "Dia menginap di hotel.", "choice2": "Ia lupa nyalakan weker.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu pakai lotion sunscreen.", "choice1": "Iya duduk di tempat yang berteduh.", "choice2": "Ia pergi ke pantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para peneliti membuktikan teorinya.", "choice1": "Para peneliti cabutkan teorinya.", "choice2": "Orang-orang menerima teorinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para penggemar di pertandingan itu mencemooh.", "choice1": "Permainan itu berlembur.", "choice2": "Wasit melakukan panggilan buruk.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya masukkan kode gembok.", "choice1": "Saya kunci gembok itu.", "choice2": "Gembok itu terbuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para penonton itu tambah ramai.", "choice1": "Sang ayah memberikan uang kepada putranya.", "choice2": "Sang ayah meraih tangan putranya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Salju menghalangi jalanan masuk.", "choice1": "Saya kumpulkan salju itu menjadi bola salju.", "choice2": "Saya menyekop salju itu untuk bersihkan jalan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mereka mendayung di atas kayaknya.", "choice1": "Kayak itu pun sampai di pantai.", "choice2": "Kayak mereka terkena gelombang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu kehilangan kendali atas sepedanya.", "choice1": "Ia lepaskan stang sepedanya.", "choice2": "Ia menabrak sebuah pagar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya nyalakan kipas angin.", "choice1": "Air terciprat di kulit saya.", "choice2": "Saya rasakan udara dingin mengenai saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para peselancar kembalik ke pantai.", "choice1": "Mereka basah kuyup.", "choice2": "Mereka lihat sebuah hiu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menarik sumbat saluran air di bak mandi.", "choice1": "Air mengalir keluar dari bak mandi.", "choice2": "Air terciprat ke lantai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang suami merasa bersalah karena berselingkuh.", "choice1": "Ia menuduh istrinya telah selingkuh.", "choice2": "Dia mengakui perselingkuhannya padanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tinta di poster itu luntur.", "choice1": "Saya menunggunya sampai kering.", "choice2": "Saya mencipratkan air ke poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu bangun menjerit.", "choice1": "Ia sedang mimpi buruk.", "choice2": "Ia mengompol.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu menaruh kakinya di atas meja.", "choice1": "Ayahnya duduk di meja.", "choice2": "Ayahnya memarahinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teman saya menoleh ke arah saya.", "choice1": "Saya meneriakkan namanya.", "choice2": "Saya melambaikan tangan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemerintah menindas warganya.", "choice1": "Warga melakukan pemberontakan.", "choice2": "Warga mendaftarkan diri untuk memilih.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu tersesat di hutan.", "choice1": "Dia mendirikan tenda.", "choice2": "Dia berteriak untuk pertolongan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu bepergian ke luar negeri.", "choice1": "Dia ingin belajar cara menggambar.", "choice2": "Dia ingin belajar tentang budaya asing.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu cemburu pada rekan kerjanya.", "choice1": "Rekan kerjanya mendapat promosi di kantor.", "choice2": "Rekan kerjanya bekerja lembur.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu melihat adanya alien.", "choice1": "Dia berhalusinasi.", "choice2": "Dia sedang bermeditasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rambut pria itu menjadi pirang.", "choice1": "Ia pakai pemutih di rambutnya.", "choice2": "Ia cuci rambutnya dengan sampo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Artis itu menciptakan karya baru.", "choice1": "Dia mengkritik pekerjaan sebelumnya.", "choice2": "Dia merasa terinspirasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu pindah dari rumahnya.", "choice1": "Dia telah dipulangkan dari militer.", "choice2": "Dia akan kuliah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Buku-buku jatuh dari rak buku.", "choice1": "Rak buku itu berdebu.", "choice2": "Rak buku itu terguncang oleh gempa bumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Listrik di rumah saya mati.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan lampu.", "choice2": "Saya mereset pemutus arus di rumah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kami naik roller coaster.", "choice1": "Roller coaster itu tampak menakutkan.", "choice2": "Roller coaster itu terlihat seru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Popcorn di dalam kantong itu mulai meletus.", "choice1": "Saya tuang mentega ke dalam kantong popcorn itu.", "choice2": "Saya hangatkan kantong popcorn itu di dalam microwave.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah pohon jatuhi kabel listrik.", "choice1": "Listrik di lingkungan itu padam.", "choice2": "Telah diramal adanya angin kencang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pembicara membuat komentar yang kurang baik.", "choice1": "Dia membuat penonton bosan.", "choice2": "Dia menyinggung penonton.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menusuk tanganku dengan sebuah pin.", "choice1": "Butir keringat menetes dari wajahku.", "choice2": "Setetes darah jatuh dari jari saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ikan itu mengapung di permukaan tangki.", "choice1": "Ikan itu lapar.", "choice2": "Ikan itu sudah mati.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suara pria itu terdengar serak.", "choice1": "Ia sakit.", "choice2": "Ia telah berhenti merokok.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pintu lift terbuka.", "choice1": "Lift telah sampai di lantai yang ditentukan.", "choice2": "Lift itu macet di antara lantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Remaja itu menyelinap keluar dari rumah.", "choice1": "Ia bohong kepada orang tuanya.", "choice2": "Ia dihukum oleh orang tuanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lantai kamar mandi terbanjir.", "choice1": "Toilet di kamar mandi bocor.", "choice2": "Pemanas air rusak.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak anjing itu tinggal di dekat pemiliknya.", "choice1": "Pemilik anjing itu pakaikannya sebuah kalung.", "choice2": "Anjing itu dirantai oleh pemiliknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu lihat bayangannya sendiri.", "choice1": "Ia berdiri di bawah pohon yang besar.", "choice2": "Ia berdiri di tepi kolam yang damai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya tidak jawab panggilan telepon pacar saya.", "choice1": "Saya telpon dia balik.", "choice2": "Saya makan malam dengannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu mencari tetangga-tetangganya.", "choice1": "Anjing mereka kabur dari rumah.", "choice2": "Berlian mereka yang mahal telah hilang dari rumah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya lihat hembusan napas saya.", "choice1": "Cuacanya sedang dingin.", "choice2": "Dada saya terasa kencang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para karyawan membentuk serikat pekerja.", "choice1": "Mereka menginginkan kondisi kerja yang lebih baik.", "choice2": "Bos mereka menaikkan upah mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya buat sebuah pai apel.", "choice1": "Ada bau busuk memenuhi dapur.", "choice2": "Aroma hangat memenuhi dapur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu susah jalan.", "choice1": "Ia sedang pakai sepatu dengan hak tinggi.", "choice2": "Ia lepaskan sepatunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Asap keluar dari panci air panas.", "choice1": "Air itu mendidih.", "choice2": "Saya tutup panci itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Semua kaos kaki saya ada di dalam cucian.", "choice1": "Saya pakai sendal.", "choice2": "Saya pakai sepatu boot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Argumen politisi itu dianggap absurd.", "choice1": "Ia hilang banyak dukungan dari para pemilih.", "choice2": "Ia dituduh telah korupsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Semua orang tidak setuju dengan tunangan pasangan itu.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu hamil.", "choice2": "Pasangan itu kabur untuk menikah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bangunan itu didedikasikan untuk seorang jutawan.", "choice1": "Ia inginkan gedung itu dihancurkan.", "choice2": "Ia telah mendonasikan uang untuk membuat gedung itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si penjual menuduh gadis itu telah mencuri.", "choice1": "Ia lihat gadis itu menaruh barang dagangan di dompetnya.", "choice2": "Ia bantu gadis itu mencari dompet yang diinginkannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Negara itu menyatakan perang melawan wilayah tetangga.", "choice1": "Tentara dikirim untuk berperang.", "choice2": "Tentara kembali bersatu dengan keluarga mereka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pengadilan tetap dukung putusan kontroversial tersebut.", "choice1": "Kerusuhan pecah di depan gedung pengadilan.", "choice2": "Sepasang suami istri bertukar sumpah di depan gedung pengadilan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu mencium sesuatu yang terbakar.", "choice1": "Ia ambil biskuit dari sebuah kendi.", "choice2": "Dia tinggalkan masakan biskuitnya di oven terlalu lama.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sedang ada hujan lebat.", "choice1": "Badai pun memburuk.", "choice2": "Saya berlari untuk masuk ke gedung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gedung itu telah dievakuasi.", "choice1": "Lift telah berhenti bekerja.", "choice2": "Alarm kebakaran berbunyi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang ayah benci alkoholisme putranya.", "choice1": "Sang ayah belikan sebuah botol bir untuk anaknya.", "choice2": "Anak itu diusir dari rumahnya oleh ayahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si pengacara naik tangga untuk sampai ke kantornya.", "choice1": "Sekretarisnya telah pulang kantor.", "choice2": "Liftnya sedang tidak bekerja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu sebal dengan temannya.", "choice1": "Ia diinterupsi oleh temannya.", "choice2": "Temannya belikannya makan siang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu berikan uang kepada kasir.", "choice1": "Kasirnya memberikannya kemabalian uangnya.", "choice2": "Kasirnya lupa berikan reset kepada gadis itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menggunakan kursi roda.", "choice1": "Ia terparalisis karena sebuah kecelakaan.", "choice2": "Ia masuk ke rumah sakit di atas sebuah stretcher.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para warga menggantung bendera nasional di luar rumah mereka.", "choice1": "Negara itu sedang memperingati kemerdekaannya.", "choice2": "Negara itu sedang menghadapi kesulitan ekonomi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tim itu kalah di turnamennya.", "choice1": "Mereka telah mengecewakan penggemarnya.", "choice2": "Mereka menginspirasi penggemarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teman saya memberikan tahu bahwa ada makanan tersangkut di gigi saya.", "choice1": "Saya merasa malu.", "choice2": "Saya merasa bangga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak laki itu gagal ujian sejarahnya.", "choice1": "Ia selalu memerhatikan gurunya di kelas.", "choice2": "Ia lupa belajar untuk ujiannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bangunan pusat kota runtuh.", "choice1": "Terjadi gempa di kota itu.", "choice2": "Tingkat kejahatan di kota meningkat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu diputuskan oleh pacarnya.", "choice1": "Dia memohon padanya untuk berhubungan kembali.", "choice2": "Dia diperkenalkan kepada orang tua pacarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kedua anak itu meraih ke bawa untuk mengambil bola itu.", "choice1": "Bola itu terguling menjauhi mereka.", "choice2": "Kepala mereka terbentur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah rakun menggeledahi tempat sampah.", "choice1": "Terdapat kardus di dalam tempat sampah itu.", "choice2": "Tempat sampah itu terbuka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu tajamkan pensilnya.", "choice1": "Pensilnya murah.", "choice2": "Pensilnya sudah tumpul.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasir itu menolak permintaan pengembalian uang untuk gaun wanita itu.", "choice1": "Wanita itu telah hilangkan resetnya.", "choice2": "Gaun itu tidak muat dipakai wanita itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Goresan di kulitku sangat dalam.", "choice1": "Goresan itu cepat sembuh.", "choice2": "Goresan itu meinggalkan bekas luka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mendapat tatapan aneh dari penumpang di kereta.", "choice1": "Ia sedang lihat ke lantai.", "choice2": "Ia sedang berbicara kepada dirinya sendiri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu meninggalkan remah-remah roti di lantai.", "choice1": "Semut mendatangi remah-remah itu.", "choice2": "Anak itu buang rotinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu memberi tisu kepada saudara perempuannya.", "choice1": "Saudara perempuan itu melipat tangannya.", "choice2": "Saudara perempuan itu mulai menangis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu makan sebuah permen mint.", "choice1": "Bibirnya kering.", "choice2": "Ia takut mulutnya berbau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu berangkat lebih awal untuk sampai di pertunjukan.", "choice1": "Mereka mengantisipasi adanya macet di sekitar teater.", "choice2": "Mereka mendapat petunjuk arah ke teater.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu bolos dari kantor.", "choice1": "Bosnya memujinya.", "choice2": "Rekan kerjanya bantu ambil shift kerjanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menandatangani petisi para aktivis.", "choice1": "Dia mendukung perjuangan mereka.", "choice2": "Dia mencela mereka karena dikira orang gila.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hati aktor itu berdebar sebelum penampilannya.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami demam panggung.", "choice2": "Ia telah hafalkan dialognya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya hilang.", "choice1": "Saya hitung uang saya.", "choice2": "Saya buka sebuah peta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Buah matang itu ditinggal di bawah sinar matahari.", "choice1": "Buah itu telah dimakan.", "choice2": "Buah itu mengkerut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil itu mogok.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan mesin.", "choice2": "Mesinnya telah menjadi terlalu panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Punggung laki-laki itu terluka.", "choice1": "Dia pergi ke psikiater.", "choice2": "Dia dirawat selama beberapa hari.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya nyalakan api di perapian.", "choice1": "Saya kehabisan kayu bakar.", "choice2": "Dalam rumah itu dingin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu berhenti lari.", "choice1": "Ia kejang di sisi badanya.", "choice2": "Ia kehilangan napas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya ketuk pintu tetangga saya.", "choice1": "Ia undang saya ke dalam rumahnya.", "choice2": "Ia pergi dari rumahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menghela nafas frustrasi.", "choice1": "Suaminya salah memahami kekhawatirannya.", "choice2": "Suaminya menciumnya selamat tinggal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Guru itu memuji muridnya.", "choice1": "Muridnya jawab pertanyaannya dengan benar.", "choice2": "Muridnya ragu ketika menjawab pertanyaannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu kehabisan telur.", "choice1": "Ia pergi ke pertanian.", "choice2": "Ia pergi ke supermarket.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya bertemu dengan teman lama.", "choice1": "Saya memberi tahukanya sebuah rahasia.", "choice2": "Saya berikannya pelukan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menghindari pergi ke danau.", "choice1": "Ia tangkap sebuah ikan.", "choice2": "Danau itu terlihat terkontaminasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa tiba di kelas basah kuyup.", "choice1": "Payungnya telah rusak.", "choice2": "Sepedanya telah dicuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kursor di layar komputer bergerak.", "choice1": "Penggunanya mengklik mousenya.", "choice2": "Penggunanya gerakkan mousenya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sopir itu mengambil jalan memutar.", "choice1": "Ada kecelakaan terjadi di jalan utama.", "choice2": "Dia mengikuti truk di depannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya gantungkan kain basah di jemuran.", "choice1": "Kain itu telah kering.", "choice2": "Kain itu bernoda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu pakai kacamati hitam.", "choice1": "Matahari sangat cerah.", "choice2": "Ia panggil sebuah taksi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menatap ke langit malam.", "choice1": "Ia ingin musim panas.", "choice2": "Ia berpikir bahwa langit itu sangat indah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya merasa lelah.", "choice1": "Saya pergi tidur lebih awal.", "choice2": "Saya tidak tidur sepanjang malam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu pergi ke tukang cukur.", "choice1": "Ia biarkan rambutnya tumbuh panjang.", "choice2": "Rambutnya sudah mulai panjang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu memainkan tipuan pada teman barunya di kelas.", "choice1": "Bocah itu menyambut teman baru sekelasnya dengan baik.", "choice2": "Bocah itu tidak suka dengan teman baru sekelasnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya ingin minum segelas susu.", "choice1": "Saya sedang makan biskuit.", "choice2": "Saya sedang membuat roti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hujan mulai turun.", "choice1": "Si pengemudi nyalakan lampu mobilnya.", "choice2": "Si pengemudi memendurkan mobilnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tempat parkir gedung itu kosong.", "choice1": "Saya pakir di seberang jalan.", "choice2": "Saya parkir di dekat pintu masuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penulis itu telat menyerahkan submisi drafnya.", "choice1": "Dia sedang mendapati blok penulis.", "choice2": "Dia mengedit draftnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pekerja itu tutup telepon saya.", "choice1": "Saya minta bicara dengan pengawasnya.", "choice2": "Saya berikan nomor identifikasi saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Angin masuk melalui jendela yang terbuka.", "choice1": "Bel pintu berbunyi.", "choice2": "Tira-tirai bergetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rumah saya mati lampu.", "choice1": "Saya cabut colokan lampu itu.", "choice2": "Saya meniup sekering.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pengangkat besi itu mendengus.", "choice1": "Ia besarkan ototnya di depan kaca.", "choice2": "Ia angkat besi di atas kepalanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu coba melakukan perhitungan di kepalanya.", "choice1": "Ia keluarkan sebuah kalkulator.", "choice2": "Ia bingung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bayi itu tidur.", "choice1": "Bapaknya ganti popoknya.", "choice2": "Bapaknya ayunkan bayi itu dengan lembut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu lempar sebuah balon air ke bocah lelaki itu.", "choice1": "Bocah itu gegar otak.", "choice2": "Bocah itu basah kuyup.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang fotografer lupa untuk menggunakan flash ketika mengambil foto.", "choice1": "Hasil fotonya buram.", "choice2": "Tidak ada yang senyum di dalam foto-foto itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya tolak undangan pesta ulang tahun itu.", "choice1": "Saya kesepian.", "choice2": "Saya sedang di luar kota.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya olahraga.", "choice1": "Saya merasa penuh semangat.", "choice2": "Saya takut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku remas sebuah spons basah.", "choice1": "Spons itu menyerap air.", "choice2": "Air keluar dari spons itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para wisatawan naik feri ke sebuah resor.", "choice1": "Resor itu sudah penuh dipesan.", "choice2": "Resor itu di atas sebuah pulau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak muda itu mendapatkan sebuah tato.", "choice1": "Ia takut dengan jarum.", "choice2": "Ia ingin memborontak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah mobil asing parkir di luar rumah saya.", "choice1": "Saya menjadi curiga.", "choice2": "Saya telepon polisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penjahat itu menyerahkan diri.", "choice1": "Bukti-bukti telah melibatkannya dalam kejahatan itu.", "choice2": "Tidak ada bukti yang menentangnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria bertubuh kekar itu memutuskan untuk menurunkan berat badannya.", "choice1": "Ia berhenti makan makanan manis.", "choice2": "Ia hindari kafein.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu injak es.", "choice1": "Ia terselip.", "choice2": "Ia bergemetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu memiliki kantung mata.", "choice1": "Ia tidak tidur semalaman.", "choice2": "Dia menidurkan putranya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lava mengalir dari gunung berapi.", "choice1": "Gunung api itu meletus.", "choice2": "Gunung berapi itu tidak aktif.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu pakai sepatunya.", "choice1": "Dia kenal semua orang di pesta itu.", "choice2": "Dia ingin berangkat ke pesta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya berikan bayaran ke pekerja tol.", "choice1": "Ia biarkan saya melewati tol.", "choice2": "Dia tahan saya di gerbang tol.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Eksekutif perusahaan itu bangkrut.", "choice1": "Ia jual stok perusahaannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyia-nyiakan hartanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu pergi ke dokternya.", "choice1": "Dokternya sedang cuti.", "choice2": "Ia merasa sakit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya keluar lewat jendela kamar saya.", "choice1": "Rumah saya kebakaran.", "choice2": "Rumah saya kosong.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jari-jari anak itu menjadi pucat.", "choice1": "Ia mandi lama.", "choice2": "Ia busakan tangannya dengan sabun.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya lepehkan susu.", "choice1": "Susu itu berasa asam.", "choice2": "Mulut saya kering.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya ketinggalan bis.", "choice1": "Saya datang awal ke kantor.", "choice2": "Saya datang telat ke kantor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil itu bertabrakan dengan sebuah truk.", "choice1": "Truk itu melaju cepat.", "choice2": "Mobil itu terhancur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tim curang dalam kontes demi menang.", "choice1": "Mereka pun menang.", "choice2": "Mereka keluar dari kontes itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Botol soda mendesis.", "choice1": "Saya putar balik botol itu.", "choice2": "Saya buka tutup botolnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu terkunci di luar rumahnya.", "choice1": "Ia masuk lewat jendela yang terbuka.", "choice2": "Ia panjat atap rumahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bel pintu berbunyi.", "choice1": "Si pengunjung mengetuk di pintu.", "choice2": "Wanita itu mengintip melalui lubang kunci di pintu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menodai setelan bajunya.", "choice1": "Setelan bajunya pun di dry-clean.", "choice2": "Ia gantung setelan baju itu di lemari pakaiannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu meremas tabung pasta gigi.", "choice1": "Pasta gigi keluar dari tabung itu.", "choice2": "Gadis itu lepehkan pasta gigi itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kematian warga sipil akibat perang melonjak naik.", "choice1": "Para pasifis melakukan protes.", "choice2": "Para pasifis mengadakan parade.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menarik pita itu dari rambutnya.", "choice1": "Dia ikat pita itu.", "choice2": "Pita itu tampak kekanak-kanakan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani operasi plastik.", "choice1": "Ia menua.", "choice2": "Ia menjadi terlihat lebih muda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Seekor bayi ayam keluar dari telur.", "choice1": "Telur itu menetas.", "choice2": "Saya pecahkan telur itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tahanan itu kelaparan.", "choice1": "Ia meninggal.", "choice2": "Ia kabur.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan keseimbangan di atas tangga.", "choice1": "Dia memanjat tangga.", "choice2": "Dia jatuh dari tangga.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu sendawa.", "choice1": "Ia meneguk soda.", "choice2": "Ia buka sebuah kaleng soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Angin dingin masuk melalui jendela.", "choice1": "Saya tenang.", "choice2": "Saya bergemetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa menerima beasiswa untuk kuliah.", "choice1": "Teman-teman kelasnya menghormatinya.", "choice2": "Dia mendapat nilai bagus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu mengolok-olok bocah itu.", "choice1": "Gadis itu adalah tetangganya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menaksir dia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gelandangan yang lapar itu mencuri makanan.", "choice1": "Dia menghasut iba.", "choice2": "Ia tidak memiliki uang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memanggil teman saya untuk mengobrol.", "choice1": "Saya menginginkan privasi.", "choice2": "Saya merasa kesepian.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mengulurkan tangannya padaku.", "choice1": "Saya jabat tangannya.", "choice2": "Saya tampar dia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menunduk.", "choice1": "Kembang api berluncur ke udara.", "choice2": "Frisbee itu terbang ke arah kepala saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menggigit kukunya.", "choice1": "Dia khawatir.", "choice2": "Dia terkejut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya balik halaman kalender itu.", "choice1": "Saya menandai sebuah perjanjian di kalender itu.", "choice2": "Sudah waktunya awal bulan baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang suami menemukan bahwa istrinya berselingkuh.", "choice1": "Dia pecat pengacaranya.", "choice2": "Dia mengajukan cerai ke istrinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menjatuhkan sebuah bola karet.", "choice1": "Bola itu melambung.", "choice2": "Bola itu bersinar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu membuat kesalahan dalam ujiannya.", "choice1": "Dia menebak jawabannya.", "choice2": "Dia hapus jawabannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemain itu menjatuhkan lawannya.", "choice1": "Lawannya menangkap operan dari temannya.", "choice2": "Lawannya jatuh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memilih tomat dari tanamannya.", "choice1": "Mereka sudah matang.", "choice2": "Saya menyirami mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu ingin bertindak romantis.", "choice1": "Dia makan siang dengan mantan pacarnya.", "choice2": "Dia belikan cokelat untuk pacarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Merkuri dalam termometer naik.", "choice1": "Saya menjatuhkan termometer itu.", "choice2": "Cuaca semakin hangat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah tornado melewati kota.", "choice1": "Atap gedung pengadilan itu tertiup lepas.", "choice2": "Jalan raya menjadi sangat licin karena es.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu menerima bimbingan belajar.", "choice1": "Angkanya pun naik.", "choice2": "Dia curang saat ujian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya merasa nyaman.", "choice1": "Saya berlutut di tanah.", "choice2": "Aku bungkus diri saya dalam selimut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memoles batu itu.", "choice1": "Batu itu menjadi licin.", "choice2": "Batu itu menjadi mengkilat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya tambahkan gula ke kopi itu.", "choice1": "Kopi itu memiliki arom yang kuat.", "choice2": "Kopi itu terasa manis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laki itu mengolah kertas-kertas itu.", "choice1": "Tangannya terpotong oleh kertas-kertas itu.", "choice2": "Dia merobek-robekkan kertas-kertas itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memukul paku dengan palu.", "choice1": "Paku itu masuk ke dalam kayu.", "choice2": "Paku itu berkarat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ikan itu menggigiti senar pancingan itu.", "choice1": "Nelayan itu menarik balik ikan itu.", "choice2": "Nelayan itu balikan kembali senar pancingannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Remaja itu terlalu malu untuk pergi ke sekolah.", "choice1": "Dia punya jerawat.", "choice2": "Dia telah lepaskan kawat giginya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekspresi wajahku bersinar.", "choice1": "Saya menerima kabar baik.", "choice2": "Saya kehilangan kesabaran.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya usap tangan saya dengan handuk.", "choice1": "Handuk itu basah.", "choice2": "Tangan saya basah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan keseimbangan di atas bangku.", "choice1": "Bangku itu bergetar di bawahnya.", "choice2": "Dia tumpahkan cat di bangku itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rekan-rekan satu tim saling menyalahkan.", "choice1": "Mereka kalah di permainan mereka.", "choice2": "Pelatih mereka membatalkan latihan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meminta maaf.", "choice1": "Saya menyesali kesalahan saya.", "choice2": "Saya telah mencapai tujuan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu bosan dengan teman kencannya.", "choice1": "Dia banyak bertanya tentang dirinya.", "choice2": "Dia terus-menerus berbicara tentang dirinya sendiri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu tersenyum.", "choice1": "Pipinya memerah.", "choice2": "Lesung pipinya terlihat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kapal musuh meledak.", "choice1": "Kapal itu melewati sebuah ranjau.", "choice2": "Kapal itu berlayar ke pelabuhan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaki pria itu tertusuk.", "choice1": "Dia berjalan melewati genangan air.", "choice2": "Dia menginjak pecahan kaca.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para detektif mencari sidik jari di TKP.", "choice1": "Mereka menemukan identitas si pembunuh.", "choice2": "Mereka menemukan senjata di TKP.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ada banyak macet di jalan raya.", "choice1": "Saya mengambil jalan lintas.", "choice2": "Saya meminta tumpangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ekonomi negara menurun.", "choice1": "Banyak orang sakit.", "choice2": "Banyak orang pengangguran.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penjaga lalu lintas meniup peluitnya pada anak-anak.", "choice1": "Mereka hampir berjalan menuju lalu lintas yang sibuk.", "choice2": "Dia mengenali mereka dari lingkungannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku memutar mataku ke arah temanku.", "choice1": "Dia mengatakan kebenaran.", "choice2": "Dia membuat komentar sarkastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil itu kehabisan bensin.", "choice1": "Pengemudi itu terdampar di jalan.", "choice2": "Pengemudi itu mendapat tumpangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu melahirkan.", "choice1": "Bayi itu lahir.", "choice2": "Wanita itu menderita mual di pagi hari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Topi pria itu tertiup lepas.", "choice1": "Dia lepaskan topinya.", "choice2": "Ada banyak angin di luar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menghadiri pesta ulang tahun teman sekelasnya.", "choice1": "Dia menerima undangan.", "choice2": "Dia membelikannya hadiah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dahi bocah itu terasa panas.", "choice1": "Ibunya mengukur suhu tubuhnya.", "choice2": "Ibunya membawanya ke taman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menyemprotkan dirinya sendiri dengan cologne.", "choice1": "Dia ingin berkesan kepada teman kencannya.", "choice2": "Dia mengemas rambutnya dengan gel.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Listrik di rumah mati.", "choice1": "Saya mencari senter.", "choice2": "Saya ambil sebuah sekop.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu pindah ke rumah yang lebih besar.", "choice1": "Putranya telah lulus dari sekolah menengah.", "choice2": "Sang ibu melahirkan anak kembar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pelari maraton itu berlari dengan lambat.", "choice1": "Dia ingin menghemat energinya.", "choice2": "Dia sudah bisa lihat garis akhir.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu menendang mesin penjual otomatis itu.", "choice1": "Banyak kembalian keluar dari mesin itu.", "choice2": "Kantung keripik yang ia beli itu macet di dalam mesin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anjing teman saya mati.", "choice1": "Aku memutar mataku padanya.", "choice2": "Saya peluk teman saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kartu kredit milik pengusaha itu ditolak.", "choice1": "Dia menulis sebuah surat hutang.", "choice2": "Dia bayar dengan uang cash.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mengatakan kata-kata kasar.", "choice1": "Dia potong kukunya.", "choice2": "Jari kakinya terbentur sesuatu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu bangga dengan saudaranya.", "choice1": "Saudaranya bertengkar dengan orang tua mereka.", "choice2": "Saudaranya diterima di sekolah hukum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu ingin belajar tentang tata surya.", "choice1": "Dia pergi ke perpustakaan.", "choice2": "Dia melihat bintang-bintang di langit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poster itu menempel di dinding.", "choice1": "Saya menempatkan poster itu di atas pintu.", "choice2": "Saya menempelkan selotip di bagian belakang poster itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Klien menyetujui rencana arsitek untuk bangunan itu.", "choice1": "Arsitek itu membangun gedung itu.", "choice2": "Arsitek itu pun menyesuaikan rencananya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menjatuhkan sendoknya.", "choice1": "Tangannya bergemetar.", "choice2": "Dia jilat sendok itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "CEO perusahaan itu telah mengundurkan diri.", "choice1": "Dewan direksi bubarkan perusahaan itu.", "choice2": "Dewan direksi telah menemukan penggantinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya datang terlambat ke kuliah.", "choice1": "Saya mengambil tempat duduk di barisan belakang.", "choice2": "Saya mendekati podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu dibebaskan dari penjara.", "choice1": "Keluarganya telah bayar uang jaminannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyerang seorang narapidana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu kehilangan semua barang-barang mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka jual rumah mereka.", "choice2": "Rumah mereka kebakaran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya injak kaleng aluminium itu.", "choice1": "Kaleng itu didaur ulang.", "choice2": "Kaleng itu hancur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu ikut tim debat.", "choice1": "Ia belajar cara menggunakan komputer.", "choice2": "Dia belajar untuk berkomunikasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suasana hatiku membaik.", "choice1": "Saya dengarkan musik.", "choice2": "Saya mencuci piring.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Badan amal itu membuat sebuah sasaran untuk penggalangan uang mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka memberi makan kepada para tunawisma.", "choice2": "Mereka mengadakan lelang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Roller coaster itu jatuh menuruni tebing curam.", "choice1": "Para penumpang terkikik.", "choice2": "Para penumpang teriak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya sangat marah.", "choice1": "Saya memeriksa kotak surat sebelum meninggalkan rumah.", "choice2": "Saya membanting pintu ketika meninggalkan rumah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu ingin menyaksikan matahari terbit.", "choice1": "Dia melakukan perjalanan ke utara.", "choice2": "Dia bangun pagi-pagi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya melipat kertas.", "choice1": "Saya mendaur ulang kertas.", "choice2": "Kertasnya berkerut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bangsa itu mengalami bencana alam.", "choice1": "Para pemimpin negara lain membentuk sebuah aliansi.", "choice2": "Para pemimpin negara lain mengirimkan bantuan darurat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pakaian bocah itu basah kuyup.", "choice1": "Dia memanjat keluar dari kolam.", "choice2": "Dia jatuh ke kolam.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu bergegas untuk menyelesaikan buku itu.", "choice1": "Buku itu harus dikembalikan ke perpustakaan.", "choice2": "Dia meminjamnya dari seorang teman.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penjahat itu dieksekusi.", "choice1": "Dia dimasukkan ke penjara.", "choice2": "Dia dihukum karena melakukan pembunuhan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinar matahari memasuki ruangan.", "choice1": "Saya membuka tirai.", "choice2": "Saya membuka kunci pintu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku menarik rambut si penipu itu.", "choice1": "Wignya terlepas.", "choice2": "Dia botak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Editor menulis ulang sebuah kalimat dalam naskah itu.", "choice1": "Dia berpikir bahwa naskah itu menarik.", "choice2": "Dia menganggap kalimat itu tidak jelas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu membatalkan akun kartu kreditnya.", "choice1": "Dia menyadari bahwa kartu itu hilang.", "choice2": "Dia menyadari bahwa kartu itu sudah kedaluwarsa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria dan wanita itu jatuh cinta.", "choice1": "Mereka kuliah.", "choice2": "Mereka menikah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Musiknya terlalu redup untuk didengar.", "choice1": "Saya naikkan volumenya.", "choice2": "Saya menyusun lagu saya sendiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rambut anak laki-laki itu mencuat.", "choice1": "Gadis itu mengacak-acaknya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menariknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Serangga itu tergencet.", "choice1": "Saya menyemprot diri saya dengan obat nyamuk.", "choice2": "Saya injak serangga itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya buka mata saya.", "choice1": "Saya terbangun.", "choice2": "Saya merasa tenang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Musik dari rumah tetangga saya menggelegar.", "choice1": "Saya memintanya untuk mengecilkan musiknya.", "choice2": "Saya meminta untuk meminjam CD musik itu darinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga pria itu hidup dalam kemiskinan.", "choice1": "Dia sangat hemat dengan penghasilannya.", "choice2": "Ia mendapat upah di bawah upah minimum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu lulus dari universitas.", "choice1": "Dia mencari pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Dia memulai sebuah hobi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang seniman mencampur cat warna kuning dengan cat warna biru.", "choice1": "Cat berhamburan ke mana-mana.", "choice2": "Catnya berubah menjadi hijau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengubah topik pembicaraan.", "choice1": "Saya kehabisan topik untuk dibicarakan.", "choice2": "Pembicaraan itu menjadi tegang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adikku telah dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit.", "choice1": "Saya menyambutnya kembali ke rumah.", "choice2": "Saya memberinya bahu dingin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tirai di panggung naik.", "choice1": "Adegan pembuka drama itu dimulai.", "choice2": "Para aktor dalam drama itu keluar dari panggung.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si sandera menyerahkan diri ke mandat penculik mereka.", "choice1": "Penculik mengancam akan melukai sandera itu.", "choice2": "Penculik tinggalkan sandera itu sendirian.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah ledakan bergema di panggung.", "choice1": "Musisi itu mengetuk kakinya.", "choice2": "Musisi itu memukul drum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para orang tua bergegas ke kamar anak mereka.", "choice1": "Anak itu terbangun menjerit karena mimpi buruk.", "choice2": "Anak itu takut untuk melihat ke bawah tempat tidurnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa isyarat.", "choice1": "Ia dilahirkan prematur.", "choice2": "Dia dilahirkan tuli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kekeringan terjadi di wilayah tersebut.", "choice1": "Air itu terkontaminasi.", "choice2": "Hasil panen itu musnah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kucing itu mengejar burung.", "choice1": "Burung itu terbang.", "choice2": "Burung itu menangkap seekor cacing.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu pindah sekolah.", "choice1": "Sekolah libur untuk musim panas.", "choice2": "Dia pindah ke kota baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemilik pabrik itu menolak untuk menaikkan upah karyawan.", "choice1": "Pemilik pabrik itu menunjuk seorang manajer baru.", "choice2": "Para karyawan protes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemimpin itu membuat geram para ekstrimis di negaranya.", "choice1": "Para ekstrimis mempengaruhinya.", "choice2": "Para ekstrimis membunuhnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku berjalan di pantai tanpa alas kaki.", "choice1": "Pasir menempel di kakiku.", "choice2": "Ombak menabrak ke tepi pantai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya terbangun di tengah malam karena kedinginan.", "choice1": "Saya pakai celana hangat.", "choice2": "Saya minum segelas air.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang ibu menenangkan putranya.", "choice1": "Putranya tersenyum.", "choice2": "Putranya merengek.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ada sebuah lubang di celana jeans saya.", "choice1": "Saya membuka ritsleting celana jeans saya.", "choice2": "Saya tersandung di trotoar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu memakai kawat gigi.", "choice1": "Ada bolongan di giginya.", "choice2": "Giginya menjadi lurus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya berolahraga di gym kemarin.", "choice1": "Otot saya sakit ketika saya bangun hari ini.", "choice2": "Saya bangun dengan sakit tenggorokan hari ini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu berbisik bolak-balik satu sama lain di meja makan siang.", "choice1": "Siswa lain duduk di meja makan siang mereka.", "choice2": "Murid-murid lain di meja makan mereka merasa tertinggal.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu mendarat di trampolin.", "choice1": "Dia terlempar kembali ke udara.", "choice2": "Dia mencoba melakukan flip.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya masukkan surat itu di kotak surat.", "choice1": "Surat itu di kirim oleh kantor pos.", "choice2": "Surat itu di kirim kilat oleh kantor pos.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penjudi itu percaya diri.", "choice1": "Dia pertaruhkan semua uangnya.", "choice2": "Dia pulang bangkrut.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kebakaran hutan itu menyebar.", "choice1": "Angin menjadi lebih kuat.", "choice2": "Para pelaku pembakaran itu ditangkap.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu menggores lututnya.", "choice1": "Ibunya menyruhnya untuk ke kamarnya.", "choice2": "Ibunya balut lukanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu selamat dari penyakit yang mematikan itu.", "choice1": "Dia tandatangani surat wasiatnya.", "choice2": "Dia menerima transplantasi organ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku meneguk kopi yang panas itu.", "choice1": "Saya menggigit lidah saya.", "choice2": "Saya bakar lidah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Editor itu memecat si penulis.", "choice1": "Penulis itu menghindari bias dalam ceritanya.", "choice2": "Penulis itu tidak menyelesaikan pekerjaan pada tenggat waktu yang penting.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya merasa lelah.", "choice1": "I slept all day.", "choice2": "Saya belajar sepanjang hari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dokter itu mendiagnosis seorang pasien.", "choice1": "Dia mengidentifikasi gejala-gejala pasiennya.", "choice2": "Dia meresepkan pil ke pasiennya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menggaruk kulit saya.", "choice1": "Kulit saya berkeringat.", "choice2": "Kulit saya terasa gatal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani operasi darurat.", "choice1": "Dia kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice2": "Dia menderita serangan jantung.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Otot lengan pria itu menonjol.", "choice1": "Dia kencangkan lengannya.", "choice2": "Dia gosok lengannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu mengangkat alisnya.", "choice1": "Dia kaget.", "choice2": "Dia merasa kecil hati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya maafkan kesalahan kolega saya.", "choice1": "Saya percaya bahwa ia berniat baik.", "choice2": "Saya percaya bahwa dia tahu lebih baik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu berhenti merokok.", "choice1": "Dia mulai lebih sering berolahraga.", "choice2": "Dia mulai bangun lebih awal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu memukul hidung penyerangnya.", "choice1": "Tubuh penyerang itu menjadi tak bernyawa.", "choice2": "Penyerang itu mulai berdarah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak panah itu tidak mengenai sasarannya.", "choice1": "Bidikan pria itu kurang tepat.", "choice2": "Pria itu kalah dalam permainan itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemilik rumah itu meminta pembasmi untuk datang ke rumahnya.", "choice1": "Dia menemukan tikus di ruang bawah tanah rumahnya.", "choice2": "Dia memiliki sebuah peternakan semut di kamarnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menyarankan kepada tamu rumah saya untuk pergi makan malam.", "choice1": "Saya terlalu lelah untuk menyiapkan apa pun.", "choice2": "Tamu rumah saya sudah tinggal terlalu lama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu menangkap kakaknya sedang membaca buku hariannya.", "choice1": "Dia mulai menyembunyikan buku harian itu.", "choice2": "Dia beli buku harian baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu kekurangan uang untuk bayar sewaanya.", "choice1": "Dia bekerja lembur.", "choice2": "Dia keluar dari pekerjaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tangan anak itu dengan cepat diambil balik.", "choice1": "Dia menyentuh kompor panas.", "choice2": "Dia menepuk kepala anak anjing itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perusahaan itu ingin mengukur kepuasan pelanggannya.", "choice1": "Mereka menawarkan diskon kepada pelanggan baru.", "choice2": "Mereka membagikan survei kepada pelanggannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lantai kayu itu tergores.", "choice1": "Bocah itu melempar bantal sofa ke lantai.", "choice2": "Bocah itu menyeret kursi di lantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya melindungi wajah saya.", "choice1": "Musuh saya mengejek saya.", "choice2": "Musuh saya mengepalkan tangan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Patung yang terkenal itu terbakar.", "choice1": "Patung itu disambar petir.", "choice2": "Orang-orang datang untuk memuliakannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meninggalkan buah itu di atas meja.", "choice1": "Buah itu menumpahkan biji.", "choice2": "Lalat-lalat pun mengerumuni buah itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Balerina itu merobek ligamennya.", "choice1": "Dia menunjuk jari-jari kakinya.", "choice2": "Dia memutar pergelangan kakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tali sepatu anak itu terlepas.", "choice1": "Dia belajar cara mengikatnya.", "choice2": "Dia berlari-lari di taman bermain.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya terpesona dengan buku ini.", "choice1": "Saya kembalikan buku itu.", "choice2": "Saya sampai lupa waktu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu memiliki kepercayaan yang sama dengan orang tuanya.", "choice1": "Orang tuanya memengaruhinya.", "choice2": "Orang tuanya tidak lagi mengakui dia sebagai anak mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil itu perlahan melambat hingga berhenti.", "choice1": "Mobil itu kehabisan bensin.", "choice2": "Pengemudinya tertidur.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu makan es krim di bawah sinar matahari.", "choice1": "Es krimn itu kehilang rasanya.", "choice2": "Es krim itu menetes dari kerucutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menggantung sebuah karya seni di kamar itu.", "choice1": "Karpetnya tampak kotor.", "choice2": "Dinding kamar itu tampak hampa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya pulang kerja lebih awal.", "choice1": "Saya sakit kepala.", "choice2": "Bos saya mengadakan sebuah pertemuan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak anjing itu mengotori karpet.", "choice1": "Pemiliknya memarahinya.", "choice2": "Pemiliknya memberinya sebuah hadiah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meminta maaf kepada teman saya.", "choice1": "Dia memaafkan saya.", "choice2": "Dia menjadi geram.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menonjol sekali di tengah kerumunan.", "choice1": "Dia membawa ransel.", "choice2": "Dia mengenakan rompi neon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saksi itu berbohong di bawah sumpah.", "choice1": "Dia melengkapi kesaksiannya.", "choice2": "Dia didakwa dengan sumpah palsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu mengecat rambutnya.", "choice1": "Dia menginginkan sebuah tampilan baru.", "choice2": "Dia ingin berbaur dengan orang lain.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para imigran ditangkap karena tinggal dengan ilega di negara tersebut.", "choice1": "Mereka mendapatkan pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Mereka dideportasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pembicara itu membuat lelucon.", "choice1": "Para hadirin tertawa.", "choice2": "Para hadirin berdiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya melihat ke matahari.", "choice1": "Matahari membutakanku.", "choice2": "Kulitku terjemur.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya bosan.", "choice1": "Saya mendengus.", "choice2": "Saya menguap.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Steak itu sulit dipotong.", "choice1": "Pisau yang saya gunakan tumpul.", "choice2": "Steak itu mentah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menyatakan bangkrut.", "choice1": "Dia menerima pembayaran tunjangan.", "choice2": "Dia memperoleh hutang besar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lampu-lampu di apartemen temanku menyala.", "choice1": "Saya bertanya-tanya apakah dia berada di luar rumah.", "choice2": "Saya datang untuk mengunjunginya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku taruh bunga itu di bawah hidungku.", "choice1": "Kelopaknya terlepas dari bunga itu.", "choice2": "Saya cium aroma bunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu merasa nostalgia.", "choice1": "Dia bertemu seorang teman masa kecilnya.", "choice2": "Dia berteriak kepada anak-anaknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu menunda-nunda menyelesaikan tugasnya.", "choice1": "Dia menyerahkan tugasnya lebih awal.", "choice2": "Dia menyerahkan tugas yang tidak lengkap.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil saya mogok.", "choice1": "Saya pergi ke mal.", "choice2": "Saya telpon seorang mekanik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya membuang catatan itu.", "choice1": "Catatan itu anonim.", "choice2": "Catatan itu tidak terbaca.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Burung itu mengepakkan sayapnya.", "choice1": "Ia bertelur.", "choice2": "Ia terbang ke atas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya parkir di jalan masuk.", "choice1": "Garasinya terbuka.", "choice2": "Garasinya penuh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si penjahat mengarahkan pistol ke korbannya.", "choice1": "Si penjahat meletakkan senjatanya di tanah.", "choice2": "Korbannya pun mengangkat tangannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menantikan akhir pekan.", "choice1": "Saya berencana untuk menghadiri pemakaman paman saya.", "choice2": "Saya berencana untuk menghadiri pernikahan teman saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya lupa waktu.", "choice1": "Saya sedang melamun.", "choice2": "Saya mual.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dokumen yang dicetak itu tidak bisa dibaca.", "choice1": "Tinta printer itu hampir habis.", "choice2": "Printernya telah kehabisan kertas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lagu kebangsaan dimainkan di dalam stadion.", "choice1": "Para penggemar berputar badan ke bendera.", "choice2": "Para penggemar bergegas ke lapangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saus itu terasa hambar.", "choice1": "Saya sajikannya.", "choice2": "Saya tambahkan garam ke saus itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya taruh handuk kertas di atas tumpahan itu.", "choice1": "Handuk kertas itu menyerap cairan yang tumpah.", "choice2": "Tumpahan itu meninggalkan residu lengket.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu terganggu di tengah-tengah membaca bukunya.", "choice1": "Dia menandai halaman yang sedang dibacanya.", "choice2": "Dia membaca ulang buku itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pesawat itu terkena turbulensi.", "choice1": "Pria itu mengencangkan sabuk pengamannya.", "choice2": "Pria itu memandang ke luar jendela.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu tersentak.", "choice1": "Gadis itu mengabaikannya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menusuknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para dokter memberikan pasien itu sebuah kaki palsu.", "choice1": "Mereka telah mengamputasi kakinya.", "choice2": "Mereka memonitor tanda vitalnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu mencubit siku gadis itu.", "choice1": "Dia mengangkat bahunya ke arah bocah itu.", "choice2": "Dia menyentakkan lengannya darinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meminta saran dari teman saya.", "choice1": "Saya menghargai pendapatnya.", "choice2": "Saya tahu saya benar.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu melangkah ke dalam lumpur.", "choice1": "Lumpur menempel di sepatunya.", "choice2": "Lumpur itu menerpa wajahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Beberapa inci salju jatuh di kota itu.", "choice1": "Semua sekolah ditutup.", "choice2": "Orang-orang bersembunyi di bawah tanah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sift karyawan itu telah berakhir.", "choice1": "Dia pulang dari kantor.", "choice2": "Dia mengancam akan berhenti dari pekerjaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pohon itu merusak rumah itu.", "choice1": "Pohon itu jatuh ke atas atap.", "choice2": "Pohon itu menaungi halaman belakang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kayu itu terbelah dua.", "choice1": "Saya tumpuk kayu di atas perapian itu.", "choice2": "Saya mengayunkan kapak ke kayu tersebut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu mengucapkan selamat kepada pasangan itu.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan berpisah.", "choice2": "Pasangan itu mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan memiliki bayi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu mengirim valentine kepada anak laki-laki itu.", "choice1": "Dia menyukainya.", "choice2": "Dia menciumnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menganggukkan kepala pada pernyataan teman saya.", "choice1": "Saya bingung.", "choice2": "Saya setuju dengannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teman-teman itu melempar sebuah koin.", "choice1": "Mereka ingin menemukan kompromi.", "choice2": "Mereka ingin membuat keputusan yang adil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timer di dapur berbunyi.", "choice1": "Pria itu menaruh barang-barang belanjaannya ke dalam kulkas.", "choice2": "Pria itu mengeluarkan sebuah pizza dari oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menetapkan untuk sampai tujuan ambisius.", "choice1": "Dia malas.", "choice2": "Dia bekerja keras.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria yang kaya itu meninggal karena usia tua.", "choice1": "Putranya melarang hukum.", "choice2": "Putranya mewarisi kekayaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menginjak api.", "choice1": "Nyala api padam.", "choice2": "Asap muncul dari api itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil wanita itu ada di toko.", "choice1": "SIM-nya dicabut.", "choice2": "Dia mengalami kecelakaan mobil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya terus tidur meskipun alarm saya bunyi.", "choice1": "Saya membuat sarapan.", "choice2": "Saya kelewatan sarapan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tokoh publik itu keluar dari limusin.", "choice1": "Kamera terpacu ke arahnya.", "choice2": "Keluarganya menghadiri konferensi pers.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu berlama-lama di bak mandi.", "choice1": "Air mandi menjadi kurang hangat.", "choice2": "Air mandi mengalir keluar dari bak mandi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mahasiswa itu ingin bertemu dengan siswa lain di kampus.", "choice1": "Dia bergabung dengan persaudaraan.", "choice2": "Dia mengambil jurusan teknik.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengangkat bantal sofa.", "choice1": "Saya mencari uang receh.", "choice2": "Saya sedang mengatur ulang ruang tamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tawon itu terbang ke arah bocah itu.", "choice1": "Bocah itu lari.", "choice2": "Bocah itu memetik bunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu dinyatakan bersalah atas pelanggaran ringan.", "choice1": "Dia dijatuhi hukuman melakukan pelayanan masyarakat.", "choice2": "Dia dihukum mati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengaduk gula ke dalam teh yang panas.", "choice1": "Teh itu menguap.", "choice2": "Gulanya larut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veteran itu berjalan dengan pincang.", "choice1": "Dia direkrut untuk perang.", "choice2": "Dia terluka dalam pertempuran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penjahat itu melarikan diri dari polisi.", "choice1": "Polisi membantu korbannya.", "choice2": "Polisi mengejar penjahat itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laptop itu tidak mau hidup.", "choice1": "Saya menjatuhkannya.", "choice2": "Saya mengisi baterenya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu kehabisan tempat di lemarinya.", "choice1": "Dia mendapatkan lemari pakaian yang luas.", "choice2": "Dia lipat cuciannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu patah hati.", "choice1": "Istrinya melahirkan.", "choice2": "His wife left him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu memperoleh gelar.", "choice1": "Ia memenuhi syarat untuk pekerjaan yang diinginkannya.", "choice2": "Tawaran pekerjaannya dibatalkan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suara pria itu terproyeksi dengan jelas di seluruh auditorium.", "choice1": "Dia menyapa para hadirin.", "choice2": "Dia berbicara di depan mikrofon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya melemparkan koin ke dalam air mancur.", "choice1": "Koin itu tenggelam ke bawah.", "choice2": "Koin itu pecah menjadi dua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pemain memukul bola itu ke arah lubang.", "choice1": "Bola itu masuk ke dalam lubang.", "choice2": "Bola itu kembali ke pemain.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku menghirup debu di loteng.", "choice1": "Saya cegukan.", "choice2": "Aku bersin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasir toko itu panggil tugas keamanan.", "choice1": "Pelanggan itu menggunakan uang palsu.", "choice2": "Pelanggan itu membiarkan lampu depan mobilnya menyala.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengeluarkan sampah.", "choice1": "Sampah itu membuat dapur bau.", "choice2": "Saya tidak sengaja membuang daftar belanjaan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu pergi ke kebun binatang.", "choice1": "Anak-anaknya mengagumi binatang-binatang.", "choice2": "Anak-anaknya mengejar binatang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Napas pria itu keras.", "choice1": "Ginjalnya gagal.", "choice2": "Paru-parunya sesak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya punya tiket ekstra untuk konser.", "choice1": "Saya minta arah menuju tempat acara kepada teman saya.", "choice2": "Saya bertanya kepada teman saya bila dia tertarik untuk pergi bersama saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pendingin udara di rumah rusak.", "choice1": "Saya keluarkan selimut.", "choice2": "Saya membuka jendela.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Punggung bocah itu sakit.", "choice1": "Ranselnya terbuka.", "choice2": "Ranselnya berat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya belikan ibuku hadiah.", "choice1": "Saya membuatkannya kue.", "choice2": "Itu adalah hari ulang tahunnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bakung di taman terhancurkan.", "choice1": "Seekor lebah menyengat si tukang kebun.", "choice2": "Tupai menggali umbi bakung-bakung itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya nyalakan korek api.", "choice1": "Nyala api memudar.", "choice2": "Korek it menghasilkan nyala api.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para pihak yang berselisih itu mencapai sebuah penyelesaian.", "choice1": "Mereka tidak ingin berdebat di pengadilan.", "choice2": "Mereka ingin memperbaiki hubungan pribadi mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak-anak itu dikirim ke panti asuhan.", "choice1": "Orang tua mereka meninggal.", "choice2": "Orang tua mereka memanjakan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sebuah meteorit mendarat di lautan.", "choice1": "Tsunami terjadi.", "choice2": "Hujan es mulai terjadi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pejalan kaki itu menemukan sebuah ular berbisa.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami dehidrasi.", "choice2": "Dia panik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ovennya memanas.", "choice1": "Saya menyalakan oven tersebut.", "choice2": "Saya meletakkan makanan di dalam oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aku meremas sebuah irisan lemon.", "choice1": "Lemon itu menjadi berjamur.", "choice2": "Lemon itu menyemprot.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Negara itu menemukan tanah baru.", "choice1": "Negara itu meninggalkan tanah itu.", "choice2": "Negara itu menjajah tanah itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gelas itu terguling dari meja.", "choice1": "Gelas itu terpecah di seluruh lantai.", "choice2": "Gelas itu mendarat di tumpukan cucian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meja itu bergetar.", "choice1": "Lantainya tidak rata.", "choice2": "The floor was slippery.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sang ayah menangkap putranya sedang berbohong.", "choice1": "Putranya mengakui kebenarannya.", "choice2": "Sang ayah memercayai putranya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kepala pria itu berdenyut kesakitan.", "choice1": "Dia minum sirup obat batuk.", "choice2": "He took aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kereta itu melambat.", "choice1": "Kereta itu mendekati stasiun.", "choice2": "Kereta itu berjalan telat di belakang jadwal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani terapi.", "choice1": "Penyakit mental menimpa keluarganya.", "choice2": "Dia didiagnosis sebagai penderita depresi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu mencengkeram tenggorokannya.", "choice1": "Dia menelan makanannya.", "choice2": "Dia tersedak karena makanannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menderita sakit tenggorokan.", "choice1": "Suaranya terdengar serak.", "choice2": "Dia berbicara dengan sebuah logat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anjing itu memandangi steak lezat yang ada di atas meja.", "choice1": "Dia mengiler.", "choice2": "Dia terbaring.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bisnis wanita itu berhasil.", "choice1": "Dia memecat karyawannya.", "choice2": "Dia menjadi kaya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para siswa keluar dari kelas.", "choice1": "Bel telah berbunyi.", "choice2": "Sang guru memberikan mereka pekerjaan rumah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu mengaku dia telah melihat hantu.", "choice1": "Para kenalannya mencurigainya.", "choice2": "Para kenalannya memaklumkannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan pendengarannya.", "choice1": "Dia hampir tenggelam di laut.", "choice2": "Dia hampir terbunuh dalam suatu ledakan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu melepaskan tali balon.", "choice1": "Balon itu mengempis.", "choice2": "Balon itu naik ke udara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan kemampuannya untuk berbicara.", "choice1": "Dia terkena stroke.", "choice2": "Dia ambil napas yang dalam.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu tersanding di trotoar.", "choice1": "Ada retakan di lantai trotoar.", "choice2": "Dia mendengar ada orang yang memanggil namanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu melakukan gaya bola meriam ketika loncat ke dalam kolam.", "choice1": "Penjaga pantai melompat ke dalam kolam setelahnya.", "choice2": "Pria itu membuat penjaga pantai itu basah kuyup.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya minum antibiotik.", "choice1": "Infeksi saya sembuh.", "choice2": "Infeksi saya menyebar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lampu lalu lintas menjadi kuning.", "choice1": "Pengemudi itu ngerem.", "choice2": "Pengemudi itu membunyikan klaksonnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wadah plastik itu meleleh.", "choice1": "Saya rendam wadah itu dalam air hangat.", "choice2": "Saya menempatkan wadah itu di atas kompor panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mobil itu penyok.", "choice1": "Pengemudi menabraknya ke tiang telepon.", "choice2": "Pengemudinya menerobos lampu merah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu belajar sepanjang malam.", "choice1": "Dia tidak datang ke ujiannya.", "choice2": "Dia lulus ujiannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah laki-laki itu memegang erat pegangan kolam.", "choice1": "Dia takut belajar berenang.", "choice2": "Penjaga pantai itu sedang bertugas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meletakkan tangan saya di dada.", "choice1": "Saya merasakan detak jantung saya.", "choice2": "Detak jantung saya meningkat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bangunan di dekat kantorku sedang diperbaiki.", "choice1": "Kantorku jadi kacau.", "choice2": "Kantorku jadi terganggu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Keluarga itu ingin mengenal tetangga baru mereka.", "choice1": "Keluarga itu mengundang tetangganya untuk makan malam.", "choice2": "Keluarga itu melambai ke tetangganya dari halaman mereka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Air terciprat dari kolam.", "choice1": "Perenang itu terjun ke kolam.", "choice2": "Perenang itu mengapung di kolam.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menggigit sepotong semangka.", "choice1": "Saya tidak sengaja menelan biji.", "choice2": "Saya tidak sengaja mengeping gigi saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu tersandung.", "choice1": "Jaket ritsletingnya terbuka.", "choice2": "Tali sepatunya terlepas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita menggunakan penyumbat telinga.", "choice1": "Dia terganggu oleh suara bising.", "choice2": "Dia menindik telinganya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mengisi ulang botol air saya.", "choice1": "Saya minum semua air di dalamnya.", "choice2": "Saya menyimpannya di lemari es.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Acara televisi itu disensor.", "choice1": "Acar itu berisi bahasa vulgar.", "choice2": "Acara itu memiliki plot yang rumit.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kapal itu karam.", "choice1": "Para awak kapal tenggelam.", "choice2": "Para awak bertemu dengan bajak laut.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu merasa bingung oleh teka-teki itu.", "choice1": "Dia memecahkan teka-teki itu.", "choice2": "Dia meminta sebuah petunjuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telepon berdering.", "choice1": "Pria itu menutup teleponnya.", "choice2": "Pria itu mengangkat teleponnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menatapku.", "choice1": "Saya peluknya.", "choice2": "Saya merasa kurang enak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rombongan itu meninggalkan museum.", "choice1": "Mereka memotret pamerannya.", "choice2": "Mereka mengunjungi semua pameran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu memulai sebuah pertengkaran denganku.", "choice1": "Teman saya memperkenalkan saya kepadanya.", "choice2": "Teman saya membela saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ban sepeda saya kempes.", "choice1": "Saya memompa udara ke ban itu.", "choice2": "Saya mengganti gigi sepeda saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu tampak pucat.", "choice1": "Ayahnya membacakan sebuah cerita untuknya.", "choice2": "Ayahnya merasakan dahinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pena itu kehabisan tinta.", "choice1": "Saya menggunakan sebuah pensil.", "choice2": "Saya menandatangani nama saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu ditolak untuk mendapatkan pinjaman.", "choice1": "Dia memiliki hutang.", "choice2": "Dia memulai sebuah bisnis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu tidak pergi ke sekolah.", "choice1": "Dia menderita cacar air.", "choice2": "Dia menikmati belajar matematika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kantong sampah itu sudah penuh.", "choice1": "Saya membawanya ke tempat sampah.", "choice2": "Saya membuangnya ke dalam wastafel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya telah menyedot karpet itu.", "choice1": "Teman sekamar saya telah menumpahkan minuman berbuah.", "choice2": "Anjing saya menjatuhkan banyak rambut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice1": "Dia telah matikan komputernya.", "choice2": "Dia telah lempar sebuah kursi ke seberang ruangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu telah lemparkan sebuah ranting ke api unggun.", "choice1": "Ranting itu terbakar.", "choice2": "Api itu padam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu keluar dari kamar mandi.", "choice1": "Air panasnya sudah habis.", "choice2": "Dia tidak bisa menemukan handuknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Orang tua itu ingin anak-anak mereka kuliah.", "choice1": "Mereka telah menyisihkan dana tabungannya untuk biaya kuliah.", "choice2": "Mereka telah mendorong anak-anak mereka untuk bermain di luar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu telah lepaskan ikat tali sepatunya.", "choice1": "Sepatunya mengendur.", "choice2": "Sepatunya telah menjadi usang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu telah makan setengah dari hidangan utamanya.", "choice1": "Dia telah simpan sisa makanannya di kulkas.", "choice2": "Dia telah menyimpan resepnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pergelangan kaki saya bengkak.", "choice1": "Saya telah menaruh es di atasnya.", "choice2": "Saya telah mengoleskan lotion di atasnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pintu kantor saya telah terbuka.", "choice1": "Saya telah bicara dengan rekan saya di meja saya.", "choice2": "Saya telah dengar percakapan yang terjadi di aula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya harus mengantri.", "choice1": "Saya telah mengambil tempat duduk.", "choice2": "Saya telah sekilas membaca sebuah majalah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu telah menepuk sebuah lalat.", "choice1": "Lalat itu telah terbang pergi.", "choice2": "Lalat itu tetap diam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu sudah menulis surat wasiatnya.", "choice1": "Dia telah sekarat.", "choice2": "Dia adalah seorang duda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pelari itu merasakan bahwa kompetitornya hampir mendekatinya.", "choice1": "Dia telah keluar dari perlombaan itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah mempercepat langkahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya telah berpikir dengan hati-hati tentang masalah itu.", "choice1": "Saya telah meminta saran.", "choice2": "Saya telah menemukan sebuah solusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wisatawan itu berjalan di jembatan gantung yang bergoyah.", "choice1": "Dia merasa takut.", "choice2": "Dia merasa sangat gembira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu telah mengantisipasi kemenangan timnya.", "choice1": "Dia bertemu dengan teman-temannya untuk menonton pertandingan itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah bertaruh dengan teman-temannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bocah itu tidak bisa tidur.", "choice1": "Dia mengatur jam alarmnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah menghitung domba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Barang itu dikemas dalam bungkus gelembung.", "choice1": "Barang itu rapuh.", "choice2": "Barang itu kecil.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya kosongkan kantong saya.", "choice1": "Saya ambil sebuah potongan tiket.", "choice2": "Saya temukan sebuah senjata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rumah saya diserbu oleh rayap.", "choice1": "Rayap itu tiada lagi di rumah saya.", "choice2": "Rayap itu memakan kayu rumah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para wisatawan sudah sampai di perbatasan.", "choice1": "Paspor mereka diperiksa oleh agen patroli.", "choice2": "Mereka dituduh atas penyelundupan oleh agen patroli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kantor itu tutup.", "choice1": "Saat itu sedang hari libur.", "choice2": "Saat itu sedang musim panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu kehabisan tenaga.", "choice1": "Ia telah main catur.", "choice2": "Ia telah main lompat tali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu kehilangan tempatnya di barisan.", "choice1": "Banyak orang mengikuti barisan itu.", "choice2": "Ia keluar dari barisan itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu mencubit hidungnya.", "choice1": "Bayi itu meneteskan air liur ke kain alasanya.", "choice2": "Bayi itu mengotori popoknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Band ini memainkan lagu hit mereka.", "choice1": "Para penonton bertepuk tangan mengikuti musik.", "choice2": "Para penonton dengan sopan mendengarkan dalam kediaman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu ingin berterima kasih kepada guru matematiknya.", "choice1": "Gadis itu ditahan setelah sekolah selesai.", "choice2": "Gadis itu memberikan apel kepada gurunya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para berkemah muda merasa takut.", "choice1": "Konselor kamp menceritakan sebuah cerita hantu.", "choice2": "Mereka membakar marshmallow di atas api unggun.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kepala pria itu terbentur.", "choice1": "Dia tenggelam dalam pikirannya.", "choice2": "Dia menderita gegar otak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cek yang saya tulis ditolak.", "choice1": "Rekening bank saya habis.", "choice2": "Saya mendapat kenaikan gaji.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kotak masuk email pria itu penuh dengan spam.", "choice1": "Ia hapus spam dari emailnya.", "choice2": "Dia kirim sebuah email massal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pelaut itu dikarantina.", "choice1": "Ia terkena penyakit.", "choice2": "Ia sembuh dari penyakitnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menghafalkan kodenya.", "choice1": "Dia membacakannya ke dirinya sendiri.", "choice2": "Ia lupa mencatatnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya tuang air ke gelas itu.", "choice1": "Air itu menghilangkan dahaga saya.", "choice2": "Gelas itu terisi penuh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu tetap diam ketika temannya selesai berbicara.", "choice1": "Ia ingin mendukung temannya.", "choice2": "Ia berpikir tentang apa yang dikatakan temannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kecelakaan itu salah saya.", "choice1": "Saya merasa bersalah.", "choice2": "Saya menuduh orang lain.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rantai itu terlepas.", "choice1": "Rantai itu terlilit di ban.", "choice2": "Salah satu mata rantai terputus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu memutuskan untuk berkompromi.", "choice1": "Mereka lelah dengan terus bertengkar.", "choice2": "Mereka menghindari diskusi tentang masalah mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu memutuskan untuk mencalonkan diri untuk jabatan publik.", "choice1": "Dia mempekerjakan seorang manajer kampanye.", "choice2": "Dia bersaksi di pengadilan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mengantisipasi adanya cuaca dingin di perjalanannya.", "choice1": "Dia mengemas pakaian hangat di kopernya.", "choice2": "Dia bawa koper besar untuk perjalanannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu tahu jawaban pertanyaan itu.", "choice1": "Ia angkat tangannya.", "choice2": "Ia salah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mata pria itu berkaca-kaca.", "choice1": "Debu masuk ke matanya.", "choice2": "Ia pakai kacamata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemain itu menang lima pertandingan berturut-turut.", "choice1": "Lawannya menuduh dia atas kecurangan.", "choice2": "Lawannya merasa kasihan padanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Guru itu merobek-robek kertas ujian siswanya.", "choice1": "Ia tangkap murid itu menyontek.", "choice2": "Semua jawaban murid itu salah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya berhenti bicara.", "choice1": "Suara saya hilang.", "choice2": "Saya kehilangan napas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Makanan yang terbeku itu dicairkan.", "choice1": "Saya cairkan di dalam microwave.", "choice2": "Saya tutup dengan bungkus plastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karyawan itu pura-pura sakit.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami kram perut.", "choice2": "Ia ingin bolos.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu tercebur dalam kolam renang.", "choice1": "Dia berlari di dek kolam renang.", "choice2": "Dia melompat dari papan loncat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tiket film itu terjual habis.", "choice1": "Itu terjadi ketika hari pembukaan untuk film itu.", "choice2": "Film itu mendapat ulasan buruk.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Berat badan pria itu turun.", "choice1": "Orang-orang mengisolasinya.", "choice2": "Orang-orang memujinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tangan gadis itu melepuh.", "choice1": "Dia mengetik sebuah surat.", "choice2": "Dia memanjat dengan tali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemain sirkus itu menyulap sambil mengendarai sepeda roda satu.", "choice1": "Penonton bersorak dengan takjub.", "choice2": "Pemain sirkus itu berayun dari trapeze.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice1": "Teman saya membuat saya menunggunya.", "choice2": "Teman saya tiba tepat waktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Negara-negara yang sedang konflik ingin perdamaian.", "choice1": "Mereka telah kembangkan senjata nuklir.", "choice2": "Mereka menegosiasikan sebuah perjanjian.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu minum obat tidur.", "choice1": "Ia mengantuk.", "choice2": "Ia terkena demam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menabrak sofa.", "choice1": "Kaki sofa itu terlepas.", "choice2": "Lututnya pun memar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu meremas balon itu.", "choice1": "Balon itu meletus.", "choice2": "Balon itu terbang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para wisatawan check in ke kamar hotel mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka membongkar koper mereka.", "choice2": "Mereka pergi ke bandara udara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya gigit buah persik itu.", "choice1": "Persik itu memar.", "choice2": "Jus keluar dari buah persik itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tangan saya menjadi lengket.", "choice1": "Saya makan sebuah donat.", "choice2": "Saya suka makanan manis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya dorong pintu itu.", "choice1": "Pintu itu terbuka.", "choice2": "Pintu itu terkunci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para aktivis memboikot produk itu.", "choice1": "Produk itu telah di tes untuk kualitasnya.", "choice2": "Produk-produk tersebut diproduksi oleh pekerja anak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengebor sebuah lubang di dinding.", "choice1": "Sebuah tikus keluar dari lubang itu.", "choice2": "Debu berhamburan keluar dari lubang itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu iri dengan saudara perempuannya.", "choice1": "Saudaranya bahagia.", "choice2": "Saudaranya telah cerai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya tumpahkan minguman anggur di baju saya.", "choice1": "Saya pakai sebuah celemek.", "choice2": "Saya ganti baju saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasir itu membuka mesin kasirnya.", "choice1": "Pelanggan itu buka dompetnya.", "choice2": "Pelanggan itu berikannya uang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si musisi jalanan menarik perhatian banyak orang.", "choice1": "Orang-orang memberikannya uang kecil.", "choice2": "Ia suruh orang-orang untuk pergi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak laki itu menangis ke pembantunya.", "choice1": "Ia rindu orang tuanya.", "choice2": "Sudah waktunya untuk ia makan camilannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Radar pilot mendeteksi adanya badai.", "choice1": "Pilot menavigasi agar menghindari badai.", "choice2": "Pilot itu terus terbang menembus badai itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Daun rontok dari pohon itu.", "choice1": "Daunnya berubah warna.", "choice2": "Daunnya menumpuk di tanah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu sedang dalam suasana hati yang nakal.", "choice1": "Dia memutuskan untuk bermain kartu dengan saudara perempuannya.", "choice2": "Dia memutuskan untuk memainkan lelucon praktis kepada saudara perempuannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu mengeluh bahwa dia harus pergi ke kamar mandi.", "choice1": "Ayahnya memberinya minuman soda.", "choice2": "Ayahnya berhentikan mobil di sebuah pompa bensin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu menaburkan makanan ikan ke dalam tangki ikan.", "choice1": "Ikan itu melompat keluar dari tangki.", "choice2": "Ikan itu berenang menuju makanan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pandangan politik wanita itu berubah.", "choice1": "Dia ganti partainya.", "choice2": "Dia libatkan diri dalam protes.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wastafel kamar mandi tersumbat.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan kerannya.", "choice2": "Saya tuangkan pembersih ke dalamnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para penumpang turun dari kereta.", "choice1": "Kereta telah tiba di stasiun.", "choice2": "Kereta itu meniup peluitnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menekan tutup amplop itu.", "choice1": "Ia cap amplop itu.", "choice2": "Ia tutup amplop itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teman-teman itu kehilangan kontak.", "choice1": "Mereka menikmati kebersamaan satu sama lain.", "choice2": "Mereka pindah ke kota yang berbeda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Akuntan salah mengelola dana perusahaan.", "choice1": "Ia di pecat dari jabatannya.", "choice2": "Ia pergi cuti hamil.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memandang jam itu.", "choice1": "Saya dengar centangan jam itu.", "choice2": "Saya ingin tahu waktu saat itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tangan saya keram.", "choice1": "Saya tulis esai saya di atas kertas.", "choice2": "Saya pengangan tangan dengan istri saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baut itu mengencang.", "choice1": "Saya ganti baut itu.", "choice2": "Saya putar kunci pas itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu menandatangani kontrak untuk sebuah apartemen.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu pindah ke apartemen itu.", "choice2": "Apartemen itu diambil oleh pemerintah kota.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu duduk dihalamannya.", "choice1": "Ia ingin melihat matahari terbenam.", "choice2": "Ia pikir dia melihat kilat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mengenakan baju pelampung di air.", "choice1": "Ia tidak bisa berenang.", "choice2": "Airnya dangkal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu membuat kesalahan ketika mengetik dokumen.", "choice1": "Ia hapus dokumen itu.", "choice2": "Ia tekan tombol backspace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu berlagak di depan teman-temannya.", "choice1": "Ia dapat nilai yang buruk.", "choice2": "Ia menangkan sebuah kompetisi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Halaman itu berlumpur.", "choice1": "Ada turun hujan sepanjang malam.", "choice2": "Halaman itu penuh dengan rumput liar.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu ketiduran.", "choice1": "Dia menginap di hotel.", "choice2": "Ia lupa nyalakan weker.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu pakai lotion sunscreen.", "choice1": "Iya duduk di tempat yang berteduh.", "choice2": "Ia pergi ke pantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para peneliti membuktikan teorinya.", "choice1": "Para peneliti cabutkan teorinya.", "choice2": "Orang-orang menerima teorinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para penggemar di pertandingan itu mencemooh.", "choice1": "Permainan itu berlembur.", "choice2": "Wasit melakukan panggilan buruk.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya masukkan kode gembok.", "choice1": "Saya kunci gembok itu.", "choice2": "Gembok itu terbuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para penonton itu tambah ramai.", "choice1": "Sang ayah memberikan uang kepada putranya.", "choice2": "Sang ayah meraih tangan putranya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Salju menghalangi jalanan masuk.", "choice1": "Saya kumpulkan salju itu menjadi bola salju.", "choice2": "Saya menyekop salju itu untuk bersihkan jalan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mereka mendayung di atas kayaknya.", "choice1": "Kayak itu pun sampai di pantai.", "choice2": "Kayak mereka terkena gelombang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu kehilangan kendali atas sepedanya.", "choice1": "Ia lepaskan stang sepedanya.", "choice2": "Ia menabrak sebuah pagar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya nyalakan kipas angin.", "choice1": "Air terciprat di kulit saya.", "choice2": "Saya rasakan udara dingin mengenai saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para peselancar kembalik ke pantai.", "choice1": "Mereka basah kuyup.", "choice2": "Mereka lihat sebuah hiu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menarik sumbat saluran air di bak mandi.", "choice1": "Air mengalir keluar dari bak mandi.", "choice2": "Air terciprat ke lantai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang suami merasa bersalah karena berselingkuh.", "choice1": "Ia menuduh istrinya telah selingkuh.", "choice2": "Dia mengakui perselingkuhannya padanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tinta di poster itu luntur.", "choice1": "Saya menunggunya sampai kering.", "choice2": "Saya mencipratkan air ke poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu bangun menjerit.", "choice1": "Ia sedang mimpi buruk.", "choice2": "Ia mengompol.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu menaruh kakinya di atas meja.", "choice1": "Ayahnya duduk di meja.", "choice2": "Ayahnya memarahinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teman saya menoleh ke arah saya.", "choice1": "Saya meneriakkan namanya.", "choice2": "Saya melambaikan tangan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemerintah menindas warganya.", "choice1": "Warga melakukan pemberontakan.", "choice2": "Warga mendaftarkan diri untuk memilih.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu tersesat di hutan.", "choice1": "Dia mendirikan tenda.", "choice2": "Dia berteriak untuk pertolongan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu bepergian ke luar negeri.", "choice1": "Dia ingin belajar cara menggambar.", "choice2": "Dia ingin belajar tentang budaya asing.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu cemburu pada rekan kerjanya.", "choice1": "Rekan kerjanya mendapat promosi di kantor.", "choice2": "Rekan kerjanya bekerja lembur.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu melihat adanya alien.", "choice1": "Dia berhalusinasi.", "choice2": "Dia sedang bermeditasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rambut pria itu menjadi pirang.", "choice1": "Ia pakai pemutih di rambutnya.", "choice2": "Ia cuci rambutnya dengan sampo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Artis itu menciptakan karya baru.", "choice1": "Dia mengkritik pekerjaan sebelumnya.", "choice2": "Dia merasa terinspirasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu pindah dari rumahnya.", "choice1": "Dia telah dipulangkan dari militer.", "choice2": "Dia akan kuliah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Buku-buku jatuh dari rak buku.", "choice1": "Rak buku itu berdebu.", "choice2": "Rak buku itu terguncang oleh gempa bumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Listrik di rumah saya mati.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan lampu.", "choice2": "Saya mereset pemutus arus di rumah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kami naik roller coaster.", "choice1": "Roller coaster itu tampak menakutkan.", "choice2": "Roller coaster itu terlihat seru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Popcorn di dalam kantong itu mulai meletus.", "choice1": "Saya tuang mentega ke dalam kantong popcorn itu.", "choice2": "Saya hangatkan kantong popcorn itu di dalam microwave.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah pohon jatuhi kabel listrik.", "choice1": "Listrik di lingkungan itu padam.", "choice2": "Telah diramal adanya angin kencang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pembicara membuat komentar yang kurang baik.", "choice1": "Dia membuat penonton bosan.", "choice2": "Dia menyinggung penonton.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menusuk tanganku dengan sebuah pin.", "choice1": "Butir keringat menetes dari wajahku.", "choice2": "Setetes darah jatuh dari jari saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ikan itu mengapung di permukaan tangki.", "choice1": "Ikan itu lapar.", "choice2": "Ikan itu sudah mati.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suara pria itu terdengar serak.", "choice1": "Ia sakit.", "choice2": "Ia telah berhenti merokok.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pintu lift terbuka.", "choice1": "Lift telah sampai di lantai yang ditentukan.", "choice2": "Lift itu macet di antara lantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Remaja itu menyelinap keluar dari rumah.", "choice1": "Ia bohong kepada orang tuanya.", "choice2": "Ia dihukum oleh orang tuanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lantai kamar mandi terbanjir.", "choice1": "Toilet di kamar mandi bocor.", "choice2": "Pemanas air rusak.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak anjing itu tinggal di dekat pemiliknya.", "choice1": "Pemilik anjing itu pakaikannya sebuah kalung.", "choice2": "Anjing itu dirantai oleh pemiliknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu lihat bayangannya sendiri.", "choice1": "Ia berdiri di bawah pohon yang besar.", "choice2": "Ia berdiri di tepi kolam yang damai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya tidak jawab panggilan telepon pacar saya.", "choice1": "Saya telpon dia balik.", "choice2": "Saya makan malam dengannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu mencari tetangga-tetangganya.", "choice1": "Anjing mereka kabur dari rumah.", "choice2": "Berlian mereka yang mahal telah hilang dari rumah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya lihat hembusan napas saya.", "choice1": "Cuacanya sedang dingin.", "choice2": "Dada saya terasa kencang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para karyawan membentuk serikat pekerja.", "choice1": "Mereka menginginkan kondisi kerja yang lebih baik.", "choice2": "Bos mereka menaikkan upah mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya buat sebuah pai apel.", "choice1": "Ada bau busuk memenuhi dapur.", "choice2": "Aroma hangat memenuhi dapur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu susah jalan.", "choice1": "Ia sedang pakai sepatu dengan hak tinggi.", "choice2": "Ia lepaskan sepatunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Asap keluar dari panci air panas.", "choice1": "Air itu mendidih.", "choice2": "Saya tutup panci itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Semua kaos kaki saya ada di dalam cucian.", "choice1": "Saya pakai sendal.", "choice2": "Saya pakai sepatu boot.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Argumen politisi itu dianggap absurd.", "choice1": "Ia hilang banyak dukungan dari para pemilih.", "choice2": "Ia dituduh telah korupsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Semua orang tidak setuju dengan tunangan pasangan itu.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu hamil.", "choice2": "Pasangan itu kabur untuk menikah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bangunan itu didedikasikan untuk seorang jutawan.", "choice1": "Ia inginkan gedung itu dihancurkan.", "choice2": "Ia telah mendonasikan uang untuk membuat gedung itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si penjual menuduh gadis itu telah mencuri.", "choice1": "Ia lihat gadis itu menaruh barang dagangan di dompetnya.", "choice2": "Ia bantu gadis itu mencari dompet yang diinginkannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Negara itu menyatakan perang melawan wilayah tetangga.", "choice1": "Tentara dikirim untuk berperang.", "choice2": "Tentara kembali bersatu dengan keluarga mereka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pengadilan tetap dukung putusan kontroversial tersebut.", "choice1": "Kerusuhan pecah di depan gedung pengadilan.", "choice2": "Sepasang suami istri bertukar sumpah di depan gedung pengadilan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu mencium sesuatu yang terbakar.", "choice1": "Ia ambil biskuit dari sebuah kendi.", "choice2": "Dia tinggalkan masakan biskuitnya di oven terlalu lama.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sedang ada hujan lebat.", "choice1": "Badai pun memburuk.", "choice2": "Saya berlari untuk masuk ke gedung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gedung itu telah dievakuasi.", "choice1": "Lift telah berhenti bekerja.", "choice2": "Alarm kebakaran berbunyi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang ayah benci alkoholisme putranya.", "choice1": "Sang ayah belikan sebuah botol bir untuk anaknya.", "choice2": "Anak itu diusir dari rumahnya oleh ayahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si pengacara naik tangga untuk sampai ke kantornya.", "choice1": "Sekretarisnya telah pulang kantor.", "choice2": "Liftnya sedang tidak bekerja.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu sebal dengan temannya.", "choice1": "Ia diinterupsi oleh temannya.", "choice2": "Temannya belikannya makan siang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu berikan uang kepada kasir.", "choice1": "Kasirnya memberikannya kemabalian uangnya.", "choice2": "Kasirnya lupa berikan reset kepada gadis itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menggunakan kursi roda.", "choice1": "Ia terparalisis karena sebuah kecelakaan.", "choice2": "Ia masuk ke rumah sakit di atas sebuah stretcher.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para warga menggantung bendera nasional di luar rumah mereka.", "choice1": "Negara itu sedang memperingati kemerdekaannya.", "choice2": "Negara itu sedang menghadapi kesulitan ekonomi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tim itu kalah di turnamennya.", "choice1": "Mereka telah mengecewakan penggemarnya.", "choice2": "Mereka menginspirasi penggemarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teman saya memberikan tahu bahwa ada makanan tersangkut di gigi saya.", "choice1": "Saya merasa malu.", "choice2": "Saya merasa bangga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak laki itu gagal ujian sejarahnya.", "choice1": "Ia selalu memerhatikan gurunya di kelas.", "choice2": "Ia lupa belajar untuk ujiannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bangunan pusat kota runtuh.", "choice1": "Terjadi gempa di kota itu.", "choice2": "Tingkat kejahatan di kota meningkat.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu diputuskan oleh pacarnya.", "choice1": "Dia memohon padanya untuk berhubungan kembali.", "choice2": "Dia diperkenalkan kepada orang tua pacarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kedua anak itu meraih ke bawa untuk mengambil bola itu.", "choice1": "Bola itu terguling menjauhi mereka.", "choice2": "Kepala mereka terbentur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah rakun menggeledahi tempat sampah.", "choice1": "Terdapat kardus di dalam tempat sampah itu.", "choice2": "Tempat sampah itu terbuka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu tajamkan pensilnya.", "choice1": "Pensilnya murah.", "choice2": "Pensilnya sudah tumpul.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasir itu menolak permintaan pengembalian uang untuk gaun wanita itu.", "choice1": "Wanita itu telah hilangkan resetnya.", "choice2": "Gaun itu tidak muat dipakai wanita itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Goresan di kulitku sangat dalam.", "choice1": "Goresan itu cepat sembuh.", "choice2": "Goresan itu meinggalkan bekas luka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mendapat tatapan aneh dari penumpang di kereta.", "choice1": "Ia sedang lihat ke lantai.", "choice2": "Ia sedang berbicara kepada dirinya sendiri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu meninggalkan remah-remah roti di lantai.", "choice1": "Semut mendatangi remah-remah itu.", "choice2": "Anak itu buang rotinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu memberi tisu kepada saudara perempuannya.", "choice1": "Saudara perempuan itu melipat tangannya.", "choice2": "Saudara perempuan itu mulai menangis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu makan sebuah permen mint.", "choice1": "Bibirnya kering.", "choice2": "Ia takut mulutnya berbau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu berangkat lebih awal untuk sampai di pertunjukan.", "choice1": "Mereka mengantisipasi adanya macet di sekitar teater.", "choice2": "Mereka mendapat petunjuk arah ke teater.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu bolos dari kantor.", "choice1": "Bosnya memujinya.", "choice2": "Rekan kerjanya bantu ambil shift kerjanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menandatangani petisi para aktivis.", "choice1": "Dia mendukung perjuangan mereka.", "choice2": "Dia mencela mereka karena dikira orang gila.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hati aktor itu berdebar sebelum penampilannya.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami demam panggung.", "choice2": "Ia telah hafalkan dialognya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya hilang.", "choice1": "Saya hitung uang saya.", "choice2": "Saya buka sebuah peta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Buah matang itu ditinggal di bawah sinar matahari.", "choice1": "Buah itu telah dimakan.", "choice2": "Buah itu mengkerut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil itu mogok.", "choice1": "Saya nyalakan mesin.", "choice2": "Mesinnya telah menjadi terlalu panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Punggung laki-laki itu terluka.", "choice1": "Dia pergi ke psikiater.", "choice2": "Dia dirawat selama beberapa hari.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya nyalakan api di perapian.", "choice1": "Saya kehabisan kayu bakar.", "choice2": "Dalam rumah itu dingin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu berhenti lari.", "choice1": "Ia kejang di sisi badanya.", "choice2": "Ia kehilangan napas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya ketuk pintu tetangga saya.", "choice1": "Ia undang saya ke dalam rumahnya.", "choice2": "Ia pergi dari rumahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menghela nafas frustrasi.", "choice1": "Suaminya salah memahami kekhawatirannya.", "choice2": "Suaminya menciumnya selamat tinggal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Guru itu memuji muridnya.", "choice1": "Muridnya jawab pertanyaannya dengan benar.", "choice2": "Muridnya ragu ketika menjawab pertanyaannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu kehabisan telur.", "choice1": "Ia pergi ke pertanian.", "choice2": "Ia pergi ke supermarket.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya bertemu dengan teman lama.", "choice1": "Saya memberi tahukanya sebuah rahasia.", "choice2": "Saya berikannya pelukan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menghindari pergi ke danau.", "choice1": "Ia tangkap sebuah ikan.", "choice2": "Danau itu terlihat terkontaminasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa tiba di kelas basah kuyup.", "choice1": "Payungnya telah rusak.", "choice2": "Sepedanya telah dicuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kursor di layar komputer bergerak.", "choice1": "Penggunanya mengklik mousenya.", "choice2": "Penggunanya gerakkan mousenya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sopir itu mengambil jalan memutar.", "choice1": "Ada kecelakaan terjadi di jalan utama.", "choice2": "Dia mengikuti truk di depannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya gantungkan kain basah di jemuran.", "choice1": "Kain itu telah kering.", "choice2": "Kain itu bernoda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu pakai kacamati hitam.", "choice1": "Matahari sangat cerah.", "choice2": "Ia panggil sebuah taksi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menatap ke langit malam.", "choice1": "Ia ingin musim panas.", "choice2": "Ia berpikir bahwa langit itu sangat indah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya merasa lelah.", "choice1": "Saya pergi tidur lebih awal.", "choice2": "Saya tidak tidur sepanjang malam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu pergi ke tukang cukur.", "choice1": "Ia biarkan rambutnya tumbuh panjang.", "choice2": "Rambutnya sudah mulai panjang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu memainkan tipuan pada teman barunya di kelas.", "choice1": "Bocah itu menyambut teman baru sekelasnya dengan baik.", "choice2": "Bocah itu tidak suka dengan teman baru sekelasnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya ingin minum segelas susu.", "choice1": "Saya sedang makan biskuit.", "choice2": "Saya sedang membuat roti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hujan mulai turun.", "choice1": "Si pengemudi nyalakan lampu mobilnya.", "choice2": "Si pengemudi memendurkan mobilnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tempat parkir gedung itu kosong.", "choice1": "Saya pakir di seberang jalan.", "choice2": "Saya parkir di dekat pintu masuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penulis itu telat menyerahkan submisi drafnya.", "choice1": "Dia sedang mendapati blok penulis.", "choice2": "Dia mengedit draftnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pekerja itu tutup telepon saya.", "choice1": "Saya minta bicara dengan pengawasnya.", "choice2": "Saya berikan nomor identifikasi saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Angin masuk melalui jendela yang terbuka.", "choice1": "Bel pintu berbunyi.", "choice2": "Tira-tirai bergetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rumah saya mati lampu.", "choice1": "Saya cabut colokan lampu itu.", "choice2": "Saya meniup sekering.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pengangkat besi itu mendengus.", "choice1": "Ia besarkan ototnya di depan kaca.", "choice2": "Ia angkat besi di atas kepalanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu coba melakukan perhitungan di kepalanya.", "choice1": "Ia keluarkan sebuah kalkulator.", "choice2": "Ia bingung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bayi itu tidur.", "choice1": "Bapaknya ganti popoknya.", "choice2": "Bapaknya ayunkan bayi itu dengan lembut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu lempar sebuah balon air ke bocah lelaki itu.", "choice1": "Bocah itu gegar otak.", "choice2": "Bocah itu basah kuyup.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang fotografer lupa untuk menggunakan flash ketika mengambil foto.", "choice1": "Hasil fotonya buram.", "choice2": "Tidak ada yang senyum di dalam foto-foto itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya tolak undangan pesta ulang tahun itu.", "choice1": "Saya kesepian.", "choice2": "Saya sedang di luar kota.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya olahraga.", "choice1": "Saya merasa penuh semangat.", "choice2": "Saya takut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku remas sebuah spons basah.", "choice1": "Spons itu menyerap air.", "choice2": "Air keluar dari spons itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para wisatawan naik feri ke sebuah resor.", "choice1": "Resor itu sudah penuh dipesan.", "choice2": "Resor itu di atas sebuah pulau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak muda itu mendapatkan sebuah tato.", "choice1": "Ia takut dengan jarum.", "choice2": "Ia ingin memborontak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah mobil asing parkir di luar rumah saya.", "choice1": "Saya menjadi curiga.", "choice2": "Saya telepon polisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penjahat itu menyerahkan diri.", "choice1": "Bukti-bukti telah melibatkannya dalam kejahatan itu.", "choice2": "Tidak ada bukti yang menentangnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria bertubuh kekar itu memutuskan untuk menurunkan berat badannya.", "choice1": "Ia berhenti makan makanan manis.", "choice2": "Ia hindari kafein.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu injak es.", "choice1": "Ia terselip.", "choice2": "Ia bergemetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu memiliki kantung mata.", "choice1": "Ia tidak tidur semalaman.", "choice2": "Dia menidurkan putranya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lava mengalir dari gunung berapi.", "choice1": "Gunung api itu meletus.", "choice2": "Gunung berapi itu tidak aktif.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu pakai sepatunya.", "choice1": "Dia kenal semua orang di pesta itu.", "choice2": "Dia ingin berangkat ke pesta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya berikan bayaran ke pekerja tol.", "choice1": "Ia biarkan saya melewati tol.", "choice2": "Dia tahan saya di gerbang tol.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Eksekutif perusahaan itu bangkrut.", "choice1": "Ia jual stok perusahaannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyia-nyiakan hartanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu pergi ke dokternya.", "choice1": "Dokternya sedang cuti.", "choice2": "Ia merasa sakit.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya keluar lewat jendela kamar saya.", "choice1": "Rumah saya kebakaran.", "choice2": "Rumah saya kosong.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jari-jari anak itu menjadi pucat.", "choice1": "Ia mandi lama.", "choice2": "Ia busakan tangannya dengan sabun.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya lepehkan susu.", "choice1": "Susu itu berasa asam.", "choice2": "Mulut saya kering.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya ketinggalan bis.", "choice1": "Saya datang awal ke kantor.", "choice2": "Saya datang telat ke kantor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil itu bertabrakan dengan sebuah truk.", "choice1": "Truk itu melaju cepat.", "choice2": "Mobil itu terhancur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tim curang dalam kontes demi menang.", "choice1": "Mereka pun menang.", "choice2": "Mereka keluar dari kontes itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Botol soda mendesis.", "choice1": "Saya putar balik botol itu.", "choice2": "Saya buka tutup botolnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu terkunci di luar rumahnya.", "choice1": "Ia masuk lewat jendela yang terbuka.", "choice2": "Ia panjat atap rumahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bel pintu berbunyi.", "choice1": "Si pengunjung mengetuk di pintu.", "choice2": "Wanita itu mengintip melalui lubang kunci di pintu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menodai setelan bajunya.", "choice1": "Setelan bajunya pun di dry-clean.", "choice2": "Ia gantung setelan baju itu di lemari pakaiannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu meremas tabung pasta gigi.", "choice1": "Pasta gigi keluar dari tabung itu.", "choice2": "Gadis itu lepehkan pasta gigi itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kematian warga sipil akibat perang melonjak naik.", "choice1": "Para pasifis melakukan protes.", "choice2": "Para pasifis mengadakan parade.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menarik pita itu dari rambutnya.", "choice1": "Dia ikat pita itu.", "choice2": "Pita itu tampak kekanak-kanakan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani operasi plastik.", "choice1": "Ia menua.", "choice2": "Ia menjadi terlihat lebih muda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Seekor bayi ayam keluar dari telur.", "choice1": "Telur itu menetas.", "choice2": "Saya pecahkan telur itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tahanan itu kelaparan.", "choice1": "Ia meninggal.", "choice2": "Ia kabur.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan keseimbangan di atas tangga.", "choice1": "Dia memanjat tangga.", "choice2": "Dia jatuh dari tangga.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu sendawa.", "choice1": "Ia meneguk soda.", "choice2": "Ia buka sebuah kaleng soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Angin dingin masuk melalui jendela.", "choice1": "Saya tenang.", "choice2": "Saya bergemetar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa menerima beasiswa untuk kuliah.", "choice1": "Teman-teman kelasnya menghormatinya.", "choice2": "Dia mendapat nilai bagus.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu mengolok-olok bocah itu.", "choice1": "Gadis itu adalah tetangganya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menaksir dia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gelandangan yang lapar itu mencuri makanan.", "choice1": "Dia menghasut iba.", "choice2": "Ia tidak memiliki uang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memanggil teman saya untuk mengobrol.", "choice1": "Saya menginginkan privasi.", "choice2": "Saya merasa kesepian.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mengulurkan tangannya padaku.", "choice1": "Saya jabat tangannya.", "choice2": "Saya tampar dia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menunduk.", "choice1": "Kembang api berluncur ke udara.", "choice2": "Frisbee itu terbang ke arah kepala saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menggigit kukunya.", "choice1": "Dia khawatir.", "choice2": "Dia terkejut.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya balik halaman kalender itu.", "choice1": "Saya menandai sebuah perjanjian di kalender itu.", "choice2": "Sudah waktunya awal bulan baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang suami menemukan bahwa istrinya berselingkuh.", "choice1": "Dia pecat pengacaranya.", "choice2": "Dia mengajukan cerai ke istrinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menjatuhkan sebuah bola karet.", "choice1": "Bola itu melambung.", "choice2": "Bola itu bersinar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu membuat kesalahan dalam ujiannya.", "choice1": "Dia menebak jawabannya.", "choice2": "Dia hapus jawabannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemain itu menjatuhkan lawannya.", "choice1": "Lawannya menangkap operan dari temannya.", "choice2": "Lawannya jatuh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memilih tomat dari tanamannya.", "choice1": "Mereka sudah matang.", "choice2": "Saya menyirami mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu ingin bertindak romantis.", "choice1": "Dia makan siang dengan mantan pacarnya.", "choice2": "Dia belikan cokelat untuk pacarnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Merkuri dalam termometer naik.", "choice1": "Saya menjatuhkan termometer itu.", "choice2": "Cuaca semakin hangat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah tornado melewati kota.", "choice1": "Atap gedung pengadilan itu tertiup lepas.", "choice2": "Jalan raya menjadi sangat licin karena es.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu menerima bimbingan belajar.", "choice1": "Angkanya pun naik.", "choice2": "Dia curang saat ujian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya merasa nyaman.", "choice1": "Saya berlutut di tanah.", "choice2": "Aku bungkus diri saya dalam selimut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memoles batu itu.", "choice1": "Batu itu menjadi licin.", "choice2": "Batu itu menjadi mengkilat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya tambahkan gula ke kopi itu.", "choice1": "Kopi itu memiliki arom yang kuat.", "choice2": "Kopi itu terasa manis.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laki itu mengolah kertas-kertas itu.", "choice1": "Tangannya terpotong oleh kertas-kertas itu.", "choice2": "Dia merobek-robekkan kertas-kertas itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memukul paku dengan palu.", "choice1": "Paku itu masuk ke dalam kayu.", "choice2": "Paku itu berkarat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ikan itu menggigiti senar pancingan itu.", "choice1": "Nelayan itu menarik balik ikan itu.", "choice2": "Nelayan itu balikan kembali senar pancingannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Remaja itu terlalu malu untuk pergi ke sekolah.", "choice1": "Dia punya jerawat.", "choice2": "Dia telah lepaskan kawat giginya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekspresi wajahku bersinar.", "choice1": "Saya menerima kabar baik.", "choice2": "Saya kehilangan kesabaran.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya usap tangan saya dengan handuk.", "choice1": "Handuk itu basah.", "choice2": "Tangan saya basah.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan keseimbangan di atas bangku.", "choice1": "Bangku itu bergetar di bawahnya.", "choice2": "Dia tumpahkan cat di bangku itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rekan-rekan satu tim saling menyalahkan.", "choice1": "Mereka kalah di permainan mereka.", "choice2": "Pelatih mereka membatalkan latihan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meminta maaf.", "choice1": "Saya menyesali kesalahan saya.", "choice2": "Saya telah mencapai tujuan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu bosan dengan teman kencannya.", "choice1": "Dia banyak bertanya tentang dirinya.", "choice2": "Dia terus-menerus berbicara tentang dirinya sendiri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu tersenyum.", "choice1": "Pipinya memerah.", "choice2": "Lesung pipinya terlihat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kapal musuh meledak.", "choice1": "Kapal itu melewati sebuah ranjau.", "choice2": "Kapal itu berlayar ke pelabuhan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaki pria itu tertusuk.", "choice1": "Dia berjalan melewati genangan air.", "choice2": "Dia menginjak pecahan kaca.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para detektif mencari sidik jari di TKP.", "choice1": "Mereka menemukan identitas si pembunuh.", "choice2": "Mereka menemukan senjata di TKP.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ada banyak macet di jalan raya.", "choice1": "Saya mengambil jalan lintas.", "choice2": "Saya meminta tumpangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ekonomi negara menurun.", "choice1": "Banyak orang sakit.", "choice2": "Banyak orang pengangguran.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penjaga lalu lintas meniup peluitnya pada anak-anak.", "choice1": "Mereka hampir berjalan menuju lalu lintas yang sibuk.", "choice2": "Dia mengenali mereka dari lingkungannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku memutar mataku ke arah temanku.", "choice1": "Dia mengatakan kebenaran.", "choice2": "Dia membuat komentar sarkastik.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil itu kehabisan bensin.", "choice1": "Pengemudi itu terdampar di jalan.", "choice2": "Pengemudi itu mendapat tumpangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu melahirkan.", "choice1": "Bayi itu lahir.", "choice2": "Wanita itu menderita mual di pagi hari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Topi pria itu tertiup lepas.", "choice1": "Dia lepaskan topinya.", "choice2": "Ada banyak angin di luar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menghadiri pesta ulang tahun teman sekelasnya.", "choice1": "Dia menerima undangan.", "choice2": "Dia membelikannya hadiah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dahi bocah itu terasa panas.", "choice1": "Ibunya mengukur suhu tubuhnya.", "choice2": "Ibunya membawanya ke taman.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menyemprotkan dirinya sendiri dengan cologne.", "choice1": "Dia ingin berkesan kepada teman kencannya.", "choice2": "Dia mengemas rambutnya dengan gel.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Listrik di rumah mati.", "choice1": "Saya mencari senter.", "choice2": "Saya ambil sebuah sekop.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu pindah ke rumah yang lebih besar.", "choice1": "Putranya telah lulus dari sekolah menengah.", "choice2": "Sang ibu melahirkan anak kembar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pelari maraton itu berlari dengan lambat.", "choice1": "Dia ingin menghemat energinya.", "choice2": "Dia sudah bisa lihat garis akhir.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu menendang mesin penjual otomatis itu.", "choice1": "Banyak kembalian keluar dari mesin itu.", "choice2": "Kantung keripik yang ia beli itu macet di dalam mesin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anjing teman saya mati.", "choice1": "Aku memutar mataku padanya.", "choice2": "Saya peluk teman saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kartu kredit milik pengusaha itu ditolak.", "choice1": "Dia menulis sebuah surat hutang.", "choice2": "Dia bayar dengan uang cash.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mengatakan kata-kata kasar.", "choice1": "Dia potong kukunya.", "choice2": "Jari kakinya terbentur sesuatu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu bangga dengan saudaranya.", "choice1": "Saudaranya bertengkar dengan orang tua mereka.", "choice2": "Saudaranya diterima di sekolah hukum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu ingin belajar tentang tata surya.", "choice1": "Dia pergi ke perpustakaan.", "choice2": "Dia melihat bintang-bintang di langit.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poster itu menempel di dinding.", "choice1": "Saya menempatkan poster itu di atas pintu.", "choice2": "Saya menempelkan selotip di bagian belakang poster itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Klien menyetujui rencana arsitek untuk bangunan itu.", "choice1": "Arsitek itu membangun gedung itu.", "choice2": "Arsitek itu pun menyesuaikan rencananya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menjatuhkan sendoknya.", "choice1": "Tangannya bergemetar.", "choice2": "Dia jilat sendok itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "CEO perusahaan itu telah mengundurkan diri.", "choice1": "Dewan direksi bubarkan perusahaan itu.", "choice2": "Dewan direksi telah menemukan penggantinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya datang terlambat ke kuliah.", "choice1": "Saya mengambil tempat duduk di barisan belakang.", "choice2": "Saya mendekati podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu dibebaskan dari penjara.", "choice1": "Keluarganya telah bayar uang jaminannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyerang seorang narapidana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu kehilangan semua barang-barang mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka jual rumah mereka.", "choice2": "Rumah mereka kebakaran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya injak kaleng aluminium itu.", "choice1": "Kaleng itu didaur ulang.", "choice2": "Kaleng itu hancur.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu ikut tim debat.", "choice1": "Ia belajar cara menggunakan komputer.", "choice2": "Dia belajar untuk berkomunikasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suasana hatiku membaik.", "choice1": "Saya dengarkan musik.", "choice2": "Saya mencuci piring.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Badan amal itu membuat sebuah sasaran untuk penggalangan uang mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka memberi makan kepada para tunawisma.", "choice2": "Mereka mengadakan lelang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Roller coaster itu jatuh menuruni tebing curam.", "choice1": "Para penumpang terkikik.", "choice2": "Para penumpang teriak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya sangat marah.", "choice1": "Saya memeriksa kotak surat sebelum meninggalkan rumah.", "choice2": "Saya membanting pintu ketika meninggalkan rumah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu ingin menyaksikan matahari terbit.", "choice1": "Dia melakukan perjalanan ke utara.", "choice2": "Dia bangun pagi-pagi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya melipat kertas.", "choice1": "Saya mendaur ulang kertas.", "choice2": "Kertasnya berkerut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bangsa itu mengalami bencana alam.", "choice1": "Para pemimpin negara lain membentuk sebuah aliansi.", "choice2": "Para pemimpin negara lain mengirimkan bantuan darurat.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pakaian bocah itu basah kuyup.", "choice1": "Dia memanjat keluar dari kolam.", "choice2": "Dia jatuh ke kolam.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu bergegas untuk menyelesaikan buku itu.", "choice1": "Buku itu harus dikembalikan ke perpustakaan.", "choice2": "Dia meminjamnya dari seorang teman.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penjahat itu dieksekusi.", "choice1": "Dia dimasukkan ke penjara.", "choice2": "Dia dihukum karena melakukan pembunuhan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinar matahari memasuki ruangan.", "choice1": "Saya membuka tirai.", "choice2": "Saya membuka kunci pintu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku menarik rambut si penipu itu.", "choice1": "Wignya terlepas.", "choice2": "Dia botak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Editor menulis ulang sebuah kalimat dalam naskah itu.", "choice1": "Dia berpikir bahwa naskah itu menarik.", "choice2": "Dia menganggap kalimat itu tidak jelas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu membatalkan akun kartu kreditnya.", "choice1": "Dia menyadari bahwa kartu itu hilang.", "choice2": "Dia menyadari bahwa kartu itu sudah kedaluwarsa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria dan wanita itu jatuh cinta.", "choice1": "Mereka kuliah.", "choice2": "Mereka menikah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Musiknya terlalu redup untuk didengar.", "choice1": "Saya naikkan volumenya.", "choice2": "Saya menyusun lagu saya sendiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rambut anak laki-laki itu mencuat.", "choice1": "Gadis itu mengacak-acaknya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menariknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Serangga itu tergencet.", "choice1": "Saya menyemprot diri saya dengan obat nyamuk.", "choice2": "Saya injak serangga itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya buka mata saya.", "choice1": "Saya terbangun.", "choice2": "Saya merasa tenang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Musik dari rumah tetangga saya menggelegar.", "choice1": "Saya memintanya untuk mengecilkan musiknya.", "choice2": "Saya meminta untuk meminjam CD musik itu darinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga pria itu hidup dalam kemiskinan.", "choice1": "Dia sangat hemat dengan penghasilannya.", "choice2": "Ia mendapat upah di bawah upah minimum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu lulus dari universitas.", "choice1": "Dia mencari pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Dia memulai sebuah hobi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang seniman mencampur cat warna kuning dengan cat warna biru.", "choice1": "Cat berhamburan ke mana-mana.", "choice2": "Catnya berubah menjadi hijau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengubah topik pembicaraan.", "choice1": "Saya kehabisan topik untuk dibicarakan.", "choice2": "Pembicaraan itu menjadi tegang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adikku telah dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit.", "choice1": "Saya menyambutnya kembali ke rumah.", "choice2": "Saya memberinya bahu dingin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tirai di panggung naik.", "choice1": "Adegan pembuka drama itu dimulai.", "choice2": "Para aktor dalam drama itu keluar dari panggung.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si sandera menyerahkan diri ke mandat penculik mereka.", "choice1": "Penculik mengancam akan melukai sandera itu.", "choice2": "Penculik tinggalkan sandera itu sendirian.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah ledakan bergema di panggung.", "choice1": "Musisi itu mengetuk kakinya.", "choice2": "Musisi itu memukul drum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para orang tua bergegas ke kamar anak mereka.", "choice1": "Anak itu terbangun menjerit karena mimpi buruk.", "choice2": "Anak itu takut untuk melihat ke bawah tempat tidurnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa isyarat.", "choice1": "Ia dilahirkan prematur.", "choice2": "Dia dilahirkan tuli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kekeringan terjadi di wilayah tersebut.", "choice1": "Air itu terkontaminasi.", "choice2": "Hasil panen itu musnah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kucing itu mengejar burung.", "choice1": "Burung itu terbang.", "choice2": "Burung itu menangkap seekor cacing.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu pindah sekolah.", "choice1": "Sekolah libur untuk musim panas.", "choice2": "Dia pindah ke kota baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemilik pabrik itu menolak untuk menaikkan upah karyawan.", "choice1": "Pemilik pabrik itu menunjuk seorang manajer baru.", "choice2": "Para karyawan protes.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemimpin itu membuat geram para ekstrimis di negaranya.", "choice1": "Para ekstrimis mempengaruhinya.", "choice2": "Para ekstrimis membunuhnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku berjalan di pantai tanpa alas kaki.", "choice1": "Pasir menempel di kakiku.", "choice2": "Ombak menabrak ke tepi pantai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya terbangun di tengah malam karena kedinginan.", "choice1": "Saya pakai celana hangat.", "choice2": "Saya minum segelas air.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang ibu menenangkan putranya.", "choice1": "Putranya tersenyum.", "choice2": "Putranya merengek.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ada sebuah lubang di celana jeans saya.", "choice1": "Saya membuka ritsleting celana jeans saya.", "choice2": "Saya tersandung di trotoar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu memakai kawat gigi.", "choice1": "Ada bolongan di giginya.", "choice2": "Giginya menjadi lurus.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya berolahraga di gym kemarin.", "choice1": "Otot saya sakit ketika saya bangun hari ini.", "choice2": "Saya bangun dengan sakit tenggorokan hari ini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu berbisik bolak-balik satu sama lain di meja makan siang.", "choice1": "Siswa lain duduk di meja makan siang mereka.", "choice2": "Murid-murid lain di meja makan mereka merasa tertinggal.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu mendarat di trampolin.", "choice1": "Dia terlempar kembali ke udara.", "choice2": "Dia mencoba melakukan flip.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya masukkan surat itu di kotak surat.", "choice1": "Surat itu di kirim oleh kantor pos.", "choice2": "Surat itu di kirim kilat oleh kantor pos.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penjudi itu percaya diri.", "choice1": "Dia pertaruhkan semua uangnya.", "choice2": "Dia pulang bangkrut.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kebakaran hutan itu menyebar.", "choice1": "Angin menjadi lebih kuat.", "choice2": "Para pelaku pembakaran itu ditangkap.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu menggores lututnya.", "choice1": "Ibunya menyruhnya untuk ke kamarnya.", "choice2": "Ibunya balut lukanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu selamat dari penyakit yang mematikan itu.", "choice1": "Dia tandatangani surat wasiatnya.", "choice2": "Dia menerima transplantasi organ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku meneguk kopi yang panas itu.", "choice1": "Saya menggigit lidah saya.", "choice2": "Saya bakar lidah saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Editor itu memecat si penulis.", "choice1": "Penulis itu menghindari bias dalam ceritanya.", "choice2": "Penulis itu tidak menyelesaikan pekerjaan pada tenggat waktu yang penting.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya merasa lelah.", "choice1": "I slept all day.", "choice2": "Saya belajar sepanjang hari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dokter itu mendiagnosis seorang pasien.", "choice1": "Dia mengidentifikasi gejala-gejala pasiennya.", "choice2": "Dia meresepkan pil ke pasiennya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menggaruk kulit saya.", "choice1": "Kulit saya berkeringat.", "choice2": "Kulit saya terasa gatal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani operasi darurat.", "choice1": "Dia kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice2": "Dia menderita serangan jantung.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Otot lengan pria itu menonjol.", "choice1": "Dia kencangkan lengannya.", "choice2": "Dia gosok lengannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu mengangkat alisnya.", "choice1": "Dia kaget.", "choice2": "Dia merasa kecil hati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya maafkan kesalahan kolega saya.", "choice1": "Saya percaya bahwa ia berniat baik.", "choice2": "Saya percaya bahwa dia tahu lebih baik.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu berhenti merokok.", "choice1": "Dia mulai lebih sering berolahraga.", "choice2": "Dia mulai bangun lebih awal.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu memukul hidung penyerangnya.", "choice1": "Tubuh penyerang itu menjadi tak bernyawa.", "choice2": "Penyerang itu mulai berdarah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak panah itu tidak mengenai sasarannya.", "choice1": "Bidikan pria itu kurang tepat.", "choice2": "Pria itu kalah dalam permainan itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemilik rumah itu meminta pembasmi untuk datang ke rumahnya.", "choice1": "Dia menemukan tikus di ruang bawah tanah rumahnya.", "choice2": "Dia memiliki sebuah peternakan semut di kamarnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menyarankan kepada tamu rumah saya untuk pergi makan malam.", "choice1": "Saya terlalu lelah untuk menyiapkan apa pun.", "choice2": "Tamu rumah saya sudah tinggal terlalu lama.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu menangkap kakaknya sedang membaca buku hariannya.", "choice1": "Dia mulai menyembunyikan buku harian itu.", "choice2": "Dia beli buku harian baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu kekurangan uang untuk bayar sewaanya.", "choice1": "Dia bekerja lembur.", "choice2": "Dia keluar dari pekerjaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tangan anak itu dengan cepat diambil balik.", "choice1": "Dia menyentuh kompor panas.", "choice2": "Dia menepuk kepala anak anjing itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perusahaan itu ingin mengukur kepuasan pelanggannya.", "choice1": "Mereka menawarkan diskon kepada pelanggan baru.", "choice2": "Mereka membagikan survei kepada pelanggannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lantai kayu itu tergores.", "choice1": "Bocah itu melempar bantal sofa ke lantai.", "choice2": "Bocah itu menyeret kursi di lantai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya melindungi wajah saya.", "choice1": "Musuh saya mengejek saya.", "choice2": "Musuh saya mengepalkan tangan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Patung yang terkenal itu terbakar.", "choice1": "Patung itu disambar petir.", "choice2": "Orang-orang datang untuk memuliakannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meninggalkan buah itu di atas meja.", "choice1": "Buah itu menumpahkan biji.", "choice2": "Lalat-lalat pun mengerumuni buah itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Balerina itu merobek ligamennya.", "choice1": "Dia menunjuk jari-jari kakinya.", "choice2": "Dia memutar pergelangan kakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tali sepatu anak itu terlepas.", "choice1": "Dia belajar cara mengikatnya.", "choice2": "Dia berlari-lari di taman bermain.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya terpesona dengan buku ini.", "choice1": "Saya kembalikan buku itu.", "choice2": "Saya sampai lupa waktu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu memiliki kepercayaan yang sama dengan orang tuanya.", "choice1": "Orang tuanya memengaruhinya.", "choice2": "Orang tuanya tidak lagi mengakui dia sebagai anak mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil itu perlahan melambat hingga berhenti.", "choice1": "Mobil itu kehabisan bensin.", "choice2": "Pengemudinya tertidur.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu makan es krim di bawah sinar matahari.", "choice1": "Es krimn itu kehilang rasanya.", "choice2": "Es krim itu menetes dari kerucutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menggantung sebuah karya seni di kamar itu.", "choice1": "Karpetnya tampak kotor.", "choice2": "Dinding kamar itu tampak hampa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya pulang kerja lebih awal.", "choice1": "Saya sakit kepala.", "choice2": "Bos saya mengadakan sebuah pertemuan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak anjing itu mengotori karpet.", "choice1": "Pemiliknya memarahinya.", "choice2": "Pemiliknya memberinya sebuah hadiah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meminta maaf kepada teman saya.", "choice1": "Dia memaafkan saya.", "choice2": "Dia menjadi geram.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menonjol sekali di tengah kerumunan.", "choice1": "Dia membawa ransel.", "choice2": "Dia mengenakan rompi neon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saksi itu berbohong di bawah sumpah.", "choice1": "Dia melengkapi kesaksiannya.", "choice2": "Dia didakwa dengan sumpah palsu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu mengecat rambutnya.", "choice1": "Dia menginginkan sebuah tampilan baru.", "choice2": "Dia ingin berbaur dengan orang lain.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para imigran ditangkap karena tinggal dengan ilega di negara tersebut.", "choice1": "Mereka mendapatkan pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Mereka dideportasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pembicara itu membuat lelucon.", "choice1": "Para hadirin tertawa.", "choice2": "Para hadirin berdiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya melihat ke matahari.", "choice1": "Matahari membutakanku.", "choice2": "Kulitku terjemur.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya bosan.", "choice1": "Saya mendengus.", "choice2": "Saya menguap.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Steak itu sulit dipotong.", "choice1": "Pisau yang saya gunakan tumpul.", "choice2": "Steak itu mentah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menyatakan bangkrut.", "choice1": "Dia menerima pembayaran tunjangan.", "choice2": "Dia memperoleh hutang besar.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lampu-lampu di apartemen temanku menyala.", "choice1": "Saya bertanya-tanya apakah dia berada di luar rumah.", "choice2": "Saya datang untuk mengunjunginya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku taruh bunga itu di bawah hidungku.", "choice1": "Kelopaknya terlepas dari bunga itu.", "choice2": "Saya cium aroma bunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu merasa nostalgia.", "choice1": "Dia bertemu seorang teman masa kecilnya.", "choice2": "Dia berteriak kepada anak-anaknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu menunda-nunda menyelesaikan tugasnya.", "choice1": "Dia menyerahkan tugasnya lebih awal.", "choice2": "Dia menyerahkan tugas yang tidak lengkap.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil saya mogok.", "choice1": "Saya pergi ke mal.", "choice2": "Saya telpon seorang mekanik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya membuang catatan itu.", "choice1": "Catatan itu anonim.", "choice2": "Catatan itu tidak terbaca.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Burung itu mengepakkan sayapnya.", "choice1": "Ia bertelur.", "choice2": "Ia terbang ke atas.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya parkir di jalan masuk.", "choice1": "Garasinya terbuka.", "choice2": "Garasinya penuh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si penjahat mengarahkan pistol ke korbannya.", "choice1": "Si penjahat meletakkan senjatanya di tanah.", "choice2": "Korbannya pun mengangkat tangannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menantikan akhir pekan.", "choice1": "Saya berencana untuk menghadiri pemakaman paman saya.", "choice2": "Saya berencana untuk menghadiri pernikahan teman saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya lupa waktu.", "choice1": "Saya sedang melamun.", "choice2": "Saya mual.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dokumen yang dicetak itu tidak bisa dibaca.", "choice1": "Tinta printer itu hampir habis.", "choice2": "Printernya telah kehabisan kertas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lagu kebangsaan dimainkan di dalam stadion.", "choice1": "Para penggemar berputar badan ke bendera.", "choice2": "Para penggemar bergegas ke lapangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saus itu terasa hambar.", "choice1": "Saya sajikannya.", "choice2": "Saya tambahkan garam ke saus itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya taruh handuk kertas di atas tumpahan itu.", "choice1": "Handuk kertas itu menyerap cairan yang tumpah.", "choice2": "Tumpahan itu meninggalkan residu lengket.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu terganggu di tengah-tengah membaca bukunya.", "choice1": "Dia menandai halaman yang sedang dibacanya.", "choice2": "Dia membaca ulang buku itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pesawat itu terkena turbulensi.", "choice1": "Pria itu mengencangkan sabuk pengamannya.", "choice2": "Pria itu memandang ke luar jendela.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu tersentak.", "choice1": "Gadis itu mengabaikannya.", "choice2": "Gadis itu menusuknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para dokter memberikan pasien itu sebuah kaki palsu.", "choice1": "Mereka telah mengamputasi kakinya.", "choice2": "Mereka memonitor tanda vitalnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu mencubit siku gadis itu.", "choice1": "Dia mengangkat bahunya ke arah bocah itu.", "choice2": "Dia menyentakkan lengannya darinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meminta saran dari teman saya.", "choice1": "Saya menghargai pendapatnya.", "choice2": "Saya tahu saya benar.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu melangkah ke dalam lumpur.", "choice1": "Lumpur menempel di sepatunya.", "choice2": "Lumpur itu menerpa wajahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Beberapa inci salju jatuh di kota itu.", "choice1": "Semua sekolah ditutup.", "choice2": "Orang-orang bersembunyi di bawah tanah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sift karyawan itu telah berakhir.", "choice1": "Dia pulang dari kantor.", "choice2": "Dia mengancam akan berhenti dari pekerjaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pohon itu merusak rumah itu.", "choice1": "Pohon itu jatuh ke atas atap.", "choice2": "Pohon itu menaungi halaman belakang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kayu itu terbelah dua.", "choice1": "Saya tumpuk kayu di atas perapian itu.", "choice2": "Saya mengayunkan kapak ke kayu tersebut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu mengucapkan selamat kepada pasangan itu.", "choice1": "Pasangan itu mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan berpisah.", "choice2": "Pasangan itu mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan memiliki bayi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu mengirim valentine kepada anak laki-laki itu.", "choice1": "Dia menyukainya.", "choice2": "Dia menciumnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menganggukkan kepala pada pernyataan teman saya.", "choice1": "Saya bingung.", "choice2": "Saya setuju dengannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teman-teman itu melempar sebuah koin.", "choice1": "Mereka ingin menemukan kompromi.", "choice2": "Mereka ingin membuat keputusan yang adil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timer di dapur berbunyi.", "choice1": "Pria itu menaruh barang-barang belanjaannya ke dalam kulkas.", "choice2": "Pria itu mengeluarkan sebuah pizza dari oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menetapkan untuk sampai tujuan ambisius.", "choice1": "Dia malas.", "choice2": "Dia bekerja keras.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria yang kaya itu meninggal karena usia tua.", "choice1": "Putranya melarang hukum.", "choice2": "Putranya mewarisi kekayaannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menginjak api.", "choice1": "Nyala api padam.", "choice2": "Asap muncul dari api itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil wanita itu ada di toko.", "choice1": "SIM-nya dicabut.", "choice2": "Dia mengalami kecelakaan mobil.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya terus tidur meskipun alarm saya bunyi.", "choice1": "Saya membuat sarapan.", "choice2": "Saya kelewatan sarapan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tokoh publik itu keluar dari limusin.", "choice1": "Kamera terpacu ke arahnya.", "choice2": "Keluarganya menghadiri konferensi pers.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu berlama-lama di bak mandi.", "choice1": "Air mandi menjadi kurang hangat.", "choice2": "Air mandi mengalir keluar dari bak mandi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mahasiswa itu ingin bertemu dengan siswa lain di kampus.", "choice1": "Dia bergabung dengan persaudaraan.", "choice2": "Dia mengambil jurusan teknik.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengangkat bantal sofa.", "choice1": "Saya mencari uang receh.", "choice2": "Saya sedang mengatur ulang ruang tamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tawon itu terbang ke arah bocah itu.", "choice1": "Bocah itu lari.", "choice2": "Bocah itu memetik bunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu dinyatakan bersalah atas pelanggaran ringan.", "choice1": "Dia dijatuhi hukuman melakukan pelayanan masyarakat.", "choice2": "Dia dihukum mati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengaduk gula ke dalam teh yang panas.", "choice1": "Teh itu menguap.", "choice2": "Gulanya larut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veteran itu berjalan dengan pincang.", "choice1": "Dia direkrut untuk perang.", "choice2": "Dia terluka dalam pertempuran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penjahat itu melarikan diri dari polisi.", "choice1": "Polisi membantu korbannya.", "choice2": "Polisi mengejar penjahat itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laptop itu tidak mau hidup.", "choice1": "Saya menjatuhkannya.", "choice2": "Saya mengisi baterenya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu kehabisan tempat di lemarinya.", "choice1": "Dia mendapatkan lemari pakaian yang luas.", "choice2": "Dia lipat cuciannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu patah hati.", "choice1": "Istrinya melahirkan.", "choice2": "His wife left him.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu memperoleh gelar.", "choice1": "Ia memenuhi syarat untuk pekerjaan yang diinginkannya.", "choice2": "Tawaran pekerjaannya dibatalkan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suara pria itu terproyeksi dengan jelas di seluruh auditorium.", "choice1": "Dia menyapa para hadirin.", "choice2": "Dia berbicara di depan mikrofon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya melemparkan koin ke dalam air mancur.", "choice1": "Koin itu tenggelam ke bawah.", "choice2": "Koin itu pecah menjadi dua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pemain memukul bola itu ke arah lubang.", "choice1": "Bola itu masuk ke dalam lubang.", "choice2": "Bola itu kembali ke pemain.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku menghirup debu di loteng.", "choice1": "Saya cegukan.", "choice2": "Aku bersin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasir toko itu panggil tugas keamanan.", "choice1": "Pelanggan itu menggunakan uang palsu.", "choice2": "Pelanggan itu membiarkan lampu depan mobilnya menyala.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengeluarkan sampah.", "choice1": "Sampah itu membuat dapur bau.", "choice2": "Saya tidak sengaja membuang daftar belanjaan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu pergi ke kebun binatang.", "choice1": "Anak-anaknya mengagumi binatang-binatang.", "choice2": "Anak-anaknya mengejar binatang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Napas pria itu keras.", "choice1": "Ginjalnya gagal.", "choice2": "Paru-parunya sesak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya punya tiket ekstra untuk konser.", "choice1": "Saya minta arah menuju tempat acara kepada teman saya.", "choice2": "Saya bertanya kepada teman saya bila dia tertarik untuk pergi bersama saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pendingin udara di rumah rusak.", "choice1": "Saya keluarkan selimut.", "choice2": "Saya membuka jendela.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Punggung bocah itu sakit.", "choice1": "Ranselnya terbuka.", "choice2": "Ranselnya berat.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya belikan ibuku hadiah.", "choice1": "Saya membuatkannya kue.", "choice2": "Itu adalah hari ulang tahunnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bakung di taman terhancurkan.", "choice1": "Seekor lebah menyengat si tukang kebun.", "choice2": "Tupai menggali umbi bakung-bakung itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya nyalakan korek api.", "choice1": "Nyala api memudar.", "choice2": "Korek it menghasilkan nyala api.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para pihak yang berselisih itu mencapai sebuah penyelesaian.", "choice1": "Mereka tidak ingin berdebat di pengadilan.", "choice2": "Mereka ingin memperbaiki hubungan pribadi mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak-anak itu dikirim ke panti asuhan.", "choice1": "Orang tua mereka meninggal.", "choice2": "Orang tua mereka memanjakan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sebuah meteorit mendarat di lautan.", "choice1": "Tsunami terjadi.", "choice2": "Hujan es mulai terjadi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pejalan kaki itu menemukan sebuah ular berbisa.", "choice1": "Dia mengalami dehidrasi.", "choice2": "Dia panik.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ovennya memanas.", "choice1": "Saya menyalakan oven tersebut.", "choice2": "Saya meletakkan makanan di dalam oven.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aku meremas sebuah irisan lemon.", "choice1": "Lemon itu menjadi berjamur.", "choice2": "Lemon itu menyemprot.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Negara itu menemukan tanah baru.", "choice1": "Negara itu meninggalkan tanah itu.", "choice2": "Negara itu menjajah tanah itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gelas itu terguling dari meja.", "choice1": "Gelas itu terpecah di seluruh lantai.", "choice2": "Gelas itu mendarat di tumpukan cucian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meja itu bergetar.", "choice1": "Lantainya tidak rata.", "choice2": "The floor was slippery.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sang ayah menangkap putranya sedang berbohong.", "choice1": "Putranya mengakui kebenarannya.", "choice2": "Sang ayah memercayai putranya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kepala pria itu berdenyut kesakitan.", "choice1": "Dia minum sirup obat batuk.", "choice2": "He took aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kereta itu melambat.", "choice1": "Kereta itu mendekati stasiun.", "choice2": "Kereta itu berjalan telat di belakang jadwal.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menjalani terapi.", "choice1": "Penyakit mental menimpa keluarganya.", "choice2": "Dia didiagnosis sebagai penderita depresi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu mencengkeram tenggorokannya.", "choice1": "Dia menelan makanannya.", "choice2": "Dia tersedak karena makanannya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menderita sakit tenggorokan.", "choice1": "Suaranya terdengar serak.", "choice2": "Dia berbicara dengan sebuah logat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anjing itu memandangi steak lezat yang ada di atas meja.", "choice1": "Dia mengiler.", "choice2": "Dia terbaring.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bisnis wanita itu berhasil.", "choice1": "Dia memecat karyawannya.", "choice2": "Dia menjadi kaya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para siswa keluar dari kelas.", "choice1": "Bel telah berbunyi.", "choice2": "Sang guru memberikan mereka pekerjaan rumah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu mengaku dia telah melihat hantu.", "choice1": "Para kenalannya mencurigainya.", "choice2": "Para kenalannya memaklumkannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan pendengarannya.", "choice1": "Dia hampir tenggelam di laut.", "choice2": "Dia hampir terbunuh dalam suatu ledakan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu melepaskan tali balon.", "choice1": "Balon itu mengempis.", "choice2": "Balon itu naik ke udara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan kemampuannya untuk berbicara.", "choice1": "Dia terkena stroke.", "choice2": "Dia ambil napas yang dalam.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu tersanding di trotoar.", "choice1": "Ada retakan di lantai trotoar.", "choice2": "Dia mendengar ada orang yang memanggil namanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu melakukan gaya bola meriam ketika loncat ke dalam kolam.", "choice1": "Penjaga pantai melompat ke dalam kolam setelahnya.", "choice2": "Pria itu membuat penjaga pantai itu basah kuyup.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya minum antibiotik.", "choice1": "Infeksi saya sembuh.", "choice2": "Infeksi saya menyebar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lampu lalu lintas menjadi kuning.", "choice1": "Pengemudi itu ngerem.", "choice2": "Pengemudi itu membunyikan klaksonnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wadah plastik itu meleleh.", "choice1": "Saya rendam wadah itu dalam air hangat.", "choice2": "Saya menempatkan wadah itu di atas kompor panas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mobil itu penyok.", "choice1": "Pengemudi menabraknya ke tiang telepon.", "choice2": "Pengemudinya menerobos lampu merah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu belajar sepanjang malam.", "choice1": "Dia tidak datang ke ujiannya.", "choice2": "Dia lulus ujiannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah laki-laki itu memegang erat pegangan kolam.", "choice1": "Dia takut belajar berenang.", "choice2": "Penjaga pantai itu sedang bertugas.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meletakkan tangan saya di dada.", "choice1": "Saya merasakan detak jantung saya.", "choice2": "Detak jantung saya meningkat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bangunan di dekat kantorku sedang diperbaiki.", "choice1": "Kantorku jadi kacau.", "choice2": "Kantorku jadi terganggu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Keluarga itu ingin mengenal tetangga baru mereka.", "choice1": "Keluarga itu mengundang tetangganya untuk makan malam.", "choice2": "Keluarga itu melambai ke tetangganya dari halaman mereka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Air terciprat dari kolam.", "choice1": "Perenang itu terjun ke kolam.", "choice2": "Perenang itu mengapung di kolam.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menggigit sepotong semangka.", "choice1": "Saya tidak sengaja menelan biji.", "choice2": "Saya tidak sengaja mengeping gigi saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu tersandung.", "choice1": "Jaket ritsletingnya terbuka.", "choice2": "Tali sepatunya terlepas.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita menggunakan penyumbat telinga.", "choice1": "Dia terganggu oleh suara bising.", "choice2": "Dia menindik telinganya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mengisi ulang botol air saya.", "choice1": "Saya minum semua air di dalamnya.", "choice2": "Saya menyimpannya di lemari es.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Acara televisi itu disensor.", "choice1": "Acar itu berisi bahasa vulgar.", "choice2": "Acara itu memiliki plot yang rumit.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kapal itu karam.", "choice1": "Para awak kapal tenggelam.", "choice2": "Para awak bertemu dengan bajak laut.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu merasa bingung oleh teka-teki itu.", "choice1": "Dia memecahkan teka-teki itu.", "choice2": "Dia meminta sebuah petunjuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telepon berdering.", "choice1": "Pria itu menutup teleponnya.", "choice2": "Pria itu mengangkat teleponnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menatapku.", "choice1": "Saya peluknya.", "choice2": "Saya merasa kurang enak.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rombongan itu meninggalkan museum.", "choice1": "Mereka memotret pamerannya.", "choice2": "Mereka mengunjungi semua pameran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu memulai sebuah pertengkaran denganku.", "choice1": "Teman saya memperkenalkan saya kepadanya.", "choice2": "Teman saya membela saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ban sepeda saya kempes.", "choice1": "Saya memompa udara ke ban itu.", "choice2": "Saya mengganti gigi sepeda saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu tampak pucat.", "choice1": "Ayahnya membacakan sebuah cerita untuknya.", "choice2": "Ayahnya merasakan dahinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pena itu kehabisan tinta.", "choice1": "Saya menggunakan sebuah pensil.", "choice2": "Saya menandatangani nama saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu ditolak untuk mendapatkan pinjaman.", "choice1": "Dia memiliki hutang.", "choice2": "Dia memulai sebuah bisnis.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu tidak pergi ke sekolah.", "choice1": "Dia menderita cacar air.", "choice2": "Dia menikmati belajar matematika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kantong sampah itu sudah penuh.", "choice1": "Saya membawanya ke tempat sampah.", "choice2": "Saya membuangnya ke dalam wastafel.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya telah menyedot karpet itu.", "choice1": "Teman sekamar saya telah menumpahkan minuman berbuah.", "choice2": "Anjing saya menjatuhkan banyak rambut.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu kehilangan kesabaran.", "choice1": "Dia telah matikan komputernya.", "choice2": "Dia telah lempar sebuah kursi ke seberang ruangan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu telah lemparkan sebuah ranting ke api unggun.", "choice1": "Ranting itu terbakar.", "choice2": "Api itu padam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu keluar dari kamar mandi.", "choice1": "Air panasnya sudah habis.", "choice2": "Dia tidak bisa menemukan handuknya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Orang tua itu ingin anak-anak mereka kuliah.", "choice1": "Mereka telah menyisihkan dana tabungannya untuk biaya kuliah.", "choice2": "Mereka telah mendorong anak-anak mereka untuk bermain di luar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu telah lepaskan ikat tali sepatunya.", "choice1": "Sepatunya mengendur.", "choice2": "Sepatunya telah menjadi usang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu telah makan setengah dari hidangan utamanya.", "choice1": "Dia telah simpan sisa makanannya di kulkas.", "choice2": "Dia telah menyimpan resepnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pergelangan kaki saya bengkak.", "choice1": "Saya telah menaruh es di atasnya.", "choice2": "Saya telah mengoleskan lotion di atasnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pintu kantor saya telah terbuka.", "choice1": "Saya telah bicara dengan rekan saya di meja saya.", "choice2": "Saya telah dengar percakapan yang terjadi di aula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya harus mengantri.", "choice1": "Saya telah mengambil tempat duduk.", "choice2": "Saya telah sekilas membaca sebuah majalah.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu telah menepuk sebuah lalat.", "choice1": "Lalat itu telah terbang pergi.", "choice2": "Lalat itu tetap diam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu sudah menulis surat wasiatnya.", "choice1": "Dia telah sekarat.", "choice2": "Dia adalah seorang duda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pelari itu merasakan bahwa kompetitornya hampir mendekatinya.", "choice1": "Dia telah keluar dari perlombaan itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah mempercepat langkahnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya telah berpikir dengan hati-hati tentang masalah itu.", "choice1": "Saya telah meminta saran.", "choice2": "Saya telah menemukan sebuah solusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wisatawan itu berjalan di jembatan gantung yang bergoyah.", "choice1": "Dia merasa takut.", "choice2": "Dia merasa sangat gembira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu telah mengantisipasi kemenangan timnya.", "choice1": "Dia bertemu dengan teman-temannya untuk menonton pertandingan itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah bertaruh dengan teman-temannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bocah itu tidak bisa tidur.", "choice1": "Dia mengatur jam alarmnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah menghitung domba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/id/val.id.jsonl b/data/id/val.id.jsonl
index de6338c..4bb559c 100644
--- a/data/id/val.id.jsonl
+++ b/data/id/val.id.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu telah menyalakan keran.", "choice1": "Toilet itu telah terisi dengan air.", "choice2": "Air telah mengalir dari cerat keran tersebut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gadis itu telah menemukan sebuah serangga di dalam mangkuknya yang berisi sereal.", "choice1": "Dia telah menuangkan susu ke dalam mangkuk itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah kehilangan nafsu makan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu telah pensiun.", "choice1": "Dia telah menerima pensiunnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah melunasi hipoteknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya ingin menghemat energi.", "choice1": "Saya telah menyapu lantai ruangan yang tidak didiami itu.", "choice2": "Saya telah matikan lampu dalam ruang yang tidak didiami itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Daging hamburger itu sudah kecoklatan.", "choice1": "Si koki telah membekukannya.", "choice2": "Si koki telah memanggangnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya meragukan tawaran pedagang itu.", "choice1": "Saya menolak tawarannya.", "choice2": "Dia memaksa saya untuk membeli prooduknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya telah memutuskan untuk bertetap di rumah malam ini.", "choice1": "Ramalan cuaca malam itu telah memperkirakan adanya badai.", "choice2": "Teman-teman saya sudah mendesak saya untuk bertemu dengan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mata saya menjadi merah dan bengkak.", "choice1": "Saya tertangis.", "choice2": "Saya tertawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nyala api pada lilin itu sudah padam.", "choice1": "Saya telah tiup sumbu lilin itu.", "choice2": "Saya telah nyalakan lilin itu dengan korek api.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu telah minum banyak di pesta itu.", "choice1": "Dia sakit kepala pada hari berikutnya.", "choice2": "Dia pilek keesokan harinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bola bowling mengenai batang-batang bowling.", "choice1": "Seseorang menggelindingkan bola di jalurnya.", "choice2": "Seseorang menjatuhkan bola bowling di kakinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Komunitas itu telah dengar tentang kematian pria itu.", "choice1": "Keluarganya menguburnya di kuburan.", "choice2": "Berita kematiannya muncul di koran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Komputer saya rusak.", "choice1": "Saya memasang speaker baru.", "choice2": "Semua data dari komputer saya hilang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaannya.", "choice1": "Dia bercita-cita untuk memegang posisi eksekutif di perusahaannya.", "choice2": "Dia percaya bahwa atasannya bertindak tidak etis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Si pemain menangkap bola.", "choice1": "Rekan satu timnya melemparkan bola kepadanya.", "choice2": "Lawan tandingnya mencoba untuk merebuutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hakim memukul-mukulkan palunya.", "choice1": "Ruang sidang menjadi penuh keributan.", "choice2": "Hakim mengumumkan putusannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu mengusir anak-anak dari rumahnya.", "choice1": "Anak-anak telah menendang sebuah bola ke halamannya.", "choice2": "Anak-anak telah menginjak kebunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para penculik telah membebaskan sanderanya.", "choice1": "Mereka telah menerima uang bayaran.", "choice2": "Mereka telah melarikan diri dari penjara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mata koki itu berkaca-kaca.", "choice1": "Ia telah kehabisan bawang.", "choice2": "Ia sedang memotong bawang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu membasuh tangannya dalam air dingin.", "choice1": "Ia telah membakar jarinya di pemanggang roti.", "choice2": "Ia memakai sebuah cincin berlian di jarinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Murid itu salah mengeja kata itu.", "choice1": "Gurunya mengoreksinya.", "choice2": "Gurunya mengeluarkannya dari kelas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya berhasil tenang dari kemarahan saya.", "choice1": "Hati saya berdetak dengan kencang.", "choice2": "Saya menarik napas dalam-dalam/.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menaruh tangan saya dibawah air keran.", "choice1": "Sabun itu terbilas dari tangan saya.", "choice2": "Air dari keran terpercik ke muka saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu memakai setelan baju terbagusnya.", "choice1": "Ia memiliki rapat dengan klien yang penting.", "choice2": "Istrinya membelikannya sebuah dasi yang baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu mengakui cintanya kepada wanita itu.", "choice1": "Wanita itu menolak kasihnya.", "choice2": "Wanita itu iri kepadanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ban mobil milik sopir itu kempes.", "choice1": "Ia telah melewati batas kecepatan.", "choice2": "Ia menggilas sebuah paku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tampilan layar film di depan saya terblokir.", "choice1": "Pasangan di belakang saya berbisik.", "choice2": "Seorang jangkung berduduk tepat di depan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pengemudi itu nyalakan lampu mobilnya.", "choice1": "Ia mendengar guntur.", "choice2": "Matahari telah terbenam.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu menolak untuk makan sayurannya.", "choice1": "Bapaknya menyuruhnya untuk minum susu.", "choice2": "Bapaknya ambil pencuci mulutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menutup mulutnya dengan tanganya.", "choice1": "Dia menghela napasnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah bersin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sekretaris itu telah menahan panggilan dari penelpon itu.", "choice1": "Penelpon itu telah mematikan jaringan teleponnya.", "choice2": "Penelpon itu menunggu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menggunakan penopang untuk berjalan.", "choice1": "Ia telah mencukur kakinya.", "choice2": "Ia telah mematahkan kakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya telah batuk.", "choice1": "Saya telah menghirup asap.", "choice2": "Saya telah kecilkan suara saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jam itu berdentang.", "choice1": "Sudah sampai puncak jam.", "choice2": "Satu jam itu terasa berlarut sekali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koki itu memukul telur itu di samping sebuah mangkuk.", "choice1": "Telurnya retak.", "choice2": "Telurnya membusuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Polisi telah menggeledah mobil pelaku.", "choice1": "Mereka telah berusaha untuk mendapatkan pengakuan.", "choice2": "Mereka mencari narkoba ilegal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu berpergian ke selatan ketika musim dingin.", "choice1": "Mereka telah pensiun.", "choice2": "Mereka telah berpisah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu merasa berkewajiban untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.", "choice1": "Ia menolakn undangan tempannya untuk pergi.", "choice2": "Ia telah berjanji ke temannya untuk pergi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pengantin wanita itu beragu sebelum pernikahannya.", "choice1": "Para tamu pernikahan membawa hadiah.", "choice2": "Ia membatalkan pernikahannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu sudah tua.", "choice1": "Rambutnya beruban.", "choice2": "Ia menjual barang-barang miliknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teman-teman itu memutuskan untuk membagi hamburger itu diantara mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka memotongnya menjadi dua.", "choice2": "Mereka juga pesan kentang goreng dengan hamburgernya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya membuka tutup dari botol soda itu.", "choice1": "Sodanya meruap.", "choice2": "Sodanya bocor dari botolnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sepasang siswa dicermatkan oleh gurunya.", "choice1": "Keduanya mendapatkan nilai yang sangat tinggi.", "choice2": "Jawabannya dalam tugas keduanya sama persis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Siswa itu terburu-buru untuk sampai ke sekolah tepat waktu.", "choice1": "Ia meninggalkan pekerjannya rumahnya di rumah.", "choice2": "Ia bawa bekal makanan ke sekolah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wartawan itu menulis biografi tentang kehidupan seorang pekerja kemanusiaan.", "choice1": "Orang itu sulit untuk diwawancara oleh wartawan tersebut.", "choice2": "Wartawan itu tergugah oleh apa yang telah dilakukan oleh orang itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menentang otoritas gereja.", "choice1": "Ia menyumbangkan uang ke gereja tersebut.", "choice2": "Ia dikucilkan dari gereja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rambut wanita itu menutup mukanya.", "choice1": "Dia menarik rambutnya ke belakang dengan jepit.", "choice2": "Dia menggunakan sampo untuk membusakan rambutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cincin di jariku tersangkut.", "choice1": "Jariku bengkak.", "choice2": "Kukuku terpecah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menarik sebuah karet gelang.", "choice1": "Karet itu melayang ke seberang ruangan.", "choice2": "Karet itu teregang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menaruh tangan saya di semen basah.", "choice1": "Cetakan tanganku mengering di semen itu.", "choice2": "Semen itu teretak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kulit saya terpecah hingga meruam.", "choice1": "Kulit saya terkena tanaman racun ivy dari halaman saya.", "choice2": "Saya berantas racun ivy tersebut dari halaman saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Langganan saya ke majalah itu telah kedaluwarsa.", "choice1": "Saya telah buang terbitannya yang baru.", "choice2": "Saya berhenti menerima terbitannya yang baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektif itu mengungkapkan sebuah anomali dalam kasus itu.", "choice1": "Dia menyelesaikan teorinya.", "choice2": "Ia membatalakan teorinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu mengamuk.", "choice1": "Saudara lelakinya telah mengambil mainannya.", "choice2": "Dia berbagi mainannya dengan saudara lelakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak itu belajar cara membaca.", "choice1": "Dia mulai masuk sekolah.", "choice2": "Dia tinggal kelas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu tidak makan malam.", "choice1": "Ibunya telah memasaknya makanan favoritnya.", "choice2": "Ia telah makan siang yang cukup banyak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu melimpahi temannya dengan sanjungan.", "choice1": "Ia ingin meminta temannya untuk bantuan.", "choice2": "Ia kesal dengan temannya yang terus mengeluh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kunci tersebut hilang dari saku celana saya.", "choice1": "Saku celana saya sobek.", "choice2": "Celana saya baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu pingsan.", "choice1": "Ia telah bertidur siang.", "choice2": "Ia telah lari dalam maraton.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lelaki itu kalah dalam kompetisi yang ia ikuti.", "choice1": "Kompetisi tersebut telah tersabotase.", "choice2": "Ia mengintimidasi para pesaingnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ibu itu memanggil sebuah ambulans.", "choice1": "Anaknya telah menghilangkan kucingnya.", "choice2": "Anaknya jatuh dari tempat tidurnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pengemudi itu rem mendadak.", "choice1": "Sebuah rusah telah muncul di jalan.", "choice2": "Radio di dalam mobilnya mati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gembok itu terbuka.", "choice1": "Saya memasukkan kunci ke dalam gembok.", "choice2": "Saya membuat duplikat kunci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya memakai sarung tangan karet.", "choice1": "Saya sedang siap-siap untuk mencuci tangan saya.", "choice2": "Saya sedang siap-siap untuk membersihkan kamar mandi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Banyak spesies hewan telah menjadi terancam punah.", "choice1": "Habitatnya telah terusak.", "choice2": "Predator mereka telah punah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu merasa bahwa wanita itu tampak berbeda.", "choice1": "Wanitu itu telah potong rambutnya.", "choice2": "Wanita itu memakai sebuah gelang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Murid itu lupa untuk melakukan tugasnya.", "choice1": "Dia membuat alasan kepada gurunya.", "choice2": "Gurunya menaikkannya ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi di sekolah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anjing itu menggonggong.", "choice1": "Kucing itu berbaring di sofa.", "choice2": "Terdengar sebuah ketukan di pintu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telah diumumkan rencana untuk mengganti taman lokal dengan sebuah pusat perbelanjaan.", "choice1": "Para pemerhati lingkungan mulai mengajukan petisi.", "choice2": "Para pemerhati lingkungan membuat sebuah dokumenter.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu senang ketika bertemu satu sama lain.", "choice1": "Mereka bercium.", "choice2": "Mereka beristirahat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu meminta pria itu untuk pergi.", "choice1": "Ia telah menghinannya.", "choice2": "Ia telah berterimakasih kepadanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cabang pohon itu jatuh di dalam sungai.", "choice1": "Cabang itu mengikuti sungai ke hilir.", "choice2": "Arus sungai menjadi lebih kuat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Guru itu memberi pekerjaan rumah kepada murid-muridnya.", "choice1": "Para siswa berbagi jawaban.", "choice2": "Para siswa mengerang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Musim telah berubah dari musim panas ke musim gugur.", "choice1": "Orang-orang mengungsi dari rumah mereka.", "choice2": "Daun jatuh dari pohon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politisi itu telah dihukum untuk penipuan.", "choice1": "Dia berkampanye untuk pengulangan eleksi.", "choice2": "Dia telah dipecat dari kursinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya mendorong gerobak itu.", "choice1": "Benda-benda di dalam gerobak itu jatuh.", "choice2": "Roda gerobak berputar ke depan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Para pelobi telah membujuk badan legislatif untuk mendukung RUU tersebut.", "choice1": "Presiden memveto RUU itu.", "choice2": "Badan legislatif meloloskan RUU tersebut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lemari saya berantakan.", "choice1": "Saya telah merapihkannya.", "choice2": "Saya telah menghiasnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya terjaga sampai larut.", "choice1": "Saya mendapat mimpi yang jelas malam itu.", "choice2": "Saya merasa lelah di pagi harinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Isi saku pria itu berdenting ketika dia berjalan.", "choice1": "Sakunya terisi dengan koin.", "choice2": "Dia menjahit lubang yang berada di sakunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Semua murid di kelas itu menatap siswa itu.", "choice1": "Telepon siswa itu telah berdering.", "choice2": "Siswa itu sedang menulis catatan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuda itu mendadak berheti.", "choice1": "Seekor lalat telah menggigit kuda itu.", "choice2": "Pengendaranya telah membelai kuda itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pencuri perhiasan itu telah tertangkap.", "choice1": "Perhiasan yang tercuri telah dikembalikan kepada pemiliknya.", "choice2": "Biaya perhiasan yang dicuri itu telah dihitung.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kekerasan politik telah memecahkan di negara ini.", "choice1": "Banyak warga telah pindah ke ibukota.", "choice2": "Banyak warga lain telah mengungsi ke wilayah lain.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu ditangkap.", "choice1": "Dia masuk rehabilitasi.", "choice2": "Dia telah menyerang orang lain.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu membaca koran.", "choice1": "Dia baca tentang hasil pemilihan.", "choice2": "Dia telah memberikan suara dalam pemilihan itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anak yang sedang sakit itu batuk kepada temannya.", "choice1": "Temannya juga ikut terkena penyakit.", "choice2": "Temannya bersin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasangan itu bertunangan.", "choice1": "Mereka telah merencanakan pernikahannya.", "choice2": "Mereka berpisah untuk beberapa waktu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menghubungi agen real estat.", "choice1": "Wanita itu berencana membeli sebuah kondominium.", "choice2": "Wanita itu perlu membersihkan rumahnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu memenangkan lotre.", "choice1": "Ia menjadi kaya.", "choice2": "Ia mempunyai hutang uang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya nyalakan lilin.", "choice1": "Lilin menetes darinya.", "choice2": "Tetesan lilin itu mengeras.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya menghabiskan waktu hari itu di kolam renang.", "choice1": "Pergelangan kaki saya terkilir.", "choice2": "Wajah saya terbakar oleh matahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pria itu menerima sebuah denda parkir.", "choice1": "Ia parkir berjajar di jalan.", "choice2": "Meter parkirnya telah habis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu menjadi terkenal.", "choice1": "Banyak fotografer terus mengikutinya.", "choice2": "Keluarganya menghindarinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perempuan itu ingin memakai anting.", "choice1": "Dia menindik telinganya.", "choice2": "Dia mendapatkan sebuah tato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telingaku berdenging.", "choice1": "Saya pergi ke museum.", "choice2": "Saya pergi ke konser.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saya rapihkan rumah saya.", "choice1": "Saya sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Saya mengharapkan ada yang menemani saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maskapai itu salah menangani koper saya.", "choice1": "Mereka menawarkan saya kompensasi.", "choice2": "Mereka telah batalkan penerbangan saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Komputer ini mahal kalau diperbaiki.", "choice1": "Saya memperbaikinya.", "choice2": "Saya membeli yang baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanita itu dalam suasana hati yang buruk.", "choice1": "Dia berobrol ringan dengan temannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyuruh temannya untuk tidak mengganggunya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu telah menyalakan keran.", "choice1": "Toilet itu telah terisi dengan air.", "choice2": "Air telah mengalir dari cerat keran tersebut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gadis itu telah menemukan sebuah serangga di dalam mangkuknya yang berisi sereal.", "choice1": "Dia telah menuangkan susu ke dalam mangkuk itu.", "choice2": "Dia telah kehilangan nafsu makan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu telah pensiun.", "choice1": "Dia telah menerima pensiunnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah melunasi hipoteknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya ingin menghemat energi.", "choice1": "Saya telah menyapu lantai ruangan yang tidak didiami itu.", "choice2": "Saya telah matikan lampu dalam ruang yang tidak didiami itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Daging hamburger itu sudah kecoklatan.", "choice1": "Si koki telah membekukannya.", "choice2": "Si koki telah memanggangnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya meragukan tawaran pedagang itu.", "choice1": "Saya menolak tawarannya.", "choice2": "Dia memaksa saya untuk membeli prooduknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya telah memutuskan untuk bertetap di rumah malam ini.", "choice1": "Ramalan cuaca malam itu telah memperkirakan adanya badai.", "choice2": "Teman-teman saya sudah mendesak saya untuk bertemu dengan mereka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mata saya menjadi merah dan bengkak.", "choice1": "Saya tertangis.", "choice2": "Saya tertawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nyala api pada lilin itu sudah padam.", "choice1": "Saya telah tiup sumbu lilin itu.", "choice2": "Saya telah nyalakan lilin itu dengan korek api.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu telah minum banyak di pesta itu.", "choice1": "Dia sakit kepala pada hari berikutnya.", "choice2": "Dia pilek keesokan harinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bola bowling mengenai batang-batang bowling.", "choice1": "Seseorang menggelindingkan bola di jalurnya.", "choice2": "Seseorang menjatuhkan bola bowling di kakinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Komunitas itu telah dengar tentang kematian pria itu.", "choice1": "Keluarganya menguburnya di kuburan.", "choice2": "Berita kematiannya muncul di koran.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Komputer saya rusak.", "choice1": "Saya memasang speaker baru.", "choice2": "Semua data dari komputer saya hilang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaannya.", "choice1": "Dia bercita-cita untuk memegang posisi eksekutif di perusahaannya.", "choice2": "Dia percaya bahwa atasannya bertindak tidak etis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Si pemain menangkap bola.", "choice1": "Rekan satu timnya melemparkan bola kepadanya.", "choice2": "Lawan tandingnya mencoba untuk merebuutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hakim memukul-mukulkan palunya.", "choice1": "Ruang sidang menjadi penuh keributan.", "choice2": "Hakim mengumumkan putusannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu mengusir anak-anak dari rumahnya.", "choice1": "Anak-anak telah menendang sebuah bola ke halamannya.", "choice2": "Anak-anak telah menginjak kebunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para penculik telah membebaskan sanderanya.", "choice1": "Mereka telah menerima uang bayaran.", "choice2": "Mereka telah melarikan diri dari penjara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mata koki itu berkaca-kaca.", "choice1": "Ia telah kehabisan bawang.", "choice2": "Ia sedang memotong bawang.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu membasuh tangannya dalam air dingin.", "choice1": "Ia telah membakar jarinya di pemanggang roti.", "choice2": "Ia memakai sebuah cincin berlian di jarinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Murid itu salah mengeja kata itu.", "choice1": "Gurunya mengoreksinya.", "choice2": "Gurunya mengeluarkannya dari kelas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya berhasil tenang dari kemarahan saya.", "choice1": "Hati saya berdetak dengan kencang.", "choice2": "Saya menarik napas dalam-dalam/.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menaruh tangan saya dibawah air keran.", "choice1": "Sabun itu terbilas dari tangan saya.", "choice2": "Air dari keran terpercik ke muka saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu memakai setelan baju terbagusnya.", "choice1": "Ia memiliki rapat dengan klien yang penting.", "choice2": "Istrinya membelikannya sebuah dasi yang baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu mengakui cintanya kepada wanita itu.", "choice1": "Wanita itu menolak kasihnya.", "choice2": "Wanita itu iri kepadanya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ban mobil milik sopir itu kempes.", "choice1": "Ia telah melewati batas kecepatan.", "choice2": "Ia menggilas sebuah paku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tampilan layar film di depan saya terblokir.", "choice1": "Pasangan di belakang saya berbisik.", "choice2": "Seorang jangkung berduduk tepat di depan saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pengemudi itu nyalakan lampu mobilnya.", "choice1": "Ia mendengar guntur.", "choice2": "Matahari telah terbenam.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu menolak untuk makan sayurannya.", "choice1": "Bapaknya menyuruhnya untuk minum susu.", "choice2": "Bapaknya ambil pencuci mulutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menutup mulutnya dengan tanganya.", "choice1": "Dia menghela napasnya.", "choice2": "Dia telah bersin.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sekretaris itu telah menahan panggilan dari penelpon itu.", "choice1": "Penelpon itu telah mematikan jaringan teleponnya.", "choice2": "Penelpon itu menunggu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menggunakan penopang untuk berjalan.", "choice1": "Ia telah mencukur kakinya.", "choice2": "Ia telah mematahkan kakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya telah batuk.", "choice1": "Saya telah menghirup asap.", "choice2": "Saya telah kecilkan suara saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jam itu berdentang.", "choice1": "Sudah sampai puncak jam.", "choice2": "Satu jam itu terasa berlarut sekali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koki itu memukul telur itu di samping sebuah mangkuk.", "choice1": "Telurnya retak.", "choice2": "Telurnya membusuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Polisi telah menggeledah mobil pelaku.", "choice1": "Mereka telah berusaha untuk mendapatkan pengakuan.", "choice2": "Mereka mencari narkoba ilegal.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu berpergian ke selatan ketika musim dingin.", "choice1": "Mereka telah pensiun.", "choice2": "Mereka telah berpisah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu merasa berkewajiban untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.", "choice1": "Ia menolakn undangan tempannya untuk pergi.", "choice2": "Ia telah berjanji ke temannya untuk pergi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pengantin wanita itu beragu sebelum pernikahannya.", "choice1": "Para tamu pernikahan membawa hadiah.", "choice2": "Ia membatalkan pernikahannya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu sudah tua.", "choice1": "Rambutnya beruban.", "choice2": "Ia menjual barang-barang miliknya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teman-teman itu memutuskan untuk membagi hamburger itu diantara mereka.", "choice1": "Mereka memotongnya menjadi dua.", "choice2": "Mereka juga pesan kentang goreng dengan hamburgernya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya membuka tutup dari botol soda itu.", "choice1": "Sodanya meruap.", "choice2": "Sodanya bocor dari botolnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sepasang siswa dicermatkan oleh gurunya.", "choice1": "Keduanya mendapatkan nilai yang sangat tinggi.", "choice2": "Jawabannya dalam tugas keduanya sama persis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Siswa itu terburu-buru untuk sampai ke sekolah tepat waktu.", "choice1": "Ia meninggalkan pekerjannya rumahnya di rumah.", "choice2": "Ia bawa bekal makanan ke sekolah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wartawan itu menulis biografi tentang kehidupan seorang pekerja kemanusiaan.", "choice1": "Orang itu sulit untuk diwawancara oleh wartawan tersebut.", "choice2": "Wartawan itu tergugah oleh apa yang telah dilakukan oleh orang itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menentang otoritas gereja.", "choice1": "Ia menyumbangkan uang ke gereja tersebut.", "choice2": "Ia dikucilkan dari gereja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rambut wanita itu menutup mukanya.", "choice1": "Dia menarik rambutnya ke belakang dengan jepit.", "choice2": "Dia menggunakan sampo untuk membusakan rambutnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cincin di jariku tersangkut.", "choice1": "Jariku bengkak.", "choice2": "Kukuku terpecah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menarik sebuah karet gelang.", "choice1": "Karet itu melayang ke seberang ruangan.", "choice2": "Karet itu teregang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menaruh tangan saya di semen basah.", "choice1": "Cetakan tanganku mengering di semen itu.", "choice2": "Semen itu teretak.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kulit saya terpecah hingga meruam.", "choice1": "Kulit saya terkena tanaman racun ivy dari halaman saya.", "choice2": "Saya berantas racun ivy tersebut dari halaman saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Langganan saya ke majalah itu telah kedaluwarsa.", "choice1": "Saya telah buang terbitannya yang baru.", "choice2": "Saya berhenti menerima terbitannya yang baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektif itu mengungkapkan sebuah anomali dalam kasus itu.", "choice1": "Dia menyelesaikan teorinya.", "choice2": "Ia membatalakan teorinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu mengamuk.", "choice1": "Saudara lelakinya telah mengambil mainannya.", "choice2": "Dia berbagi mainannya dengan saudara lelakinya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak itu belajar cara membaca.", "choice1": "Dia mulai masuk sekolah.", "choice2": "Dia tinggal kelas.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Anak lelaki itu tidak makan malam.", "choice1": "Ibunya telah memasaknya makanan favoritnya.", "choice2": "Ia telah makan siang yang cukup banyak.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu melimpahi temannya dengan sanjungan.", "choice1": "Ia ingin meminta temannya untuk bantuan.", "choice2": "Ia kesal dengan temannya yang terus mengeluh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kunci tersebut hilang dari saku celana saya.", "choice1": "Saku celana saya sobek.", "choice2": "Celana saya baru.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu pingsan.", "choice1": "Ia telah bertidur siang.", "choice2": "Ia telah lari dalam maraton.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lelaki itu kalah dalam kompetisi yang ia ikuti.", "choice1": "Kompetisi tersebut telah tersabotase.", "choice2": "Ia mengintimidasi para pesaingnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ibu itu memanggil sebuah ambulans.", "choice1": "Anaknya telah menghilangkan kucingnya.", "choice2": "Anaknya jatuh dari tempat tidurnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pengemudi itu rem mendadak.", "choice1": "Sebuah rusah telah muncul di jalan.", "choice2": "Radio di dalam mobilnya mati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gembok itu terbuka.", "choice1": "Saya memasukkan kunci ke dalam gembok.", "choice2": "Saya membuat duplikat kunci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya memakai sarung tangan karet.", "choice1": "Saya sedang siap-siap untuk mencuci tangan saya.", "choice2": "Saya sedang siap-siap untuk membersihkan kamar mandi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Banyak spesies hewan telah menjadi terancam punah.", "choice1": "Habitatnya telah terusak.", "choice2": "Predator mereka telah punah.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu merasa bahwa wanita itu tampak berbeda.", "choice1": "Wanitu itu telah potong rambutnya.", "choice2": "Wanita itu memakai sebuah gelang.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Murid itu lupa untuk melakukan tugasnya.", "choice1": "Dia membuat alasan kepada gurunya.", "choice2": "Gurunya menaikkannya ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi di sekolah.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anjing itu menggonggong.", "choice1": "Kucing itu berbaring di sofa.", "choice2": "Terdengar sebuah ketukan di pintu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telah diumumkan rencana untuk mengganti taman lokal dengan sebuah pusat perbelanjaan.", "choice1": "Para pemerhati lingkungan mulai mengajukan petisi.", "choice2": "Para pemerhati lingkungan membuat sebuah dokumenter.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu senang ketika bertemu satu sama lain.", "choice1": "Mereka bercium.", "choice2": "Mereka beristirahat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu meminta pria itu untuk pergi.", "choice1": "Ia telah menghinannya.", "choice2": "Ia telah berterimakasih kepadanya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cabang pohon itu jatuh di dalam sungai.", "choice1": "Cabang itu mengikuti sungai ke hilir.", "choice2": "Arus sungai menjadi lebih kuat.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Guru itu memberi pekerjaan rumah kepada murid-muridnya.", "choice1": "Para siswa berbagi jawaban.", "choice2": "Para siswa mengerang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Musim telah berubah dari musim panas ke musim gugur.", "choice1": "Orang-orang mengungsi dari rumah mereka.", "choice2": "Daun jatuh dari pohon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politisi itu telah dihukum untuk penipuan.", "choice1": "Dia berkampanye untuk pengulangan eleksi.", "choice2": "Dia telah dipecat dari kursinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya mendorong gerobak itu.", "choice1": "Benda-benda di dalam gerobak itu jatuh.", "choice2": "Roda gerobak berputar ke depan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Para pelobi telah membujuk badan legislatif untuk mendukung RUU tersebut.", "choice1": "Presiden memveto RUU itu.", "choice2": "Badan legislatif meloloskan RUU tersebut.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lemari saya berantakan.", "choice1": "Saya telah merapihkannya.", "choice2": "Saya telah menghiasnya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya terjaga sampai larut.", "choice1": "Saya mendapat mimpi yang jelas malam itu.", "choice2": "Saya merasa lelah di pagi harinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Isi saku pria itu berdenting ketika dia berjalan.", "choice1": "Sakunya terisi dengan koin.", "choice2": "Dia menjahit lubang yang berada di sakunya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Semua murid di kelas itu menatap siswa itu.", "choice1": "Telepon siswa itu telah berdering.", "choice2": "Siswa itu sedang menulis catatan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuda itu mendadak berheti.", "choice1": "Seekor lalat telah menggigit kuda itu.", "choice2": "Pengendaranya telah membelai kuda itu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pencuri perhiasan itu telah tertangkap.", "choice1": "Perhiasan yang tercuri telah dikembalikan kepada pemiliknya.", "choice2": "Biaya perhiasan yang dicuri itu telah dihitung.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kekerasan politik telah memecahkan di negara ini.", "choice1": "Banyak warga telah pindah ke ibukota.", "choice2": "Banyak warga lain telah mengungsi ke wilayah lain.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu ditangkap.", "choice1": "Dia masuk rehabilitasi.", "choice2": "Dia telah menyerang orang lain.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu membaca koran.", "choice1": "Dia baca tentang hasil pemilihan.", "choice2": "Dia telah memberikan suara dalam pemilihan itu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anak yang sedang sakit itu batuk kepada temannya.", "choice1": "Temannya juga ikut terkena penyakit.", "choice2": "Temannya bersin.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasangan itu bertunangan.", "choice1": "Mereka telah merencanakan pernikahannya.", "choice2": "Mereka berpisah untuk beberapa waktu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menghubungi agen real estat.", "choice1": "Wanita itu berencana membeli sebuah kondominium.", "choice2": "Wanita itu perlu membersihkan rumahnya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu memenangkan lotre.", "choice1": "Ia menjadi kaya.", "choice2": "Ia mempunyai hutang uang.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya nyalakan lilin.", "choice1": "Lilin menetes darinya.", "choice2": "Tetesan lilin itu mengeras.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya menghabiskan waktu hari itu di kolam renang.", "choice1": "Pergelangan kaki saya terkilir.", "choice2": "Wajah saya terbakar oleh matahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pria itu menerima sebuah denda parkir.", "choice1": "Ia parkir berjajar di jalan.", "choice2": "Meter parkirnya telah habis.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu menjadi terkenal.", "choice1": "Banyak fotografer terus mengikutinya.", "choice2": "Keluarganya menghindarinya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perempuan itu ingin memakai anting.", "choice1": "Dia menindik telinganya.", "choice2": "Dia mendapatkan sebuah tato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telingaku berdenging.", "choice1": "Saya pergi ke museum.", "choice2": "Saya pergi ke konser.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saya rapihkan rumah saya.", "choice1": "Saya sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan.", "choice2": "Saya mengharapkan ada yang menemani saya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maskapai itu salah menangani koper saya.", "choice1": "Mereka menawarkan saya kompensasi.", "choice2": "Mereka telah batalkan penerbangan saya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Komputer ini mahal kalau diperbaiki.", "choice1": "Saya memperbaikinya.", "choice2": "Saya membeli yang baru.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanita itu dalam suasana hati yang buruk.", "choice1": "Dia berobrol ringan dengan temannya.", "choice2": "Dia menyuruh temannya untuk tidak mengganggunya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/it/test.it.jsonl b/data/it/test.it.jsonl
index c9c31ca..d0f1aed 100644
--- a/data/it/test.it.jsonl
+++ b/data/it/test.it.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "L'oggetto era incartato nella plastica bollata.", "choice1": "Era delicato.", "choice2": "Era piccolo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo svuotato le mie tasche.", "choice1": "Estrassi la matrice di un biglietto.", "choice2": "Trovai un'arma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le termiti invasero la casa.", "choice1": "Le termiti sparirono dalla casa.", "choice2": "Le termiti rosero il legno della casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I viaggiatori raggiunsero il confine.", "choice1": "L'agente di pattuglia controllò i loro passaporti.", "choice2": "L'agente di pattuglia li accusò di contrabbando.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'ufficio era chiuso.", "choice1": "Era vacanza.", "choice2": "Era estate.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza esaurì le energie.", "choice1": "Aveva giocato a dama.", "choice2": "Aveva saltato la corda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva perso il suo posto in fila.", "choice1": "Più persone si misero in fila.", "choice2": "Si era tolta dalla fila.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si era tappata il naso.", "choice1": "La bambina aveva sbavato sul bavaglino.", "choice2": "La bambina aveva sporcato il pannolino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il gruppo suonò la loro canzone di successo.", "choice1": "Il pubblico applaudì a ritmo di musica.", "choice2": "Il pubblico ascoltò educatamente in silenzio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza voleva ringraziare l'insegnante di matematica.", "choice1": "La ragazza rimase dopo scuola per punizione.", "choice2": "La ragazza portò una mela all'insegnante.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I giovani campeggiatori erano spaventati.", "choice1": "L'animatore raccontò loro una storia di paura.", "choice2": "Abbrustolirono marshmallows sul falò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo sbatté la testa.", "choice1": "Si perse nei suoi pensieri.", "choice2": "Subì una commozione cerebrale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'assegno che avevo formato era scoperto.", "choice1": "Il mio conto in banca era vuoto.", "choice2": "Avevo ricevuto un aumento di stipendio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La casella di posta dell'uomo era piena di spam.", "choice1": "Cancellò lo spam.", "choice2": "Inviò un email di massa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il marinaio fu messo in quarantena.", "choice1": "Era stato esposto alla malattia.", "choice2": "Guarì dalla malattia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza aveva memorizzato il codice.", "choice1": "Se lo era recitato fra sé e sé.", "choice2": "Si era dimenticata di annotarlo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Versai l'acqua nel bicchiere.", "choice1": "L'acqua appagò la mia sete.", "choice2": "Il bicchiere si riempì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo rimase silenzioso quando l'amico finì di parlare.", "choice1": "Voleva offrire supporto all'amico.", "choice2": "Stava pensando alle parole dell'amico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'incidente era colpa mia.", "choice1": "Mi sentivo colpevole.", "choice2": "Feci denuncia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La catena si ruppe.", "choice1": "La catena era montata su una ruota.", "choice2": "C'era un anello rotto nella catena.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia aveva deciso di venire a un compromesso.", "choice1": "Si erano scocciati di litigare.", "choice2": "Evitavano di discutere del problema.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna decise di candidarsi per una carica pubblica.", "choice1": "Assunse un responsabile della campagna elettorale.", "choice2": "Testimoniò in tribunale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva previsto temperature basse durante il suo viaggio.", "choice1": "Aveva messo in valigia indumenti caldi.", "choice2": "Stava viaggiando con una grande valigia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente conosceva la risposta alla domanda.", "choice1": "Alzò la mano.", "choice2": "Oziò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli occhi dell'uomo si riempirono di lacrime.", "choice1": "Gli era entrata della polvere negli occhi.", "choice2": "Aveva indossato degli occhialini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La giocatrice vinse cinque partite di fila.", "choice1": "La sua avversaria l'accusò di imbrogliare.", "choice2": "La sua avversaria si dispiacque per lei.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'insegnante strappò l'esame dello studente.", "choice1": "Beccò lo studente mentre copiava.", "choice2": "Le risposte dello studente erano sbagliate.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Feci una pausa per smettere di parlare.", "choice1": "Persi la voce.", "choice2": "Rimasi senza fiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Il cibo ghiacciato si scongelò.", "choice1": "Lo misi nel microonde.", "choice2": "Lo coprii con la pellicola trasparente.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'impiegato finse di stare poco bene.", "choice1": "Aveva crampi allo stomaco.", "choice2": "Voleva un giorno libero.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza atterrò in piscina.", "choice1": "Corse sul bordo della piscina.", "choice2": "Saltò dal trampolino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I biglietti del film fecero il tutto esaurito.", "choice1": "Era il lancio del film.", "choice2": "Il film aveva ricevuto brutte recensioni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva perso peso.", "choice1": "Le persone lo isolarono.", "choice2": "Le persone si complimentarono con lui.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sulle mani della ragazza comparvero delle vesciche.", "choice1": "Aveva scritto a macchina una lettera.", "choice2": "Si era arrampicata su una corda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'artista del circo faceva il giocoliere mentre guidava un monociclo.", "choice1": "Il pubblico lo acclamò sbalordito.", "choice2": "L'acrobata dondolò da un trapezio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho perso la pazienza.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi aveva fatto aspettare.", "choice2": "Il mio amico arrivò in tempo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I paesi in guerra volevano la pace.", "choice1": "Svilupparono armi nucleari.", "choice2": "Negoziarono un trattato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo prese delle pillole per dormire.", "choice1": "Divenne sonnolento.", "choice2": "Gli venne la febbre.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna urtò il divano.", "choice1": "La gamba del divano si allentò.", "choice2": "Si fece un livido sul ginocchio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo spremette il palloncino.", "choice1": "Il palloncino scoppiò.", "choice2": "Il palloncino volò via.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I viaggiatori si registrarono nella loro stanza d'albergo.", "choice1": "Svuotarono le valige.", "choice2": "Andarono all'aeroporto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo dato un morso alla pesca.", "choice1": "La pesca si ammaccò.", "choice2": "Il succo schizzò fuori.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le mie mani diventarono appiccicose.", "choice1": "Avevo mangiato una ciambella.", "choice2": "Ero goloso di dolci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Spinsi la porta.", "choice1": "La porta si aprì.", "choice2": "La porta si chiuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli attivisti boicottarono i prodotti.", "choice1": "Il prodotto era stato testato per assicurarne la qualità.", "choice2": "Il prodotto era stato fabbricato attraverso il lavoro minorile.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo fatto un buco nel muro.", "choice1": "Un topo sgusciò fuori dal buco.", "choice2": "Si sollevò della polvere dal buco.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna era invidiosa della sorella.", "choice1": "La sorella era felice.", "choice2": "La sorella si era divorziata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi versai del vino sulla camicia.", "choice1": "Mi misi un grembiule.", "choice2": "Cambiai camicia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cassiere aprì la cassa.", "choice1": "Il cliente cercò nel suo portafogli.", "choice2": "Il cliente gli diede i propri soldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il musicista di strada attirò una folla.", "choice1": "La gente gli diede degli spiccioli.", "choice2": "Lui mandò via la folla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzino piagnucolò con la babysitter.", "choice1": "Gli mancavano i genitori.", "choice2": "Era l'ora della merenda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il radar del pilota rilevò una tempesta.", "choice1": "Il pilota navigò lontano dalla tempesta.", "choice2": "Il pilota volò attraverso la tempesta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'albero perse le foglie.", "choice1": "Le foglie cambiarono colore.", "choice2": "Le foglie si accumularono per terra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo era in vena di dispetti.", "choice1": "Decise di giocare a carte con la sorella.", "choice2": "Decise di fare uno scherzo alla sorella.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino si lamentava che doveva andare in bagno.", "choice1": "Il padre gli diede una soda da bere.", "choice2": "Il padre si fermò alla stazione di servizio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino sparse il mangime per pesci nell'acquario.", "choice1": "Il pesce balzò fuori dall'acquario.", "choice2": "Il pesce nuotò verso il mangime.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le opinioni politiche della donna erano mutate.", "choice1": "Cambiò il partito alla quale era affiliata.", "choice2": "Partecipò ad una protesta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il lavandino del bagno era intasato.", "choice1": "Aprii il rubinetto.", "choice2": "Ci versai dentro dell'acido muriatico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il passeggero scese dal treno.", "choice1": "Il treno era arrivato alla stazione.", "choice2": "Il treno emise un fischio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo premette il lembo umido dell'involucro.", "choice1": "Mise un francobollo sull'involucro.", "choice2": "Sigillò e chiuse l'involucro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli amici persero i contatti.", "choice1": "Si godevano la reciproca compagnia.", "choice2": "Si spostarono in città diverse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La contabile aveva malgestito i fondi della compagnia.", "choice1": "Fu licenziata dal suo ruolo.", "choice2": "Andò in maternità.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Guardai l'orologio.", "choice1": "Avevo sentito l'orologio ticchettare.", "choice2": "Volevo controllare l'ora.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ebbi un crampo alla mano.", "choice1": "Avevo scritto il tema a mano.", "choice2": "Io e mia moglie ci tenevamo per mano.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bullone si strinse.", "choice1": "L'avevo sostituito.", "choice2": "Avevo girato la chiave inglese.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia firmò il contratto d'affitto per un appartamento.", "choice1": "La coppia si trasferì nell'appartamento.", "choice2": "La città dichiarò inagibile l'appartamento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si era seduta sulla veranda.", "choice1": "Voleva guardare il tramonto.", "choice2": "Pensò di aver visto un fulmine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo indossava un giubbotto di salvataggio in acqua.", "choice1": "Non sapeva nuotare.", "choice2": "L'acqua era bassa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna fece un errore di battitura nel programma.", "choice1": "Cancellò il documento.", "choice2": "Premette sul tasto backspace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si era vantata con le amiche.", "choice1": "Aveva ricevuto un brutto voto.", "choice2": "Aveva vinto una gara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il prato era fangoso.", "choice1": "Era diluviato nella notte.", "choice2": "Era pieno d'erbacce.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva dormito troppo.", "choice1": "Aveva passato la notte in albergo.", "choice2": "Aveva dimenticato di impostare la sveglia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si era messo la protezione solare.", "choice1": "Si era seduto all'ombra.", "choice2": "Era andato in spiaggia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I ricercatori dimostrarono la teoria.", "choice1": "I ricercatori ritrattarono la teoria.", "choice2": "Le persone accettarono la teoria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I fan fischiarono durante la partita.", "choice1": "La partita aveva superato i limiti di tempo.", "choice2": "L'arbitro aveva preso una decisione sbagliata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo inserito la combinazione nel lucchetto.", "choice1": "Chiusi il lucchetto.", "choice2": "Il lucchetto si aprì di scatto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La folla si infittì.", "choice1": "Il padre diede dei soldi al figlio.", "choice2": "Il padre prese il figlio per mano.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La neve stava bloccando il vialetto.", "choice1": "Feci una palla di neve.", "choice2": "Spalai via la neve.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I canottieri pagaiarono con i loro remi.", "choice1": "La canoa raggiunse la costa.", "choice2": "La canoa colpì un'onda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La ragazza perse il controllo della bicicletta.", "choice1": "Lasciò andare il manubrio.", "choice2": "Andò a sbattere contro un recinto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Accesi il ventilatore.", "choice1": "Spruzzò acqua sulla mia pelle.", "choice2": "Sentii dell'aria fredda passarmi addosso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I surfisti ritornarono sulla spiaggia.", "choice1": "Erano fradici.", "choice2": "Avevano visto uno squalo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tirai via il tappo dalla vasca.", "choice1": "L'acqua della vasca si prosciugò.", "choice2": "L'acqua schizzò sul pavimento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il marito si sentì colpevole di aver tradito la moglie.", "choice1": "L'accuso di infedeltà.", "choice2": "Confessò di esserle stato infedele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'inchiostro sul poster si sbavò.", "choice1": "Avevo aspettato che l'inchiostro asciugasse.", "choice2": "Avevo rovesciato dell'acqua sul poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino si svegliò urlando.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto un incubo.", "choice2": "Aveva bagnato il letto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo mise i piedi sul tavolo.", "choice1": "I padre si sedette al tavolo.", "choice2": "Il padre lo sgridò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio amicò girò la testa verso di me.", "choice1": "Avevo gridato il suo nome.", "choice2": "Avevo agitato le braccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il governo aveva oppresso i suoi cittadini.", "choice1": "I cittadini inscenarono una rivolta.", "choice2": "I cittadini si registrarono per votare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un ragazzo si era perso nel bosco.", "choice1": "Montò una tenda.", "choice2": "Urlò aiuto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva viaggiato all'estero.", "choice1": "Voleva imparare a disegnare.", "choice2": "Voleva conoscere altre culture.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo era geloso dei suoi colleghi.", "choice1": "I suoi colleghi avevano avuto una promozione.", "choice2": "I suoi colleghi lavoravano fino a tardi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva assistito agli alieni.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto delle allucinazioni.", "choice2": "Stava meditando.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I capelli dell'uomo divennero biondi.", "choice1": "Ci aveva messo della candeggina.", "choice2": "Ci aveva messo dello shampoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'artista creò una nuova opera.", "choice1": "Aveva criticato la sua opera precedente.", "choice2": "Aveva avuto un impeto di ispirazione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il figlio si trasferì lontano da casa.", "choice1": "Era stato congedato dal servizio militare.", "choice2": "Stava andando all'università.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dei libri caddero dalla libreria.", "choice1": "Gli scaffali erano ricoperti da polvere.", "choice2": "Un terremoto aveva scosso la libreria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'elettricità nella casa saltò.", "choice1": "Accesi una luce.", "choice2": "Resettai il salvavita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Facemmo un giro sulla montagne russe.", "choice1": "Sembrava spaventoso.", "choice2": "Sembrava divertente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La busta di popcorn iniziò a scoppiettare.", "choice1": "Avevo versato del burro nella busta.", "choice2": "L'avevo riscaldata in microonde.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un albero è caduto sulla linea elettrica.", "choice1": "È andata via la luce in tutto il quartiere.", "choice2": "Le previsioni prevedevano dei venti forti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'oratore ha fatto dei commenti politicamente scorretti.", "choice1": "Ha annoiato il pubblico.", "choice2": "Ha offeso il pubblico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sono punto con la spilla.", "choice1": "La mia faccia si è imperlata di sudore.", "choice2": "Si è formata una goccia di sangue sul mio dito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il pesce galleggiava sulla superficie della vasca.", "choice1": "Aveva fame.", "choice2": "Era morto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva la voce rauca.", "choice1": "Aveva un raffreddore.", "choice2": "Ha smesso di fumare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le porte dell'ascensore si sono aperte.", "choice1": "L'ascensore è arrivato al piano previsto.", "choice2": "L'ascensore si è bloccato tra due piani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzino è sgattaiolato via di casa.", "choice1": "Ha mentito ai suoi genitori.", "choice2": "I suoi genitori lo hanno messo in punizione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bagno si è allagato.", "choice1": "Il gabinetto si è intasato.", "choice2": "Lo scaldabagno si è rotto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cucciolo non si allontanava dal padrone.", "choice1": "Il padrone ha messo un collare al cucciolo.", "choice2": "Il padrone teneva il cucciolo al guinzaglio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ha colto il suo riflesso.", "choice1": "Stava sotto un albero dai rami tentacolari.", "choice2": "Stava nei pressi di un lago calmo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho perso la telefonata della mia ragazza.", "choice1": "L'ho richiamata.", "choice2": "L'ho incontrata per cena.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia ha setacciato il quartiere.", "choice1": "Il loro cane era scappato di casa.", "choice2": "Dei gioielli costosi erano spariti da casa loro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quando espiravo vedevo il mio fiato.", "choice1": "Fuori faceva freddo.", "choice2": "Avevo delle fitte al petto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli impiegati hanno costituito un sindacato.", "choice1": "Volevano delle condizioni lavorative migliori.", "choice2": "Il loro datore di lavoro ha aumentato il loro salario.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho fatto una crostata di mele.", "choice1": "La cucina puzzava di marcio.", "choice2": "La cucina aveva un profumino accogliente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna faticava a camminare.", "choice1": "Indossava dei tacchi alti.", "choice2": "Si era tolta le scarpe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Del vapore si è sollevato dalla pentola piena d'acqua.", "choice1": "L'acqua bolliva.", "choice2": "Ho coperto la pentola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tutti i miei calzini erano nel bucato da lavare.", "choice1": "Ho indossato dei sandali.", "choice2": "Ho indossato degli stivali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'argomentazione del politico fu considerata assurda.", "choice1": "Perse l'appoggio degli elettori.", "choice2": "Fu accusato di corruzione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tutti erano contro il fidanzamento ufficiale della coppia.", "choice1": "La coppia era in dolce attesa.", "choice2": "La coppia si è sposata di nascosto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il palazzo è stato dedicato al milionario.", "choice1": "Il milionario voleva distruggere il palazzo.", "choice2": "Il milionario ha contribuito ai fondi per la sua costruzione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'assistente alle vendite ha accusato di furto la ragazza.", "choice1": "L'assistente alle vendite ha visto la ragazza infilare della mercanzia dentro la sua borsetta.", "choice2": "L'assistente alle vendite ha aiutato la ragazza a trovare la borsetta che le piaceva.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La nazione ha dichiarato guerra al territorio vicino.", "choice1": "I soldati sono stati mandati in missione a combattere.", "choice2": "I soldati si sono riuniti con le proprie famiglie.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il tribunale ha confermato la sentenza controversa.", "choice1": "È scattata una rivolta davanti al tribunale di giustizia.", "choice2": "Una coppia ha scambiato le promesse di matrimonio davanti al tribunale di giustizia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza sentiva odore di bruciato.", "choice1": "Ha preso dei biscotti dal barattolo.", "choice2": "Ha lasciato i biscotti nel forno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pioveva a dirotto.", "choice1": "La tempesta è peggiorata.", "choice2": "Sono scappato dentro casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il palazzo è stato evacuato.", "choice1": "L'ascensore ha smesso di funzionare.", "choice2": "È scattato l'allarme antincendio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il padre non sopportava l'alcolismo del figlio.", "choice1": "Il padre ha comprato una birra al figlio.", "choice2": "Il padre ha cacciato di casa il figlio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'avvocata ha fatto le scale per salire al suo ufficio.", "choice1": "La segretaria è tornata a casa dopo il lavoro.", "choice2": "L'ascensore era guasto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo era infastidito dal suo amico.", "choice1": "Il suo amico lo ha interrotto.", "choice2": "Il suo amico gli ha offerto il pranzo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha dato i soldi alla cassiera.", "choice1": "La cassiera ha dato il resto alla ragazza.", "choice2": "La cassiera si è dimenticata di dare lo scontrino alla ragazza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna fu messa su una sedia a rotella.", "choice1": "Era rimasta paralizzata in un incidente.", "choice2": "È entrata in ospedale su di una barella.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I cittadini appesero la bandiera nazionale sulla facciata delle loro case.", "choice1": "Il paese stava commemorando la sua indipendenza.", "choice2": "Il paese stava affrontando una grave situazione economica.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La squadra ha perso il torneo.", "choice1": "Hanno deluso i loro fan.", "choice2": "Hanno ispirato i loro fan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio amico mi ha fatto notare che avevo del cibo incastrato fra i denti.", "choice1": "Mi sono sentito in imbarazzo.", "choice2": "Ero fiero di me stesso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo non ha passato l'esame di storia.", "choice1": "Ha prestato attenzione in classe.", "choice2": "Si è dimenticato di studiare.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il palazzo in centro città è crollato.", "choice1": "Un terremoto ha colpito la città.", "choice2": "La criminalità nella città è aumentata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza dell'uomo l'ha lasciato.", "choice1": "Lui l'ha implorata di tornare assieme.", "choice2": "Lei lo ha presentato ai suoi genitori.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I due bambini si abbassarono simultaneamente per prendere il pallone.", "choice1": "Il pallone è rotolato via.", "choice2": "Hanno battuto la testa uno contro l'altro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il procione ha rovistato il bidone della spazzatura.", "choice1": "C'era del cartone all'interno del bidone della spazzatura.", "choice2": "Il coperchio non copriva il bidone della spazzatura.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo ha temperato la matita.", "choice1": "Costava poco.", "choice2": "Era poco appuntita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La cassiera non ha concesso alla donna un rimborso per il vestito.", "choice1": "La donna ha perso lo scontrino.", "choice2": "Il vestito non le stava bene addosso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il graffio sulla mia pelle era profondo.", "choice1": "È guarito velocemente.", "choice2": "Ha lasciato una cicatrice.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I passeggeri del treno guardarono strano l'uomo.", "choice1": "Stava fissando il pavimento.", "choice2": "Stava parlando da solo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino ha lasciato delle briciole sul pavimento.", "choice1": "Le formiche si sono arrampicate verso le briciole.", "choice2": "Il bambino ha messo via il pane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna diede un fazzolleto a sua sorella.", "choice1": "La sorella della donna intrecciò le mani.", "choice2": "La sorella della donna cominciò a piangere.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo prese una mentina.", "choice1": "Le sue labbra erano screpolate.", "choice2": "Temeva di avere l'alito cattivo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia se ne andò presto alla volta dello spettacolo.", "choice1": "Avevano previsto del traffico attorno al teatro.", "choice2": "Avevano ottenuto le indicazioni per il teatro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna era rimasta a casa dal lavoro.", "choice1": "Il suo capo l'ha lodata.", "choice2": "La sua collega di lavoro l'ha coperta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ha firmato la petizione degli attivisti.", "choice1": "Sosteneva la loro causa.", "choice2": "Li ha denunciati come pazzi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "All'uomo batteva forte il cuore prima della sua esibizione.", "choice1": "Aveva il panico da palcoscenico.", "choice2": "Aveva memorizzato le sue battute.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi ero perso.", "choice1": "Ho contato i miei soldi.", "choice2": "Ho aperto una mappa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La frutta matura rimase esposta al sole.", "choice1": "È stata mangiata.", "choice2": "Si è avvizzita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La macchina si è rotta.", "choice1": "L'ho messa in moto.", "choice2": "Il motore si è surriscaldato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si è fatto male alla schiena.", "choice1": "Ha visitato uno psichiatra.", "choice2": "È rimasto a letto per svariati giorni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho acceso un fuoco nel caminetto.", "choice1": "Non c'era più legna.", "choice2": "Faceva freddo nella casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna ha smesso di fare jogging.", "choice1": "Le è venuto un crampo al fianco.", "choice2": "Si è ripresa un po'.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho bussato alla porta della mia vicina.", "choice1": "La mia vicina mi ha invitata dentro.", "choice2": "La mia vicina ha lasciato casa sua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna emise un sospiro di frustrazione.", "choice1": "Suo marito non ha compreso le sue preoccupazioni.", "choice2": "Suo marito le ha dato un bacio di addio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La maestra ha elogiato lo studente.", "choice1": "Lo studente ha risposto correttamente.", "choice2": "Lo studente ha esitato nel rispondere alla domanda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva finito le uova.", "choice1": "È andata alla fattoria.", "choice2": "È andata al supermercato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho incontrato un vecchio amico.", "choice1": "Gli ho svelato un segreto.", "choice2": "L'ho abbracciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna evitò di entrare nel lago.", "choice1": "Ha pescato un pesce.", "choice2": "Sembrava inquinato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente arrivò in classe completamente fradicio.", "choice1": "Il suo ombrello si era rotto.", "choice2": "La sua bici era stata rubata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cursore sullo schermo del computer si è mosso.", "choice1": "L'utente ha cliccato il mouse.", "choice2": "L'utente ha spostato il mouse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'autista ha fatto una deviazione.", "choice1": "C'è stato un incidente sulla strada principale.", "choice2": "Ha seguito il furgone davanti a lei.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho appeso la biancheria bagnata sullo stendino di fuori.", "choice1": "La biancheria si è asciugata.", "choice2": "La biancheria si è macchiata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna ha indossato gli occhiali da sole.", "choice1": "La luce del sole era abbagliante.", "choice2": "Ha fermato un taxi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ammirò il cielo notturno.", "choice1": "Desiderava fosse estate.", "choice2": "Pensava che fosse stupendo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sentivo esausto.", "choice1": "Sono andato a dormire presto.", "choice2": "Sono rimasto sveglio tutta la notte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "L'uomo è andato dal barbiere.", "choice1": "Si stava lasciando crescere i capelli.", "choice2": "I suoi capelli stavano diventando lunghi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzino faceva dei brutti scherzi al suo nuovo compagno di classe.", "choice1": "Il ragazzino ha dato il benvenuto al suo nuovo compagno di classe.", "choice2": "Al ragazzino non piaceva il nuovo compagno di classe.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bramavo un bicchiere di latte.", "choice1": "Stavo mangiando dei biscotti.", "choice2": "Stavo infornando del pane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "È iniziato a piovere.", "choice1": "L'autista ha accesso i fari.", "choice2": "L'autista ha messo la macchina in retromarcia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il parcheggio del palazzo era vuoto.", "choice1": "Ho parcheggiato dall'altro lato della strada.", "choice2": "Ho parcheggiato vicino all'entrata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La scrittrice ha mancato la scadenza per inviare la bozza.", "choice1": "Aveva il blocco dello scrittore.", "choice2": "Ha corretto la bozza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'impiegato mi ha chiuso il telefono in faccia.", "choice1": "Ho chiesto di rivolgermi ad un superiore.", "choice2": "Gli ho fornito il mio numero identificativo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il vento soffiò attraverso la finestra aperta.", "choice1": "Il campanello squillò.", "choice2": "Le tende oscillarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "C'è stata una interruzione di corrente elettrica a casa mia.", "choice1": "Ho scollegato una lampada.", "choice2": "Ho bruciato un fusibile.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cuturista ha lanciato un gemito.", "choice1": "Ha flesso i muscoli allo specchio.", "choice2": "Ha sollevato la barra sopra la sua testa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente ha provato a fare i calcoli a mente.", "choice1": "Ha estratto una calcolatrice.", "choice2": "Si è confuso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino si è addormentato.", "choice1": "Il papà ha cambiato il pannolino del bambino.", "choice2": "Il padre ha cullato dolcemente il bambino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La bambina ha tirato il gavettone al bambino.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo ha avuto una commozione cerebrale.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo si è inzuppato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il fotografo si è dimenticato di usare il flash.", "choice1": "Le foto sono uscite sfocate.", "choice2": "Tutte le persone nella foto si sono rifiutate di sorridere.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho rifiutato l'invito alla festa di compleanno.", "choice1": "Ero solo.", "choice2": "Ero fuori città.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho fatto ginnastica.", "choice1": "Mi sentivo pieno di energie.", "choice2": "Ero spaventato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho strizzato la spugna umida.", "choice1": "Ha assorbito dell'acqua.", "choice2": "È colata dell'acqua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I vacanzieri hanno raggiunto il villaggio turistico con un traghetto.", "choice1": "Il villaggio turistico era pieno.", "choice2": "Il villaggio turistico si trovava su di una isola.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazzina si è fatta un tatuaggio.", "choice1": "Aveva paura degli aghi.", "choice2": "Voleva ribellarsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Una macchina ignota ha parcheggiato fuori casa mia.", "choice1": "Mi sono insospettita.", "choice2": "Ho chiamato la polizia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il criminale si è costituito.", "choice1": "Le prove lo hanno incriminato.", "choice2": "Non c'erano prove contro di lui.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un uomo robusto ha deciso di perdere peso.", "choice1": "Ha escluso i dolci dalla dieta.", "choice2": "Ha evitato la caffeina.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha calpesatato del ghiaccio.", "choice1": "È scivolata.", "choice2": "Ha rabbrividito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva le borse sotto gli occhi.", "choice1": "È rimasta tutta la notte sveglia.", "choice2": "Ha fatto addormentare il figlio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La lava fuoriusciva dal vulcano.", "choice1": "Il vulcano ha eruttato.", "choice2": "Il vulcano era dormiente.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna ha indossato le sue scarpe.", "choice1": "Conosceva tutti alla festa.", "choice2": "Voleva lasciare la festa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho pagato l'addetto del casello.", "choice1": "Mi ha lasciato passare oltre il casello.", "choice2": "Mi ha trattenuto al casello.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il dirigente è andato in bancarotta.", "choice1": "Ha venduto tutte le azioni della compagnia.", "choice2": "Ha sperperato le sue fortune.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo è andato dal dottore.", "choice1": "Il dottore era in congedo.", "choice2": "L'uomo si era ammalato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sono uscito dalla mia stanza da letto attraverso la finestra.", "choice1": "La casa era in fiamme.", "choice2": "La casa era vuota.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le dita del bambino erano raggrinzite.", "choice1": "Ha fatto una doccia lunga.", "choice2": "Si è cosparso le mani di sapone.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho sputato il latte.", "choice1": "Il latte era acido.", "choice2": "La mia bocca era asciutta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho perso l'autobus.", "choice1": "Ero in anticipo per il lavoro.", "choice2": "Sono arrivato tardi a lavoro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il camion si è scontrato con l'auto.", "choice1": "Il camion ha accelerato.", "choice2": "La macchina si è sfasciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La squadra ha truccato il concorso a proprio favore.", "choice1": "Hanno vinto.", "choice2": "Si sono ritirati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La bottiglia della bevanda ha frizzato.", "choice1": "Ho capovolto la bottiglia.", "choice2": "Ho svitato il tappo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino è rimasto chiuso fuori di casa.", "choice1": "È rientrato infilandosi in una finestra.", "choice2": "Si è arrampicato sul tetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il campanello suonò.", "choice1": "Il visitatore bussò alla porta con il battente .", "choice2": "La donna sbirciò fuori attraverso il buco della serratura nella porta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si macchiò l'abito.", "choice1": "L'ha lavato a secco.", "choice2": "L'ha appeso nell'armadio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza schiacciò il tubetto del dentifricio.", "choice1": "Il dentifricio schizzò fuori dal tubetto.", "choice2": "La ragazza sputò il dentifricio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le morti civili dovute alla guerra si impennarono.", "choice1": "I pacifisti organizzarono una protesta.", "choice2": "I pacifisti tennero una parata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si è strappata via il fiocco dai capelli.", "choice1": "Ha legato il fiocco.", "choice2": "Il fiocco la faceva sembrare infantile.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si è fatto una chirurgia plastica.", "choice1": "È invecchiato.", "choice2": "Sembrava più giovane.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un pulcino ha fatto capolino dall'uovo.", "choice1": "L'uovo si è schiuso.", "choice2": "Ho rotto l'uovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il prigioniero era denutrito.", "choice1": "È morto.", "choice2": "È scappato via.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo perse l'equilibrio sulla scala.", "choice1": "Ha salito la scala.", "choice2": "È caduto dalla scala.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino ha ruttato.", "choice1": "Ha bevuto un sorso di soda.", "choice2": "Ha aperto una lattina di soda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uno spiffero freddo entrò dalla finestra.", "choice1": "Mi sono rilassata.", "choice2": "Ho rabbrividito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente ha ricevuto una borsa di studio per l'università.", "choice1": "I suoi compagni di classe la rispettavano.", "choice2": "Aveva dei voti alti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha scherzato con il ragazzo.", "choice1": "Lei abitava alla porta accanto.", "choice2": "Lei aveva una cotta per lui.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il vagabondo affamato ha rubato del cibo.", "choice1": "Faceva pietà.", "choice2": "Non aveva denaro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho chiamato il mio amico per chiaccherare.", "choice1": "Cercavo la solitudine.", "choice2": "Mi sentivo solo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo protese la mano verso di me.", "choice1": "Gli ho stretto la mano.", "choice2": "L'ho schiaffeggiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sono scansato.", "choice1": "I fuochi d'artificio sono stati lanciati in aria.", "choice2": "Il frisbee è planato verso la mia testa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si mordeva le unghia.", "choice1": "Era preoccupata.", "choice2": "Era sorpresa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho girato pagina al calendario.", "choice1": "Ho segnato un appuntamento sul calendario.", "choice2": "Era l'inizio di un nuovo mese.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il marito ha scoperto che la moglie lo tradiva.", "choice1": "Ha licenziato il suo avvocato.", "choice2": "Ha chiesto il divorzio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha fatto cadere la palla di gomma.", "choice1": "La palla ha rimbalzato.", "choice2": "La palla brillava.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha commesso un errore nel suo compito.", "choice1": "Ha indovinato la risposta.", "choice2": "Ha cancellato la risposta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il giocatore ha placcato il suo avversario.", "choice1": "Il suo avversario ha preso il passaggio.", "choice2": "Il suo avversario è caduto a terra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho raccolto i pomodori a grappolo.", "choice1": "Erano maturi.", "choice2": "Li ho annaffiati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo voleva fare il romantico.", "choice1": "Ha incontrato la sua ex a pranzo.", "choice2": "Ha comprato dei cioccolatini alla sua ragazza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mercurio nel termometro si è alzato.", "choice1": "Ho fatto cadere il termometro.", "choice2": "Il clima si è scaldato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un tornado è passato attraverso la città.", "choice1": "Il tetto del tribunale è volato via.", "choice2": "L'autostrada era pericolosamente ghiacciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente andava a ripetizioni.", "choice1": "I suoi voti sono migliorati.", "choice2": "Ha copiato all'esame.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sentivo a mio agio.", "choice1": "Mi sono inginocchiato per terra.", "choice2": "Mi sono avvolta in una coperta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho lucidato la pietra.", "choice1": "È diventata scivolosa.", "choice2": "È diventata lucida.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho aggiunto dello zucchero nel caffè.", "choice1": "Il caffè emanava un odore fortissimo.", "choice2": "Il caffè aveva un sapore dolce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo sfogliava le pagine.", "choice1": "Si è tagliato con la carta.", "choice2": "Ha distrutto le pagine col tritacarta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho battuto il chiodo con il martello.", "choice1": "Il chiodo è affondato nel legno.", "choice2": "Il chiodo si è arrugginito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il pesce ha morso la lenza.", "choice1": "Il pescatore ha tirato su il pesce.", "choice2": "Il pescatore ha buttato di nuovo la lenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La ragazzina era in imbarazzo ad andare a scuola.", "choice1": "Aveva un brufolo.", "choice2": "Si è tolta l'apparecchio per i denti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio viso si è illuminato.", "choice1": "Ho ricevuto delle buone notizie.", "choice2": "Ho perso la pazienza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho asciugato le mie mani con un asciugamano.", "choice1": "L'asciugamano era bagnato.", "choice2": "Le mie mani erano bagnate.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ha perso l'equilibrio sullo sgabello.", "choice1": "Lo sgabello traballava sotto di lui.", "choice2": "Ha rovesciato della pittura sullo sgabello.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I compagni di squadra si sono incolpati a vicenda.", "choice1": "Hanno perso la partita.", "choice2": "Il loro allenatore ha cancellato l'allenamento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho chiesto perdono.", "choice1": "Mi sono pentito del mio errore.", "choice2": "Ho raggiunto il mio obiettivo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si è annoiata con il suo fidanzato.", "choice1": "Lui chiedeva domande su di lei.", "choice2": "Parlava di se stesso in maniera incessante.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha sfoderato un sorriso.", "choice1": "Le sue guance sono arrossite.", "choice2": "Sono emerse le fossette.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La nave nemica è esplosa.", "choice1": "È passata su di una mina.", "choice2": "È attraccata in porto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si è perforato un piede.", "choice1": "Ha calpestato una pozzanghera.", "choice2": "Ha calpestato del vetro rotto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli investigatori hanno controllato le impronte sulla scena del crimine.", "choice1": "Hanno scoperto l'identità dell'assassino.", "choice2": "Hanno trovato l'arma del delitto sulla scena del crimine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "C'era molto traffico sull'autostrada.", "choice1": "Ho preso una deviazione.", "choice2": "Ho chiesto un passaggio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'economia nazionale era in declino.", "choice1": "Molte persone si sono ammalate.", "choice2": "Molte persone hanno affrontato la disoccupazione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il vigile urbano ha soffiato il fischietto ai bambini.", "choice1": "I bambini stavano per attraversare con il traffico in arrivo.", "choice2": "Il vigile li ha riconosciuti dal suo quartiere.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho alzato gli occhi al cielo con il mio amico.", "choice1": "Mi ha detto la verità.", "choice2": "Ha fatto un commento sarcastico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'auto è rimasta senza benzina.", "choice1": "L'autista è rimasto bloccato sulla strada.", "choice2": "L'autista ha preso su un autostoppista.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna è entrata in travaglio.", "choice1": "Il bambino è stato partorito.", "choice2": "La donna aveva la nausea mattutina.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cappello dell'uomo è volato via.", "choice1": "L'uomo si è tolto il cappello.", "choice2": "Tirava vento fuori.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza ha partecipato alla festa di compleanno della sua compagna di classe.", "choice1": "Ha ricevuto un invito.", "choice2": "Ha comprato un regalo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La fronte del ragazzo scottava.", "choice1": "Sua madre ha misurato la febbre.", "choice2": "Sua madre l'ha portato al parco.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si è spruzzato il profumo.", "choice1": "Voleva fare colpo sulla sua accompagnatrice.", "choice2": "Si è ingellato i capelli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'elettricità in casa è saltata.", "choice1": "Ho cercato una torcia.", "choice2": "Ho raccolto una pala.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia ha traslocato in una casa più grande.", "choice1": "Il figlio si è diplomato al liceo.", "choice2": "La madre ha dato vita a due gemelli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La maratoneta manteneva un ritmo lento.", "choice1": "Voleva risparmiare energie.", "choice2": "Ha scorto il traguardo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo ha preso a calci il distributore automatico.", "choice1": "Il distributore ha sputato fuori il resto.", "choice2": "Il pacco di patatine era rimasto incastrato dentro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cane del mio amico è morto.", "choice1": "Ho alzato gli occhi al cielo.", "choice2": "L'ho abbracciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La carta di credito dell'imprenditore è stata rifiutata.", "choice1": "Ha scritto una cambiale.", "choice2": "Ha pagato in contanti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo imprecò.", "choice1": "Si è tagliato le unghie.", "choice2": "Ha sbattuto il dito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo era fiero di suo fratello.", "choice1": "Suo fratello ha litigato con i loro genitori.", "choice2": "Suo fratello è entrato a giurisprudenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza voleva saperne di più sul sistema solare.", "choice1": "È andata alla biblioteca.", "choice2": "Ha guardato le stelle.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il poster si è attaccato al muro.", "choice1": "Ho posizionato il poster sopra la porta.", "choice2": "Ho messo del nastro adesivo dietro il poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cliente ha approvato il progetto del palazzo creato dall'architetto.", "choice1": "L'architetto ha costruito il palazzo.", "choice2": "L'architetto ha sistemato il progetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ha fatto cadere il suo cucchiaio.", "choice1": "La sua mano stava tremando.", "choice2": "Ha leccato il cucchiaio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'amministratore delegato della società si è dimesso.", "choice1": "Il consiglio di amministrazione ha sciolto la società.", "choice2": "Il consiglio di amministrazione ha trovato il suo sostituto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sono arrivato tardi a lezione.", "choice1": "Ho trovato posto in fondo all'aula.", "choice2": "Mi sono avvicinato al podio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo è stato rilasciato dal carcere.", "choice1": "La sua famiglia ha pagato la cauzione.", "choice2": "Lui ha attaccato un altro prigioniero.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia ha perso tutti i suoi averi.", "choice1": "Hanno venduto la casa.", "choice2": "La loro casa è andata in fiamme.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho calpestato la lattina.", "choice1": "La lattina è stata riciclata.", "choice2": "La lattina è stata schiacciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si è unita al gruppo di dibattito.", "choice1": "Ha imparato ad usare un computer.", "choice2": "Ha imparato delle abilità comunicative.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio umore è migliorato.", "choice1": "Ho ascoltato della musica.", "choice2": "Ho lavato i piatti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'ente di beneficenza si è posto l'obiettivo di raccogliere fondi.", "choice1": "Hanno nutrito i senzatetto.", "choice2": "Hanno indetto un'asta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La vettura si è tuffata lungo la discesa repentina delle montagne russe.", "choice1": "I passeggeri hanno riso.", "choice2": "I passeggeri hanno urlato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ero furioso.", "choice1": "Ho controllato la cassetta della posta prima lasciare casa.", "choice2": "Ho sbattuto la porta uscendo di casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo voleva vedere l'alba.", "choice1": "Ha viaggiato verso nord.", "choice2": "Si è alzato presto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho piegato il foglio.", "choice1": "Ho riciclato il foglio.", "choice2": "Il foglio si è stropicciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La nazione ha subito un disastro naturale.", "choice1": "I capi delle altre nazioni hanno creato un'alleanza.", "choice2": "I capi delle altre nazioni hanno mandato dei soccorsi d'emergenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I vestiti del ragazzo si sono inzuppati.", "choice1": "Si è arrampicato fuori dalla piscina.", "choice2": "È caduto in piscina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente ha finito il libro in fretta.", "choice1": "Era tempo di riportarlo in biblioteca.", "choice2": "L'ha preso in prestito da un amico.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il criminale è stato giustiziato.", "choice1": "È stato sbattuto in prigione.", "choice2": "È stato incriminato di omicidio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La luce del sole era entrata nella stanza.", "choice1": "Ho aperto le tapparelle.", "choice2": "Ho aperto la porta con la chiave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho strappato i capelli all'impostore.", "choice1": "La sua parrucca si è staccata.", "choice2": "È diventato pelato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'editore ha riformulato una frase del manoscritto.", "choice1": "Ha trovato il manoscritto interessante.", "choice2": "Ha ritenuto la frase poco chiara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna ha cancellato il conto della sua carta di credito.", "choice1": "Si è accorta di aver perso la carta.", "choice2": "Si è accorta che la carta era scaduta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo e la donna si innamorarono.", "choice1": "Sono andati all'università.", "choice2": "Si sono sposati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La musica era troppo bassa per essere sentita.", "choice1": "Ho alzato il volume.", "choice2": "Ho composto una mia canzone.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I capelli del ragazzo erano arruffati.", "choice1": "La ragazza li ha scompigliati.", "choice2": "La ragazza li ha tirati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'insetto è statto schiacciato.", "choice1": "Mi sono spruzzata lo spray repellente addosso.", "choice2": "Ho calpestato l'insetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho aperto gli occhi.", "choice1": "Mi sono svegliato.", "choice2": "Mi sono rilassato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La musica del vicino era assordante.", "choice1": "Gli ho chiesto di abbassare il volume.", "choice2": "Gli ho chiesto di prestarmi il CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia dell'uomo viveva in povertà.", "choice1": "Era parsimonioso con il suo stipendio.", "choice2": "Guadagnava meno del salario minimo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente si laureò all'università.", "choice1": "Cercò un lavoro.", "choice2": "Si trovò un passatempo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'artista miscelò la tempera gialla con quella blu.", "choice1": "La tempera spruzzò dappertutto.", "choice2": "La tempera diventò verde.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cambiai argomento di conversazione.", "choice1": "Avevo finito le cose di cui parlare.", "choice2": "La conversazione divenne tesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mio fratello fu dimesso dall'ospedale.", "choice1": "Gli diedi il bentornato a casa.", "choice2": "Lo trattai con freddezza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La tenda sul parco si alzò.", "choice1": "Iniziò la scena di apertura dello spettacolo.", "choice2": "Gli attori dello spettacolo uscirono di scena.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'ostaggio si sottomise agi ordini del rapitore.", "choice1": "Il rapitore minacciò di fare del male all'ostaggio.", "choice2": "Il rapitore lasciò l'ostaggio da solo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Un rimbombo riverberò sul palco.", "choice1": "Il musicista batté il piede.", "choice2": "Il musicista pestò sul tamburo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I genitori accorsero alla camera da letto del figlio.", "choice1": "Il figlio si era svegliato da un incubo urlando.", "choice2": "Il figlio aveva paura di guardare sotto il letto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna comunicò attraverso la lingua dei segni.", "choice1": "Era nata prematura.", "choice2": "Era sorda dalla nascita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ci fu siccità nella regione.", "choice1": "L'acqua fu contaminata.", "choice2": "Il raccolto andò distrutto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il gatto diede la caccia all'uccello.", "choice1": "L'uccello volò via.", "choice2": "L'uccello catturò un verme.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza cambiò scuola.", "choice1": "Erano le vacanze estive.", "choice2": "Si era transferita in una nuova città.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il padrone della fabbrica si rifiutò di aumentare il salario dei suoi operai.", "choice1": "Il padrone assunse un nuovo amministratore.", "choice2": "Gli operai andarono in sciopero.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il capo di partito si inimicò gli estremisti all'interno del proprio paese.", "choice1": "Gli estremisti lo influenzarono.", "choice2": "Gli estremisti lo assassinarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Camminai a piedi nudi sulla spiaggia.", "choice1": "La sabbia si appiccicò ai miei piedi.", "choice2": "Le onde si infransero lungo la spiaggia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi svegliai nel mezzo della notte per il freddo.", "choice1": "Indossai i pantaloni della tuta.", "choice2": "Bevvi un bicchier d'acqua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La madre zittì suo figlio.", "choice1": "Suo figlio fece una smorfia di soddisfazione.", "choice2": "Suo figlio piagnucolava.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I miei jeans si squarciarono.", "choice1": "Tirai su la cerniera.", "choice2": "Inciampai sul marciapiede.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo indossava l'apparecchio.", "choice1": "Prese le carie.", "choice2": "Il suoi denti si raddrizzarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ieri mi esercitai in palestra.", "choice1": "Oggi mi sono svegliato con i muscoli doloranti.", "choice2": "Oggi mi sono svegliato con la gola infiammata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le ragazze continuavano a parlarsi all'orecchio a tavola.", "choice1": "Altri studenti si sedettero alla tavola.", "choice2": "Gli altri studenti a tavola si sentirono esclusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La bambina atterrò sul tappeto elastico.", "choice1": "Si librò di nuovo in aria.", "choice2": "Decise di provare a fare una capriola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Depositai una lettera nella buca.", "choice1": "L'ufficio postale recapitò la lettera.", "choice2": "L'ufficio postale accelerò la lettera.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il giocatore d'azzardo era sicuro di sé.", "choice1": "Scommise tutto il suo denaro.", "choice2": "Tornò a casa squattrinato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'incendio si diffuse per la foresta.", "choice1": "I venti si intensificarono.", "choice2": "Gli incendiari furono arrestati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino si sbucciò il ginocchio.", "choice1": "La madre lo mandò in camera sua.", "choice2": "La madre mise un cerotto sulla ferita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo soppravvisse a una malattia mortale.", "choice1": "Aveva firmato il suo testamento.", "choice2": "Aveva ricevuto un trapianto di organi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bevvi un sorso del caffè bollente.", "choice1": "Mi morsi la lingua.", "choice2": "Mi scottai la lingua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'editore licenziò la scrittrice.", "choice1": "La scrittrice evitava distorsioni nelle sue storie.", "choice2": "La scrittrice aveva mancato una scadenza importante.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sentivo esausto.", "choice1": "Dormii per tutto il giorno.", "choice2": "Studiai per tutto il giorno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La dottoressa fece una diagnosi al paziente.", "choice1": "Identificò i sintomi del paziente.", "choice2": "Prescrisse delle pillole al paziente.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi grattai la pelle.", "choice1": "Era sudata.", "choice2": "Prudeva.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo subì un intervento chirurgico d'urgenza.", "choice1": "Aveva perso il controllo.", "choice2": "Aveva avuto un infarto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I muscoli sul braccio dell'uomo sporsero.", "choice1": "Aveva contratto le braccia.", "choice2": "Aveva massaggiato le braccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo sollevò le sopracciglia.", "choice1": "Era sorpreso.", "choice2": "Si sentiva scoraggiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Scusai la gaffe del mio collega.", "choice1": "Credevo che aveva avuto buone intenzioni.", "choice2": "Credevo fosse più giudizioso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo smise di fumare.", "choice1": "Iniziò a esercitasi di più.", "choice2": "Iniziò a svegliarsi prima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna diede un pugno al naso dell'assalitore.", "choice1": "Il corpo dell'assalitore cadde esanime.", "choice2": "L'assalitore iniziò a sanguinare.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La freccetta mancò il centro del bersaglio.", "choice1": "L'uomo aveva mirato male.", "choice2": "L'uomo stava perdendo la partita.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il proprietario richiese che un disinfestatore venisse a casa sua.", "choice1": "Scoprì dei topi in cantina.", "choice2": "Teneva un allevamento di formiche in camera sua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Proposi al mio ospite di cenare fuori.", "choice1": "Ero troppo stanco per preparare alcunché.", "choice2": "Il mio ospite aveva prolungato troppo la sua permanenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza sorprese il fratello a sbirciare il suo diario.", "choice1": "Iniziò a nascondere il diario.", "choice2": "Comprò un diario nuovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alla donna mancavano i soldi per l'affitto.", "choice1": "Fece gli straordinari a lavoro.", "choice2": "Si licenziò da lavoro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La mano del mabino si ritrasse rapidamente.", "choice1": "Aveva toccato i fornelli caldi.", "choice2": "Aveva accarezzato la testa del cucciolo di cane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'azienda voleva misurare la soddisfazione del cliente.", "choice1": "Offrirono uno sconto ai nuovi clienti.", "choice2": "Distribuirono un questionario fra i clienti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il pavimento in legno era graffiato.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo aveva gettato i cuscini giù dal divano.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo aveva trascinato una sedia sul pavimento.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi schermai la faccia.", "choice1": "Il mio nemico mi aveva schernito.", "choice2": "Il mio nemico aveva stretto il pugno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famosa statua era bruciata.", "choice1": "Era stata colpita da un fulmine.", "choice2": "La gente veniva a venerarla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lasciai la frutta fuori sul tavolo.", "choice1": "Dalla frutta caddero i semi.", "choice2": "Dei moscerini giravano attorno alla frutta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ballerina si strappò un legamento.", "choice1": "Si era messa in punta di piedi.", "choice2": "Si era storta la caviglia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino aveva le scarpe slacciate.", "choice1": "Aveva imparato ad allacciarle.", "choice2": "Aveva corso in giro per il parco giochi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il libro mi aveva ammaliato.", "choice1": "Restituii il libro.", "choice2": "Persi la cognizione del tempo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva convinzioni simili a quelle dei suoi genitori.", "choice1": "I suoi genitori lo avevano influenzato.", "choice2": "I suoi genitori lo avevano ripudiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La macchina rallentò gradualmente fino a fermarsi.", "choice1": "Aveva finito la benzina.", "choice2": "L'autista si era addormentato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo mangiò il gelato sotto il sole.", "choice1": "Il gelato perse il suo sapore.", "choice2": "Il gelato sgocciolò dal cono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Appesi un'opera d'arte in camera.", "choice1": "Il tappeto sembrava sporco.", "choice2": "Le pareti sembravano spoglie.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lasciai lavoro in anticipo.", "choice1": "Avevo mal di testa.", "choice2": "Il mio capo tenne un incontro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cucciolo insudiciò il tappeto.", "choice1": "Il proprietario rimproverò il cucciolo.", "choice2": "Il proprietario diede una ricompensa al cucciolo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi scusai con il mio amico.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi perdonò.", "choice2": "Il mio amico si infuriò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si stagliava fra la folla.", "choice1": "Portava uno zaino.", "choice2": "Indossava un giubbotto catarifrangente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il testimone mentì sotto giuramento.", "choice1": "Completò la sua testimonianza.", "choice2": "Fu accusato di spergiuro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si tinse i capelli.", "choice1": "Voleva un nuovo look.", "choice2": "Voleva passare inosservata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli immigrati furono sorpresi a risiedere illegalmente nel paese.", "choice1": "Trovarono un impiego.", "choice2": "Furono deportati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'oratrice fece una battuta.", "choice1": "Il pubblico rise.", "choice2": "Il pubblico si alzò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fissai il sole.", "choice1": "Il sole mi accecò.", "choice2": "Il sole abbronzò la mia pelle.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi sentivo annoiato.", "choice1": "Sbuffai.", "choice2": "Sbadigliai.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La bistecca era difficile da tagliare.", "choice1": "Il coltello era smussato.", "choice2": "La bistecca era cruda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La donna dichiarò bancarotta.", "choice1": "Riceveva assegni di mantenimento.", "choice2": "Aveva contratto un debito enorme.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le luci nell'appartamento del mio amico erano accese.", "choice1": "Mi chiesi se fosse uscito.", "choice2": "Decisi di passare a visitarlo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misi il fiore sotto al naso.", "choice1": "I petali caddero dal fiore.", "choice2": "Percepii il profumo del fiore.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si sentiva nostalgica.", "choice1": "Si era imbattuta in un amico di infanzia.", "choice2": "Aveva sgridato i suoi bambini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente procrastinava il tema.", "choice1": "Consegnò il tema in anticipo.", "choice2": "Consegnò un tema incompleto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La mia macchina si è rotta.", "choice1": "Sono andato al centro commerciale.", "choice2": "Ho chiamato un meccanico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Buttai via l'appunto.", "choice1": "Era anonimo.", "choice2": "Era illeggibile.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uccello sbatté le ali.", "choice1": "Depose le uova.", "choice2": "Si innalzò in cielo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Parcheggiai sul vialetto.", "choice1": "Il garage era aperto.", "choice2": "Il garage era pieno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il criminale puntò la pistola contro la vittima.", "choice1": "Il criminale abbassò la pistola.", "choice2": "La vittima alzò le mani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Non vedevo l'ora del fine settimana.", "choice1": "Avevo intenzione di partecipare al funerale di mio zio.", "choice2": "Avevo intenzione di partecipare al matrimonio del mio amico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Persi cognizione del tempo.", "choice1": "Stavo sognando a occhi aperti.", "choice2": "Ero nauseato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La stampa del documento era illeggibile.", "choice1": "La stampante aveva quasi finito l'inchiostro.", "choice2": "La stampante aveva finito la carta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo stadio suonò l'inno nazionale.", "choice1": "I tifosi si rivolsero verso la bandiera.", "choice2": "I tifosi si precipitarono in campo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il condimento era insipido.", "choice1": "Lo servii.", "choice2": "Ci misi del sale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misi della carta assorbente sulla fuoriuscita.", "choice1": "La carta assorbì il liquido.", "choice2": "La fuoriuscita lasciò un residuo appiccicoso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna fu interrotta mentre leggeva il suo libro.", "choice1": "Mise un segnalibro sulla pagina.", "choice2": "Lesse il libro da capo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'aereo incontrò qualche turbolenza.", "choice1": "L'uomo strinse la propria cintura di sicurezza.", "choice2": "L'uomo guardò fuori dal finestrino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo sussultò.", "choice1": "La ragazza lo aveva ignorato.", "choice2": "La ragazza lo aveva punzecchiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I dottori diedero un arto artificiale al paziente.", "choice1": "Le avevano amputato la gamba.", "choice2": "Avevano monitorato le sue funzioni vitali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo pizzicò il gomito della ragazza.", "choice1": "Lei scrollò le spalle.", "choice2": "Lei ritrasse il braccio di scatto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiesi consiglio al mio amico.", "choice1": "Stimavo la sua opinione.", "choice2": "Sapevo di aver ragione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo camminò nel fango.", "choice1": "Il fango si attaccò alle sue scarpe.", "choice2": "Il fango lo colpì in faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sulla città si depositarono svariati centimetri di neve.", "choice1": "Le scuole chiusero.", "choice2": "La gente si nascose sottoterra.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il turno dell'impiegato era finito.", "choice1": "Andò a casa per quel giorno.", "choice2": "Minacciò di licenziarsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'albero danneggiò la casa.", "choice1": "L'albero era caduto sul tetto.", "choice2": "L'albero faceva ombra sul giardino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il legno si spaccò a metà.", "choice1": "Avevo impilato il legno nel camino.", "choice2": "Avevo fatto scendere un colpo d'ascia sul legno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia fece le sue congratulazioni alla coppia.", "choice1": "La coppia aveva annunciato che si stavano separando.", "choice2": "La coppia aveva annunciato che stavano avando un bambino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza aveva inviato al ragazzo un biglietto di S. Valentino.", "choice1": "Lui le piaceva.", "choice2": "Lei lo aveva baciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Annuii all'affermazione del mio amico.", "choice1": "Ero confuso.", "choice2": "Ero d'accordo con lui.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli amici lanciarono una moneta.", "choice1": "Volevano trovare un compromesso.", "choice2": "Volevano prendere la decisione giusta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Il timer aveva suonato in cucina.", "choice1": "L'uomo scaricò la spesa nel frigorifero.", "choice2": "L'uomo tirò fuori la pizza dal forno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna stabilì un obiettivo ambizioso.", "choice1": "Ha battuto la fiacca.", "choice2": "Ha lavorato duramente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ricco morì di vecchiaia.", "choice1": "Suo figlio finì in qualche problema legale.", "choice2": "Suo figlio ereditò la sua fortuna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna calpestò le fiamme.", "choice1": "Le fiamme si spensero.", "choice2": "Del fumo si alzò dalle fiamme.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La macchina della donna era dal meccanico.", "choice1": "Le era stata ritirata la patente.", "choice2": "Era finita in un incidente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mi riaddormentai dopo la sveglia.", "choice1": "Preparai la colazione.", "choice2": "Saltai la colazione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La figura pubblica uscì dalla limousine.", "choice1": "Delle macchine fotografiche lo accecarono coi flash.", "choice2": "La sua famiglia partecipò alla conferenza stampa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si trattenne nella vasca.", "choice1": "L'acqua del bagno divenne tiepida.", "choice2": "La vasca si prosciugò dell'acqua da bagno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente universitario voleva incontrare altri studenti nel campus.", "choice1": "Si unì a una confraternita.", "choice2": "Si laureò in ingegneria.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sollevai i cuscini del divano.", "choice1": "Cercavo monetine.", "choice2": "Stavo risistemando il salotto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La vespa volò verso il ragazzo.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo corse via.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo raccolse un fiore.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna fu incriminata per un reato minore.", "choice1": "Fu condannata a svolgere dei servizi sociali.", "choice2": "Fu messa nel braccio della morte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mischiai dello zucchero nel tè caldo.", "choice1": "Il tè fumava.", "choice2": "Lo zucchero si sciolse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il veterano camminava zoppo.", "choice1": "Era stato arruolato per la guerra.", "choice2": "Si era infortunato in battaglia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il criminale sfuggì alla polizia.", "choice1": "La polizia si prese cura della vittima.", "choice2": "La polizia inseguì il criminale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il laptop non si accendeva.", "choice1": "L'avevo fatto cadere.", "choice2": "L'avevo caricato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna esaurì lo spazio nel suo armadio.", "choice1": "Aveva acquistato un ampio guardaroba.", "choice2": "Aveva piegato il bucato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva il cuore spezzato.", "choice1": "La moglie aveva partorito.", "choice2": "La moglie l'aveva lasciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ottenne un diploma.", "choice1": "Divenne qualificato per il lavoro che voleva.", "choice2": "La sua offerta di lavoro fu ritirata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La voce dell'uomo si diffuse chiaramente per l'intero auditorio.", "choice1": "Salutò il pubblico.", "choice2": "Parlò nel microfono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gettai una moneta nell'acqua della fontana.", "choice1": "La moneta si posò sul fondo.", "choice2": "La moneta si ruppe a metà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il giocatore colpì la palla verso la buca.", "choice1": "La palla finì in buca.", "choice2": "La palla ripiegò indietro verso il giocatore.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Inspirai la polvere in mansarda.", "choice1": "Ebbi il singhiozzo.", "choice2": "Starnutii.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cassiere del negozio chiamò la sicurezza.", "choice1": "Il cliente aveva usato denaro contraffatto.", "choice2": "Il cliente aveva lasciato i fari accesi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Portai fuori la spazzatura.", "choice1": "La spazzatura faceva puzzare la cucina.", "choice2": "Buttai via accidentalmente la mia lista della spesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia andò allo zoo.", "choice1": "I bambini ammirarono gli animali.", "choice2": "I bambini diedero la caccia agli animali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il respiro dell'uomo era affannoso.", "choice1": "Aveva un'insufficienza renale.", "choice2": "Aveva una congestione polmonare.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo un biglietto in più per il concerto.", "choice1": "Chiesi al mio amico le indicazioni per la sala.", "choice2": "Chiesi al mio amico se era interessato a venire.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il condizionatore dentro casa si era rotto.", "choice1": "Tirai fuori le coperte.", "choice2": "Aprii le finestre.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Al ragazzo doleva la schiena.", "choice1": "Il suo zaino era aperto.", "choice2": "Il suo zaino era pesante.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Comprai un regalo a mia madre.", "choice1": "Le preparai una torta.", "choice2": "Era il suo compleanno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I narcisi nel giardino erano stati distrutti.", "choice1": "Un'ape aveva punto il giardiniere.", "choice2": "Degli scoiattoli avevano dissotterrato i bulbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Strofinai il fiammifero.", "choice1": "La fiamma si estinse.", "choice2": "Il fiammifero produsse una fiamma.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le parti della controversia raggiunsero un'intesa.", "choice1": "Non volevano discutere in tribunale.", "choice2": "Volevano risanare i loro rapporti personali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I bambini furono mandati in orfanotrofio.", "choice1": "I loro genitori erano morti.", "choice2": "I loro genitori li avevano viziati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il meteorite atterrò nell'oceano.", "choice1": "Si verificò uno tsunami.", "choice2": "Iniziò a grandinare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'escursionista incontrò un serpente velenoso.", "choice1": "Si disidratò.", "choice2": "Andò in panico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il forno diventò bollente.", "choice1": "Avevo accesso il forno.", "choice2": "Avevo messo il piatto in forno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Spremetti lo spicchio di limone.", "choice1": "Il limone ammuffì.", "choice2": "Il limone si spruzzò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La nazione scoprì un nuovo territorio.", "choice1": "La nazione abbandonò il territorio.", "choice2": "La nazione colonizzò il territorio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bicchiere si rovesciò dal tavolo.", "choice1": "Si frantumò su tutto il pavimento.", "choice2": "Atterrò su un mucchio di stracci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il tavolo oscillava.", "choice1": "Il pavimento era irregolare.", "choice2": "Il pavimento era scivoloso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il padre colse il figlio a mentire.", "choice1": "Suo figlio confessò la verità.", "choice2": "Il padre si fidò del figlio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La testa dell'uomo pulsava di dolore.", "choice1": "Prese lo sciroppo per la tosse.", "choice2": "Prese l'aspirina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il treno rallentò.", "choice1": "Si avvicinava alla stazione.", "choice2": "Era in ritardo sulla tabella di marcia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo passò attraverso una terapia.", "choice1": "Aveva casi di malattie mentali in famiglia.", "choice2": "Gli era stata diagnosticata la depressione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si afferrò la gola.", "choice1": "Aveva ingoiato del cibo.", "choice2": "Si era strozzata con il cibo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva la gola infiammata.", "choice1": "La sua voce suonava rauca.", "choice2": "Parlava con un po' di accento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Il cane adocchiò la bistecca succulenta in tavola.", "choice1": "Sbavò.", "choice2": "Si sdraiò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli affari della donna avevano successo.", "choice1": "Licenziò i suoi impiegati.", "choice2": "Diventò ricca.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli studenti uscirono dalla classe.", "choice1": "La campanella era suonata.", "choice2": "La maestra aveva dato i compiti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna sosteneva di aver visto un fantasma.", "choice1": "I suoi conoscenti espressero il loro scetticismo.", "choice2": "I suoi conoscenti le dimostrarono empatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo perse il suo udito.", "choice1": "Era quasi affogato nell'oceano.", "choice2": "Era stato quasi ucciso da un'esplosione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino lasciò andare il filo del palloncino.", "choice1": "Il palloncino si sgonfiò.", "choice2": "Il palloncino si sollevò in aria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo perse l'abilità di parlare.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto un infarto.", "choice2": "Aveva fatto un respiro profondo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna inciampò sul marciapiede.", "choice1": "C'era una fessura nel cemento.", "choice2": "Sentì chiamare il proprio nome.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo fece un tuffo a bomba in piscina.", "choice1": "Il bagnino si buttò dentro dopo di lui.", "choice2": "L'uomo infradiciò il bagnino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Presi degli antibiotici.", "choice1": "La mia infezione guarì.", "choice2": "La mia infezione si diffuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il semaforo diventò giallo.", "choice1": "L'autista spinse il pedale del freno.", "choice2": "L'autista suonò il clacson.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il contenitore di plastica si sciolse.", "choice1": "Immersi il contenitore nell'acqua fredda.", "choice2": "Misi il contenitore sui fornelli caldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La macchina si era ammaccata.", "choice1": "Il guidatore aveva colpito un palo del telefono.", "choice2": "Il guidatore era passato col rosso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo studiò tutta la notte.", "choice1": "Saltò l'esame.", "choice2": "Passò l'esame.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzino si avvinghiò al bordo piscina.", "choice1": "Aveva paura di imparare a nuotare.", "choice2": "Il bagnino era in servizio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misi la mano sul petto.", "choice1": "Sentii il battito del mio cuore.", "choice2": "La frequenza cardiaca accelerò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'edificio adiacente al mio ufficio era in costruzione.", "choice1": "Il mio ufficio era affollato.", "choice2": "Il mio ufficio era rumoroso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La famiglia voleva conoscere i loro nuovi vicini.", "choice1": "La famiglia invitò i vicini a cena.", "choice2": "La famiglia salutò i vicini dal giardino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dell'acqua schizzò fuori dalla piscina.", "choice1": "La nuotatrice si era tuffata in piscina.", "choice2": "La nuotatrice galleggiava in piscina.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mangiai una fetta di anguria.", "choice1": "Ingoiai un seme accidentalmente.", "choice2": "Mi scheggiai un dente accidentalmente.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo inciampò.", "choice1": "La cerniera della sua giacca era aperta.", "choice2": "I lacci delle sue scarpe erano slegati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna indossò le cuffie.", "choice1": "Era distratta dal rumore.", "choice2": "Si era fatta i buchi alle orecchie.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riempii la mia bottiglia d'acqua.", "choice1": "Avevo bevuto tutta l'acqua.", "choice2": "L'avevo tenuta in frigorifero.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo spettacolo televisivo fu censurato.", "choice1": "Conteneva del linguaggio volgare.", "choice2": "Aveva una trama complicata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La nave naufragò.", "choice1": "L'equipaggio annegò.", "choice2": "L'equipaggio incontrò dei pirati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo era perplesso circa l'indovinello.", "choice1": "Risolse l'indovinello.", "choice2": "Richiese un indizio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il telefono squillò.", "choice1": "L'uomo riattaccò il telefono.", "choice2": "L'uomo rispose al telefono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna mi stava fissando.", "choice1": "La abbracciai.", "choice2": "Mi sentii a disagio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il gruppo se ne andò dal museo.", "choice1": "Avevano scattato foto della mostra.", "choice2": "Avevano visto tutte le opere.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo inizò a litigare con me.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi presentò all'uomo.", "choice2": "Il mio amico mi difese.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La gomma della mia bici era a terra.", "choice1": "Pompai aria nella gomma.", "choice2": "Cambiai marcia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza appariva pallida.", "choice1": "Suo padre le raccontò una storia.", "choice2": "Suo padre le sentì la fronte.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La penna aveva finito l'inchiostro.", "choice1": "Usai una matita.", "choice2": "Firmai con il mio nome.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "All'uomo fu rifiutato un prestito.", "choice1": "Era indebitato.", "choice2": "Aveva avviato un'impresa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazze restò a casa da scuola.", "choice1": "Aveva la varicella.", "choice2": "Si divertiva ad imparare la matematica.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cestino dell'immondizia era pieno.", "choice1": "Lo buttai nel cassonetto.", "choice2": "Lo scaricai giù per il lavandino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Passai l'aspirapolvere sul tappeto.", "choice1": "Il mio compagno di camera aveva rovesciato un cocktail.", "choice2": "Il mio cane aveva perso dei peli.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo andò su tutte le furie.", "choice1": "Spense il computer.", "choice2": "Lanciò una sedia attraverso la stanza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza lanciò un ramoscello nel falò.", "choice1": "Il ramoscello bruciò.", "choice2": "Il fuoco si estinse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo uscì dalla doccia.", "choice1": "Era finita l'acqua calda.", "choice2": "Non trovava un asciugamano.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I genitori volevano che i loro figli andassero all'università.", "choice1": "Misero da parte un fondo di risparmi per la retta.", "choice2": "Incoraggiarono i figli a giocare all'aperto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si slacciò le scarpe.", "choice1": "Le scarpe si allentarono.", "choice2": "Le scarpe si usurarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo mangiò metà del primo.", "choice1": "Refrigerò gli avanzi.", "choice2": "Memorizzò la ricetta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La mia caviglia era gonfia.", "choice1": "Ci misi sopra del ghiaccio.", "choice2": "Ci strofinai sopra della lozione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La porta del mio ufficio era aperta.", "choice1": "Parlai al collega alla mia scrivania.", "choice2": "Sentii per caso la conversazione nella sala.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dovevo aspettare in fila.", "choice1": "Mi misi a sedere.", "choice2": "Sfogliai una rivista.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo schiacciò la mosca.", "choice1": "La mosca ronzò via.", "choice2": "La mosca rimase immobile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "L'uomo scrisse un testamento.", "choice1": "Stava morendo.", "choice2": "Era vedovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il corridore avvertì che il rivale lo stava raggiungendo.", "choice1": "Abbandonò la gara.", "choice2": "Accelerò il ritmo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riflettei sul problema con cura.", "choice1": "Chiesi consiglio.", "choice2": "Intuii una soluzione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il viaggiatore camminò sul ponte sospeso traballante.", "choice1": "Si sentiva terrorizzato.", "choice2": "Si sentiva estatico.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva previsto la vittoria della squadra.", "choice1": "Si incontrò con i suoi amici per guardare la partita.", "choice2": "Fece una scommessa con i suoi amici.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo non riusciva ad addormentarsi.", "choice1": "Puntò la sveglia.", "choice2": "Contò le pecore.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'oggetto era incartato nella plastica bollata.", "choice1": "Era delicato.", "choice2": "Era piccolo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo svuotato le mie tasche.", "choice1": "Estrassi la matrice di un biglietto.", "choice2": "Trovai un'arma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le termiti invasero la casa.", "choice1": "Le termiti sparirono dalla casa.", "choice2": "Le termiti rosero il legno della casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I viaggiatori raggiunsero il confine.", "choice1": "L'agente di pattuglia controllò i loro passaporti.", "choice2": "L'agente di pattuglia li accusò di contrabbando.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'ufficio era chiuso.", "choice1": "Era vacanza.", "choice2": "Era estate.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza esaurì le energie.", "choice1": "Aveva giocato a dama.", "choice2": "Aveva saltato la corda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva perso il suo posto in fila.", "choice1": "Più persone si misero in fila.", "choice2": "Si era tolta dalla fila.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si era tappata il naso.", "choice1": "La bambina aveva sbavato sul bavaglino.", "choice2": "La bambina aveva sporcato il pannolino.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il gruppo suonò la loro canzone di successo.", "choice1": "Il pubblico applaudì a ritmo di musica.", "choice2": "Il pubblico ascoltò educatamente in silenzio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza voleva ringraziare l'insegnante di matematica.", "choice1": "La ragazza rimase dopo scuola per punizione.", "choice2": "La ragazza portò una mela all'insegnante.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I giovani campeggiatori erano spaventati.", "choice1": "L'animatore raccontò loro una storia di paura.", "choice2": "Abbrustolirono marshmallows sul falò.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo sbatté la testa.", "choice1": "Si perse nei suoi pensieri.", "choice2": "Subì una commozione cerebrale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'assegno che avevo formato era scoperto.", "choice1": "Il mio conto in banca era vuoto.", "choice2": "Avevo ricevuto un aumento di stipendio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La casella di posta dell'uomo era piena di spam.", "choice1": "Cancellò lo spam.", "choice2": "Inviò un email di massa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il marinaio fu messo in quarantena.", "choice1": "Era stato esposto alla malattia.", "choice2": "Guarì dalla malattia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza aveva memorizzato il codice.", "choice1": "Se lo era recitato fra sé e sé.", "choice2": "Si era dimenticata di annotarlo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Versai l'acqua nel bicchiere.", "choice1": "L'acqua appagò la mia sete.", "choice2": "Il bicchiere si riempì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo rimase silenzioso quando l'amico finì di parlare.", "choice1": "Voleva offrire supporto all'amico.", "choice2": "Stava pensando alle parole dell'amico.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'incidente era colpa mia.", "choice1": "Mi sentivo colpevole.", "choice2": "Feci denuncia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La catena si ruppe.", "choice1": "La catena era montata su una ruota.", "choice2": "C'era un anello rotto nella catena.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia aveva deciso di venire a un compromesso.", "choice1": "Si erano scocciati di litigare.", "choice2": "Evitavano di discutere del problema.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna decise di candidarsi per una carica pubblica.", "choice1": "Assunse un responsabile della campagna elettorale.", "choice2": "Testimoniò in tribunale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva previsto temperature basse durante il suo viaggio.", "choice1": "Aveva messo in valigia indumenti caldi.", "choice2": "Stava viaggiando con una grande valigia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente conosceva la risposta alla domanda.", "choice1": "Alzò la mano.", "choice2": "Oziò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli occhi dell'uomo si riempirono di lacrime.", "choice1": "Gli era entrata della polvere negli occhi.", "choice2": "Aveva indossato degli occhialini.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La giocatrice vinse cinque partite di fila.", "choice1": "La sua avversaria l'accusò di imbrogliare.", "choice2": "La sua avversaria si dispiacque per lei.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'insegnante strappò l'esame dello studente.", "choice1": "Beccò lo studente mentre copiava.", "choice2": "Le risposte dello studente erano sbagliate.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Feci una pausa per smettere di parlare.", "choice1": "Persi la voce.", "choice2": "Rimasi senza fiato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Il cibo ghiacciato si scongelò.", "choice1": "Lo misi nel microonde.", "choice2": "Lo coprii con la pellicola trasparente.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'impiegato finse di stare poco bene.", "choice1": "Aveva crampi allo stomaco.", "choice2": "Voleva un giorno libero.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza atterrò in piscina.", "choice1": "Corse sul bordo della piscina.", "choice2": "Saltò dal trampolino.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I biglietti del film fecero il tutto esaurito.", "choice1": "Era il lancio del film.", "choice2": "Il film aveva ricevuto brutte recensioni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva perso peso.", "choice1": "Le persone lo isolarono.", "choice2": "Le persone si complimentarono con lui.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sulle mani della ragazza comparvero delle vesciche.", "choice1": "Aveva scritto a macchina una lettera.", "choice2": "Si era arrampicata su una corda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'artista del circo faceva il giocoliere mentre guidava un monociclo.", "choice1": "Il pubblico lo acclamò sbalordito.", "choice2": "L'acrobata dondolò da un trapezio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho perso la pazienza.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi aveva fatto aspettare.", "choice2": "Il mio amico arrivò in tempo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I paesi in guerra volevano la pace.", "choice1": "Svilupparono armi nucleari.", "choice2": "Negoziarono un trattato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo prese delle pillole per dormire.", "choice1": "Divenne sonnolento.", "choice2": "Gli venne la febbre.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna urtò il divano.", "choice1": "La gamba del divano si allentò.", "choice2": "Si fece un livido sul ginocchio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo spremette il palloncino.", "choice1": "Il palloncino scoppiò.", "choice2": "Il palloncino volò via.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I viaggiatori si registrarono nella loro stanza d'albergo.", "choice1": "Svuotarono le valige.", "choice2": "Andarono all'aeroporto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo dato un morso alla pesca.", "choice1": "La pesca si ammaccò.", "choice2": "Il succo schizzò fuori.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le mie mani diventarono appiccicose.", "choice1": "Avevo mangiato una ciambella.", "choice2": "Ero goloso di dolci.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Spinsi la porta.", "choice1": "La porta si aprì.", "choice2": "La porta si chiuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli attivisti boicottarono i prodotti.", "choice1": "Il prodotto era stato testato per assicurarne la qualità.", "choice2": "Il prodotto era stato fabbricato attraverso il lavoro minorile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo fatto un buco nel muro.", "choice1": "Un topo sgusciò fuori dal buco.", "choice2": "Si sollevò della polvere dal buco.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna era invidiosa della sorella.", "choice1": "La sorella era felice.", "choice2": "La sorella si era divorziata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi versai del vino sulla camicia.", "choice1": "Mi misi un grembiule.", "choice2": "Cambiai camicia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cassiere aprì la cassa.", "choice1": "Il cliente cercò nel suo portafogli.", "choice2": "Il cliente gli diede i propri soldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il musicista di strada attirò una folla.", "choice1": "La gente gli diede degli spiccioli.", "choice2": "Lui mandò via la folla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzino piagnucolò con la babysitter.", "choice1": "Gli mancavano i genitori.", "choice2": "Era l'ora della merenda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il radar del pilota rilevò una tempesta.", "choice1": "Il pilota navigò lontano dalla tempesta.", "choice2": "Il pilota volò attraverso la tempesta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'albero perse le foglie.", "choice1": "Le foglie cambiarono colore.", "choice2": "Le foglie si accumularono per terra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo era in vena di dispetti.", "choice1": "Decise di giocare a carte con la sorella.", "choice2": "Decise di fare uno scherzo alla sorella.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino si lamentava che doveva andare in bagno.", "choice1": "Il padre gli diede una soda da bere.", "choice2": "Il padre si fermò alla stazione di servizio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino sparse il mangime per pesci nell'acquario.", "choice1": "Il pesce balzò fuori dall'acquario.", "choice2": "Il pesce nuotò verso il mangime.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le opinioni politiche della donna erano mutate.", "choice1": "Cambiò il partito alla quale era affiliata.", "choice2": "Partecipò ad una protesta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il lavandino del bagno era intasato.", "choice1": "Aprii il rubinetto.", "choice2": "Ci versai dentro dell'acido muriatico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il passeggero scese dal treno.", "choice1": "Il treno era arrivato alla stazione.", "choice2": "Il treno emise un fischio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo premette il lembo umido dell'involucro.", "choice1": "Mise un francobollo sull'involucro.", "choice2": "Sigillò e chiuse l'involucro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli amici persero i contatti.", "choice1": "Si godevano la reciproca compagnia.", "choice2": "Si spostarono in città diverse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La contabile aveva malgestito i fondi della compagnia.", "choice1": "Fu licenziata dal suo ruolo.", "choice2": "Andò in maternità.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Guardai l'orologio.", "choice1": "Avevo sentito l'orologio ticchettare.", "choice2": "Volevo controllare l'ora.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ebbi un crampo alla mano.", "choice1": "Avevo scritto il tema a mano.", "choice2": "Io e mia moglie ci tenevamo per mano.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bullone si strinse.", "choice1": "L'avevo sostituito.", "choice2": "Avevo girato la chiave inglese.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia firmò il contratto d'affitto per un appartamento.", "choice1": "La coppia si trasferì nell'appartamento.", "choice2": "La città dichiarò inagibile l'appartamento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si era seduta sulla veranda.", "choice1": "Voleva guardare il tramonto.", "choice2": "Pensò di aver visto un fulmine.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo indossava un giubbotto di salvataggio in acqua.", "choice1": "Non sapeva nuotare.", "choice2": "L'acqua era bassa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna fece un errore di battitura nel programma.", "choice1": "Cancellò il documento.", "choice2": "Premette sul tasto backspace.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si era vantata con le amiche.", "choice1": "Aveva ricevuto un brutto voto.", "choice2": "Aveva vinto una gara.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il prato era fangoso.", "choice1": "Era diluviato nella notte.", "choice2": "Era pieno d'erbacce.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva dormito troppo.", "choice1": "Aveva passato la notte in albergo.", "choice2": "Aveva dimenticato di impostare la sveglia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si era messo la protezione solare.", "choice1": "Si era seduto all'ombra.", "choice2": "Era andato in spiaggia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I ricercatori dimostrarono la teoria.", "choice1": "I ricercatori ritrattarono la teoria.", "choice2": "Le persone accettarono la teoria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I fan fischiarono durante la partita.", "choice1": "La partita aveva superato i limiti di tempo.", "choice2": "L'arbitro aveva preso una decisione sbagliata.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo inserito la combinazione nel lucchetto.", "choice1": "Chiusi il lucchetto.", "choice2": "Il lucchetto si aprì di scatto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La folla si infittì.", "choice1": "Il padre diede dei soldi al figlio.", "choice2": "Il padre prese il figlio per mano.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La neve stava bloccando il vialetto.", "choice1": "Feci una palla di neve.", "choice2": "Spalai via la neve.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I canottieri pagaiarono con i loro remi.", "choice1": "La canoa raggiunse la costa.", "choice2": "La canoa colpì un'onda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La ragazza perse il controllo della bicicletta.", "choice1": "Lasciò andare il manubrio.", "choice2": "Andò a sbattere contro un recinto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Accesi il ventilatore.", "choice1": "Spruzzò acqua sulla mia pelle.", "choice2": "Sentii dell'aria fredda passarmi addosso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I surfisti ritornarono sulla spiaggia.", "choice1": "Erano fradici.", "choice2": "Avevano visto uno squalo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tirai via il tappo dalla vasca.", "choice1": "L'acqua della vasca si prosciugò.", "choice2": "L'acqua schizzò sul pavimento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il marito si sentì colpevole di aver tradito la moglie.", "choice1": "L'accuso di infedeltà.", "choice2": "Confessò di esserle stato infedele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'inchiostro sul poster si sbavò.", "choice1": "Avevo aspettato che l'inchiostro asciugasse.", "choice2": "Avevo rovesciato dell'acqua sul poster.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino si svegliò urlando.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto un incubo.", "choice2": "Aveva bagnato il letto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo mise i piedi sul tavolo.", "choice1": "I padre si sedette al tavolo.", "choice2": "Il padre lo sgridò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio amicò girò la testa verso di me.", "choice1": "Avevo gridato il suo nome.", "choice2": "Avevo agitato le braccia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il governo aveva oppresso i suoi cittadini.", "choice1": "I cittadini inscenarono una rivolta.", "choice2": "I cittadini si registrarono per votare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un ragazzo si era perso nel bosco.", "choice1": "Montò una tenda.", "choice2": "Urlò aiuto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva viaggiato all'estero.", "choice1": "Voleva imparare a disegnare.", "choice2": "Voleva conoscere altre culture.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo era geloso dei suoi colleghi.", "choice1": "I suoi colleghi avevano avuto una promozione.", "choice2": "I suoi colleghi lavoravano fino a tardi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva assistito agli alieni.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto delle allucinazioni.", "choice2": "Stava meditando.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I capelli dell'uomo divennero biondi.", "choice1": "Ci aveva messo della candeggina.", "choice2": "Ci aveva messo dello shampoo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'artista creò una nuova opera.", "choice1": "Aveva criticato la sua opera precedente.", "choice2": "Aveva avuto un impeto di ispirazione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il figlio si trasferì lontano da casa.", "choice1": "Era stato congedato dal servizio militare.", "choice2": "Stava andando all'università.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dei libri caddero dalla libreria.", "choice1": "Gli scaffali erano ricoperti da polvere.", "choice2": "Un terremoto aveva scosso la libreria.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'elettricità nella casa saltò.", "choice1": "Accesi una luce.", "choice2": "Resettai il salvavita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Facemmo un giro sulla montagne russe.", "choice1": "Sembrava spaventoso.", "choice2": "Sembrava divertente.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La busta di popcorn iniziò a scoppiettare.", "choice1": "Avevo versato del burro nella busta.", "choice2": "L'avevo riscaldata in microonde.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un albero è caduto sulla linea elettrica.", "choice1": "È andata via la luce in tutto il quartiere.", "choice2": "Le previsioni prevedevano dei venti forti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'oratore ha fatto dei commenti politicamente scorretti.", "choice1": "Ha annoiato il pubblico.", "choice2": "Ha offeso il pubblico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sono punto con la spilla.", "choice1": "La mia faccia si è imperlata di sudore.", "choice2": "Si è formata una goccia di sangue sul mio dito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il pesce galleggiava sulla superficie della vasca.", "choice1": "Aveva fame.", "choice2": "Era morto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva la voce rauca.", "choice1": "Aveva un raffreddore.", "choice2": "Ha smesso di fumare.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le porte dell'ascensore si sono aperte.", "choice1": "L'ascensore è arrivato al piano previsto.", "choice2": "L'ascensore si è bloccato tra due piani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzino è sgattaiolato via di casa.", "choice1": "Ha mentito ai suoi genitori.", "choice2": "I suoi genitori lo hanno messo in punizione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bagno si è allagato.", "choice1": "Il gabinetto si è intasato.", "choice2": "Lo scaldabagno si è rotto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cucciolo non si allontanava dal padrone.", "choice1": "Il padrone ha messo un collare al cucciolo.", "choice2": "Il padrone teneva il cucciolo al guinzaglio.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ha colto il suo riflesso.", "choice1": "Stava sotto un albero dai rami tentacolari.", "choice2": "Stava nei pressi di un lago calmo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho perso la telefonata della mia ragazza.", "choice1": "L'ho richiamata.", "choice2": "L'ho incontrata per cena.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia ha setacciato il quartiere.", "choice1": "Il loro cane era scappato di casa.", "choice2": "Dei gioielli costosi erano spariti da casa loro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quando espiravo vedevo il mio fiato.", "choice1": "Fuori faceva freddo.", "choice2": "Avevo delle fitte al petto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli impiegati hanno costituito un sindacato.", "choice1": "Volevano delle condizioni lavorative migliori.", "choice2": "Il loro datore di lavoro ha aumentato il loro salario.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho fatto una crostata di mele.", "choice1": "La cucina puzzava di marcio.", "choice2": "La cucina aveva un profumino accogliente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna faticava a camminare.", "choice1": "Indossava dei tacchi alti.", "choice2": "Si era tolta le scarpe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Del vapore si è sollevato dalla pentola piena d'acqua.", "choice1": "L'acqua bolliva.", "choice2": "Ho coperto la pentola.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tutti i miei calzini erano nel bucato da lavare.", "choice1": "Ho indossato dei sandali.", "choice2": "Ho indossato degli stivali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'argomentazione del politico fu considerata assurda.", "choice1": "Perse l'appoggio degli elettori.", "choice2": "Fu accusato di corruzione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tutti erano contro il fidanzamento ufficiale della coppia.", "choice1": "La coppia era in dolce attesa.", "choice2": "La coppia si è sposata di nascosto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il palazzo è stato dedicato al milionario.", "choice1": "Il milionario voleva distruggere il palazzo.", "choice2": "Il milionario ha contribuito ai fondi per la sua costruzione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'assistente alle vendite ha accusato di furto la ragazza.", "choice1": "L'assistente alle vendite ha visto la ragazza infilare della mercanzia dentro la sua borsetta.", "choice2": "L'assistente alle vendite ha aiutato la ragazza a trovare la borsetta che le piaceva.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La nazione ha dichiarato guerra al territorio vicino.", "choice1": "I soldati sono stati mandati in missione a combattere.", "choice2": "I soldati si sono riuniti con le proprie famiglie.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il tribunale ha confermato la sentenza controversa.", "choice1": "È scattata una rivolta davanti al tribunale di giustizia.", "choice2": "Una coppia ha scambiato le promesse di matrimonio davanti al tribunale di giustizia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza sentiva odore di bruciato.", "choice1": "Ha preso dei biscotti dal barattolo.", "choice2": "Ha lasciato i biscotti nel forno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pioveva a dirotto.", "choice1": "La tempesta è peggiorata.", "choice2": "Sono scappato dentro casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il palazzo è stato evacuato.", "choice1": "L'ascensore ha smesso di funzionare.", "choice2": "È scattato l'allarme antincendio.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il padre non sopportava l'alcolismo del figlio.", "choice1": "Il padre ha comprato una birra al figlio.", "choice2": "Il padre ha cacciato di casa il figlio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'avvocata ha fatto le scale per salire al suo ufficio.", "choice1": "La segretaria è tornata a casa dopo il lavoro.", "choice2": "L'ascensore era guasto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo era infastidito dal suo amico.", "choice1": "Il suo amico lo ha interrotto.", "choice2": "Il suo amico gli ha offerto il pranzo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha dato i soldi alla cassiera.", "choice1": "La cassiera ha dato il resto alla ragazza.", "choice2": "La cassiera si è dimenticata di dare lo scontrino alla ragazza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna fu messa su una sedia a rotella.", "choice1": "Era rimasta paralizzata in un incidente.", "choice2": "È entrata in ospedale su di una barella.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I cittadini appesero la bandiera nazionale sulla facciata delle loro case.", "choice1": "Il paese stava commemorando la sua indipendenza.", "choice2": "Il paese stava affrontando una grave situazione economica.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La squadra ha perso il torneo.", "choice1": "Hanno deluso i loro fan.", "choice2": "Hanno ispirato i loro fan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio amico mi ha fatto notare che avevo del cibo incastrato fra i denti.", "choice1": "Mi sono sentito in imbarazzo.", "choice2": "Ero fiero di me stesso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo non ha passato l'esame di storia.", "choice1": "Ha prestato attenzione in classe.", "choice2": "Si è dimenticato di studiare.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il palazzo in centro città è crollato.", "choice1": "Un terremoto ha colpito la città.", "choice2": "La criminalità nella città è aumentata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza dell'uomo l'ha lasciato.", "choice1": "Lui l'ha implorata di tornare assieme.", "choice2": "Lei lo ha presentato ai suoi genitori.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I due bambini si abbassarono simultaneamente per prendere il pallone.", "choice1": "Il pallone è rotolato via.", "choice2": "Hanno battuto la testa uno contro l'altro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il procione ha rovistato il bidone della spazzatura.", "choice1": "C'era del cartone all'interno del bidone della spazzatura.", "choice2": "Il coperchio non copriva il bidone della spazzatura.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo ha temperato la matita.", "choice1": "Costava poco.", "choice2": "Era poco appuntita.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La cassiera non ha concesso alla donna un rimborso per il vestito.", "choice1": "La donna ha perso lo scontrino.", "choice2": "Il vestito non le stava bene addosso.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il graffio sulla mia pelle era profondo.", "choice1": "È guarito velocemente.", "choice2": "Ha lasciato una cicatrice.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I passeggeri del treno guardarono strano l'uomo.", "choice1": "Stava fissando il pavimento.", "choice2": "Stava parlando da solo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino ha lasciato delle briciole sul pavimento.", "choice1": "Le formiche si sono arrampicate verso le briciole.", "choice2": "Il bambino ha messo via il pane.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna diede un fazzolleto a sua sorella.", "choice1": "La sorella della donna intrecciò le mani.", "choice2": "La sorella della donna cominciò a piangere.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo prese una mentina.", "choice1": "Le sue labbra erano screpolate.", "choice2": "Temeva di avere l'alito cattivo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia se ne andò presto alla volta dello spettacolo.", "choice1": "Avevano previsto del traffico attorno al teatro.", "choice2": "Avevano ottenuto le indicazioni per il teatro.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna era rimasta a casa dal lavoro.", "choice1": "Il suo capo l'ha lodata.", "choice2": "La sua collega di lavoro l'ha coperta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ha firmato la petizione degli attivisti.", "choice1": "Sosteneva la loro causa.", "choice2": "Li ha denunciati come pazzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "All'uomo batteva forte il cuore prima della sua esibizione.", "choice1": "Aveva il panico da palcoscenico.", "choice2": "Aveva memorizzato le sue battute.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi ero perso.", "choice1": "Ho contato i miei soldi.", "choice2": "Ho aperto una mappa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La frutta matura rimase esposta al sole.", "choice1": "È stata mangiata.", "choice2": "Si è avvizzita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La macchina si è rotta.", "choice1": "L'ho messa in moto.", "choice2": "Il motore si è surriscaldato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si è fatto male alla schiena.", "choice1": "Ha visitato uno psichiatra.", "choice2": "È rimasto a letto per svariati giorni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho acceso un fuoco nel caminetto.", "choice1": "Non c'era più legna.", "choice2": "Faceva freddo nella casa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna ha smesso di fare jogging.", "choice1": "Le è venuto un crampo al fianco.", "choice2": "Si è ripresa un po'.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho bussato alla porta della mia vicina.", "choice1": "La mia vicina mi ha invitata dentro.", "choice2": "La mia vicina ha lasciato casa sua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna emise un sospiro di frustrazione.", "choice1": "Suo marito non ha compreso le sue preoccupazioni.", "choice2": "Suo marito le ha dato un bacio di addio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La maestra ha elogiato lo studente.", "choice1": "Lo studente ha risposto correttamente.", "choice2": "Lo studente ha esitato nel rispondere alla domanda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva finito le uova.", "choice1": "È andata alla fattoria.", "choice2": "È andata al supermercato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho incontrato un vecchio amico.", "choice1": "Gli ho svelato un segreto.", "choice2": "L'ho abbracciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna evitò di entrare nel lago.", "choice1": "Ha pescato un pesce.", "choice2": "Sembrava inquinato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente arrivò in classe completamente fradicio.", "choice1": "Il suo ombrello si era rotto.", "choice2": "La sua bici era stata rubata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cursore sullo schermo del computer si è mosso.", "choice1": "L'utente ha cliccato il mouse.", "choice2": "L'utente ha spostato il mouse.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'autista ha fatto una deviazione.", "choice1": "C'è stato un incidente sulla strada principale.", "choice2": "Ha seguito il furgone davanti a lei.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho appeso la biancheria bagnata sullo stendino di fuori.", "choice1": "La biancheria si è asciugata.", "choice2": "La biancheria si è macchiata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna ha indossato gli occhiali da sole.", "choice1": "La luce del sole era abbagliante.", "choice2": "Ha fermato un taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ammirò il cielo notturno.", "choice1": "Desiderava fosse estate.", "choice2": "Pensava che fosse stupendo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sentivo esausto.", "choice1": "Sono andato a dormire presto.", "choice2": "Sono rimasto sveglio tutta la notte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "L'uomo è andato dal barbiere.", "choice1": "Si stava lasciando crescere i capelli.", "choice2": "I suoi capelli stavano diventando lunghi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzino faceva dei brutti scherzi al suo nuovo compagno di classe.", "choice1": "Il ragazzino ha dato il benvenuto al suo nuovo compagno di classe.", "choice2": "Al ragazzino non piaceva il nuovo compagno di classe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bramavo un bicchiere di latte.", "choice1": "Stavo mangiando dei biscotti.", "choice2": "Stavo infornando del pane.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "È iniziato a piovere.", "choice1": "L'autista ha accesso i fari.", "choice2": "L'autista ha messo la macchina in retromarcia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il parcheggio del palazzo era vuoto.", "choice1": "Ho parcheggiato dall'altro lato della strada.", "choice2": "Ho parcheggiato vicino all'entrata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La scrittrice ha mancato la scadenza per inviare la bozza.", "choice1": "Aveva il blocco dello scrittore.", "choice2": "Ha corretto la bozza.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'impiegato mi ha chiuso il telefono in faccia.", "choice1": "Ho chiesto di rivolgermi ad un superiore.", "choice2": "Gli ho fornito il mio numero identificativo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il vento soffiò attraverso la finestra aperta.", "choice1": "Il campanello squillò.", "choice2": "Le tende oscillarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "C'è stata una interruzione di corrente elettrica a casa mia.", "choice1": "Ho scollegato una lampada.", "choice2": "Ho bruciato un fusibile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cuturista ha lanciato un gemito.", "choice1": "Ha flesso i muscoli allo specchio.", "choice2": "Ha sollevato la barra sopra la sua testa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente ha provato a fare i calcoli a mente.", "choice1": "Ha estratto una calcolatrice.", "choice2": "Si è confuso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino si è addormentato.", "choice1": "Il papà ha cambiato il pannolino del bambino.", "choice2": "Il padre ha cullato dolcemente il bambino.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La bambina ha tirato il gavettone al bambino.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo ha avuto una commozione cerebrale.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo si è inzuppato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il fotografo si è dimenticato di usare il flash.", "choice1": "Le foto sono uscite sfocate.", "choice2": "Tutte le persone nella foto si sono rifiutate di sorridere.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho rifiutato l'invito alla festa di compleanno.", "choice1": "Ero solo.", "choice2": "Ero fuori città.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho fatto ginnastica.", "choice1": "Mi sentivo pieno di energie.", "choice2": "Ero spaventato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho strizzato la spugna umida.", "choice1": "Ha assorbito dell'acqua.", "choice2": "È colata dell'acqua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I vacanzieri hanno raggiunto il villaggio turistico con un traghetto.", "choice1": "Il villaggio turistico era pieno.", "choice2": "Il villaggio turistico si trovava su di una isola.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazzina si è fatta un tatuaggio.", "choice1": "Aveva paura degli aghi.", "choice2": "Voleva ribellarsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Una macchina ignota ha parcheggiato fuori casa mia.", "choice1": "Mi sono insospettita.", "choice2": "Ho chiamato la polizia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il criminale si è costituito.", "choice1": "Le prove lo hanno incriminato.", "choice2": "Non c'erano prove contro di lui.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un uomo robusto ha deciso di perdere peso.", "choice1": "Ha escluso i dolci dalla dieta.", "choice2": "Ha evitato la caffeina.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha calpesatato del ghiaccio.", "choice1": "È scivolata.", "choice2": "Ha rabbrividito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva le borse sotto gli occhi.", "choice1": "È rimasta tutta la notte sveglia.", "choice2": "Ha fatto addormentare il figlio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La lava fuoriusciva dal vulcano.", "choice1": "Il vulcano ha eruttato.", "choice2": "Il vulcano era dormiente.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna ha indossato le sue scarpe.", "choice1": "Conosceva tutti alla festa.", "choice2": "Voleva lasciare la festa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho pagato l'addetto del casello.", "choice1": "Mi ha lasciato passare oltre il casello.", "choice2": "Mi ha trattenuto al casello.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il dirigente è andato in bancarotta.", "choice1": "Ha venduto tutte le azioni della compagnia.", "choice2": "Ha sperperato le sue fortune.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo è andato dal dottore.", "choice1": "Il dottore era in congedo.", "choice2": "L'uomo si era ammalato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sono uscito dalla mia stanza da letto attraverso la finestra.", "choice1": "La casa era in fiamme.", "choice2": "La casa era vuota.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le dita del bambino erano raggrinzite.", "choice1": "Ha fatto una doccia lunga.", "choice2": "Si è cosparso le mani di sapone.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho sputato il latte.", "choice1": "Il latte era acido.", "choice2": "La mia bocca era asciutta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho perso l'autobus.", "choice1": "Ero in anticipo per il lavoro.", "choice2": "Sono arrivato tardi a lavoro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il camion si è scontrato con l'auto.", "choice1": "Il camion ha accelerato.", "choice2": "La macchina si è sfasciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La squadra ha truccato il concorso a proprio favore.", "choice1": "Hanno vinto.", "choice2": "Si sono ritirati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La bottiglia della bevanda ha frizzato.", "choice1": "Ho capovolto la bottiglia.", "choice2": "Ho svitato il tappo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino è rimasto chiuso fuori di casa.", "choice1": "È rientrato infilandosi in una finestra.", "choice2": "Si è arrampicato sul tetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il campanello suonò.", "choice1": "Il visitatore bussò alla porta con il battente .", "choice2": "La donna sbirciò fuori attraverso il buco della serratura nella porta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si macchiò l'abito.", "choice1": "L'ha lavato a secco.", "choice2": "L'ha appeso nell'armadio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza schiacciò il tubetto del dentifricio.", "choice1": "Il dentifricio schizzò fuori dal tubetto.", "choice2": "La ragazza sputò il dentifricio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le morti civili dovute alla guerra si impennarono.", "choice1": "I pacifisti organizzarono una protesta.", "choice2": "I pacifisti tennero una parata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si è strappata via il fiocco dai capelli.", "choice1": "Ha legato il fiocco.", "choice2": "Il fiocco la faceva sembrare infantile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si è fatto una chirurgia plastica.", "choice1": "È invecchiato.", "choice2": "Sembrava più giovane.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un pulcino ha fatto capolino dall'uovo.", "choice1": "L'uovo si è schiuso.", "choice2": "Ho rotto l'uovo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il prigioniero era denutrito.", "choice1": "È morto.", "choice2": "È scappato via.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo perse l'equilibrio sulla scala.", "choice1": "Ha salito la scala.", "choice2": "È caduto dalla scala.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino ha ruttato.", "choice1": "Ha bevuto un sorso di soda.", "choice2": "Ha aperto una lattina di soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uno spiffero freddo entrò dalla finestra.", "choice1": "Mi sono rilassata.", "choice2": "Ho rabbrividito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente ha ricevuto una borsa di studio per l'università.", "choice1": "I suoi compagni di classe la rispettavano.", "choice2": "Aveva dei voti alti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha scherzato con il ragazzo.", "choice1": "Lei abitava alla porta accanto.", "choice2": "Lei aveva una cotta per lui.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il vagabondo affamato ha rubato del cibo.", "choice1": "Faceva pietà.", "choice2": "Non aveva denaro.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho chiamato il mio amico per chiaccherare.", "choice1": "Cercavo la solitudine.", "choice2": "Mi sentivo solo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo protese la mano verso di me.", "choice1": "Gli ho stretto la mano.", "choice2": "L'ho schiaffeggiato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sono scansato.", "choice1": "I fuochi d'artificio sono stati lanciati in aria.", "choice2": "Il frisbee è planato verso la mia testa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si mordeva le unghia.", "choice1": "Era preoccupata.", "choice2": "Era sorpresa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho girato pagina al calendario.", "choice1": "Ho segnato un appuntamento sul calendario.", "choice2": "Era l'inizio di un nuovo mese.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il marito ha scoperto che la moglie lo tradiva.", "choice1": "Ha licenziato il suo avvocato.", "choice2": "Ha chiesto il divorzio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha fatto cadere la palla di gomma.", "choice1": "La palla ha rimbalzato.", "choice2": "La palla brillava.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha commesso un errore nel suo compito.", "choice1": "Ha indovinato la risposta.", "choice2": "Ha cancellato la risposta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il giocatore ha placcato il suo avversario.", "choice1": "Il suo avversario ha preso il passaggio.", "choice2": "Il suo avversario è caduto a terra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho raccolto i pomodori a grappolo.", "choice1": "Erano maturi.", "choice2": "Li ho annaffiati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo voleva fare il romantico.", "choice1": "Ha incontrato la sua ex a pranzo.", "choice2": "Ha comprato dei cioccolatini alla sua ragazza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mercurio nel termometro si è alzato.", "choice1": "Ho fatto cadere il termometro.", "choice2": "Il clima si è scaldato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un tornado è passato attraverso la città.", "choice1": "Il tetto del tribunale è volato via.", "choice2": "L'autostrada era pericolosamente ghiacciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente andava a ripetizioni.", "choice1": "I suoi voti sono migliorati.", "choice2": "Ha copiato all'esame.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sentivo a mio agio.", "choice1": "Mi sono inginocchiato per terra.", "choice2": "Mi sono avvolta in una coperta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho lucidato la pietra.", "choice1": "È diventata scivolosa.", "choice2": "È diventata lucida.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho aggiunto dello zucchero nel caffè.", "choice1": "Il caffè emanava un odore fortissimo.", "choice2": "Il caffè aveva un sapore dolce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo sfogliava le pagine.", "choice1": "Si è tagliato con la carta.", "choice2": "Ha distrutto le pagine col tritacarta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho battuto il chiodo con il martello.", "choice1": "Il chiodo è affondato nel legno.", "choice2": "Il chiodo si è arrugginito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il pesce ha morso la lenza.", "choice1": "Il pescatore ha tirato su il pesce.", "choice2": "Il pescatore ha buttato di nuovo la lenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La ragazzina era in imbarazzo ad andare a scuola.", "choice1": "Aveva un brufolo.", "choice2": "Si è tolta l'apparecchio per i denti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio viso si è illuminato.", "choice1": "Ho ricevuto delle buone notizie.", "choice2": "Ho perso la pazienza.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho asciugato le mie mani con un asciugamano.", "choice1": "L'asciugamano era bagnato.", "choice2": "Le mie mani erano bagnate.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ha perso l'equilibrio sullo sgabello.", "choice1": "Lo sgabello traballava sotto di lui.", "choice2": "Ha rovesciato della pittura sullo sgabello.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I compagni di squadra si sono incolpati a vicenda.", "choice1": "Hanno perso la partita.", "choice2": "Il loro allenatore ha cancellato l'allenamento.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho chiesto perdono.", "choice1": "Mi sono pentito del mio errore.", "choice2": "Ho raggiunto il mio obiettivo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si è annoiata con il suo fidanzato.", "choice1": "Lui chiedeva domande su di lei.", "choice2": "Parlava di se stesso in maniera incessante.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha sfoderato un sorriso.", "choice1": "Le sue guance sono arrossite.", "choice2": "Sono emerse le fossette.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La nave nemica è esplosa.", "choice1": "È passata su di una mina.", "choice2": "È attraccata in porto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si è perforato un piede.", "choice1": "Ha calpestato una pozzanghera.", "choice2": "Ha calpestato del vetro rotto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli investigatori hanno controllato le impronte sulla scena del crimine.", "choice1": "Hanno scoperto l'identità dell'assassino.", "choice2": "Hanno trovato l'arma del delitto sulla scena del crimine.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "C'era molto traffico sull'autostrada.", "choice1": "Ho preso una deviazione.", "choice2": "Ho chiesto un passaggio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'economia nazionale era in declino.", "choice1": "Molte persone si sono ammalate.", "choice2": "Molte persone hanno affrontato la disoccupazione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il vigile urbano ha soffiato il fischietto ai bambini.", "choice1": "I bambini stavano per attraversare con il traffico in arrivo.", "choice2": "Il vigile li ha riconosciuti dal suo quartiere.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho alzato gli occhi al cielo con il mio amico.", "choice1": "Mi ha detto la verità.", "choice2": "Ha fatto un commento sarcastico.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'auto è rimasta senza benzina.", "choice1": "L'autista è rimasto bloccato sulla strada.", "choice2": "L'autista ha preso su un autostoppista.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna è entrata in travaglio.", "choice1": "Il bambino è stato partorito.", "choice2": "La donna aveva la nausea mattutina.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cappello dell'uomo è volato via.", "choice1": "L'uomo si è tolto il cappello.", "choice2": "Tirava vento fuori.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza ha partecipato alla festa di compleanno della sua compagna di classe.", "choice1": "Ha ricevuto un invito.", "choice2": "Ha comprato un regalo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La fronte del ragazzo scottava.", "choice1": "Sua madre ha misurato la febbre.", "choice2": "Sua madre l'ha portato al parco.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si è spruzzato il profumo.", "choice1": "Voleva fare colpo sulla sua accompagnatrice.", "choice2": "Si è ingellato i capelli.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'elettricità in casa è saltata.", "choice1": "Ho cercato una torcia.", "choice2": "Ho raccolto una pala.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia ha traslocato in una casa più grande.", "choice1": "Il figlio si è diplomato al liceo.", "choice2": "La madre ha dato vita a due gemelli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La maratoneta manteneva un ritmo lento.", "choice1": "Voleva risparmiare energie.", "choice2": "Ha scorto il traguardo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo ha preso a calci il distributore automatico.", "choice1": "Il distributore ha sputato fuori il resto.", "choice2": "Il pacco di patatine era rimasto incastrato dentro.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cane del mio amico è morto.", "choice1": "Ho alzato gli occhi al cielo.", "choice2": "L'ho abbracciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La carta di credito dell'imprenditore è stata rifiutata.", "choice1": "Ha scritto una cambiale.", "choice2": "Ha pagato in contanti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo imprecò.", "choice1": "Si è tagliato le unghie.", "choice2": "Ha sbattuto il dito.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo era fiero di suo fratello.", "choice1": "Suo fratello ha litigato con i loro genitori.", "choice2": "Suo fratello è entrato a giurisprudenza.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza voleva saperne di più sul sistema solare.", "choice1": "È andata alla biblioteca.", "choice2": "Ha guardato le stelle.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il poster si è attaccato al muro.", "choice1": "Ho posizionato il poster sopra la porta.", "choice2": "Ho messo del nastro adesivo dietro il poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cliente ha approvato il progetto del palazzo creato dall'architetto.", "choice1": "L'architetto ha costruito il palazzo.", "choice2": "L'architetto ha sistemato il progetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ha fatto cadere il suo cucchiaio.", "choice1": "La sua mano stava tremando.", "choice2": "Ha leccato il cucchiaio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'amministratore delegato della società si è dimesso.", "choice1": "Il consiglio di amministrazione ha sciolto la società.", "choice2": "Il consiglio di amministrazione ha trovato il suo sostituto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sono arrivato tardi a lezione.", "choice1": "Ho trovato posto in fondo all'aula.", "choice2": "Mi sono avvicinato al podio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo è stato rilasciato dal carcere.", "choice1": "La sua famiglia ha pagato la cauzione.", "choice2": "Lui ha attaccato un altro prigioniero.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia ha perso tutti i suoi averi.", "choice1": "Hanno venduto la casa.", "choice2": "La loro casa è andata in fiamme.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho calpestato la lattina.", "choice1": "La lattina è stata riciclata.", "choice2": "La lattina è stata schiacciata.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si è unita al gruppo di dibattito.", "choice1": "Ha imparato ad usare un computer.", "choice2": "Ha imparato delle abilità comunicative.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio umore è migliorato.", "choice1": "Ho ascoltato della musica.", "choice2": "Ho lavato i piatti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'ente di beneficenza si è posto l'obiettivo di raccogliere fondi.", "choice1": "Hanno nutrito i senzatetto.", "choice2": "Hanno indetto un'asta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La vettura si è tuffata lungo la discesa repentina delle montagne russe.", "choice1": "I passeggeri hanno riso.", "choice2": "I passeggeri hanno urlato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ero furioso.", "choice1": "Ho controllato la cassetta della posta prima lasciare casa.", "choice2": "Ho sbattuto la porta uscendo di casa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo voleva vedere l'alba.", "choice1": "Ha viaggiato verso nord.", "choice2": "Si è alzato presto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho piegato il foglio.", "choice1": "Ho riciclato il foglio.", "choice2": "Il foglio si è stropicciato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La nazione ha subito un disastro naturale.", "choice1": "I capi delle altre nazioni hanno creato un'alleanza.", "choice2": "I capi delle altre nazioni hanno mandato dei soccorsi d'emergenza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I vestiti del ragazzo si sono inzuppati.", "choice1": "Si è arrampicato fuori dalla piscina.", "choice2": "È caduto in piscina.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente ha finito il libro in fretta.", "choice1": "Era tempo di riportarlo in biblioteca.", "choice2": "L'ha preso in prestito da un amico.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il criminale è stato giustiziato.", "choice1": "È stato sbattuto in prigione.", "choice2": "È stato incriminato di omicidio.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La luce del sole era entrata nella stanza.", "choice1": "Ho aperto le tapparelle.", "choice2": "Ho aperto la porta con la chiave.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho strappato i capelli all'impostore.", "choice1": "La sua parrucca si è staccata.", "choice2": "È diventato pelato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'editore ha riformulato una frase del manoscritto.", "choice1": "Ha trovato il manoscritto interessante.", "choice2": "Ha ritenuto la frase poco chiara.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna ha cancellato il conto della sua carta di credito.", "choice1": "Si è accorta di aver perso la carta.", "choice2": "Si è accorta che la carta era scaduta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo e la donna si innamorarono.", "choice1": "Sono andati all'università.", "choice2": "Si sono sposati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La musica era troppo bassa per essere sentita.", "choice1": "Ho alzato il volume.", "choice2": "Ho composto una mia canzone.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I capelli del ragazzo erano arruffati.", "choice1": "La ragazza li ha scompigliati.", "choice2": "La ragazza li ha tirati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'insetto è statto schiacciato.", "choice1": "Mi sono spruzzata lo spray repellente addosso.", "choice2": "Ho calpestato l'insetto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho aperto gli occhi.", "choice1": "Mi sono svegliato.", "choice2": "Mi sono rilassato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La musica del vicino era assordante.", "choice1": "Gli ho chiesto di abbassare il volume.", "choice2": "Gli ho chiesto di prestarmi il CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia dell'uomo viveva in povertà.", "choice1": "Era parsimonioso con il suo stipendio.", "choice2": "Guadagnava meno del salario minimo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente si laureò all'università.", "choice1": "Cercò un lavoro.", "choice2": "Si trovò un passatempo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'artista miscelò la tempera gialla con quella blu.", "choice1": "La tempera spruzzò dappertutto.", "choice2": "La tempera diventò verde.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cambiai argomento di conversazione.", "choice1": "Avevo finito le cose di cui parlare.", "choice2": "La conversazione divenne tesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mio fratello fu dimesso dall'ospedale.", "choice1": "Gli diedi il bentornato a casa.", "choice2": "Lo trattai con freddezza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La tenda sul parco si alzò.", "choice1": "Iniziò la scena di apertura dello spettacolo.", "choice2": "Gli attori dello spettacolo uscirono di scena.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'ostaggio si sottomise agi ordini del rapitore.", "choice1": "Il rapitore minacciò di fare del male all'ostaggio.", "choice2": "Il rapitore lasciò l'ostaggio da solo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Un rimbombo riverberò sul palco.", "choice1": "Il musicista batté il piede.", "choice2": "Il musicista pestò sul tamburo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I genitori accorsero alla camera da letto del figlio.", "choice1": "Il figlio si era svegliato da un incubo urlando.", "choice2": "Il figlio aveva paura di guardare sotto il letto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna comunicò attraverso la lingua dei segni.", "choice1": "Era nata prematura.", "choice2": "Era sorda dalla nascita.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ci fu siccità nella regione.", "choice1": "L'acqua fu contaminata.", "choice2": "Il raccolto andò distrutto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il gatto diede la caccia all'uccello.", "choice1": "L'uccello volò via.", "choice2": "L'uccello catturò un verme.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza cambiò scuola.", "choice1": "Erano le vacanze estive.", "choice2": "Si era transferita in una nuova città.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il padrone della fabbrica si rifiutò di aumentare il salario dei suoi operai.", "choice1": "Il padrone assunse un nuovo amministratore.", "choice2": "Gli operai andarono in sciopero.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il capo di partito si inimicò gli estremisti all'interno del proprio paese.", "choice1": "Gli estremisti lo influenzarono.", "choice2": "Gli estremisti lo assassinarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Camminai a piedi nudi sulla spiaggia.", "choice1": "La sabbia si appiccicò ai miei piedi.", "choice2": "Le onde si infransero lungo la spiaggia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi svegliai nel mezzo della notte per il freddo.", "choice1": "Indossai i pantaloni della tuta.", "choice2": "Bevvi un bicchier d'acqua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La madre zittì suo figlio.", "choice1": "Suo figlio fece una smorfia di soddisfazione.", "choice2": "Suo figlio piagnucolava.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I miei jeans si squarciarono.", "choice1": "Tirai su la cerniera.", "choice2": "Inciampai sul marciapiede.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo indossava l'apparecchio.", "choice1": "Prese le carie.", "choice2": "Il suoi denti si raddrizzarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ieri mi esercitai in palestra.", "choice1": "Oggi mi sono svegliato con i muscoli doloranti.", "choice2": "Oggi mi sono svegliato con la gola infiammata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le ragazze continuavano a parlarsi all'orecchio a tavola.", "choice1": "Altri studenti si sedettero alla tavola.", "choice2": "Gli altri studenti a tavola si sentirono esclusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La bambina atterrò sul tappeto elastico.", "choice1": "Si librò di nuovo in aria.", "choice2": "Decise di provare a fare una capriola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Depositai una lettera nella buca.", "choice1": "L'ufficio postale recapitò la lettera.", "choice2": "L'ufficio postale accelerò la lettera.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il giocatore d'azzardo era sicuro di sé.", "choice1": "Scommise tutto il suo denaro.", "choice2": "Tornò a casa squattrinato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'incendio si diffuse per la foresta.", "choice1": "I venti si intensificarono.", "choice2": "Gli incendiari furono arrestati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino si sbucciò il ginocchio.", "choice1": "La madre lo mandò in camera sua.", "choice2": "La madre mise un cerotto sulla ferita.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo soppravvisse a una malattia mortale.", "choice1": "Aveva firmato il suo testamento.", "choice2": "Aveva ricevuto un trapianto di organi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bevvi un sorso del caffè bollente.", "choice1": "Mi morsi la lingua.", "choice2": "Mi scottai la lingua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'editore licenziò la scrittrice.", "choice1": "La scrittrice evitava distorsioni nelle sue storie.", "choice2": "La scrittrice aveva mancato una scadenza importante.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sentivo esausto.", "choice1": "Dormii per tutto il giorno.", "choice2": "Studiai per tutto il giorno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La dottoressa fece una diagnosi al paziente.", "choice1": "Identificò i sintomi del paziente.", "choice2": "Prescrisse delle pillole al paziente.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi grattai la pelle.", "choice1": "Era sudata.", "choice2": "Prudeva.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo subì un intervento chirurgico d'urgenza.", "choice1": "Aveva perso il controllo.", "choice2": "Aveva avuto un infarto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I muscoli sul braccio dell'uomo sporsero.", "choice1": "Aveva contratto le braccia.", "choice2": "Aveva massaggiato le braccia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo sollevò le sopracciglia.", "choice1": "Era sorpreso.", "choice2": "Si sentiva scoraggiato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Scusai la gaffe del mio collega.", "choice1": "Credevo che aveva avuto buone intenzioni.", "choice2": "Credevo fosse più giudizioso.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo smise di fumare.", "choice1": "Iniziò a esercitasi di più.", "choice2": "Iniziò a svegliarsi prima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna diede un pugno al naso dell'assalitore.", "choice1": "Il corpo dell'assalitore cadde esanime.", "choice2": "L'assalitore iniziò a sanguinare.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La freccetta mancò il centro del bersaglio.", "choice1": "L'uomo aveva mirato male.", "choice2": "L'uomo stava perdendo la partita.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il proprietario richiese che un disinfestatore venisse a casa sua.", "choice1": "Scoprì dei topi in cantina.", "choice2": "Teneva un allevamento di formiche in camera sua.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Proposi al mio ospite di cenare fuori.", "choice1": "Ero troppo stanco per preparare alcunché.", "choice2": "Il mio ospite aveva prolungato troppo la sua permanenza.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza sorprese il fratello a sbirciare il suo diario.", "choice1": "Iniziò a nascondere il diario.", "choice2": "Comprò un diario nuovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alla donna mancavano i soldi per l'affitto.", "choice1": "Fece gli straordinari a lavoro.", "choice2": "Si licenziò da lavoro.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La mano del mabino si ritrasse rapidamente.", "choice1": "Aveva toccato i fornelli caldi.", "choice2": "Aveva accarezzato la testa del cucciolo di cane.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'azienda voleva misurare la soddisfazione del cliente.", "choice1": "Offrirono uno sconto ai nuovi clienti.", "choice2": "Distribuirono un questionario fra i clienti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il pavimento in legno era graffiato.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo aveva gettato i cuscini giù dal divano.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo aveva trascinato una sedia sul pavimento.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi schermai la faccia.", "choice1": "Il mio nemico mi aveva schernito.", "choice2": "Il mio nemico aveva stretto il pugno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famosa statua era bruciata.", "choice1": "Era stata colpita da un fulmine.", "choice2": "La gente veniva a venerarla.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lasciai la frutta fuori sul tavolo.", "choice1": "Dalla frutta caddero i semi.", "choice2": "Dei moscerini giravano attorno alla frutta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ballerina si strappò un legamento.", "choice1": "Si era messa in punta di piedi.", "choice2": "Si era storta la caviglia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino aveva le scarpe slacciate.", "choice1": "Aveva imparato ad allacciarle.", "choice2": "Aveva corso in giro per il parco giochi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il libro mi aveva ammaliato.", "choice1": "Restituii il libro.", "choice2": "Persi la cognizione del tempo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva convinzioni simili a quelle dei suoi genitori.", "choice1": "I suoi genitori lo avevano influenzato.", "choice2": "I suoi genitori lo avevano ripudiato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La macchina rallentò gradualmente fino a fermarsi.", "choice1": "Aveva finito la benzina.", "choice2": "L'autista si era addormentato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo mangiò il gelato sotto il sole.", "choice1": "Il gelato perse il suo sapore.", "choice2": "Il gelato sgocciolò dal cono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Appesi un'opera d'arte in camera.", "choice1": "Il tappeto sembrava sporco.", "choice2": "Le pareti sembravano spoglie.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lasciai lavoro in anticipo.", "choice1": "Avevo mal di testa.", "choice2": "Il mio capo tenne un incontro.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cucciolo insudiciò il tappeto.", "choice1": "Il proprietario rimproverò il cucciolo.", "choice2": "Il proprietario diede una ricompensa al cucciolo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi scusai con il mio amico.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi perdonò.", "choice2": "Il mio amico si infuriò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si stagliava fra la folla.", "choice1": "Portava uno zaino.", "choice2": "Indossava un giubbotto catarifrangente.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il testimone mentì sotto giuramento.", "choice1": "Completò la sua testimonianza.", "choice2": "Fu accusato di spergiuro.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si tinse i capelli.", "choice1": "Voleva un nuovo look.", "choice2": "Voleva passare inosservata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli immigrati furono sorpresi a risiedere illegalmente nel paese.", "choice1": "Trovarono un impiego.", "choice2": "Furono deportati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'oratrice fece una battuta.", "choice1": "Il pubblico rise.", "choice2": "Il pubblico si alzò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fissai il sole.", "choice1": "Il sole mi accecò.", "choice2": "Il sole abbronzò la mia pelle.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi sentivo annoiato.", "choice1": "Sbuffai.", "choice2": "Sbadigliai.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La bistecca era difficile da tagliare.", "choice1": "Il coltello era smussato.", "choice2": "La bistecca era cruda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La donna dichiarò bancarotta.", "choice1": "Riceveva assegni di mantenimento.", "choice2": "Aveva contratto un debito enorme.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le luci nell'appartamento del mio amico erano accese.", "choice1": "Mi chiesi se fosse uscito.", "choice2": "Decisi di passare a visitarlo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misi il fiore sotto al naso.", "choice1": "I petali caddero dal fiore.", "choice2": "Percepii il profumo del fiore.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si sentiva nostalgica.", "choice1": "Si era imbattuta in un amico di infanzia.", "choice2": "Aveva sgridato i suoi bambini.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente procrastinava il tema.", "choice1": "Consegnò il tema in anticipo.", "choice2": "Consegnò un tema incompleto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La mia macchina si è rotta.", "choice1": "Sono andato al centro commerciale.", "choice2": "Ho chiamato un meccanico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Buttai via l'appunto.", "choice1": "Era anonimo.", "choice2": "Era illeggibile.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uccello sbatté le ali.", "choice1": "Depose le uova.", "choice2": "Si innalzò in cielo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Parcheggiai sul vialetto.", "choice1": "Il garage era aperto.", "choice2": "Il garage era pieno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il criminale puntò la pistola contro la vittima.", "choice1": "Il criminale abbassò la pistola.", "choice2": "La vittima alzò le mani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Non vedevo l'ora del fine settimana.", "choice1": "Avevo intenzione di partecipare al funerale di mio zio.", "choice2": "Avevo intenzione di partecipare al matrimonio del mio amico.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Persi cognizione del tempo.", "choice1": "Stavo sognando a occhi aperti.", "choice2": "Ero nauseato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La stampa del documento era illeggibile.", "choice1": "La stampante aveva quasi finito l'inchiostro.", "choice2": "La stampante aveva finito la carta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo stadio suonò l'inno nazionale.", "choice1": "I tifosi si rivolsero verso la bandiera.", "choice2": "I tifosi si precipitarono in campo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il condimento era insipido.", "choice1": "Lo servii.", "choice2": "Ci misi del sale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misi della carta assorbente sulla fuoriuscita.", "choice1": "La carta assorbì il liquido.", "choice2": "La fuoriuscita lasciò un residuo appiccicoso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna fu interrotta mentre leggeva il suo libro.", "choice1": "Mise un segnalibro sulla pagina.", "choice2": "Lesse il libro da capo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'aereo incontrò qualche turbolenza.", "choice1": "L'uomo strinse la propria cintura di sicurezza.", "choice2": "L'uomo guardò fuori dal finestrino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo sussultò.", "choice1": "La ragazza lo aveva ignorato.", "choice2": "La ragazza lo aveva punzecchiato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I dottori diedero un arto artificiale al paziente.", "choice1": "Le avevano amputato la gamba.", "choice2": "Avevano monitorato le sue funzioni vitali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo pizzicò il gomito della ragazza.", "choice1": "Lei scrollò le spalle.", "choice2": "Lei ritrasse il braccio di scatto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiesi consiglio al mio amico.", "choice1": "Stimavo la sua opinione.", "choice2": "Sapevo di aver ragione.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo camminò nel fango.", "choice1": "Il fango si attaccò alle sue scarpe.", "choice2": "Il fango lo colpì in faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sulla città si depositarono svariati centimetri di neve.", "choice1": "Le scuole chiusero.", "choice2": "La gente si nascose sottoterra.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il turno dell'impiegato era finito.", "choice1": "Andò a casa per quel giorno.", "choice2": "Minacciò di licenziarsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'albero danneggiò la casa.", "choice1": "L'albero era caduto sul tetto.", "choice2": "L'albero faceva ombra sul giardino.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il legno si spaccò a metà.", "choice1": "Avevo impilato il legno nel camino.", "choice2": "Avevo fatto scendere un colpo d'ascia sul legno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia fece le sue congratulazioni alla coppia.", "choice1": "La coppia aveva annunciato che si stavano separando.", "choice2": "La coppia aveva annunciato che stavano avando un bambino.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza aveva inviato al ragazzo un biglietto di S. Valentino.", "choice1": "Lui le piaceva.", "choice2": "Lei lo aveva baciato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Annuii all'affermazione del mio amico.", "choice1": "Ero confuso.", "choice2": "Ero d'accordo con lui.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli amici lanciarono una moneta.", "choice1": "Volevano trovare un compromesso.", "choice2": "Volevano prendere la decisione giusta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Il timer aveva suonato in cucina.", "choice1": "L'uomo scaricò la spesa nel frigorifero.", "choice2": "L'uomo tirò fuori la pizza dal forno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna stabilì un obiettivo ambizioso.", "choice1": "Ha battuto la fiacca.", "choice2": "Ha lavorato duramente.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ricco morì di vecchiaia.", "choice1": "Suo figlio finì in qualche problema legale.", "choice2": "Suo figlio ereditò la sua fortuna.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna calpestò le fiamme.", "choice1": "Le fiamme si spensero.", "choice2": "Del fumo si alzò dalle fiamme.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La macchina della donna era dal meccanico.", "choice1": "Le era stata ritirata la patente.", "choice2": "Era finita in un incidente.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mi riaddormentai dopo la sveglia.", "choice1": "Preparai la colazione.", "choice2": "Saltai la colazione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La figura pubblica uscì dalla limousine.", "choice1": "Delle macchine fotografiche lo accecarono coi flash.", "choice2": "La sua famiglia partecipò alla conferenza stampa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si trattenne nella vasca.", "choice1": "L'acqua del bagno divenne tiepida.", "choice2": "La vasca si prosciugò dell'acqua da bagno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente universitario voleva incontrare altri studenti nel campus.", "choice1": "Si unì a una confraternita.", "choice2": "Si laureò in ingegneria.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sollevai i cuscini del divano.", "choice1": "Cercavo monetine.", "choice2": "Stavo risistemando il salotto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La vespa volò verso il ragazzo.", "choice1": "Il ragazzo corse via.", "choice2": "Il ragazzo raccolse un fiore.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna fu incriminata per un reato minore.", "choice1": "Fu condannata a svolgere dei servizi sociali.", "choice2": "Fu messa nel braccio della morte.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mischiai dello zucchero nel tè caldo.", "choice1": "Il tè fumava.", "choice2": "Lo zucchero si sciolse.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il veterano camminava zoppo.", "choice1": "Era stato arruolato per la guerra.", "choice2": "Si era infortunato in battaglia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il criminale sfuggì alla polizia.", "choice1": "La polizia si prese cura della vittima.", "choice2": "La polizia inseguì il criminale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il laptop non si accendeva.", "choice1": "L'avevo fatto cadere.", "choice2": "L'avevo caricato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna esaurì lo spazio nel suo armadio.", "choice1": "Aveva acquistato un ampio guardaroba.", "choice2": "Aveva piegato il bucato.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva il cuore spezzato.", "choice1": "La moglie aveva partorito.", "choice2": "La moglie l'aveva lasciato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ottenne un diploma.", "choice1": "Divenne qualificato per il lavoro che voleva.", "choice2": "La sua offerta di lavoro fu ritirata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La voce dell'uomo si diffuse chiaramente per l'intero auditorio.", "choice1": "Salutò il pubblico.", "choice2": "Parlò nel microfono.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gettai una moneta nell'acqua della fontana.", "choice1": "La moneta si posò sul fondo.", "choice2": "La moneta si ruppe a metà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il giocatore colpì la palla verso la buca.", "choice1": "La palla finì in buca.", "choice2": "La palla ripiegò indietro verso il giocatore.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Inspirai la polvere in mansarda.", "choice1": "Ebbi il singhiozzo.", "choice2": "Starnutii.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cassiere del negozio chiamò la sicurezza.", "choice1": "Il cliente aveva usato denaro contraffatto.", "choice2": "Il cliente aveva lasciato i fari accesi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Portai fuori la spazzatura.", "choice1": "La spazzatura faceva puzzare la cucina.", "choice2": "Buttai via accidentalmente la mia lista della spesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia andò allo zoo.", "choice1": "I bambini ammirarono gli animali.", "choice2": "I bambini diedero la caccia agli animali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il respiro dell'uomo era affannoso.", "choice1": "Aveva un'insufficienza renale.", "choice2": "Aveva una congestione polmonare.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo un biglietto in più per il concerto.", "choice1": "Chiesi al mio amico le indicazioni per la sala.", "choice2": "Chiesi al mio amico se era interessato a venire.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il condizionatore dentro casa si era rotto.", "choice1": "Tirai fuori le coperte.", "choice2": "Aprii le finestre.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Al ragazzo doleva la schiena.", "choice1": "Il suo zaino era aperto.", "choice2": "Il suo zaino era pesante.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Comprai un regalo a mia madre.", "choice1": "Le preparai una torta.", "choice2": "Era il suo compleanno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I narcisi nel giardino erano stati distrutti.", "choice1": "Un'ape aveva punto il giardiniere.", "choice2": "Degli scoiattoli avevano dissotterrato i bulbi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Strofinai il fiammifero.", "choice1": "La fiamma si estinse.", "choice2": "Il fiammifero produsse una fiamma.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le parti della controversia raggiunsero un'intesa.", "choice1": "Non volevano discutere in tribunale.", "choice2": "Volevano risanare i loro rapporti personali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I bambini furono mandati in orfanotrofio.", "choice1": "I loro genitori erano morti.", "choice2": "I loro genitori li avevano viziati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il meteorite atterrò nell'oceano.", "choice1": "Si verificò uno tsunami.", "choice2": "Iniziò a grandinare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'escursionista incontrò un serpente velenoso.", "choice1": "Si disidratò.", "choice2": "Andò in panico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il forno diventò bollente.", "choice1": "Avevo accesso il forno.", "choice2": "Avevo messo il piatto in forno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Spremetti lo spicchio di limone.", "choice1": "Il limone ammuffì.", "choice2": "Il limone si spruzzò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La nazione scoprì un nuovo territorio.", "choice1": "La nazione abbandonò il territorio.", "choice2": "La nazione colonizzò il territorio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bicchiere si rovesciò dal tavolo.", "choice1": "Si frantumò su tutto il pavimento.", "choice2": "Atterrò su un mucchio di stracci.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il tavolo oscillava.", "choice1": "Il pavimento era irregolare.", "choice2": "Il pavimento era scivoloso.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il padre colse il figlio a mentire.", "choice1": "Suo figlio confessò la verità.", "choice2": "Il padre si fidò del figlio.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La testa dell'uomo pulsava di dolore.", "choice1": "Prese lo sciroppo per la tosse.", "choice2": "Prese l'aspirina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il treno rallentò.", "choice1": "Si avvicinava alla stazione.", "choice2": "Era in ritardo sulla tabella di marcia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo passò attraverso una terapia.", "choice1": "Aveva casi di malattie mentali in famiglia.", "choice2": "Gli era stata diagnosticata la depressione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si afferrò la gola.", "choice1": "Aveva ingoiato del cibo.", "choice2": "Si era strozzata con il cibo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva la gola infiammata.", "choice1": "La sua voce suonava rauca.", "choice2": "Parlava con un po' di accento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Il cane adocchiò la bistecca succulenta in tavola.", "choice1": "Sbavò.", "choice2": "Si sdraiò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli affari della donna avevano successo.", "choice1": "Licenziò i suoi impiegati.", "choice2": "Diventò ricca.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli studenti uscirono dalla classe.", "choice1": "La campanella era suonata.", "choice2": "La maestra aveva dato i compiti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna sosteneva di aver visto un fantasma.", "choice1": "I suoi conoscenti espressero il loro scetticismo.", "choice2": "I suoi conoscenti le dimostrarono empatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo perse il suo udito.", "choice1": "Era quasi affogato nell'oceano.", "choice2": "Era stato quasi ucciso da un'esplosione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino lasciò andare il filo del palloncino.", "choice1": "Il palloncino si sgonfiò.", "choice2": "Il palloncino si sollevò in aria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo perse l'abilità di parlare.", "choice1": "Aveva avuto un infarto.", "choice2": "Aveva fatto un respiro profondo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna inciampò sul marciapiede.", "choice1": "C'era una fessura nel cemento.", "choice2": "Sentì chiamare il proprio nome.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo fece un tuffo a bomba in piscina.", "choice1": "Il bagnino si buttò dentro dopo di lui.", "choice2": "L'uomo infradiciò il bagnino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Presi degli antibiotici.", "choice1": "La mia infezione guarì.", "choice2": "La mia infezione si diffuse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il semaforo diventò giallo.", "choice1": "L'autista spinse il pedale del freno.", "choice2": "L'autista suonò il clacson.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il contenitore di plastica si sciolse.", "choice1": "Immersi il contenitore nell'acqua fredda.", "choice2": "Misi il contenitore sui fornelli caldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La macchina si era ammaccata.", "choice1": "Il guidatore aveva colpito un palo del telefono.", "choice2": "Il guidatore era passato col rosso.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo studiò tutta la notte.", "choice1": "Saltò l'esame.", "choice2": "Passò l'esame.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzino si avvinghiò al bordo piscina.", "choice1": "Aveva paura di imparare a nuotare.", "choice2": "Il bagnino era in servizio.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misi la mano sul petto.", "choice1": "Sentii il battito del mio cuore.", "choice2": "La frequenza cardiaca accelerò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'edificio adiacente al mio ufficio era in costruzione.", "choice1": "Il mio ufficio era affollato.", "choice2": "Il mio ufficio era rumoroso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La famiglia voleva conoscere i loro nuovi vicini.", "choice1": "La famiglia invitò i vicini a cena.", "choice2": "La famiglia salutò i vicini dal giardino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dell'acqua schizzò fuori dalla piscina.", "choice1": "La nuotatrice si era tuffata in piscina.", "choice2": "La nuotatrice galleggiava in piscina.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mangiai una fetta di anguria.", "choice1": "Ingoiai un seme accidentalmente.", "choice2": "Mi scheggiai un dente accidentalmente.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo inciampò.", "choice1": "La cerniera della sua giacca era aperta.", "choice2": "I lacci delle sue scarpe erano slegati.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna indossò le cuffie.", "choice1": "Era distratta dal rumore.", "choice2": "Si era fatta i buchi alle orecchie.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riempii la mia bottiglia d'acqua.", "choice1": "Avevo bevuto tutta l'acqua.", "choice2": "L'avevo tenuta in frigorifero.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo spettacolo televisivo fu censurato.", "choice1": "Conteneva del linguaggio volgare.", "choice2": "Aveva una trama complicata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La nave naufragò.", "choice1": "L'equipaggio annegò.", "choice2": "L'equipaggio incontrò dei pirati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo era perplesso circa l'indovinello.", "choice1": "Risolse l'indovinello.", "choice2": "Richiese un indizio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il telefono squillò.", "choice1": "L'uomo riattaccò il telefono.", "choice2": "L'uomo rispose al telefono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna mi stava fissando.", "choice1": "La abbracciai.", "choice2": "Mi sentii a disagio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il gruppo se ne andò dal museo.", "choice1": "Avevano scattato foto della mostra.", "choice2": "Avevano visto tutte le opere.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo inizò a litigare con me.", "choice1": "Il mio amico mi presentò all'uomo.", "choice2": "Il mio amico mi difese.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La gomma della mia bici era a terra.", "choice1": "Pompai aria nella gomma.", "choice2": "Cambiai marcia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza appariva pallida.", "choice1": "Suo padre le raccontò una storia.", "choice2": "Suo padre le sentì la fronte.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La penna aveva finito l'inchiostro.", "choice1": "Usai una matita.", "choice2": "Firmai con il mio nome.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "All'uomo fu rifiutato un prestito.", "choice1": "Era indebitato.", "choice2": "Aveva avviato un'impresa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazze restò a casa da scuola.", "choice1": "Aveva la varicella.", "choice2": "Si divertiva ad imparare la matematica.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cestino dell'immondizia era pieno.", "choice1": "Lo buttai nel cassonetto.", "choice2": "Lo scaricai giù per il lavandino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Passai l'aspirapolvere sul tappeto.", "choice1": "Il mio compagno di camera aveva rovesciato un cocktail.", "choice2": "Il mio cane aveva perso dei peli.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo andò su tutte le furie.", "choice1": "Spense il computer.", "choice2": "Lanciò una sedia attraverso la stanza.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza lanciò un ramoscello nel falò.", "choice1": "Il ramoscello bruciò.", "choice2": "Il fuoco si estinse.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo uscì dalla doccia.", "choice1": "Era finita l'acqua calda.", "choice2": "Non trovava un asciugamano.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I genitori volevano che i loro figli andassero all'università.", "choice1": "Misero da parte un fondo di risparmi per la retta.", "choice2": "Incoraggiarono i figli a giocare all'aperto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si slacciò le scarpe.", "choice1": "Le scarpe si allentarono.", "choice2": "Le scarpe si usurarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo mangiò metà del primo.", "choice1": "Refrigerò gli avanzi.", "choice2": "Memorizzò la ricetta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La mia caviglia era gonfia.", "choice1": "Ci misi sopra del ghiaccio.", "choice2": "Ci strofinai sopra della lozione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La porta del mio ufficio era aperta.", "choice1": "Parlai al collega alla mia scrivania.", "choice2": "Sentii per caso la conversazione nella sala.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dovevo aspettare in fila.", "choice1": "Mi misi a sedere.", "choice2": "Sfogliai una rivista.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo schiacciò la mosca.", "choice1": "La mosca ronzò via.", "choice2": "La mosca rimase immobile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "L'uomo scrisse un testamento.", "choice1": "Stava morendo.", "choice2": "Era vedovo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il corridore avvertì che il rivale lo stava raggiungendo.", "choice1": "Abbandonò la gara.", "choice2": "Accelerò il ritmo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riflettei sul problema con cura.", "choice1": "Chiesi consiglio.", "choice2": "Intuii una soluzione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il viaggiatore camminò sul ponte sospeso traballante.", "choice1": "Si sentiva terrorizzato.", "choice2": "Si sentiva estatico.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva previsto la vittoria della squadra.", "choice1": "Si incontrò con i suoi amici per guardare la partita.", "choice2": "Fece una scommessa con i suoi amici.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo non riusciva ad addormentarsi.", "choice1": "Puntò la sveglia.", "choice2": "Contò le pecore.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/it/val.it.jsonl b/data/it/val.it.jsonl
index fe77145..c7da0e9 100644
--- a/data/it/val.it.jsonl
+++ b/data/it/val.it.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "L'uomo aprì il rubinetto.", "choice1": "Il gabinetto si riempì d'acqua.", "choice2": "Dell'acqua fluì dal beccuccio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza trovò un insetto nei cereali.", "choice1": "Versò il latte nella ciotola.", "choice2": "Perse l'appetito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna andò in pensione.", "choice1": "Ricevette la sua pensione.", "choice2": "Ripagò il suo mutuo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Volevo conservare le energie.", "choice1": "Spazzai a terra nella stanza vuota.", "choice2": "Spensi la luce nella stanza vuota.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La carne dell'hamburger si è abbrustolita.", "choice1": "Il cuoco lo ha congelato.", "choice2": "Il cuoco l'ha grigliato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho dubitato della parlantina del venditore.", "choice1": "Rifiutai la sua offerta.", "choice2": "Mi convinse a comprare il prodotto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho deciso di stare a casa per la notte.", "choice1": "Il meteo annunciava tempesta.", "choice2": "I miei amici insistevano per uscire.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I miei occhi diventarono rossi e gonfi.", "choice1": "Stavo singhiozzando.", "choice2": "Stavo ridendo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La fiamma della candela si spense.", "choice1": "Soffiai sullo stoppino.", "choice2": "Misi un fiammifero sullo stoppino.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo bevve molto alla festa.", "choice1": "L'indomani aveva il mal di testa.", "choice2": "L'indomani aveva il naso che cola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La palla da bowling buttò giù i birilli.", "choice1": "L'uomo fece rotolare la palla da bowling lungo la pista.", "choice2": "L'uomo si fece cadere la palla da bowling sul piede.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La comunità apprese della morte dell'uomo.", "choice1": "La sua famiglia lo seppellì nel cimitero.", "choice2": "Il suo necrologio apparve sui giornali.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio computer si è guastato.", "choice1": "Ho installato nuovi altoparlanti.", "choice2": "Ho perso tutti i miei dati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si licenziò dal suo lavoro.", "choice1": "Aspirava ad ottenere un ruolo da amministratrice in azienda.", "choice2": "Credeva che i suoi superiori si comportassero in modo immorale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La giocatrice prese la palla.", "choice1": "La sua compagna di squadra gliela lanciò.", "choice2": "La sua avversaria cercò di intercettarla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il giudice batté il martelletto.", "choice1": "L'aula scoppiò in tumulto.", "choice2": "La giuria annunciò il suo verdetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La donna scacciò i bambini dalla sua proprietà.", "choice1": "I bambini hanno lanciato una palla nel suo cortile.", "choice2": "I bambini hanno calpestato il suo giardino.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I rapitori rilasciarono gli ostaggi.", "choice1": "Accettarono i soldi del riscatto.", "choice2": "Evasero di prigione.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli occhi del cuoco lacrimarono.", "choice1": "Aveva finito le cipolle.", "choice2": "Aveva tagliato una cipolla.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna passò il dito sotto l'acqua fredda.", "choice1": "Si era bruciata il dito nel tostapane.", "choice2": "Si era infilata un anello di diamanti al dito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La studente fece un errore di ortografia.", "choice1": "L'insegnante l'ha corretta.", "choice2": "L'insegnante l'ha ignorata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Riacquistai la calma dopo il mio impeto di rabbia.", "choice1": "Il mio cuore batteva forte.", "choice2": "Feci respiri profondi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho messo le mani sotto il rubinetto corrente.", "choice1": "Il sapone si è sciacquato via dalle mie mani.", "choice2": "L'acqua mi è schizzata in faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si vestì con il suo abito migliore.", "choice1": "Aveva fissato un appuntamento con un cliente importante.", "choice2": "Sua moglie gli aveva comprato una cravatta nuova.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo confessò il suo amore per la donna.", "choice1": "La donna lo rifiutò.", "choice2": "La donna lo invidiò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'autista bucò una gomma.", "choice1": "Superò il limite di velocità.", "choice2": "Passò sopra un chiodo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La mia visuale dello schermo al cinema era bloccata.", "choice1": "La coppia dietro di me stava bisbigliando.", "choice2": "Una persona alta era seduta davanti a me.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'autista accese i fari della macchina.", "choice1": "Aveva sentito un tuono.", "choice2": "Il sole era tramontato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La ragazza si rifiutò di mangiare le verdure.", "choice1": "Il padre le disse di bere il suo latte.", "choice2": "Il padre le confiscò il dolce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna si coprì la bocca con la mano.", "choice1": "Aveva espirato.", "choice2": "Aveva starnutito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La segretaria mise l'interlocutore in attesa.", "choice1": "Al telefono dell'interlocutore cadde la linea.", "choice2": "L'interlocutore aspettò in linea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna camminava con le stampelle.", "choice1": "Si era depilata le gambe.", "choice2": "Si era rotta la gamba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho tossito.", "choice1": "Avevo inalato del fumo.", "choice2": "Avevo abbassato la voce.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'orologio rintoccò.", "choice1": "Era lo scoccare dell'ora.", "choice2": "L'ora sembrava prolungarsi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cuoco sbatté l'uovo contro il bordo della ciotola.", "choice1": "L'uovo si incrinò.", "choice2": "L'uovo marcì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La polizia setacciò la macchina del criminale.", "choice1": "Stavano provando a strappargli una confessione.", "choice2": "Stavano cercando droga illegale.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia viaggiò verso sud per l'inverno.", "choice1": "Erano in pensione.", "choice2": "Erano separati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si sentiva costretto a partecipare all'evento.", "choice1": "Aveva rifiutato l'invito dell'amica ad andare.", "choice2": "Aveva promesso all'amica che sarebbe andato.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La sposa è andata in panico prima del matrimonio.", "choice1": "Gli invitati al matrimonio le portarono dei regali.", "choice2": "Annullò il matrimonio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo era invecchiato.", "choice1": "I suoi capelli erano diventati grigi.", "choice2": "Aveva venduto i suoi averi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gli amici avevano deciso di condividere l'hamburger.", "choice1": "Tagliarono l'hamburger a metà.", "choice2": "Ordinarono le patatine con l'hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho svitato il tappo dalla bottiglia di soda.", "choice1": "La soda ha frizzato.", "choice2": "La soda è fuoriuscita.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia di studenti venne scrutinata dall'insegnante.", "choice1": "Entrambi gli studenti ricevettero voti eccellenti.", "choice2": "Le loro risposte al compito erano identiche.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lo studente era di fretta per arrivare a scuola in orario.", "choice1": "Si dimenticò i compiti a casa.", "choice2": "Portò il suo pranzo a scuola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il giornalista ha scritto una biografia sulla vita del filantropo.", "choice1": "Il filantropo era stato difficile da intervistare per il giornalista.", "choice2": "Il giornalista era affascinato dal lavoro del filantropo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva sfidato le autorità della chiesa.", "choice1": "Donò soldi alla chiesa.", "choice2": "Venne scomunicato dalla chiesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I capelli della donna le caddero sul volto.", "choice1": "Si è tirata indietro i capelli con un fermaglio.", "choice2": "Si è insaponata i capelli con lo shampoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'anello mi si è incastrato al dito.", "choice1": "Il mio dito si era gonfiato.", "choice2": "Mi ero scheggiato un'unghia del dito.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho tirato l'elastico.", "choice1": "È volato per la stanza.", "choice2": "Si è teso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ho premuto la mano nel cemento fresco.", "choice1": "L'impronta della mia mano si è asciugata nel cemento.", "choice2": "Sono emerse crepe nel cemento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La mia pelle si è riempita di sfoghi.", "choice1": "Ho strusciato contro l'edera velenosa nel mio cortile.", "choice2": "Ho sradicato l'edera velenosa dal mio cortile.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio abbonamento alla rivista è scaduto.", "choice1": "Ho buttato via la nuova edizione.", "choice2": "Ho smesso di ricevere nuove edizioni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'investigatore svelò un'anomalia nel caso.", "choice1": "Finalizzò la sua teoria.", "choice2": "Scartò la sua teoria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzino ebbe uno scatto d'ira.", "choice1": "Il fratello aveva preso uno dei suoi giocattoli.", "choice2": "Aveva condiviso i suoi giocattoli con il fratello.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino imparò a leggere.", "choice1": "Iniziò a frequentare la scuola.", "choice2": "Saltò un anno a scuola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ragazzo saltò la cena.", "choice1": "La madre aveva cucinato il suo piatto preferito.", "choice2": "Aveva mangiato molto a pranzo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna ricoprì la sua amica di lusinghe.", "choice1": "Voleva chiederle un favore.", "choice2": "Era irritata dal piagnisteo dell'amica.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La chiave era sparita dalla tasca dei miei pantaloni.", "choice1": "La tasca aveva un buco.", "choice2": "I pantaloni erano nuovi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo svenne.", "choice1": "Si era fatto un pisolino.", "choice2": "Aveva corso una maratona.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo aveva perso la gara.", "choice1": "La competizione era stata sabotata.", "choice2": "Aveva intimidito i suoi avversari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La madre chiamò un ambulanza.", "choice1": "Il figlio aveva perso il gatto.", "choice2": "Il figlio ero caduto dal letto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il guidatore frenò bruscamente.", "choice1": "Un cervo era comparso sulla strada.", "choice2": "La radio dell'auto si era spenta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La serratura si aprì.", "choice1": "Avevo girato la chiave nella serratura.", "choice2": "Avevo fatto un duplicato della chiave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo indossato dei guanti di gomma.", "choice1": "Mi stavo preparando a lavarmi le mani.", "choice2": "Mi stavo preparando a lavare il bagno.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La specie animale è diventata a rischio di estinzione.", "choice1": "Il loro habitat era stato distrutto.", "choice2": "I loro predatori si erano estinti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo si accorse che la donna sembrava diversa.", "choice1": "La donna si era tagliata i capelli.", "choice2": "La donna indossava un braccialetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La studentessa si era dimenticata di fare i compiti.", "choice1": "Inventò una scusa da raccontare al maestro.", "choice2": "Il maestro la promosse all'anno successivo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cane abbaiò.", "choice1": "Il gatto poltriva sul divano.", "choice2": "Qualcuno bussò alla porta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Furono annunciati dei piani per rimpiazzare un parco locale con un centro commerciale.", "choice1": "Gli ambientalisti lanciarono una petizione.", "choice2": "Gli ambientalisti produssero un documentario.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia era felice di vedersi.", "choice1": "Si baciarono.", "choice2": "Si riposarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna chiese all'uomo di andarsene.", "choice1": "Lui l'aveva insultata.", "choice2": "Lui l'aveva ringraziata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il ramo di un albero atterò nel fiume.", "choice1": "Il ramo seguì la corrente.", "choice2": "La corrente del fiume si intensificò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'insegnante assegnò compiti a casa agli studenti.", "choice1": "Gli studenti si passarono gli appunti.", "choice2": "Gli studenti si lamentarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "La stagione passò da estate ad autunno.", "choice1": "Le persone evacuarono le loro case.", "choice2": "Le foglie caddero dagli alberi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il politico fu condannato per frode.", "choice1": "Ha fatto una campagna per la rielezione.", "choice2": "Fu rimosso dall'incarico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Spinsi il carro.", "choice1": "Gli oggetti nel carro caddero fuori.", "choice2": "Le ruote del carro girarono in avanti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il lobbista persuase la legislatura a sostenere il disegno di legge.", "choice1": "Il presidente pose il veto sul disegno di legge.", "choice2": "La legislatura approvò il disegno di legge.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il mio armadio era in disordine.", "choice1": "L'ho riorganizzato.", "choice2": "L'ho decorato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sono rimasta sveglia fino a tardi.", "choice1": "Ho avuto sogni vividi quella notte.", "choice2": "La mattina ero stanca.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La tasca dell'uomo tintinnava quando camminava.", "choice1": "La tasca era piena di monete.", "choice2": "Lui aveva ricucito il buco nella sua tasca.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tutti nella classe si girarono a fissare lo studente.", "choice1": "Il telefono dello studente aveva squillato.", "choice2": "Lo studente stava prendendo appunti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il cavallo sgroppò.", "choice1": "Una mosca l'aveva punto.", "choice2": "Il fantino aveva accarezzato il cavallo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "I ladri di gioielli vennero catturati.", "choice1": "La gioielleria rubata venne restituita ai proprietari.", "choice2": "Fu stimato il costo della gioielleria rubata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Proruppe la violenza politica nella nazione.", "choice1": "Molti cittadini si spostarono nella capitale.", "choice2": "Molti cittadini si rifugiarono in altri territori.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna fu arrestata.", "choice1": "Era entrata in riabilitazione.", "choice2": "Aveva commesso un'aggressione.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna aveva letto il giornale.", "choice1": "Scoprì l'esito delle elezioni.", "choice2": "Diede il suo voto alle elezioni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Il bambino malato tossì sul suo amico.", "choice1": "Il suo amico si ammalò.", "choice2": "Il suo amico starnutì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La coppia si fidanzò ufficialmente.", "choice1": "Organizzarono il matrimonio.", "choice2": "Si sono separati per un po'.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna contattò l'agente immobiliare.", "choice1": "La donna aveva intenzione di comprare un condominio.", "choice2": "La donna aveva bisogno di pulire casa sua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo vinse la lotteria.", "choice1": "Divenne ricco.", "choice2": "Doveva dei soldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo acceso una candela.", "choice1": "La cera gocciolò dalla candela.", "choice2": "La cera sulla candela si indurì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo passato la giornata in piscina.", "choice1": "Mi slogai la caviglia.", "choice2": "Mi ustionai la faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "L'uomo ricevette una multa per il parcheggio.", "choice1": "Aveva parcheggiato a S sulla strada.", "choice2": "Il parchimetro era scaduto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna era diventata famosa.", "choice1": "I fotografi la seguivano.", "choice2": "La sua famiglia l'evitava.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna voleva indossare degli orecchini.", "choice1": "Si fece forare le orecchie.", "choice2": "Si fece tatuare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Le mie orecchie fischiavano.", "choice1": "Ero andata ad un museo.", "choice2": "Ero andata ad un concerto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avevo rassettato casa.", "choice1": "Ero sommersa di lavoro.", "choice2": "Aspettavo compagnia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La compagnia aerea perse il mio bagaglio.", "choice1": "Mi offrirono un risarcimento.", "choice2": "Cancellarono il mio volo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Era troppo caro aggiustare il computer.", "choice1": "Lo feci riparare.", "choice2": "Ne comprai uno nuovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "La donna era di cattivo umore.", "choice1": "Si mise a chiacchierare con la sua amica.", "choice2": "Disse all'amica di lasciarla da sola.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aprì il rubinetto.", "choice1": "Il gabinetto si riempì d'acqua.", "choice2": "Dell'acqua fluì dal beccuccio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza trovò un insetto nei cereali.", "choice1": "Versò il latte nella ciotola.", "choice2": "Perse l'appetito.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna andò in pensione.", "choice1": "Ricevette la sua pensione.", "choice2": "Ripagò il suo mutuo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Volevo conservare le energie.", "choice1": "Spazzai a terra nella stanza vuota.", "choice2": "Spensi la luce nella stanza vuota.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La carne dell'hamburger si è abbrustolita.", "choice1": "Il cuoco lo ha congelato.", "choice2": "Il cuoco l'ha grigliato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho dubitato della parlantina del venditore.", "choice1": "Rifiutai la sua offerta.", "choice2": "Mi convinse a comprare il prodotto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho deciso di stare a casa per la notte.", "choice1": "Il meteo annunciava tempesta.", "choice2": "I miei amici insistevano per uscire.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I miei occhi diventarono rossi e gonfi.", "choice1": "Stavo singhiozzando.", "choice2": "Stavo ridendo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La fiamma della candela si spense.", "choice1": "Soffiai sullo stoppino.", "choice2": "Misi un fiammifero sullo stoppino.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo bevve molto alla festa.", "choice1": "L'indomani aveva il mal di testa.", "choice2": "L'indomani aveva il naso che cola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La palla da bowling buttò giù i birilli.", "choice1": "L'uomo fece rotolare la palla da bowling lungo la pista.", "choice2": "L'uomo si fece cadere la palla da bowling sul piede.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La comunità apprese della morte dell'uomo.", "choice1": "La sua famiglia lo seppellì nel cimitero.", "choice2": "Il suo necrologio apparve sui giornali.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio computer si è guastato.", "choice1": "Ho installato nuovi altoparlanti.", "choice2": "Ho perso tutti i miei dati.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si licenziò dal suo lavoro.", "choice1": "Aspirava ad ottenere un ruolo da amministratrice in azienda.", "choice2": "Credeva che i suoi superiori si comportassero in modo immorale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La giocatrice prese la palla.", "choice1": "La sua compagna di squadra gliela lanciò.", "choice2": "La sua avversaria cercò di intercettarla.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il giudice batté il martelletto.", "choice1": "L'aula scoppiò in tumulto.", "choice2": "La giuria annunciò il suo verdetto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La donna scacciò i bambini dalla sua proprietà.", "choice1": "I bambini hanno lanciato una palla nel suo cortile.", "choice2": "I bambini hanno calpestato il suo giardino.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I rapitori rilasciarono gli ostaggi.", "choice1": "Accettarono i soldi del riscatto.", "choice2": "Evasero di prigione.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli occhi del cuoco lacrimarono.", "choice1": "Aveva finito le cipolle.", "choice2": "Aveva tagliato una cipolla.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna passò il dito sotto l'acqua fredda.", "choice1": "Si era bruciata il dito nel tostapane.", "choice2": "Si era infilata un anello di diamanti al dito.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La studente fece un errore di ortografia.", "choice1": "L'insegnante l'ha corretta.", "choice2": "L'insegnante l'ha ignorata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Riacquistai la calma dopo il mio impeto di rabbia.", "choice1": "Il mio cuore batteva forte.", "choice2": "Feci respiri profondi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho messo le mani sotto il rubinetto corrente.", "choice1": "Il sapone si è sciacquato via dalle mie mani.", "choice2": "L'acqua mi è schizzata in faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si vestì con il suo abito migliore.", "choice1": "Aveva fissato un appuntamento con un cliente importante.", "choice2": "Sua moglie gli aveva comprato una cravatta nuova.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo confessò il suo amore per la donna.", "choice1": "La donna lo rifiutò.", "choice2": "La donna lo invidiò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'autista bucò una gomma.", "choice1": "Superò il limite di velocità.", "choice2": "Passò sopra un chiodo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La mia visuale dello schermo al cinema era bloccata.", "choice1": "La coppia dietro di me stava bisbigliando.", "choice2": "Una persona alta era seduta davanti a me.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'autista accese i fari della macchina.", "choice1": "Aveva sentito un tuono.", "choice2": "Il sole era tramontato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La ragazza si rifiutò di mangiare le verdure.", "choice1": "Il padre le disse di bere il suo latte.", "choice2": "Il padre le confiscò il dolce.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna si coprì la bocca con la mano.", "choice1": "Aveva espirato.", "choice2": "Aveva starnutito.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La segretaria mise l'interlocutore in attesa.", "choice1": "Al telefono dell'interlocutore cadde la linea.", "choice2": "L'interlocutore aspettò in linea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna camminava con le stampelle.", "choice1": "Si era depilata le gambe.", "choice2": "Si era rotta la gamba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho tossito.", "choice1": "Avevo inalato del fumo.", "choice2": "Avevo abbassato la voce.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'orologio rintoccò.", "choice1": "Era lo scoccare dell'ora.", "choice2": "L'ora sembrava prolungarsi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cuoco sbatté l'uovo contro il bordo della ciotola.", "choice1": "L'uovo si incrinò.", "choice2": "L'uovo marcì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La polizia setacciò la macchina del criminale.", "choice1": "Stavano provando a strappargli una confessione.", "choice2": "Stavano cercando droga illegale.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia viaggiò verso sud per l'inverno.", "choice1": "Erano in pensione.", "choice2": "Erano separati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si sentiva costretto a partecipare all'evento.", "choice1": "Aveva rifiutato l'invito dell'amica ad andare.", "choice2": "Aveva promesso all'amica che sarebbe andato.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La sposa è andata in panico prima del matrimonio.", "choice1": "Gli invitati al matrimonio le portarono dei regali.", "choice2": "Annullò il matrimonio.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo era invecchiato.", "choice1": "I suoi capelli erano diventati grigi.", "choice2": "Aveva venduto i suoi averi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gli amici avevano deciso di condividere l'hamburger.", "choice1": "Tagliarono l'hamburger a metà.", "choice2": "Ordinarono le patatine con l'hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho svitato il tappo dalla bottiglia di soda.", "choice1": "La soda ha frizzato.", "choice2": "La soda è fuoriuscita.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia di studenti venne scrutinata dall'insegnante.", "choice1": "Entrambi gli studenti ricevettero voti eccellenti.", "choice2": "Le loro risposte al compito erano identiche.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lo studente era di fretta per arrivare a scuola in orario.", "choice1": "Si dimenticò i compiti a casa.", "choice2": "Portò il suo pranzo a scuola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il giornalista ha scritto una biografia sulla vita del filantropo.", "choice1": "Il filantropo era stato difficile da intervistare per il giornalista.", "choice2": "Il giornalista era affascinato dal lavoro del filantropo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva sfidato le autorità della chiesa.", "choice1": "Donò soldi alla chiesa.", "choice2": "Venne scomunicato dalla chiesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I capelli della donna le caddero sul volto.", "choice1": "Si è tirata indietro i capelli con un fermaglio.", "choice2": "Si è insaponata i capelli con lo shampoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'anello mi si è incastrato al dito.", "choice1": "Il mio dito si era gonfiato.", "choice2": "Mi ero scheggiato un'unghia del dito.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho tirato l'elastico.", "choice1": "È volato per la stanza.", "choice2": "Si è teso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ho premuto la mano nel cemento fresco.", "choice1": "L'impronta della mia mano si è asciugata nel cemento.", "choice2": "Sono emerse crepe nel cemento.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La mia pelle si è riempita di sfoghi.", "choice1": "Ho strusciato contro l'edera velenosa nel mio cortile.", "choice2": "Ho sradicato l'edera velenosa dal mio cortile.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio abbonamento alla rivista è scaduto.", "choice1": "Ho buttato via la nuova edizione.", "choice2": "Ho smesso di ricevere nuove edizioni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'investigatore svelò un'anomalia nel caso.", "choice1": "Finalizzò la sua teoria.", "choice2": "Scartò la sua teoria.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzino ebbe uno scatto d'ira.", "choice1": "Il fratello aveva preso uno dei suoi giocattoli.", "choice2": "Aveva condiviso i suoi giocattoli con il fratello.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino imparò a leggere.", "choice1": "Iniziò a frequentare la scuola.", "choice2": "Saltò un anno a scuola.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ragazzo saltò la cena.", "choice1": "La madre aveva cucinato il suo piatto preferito.", "choice2": "Aveva mangiato molto a pranzo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna ricoprì la sua amica di lusinghe.", "choice1": "Voleva chiederle un favore.", "choice2": "Era irritata dal piagnisteo dell'amica.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La chiave era sparita dalla tasca dei miei pantaloni.", "choice1": "La tasca aveva un buco.", "choice2": "I pantaloni erano nuovi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo svenne.", "choice1": "Si era fatto un pisolino.", "choice2": "Aveva corso una maratona.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo aveva perso la gara.", "choice1": "La competizione era stata sabotata.", "choice2": "Aveva intimidito i suoi avversari.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La madre chiamò un ambulanza.", "choice1": "Il figlio aveva perso il gatto.", "choice2": "Il figlio ero caduto dal letto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il guidatore frenò bruscamente.", "choice1": "Un cervo era comparso sulla strada.", "choice2": "La radio dell'auto si era spenta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La serratura si aprì.", "choice1": "Avevo girato la chiave nella serratura.", "choice2": "Avevo fatto un duplicato della chiave.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo indossato dei guanti di gomma.", "choice1": "Mi stavo preparando a lavarmi le mani.", "choice2": "Mi stavo preparando a lavare il bagno.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La specie animale è diventata a rischio di estinzione.", "choice1": "Il loro habitat era stato distrutto.", "choice2": "I loro predatori si erano estinti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo si accorse che la donna sembrava diversa.", "choice1": "La donna si era tagliata i capelli.", "choice2": "La donna indossava un braccialetto.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La studentessa si era dimenticata di fare i compiti.", "choice1": "Inventò una scusa da raccontare al maestro.", "choice2": "Il maestro la promosse all'anno successivo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cane abbaiò.", "choice1": "Il gatto poltriva sul divano.", "choice2": "Qualcuno bussò alla porta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Furono annunciati dei piani per rimpiazzare un parco locale con un centro commerciale.", "choice1": "Gli ambientalisti lanciarono una petizione.", "choice2": "Gli ambientalisti produssero un documentario.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia era felice di vedersi.", "choice1": "Si baciarono.", "choice2": "Si riposarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna chiese all'uomo di andarsene.", "choice1": "Lui l'aveva insultata.", "choice2": "Lui l'aveva ringraziata.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il ramo di un albero atterò nel fiume.", "choice1": "Il ramo seguì la corrente.", "choice2": "La corrente del fiume si intensificò.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'insegnante assegnò compiti a casa agli studenti.", "choice1": "Gli studenti si passarono gli appunti.", "choice2": "Gli studenti si lamentarono.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "La stagione passò da estate ad autunno.", "choice1": "Le persone evacuarono le loro case.", "choice2": "Le foglie caddero dagli alberi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il politico fu condannato per frode.", "choice1": "Ha fatto una campagna per la rielezione.", "choice2": "Fu rimosso dall'incarico.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Spinsi il carro.", "choice1": "Gli oggetti nel carro caddero fuori.", "choice2": "Le ruote del carro girarono in avanti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il lobbista persuase la legislatura a sostenere il disegno di legge.", "choice1": "Il presidente pose il veto sul disegno di legge.", "choice2": "La legislatura approvò il disegno di legge.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il mio armadio era in disordine.", "choice1": "L'ho riorganizzato.", "choice2": "L'ho decorato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sono rimasta sveglia fino a tardi.", "choice1": "Ho avuto sogni vividi quella notte.", "choice2": "La mattina ero stanca.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La tasca dell'uomo tintinnava quando camminava.", "choice1": "La tasca era piena di monete.", "choice2": "Lui aveva ricucito il buco nella sua tasca.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tutti nella classe si girarono a fissare lo studente.", "choice1": "Il telefono dello studente aveva squillato.", "choice2": "Lo studente stava prendendo appunti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il cavallo sgroppò.", "choice1": "Una mosca l'aveva punto.", "choice2": "Il fantino aveva accarezzato il cavallo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "I ladri di gioielli vennero catturati.", "choice1": "La gioielleria rubata venne restituita ai proprietari.", "choice2": "Fu stimato il costo della gioielleria rubata.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Proruppe la violenza politica nella nazione.", "choice1": "Molti cittadini si spostarono nella capitale.", "choice2": "Molti cittadini si rifugiarono in altri territori.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna fu arrestata.", "choice1": "Era entrata in riabilitazione.", "choice2": "Aveva commesso un'aggressione.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna aveva letto il giornale.", "choice1": "Scoprì l'esito delle elezioni.", "choice2": "Diede il suo voto alle elezioni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Il bambino malato tossì sul suo amico.", "choice1": "Il suo amico si ammalò.", "choice2": "Il suo amico starnutì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La coppia si fidanzò ufficialmente.", "choice1": "Organizzarono il matrimonio.", "choice2": "Si sono separati per un po'.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna contattò l'agente immobiliare.", "choice1": "La donna aveva intenzione di comprare un condominio.", "choice2": "La donna aveva bisogno di pulire casa sua.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo vinse la lotteria.", "choice1": "Divenne ricco.", "choice2": "Doveva dei soldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo acceso una candela.", "choice1": "La cera gocciolò dalla candela.", "choice2": "La cera sulla candela si indurì.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo passato la giornata in piscina.", "choice1": "Mi slogai la caviglia.", "choice2": "Mi ustionai la faccia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "L'uomo ricevette una multa per il parcheggio.", "choice1": "Aveva parcheggiato a S sulla strada.", "choice2": "Il parchimetro era scaduto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna era diventata famosa.", "choice1": "I fotografi la seguivano.", "choice2": "La sua famiglia l'evitava.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna voleva indossare degli orecchini.", "choice1": "Si fece forare le orecchie.", "choice2": "Si fece tatuare.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Le mie orecchie fischiavano.", "choice1": "Ero andata ad un museo.", "choice2": "Ero andata ad un concerto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avevo rassettato casa.", "choice1": "Ero sommersa di lavoro.", "choice2": "Aspettavo compagnia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La compagnia aerea perse il mio bagaglio.", "choice1": "Mi offrirono un risarcimento.", "choice2": "Cancellarono il mio volo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Era troppo caro aggiustare il computer.", "choice1": "Lo feci riparare.", "choice2": "Ne comprai uno nuovo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "La donna era di cattivo umore.", "choice1": "Si mise a chiacchierare con la sua amica.", "choice2": "Disse all'amica di lasciarla da sola.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/qu/test.qu.jsonl b/data/qu/test.qu.jsonl
index 2c7adb0..2251a57 100644
--- a/data/qu/test.qu.jsonl
+++ b/data/qu/test.qu.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Imaymanaqa puqpukama plasticowanmi q'ipichakurqan.", "choice1": "Chay imaymanaqa p'akikuqlla karqan.", "choice2": "Chay imaymanaqa huch'uylla karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wulsilluykunata qasichirqani.", "choice1": "Huk boleto nisqata tarikurqani.", "choice2": "Huk arma nisqatam tarikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuki kurukuna wasiman haykurqanku.", "choice1": "Kuki kurukunaqa wasimanta chinkarqanku.", "choice2": "Kuki kuruqa wasip kurkunta mikhurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ch'usaqkunaqa fronteramanmi chayarqanku.", "choice1": "Pasaportenkunatam policiaqa qhawarqan.", "choice2": "Contrabando apasqankumantam policiaqa tumparqan..", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oficinaqa wisq'asqa karqan.", "choice1": "Raymichakuy p'unchawmi karqan.", "choice2": "Ruphay mit'am karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa mana kallpayuqmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa damas nisqata pukllarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waskhapi p'inkirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinripi qhatisqaynintam warmiqa chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Huk runakunam sinriman haykurqanku.", "choice2": "Sinrichakusqanmanta payqa lluqsirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa sinqantam makinwan pakayukurqan.", "choice1": "Wawaqa baberuchanpi llawsaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Wawaqa pañalchanpi qhillichakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bandaqa aswan riqsisqa takiyninta takirqan.", "choice1": "Takisqawan kuchka runakuna t'aqllaykurqanku.", "choice2": "Upallallam runakunaqa uyarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Matemáticas yachachiqnintam warmaqa añanchayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Escuela tukukuptinmi warmaqa harkasqa qhipakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa manzanatam yachachiqninman apamurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wayna sipas campistakunaqa mancharikurqanku.", "choice1": "Umalliqninku manchay willakuykunata paykunaman willarqan.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa marshmeallows misk'ikunatam ninapi kankarikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa umanta t'akarukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yuyayninpim chinkarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa uma nanaytam hap'irqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cheque qillasqayqa mana chaskikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Bancopi cuenta nisqayqa ch'usaqmi karqan.", "choice2": "Sueldo yapakuyta llalliparqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip e-correo nisqanqa spam nisqawanmi hunt'a karqan.", "choice1": "Payqa spam nistaqa picharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa achka e-correo nisqatam apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanpuq runaqa qhaliyananpaq sapanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa unquymanmi wikchukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa unquymanta qhaliyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Código nisqata warmaqa umanpi yuyanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Hatun kunkapi rimaspa kikinman yachachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qillqayta qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vasoman yakuta hillpurqani.", "choice1": "Ch'akiyniytam yakuqa thaniyachirqa.", "choice2": "Vasoqa yakuwan hut'arqachikun.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa masinpa rimasqanta upallalla tukunankama uyarirqan.", "choice1": "Masinpa rimasqanta uyarispa yanapayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Masinpa rimasqanpim chanincharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aquyrakiqa huch'aymi karqan.", "choice1": "Huch'aymanta sunquchakurqani.", "choice2": "Justicia tumpawasqata chaskirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waskharqa paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Ruedapim waskharqa watarikurqan.", "choice2": "Qhasusqam waskharqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanantinqa sullullchayta paqtacharqanku.", "choice1": "Kaminakusqankumanta saykusqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Kaminakuymanta manam rimayta munarqankuchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa llaqta kamachiypi llamk'ayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Campaña ruwaq umallitam mink'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Corte nisapim payqa rimarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Illaq qhariqa chiri-mit'a hamunantam puruyninpi qhawayarqan.", "choice1": "Q'ipinpi quñi pistukuq p'achakunatam churarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hatun q'ipiyuq chusarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa tapukuypa kutichiynintam yacharqan.", "choice1": "Payqa makinta huqarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sawkakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip ñawinqa wiqiyarqan.", "choice1": "Ñut'u allpa ñawinman haykurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa lentestan ñawinmanqa churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqqa pichqa kutitam pukllayta llalliparqan.", "choice1": "Paypa huk kaq pukllaqninqa ch'awkasqanmanta tumparqan.", "choice2": "Paypa huk kaq pukllaqninqa paymanta khuyakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachachiqqa yachaqiqpa exámen nisqanta qhasurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yachaqipa ch'awkasqantam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Yachaqiqpa exámen kutichiyninqa allinmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rimasqaymanta utirqani.", "choice1": "Kunkaytam chinkarqachini.", "choice2": "Manam samariyta atirqanichu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chullusqa mikhuna sut'uryarirqan.", "choice1": "Microondas nisqapi churarqani.", "choice2": "Plasticowan pisturqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Llamk'aqqa unqusqa hinamanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Wiksa nanaywanmi karqan.", "choice2": "Samakuy p'unchawtam munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa piscinamanmi chapukurqan.", "choice1": "Piscinapa kantunpi phawaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa piscinaman tinkinapaq tablamantam chapukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cine nisqaman haykunapaq ticketkunaqa llapanmi qhaturikurqan.", "choice1": "Película nisqaqa chay p'unchawpi riqsichikurqan.", "choice2": "Película nisqaqa chay p'unchawmi mana allin kasqanta t'upsichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa sinchi wira kasqanmanta llañuyarirqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa manañam payta rimarirqanñachu.", "choice2": "Runaqa llañuyasqanmanta kallpancharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmapa makinqa hunt'a phusulluyuqmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa maquinapi qillqa apachinata qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wachkamanta hap'ipakuspam wicharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Circopi llamk'aqqa monocicletapi purichkaspa makinwanpas rump'ukunawan pukllayarqan.", "choice1": "Hunt'a runakuna kaqqa t'aqllaykurqanku.", "choice2": "Acróbata runaqa warkurayakuspa wayllunkakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phiñakurqani.", "choice1": "Masiymi sinchita suyachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa pacha rimasqanchikpim chayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyukunaqa aywanakuy guerra nisqamanta lluqsiyta munarirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa armas nucleares nisqatam ruwayta qallarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa qhasilla kanankupaq rimanakuytam qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa puñunanpaqmi pastillasta millpurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa puñuytam qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Paytaqa m'ati ruphaypi rupharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sofá tiyanawanmi warmiqa mitk'akurqan.", "choice1": "Sofá tiyanap chakinka q'iwiparirkusqa.", "choice2": "Payqa chaki muqunta t'akarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa p'uruta mat'ipayarqan.", "choice1": "P'uruqa p'atarurqan.", "choice2": "P'uruqa hanaqman phawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Illaqkunaqa qhurpachana wasipim qhipakurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa q'ipinkuta paskarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa aeropuerto nisqamanmi rirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Durasno añawita khamurqani.", "choice1": "Añawiqa ñut'ukurqan.", "choice2": "Hillim hich'aykurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Makiyqa rataykachakuqmanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Misk'isapa donasta mikhurqani.", "choice2": "Misk'iyaqkunataqa munaq karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Punkuta tanqarirqani.", "choice1": "Punkuqa kicharikurqan.", "choice2": "Punkuqa wichq'arikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Activistakuna huk rantinata boicot nisqaman tanqarqanku.", "choice1": "Rantinakunaqa chaniyuq kasqanta mallipachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Rantinakuqa wawakunap llamk'ayninkuwanmi yuririchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perforador nisqawan pirqapi t'uquta ruwarqani.", "choice1": "Huk'uchan t'uqunta such'urirqan.", "choice2": "Ñut'u allpam t'uqumanta lluqsirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ñañanmantam ch'ikikurqan.", "choice1": "Ñañanqa kusisqa kawsakurqan.", "choice2": "Ñañanqa qusanmanta t'aqakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "P'achaypi vinota hich'aykurqani.", "choice1": "Patanmanmi mandil nisqata churakurqani.", "choice2": "Huk p'achaywanmi churakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cajeroqa registradora nisqatam kicharqan.", "choice1": "Rantiqqa qullqintam maskharqan.", "choice2": "Rantiqqa qullqintam haywarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "K'ikllukunapi takiqmanqa runakuna asuyarqanku.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa qullqiwan yanaparirqanku.", "choice2": "Takiqqa runakunata qarqurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wawaqa niñeramanmi waqayurqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamanmantam waqakurqan.", "choice2": "Mikhuna pachañam karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piloto runaqa radarpi tuyu hamusqanta rikurqan.", "choice1": "Pilotoqa tuyumantam ayqikurqan.", "choice2": "Pilotoqa tuyuntintam phalarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sach'amanta rhapikuna urmayarqanku.", "choice1": "Raphikunaqa llimp'ikama tukurqanku.", "choice2": "Raphikunaqa pampapi huñukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa chansakuqhina kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa naipes nisqawanmi pananwan pukllayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa panantam chansakuyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa ispakuq rinanpaqmi mañakurqan.", "choice1": "Taytanmi upyanata qurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa gasolinera nisqapi karrunwan sayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uywasqa challwakunaman warmaqa mikhunata qurqan.", "choice1": "Challwaqa hawamanmi p'itarqan,.", "choice2": "Challwaqa mikhunamanmi chapullikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Políticapi iñiynintam warmiqa hukniyachirqan.", "choice1": "Huk partido policomanmi masiyachikurqan.", "choice2": "Runap hatariymanmi masiyachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Bañopi maki maqchikunaqa ch'akasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Piletata kicharqani.", "choice2": "Ch'akasqa kichakunapaqmi quimico nisqata hicharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Illaqqa trenmanta urayarqan.", "choice1": "Estación nisqamanmi trenqa chayarqan.", "choice2": "Trenqa siwinantam qaparichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sobre nisqapa wisq'ananpim qhariqa ñit'irqan.", "choice1": "Estampillatam sobre patapi churarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sello nisqatan wichq'asqa sobrepi churarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masikunaqa manañam tuparqankuñachu.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa hawkam kuskaqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa hukniraq llaqtapim tiyaraqanku,.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yupaqqa compañiap qullqinta mana allintachu aparqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llamk'ananmantam qarquchikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qulla wawayuq kaptinrayku llamk'ananmanta samarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Relojta qhawarqani.", "choice1": "Relojpa tiktiyasqanta uyarirqani.", "choice2": "Ima pacha kasqantam qhawayta munarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Makiymi utiyawarqan.", "choice1": "Ensayo nisqata makillapi qillqarqani.", "choice2": "Warmiywanmi maki hap'inakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Perno nisqaqa mat'irikurqan.", "choice1": "Huk pernota churarqani.", "choice2": "Llave inglesa nisqawanmi q'iwirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanantinmi wasi alquilanankupaq siq'icharqanku.", "choice1": "Yanantinqa wasiman astakurqanku.", "choice2": "Wasi mana allin kasqanta llaqta kamachiyqa yachachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa wasip ñawpaqñiypi tiyakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa inti haykuytam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Illapatachus qhawanmanhina yuyachakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa salvavidas p'achatam unupiqa churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mana wamp'uytaqa yacharqanchu.", "choice2": "Unuqa mana sinchi ukhuchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqmiqa word nisqapi qillqaspa pantarurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa khipu qillqasqantam picharparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qhipaman kutinapaq teclatam ñitirurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa masinkunamanmi chaqllikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa calificaciones nisqanta mana wasaparqanchu.", "choice2": "Payqa atipanakuytam llallirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'achuqa t'uruchasqam kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Tutantinpim param unucharqan.", "choice2": "Purun qurakunawan chaqrusqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa nishuta puñururqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qurpachana wasipi puñururqan.", "choice2": "Payqa alarma churakuytam qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa protectorsolar nisqatam churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llanthupim tiyakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mamaqucha patanmanmi rirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "T'aqwiqkunaqa yachanatam chiqancharqanku.", "choice1": "T'aqwiqkunaqa yachana mana allin kasqanmanta yachachirqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa allintam yachanataqa chaskirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Partido pukllakuypi runakuna qaparirqanku.", "choice1": "Pukllayqa aswa pachata yapapakuspa pukllakurqan.", "choice2": "Arbitroqa manas allinchatu ruwarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wichq'anapi yachasqallay yupanata churarqani.", "choice1": "Wichq'anatam wichq'arqani.", "choice2": "Wichq'anaqa kicharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Imaymana runa kaqqa achkayarqan.", "choice1": "Taytaqa qullqitam churinman haywarirqan.", "choice2": "Taytaqa churinpa makintam hap'iparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rit'im ñanta hark'achkarqan.", "choice1": "Rump'u rit'i ruwanaypaqmi rit'ita huñurqani.", "choice2": "Ñanmantaqa lampawanmi rit'ita qichurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kayakpi wamp'uqkunaqa t'uyunkunawanmi t'uyurqanku.", "choice1": "Kayak nisqaqa unu patanmami chayarqan.", "choice2": "Kayak nisqaqa aytimanmi suq'akurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Bicicletapi warman purichkaspa tunkiyayqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hap'inamantam kacharikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa k'aspi qinchamanmi bicicletanwan t'akarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ventiladorta hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Sullakuna ñuqaman chayarirqan.", "choice2": "Chiri wayran ñuqaman chayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Surfistakunaqa mama quchamanmi haykurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa charayasqam karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa tiburon nisqatam qhawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Bañeramanta tapónninta hurqurqani.", "choice1": "Unuqa bañeramanta qasichikurqan.", "choice2": "Unuqa pampamanmi ch'aqchurikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa huk warmiwan kasqanmantam huchachakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa warmintam hukwan ripusqanmanta tumparqan.", "choice2": "Payqa warmintam hukwan ripukusqanta willarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Posterpi llimpiqa unuchakurqan.", "choice1": "Llimpin ch'akinanta suyarqani.", "choice2": "Unutam poste patapi kacharirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa qaparispam rikch'arirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llap'i musquywanmi musquyukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawitunpi hisp'ayukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa chakintam hamp'ara pataman churarqan.", "choice1": "Taytanqa hamp'aramanmi tiyakuq hamurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanta rimarispam yachachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiyqan ñuqamanmi umanta kutichirqan.", "choice1": "Sutinmanta waqyarirqani.", "choice2": "Makiywanmi napayurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llaqta umalliqkuna runakunata saruncharqanku.", "choice1": "Runakuna hatarirqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa akllanankupaqmi qillqachakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa sach'a sach'api chinkarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qurpachakunanpa wasichata hatarichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yanapachikunanpaqmi qaparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa hawa suyumanmi illarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llimpipayta yachaytam munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huk llaqtakunap kawsayninmantam yachayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa llamk'aqmasinmanta ch'ikikurqan.", "choice1": "Llamk'aqmasinqa aswan allin llamk'aypi churachikurqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqmasinqa aswan horasta llamk'arqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa tiqsimuyupi hawa kawsaqkunata rikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa muspachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yuyaymanachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Qharipa ch'ukchanqa p'aquyarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa lejiata churarkurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa shampuntam churarkurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wallpaqqa musuq llamk'aynintam kamarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa allin mana allin kasqantaraq qhawapayarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kamarinapaq yuyaychakuytam tarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waynaqa wasinmantam ripurqan.", "choice1": "Ejercitomanta qarquchikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachanawasinmanmi rirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pata waqaychanamanta liwrukuna urmayamurqanku.", "choice1": "Pata waqaychanaqa ñut'u allpawan kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Pacha kuyuymi liwru waqaychanata chapchirirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasiypi electricidad nisqaqa wañururqan.", "choice1": "Luzta hap'ichirqani.", "choice2": "Llapan wasipa interruptor nisqatam wakmanta hap'ichirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Montaña rusamanmi wicharqanchik.", "choice1": "Manchaylla qhawakurqan.", "choice2": "Asikunapaq hinam qhawakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Popcornqa kikin bolsachapi p'atarirqan.", "choice1": "Mantequillatam bolsachanman churarqani.", "choice2": "Microondaspi hank'arqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sach'am cable pataman urmarurqan.", "choice1": "Wasikunaqa mana electricidadniyuq karqanku.", "choice2": "Sinchi wayra hamunantam willakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rimaqqa mana yuyaytachu runakunapaqqa rimarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa runakunata amichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa runakunata kamiyarqanhina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pin nisqachawam wiqurukurqani.", "choice1": "Hump'i sut'u uyaymanta sut'uyarqan.", "choice2": "Ruk'anaypi yawar sut'u rikurikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Challwaqa quchapi tuytuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Yarqasqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Wañusqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip kunqanta ch'aka uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Paytaqa chhullu hapirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manañam p'itararqanñachu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ascensorpa punkunkunaqa kicharikurqanku.", "choice1": "Akllasqa pisomanmi chayarqan.", "choice2": "Ascensorqa piso chawpikunapim utirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maqtaqa wasinmanta lluptirikurqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamantam llullakurqan.", "choice2": "Taytamamanqa payta wanachirqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hisp'ana k'itiqa unu hut'a karqan.", "choice1": "Inodoro nisqam puqchiyarqan.", "choice2": "Unu quñichiq maquinam pakirukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uña allquqa runanwan kuskallam karqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa wallqatam allqumanqa churarqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa waskhawanmi allqutaqa hap'iparqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa kikin lirpuynintam qhawarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sach'a sikipim qasilla sayarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qucha patanpi qasilla sayarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanaypa waqyawasqanta mana uyarirqanichu.", "choice1": "Waqyakuyta kutichirqani.", "choice2": "Mikhunaykupaqmi huñunakurqayku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasimasi k'itipim aylluqa maskharqan.", "choice1": "Allquqa wasimantam chinkarirqan.", "choice2": "Ancha chaniyuq piñim wasinmanta chinkarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hawaman samarisqayta rikurqani.", "choice1": "Pachaqa as chirim karqan.", "choice2": "Qhasquypi mat'ipawarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llamk'aqkunaqa sindicato nisqatam ruwarqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa aswan allin derechuyuq llamk'anankupaqmi maskharqanku.", "choice2": "Llamk'anamanta umalliqkunam pagonkuta yapayarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manzana pasteltam waykurqani.", "choice1": "Ismusqamanmi wayk'una wasipi asnayta qhallarirqan.", "choice2": "Hinantin wayk'una wasipi q'apayta qallariyqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa manam allinta puriyta atirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa nishu tacoyuq zapatowan purichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa zapatotam ch'utikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mankamantam wapsi lluqsichkarqan.", "choice1": "Unu t'impucharqan.", "choice2": "Mankata kipkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mediasniykuna pach'a t'aqsanapim kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Ñuqaqa usutawan churakurqani.", "choice2": "Botaswan churakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Político rimasqanqa mana yuyayniyuqhina qhawakurqan.", "choice1": "Payman qhatiqkunata chinkarichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waqlliq político hinam qhawakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanantin sullullchakusqankumanta mana pipas allintachu chaskirqanchu.", "choice1": "Wawayuq karqanku.", "choice2": "Yanantinqa karuman ripurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Edificio hatarichikuqqa qhapaq runap sutintam qhawarichirqan.", "choice1": "Qhapaq runaqa edificio thunikunantam munarqan.", "choice2": "Qhapaq runaqa qullqitam churarqan edificio ruwakunanpaqqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rantiypi llamk'aqkunaqa sipastam suwakusqanmanta tumparqanku.", "choice1": "Rantiypi llamak'aqkunaqa rikurqanchus sipas imaymanakuna wayaqanman churarisqanta.", "choice2": "Rantiypi llamk'aqkunaqa sipastam yanaparqanku munasqan wayaqatam tarinanpaq.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyuqa awqanakuymanmi suyumasintaqa waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Walla wallakunam awqanakuymanqa kacharichikurqanku.", "choice2": "Walla wallakunaqa ayllunwanmi huñurikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tribunalqa sasa chaninchay kamachinatam riqsirachirqan.", "choice1": "Tribunal wasip punkunpim phiñasqa runakunaqa hatarirqanku.", "choice2": "Tribunal wasip punkunpim yanantin allin munanakunankupaq rimarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa ima mikhunas rupharakusqantam muskiyurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa p'uyñupim galletasta qunqarurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa galletastam hornopi qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinchitam parayarqan.", "choice1": "Tuyuqa astawanmi sinchiyarqan.", "choice2": "Utqaylla ukuman haykurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Edificioqa utqaylla qasichikurqan.", "choice1": "Ascensorqa manañam llamk'arqanchu.", "choice2": "Nina ruphaymanta alarma qhaparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Churin machaq-unquywan unqusqanmantam taytaqa phiñayukurqan.", "choice1": "Tantantaqa cerveza nisqatam churinpaqqa rantirqan.", "choice2": "Taytaqa masimantam churinta qarqurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Amachaqqa wichanantintan oficinanmanqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Secretariam chay p'unchaw mana llamkarqanchu.", "choice2": "Ascensorqa mana llamk'arqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa masinwanmi phiñarikurqan.", "choice1": "Masinqa manam rimananta tukuchirqachu.", "choice2": "Masinqa mikhunantam rantikapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa qullqitam cajeroman qurqan.", "choice1": "Cajeroqa sencillutam sipasmanqa qupurqan.", "choice2": "Sipasman recibo quytam cajeroqa qunqarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa tiyana ruedayuqmanmi churachikurqan.", "choice1": "Accidente nisqarayku such'uyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa camillapi hamp'ina wasimanqa chayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Runakunaqa unanchatam wasinku hawapi churarqanku.", "choice1": "Independencia nisqatam suyuqa raymichachkarqan.", "choice2": "Suyuqa qullqi hap'iypi sasa pachapi tarikuchkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Equipoqa atipanakuypi mana llalliparqankuchu.", "choice1": "Paykunaman qhatiqkunaqa sunqu p'akirisqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaman qhatiqkunaqa aswan kallpanchasqa karqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiyqa kiruypi mikhuna kasqanta t'upsiyarqan.", "choice1": "Pinqarikurqani.", "choice2": "Kallpanchakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa manam historia yachanata wasaparqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa allintan clasesninta uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qunqarqanmi yachananta kallpanchayta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chawpi llaqtapi edificio thuniyarqan.", "choice1": "Pachakuyuy llaqtata chhapchirirqan.", "choice2": "Llaqtapi runa sipiyqa sinchiyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharipa yananqa payta saqirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kutinankupaqmi mañayukurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa taytamamanwanmi riqsirachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Iskay irqikunam kikin pachapi sinkuta hap'iyta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Sinkuqa karuman muyurqan.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa umapura t'akarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mapacheqa qupa waqaychanata rawirqan.", "choice1": "Cartonmi qupa ukhupiqa karqan.", "choice2": "Qupa waqaychanaqa mana kirpanayuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa lapizta ñawch'iyachirqan.", "choice1": "Pisi chaniyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Mana ñawch'iyasqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rantisqa p'achata kutichisqanmantaqa Cajeroqa manam qullqintaqa warmimanqa kutichirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa recibo nisqatam chinkarachirqan.", "choice2": "P'achaqa manam paymanqa haykurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qaraypi hallp'iqa ukhum karqan.", "choice1": "Utqaylla hampikurqan.", "choice2": "Q'illayuq tukuyurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trenpi wakin illaqkunaqa hukniraqtam qharita qhawarqanku.", "choice1": "Pampata qhawachkarqan.", "choice2": "Kikillanman rimachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa pampapi qutquta wisñirqan.", "choice1": "Sisikunam qutqutaqa apakurqanku.", "choice2": "Irqiqa t'antata waqaycharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ñañanmanmi papel pañuyluta ayparqan.", "choice1": "Warmipa ñañanqa makankunatam chakatarqan.", "choice2": "Warmipa ñañanqa waqaytam qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa menta misk'itam ch'unqarqan.", "choice1": "Siminmi ch'aki kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa simin asnanmantam pinqarisqam kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanatin tempranulla qhawakuq rirqanku.", "choice1": "Teatropa kinrayninpi tráfico nisqawan manam tupayta munarqankuchu.", "choice2": "Imaynatas teatroman chayanankupaq rikuchikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa llamk'ayninman mana rispa wasinpi qhiparikurqan.", "choice1": "Umalliqninmi yupaycharqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqmasinninmi paymanta llamk'arqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Activistakuna mañakusqankuta qhariqa siq'icharqan.", "choice1": "Payqa activistakunapa llamk'asqankupim iñirqan.", "choice2": "Activistakunaqa waq'achus kanmuman hinataman yuyanchakuspam denunciata churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Escenaman manaraq lluqsichkaptin actorpa sunqunqa katatatachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa escenáman lluqsinanmantam mancharisqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Sapan rimanantam ña umanmi t'akyachirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chinkasqa karqani.", "choice1": "Qullqiyta yuparqani.", "choice2": "Last'ata mast'arqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puqusqa añawiqa ruphaypi karqan.", "choice1": "Mikhurqanku.", "choice2": "Qaywirapurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karruqa waqllirikurqan.", "choice1": "Wakmanta hap'irachirqani.", "choice2": "Motormi nishuta ruphayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa wasantam nanachikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa psiquiatra nisqamanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawitunpi achka p'unchawkuna unayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kanana patapi ninata hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Llant'ayqa manañam karqanchu.", "choice2": "Wasiqa chirim kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phawasqanmanta warmiqa utirqan.", "choice1": "Rikranmi susunkayurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tumpata samayurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Wasimasiypa punkunpi waqyakurqani.", "choice1": "Wasimasiyqa wasinman haykuchiwarqan.", "choice2": "Wasimasiyqa wasi punkunman lluqsirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa phiñarisqam ukhuman samarirqan.", "choice1": "Ima llakikusqanmantaqa qusanqa mana allintachu yacharqan.", "choice2": "Qusanqa much'ayuspa pasapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachachiqqa yachaqitam yupaycharqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqiqa allinta tapuykunamanqa kutichirqan.", "choice2": "Tapuykunata kutichinanpaqqa yachaqiqa iskayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Runtuta warmi wankunanpaqqa manañam karqanchu.", "choice1": "Chakramanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Qhatuman rirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñawpa masiywanmi tinkurqani.", "choice1": "Huk pakasqa yachayta payman willarqani.", "choice2": "Payta mak'allikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa manam quchamanqa riyta munarqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa challwatam hap'irqan.", "choice2": "Quchaqa qhilli rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa apillañam clasemanqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Achiwanmi p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Bicicletanta suwarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Computadorapi cursor nisqaqa kuyurichkarqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa huk'ucha nisqapi ñit'irqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa huk'ucha nisqata kuyuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Conductorqa huk huch'uy ñannintam rirqan.", "choice1": "Hatun ñanpiqa accidente nisqam rikurirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ñawpanpi camión kaqtam qatirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Api p'achatam hawa warkunapi warkurarqani.", "choice1": "P'achaqa ch'akirqan.", "choice2": "P'achaqa llimphikachakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa lentesninta churakurqan.", "choice1": "Intiqa supayta llipipipichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa taxitam waqyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tutapi hanaq pachata qhari qhawarirqan.", "choice1": "Ruphay mit'a kanantam munarqan.", "choice2": "May sumaq kasqantantam qhawarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saykusqa tarikurqani.", "choice1": "Ñawpaqtaraq samakuq rirqani.", "choice2": "Hinantin tuta rikchasqa karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa chukcha rutuqmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chukchanta wiñachikuchkarqan.", "choice2": "Chukchanqa wiñarusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa millaytam musuq yachaqimasinmanqa chansakurqan.", "choice1": "Warmaqa sumaqtam musuq yachaqimasintaqa chaskirqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa mana munarqanchu musuq yachaqimasintaqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñuqñu upyayta munarqani.", "choice1": "Misk'i galletasta michkarqani.", "choice2": "T'antata ruwarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Parayta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Choferqa karrupa k'anchaykunantam hap'ichirqan.", "choice2": "Qhipaman karru purinanpaqmi choferqa hukniyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Edificiopa parqueo nisqanqa qasisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Karrutaqa ñan patapi utichirqani.", "choice2": "Karrutaqa haykunapa kinranllanpi utichirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qillqaqqa qillqayninta haywarinanpaqqa mana ayparqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa manam qillqayninta qatipayta atirqanchu.", "choice2": "Payqa qillqayninta allichachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Llamk'aqqa waqyasqayta tukurqachipun.", "choice1": "Umalliqwan rimanaypaq mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Pim kasqayta riqsichiwaq yupaynintam qhawachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kichaqasqa wintanantin wayra haykurqan.", "choice1": "Timbre nisqa uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Arapakuna maywikukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Electricidad nisqaqa wasiypi mana karqanchu.", "choice1": "Lamparara enchufemanta qichurqani.", "choice2": "Fusible nisqata t'uqyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pesas nisqakunata huqariqqa qhututuyarqan.", "choice1": "Lirpupi qhawakuspa llapa aychanta k'uytupachirqan.", "choice2": "Uma hawanpi pesas nisqakunata huqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa llapan cálculo nisqakunata umallanpi ruwayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Calculadorata hap'irqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pantarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wawaqa puñurqan.", "choice1": "Taytanmi musuq pañalta churarqan.", "choice2": "Taytanmi chhukuyurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Unu hunt'ayuq p'urutam pasñaqa maqtaman chaqirqan.", "choice1": "Maqtaqa uma unquywanmi hatarirqan.", "choice2": "Maqtaqa apiyachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fotofrafoqa camarapi flashtataqa hap'ichiyta qunqarqun.", "choice1": "Fotokunaqa qhusñisqahina lluqsirqanku.", "choice2": "Fotopi lluqsiqkunaqa manam asikuyta munarqakuchu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cumpleañosman rinaypaq mink'awasqankuta mana riyta munarqanichu.", "choice1": "Sapallaymi karqani.", "choice2": "Huk llaqtapim tarikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ejercicio nisqata ruwarqani.", "choice1": "Kallpayuqhina karqani.", "choice2": "Manchasqa karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Api esponjata q'apirqani.", "choice1": "Unuta suq'urqan.", "choice2": "Unu sut'uyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qurpachanaman chayanakupaqqa Illaqkuna ferryta nisqata hap'irqanku.", "choice1": "Qurpachanaqa aywaqñam karqan.", "choice2": "Qurpachanaqa wat'apim tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pasñaqa tatuaje nisqata ruwakurqan.", "choice1": "Agujakunataqa payqa manchakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa imamaypas hatariytam munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasiypa punkunpi mana riqsisqa karru utiyarqan.", "choice1": "Watupakuyta qallarirqani.", "choice2": "Policiaman waqyarirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa riqsichikurqan.", "choice1": "Ima kaqpas paytam tumparqan.", "choice2": "Ima kaqpas manam paymanqa tumparqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wirasapa runaqa llañuyayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Manaña misk'ikunataqa mikhurqanñachu.", "choice2": "Manaña cafeta upyarqanñachu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa chullunkasqa pampapi ichiyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa suchuyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ñawin saykusqa rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Tutantinpi rikch'alla karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wawantam puñuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ariqmanta nina lawa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Ariqqa tuqyayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Ariqqa puñuchkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa zapatonta churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa raymipi llapan kaqkunatam riqsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa raymimanta ripuyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hark'anapi llamk'aqman qullqicharqani.", "choice1": "Payqa hark'anata chimpachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hark'anapi hark'ariwarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ejecutivo runaqa aquyrakimanmi haykurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa compañianta qhaturqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qulltintam usuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa hamp'iqmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Hamp'iqqa samachkarqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa mana allinchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wintanantinmi wasiymanta lluqsirqani.", "choice1": "Wasiqa nina ruphaypi kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Wasiqa qasisqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wawap rukanankunaqa llulluyarurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa armakuspam unayarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa makintam jabonwan maqchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñuqñuta thuqyarqani.", "choice1": "Ñuqñuqa phusqusqa karqan.", "choice2": "Ch'aki simiyur karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Busman mana ayparqanichu.", "choice1": "Llamk'anayman chayanapaq tempranoraq karqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'anayman chayanaypaq tardeña karqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Camionqa karruwan t'akarukurqan.", "choice1": "Camionqa utqaylla richkarqan.", "choice2": "Karruqa llapan ñitikusqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atipanakuyta llallinankupaqmi equipo nisqaqa imaymanata ruwarparirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llalliparqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa pukllaymanta lluqsirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gaseosaqa puqpurayarqan.", "choice1": "Botellata t'ikrayarqani.", "choice2": "Botellapa tapanta kicharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hawapi maqta kachkaspa wasi punkun wichq'arikusqa.", "choice1": "Payqa wintanantin haykururqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wasi patantin haykururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasipa timbren tililiyarqan.", "choice1": "Watukuqqa punkuta t'akarirqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa punkupa t'uquchantin qhawarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa p'achanta llimpiyarikusqa.", "choice1": "Ch'aki maqchiymanmi p'achantaqa aparirqan.", "choice2": "Ropero nisqapim p'achanta warkurayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa kiru muqchikuy pastatam q'apirirqan.", "choice1": "Pastaqa allintam lluqsirqan.", "choice2": "Sipasqa pastata thuqayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Awqanakuy patapiqa askha civil runakunam wañurirqanku.", "choice1": "Mana awqanakuyta munaq runakuna sayarispa rimaykacharqanku.", "choice2": "Mana awqanakuyta munaq runakunaqa desfile nisqatam ruwarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa chukchanmanta cintata hurqurparikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa cintawan churakurqan.", "choice2": "Cintaqa wawahinatam rikurichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa cirugía plástica nisqata ruwarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa machuyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswan wayna tukurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiwchiqa runtumanta lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Runtuqa p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Ñuqam runtura p'akirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watachasqa runa yarqaymanta wañuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wañurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ripurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa wichanapi wayllunkayarqan.", "choice1": "Wichanaman siqarqan.", "choice2": "Wichanamanta urmayurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa hap'ayarqan.", "choice1": "Gaseosata upyarqan.", "choice2": "Gaseosa latata kicharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiri wayram wintanantin haykurqan.", "choice1": "Sumaqta samakurqani.", "choice2": "Tumpata katatatayarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa hatun yachaywasiman rinanpaqmi becata chaskirqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqimasinkunaqa payta yupaycharqanku.", "choice2": "Allin calificación nisqatam ayparqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa asikachakuspa waynataqa tanqayarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa waynapa wasimasinnmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waynatam munakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mana imayuq runaqa mikhunata suwakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kuyapaykuytam mañakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana qullqiyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiywan rimarinaykupaq waqyarqani.", "choice1": "Manam piwanpas rimayta munarqanichu.", "choice2": "Sinchi sapallaymi kaspa rimayta munarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa makinta haywariwarqan.", "choice1": "Makiyta haywarirqani.", "choice2": "Rikranpi t'aqllayarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñuqa k'umuyarqani.", "choice1": "Fuegos artificiales nisqam hanaqman t'uqyarirqanku.", "choice2": "Discom umaykaman phawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa sillunkunata k'utuykachakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llakisqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharisqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Almanaquepa raphinta t'ikrayarqani.", "choice1": "Huk ruwanaytam churarqani.", "choice2": "Musuq killam qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmin hukwan kasqantam qusaqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa amachaqninta qarqurirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa t'aqakuytam mañarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa goma rump'uta kacharirqan.", "choice1": "Rump'uqa pinkiyarqan.", "choice2": "Rump'uqa k'ancharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa examenninpi pantarurqan.", "choice1": "Kutichisqantaqa waturirqan.", "choice2": "Kutichisqantaqa picharurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqqa pukllaqmasintam t'akarparispa harkayarqan.", "choice1": "Pukllaqmasinqa rump'uta hap'irparirqan.", "choice2": "Pukllaqmasinqa pampaman wikchuyukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tumatikunata yuranmanta hurqurqani.", "choice1": "Puquña karqanku.", "choice2": "Unuwanmi qharparirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa kuyaykuq kaytam munarqan.", "choice1": "Ñawpaq munakuqninwanmi mikhunanpaq huñurikurqan.", "choice2": "Kunan munakuqninmanmi chololatekunata rantirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Termometropi mercurio kaqqa wichayarqan.", "choice1": "Termometrota urmarachirqani.", "choice2": "Pachaqa quñiyachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wayra muyuqqa llaqtaman chayachkarqan.", "choice1": "Corte wasipan qhataqa phawarparirqan.", "choice2": "Carreteraqa sinchi millaymanmi chullunkuyasqawanqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa pusaq yachachiqwan yanapachikurqan.", "choice1": "Chaninchayninqa aswanmi sumaqyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa examenpi llullakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sumaqmi tarikurqani.", "choice1": "Pampapi qunqurikurqani.", "choice2": "Mantapi sumaqta mayturikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rumita qhiturqani.", "choice1": "Rumiqa llunk'aykachakurqan.", "choice2": "Rumiqa k'anchaykachakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Azucartam cafemanqa churarqani.", "choice1": "Cafeqa sinchita q'apayarqan.", "choice2": "Cafeqa misk'iyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa papilkunata allichayarqan.", "choice1": "Paypa papilta kuchurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa papilkunaqa ñut'uyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Clavuta martilluwan t'akarqani.", "choice1": "Clavuqa llaqllapi chinkayarqan.", "choice2": "Clavuqa akakipakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Challwaqa anzueluman qamsarqan.", "choice1": "Challwaqqa challwata aysaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Challwaqqa wakmanta anzuelutaqa chuqayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Escuelaman rinanmanta pasñaqa pinqakurqan.", "choice1": "Muchi uyanpi rikurirqan.", "choice2": "Frenillos nisqatam payqa churakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uyayqa kusisqa rikurikurqan.", "choice1": "Sumaq willaykunata chaskirirqani.", "choice2": "Phiñarikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tohallawan makiyta ch'akichikurqani.", "choice1": "Tohallam api kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Makiymi api kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suni tiyanapi qhari yaqaraq urmayurqan.", "choice1": "Suni tiyanaqa kuyuykacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tiyana patamanmi llimphita chaqchuyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqmasikunaqa paykunapura tumpayanakurqanku.", "choice1": "Pukllaypi mana llalliparqankuchu.", "choice2": "Pusaqninkuqa mana allintachu llamk'achirqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pampachayta mañakurqani.", "choice1": "Pantasqaymanta yuyaychakurqani.", "choice2": "Munasqaytam ayparqani,.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hukwan tinkusqanmanta warmiqa amisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Warmipa tapukuyninta qhariqa kutichirqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa pay kikillanmantam rimaykachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa tumpata asiyukurqan.", "choice1": "Paypa uyachanqa pukayarqan.", "choice2": "Tuq'uchakuna uyanpi rikurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Awqapa wampunqa t'uqyayurqan.", "choice1": "Mina patantintam pasarqan.", "choice2": "Puertuman chayarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa chakinta turpuyukurqan.", "choice1": "T'uruman haykururqan.", "choice2": "P'akisqa qhispipi sarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipisqanku patapi maki yupikunata tarikunanpaqmi k'uskiqkunaqa ñut'u llimphiwan llimphicharqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa pim sipiq kasqanta tarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa armata tarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñanpi sinchi karrukuna kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Uch'uy ñannintan ripurqani.", "choice2": "Apawanankupaq mañakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyupa qullqi hap'iyninqa pisiyarqan.", "choice1": "Sinchi runakunam unquyarqanku.", "choice2": "Sinchi runakunam mana llamk'ayniyuq tukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "K'ikllu chimpachiq guardiaqa wawakunata qhawaspa wisananta wisayachirqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa ña k'ikllumanña haykuytañam munachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Guardiaqa wasimasinku hinatam wawakunataqa riqsiyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiymanmi qunqaymanta qhawayarqani.", "choice1": "Payqa chiqaytam willachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawsasqa rimaywanmi rimawarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karrupa gasolinanmi tururparikurqan.", "choice1": "Karruqa ñampi utiyarparirqan.", "choice2": "Ñanpi runa kaqtam karuuqa huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqmiqa wachakuy pachapi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Wawa paqarirqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa haqtunawanmi kachkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharipa ch'ukunqa phawarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ch'ukunqa ch'utikurqan.", "choice2": "Sinchitam wayrayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa yachaqimasinpa raymichaykuyninmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Rinanpaqmi paytaqa mink'arikurqanku.", "choice2": "Payqa suñatam rantirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqipa mat'inqa ruphayachkarqan.", "choice1": "Mamanqa mat'inta llamiyarqan.", "choice2": "Mamanqa parkimanmi pusarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa q'apachiwan churayukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa tinkuqninwan sumaq qhawachikuyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa gel nisqatam chukchanmanqa churakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasipi electricidadqa wañurirqan.", "choice1": "Linternata maskharqani.", "choice2": "Lampata hap'irqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aylluqa hatun wasiman astarikurqanku.", "choice1": "Wanwanku escuelanta tukurqan.", "choice2": "Mamaqa wispa wawakunata wacharikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pitariqqa allillamantam pitachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kallpayuqllam kayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chayanatañam qhawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maquina ranaqtam maqtaqa haytarirqan.", "choice1": "Vueltuntam makinaqa aqtuyarqan.", "choice2": "Chip bolsachakunam maquinapi ch'akarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiypa allqunqa wañurirqan.", "choice1": "Payta qhawarirqani.", "choice2": "Payta mak'allirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharipa tarjeta de credito nisqanqa manam chaskirikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa pagaré nisqatam qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa makipi qullqiwanmi pagota qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa ñakapayukurqan.", "choice1": "Sillunkunata kuchururqan.", "choice2": "Chaki puntanta t'akarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa wawqinmantam yupaychakurqan.", "choice1": "Wawqinqa taytamamankuwanmi k'aminakurqanku.", "choice2": "Wawqinqa amachaqkuna escuelapim chaskichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sistema solarmantam warmaqa yachayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa bibliotecamanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ch'askakunatam qhawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Posterqa pirqapi ratarichikurqan.", "choice1": "Punku hawanpim postertaqa t'akyachirqani.", "choice2": "Ratana cintatam posterpa qhipanpiqa churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arquitectupa plano ruwasqanqa allintam chaskirikurqan.", "choice1": "Arquitectuqa edificiotam hatarichirqan.", "choice2": "Arquitectuqa planota allicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa cucharanta urmayachirqan.", "choice1": "Makinmi katatatachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa cucharata llaqwayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Empresapa umalliqninqa llamk'ananta qulluchirqan.", "choice1": "Kamariqkunataq empresata utirichirqanku.", "choice2": "Kamariqkunataq huk umalliqta maskharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Huñunakuyman chayanaypaq sinchita unayarqani.", "choice1": "Chayaspaqa qhipapi tiyakurqani.", "choice2": "Chayaspaqa ñawpaqmanmi asuyukurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Calcelmanta runaqa lluqsirurqan.", "choice1": "Fianza nisqatam ayllun qullqicharqan.", "choice2": "Carcelpi tiyaqmasintam maqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aylluqa imayninkunatam chinkarirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa wasinkuta qhatucharqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunapa wasinkuqa kanarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alumino latata sarurqani.", "choice1": "Lataqa wakmanta hap'ichikurqan.", "choice2": "Lataqa ñitisqa tukururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rimanakuymanmi sipasqa huñurikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa computadora hap'iyta yacharirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa allin rimaykachaytam yacharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Imayna kasqayqa allinyarirqan.", "choice1": "Takiyta uyarirqani.", "choice2": "Pukukunata maqchirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Munasqan qullqitam yanapaq wasiqa huñurirqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa mana imayuq runakunatam mikhuchirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa subastata ruwarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Montaña rusapi karruchaqa uraymanmi pasayurqan.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa asiyukurqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa qaparirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phiñasqa kachkarqani.", "choice1": "Wasimanta lluqsispa buzonta qhawarqani.", "choice2": "Wasimanta lluqsispa punkuta aysayparirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa pacha paqariytam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hanaq suyumanmi illarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tutallamanta hatarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Papilta patarayarqani.", "choice1": "Papilta wakmanta hap'iykacharqani.", "choice2": "Papilqa q'intiyakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyuqa pacha ch'ikiwanmi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Huk suyukunapa umallinkunaqa masinchakurqanku.", "choice2": "Huk suyukunapa umalliqkunaqa yanapaytam apachirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqipa p'achanqa apirikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa piscinamantam lluqsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa piscinamanmi urmayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa libru ñawiriyta tukunanpaqmi phawarirqan.", "choice1": "Bibliotecamanmi kutichinan karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masinmantam mañarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'umalliq runaqa wañuchikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa carcelmanmi apachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wañuchikunanpaqmi t'upsichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Intip k'anchaynin wintanantinta haykurqan.", "choice1": "Arapakunata kichayarqani.", "choice2": "Punkuta kichayarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanqa runapa chukchanta chutarqani.", "choice1": "Peluca nisqaqa aysarparikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa p'aqla umayuq tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qillqa allichaqqa, wakmanta huk rimaytaqa qillqayarqan.", "choice1": "Makiwan qillqasqataqa allin ruwasqatam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Makiwan qillqasqapiqa mana ch'uya rimayta tarisqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa tarjeta de credito nisqanta qulluchirqan.", "choice1": "Tarjeta chinkarusqanmantam yuyaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Tarjeta manaña llamk'asqanmanta yuyaychakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariwan warmiwan munanakurqanku.", "choice1": "Kusqa universidadman rirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa saywakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Takiyqa sinchi upallalla kaspa mana uyarikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Uyarikunanpaq yapayarqani.", "choice2": "Kikin takiyniyta ruwakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maqtapa chukchanqa ñaqcharisqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Pasñam tampayachirqan.", "choice2": "Pasñam chutarparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuruqa ñit'isqa tukurqan.", "choice1": "Repelente nisqawanmi hichayurqanku.", "choice2": "Sarurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñawiyta kicharqani.", "choice1": "Rikch'arirqani.", "choice2": "Samakurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasimasiypa taki uyarisqanqa sinchim karqan.", "choice1": "Sinchita upallachinanpaq payta mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Paypa CD nisqatam mañakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip ayllunqa pisi qullqiyuqlla tiyarqanku.", "choice1": "Payqa pisillatam qullqinta ayllunman qurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa llamk'ananpiqa pisi pagomanta aswan pisitam chaskirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa hatun-yachaywasimanta graduasqa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llamk'anatam maskharqan.", "choice2": "Imapi qhuchukusqankutam maskharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llimp'iwan wallpaqqa q'illutawan anqastawan chaqrurqan.", "choice1": "Llimp'iqa lliwpi ch'allakurqan.", "choice2": "Llimp'iqa q'umirmanmi tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rimasqanchiktaqa hukniyachirqani.", "choice1": "Manañam imatapas rimayta atirqanichu.", "choice2": "Rimasqanchikqa phiñachiwachkarqanchikña.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Turayqa hamp'ina wasimanta lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Wasinchikmanmi sumaqta hampuyachirqani.", "choice2": "Payta mana munakuq hinamanmi rikurirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Escenariopa arapanqa wichayman kichakurqan.", "choice1": "Wallparisqa ruwayqa qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Wallpariq runakunakunaqa escenariomanta ripurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atisanka runaqa hap'iqninpa mañakusqantam riqsichirqan.", "choice1": "Hap'iqqa atisanka runata sipinanpaqmi mancharichirqan.", "choice2": "Hap'iqqa atisana runata kikillanmanta kacharirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lliw escenariopi huk tununuyuyta uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Takiqqa huk chakinwanmi tusupachkarqan.", "choice2": "Takiqqa huk wank'artam t'akayachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Taytamamaqa wawanpa cuartonmanmi p'itarqanku.", "choice1": "Wawaqa llap'i musquywan rikch'arispa qaparichkarqan.", "choice2": "Wawaqa kawitunpa uranta qhawariytam mancharikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa maki-rimaywanmi rimarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llullu wawa paqarimurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ruqt'u wawa paqarimurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ch'akirayay pachamam suyupiqa rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Yakum qhillichakurqan.", "choice2": "Chakrakunapi mikhuyqa ch'akirayaywanmi ñiq'irqapunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Michim urpitaqa qhatirirqan.", "choice1": "Urpiqa phalaspa ripurqan.", "choice2": "Urpiqa kuruta hap'irqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa huk kaq escuelamanmi ripurqan.", "choice1": "Escuelaqa ruphay mit'a kaptinmi lluqsichirqan.", "choice2": "Musuq llaqtamanmi astakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fábricayuq runaqa manam llamk'aqkunamanqa qullqinta yapayta munarqanchu.", "choice1": "Fábricayuqqa musuq umalliqta churarqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqkunaqa ruwayninkuta sayarichirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyuq umalliqninmi awqanakuqkunaman ñak'arichirqan.", "choice1": "Ima ruwananpaqpas awqanakuqkunam kamachirqanku.", "choice2": "Awqanakuqkunaqa payta sipirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'ala chakillam mama qucha patanpi purirqani.", "choice1": "Aqu aqum chakiyman ratarirqan.", "choice2": "Aytikunam mama qucha pataman suq'akurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chawpi tutapi chisrisqa rikch'arqani.", "choice1": "Quñi warata churakurqani.", "choice2": "Unuta upyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mamitaqa wawanta upallachirqan.", "choice1": "Wawanqa sumaqta asiyukurqan.", "choice2": "Wawanqa phiñallaña q'iwipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jeans waraypiqa t'uqu rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Waraypa cierre nisqanta wisq'arikurqani.", "choice2": "Pampapi mitk'arparirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maqt'aqa frenillos nisqatam kirunkunapiqa aparqan.", "choice1": "Kirunmi t'uqurukurqan.", "choice2": "Kirunmi chiqancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gimnasio nisqapi qayna p'unchawqa llamk'arqani.", "choice1": "Rikch'arispaqa kurkuymi makurkiwarqan.", "choice2": "Kunka nanaywanmi rikcharirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamp'ara mikhusqankupi warmaqa wakin masinkunallamanmi upallalla rimaykacharqan.", "choice1": "Wakin yachaqikunataq hamp'araman mikhuq hamurqanku.", "choice2": "Hamp'arapi wakin yachaqikunataq mana munasqahina karqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trampolin patapim irqi urmarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kutimanta wikaparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wikapaspa muyuriyta munarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Buzón nisqapi qillqakunata churarqani.", "choice1": "Correo oficinaqa qillqata apachirqan.", "choice2": "Correo oficinaqa utqaytapuni qillqata apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqqa llallipananmanta chiqaymi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Llapan qullqintam churaykurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana qullqiyuq wasinman kutipurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sach'a-sach'a kanakuyqa aswantam mast'arikurqan.", "choice1": "Wayram aswan sinchita phukuyarqan.", "choice2": "Kanaq runakunam hap'ichikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa muquchanta k'irirukurqan.", "choice1": "Mamanqa cuartonman kacharirqan.", "choice2": "Mamanqa k'irinta wankurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa wañuy unquymanta hatarirqan.", "choice1": "Testamentonta qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Hukpa organonta chaskirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "T'impuq cafeta upyarqani.", "choice1": "Qalluyta k'uturukurqani.", "choice2": "Qalluyta rupharachikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Editorqa qillqaqta qarqurqan.", "choice1": "Qillqaqqa mana p'inqayninta churaspam qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Qillqaqqa tukukunan p'unchawpim mana tukurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saykusqa karqani.", "choice1": "P'unchawnintin puñurqani.", "choice2": "P'unchawnintin yanachaypi llamk'arqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hampiqqa runatam qhawayarqan.", "choice1": "Runap uquy rikurichiqkunatam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pastillastam runamanqa qurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Raskarukurqani.", "choice1": "Hump'iwachkarqan.", "choice2": "Siqsiwachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa cirugía de emergencia nisqaman haykurirqan.", "choice1": "Sinchita phiñarikurqan.", "choice2": "Sunqu utiriy unquywanmi tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharipa mak'anqa punkiyarqan.", "choice1": "Mak'anqa qiwikachaspa mat'iparisqan.", "choice2": "Mak'anta qhaqurikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa qhichipranta hastawan huqarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa manchay utichisqaraq kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana kallpayuqhina kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiypa pantasqanmanta pampachayta mañarikurqani.", "choice1": "Sumaq sunquyuq runa kasqanpim iñirqani.", "choice2": "Aswan yachachasqanpi iñirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa manañam pitarqanñachu.", "choice1": "Payqa astawan ejerciciosta ruwarqan.", "choice2": "Tutallamanta hatariyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqmiqa maqaqnita saqmarqan.", "choice1": "Maqaqninqa wañurapurqan.", "choice2": "Maqaqninta yawarchakuyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wach'iqa manam muyumanqa chayarqanchu.", "choice1": "Qharip wach'iyayninqa pantasqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa manam llallichkarqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasiyuqya huk'ucha wañuchiqta waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wasinpa uranpi hatun huk'uchakunata tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sisi thapata wasin ukhupi uywarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hawapi mikhunanchikpaq watukuqniyta rimayayqani.", "choice1": "Wayk'unaypaqqa saykusqa kachkarqani.", "choice2": "Watukuqniyqa nishuta qhipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Diarionta ñawichaspam turanta sipasqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa diarionta pakayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa musuq diariotam hap'iyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alquilerninpaq manam sinchi qullqiyuqña warmiqa kachrarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa aswan horastam llamk'ayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa llamk'ananta saqirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa utqaytam maqintaqa hurqurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ruphay waykunatam llamirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa allquchapa umantam lulurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Empresaqa rantiqninkunap imaynas kasqankutam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa descuentutam musuq rantiqkunapaqqa rurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa encuesta nisqatam rantiqninkumanqa haywarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llaqllamanta pampaqa raskasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Warmaqa cojinesta pampaman wikch'urqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa pampantintan tiyanata suchurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uyayta pakarikurqani.", "choice1": "T'akanakuqmasiyqa sawkayuwachkarqan.", "choice2": "T'akanakuqmasiyqa saqmawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ancha riqsisqa wankiqa k'anayukurqan.", "choice1": "Illapam ayparqan.", "choice2": "Runakunam yupaychaq hamurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamp'ara patapi añawita saqirqani.", "choice1": "Añawiqa rururqan.", "choice2": "Ch'uspikunam añawitaqa muyuparqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tusuqpa ank'unqan chutarparikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chaki rukanankunatam t'upsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wich'unqa q'iwikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqipa pasadorninkuna paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa watakuyta yacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa patiopi phawaykacharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manchay kusisqa librowanqa karqani.", "choice1": "Librotaqa kutirachirqani.", "choice2": "Ima pachas kasqanta mana yuyancharqanichu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa taytamamanpa iñiyninpim iñirqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamanqa payta yachachirqanku.", "choice2": "Taytamamanqa payta mana charkirqankuchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karru utinankamaqa allillamanta purirqan.", "choice1": "Mana gasolinayuq karqan.", "choice2": "Choferqa puñururqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa misk'i chullunkuta ruphaypi mikhurqan.", "choice1": "Chullunkuqa q'aymayarqan.", "choice2": "Chullunkuqa sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wankita p'irqapi warkurqani.", "choice1": "Mast'akunaqa qhillihina rikukurqanku.", "choice2": "P'irqakunaqa qasisqa qhawakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llamk'anaymanta temprano lluqsirqani.", "choice1": "Umaymi nanawarqan.", "choice2": "Umalliqniyqa huñunakuytam ruwarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Allquchaqa m'astata qhillicharqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa allquchata k'amirqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa allquchata huk runaman qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiyman pampachakuyta mañakurqani.", "choice1": "Masiyta pampachawarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa phiñarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa runa chawpipi kaspapas rikurikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa q'ipinta q'ipirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa neón nisqawan p'achakusqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rikuqqa sullullchaypi llullakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa rikusqanta willayta tukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa perjurio nisqamanta tumpachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa chukchanta lliphichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hukniraq qhawakuyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wakinkunawan chaqrukuyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hawa suyupi mana papelniyuq runakuna hap'ichikurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llamk'anata tarikurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa qarquchikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Runakunapa rimaqqa chansayta rimarqan.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa asiyukurqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa sayarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Intita qhawarqani.", "choice1": "Intiqa ñawsayachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Intiqa qarayta ch'umpiyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Amisqa karqani.", "choice1": "Ukhuta samarirqani.", "choice2": "Hanllallirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sasa kuchunam aychaqa karqan.", "choice1": "Kuchunaqa mana ñawch'iyasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Aycha anku karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmi mana qullqiyuq tukusqantam willarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mikhunanpaq qullqitawan yanapachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sinchi deuda nisqawan qhipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiypa wasinqa k'ancharisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Hawamanchu lluqsirqan nispa tapukurqani.", "choice2": "Payman watukuq rinaypaq wakichikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "T'ikata sinqayman asuchikurqani.", "choice1": "T'ikap panqanqa uymayarqan.", "choice2": "T'ikap q'apayninta muskiyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa llakisqa tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa irqi kasqanmanta masinwan tuparqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wawankunatam qhaparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa qillqayninpi muyupayarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa utqay tukusqata qillqayninta apachirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana tukusqa qillqaynintam apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karruyqa mana purirqanchu.", "choice1": "Qhatunamanmi ririqani.", "choice2": "Mecánico nisqamanmi waqyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qillqasqata wikchurqani.", "choice1": "Mana sutiyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Manan ñawinchayta atikurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Urpiqa rapranta maywiriyta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Runtura churarqan.", "choice2": "Wichayman siqayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñan patapi karruta sayachirqani.", "choice1": "Garage nisqaqa kichasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Garage nisqaqa hunt'a karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa runatam armawan t'upsichirqan.", "choice1": "Q'umalliqqa armata urayachirqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa t'upsichisqaqa makinta huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Semana tukuyuyta anchata suyarqani.", "choice1": "Tiyuypa wañunanmami chayanay karqan.", "choice2": "Masiypa sawayninmanmi chayanay karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ima pachachus kasqanmnataqa chinkasqa karqani.", "choice1": "Rikchasqaña kaspapachas musphaspahina karqani.", "choice2": "Aqtunaywanmi karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñitichasqa qillqaqa mana ñawichayta atikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Ñitichaq impresoraqa mana llimpiyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Impresoraqa mana raphiyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Estadiopi himno nacional nisqata takirqanku.", "choice1": "Runakuna unanchata qhawarqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa kanchamanmi haykurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llaqwaqa q'ayma kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Qarayukurqani.", "choice2": "Kachiwan yapayurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Unuchasqa patapi papel tohalla nisqata churarqani.", "choice1": "Tohallaqa unuta suqurqan.", "choice2": "Hich'asqaqa llawsasqata puchurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmi librunta ñawichachkaptin tatichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa raphinta tupsichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wakmanta librunta ñawicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Aviónqa phawaypi ch'aqwaykunawan t'inkurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa amachasqa kanapaq cinturonta m'atiparqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa wintanantinta qhawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari irqiqa tunpachata ayqirikurqan.", "choice1": "Warmi irqiqa mana paymantaqa uyakurqanchu.", "choice2": "Warmi irqiqa tunpachata tanqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamp'iqqa prótesis nisqatam runamanqa qurqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa runap chakintam wanqurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa runa samasqantawan sunqun purisqantawan qhawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari warma warmi warmaman kukuchunta p'itirqan.", "choice1": "Warmi warmaqa qhari warmap qayllaypi rikranta q'intikurqan.", "choice2": "Warmi warmaqa makanta hurqurparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamut'ayninwan yanapawananpaqmi masiyta tapukurqani.", "choice1": "Hamut'ayninta chanincharqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqam imapas allin kasqanta yacharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maqt'aqa t'urupi sarururqan.", "choice1": "Zapatonmi t'uruchakurqan.", "choice2": "T'uruqa uyanmanmi laq'akurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Achka rit'im llaqtapiqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Escuelakuna wichq'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa ukhu pacha wasikunapi waqaychakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llamk'aqpa mit'a llamk'ayninqa tukurukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wasinmanmi pasapurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa llamk'ananta wikch'unanpaqmi rimapakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sach'aqa wasitam thuniyachirqan.", "choice1": "Wasi pataman sach'a urmarparirqan.", "choice2": "Wasi qhipatam sach'aqa llanthuyachirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kurkuqa iskayman ch'iqtarikurqan.", "choice1": "Kanana patapi llant'ata tawqarqani.", "choice2": "Hachawanmi kurkuta t'akarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aylluqa warmiqhariman samincharqanku.", "choice1": "Warmiqhariqa t'aqanakurqanku.", "choice2": "Warmiqhariqa wawachayuq tukusqankuta willakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa san valentin p'unchawpi cartata waynaman apachirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chay waynata munakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chay waynata much'ayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masiypa rimasqanmantaqa umayta k'umuchirqani.", "choice1": "Rimasqanmanta mana chiqaqchu karqani.", "choice2": "Rimasqanmanta chiqaqmi karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Masikunaqa monedata hanaqman wikch'urqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa sullullchayta munarqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa paqtachayta munarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Honornopi yupana kaq tukukurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa refrigeradoramanmi imaymana churayta qallarirqa.", "choice2": "Qhariqa hornopi pizza kaqta hurquyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ruwayninta tukunanpaqpuni takyachikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qillarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswantam llamk'arqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhapaq qhariqa machuyaymanta wañurqan.", "choice1": "Legal puriymanmi churinqan urmarirqan.", "choice2": "Churinqa taytanpa hapuqninwanmi qhipakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nina hatariqmanmi warmiqa sarupayarqan.", "choice1": "Nina hatariqqa wañururqan.", "choice2": "Nina hatariqmanta q'usñiyayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmip karrunqa wakmanta qhatunapi karqan.", "choice1": "Karru purichinanpaq licencia nisqanmi qulluchikurqan.", "choice2": "Karrunqa accidente nisqapim karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Alarma kachkaptinpas ñuqaqa puñurqarisqani.", "choice1": "Chikch'aspataq manaña unu t'impuytapas ruwarqaniñachu.", "choice2": "Rikch'aspataq unu t'impu ruwakuyta ayparqanim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Llaqta riqsisqa runqaa limosinamanta urayurqan.", "choice1": "Camarografo nisqakunaqa paykama qhawapayarqanku.", "choice2": "Ayllunmi rueda de prensa nisqaman chayarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bañerapi warmiqa wikchulayarqan.", "choice1": "Yakuqa chiriyayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Yakuqa tinamanta hawamanmi sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hatun-yachaywasipi yachaqiqa yachaqmasinkunawanmi riqsinakuyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Fraternidad huñunakuqmanmi haykurqan.", "choice2": "Ingenieria nisqapim kallpanchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sofá tiyanapi sawnachakunata llampuyachirqani.", "choice1": "Monedas qullqitam maskhachkarqani.", "choice2": "Sala k'ititam allichachkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Urunquyqa maqt'amanmi phalarqan.", "choice1": "Maqt'aqa phawaspa ayqikurqan.", "choice2": "Maqt'aqa t'ikata pallakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa huch'uy huchayuq tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llaqtapaq huch'uy llamk'aykunata ruwananparmi hayratakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huch'anrayku runa wañuchiy suyaypi hayratakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quñi matipi azucarta qaywirqani.", "choice1": "Matiqa wapsikurqan.", "choice2": "Azucarqa chhullupurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wamink'aqa wiqru chakintin purirqan.", "choice1": "Awqa-tinkuypaqmi apachikurqan.", "choice2": "Awqanakuypim k'irichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa policíamanta phawarurqan.", "choice1": "Policíaqa arpana runatam yanaparirqan.", "choice2": "Policíaqa q'umalliqta qatikacharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laptopqa mana hap'ichikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Urmarachirqani.", "choice2": "Baterianta hunt'achirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqmip p'achan waqaychananqa hunt'a karqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sinchitam p'achataqa rantirukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa p'achanta p'atarayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa sunqun qhasusqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Warmin wachakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmin payta saqirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Académico grado nisqatam qhariqa ayparqan.", "choice1": "Payqa munasqan llamk'aymanmi aypayta atirurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa llamk'ananmi utichikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip kunkanqa hinantin auditoriopi uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa runakunata napayukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa micrófono nisqapi rimarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukyu ruwasqapi moneda nisqata wikch'urqani.", "choice1": "Monedaqa ukhukama urmarqan.", "choice2": "Monedaqa iskayman p'akirikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqqa t'uqumanmi sinkuta tanqayarqan.", "choice1": "Sinkuqa t'uquman haykurqan.", "choice2": "Sinkuqa pukllaqmanmi kutirirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'usñi allpata samayurqani.", "choice1": "Hik'iyarqani.", "choice2": "Hachhiyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cajeroqa wachimanta waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Rantikuqqa yanqa qullqiwan rantiyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Rantikuqqa luces nisqatam k'ancharisqata saqirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qupata hawaman aparqani.", "choice1": "Qupaqa wayk'una k'ititam asnarachirqan.", "choice2": "Rantisqaymanta recibo nisqatam qupapi chinkarachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aylluqa Zoo nisqaman rirqanku.", "choice1": "Wawakunaqa wichq'asqa uywakunamanta yacharqanku.", "choice2": "Wawakunaqa uywakunata qatikacharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharip samayninqa sinchim karqan.", "choice1": "Wasa rurunmi mana allinchu kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Surq'anninmi mana allinchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Concientoman haykunapaq huk boleto puchuwarqan.", "choice1": "Imayna chayanapaq masiyta tapurqani.", "choice2": "Masiyta tapurqani riytachus manchus munanman chayta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasip aire acondicionado nisqan p'akirikusqa.", "choice1": "Qatakunata hurqurqani.", "choice2": "Wayrana kicharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmapa wasanmi nanarqan.", "choice1": "Mochilanmi kicharayarqan.", "choice2": "Mochilanmi llasarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mamaypaq suñata rantirqani.", "choice1": "Pastelta paypaq ruwarqani.", "choice2": "Paqarisqan p'unchawninmi karqan,.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muyapi narcisos t'ikakuna sarunchasqa tukurqanku.", "choice1": "Muyu allichaq runata wanquyru k'uturqan,.", "choice2": "Ardillakuna t'ikap papanta hurqurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fosforota hap'irachirqani.", "choice1": "Ninaqa wañururqan.", "choice2": "Fosforoqa ninata hat'arichirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sasachakuqkunaqa paykunapuralla rimayman chayarqanku.", "choice1": "Manam tribunalman riyta munarqankuchu.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa imayna apakusqankuta allichayta munarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Wawakunaqa wakcha wawakunap wasinman apachikurqanku.", "choice1": "Taytamamanku wañukapurqanku.", "choice2": "Taytamamankuqa chaqlliyarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mama quchaman meteorito nisqa urmarisqa.", "choice1": "Tsunami hatarirqan.", "choice2": "Chikchi qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Puriqqa mach'aqwanwan tarirukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ch'akisqa karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hornoqa ruphayña karqan.", "choice1": "Hornota hap'ichirqani.", "choice2": "Pukuta hornoman churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Q'allu limonta q'apirqani.", "choice1": "Limonqa qurwayasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Limonqa sutuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyuqa musuq allpakunata riqsirqan.", "choice1": "Suyuqa manam allpakunata imanarqanpaschu.", "choice2": "Suyuqa riqsisqa allpata allpanchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vaso hamp'aramanta urmaykamurqan.", "choice1": "Pampapi p'akirukurqan.", "choice2": "P'acha p'acha patapi urmaramurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamp'ara kuyuykachakurqan.", "choice1": "Pampaqa manam p'altapunichu karqan.", "choice2": "Pampaqa llusk'ayachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Churinpa llullakusqantam taytanqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Churinmi ima chiqan kasqanta willakurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa churinpa rimasqanpi iñirqanpuni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharipa umanqa nanaymanta t'ipuykacharqan.", "choice1": "Uhupaq hamp'itam upyayarqan.", "choice2": "Aspirina hamp'itam millpuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trenqa allillamanta puriyarqan.", "choice1": "Estaciónmanmi asuyarqan.", "choice2": "Chayananmantam unayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa terpapiamanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Ayllunpiqa umamanta unquywanmi karqanku.", "choice2": "Llaki uyquywanmi payqa tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa kunkantam hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mikhunantam millpurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mikhunanwanmi chakachikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa kunka nanaywanmi karqan.", "choice1": "Rimayninqa ch'aka uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hukniraqtam rimarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Allquqa hamp'ara patapi aychatam qhawarqan.", "choice1": "Llawsayachkarqan.", "choice2": "Thallayukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmip negocionqa allinmi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Paypaq llamk'aqkunatam qarqurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qhapaqyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqikunaqa aulamanta lluqsirqanku.", "choice1": "Campanam uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi wasinpi llamk'anankupaq kurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Manchachiqta qhawasqanmantam warmiqa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Riqsiqmasinkunaqa manam iñirqankuchu.", "choice2": "Riqsiqmasinkunaqa paymanmi willarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa upayarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yaqalla mama-quchapi hiq'iparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yaqalla bomba t'uqyaypi wañurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa p'urunpa q'aytunta chacharirqan.", "choice1": "P'uruqa chhasarikurqan.", "choice2": "P'uruqa hanaqmanmi siqaykurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa rimayninta chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Derrame cerebral nisqawanmi tarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ukhumanmi samarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Veredapim warmi mitk'arikurqan.", "choice1": "Cementopi rakra t'uqu karqan.", "choice2": "Pikunas sutinmanta waqyasqanta uyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa runp'upakuspa piscinamanmi chapurparikurqan.", "choice1": "Salvavidas runaqa qhipanpi chapurparikurqan.", "choice2": "Salvavidasmanmi yakuwan chhallpurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Atibióticos nisqata millpurqani.", "choice1": "Infección nisqayqa thaniyarqan.", "choice2": "Infección nisqayqa aswanmi ch'iqirikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Semáforo nisqaqa q'illupi churarikurqan.", "choice1": "Choferqa freno nisqaqa ñitirqan.", "choice2": "Bocinanta choferqa qhaparichirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqaychana plásticoqa sut'uyarqan.", "choice1": "Ruphayaq yakuta plástico nisqaman hicharqani.", "choice2": "Ruphayaq cocinapi plásticotaqa churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karruqa q'apñurukurqan.", "choice1": "Poste nisqawanmi karruqa tak'arukurqan.", "choice2": "Puka luz nisqatam carruqa chimparurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maqtaqa tutantinkama yachananta yacharirqan.", "choice1": "Exámen nisqata mana rurarqanchu.", "choice2": "Exámen nisqata wasaparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waynaqa piscinapa patanmanta hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wamp'uy yachaytam manchakurqan.", "choice2": "Salvavidas nisqaqa llamk'ayninpim karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Makiytam qhasquypi churakurqani.", "choice1": "Suyquy katatataqnintam uyarqani.", "choice2": "Sunquyqa sinchinta katatatachkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oficinaypa kinranpi edificio hatarichikuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Oficinayqa hunt'a runalla karqan.", "choice2": "Oficinaypiqa sinchitam ruqyayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aylluqa musuq wasimasinkunata riqsiyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Aylluqa wasimasinkunawan mikhunankupaq mink'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Aylluqa wasi qhipanmanta wasimasinkunataqa napayukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piscinamanta yaku chaqchururqan.", "choice1": "Wamp'uqmi piscinaman chapukurqan.", "choice2": "Wamp'uqmi piscinapi tuyturqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Huk q'allu sandíata mikhurqani.", "choice1": "Pantaruspa rurunta millpurqani.", "choice2": "Pantaruspa kiruyta p'akirikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa mitk'arqan.", "choice1": "Casaca nisqanmi k'ichasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Pasadores nisqankunam mana watasqa karqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ninrinman tapones nisqata churakurqan.", "choice1": "Paywa ruqyaywanmi umanta muyuchikuchkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ninrinta t'uquchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wakmanta yaku botellayta hillp'urqani.", "choice1": "Llapam yakuytam upyarurqani.", "choice2": "Refrigeradorapi waqaycharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telvisiónpi programaqa qullucharqakun.", "choice1": "Q'illi simikunawan rimaq karqanku.", "choice2": "Sasa willayniyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wamp'unata mama-qucha millpurqan.", "choice1": "Wanp'uqkunaqa hiq'iparqanku.", "choice2": "Wamp'uqkunaqa pirata runakunawan tarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waynaqa musyaymanta tunkiyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa musyayta sut'inyachirqan.", "choice2": "Sut'inyachinanpaqqa yanapayta mañakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telefonoqa uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa teléfonota qulluchirqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa teléfonota huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ñuqallaman qhawawachkarqan.", "choice1": "Ñuqataq makallirqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqataq mana qhasillachu karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Huñu runaqa museomanta lluqsirqanku.", "choice1": "Museopi qhawachikusqanmanta rikch'aykunata hurqurqanku.", "choice2": "Museopi qhawachikusqanmanta llapanta rikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa ñuqawan kaminakuyta qhallarirqan.", "choice1": "Masiymi qharitaqa riqsichiwarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa ñuqanmanta sayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bicicletaypa llantanqa chhasayarusqa.", "choice1": "Llantanta punkiyachirqani.", "choice2": "Engranajenta allichachirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmapa uyanqa q'illuyachkarqan.", "choice1": "Taytanqa willakuytam paymanqa ñawicharqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa warmap mat'inta llamiparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lapiceropa llimphinqa tukurukurqan.", "choice1": "Lapizwan qillqarqani.", "choice2": "Sutiytam siq'icharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qharimanqa manam qullqitaqa manurqankuchu.", "choice1": "Payqa manukusqaraqmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kikin negocionta qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa manam escuelaman rirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa varicela unquywanmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa supaytam matématicas nisqata munakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qupa churana plasticoqa hunt'am kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Contenedorman qhasiyachinapaqmi aparqani.", "choice2": "Lavaplatospa qhilli yaku pasananpi winarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aspiradorawan mast'ata picharqani.", "choice1": "Tiyaqmasiymi ponche nisqata hich'ayasqa.", "choice2": "Alluypa chukchanmi urmayusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa waq'ayarparirqan.", "choice1": "Computadoranmi wañururqan.", "choice2": "Huk law cuartomanmi tiyanata chuqarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa huch'uy kallmata ninaman wikchurqan.", "choice1": "Kallmaqa kanarirqan.", "choice2": "Ninaqa wañurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Duchamanta qhariqa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Quñi yakuqa tukurukusqa.", "choice2": "Toallata manam tariyta atisqachu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mamataytaqa wawankuna universidadman rinankuta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Matriculanankupaq qullqitam waqaycharqanku.", "choice2": "Hawakunapi pukllakunankupaqmi kallpancharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa zapatonta paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Zapatukunaqa wayayachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Zapatukunaqa mawk'ayarparirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa wakin mikhunallatam mikhurqan.", "choice1": "Puchusqantaqa refrigeradorapi waqaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Receta nisqata waqaychakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chaki muquy p'unkisqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Chullunkuwan churakurqani.", "choice2": "Loción nisqawan llusikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oficinaypa punkun kicharayasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Llamk'aqmasiywan hamp'araypi rimarqani.", "choice2": "Salapi rimasqankuta uyarirqarani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suyanaymi karqan sinripi.", "choice1": "Tiyarikurqani.", "choice2": "Revistata ñawincharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa ch'uspita sipirqan.", "choice1": "Ch'uspip unyayninqa uyarikurqanraq.", "choice2": "Ch'uspiqa manaña kuyurqanñachu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa testamento nisqata qillqarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wañuyachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pasu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phawaqqa atipanakuypim wasapachikuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa phaway atipanakuyta saqirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswan utqayta phawarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sasakaymanta hamut'arqani.", "choice1": "Hukkunapa yachayninkuta mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Sasakayta wasapanapaq umaypi tarirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Illaq runaqa warkurayaq chakamanmi haykurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa rawraq sunquyuq tarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa ña yacharirqanña equipo llallipananmantaqa.", "choice1": "Payqa masinkunawanmi partido qhawanapaq huñunakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masinkunawanmi misanakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa manam puñuyta atirqanchu.", "choice1": "Rikchachiqta churakurqan.", "choice2": "Uwihakunata yupayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Imaymanaqa puqpukama plasticowanmi q'ipichakurqan.", "choice1": "Chay imaymanaqa p'akikuqlla karqan.", "choice2": "Chay imaymanaqa huch'uylla karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wulsilluykunata qasichirqani.", "choice1": "Huk boleto nisqata tarikurqani.", "choice2": "Huk arma nisqatam tarikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuki kurukuna wasiman haykurqanku.", "choice1": "Kuki kurukunaqa wasimanta chinkarqanku.", "choice2": "Kuki kuruqa wasip kurkunta mikhurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ch'usaqkunaqa fronteramanmi chayarqanku.", "choice1": "Pasaportenkunatam policiaqa qhawarqan.", "choice2": "Contrabando apasqankumantam policiaqa tumparqan..", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oficinaqa wisq'asqa karqan.", "choice1": "Raymichakuy p'unchawmi karqan.", "choice2": "Ruphay mit'am karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa mana kallpayuqmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa damas nisqata pukllarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waskhapi p'inkirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinripi qhatisqaynintam warmiqa chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Huk runakunam sinriman haykurqanku.", "choice2": "Sinrichakusqanmanta payqa lluqsirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa sinqantam makinwan pakayukurqan.", "choice1": "Wawaqa baberuchanpi llawsaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Wawaqa pañalchanpi qhillichakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bandaqa aswan riqsisqa takiyninta takirqan.", "choice1": "Takisqawan kuchka runakuna t'aqllaykurqanku.", "choice2": "Upallallam runakunaqa uyarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Matemáticas yachachiqnintam warmaqa añanchayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Escuela tukukuptinmi warmaqa harkasqa qhipakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa manzanatam yachachiqninman apamurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wayna sipas campistakunaqa mancharikurqanku.", "choice1": "Umalliqninku manchay willakuykunata paykunaman willarqan.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa marshmeallows misk'ikunatam ninapi kankarikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa umanta t'akarukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yuyayninpim chinkarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa uma nanaytam hap'irqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cheque qillasqayqa mana chaskikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Bancopi cuenta nisqayqa ch'usaqmi karqan.", "choice2": "Sueldo yapakuyta llalliparqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip e-correo nisqanqa spam nisqawanmi hunt'a karqan.", "choice1": "Payqa spam nistaqa picharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa achka e-correo nisqatam apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanpuq runaqa qhaliyananpaq sapanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa unquymanmi wikchukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa unquymanta qhaliyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Código nisqata warmaqa umanpi yuyanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Hatun kunkapi rimaspa kikinman yachachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qillqayta qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vasoman yakuta hillpurqani.", "choice1": "Ch'akiyniytam yakuqa thaniyachirqa.", "choice2": "Vasoqa yakuwan hut'arqachikun.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa masinpa rimasqanta upallalla tukunankama uyarirqan.", "choice1": "Masinpa rimasqanta uyarispa yanapayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Masinpa rimasqanpim chanincharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aquyrakiqa huch'aymi karqan.", "choice1": "Huch'aymanta sunquchakurqani.", "choice2": "Justicia tumpawasqata chaskirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waskharqa paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Ruedapim waskharqa watarikurqan.", "choice2": "Qhasusqam waskharqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanantinqa sullullchayta paqtacharqanku.", "choice1": "Kaminakusqankumanta saykusqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Kaminakuymanta manam rimayta munarqankuchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa llaqta kamachiypi llamk'ayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Campaña ruwaq umallitam mink'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Corte nisapim payqa rimarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Illaq qhariqa chiri-mit'a hamunantam puruyninpi qhawayarqan.", "choice1": "Q'ipinpi quñi pistukuq p'achakunatam churarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hatun q'ipiyuq chusarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa tapukuypa kutichiynintam yacharqan.", "choice1": "Payqa makinta huqarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sawkakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip ñawinqa wiqiyarqan.", "choice1": "Ñut'u allpa ñawinman haykurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa lentestan ñawinmanqa churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqqa pichqa kutitam pukllayta llalliparqan.", "choice1": "Paypa huk kaq pukllaqninqa ch'awkasqanmanta tumparqan.", "choice2": "Paypa huk kaq pukllaqninqa paymanta khuyakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachachiqqa yachaqiqpa exámen nisqanta qhasurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yachaqipa ch'awkasqantam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Yachaqiqpa exámen kutichiyninqa allinmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rimasqaymanta utirqani.", "choice1": "Kunkaytam chinkarqachini.", "choice2": "Manam samariyta atirqanichu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chullusqa mikhuna sut'uryarirqan.", "choice1": "Microondas nisqapi churarqani.", "choice2": "Plasticowan pisturqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Llamk'aqqa unqusqa hinamanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Wiksa nanaywanmi karqan.", "choice2": "Samakuy p'unchawtam munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa piscinamanmi chapukurqan.", "choice1": "Piscinapa kantunpi phawaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa piscinaman tinkinapaq tablamantam chapukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cine nisqaman haykunapaq ticketkunaqa llapanmi qhaturikurqan.", "choice1": "Película nisqaqa chay p'unchawpi riqsichikurqan.", "choice2": "Película nisqaqa chay p'unchawmi mana allin kasqanta t'upsichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa sinchi wira kasqanmanta llañuyarirqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa manañam payta rimarirqanñachu.", "choice2": "Runaqa llañuyasqanmanta kallpancharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmapa makinqa hunt'a phusulluyuqmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa maquinapi qillqa apachinata qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wachkamanta hap'ipakuspam wicharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Circopi llamk'aqqa monocicletapi purichkaspa makinwanpas rump'ukunawan pukllayarqan.", "choice1": "Hunt'a runakuna kaqqa t'aqllaykurqanku.", "choice2": "Acróbata runaqa warkurayakuspa wayllunkakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phiñakurqani.", "choice1": "Masiymi sinchita suyachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa pacha rimasqanchikpim chayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyukunaqa aywanakuy guerra nisqamanta lluqsiyta munarirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa armas nucleares nisqatam ruwayta qallarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa qhasilla kanankupaq rimanakuytam qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa puñunanpaqmi pastillasta millpurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa puñuytam qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Paytaqa m'ati ruphaypi rupharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sofá tiyanawanmi warmiqa mitk'akurqan.", "choice1": "Sofá tiyanap chakinka q'iwiparirkusqa.", "choice2": "Payqa chaki muqunta t'akarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa p'uruta mat'ipayarqan.", "choice1": "P'uruqa p'atarurqan.", "choice2": "P'uruqa hanaqman phawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Illaqkunaqa qhurpachana wasipim qhipakurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa q'ipinkuta paskarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa aeropuerto nisqamanmi rirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Durasno añawita khamurqani.", "choice1": "Añawiqa ñut'ukurqan.", "choice2": "Hillim hich'aykurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Makiyqa rataykachakuqmanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Misk'isapa donasta mikhurqani.", "choice2": "Misk'iyaqkunataqa munaq karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Punkuta tanqarirqani.", "choice1": "Punkuqa kicharikurqan.", "choice2": "Punkuqa wichq'arikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Activistakuna huk rantinata boicot nisqaman tanqarqanku.", "choice1": "Rantinakunaqa chaniyuq kasqanta mallipachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Rantinakuqa wawakunap llamk'ayninkuwanmi yuririchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perforador nisqawan pirqapi t'uquta ruwarqani.", "choice1": "Huk'uchan t'uqunta such'urirqan.", "choice2": "Ñut'u allpam t'uqumanta lluqsirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ñañanmantam ch'ikikurqan.", "choice1": "Ñañanqa kusisqa kawsakurqan.", "choice2": "Ñañanqa qusanmanta t'aqakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "P'achaypi vinota hich'aykurqani.", "choice1": "Patanmanmi mandil nisqata churakurqani.", "choice2": "Huk p'achaywanmi churakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cajeroqa registradora nisqatam kicharqan.", "choice1": "Rantiqqa qullqintam maskharqan.", "choice2": "Rantiqqa qullqintam haywarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "K'ikllukunapi takiqmanqa runakuna asuyarqanku.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa qullqiwan yanaparirqanku.", "choice2": "Takiqqa runakunata qarqurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wawaqa niñeramanmi waqayurqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamanmantam waqakurqan.", "choice2": "Mikhuna pachañam karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piloto runaqa radarpi tuyu hamusqanta rikurqan.", "choice1": "Pilotoqa tuyumantam ayqikurqan.", "choice2": "Pilotoqa tuyuntintam phalarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sach'amanta rhapikuna urmayarqanku.", "choice1": "Raphikunaqa llimp'ikama tukurqanku.", "choice2": "Raphikunaqa pampapi huñukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa chansakuqhina kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa naipes nisqawanmi pananwan pukllayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa panantam chansakuyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa ispakuq rinanpaqmi mañakurqan.", "choice1": "Taytanmi upyanata qurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa gasolinera nisqapi karrunwan sayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uywasqa challwakunaman warmaqa mikhunata qurqan.", "choice1": "Challwaqa hawamanmi p'itarqan,.", "choice2": "Challwaqa mikhunamanmi chapullikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Políticapi iñiynintam warmiqa hukniyachirqan.", "choice1": "Huk partido policomanmi masiyachikurqan.", "choice2": "Runap hatariymanmi masiyachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Bañopi maki maqchikunaqa ch'akasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Piletata kicharqani.", "choice2": "Ch'akasqa kichakunapaqmi quimico nisqata hicharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Illaqqa trenmanta urayarqan.", "choice1": "Estación nisqamanmi trenqa chayarqan.", "choice2": "Trenqa siwinantam qaparichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sobre nisqapa wisq'ananpim qhariqa ñit'irqan.", "choice1": "Estampillatam sobre patapi churarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sello nisqatan wichq'asqa sobrepi churarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masikunaqa manañam tuparqankuñachu.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa hawkam kuskaqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa hukniraq llaqtapim tiyaraqanku,.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yupaqqa compañiap qullqinta mana allintachu aparqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llamk'ananmantam qarquchikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qulla wawayuq kaptinrayku llamk'ananmanta samarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Relojta qhawarqani.", "choice1": "Relojpa tiktiyasqanta uyarirqani.", "choice2": "Ima pacha kasqantam qhawayta munarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Makiymi utiyawarqan.", "choice1": "Ensayo nisqata makillapi qillqarqani.", "choice2": "Warmiywanmi maki hap'inakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Perno nisqaqa mat'irikurqan.", "choice1": "Huk pernota churarqani.", "choice2": "Llave inglesa nisqawanmi q'iwirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanantinmi wasi alquilanankupaq siq'icharqanku.", "choice1": "Yanantinqa wasiman astakurqanku.", "choice2": "Wasi mana allin kasqanta llaqta kamachiyqa yachachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa wasip ñawpaqñiypi tiyakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa inti haykuytam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Illapatachus qhawanmanhina yuyachakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa salvavidas p'achatam unupiqa churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mana wamp'uytaqa yacharqanchu.", "choice2": "Unuqa mana sinchi ukhuchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqmiqa word nisqapi qillqaspa pantarurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa khipu qillqasqantam picharparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qhipaman kutinapaq teclatam ñitirurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa masinkunamanmi chaqllikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa calificaciones nisqanta mana wasaparqanchu.", "choice2": "Payqa atipanakuytam llallirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'achuqa t'uruchasqam kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Tutantinpim param unucharqan.", "choice2": "Purun qurakunawan chaqrusqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa nishuta puñururqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qurpachana wasipi puñururqan.", "choice2": "Payqa alarma churakuytam qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa protectorsolar nisqatam churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llanthupim tiyakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mamaqucha patanmanmi rirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "T'aqwiqkunaqa yachanatam chiqancharqanku.", "choice1": "T'aqwiqkunaqa yachana mana allin kasqanmanta yachachirqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa allintam yachanataqa chaskirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Partido pukllakuypi runakuna qaparirqanku.", "choice1": "Pukllayqa aswa pachata yapapakuspa pukllakurqan.", "choice2": "Arbitroqa manas allinchatu ruwarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wichq'anapi yachasqallay yupanata churarqani.", "choice1": "Wichq'anatam wichq'arqani.", "choice2": "Wichq'anaqa kicharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Imaymana runa kaqqa achkayarqan.", "choice1": "Taytaqa qullqitam churinman haywarirqan.", "choice2": "Taytaqa churinpa makintam hap'iparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rit'im ñanta hark'achkarqan.", "choice1": "Rump'u rit'i ruwanaypaqmi rit'ita huñurqani.", "choice2": "Ñanmantaqa lampawanmi rit'ita qichurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kayakpi wamp'uqkunaqa t'uyunkunawanmi t'uyurqanku.", "choice1": "Kayak nisqaqa unu patanmami chayarqan.", "choice2": "Kayak nisqaqa aytimanmi suq'akurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Bicicletapi warman purichkaspa tunkiyayqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hap'inamantam kacharikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa k'aspi qinchamanmi bicicletanwan t'akarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ventiladorta hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Sullakuna ñuqaman chayarirqan.", "choice2": "Chiri wayran ñuqaman chayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Surfistakunaqa mama quchamanmi haykurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa charayasqam karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa tiburon nisqatam qhawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Bañeramanta tapónninta hurqurqani.", "choice1": "Unuqa bañeramanta qasichikurqan.", "choice2": "Unuqa pampamanmi ch'aqchurikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa huk warmiwan kasqanmantam huchachakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa warmintam hukwan ripusqanmanta tumparqan.", "choice2": "Payqa warmintam hukwan ripukusqanta willarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Posterpi llimpiqa unuchakurqan.", "choice1": "Llimpin ch'akinanta suyarqani.", "choice2": "Unutam poste patapi kacharirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa qaparispam rikch'arirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llap'i musquywanmi musquyukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawitunpi hisp'ayukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa chakintam hamp'ara pataman churarqan.", "choice1": "Taytanqa hamp'aramanmi tiyakuq hamurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanta rimarispam yachachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiyqan ñuqamanmi umanta kutichirqan.", "choice1": "Sutinmanta waqyarirqani.", "choice2": "Makiywanmi napayurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llaqta umalliqkuna runakunata saruncharqanku.", "choice1": "Runakuna hatarirqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa akllanankupaqmi qillqachakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa sach'a sach'api chinkarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qurpachakunanpa wasichata hatarichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yanapachikunanpaqmi qaparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa hawa suyumanmi illarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llimpipayta yachaytam munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huk llaqtakunap kawsayninmantam yachayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa llamk'aqmasinmanta ch'ikikurqan.", "choice1": "Llamk'aqmasinqa aswan allin llamk'aypi churachikurqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqmasinqa aswan horasta llamk'arqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa tiqsimuyupi hawa kawsaqkunata rikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa muspachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yuyaymanachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Qharipa ch'ukchanqa p'aquyarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa lejiata churarkurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa shampuntam churarkurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wallpaqqa musuq llamk'aynintam kamarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa allin mana allin kasqantaraq qhawapayarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kamarinapaq yuyaychakuytam tarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waynaqa wasinmantam ripurqan.", "choice1": "Ejercitomanta qarquchikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachanawasinmanmi rirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pata waqaychanamanta liwrukuna urmayamurqanku.", "choice1": "Pata waqaychanaqa ñut'u allpawan kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Pacha kuyuymi liwru waqaychanata chapchirirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasiypi electricidad nisqaqa wañururqan.", "choice1": "Luzta hap'ichirqani.", "choice2": "Llapan wasipa interruptor nisqatam wakmanta hap'ichirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Montaña rusamanmi wicharqanchik.", "choice1": "Manchaylla qhawakurqan.", "choice2": "Asikunapaq hinam qhawakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Popcornqa kikin bolsachapi p'atarirqan.", "choice1": "Mantequillatam bolsachanman churarqani.", "choice2": "Microondaspi hank'arqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sach'am cable pataman urmarurqan.", "choice1": "Wasikunaqa mana electricidadniyuq karqanku.", "choice2": "Sinchi wayra hamunantam willakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rimaqqa mana yuyaytachu runakunapaqqa rimarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa runakunata amichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa runakunata kamiyarqanhina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pin nisqachawam wiqurukurqani.", "choice1": "Hump'i sut'u uyaymanta sut'uyarqan.", "choice2": "Ruk'anaypi yawar sut'u rikurikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Challwaqa quchapi tuytuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Yarqasqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Wañusqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip kunqanta ch'aka uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Paytaqa chhullu hapirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manañam p'itararqanñachu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ascensorpa punkunkunaqa kicharikurqanku.", "choice1": "Akllasqa pisomanmi chayarqan.", "choice2": "Ascensorqa piso chawpikunapim utirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maqtaqa wasinmanta lluptirikurqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamantam llullakurqan.", "choice2": "Taytamamanqa payta wanachirqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hisp'ana k'itiqa unu hut'a karqan.", "choice1": "Inodoro nisqam puqchiyarqan.", "choice2": "Unu quñichiq maquinam pakirukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uña allquqa runanwan kuskallam karqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa wallqatam allqumanqa churarqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa waskhawanmi allqutaqa hap'iparqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa kikin lirpuynintam qhawarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sach'a sikipim qasilla sayarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qucha patanpi qasilla sayarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanaypa waqyawasqanta mana uyarirqanichu.", "choice1": "Waqyakuyta kutichirqani.", "choice2": "Mikhunaykupaqmi huñunakurqayku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasimasi k'itipim aylluqa maskharqan.", "choice1": "Allquqa wasimantam chinkarirqan.", "choice2": "Ancha chaniyuq piñim wasinmanta chinkarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hawaman samarisqayta rikurqani.", "choice1": "Pachaqa as chirim karqan.", "choice2": "Qhasquypi mat'ipawarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llamk'aqkunaqa sindicato nisqatam ruwarqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa aswan allin derechuyuq llamk'anankupaqmi maskharqanku.", "choice2": "Llamk'anamanta umalliqkunam pagonkuta yapayarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manzana pasteltam waykurqani.", "choice1": "Ismusqamanmi wayk'una wasipi asnayta qhallarirqan.", "choice2": "Hinantin wayk'una wasipi q'apayta qallariyqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa manam allinta puriyta atirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa nishu tacoyuq zapatowan purichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa zapatotam ch'utikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mankamantam wapsi lluqsichkarqan.", "choice1": "Unu t'impucharqan.", "choice2": "Mankata kipkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mediasniykuna pach'a t'aqsanapim kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Ñuqaqa usutawan churakurqani.", "choice2": "Botaswan churakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Político rimasqanqa mana yuyayniyuqhina qhawakurqan.", "choice1": "Payman qhatiqkunata chinkarichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waqlliq político hinam qhawakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanantin sullullchakusqankumanta mana pipas allintachu chaskirqanchu.", "choice1": "Wawayuq karqanku.", "choice2": "Yanantinqa karuman ripurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Edificio hatarichikuqqa qhapaq runap sutintam qhawarichirqan.", "choice1": "Qhapaq runaqa edificio thunikunantam munarqan.", "choice2": "Qhapaq runaqa qullqitam churarqan edificio ruwakunanpaqqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rantiypi llamk'aqkunaqa sipastam suwakusqanmanta tumparqanku.", "choice1": "Rantiypi llamak'aqkunaqa rikurqanchus sipas imaymanakuna wayaqanman churarisqanta.", "choice2": "Rantiypi llamk'aqkunaqa sipastam yanaparqanku munasqan wayaqatam tarinanpaq.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyuqa awqanakuymanmi suyumasintaqa waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Walla wallakunam awqanakuymanqa kacharichikurqanku.", "choice2": "Walla wallakunaqa ayllunwanmi huñurikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tribunalqa sasa chaninchay kamachinatam riqsirachirqan.", "choice1": "Tribunal wasip punkunpim phiñasqa runakunaqa hatarirqanku.", "choice2": "Tribunal wasip punkunpim yanantin allin munanakunankupaq rimarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa ima mikhunas rupharakusqantam muskiyurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa p'uyñupim galletasta qunqarurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa galletastam hornopi qunqarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinchitam parayarqan.", "choice1": "Tuyuqa astawanmi sinchiyarqan.", "choice2": "Utqaylla ukuman haykurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Edificioqa utqaylla qasichikurqan.", "choice1": "Ascensorqa manañam llamk'arqanchu.", "choice2": "Nina ruphaymanta alarma qhaparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Churin machaq-unquywan unqusqanmantam taytaqa phiñayukurqan.", "choice1": "Tantantaqa cerveza nisqatam churinpaqqa rantirqan.", "choice2": "Taytaqa masimantam churinta qarqurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Amachaqqa wichanantintan oficinanmanqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Secretariam chay p'unchaw mana llamkarqanchu.", "choice2": "Ascensorqa mana llamk'arqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa masinwanmi phiñarikurqan.", "choice1": "Masinqa manam rimananta tukuchirqachu.", "choice2": "Masinqa mikhunantam rantikapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa qullqitam cajeroman qurqan.", "choice1": "Cajeroqa sencillutam sipasmanqa qupurqan.", "choice2": "Sipasman recibo quytam cajeroqa qunqarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa tiyana ruedayuqmanmi churachikurqan.", "choice1": "Accidente nisqarayku such'uyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa camillapi hamp'ina wasimanqa chayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Runakunaqa unanchatam wasinku hawapi churarqanku.", "choice1": "Independencia nisqatam suyuqa raymichachkarqan.", "choice2": "Suyuqa qullqi hap'iypi sasa pachapi tarikuchkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Equipoqa atipanakuypi mana llalliparqankuchu.", "choice1": "Paykunaman qhatiqkunaqa sunqu p'akirisqa karqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaman qhatiqkunaqa aswan kallpanchasqa karqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiyqa kiruypi mikhuna kasqanta t'upsiyarqan.", "choice1": "Pinqarikurqani.", "choice2": "Kallpanchakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa manam historia yachanata wasaparqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa allintan clasesninta uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qunqarqanmi yachananta kallpanchayta.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chawpi llaqtapi edificio thuniyarqan.", "choice1": "Pachakuyuy llaqtata chhapchirirqan.", "choice2": "Llaqtapi runa sipiyqa sinchiyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharipa yananqa payta saqirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kutinankupaqmi mañayukurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa taytamamanwanmi riqsirachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Iskay irqikunam kikin pachapi sinkuta hap'iyta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Sinkuqa karuman muyurqan.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa umapura t'akarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mapacheqa qupa waqaychanata rawirqan.", "choice1": "Cartonmi qupa ukhupiqa karqan.", "choice2": "Qupa waqaychanaqa mana kirpanayuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa lapizta ñawch'iyachirqan.", "choice1": "Pisi chaniyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Mana ñawch'iyasqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rantisqa p'achata kutichisqanmantaqa Cajeroqa manam qullqintaqa warmimanqa kutichirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa recibo nisqatam chinkarachirqan.", "choice2": "P'achaqa manam paymanqa haykurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qaraypi hallp'iqa ukhum karqan.", "choice1": "Utqaylla hampikurqan.", "choice2": "Q'illayuq tukuyurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trenpi wakin illaqkunaqa hukniraqtam qharita qhawarqanku.", "choice1": "Pampata qhawachkarqan.", "choice2": "Kikillanman rimachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa pampapi qutquta wisñirqan.", "choice1": "Sisikunam qutqutaqa apakurqanku.", "choice2": "Irqiqa t'antata waqaycharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ñañanmanmi papel pañuyluta ayparqan.", "choice1": "Warmipa ñañanqa makankunatam chakatarqan.", "choice2": "Warmipa ñañanqa waqaytam qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa menta misk'itam ch'unqarqan.", "choice1": "Siminmi ch'aki kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa simin asnanmantam pinqarisqam kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanatin tempranulla qhawakuq rirqanku.", "choice1": "Teatropa kinrayninpi tráfico nisqawan manam tupayta munarqankuchu.", "choice2": "Imaynatas teatroman chayanankupaq rikuchikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa llamk'ayninman mana rispa wasinpi qhiparikurqan.", "choice1": "Umalliqninmi yupaycharqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqmasinninmi paymanta llamk'arqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Activistakuna mañakusqankuta qhariqa siq'icharqan.", "choice1": "Payqa activistakunapa llamk'asqankupim iñirqan.", "choice2": "Activistakunaqa waq'achus kanmuman hinataman yuyanchakuspam denunciata churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Escenaman manaraq lluqsichkaptin actorpa sunqunqa katatatachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa escenáman lluqsinanmantam mancharisqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Sapan rimanantam ña umanmi t'akyachirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chinkasqa karqani.", "choice1": "Qullqiyta yuparqani.", "choice2": "Last'ata mast'arqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puqusqa añawiqa ruphaypi karqan.", "choice1": "Mikhurqanku.", "choice2": "Qaywirapurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karruqa waqllirikurqan.", "choice1": "Wakmanta hap'irachirqani.", "choice2": "Motormi nishuta ruphayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa wasantam nanachikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa psiquiatra nisqamanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawitunpi achka p'unchawkuna unayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kanana patapi ninata hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Llant'ayqa manañam karqanchu.", "choice2": "Wasiqa chirim kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phawasqanmanta warmiqa utirqan.", "choice1": "Rikranmi susunkayurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tumpata samayurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Wasimasiypa punkunpi waqyakurqani.", "choice1": "Wasimasiyqa wasinman haykuchiwarqan.", "choice2": "Wasimasiyqa wasi punkunman lluqsirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa phiñarisqam ukhuman samarirqan.", "choice1": "Ima llakikusqanmantaqa qusanqa mana allintachu yacharqan.", "choice2": "Qusanqa much'ayuspa pasapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachachiqqa yachaqitam yupaycharqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqiqa allinta tapuykunamanqa kutichirqan.", "choice2": "Tapuykunata kutichinanpaqqa yachaqiqa iskayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Runtuta warmi wankunanpaqqa manañam karqanchu.", "choice1": "Chakramanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Qhatuman rirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñawpa masiywanmi tinkurqani.", "choice1": "Huk pakasqa yachayta payman willarqani.", "choice2": "Payta mak'allikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa manam quchamanqa riyta munarqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa challwatam hap'irqan.", "choice2": "Quchaqa qhilli rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa apillañam clasemanqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Achiwanmi p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Bicicletanta suwarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Computadorapi cursor nisqaqa kuyurichkarqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa huk'ucha nisqapi ñit'irqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa huk'ucha nisqata kuyuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Conductorqa huk huch'uy ñannintam rirqan.", "choice1": "Hatun ñanpiqa accidente nisqam rikurirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ñawpanpi camión kaqtam qatirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Api p'achatam hawa warkunapi warkurarqani.", "choice1": "P'achaqa ch'akirqan.", "choice2": "P'achaqa llimphikachakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa lentesninta churakurqan.", "choice1": "Intiqa supayta llipipipichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa taxitam waqyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tutapi hanaq pachata qhari qhawarirqan.", "choice1": "Ruphay mit'a kanantam munarqan.", "choice2": "May sumaq kasqantantam qhawarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saykusqa tarikurqani.", "choice1": "Ñawpaqtaraq samakuq rirqani.", "choice2": "Hinantin tuta rikchasqa karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa chukcha rutuqmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chukchanta wiñachikuchkarqan.", "choice2": "Chukchanqa wiñarusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa millaytam musuq yachaqimasinmanqa chansakurqan.", "choice1": "Warmaqa sumaqtam musuq yachaqimasintaqa chaskirqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa mana munarqanchu musuq yachaqimasintaqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñuqñu upyayta munarqani.", "choice1": "Misk'i galletasta michkarqani.", "choice2": "T'antata ruwarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Parayta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Choferqa karrupa k'anchaykunantam hap'ichirqan.", "choice2": "Qhipaman karru purinanpaqmi choferqa hukniyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Edificiopa parqueo nisqanqa qasisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Karrutaqa ñan patapi utichirqani.", "choice2": "Karrutaqa haykunapa kinranllanpi utichirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qillqaqqa qillqayninta haywarinanpaqqa mana ayparqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa manam qillqayninta qatipayta atirqanchu.", "choice2": "Payqa qillqayninta allichachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Llamk'aqqa waqyasqayta tukurqachipun.", "choice1": "Umalliqwan rimanaypaq mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Pim kasqayta riqsichiwaq yupaynintam qhawachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kichaqasqa wintanantin wayra haykurqan.", "choice1": "Timbre nisqa uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Arapakuna maywikukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Electricidad nisqaqa wasiypi mana karqanchu.", "choice1": "Lamparara enchufemanta qichurqani.", "choice2": "Fusible nisqata t'uqyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pesas nisqakunata huqariqqa qhututuyarqan.", "choice1": "Lirpupi qhawakuspa llapa aychanta k'uytupachirqan.", "choice2": "Uma hawanpi pesas nisqakunata huqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa llapan cálculo nisqakunata umallanpi ruwayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Calculadorata hap'irqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pantarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wawaqa puñurqan.", "choice1": "Taytanmi musuq pañalta churarqan.", "choice2": "Taytanmi chhukuyurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Unu hunt'ayuq p'urutam pasñaqa maqtaman chaqirqan.", "choice1": "Maqtaqa uma unquywanmi hatarirqan.", "choice2": "Maqtaqa apiyachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fotofrafoqa camarapi flashtataqa hap'ichiyta qunqarqun.", "choice1": "Fotokunaqa qhusñisqahina lluqsirqanku.", "choice2": "Fotopi lluqsiqkunaqa manam asikuyta munarqakuchu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cumpleañosman rinaypaq mink'awasqankuta mana riyta munarqanichu.", "choice1": "Sapallaymi karqani.", "choice2": "Huk llaqtapim tarikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ejercicio nisqata ruwarqani.", "choice1": "Kallpayuqhina karqani.", "choice2": "Manchasqa karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Api esponjata q'apirqani.", "choice1": "Unuta suq'urqan.", "choice2": "Unu sut'uyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qurpachanaman chayanakupaqqa Illaqkuna ferryta nisqata hap'irqanku.", "choice1": "Qurpachanaqa aywaqñam karqan.", "choice2": "Qurpachanaqa wat'apim tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pasñaqa tatuaje nisqata ruwakurqan.", "choice1": "Agujakunataqa payqa manchakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa imamaypas hatariytam munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasiypa punkunpi mana riqsisqa karru utiyarqan.", "choice1": "Watupakuyta qallarirqani.", "choice2": "Policiaman waqyarirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa riqsichikurqan.", "choice1": "Ima kaqpas paytam tumparqan.", "choice2": "Ima kaqpas manam paymanqa tumparqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wirasapa runaqa llañuyayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Manaña misk'ikunataqa mikhurqanñachu.", "choice2": "Manaña cafeta upyarqanñachu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa chullunkasqa pampapi ichiyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa suchuyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ñawin saykusqa rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Tutantinpi rikch'alla karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wawantam puñuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ariqmanta nina lawa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Ariqqa tuqyayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Ariqqa puñuchkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa zapatonta churakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa raymipi llapan kaqkunatam riqsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa raymimanta ripuyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hark'anapi llamk'aqman qullqicharqani.", "choice1": "Payqa hark'anata chimpachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hark'anapi hark'ariwarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ejecutivo runaqa aquyrakimanmi haykurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa compañianta qhaturqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qulltintam usuchirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa hamp'iqmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Hamp'iqqa samachkarqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa mana allinchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wintanantinmi wasiymanta lluqsirqani.", "choice1": "Wasiqa nina ruphaypi kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Wasiqa qasisqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wawap rukanankunaqa llulluyarurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa armakuspam unayarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa makintam jabonwan maqchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñuqñuta thuqyarqani.", "choice1": "Ñuqñuqa phusqusqa karqan.", "choice2": "Ch'aki simiyur karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Busman mana ayparqanichu.", "choice1": "Llamk'anayman chayanapaq tempranoraq karqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'anayman chayanaypaq tardeña karqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Camionqa karruwan t'akarukurqan.", "choice1": "Camionqa utqaylla richkarqan.", "choice2": "Karruqa llapan ñitikusqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atipanakuyta llallinankupaqmi equipo nisqaqa imaymanata ruwarparirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llalliparqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa pukllaymanta lluqsirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gaseosaqa puqpurayarqan.", "choice1": "Botellata t'ikrayarqani.", "choice2": "Botellapa tapanta kicharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hawapi maqta kachkaspa wasi punkun wichq'arikusqa.", "choice1": "Payqa wintanantin haykururqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wasi patantin haykururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasipa timbren tililiyarqan.", "choice1": "Watukuqqa punkuta t'akarirqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa punkupa t'uquchantin qhawarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa p'achanta llimpiyarikusqa.", "choice1": "Ch'aki maqchiymanmi p'achantaqa aparirqan.", "choice2": "Ropero nisqapim p'achanta warkurayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa kiru muqchikuy pastatam q'apirirqan.", "choice1": "Pastaqa allintam lluqsirqan.", "choice2": "Sipasqa pastata thuqayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Awqanakuy patapiqa askha civil runakunam wañurirqanku.", "choice1": "Mana awqanakuyta munaq runakuna sayarispa rimaykacharqanku.", "choice2": "Mana awqanakuyta munaq runakunaqa desfile nisqatam ruwarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa chukchanmanta cintata hurqurparikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa cintawan churakurqan.", "choice2": "Cintaqa wawahinatam rikurichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa cirugía plástica nisqata ruwarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa machuyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswan wayna tukurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiwchiqa runtumanta lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Runtuqa p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Ñuqam runtura p'akirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watachasqa runa yarqaymanta wañuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wañurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ripurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa wichanapi wayllunkayarqan.", "choice1": "Wichanaman siqarqan.", "choice2": "Wichanamanta urmayurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa hap'ayarqan.", "choice1": "Gaseosata upyarqan.", "choice2": "Gaseosa latata kicharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiri wayram wintanantin haykurqan.", "choice1": "Sumaqta samakurqani.", "choice2": "Tumpata katatatayarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa hatun yachaywasiman rinanpaqmi becata chaskirqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqimasinkunaqa payta yupaycharqanku.", "choice2": "Allin calificación nisqatam ayparqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa asikachakuspa waynataqa tanqayarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa waynapa wasimasinnmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa waynatam munakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mana imayuq runaqa mikhunata suwakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kuyapaykuytam mañakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana qullqiyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiywan rimarinaykupaq waqyarqani.", "choice1": "Manam piwanpas rimayta munarqanichu.", "choice2": "Sinchi sapallaymi kaspa rimayta munarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa makinta haywariwarqan.", "choice1": "Makiyta haywarirqani.", "choice2": "Rikranpi t'aqllayarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñuqa k'umuyarqani.", "choice1": "Fuegos artificiales nisqam hanaqman t'uqyarirqanku.", "choice2": "Discom umaykaman phawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa sillunkunata k'utuykachakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llakisqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharisqa kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Almanaquepa raphinta t'ikrayarqani.", "choice1": "Huk ruwanaytam churarqani.", "choice2": "Musuq killam qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmin hukwan kasqantam qusaqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa amachaqninta qarqurirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa t'aqakuytam mañarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa goma rump'uta kacharirqan.", "choice1": "Rump'uqa pinkiyarqan.", "choice2": "Rump'uqa k'ancharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa examenninpi pantarurqan.", "choice1": "Kutichisqantaqa waturirqan.", "choice2": "Kutichisqantaqa picharurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqqa pukllaqmasintam t'akarparispa harkayarqan.", "choice1": "Pukllaqmasinqa rump'uta hap'irparirqan.", "choice2": "Pukllaqmasinqa pampaman wikchuyukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tumatikunata yuranmanta hurqurqani.", "choice1": "Puquña karqanku.", "choice2": "Unuwanmi qharparirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa kuyaykuq kaytam munarqan.", "choice1": "Ñawpaq munakuqninwanmi mikhunanpaq huñurikurqan.", "choice2": "Kunan munakuqninmanmi chololatekunata rantirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Termometropi mercurio kaqqa wichayarqan.", "choice1": "Termometrota urmarachirqani.", "choice2": "Pachaqa quñiyachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wayra muyuqqa llaqtaman chayachkarqan.", "choice1": "Corte wasipan qhataqa phawarparirqan.", "choice2": "Carreteraqa sinchi millaymanmi chullunkuyasqawanqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa pusaq yachachiqwan yanapachikurqan.", "choice1": "Chaninchayninqa aswanmi sumaqyarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa examenpi llullakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sumaqmi tarikurqani.", "choice1": "Pampapi qunqurikurqani.", "choice2": "Mantapi sumaqta mayturikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rumita qhiturqani.", "choice1": "Rumiqa llunk'aykachakurqan.", "choice2": "Rumiqa k'anchaykachakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Azucartam cafemanqa churarqani.", "choice1": "Cafeqa sinchita q'apayarqan.", "choice2": "Cafeqa misk'iyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa papilkunata allichayarqan.", "choice1": "Paypa papilta kuchurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa papilkunaqa ñut'uyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Clavuta martilluwan t'akarqani.", "choice1": "Clavuqa llaqllapi chinkayarqan.", "choice2": "Clavuqa akakipakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Challwaqa anzueluman qamsarqan.", "choice1": "Challwaqqa challwata aysaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Challwaqqa wakmanta anzuelutaqa chuqayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Escuelaman rinanmanta pasñaqa pinqakurqan.", "choice1": "Muchi uyanpi rikurirqan.", "choice2": "Frenillos nisqatam payqa churakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uyayqa kusisqa rikurikurqan.", "choice1": "Sumaq willaykunata chaskirirqani.", "choice2": "Phiñarikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tohallawan makiyta ch'akichikurqani.", "choice1": "Tohallam api kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Makiymi api kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suni tiyanapi qhari yaqaraq urmayurqan.", "choice1": "Suni tiyanaqa kuyuykacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tiyana patamanmi llimphita chaqchuyarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqmasikunaqa paykunapura tumpayanakurqanku.", "choice1": "Pukllaypi mana llalliparqankuchu.", "choice2": "Pusaqninkuqa mana allintachu llamk'achirqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pampachayta mañakurqani.", "choice1": "Pantasqaymanta yuyaychakurqani.", "choice2": "Munasqaytam ayparqani,.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hukwan tinkusqanmanta warmiqa amisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Warmipa tapukuyninta qhariqa kutichirqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa pay kikillanmantam rimaykachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa tumpata asiyukurqan.", "choice1": "Paypa uyachanqa pukayarqan.", "choice2": "Tuq'uchakuna uyanpi rikurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Awqapa wampunqa t'uqyayurqan.", "choice1": "Mina patantintam pasarqan.", "choice2": "Puertuman chayarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa chakinta turpuyukurqan.", "choice1": "T'uruman haykururqan.", "choice2": "P'akisqa qhispipi sarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipisqanku patapi maki yupikunata tarikunanpaqmi k'uskiqkunaqa ñut'u llimphiwan llimphicharqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa pim sipiq kasqanta tarirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa armata tarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñanpi sinchi karrukuna kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Uch'uy ñannintan ripurqani.", "choice2": "Apawanankupaq mañakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyupa qullqi hap'iyninqa pisiyarqan.", "choice1": "Sinchi runakunam unquyarqanku.", "choice2": "Sinchi runakunam mana llamk'ayniyuq tukurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "K'ikllu chimpachiq guardiaqa wawakunata qhawaspa wisananta wisayachirqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa ña k'ikllumanña haykuytañam munachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Guardiaqa wasimasinku hinatam wawakunataqa riqsiyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiymanmi qunqaymanta qhawayarqani.", "choice1": "Payqa chiqaytam willachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kawsasqa rimaywanmi rimawarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karrupa gasolinanmi tururparikurqan.", "choice1": "Karruqa ñampi utiyarparirqan.", "choice2": "Ñanpi runa kaqtam karuuqa huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqmiqa wachakuy pachapi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Wawa paqarirqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa haqtunawanmi kachkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharipa ch'ukunqa phawarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ch'ukunqa ch'utikurqan.", "choice2": "Sinchitam wayrayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa yachaqimasinpa raymichaykuyninmanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Rinanpaqmi paytaqa mink'arikurqanku.", "choice2": "Payqa suñatam rantirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqipa mat'inqa ruphayachkarqan.", "choice1": "Mamanqa mat'inta llamiyarqan.", "choice2": "Mamanqa parkimanmi pusarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa q'apachiwan churayukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa tinkuqninwan sumaq qhawachikuyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa gel nisqatam chukchanmanqa churakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasipi electricidadqa wañurirqan.", "choice1": "Linternata maskharqani.", "choice2": "Lampata hap'irqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aylluqa hatun wasiman astarikurqanku.", "choice1": "Wanwanku escuelanta tukurqan.", "choice2": "Mamaqa wispa wawakunata wacharikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pitariqqa allillamantam pitachkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kallpayuqllam kayta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chayanatañam qhawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maquina ranaqtam maqtaqa haytarirqan.", "choice1": "Vueltuntam makinaqa aqtuyarqan.", "choice2": "Chip bolsachakunam maquinapi ch'akarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiypa allqunqa wañurirqan.", "choice1": "Payta qhawarirqani.", "choice2": "Payta mak'allirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharipa tarjeta de credito nisqanqa manam chaskirikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa pagaré nisqatam qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa makipi qullqiwanmi pagota qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa ñakapayukurqan.", "choice1": "Sillunkunata kuchururqan.", "choice2": "Chaki puntanta t'akarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa wawqinmantam yupaychakurqan.", "choice1": "Wawqinqa taytamamankuwanmi k'aminakurqanku.", "choice2": "Wawqinqa amachaqkuna escuelapim chaskichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sistema solarmantam warmaqa yachayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa bibliotecamanmi rirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ch'askakunatam qhawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Posterqa pirqapi ratarichikurqan.", "choice1": "Punku hawanpim postertaqa t'akyachirqani.", "choice2": "Ratana cintatam posterpa qhipanpiqa churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arquitectupa plano ruwasqanqa allintam chaskirikurqan.", "choice1": "Arquitectuqa edificiotam hatarichirqan.", "choice2": "Arquitectuqa planota allicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa cucharanta urmayachirqan.", "choice1": "Makinmi katatatachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa cucharata llaqwayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Empresapa umalliqninqa llamk'ananta qulluchirqan.", "choice1": "Kamariqkunataq empresata utirichirqanku.", "choice2": "Kamariqkunataq huk umalliqta maskharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Huñunakuyman chayanaypaq sinchita unayarqani.", "choice1": "Chayaspaqa qhipapi tiyakurqani.", "choice2": "Chayaspaqa ñawpaqmanmi asuyukurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Calcelmanta runaqa lluqsirurqan.", "choice1": "Fianza nisqatam ayllun qullqicharqan.", "choice2": "Carcelpi tiyaqmasintam maqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aylluqa imayninkunatam chinkarirqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa wasinkuta qhatucharqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunapa wasinkuqa kanarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alumino latata sarurqani.", "choice1": "Lataqa wakmanta hap'ichikurqan.", "choice2": "Lataqa ñitisqa tukururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rimanakuymanmi sipasqa huñurikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa computadora hap'iyta yacharirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa allin rimaykachaytam yacharirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Imayna kasqayqa allinyarirqan.", "choice1": "Takiyta uyarirqani.", "choice2": "Pukukunata maqchirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Munasqan qullqitam yanapaq wasiqa huñurirqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa mana imayuq runakunatam mikhuchirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa subastata ruwarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Montaña rusapi karruchaqa uraymanmi pasayurqan.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa asiyukurqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa qaparirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phiñasqa kachkarqani.", "choice1": "Wasimanta lluqsispa buzonta qhawarqani.", "choice2": "Wasimanta lluqsispa punkuta aysayparirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa pacha paqariytam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hanaq suyumanmi illarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tutallamanta hatarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Papilta patarayarqani.", "choice1": "Papilta wakmanta hap'iykacharqani.", "choice2": "Papilqa q'intiyakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyuqa pacha ch'ikiwanmi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Huk suyukunapa umallinkunaqa masinchakurqanku.", "choice2": "Huk suyukunapa umalliqkunaqa yanapaytam apachirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqipa p'achanqa apirikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa piscinamantam lluqsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa piscinamanmi urmayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa libru ñawiriyta tukunanpaqmi phawarirqan.", "choice1": "Bibliotecamanmi kutichinan karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masinmantam mañarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'umalliq runaqa wañuchikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa carcelmanmi apachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wañuchikunanpaqmi t'upsichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Intip k'anchaynin wintanantinta haykurqan.", "choice1": "Arapakunata kichayarqani.", "choice2": "Punkuta kichayarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanqa runapa chukchanta chutarqani.", "choice1": "Peluca nisqaqa aysarparikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa p'aqla umayuq tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qillqa allichaqqa, wakmanta huk rimaytaqa qillqayarqan.", "choice1": "Makiwan qillqasqataqa allin ruwasqatam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Makiwan qillqasqapiqa mana ch'uya rimayta tarisqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa tarjeta de credito nisqanta qulluchirqan.", "choice1": "Tarjeta chinkarusqanmantam yuyaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Tarjeta manaña llamk'asqanmanta yuyaychakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariwan warmiwan munanakurqanku.", "choice1": "Kusqa universidadman rirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa saywakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Takiyqa sinchi upallalla kaspa mana uyarikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Uyarikunanpaq yapayarqani.", "choice2": "Kikin takiyniyta ruwakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maqtapa chukchanqa ñaqcharisqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Pasñam tampayachirqan.", "choice2": "Pasñam chutarparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuruqa ñit'isqa tukurqan.", "choice1": "Repelente nisqawanmi hichayurqanku.", "choice2": "Sarurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñawiyta kicharqani.", "choice1": "Rikch'arirqani.", "choice2": "Samakurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasimasiypa taki uyarisqanqa sinchim karqan.", "choice1": "Sinchita upallachinanpaq payta mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Paypa CD nisqatam mañakurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip ayllunqa pisi qullqiyuqlla tiyarqanku.", "choice1": "Payqa pisillatam qullqinta ayllunman qurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa llamk'ananpiqa pisi pagomanta aswan pisitam chaskirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa hatun-yachaywasimanta graduasqa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llamk'anatam maskharqan.", "choice2": "Imapi qhuchukusqankutam maskharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llimp'iwan wallpaqqa q'illutawan anqastawan chaqrurqan.", "choice1": "Llimp'iqa lliwpi ch'allakurqan.", "choice2": "Llimp'iqa q'umirmanmi tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rimasqanchiktaqa hukniyachirqani.", "choice1": "Manañam imatapas rimayta atirqanichu.", "choice2": "Rimasqanchikqa phiñachiwachkarqanchikña.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Turayqa hamp'ina wasimanta lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Wasinchikmanmi sumaqta hampuyachirqani.", "choice2": "Payta mana munakuq hinamanmi rikurirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Escenariopa arapanqa wichayman kichakurqan.", "choice1": "Wallparisqa ruwayqa qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Wallpariq runakunakunaqa escenariomanta ripurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atisanka runaqa hap'iqninpa mañakusqantam riqsichirqan.", "choice1": "Hap'iqqa atisanka runata sipinanpaqmi mancharichirqan.", "choice2": "Hap'iqqa atisana runata kikillanmanta kacharirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lliw escenariopi huk tununuyuyta uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Takiqqa huk chakinwanmi tusupachkarqan.", "choice2": "Takiqqa huk wank'artam t'akayachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Taytamamaqa wawanpa cuartonmanmi p'itarqanku.", "choice1": "Wawaqa llap'i musquywan rikch'arispa qaparichkarqan.", "choice2": "Wawaqa kawitunpa uranta qhawariytam mancharikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa maki-rimaywanmi rimarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llullu wawa paqarimurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ruqt'u wawa paqarimurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ch'akirayay pachamam suyupiqa rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Yakum qhillichakurqan.", "choice2": "Chakrakunapi mikhuyqa ch'akirayaywanmi ñiq'irqapunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Michim urpitaqa qhatirirqan.", "choice1": "Urpiqa phalaspa ripurqan.", "choice2": "Urpiqa kuruta hap'irqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa huk kaq escuelamanmi ripurqan.", "choice1": "Escuelaqa ruphay mit'a kaptinmi lluqsichirqan.", "choice2": "Musuq llaqtamanmi astakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fábricayuq runaqa manam llamk'aqkunamanqa qullqinta yapayta munarqanchu.", "choice1": "Fábricayuqqa musuq umalliqta churarqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'aqkunaqa ruwayninkuta sayarichirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyuq umalliqninmi awqanakuqkunaman ñak'arichirqan.", "choice1": "Ima ruwananpaqpas awqanakuqkunam kamachirqanku.", "choice2": "Awqanakuqkunaqa payta sipirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'ala chakillam mama qucha patanpi purirqani.", "choice1": "Aqu aqum chakiyman ratarirqan.", "choice2": "Aytikunam mama qucha pataman suq'akurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chawpi tutapi chisrisqa rikch'arqani.", "choice1": "Quñi warata churakurqani.", "choice2": "Unuta upyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mamitaqa wawanta upallachirqan.", "choice1": "Wawanqa sumaqta asiyukurqan.", "choice2": "Wawanqa phiñallaña q'iwipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jeans waraypiqa t'uqu rikurirqan.", "choice1": "Waraypa cierre nisqanta wisq'arikurqani.", "choice2": "Pampapi mitk'arparirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maqt'aqa frenillos nisqatam kirunkunapiqa aparqan.", "choice1": "Kirunmi t'uqurukurqan.", "choice2": "Kirunmi chiqancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gimnasio nisqapi qayna p'unchawqa llamk'arqani.", "choice1": "Rikch'arispaqa kurkuymi makurkiwarqan.", "choice2": "Kunka nanaywanmi rikcharirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamp'ara mikhusqankupi warmaqa wakin masinkunallamanmi upallalla rimaykacharqan.", "choice1": "Wakin yachaqikunataq hamp'araman mikhuq hamurqanku.", "choice2": "Hamp'arapi wakin yachaqikunataq mana munasqahina karqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trampolin patapim irqi urmarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa kutimanta wikaparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wikapaspa muyuriyta munarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Buzón nisqapi qillqakunata churarqani.", "choice1": "Correo oficinaqa qillqata apachirqan.", "choice2": "Correo oficinaqa utqaytapuni qillqata apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqqa llallipananmanta chiqaymi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Llapan qullqintam churaykurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana qullqiyuq wasinman kutipurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sach'a-sach'a kanakuyqa aswantam mast'arikurqan.", "choice1": "Wayram aswan sinchita phukuyarqan.", "choice2": "Kanaq runakunam hap'ichikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa muquchanta k'irirukurqan.", "choice1": "Mamanqa cuartonman kacharirqan.", "choice2": "Mamanqa k'irinta wankurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa wañuy unquymanta hatarirqan.", "choice1": "Testamentonta qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Hukpa organonta chaskirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "T'impuq cafeta upyarqani.", "choice1": "Qalluyta k'uturukurqani.", "choice2": "Qalluyta rupharachikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Editorqa qillqaqta qarqurqan.", "choice1": "Qillqaqqa mana p'inqayninta churaspam qillqarqan.", "choice2": "Qillqaqqa tukukunan p'unchawpim mana tukurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saykusqa karqani.", "choice1": "P'unchawnintin puñurqani.", "choice2": "P'unchawnintin yanachaypi llamk'arqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hampiqqa runatam qhawayarqan.", "choice1": "Runap uquy rikurichiqkunatam tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pastillastam runamanqa qurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Raskarukurqani.", "choice1": "Hump'iwachkarqan.", "choice2": "Siqsiwachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa cirugía de emergencia nisqaman haykurirqan.", "choice1": "Sinchita phiñarikurqan.", "choice2": "Sunqu utiriy unquywanmi tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharipa mak'anqa punkiyarqan.", "choice1": "Mak'anqa qiwikachaspa mat'iparisqan.", "choice2": "Mak'anta qhaqurikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa qhichipranta hastawan huqarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa manchay utichisqaraq kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana kallpayuqhina kachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiypa pantasqanmanta pampachayta mañarikurqani.", "choice1": "Sumaq sunquyuq runa kasqanpim iñirqani.", "choice2": "Aswan yachachasqanpi iñirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa manañam pitarqanñachu.", "choice1": "Payqa astawan ejerciciosta ruwarqan.", "choice2": "Tutallamanta hatariyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqmiqa maqaqnita saqmarqan.", "choice1": "Maqaqninqa wañurapurqan.", "choice2": "Maqaqninta yawarchakuyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wach'iqa manam muyumanqa chayarqanchu.", "choice1": "Qharip wach'iyayninqa pantasqa kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa manam llallichkarqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasiyuqya huk'ucha wañuchiqta waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wasinpa uranpi hatun huk'uchakunata tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sisi thapata wasin ukhupi uywarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hawapi mikhunanchikpaq watukuqniyta rimayayqani.", "choice1": "Wayk'unaypaqqa saykusqa kachkarqani.", "choice2": "Watukuqniyqa nishuta qhipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Diarionta ñawichaspam turanta sipasqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa diarionta pakayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa musuq diariotam hap'iyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alquilerninpaq manam sinchi qullqiyuqña warmiqa kachrarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa aswan horastam llamk'ayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa llamk'ananta saqirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa utqaytam maqintaqa hurqurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ruphay waykunatam llamirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa allquchapa umantam lulurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Empresaqa rantiqninkunap imaynas kasqankutam qhawayta munarqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa descuentutam musuq rantiqkunapaqqa rurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa encuesta nisqatam rantiqninkumanqa haywarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llaqllamanta pampaqa raskasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Warmaqa cojinesta pampaman wikch'urqan.", "choice2": "Warmaqa pampantintan tiyanata suchurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uyayta pakarikurqani.", "choice1": "T'akanakuqmasiyqa sawkayuwachkarqan.", "choice2": "T'akanakuqmasiyqa saqmawachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ancha riqsisqa wankiqa k'anayukurqan.", "choice1": "Illapam ayparqan.", "choice2": "Runakunam yupaychaq hamurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamp'ara patapi añawita saqirqani.", "choice1": "Añawiqa rururqan.", "choice2": "Ch'uspikunam añawitaqa muyuparqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tusuqpa ank'unqan chutarparikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chaki rukanankunatam t'upsirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wich'unqa q'iwikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqipa pasadorninkuna paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa watakuyta yacharqan.", "choice2": "Payqa patiopi phawaykacharqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manchay kusisqa librowanqa karqani.", "choice1": "Librotaqa kutirachirqani.", "choice2": "Ima pachas kasqanta mana yuyancharqanichu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa taytamamanpa iñiyninpim iñirqan.", "choice1": "Taytamamanqa payta yachachirqanku.", "choice2": "Taytamamanqa payta mana charkirqankuchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karru utinankamaqa allillamanta purirqan.", "choice1": "Mana gasolinayuq karqan.", "choice2": "Choferqa puñururqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa misk'i chullunkuta ruphaypi mikhurqan.", "choice1": "Chullunkuqa q'aymayarqan.", "choice2": "Chullunkuqa sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wankita p'irqapi warkurqani.", "choice1": "Mast'akunaqa qhillihina rikukurqanku.", "choice2": "P'irqakunaqa qasisqa qhawakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llamk'anaymanta temprano lluqsirqani.", "choice1": "Umaymi nanawarqan.", "choice2": "Umalliqniyqa huñunakuytam ruwarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Allquchaqa m'astata qhillicharqan.", "choice1": "Runaqa allquchata k'amirqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa allquchata huk runaman qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiyman pampachakuyta mañakurqani.", "choice1": "Masiyta pampachawarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa phiñarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa runa chawpipi kaspapas rikurikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa q'ipinta q'ipirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa neón nisqawan p'achakusqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rikuqqa sullullchaypi llullakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa rikusqanta willayta tukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa perjurio nisqamanta tumpachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa chukchanta lliphichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hukniraq qhawakuyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wakinkunawan chaqrukuyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hawa suyupi mana papelniyuq runakuna hap'ichikurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llamk'anata tarikurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa qarquchikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Runakunapa rimaqqa chansayta rimarqan.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa asiyukurqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa sayarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Intita qhawarqani.", "choice1": "Intiqa ñawsayachiwarqan.", "choice2": "Intiqa qarayta ch'umpiyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Amisqa karqani.", "choice1": "Ukhuta samarirqani.", "choice2": "Hanllallirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sasa kuchunam aychaqa karqan.", "choice1": "Kuchunaqa mana ñawch'iyasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Aycha anku karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmi mana qullqiyuq tukusqantam willarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mikhunanpaq qullqitawan yanapachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa sinchi deuda nisqawan qhipakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiypa wasinqa k'ancharisqa karqan.", "choice1": "Hawamanchu lluqsirqan nispa tapukurqani.", "choice2": "Payman watukuq rinaypaq wakichikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "T'ikata sinqayman asuchikurqani.", "choice1": "T'ikap panqanqa uymayarqan.", "choice2": "T'ikap q'apayninta muskiyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa llakisqa tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa irqi kasqanmanta masinwan tuparqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wawankunatam qhaparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa qillqayninpi muyupayarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa utqay tukusqata qillqayninta apachirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mana tukusqa qillqaynintam apachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karruyqa mana purirqanchu.", "choice1": "Qhatunamanmi ririqani.", "choice2": "Mecánico nisqamanmi waqyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qillqasqata wikchurqani.", "choice1": "Mana sutiyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Manan ñawinchayta atikurqanchu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Urpiqa rapranta maywiriyta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Runtura churarqan.", "choice2": "Wichayman siqayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñan patapi karruta sayachirqani.", "choice1": "Garage nisqaqa kichasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Garage nisqaqa hunt'a karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa runatam armawan t'upsichirqan.", "choice1": "Q'umalliqqa armata urayachirqan.", "choice2": "Runaqa t'upsichisqaqa makinta huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Semana tukuyuyta anchata suyarqani.", "choice1": "Tiyuypa wañunanmami chayanay karqan.", "choice2": "Masiypa sawayninmanmi chayanay karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ima pachachus kasqanmnataqa chinkasqa karqani.", "choice1": "Rikchasqaña kaspapachas musphaspahina karqani.", "choice2": "Aqtunaywanmi karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñitichasqa qillqaqa mana ñawichayta atikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Ñitichaq impresoraqa mana llimpiyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Impresoraqa mana raphiyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Estadiopi himno nacional nisqata takirqanku.", "choice1": "Runakuna unanchata qhawarqanku.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa kanchamanmi haykurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llaqwaqa q'ayma kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Qarayukurqani.", "choice2": "Kachiwan yapayurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Unuchasqa patapi papel tohalla nisqata churarqani.", "choice1": "Tohallaqa unuta suqurqan.", "choice2": "Hich'asqaqa llawsasqata puchurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmi librunta ñawichachkaptin tatichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa raphinta tupsichirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa wakmanta librunta ñawicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Aviónqa phawaypi ch'aqwaykunawan t'inkurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa amachasqa kanapaq cinturonta m'atiparqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa wintanantinta qhawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari irqiqa tunpachata ayqirikurqan.", "choice1": "Warmi irqiqa mana paymantaqa uyakurqanchu.", "choice2": "Warmi irqiqa tunpachata tanqarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamp'iqqa prótesis nisqatam runamanqa qurqan.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa runap chakintam wanqurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa runa samasqantawan sunqun purisqantawan qhawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari warma warmi warmaman kukuchunta p'itirqan.", "choice1": "Warmi warmaqa qhari warmap qayllaypi rikranta q'intikurqan.", "choice2": "Warmi warmaqa makanta hurqurparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamut'ayninwan yanapawananpaqmi masiyta tapukurqani.", "choice1": "Hamut'ayninta chanincharqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqam imapas allin kasqanta yacharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maqt'aqa t'urupi sarururqan.", "choice1": "Zapatonmi t'uruchakurqan.", "choice2": "T'uruqa uyanmanmi laq'akurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Achka rit'im llaqtapiqa chayarqan.", "choice1": "Escuelakuna wichq'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Runakunaqa ukhu pacha wasikunapi waqaychakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llamk'aqpa mit'a llamk'ayninqa tukurukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wasinmanmi pasapurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa llamk'ananta wikch'unanpaqmi rimapakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sach'aqa wasitam thuniyachirqan.", "choice1": "Wasi pataman sach'a urmarparirqan.", "choice2": "Wasi qhipatam sach'aqa llanthuyachirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kurkuqa iskayman ch'iqtarikurqan.", "choice1": "Kanana patapi llant'ata tawqarqani.", "choice2": "Hachawanmi kurkuta t'akarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aylluqa warmiqhariman samincharqanku.", "choice1": "Warmiqhariqa t'aqanakurqanku.", "choice2": "Warmiqhariqa wawachayuq tukusqankuta willakurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa san valentin p'unchawpi cartata waynaman apachirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chay waynata munakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chay waynata much'ayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masiypa rimasqanmantaqa umayta k'umuchirqani.", "choice1": "Rimasqanmanta mana chiqaqchu karqani.", "choice2": "Rimasqanmanta chiqaqmi karqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Masikunaqa monedata hanaqman wikch'urqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa sullullchayta munarqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa paqtachayta munarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Honornopi yupana kaq tukukurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa refrigeradoramanmi imaymana churayta qallarirqa.", "choice2": "Qhariqa hornopi pizza kaqta hurquyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ruwayninta tukunanpaqpuni takyachikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qillarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswantam llamk'arqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhapaq qhariqa machuyaymanta wañurqan.", "choice1": "Legal puriymanmi churinqan urmarirqan.", "choice2": "Churinqa taytanpa hapuqninwanmi qhipakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nina hatariqmanmi warmiqa sarupayarqan.", "choice1": "Nina hatariqqa wañururqan.", "choice2": "Nina hatariqmanta q'usñiyayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmip karrunqa wakmanta qhatunapi karqan.", "choice1": "Karru purichinanpaq licencia nisqanmi qulluchikurqan.", "choice2": "Karrunqa accidente nisqapim karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Alarma kachkaptinpas ñuqaqa puñurqarisqani.", "choice1": "Chikch'aspataq manaña unu t'impuytapas ruwarqaniñachu.", "choice2": "Rikch'aspataq unu t'impu ruwakuyta ayparqanim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Llaqta riqsisqa runqaa limosinamanta urayurqan.", "choice1": "Camarografo nisqakunaqa paykama qhawapayarqanku.", "choice2": "Ayllunmi rueda de prensa nisqaman chayarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bañerapi warmiqa wikchulayarqan.", "choice1": "Yakuqa chiriyayta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Yakuqa tinamanta hawamanmi sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hatun-yachaywasipi yachaqiqa yachaqmasinkunawanmi riqsinakuyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Fraternidad huñunakuqmanmi haykurqan.", "choice2": "Ingenieria nisqapim kallpanchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sofá tiyanapi sawnachakunata llampuyachirqani.", "choice1": "Monedas qullqitam maskhachkarqani.", "choice2": "Sala k'ititam allichachkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Urunquyqa maqt'amanmi phalarqan.", "choice1": "Maqt'aqa phawaspa ayqikurqan.", "choice2": "Maqt'aqa t'ikata pallakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa huch'uy huchayuq tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa llaqtapaq huch'uy llamk'aykunata ruwananparmi hayratakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huch'anrayku runa wañuchiy suyaypi hayratakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quñi matipi azucarta qaywirqani.", "choice1": "Matiqa wapsikurqan.", "choice2": "Azucarqa chhullupurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wamink'aqa wiqru chakintin purirqan.", "choice1": "Awqa-tinkuypaqmi apachikurqan.", "choice2": "Awqanakuypim k'irichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'umalliqqa policíamanta phawarurqan.", "choice1": "Policíaqa arpana runatam yanaparirqan.", "choice2": "Policíaqa q'umalliqta qatikacharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laptopqa mana hap'ichikurqanchu.", "choice1": "Urmarachirqani.", "choice2": "Baterianta hunt'achirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqmip p'achan waqaychananqa hunt'a karqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sinchitam p'achataqa rantirukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa p'achanta p'atarayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa sunqun qhasusqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Warmin wachakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmin payta saqirurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Académico grado nisqatam qhariqa ayparqan.", "choice1": "Payqa munasqan llamk'aymanmi aypayta atirurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa llamk'ananmi utichikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip kunkanqa hinantin auditoriopi uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa runakunata napayukurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa micrófono nisqapi rimarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukyu ruwasqapi moneda nisqata wikch'urqani.", "choice1": "Monedaqa ukhukama urmarqan.", "choice2": "Monedaqa iskayman p'akirikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqqa t'uqumanmi sinkuta tanqayarqan.", "choice1": "Sinkuqa t'uquman haykurqan.", "choice2": "Sinkuqa pukllaqmanmi kutirirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'usñi allpata samayurqani.", "choice1": "Hik'iyarqani.", "choice2": "Hachhiyarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cajeroqa wachimanta waqyarqan.", "choice1": "Rantikuqqa yanqa qullqiwan rantiyta munarqan.", "choice2": "Rantikuqqa luces nisqatam k'ancharisqata saqirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qupata hawaman aparqani.", "choice1": "Qupaqa wayk'una k'ititam asnarachirqan.", "choice2": "Rantisqaymanta recibo nisqatam qupapi chinkarachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aylluqa Zoo nisqaman rirqanku.", "choice1": "Wawakunaqa wichq'asqa uywakunamanta yacharqanku.", "choice2": "Wawakunaqa uywakunata qatikacharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharip samayninqa sinchim karqan.", "choice1": "Wasa rurunmi mana allinchu kachkarqan.", "choice2": "Surq'anninmi mana allinchu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Concientoman haykunapaq huk boleto puchuwarqan.", "choice1": "Imayna chayanapaq masiyta tapurqani.", "choice2": "Masiyta tapurqani riytachus manchus munanman chayta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasip aire acondicionado nisqan p'akirikusqa.", "choice1": "Qatakunata hurqurqani.", "choice2": "Wayrana kicharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmapa wasanmi nanarqan.", "choice1": "Mochilanmi kicharayarqan.", "choice2": "Mochilanmi llasarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mamaypaq suñata rantirqani.", "choice1": "Pastelta paypaq ruwarqani.", "choice2": "Paqarisqan p'unchawninmi karqan,.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muyapi narcisos t'ikakuna sarunchasqa tukurqanku.", "choice1": "Muyu allichaq runata wanquyru k'uturqan,.", "choice2": "Ardillakuna t'ikap papanta hurqurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fosforota hap'irachirqani.", "choice1": "Ninaqa wañururqan.", "choice2": "Fosforoqa ninata hat'arichirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sasachakuqkunaqa paykunapuralla rimayman chayarqanku.", "choice1": "Manam tribunalman riyta munarqankuchu.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa imayna apakusqankuta allichayta munarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Wawakunaqa wakcha wawakunap wasinman apachikurqanku.", "choice1": "Taytamamanku wañukapurqanku.", "choice2": "Taytamamankuqa chaqlliyarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mama quchaman meteorito nisqa urmarisqa.", "choice1": "Tsunami hatarirqan.", "choice2": "Chikchi qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Puriqqa mach'aqwanwan tarirukurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ch'akisqa karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hornoqa ruphayña karqan.", "choice1": "Hornota hap'ichirqani.", "choice2": "Pukuta hornoman churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Q'allu limonta q'apirqani.", "choice1": "Limonqa qurwayasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Limonqa sutuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyuqa musuq allpakunata riqsirqan.", "choice1": "Suyuqa manam allpakunata imanarqanpaschu.", "choice2": "Suyuqa riqsisqa allpata allpanchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vaso hamp'aramanta urmaykamurqan.", "choice1": "Pampapi p'akirukurqan.", "choice2": "P'acha p'acha patapi urmaramurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamp'ara kuyuykachakurqan.", "choice1": "Pampaqa manam p'altapunichu karqan.", "choice2": "Pampaqa llusk'ayachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Churinpa llullakusqantam taytanqa tarirqan.", "choice1": "Churinmi ima chiqan kasqanta willakurqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa churinpa rimasqanpi iñirqanpuni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharipa umanqa nanaymanta t'ipuykacharqan.", "choice1": "Uhupaq hamp'itam upyayarqan.", "choice2": "Aspirina hamp'itam millpuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trenqa allillamanta puriyarqan.", "choice1": "Estaciónmanmi asuyarqan.", "choice2": "Chayananmantam unayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa terpapiamanmi rirqan.", "choice1": "Ayllunpiqa umamanta unquywanmi karqanku.", "choice2": "Llaki uyquywanmi payqa tarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa kunkantam hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mikhunantam millpurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa mikhunanwanmi chakachikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa kunka nanaywanmi karqan.", "choice1": "Rimayninqa ch'aka uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hukniraqtam rimarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Allquqa hamp'ara patapi aychatam qhawarqan.", "choice1": "Llawsayachkarqan.", "choice2": "Thallayukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmip negocionqa allinmi kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Paypaq llamk'aqkunatam qarqurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa qhapaqyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqikunaqa aulamanta lluqsirqanku.", "choice1": "Campanam uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi wasinpi llamk'anankupaq kurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Manchachiqta qhawasqanmantam warmiqa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Riqsiqmasinkunaqa manam iñirqankuchu.", "choice2": "Riqsiqmasinkunaqa paymanmi willarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa upayarparirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa yaqalla mama-quchapi hiq'iparirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa yaqalla bomba t'uqyaypi wañurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa p'urunpa q'aytunta chacharirqan.", "choice1": "P'uruqa chhasarikurqan.", "choice2": "P'uruqa hanaqmanmi siqaykurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa rimayninta chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Derrame cerebral nisqawanmi tarikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ukhumanmi samarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Veredapim warmi mitk'arikurqan.", "choice1": "Cementopi rakra t'uqu karqan.", "choice2": "Pikunas sutinmanta waqyasqanta uyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa runp'upakuspa piscinamanmi chapurparikurqan.", "choice1": "Salvavidas runaqa qhipanpi chapurparikurqan.", "choice2": "Salvavidasmanmi yakuwan chhallpurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Atibióticos nisqata millpurqani.", "choice1": "Infección nisqayqa thaniyarqan.", "choice2": "Infección nisqayqa aswanmi ch'iqirikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Semáforo nisqaqa q'illupi churarikurqan.", "choice1": "Choferqa freno nisqaqa ñitirqan.", "choice2": "Bocinanta choferqa qhaparichirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqaychana plásticoqa sut'uyarqan.", "choice1": "Ruphayaq yakuta plástico nisqaman hicharqani.", "choice2": "Ruphayaq cocinapi plásticotaqa churarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karruqa q'apñurukurqan.", "choice1": "Poste nisqawanmi karruqa tak'arukurqan.", "choice2": "Puka luz nisqatam carruqa chimparurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maqtaqa tutantinkama yachananta yacharirqan.", "choice1": "Exámen nisqata mana rurarqanchu.", "choice2": "Exámen nisqata wasaparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waynaqa piscinapa patanmanta hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wamp'uy yachaytam manchakurqan.", "choice2": "Salvavidas nisqaqa llamk'ayninpim karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Makiytam qhasquypi churakurqani.", "choice1": "Suyquy katatataqnintam uyarqani.", "choice2": "Sunquyqa sinchinta katatatachkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oficinaypa kinranpi edificio hatarichikuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Oficinayqa hunt'a runalla karqan.", "choice2": "Oficinaypiqa sinchitam ruqyayarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aylluqa musuq wasimasinkunata riqsiyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Aylluqa wasimasinkunawan mikhunankupaq mink'arikurqan.", "choice2": "Aylluqa wasi qhipanmanta wasimasinkunataqa napayukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piscinamanta yaku chaqchururqan.", "choice1": "Wamp'uqmi piscinaman chapukurqan.", "choice2": "Wamp'uqmi piscinapi tuyturqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Huk q'allu sandíata mikhurqani.", "choice1": "Pantaruspa rurunta millpurqani.", "choice2": "Pantaruspa kiruyta p'akirikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa mitk'arqan.", "choice1": "Casaca nisqanmi k'ichasqa karqan.", "choice2": "Pasadores nisqankunam mana watasqa karqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ninrinman tapones nisqata churakurqan.", "choice1": "Paywa ruqyaywanmi umanta muyuchikuchkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa ninrinta t'uquchikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wakmanta yaku botellayta hillp'urqani.", "choice1": "Llapam yakuytam upyarurqani.", "choice2": "Refrigeradorapi waqaycharqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telvisiónpi programaqa qullucharqakun.", "choice1": "Q'illi simikunawan rimaq karqanku.", "choice2": "Sasa willayniyuq karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wamp'unata mama-qucha millpurqan.", "choice1": "Wanp'uqkunaqa hiq'iparqanku.", "choice2": "Wamp'uqkunaqa pirata runakunawan tarikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waynaqa musyaymanta tunkiyarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa musyayta sut'inyachirqan.", "choice2": "Sut'inyachinanpaqqa yanapayta mañakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telefonoqa uyarikurqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa teléfonota qulluchirqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa teléfonota huqarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ñuqallaman qhawawachkarqan.", "choice1": "Ñuqataq makallirqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqataq mana qhasillachu karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Huñu runaqa museomanta lluqsirqanku.", "choice1": "Museopi qhawachikusqanmanta rikch'aykunata hurqurqanku.", "choice2": "Museopi qhawachikusqanmanta llapanta rikurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa ñuqawan kaminakuyta qhallarirqan.", "choice1": "Masiymi qharitaqa riqsichiwarqan.", "choice2": "Masiyqa ñuqanmanta sayarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bicicletaypa llantanqa chhasayarusqa.", "choice1": "Llantanta punkiyachirqani.", "choice2": "Engranajenta allichachirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmapa uyanqa q'illuyachkarqan.", "choice1": "Taytanqa willakuytam paymanqa ñawicharqan.", "choice2": "Taytanqa warmap mat'inta llamiparqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lapiceropa llimphinqa tukurukurqan.", "choice1": "Lapizwan qillqarqani.", "choice2": "Sutiytam siq'icharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qharimanqa manam qullqitaqa manurqankuchu.", "choice1": "Payqa manukusqaraqmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa kikin negocionta qallarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa manam escuelaman rirqanchu.", "choice1": "Payqa varicela unquywanmi karqan.", "choice2": "Payqa supaytam matématicas nisqata munakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qupa churana plasticoqa hunt'am kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Contenedorman qhasiyachinapaqmi aparqani.", "choice2": "Lavaplatospa qhilli yaku pasananpi winarqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aspiradorawan mast'ata picharqani.", "choice1": "Tiyaqmasiymi ponche nisqata hich'ayasqa.", "choice2": "Alluypa chukchanmi urmayusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa waq'ayarparirqan.", "choice1": "Computadoranmi wañururqan.", "choice2": "Huk law cuartomanmi tiyanata chuqarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa huch'uy kallmata ninaman wikchurqan.", "choice1": "Kallmaqa kanarirqan.", "choice2": "Ninaqa wañurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Duchamanta qhariqa lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Quñi yakuqa tukurukusqa.", "choice2": "Toallata manam tariyta atisqachu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mamataytaqa wawankuna universidadman rinankuta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Matriculanankupaq qullqitam waqaycharqanku.", "choice2": "Hawakunapi pukllakunankupaqmi kallpancharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa zapatonta paskarikurqan.", "choice1": "Zapatukunaqa wayayachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Zapatukunaqa mawk'ayarparirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa wakin mikhunallatam mikhurqan.", "choice1": "Puchusqantaqa refrigeradorapi waqaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Receta nisqata waqaychakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chaki muquy p'unkisqa kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Chullunkuwan churakurqani.", "choice2": "Loción nisqawan llusikurqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oficinaypa punkun kicharayasqa karqan.", "choice1": "Llamk'aqmasiywan hamp'araypi rimarqani.", "choice2": "Salapi rimasqankuta uyarirqarani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suyanaymi karqan sinripi.", "choice1": "Tiyarikurqani.", "choice2": "Revistata ñawincharqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa ch'uspita sipirqan.", "choice1": "Ch'uspip unyayninqa uyarikurqanraq.", "choice2": "Ch'uspiqa manaña kuyurqanñachu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa testamento nisqata qillqarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa wañuyachkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa pasu karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phawaqqa atipanakuypim wasapachikuchkarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa phaway atipanakuyta saqirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa aswan utqayta phawarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sasakaymanta hamut'arqani.", "choice1": "Hukkunapa yachayninkuta mañakurqani.", "choice2": "Sasakayta wasapanapaq umaypi tarirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Illaq runaqa warkurayaq chakamanmi haykurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa mancharikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa rawraq sunquyuq tarikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa ña yacharirqanña equipo llallipananmantaqa.", "choice1": "Payqa masinkunawanmi partido qhawanapaq huñunakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masinkunawanmi misanakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa manam puñuyta atirqanchu.", "choice1": "Rikchachiqta churakurqan.", "choice2": "Uwihakunata yupayta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/qu/val.qu.jsonl b/data/qu/val.qu.jsonl
index 9f659bc..b128a22 100644
--- a/data/qu/val.qu.jsonl
+++ b/data/qu/val.qu.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Qhari yaku pilitata kicharurqan.", "choice1": "Hispanaman yaku hunt'arqun.", "choice2": "Piletamanta yaku purirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sipasqa cereal mikhunanpi kuruta tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa pukunman ñuqñuta churakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manam mikhuyta munarqanchu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmi llamk'anan pachamanta samarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa pensionninta chaskirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manusqa hipotecanta qullqicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Electricidad nisqata waqaychayta munarqani.", "choice1": "Mana runayuq wasi ukuta picharqani.", "choice2": "Mana runayuq wasi ukupi k'anchayta wañuchirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamburger aychaqa kankarukurqan.", "choice1": "Waykuqqa chullunkuyananpaq waqaycharqan.", "choice2": "Waykuqqa aychata kankarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ranakuqpa rimayninpi iskayarqani.", "choice1": "Munapachiwasqanta manam chaskirqanichu.", "choice2": "Rantinaypaq payqa tanqayawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tutapaqqa wasipi qhipakuyta akllarqani.", "choice1": "Pacha qhawaqkuna tuyu sayananpaq willakurqanku.", "choice2": "Masiykunam lluqsinaychikpaq waqyaykachawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñawiy pukayarqan punkiyarqan ima.", "choice1": "Ñuqa waqachkarqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqa asikuchkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Velapi nina wañurqan.", "choice1": "Velata pukurqani.", "choice2": "Fosforota velaman asuyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa nishuta raymipi macharqan.", "choice1": "Huk kaq p'unchawtaq uman nanarqan.", "choice2": "Huk kaq p'unchawtaq sinqan sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rump'uqa bolos nisqatam t'akarqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa bolosman hap'ichinanpaqmi rump'uta wikch'urqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa rump'utam chakinman kacharirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari mañusqanman llaqtaqa yacharqan.", "choice1": "Ayllunmi cementeriopi pampacharqan.", "choice2": "Obituario nisqanmi willakunakuypi rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Computaduraymi wañurqan.", "choice1": "Musuq parlantikunatam churarqani.", "choice2": "Llapan datayta chinkarqachini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa llamk'ananta saqirurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa umalliqhina kanaytam munarqan.", "choice2": "Umalliqninkunam millay llamk'aqhinam paypaqqa rikch'akurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pukllaqqa sinkuta hap'irqan.", "choice1": "Ikipunmanta pukllaqmasinmi paykama chuqamurqan.", "choice2": "Huk ikipumanta pukllaqmasinmi qichurqayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Juezmi martillunta tak'arqan.", "choice1": "Jusgadupi runakuna waqwaykachayta qallarqanku.", "choice2": "Juradum chaninchasqanta qurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Allpayuq warmiqa irqikunata qarqurqan.", "choice1": "Irqikunam patiunman sinkuta hat'arqanku.", "choice2": "Irqikunam muyaninta sarurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Secuertradorkunaqa runata kacharirqanku.", "choice1": "Runata qhispichisqankumantam qullqita chaskirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa carcelmantam lluqsirqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wayk'uqpa ñawinqa wiqiyarqan.", "choice1": "Manam cebullan karqanchu.", "choice2": "Cebullatam kuchurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa rukananta unuman churarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa tostadorapim rukananta ruphayachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa diamante siwitam rukananman churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa manam allintachu deletrearqanchu.", "choice1": "Allinta ruwananpaq yachachirmi yanaparqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi yachananmanta qarqurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phiñarikusqaymanta wakmanta ñuqaman kutirqani.", "choice1": "Suyquymi supayta tiptiyarqan.", "choice2": "Ukhu samaykunatam samarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kichasqa pilitaman makiyta churarqani.", "choice1": "Jabonmi makiymanta maqchikurqan.", "choice2": "Yakum uyayman ch'allarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa sumaqtam p'achanwan p'acharqan.", "choice1": "Anchayupa clientinwan huñunakunanpaqmi wakichikurqan.", "choice2": "Warminmi musuq corbatata rantikapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmita wayllusqanmantam qhariqa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa manam imatapas munarqanchu.", "choice2": "Warmiqa payta ch'ikikurqam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Choferqa t'urpusqa ruedayuqmi tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sinchi utqaytam purichichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa clavo patantintam manejarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Película qhawasqay pakarqun.", "choice1": "Qhipaypi warmiqhari rimachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Ñawpaqiypim hatunkaray runa tiyachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Choferqa karrup lucesninkunata hap'ichirqan.", "choice1": "Q'aqyaytam uyarirqan.", "choice2": "Intim haykuykapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmaqa manam munarqanchu verdurasninta mikhuyta.", "choice1": "Taytaymi kamachirqan ñuqñuta upyarinanpaq.", "choice2": "Taytanmi misk'i postre nisqanta qichurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa makinwanmi siminta pakakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hawamanmi samarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hachhiyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Secretariaqa telefonopi waqyakuqta suyaypi churarqan.", "choice1": "Waqyakuqmi señalninta chinkarachirqan.", "choice2": "Waqyakuqmi telefono waqyaypi suyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmi tawnawan purirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chakanta mumikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chakanta p'akikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñuqa uhurqani.", "choice1": "Q'usñitam ukuman samarirqani.", "choice2": "Kunkaytam llañuyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Relojqa qhaparirqan.", "choice1": "Suyakusqa horaqa chayarirqan.", "choice2": "Suyakusqa huraqa unayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waykuqqa chuwi siminpim runtuta t'akarqan.", "choice1": "Runtuqa p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Runtuqa luqt'ururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Policiaqa q'umallipa karrunta maskhapayarqan.", "choice1": "Chiqayta rimanankupaq maskhachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Millay hamp'ita maskhachkarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqhariqa uray suyumanmi chirimit'apaq ch'usarqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llamk'anakumantam utichkarqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa t'aqasqa karqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa kamachisqahinalla huñunakuymanqa rirqan.", "choice1": "Masinkuna mink'arisqanta mana uyakurqanchu.", "choice2": "Masikuna mink'arikusqankuta mana munaspapas rinallanmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sawakuq warmiqa manañam sawakuytaqa munarqanñachu.", "choice1": "Sawakuyman hamuqkunaqa suñakunatam apakurqanku.", "choice2": "Payqa sawakuynintam qulluchirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa machuyarurqan.", "choice1": "Ch'ukchanmi suq'uyarurqan.", "choice2": "Imayninkunatam qhatuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masikunaqa huk hamburguesallata mikhuyta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Kuskanpim hamburguesata p'atmirqanku.", "choice2": "Hamburguesata t'iqtisqa papayuqtam rantirqakunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gaseosapa tapanta q'iwirqani.", "choice1": "Gaseosaqa puqpuyarirqan.", "choice2": "Gaseosaqa qullsiyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Iskay yachaqikunam yachachiqwa tapuykachasqa karqanku.", "choice1": "Iskay yachaqikunam allin chaninkunatam charkirqanku.", "choice2": "Iskayninpa asignaciónninku kikillahina rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Escuelaman chayananpaqmi yachaqiqa utqaylla kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Asigaciónnintam wasinpi qunqarurqan.", "choice2": "Quqawintam escuelaman apanan karqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Runarayku llamk'aqpa kawsayninmantam periodistaqa qillqarqan.", "choice1": "Runarayku llamk'aqwan uyapura tapuykachanapaqqa sasam karqan.", "choice2": "Periodistaqa runarayku llamk'aqyninmantam kuskiyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa inglesip umalliqkunamanmi churanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qullqitam iglesiaman qurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa iglesiamanta qarqusqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmip chukchanqa uyanmanmi urmarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ganchuwanmi chukchanta qhipaman t'ipakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa shampunwanmi umanta taqsakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rukanaypi siwi chakarikurqan.", "choice1": "Rukanaymi punkirurqan.", "choice2": "Silluytam p'akirikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elasticota chutarqani.", "choice1": "Hukaq k'uchumanmi pawarqan.", "choice2": "Ch'utarikuchkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Api cementopi makiyta ñit'irqani.", "choice1": "Yupiymi cementopi ch'akirqan.", "choice2": "Cementopi raqrakuna rikurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qaraypi muru muru hatarparirqan.", "choice1": "Poison ivy miyu quratam patiyuypi llamirqani.", "choice2": "Patiyuymanta Poison ivy miyu quratam qhichurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Revistaman qillqarikusqayqa tukurirqun.", "choice1": "Musuq lluqsiqtaqa mana chaniyuqta qhawarqani.", "choice2": "Manañam musuq lluqsiqkunata charkirqanichu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuskiqqa maskhayninpi waqlliyta tarirqan.", "choice1": "Chaykama tarisqanta tukusqatahina saqirqan.", "choice2": "Chaykaman ima iñisqanpipas hukniyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari irqiqa quspaykachayta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Wayqinmi pukllananta qichurqan.", "choice2": "Wawqiywanmi pukllananta rakinakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa imayna ñawinchayta yacharirqan.", "choice1": "Escuelamanmi riyta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Escuelapim huk graduta saqipurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Irqiqa manam tuta mikhunanta mikhurqanchu.", "choice1": "Mamanmi munasqan mikhunanta waykurqan.", "choice2": "Achka mikhunatam almuerzopiqa mikhurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa masintam llunk'uykachaspa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa masin yanapanantam munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masin anchiyasqanmantam phiñasqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Llaveqa waraypa wulsikumanta chinkarqun.", "choice1": "Wilsikuqa t'uquyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Waraqa musuqmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa yuyaynintam chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Samarikuspa puñurikurqan.", "choice2": "Phawaypim atinakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhariqa atipanakuypi atipachikurqan.", "choice1": "Atipanakuyqa ch'awkasqam karqan.", "choice2": "Phawaqmasinkunatam mancharichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mamaqa ambulanciatam waqyarirqan.", "choice1": "Wawanmi michinta chinkachirqan.", "choice2": "Wawanmi puñuna patamanta urmarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Choferqa frenostam sarurparirqan.", "choice1": "Tarukam ñanpi rikurparirqan.", "choice2": "Karrupa radionmi upallirparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wisq'ana kicharikurqan.", "choice1": "Wisq'anapim llaveta q'iwirqani.", "choice2": "Llavemanta duplicado nisqanta urqurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Guantes nisqatam churarikurqani.", "choice1": "Makiyta maqchikunaypaqmi wakichikurqani.", "choice2": "Bañuta maqchinaypaqmi wakichikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Purun uywakunaqa ch'ikimanmi urmarqanku.", "choice1": "Kawsasqanku pacham qullusqa tukurqan.", "choice2": "Purun uywa sipiqkunam wañurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmi huknirayasqantam qhariqa rikurqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa chukchantam ruturukurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa sipitam churarqakusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachaqiqa tarea nisqantam qunqarirqan.", "choice1": "Yachachiq pampachananpaqmi wakichikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi huk graduman wasapachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Allqu anyarqa.", "choice1": "Michi sofapi kumpayakurqan.", "choice2": "Punku t'akasqankuta urarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Parque kasqanmanta aswanmi qhatuna wasi ruwakunanpaqmi willakuypi lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Pachamama waqaychaq runakunam mana ruwakunanpaq mañakuyta qallarirqanku.", "choice2": "Pachamama waqaychaq runakunam documentalta ruwayta qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanantinqa kusisqan taririkusqankumanta karqanku.", "choice1": "Much'anakurqanku.", "choice2": "Samakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari ripunanpaqmi warmiqa mañakurqan.", "choice1": "Qharim k'amirusqa.", "choice2": "Qharim añay ñirisqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sach'ap k'allmanmi mayuman urmarusqa.", "choice1": "K'allmataqa mayu aparqan.", "choice2": "Mayuqa wiñarparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yachachiqqa tareankunatam yachaqikunamanqa qurqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqikunaqa ruwanakunata rakinakurqanku.", "choice2": "Yachaqikunaqa waqatiyarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Puquy-mit'amanta ch'aki-mit'akama pacha mit'aqa hukniyakurqa.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa wasinkumantam lluqsirqanku.", "choice2": "Raphikunam sach'akunamanta urmaykamurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ñukñasqanmantam politicoqa ñañichikurqan.", "choice1": "Wakmanta akllachikunanpaqmi rimaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'ananmanta hurqurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vagonta tanqarqani.", "choice1": "Vagonpi imaymanakuna kaqqa urmarparirqanku.", "choice2": "Wagonpa ruedankuna ñawpaqman puririyta qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lobby huñukuyqa legislaturatam t'anqarirqanku leyta qunankupaq.", "choice1": "Suyu umalliq leyta qulluchirqan.", "choice2": "Legislatura nisqa leyta qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "P'achay allchakunayqa rawillaña karqan.", "choice1": "Chayta allicharqani.", "choice2": "Chayta achalachirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinchi tutakama rikch'asqa karqani.", "choice1": "Chay tutuqa mayniraqta musqukurqani.", "choice2": "Pacha paqariypiqa puñuy aysasqaraq karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Qhari puriptinqa wulsillunmi chililiyarqanmi.", "choice1": "Wulsillunqa monedakunawan hunt'a karqan.", "choice2": "Wilsillunpi t'uqu kaqtam sirarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Clase uykupiqa llapanku yachaqimanqa qhawarqanku.", "choice1": "Yachaqipa telefononmi uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachaqiqa willaykunata qillqarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Caballo saq'arirqan.", "choice1": "Caballotaqa ch'uspi k'uturqan.", "choice2": "Caballotaqa runa ichikuqmi lulurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piñikuna suwakuqkunaqa hap'ichikurqanku.", "choice1": "Suwasqa piñikunaqa dueñunkunamanmi kutichikurqan.", "choice2": "Piñikunap chaniynintam chaninchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politicarayku awqanakuyqa suyupi hatarirqan.", "choice1": "Wakin runakunaqa capital llaqtamanmi astachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Wakin runakunaqa huk suyukunapim qhispikuyta maskharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa policiawanmi hap'ichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa rehabilitación nisqapim churachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huk huch'aymantam tarichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa willakuq raphita ñawincharqan.", "choice1": "Pikunachus elecciones nisqapi lluqsisqankuta tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa elecciones nisqapi akllarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Unqusqa irqiqa masinpa qayllanpi uhurqan.", "choice1": "Paypa masinqa unqurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa masinqa hachhiyarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yanantin siwikunawan sullullchakurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa sawakunankupaq wakichikurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa ayqikunankupaq wakichikurqaku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa wasi qhatuqwan huñukurqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa wasita rantinanpaqmi yuyaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa wasintam pichayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Loteria nisqatam qhariqa hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qhapaqmanmi tukurqun.", "choice2": "Payqa qullqitam munukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Velata hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Velamanta mapa chut'urqan.", "choice2": "Velapi mapaqa k'irkuyapurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Piscina nisqapi hunt'a p'unchaw karqani.", "choice1": "Chaki muquytam q'iwikurqani.", "choice2": "Uyaymi inti ruphaypi pasparikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karruta mana allin sayachisqanmanta qhariqa multata chaskirqan.", "choice1": "Paralelo nisqahinapi karruta sayachirqan.", "choice2": "Parquímetro nisqanpa pachanmi tukurukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa ancha riqsisqamanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Fotográfo nisqakunaqa payta qatirqanku.", "choice2": "Ayllunqa paymanta ayqikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waqmiqa tulumpikunawan churakuyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ninrinpi t'uquchakunata ruwachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tatuaje nisqata churachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ninriymi tintiwachkarqan.", "choice1": "Museoman rirqani.", "choice2": "Takiqkunata uyarikuq rirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasiyta allicharqani.", "choice1": "Achkam llamk'anayqa karqan.", "choice2": "Watukuqniykunatam suyachkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aerolinea nisqaqa millayta q'ipiytaqa ch'aqirqusqaku.", "choice1": "Qullpipim qupuwayta munachiwarqanku.", "choice2": "Avionpi phalanaytam qulluchirqunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Computadora allichayqa sinchi qullqipaqmi karqan.", "choice1": "Allichachirqani.", "choice2": "Musuqtam rantirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Warmiqa phiña phiña kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Warmimasinwanmi utqay rimaypi rimarqan.", "choice2": "Warmimasintam huk p'unchaw rimanankupaq mink'arikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari yaku pilitata kicharurqan.", "choice1": "Hispanaman yaku hunt'arqun.", "choice2": "Piletamanta yaku purirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sipasqa cereal mikhunanpi kuruta tarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa pukunman ñuqñuta churakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manam mikhuyta munarqanchu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmi llamk'anan pachamanta samarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa pensionninta chaskirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa manusqa hipotecanta qullqicharqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Electricidad nisqata waqaychayta munarqani.", "choice1": "Mana runayuq wasi ukuta picharqani.", "choice2": "Mana runayuq wasi ukupi k'anchayta wañuchirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamburger aychaqa kankarukurqan.", "choice1": "Waykuqqa chullunkuyananpaq waqaycharqan.", "choice2": "Waykuqqa aychata kankarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ranakuqpa rimayninpi iskayarqani.", "choice1": "Munapachiwasqanta manam chaskirqanichu.", "choice2": "Rantinaypaq payqa tanqayawarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tutapaqqa wasipi qhipakuyta akllarqani.", "choice1": "Pacha qhawaqkuna tuyu sayananpaq willakurqanku.", "choice2": "Masiykunam lluqsinaychikpaq waqyaykachawarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñawiy pukayarqan punkiyarqan ima.", "choice1": "Ñuqa waqachkarqani.", "choice2": "Ñuqa asikuchkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Velapi nina wañurqan.", "choice1": "Velata pukurqani.", "choice2": "Fosforota velaman asuyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa nishuta raymipi macharqan.", "choice1": "Huk kaq p'unchawtaq uman nanarqan.", "choice2": "Huk kaq p'unchawtaq sinqan sut'uyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rump'uqa bolos nisqatam t'akarqan.", "choice1": "Qhariqa bolosman hap'ichinanpaqmi rump'uta wikch'urqan.", "choice2": "Qhariqa rump'utam chakinman kacharirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari mañusqanman llaqtaqa yacharqan.", "choice1": "Ayllunmi cementeriopi pampacharqan.", "choice2": "Obituario nisqanmi willakunakuypi rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Computaduraymi wañurqan.", "choice1": "Musuq parlantikunatam churarqani.", "choice2": "Llapan datayta chinkarqachini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa llamk'ananta saqirurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa umalliqhina kanaytam munarqan.", "choice2": "Umalliqninkunam millay llamk'aqhinam paypaqqa rikch'akurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pukllaqqa sinkuta hap'irqan.", "choice1": "Ikipunmanta pukllaqmasinmi paykama chuqamurqan.", "choice2": "Huk ikipumanta pukllaqmasinmi qichurqayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Juezmi martillunta tak'arqan.", "choice1": "Jusgadupi runakuna waqwaykachayta qallarqanku.", "choice2": "Juradum chaninchasqanta qurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Allpayuq warmiqa irqikunata qarqurqan.", "choice1": "Irqikunam patiunman sinkuta hat'arqanku.", "choice2": "Irqikunam muyaninta sarurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Secuertradorkunaqa runata kacharirqanku.", "choice1": "Runata qhispichisqankumantam qullqita chaskirqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa carcelmantam lluqsirqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wayk'uqpa ñawinqa wiqiyarqan.", "choice1": "Manam cebullan karqanchu.", "choice2": "Cebullatam kuchurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa rukananta unuman churarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa tostadorapim rukananta ruphayachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa diamante siwitam rukananman churarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa manam allintachu deletrearqanchu.", "choice1": "Allinta ruwananpaq yachachirmi yanaparqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi yachananmanta qarqurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phiñarikusqaymanta wakmanta ñuqaman kutirqani.", "choice1": "Suyquymi supayta tiptiyarqan.", "choice2": "Ukhu samaykunatam samarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kichasqa pilitaman makiyta churarqani.", "choice1": "Jabonmi makiymanta maqchikurqan.", "choice2": "Yakum uyayman ch'allarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa sumaqtam p'achanwan p'acharqan.", "choice1": "Anchayupa clientinwan huñunakunanpaqmi wakichikurqan.", "choice2": "Warminmi musuq corbatata rantikapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmita wayllusqanmantam qhariqa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa manam imatapas munarqanchu.", "choice2": "Warmiqa payta ch'ikikurqam.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Choferqa t'urpusqa ruedayuqmi tarikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa sinchi utqaytam purichichkarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa clavo patantintam manejarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Película qhawasqay pakarqun.", "choice1": "Qhipaypi warmiqhari rimachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Ñawpaqiypim hatunkaray runa tiyachkarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Choferqa karrup lucesninkunata hap'ichirqan.", "choice1": "Q'aqyaytam uyarirqan.", "choice2": "Intim haykuykapurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmaqa manam munarqanchu verdurasninta mikhuyta.", "choice1": "Taytaymi kamachirqan ñuqñuta upyarinanpaq.", "choice2": "Taytanmi misk'i postre nisqanta qichurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa makinwanmi siminta pakakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa hawamanmi samarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa hachhiyarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Secretariaqa telefonopi waqyakuqta suyaypi churarqan.", "choice1": "Waqyakuqmi señalninta chinkarachirqan.", "choice2": "Waqyakuqmi telefono waqyaypi suyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmi tawnawan purirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa chakanta mumikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa chakanta p'akikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñuqa uhurqani.", "choice1": "Q'usñitam ukuman samarirqani.", "choice2": "Kunkaytam llañuyachirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Relojqa qhaparirqan.", "choice1": "Suyakusqa horaqa chayarirqan.", "choice2": "Suyakusqa huraqa unayarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waykuqqa chuwi siminpim runtuta t'akarqan.", "choice1": "Runtuqa p'akirikurqan.", "choice2": "Runtuqa luqt'ururqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Policiaqa q'umallipa karrunta maskhapayarqan.", "choice1": "Chiqayta rimanankupaq maskhachkarqanku.", "choice2": "Millay hamp'ita maskhachkarqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqhariqa uray suyumanmi chirimit'apaq ch'usarqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa llamk'anakumantam utichkarqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa t'aqasqa karqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa kamachisqahinalla huñunakuymanqa rirqan.", "choice1": "Masinkuna mink'arisqanta mana uyakurqanchu.", "choice2": "Masikuna mink'arikusqankuta mana munaspapas rinallanmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sawakuq warmiqa manañam sawakuytaqa munarqanñachu.", "choice1": "Sawakuyman hamuqkunaqa suñakunatam apakurqanku.", "choice2": "Payqa sawakuynintam qulluchirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa machuyarurqan.", "choice1": "Ch'ukchanmi suq'uyarurqan.", "choice2": "Imayninkunatam qhatuyarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masikunaqa huk hamburguesallata mikhuyta munarqanku.", "choice1": "Kuskanpim hamburguesata p'atmirqanku.", "choice2": "Hamburguesata t'iqtisqa papayuqtam rantirqakunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gaseosapa tapanta q'iwirqani.", "choice1": "Gaseosaqa puqpuyarirqan.", "choice2": "Gaseosaqa qullsiyta qallarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Iskay yachaqikunam yachachiqwa tapuykachasqa karqanku.", "choice1": "Iskay yachaqikunam allin chaninkunatam charkirqanku.", "choice2": "Iskayninpa asignaciónninku kikillahina rikurirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Escuelaman chayananpaqmi yachaqiqa utqaylla kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Asigaciónnintam wasinpi qunqarurqan.", "choice2": "Quqawintam escuelaman apanan karqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Runarayku llamk'aqpa kawsayninmantam periodistaqa qillqarqan.", "choice1": "Runarayku llamk'aqwan uyapura tapuykachanapaqqa sasam karqan.", "choice2": "Periodistaqa runarayku llamk'aqyninmantam kuskiyta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa inglesip umalliqkunamanmi churanchakurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qullqitam iglesiaman qurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa iglesiamanta qarqusqa tukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmip chukchanqa uyanmanmi urmarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ganchuwanmi chukchanta qhipaman t'ipakurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa shampunwanmi umanta taqsakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rukanaypi siwi chakarikurqan.", "choice1": "Rukanaymi punkirurqan.", "choice2": "Silluytam p'akirikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elasticota chutarqani.", "choice1": "Hukaq k'uchumanmi pawarqan.", "choice2": "Ch'utarikuchkarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Api cementopi makiyta ñit'irqani.", "choice1": "Yupiymi cementopi ch'akirqan.", "choice2": "Cementopi raqrakuna rikurirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qaraypi muru muru hatarparirqan.", "choice1": "Poison ivy miyu quratam patiyuypi llamirqani.", "choice2": "Patiyuymanta Poison ivy miyu quratam qhichurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Revistaman qillqarikusqayqa tukurirqun.", "choice1": "Musuq lluqsiqtaqa mana chaniyuqta qhawarqani.", "choice2": "Manañam musuq lluqsiqkunata charkirqanichu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuskiqqa maskhayninpi waqlliyta tarirqan.", "choice1": "Chaykama tarisqanta tukusqatahina saqirqan.", "choice2": "Chaykaman ima iñisqanpipas hukniyachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari irqiqa quspaykachayta qallarirqan.", "choice1": "Wayqinmi pukllananta qichurqan.", "choice2": "Wawqiywanmi pukllananta rakinakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa imayna ñawinchayta yacharirqan.", "choice1": "Escuelamanmi riyta qallarirqan.", "choice2": "Escuelapim huk graduta saqipurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Irqiqa manam tuta mikhunanta mikhurqanchu.", "choice1": "Mamanmi munasqan mikhunanta waykurqan.", "choice2": "Achka mikhunatam almuerzopiqa mikhurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa masintam llunk'uykachaspa rimarirqan.", "choice1": "Payqa masin yanapanantam munarqan.", "choice2": "Payqa masin anchiyasqanmantam phiñasqa karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Llaveqa waraypa wulsikumanta chinkarqun.", "choice1": "Wilsikuqa t'uquyuq karqan.", "choice2": "Waraqa musuqmi karqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa yuyaynintam chinkarachirqan.", "choice1": "Samarikuspa puñurikurqan.", "choice2": "Phawaypim atinakurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhariqa atipanakuypi atipachikurqan.", "choice1": "Atipanakuyqa ch'awkasqam karqan.", "choice2": "Phawaqmasinkunatam mancharichirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mamaqa ambulanciatam waqyarirqan.", "choice1": "Wawanmi michinta chinkachirqan.", "choice2": "Wawanmi puñuna patamanta urmarurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Choferqa frenostam sarurparirqan.", "choice1": "Tarukam ñanpi rikurparirqan.", "choice2": "Karrupa radionmi upallirparirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wisq'ana kicharikurqan.", "choice1": "Wisq'anapim llaveta q'iwirqani.", "choice2": "Llavemanta duplicado nisqanta urqurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Guantes nisqatam churarikurqani.", "choice1": "Makiyta maqchikunaypaqmi wakichikurqani.", "choice2": "Bañuta maqchinaypaqmi wakichikurqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Purun uywakunaqa ch'ikimanmi urmarqanku.", "choice1": "Kawsasqanku pacham qullusqa tukurqan.", "choice2": "Purun uywa sipiqkunam wañurqanku.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmi huknirayasqantam qhariqa rikurqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa chukchantam ruturukurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa sipitam churarqakusqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachaqiqa tarea nisqantam qunqarirqan.", "choice1": "Yachachiq pampachananpaqmi wakichikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachachiqmi huk graduman wasapachirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Allqu anyarqa.", "choice1": "Michi sofapi kumpayakurqan.", "choice2": "Punku t'akasqankuta urarirqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Parque kasqanmanta aswanmi qhatuna wasi ruwakunanpaqmi willakuypi lluqsirqan.", "choice1": "Pachamama waqaychaq runakunam mana ruwakunanpaq mañakuyta qallarirqanku.", "choice2": "Pachamama waqaychaq runakunam documentalta ruwayta qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanantinqa kusisqan taririkusqankumanta karqanku.", "choice1": "Much'anakurqanku.", "choice2": "Samakurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari ripunanpaqmi warmiqa mañakurqan.", "choice1": "Qharim k'amirusqa.", "choice2": "Qharim añay ñirisqa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sach'ap k'allmanmi mayuman urmarusqa.", "choice1": "K'allmataqa mayu aparqan.", "choice2": "Mayuqa wiñarparirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yachachiqqa tareankunatam yachaqikunamanqa qurqan.", "choice1": "Yachaqikunaqa ruwanakunata rakinakurqanku.", "choice2": "Yachaqikunaqa waqatiyarqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Puquy-mit'amanta ch'aki-mit'akama pacha mit'aqa hukniyakurqa.", "choice1": "Runakunaqa wasinkumantam lluqsirqanku.", "choice2": "Raphikunam sach'akunamanta urmaykamurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ñukñasqanmantam politicoqa ñañichikurqan.", "choice1": "Wakmanta akllachikunanpaqmi rimaykacharqan.", "choice2": "Llamk'ananmanta hurqurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vagonta tanqarqani.", "choice1": "Vagonpi imaymanakuna kaqqa urmarparirqanku.", "choice2": "Wagonpa ruedankuna ñawpaqman puririyta qallarirqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lobby huñukuyqa legislaturatam t'anqarirqanku leyta qunankupaq.", "choice1": "Suyu umalliq leyta qulluchirqan.", "choice2": "Legislatura nisqa leyta qurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "P'achay allchakunayqa rawillaña karqan.", "choice1": "Chayta allicharqani.", "choice2": "Chayta achalachirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinchi tutakama rikch'asqa karqani.", "choice1": "Chay tutuqa mayniraqta musqukurqani.", "choice2": "Pacha paqariypiqa puñuy aysasqaraq karqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Qhari puriptinqa wulsillunmi chililiyarqanmi.", "choice1": "Wulsillunqa monedakunawan hunt'a karqan.", "choice2": "Wilsillunpi t'uqu kaqtam sirarikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Clase uykupiqa llapanku yachaqimanqa qhawarqanku.", "choice1": "Yachaqipa telefononmi uyarikurqan.", "choice2": "Yachaqiqa willaykunata qillqarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Caballo saq'arirqan.", "choice1": "Caballotaqa ch'uspi k'uturqan.", "choice2": "Caballotaqa runa ichikuqmi lulurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piñikuna suwakuqkunaqa hap'ichikurqanku.", "choice1": "Suwasqa piñikunaqa dueñunkunamanmi kutichikurqan.", "choice2": "Piñikunap chaniynintam chaninchakurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politicarayku awqanakuyqa suyupi hatarirqan.", "choice1": "Wakin runakunaqa capital llaqtamanmi astachikurqanku.", "choice2": "Wakin runakunaqa huk suyukunapim qhispikuyta maskharqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa policiawanmi hap'ichikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa rehabilitación nisqapim churachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa huk huch'aymantam tarichikurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa willakuq raphita ñawincharqan.", "choice1": "Pikunachus elecciones nisqapi lluqsisqankuta tarirqan.", "choice2": "Payqa elecciones nisqapi akllarqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Unqusqa irqiqa masinpa qayllanpi uhurqan.", "choice1": "Paypa masinqa unqurqan.", "choice2": "Paypa masinqa hachhiyarirqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yanantin siwikunawan sullullchakurqanku.", "choice1": "Paykunaqa sawakunankupaq wakichikurqanku.", "choice2": "Paykunaqa ayqikunankupaq wakichikurqaku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa wasi qhatuqwan huñukurqan.", "choice1": "Warmiqa wasita rantinanpaqmi yuyaychakurqan.", "choice2": "Warmiqa wasintam pichayta munarqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Loteria nisqatam qhariqa hap'ikurqan.", "choice1": "Payqa qhapaqmanmi tukurqun.", "choice2": "Payqa qullqitam munukurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Velata hap'ichirqani.", "choice1": "Velamanta mapa chut'urqan.", "choice2": "Velapi mapaqa k'irkuyapurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Piscina nisqapi hunt'a p'unchaw karqani.", "choice1": "Chaki muquytam q'iwikurqani.", "choice2": "Uyaymi inti ruphaypi pasparikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karruta mana allin sayachisqanmanta qhariqa multata chaskirqan.", "choice1": "Paralelo nisqahinapi karruta sayachirqan.", "choice2": "Parquímetro nisqanpa pachanmi tukurukurqan.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa ancha riqsisqamanmi tukurqan.", "choice1": "Fotográfo nisqakunaqa payta qatirqanku.", "choice2": "Ayllunqa paymanta ayqikurqanku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waqmiqa tulumpikunawan churakuyta munarqan.", "choice1": "Payqa ninrinpi t'uquchakunata ruwachikurqan.", "choice2": "Payqa tatuaje nisqata churachikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ninriymi tintiwachkarqan.", "choice1": "Museoman rirqani.", "choice2": "Takiqkunata uyarikuq rirqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasiyta allicharqani.", "choice1": "Achkam llamk'anayqa karqan.", "choice2": "Watukuqniykunatam suyachkarqani.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aerolinea nisqaqa millayta q'ipiytaqa ch'aqirqusqaku.", "choice1": "Qullpipim qupuwayta munachiwarqanku.", "choice2": "Avionpi phalanaytam qulluchirqunku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Computadora allichayqa sinchi qullqipaqmi karqan.", "choice1": "Allichachirqani.", "choice2": "Musuqtam rantirqani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Warmiqa phiña phiña kachkarqan.", "choice1": "Warmimasinwanmi utqay rimaypi rimarqan.", "choice2": "Warmimasintam huk p'unchaw rimanankupaq mink'arikurqan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/sw/test.sw.jsonl b/data/sw/test.sw.jsonl
index 50342b3..1e5fe15 100644
--- a/data/sw/test.sw.jsonl
+++ b/data/sw/test.sw.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Kifaa kilikuwa kimefungwa kwenye mfuko vibofu.", "choice1": "Kikuwa nyepesi kuvunjika.", "choice2": "Kilikuwa kidogo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliiacha mitupu mifuko yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikipata tena kipande cha tiketi.", "choice2": "Niliona silaha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchwa walivamia nyumba.", "choice1": "Mchwa waliondoka kutoka kwenye nyumba.", "choice2": "Mchwa walikula kupitia mbao ndani ya nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasafiri wamefika mpakani.", "choice1": "Afisa doria alikagua pasi zao za kusafiria.", "choice2": "Afisa doria aliwatuhumu wao kwa kupenyeza magendo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ofisi ilikuwa imefungwa.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni siku ya mapumziko.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa nikipindi cha kiangazi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alipungua nguvu.", "choice1": "Alicheza drafti.", "choice2": "Aliruka kamba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke amepoteza nafasi yake kwenye mstari.", "choice1": "Watu zaidi waliingia kwenye mstari.", "choice2": "Alitoka nje ya mstari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichanfinya pua yake.", "choice1": "Mtoto alitoka mate kinywani mwake.", "choice2": "Mtoto alichafua nepi yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bendi ilipiga nyimbo yake ipendwayo.", "choice1": "Hadhira walipiga makofi kufuatia muziki.", "choice2": "Hadhira walisikiliza kwa upole na ukimya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kumshukuru mwalimu wake wa hesabu.", "choice1": "Msichana alibakia kizuizini baada ya shule.", "choice2": "Msichana alimletea tofaa mwalimu wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpiga kambi mdogo alihisi woga.", "choice1": "Mshauri wao wa kambi aliwambia kuhusu hadithi za mzuka.", "choice2": "Walizichoma mashmalo katika moto wa kambi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alijigonga kichwa chake.", "choice1": "Alipotea kwenye mawazo.", "choice2": "Alipoteza fahamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hundi nilioiandika imedunda.", "choice1": "Akauti yangu ya benki ilikuwa tupu.", "choice2": "Nimepata ongezeko la mshahara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kisanduku pokezi cha barua pepe ya mwanamme kilijaa barua taka.", "choice1": "Alifuta barua taka.", "choice2": "Alituma barua pepe ya halaiki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baharia alikuwa ametengwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amegundulika kuwa na ugonjwa.", "choice2": "Amepona kutoka kwenye ugonjwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yule msichana alihifadhi msimbo kwenye akili.", "choice1": "Aliukariri.", "choice2": "Alisahau kuuandika chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimimina maji kwenye gilasi.", "choice1": "Maji yalizima kiu yangu.", "choice2": "Maji yalikuwa yamejaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alibakia kimya wakati rafiki yake alipomaliza kuongea.", "choice1": "Alitaka kumpatia rafiki yake msaada.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akifikiria kuhusu maneno ya rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ajali ilikuwa ni kosa langu.", "choice1": "Nilijihisi mwenye hatia.", "choice2": "Nilipeleka mashitaka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkufu ulikuwa mbali mbali.", "choice1": "Mkufu ulizongwa kuzunguka tairi.", "choice2": "Kulikuwa na kiungo kilichovunjika katika mkufu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanandoa waliamua kuafikiana.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wamechoka na mabishano.", "choice2": "Walikimbia kujadili tatizo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke ameamua kuendesha afisi ya umma.", "choice1": "Aliajiri meneja wa kampeni.", "choice2": "Alishuhudia ndani ya mahakamani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitarajia hali ya hewa ya baridi katika safari yake.", "choice1": "Alipanga nguo za joto ndani ya sanduku lake.", "choice2": "Alisafiri pamoja na sanduku kubwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alijua jibu la swali.", "choice1": "Aliinua mkono wake.", "choice2": "Hakujishughulisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Macho ya mwanamme yalitokwa na machozi.", "choice1": "Vumbi lilingia ndani ya macho yake.", "choice2": "Alivaa miwani juu ya macho yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchezaji alishinda michezo kumi kwenye safu.", "choice1": "Mpinzani wake alimtuhumu yeye kwa udanganyifu.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alimuonea huruma yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwalimu alichana mtihani wa mwanafunzi.", "choice1": "Alimkamata mwanafunzi akifanya udanganyifu.", "choice2": "Majibu ya mwanafunzi yalikuwa sio sahihi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisita kuacha kuongea.", "choice1": "Nilipoteza sauti yangu.", "choice2": "Nilikosa pumzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chakula kilichogandishwa kiliyeyuka.", "choice1": "Nilikiweka kwenye mikrowevu.", "choice2": "Nilikifunika na karatasi yaplastiki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muajiriwa alighushi kuumwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na matatizo ya tumbo.", "choice2": "Alitaka siku ya mapumziko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana aliteremka ndani ya bwawa.", "choice1": "Alikimbia juu ya ukingo wa bwawa.", "choice2": "Aliruka kutoka kutoka katika bao la kupigia mbizi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tiketi za filamu zimeuzwa zote.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni siku ya uzinduzi wa filamu.", "choice2": "Filamu lipata maoni mabaya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme amepungua uzito.", "choice1": "Watu wanamtenga yeye.", "choice2": "Watu wanampongeza yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mikono ya msichana ilikuwa na malengelenge.", "choice1": "Alichapa barua.", "choice2": "Aliparamia kamba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchezaji sarakasi alihadaa wakati anaendesha baiskeli ya ringi moja.", "choice1": "Watazamaji walimshangiria kwa mshangao.", "choice2": "Mwanasarakasi alining'ininia kutoka kwenye pembea.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nimepoteza uvumilivu wangu.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinifanya nimsubiri.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alifika kwa wakati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nchi zinazopigana zilitaka amani.", "choice1": "Zilitengeneza silaha za nyuklia.", "choice2": "Zilijadiliana mkataba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitumia madawa ya usingizi.", "choice1": "Amekuwa mwenye kusinzia.", "choice2": "Alipata homa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aligongwa na kiti.", "choice1": "Mguu wa kiti ukafunguka.", "choice2": "Aliumiza goti lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alibinya puto.", "choice1": "Bofu lilichomoka.", "choice2": "Bofu liliruka juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wasafiri walikagua ndani ya chumba chao cha hoteli.", "choice1": "Walifungua mizigo yao.", "choice2": "Walikwenda uwanja wa ndege.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliuma fyulisi.", "choice1": "Fyulisi iliumia.", "choice2": "Juisi ilimwagika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkono wangu umekuwa unanatanata.", "choice1": "Nimekula donati.", "choice2": "Nilipata chakula chenye utamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisukuma mlango.", "choice1": "Mlango ulifunguka.", "choice2": "Mlango ulijifunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanaharakati waligomea bidhaa.", "choice1": "Bidhaa zilikuwa zilipimwa kwa ajili ya kuthibitisha ubora.", "choice2": "Bidhaa zilikuwa zikitengenezwa kupitia ajira kwa watoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitoboa tundu kwenye ukuta.", "choice1": "Panya alitambaa kutoka nje ya tundu.", "choice2": "Vumbi lilipeperuka kutoka katika tundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alimuonea wivu dada yake.", "choice1": "Dada yake alikuwa na furaha.", "choice2": "Dada yake alipewa talaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilijimwagia mvinyo juu ya shati langu.", "choice1": "Nilivaa aproni.", "choice2": "Nilibadili shati yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mshika fedha alifungua vitabu vya fedha.", "choice1": "Mteja alitafuta pochi yake.", "choice2": "Mteja alimkabidhi yeye pesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamuziki anaetumbuiza babarani alivutia umati.", "choice1": "Watu walimpa yeye sarafu.", "choice2": "Aliuondoshea mbali umati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana mdogo alimlilia mlezi wake.", "choice1": "Alitamani kuona wazazi wake.", "choice2": "Ulikuwa wakati wa kula.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Rada ya rubani iligundua dhoruba.", "choice1": "Rubani aliondoa kutoka kwenye dhoruba.", "choice2": "Rubani aliruka kuielekea dhoruba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mti uliangusha majani yake.", "choice1": "Majani yalibadilika rangi.", "choice2": "Majani yalikusanyika chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alikuwa katika hali ya utukutu.", "choice1": "Aliamua kucheza karata pamoja na dada yake.", "choice2": "Aliamua kucheza mchezo wa mzaha na dada yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alisikitika kuwa anataka kwenda chooni.", "choice1": "Baba yake alimpa yeye sada na kinywaji.", "choice2": "Baba alisimamisha gari kwenye kituo cha kuuza mafuta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alinyunyiza chakula cha samaki ndani ya tangi.", "choice1": "Samaki waliruka kutoka nje ya tangi.", "choice2": "Samaki waliogelea kuelekea chakula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtazamo wa kisiasa wa mwanamke ulibadilika.", "choice1": "Alibadili mahusiano ya chama chake.", "choice2": "Alijihusisha na mgomo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinki la chooni lilikuwa limeziba.", "choice1": "Nilifungua bomba.", "choice2": "Niliingiza kifaa cha kusafishia ndani yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Abiria walitoka nje ya kwenye treni.", "choice1": "Treni liliwasili kituoni.", "choice2": "Treni ilipiga king'ora.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mawanamme alishindilia chini bawa la bahasha lenye unyevunyevu.", "choice1": "Aliweka stempu juu ya bahasha.", "choice2": "Aliifunga bahasha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Marafiki walipoteza mawasiliano.", "choice1": "Walifurahia kuwa karibu ya kila mmoja wao.", "choice2": "Walihama katika miji tafauti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mhasibu alishindwa kusimamia fedha za kampuni.", "choice1": "Aliondolewa kwenye nafasi yake.", "choice2": "Alikwenda kwenye likizo ya kujifungua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliangalia saa.", "choice1": "Nilisikia mlio wa saa.", "choice2": "Nilitaka kujua ni saa ngapi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkono wangu uliuma.", "choice1": "Niliandika insha kwa mkono.", "choice2": "Mimi na mke wangu tulishikana mikono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Komeo lilikaza.", "choice1": "Nilibadilisha komeo.", "choice2": "Niliviringa bisibisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanandoa walisaini mkataba wa kodi kwa ajili ya fleti.", "choice1": "Wanandoa walihamia kwenye fleti.", "choice2": "Baraza la mji waliifelisha nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikaa nje kwenye baraza.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuangalia jua likizama.", "choice2": "Alifikiria aliona radi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alivaa jaketi la kujiokolea.", "choice1": "Hakuweza kuogelea.", "choice2": "Maji yalikuwa ya kina kifupi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alifanya makosa ndani ya kichakata matini.", "choice1": "Alifuta waraka.", "choice2": "Alibonyeza kitufe cha cha kurudi nyuma.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alijisifu kwa rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Alipata daraja baya.", "choice2": "Alishinda shindano.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bustani lilikuwa na matope.", "choice1": "Kulinyesha usiku.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa limejaa magugu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alilala sana.", "choice1": "Alibakia hotelini usiku.", "choice2": "Alisahau kurekebisha saa yake ya kengele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme amepaka losheni ya kujikinga na jua.", "choice1": "Alikaa kwenye kivuli.", "choice2": "Alikwenda ufukweni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watafiti walithibitisha nadharia.", "choice1": "Watafiti waliifuta nadharia.", "choice2": "Watu waliikubali nadharia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mashabiki kwenye mechi walizomea.", "choice1": "Mechi ilikwenda ndani ya muda wa ziada.", "choice2": "Refa alifanya maamuzi mabovu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliingiza namba za siri kwenye kufuli.", "choice1": "Nilifunga kufuli.", "choice2": "Kufuli ilifunguka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Umati uliongezeka.", "choice1": "Baba alimpa mwana wake pesa.", "choice2": "Baba aliukamata mkono wa mwanawe.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Barafu ilikuwa imezuia njia.", "choice1": "Nilikusanya theluji kuwa mpira wa theluji.", "choice2": "Niliondoa theluji kutoka kwenye njia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wapiga makasia walipiga makasia yao.", "choice1": "Kayak ilifika ufukweni.", "choice2": "Kayak iligonga wimbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alipoteza muelekeo wa baiskeli yake.", "choice1": "Aliachia usukani.", "choice2": "Alijigonga kwenye ukuta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliwasha feni.", "choice1": "Maji yalinimwagikia juu ya ngozi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilihisi hewa baridi ikinipitia juu yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wachejazi baharini walirudi pwani.", "choice1": "Walijawa na unyevunyevu wa maji.", "choice2": "Waliona papa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilivuta plugi ya bomba katika beseni la kuogea.", "choice1": "Maji yalichuruzika kwenye beseni.", "choice2": "Maji yalitawanyika kwenye sakafu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mume alijihisi mwenye makosa kuhusu kumlangai mkewe.", "choice1": "Alimtuhumu yeye kwa kukosa uaminifu.", "choice2": "Alikiri uzizi wake kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wino kwenye bango ulipakaa.", "choice1": "Nilisubiri wino ukauke.", "choice2": "Nilimaga maji juu ya bango.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto aliamka akilia.", "choice1": "Alipata ndoto mbaya.", "choice2": "Alirovya kitanda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana aliweka miguu yake juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Baba yake alikaa chini ya meza.", "choice2": "Baba yake alimkemea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rafiki yangu aligeuza kichwa upande wangu.", "choice1": "Niliita jina lake.", "choice2": "Nilipunga mkono.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Serikali iliwakandamiza raia wake.", "choice1": "Raia walipanga uasi.", "choice2": "Raia walijiandikisha kupoga kura.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alipotea ndani ya msitu.", "choice1": "Aliweka hema.", "choice2": "Alipiga kelele kwa ajili ya msaada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alisafiri nchi za nje.", "choice1": "Alitaka kujifunza jinsi ya kuchora.", "choice2": "Alitaka kujifunza kuhusu utamaduni mwengine.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikuwa na wivu na mfanyakazi mwenziwe.", "choice1": "Mfanyakazi mwenziwe alipandishwa cheo.", "choice2": "Mfanyakazi mwenziwe alifanya kazi hadi usiku mkubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alishudia viumbe kutoka sayari nyengine.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akiwazia mambo ya kufikirika.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akivuta tafakuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nywele za mwanamme ziligeuka rangi ya dhahabu.", "choice1": "Aliweka blichi ndani yake.", "choice2": "Aliweka shampuu ndani yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msanii alibuni kazi mpya.", "choice1": "Aliikosoa kazi yake iliyopita.", "choice2": "Alijicikia kupata motisha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto wa kiume alihama kutoka nyumbani.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amefunguzwa kutoka jeshini.", "choice2": "Alikuwa anakwenda chuo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vitabu vilianguka kwenye kabati la vitabu.", "choice1": "Rafu zilikuwa zimefunikwa na vumbi.", "choice2": "Tetemeko la ardhi lilitikisa kabati la vitabu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Umeme ndani ya nyumba yangu umezima.", "choice1": "Niliwasha taa.", "choice2": "Nilirekebisha fyuzi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tulibebwa na chombo kwenye hifadhi ya pumbao.", "choice1": "Chombo hili lilitisha.", "choice2": "Chombo hili lilifurahisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mfuko wa bisi ulianza kuchomoka.", "choice1": "Nilimimina siagi ndani ya mfuko.", "choice2": "Niliipasha moto ndani ya maikrowevu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mti ulianguka katika waya wa umeme.", "choice1": "Umeme ulizima katika mtaa.", "choice2": "Utabiri ulitabiri upepo mkali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msemaji alitoa maoni ya kisiasa yasiyo sahihi.", "choice1": "Aliwachosha hadhira.", "choice2": "Aliwaudhi hadhira.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilijichoma mwenyewe kwa pini.", "choice1": "Matone ya jasho yalitiririka kutoka usoni mwangu.", "choice2": "Tone la damu lilichomoza kwenye kidole changu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Samaki allielea juu ya uso wa pipa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na njaa.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amekufa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sauti ya mwanamme kavu.", "choice1": "Amepata mafua.", "choice2": "Ameacha sigara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mlango wa lifti ulifunguka.", "choice1": "Lifti ilifika kwenye sakafu iliyochaguliwa.", "choice2": "Lifti iliganda katikati ya sakafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alijipenyeza ndani ya nyumba kifichoficho.", "choice1": "Aliwadanganya wazee wake.", "choice2": "Wazee wake walimzuia asitoke.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Choo kilijaa maji.", "choice1": "Choo kilifurika sana.", "choice2": "Tanki ya kupashia maji moto iliharibika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mbwa mdogo alikaa karibu na mmiliki wake.", "choice1": "Mmiliki alimuweka kidani mbwa mdogo.", "choice2": "Mmiliki alimuweka mbwa mdogo kwenye mnyororo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata mfanano wake.", "choice1": "Alisimama chini ya mti uliosambaa.", "choice2": "Alisimama katika ziwa lililotulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nimekosa simu ya rafiki yangu wa kike.", "choice1": "Nilimpigia tena yeye.", "choice2": "Nilionana nae kwa chakula cha usiku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia ilipekuwa kwenye mtaa.", "choice1": "Mbwa alikimbia nyumbani.", "choice2": "Vito ghali vilikuwa vimepotea nyumbani kwao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliona pumzi zangu nilipotoa pumzi.", "choice1": "Hali ya hewa ilikuwa ya kutulia.", "choice2": "Kifua kilihisi kubana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waajiriwa waliunda shirikisho.", "choice1": "Walitaka mazingiza mazuri ya kufanya kazi.", "choice2": "Muajiri wao aliongeza mshahara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilioka pai ya tofaa.", "choice1": "Harufu ya uoza ilijaa jikono.", "choice2": "Harufu ya kupendeza ilijaa jikoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alipata tabu kutembea.", "choice1": "Alivaa viatu vyenye visigino virefu.", "choice2": "Alivua viatu vyake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvuke ulitoka nje ya chngu cha maji.", "choice1": "Maji yalichemka.", "choice2": "Nilifunika chungu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Soksi zangu zote ziko kwenye ufuaji.", "choice1": "Nilivaa vilivyo wazi.", "choice2": "Nilivaa buti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hoja ya mwanasiasa ilikuwa imefikiriwa kuwa ya kipumbavu.", "choice1": "Alipoteza msaada wa wapiga kura.", "choice2": "Alikuwa ameshutumiwa kwa rushwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kila mmoja alikataa kuchumbiana kwa wapenzi.", "choice1": "Wapenzi walipata ujauzito.", "choice2": "Wapenzi walikimbia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jengo lilikuwa maalumu kwa milionea.", "choice1": "Milionea alitaka jengo libomolewe.", "choice2": "Milionea alichangia fedha kulijenga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimtuhumu msichana kwa kuiba.", "choice1": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimuona msichana akiweka bidhaa ndani ya pochi lake.", "choice2": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimsaidia msichana kutafuta pochi aliyoipenda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nchi ilitangaza vita na maeneo jirani.", "choice1": "Wanajeshi walipelekwa kwa mapigano.", "choice2": "Wanajeshi waliungana tena na familia zao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Makahama iliunga mkono uamuzi huo wa utata.", "choice1": "Ghasia zilizuka mbele ya jumba la mahakama.", "choice2": "Wachumba walibadilishana viapo mbele ya jumba la mahakama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alinuka harufu ya kitu kinachoungua.", "choice1": "Alitoa biskuti nje ya chupa.", "choice2": "Aliacha biskuti ndani ya oveni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvua ilikuwa ikimiminika chini.", "choice1": "Dhoruba ilikuwa mbaya zaidi.", "choice2": "Nilikimbia kuingia ndani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Waliokuwa ndani ya hilo jumba walitolewa.", "choice1": "Lifti iliacha kufanya kazi.", "choice2": "Kengela ya moto ililia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baba alichukia ulevi wa mtoto wake wa kiume.", "choice1": "Baba alimnunulia mtoto wake wa kiume bia.", "choice2": "Baba alimfukuza mtoto wake wa kiume nje ya nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wakili alipanda ngazi hadi kwenye ofisi yake.", "choice1": "Karani alikwenda nyumbani kwa mapumziko.", "choice2": "Lifti ilikuwa mbovu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme amekuwa akisononeshwa na rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Rafiki zake walimkatisha yeye.", "choice2": "Rafiki zake walimnunulia chakula cha mchana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alimpa keshia pesa.", "choice1": "Keshia alimrudishia chenji yake.", "choice2": "Keshia alisahau kumpa msichana risiti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwekwa kwenye kiti cha magurudumu.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amepooza kutokana na ajali.", "choice2": "Aliingia hospitali ndani ya machela.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Raia walinin'giniza bendera ya taifa nje ya nyumba zao.", "choice1": "Nchi ilikuwa ikikumbuka uhuru wao.", "choice2": "Nchi ilikuwa ikipitia tabu za kiuchumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timu ilishindwa kwenye mashindano.", "choice1": "Waliwasikitisha mashabiki wao.", "choice2": "Waliwasisimua mashabiki wao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rafiki yangu alinionesha kuwa nilikuwa na chakula kimeganda kwenye meno.", "choice1": "Nilihisi kuaibika.", "choice2": "Nilijihisi fahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alifeli mtihani wake wa historia.", "choice1": "Alikuwa makini darasani.", "choice2": "Alisahau kusoma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jengo la kati ya mji liliporomoka.", "choice1": "Tetemeko la ardhi lilipiga jiji.", "choice2": "Kiwango cha uhalifu katika jiji kiliongezeka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rafiki wake wa kike ameachana na yeye.", "choice1": "Alimuomba yeye arudiane nae.", "choice2": "Alimtambulisha yeye kwa wazazi wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watoto wawili walifika chini kupiga mpira kwa wakati mmoja.", "choice1": "Mpira ulijibingirisha.", "choice2": "Vichwa vyao viligongana.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rakuni alifukua pipa la takataka.", "choice1": "Kulikuwa na kadibodi ndani ya pipa la takataka.", "choice2": "Mfuniko ulikuwa wazi kwenye pipa la takataka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alichonga penseli.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa rahisi.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa butu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mshika fedha alimkatalia mwanamke kumrudisha pesa kwa ajili ya nguo.", "choice1": "Alipoteza risiti yake.", "choice2": "Nguo haikumfaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkwaruzo ndani ya ngozi yangu ulikuwa kubwa.", "choice1": "Ulipoa kwa haraka.", "choice2": "Uliacha kovu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata mtizamo wa ajabu kutoka kwa abiria ndani ya treni.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akiangaza chini.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akizunguza peke yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alibakisha makombo juu ya sakafu.", "choice1": "Sisimizi walitambaa kwyenye makombo.", "choice2": "Mtoto aliweka mkate mbali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alimkabidhi tishu dada yake.", "choice1": "Dada wa mwanamke alikunja mkono wake.", "choice2": "Dada wa mwanamke alianza kulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alichukua nanaa.", "choice1": "Midomo yake ilikuwa mikavu.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu harufu mbaya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanandoa waliondoka mapema kwa ajili ya onesho.", "choice1": "Walitarajia mkusanyiko kuzunguka ukumbi.", "choice2": "Walipata muongozo kuelekea ukumbini.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alibakia nyumbani kutoka kazini.", "choice1": "Bosi wake alimpongeza yeye.", "choice2": "Mfanyakazi mwenzake alichukua nafasi kwa ajili yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alisaini activists maombi ya mwanaharakati.", "choice1": "Aliwaunga mkono sababu yao.", "choice2": "Aliwakemea wao kama kichaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Moyo wa muigizaji ulikuwa ukipapatika kabla ya uigizaji.", "choice1": "Alipata hofu ya jukwaa.", "choice2": "Alikariri mistari yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikuwa nimepotea.", "choice1": "Nilihesabu pesa zangu.", "choice2": "Sikukunjua ramani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tunda bivu lilisalia kwenye jua.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa limeliwa.", "choice2": "Lilisinyaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari iliharibika.", "choice1": "Niliwasha moto.", "choice2": "Injini ilipata moto sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliumia mgongo wake.", "choice1": "Alikwenda kumuona daktari wa magonjwa ya akili.", "choice2": "Alibakia kitandani kwa siku saba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliwasha moto ndani ya mahali pa kuotea moto.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimepungukiwa na kuni.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa baridi ndani ya nyumba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliacha kukimbia.", "choice1": "Alipata kichomi ndani ya ubavu wake.", "choice2": "Alipata nguvu mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niligonga kwenye mlango wa jirani yangu.", "choice1": "Jirani yangu alinikaribisha ndani.", "choice2": "Jirani yangu aliondoka nyumbani kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alishusha pumzi kwa mfadhaiko.", "choice1": "Mume wake hakuelewa wasiwasi wake.", "choice2": "Mume wake alimuaga kwa mabusu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwalimu aliwasifu wanafunzi.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi walijibu suali kwa usahihi.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi walisita kujibu suali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke amepungukia na mayai.", "choice1": "Alikwenda shambani.", "choice2": "Alikwenda supamaketi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikutana na rafiki wa zamani.", "choice1": "Nilifichua siri kwake.", "choice2": "Nilimkumbatia yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikataa kwenda ndani ya ziwa.", "choice1": "Alikamata samaki.", "choice2": "Lilionekana lenye uchafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwnafunzi waliwasili darasani wamelowana chepechepe.", "choice1": "Mwevuli wake ulikua umevunjika.", "choice2": "Baiskeli yake ilikuwa imeibiwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasa kwenye kioo cha kompyuta alisogea.", "choice1": "Mtumiaji alibonyeza kasa.", "choice2": "Mtumiaji alimhamisha kasa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dereva alichukua njia ya mzunguko.", "choice1": "Ajali ilitokea kwenye barabara kuu.", "choice2": "Alifuata gari ya mizigo mbele yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilining'iniza lineni yenye maji maji kwenye kamba ya nje.", "choice1": "Lasi ilikauka.", "choice2": "Lasi iliingia madowa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa miwani ya kiza.", "choice1": "Muangaza wa jua ulilikuwa mkali.", "choice2": "Alivua kofia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikazia macho anga la usiku.", "choice1": "Alitamani iwe ni kiangazi.", "choice2": "Alifikiria ilikuwa nzuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilijihisi kuchoka.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda kulala mapema.", "choice2": "Nilikaa macho usiku kucha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikwenda kwa kinyozi.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akikuzikuza nywele zake.", "choice2": "Nywele zake zilikuwa refu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alimtania vibaya mwanafunzi mpya darasani.", "choice1": "Mvulana alimkaribisha mwanafunzi mpya.", "choice2": "Mvulana hakumpenda mwanafunzi mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitamani gilasi ya maziwa.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nikila biskuti.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikioka mkate.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvua ilianza kunyesha.", "choice1": "Dereva aliwasha taa za vin'gora.", "choice2": "Dereva aliibadilisha gari kwa kurudi nyuma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maengesho mengi kwenye majengo yalikuwa matupu.", "choice1": "Niliegesha katikati ya mtaa.", "choice2": "Niliegesha karibu na mlango.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwandishi alikosa tarehe ya mwisho ya kuwasilisha mswada.", "choice1": "Alipewa zuio la mwandishi.", "choice2": "Alihariri mswada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mshirika alinikatia simu.", "choice1": "Nilitaka kuzungumza na msimamizi.", "choice2": "Nilijipatia nambari ya kitambulisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Upepo ulivuma kupitia dirisha lililo wazi.", "choice1": "Kengele ya mlango iligongwa.", "choice2": "Mapazia yalitikisika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Umeme umezima kwenye nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilichomoa taa.", "choice2": "Nilizma fyuzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanariadha wa kuinua vyomba vya uzito alikoroma.", "choice1": "Alionyesha misuli yake mbele ya kioo.", "choice2": "Aliinua chuma juu ya kichwa chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alijaribu kufanya hesabu kichwani mwake.", "choice1": "Aliacha kikokotoo.", "choice2": "Alichanganyikiwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alichululiwa na usingizi.", "choice1": "Baba alibadilisha nepi ya mtoto.", "choice2": "Baba taratibu alimtikisa mtoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alitupa puto lenye maji kwa mvulana.", "choice1": "Mvulana alipata mtikiso.", "choice2": "Mvulana aliroa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpiga picha alisahau kutumia flashi kwenye kamera.", "choice1": "Picha uziligeuka kuwa na ukungu.", "choice2": "Kila mmoja kwenye picha alikataa kutabasamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikataa mualiko wa siku ya kuzaliwa.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa mpweke.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nje ya mji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilifanya mazoezi.", "choice1": "Nilijihisi mwenye nguvu.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa na hofu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikamua spongi tepetepe.", "choice1": "Lilirowana maji.", "choice2": "Maji yalitiririka nje yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watalii walipanda kivuko kwenda sehemu ya kupumzikia.", "choice1": "Sehemu ya kupumzikia ilikuwa imewekwa mapema.", "choice2": "Sehemu ya kupumzikia ilikuwa kwenye kisiwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana ana tojo.", "choice1": "Aliogopa sindano.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari nisiyoijua iliegesha nje ya nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na wasiwasi.", "choice2": "Nilipigia simu askari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muhalifu alijisalimisha mwenyewe ndani.", "choice1": "Ushahidi ulimhusisha yeye.", "choice2": "Hakukuwa na ushahidi dhidi yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme mnene aliamua kupungua uzito.", "choice1": "Aliacha vyakula ya peremende.", "choice2": "Alijiepusha na kafini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alikanyaga barafu.", "choice1": "Aliteleza.", "choice2": "Alitetemeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke ana mviringo chini ya jicho lake.", "choice1": "Alibakia macho usiku kucha.", "choice2": "Alimpeleka mtoto wake wa kiume kulala.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lava ilitiririka kutoka kwenye volcano.", "choice1": "Volkano ililiripuka.", "choice2": "Volkano ilikuwa imetulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa viatu vyake.", "choice1": "Alijua kila mmoja kwenye sherehe.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuondoka shereheni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimlipa mtumishi wa gerezani.", "choice1": "Alinipa ruhusa kupita kuelekea gerezani.", "choice2": "Alinizuia kwenye gereza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtendaji alifilisika.", "choice1": "Aliuza hisa za kampuni .", "choice2": "Alipoteza mali zake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikwenda kwa daktari.", "choice1": "Daktari alikuwa likizo.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alikuwa anaumwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitoka chumba changu cha kulala kwa kupitia dirishani.", "choice1": "Nyumba iliingia moto.", "choice2": "Nyumba ilikuwa tupu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vidole vya mvulana vilipata mikunjo.", "choice1": "Alioga kwa muda mrefu.", "choice2": "Alipaka sabuni kwenye vidole vyake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Niliyatema maziwa.", "choice1": "Maziwa yalikuwa na ladha ya ukali.", "choice2": "Mdomo wangu ulikuwa mkavu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikosa basi.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimewahi kazini.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nachelewa kazini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari ya mizigo liligongana na gari.", "choice1": "Gari la mizigo liliongeza mwendo.", "choice2": "Gari lilipondekapondeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Timu ilidanganya mashindano kwa mapendeleo yao.", "choice1": "Walishinda.", "choice2": "Walijitoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chupa ya soda litoa sauti.", "choice1": "Niliigeuza juu chupa.", "choice2": "Nilikipinda kifuniko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alikuwa amefungiwa nje ya nyumba yake.", "choice1": "Alitambaa ndani kupitia dirisha lililo wazi.", "choice2": "Alipanda juu ya paa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kengele ya mlango ililia.", "choice1": "Mgeni alibisha mlango.", "choice2": "Mwanamke aliangalia kupitia tundu ya funguo kwenye mlango.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alichafua suti yake.", "choice1": "Alizipata kufuliwa kwa dobi.", "choice2": "Aliining'iniza kwenye kabati lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alibinya tyubu ya dawa ya meno.", "choice1": "Dawa ya meno ilichuruzika kutoka kwenye tyubu.", "choice2": "Msichana aliitema dawa ya meno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vifo vya raia kutoka kwenye vita yaliongezeka maradufu.", "choice1": "Wapinga vita waliandamana.", "choice2": "Wapinga vita walifanya gwaride.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alivuta kwa haraka utepe kutoka kwenye nywele zake.", "choice1": "Alifunga utepe.", "choice2": "Utepe ulionekana wa kitoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata upasuaji wa maumbile.", "choice1": "Alizeeka.", "choice2": "Alionekana kijana.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto wa kuku alijitokeza kutoka kwenye yai.", "choice1": "Yai lilianguliwa.", "choice2": "Nililivunja yai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mfungwa alikaa na njaa.", "choice1": "Alikufa.", "choice2": "Alikimbia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipoteza balanzi juu ya ngazi.", "choice1": "Alipanda ngazi.", "choice2": "Alianguka chini ya ngazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alipiga mbweu.", "choice1": "Alibugia soda.", "choice2": "Alifungua kopo la soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Upepo wenye baridi uliingililia dirishani.", "choice1": "Nilitulia.", "choice2": "Nilitetemeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alipata nafasi ya kulipiwa masomo kwenda chuoni.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wenzake darasani walimuheshimu.", "choice2": "Alipata matokeo mazuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alimtania mvulana.", "choice1": "Aliishi karibu naye.", "choice2": "Alikua na hisia za mapenzi kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bedui mwenye njaa aliiba chakula.", "choice1": "Alichochea huruma.", "choice2": "Hakuwa na pesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimpigia rafiki yangu kwa maongezi.", "choice1": "Nilitaka faragha.", "choice2": "Nilijihisi mpweke.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alinyoosha mkono wake kwangu.", "choice1": "Nilitikisa mkono wake.", "choice2": "Nilimpiga kibao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliepuka.", "choice1": "Fataki zilirushwa angani.", "choice2": "Kisahani kilipaa kikielekea kichwana mwangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alitafuna kucha zake.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na wasiwasi.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na mshangao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niligeuza hurasa juu ya kalenda.", "choice1": "Niliweka alama kwenye miadi kwenye kalenda.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa mwanzo wa mwezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bwana aligundua kwamba mkewe alikua na uhusiano wa kando.", "choice1": "Alimfuta kazi wakili wake.", "choice2": "Alianzisha mchakato wa talaka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana aliangusha mpira.", "choice1": "Mpira ulidunda.", "choice2": "Mpira uling'ara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alifanya makosa kwenye mtihani.", "choice1": "Alibahatisha jawabu.", "choice2": "Alifuta jawabu lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchezaji alikabiliana na mpinzani wake.", "choice1": "Mpinzani wake aliupata mpira.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alianguka chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilichuma nyanya kutoka shambani.", "choice1": "Zilikuwa mbivu.", "choice2": "Nilizimwagilia maji.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alitaka kuonyesha mapenzi.", "choice1": "Alikutana na mpenzi wake wa awali kwa chakula cha mchana.", "choice2": "Alimnunulia mpenziwe chokoleti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zebaki ndani ya kipima joto ilipanda.", "choice1": "Niliangusha kipimajoto.", "choice2": "Hali ya hewa ilkuwa ya joto sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kimbunga kilikuja kuelekea mjini.", "choice1": "Paa la mahakama lilipeperuka.", "choice2": "Njia kuu iilikuwa ya hatari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanafunzi walipata twisheni.", "choice1": "Alama zake ziliboresheka.", "choice2": "Alidanganya kwenye mtihani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilihisi raha.", "choice1": "Nilipiga magoti barabarani.", "choice2": "Nilijifunika na blanketi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nililingarisha jiwe.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa inateleza.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa linang'ara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliingiza sukari kwenye kahawa.", "choice1": "Kahawa ilinukia uchungu.", "choice2": "Kahawa ilikuwa na ladha ya utamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume aliyapitia makaratasi.", "choice1": "Alikatwa na karatasi.", "choice2": "Aliyakatakata makaratasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niligonga msumari kwa nyundo.", "choice1": "Msumari ulizama kwenye ubao.", "choice2": "Msumari imeota kutu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Samaki alidonoa mshipi.", "choice1": "Mvuvi alimvuta samaki kwa mshipi.", "choice2": "Mvuvi alitupa tena mshipi majini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana aliona aibu kuenda shuleni.", "choice1": "Alikua na uvimbe.", "choice2": "Alizitoa gango zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muonekano wangu wa uso uliwaka.", "choice1": "Nilipokea habari njema.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza uvumilivu wangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilifuta mikono yangu kwa taulo.", "choice1": "Taulo ilikuwa na majimaji.", "choice2": "Mikono yangu ilikuwa na majimaji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikosa balanzi juu ya stuli.", "choice1": "Stuli ilimyumbisha yeye chini.", "choice2": "Alimwaga rangi kwenye kistuli.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wachezaji walilaumiana wao kwa wao moja kwa moja.", "choice1": "Walishindwa mchezo wao.", "choice2": "Kocha wao alighairisha mazoezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitaka msamaha.", "choice1": "Nilijutia maamuzi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilitimiza malengo yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alichoswa na miadi yake.", "choice1": "Alimuuliza masuali kuhusiana na yeye mwenyewe.", "choice2": "Alizungumza mfululizo kuhusu yeye mwenyewe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana aliwaka kwa tabasamu.", "choice1": "Mashavu yake yalifanya wekundu.", "choice2": "Vibonyeo vyake vilijionesha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meli ya maadui iliripuka.", "choice1": "Ilipita juu ya yangu.", "choice2": "Ilitia nanga kwenye bandari.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliumia mguu wake.", "choice1": "Alitebea ndani ya dimbwi.", "choice2": "Alikanyaga gilasi iliyevunjika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wapelelezi waliondoa vumbi sehemu ya uhalifu kwa kutumia vidole.", "choice1": "Waligundua utambulisho wa muuwaji.", "choice2": "Waliona silaha katika eneo la uhalifu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kulikuwa na trafiki wingi katika barabara kuu.", "choice1": "Nilipita njia ya mkato.", "choice2": "Niliulizia njia ya baskeli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uchumi wa nchi ulishuka.", "choice1": "Watu wingi waliumwa.", "choice2": "Watu wingi walikosa ajira.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkatishaji wa barabara alipuliza firimbi kwa watoto.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wanataka kwenda waliko trafiki wanaokuja.", "choice2": "Aliwatambua kutokana na ujirani wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niligeuza macho yangu kwa rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Aliniambia ukweli.", "choice2": "Alitoa maelezo ya dhihaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari ilitembea bila gesi.", "choice1": "Dereva alipigwa barabarani.", "choice2": "Dereva aliwachukua wapiganaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikwenda katika chumba cha kujifungua.", "choice1": "Mtoto alizaliwa.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alikuwa na maumivu ya asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kofia ya mwanamme ilipepeuka.", "choice1": "Alivua kofia.", "choice2": "Kulikuwa na upepo nje.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alihudhuria katika sherehe ya siku ya kuzaliwa ya mwanafunzi mwenzake.", "choice1": "Alipokea mwaliko.", "choice2": "Alinunua zawadi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alihisi joto katika paji la uso.", "choice1": "Mama yake alimuangalia joto lake.", "choice2": "Mama yake alimpeleka bustanini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alijipulizia rangi.", "choice1": "Alitaka kupiga picha tarehe yake.", "choice2": "Alitia mafuta nywele zake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Umeme ulizimwa ndani ya nyumba.", "choice1": "Nilitafuta tochi.", "choice2": "Niliokota koleo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia ilihamia katika nyumba kubwa.", "choice1": "Kijana alihitimu sekondari ya juu.", "choice2": "Mama alijifungua mapacha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpigajimbio alitumia mwendo mdogomdogo.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuhifadhi nguvu zake.", "choice2": "Aliona mstari wa mwisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana aligonga mashine ya kuuza.", "choice1": "Mashine ilitema chenji yake.", "choice2": "Mfuko wa vibanzi ulikuwa umekwama.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mbwa wa rafiki yangu alikufa.", "choice1": "Niligeuza macho yangu kwake.", "choice2": "Nilimkumbatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadi ya mkopo ya mfanyabiashara ilishuka.", "choice1": "Aliandika IOU.", "choice2": "Alilipa fedha taslimu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yule mwanaume alilaani.", "choice1": "Alijikata kucha.", "choice2": "Aligongwa kwenye kidole chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alijidai kwa sababu ya kaka yake.", "choice1": "Kaka yake alipatiwa hoja na wazazi wao.", "choice2": "Kaka yake alikubaliwa katika skuli ya sheria.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kujifunza kuhusu nguvu za jua.", "choice1": "Alikwenda maktaba.", "choice2": "Aliangalia nyota.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bango lilikwama katika ukuta.", "choice1": "Nililiweka bango juu ya mlango.", "choice2": "Niliweka utepe nyoma ya bangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mteja aliidhinisha mipango ya mbunifu wa majengi kwa ajili ya jengo.", "choice1": "Mbunifu wa majengo alitengeneza jengo.", "choice2": "Mbunifu wa majengo alirekebisha mipango.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliangusha kijiko chake.", "choice1": "Mkono wake ulikuwa unatikisika.", "choice2": "Aliramba kijiko.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "CEO wa kampuni alijiuzulu.", "choice1": "Bodi ya wakurugenzi waliifuta kampuni.", "choice2": "Bodi ya wakurugenzi walitafuta mbadala wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilichelewa kufika katika muhadhara.", "choice1": "Nilikaa katika mstari wa nyuma.", "choice2": "Nilisogelea Podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliruhusiwa kutoka jela.", "choice1": "Hamilia yake walilipia dhamada yake.", "choice2": "Aliwashambulia wafungwa wenzake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia ilipoteza mali zao zote.", "choice1": "Waliuza nyumba yao.", "choice2": "Nyumba yao iliungua.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilipigwa katika kopo la alumini.", "choice1": "Kopo lilikuwa linatengenezwa upya.", "choice2": "Kopo liligongwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alijiunga na timu ya mjadala.", "choice1": "Alijifunza kutumia kompyuta.", "choice2": "Alijifunza ujuzi wa mazungumzo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hisia zangu ziliimarika.", "choice1": "Nilisikiliza mziki.", "choice2": "Nilifanya masufuria.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shirika la hisani lilifanya lengo la kuchanga pesa.", "choice1": "Waliwalisha wasio na makazi.", "choice2": "Walikuwa na mnada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rola kosta ilitumbukia chini kushuka mwinuko.", "choice1": "Abiria walicheka cheka.", "choice2": "Abiria walipiga makelele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikuwa na hasira.", "choice1": "Niliangalia sanduku la barua wakati wa kutoka katika nyumba.", "choice2": "Nilijigonga mlango wakati wa kutoka katika nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitaka kuangalia kuchomoza kwa jua.", "choice1": "Alisafiri kaskazini.", "choice2": "Aliamka mapema.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alikunja karatasi.", "choice1": "Nilitengeneza upya karatasi.", "choice2": "Karatasi ilichanika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nchi ilikumbwa na maafa ya asili.", "choice1": "Viongozi wa nchi nyengine waliunda muungano.", "choice2": "Viongozi wa nchi nyengine walipeleka misaada ya dharura.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nguo ya kijana iliroa.", "choice1": "Alipanda juu ya bwawa.", "choice2": "Alianguka ndani ya bwawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alifanya haraka kumaliza kitabu.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni kwa sababu ya kutaka kurejeshwa maktaba.", "choice2": "Alikiazima kutoka kwa rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muhalifu aliuwawa.", "choice1": "Alipelekwa jela.", "choice2": "Alihukumiwa kifo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwangaza wa jua uliingia chumbani.", "choice1": "Nilifungua pazia.", "choice2": "Nilifungua mlango.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilizivuta nywele za mbabaishaji.", "choice1": "Nywele zake bandia zilidondoka.", "choice2": "Alinyoa kipara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mhariri alirejea sentensi katika muswada.", "choice1": "Aligundua muswada unalazimisha.", "choice2": "Aliona sentensi ina utata.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alifutisha akaunti yake ya kadi ya mkopo.", "choice1": "Aligundua kadi haipo.", "choice2": "Aligundua muda wa kadi umekamilika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme na mwanamke walipendana.", "choice1": "Walihudhuria chuoni.", "choice2": "Walifunga ndoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muziki ulikuwa dhaifu sana kusikia.", "choice1": "Niliongeza sauti.", "choice2": "Nilitunga wimbo wangu mwenyewe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nywele zake mvulana zilikuwa zimesimama.", "choice1": "Msichana alizishikashika zile nywele.", "choice2": "Msichana alizivuruta zile nywele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mdudu alifinywa.", "choice1": "Nilijifukiza na dawa ya kufukuza wadudu.", "choice2": "Nilikanyaga yule mdudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilifungua macho yangu.", "choice1": "Niliamka.", "choice2": "Nilipumzika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mziki wa jirani yangu ulilia.", "choice1": "Nilimuomba apunguze sauti.", "choice2": "Nilimuomba aniazime CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia ya mwanamme waliishi maisha ya umasikini.", "choice1": "Alichekeshwa na kipato chake.", "choice2": "Alipata mshahara chini ya kiwango cha chini kabisa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alihitimu chuo kikuu.", "choice1": "Alitafuta kazi.", "choice2": "Alifanya kile anachokipenda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msanii alichanganya rangi ya njano katika rangi ya buluu.", "choice1": "Rangi ilienea sehemu zote.", "choice2": "Rangi iligeuka kuwa kijani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilibadilisha mada ya mazungumzo.", "choice1": "Niliishiwa na mambo ya kuongea.", "choice2": "Mazungumzo yakawa magumu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kaka yangu aliruhusiwa kutoka hospitali.", "choice1": "Nilimkaribisha tena nyumbani.", "choice2": "Nilimkataa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pazia katika jukwaa lilikwenda juu.", "choice1": "Onesho la ufunguzi wa tamthilia lilianza.", "choice2": "Waigizaji wa tamthilia walilichangamsha jukwaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Teka alipelekwa katika mamlaka ya watekaji.", "choice1": "Mtekaji alitishia kumuumiza teka.", "choice2": "Mtekaji alimuacha teka mwenyewe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mlio ulilia katika jukwaa.", "choice1": "Mwanamuziki alipiga mguu wake.", "choice2": "Mwanamuziki alipiga ngoma mfululizo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wazazi walikimbilia chumbani kwa mtoto wao.", "choice1": "Mtoto aliamka na kupiga makelele kutokana na jinamizi.", "choice2": "Mtoto alikuwa anaogopa kushuka kitandani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wmwanamke aliwasiliana kwa lugha ya alama.", "choice1": "Alizaliwa kabla ya wakati.", "choice2": "Alizaliwa kiziwi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ukame ulitokezea katika mkoa.", "choice1": "Maji yalichafuka.", "choice2": "Mazao yalipotea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Paka alimkimbiza ndege.", "choice1": "Ndege aliruka.", "choice2": "Ndege alikamata mafunza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alibadilisha skuli.", "choice1": "Skuli ilifungwa kwa kiangazi.", "choice2": "Alihamia mji mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mmiliki wa kiwanda alikataa kuongeza mshahara wa waajiriwa.", "choice1": "Mmiliki aliteua meneja mpya.", "choice2": "Waajiriwa walieka mgomo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kiongozi aliwachokoza wenye nguvu miongini mwa nchi yake.", "choice1": "Wenye nguvu walimshawishi yeye.", "choice2": "Wenye nguvu walimuua yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitembea pekupeku ufukweni.", "choice1": "Mchanga uliganda miguuni mwangu.", "choice2": "Mawimbi yalipiga pembeni mwa bahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliamka usiku wa manane nikihisi baridi.", "choice1": "Nilivaa suruali nyepesi.", "choice2": "Nilikunywa bilauri ya maji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mama alimnyamazisha mtoto wake wa kiume.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake alitabasamu.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake alilalamika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tobo lilizuka katika jinzi yangu.", "choice1": "Nilifunga zipu jinzi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilisakama katika njia ya wapitao kwa miguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alivaa gango.", "choice1": "Alipata kijishimo kwenye meno.", "choice2": "Meno yake yakawa sawa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jana nilifanya bidii katika mazoezi.", "choice1": "Leo niliamka na maumivu ya misuli.", "choice2": "Leo niliamka na maumivu ya koo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alinong'ona na kuenea kwa kila mtu katika meza ya chakula cha mchana.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wengine walikaa kitako katika meza ya chakula cha mchana.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi wengine katika meza ya chakula walijisikia kuondoka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alishuka hadi kwenye trampolini.", "choice1": "Aliruka kurudi angani.", "choice2": "Aliamua kujaribu kupinduka hewani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilituma barua katika sanduku la barua.", "choice1": "Ofisi ya posta ilipokea barua.", "choice2": "Ofisi ya posta iliiharakisha barua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mcheza kamari alikuwa anajiamini.", "choice1": "Aliweka dau pesa zake zote.", "choice2": "Alikwenda nyumbani amefilisika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Moto wa msitu ulienea.", "choice1": "Upepo ulikuwa mwingi.", "choice2": "Wachomaji walichukuliwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alibambua ngozi nyayo yake.", "choice1": "Mama yake alimpeleka chumbani mwake.", "choice2": "Mama yake aliweka bendeji juu ya kidonda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alinusurika mauti ya ugonjwa.", "choice1": "Alitia saini wasia (ridhaa) wake.", "choice2": "Alipokea uhamisho wa kiungo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilipiga chubuo ya kahawa moto.", "choice1": "Nilipiga ulimi wangu.", "choice2": "Niliunguza ulimi wangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mhariri alimfukuza kazi mwandishi.", "choice1": "Mwandishi aliepuka upendeleo katika stori zake.", "choice2": "Mwandishi alikosa tarehe ya mwisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilijihisi nimechoka.", "choice1": "Nililala siku nzima.", "choice2": "Nilisoma siku nzima.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Daktari alimtambua mgonjwa.", "choice1": "Alibaini dalili za mgonjwa.", "choice2": "Aliandika vidonge kwa mgonjwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikwaruza ngozi yangu.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa natoka jasho.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa inawasha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alifanya upasuaji wa dharura.", "choice1": "Alipoteza hasira zake.", "choice2": "Alisumbuliwa na mapigo ya moyo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misuli ya mikono ya mwanamme ilituna.", "choice1": "Alipindisha mikono yake.", "choice2": "Alisukuma mikono yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliinua nyusi zake.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anashangaa.", "choice2": "Alijisikia kuvunjika moyo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisamehe kosa la menzangu.", "choice1": "Niliamini nia yake ilikuwa nzuri.", "choice2": "Niliamini kuwa alitambua bora.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliacha kuvuta sigaraa.", "choice1": "Alianza kufanya mazoezi zaidi.", "choice2": "Alianza kutembea kwa miguu mapema.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alimpiga mshambulizi wake puani.", "choice1": "Mwili wa mshambulizi wake ulikufa.", "choice2": "Mshambulizi alianza kuvuja damu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mshale ulikosa lengo.", "choice1": "Mwanaume alilenga vibaya.", "choice2": "Mwanaume alikuwa akishindwa mchezoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mmiliki wa nyumba aliadai kuwa muangamizaji anakuja katika nyumba yake.", "choice1": "Aligundua panya chini ya nyumba.", "choice2": "Alieka boksi la mchwa katika chumba chake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilipendekeza kwa mgeni wangu kuwa tunatoka kwa ajili ya chakula cha usiku.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimechoka sana kuandaa chochote.", "choice2": "Mgeni wangu alikaa sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alimkamata kaka yake anasoma shajara yake.", "choice1": "Alianza kuficha shajara yake.", "choice2": "Alipata shajara mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alipungukiwa na pesa kwa ajili ya kukodi.", "choice1": "Alifanya kazi muda wa ziada.", "choice2": "Aliacha kazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkono wa mtoto ulirejeshwa ghafla.", "choice1": "Aligusa jiko moto.", "choice2": "Aligusa kichwa cha mtoto wa mbwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kampuni ilitaka kupima kuridhika kwa wateja.", "choice1": "Walitoa ofa ya punguzo kwa wateja wapya.", "choice2": "Walifanya utafiti kwa wateja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sakafu ya mbao ilipasuka.", "choice1": "Kijana alirusha mito wa kochi.", "choice2": "Kijana alikokota kiti katika sakafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikinga uso wangu.", "choice1": "Adui yangu alinilaumu mimi.", "choice2": "Adui yangu alifunga ngumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sanamu maarufu liliungua.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa limepigwa na mwangaza.", "choice2": "Watu walikuja kiliekea heshima.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliondoa tunda juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Tunda lilitoa mbegu.", "choice2": "Nzi walilizunguka tunda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mcheza bale wa kike aligawika nyuzi.", "choice1": "Alionesha vidole vyake vya miguu.", "choice2": "Alitikisa kifundo chake cha mguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kamba ya kiatu ya mtoto ilifunguliwa.", "choice1": "Alijifunza jinsi ya kuifunga.", "choice2": "Alikwenda mbio katika uwanja wa michezo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilivutiwa na kitabu.", "choice1": "Nilikirejesha kitabu.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza muda mwingi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alikuwa na imani sawa na za wazazi wake.", "choice1": "Wazazi wake walimshawishi.", "choice2": "Wazazi wake walimkana.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari ilianza kusimama polepole.", "choice1": "Iliishiwa na gesi.", "choice2": "Dereva alichuliwa na usingizi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikula aiskrimu kwenye jua.", "choice1": "Aiskrimu ilipoteza ladha yake.", "choice2": "Aiskrimu ilidondoka kutoka katika koni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilining'iniza mchoro chumbani.", "choice1": "Kapeti lilionekana chafu.", "choice2": "Kuta zilionekana tupu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliacha kazi mapema.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa naumwa na kichwa.", "choice2": "Bosi wangu aliendesha mkutano.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto wa mbwa alichafua zulia.", "choice1": "Mwenyewe alimkemea yule mtoto wa mbwa.", "choice2": "Mwenyewe alimpa zawadi yule mtoto wa mbwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliomba radhi kwa rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinisamehe.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alikuwa na hasira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alitofautika na umati.", "choice1": "Alibeba mfuko wa begani.", "choice2": "Alivaa fulana ya neon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Shahidi aliongopea katika kiapo.", "choice1": "Alikamilisha ushuhuda wake.", "choice2": "Alilipishwa kwa uwongo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alitia rangi nywele zake.", "choice1": "Alitaka aonekane mpya.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuzichanganya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wahamiaji walikamatwa wakikaa nchini kinyume na sheria.", "choice1": "Walipata ajira.", "choice2": "Waliondolewa kutoka nchi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mzungumzaji wa hadhara alifanya mzaha.", "choice1": "Hadhira ililia.", "choice2": "Hadhira ilisimama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliangalia jua.", "choice1": "Jua lilinipofua.", "choice2": "Jua lililainisha ngozi yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilijihisi mchovu.", "choice1": "Nilivuta pumzi kwanguvu kupitia pua.", "choice2": "Nilienda myayo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nyama ilikuwa ngumu kukata.", "choice1": "Kisu kilikuwa hakipati.", "choice2": "Nyama ilikuwa mbichi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alitangaza kufilisika.", "choice1": "Alipokea malipo ya masurufu.", "choice2": "Alipewa deni kubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Taa katika ghorofa ya rafiki yangu ilikuwa imewashwa.", "choice1": "Nilishangaa kama alikuwa nje.", "choice2": "Niliamua kumtembelea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilieka ua chini ya pua yangu.", "choice1": "Petali zilitoa ua.", "choice2": "Nilichuma harufu ya au.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alichukuliwa na fikra zenye hisia nzuri.", "choice1": "Alipatana na rafiki yake wa utotoni.", "choice2": "Aliwapigia kelele watoto wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikhairisha karatasi.", "choice1": "Alipeleka karatasi mapema.", "choice2": "Alipeleka karatasi haijatimia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari yangu ilivunjika.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda madukani.", "choice2": "Nilimwita fundi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilizikataa matini.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa hazijulikani.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa hazisomeki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ndege alipiga mabawa yake.", "choice1": "Alizaa mayai.", "choice2": "Alipaa juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliegesha katika njia ndogo ya kwenda gereji.", "choice1": "Gereji ilikuwa wazi.", "choice2": "Gereji ilikuwa imejaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muhalifu alikusudia kumpiga bunduki muathirika.", "choice1": "Muhalifu aliweka bunduki chini.", "choice2": "Muhalifu alinyanyua juu mkono wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikuwa naisubiria mwisho wa wikiendi.", "choice1": "Nilipanga kuhudhuria mazishi ya mjomba wangu.", "choice2": "Nilipanga kuhudhuria katika harusi ya rafiki yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilipoteza muda mwingi.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na msururu wa mawazo mazuri.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa na kichefuchefu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nakala ilichapwa kwa hati zisizosomeka.", "choice1": "Printa ilikuwa na wino kidogo.", "choice2": "Printa ilikuwa haichukui karatasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wimbo wa taifa ulichezwa kwenye uwanja wa michezo.", "choice1": "Mashabili waligeukia bendera.", "choice2": "Mashabiki walikimbia kuelekea uwanjani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchuzi ulikosa ladha.", "choice1": "Niliushughulikia.", "choice2": "Niliutia chumvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nililiweka taulo katika mwanga.", "choice1": "Taulo ilifyonza kimiminika.", "choice2": "Mwanga ulibakisha mnato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliingiliwa kati katikati ya kusoma kitabu chake.", "choice1": "Aliweka alama katika karatasi.", "choice2": "Alisoma tena kitabu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ndege ilipata mtikisiko.", "choice1": "Mwanamme alikaza ukanda wake wa kiti.", "choice2": "Mwanamme aliangalia nje ya dirisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alishtuka.", "choice1": "Msichana alimpuuza.", "choice2": "Msichana alimguza na kidole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Madaktari walimpa mgonjwa mguu wa bandia.", "choice1": "Walitoa mguu wake.", "choice2": "Walisimamia viungo vyake muhimu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alimfinya msichana kifundo cha mkono.", "choice1": "Alifanya juhudi kumsogezea bega lake.", "choice2": "Aliupapatua mkono wake utokane naye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimuomba rafiki yangu ushauri.", "choice1": "Nilithamini maoni yake.", "choice2": "Nilitambua nilikuwa sahihi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alikanyaga katika tope.", "choice1": "Tope ziliganda katika viatu vyake.", "choice2": "Tope zilimpiga usoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mji ulipata inchi kadhaa za theluji.", "choice1": "Mashule yalifungwa.", "choice2": "Watu walijificha chini ya ardhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zamu za muajiriwa ilimaliza.", "choice1": "Alikwenda nyumbani kwa siku moja.", "choice2": "Alitishia kuacha kazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mti uliharibu nyumba.", "choice1": "Mti ulianguka katika paa.", "choice2": "Mti uliweka kivuli uani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ukuni ulipasuka katikati.", "choice1": "Niliongeza ukuni kwenye moto.", "choice2": "Niliteremsha shoka ili kuulenga ukuni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia iliwapongeza wanandoa.", "choice1": "Wanandoa walitangaza kuwa wametengana.", "choice2": "Wanandoa walitangaza kuwa wamepata mtoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alimpelekea kijana kadi.", "choice1": "Alimpenda yeye.", "choice2": "Alim'busu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitikisa kichwa kukubaliana na kauli ya rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Nilichanganyikiwa.", "choice2": "Nilikubaliana naye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Marafiki walizungusha sarafu.", "choice1": "Walitaka kutafuta mwafaka.", "choice2": "Walitaka kufanya maamuzi ya haki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alama ya saa ilizima jikoni.", "choice1": "Mwanamme alipakua mboga katika jokofu.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alitoa piza katika jiko.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliweka malengo yake aliyoyataka.", "choice1": "Hakuyafikia.", "choice2": "Alifanya kazi kwa juhudi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme tajiri alifariki akiwa na mkongwe.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alipata matatizo ya kisheria.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alirithi utajiri wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikanyaga juu ya moto.", "choice1": "Moto ulizima.", "choice2": "Moshi ulitoka katika moto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari ya mwanamke ilikuwa katika sehemu ya matengenezo.", "choice1": "Leseni ya dereva ilikuwa imemaliza muda.", "choice2": "Alipata ajali ya gari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nililala nikavuka kengele yangu ya saa.", "choice1": "Nilitayarisha chakula cha asubuhi.", "choice2": "Nilikosa chakula cha asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwandishi wa habari alitoka nje ya gari la kifahari.", "choice1": "Kamera iliangaza katika upande wake.", "choice2": "Familia yake ilihudhuria katika mkutano wa waandishi wa habari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikaa sana bafuni.", "choice1": "Maji ya kukoga yalikuwa ya moto kidogo.", "choice2": "Maji ya kukoga yalitoka nje ya pira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu alitaka kuwaona wanafunzi wengune katika kampasi.", "choice1": "Aliunga udugu.", "choice2": "Alichukua kozi ya uhandisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilinyanyua mto wa kochi.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa natafuta sarafu.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa ninipanga tena chumba cha kuishi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nyiga alipaa kumuelekea kijana.", "choice1": "Kijana alikimbia.", "choice2": "Kijana alichuma ua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alitiwa hatiani kwa kosa dogo.", "choice1": "Aliamuriwa afanye huduma za kijamii.", "choice2": "Aliekwa katika orodha ya waliohukumiwa kifo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikoroga sukari katika chai ya moto.", "choice1": "Chai ilipoa.", "choice2": "Sukari iliyeyuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mkongwe wa vita alitembea huku akichechemea.", "choice1": "Alichukuliwa aingie kwenye vita.", "choice2": "Aliumia vitani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muhalifu alimkimbia askari.", "choice1": "Askari alikwenda kwa waathirika.", "choice2": "Askari alimkimbiza muhalifu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kompyuta haingewaka.", "choice1": "Niliiangusha.", "choice2": "Niliiongezea chaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nafasi kwenye chumba cha nguo ilimwishia mwanamke.", "choice1": "Alipata nguo mingi.", "choice2": "Alikunja nguo zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alivunjika moyo.", "choice1": "Mke wake alijifungua.", "choice2": "Mke wake alimuacha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata shahada.", "choice1": "Alipata sifa za kazi aliyoitaka.", "choice2": "Ofa ya kazi yake iliondolewa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sauti ya mwanamme ilifika sehemu zote za hadhira.", "choice1": "Aliisalimia hadhira.", "choice2": "Alizungumza kwa kipaza sauti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilirusha sarafu katika chemchemi ya maji.", "choice1": "Sarafu ilizama chini.", "choice2": "Sarafu iligarika katikati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchezaji alipiga mpira kuelekea shimoni.", "choice1": "Mpira uliingia shimoni.", "choice2": "Mpira ulirudi kwa mchezaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilivuta pumzi kwenye vumbi katika dari.", "choice1": "Nilienda kwikwi.", "choice2": "Nilipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mhasibu wa duka aliwapigia usalama.", "choice1": "Mteja alitumia pesa bandia.", "choice2": "Mteja aliwacha taa yake ya mbele inawaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilizitupa takataka nje.", "choice1": "Takataka zilileta harufu mbaya jikoni.", "choice2": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilitupa orodha yangu ya manunuzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia ilikwenda katika bustani ya wanyama.", "choice1": "Watoto waliwapenda wanyama.", "choice2": "Watoto waliwakimbiza wanyama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme avuta pumzi kwa sauti.", "choice1": "Mafigo yalikataa.", "choice2": "Mapafu yalikuwa yameziba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikuwa na tiketi ya ziada kwa ajili ya tamasha.", "choice1": "Nilimuomba rafiki yangu anielekeze sehemu ya tukio.", "choice2": "Nilimuuliza rafiki yangu kama angeweza kwenda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kiyoyozi kiliharibika ndani ya nyumba.", "choice1": "Nilivua blangeti.", "choice2": "Nilifungua dirisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mgongo wa kijana uliuma.", "choice1": "Mfuko wa begani ulikuwa wazi.", "choice2": "Mfuko wa begani ulikuwa mzito.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimnunulia mama yangu zawadi.", "choice1": "Nilimpambilia keki.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa ni siku yake ya kuzaliwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mimea ya maua kwenye bustani iliharibiwa.", "choice1": "Nyuki alimdunga mkulima.", "choice2": "Chindi walichimbua balbu za ile mimea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliwasha kiberiti.", "choice1": "Moto ulififia.", "choice2": "Kiberiti Kilizalisha moto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vyama vilivyolumbana viliekeana mkataba.", "choice1": "Hawakutaka kulumbana mahakamani.", "choice2": "Walitaka kurudisha uhusiano wao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watoto walipelekwa sehemu ya kulelea yatima.", "choice1": "Wazazi wao walifariki.", "choice2": "Wazazi wao waliwaharibu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kimondo kiliangukia baharini.", "choice1": "Sunami ilitokezea.", "choice2": "Mvua ya mawe ilianza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mzururaji alikabiliana na nyoka mwenye sumu.", "choice1": "Alikosa maji mwilini.", "choice2": "Aliogopa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jiko lilipata moto.", "choice1": "Niliwasha jiko.", "choice2": "Niliteleka sufuria katika jiko.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alibonyeza ganda la limau.", "choice1": "Limau lilifanya ukungu.", "choice2": "Limau lilikamuliwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nchi iligundua ardhi mpya.", "choice1": "Nchi iliibomoa ardhi.", "choice2": "Nchi iliitawala ardhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bilauri ilianguka juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Ilivunjika na kuenea katika sakafu yote.", "choice2": "Iliwekwa katika rundo la nguo zitakazofuliwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meza ilitingishika.", "choice1": "Sakafu haikuwa sawa sawa.", "choice2": "Sakafu ilikuwa inateleza.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baba alimkamata mtoto wake wa kiume amelala.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alikiri ukweli.", "choice2": "Baba alimuamini mtoto wake wa kiume.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kichwa cha mwanamme kilipata maumivu.", "choice1": "Alikunya dawa ya kifua.", "choice2": "Alimeza aspirini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Treni ilipunguza mwendo.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa inakaribia kituoni.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa inatembea kinyume na ratiba yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alipita kwenye matibabu.", "choice1": "Jamaa yake ina ugonjwa wa akili.", "choice2": "Aligunduliwa kuwa na unyogovu wa akili.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alishika koo yake.", "choice1": "Alimeza chakula chake.", "choice2": "Alisamwa na chakula.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa na maumivu ya koo.", "choice1": "Sauti yake ilikuwa mzito.", "choice2": "Aliongea kwa msisitizo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mbwa aliangalia pande la nyama juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Alitoka mate.", "choice2": "Alilala chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Biashara ya mwanamke ilifanikiwa.", "choice1": "Aliwafukuza kazi waajiriwa wake.", "choice2": "Alikuwa tajiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanafunzi walitoka darasani.", "choice1": "Kengele ililia.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alitoa kazi ya nyumbani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alidai aliona pepo.", "choice1": "Uelewa wake ulionesha mashaka.", "choice2": "Uelewa wake uliendana na yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipoteza usikivu wake.", "choice1": "Karibu apotee katika bahari.", "choice2": "Karibu afe katika mripuko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alikata kamba ya puto.", "choice1": "Puto lilitoka upepo.", "choice2": "Puto lilikwenda hewani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliputeza uwezo wake wa kuzungumza.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na kiharusi.", "choice2": "Alivuta pumzi kubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alijikwaa katika njia ya wapitao kwa miguu.", "choice1": "Kulikuwa na ufa katika saruji.", "choice2": "Alisikia jina lake linaitwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alijitupa katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Muokoaji alijitupa baada yake.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alimrowesha muokoaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilimeza dawa ya kuondoa sumu.", "choice1": "Ugonjwa wangu wa kuambukiza uliondoka.", "choice2": "Ugonjwa wangu wa kuambukiza ulienea.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Taa ya trafiki iliwaka rangi ya manjano.", "choice1": "Dereva alifunga breki.", "choice2": "Dereva alipiga honi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chombo cha plastiki kiliyeyuka.", "choice1": "Nilikiroweka chombo katika maji moto.", "choice2": "Nilikiweka chombo katika jiko moto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gari ilitoboka.", "choice1": "Dereva alikanyaga ncha ya simu.", "choice2": "Dereva alitembea wakati taa nyekundu inawaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alisoma usiku kutwa.", "choice1": "Aliruka mtihani.", "choice2": "Alifaulu mtihani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana mdogo alijishikilia pembeni mwa bwawa la kuogelea.", "choice1": "Aliogopa kuogelea.", "choice2": "Mtunzani wa bwawa alikua pale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliweka mkono wangu kifuani kwangu.", "choice1": "Nilihisi mapigo yangu ya moyo.", "choice2": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo kiliongezeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jengo karibu na ofisi yangu ilikuwa linajengwa.", "choice1": "Ofisi yangu ilikuwa na watu wengi.", "choice2": "Ofisi yangu ilikuwa na kelele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Familia walitaka kuwajua jirani zao wapya.", "choice1": "Familia iliwaalika jirani zao katika chakula cha usiku.", "choice2": "Familia walipunga mikono kwa jirani zao kutoka bustanini kwao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maji yalipiga kutoka katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Muogeleaji alipiga mbizi katika bwawa.", "choice2": "Muogeleaji alielea katika bwawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitafuna kipande cha tikiti maji.", "choice1": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilimeza konde.", "choice2": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilikata jino langu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alijikwaa.", "choice1": "Koti lake lilikuwa halijafungwa zipu.", "choice2": "Nyuzi zake za viatu ilikuwa hazijafungwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa kizibo cha masikio.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anasumbuliwa na kelele.", "choice2": "Alitoboa masikio yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliijaza tena chupa yangu ya maji.", "choice1": "Nilikunywa maji yote ndani yake.", "choice2": "Niliiweka katika jokofu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Onesho la televisheni lilitathminiwa lugha yake.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa na lugha ya kipuuzi.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa na mjengeko mgumu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meli ilianguka.", "choice1": "Wafanyakazi walizama majini.", "choice2": "Wafanyakazi walikabiliana na maharamia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kijana alichagizwa na kitendawili.", "choice1": "Alitegua kitendawili.", "choice2": "Aliomba kidokezo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Simu iliita.", "choice1": "Mwanamme aliipotezea simu.", "choice2": "Mwanamme aliipokea simu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa ananikodolea.", "choice1": "Nilimkumbatia.", "choice2": "Nilijisikia wasiwasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kundi lilibakia makumbusho.", "choice1": "Walichukua picha za maonesho.", "choice2": "Walitazama maonesho yote.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alianza hoja na mie.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinitambulisha kwa mwanamme.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alisimama kwa ajili yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpira katika baskeli yangu ulikuwa umelala.", "choice1": "Nilitia upepo katika tairi.", "choice2": "Nilibadilisha gia katika baskeli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alionekana ana safura.", "choice1": "Baba yake alimsomea hadithi.", "choice2": "Baba yake alimgusa paji la uso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kalamu ilimaliza wino.", "choice1": "Nilitumia penseli.", "choice2": "Nilisaini jina langu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikataliwa kukopa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na deni.", "choice2": "Alianza biashara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alikaa nyumbani kutoka skuli.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na tetekuwanga.", "choice2": "Alifurahia kusoma hesabu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Begi la takataka lilikuwa limejaa.", "choice1": "Nilizipeleka jaani.", "choice2": "Nilizitupa chini ya bakuli la choo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisafisha zulia.", "choice1": "Wenzangu katika chumba walimwaga kinywaji.", "choice2": "Mbwa wangu alimwaga nywele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alikasirika.", "choice1": "Alizima tarakilishi yake.", "choice2": "Alirusha kiti kwenye chumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alirusha jani katika kambi ya moto.", "choice1": "Jani liliungua.", "choice2": "Moto ulizima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitoka nje ya mfereji wa kuogea.", "choice1": "Maji moto yalikuwa yameisha.", "choice2": "Hakuona taulo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wazazi walitaka watoto wao waende chuo kikuu.", "choice1": "Walitenga pesa kwa ajili ya masomo ya ziada.", "choice2": "Waliwashajihisha watoto wao wacheze nje.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alifungua nyuzi viatu vyake.", "choice1": "Viatu vililegea.", "choice2": "Viatu vilichafuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikula nusu ya sufuria la nyama.", "choice1": "Iliyobakia aliiweka katika jokofu.", "choice2": "Alihifadhi mapishi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kifundo changu cha mguu kilikuwa kimevimba.", "choice1": "Niliweka barafu juu yake.", "choice2": "Nilipaka losheni juu yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mlango wa ofisi yangu ulikuwa wazi.", "choice1": "Nilizungumza na wenzangu katika dawati.", "choice2": "Nilisikia mazungumzo katika ukumbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ilibidi ningoje kwenye foleni.", "choice1": "Niliketi.", "choice2": "Nilisoma gazeti kwa kupitia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alimpiga nzi.", "choice1": "Nzi alikimbia.", "choice2": "Nzi alibakia palepale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme aliandika wasia.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anakufa.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amefiliea na mke wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanariadha alihisi kana kwamba mpinzani wake alikua anamkaribia.", "choice1": "Alitoka kwenye mashindano.", "choice2": "Aliongeza kasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilifikiria kwa makini kuhusu tatizo.", "choice1": "Niliomba ushauri.", "choice2": "Nilipata suluhisho.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msafiri alipita katika daraja lililosimamishwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na hofu.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na furaha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitegemea ushindi wa kikundi.", "choice1": "Alimuona rafiki yake anaangalia mchezo.", "choice2": "Liekeana dau na rafiki yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana hangeweza kupata usingizi.", "choice1": "Aliweka kengele ya saa yake.", "choice2": "Alihesabu kondoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kifaa kilikuwa kimefungwa kwenye mfuko vibofu.", "choice1": "Kikuwa nyepesi kuvunjika.", "choice2": "Kilikuwa kidogo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliiacha mitupu mifuko yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikipata tena kipande cha tiketi.", "choice2": "Niliona silaha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchwa walivamia nyumba.", "choice1": "Mchwa waliondoka kutoka kwenye nyumba.", "choice2": "Mchwa walikula kupitia mbao ndani ya nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasafiri wamefika mpakani.", "choice1": "Afisa doria alikagua pasi zao za kusafiria.", "choice2": "Afisa doria aliwatuhumu wao kwa kupenyeza magendo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ofisi ilikuwa imefungwa.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni siku ya mapumziko.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa nikipindi cha kiangazi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alipungua nguvu.", "choice1": "Alicheza drafti.", "choice2": "Aliruka kamba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke amepoteza nafasi yake kwenye mstari.", "choice1": "Watu zaidi waliingia kwenye mstari.", "choice2": "Alitoka nje ya mstari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichanfinya pua yake.", "choice1": "Mtoto alitoka mate kinywani mwake.", "choice2": "Mtoto alichafua nepi yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bendi ilipiga nyimbo yake ipendwayo.", "choice1": "Hadhira walipiga makofi kufuatia muziki.", "choice2": "Hadhira walisikiliza kwa upole na ukimya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kumshukuru mwalimu wake wa hesabu.", "choice1": "Msichana alibakia kizuizini baada ya shule.", "choice2": "Msichana alimletea tofaa mwalimu wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpiga kambi mdogo alihisi woga.", "choice1": "Mshauri wao wa kambi aliwambia kuhusu hadithi za mzuka.", "choice2": "Walizichoma mashmalo katika moto wa kambi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alijigonga kichwa chake.", "choice1": "Alipotea kwenye mawazo.", "choice2": "Alipoteza fahamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hundi nilioiandika imedunda.", "choice1": "Akauti yangu ya benki ilikuwa tupu.", "choice2": "Nimepata ongezeko la mshahara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kisanduku pokezi cha barua pepe ya mwanamme kilijaa barua taka.", "choice1": "Alifuta barua taka.", "choice2": "Alituma barua pepe ya halaiki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baharia alikuwa ametengwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amegundulika kuwa na ugonjwa.", "choice2": "Amepona kutoka kwenye ugonjwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yule msichana alihifadhi msimbo kwenye akili.", "choice1": "Aliukariri.", "choice2": "Alisahau kuuandika chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimimina maji kwenye gilasi.", "choice1": "Maji yalizima kiu yangu.", "choice2": "Maji yalikuwa yamejaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alibakia kimya wakati rafiki yake alipomaliza kuongea.", "choice1": "Alitaka kumpatia rafiki yake msaada.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akifikiria kuhusu maneno ya rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ajali ilikuwa ni kosa langu.", "choice1": "Nilijihisi mwenye hatia.", "choice2": "Nilipeleka mashitaka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkufu ulikuwa mbali mbali.", "choice1": "Mkufu ulizongwa kuzunguka tairi.", "choice2": "Kulikuwa na kiungo kilichovunjika katika mkufu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanandoa waliamua kuafikiana.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wamechoka na mabishano.", "choice2": "Walikimbia kujadili tatizo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke ameamua kuendesha afisi ya umma.", "choice1": "Aliajiri meneja wa kampeni.", "choice2": "Alishuhudia ndani ya mahakamani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitarajia hali ya hewa ya baridi katika safari yake.", "choice1": "Alipanga nguo za joto ndani ya sanduku lake.", "choice2": "Alisafiri pamoja na sanduku kubwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alijua jibu la swali.", "choice1": "Aliinua mkono wake.", "choice2": "Hakujishughulisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Macho ya mwanamme yalitokwa na machozi.", "choice1": "Vumbi lilingia ndani ya macho yake.", "choice2": "Alivaa miwani juu ya macho yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchezaji alishinda michezo kumi kwenye safu.", "choice1": "Mpinzani wake alimtuhumu yeye kwa udanganyifu.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alimuonea huruma yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwalimu alichana mtihani wa mwanafunzi.", "choice1": "Alimkamata mwanafunzi akifanya udanganyifu.", "choice2": "Majibu ya mwanafunzi yalikuwa sio sahihi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisita kuacha kuongea.", "choice1": "Nilipoteza sauti yangu.", "choice2": "Nilikosa pumzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chakula kilichogandishwa kiliyeyuka.", "choice1": "Nilikiweka kwenye mikrowevu.", "choice2": "Nilikifunika na karatasi yaplastiki.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muajiriwa alighushi kuumwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na matatizo ya tumbo.", "choice2": "Alitaka siku ya mapumziko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana aliteremka ndani ya bwawa.", "choice1": "Alikimbia juu ya ukingo wa bwawa.", "choice2": "Aliruka kutoka kutoka katika bao la kupigia mbizi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tiketi za filamu zimeuzwa zote.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni siku ya uzinduzi wa filamu.", "choice2": "Filamu lipata maoni mabaya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme amepungua uzito.", "choice1": "Watu wanamtenga yeye.", "choice2": "Watu wanampongeza yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mikono ya msichana ilikuwa na malengelenge.", "choice1": "Alichapa barua.", "choice2": "Aliparamia kamba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchezaji sarakasi alihadaa wakati anaendesha baiskeli ya ringi moja.", "choice1": "Watazamaji walimshangiria kwa mshangao.", "choice2": "Mwanasarakasi alining'ininia kutoka kwenye pembea.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nimepoteza uvumilivu wangu.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinifanya nimsubiri.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alifika kwa wakati.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nchi zinazopigana zilitaka amani.", "choice1": "Zilitengeneza silaha za nyuklia.", "choice2": "Zilijadiliana mkataba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitumia madawa ya usingizi.", "choice1": "Amekuwa mwenye kusinzia.", "choice2": "Alipata homa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aligongwa na kiti.", "choice1": "Mguu wa kiti ukafunguka.", "choice2": "Aliumiza goti lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alibinya puto.", "choice1": "Bofu lilichomoka.", "choice2": "Bofu liliruka juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wasafiri walikagua ndani ya chumba chao cha hoteli.", "choice1": "Walifungua mizigo yao.", "choice2": "Walikwenda uwanja wa ndege.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliuma fyulisi.", "choice1": "Fyulisi iliumia.", "choice2": "Juisi ilimwagika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkono wangu umekuwa unanatanata.", "choice1": "Nimekula donati.", "choice2": "Nilipata chakula chenye utamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisukuma mlango.", "choice1": "Mlango ulifunguka.", "choice2": "Mlango ulijifunga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanaharakati waligomea bidhaa.", "choice1": "Bidhaa zilikuwa zilipimwa kwa ajili ya kuthibitisha ubora.", "choice2": "Bidhaa zilikuwa zikitengenezwa kupitia ajira kwa watoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitoboa tundu kwenye ukuta.", "choice1": "Panya alitambaa kutoka nje ya tundu.", "choice2": "Vumbi lilipeperuka kutoka katika tundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alimuonea wivu dada yake.", "choice1": "Dada yake alikuwa na furaha.", "choice2": "Dada yake alipewa talaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilijimwagia mvinyo juu ya shati langu.", "choice1": "Nilivaa aproni.", "choice2": "Nilibadili shati yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mshika fedha alifungua vitabu vya fedha.", "choice1": "Mteja alitafuta pochi yake.", "choice2": "Mteja alimkabidhi yeye pesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamuziki anaetumbuiza babarani alivutia umati.", "choice1": "Watu walimpa yeye sarafu.", "choice2": "Aliuondoshea mbali umati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana mdogo alimlilia mlezi wake.", "choice1": "Alitamani kuona wazazi wake.", "choice2": "Ulikuwa wakati wa kula.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Rada ya rubani iligundua dhoruba.", "choice1": "Rubani aliondoa kutoka kwenye dhoruba.", "choice2": "Rubani aliruka kuielekea dhoruba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mti uliangusha majani yake.", "choice1": "Majani yalibadilika rangi.", "choice2": "Majani yalikusanyika chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alikuwa katika hali ya utukutu.", "choice1": "Aliamua kucheza karata pamoja na dada yake.", "choice2": "Aliamua kucheza mchezo wa mzaha na dada yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alisikitika kuwa anataka kwenda chooni.", "choice1": "Baba yake alimpa yeye sada na kinywaji.", "choice2": "Baba alisimamisha gari kwenye kituo cha kuuza mafuta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alinyunyiza chakula cha samaki ndani ya tangi.", "choice1": "Samaki waliruka kutoka nje ya tangi.", "choice2": "Samaki waliogelea kuelekea chakula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtazamo wa kisiasa wa mwanamke ulibadilika.", "choice1": "Alibadili mahusiano ya chama chake.", "choice2": "Alijihusisha na mgomo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinki la chooni lilikuwa limeziba.", "choice1": "Nilifungua bomba.", "choice2": "Niliingiza kifaa cha kusafishia ndani yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Abiria walitoka nje ya kwenye treni.", "choice1": "Treni liliwasili kituoni.", "choice2": "Treni ilipiga king'ora.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mawanamme alishindilia chini bawa la bahasha lenye unyevunyevu.", "choice1": "Aliweka stempu juu ya bahasha.", "choice2": "Aliifunga bahasha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Marafiki walipoteza mawasiliano.", "choice1": "Walifurahia kuwa karibu ya kila mmoja wao.", "choice2": "Walihama katika miji tafauti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mhasibu alishindwa kusimamia fedha za kampuni.", "choice1": "Aliondolewa kwenye nafasi yake.", "choice2": "Alikwenda kwenye likizo ya kujifungua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliangalia saa.", "choice1": "Nilisikia mlio wa saa.", "choice2": "Nilitaka kujua ni saa ngapi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkono wangu uliuma.", "choice1": "Niliandika insha kwa mkono.", "choice2": "Mimi na mke wangu tulishikana mikono.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Komeo lilikaza.", "choice1": "Nilibadilisha komeo.", "choice2": "Niliviringa bisibisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanandoa walisaini mkataba wa kodi kwa ajili ya fleti.", "choice1": "Wanandoa walihamia kwenye fleti.", "choice2": "Baraza la mji waliifelisha nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikaa nje kwenye baraza.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuangalia jua likizama.", "choice2": "Alifikiria aliona radi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alivaa jaketi la kujiokolea.", "choice1": "Hakuweza kuogelea.", "choice2": "Maji yalikuwa ya kina kifupi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alifanya makosa ndani ya kichakata matini.", "choice1": "Alifuta waraka.", "choice2": "Alibonyeza kitufe cha cha kurudi nyuma.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alijisifu kwa rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Alipata daraja baya.", "choice2": "Alishinda shindano.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bustani lilikuwa na matope.", "choice1": "Kulinyesha usiku.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa limejaa magugu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alilala sana.", "choice1": "Alibakia hotelini usiku.", "choice2": "Alisahau kurekebisha saa yake ya kengele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme amepaka losheni ya kujikinga na jua.", "choice1": "Alikaa kwenye kivuli.", "choice2": "Alikwenda ufukweni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watafiti walithibitisha nadharia.", "choice1": "Watafiti waliifuta nadharia.", "choice2": "Watu waliikubali nadharia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mashabiki kwenye mechi walizomea.", "choice1": "Mechi ilikwenda ndani ya muda wa ziada.", "choice2": "Refa alifanya maamuzi mabovu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliingiza namba za siri kwenye kufuli.", "choice1": "Nilifunga kufuli.", "choice2": "Kufuli ilifunguka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Umati uliongezeka.", "choice1": "Baba alimpa mwana wake pesa.", "choice2": "Baba aliukamata mkono wa mwanawe.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Barafu ilikuwa imezuia njia.", "choice1": "Nilikusanya theluji kuwa mpira wa theluji.", "choice2": "Niliondoa theluji kutoka kwenye njia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wapiga makasia walipiga makasia yao.", "choice1": "Kayak ilifika ufukweni.", "choice2": "Kayak iligonga wimbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alipoteza muelekeo wa baiskeli yake.", "choice1": "Aliachia usukani.", "choice2": "Alijigonga kwenye ukuta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliwasha feni.", "choice1": "Maji yalinimwagikia juu ya ngozi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilihisi hewa baridi ikinipitia juu yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wachejazi baharini walirudi pwani.", "choice1": "Walijawa na unyevunyevu wa maji.", "choice2": "Waliona papa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilivuta plugi ya bomba katika beseni la kuogea.", "choice1": "Maji yalichuruzika kwenye beseni.", "choice2": "Maji yalitawanyika kwenye sakafu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mume alijihisi mwenye makosa kuhusu kumlangai mkewe.", "choice1": "Alimtuhumu yeye kwa kukosa uaminifu.", "choice2": "Alikiri uzizi wake kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wino kwenye bango ulipakaa.", "choice1": "Nilisubiri wino ukauke.", "choice2": "Nilimaga maji juu ya bango.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto aliamka akilia.", "choice1": "Alipata ndoto mbaya.", "choice2": "Alirovya kitanda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana aliweka miguu yake juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Baba yake alikaa chini ya meza.", "choice2": "Baba yake alimkemea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rafiki yangu aligeuza kichwa upande wangu.", "choice1": "Niliita jina lake.", "choice2": "Nilipunga mkono.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Serikali iliwakandamiza raia wake.", "choice1": "Raia walipanga uasi.", "choice2": "Raia walijiandikisha kupoga kura.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alipotea ndani ya msitu.", "choice1": "Aliweka hema.", "choice2": "Alipiga kelele kwa ajili ya msaada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alisafiri nchi za nje.", "choice1": "Alitaka kujifunza jinsi ya kuchora.", "choice2": "Alitaka kujifunza kuhusu utamaduni mwengine.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikuwa na wivu na mfanyakazi mwenziwe.", "choice1": "Mfanyakazi mwenziwe alipandishwa cheo.", "choice2": "Mfanyakazi mwenziwe alifanya kazi hadi usiku mkubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alishudia viumbe kutoka sayari nyengine.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akiwazia mambo ya kufikirika.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akivuta tafakuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nywele za mwanamme ziligeuka rangi ya dhahabu.", "choice1": "Aliweka blichi ndani yake.", "choice2": "Aliweka shampuu ndani yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msanii alibuni kazi mpya.", "choice1": "Aliikosoa kazi yake iliyopita.", "choice2": "Alijicikia kupata motisha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto wa kiume alihama kutoka nyumbani.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amefunguzwa kutoka jeshini.", "choice2": "Alikuwa anakwenda chuo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vitabu vilianguka kwenye kabati la vitabu.", "choice1": "Rafu zilikuwa zimefunikwa na vumbi.", "choice2": "Tetemeko la ardhi lilitikisa kabati la vitabu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Umeme ndani ya nyumba yangu umezima.", "choice1": "Niliwasha taa.", "choice2": "Nilirekebisha fyuzi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tulibebwa na chombo kwenye hifadhi ya pumbao.", "choice1": "Chombo hili lilitisha.", "choice2": "Chombo hili lilifurahisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mfuko wa bisi ulianza kuchomoka.", "choice1": "Nilimimina siagi ndani ya mfuko.", "choice2": "Niliipasha moto ndani ya maikrowevu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mti ulianguka katika waya wa umeme.", "choice1": "Umeme ulizima katika mtaa.", "choice2": "Utabiri ulitabiri upepo mkali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msemaji alitoa maoni ya kisiasa yasiyo sahihi.", "choice1": "Aliwachosha hadhira.", "choice2": "Aliwaudhi hadhira.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilijichoma mwenyewe kwa pini.", "choice1": "Matone ya jasho yalitiririka kutoka usoni mwangu.", "choice2": "Tone la damu lilichomoza kwenye kidole changu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Samaki allielea juu ya uso wa pipa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na njaa.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amekufa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sauti ya mwanamme kavu.", "choice1": "Amepata mafua.", "choice2": "Ameacha sigara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mlango wa lifti ulifunguka.", "choice1": "Lifti ilifika kwenye sakafu iliyochaguliwa.", "choice2": "Lifti iliganda katikati ya sakafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alijipenyeza ndani ya nyumba kifichoficho.", "choice1": "Aliwadanganya wazee wake.", "choice2": "Wazee wake walimzuia asitoke.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Choo kilijaa maji.", "choice1": "Choo kilifurika sana.", "choice2": "Tanki ya kupashia maji moto iliharibika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mbwa mdogo alikaa karibu na mmiliki wake.", "choice1": "Mmiliki alimuweka kidani mbwa mdogo.", "choice2": "Mmiliki alimuweka mbwa mdogo kwenye mnyororo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata mfanano wake.", "choice1": "Alisimama chini ya mti uliosambaa.", "choice2": "Alisimama katika ziwa lililotulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nimekosa simu ya rafiki yangu wa kike.", "choice1": "Nilimpigia tena yeye.", "choice2": "Nilionana nae kwa chakula cha usiku.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia ilipekuwa kwenye mtaa.", "choice1": "Mbwa alikimbia nyumbani.", "choice2": "Vito ghali vilikuwa vimepotea nyumbani kwao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliona pumzi zangu nilipotoa pumzi.", "choice1": "Hali ya hewa ilikuwa ya kutulia.", "choice2": "Kifua kilihisi kubana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waajiriwa waliunda shirikisho.", "choice1": "Walitaka mazingiza mazuri ya kufanya kazi.", "choice2": "Muajiri wao aliongeza mshahara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilioka pai ya tofaa.", "choice1": "Harufu ya uoza ilijaa jikono.", "choice2": "Harufu ya kupendeza ilijaa jikoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alipata tabu kutembea.", "choice1": "Alivaa viatu vyenye visigino virefu.", "choice2": "Alivua viatu vyake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvuke ulitoka nje ya chngu cha maji.", "choice1": "Maji yalichemka.", "choice2": "Nilifunika chungu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Soksi zangu zote ziko kwenye ufuaji.", "choice1": "Nilivaa vilivyo wazi.", "choice2": "Nilivaa buti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hoja ya mwanasiasa ilikuwa imefikiriwa kuwa ya kipumbavu.", "choice1": "Alipoteza msaada wa wapiga kura.", "choice2": "Alikuwa ameshutumiwa kwa rushwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kila mmoja alikataa kuchumbiana kwa wapenzi.", "choice1": "Wapenzi walipata ujauzito.", "choice2": "Wapenzi walikimbia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jengo lilikuwa maalumu kwa milionea.", "choice1": "Milionea alitaka jengo libomolewe.", "choice2": "Milionea alichangia fedha kulijenga.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimtuhumu msichana kwa kuiba.", "choice1": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimuona msichana akiweka bidhaa ndani ya pochi lake.", "choice2": "Mshirika wa mauzo alimsaidia msichana kutafuta pochi aliyoipenda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nchi ilitangaza vita na maeneo jirani.", "choice1": "Wanajeshi walipelekwa kwa mapigano.", "choice2": "Wanajeshi waliungana tena na familia zao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Makahama iliunga mkono uamuzi huo wa utata.", "choice1": "Ghasia zilizuka mbele ya jumba la mahakama.", "choice2": "Wachumba walibadilishana viapo mbele ya jumba la mahakama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alinuka harufu ya kitu kinachoungua.", "choice1": "Alitoa biskuti nje ya chupa.", "choice2": "Aliacha biskuti ndani ya oveni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvua ilikuwa ikimiminika chini.", "choice1": "Dhoruba ilikuwa mbaya zaidi.", "choice2": "Nilikimbia kuingia ndani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Waliokuwa ndani ya hilo jumba walitolewa.", "choice1": "Lifti iliacha kufanya kazi.", "choice2": "Kengela ya moto ililia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baba alichukia ulevi wa mtoto wake wa kiume.", "choice1": "Baba alimnunulia mtoto wake wa kiume bia.", "choice2": "Baba alimfukuza mtoto wake wa kiume nje ya nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wakili alipanda ngazi hadi kwenye ofisi yake.", "choice1": "Karani alikwenda nyumbani kwa mapumziko.", "choice2": "Lifti ilikuwa mbovu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme amekuwa akisononeshwa na rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Rafiki zake walimkatisha yeye.", "choice2": "Rafiki zake walimnunulia chakula cha mchana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alimpa keshia pesa.", "choice1": "Keshia alimrudishia chenji yake.", "choice2": "Keshia alisahau kumpa msichana risiti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwekwa kwenye kiti cha magurudumu.", "choice1": "Alikuwa amepooza kutokana na ajali.", "choice2": "Aliingia hospitali ndani ya machela.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Raia walinin'giniza bendera ya taifa nje ya nyumba zao.", "choice1": "Nchi ilikuwa ikikumbuka uhuru wao.", "choice2": "Nchi ilikuwa ikipitia tabu za kiuchumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timu ilishindwa kwenye mashindano.", "choice1": "Waliwasikitisha mashabiki wao.", "choice2": "Waliwasisimua mashabiki wao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rafiki yangu alinionesha kuwa nilikuwa na chakula kimeganda kwenye meno.", "choice1": "Nilihisi kuaibika.", "choice2": "Nilijihisi fahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alifeli mtihani wake wa historia.", "choice1": "Alikuwa makini darasani.", "choice2": "Alisahau kusoma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jengo la kati ya mji liliporomoka.", "choice1": "Tetemeko la ardhi lilipiga jiji.", "choice2": "Kiwango cha uhalifu katika jiji kiliongezeka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rafiki wake wa kike ameachana na yeye.", "choice1": "Alimuomba yeye arudiane nae.", "choice2": "Alimtambulisha yeye kwa wazazi wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watoto wawili walifika chini kupiga mpira kwa wakati mmoja.", "choice1": "Mpira ulijibingirisha.", "choice2": "Vichwa vyao viligongana.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rakuni alifukua pipa la takataka.", "choice1": "Kulikuwa na kadibodi ndani ya pipa la takataka.", "choice2": "Mfuniko ulikuwa wazi kwenye pipa la takataka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alichonga penseli.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa rahisi.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa butu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mshika fedha alimkatalia mwanamke kumrudisha pesa kwa ajili ya nguo.", "choice1": "Alipoteza risiti yake.", "choice2": "Nguo haikumfaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkwaruzo ndani ya ngozi yangu ulikuwa kubwa.", "choice1": "Ulipoa kwa haraka.", "choice2": "Uliacha kovu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata mtizamo wa ajabu kutoka kwa abiria ndani ya treni.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akiangaza chini.", "choice2": "Alikuwa akizunguza peke yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alibakisha makombo juu ya sakafu.", "choice1": "Sisimizi walitambaa kwyenye makombo.", "choice2": "Mtoto aliweka mkate mbali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alimkabidhi tishu dada yake.", "choice1": "Dada wa mwanamke alikunja mkono wake.", "choice2": "Dada wa mwanamke alianza kulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alichukua nanaa.", "choice1": "Midomo yake ilikuwa mikavu.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu harufu mbaya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanandoa waliondoka mapema kwa ajili ya onesho.", "choice1": "Walitarajia mkusanyiko kuzunguka ukumbi.", "choice2": "Walipata muongozo kuelekea ukumbini.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alibakia nyumbani kutoka kazini.", "choice1": "Bosi wake alimpongeza yeye.", "choice2": "Mfanyakazi mwenzake alichukua nafasi kwa ajili yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alisaini activists maombi ya mwanaharakati.", "choice1": "Aliwaunga mkono sababu yao.", "choice2": "Aliwakemea wao kama kichaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Moyo wa muigizaji ulikuwa ukipapatika kabla ya uigizaji.", "choice1": "Alipata hofu ya jukwaa.", "choice2": "Alikariri mistari yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikuwa nimepotea.", "choice1": "Nilihesabu pesa zangu.", "choice2": "Sikukunjua ramani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tunda bivu lilisalia kwenye jua.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa limeliwa.", "choice2": "Lilisinyaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari iliharibika.", "choice1": "Niliwasha moto.", "choice2": "Injini ilipata moto sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliumia mgongo wake.", "choice1": "Alikwenda kumuona daktari wa magonjwa ya akili.", "choice2": "Alibakia kitandani kwa siku saba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliwasha moto ndani ya mahali pa kuotea moto.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimepungukiwa na kuni.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa baridi ndani ya nyumba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliacha kukimbia.", "choice1": "Alipata kichomi ndani ya ubavu wake.", "choice2": "Alipata nguvu mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niligonga kwenye mlango wa jirani yangu.", "choice1": "Jirani yangu alinikaribisha ndani.", "choice2": "Jirani yangu aliondoka nyumbani kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alishusha pumzi kwa mfadhaiko.", "choice1": "Mume wake hakuelewa wasiwasi wake.", "choice2": "Mume wake alimuaga kwa mabusu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwalimu aliwasifu wanafunzi.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi walijibu suali kwa usahihi.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi walisita kujibu suali.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke amepungukia na mayai.", "choice1": "Alikwenda shambani.", "choice2": "Alikwenda supamaketi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikutana na rafiki wa zamani.", "choice1": "Nilifichua siri kwake.", "choice2": "Nilimkumbatia yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikataa kwenda ndani ya ziwa.", "choice1": "Alikamata samaki.", "choice2": "Lilionekana lenye uchafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwnafunzi waliwasili darasani wamelowana chepechepe.", "choice1": "Mwevuli wake ulikua umevunjika.", "choice2": "Baiskeli yake ilikuwa imeibiwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasa kwenye kioo cha kompyuta alisogea.", "choice1": "Mtumiaji alibonyeza kasa.", "choice2": "Mtumiaji alimhamisha kasa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dereva alichukua njia ya mzunguko.", "choice1": "Ajali ilitokea kwenye barabara kuu.", "choice2": "Alifuata gari ya mizigo mbele yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilining'iniza lineni yenye maji maji kwenye kamba ya nje.", "choice1": "Lasi ilikauka.", "choice2": "Lasi iliingia madowa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa miwani ya kiza.", "choice1": "Muangaza wa jua ulilikuwa mkali.", "choice2": "Alivua kofia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikazia macho anga la usiku.", "choice1": "Alitamani iwe ni kiangazi.", "choice2": "Alifikiria ilikuwa nzuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilijihisi kuchoka.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda kulala mapema.", "choice2": "Nilikaa macho usiku kucha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikwenda kwa kinyozi.", "choice1": "Alikuwa akikuzikuza nywele zake.", "choice2": "Nywele zake zilikuwa refu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alimtania vibaya mwanafunzi mpya darasani.", "choice1": "Mvulana alimkaribisha mwanafunzi mpya.", "choice2": "Mvulana hakumpenda mwanafunzi mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitamani gilasi ya maziwa.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nikila biskuti.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikioka mkate.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvua ilianza kunyesha.", "choice1": "Dereva aliwasha taa za vin'gora.", "choice2": "Dereva aliibadilisha gari kwa kurudi nyuma.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maengesho mengi kwenye majengo yalikuwa matupu.", "choice1": "Niliegesha katikati ya mtaa.", "choice2": "Niliegesha karibu na mlango.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwandishi alikosa tarehe ya mwisho ya kuwasilisha mswada.", "choice1": "Alipewa zuio la mwandishi.", "choice2": "Alihariri mswada.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mshirika alinikatia simu.", "choice1": "Nilitaka kuzungumza na msimamizi.", "choice2": "Nilijipatia nambari ya kitambulisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Upepo ulivuma kupitia dirisha lililo wazi.", "choice1": "Kengele ya mlango iligongwa.", "choice2": "Mapazia yalitikisika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Umeme umezima kwenye nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilichomoa taa.", "choice2": "Nilizma fyuzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanariadha wa kuinua vyomba vya uzito alikoroma.", "choice1": "Alionyesha misuli yake mbele ya kioo.", "choice2": "Aliinua chuma juu ya kichwa chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alijaribu kufanya hesabu kichwani mwake.", "choice1": "Aliacha kikokotoo.", "choice2": "Alichanganyikiwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alichululiwa na usingizi.", "choice1": "Baba alibadilisha nepi ya mtoto.", "choice2": "Baba taratibu alimtikisa mtoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alitupa puto lenye maji kwa mvulana.", "choice1": "Mvulana alipata mtikiso.", "choice2": "Mvulana aliroa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpiga picha alisahau kutumia flashi kwenye kamera.", "choice1": "Picha uziligeuka kuwa na ukungu.", "choice2": "Kila mmoja kwenye picha alikataa kutabasamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikataa mualiko wa siku ya kuzaliwa.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa mpweke.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nje ya mji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilifanya mazoezi.", "choice1": "Nilijihisi mwenye nguvu.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa na hofu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikamua spongi tepetepe.", "choice1": "Lilirowana maji.", "choice2": "Maji yalitiririka nje yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watalii walipanda kivuko kwenda sehemu ya kupumzikia.", "choice1": "Sehemu ya kupumzikia ilikuwa imewekwa mapema.", "choice2": "Sehemu ya kupumzikia ilikuwa kwenye kisiwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana ana tojo.", "choice1": "Aliogopa sindano.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari nisiyoijua iliegesha nje ya nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na wasiwasi.", "choice2": "Nilipigia simu askari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muhalifu alijisalimisha mwenyewe ndani.", "choice1": "Ushahidi ulimhusisha yeye.", "choice2": "Hakukuwa na ushahidi dhidi yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme mnene aliamua kupungua uzito.", "choice1": "Aliacha vyakula ya peremende.", "choice2": "Alijiepusha na kafini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alikanyaga barafu.", "choice1": "Aliteleza.", "choice2": "Alitetemeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke ana mviringo chini ya jicho lake.", "choice1": "Alibakia macho usiku kucha.", "choice2": "Alimpeleka mtoto wake wa kiume kulala.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lava ilitiririka kutoka kwenye volcano.", "choice1": "Volkano ililiripuka.", "choice2": "Volkano ilikuwa imetulia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa viatu vyake.", "choice1": "Alijua kila mmoja kwenye sherehe.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuondoka shereheni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimlipa mtumishi wa gerezani.", "choice1": "Alinipa ruhusa kupita kuelekea gerezani.", "choice2": "Alinizuia kwenye gereza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtendaji alifilisika.", "choice1": "Aliuza hisa za kampuni .", "choice2": "Alipoteza mali zake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikwenda kwa daktari.", "choice1": "Daktari alikuwa likizo.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alikuwa anaumwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitoka chumba changu cha kulala kwa kupitia dirishani.", "choice1": "Nyumba iliingia moto.", "choice2": "Nyumba ilikuwa tupu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vidole vya mvulana vilipata mikunjo.", "choice1": "Alioga kwa muda mrefu.", "choice2": "Alipaka sabuni kwenye vidole vyake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Niliyatema maziwa.", "choice1": "Maziwa yalikuwa na ladha ya ukali.", "choice2": "Mdomo wangu ulikuwa mkavu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikosa basi.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimewahi kazini.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nachelewa kazini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari ya mizigo liligongana na gari.", "choice1": "Gari la mizigo liliongeza mwendo.", "choice2": "Gari lilipondekapondeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Timu ilidanganya mashindano kwa mapendeleo yao.", "choice1": "Walishinda.", "choice2": "Walijitoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chupa ya soda litoa sauti.", "choice1": "Niliigeuza juu chupa.", "choice2": "Nilikipinda kifuniko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alikuwa amefungiwa nje ya nyumba yake.", "choice1": "Alitambaa ndani kupitia dirisha lililo wazi.", "choice2": "Alipanda juu ya paa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kengele ya mlango ililia.", "choice1": "Mgeni alibisha mlango.", "choice2": "Mwanamke aliangalia kupitia tundu ya funguo kwenye mlango.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alichafua suti yake.", "choice1": "Alizipata kufuliwa kwa dobi.", "choice2": "Aliining'iniza kwenye kabati lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alibinya tyubu ya dawa ya meno.", "choice1": "Dawa ya meno ilichuruzika kutoka kwenye tyubu.", "choice2": "Msichana aliitema dawa ya meno.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vifo vya raia kutoka kwenye vita yaliongezeka maradufu.", "choice1": "Wapinga vita waliandamana.", "choice2": "Wapinga vita walifanya gwaride.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alivuta kwa haraka utepe kutoka kwenye nywele zake.", "choice1": "Alifunga utepe.", "choice2": "Utepe ulionekana wa kitoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata upasuaji wa maumbile.", "choice1": "Alizeeka.", "choice2": "Alionekana kijana.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto wa kuku alijitokeza kutoka kwenye yai.", "choice1": "Yai lilianguliwa.", "choice2": "Nililivunja yai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mfungwa alikaa na njaa.", "choice1": "Alikufa.", "choice2": "Alikimbia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipoteza balanzi juu ya ngazi.", "choice1": "Alipanda ngazi.", "choice2": "Alianguka chini ya ngazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alipiga mbweu.", "choice1": "Alibugia soda.", "choice2": "Alifungua kopo la soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Upepo wenye baridi uliingililia dirishani.", "choice1": "Nilitulia.", "choice2": "Nilitetemeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alipata nafasi ya kulipiwa masomo kwenda chuoni.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wenzake darasani walimuheshimu.", "choice2": "Alipata matokeo mazuri.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alimtania mvulana.", "choice1": "Aliishi karibu naye.", "choice2": "Alikua na hisia za mapenzi kwake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bedui mwenye njaa aliiba chakula.", "choice1": "Alichochea huruma.", "choice2": "Hakuwa na pesa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimpigia rafiki yangu kwa maongezi.", "choice1": "Nilitaka faragha.", "choice2": "Nilijihisi mpweke.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alinyoosha mkono wake kwangu.", "choice1": "Nilitikisa mkono wake.", "choice2": "Nilimpiga kibao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliepuka.", "choice1": "Fataki zilirushwa angani.", "choice2": "Kisahani kilipaa kikielekea kichwana mwangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alitafuna kucha zake.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na wasiwasi.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na mshangao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niligeuza hurasa juu ya kalenda.", "choice1": "Niliweka alama kwenye miadi kwenye kalenda.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa mwanzo wa mwezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bwana aligundua kwamba mkewe alikua na uhusiano wa kando.", "choice1": "Alimfuta kazi wakili wake.", "choice2": "Alianzisha mchakato wa talaka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana aliangusha mpira.", "choice1": "Mpira ulidunda.", "choice2": "Mpira uling'ara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alifanya makosa kwenye mtihani.", "choice1": "Alibahatisha jawabu.", "choice2": "Alifuta jawabu lake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchezaji alikabiliana na mpinzani wake.", "choice1": "Mpinzani wake aliupata mpira.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alianguka chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilichuma nyanya kutoka shambani.", "choice1": "Zilikuwa mbivu.", "choice2": "Nilizimwagilia maji.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alitaka kuonyesha mapenzi.", "choice1": "Alikutana na mpenzi wake wa awali kwa chakula cha mchana.", "choice2": "Alimnunulia mpenziwe chokoleti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zebaki ndani ya kipima joto ilipanda.", "choice1": "Niliangusha kipimajoto.", "choice2": "Hali ya hewa ilkuwa ya joto sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kimbunga kilikuja kuelekea mjini.", "choice1": "Paa la mahakama lilipeperuka.", "choice2": "Njia kuu iilikuwa ya hatari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanafunzi walipata twisheni.", "choice1": "Alama zake ziliboresheka.", "choice2": "Alidanganya kwenye mtihani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilihisi raha.", "choice1": "Nilipiga magoti barabarani.", "choice2": "Nilijifunika na blanketi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nililingarisha jiwe.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa inateleza.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa linang'ara.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliingiza sukari kwenye kahawa.", "choice1": "Kahawa ilinukia uchungu.", "choice2": "Kahawa ilikuwa na ladha ya utamu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume aliyapitia makaratasi.", "choice1": "Alikatwa na karatasi.", "choice2": "Aliyakatakata makaratasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niligonga msumari kwa nyundo.", "choice1": "Msumari ulizama kwenye ubao.", "choice2": "Msumari imeota kutu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Samaki alidonoa mshipi.", "choice1": "Mvuvi alimvuta samaki kwa mshipi.", "choice2": "Mvuvi alitupa tena mshipi majini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana aliona aibu kuenda shuleni.", "choice1": "Alikua na uvimbe.", "choice2": "Alizitoa gango zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muonekano wangu wa uso uliwaka.", "choice1": "Nilipokea habari njema.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza uvumilivu wangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilifuta mikono yangu kwa taulo.", "choice1": "Taulo ilikuwa na majimaji.", "choice2": "Mikono yangu ilikuwa na majimaji.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikosa balanzi juu ya stuli.", "choice1": "Stuli ilimyumbisha yeye chini.", "choice2": "Alimwaga rangi kwenye kistuli.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wachezaji walilaumiana wao kwa wao moja kwa moja.", "choice1": "Walishindwa mchezo wao.", "choice2": "Kocha wao alighairisha mazoezi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitaka msamaha.", "choice1": "Nilijutia maamuzi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilitimiza malengo yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alichoswa na miadi yake.", "choice1": "Alimuuliza masuali kuhusiana na yeye mwenyewe.", "choice2": "Alizungumza mfululizo kuhusu yeye mwenyewe.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana aliwaka kwa tabasamu.", "choice1": "Mashavu yake yalifanya wekundu.", "choice2": "Vibonyeo vyake vilijionesha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meli ya maadui iliripuka.", "choice1": "Ilipita juu ya yangu.", "choice2": "Ilitia nanga kwenye bandari.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliumia mguu wake.", "choice1": "Alitebea ndani ya dimbwi.", "choice2": "Alikanyaga gilasi iliyevunjika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wapelelezi waliondoa vumbi sehemu ya uhalifu kwa kutumia vidole.", "choice1": "Waligundua utambulisho wa muuwaji.", "choice2": "Waliona silaha katika eneo la uhalifu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kulikuwa na trafiki wingi katika barabara kuu.", "choice1": "Nilipita njia ya mkato.", "choice2": "Niliulizia njia ya baskeli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uchumi wa nchi ulishuka.", "choice1": "Watu wingi waliumwa.", "choice2": "Watu wingi walikosa ajira.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkatishaji wa barabara alipuliza firimbi kwa watoto.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wanataka kwenda waliko trafiki wanaokuja.", "choice2": "Aliwatambua kutokana na ujirani wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niligeuza macho yangu kwa rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Aliniambia ukweli.", "choice2": "Alitoa maelezo ya dhihaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari ilitembea bila gesi.", "choice1": "Dereva alipigwa barabarani.", "choice2": "Dereva aliwachukua wapiganaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikwenda katika chumba cha kujifungua.", "choice1": "Mtoto alizaliwa.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alikuwa na maumivu ya asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kofia ya mwanamme ilipepeuka.", "choice1": "Alivua kofia.", "choice2": "Kulikuwa na upepo nje.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alihudhuria katika sherehe ya siku ya kuzaliwa ya mwanafunzi mwenzake.", "choice1": "Alipokea mwaliko.", "choice2": "Alinunua zawadi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alihisi joto katika paji la uso.", "choice1": "Mama yake alimuangalia joto lake.", "choice2": "Mama yake alimpeleka bustanini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alijipulizia rangi.", "choice1": "Alitaka kupiga picha tarehe yake.", "choice2": "Alitia mafuta nywele zake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Umeme ulizimwa ndani ya nyumba.", "choice1": "Nilitafuta tochi.", "choice2": "Niliokota koleo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia ilihamia katika nyumba kubwa.", "choice1": "Kijana alihitimu sekondari ya juu.", "choice2": "Mama alijifungua mapacha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpigajimbio alitumia mwendo mdogomdogo.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuhifadhi nguvu zake.", "choice2": "Aliona mstari wa mwisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana aligonga mashine ya kuuza.", "choice1": "Mashine ilitema chenji yake.", "choice2": "Mfuko wa vibanzi ulikuwa umekwama.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mbwa wa rafiki yangu alikufa.", "choice1": "Niligeuza macho yangu kwake.", "choice2": "Nilimkumbatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadi ya mkopo ya mfanyabiashara ilishuka.", "choice1": "Aliandika IOU.", "choice2": "Alilipa fedha taslimu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yule mwanaume alilaani.", "choice1": "Alijikata kucha.", "choice2": "Aligongwa kwenye kidole chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alijidai kwa sababu ya kaka yake.", "choice1": "Kaka yake alipatiwa hoja na wazazi wao.", "choice2": "Kaka yake alikubaliwa katika skuli ya sheria.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kujifunza kuhusu nguvu za jua.", "choice1": "Alikwenda maktaba.", "choice2": "Aliangalia nyota.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bango lilikwama katika ukuta.", "choice1": "Nililiweka bango juu ya mlango.", "choice2": "Niliweka utepe nyoma ya bangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mteja aliidhinisha mipango ya mbunifu wa majengi kwa ajili ya jengo.", "choice1": "Mbunifu wa majengo alitengeneza jengo.", "choice2": "Mbunifu wa majengo alirekebisha mipango.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliangusha kijiko chake.", "choice1": "Mkono wake ulikuwa unatikisika.", "choice2": "Aliramba kijiko.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "CEO wa kampuni alijiuzulu.", "choice1": "Bodi ya wakurugenzi waliifuta kampuni.", "choice2": "Bodi ya wakurugenzi walitafuta mbadala wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilichelewa kufika katika muhadhara.", "choice1": "Nilikaa katika mstari wa nyuma.", "choice2": "Nilisogelea Podium.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliruhusiwa kutoka jela.", "choice1": "Hamilia yake walilipia dhamada yake.", "choice2": "Aliwashambulia wafungwa wenzake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia ilipoteza mali zao zote.", "choice1": "Waliuza nyumba yao.", "choice2": "Nyumba yao iliungua.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilipigwa katika kopo la alumini.", "choice1": "Kopo lilikuwa linatengenezwa upya.", "choice2": "Kopo liligongwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alijiunga na timu ya mjadala.", "choice1": "Alijifunza kutumia kompyuta.", "choice2": "Alijifunza ujuzi wa mazungumzo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hisia zangu ziliimarika.", "choice1": "Nilisikiliza mziki.", "choice2": "Nilifanya masufuria.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shirika la hisani lilifanya lengo la kuchanga pesa.", "choice1": "Waliwalisha wasio na makazi.", "choice2": "Walikuwa na mnada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rola kosta ilitumbukia chini kushuka mwinuko.", "choice1": "Abiria walicheka cheka.", "choice2": "Abiria walipiga makelele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikuwa na hasira.", "choice1": "Niliangalia sanduku la barua wakati wa kutoka katika nyumba.", "choice2": "Nilijigonga mlango wakati wa kutoka katika nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitaka kuangalia kuchomoza kwa jua.", "choice1": "Alisafiri kaskazini.", "choice2": "Aliamka mapema.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alikunja karatasi.", "choice1": "Nilitengeneza upya karatasi.", "choice2": "Karatasi ilichanika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nchi ilikumbwa na maafa ya asili.", "choice1": "Viongozi wa nchi nyengine waliunda muungano.", "choice2": "Viongozi wa nchi nyengine walipeleka misaada ya dharura.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nguo ya kijana iliroa.", "choice1": "Alipanda juu ya bwawa.", "choice2": "Alianguka ndani ya bwawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alifanya haraka kumaliza kitabu.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni kwa sababu ya kutaka kurejeshwa maktaba.", "choice2": "Alikiazima kutoka kwa rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muhalifu aliuwawa.", "choice1": "Alipelekwa jela.", "choice2": "Alihukumiwa kifo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwangaza wa jua uliingia chumbani.", "choice1": "Nilifungua pazia.", "choice2": "Nilifungua mlango.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilizivuta nywele za mbabaishaji.", "choice1": "Nywele zake bandia zilidondoka.", "choice2": "Alinyoa kipara.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mhariri alirejea sentensi katika muswada.", "choice1": "Aligundua muswada unalazimisha.", "choice2": "Aliona sentensi ina utata.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alifutisha akaunti yake ya kadi ya mkopo.", "choice1": "Aligundua kadi haipo.", "choice2": "Aligundua muda wa kadi umekamilika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme na mwanamke walipendana.", "choice1": "Walihudhuria chuoni.", "choice2": "Walifunga ndoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muziki ulikuwa dhaifu sana kusikia.", "choice1": "Niliongeza sauti.", "choice2": "Nilitunga wimbo wangu mwenyewe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nywele zake mvulana zilikuwa zimesimama.", "choice1": "Msichana alizishikashika zile nywele.", "choice2": "Msichana alizivuruta zile nywele.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mdudu alifinywa.", "choice1": "Nilijifukiza na dawa ya kufukuza wadudu.", "choice2": "Nilikanyaga yule mdudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilifungua macho yangu.", "choice1": "Niliamka.", "choice2": "Nilipumzika.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mziki wa jirani yangu ulilia.", "choice1": "Nilimuomba apunguze sauti.", "choice2": "Nilimuomba aniazime CD.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia ya mwanamme waliishi maisha ya umasikini.", "choice1": "Alichekeshwa na kipato chake.", "choice2": "Alipata mshahara chini ya kiwango cha chini kabisa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alihitimu chuo kikuu.", "choice1": "Alitafuta kazi.", "choice2": "Alifanya kile anachokipenda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msanii alichanganya rangi ya njano katika rangi ya buluu.", "choice1": "Rangi ilienea sehemu zote.", "choice2": "Rangi iligeuka kuwa kijani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilibadilisha mada ya mazungumzo.", "choice1": "Niliishiwa na mambo ya kuongea.", "choice2": "Mazungumzo yakawa magumu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kaka yangu aliruhusiwa kutoka hospitali.", "choice1": "Nilimkaribisha tena nyumbani.", "choice2": "Nilimkataa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pazia katika jukwaa lilikwenda juu.", "choice1": "Onesho la ufunguzi wa tamthilia lilianza.", "choice2": "Waigizaji wa tamthilia walilichangamsha jukwaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Teka alipelekwa katika mamlaka ya watekaji.", "choice1": "Mtekaji alitishia kumuumiza teka.", "choice2": "Mtekaji alimuacha teka mwenyewe.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mlio ulilia katika jukwaa.", "choice1": "Mwanamuziki alipiga mguu wake.", "choice2": "Mwanamuziki alipiga ngoma mfululizo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wazazi walikimbilia chumbani kwa mtoto wao.", "choice1": "Mtoto aliamka na kupiga makelele kutokana na jinamizi.", "choice2": "Mtoto alikuwa anaogopa kushuka kitandani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wmwanamke aliwasiliana kwa lugha ya alama.", "choice1": "Alizaliwa kabla ya wakati.", "choice2": "Alizaliwa kiziwi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ukame ulitokezea katika mkoa.", "choice1": "Maji yalichafuka.", "choice2": "Mazao yalipotea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Paka alimkimbiza ndege.", "choice1": "Ndege aliruka.", "choice2": "Ndege alikamata mafunza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alibadilisha skuli.", "choice1": "Skuli ilifungwa kwa kiangazi.", "choice2": "Alihamia mji mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mmiliki wa kiwanda alikataa kuongeza mshahara wa waajiriwa.", "choice1": "Mmiliki aliteua meneja mpya.", "choice2": "Waajiriwa walieka mgomo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kiongozi aliwachokoza wenye nguvu miongini mwa nchi yake.", "choice1": "Wenye nguvu walimshawishi yeye.", "choice2": "Wenye nguvu walimuua yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitembea pekupeku ufukweni.", "choice1": "Mchanga uliganda miguuni mwangu.", "choice2": "Mawimbi yalipiga pembeni mwa bahari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliamka usiku wa manane nikihisi baridi.", "choice1": "Nilivaa suruali nyepesi.", "choice2": "Nilikunywa bilauri ya maji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mama alimnyamazisha mtoto wake wa kiume.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake alitabasamu.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake alilalamika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tobo lilizuka katika jinzi yangu.", "choice1": "Nilifunga zipu jinzi yangu.", "choice2": "Nilisakama katika njia ya wapitao kwa miguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alivaa gango.", "choice1": "Alipata kijishimo kwenye meno.", "choice2": "Meno yake yakawa sawa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jana nilifanya bidii katika mazoezi.", "choice1": "Leo niliamka na maumivu ya misuli.", "choice2": "Leo niliamka na maumivu ya koo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alinong'ona na kuenea kwa kila mtu katika meza ya chakula cha mchana.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wengine walikaa kitako katika meza ya chakula cha mchana.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi wengine katika meza ya chakula walijisikia kuondoka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alishuka hadi kwenye trampolini.", "choice1": "Aliruka kurudi angani.", "choice2": "Aliamua kujaribu kupinduka hewani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilituma barua katika sanduku la barua.", "choice1": "Ofisi ya posta ilipokea barua.", "choice2": "Ofisi ya posta iliiharakisha barua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mcheza kamari alikuwa anajiamini.", "choice1": "Aliweka dau pesa zake zote.", "choice2": "Alikwenda nyumbani amefilisika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Moto wa msitu ulienea.", "choice1": "Upepo ulikuwa mwingi.", "choice2": "Wachomaji walichukuliwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alibambua ngozi nyayo yake.", "choice1": "Mama yake alimpeleka chumbani mwake.", "choice2": "Mama yake aliweka bendeji juu ya kidonda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alinusurika mauti ya ugonjwa.", "choice1": "Alitia saini wasia (ridhaa) wake.", "choice2": "Alipokea uhamisho wa kiungo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilipiga chubuo ya kahawa moto.", "choice1": "Nilipiga ulimi wangu.", "choice2": "Niliunguza ulimi wangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mhariri alimfukuza kazi mwandishi.", "choice1": "Mwandishi aliepuka upendeleo katika stori zake.", "choice2": "Mwandishi alikosa tarehe ya mwisho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilijihisi nimechoka.", "choice1": "Nililala siku nzima.", "choice2": "Nilisoma siku nzima.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Daktari alimtambua mgonjwa.", "choice1": "Alibaini dalili za mgonjwa.", "choice2": "Aliandika vidonge kwa mgonjwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikwaruza ngozi yangu.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa natoka jasho.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa inawasha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alifanya upasuaji wa dharura.", "choice1": "Alipoteza hasira zake.", "choice2": "Alisumbuliwa na mapigo ya moyo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misuli ya mikono ya mwanamme ilituna.", "choice1": "Alipindisha mikono yake.", "choice2": "Alisukuma mikono yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliinua nyusi zake.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anashangaa.", "choice2": "Alijisikia kuvunjika moyo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisamehe kosa la menzangu.", "choice1": "Niliamini nia yake ilikuwa nzuri.", "choice2": "Niliamini kuwa alitambua bora.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliacha kuvuta sigaraa.", "choice1": "Alianza kufanya mazoezi zaidi.", "choice2": "Alianza kutembea kwa miguu mapema.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alimpiga mshambulizi wake puani.", "choice1": "Mwili wa mshambulizi wake ulikufa.", "choice2": "Mshambulizi alianza kuvuja damu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mshale ulikosa lengo.", "choice1": "Mwanaume alilenga vibaya.", "choice2": "Mwanaume alikuwa akishindwa mchezoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mmiliki wa nyumba aliadai kuwa muangamizaji anakuja katika nyumba yake.", "choice1": "Aligundua panya chini ya nyumba.", "choice2": "Alieka boksi la mchwa katika chumba chake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilipendekeza kwa mgeni wangu kuwa tunatoka kwa ajili ya chakula cha usiku.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimechoka sana kuandaa chochote.", "choice2": "Mgeni wangu alikaa sana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alimkamata kaka yake anasoma shajara yake.", "choice1": "Alianza kuficha shajara yake.", "choice2": "Alipata shajara mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alipungukiwa na pesa kwa ajili ya kukodi.", "choice1": "Alifanya kazi muda wa ziada.", "choice2": "Aliacha kazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkono wa mtoto ulirejeshwa ghafla.", "choice1": "Aligusa jiko moto.", "choice2": "Aligusa kichwa cha mtoto wa mbwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kampuni ilitaka kupima kuridhika kwa wateja.", "choice1": "Walitoa ofa ya punguzo kwa wateja wapya.", "choice2": "Walifanya utafiti kwa wateja.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sakafu ya mbao ilipasuka.", "choice1": "Kijana alirusha mito wa kochi.", "choice2": "Kijana alikokota kiti katika sakafu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikinga uso wangu.", "choice1": "Adui yangu alinilaumu mimi.", "choice2": "Adui yangu alifunga ngumi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sanamu maarufu liliungua.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa limepigwa na mwangaza.", "choice2": "Watu walikuja kiliekea heshima.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliondoa tunda juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Tunda lilitoa mbegu.", "choice2": "Nzi walilizunguka tunda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mcheza bale wa kike aligawika nyuzi.", "choice1": "Alionesha vidole vyake vya miguu.", "choice2": "Alitikisa kifundo chake cha mguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kamba ya kiatu ya mtoto ilifunguliwa.", "choice1": "Alijifunza jinsi ya kuifunga.", "choice2": "Alikwenda mbio katika uwanja wa michezo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilivutiwa na kitabu.", "choice1": "Nilikirejesha kitabu.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza muda mwingi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alikuwa na imani sawa na za wazazi wake.", "choice1": "Wazazi wake walimshawishi.", "choice2": "Wazazi wake walimkana.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari ilianza kusimama polepole.", "choice1": "Iliishiwa na gesi.", "choice2": "Dereva alichuliwa na usingizi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikula aiskrimu kwenye jua.", "choice1": "Aiskrimu ilipoteza ladha yake.", "choice2": "Aiskrimu ilidondoka kutoka katika koni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilining'iniza mchoro chumbani.", "choice1": "Kapeti lilionekana chafu.", "choice2": "Kuta zilionekana tupu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliacha kazi mapema.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa naumwa na kichwa.", "choice2": "Bosi wangu aliendesha mkutano.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto wa mbwa alichafua zulia.", "choice1": "Mwenyewe alimkemea yule mtoto wa mbwa.", "choice2": "Mwenyewe alimpa zawadi yule mtoto wa mbwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliomba radhi kwa rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinisamehe.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alikuwa na hasira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alitofautika na umati.", "choice1": "Alibeba mfuko wa begani.", "choice2": "Alivaa fulana ya neon.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Shahidi aliongopea katika kiapo.", "choice1": "Alikamilisha ushuhuda wake.", "choice2": "Alilipishwa kwa uwongo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alitia rangi nywele zake.", "choice1": "Alitaka aonekane mpya.", "choice2": "Alitaka kuzichanganya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wahamiaji walikamatwa wakikaa nchini kinyume na sheria.", "choice1": "Walipata ajira.", "choice2": "Waliondolewa kutoka nchi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mzungumzaji wa hadhara alifanya mzaha.", "choice1": "Hadhira ililia.", "choice2": "Hadhira ilisimama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliangalia jua.", "choice1": "Jua lilinipofua.", "choice2": "Jua lililainisha ngozi yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilijihisi mchovu.", "choice1": "Nilivuta pumzi kwanguvu kupitia pua.", "choice2": "Nilienda myayo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nyama ilikuwa ngumu kukata.", "choice1": "Kisu kilikuwa hakipati.", "choice2": "Nyama ilikuwa mbichi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alitangaza kufilisika.", "choice1": "Alipokea malipo ya masurufu.", "choice2": "Alipewa deni kubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Taa katika ghorofa ya rafiki yangu ilikuwa imewashwa.", "choice1": "Nilishangaa kama alikuwa nje.", "choice2": "Niliamua kumtembelea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilieka ua chini ya pua yangu.", "choice1": "Petali zilitoa ua.", "choice2": "Nilichuma harufu ya au.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alichukuliwa na fikra zenye hisia nzuri.", "choice1": "Alipatana na rafiki yake wa utotoni.", "choice2": "Aliwapigia kelele watoto wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikhairisha karatasi.", "choice1": "Alipeleka karatasi mapema.", "choice2": "Alipeleka karatasi haijatimia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari yangu ilivunjika.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda madukani.", "choice2": "Nilimwita fundi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilizikataa matini.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa hazijulikani.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa hazisomeki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ndege alipiga mabawa yake.", "choice1": "Alizaa mayai.", "choice2": "Alipaa juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliegesha katika njia ndogo ya kwenda gereji.", "choice1": "Gereji ilikuwa wazi.", "choice2": "Gereji ilikuwa imejaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muhalifu alikusudia kumpiga bunduki muathirika.", "choice1": "Muhalifu aliweka bunduki chini.", "choice2": "Muhalifu alinyanyua juu mkono wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikuwa naisubiria mwisho wa wikiendi.", "choice1": "Nilipanga kuhudhuria mazishi ya mjomba wangu.", "choice2": "Nilipanga kuhudhuria katika harusi ya rafiki yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilipoteza muda mwingi.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na msururu wa mawazo mazuri.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa na kichefuchefu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nakala ilichapwa kwa hati zisizosomeka.", "choice1": "Printa ilikuwa na wino kidogo.", "choice2": "Printa ilikuwa haichukui karatasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wimbo wa taifa ulichezwa kwenye uwanja wa michezo.", "choice1": "Mashabili waligeukia bendera.", "choice2": "Mashabiki walikimbia kuelekea uwanjani.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchuzi ulikosa ladha.", "choice1": "Niliushughulikia.", "choice2": "Niliutia chumvi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nililiweka taulo katika mwanga.", "choice1": "Taulo ilifyonza kimiminika.", "choice2": "Mwanga ulibakisha mnato.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliingiliwa kati katikati ya kusoma kitabu chake.", "choice1": "Aliweka alama katika karatasi.", "choice2": "Alisoma tena kitabu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ndege ilipata mtikisiko.", "choice1": "Mwanamme alikaza ukanda wake wa kiti.", "choice2": "Mwanamme aliangalia nje ya dirisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alishtuka.", "choice1": "Msichana alimpuuza.", "choice2": "Msichana alimguza na kidole.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Madaktari walimpa mgonjwa mguu wa bandia.", "choice1": "Walitoa mguu wake.", "choice2": "Walisimamia viungo vyake muhimu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alimfinya msichana kifundo cha mkono.", "choice1": "Alifanya juhudi kumsogezea bega lake.", "choice2": "Aliupapatua mkono wake utokane naye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimuomba rafiki yangu ushauri.", "choice1": "Nilithamini maoni yake.", "choice2": "Nilitambua nilikuwa sahihi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alikanyaga katika tope.", "choice1": "Tope ziliganda katika viatu vyake.", "choice2": "Tope zilimpiga usoni.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mji ulipata inchi kadhaa za theluji.", "choice1": "Mashule yalifungwa.", "choice2": "Watu walijificha chini ya ardhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zamu za muajiriwa ilimaliza.", "choice1": "Alikwenda nyumbani kwa siku moja.", "choice2": "Alitishia kuacha kazi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mti uliharibu nyumba.", "choice1": "Mti ulianguka katika paa.", "choice2": "Mti uliweka kivuli uani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ukuni ulipasuka katikati.", "choice1": "Niliongeza ukuni kwenye moto.", "choice2": "Niliteremsha shoka ili kuulenga ukuni.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia iliwapongeza wanandoa.", "choice1": "Wanandoa walitangaza kuwa wametengana.", "choice2": "Wanandoa walitangaza kuwa wamepata mtoto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alimpelekea kijana kadi.", "choice1": "Alimpenda yeye.", "choice2": "Alim'busu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitikisa kichwa kukubaliana na kauli ya rafiki yangu.", "choice1": "Nilichanganyikiwa.", "choice2": "Nilikubaliana naye.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Marafiki walizungusha sarafu.", "choice1": "Walitaka kutafuta mwafaka.", "choice2": "Walitaka kufanya maamuzi ya haki.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alama ya saa ilizima jikoni.", "choice1": "Mwanamme alipakua mboga katika jokofu.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alitoa piza katika jiko.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliweka malengo yake aliyoyataka.", "choice1": "Hakuyafikia.", "choice2": "Alifanya kazi kwa juhudi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme tajiri alifariki akiwa na mkongwe.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alipata matatizo ya kisheria.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alirithi utajiri wake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikanyaga juu ya moto.", "choice1": "Moto ulizima.", "choice2": "Moshi ulitoka katika moto.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari ya mwanamke ilikuwa katika sehemu ya matengenezo.", "choice1": "Leseni ya dereva ilikuwa imemaliza muda.", "choice2": "Alipata ajali ya gari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nililala nikavuka kengele yangu ya saa.", "choice1": "Nilitayarisha chakula cha asubuhi.", "choice2": "Nilikosa chakula cha asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwandishi wa habari alitoka nje ya gari la kifahari.", "choice1": "Kamera iliangaza katika upande wake.", "choice2": "Familia yake ilihudhuria katika mkutano wa waandishi wa habari.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikaa sana bafuni.", "choice1": "Maji ya kukoga yalikuwa ya moto kidogo.", "choice2": "Maji ya kukoga yalitoka nje ya pira.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu alitaka kuwaona wanafunzi wengune katika kampasi.", "choice1": "Aliunga udugu.", "choice2": "Alichukua kozi ya uhandisi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilinyanyua mto wa kochi.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa natafuta sarafu.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa ninipanga tena chumba cha kuishi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nyiga alipaa kumuelekea kijana.", "choice1": "Kijana alikimbia.", "choice2": "Kijana alichuma ua.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alitiwa hatiani kwa kosa dogo.", "choice1": "Aliamuriwa afanye huduma za kijamii.", "choice2": "Aliekwa katika orodha ya waliohukumiwa kifo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikoroga sukari katika chai ya moto.", "choice1": "Chai ilipoa.", "choice2": "Sukari iliyeyuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mkongwe wa vita alitembea huku akichechemea.", "choice1": "Alichukuliwa aingie kwenye vita.", "choice2": "Aliumia vitani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muhalifu alimkimbia askari.", "choice1": "Askari alikwenda kwa waathirika.", "choice2": "Askari alimkimbiza muhalifu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kompyuta haingewaka.", "choice1": "Niliiangusha.", "choice2": "Niliiongezea chaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nafasi kwenye chumba cha nguo ilimwishia mwanamke.", "choice1": "Alipata nguo mingi.", "choice2": "Alikunja nguo zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alivunjika moyo.", "choice1": "Mke wake alijifungua.", "choice2": "Mke wake alimuacha.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipata shahada.", "choice1": "Alipata sifa za kazi aliyoitaka.", "choice2": "Ofa ya kazi yake iliondolewa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sauti ya mwanamme ilifika sehemu zote za hadhira.", "choice1": "Aliisalimia hadhira.", "choice2": "Alizungumza kwa kipaza sauti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilirusha sarafu katika chemchemi ya maji.", "choice1": "Sarafu ilizama chini.", "choice2": "Sarafu iligarika katikati.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchezaji alipiga mpira kuelekea shimoni.", "choice1": "Mpira uliingia shimoni.", "choice2": "Mpira ulirudi kwa mchezaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilivuta pumzi kwenye vumbi katika dari.", "choice1": "Nilienda kwikwi.", "choice2": "Nilipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mhasibu wa duka aliwapigia usalama.", "choice1": "Mteja alitumia pesa bandia.", "choice2": "Mteja aliwacha taa yake ya mbele inawaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilizitupa takataka nje.", "choice1": "Takataka zilileta harufu mbaya jikoni.", "choice2": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilitupa orodha yangu ya manunuzi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia ilikwenda katika bustani ya wanyama.", "choice1": "Watoto waliwapenda wanyama.", "choice2": "Watoto waliwakimbiza wanyama.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme avuta pumzi kwa sauti.", "choice1": "Mafigo yalikataa.", "choice2": "Mapafu yalikuwa yameziba.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikuwa na tiketi ya ziada kwa ajili ya tamasha.", "choice1": "Nilimuomba rafiki yangu anielekeze sehemu ya tukio.", "choice2": "Nilimuuliza rafiki yangu kama angeweza kwenda.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kiyoyozi kiliharibika ndani ya nyumba.", "choice1": "Nilivua blangeti.", "choice2": "Nilifungua dirisha.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mgongo wa kijana uliuma.", "choice1": "Mfuko wa begani ulikuwa wazi.", "choice2": "Mfuko wa begani ulikuwa mzito.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimnunulia mama yangu zawadi.", "choice1": "Nilimpambilia keki.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa ni siku yake ya kuzaliwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mimea ya maua kwenye bustani iliharibiwa.", "choice1": "Nyuki alimdunga mkulima.", "choice2": "Chindi walichimbua balbu za ile mimea.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliwasha kiberiti.", "choice1": "Moto ulififia.", "choice2": "Kiberiti Kilizalisha moto.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vyama vilivyolumbana viliekeana mkataba.", "choice1": "Hawakutaka kulumbana mahakamani.", "choice2": "Walitaka kurudisha uhusiano wao.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watoto walipelekwa sehemu ya kulelea yatima.", "choice1": "Wazazi wao walifariki.", "choice2": "Wazazi wao waliwaharibu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kimondo kiliangukia baharini.", "choice1": "Sunami ilitokezea.", "choice2": "Mvua ya mawe ilianza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mzururaji alikabiliana na nyoka mwenye sumu.", "choice1": "Alikosa maji mwilini.", "choice2": "Aliogopa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jiko lilipata moto.", "choice1": "Niliwasha jiko.", "choice2": "Niliteleka sufuria katika jiko.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alibonyeza ganda la limau.", "choice1": "Limau lilifanya ukungu.", "choice2": "Limau lilikamuliwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nchi iligundua ardhi mpya.", "choice1": "Nchi iliibomoa ardhi.", "choice2": "Nchi iliitawala ardhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bilauri ilianguka juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Ilivunjika na kuenea katika sakafu yote.", "choice2": "Iliwekwa katika rundo la nguo zitakazofuliwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meza ilitingishika.", "choice1": "Sakafu haikuwa sawa sawa.", "choice2": "Sakafu ilikuwa inateleza.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baba alimkamata mtoto wake wa kiume amelala.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alikiri ukweli.", "choice2": "Baba alimuamini mtoto wake wa kiume.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kichwa cha mwanamme kilipata maumivu.", "choice1": "Alikunya dawa ya kifua.", "choice2": "Alimeza aspirini.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Treni ilipunguza mwendo.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa inakaribia kituoni.", "choice2": "Ilikuwa inatembea kinyume na ratiba yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alipita kwenye matibabu.", "choice1": "Jamaa yake ina ugonjwa wa akili.", "choice2": "Aligunduliwa kuwa na unyogovu wa akili.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alishika koo yake.", "choice1": "Alimeza chakula chake.", "choice2": "Alisamwa na chakula.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa na maumivu ya koo.", "choice1": "Sauti yake ilikuwa mzito.", "choice2": "Aliongea kwa msisitizo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mbwa aliangalia pande la nyama juu ya meza.", "choice1": "Alitoka mate.", "choice2": "Alilala chini.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Biashara ya mwanamke ilifanikiwa.", "choice1": "Aliwafukuza kazi waajiriwa wake.", "choice2": "Alikuwa tajiri.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanafunzi walitoka darasani.", "choice1": "Kengele ililia.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alitoa kazi ya nyumbani.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alidai aliona pepo.", "choice1": "Uelewa wake ulionesha mashaka.", "choice2": "Uelewa wake uliendana na yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipoteza usikivu wake.", "choice1": "Karibu apotee katika bahari.", "choice2": "Karibu afe katika mripuko.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alikata kamba ya puto.", "choice1": "Puto lilitoka upepo.", "choice2": "Puto lilikwenda hewani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliputeza uwezo wake wa kuzungumza.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na kiharusi.", "choice2": "Alivuta pumzi kubwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alijikwaa katika njia ya wapitao kwa miguu.", "choice1": "Kulikuwa na ufa katika saruji.", "choice2": "Alisikia jina lake linaitwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alijitupa katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Muokoaji alijitupa baada yake.", "choice2": "Mwanamme alimrowesha muokoaji.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilimeza dawa ya kuondoa sumu.", "choice1": "Ugonjwa wangu wa kuambukiza uliondoka.", "choice2": "Ugonjwa wangu wa kuambukiza ulienea.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Taa ya trafiki iliwaka rangi ya manjano.", "choice1": "Dereva alifunga breki.", "choice2": "Dereva alipiga honi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chombo cha plastiki kiliyeyuka.", "choice1": "Nilikiroweka chombo katika maji moto.", "choice2": "Nilikiweka chombo katika jiko moto.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gari ilitoboka.", "choice1": "Dereva alikanyaga ncha ya simu.", "choice2": "Dereva alitembea wakati taa nyekundu inawaka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alisoma usiku kutwa.", "choice1": "Aliruka mtihani.", "choice2": "Alifaulu mtihani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana mdogo alijishikilia pembeni mwa bwawa la kuogelea.", "choice1": "Aliogopa kuogelea.", "choice2": "Mtunzani wa bwawa alikua pale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliweka mkono wangu kifuani kwangu.", "choice1": "Nilihisi mapigo yangu ya moyo.", "choice2": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo kiliongezeka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jengo karibu na ofisi yangu ilikuwa linajengwa.", "choice1": "Ofisi yangu ilikuwa na watu wengi.", "choice2": "Ofisi yangu ilikuwa na kelele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Familia walitaka kuwajua jirani zao wapya.", "choice1": "Familia iliwaalika jirani zao katika chakula cha usiku.", "choice2": "Familia walipunga mikono kwa jirani zao kutoka bustanini kwao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maji yalipiga kutoka katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Muogeleaji alipiga mbizi katika bwawa.", "choice2": "Muogeleaji alielea katika bwawa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitafuna kipande cha tikiti maji.", "choice1": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilimeza konde.", "choice2": "Kwa bahati mbaya nilikata jino langu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alijikwaa.", "choice1": "Koti lake lilikuwa halijafungwa zipu.", "choice2": "Nyuzi zake za viatu ilikuwa hazijafungwa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alivaa kizibo cha masikio.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anasumbuliwa na kelele.", "choice2": "Alitoboa masikio yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliijaza tena chupa yangu ya maji.", "choice1": "Nilikunywa maji yote ndani yake.", "choice2": "Niliiweka katika jokofu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Onesho la televisheni lilitathminiwa lugha yake.", "choice1": "Lilikuwa na lugha ya kipuuzi.", "choice2": "Lilikuwa na mjengeko mgumu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meli ilianguka.", "choice1": "Wafanyakazi walizama majini.", "choice2": "Wafanyakazi walikabiliana na maharamia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kijana alichagizwa na kitendawili.", "choice1": "Alitegua kitendawili.", "choice2": "Aliomba kidokezo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Simu iliita.", "choice1": "Mwanamme aliipotezea simu.", "choice2": "Mwanamme aliipokea simu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa ananikodolea.", "choice1": "Nilimkumbatia.", "choice2": "Nilijisikia wasiwasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kundi lilibakia makumbusho.", "choice1": "Walichukua picha za maonesho.", "choice2": "Walitazama maonesho yote.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alianza hoja na mie.", "choice1": "Rafiki yangu alinitambulisha kwa mwanamme.", "choice2": "Rafiki yangu alisimama kwa ajili yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpira katika baskeli yangu ulikuwa umelala.", "choice1": "Nilitia upepo katika tairi.", "choice2": "Nilibadilisha gia katika baskeli.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alionekana ana safura.", "choice1": "Baba yake alimsomea hadithi.", "choice2": "Baba yake alimgusa paji la uso.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kalamu ilimaliza wino.", "choice1": "Nilitumia penseli.", "choice2": "Nilisaini jina langu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikataliwa kukopa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na deni.", "choice2": "Alianza biashara.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alikaa nyumbani kutoka skuli.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na tetekuwanga.", "choice2": "Alifurahia kusoma hesabu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Begi la takataka lilikuwa limejaa.", "choice1": "Nilizipeleka jaani.", "choice2": "Nilizitupa chini ya bakuli la choo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisafisha zulia.", "choice1": "Wenzangu katika chumba walimwaga kinywaji.", "choice2": "Mbwa wangu alimwaga nywele.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alikasirika.", "choice1": "Alizima tarakilishi yake.", "choice2": "Alirusha kiti kwenye chumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alirusha jani katika kambi ya moto.", "choice1": "Jani liliungua.", "choice2": "Moto ulizima.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitoka nje ya mfereji wa kuogea.", "choice1": "Maji moto yalikuwa yameisha.", "choice2": "Hakuona taulo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wazazi walitaka watoto wao waende chuo kikuu.", "choice1": "Walitenga pesa kwa ajili ya masomo ya ziada.", "choice2": "Waliwashajihisha watoto wao wacheze nje.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alifungua nyuzi viatu vyake.", "choice1": "Viatu vililegea.", "choice2": "Viatu vilichafuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikula nusu ya sufuria la nyama.", "choice1": "Iliyobakia aliiweka katika jokofu.", "choice2": "Alihifadhi mapishi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kifundo changu cha mguu kilikuwa kimevimba.", "choice1": "Niliweka barafu juu yake.", "choice2": "Nilipaka losheni juu yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mlango wa ofisi yangu ulikuwa wazi.", "choice1": "Nilizungumza na wenzangu katika dawati.", "choice2": "Nilisikia mazungumzo katika ukumbi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ilibidi ningoje kwenye foleni.", "choice1": "Niliketi.", "choice2": "Nilisoma gazeti kwa kupitia.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alimpiga nzi.", "choice1": "Nzi alikimbia.", "choice2": "Nzi alibakia palepale.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme aliandika wasia.", "choice1": "Alikuwa anakufa.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amefiliea na mke wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanariadha alihisi kana kwamba mpinzani wake alikua anamkaribia.", "choice1": "Alitoka kwenye mashindano.", "choice2": "Aliongeza kasi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilifikiria kwa makini kuhusu tatizo.", "choice1": "Niliomba ushauri.", "choice2": "Nilipata suluhisho.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msafiri alipita katika daraja lililosimamishwa.", "choice1": "Alikuwa na hofu.", "choice2": "Alikuwa na furaha.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitegemea ushindi wa kikundi.", "choice1": "Alimuona rafiki yake anaangalia mchezo.", "choice2": "Liekeana dau na rafiki yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana hangeweza kupata usingizi.", "choice1": "Aliweka kengele ya saa yake.", "choice2": "Alihesabu kondoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/sw/val.sw.jsonl b/data/sw/val.sw.jsonl
index 23b1780..03668c0 100644
--- a/data/sw/val.sw.jsonl
+++ b/data/sw/val.sw.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alifungua bomba la maji.", "choice1": "Choo kilijaa maji.", "choice2": "Maji yalitiririka kutoka kwenye bomba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana aliona mdudu kwenye uji wake.", "choice1": "Alimimina maziwa kwenye kibakuli.", "choice2": "Alipoteza hamu ya kula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alistaafu.", "choice1": "Alipokea pencheni yake.", "choice2": "Alilipa deni lake la mkopo wa nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitaka kuokoa nishati.", "choice1": "Nilisafisha sakafu ya chumba kisichotumika.", "choice2": "Nilizima taa za chumba kisichotumika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nyama ya baga iligeuka kuwa rangi ya udongo.", "choice1": "Mpishi aliiweka kweny friji.", "choice2": "Mpishi aliichoma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilitilia shaka sauti ya muuzaji.", "choice1": "Niliikataa ofa yake.", "choice2": "Alinishawishi ninunue bidhaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliamua kubaki nyumbani usiku ule.", "choice1": "Utabiri wa hali ya hewa ulitabiri kimbunga.", "choice2": "Rafiki zangu walinitaka tutoke.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Macho yangu yalikuwa mekundu na yaliyovimba.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa ninalia.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa ninacheka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanga wa mshumaa ulizimika.", "choice1": "Niliupuliza.", "choice2": "Niliweka uchora wa kiberiti juu ya mshumaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanaume alikunywa sana katika pati.", "choice1": "Aliumwa na kichwa siku iliyofuatia.", "choice2": "Alipata mafua siku iliyofuatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpira wa besi ulizigonga pini za kuchezea besi.", "choice1": "Mwanaume alibingirisha mpira wa besi kwenye njia ya kuchezea besi.", "choice2": "Mwanaume alidondosha mpira wa besi mguuni kwake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jamii ilijua kwamba yule mwanaume alifariki.", "choice1": "Jamaa yake ilimzika makaburini.", "choice2": "Tanzia yake ilionekana kwenye gazeti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kompyuta yangu iliharibika.", "choice1": "Niliweka spika mpya.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza taarifa zangu zote.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alistaafu kazi yake.", "choice1": "Alitamani kupata cheo cha juu cha kiutendaji katika shirika.", "choice2": "Aliamini kuwa wakubwa zake hawakufanya kazi kwa uadilifu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mchezaji aliushika mpira.", "choice1": "Mchezaji mwenzake alimrushia.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alijaribu kumzuia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hakimu aligonga nyundo.", "choice1": "Chumba cha mahakama kilihanikiza zogo.", "choice2": "Hakimu alitoa hukumu yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwatimua watoto nyumbani kwake.", "choice1": "Watoto walipiga mpira kwenye uwanja wake.", "choice2": "Watoto walikanyagakanyaga bustani yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Watekaji walimwachia mateka.", "choice1": "Walikubali kupokea pesa za kumgomboa.", "choice2": "Walitoroka jela.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Macho ya mpishi yalitoka machozi.", "choice1": "Vitunguu vilimwishia.", "choice2": "Alikata kitunguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alitia kidole chake kwenye maji baridi.", "choice1": "Aliunguza kidole chake kwenye tosta.", "choice2": "Alivaa pete ya almasi kwenye kidole chake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikosea kutamka neno.", "choice1": "Mwalimu alimsahihisha.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alimfukuza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilirejesha utulivu baada ya hasira mingi.", "choice1": "Moyo wangu ulidunda.", "choice2": "Nilichukua pumzi za kina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliweka mikono yangu chini ya mfereji wa maji.", "choice1": "Sabuni ilinitoka mikononi.", "choice2": "Maji yalinichapa kwenye uso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alivalia suti yake nzuri.", "choice1": "Aliratibu mkutano na mteja muhimu.", "choice2": "Mke wake alimnunulia tai mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alikiri penzi lake kwa mwanamke.", "choice1": "Mwanamke alimkataa yeye.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alimuonea wivu yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dereva alipata pancha.", "choice1": "Alipitiliza kiwango cha mwendo.", "choice2": "Alikanyaga msumari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uonaji wangu wa sinema ulizibwa.", "choice1": "Wapenzi wawili walikuwa wananong'onezana nyuma yangu.", "choice2": "Mtu mrefu alikaa mbele yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dereva aliwasha mataa ya mbele ya gari.", "choice1": "Alisikia mgurumo wa radi.", "choice2": "Jua lilitua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alikataa kula mboga zake.", "choice1": "Babake alimwambia anywe maziwa yake.", "choice2": "Babake alimnyang'anya kitindamlo chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliufunika mdomo wake kwa kutumia mkono.", "choice1": "Alitoa pumzi.", "choice2": "Alipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Karani alimsubirisha aliyepiga simu.", "choice1": "Simu ya aliyepiga ilikosa kupokewa.", "choice2": "Aliyepiga simu alisubiri kwenye simu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke anatembea kwa mikongojo.", "choice1": "Alinyoa miguu yake.", "choice2": "Amevunjika mguu wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikohoa.", "choice1": "Alivuta moshi ndani.", "choice2": "Nilipunguza sauti yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saa iligonga.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni saa la awali za siku.", "choice2": "Saa ilionekana haiendi mbele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpishi aligonga yai juu ya pembe ya bakuli.", "choice1": "Yai lilipasuka.", "choice2": "Yai lilioza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Polisi waliitafuta gari ya mwenye makosa.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wanajaribu kumfanya akiri makosa.", "choice2": "Wanatafuta madawa ya kulevya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wapenzi walisafiri kusini kwa ajili ya majira ya baridi.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wamestaafu.", "choice2": "Walikuwa wametengana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alijisikia kulazimika kuhudhuria tukio.", "choice1": "Alimkatalia rafiki yake kwenda.", "choice2": "Alimuahidi rafiki yake kuwa atakwenda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bibi harusi alipigwa na butwaa kabla ya harusi.", "choice1": "Waalikwa wa harusi walileta zawadi.", "choice2": "Aliaghirisha harusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme amekuwa mzee.", "choice1": "Nywele zake zimebadilika kwa za kijivujijivu.", "choice2": "Ameuza vitu anavyovimuiliki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Marafiki wameamua kugawana baga.", "choice1": "Walilikata baga nusu.", "choice2": "Waliangiza chipsi pamoja na baga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikipinda kifuniko cha chupa ya soda.", "choice1": "Soda ilitoa vibofu.", "choice2": "Soda ilifoka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jozi ya wanafunzi walifanyiwa uchunguzi na mwalimu.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wote wamepata daraja zuri zaidi.", "choice2": "Majibu yao kwenye kazi yalifanana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikuwa na haraka kufika shule kwa wakati.", "choice1": "Aliacha kazi yake nyumbani.", "choice2": "Alileta chakula chake cha mchana shule.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwandishi aliandika wasifu kuhusu maisha ya mwanashirika la kibinadamu.", "choice1": "Mwanashirika la kibinadamu alikuwa mgumu kuhojiwa na mawandishi.", "choice2": "Mwandishi alitatizwa na kazi za mwanashirika la kibinadamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alipingana na mamlaka ya kanisa.", "choice1": "Alichangia pesa kwenye kanisa.", "choice2": "Alifukuzwa kanisani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nywele za mwanamke ziliangukia usoni kwake.", "choice1": "Alizivuta nywele zake kwa kibanio.", "choice2": "Aliweka povu la shampoo kwenye nywele zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pete katika kidole changu iliganda.", "choice1": "Kidole changu kilivimba.", "choice2": "Nimebandua kucha yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliivuta kamba ya mpira.", "choice1": "Ilijivurumisha upande wa pili wa chumba.", "choice2": "Ilitanuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilibonyeza mikono yangu kwenye saruji isiyokauka.", "choice1": "Alama ya mkono wangu ilikauka kwenye saruji.", "choice2": "Nyufa ziliibuka ndani ya saruji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ngozi yangu imetokewa na upele.", "choice1": "Nilipangusa sumu ya mmea mtambaachi kwenye uwanja wangu.", "choice2": "Niliondoa sumu ya mmea mtambaachi kwenye uwanja wangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uandishi wangu katika jarida umemaliza muda.", "choice1": "Niliondoa toleo jipya.", "choice2": "Nilisita kupokea matoleo mapya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mpelelezi aligundua hitilafu kwenye kesi.", "choice1": "Aliikamilisha nadharia yake.", "choice2": "Aliifutilia mbali nadharia yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alikasirika sana.", "choice1": "Kaka yake alichukua midoli yake kutoka kwake.", "choice2": "Alitumia midoli yake pamoja na kaka yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto alijifunza jinsi ya kusoma.", "choice1": "Alianza kuhudhuria skuli.", "choice2": "Alichupa darasa shuleni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mvulana alikwepa chakula cha jioni.", "choice1": "Mama yake alipika mlo anaopendelea zaidi.", "choice2": "Alikula sana chakula cha mchana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwamwagia sifa bandia rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuwaomba msaada rafiki zake.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amehamanika na manung'uniko ya rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ufunguo ulikuwa umepotea kutoka kwenye mfuko wa suruali yangu.", "choice1": "Mfuko ulikuwa na tundu.", "choice2": "Suruali ilikuwa mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alizimia.", "choice1": "Alipata lepe la usingizi.", "choice2": "Alikimbia mbio za masafa marefu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme ameshindwa kwenye shindano.", "choice1": "Shindano lilikuwa limehujumiwa.", "choice2": "Aliwatisha washindani wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mama aliita gari la kuwabeba wagonjwa.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alipoteza paka wake.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alianguka kutoka kitandani kwake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dereva alibamiza kwa nguvu breki zake.", "choice1": "Swala alichomoza barabarani.", "choice2": "Radio ya gari ilizima.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kitasa kilifunguka.", "choice1": "Nilizungusha funguo ndani ya kitasa.", "choice2": "Nilitengeneza nakala ya funguo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilivaa glavu za mpira.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nikijitayarisha kuosha mikono yangu.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikijitayarisha kusafisha choo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Jamii za wanyama zimekuwa hatarini kutoweka.", "choice1": "Makaazi yao yameharibiwa.", "choice2": "Wawindaji wao wametoweka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alitambua kuwa mwanamke anaonekana tafauti.", "choice1": "Mwanamke amekata nywele zake.", "choice2": "Mwnamke amevaa bangili.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alisahau kufanya kazi yake.", "choice1": "Alijitetea kumwambia mwalimu.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alimpandisha yeye darasa jengine la juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mbwa alibweka.", "choice1": "Paka alistaarehe juu ya sofa.", "choice2": "Hodi ilisikika mlangoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mipango ilitangazwa ya kubadilisha eneo la kupumzikia kwa maduka makubwa.", "choice1": "Wanamazingira walianza maombi rasmi.", "choice2": "Wanamazingira walitengeneza makala.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wanandoa walikuwa na furaha kuonana.", "choice1": "Walibusiana.", "choice2": "Walipumzika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliimwambia mwanaume aende zake.", "choice1": "Alimtusi.", "choice2": "Alimshukuru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tawi la mti limeteremka kwenye mto.", "choice1": "Tawi lilisogea kufuata mto.", "choice2": "Mkondo wa mto umekuwa na nguvu sana.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwalimu aliwapa wanafunzi kazi ya nyumbani.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi walipitisha maelezo.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi walilalamika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Majira yalibadilika kutoka kiangazi kwenda vuli.", "choice1": "Watu walihama nyumba zao.", "choice2": "Majani yalianguka kutoka kwenye miti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanasiasa alitiwa hatiani kwa ubadhirifu.", "choice1": "Aliomba kuchaguliwa tena.", "choice2": "Aliondolewa madarakani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisukuma gari la kukokotwa.", "choice1": "Vitu katika gari la kukokotwa vilianguka nje.", "choice2": "Magurudumu ya gari la kukokotwa yalizunguka mbele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dalali aliwashawishi bunge kuunga mkono mswada.", "choice1": "Raisi alipigia kura mswada.", "choice2": "Bunge walipitisha mswada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kabati langu lilikuwa chafu.", "choice1": "Nililipanga.", "choice2": "Nililipamba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilikesha hadi usiku sana.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na ndoto za wazi wazi usiku ule.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa mchofu asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mfuko wa mwanamme ulitoa mlio alivyokuwa akitembea.", "choice1": "Mfuko wake ulijaa sarafu.", "choice2": "Alishona tundu ndani ya mfuko wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kila mmoja darasani aligeuka kumkazia macho mawnafunzi.", "choice1": "Simu ya mwanafunzi iliita.", "choice2": "Mwanafunzi aliandika nukuu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Farasi alipaa.", "choice1": "Mbung'o alimng'ata farasi.", "choice2": "Muendeshaji alimpiga farasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwizi wa vito amekamatwa.", "choice1": "Vito vilivyoibiwa vilirejeshwa kwa wamiliki.", "choice2": "Garama ya vito vilivyoibiwa ilikuwa inahesabiwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vurugu za kisiasa zimejitokeza katika taifa.", "choice1": "Wananchi wengi walihama mji mkuu.", "choice2": "Wananchi wengi walipata makao katika maeneo mengine.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alitiwa mbaroni.", "choice1": "Amechukuliwa kwa kurekebishwa.", "choice2": "Alifanya hujuma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke amesoma gazeti.", "choice1": "Aligundua matokeo ya uchaguzi.", "choice2": "Alipiga kura katika uchaguzi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mtoto mgonjwa alimkoholea rafiki yake.", "choice1": "Rafiki yake aliumwa.", "choice2": "Rafiki yake alipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Wapenzi wamechumbiana.", "choice1": "Walipanga harusi.", "choice2": "Walichukua muda kuwa mbalimbali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwasiliana na wakala wa ununuzi wa mali.", "choice1": "Mwanamke alipanga kununua fleti.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alitaka kusafisha nyumba yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamme alishinda bahati nasibu.", "choice1": "Amekuwa tajiri.", "choice2": "Amemiliki pesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Niliwasha mshumaa.", "choice1": "Nta ilidongoka kutoka kwenye mshumaa.", "choice2": "Nta juu ya mshumaa iliganda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilipitisha siku katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Niliteguka kifundo cha mguu.", "choice2": "Uso wangu uliungua kwa jua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yule mwanaume alipata faini ya maegesho.", "choice1": "Aliegesha kisambamba kwenye barabara.", "choice2": "Muda wa mita ya maegesho ulimalizika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke amekuwa maarufu.", "choice1": "Wapiga picha wanamfuata yeye.", "choice2": "Familia yake inamkwepa yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kuvaaa herini.", "choice1": "Alitoboa masikio yake.", "choice2": "Alichora tatoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masikio yangu yalikuwa yakivuma.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda makumbusho.", "choice2": "Nilikwenda kwenye onesho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nilisafisha nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimeelemewa na kazi.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikitarajia washirika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kampuni ya ndege haikushughulikia vizuri mizigo yangu.", "choice1": "Walinipa mimi fidia.", "choice2": "Walighairisha safari yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kompyuta ikuwa ni gali sana kutengeneza.", "choice1": "Nilipeleka kutengenezwa.", "choice2": "Nilinunua nyengine mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa anaonekana hana furaha.", "choice1": "Alijihusisha kwenye mazungumzo mafupi na rafiki yake.", "choice2": "Alimwambia rafiki yake amuache amuache peke yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alifungua bomba la maji.", "choice1": "Choo kilijaa maji.", "choice2": "Maji yalitiririka kutoka kwenye bomba.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana aliona mdudu kwenye uji wake.", "choice1": "Alimimina maziwa kwenye kibakuli.", "choice2": "Alipoteza hamu ya kula.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alistaafu.", "choice1": "Alipokea pencheni yake.", "choice2": "Alilipa deni lake la mkopo wa nyumba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitaka kuokoa nishati.", "choice1": "Nilisafisha sakafu ya chumba kisichotumika.", "choice2": "Nilizima taa za chumba kisichotumika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nyama ya baga iligeuka kuwa rangi ya udongo.", "choice1": "Mpishi aliiweka kweny friji.", "choice2": "Mpishi aliichoma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilitilia shaka sauti ya muuzaji.", "choice1": "Niliikataa ofa yake.", "choice2": "Alinishawishi ninunue bidhaa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliamua kubaki nyumbani usiku ule.", "choice1": "Utabiri wa hali ya hewa ulitabiri kimbunga.", "choice2": "Rafiki zangu walinitaka tutoke.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Macho yangu yalikuwa mekundu na yaliyovimba.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa ninalia.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa ninacheka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanga wa mshumaa ulizimika.", "choice1": "Niliupuliza.", "choice2": "Niliweka uchora wa kiberiti juu ya mshumaa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanaume alikunywa sana katika pati.", "choice1": "Aliumwa na kichwa siku iliyofuatia.", "choice2": "Alipata mafua siku iliyofuatia.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpira wa besi ulizigonga pini za kuchezea besi.", "choice1": "Mwanaume alibingirisha mpira wa besi kwenye njia ya kuchezea besi.", "choice2": "Mwanaume alidondosha mpira wa besi mguuni kwake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jamii ilijua kwamba yule mwanaume alifariki.", "choice1": "Jamaa yake ilimzika makaburini.", "choice2": "Tanzia yake ilionekana kwenye gazeti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kompyuta yangu iliharibika.", "choice1": "Niliweka spika mpya.", "choice2": "Nilipoteza taarifa zangu zote.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alistaafu kazi yake.", "choice1": "Alitamani kupata cheo cha juu cha kiutendaji katika shirika.", "choice2": "Aliamini kuwa wakubwa zake hawakufanya kazi kwa uadilifu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mchezaji aliushika mpira.", "choice1": "Mchezaji mwenzake alimrushia.", "choice2": "Mpinzani wake alijaribu kumzuia.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hakimu aligonga nyundo.", "choice1": "Chumba cha mahakama kilihanikiza zogo.", "choice2": "Hakimu alitoa hukumu yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwatimua watoto nyumbani kwake.", "choice1": "Watoto walipiga mpira kwenye uwanja wake.", "choice2": "Watoto walikanyagakanyaga bustani yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Watekaji walimwachia mateka.", "choice1": "Walikubali kupokea pesa za kumgomboa.", "choice2": "Walitoroka jela.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Macho ya mpishi yalitoka machozi.", "choice1": "Vitunguu vilimwishia.", "choice2": "Alikata kitunguu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alitia kidole chake kwenye maji baridi.", "choice1": "Aliunguza kidole chake kwenye tosta.", "choice2": "Alivaa pete ya almasi kwenye kidole chake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikosea kutamka neno.", "choice1": "Mwalimu alimsahihisha.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alimfukuza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilirejesha utulivu baada ya hasira mingi.", "choice1": "Moyo wangu ulidunda.", "choice2": "Nilichukua pumzi za kina.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliweka mikono yangu chini ya mfereji wa maji.", "choice1": "Sabuni ilinitoka mikononi.", "choice2": "Maji yalinichapa kwenye uso.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alivalia suti yake nzuri.", "choice1": "Aliratibu mkutano na mteja muhimu.", "choice2": "Mke wake alimnunulia tai mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alikiri penzi lake kwa mwanamke.", "choice1": "Mwanamke alimkataa yeye.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alimuonea wivu yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dereva alipata pancha.", "choice1": "Alipitiliza kiwango cha mwendo.", "choice2": "Alikanyaga msumari.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uonaji wangu wa sinema ulizibwa.", "choice1": "Wapenzi wawili walikuwa wananong'onezana nyuma yangu.", "choice2": "Mtu mrefu alikaa mbele yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dereva aliwasha mataa ya mbele ya gari.", "choice1": "Alisikia mgurumo wa radi.", "choice2": "Jua lilitua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alikataa kula mboga zake.", "choice1": "Babake alimwambia anywe maziwa yake.", "choice2": "Babake alimnyang'anya kitindamlo chake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliufunika mdomo wake kwa kutumia mkono.", "choice1": "Alitoa pumzi.", "choice2": "Alipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Karani alimsubirisha aliyepiga simu.", "choice1": "Simu ya aliyepiga ilikosa kupokewa.", "choice2": "Aliyepiga simu alisubiri kwenye simu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke anatembea kwa mikongojo.", "choice1": "Alinyoa miguu yake.", "choice2": "Amevunjika mguu wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikohoa.", "choice1": "Alivuta moshi ndani.", "choice2": "Nilipunguza sauti yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saa iligonga.", "choice1": "Ilikuwa ni saa la awali za siku.", "choice2": "Saa ilionekana haiendi mbele.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpishi aligonga yai juu ya pembe ya bakuli.", "choice1": "Yai lilipasuka.", "choice2": "Yai lilioza.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Polisi waliitafuta gari ya mwenye makosa.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wanajaribu kumfanya akiri makosa.", "choice2": "Wanatafuta madawa ya kulevya.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wapenzi walisafiri kusini kwa ajili ya majira ya baridi.", "choice1": "Walikuwa wamestaafu.", "choice2": "Walikuwa wametengana.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alijisikia kulazimika kuhudhuria tukio.", "choice1": "Alimkatalia rafiki yake kwenda.", "choice2": "Alimuahidi rafiki yake kuwa atakwenda.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bibi harusi alipigwa na butwaa kabla ya harusi.", "choice1": "Waalikwa wa harusi walileta zawadi.", "choice2": "Aliaghirisha harusi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme amekuwa mzee.", "choice1": "Nywele zake zimebadilika kwa za kijivujijivu.", "choice2": "Ameuza vitu anavyovimuiliki.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Marafiki wameamua kugawana baga.", "choice1": "Walilikata baga nusu.", "choice2": "Waliangiza chipsi pamoja na baga.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikipinda kifuniko cha chupa ya soda.", "choice1": "Soda ilitoa vibofu.", "choice2": "Soda ilifoka.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jozi ya wanafunzi walifanyiwa uchunguzi na mwalimu.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi wote wamepata daraja zuri zaidi.", "choice2": "Majibu yao kwenye kazi yalifanana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alikuwa na haraka kufika shule kwa wakati.", "choice1": "Aliacha kazi yake nyumbani.", "choice2": "Alileta chakula chake cha mchana shule.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwandishi aliandika wasifu kuhusu maisha ya mwanashirika la kibinadamu.", "choice1": "Mwanashirika la kibinadamu alikuwa mgumu kuhojiwa na mawandishi.", "choice2": "Mwandishi alitatizwa na kazi za mwanashirika la kibinadamu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alipingana na mamlaka ya kanisa.", "choice1": "Alichangia pesa kwenye kanisa.", "choice2": "Alifukuzwa kanisani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nywele za mwanamke ziliangukia usoni kwake.", "choice1": "Alizivuta nywele zake kwa kibanio.", "choice2": "Aliweka povu la shampoo kwenye nywele zake.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pete katika kidole changu iliganda.", "choice1": "Kidole changu kilivimba.", "choice2": "Nimebandua kucha yangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliivuta kamba ya mpira.", "choice1": "Ilijivurumisha upande wa pili wa chumba.", "choice2": "Ilitanuka.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilibonyeza mikono yangu kwenye saruji isiyokauka.", "choice1": "Alama ya mkono wangu ilikauka kwenye saruji.", "choice2": "Nyufa ziliibuka ndani ya saruji.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ngozi yangu imetokewa na upele.", "choice1": "Nilipangusa sumu ya mmea mtambaachi kwenye uwanja wangu.", "choice2": "Niliondoa sumu ya mmea mtambaachi kwenye uwanja wangu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uandishi wangu katika jarida umemaliza muda.", "choice1": "Niliondoa toleo jipya.", "choice2": "Nilisita kupokea matoleo mapya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mpelelezi aligundua hitilafu kwenye kesi.", "choice1": "Aliikamilisha nadharia yake.", "choice2": "Aliifutilia mbali nadharia yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alikasirika sana.", "choice1": "Kaka yake alichukua midoli yake kutoka kwake.", "choice2": "Alitumia midoli yake pamoja na kaka yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto alijifunza jinsi ya kusoma.", "choice1": "Alianza kuhudhuria skuli.", "choice2": "Alichupa darasa shuleni.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mvulana alikwepa chakula cha jioni.", "choice1": "Mama yake alipika mlo anaopendelea zaidi.", "choice2": "Alikula sana chakula cha mchana.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwamwagia sifa bandia rafiki zake.", "choice1": "Alitaka kuwaomba msaada rafiki zake.", "choice2": "Alikuwa amehamanika na manung'uniko ya rafiki yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ufunguo ulikuwa umepotea kutoka kwenye mfuko wa suruali yangu.", "choice1": "Mfuko ulikuwa na tundu.", "choice2": "Suruali ilikuwa mpya.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alizimia.", "choice1": "Alipata lepe la usingizi.", "choice2": "Alikimbia mbio za masafa marefu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme ameshindwa kwenye shindano.", "choice1": "Shindano lilikuwa limehujumiwa.", "choice2": "Aliwatisha washindani wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mama aliita gari la kuwabeba wagonjwa.", "choice1": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alipoteza paka wake.", "choice2": "Mtoto wake wa kiume alianguka kutoka kitandani kwake.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dereva alibamiza kwa nguvu breki zake.", "choice1": "Swala alichomoza barabarani.", "choice2": "Radio ya gari ilizima.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kitasa kilifunguka.", "choice1": "Nilizungusha funguo ndani ya kitasa.", "choice2": "Nilitengeneza nakala ya funguo.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilivaa glavu za mpira.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nikijitayarisha kuosha mikono yangu.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikijitayarisha kusafisha choo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Jamii za wanyama zimekuwa hatarini kutoweka.", "choice1": "Makaazi yao yameharibiwa.", "choice2": "Wawindaji wao wametoweka.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alitambua kuwa mwanamke anaonekana tafauti.", "choice1": "Mwanamke amekata nywele zake.", "choice2": "Mwnamke amevaa bangili.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanafunzi alisahau kufanya kazi yake.", "choice1": "Alijitetea kumwambia mwalimu.", "choice2": "Mwalimu alimpandisha yeye darasa jengine la juu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mbwa alibweka.", "choice1": "Paka alistaarehe juu ya sofa.", "choice2": "Hodi ilisikika mlangoni.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mipango ilitangazwa ya kubadilisha eneo la kupumzikia kwa maduka makubwa.", "choice1": "Wanamazingira walianza maombi rasmi.", "choice2": "Wanamazingira walitengeneza makala.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wanandoa walikuwa na furaha kuonana.", "choice1": "Walibusiana.", "choice2": "Walipumzika.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliimwambia mwanaume aende zake.", "choice1": "Alimtusi.", "choice2": "Alimshukuru.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tawi la mti limeteremka kwenye mto.", "choice1": "Tawi lilisogea kufuata mto.", "choice2": "Mkondo wa mto umekuwa na nguvu sana.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwalimu aliwapa wanafunzi kazi ya nyumbani.", "choice1": "Wanafunzi walipitisha maelezo.", "choice2": "Wanafunzi walilalamika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Majira yalibadilika kutoka kiangazi kwenda vuli.", "choice1": "Watu walihama nyumba zao.", "choice2": "Majani yalianguka kutoka kwenye miti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanasiasa alitiwa hatiani kwa ubadhirifu.", "choice1": "Aliomba kuchaguliwa tena.", "choice2": "Aliondolewa madarakani.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisukuma gari la kukokotwa.", "choice1": "Vitu katika gari la kukokotwa vilianguka nje.", "choice2": "Magurudumu ya gari la kukokotwa yalizunguka mbele.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dalali aliwashawishi bunge kuunga mkono mswada.", "choice1": "Raisi alipigia kura mswada.", "choice2": "Bunge walipitisha mswada.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kabati langu lilikuwa chafu.", "choice1": "Nililipanga.", "choice2": "Nililipamba.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilikesha hadi usiku sana.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa na ndoto za wazi wazi usiku ule.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa mchofu asubuhi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mfuko wa mwanamme ulitoa mlio alivyokuwa akitembea.", "choice1": "Mfuko wake ulijaa sarafu.", "choice2": "Alishona tundu ndani ya mfuko wake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kila mmoja darasani aligeuka kumkazia macho mawnafunzi.", "choice1": "Simu ya mwanafunzi iliita.", "choice2": "Mwanafunzi aliandika nukuu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Farasi alipaa.", "choice1": "Mbung'o alimng'ata farasi.", "choice2": "Muendeshaji alimpiga farasi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwizi wa vito amekamatwa.", "choice1": "Vito vilivyoibiwa vilirejeshwa kwa wamiliki.", "choice2": "Garama ya vito vilivyoibiwa ilikuwa inahesabiwa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vurugu za kisiasa zimejitokeza katika taifa.", "choice1": "Wananchi wengi walihama mji mkuu.", "choice2": "Wananchi wengi walipata makao katika maeneo mengine.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alitiwa mbaroni.", "choice1": "Amechukuliwa kwa kurekebishwa.", "choice2": "Alifanya hujuma.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke amesoma gazeti.", "choice1": "Aligundua matokeo ya uchaguzi.", "choice2": "Alipiga kura katika uchaguzi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mtoto mgonjwa alimkoholea rafiki yake.", "choice1": "Rafiki yake aliumwa.", "choice2": "Rafiki yake alipiga chafya.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Wapenzi wamechumbiana.", "choice1": "Walipanga harusi.", "choice2": "Walichukua muda kuwa mbalimbali.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke aliwasiliana na wakala wa ununuzi wa mali.", "choice1": "Mwanamke alipanga kununua fleti.", "choice2": "Mwanamke alitaka kusafisha nyumba yake.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamme alishinda bahati nasibu.", "choice1": "Amekuwa tajiri.", "choice2": "Amemiliki pesa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Niliwasha mshumaa.", "choice1": "Nta ilidongoka kutoka kwenye mshumaa.", "choice2": "Nta juu ya mshumaa iliganda.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilipitisha siku katika bwawa.", "choice1": "Niliteguka kifundo cha mguu.", "choice2": "Uso wangu uliungua kwa jua.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yule mwanaume alipata faini ya maegesho.", "choice1": "Aliegesha kisambamba kwenye barabara.", "choice2": "Muda wa mita ya maegesho ulimalizika.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke amekuwa maarufu.", "choice1": "Wapiga picha wanamfuata yeye.", "choice2": "Familia yake inamkwepa yeye.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Msichana alitaka kuvaaa herini.", "choice1": "Alitoboa masikio yake.", "choice2": "Alichora tatoo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masikio yangu yalikuwa yakivuma.", "choice1": "Nilikwenda makumbusho.", "choice2": "Nilikwenda kwenye onesho.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nilisafisha nyumba yangu.", "choice1": "Nilikuwa nimeelemewa na kazi.", "choice2": "Nilikuwa nikitarajia washirika.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kampuni ya ndege haikushughulikia vizuri mizigo yangu.", "choice1": "Walinipa mimi fidia.", "choice2": "Walighairisha safari yangu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kompyuta ikuwa ni gali sana kutengeneza.", "choice1": "Nilipeleka kutengenezwa.", "choice2": "Nilinunua nyengine mpya.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mwanamke alikuwa anaonekana hana furaha.", "choice1": "Alijihusisha kwenye mazungumzo mafupi na rafiki yake.", "choice2": "Alimwambia rafiki yake amuache amuache peke yake.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/ta/test.ta.jsonl b/data/ta/test.ta.jsonl
index e2cf12f..0c74e2c 100644
--- a/data/ta/test.ta.jsonl
+++ b/data/ta/test.ta.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "அந்த பொருள் பாதுகாப்பான வகையில் பொட்டலம் கட்டப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அது எளிதில் முறியக்கூடியதாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது சிறியதாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் சட்டைப்பையைக் காலி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கிழிக்கப்பட்டப் பயணச்சீட்டை மீட்டெடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு ஆயுதத்தைக் கண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் வீட்டின்மீது கரையான்கள் படையெடுத்தன", "choice1": "கரையான்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்து மறைந்தன", "choice2": "கரையான்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்த மர சாமான்கள் அனைத்தையும் தின்று தீர்த்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பயணிகள் எல்லையை அடைந்தனர்", "choice1": "ரோந்து காவலாளி அவர்களது கடவுச்சீட்டுகளைச் சரி பார்த்தார்", "choice2": "ரோந்து காவலாளி அவர்கள் கடத்தல் செய்வதாகக் குற்றஞ்சாற்றினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அலுவலகம் மூடப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "அன்று விடுமுறை நாள்", "choice2": "அது கோடைக்காலம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சோர்வடைந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் பரமபதம் விளையாடினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கயிறு தாண்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வரிசையில் அவளது இடத்தை இழந்தாள்", "choice1": "மக்கள் பலர் வரிசையில் நுழைந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் வரிசையை விட்டு வெளியே சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் மூக்கைப் பொத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த குழந்தை கழுத்திலிருந்த துணியில் எச்சில் சொட்டியது", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை தன் அரையாடையில் மலம் கழித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "இசைக்குழுவினர் தங்களது பிரபலப் பாடல் ஒன்றை வாசித்தனர்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் இசைக்கு இணங்க கை தட்டினர்", "choice2": "பார்வையாளர்கள் நாகரிகமாக அமைதி காத்து இசையைக் கேட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் கணித ஆசிரியர்க்கு நன்றி தெரிவிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி பள்ளி நேரத்திற்கு பின்பு தண்டனையாற்ற பள்ளியில் தங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி ஆசிரியர்க்கு ஆப்பிளைக் கொண்டு வந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "இளம் சுற்றுலா பயணிகள் பயமுற்றனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது சுற்றுலாப் பயண ஆலோசகர் பேய்க்கதை ஒன்றைக் கூறினார்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சர்க்கரை மிட்டாயை நெருப்பில் சுட்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் தலையை எடுத்துக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் சிந்தனையில் தன்னை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு மூளையதிர்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் எழுதித் தந்த காசோலை நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "என் வங்கிக் கணக்கு காலியாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "நான் ஊதிய உயர்வு பெற்றேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் மின்னஞ்சல் உட்பெட்டி தேவைற்ற மின்னஞ்சல்களால் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் தேவையற்ற மின்னஞ்சல்களை அகற்றினான்", "choice2": "அவன் வெகுஜன மின்னஞ்சல் ஒன்றை அனுப்பினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாலுமி தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நோயினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நோயிலிருந்து குணமடைந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி குறியீட்டை மனப்பாடம் செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனக்குத் தானே ஒப்பித்துக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் எழுதி வைத்துக்கொள்ள மறந்துவிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "நான் கண்ணாடிக்குடுவையில் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த தண்ணீரால் என் தாகம் தணிந்தது", "choice2": "கண்ணாடிக்குடுவை நிரம்பியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் நண்பன் பேசி முடிக்கும் வரை மௌனமாகக் காத்திருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நண்பனுக்கு ஆதரவு தர விரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பனின் சொல்லைப் பற்றி சிந்தித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விபத்து என் தவறால் நேர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நான் குற்ற உணர்ச்சியடைந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் குற்றச்சாட்டு பதிவு செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சங்கிலி விலகி வந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சங்கிலி சக்கரத்தைச் சுற்றிக் கட்டப்பட்டு இருந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த சங்கிலியில் உடைந்த இணைப்பு ஒன்று இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி சமரசத்திற்கு வர முடிவு செய்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வாதிட்டுச் சோர்ந்துப் போயினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பிரச்னையைப் பற்றி பேசுவதைத் தவிர்த்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பொது தேர்தலில் போட்டியிட முடிவெடுத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் பிரச்சார மேலாளரை பணியமர்த்தினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நீதிமன்றத்தில் சாட்சி சொன்னாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பயணத்தில் குளிர்ந்த வானிலையை எதிர்பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் குளிருக்கு உகந்த ஆடைகளைத் தன் கைப்பிடியில் எடுத்து வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பெரிய கைப்பெட்டியுடன் பயணித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் கேள்விக்கான பதிலை அறிந்தான்", "choice1": "தன் கையை உயர்த்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் நேரத்தை வீணடித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கண்கள் நீர் கசிந்தன.", "choice1": "தூசி அவன் கண்களில் புகுந்தது", "choice2": "அவன் காப்புக் கண்ணாடி அணிந்து கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரி தொடர்ந்து ஐந்து ஆட்டங்களில் வெற்றி பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "அவளது எதிரணி வீராங்கனை அவள் மோசடி செய்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளது எதிரணி வீராங்கனை அவளைக் கண்டு பரிதாபப்பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் அந்த மாணவனின் வினாத்தாளைக் கிழித்தெறிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவன் மோசடி செய்வதைக் கண்டு பிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவனின் பதில்கள் தவறாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் பேசுவதை நிறுத்த இடைநிறுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் குரலை இழந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூச்சற்று போனேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "உறைந்த உணவு உருகியது", "choice1": "நான் அதனை நுண்ணலை அடுப்பில் வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனை பிளாஸ்டிக் பொட்டலத்தில் மூடி வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஊழியர் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டதாகப் பொய் சொன்னார்", "choice1": "அவருக்கு வயிற்று வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவர் ஒரு நாள் விடுப்பு பெற விரும்பினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நீச்சல்குளத்தில் இறங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நீச்சல்தளத்தின் மீது ஓடினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் குதி பலகையிலிருந்து குதித்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த திரைப்படத்திற்கான நுழைவுச்சீட்டுகள் விற்றுத் தீர்ந்தன", "choice1": "அன்று அந்த திரைப்படத்தின் தொடக்க நாள்", "choice2": "அந்த திரைப்படம் மோசமான விமர்சனங்களைப் பெற்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உடலிடை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "மக்கள் அவனைத் தனிமைப் படுத்தினர்", "choice2": "மக்கள் அவனைப் பாராட்டினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமியின் கைகளில் கொப்பளங்கள் வந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் கடிதம் ஒன்றைத் தட்டச்சு செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கயிறு ஏறினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சர்க்கஸ் கலைஞர் ஒற்றைச் சக்கர மிதிவண்டியை ஒட்டியபடி செப்பேடு விதை செய்தார்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் ஆச்சரியத்தில் ஆராவாரம் செய்தனர்", "choice2": "கழைக்கூத்தாடி தன் சாகச கயிற்றிலிருந்தபடி ஊஞ்சலாடினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பொறுமை இழந்தேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் என்னைக் காக்க வைத்தான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் நேரத்தில் வந்தடைந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "போரிடும் நாடுகள் அமைதியை விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அணு ஆயுதங்கள் உருவாக்கினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பேச்சுவார்த்தை நடத்தி ஒரு ஒப்பந்தத்திற்கு வந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தூக்க மருந்து உட்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மயக்கமடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனுக்குக் காய்ச்சல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மஞ்சையின்மீது மோதிக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "மஞ்சையின் கால் தளர்வானது", "choice2": "அவள் தனது முட்டிக்காலைக் காயம்படுத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஊதற்பையை அமுக்கினான்", "choice1": "ஊதற்பை வெடித்தது", "choice2": "ஊதற்பை பறந்து போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பயணிகள் தங்களது விடுதி அறைக்கு வந்து சேர்ந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்களது கைப்பெட்டிகளைக் கட்டவிழ்த்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் விமான நிலையத்துக்குச் சென்றனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஆப்பிளைக் கடித்தேன்", "choice1": "ஆப்பிள் கன்றிப்போனது", "choice2": "பழரசம் வெளியே சிந்தியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் கைகள் பிசுபிசுப்படைந்தன", "choice1": "நான் அதிரசத்தை உண்டேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு இனிப்பு பண்டங்களின் மேல் அதிக நாட்டம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கதவைத் தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "கதவு திறந்தது", "choice2": "கதவு பூட்டிக்கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சமூக ஆர்வலர்கள் அந்த பொருட்களைப் புறக்கணித்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த பொருட்கள் தர உத்தரவாதத்திற்குச் சோதனை செய்யப்பட்டன", "choice2": "அந்த பொருட்கள் குழந்தைத் தொழிலாளர்களால் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டவை", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சுவரில் துளையிட்டேன்", "choice1": "துளையிலிருந்துச் சுண்டெலி ஒன்று ஊர்ந்து வெளியே வந்தது", "choice2": "துளையிலிருந்து தூசி பறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் தன் சகோதரியைக் கண்டு பொறாமை பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சகோதரி சந்தோசமாக இருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சகோதரி விவாகரத்து பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் சட்டையில் மது சிந்தினேன்", "choice1": "நான் மேல் அங்கியை அணிந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் சட்டையை மாற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "காசாளர் பணப்பதிவேட்டைத் திறந்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் தன் பணப்பையைத் தேடினார்", "choice2": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் தன் பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தெருவோர இசைக்கலைஞர் மக்கள் கூட்டத்தை கவர்ந்திழுத்தார்", "choice1": "மக்கள் அவரிடம் சில்லறைகளை அளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர் கூட்டத்தை விரட்டியடித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் தன் பராமரிப்பாளரிடம் அழுதான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் பெற்றோர்களின்றி தவித்தான்", "choice2": "அது சிற்றுண்டி உண்ணும் நேரம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "விமானியின் ரேடார் புயல் வருவதைக் கண்டறிந்தது", "choice1": "விமானி புயலைத் தவிர்க்கும் வகையில் விமானத்தை வழிசெலுத்தினார்", "choice2": "விமானி புயலின் உள்ளே விமானத்தைப் பறந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மரம் அதன் இலைகளை உதிர்த்தது", "choice1": "இலைகள் நிறம் மாறின", "choice2": "இலைகள் தரையில் குவிந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் குறும்பான மனநிலையில் இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் சகோதரியுடன் சீட்டாட்டம் ஆட முடிவு செய்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது சகோதரியின் மீது குறும்பு செய்ய முடிவெடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தான் கழிவறைக்குச் செல்ல வேண்டும் என்று முறையிட்டது", "choice1": "அவனது தந்தையார் அவனுக்குக் குடிக்க சோடா கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "அதன் தந்தையார் எரிவாயு நிலையத்தில் சீருந்தை நிறுத்தினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை மீன் உணவைத் தொட்டியினுள் தூவியது", "choice1": "மீன் தொட்டியை விட்டு வெளியே குதித்தது", "choice2": "மீன் உணவை நோக்கி நீந்தியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் அரசியல் பார்வை மாறியது", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கட்சி நிலைப்பாட்டை மாற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கண்டனப் போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குளியலறையிலிருந்த நீர்த்தொட்டியில் அடைப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் குழாயைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் வடிகால் சுத்தம் செய்யும் திரவியத்தை அதனுள் ஊற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பயணிகள் தொடர்வண்டியில் இருந்து வெளியேறினர்", "choice1": "தொடர்வண்டி ரயில் நிலையத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "தொடர்வண்டி தன் சங்கை முழங்கியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கடித உறையின் ஈர மடலை அழுத்தினான்", "choice1": "அவன் கடித உறையில் அஞ்சல்தலையை ஓட்டினான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடித உறையை முத்திரையிட்டு மூடினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நண்பர்கள் தொடர்பு இழந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் ஒருவருக்கொருவரின் தோசாமையில் இன்பம் கண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் வெவ்வேறு நகரங்களுக்குக் குடி பெயர்ந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கணக்காளர் நிறுவனத்தின் நிதியைத் தவறாகக் கையாண்டார்", "choice1": "அவள் அவளது பதவியிலிருந்து நீக்கப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவள் மகப்பேறு விடுப்பில் சென்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கடிகாரத்தைப் பார்த்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கடிகாரம் துடிப்பதைக் கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் மணியைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் கைகளில் பிடிப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் கட்டுரையை கையால் எழுதினேன்", "choice2": "என் மனைவியும் நானும் கை பிடித்தோம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆணி இறுக்கமாக பிடித்துக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "நான் ஆணியை மாற்றினேன்", "choice2": "நான் குறடைத் திருகினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்பு ஒன்றைக் குத்தகைக்கு அடுத்தது", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி அந்த அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்பில் குடி புகுந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த நகரம் அந்த குடியிருப்பை வாழத் தகுதியற்றதாக அறிவித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வெளியே தாழ்வாரத்தில் அமர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சூரிய அஸ்தமனத்தைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் மின்னலைக் கண்டதாக நினைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தண்ணீரில் உயிர்காப்புச் சட்டையை அணிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனால் நீந்த இயலாது", "choice2": "அந்த தண்ணீர் ஆழமற்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் சொற் பதனாக்கியில் பிழை ஒன்றைச் செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த கோப்பை அகற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அழிக்கும் விசையைத் தட்டினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தனது தோழிகளிடம் தற்பெருமை பேசினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குறைந்த மதிப்பெண்கள் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் போட்டி ஒன்றில் வெற்றி பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "புல்வெளி சேறும் சகதியுமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "இரவு முழுவதும் மழை கொட்டித் தீர்த்தது", "choice2": "அது களைகளால் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அளவுக்கு மீறி தூங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அன்றிரவு விடுதியில் தங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் விழிப்புக் கடிகையில் நேரம் குறிக்க மறந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வெயில் பாதுகாப்பு திரவதைத் தடவிக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நிழலில் உட்கார்ந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடற்கரைக்குச் சென்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை நிரூபித்தனர்", "choice1": "ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை திரும்பப் பெற்றுக்கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "தனிநபர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆட்டத்தைக் காண வந்த இரசிகர்கள் கலாட்டா செய்தனர்", "choice1": "ஆட்டம் குறித்த நேரத்தைக் கடந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "நடுவர் தவரான தீர்பைக் கொடுத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் எனக்குரிய சரியான எண் சேர்க்கையைப் பூட்டில் உள்ளிட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் பூட்டைப் பூட்டினேன்", "choice2": "பூட்டு திறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மக்கட்கூட்டத்தில் பதற்றம் வலுவடைந்தது", "choice1": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனிடம் சிறிது பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனின் கையைப் பிடித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நுழைவாயிலை பனி வழிமறித்தது", "choice1": "நான் பனியைத் திரட்டிப் பனிப்பந்தாக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மண்வாரியாக் கொண்டு பனியை வழியிலிருந்து அகற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "படகோட்டிகள் தங்கள் துடுப்புகளைக் கொண்டு படகை ஓட்டினர்", "choice1": "படகு கரையை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "படகு அலை ஒன்றின் மீது மோதியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அவள் மிதிவண்டியில் கட்டுப்பாட்டை இழந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மிதிவண்டியின் கைப் பிடியைத் தவறவிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் வேலிக்குள் மோதினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மின்விசிறியை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் என் தோலின் மீது தெளித்தது", "choice2": "குளிர் காற்று என் மீது பட்டுச் செல்வதை உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கடல் வித்தை வீரர்கள் கடற்கரைக்கு திரும்பி வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் நனைந்திருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஒரு சுறாவைக் கண்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் குளியல் தொட்டியிலிருந்த வடிகாற்செருகியை இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் தொட்டியிலிருந்து வடிந்தது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் தரையில் தெளித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கணவன் தன் மனைவிக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததைக் கண்டு குற்ற உணர்ச்சி அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனுக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினான்", "choice2": "தான் அவளுக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததை அவளிடம் ஒப்புக் கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சுவரொட்டியிலிருந்த மை பரவியது", "choice1": "நான் மை உலரக் காத்திருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சுவரொட்டியில் தண்ணீர் சிந்தினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை கத்திக்கொண்டு விழித்தது", "choice1": "அது ஒரு கொடுங்கனவு கண்டது", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை படுக்கையை ஈரம் செய்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையன் தன் கால்களை மேசையின் மேலே வைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது தந்தையார் மேசையில் அமர்ந்தார்", "choice2": "அவனது தந்தையார் அவனைக் கடிந்து கொண்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் நண்பன் தன் தலையை என் திசையில் திருப்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவன் பெயரைக் கத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் கைகளை அசைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அரசாங்கம் தன் குடிமக்களை ஒடுக்கியது", "choice1": "குடிமக்கள் கிளர்ச்சியை நடத்தினர்", "choice2": "குடிமக்கள் வாக்களிக்க விவரம் பதிவு செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் காட்டிற்குள் தொலைந்து போனான்", "choice1": "அவன் கூடாரத்தை நிறுவினான்", "choice2": "அவன் உதவி கோரி கத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வெளிநாடு பயணம் சென்றாள்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி எப்படி வரைவது என்பதைக் கற்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி மற்ற கலாச்சாரங்களைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் சக பணியாளரைக் கண்டு பொறாமைப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனுடைய சக பணியாளர் பதவி உயர்வு பெற்றார்", "choice2": "அவனுடைய சக பணியாளர் நெடுநேரம் வேலை செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வேற்றுகிரக வாசிகளைக் கண்டான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்கு மருட்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் தியானம் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் முடி பொன்னிறமாக மாறியது", "choice1": "அவன் அதன்மீது ப்ளீச்சைத் தடவினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அதன்மீது சிகைக்காயைத் தடவினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கலைஞர் புதிய படைப்பை உருவாக்கினார்", "choice1": "அந்த கலைஞர் தனது முந்தைய படைப்பை விமர்சனம் செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவள் புது உத்வேகத்தை உணர்ந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அவரது மகன் வீட்டை விட்டு தூரம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் இராணுவத்திலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப் பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் கல்லூரியில் சேரவிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "புத்தக அலமாரியிலிருந்து புத்தகங்கள் விழுந்தன", "choice1": "அலமாரிகள் தூசியால் மூடப்பட்டிருந்தன", "choice2": "ஒரு பூகம்பம் புத்தக அலமாரியை உலுக்கியது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் மின்விளக்கை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மின்சுற்று உடைப்பானை மீட்டமைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நாங்கள் ரோலர் கோஸ்டரில் சவாரி செய்தோம்", "choice1": "அது பார்க்க பயமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது பார்க்க வேடிக்கையாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பாப்கார்ன் பை வெடிக்க ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "நான் அந்த பையில் வெண்ணையை ஊற்றினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனை நுண்ணலை அடுப்பில் வைத்து சூடு செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மின்கம்பியில் மரம் ஒன்று விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அக்கம்பக்கத்தில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice2": "வானிலை முன்னறிக்கை பலத்த காற்று வீசுமென கணித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பேச்சாளர் அரசியல் ரீதியாகத் தவறான கருத்துகளைத் தெரிவித்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் பார்வையாளர்களைச் சலிப்படைய வைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் பார்வையாளர்களை அவமதித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என்னை ஊசியால் குத்திக் கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "ஒரு சொட்டு வியர்வை என் முகத்திலிருந்து வழிந்தது", "choice2": "ஒரு சொட்டு இரத்தம் என் விரலின் மீது உருவானது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மீன் தொட்டியின் மேற்பரப்பில் மிதக்கியது", "choice1": "அந்த மீன் பசியில் இருந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மீன் மரணம் அடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குரல் கரகரப்பாக ஒலித்தது", "choice1": "அவனுக்குச் சளி பிடித்தது", "choice2": "அவன் புகைப்பழக்கத்தை விட்டொழித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மின் தூக்கியின் கதவுகள் திறந்தன", "choice1": "மின்தூக்கி நியமிக்கப்பட்ட தளத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "மின்தூக்கி இரு தளத்திற்கு நடுவில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த வாலிபன் பதுங்கியபடி வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறினான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் பெற்றோரிடம் பொய் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அவனது பெற்றோர் தன் அறைக்குச் செல்லுமாறு தண்டனை கொடுத்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குளியலறையில் தண்ணீர் வெள்ளமாக பெருக்கெடுத்து ஓடியது", "choice1": "கழிப்பறை நிரம்பி வழிந்தது", "choice2": "நீர் கொதிகலன் உடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "நாய்க்குட்டி அதன் உரிமையாளர் அருகிலேயே இருந்தது", "choice1": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் கழுத்துப்பட்டை ஒன்றை நாய்குட்டிக்குப் போட்டார்", "choice2": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் தோல்வார் ஒன்றைக் கொண்டு நாய்க்குட்டியை கட்டுப்பாட்டில் வைத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பிரதிபலிப்பைக் கண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் பரந்து விரிந்த மரத்தின் கீழே நின்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் அமைதியான ஏரிக்கு அருகே நின்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் காதலியின் தொலைபேசி அழைப்பை எடுக்கத் தவறினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவளைத் திரும்ப அழைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவளை இரவு உணவிற்குச் சந்தித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் அக்கம்பக்கத்தில் தேடினர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது நாய் அவர்கள் வீட்டை விட்டு ஓடிச் சென்றது", "choice2": "விலையுயர்ந்த நகைகள் அவர்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்து காணாமல் போயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மூச்சை வெளிவிடும்போது என் சுவாசத்தைக் கண்டேன்", "choice1": "குளிர்ந்த வானிலை நிலவியது", "choice2": "அவன் தனது மார்பு இறுக்கமாக இருப்பதாக உணர்ந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஊழியர்கள் தொழிற்சங்கம் ஒன்றை உருவாக்கினார்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் மேம்பட்ட வேலை சூழலை விரும்பினர்", "choice2": "அவர்களின் முதலாளி அவர்கள் ஊதியத்தை உயர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஆப்பிள் பையைச் சமைத்தேன்", "choice1": "அழுகிய நாற்றம் சமையலறையைச் சூழ்ந்தது", "choice2": "நல்ல நறுமணம் சமையலறையைச் சூழ்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் நடக்க கஷ்டப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குதிகால்களை மேலே உயர்த்தும் காலணிகளை அணிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது காலணிகளைக் கழட்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தண்ணீர்ப் பானையிலிருந்து நீராவி மேலே உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் கொதித்தது", "choice2": "நான் பானையை மூடினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என்னுடைய காலுறைகள் அனைத்தும் சலவைக்குப் போடப்பட்டிருந்தன", "choice1": "நான் செருப்பு அணிந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூடு காலணியை அணிந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அரசியல்வாதியின் வாதங்கள் அபத்தமாக இருந்தன", "choice1": "தன் வாக்காளர்களின் ஆதரவை இழந்தார்", "choice2": "அவர்மீது ஊழல் குற்றச்சாட்டு எழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடியின் நிச்சயதார்த்தத்தை அனைவரும் ஆட்சேபித்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி கருவுற்றது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி ஓடிச் சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கட்டிடம் அந்த இலட்சாதிபதிக்கு அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அந்த இலட்சாதிபதி கட்டிடத்தை இடித்துத் தரைமட்டமாக்க விரும்பினார்", "choice2": "அந்த இலட்சாதிபதி கட்டிடத்தைக் கட்டுவதற்குவான நிதியில் பங்களித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமி திருடியதாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினான்", "choice1": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமி தன் பணப்பையினுள் விற்பனைக்குரிய பொருட்களைப் போடுவதைப் பார்த்தாள்", "choice2": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமிக்குப் பிடித்தப் பணப்பையைத் தேட உதவினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாடு தனது அண்டைநாட்டுடன் போர் தொடுத்தது", "choice1": "வீரர்கள் சண்டையிட வெளியே அனுப்பப்பட்டனர்", "choice2": "வீரர்கள் தங்களின் குடும்பங்களுடன் மீண்டும் ஒன்று சேர்க்கப்பட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நீதிமன்றம் சர்ச்சைக்குரிய தீர்ப்பை நிலைநாட்டியது", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தின் முன் கலவரம் வெடித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி நீதிமன்றத்திற்கு முன்பு திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ஏதோ எரிகின்ற நாற்றத்தை முகந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குக்கீகளை ஜாடியிலிருந்து எடுத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் குக்கீகளை மின் அடுப்பிலேயே விட்டுவிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மழை கொட்டிக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "புயல் தீவிரமடைந்தது", "choice2": "நான் உள்ளே செல்ல அவசரமாக ஓடினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கட்டிடம் காலி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice1": "மின் தூக்கி செயலிழந்தது", "choice2": "தீ அபாய அறிவிப்பொலி ஒலித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனின் குடிப்பழக்கத்தைக் கண்டு ஆத்திரம் கொண்டார்", "choice1": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனுக்குக் கள்ளை வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனை வீட்டை விட்டு விரட்டினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வழக்கறிஞர் படியேறி தனது அலுவலகத்திற்கு வந்தடைந்தார்", "choice1": "செயலாளர் அன்றைய வேலையை முடித்து வீடு சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "மின் தூக்கி செயலற்ற நிலையில் கிடந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் நண்பன் மீது எரிச்சல் பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது நண்பன் குறுக்கிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நண்பன் அவனுக்கு மதிய உணவு வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காசாளரிடம் பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தாள்", "choice1": "காசாளர் சிறுமியிடம் அவளது சில்லறையைக் கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "காசாளர் அந்த சிறுமியிடம் இரசீதைக் கொடுக்க மறந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி சக்கர நாற்காலியில் அமர்த்தப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விபத்தில் முடங்கிப்போனாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தூக்குப் படுக்கையில் மருத்துவமனைக்குள் நுழைந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குடிமக்கள் தேசியக்கொடியைத் தங்கள் வீட்டின் வெளியே தொங்கவிட்டனர்", "choice1": "அந்த நாடு தன் சுதந்திர நாளை நினைவு கோர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த நாடு பொருளாதார இன்னல்களை எதிர்கொண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அணி போட்டியில் தோல்வியடைந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்களது இரசிகர்களை ஏமாற்றினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ரசிகர்களை ஊக்குவித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் நண்பன் எனது பற்களுக்கு இடையில் உணவுத் துகள்கள் சிக்கிக் கொண்டிருப்பதைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டினான்", "choice1": "நான் சங்கடப்பட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் பெருமைப்பட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையன் வரலாற்றுப் பாடத்தில் தோல்வியடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் வகுப்பில் கவனம் செலுத்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் படிக்க மறந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நகரத்தின் பிரதானக் கட்டிடம் இடிந்து விழுந்தது", "choice1": "பூகம்பம் ஒன்று அந்த நகரத்தை உலுக்கியது", "choice2": "அந்த நகரத்தில் குற்ற எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் காதலி அவனிடம் காதலை முறித்துக்கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவன் தன்னைத் திரும்ப ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளுமாறு அவளிடம் கெஞ்சினான்", "choice2": "அவள் அவனைத் தன் பெற்றோரிடம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவர்கள் இருவரும் பந்தைப் பிடிக்க ஒரே நேரத்தில் கீழே குனிந்தனர்", "choice1": "பந்து உருண்டோடியது", "choice2": "அவர்களது தலைகள் மோதின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாய் குப்பைத் தொட்டியைச் சூறையாடியது", "choice1": "அந்த குப்பைக் கூடையில் அட்டை இருந்தது", "choice2": "குப்பைத் தொட்டியின் மூடி விலகியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையன் எழுதுகோலைக் கூர்மையாக்கினான்", "choice1": "அது விலை மலிவானது", "choice2": "அது மழுங்கியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "காசாளர் ஆடைக்கானப் பணத்தை அந்த பெண்மணியிடம் திரும்பாத தர மறுத்தார்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது இரசீதை இழந்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த ஆடை அவளுக்குப் பொருந்தவில்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் தோலிலிருந்த கீறல் ஆழமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அது சீக்கிரம் குணமடைந்தது", "choice2": "அது வடுவை விட்டுச் சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தொடர்வண்டியிலிருந்தப் பயணிகள் அவனை விசித்திரமாகப் பார்த்தனர்", "choice1": "அவன் வெற்று தரையை முறைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனக்குத் தானே பேசிக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ரொட்டித் துணிக்கைகளைத் தரையில் விட்டுச் சென்றது", "choice1": "எறும்புகள் ரொட்டித் துணிக்கைகளை நோக்கி படையெடுத்தன", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை ரொட்டியை வீசி எறிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் சகோதரியிடம் கைக்குட்டையை நீட்டினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சகோதரி தன் கைகளை மடித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சகோதரி அழ ஆரம்பித்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சுவாசப் புத்துணர்ச்சிக்கு மிளகுக்கீரை மிட்டாயை உட்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது உதடுகள் பிளந்திருந்தன", "choice2": "அவன் சுவாச துர்நாற்றத்தைப் பற்றி கவலைப் பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு சீக்கிரம் புறப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அரங்கத்திற்கு அருகில் போக்குவரத்து நெரிசலை எதிர்பார்த்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அரங்கத்திற்குச் செல்லும் வழியைப் பெற்றனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வேலைக்குச் செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் தங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவளது முதலாளி அவளைப் பாராட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளின் சக பணியாளர் அவளது பணியையும் சேர்த்து செய்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சமூக ஆர்வலர்களின் மனுவில் கையெழுத்திட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் அவர்களது கொள்கைகளை ஆதரித்தான்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பைத்தியங்கள் என அவர்களை அவன் தட்டிக் கழித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நடிகரின் இதயம் நாடகத்தில் நடிப்பதற்கு முன் படபடத்தது", "choice1": "அவர் மேடையில் நடிக்க பயப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவர் தனது வசனங்களை மனப்பாடம் செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தொலைந்து போனேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் பணத்தை எண்ணினேன்", "choice2": "நான் வரைபடத்தை விரித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பழுத்த பழம் நெடுநேரம் பறிக்கப்படாமல் வெயிலில் தொங்கியது", "choice1": "அது உண்ணப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அது சுருங்கிப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சீருந்து பழுதடைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பொறி இயந்திரத்தை செயல்படச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "சீருந்தின் பொறி இயந்திரம் அளவுக்கு மீறி சூடேறியது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் முதுகைக் காயப்படுத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மனநல மருத்துவரைச் சந்திக்க சென்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் படுத்த படுக்கையில் நெடுநாட்கள் கழித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நெருப்பிடத்தில் நெருப்பைப் பற்ற வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "என்னிடமிருந்த விறகு காலியானது", "choice2": "வீட்டில் குளிராக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மெதுவோட்டம் ஓடுவதை நிறுத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கால்களில் தசைப்பிடிப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் ஓடிக் களைப்படைந்த பின் திரும்ப ஓட புது உற்சாகம் பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அண்டை வீட்டார் கதவைத் தட்டினேன்", "choice1": "என் அண்டை வீட்டார் என்னை உள்ளே அழைத்தார்", "choice2": "என் அண்டை வீட்டார் தன் வீட்டை விட்டுச் சென்றார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி எரிச்சலில் பெருமூச்சு விட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளது கணவன் அவள் கவலைகளைத் தவறாக புரிந்து கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவளது கணவன் முத்தமிட்டு விடைபெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் அந்த மாணவனைப் பாராட்டினார்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவனை கேள்விக்கு சரியான விடையைச் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவனை கேள்விக்கு பதில் சொல்ல தயங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியிடமிருந்த முட்டைகள் தீர்ந்து போயின", "choice1": "அவள் பண்ணைக்குச் சென்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பல்பொருள் அங்காடிக்குச் சென்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் பழைய நண்பன் ஒருவனைச் சந்தித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஒரு இரகசியத்தை அவனிடம் வெளிப்படுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனைக் கட்டியணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் ஏரிக்குச் செல்வதைத் தவிர்த்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஒரு மீனைப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice2": "அது மாசுபட்டதாகத் தெரிந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் நனைந்தபடி வகுப்பை வந்தடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது குடை உடைந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவனது இரு சக்கர வண்டி திருடு போனது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கணினித் திரையிலிருந்து நிலைக்காட்டி நகர்ந்தது", "choice1": "பயனாளர் கணினியின் கைகாட்டியைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "பயனாளர் கணினியின் கைகாட்டியை நகர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ஓட்டுநர் மாற்றுவழியில் சென்றார்", "choice1": "பிரதான சாலையில் விபத்து ஒன்று நேர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் தன் முன்னிருந்த சரக்கு வண்டியைப் பின்தொடர்ந்து சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஈரமான சணல்நார் துணியை வெளியே துணிக்கொடியில் தொங்கவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "சணல்நார் துணி உலர்ந்தது", "choice2": "சணல்நார் துணியில் கறை படிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தனது குளிரூட்டும் கண்ணாடியை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "சூரிய ஒளி பிரகாசமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் வாடகை வண்டி ஒன்றைக் கைகாட்டி நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் இரவு வானத்தை அண்ணாந்துப் பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் அது கோடைக்காலமாக இருக்காதா என்று ஏங்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அது அழகாக இருப்பதாக எண்ணினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சோர்ந்து போனேன்", "choice1": "நான் சீக்கிரம் படுக்கச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் இரவு முழுவதும் விழித்திருந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முடி திருத்துபவரிடம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது முடியை நீளமாக வளர்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது முடி நீளமாக வளர்ந்துக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவன் மீது இழிவான வகையில் குறும்பு செய்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவனை வரவேற்றான்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவனை வெறுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஒரு குடுவைப் பாலுக்கு ஏங்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அப்பம் சாப்பிட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ரொட்டி சுட்டுக்கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மழை பெய்ய ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தின் முன்விளக்கை இயங்கச் செய்தார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தை ரிவர்ஸ் கியரில் இயங்கச் செய்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கட்டிடத்தின் வாகனம் நிறுத்துமிடம் காலியாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் தெருவின் குறுக்கே என் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நுழைவாயிலுக்கு அருகில் என் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த எழுத்தாளர் வரைவு சமர்பிப்பதற்கான கெடுவைத் தவற விட்டார்", "choice1": "அவளுக்கு யோசனைகள் தோன்றாததால் தொடர்ந்து எழுத இயலாமல் போனாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது வரைவில் திருத்தம் செய்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வாடிக்கையாளர் சேவை பிரதிநிதி எனது தொலைபேசி அழைப்பைத் துண்டித்தார்", "choice1": "நான் மேற்பார்வையாளரிடம் பேச வேண்டுமென கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் எனது அடையாள எண்ணை அளித்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "திறந்த ஜன்னல் வழியே காற்று வீசியது", "choice1": "அழைப்புமணி அடித்தது", "choice2": "திரைச்சீலைகள் ஆடின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் மின்விளக்கை மின் இணைப்பிலிருந்து கழட்டினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மின்காப்பு இழையை உருகச் செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பளு தூக்கும் வீரர் உறுமினார்", "choice1": "அவர் கண்ணாடியின் முன்னே தன் தசைகளை இறுக்கினார்", "choice2": "அவர் பளுவைத் தன் தலைக்கு மேலே உயர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் தன் மனதில் கணக்கிட முயற்சித்தான்", "choice1": "நான் கணிப்பானை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "அவன் குழப்பமடைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தூங்கியது", "choice1": "தந்தையார் குழந்தையின் அரையாடையை மாற்றினார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் குழந்தையின் தொட்டிலை மென்மையாக ஆட்டிவிட்டார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நீர் நிறைந்த ஊதற்பையைச் சிறுவன் மீது வீசினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு மூளையதிர்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் நனைந்து போனான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "புகைப்படக்காரர் புகைப்படக்கருவியிலுள்ள பிளாஷை உபயோகிக்க மறந்தார்", "choice1": "புகைப்படங்கள் மங்கலாக வெளிவந்தன", "choice2": "புகைப்படத்திலிருந்த அனைவரும் புன்னகைக்க மறுத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் பிறந்தநாள் விழா அழைப்பை நிராகரித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தனிமையாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் நகரத்திற்கு வெளியே சென்றிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் சுறுசுறுப்பாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் பயந்துப் போனேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஈர ஸ்பான்ஜைக் கசக்கிப் பிழிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அது தண்ணீரை உறிஞ்சியது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் அதனிலிருந்து வெளியே ஒழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "விடுமுறையைக் கழிக்க வந்தவர்கள் உல்லாசப் போக்கிடத்திற்குப் படகில் சென்றனர்", "choice1": "உல்லாசப் போக்கிடம் முழுவதுமாக முன்பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "உல்லாசப் போக்கிடம் தீவு ஒன்றில் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த வாலிபப் பெண் பச்சைக் குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஊசியைக் கண்டு பயந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சமூக விதிமுறைகளுக்கு அடிபணியாதவள் எனக் காட்ட விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "முன்பின் தெரியாத சீருந்து ஒன்று என் வீட்டிற்கு வெளியே நிறுத்தப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "எனக்கு சந்தேகம் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "நான் காவலர்களை அழைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி சரணடைந்தான்", "choice1": "ஆதாரங்கள் அவன் குற்றத்தை நிரூபித்தன", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு எதிராக ஒரு ஆதாரமும் இல்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குண்டு மனிதன் தன் எடையைக் குறைக்க முடிவெடுத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் இனிப்புகள் உண்பதைத் தவிர்த்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் காபி நச்சைத் தவிர்த்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பனிக்கட்டி மீது அடிவைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சறுக்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நடுங்கினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் கண்களுக்கு கீழ் வளையங்கள் இருந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் இரவு முழுவதும் விழித்திருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் மகனைப் படுக்கையில் படுக்க வைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எரிமலைக்குழம்பு எரிமலையிலிருந்து வழிந்தோடியது", "choice1": "எரிமலை வெடித்தது", "choice2": "எரிமலை உறங்குநிலையில் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் காலணிகளை அணிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விழாவிலிருந்த அனைவரையும் அறிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் விழாவை விட்டுச் செல்ல விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சுங்கச் சாவடி பணிப்பெண்ணிடம் பணம் செலுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "அவள் சுங்கச் சாவடியைக் கடக்க என்னை அனுமதித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் என்னைச் சுங்கச் சாவடியில் தடுத்து நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நிர்வாகி திவாலானார்", "choice1": "அவர் தன் நிறுவனப் பங்குகளை விற்றார்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது செல்வத்தை விரயம் செய்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மருத்துவரிடம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அந்த மருத்துவர் விடுப்பில் இருந்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஜன்னல் மூலம் படுக்கையறையை விட்டு வெளியேறினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த வீடு தீப்பிடித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த வீடு காலியாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் விரல்களில் சுருக்கம் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் நெடுநேரம் குளித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கைகளைச் சோப்பினால் நுரைத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த பாலைத் துப்பினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த பால் புளித்திருந்தது", "choice2": "என் வாய் வறண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் பேருந்தைத் தவறவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் வேலைக்கு சீக்கிரம் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் வேலைக்கு தாமதமாக சென்றேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சரக்கு வண்டி சீருந்தின் மீது மோதியது", "choice1": "சரக்கு வண்டி வேகத்தை அதிகப்படுத்தியது", "choice2": "சீருந்து நொறுங்கிப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அணி போட்டியில் தங்களுக்குச் சாதகமாக மோசடி செய்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வென்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் வெளியேறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சோடா குடுவை சத்தமிட்டது", "choice1": "நான் குடுவையைத் தலைகீழாகத் திருப்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூடியைத் திருப்பித் திறந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் அவனது வீட்டுக்கு வெளியே பூட்டப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் திறந்த ஜன்னல் வழியாக உள்ளே நுழைந்தான்", "choice2": "நான் கூரையின் மீது ஏறினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அழைப்புமணி அடித்தது", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர் கதவைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி சாவித் துவாரத்தின் வழியாக எட்டிப் பார்த்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது சூட்டைக் கறைபடுத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் அதனை உலர்சலவை செய்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் அதனைத் தன் அலமாரியில் தொங்கவிட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பற்பசைக் குழலைக் கசக்கிப் பிழிந்தாள்", "choice1": "பற்பசை குழலிலிருந்து வெளிவந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி பற்பசையைத் துப்பினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "போரில் பொதுமக்கள் இறப்பு எண்ணிக்கை உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "போர் எதிர்ப்பாளர்கள் கண்டனப் போராட்டத்தை நடத்தினர்", "choice2": "போர் எதிர்ப்பாளர்கள் அணிவகுப்பை நடத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நாடாவைத் தனது முடியிலிருந்து வேகமாக இழுத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நாடாவைக் கட்டினாள்", "choice2": "நாடா குழந்தைத்தனமாகத் தெரிந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஒட்டுறுப்பு அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்து கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் முதுமையடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் இளமையாகத் தெரிந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "முட்டையிலிருந்து கொழிக் குஞ்சு வெளிவந்தது", "choice1": "முட்டை குஞ்சு பொரித்தது", "choice2": "நான் முட்டையை நொறுக்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கைதி பசியில் வாடினான்", "choice1": "அவன் மரணமடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தப்பித்து சென்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஏணியில் தன்னிலை தடுமாறினான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஏணியின் மீது ஏறினான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஏணியிலிருந்து விழுந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ஏப்பம் விட்டது", "choice1": "அது சோடாவைப் பெருமளவில் உட்கொண்டது", "choice2": "அது சோடா குடுவையைத் திறந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குளிர் காற்று ஜன்னல் வழியே வீசியது", "choice1": "நான் இளைப்பாறினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நடுங்கினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி கல்லூரிக்குச் செல்ல உதவித்தொகை பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "சக மாணவர்கள் அவளை மதித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் நல்ல மதிப்பெண்களைப் பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி அந்த சிறுவனை எள்ளி நகையாடினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனுக்குப் பக்கத்து வீட்டில் வசித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவளுக்கு அவன் மேல் ஒரு ஈர்ப்பு இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பசியுற்ற நாடோடி உணவு திருடினான்", "choice1": "அவன் பரிதாபத்தைத் தூண்டினான்", "choice2": "அவனிடம் பணம் இல்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அரட்டையடிக்க என் நண்பனை அழைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தனிமையில் இருக்க விரும்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் தனிமையாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் கையை என்னிடம் நீட்டினான்", "choice1": "நான் கைகுலுக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனை அறைந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தலைதாழ்த்தினேன்", "choice1": "பட்டாசுகள் வானத்தில் பறந்தன", "choice2": "பிரிஸ்பீ என் தலையை நோக்கி பறந்து வந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் நகங்களைக் கடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கவலையில் இருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் ஆச்சரியப்பட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அவன் நாட்காட்டியின் பக்கத்தைத் திருப்பினான்", "choice1": "நான் நாட்காட்டியில் சந்திப்பிற்கான நாளைக் குறித்தேன்", "choice2": "அது புது மாதத்தின் தொடக்கம்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கணவன் தன் மனைவி கள்ளக்காதலில் ஈடுபடுவதைக் கண்டறிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது வழக்கறிஞரை வேலையிலிருந்து நீக்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் விவாகரத்து கோரி ஆவணங்கள் தாக்கல் செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ரப்பர் பந்தைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டாள்", "choice1": "பந்து குதித்தெழுந்தது", "choice2": "பந்து ஜொலித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் தேர்வில் ஒரு தவறு செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விடையை யூகித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் விடையை அழித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரர் தன் எதிரணி வீரரைச் சமாளித்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது எதிரணி வீரர் தன்னிடம் வீசப்பட்ட பந்தைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அவரது எதிரணிவீரர் தரையில் விழுந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தக்காளியைக் கொடியிலிருந்துப் பறித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவைகள் பழுத்திருந்தன", "choice2": "நான் அவைகளுக்கு தண்ணீர் பாய்ச்சினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வசீகரமாக நடிக்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது முன்னாள் காதலியை மதிய உணவிற்குச் சந்தித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் காதலிக்குச் சாக்லேட்டுகளை வாங்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வெப்பமானியிலிருந்த பாதரசம் உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நான் வெப்பமானியைத் தவற விட்டேன்", "choice2": "வானிலை வெப்பமடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நகரத்தில் சூறாவளிக் காற்று வந்து சென்றது", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தின் கூரை பறந்து போனது", "choice2": "நெடுஞ்சாலையில் ஆபத்தான அளவில் பனி படர்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் தனிப் பயிற்சி பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவனது மதிப்பெண்கள் முன்னேற்றம் கண்டன", "choice2": "அவன் தேர்வில் மோசடி செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் இதமாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தரையில் முட்டி போட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் போர்வையினுள் சுருண்டுக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கல்லை மெருகூட்டினேன்", "choice1": "அது வழவழப்பானது", "choice2": "அது பளபளப்பானது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் காபியில் சர்க்கரை சேர்த்தேன்", "choice1": "காபியில் நறுமணம் வீசியது", "choice2": "காப்பி இனிப்பாக சுவைத்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் காகிதங்களைக் குலைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் காகிதத் துண்டு ஒன்றைக் கண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் காகிதங்களைத் துண்டாக்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஆணியைச் சுத்தியால் அடித்தேன்", "choice1": "ஆணி விறகினுள் பதிந்தது", "choice2": "ஆணி துரு பிடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மீன் தூண்டிலைக் கடித்தது", "choice1": "மீனவன் பிடிபட்ட மீனை துண்டில் கயிற்றால் உள்ளே இழுத்தான்", "choice2": "மீனவன் தூண்டிலை மறுபடியும் தண்ணீரில் இறக்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த இளம்பெண் பள்ளிக்குச் செல்ல சங்கடப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குப் பரு வந்தது", "choice2": "பற்களை நேராக்கும் சாதனத்தை அவள் கழட்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் முகபாவனை பிரகாசமானது", "choice1": "நான் நல்ல செய்தியைப் பெற்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் பொறுமையை இழந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் கைகளை ஒரு துண்டால் துடைத்தேன்", "choice1": "அந்த துண்டு ஈரமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "என் கைகள் ஈரமாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முக்காலியில் தன்னிலை தடுமாறினான்", "choice1": "முக்காலி அவனுக்கு அடியில் தள்ளாடியது", "choice2": "அவன் பெயிண்டை முக்காலி மீது சிந்தினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அணியினர் ஒருவரை ஒருவர் குற்றம் சாட்டினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் போட்டியில் தோல்வியடைந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களின் பயிற்சியாளர் பயிற்சியை ரத்து செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மன்னிப்பு கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் தவறை எண்ணி வருந்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் இலக்கை அடைந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் டேட்டின் மீது சலிப்படைந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவன் அவளைப் பற்றி கேட்டறிந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தொடர்ந்து தன்னைப் பற்றியே பேசினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி புன்னகைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது கன்னங்கள் சிவந்தன", "choice2": "அவளது கன்னத்தில் குழி விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எதிரியின் கப்பல் வெடித்தது", "choice1": "அது அகழ்பீரங்கியைக் கடந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "அது துறைமுகத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அவன் தன் காலைக் குத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒரு குட்டைக்குள் நடந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் உடைந்த கண்ணாடியில் கால் பதித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "துப்பறிவாளர்கள் குற்றம் நிகழ்ந்த இடத்திலிருந்த கைரேகைகளைப் பதிவு செய்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் கொலைகாரனின் அடையாளத்தைக் கண்டுபிடித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் குற்றம் நிகழ்ந்த இடத்தில் ஆயுதத்தைக் கண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நெடுஞ்சாலையில் போக்குவரத்து நெரிசல் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் மாற்றுப்பாதையில் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு சவாரி கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரம் சரிந்தது", "choice1": "மக்கள் பலர் நோய்வுற்றனர்", "choice2": "மக்கள் பலர் வேலையில்லாமல் திண்டாடினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "போக்குவரத்து காவலர் குழந்தைகளை நோக்கி சீழ்க்கைக் கருவியை ஊதினார்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வாகனங்கள் செல்லும் சாலையில் நடக்கவிருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தன் அக்கம்பக்கத்தினர் என அடையாளம் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனை நோக்கி என் கண்களை உருட்டினேன்", "choice1": "அவன் உண்மையை என்னிடம் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அவன் நக்கல்மிக்க கருத்தைத் தெரிவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சீருந்தில் எரிவாயு தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் சாலையில் தனியாக விடப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் இரவுப்பயணி ஒருவரை ஏற்றிக் கொண்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குப் பிரசவ வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "குழந்தை பிறந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்கு குமட்டல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் தொப்பி பறந்து போனது", "choice1": "அவன் தன் தொப்பியைக் கழட்டினான்", "choice2": "வெளியே காற்றோட்டமாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் வகுப்புத் தோழியின் பிறந்தநாள் விழாவில் கலந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அழைப்பிதழ் ஒன்றைப் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பரிசுப்பொருள் ஒன்றை வாங்கினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் நெற்றி சூடாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவன் வெப்ப நிலையை அளவிட்டார்", "choice2": "அவனது தாயார் அவனைப் பூங்காவிற்கு அழைத்து சென்றார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் மீது வாசனை திரவியத்தைத் தெளித்துக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது டேட்டைக் கவர விரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் தலைமுடிக்கு ஜெல் தடிவினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் பிளாஷ்லைட்டைத் தேடினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மண்வாரியை எடுத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் பெரிய வீட்டில் குடி புகுந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் உயர்நிலைப்பள்ளியிலிருந்துப் பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "choice2": "அந்த தாயார் இரட்டைக்குழந்தைகளை ப் பெற்றெடுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மாரத்தான் வீரர் மெதுவாக ஓடினார்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் ஆற்றலைச் சேமிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் முடிவு கோட்டைக் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் பொருள் வழங்கும் இயந்திரத்தை எட்டி உதைத்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த இயந்திரம் சில்லறைகளை வெளியே தள்ளியது", "choice2": "சிப்ஸ் பொட்டலம் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் நண்பனின் நாய் இறந்தது", "choice1": "நான் என் கண்களை அவனை நோக்கி உருட்டினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனை கட்டி அணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தொழிலதிபரின் கடன் அட்டை நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கடன் பத்திரத்தில் கையெழுத்திட்டு கொடுத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பணம் செலுத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சபித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நகங்களை வெட்டினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கால்விரலை இடித்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் சகோதரனை நினைத்து பெருமைப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது சகோதரன் தன் பெற்றோர்களிடம் வாக்குவாதத்தில் ஈடுபட்டான்", "choice2": "அவனது சகோதரன் சட்டக் கல்லூரியில் அனுமதி பெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சூரிய குடும்பத்தைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நூலகத்திற்குச் சென்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நட்சத்திரங்களை அண்ணாந்து பார்த்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சுவரொட்டி சுவரில் ஒட்டிக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "நான் சுவரொட்டியைக் கதவிற்கு மேல் நிலைநிறுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த சுவரொட்டிக்குப் பின்னால் பசை தடவினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வாடிக்கையாளர் கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளரின் திட்டப்படத்திற்கு ஒப்புதல் அளித்தார்", "choice1": "கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளர் கட்டிடத்தைக் கட்டினார்", "choice2": "கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளர் திட்டப்படத்தை சீரமைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் கரண்டியைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது கை நடுங்கியது", "choice2": "அவன் கரண்டியை நக்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நிறுவனத்தின் தலைமை நிர்வாக அதிகாரி பதவி விலகினார்", "choice1": "இயக்குநர் வாரியம் நிறுவனத்தைக் கலைத்தது", "choice2": "இயக்குநர் வாரியம் அவர் பொறுப்பில் வேறொருவரை நியமித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் விரிவுரைக்கு தாமதமாக வந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் பின் வரிசையில் உட்கார்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மேடையை நோக்கி சென்றேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சிறையிலிருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது குடும்பத்தினர் அவனுடையப் பிணைக்குப் பணம் செலுத்தினர்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் சக கைதியைத் தாக்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பம் தங்களது அணைத்து அடிமைகளையும் இழந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் வீட்டை விற்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது வீடு தீப்பிடித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அலுமினியம் கேனை நான் மிதித்தேன்", "choice1": "கேன் மறுசுழற்சி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice2": "கேன் நசுங்கி போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சொற்போர் குழுவில் சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கணினி உபயோகப் படுத்தக் கற்றுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கருத்து வெளிப்படுத்தும் திறனைக் கற்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் மனநிலை சீரானது", "choice1": "நான் இசை கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் பாத்திரம் தேய்த்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தொண்டு நிறுவனம் பணம் திரட்ட இலக்கை நிர்ணயித்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வீடற்றோர்க்கு உணவளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஏலம் ஒன்றை நடத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ரோலர் கோஸ்டர் செங்குத்தான பாதையில் சென்றது", "choice1": "பயணிகள் இளித்தனர்", "choice2": "பயணிகள் அலறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சீற்றமடைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் வீட்டை விட்டுச் செல்லும் முன் அஞ்சல்பெட்டியைச் எட்டி பார்த்துவிட்டு சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் வீட்டிற்கு வெளியே வந்து கதவை ஓங்கியறைந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சூரிய உதயத்தைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் வடக்கு நோக்கி பயணித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் சீக்கிரம் விழித்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் காகிதத்தை மடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் காகிதத்தை மறுசுழற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice2": "காகிதத்தில் கோடு விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாடு இயற்கைப் பேரழிவைச் சந்தித்தது", "choice1": "பிற நாடுகளின் தலைவர்கள் கூட்டணி அமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "பிற நாடுகளின் தலைவர்கள் அவசர நிவாரணம் அனுப்பினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் ஆடைகள் நனைந்து போயின", "choice1": "அவன் நீச்சல்குளத்திலிருந்து ஏறி வெளியே வந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் விழுந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "மாணவன் புத்தகத்தைப் படித்து முடிக்க விரைந்தான்", "choice1": "அதனை நூலகத்திற்குத் திரும்பத் தர வேண்டி இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவன் அதனைத் தன் நண்பனிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி தூக்கிலிடப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் சிறையில் அறையப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் கொலை செய்ததாகக் குற்றம் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சூரிய ஒளி அறைக்குள் நுழைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் திரைச்சீலையைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் கதவைத் திறந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் பொய் மயிர் வைத்திருந்தவளின் முடியை ஓங்கி இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "அவளது பொய் மயிர் கழண்டு வந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் வழுக்கையடைந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பதிப்பாசிரியர் வரைவிலிருந்த வாக்கியம் ஒன்றை மாற்றி சொல்லமைத்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் அந்த வரைவு சுவாரசியமாக இருப்பதாகக் கருதினார்", "choice2": "அவர் அந்த வாக்கியம் தெளிவற்றதாகக் கருதினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் கடன் அட்டைக் கணக்கை ரத்து செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கடன் அட்டை காணவில்லை என்பதை உணர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் கடன் அட்டை காலாவதியானதை உணர்ந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆணும் பெண்ணும் காதலில் விழுந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் கல்லூரிக்குச் சென்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "இசையின் ஒலியளவு கேட்க மிகவும் குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் ஒலி அளவை உயர்த்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் சொந்த பாட்டை இசையமைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் கலைந்திருந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி அதனைக் கலைத்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி அதை இழுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பூச்சி நசுங்கிப் போனது", "choice1": "நான் என் மீது பூச்சி விரட்டுவானைத் தெளித்து கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த பூச்சியின் மீது காலை வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் கண்களைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தூக்கத்திலிருந்து விழித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் களைப்பாறினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் அண்டைவீட்டாரின் இசையொலி இரைச்சலாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் ஒலியளவைக் குறைக்குமாறு கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவரிடமிருந்து குறு வட்டைக் கடன் வாங்கக் கோரினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குடும்பம் வறுமையில் வாடியது", "choice1": "அவன் தன் சம்பளத்தைச் சிக்கனமாகக் கையாண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் குறைந்தபட்ச ஊதியத்தை விட குறைவாக சம்பாதித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மாணவன் பல்கலைக் கழகத்திலிருந்து பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் வேலை தேடினான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொழுது போக்கு ஒன்றைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஓவியக் கலைஞர் மஞ்சள் நிற பெயிண்ட்டுடன் நீல நிற பெயிண்ட்டைச் சேர்த்து கலக்கினார்", "choice1": "பெயிண்ட் அறை முழுவதும் தெறித்தது", "choice2": "பெயிண்ட் பச்சை நிறமாக மாறியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் உரையாடலின் தலைப்பை மாற்றினேன்", "choice1": "பேசுவதற்கு என்னிடம் எந்த ஒரு விஷயமும் இல்லை", "choice2": "உரையாடலில் பதற்றம் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் சகோதரன் மருத்துவமனையில் இருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "நான் அவனை வீட்டிற்கு வரவேற்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் அன்பில்லாதவாறு நடந்து கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மேடையிலிருந்த திரைச்சீலை உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நாடகத்தின் தொடக்கக் காட்சி ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice2": "நாடகத்திலிருந்த நடிகர்கள் மேடையை விட்டு வெளியேறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பிணைக்கைதி கடத்தல்காரனின் ஆணைகளுக்குச் சம்மதித்தான்", "choice1": "கடத்தல்காரன் பிணைக்கைதியைக் காயப்படுத்தப் போவதாக மிரட்டினான்", "choice2": "கடத்தல்காரன் பிணைக்கைதியைத் தானே விடுவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மேடை முழுவதும் பலத்த ஒலி எதிரொலித்தது", "choice1": "இசைக் கலைஞர் தன் காலால் மேடையைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "இசைக் கலைஞர் பறையை அடித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பெற்றோர் தங்களது குழந்தையின் படுக்கையறைக்கு விரைந்தனர்", "choice1": "குழந்தை கொடுங்கனவால் அலறிக்கொண்டு விழித்தது", "choice2": "குழந்தை தன் படுக்கையின் கீழே எட்டிப் பார்க்க பயந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி சைகை மொழியில் தன் கருத்துகளைப் பகிர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அகாலமாகப் பிறந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பிறவி காது கேளாதவள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பிரதேசத்தில் வறட்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் மாசடைந்தது", "choice2": "பயிர்கள் அழிந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பூனை பறவையைத் துரத்தியது", "choice1": "அந்த பறவை பறந்துச் சென்றது", "choice2": "அந்த பறவை ஒரு புழுவைப் பிடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் பள்ளியை மாற்றினாள்", "choice1": "பள்ளி கோடைக் கால விடுமுறை அறிவித்தது", "choice2": "அவள் புதிய நகரத்தில் குடியேறினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த தொழிற்சாலையின் உரிமையாளர் ஊழியர்களின் ஊதியத்தை உயர்த்த மறுத்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த உரிமையாளர் புது மேலாளரை நியமித்தார்", "choice2": "ஊழியர்கள் வேலைநிறுத்தம் செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தலைவர் தீவிரவாதிகளைப் பகையாளிகளாகக் காண்பித்தார்", "choice1": "தீவிரவாதிகள் அவரது மனவோட்டத்தை மாற்றியமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "தீவிரவாதிகள் அவரை படுகொலை செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் வெற்றுக்கால்களில் கடற்கரையோரம் நடந்து சென்றேன்", "choice1": "என் கால்களில் மணல் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டது", "choice2": "கரையின் மீது அலை அடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் இரவின் நடுவில் குளிரால் விழித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கம்பளிச் சட்டையை அணிந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு குடுவைத் தண்ணீர் குடித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தாயார் தன் மகனை அமைதி காக்க சொன்னாள்", "choice1": "அவளது மகன் ஏளனமாக நகைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவளது மகன் சிணுங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது வன் துணியாடையில் ஓட்டை விழுந்தது", "choice1": "என் வன் துணியாடையின் ஜிப்பை போட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் நடைபாதையில் தவறி விழுந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் பற்களை நேராக்கும் சாதனத்தை அணிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்குப் பற்சொத்தை ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவனது பற்கள் நேராயின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நேற்று உடற்பயிற்சி கூடத்தில் பயிற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் இன்று தசைவலியுடன் விழித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் இன்று தொண்டைவலியுடன் விழித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமிகள் இருவரும் உணவுண்ணும் மேசையில் முன்னும் பின்னுமாக ஒருவருக்கொருவர் கிசுகிசுத்துக் கொண்டனர்", "choice1": "மற்ற மாணவர்கள் உணவுண்ணும் மேசையில் உட்கார்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "மற்ற மாணவர்கள் தாங்கள் தனிப்பட்டப்படுத்ததாக உணர்ந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ட்ராம்போலின் மீது குதித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குதித்து திரும்ப காற்றில் மேலே உயர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் முயற்சித்து காற்றில் குட்டிக்கரணம் செய்ய முடிவு செய்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கடிதத்தை அஞ்சல் பெட்டியில் போட்டேன்", "choice1": "தபால் அலுவலகம் எனது கடிதத்தைக் கொண்டு சேர்த்தது", "choice2": "தபால் அலுவலகம் எனது கடிதத்தைத் துரிதமாகக் கொண்டு சேர்த்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சூதாட்டக்காரன் நம்பிக்கையாக இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது பணம் முழுவதையும் பந்தயமிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் திவாலாக வீடு சென்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "காட்டு தீ பரவியது", "choice1": "காற்று பலமாகியது", "choice2": "தீ வைத்தவர்கள் பயந்து போயினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தன் முட்டிக்காலைக் காயம்படுத்திக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவனை தனது அறைக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவனது தாயார் அந்த புண்ணின் மீது கட்டு போட்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கொடிய நோயிலிருந்து பிழைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது உயிலில் கையெழுத்திட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் உறுப்பு மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை பெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கொதிக்கும் காபியில் ஒரு வாய் குடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் நாக்கைக் கடித்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் நாக்கை எரித்துக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பதிப்பாசிரியர் எழுத்தாளரைப் பதவி நீக்கினார்", "choice1": "எழுத்தாளர் தனது கதைகளில் சார்புநிலை வெளிப்படுவதைத் தவிர்த்தார்", "choice2": "எழுத்தாளர் முக்கியக் கெடுவைத் தவறவிட்டார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் களைப்படைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் நாள் முழுவதும் தூங்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நாள் முழுவதும் படித்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மருத்துவர் நோயாளியின் நோயைக் கண்டறிந்தார்", "choice1": "அவள் நோயாளியின் நோய்குறிகளை அடையாளம் கண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நோயாளிக்கு மாத்திரைகளைப் பரிந்துரைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் தோலைச் சொறிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அது வியர்த்தது", "choice2": "அது அரித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அவசர அறுவை சிகிச்சை மேற்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் கோபத்தில் தன்னிலை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் மாரடைப்பால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கைத் தசைகள் பெரியதாயின", "choice1": "அவன் தன் கைகளை இறுக்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கைகளைத் தேய்த்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது புருவங்களை உயர்த்தினான்", "choice1": "அவன் வியப்படைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஊக்கம் இழந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் சக பணியாளரின் தவறை மன்னித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவனது நோக்கங்கள் நல்லவை என நம்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவன் அனுபவம் உள்ளவன் என்று நம்பினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் புகைப்பழக்கத்தை விட்டொழித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் மேலும் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யத் தொடங்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் சீக்கிரமாக விழிக்க ஆரம்பித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன்னைத் தாக்கியவனை மூக்கில் குத்தினாள்", "choice1": "தாக்கிவனின் உடல் உயிரற்று போனது", "choice2": "தாக்கிவனுக்கு இரத்தம் வரத் தொடங்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "விளையாட்டு அம்பு இலக்கு மையத்தை அடையத் தவறியது", "choice1": "அவனது குறி சரியாக இல்லை", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் ஆட்டத்தில் தோற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வீட்டின் உரிமையாளர் பூச்சி கொல்வானைத் தன் வீட்டிற்கு வரவழைக்க கோரினார்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் வீட்டு அடித்தளத்தில் எலிகள் இருப்பதைக் கண்டுபிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அவன் எறும்புப்பண்ணை ஒன்றைத் தன் அறையில் வைத்திருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் வீட்டு விருந்தினரிடம் வெளியே சென்று இரவுணவு உண்ணலாம் என பரிந்துரைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஏதொன்றும் தயாரிக்க மிகவும் சோர்வடைந்திருந்தேன்", "choice2": "என் வீடு விருந்தினர் குறித்த காலம் மீறி தாங்கினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தனது சகோதரன் தன் நாட்குறிப்பைப் படித்து கொண்டிருப்பதைப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது நாட்குறிப்பைப் பதுக்கத் தொடங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் புதிய நாட்குறிப்பைப் பெற்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்ணிடம் வாடகை செலுத்துவதற்குப் பணம் குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவள் அதிக நேரம் வேலை செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது வேலையிலிருந்து நீங்கினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தையின் கை விரைவாகப் பின்வாங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் சூடான அடுப்பைத் தொட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நாய்க்குட்டியின் தலையைத் தட்டிக் கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நிறுவனம் வாடிக்கையாளர் மனநிறைவை அளவிட விரும்பியது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் புது வாடிக்கையாளர்களுக்கு தள்ளுபடி கொடுத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் மதிப்பாய்வு ஒன்றை வாடிக்கையாளர்களிடம் விநியோகித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மரத் தரையில் கீறல் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் மஞ்சத்திலிருந்து மெத்தைகளை வீசி எறிந்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் நாற்காலி ஒன்றைத் தரையின் குறுக்கே இழுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் முகத்தைப் பாதுகாத்தேன்", "choice1": "என் எதிரி என்னை கேலி செய்தான்", "choice2": "என் எதிரி என்னை அடிக்க கை ஓங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பிரபல சிலை எரிந்து போனது", "choice1": "அதனை மின்னல் தாக்கியது", "choice2": "மக்கள் அதற்கு மதிப்பு செலுத்த வந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மேசையில் பழத்தை விட்டுச் சென்றேன்", "choice1": "பழம் விதைகளைச் சிந்தியது", "choice2": "பழத்தை ஈக்கள் சூழ்ந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆடல் நங்கை தனது தசைநாரைக் கிழித்துக் கொண்டால்", "choice1": "அவள் கால்விரல்களால் தன் உடலின் முழு எடையைத் தாங்கி நின்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் கணுக்காலைச் சுளுக்கிக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தையின் காலணி நாடா அவிழ்ந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் அதனைக் கட்ட கற்றுக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் விளையாட்டுத் திடலில் ஒடித்த் திரிந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த புத்தகத்தால் கவரப்பட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் புத்தகத்தைத் திரும்ப ஒப்படைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் நேரப் போக்கின் உணர்வை இழந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் நம்பிக்கைகள் அவனது பெற்றோரின் நம்பிக்கைகளை போன்றவையே", "choice1": "அவனது பெற்றோர் அவனின் மனவோட்டத்தை தங்களது தலையீட்டால் மாற்றியமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவனது பெற்றோர் அவனைக் கைவிட்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சீருந்து படிப்படியாக வேகம் குறைந்து நின்று போனது", "choice1": "அதில் எரிவாயு தீர்ந்துப் போனது", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் உறங்கிப் போனார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் பனிக்கூழை வெய்யிலில் உண்டான்", "choice1": "பனிக்கூழ் அதன் சுவையை இழந்தது", "choice2": "பனிக்கூழ் கூம்பிலிருந்து வழிந்தோடியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கலைப்படைப்புகளை அறையில் தொங்கவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "கம்பளம் பார்க்க அழுக்காக இருந்தது", "choice2": "சுவர் வெறுமையாகக் காட்சியளித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் வேலை முடித்து சீக்கிரம் சென்றேன்", "choice1": "எனக்குத் தலைவலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "எனது முதலாளி கூட்டம் கூட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நாய்க்குட்டி கம்பளத்தை அழுக்காக்கியது", "choice1": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் நாய்குட்டியைத் திட்டினார்", "choice2": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் நாய்குட்டிக்கு விருந்து வைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் மன்னிப்பு கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் என்னை மன்னித்தான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் ஆத்திரமடைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கூட்டத்தில் தனியாகத் தெரிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் முதுகுப் பையை எடுத்துச் சென்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் நியான் உடுப்பு அணிந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சாட்சி பொய் சத்தியம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது சாட்சியத்தைச் சொல்லி முடித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொய் வாக்குமூலம் கொடுத்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டப்பட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தலைமுடிக்கு டை அடித்துக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் புது தோற்றத்தை விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் ஒன்றிணைந்து போக விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வேறுநாட்டிலிருந்து குடியேறியவர்கள் சட்டவிரோதமாகக் குடியிருப்பதாகப் பிடிபட்டனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களுக்கு வேலைவாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது", "choice2": "அவர்கள் நாட்டிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப்பட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பொது பேச்சாளர் நகைச்சுவையான கருத்தொன்றைக் கூறினார்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் சிரித்தனர்", "choice2": "பார்வையாளர்கள் எழுந்து நின்றனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சூரியனை அண்ணாந்து பார்த்தேன்", "choice1": "சூரியன் என்னைக் குருடாக்கியது", "choice2": "சூரியன் என் தோலைப் பழுப்பு நிறமாக்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சலிப்படைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஏளனமாக சைகை செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் கொட்டாவி விட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாமிசத் துண்டு வெட்டக் கடினமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "கத்தி மழுங்கியிருந்தது", "choice2": "மாமிசத் துண்டு பதனிடப்படாமல் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி திவாலானதாக அறிவித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஜீவனாம்சப் பணத்தைப் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பெருங்கடன் பட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது நண்பனின் குடியிருப்பில் விளக்கொளி தெரிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் வெளியே சென்றிருப்பானோ என சிந்தித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனைச் சென்று சந்திக்க முடிவு செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த மலரை என் மூக்கின் கீழே வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "இதழ்கள் மலரிலிருந்துப் பிரிந்து வந்தன", "choice2": "நான் அந்த மலரின் வாசனையை முகர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குப் பழைய நினைவுகள் ஞாபகம் வந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் தனது குழந்தைப் பருவத் தோழியைச் சந்தித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் குழந்தைகளைப் பார்த்து கத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மாணவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைத் தாமதம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைச் சீக்கிரமாகச் சமர்ப்பித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைச் அரைகுறையாகச் சமர்ப்பித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது சீருந்து பழுதடைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பேரங்காடிக்குச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் பொறிமுறையாளரை அழைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த குறிப்பைப் புறந்தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "அது அனாமதேயமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது தெளிவற்றதாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பறவை தன் இறக்கைகளை அடித்தது", "choice1": "அது முட்டையிட்டது", "choice2": "அது மேலே பறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நுழைவாயிலில் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "கேரேஜ் திறந்திருந்தது", "choice2": "கேரேஜ் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குற்றவாளி தன் பிணைக்கைதியின் மீது துப்பாக்கியைக் குறிபார்த்தான்", "choice1": "குற்றவாளி துப்பாக்கியைக் கீழே போட்டான்", "choice2": "பிணைக்கைதி தன் கைகளை மேலே உயர்த்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் வார இறுதிக்கு ஆவலாகக் காத்திருந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் எனது மாமாவின் இறுதிச் சடங்கிற்குச் செல்லத் திட்டமிட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் எனது நண்பனின் திருமணத்திற்குச் செல்லத் திட்டமிட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நேரப் போக்கின் உணர்வை இழந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் பகற்கனவு கண்டு கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு குமட்டல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆவணம் தெளிவற்று அச்சிடப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அச்சு இயந்திரத்தில் மை குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அச்சு இயந்திரத்தில் காகிதங்கள் காலியாயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அரங்கத்தில் தேசிய கீதம் இசைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "இரசிகர்கள் கோடியை நோக்கித் திரும்பினர்", "choice2": "இரசிகர்கள் களத்திற்கு விரைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சட்னி சாதுவாக சுவைத்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதைப் பரிமாறினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதில் உப்பு போட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சிந்திய திரவத்தின் மீது காகிதத் துண்டைப் போட்டேன்", "choice1": "துண்டு திரவத்தை உறிஞ்சியது", "choice2": "சிந்திய திரவம் பிசுபிசுப்பான எச்சத்தை விட்டுச்சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவளது புத்தகத்தைப் படித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கும்போது இடையில் குறுக்கிடப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த புத்தகப் பக்கத்தில் அடையாளக் குறி வைத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் புத்தகத்தைத் திரும்பப் படித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விமானம் காற்றில் நிலையற்று தடுமாறியது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் இருக்கைப் பட்டையை இறுக்கினான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் ஜன்னல் வெளியே எட்டிப் பார்த்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் வலியில் பின்வாங்கினான்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி அவனைப் புறக்கணித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி அவனை விரலால் குத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மருத்துவர்கள் நோயாளிக்குச் செயற்கைக் காலைக் கொடுத்தனர்", "choice1": "அவளது காலைத் துண்டித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அவளின் ஜீவாதார அறிகுறிகளைக் கண்காணித்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் சிறுமியின் முழங்கையைக் கிள்ளினான்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனிடம் அலட்சியம் காட்டினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது கையை அவனிடமிருந்து இழுத்துக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் ஆலோசனை கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "அவன் கருத்துக்களை நான் மதித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சரி என்பது எனக்குத் தெரியும்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையன் சேற்றில் அடிவைத்தான்", "choice1": "சேறு அவனது காலணிகளில் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டது", "choice2": "சேறு அவன் முகத்தில் அடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நகரம் பல அங்குல அளவு பனியைப் பெற்றது", "choice1": "பள்ளிக்கூடங்கள் மூடின", "choice2": "மக்கள் நிலத்தடியில் மறைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஊழியரின் வேலை நேரம் முடிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் அன்றைய வேலையை முடித்து வீடு திரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவள் வேலையிலிருந்து விலகுவதாக மிரட்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மரம் வீட்டை நாசம் செய்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மரம் வீட்டின் கூரையின் மீது விழுந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மரம் புழக்கடையில் நிழல் அளித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விறகுகட்டை இரண்டாகப் பிளந்தது", "choice1": "நான் நெருப்பிடத்தில் விறகுகளை அடுக்கி வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் விறகினுள் கோடாரியை வீசினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் அந்த ஜோடியை வாழ்த்தினர்", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி அவர்கள் பிரியப் போவதாக அறிவித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி அவர்கள் குழந்தைப் பெறவிருப்பதாக அறிவித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி அந்த சிறுவனுக்குக் காதல் கடிதம் அனுப்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனை விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அவனை முத்தமிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனின் கூற்றுக்குத் தலையாட்டினேன்", "choice1": "நான் குழப்பமடைந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனுடன் உடன்பட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நண்பர்கள் நாணயத்தைப் புரட்டினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் சமரசத்திற்கு வர விரும்பினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் நியாயமான முடிவை எடுக்க விரும்பினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சமயலறையில் நேரம் குறிப்பான் அலற ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் மளிகை சாமான்களை இறக்கி குளிர்சாதனப் பெட்டிக்குள் வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் பீட்சாவை மின் அடுப்பிலிருந்து எடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பேராவல்மிக்க இலக்கை நிர்ணயித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது ஆர்வம் குறைந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவள் கடினமாக உழைத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த செல்வந்தர் முதுமையால் இறந்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் சட்டரீதியான சிக்கல்களில் மாட்டிக்கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவரது மகன் அவர் சொத்தை மரபுரிமையாகப் பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி நெருப்பின் மீது மிதித்தாள்", "choice1": "நெருப்பு அணைந்து போனது", "choice2": "நெருப்பிலிருந்து புகை கிளம்பியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சீருந்து அந்தக் கடையில் இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவளது ஓட்டுனரின் உரிமம் திரும்பப் பெறப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் சீருந்து விபத்தில் சிக்கினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் விழிப்புக் கடிகையை மிஞ்சித் தூங்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் காலை உணவைத் தயார் செய்தான்", "choice2": "நான் காலை உணவு உண்ணத் தவறினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பிரபல மனிதர் தன ஆடம்பர காரிலிருந்து வெளியே இறங்கினார்", "choice1": "புகைப்படக்கருவிகள் அவன் திசையில் பளிச்சிட்டன", "choice2": "அவரது குடும்பத்தினர் செய்தியாளர் சந்திப்பில் கலந்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி குளியல் தொட்டியில் ஊறினாள்", "choice1": "குளியல் நீர் வெதுவெதுப்பானது", "choice2": "குளியல் நீர் தொட்டியிலிருந்து வெளியேறியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கல்லூரி மாணவன் தன் கல்லூரி வளாகத்திலிருக்கும் சக மாணவர்களைச் சந்திக்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் மாணவர் சமூகம் ஒன்றில் சேர்ந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொறியியலில் பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மஞ்சை மெத்தைகளை மேலே தூக்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் சில்லறைகளைத் தேடிக்கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் வாழறையை மறுசீரமைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குளவி அந்த சிறுவனை நோக்கி பறந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஓடிப் போனேன்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் மலர் ஒன்றைப் பறித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தகாத நடத்தையில் ஈடுபட்டதாக நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவள் சமூக சேவை ஆற்றுமாறு தண்டனிக்கப்பட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தூக்கு தண்டனைக் கைதிகளின் அறையில் அடைக்கப்பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சூடான தேநீரில் சர்க்கரை சேர்த்து கலக்கினேன்", "choice1": "தேநீரிலிருந்து ஆவி வந்தது", "choice2": "சர்க்கரை கரைந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "போர்வீரர் நொண்டி நொண்டி நடந்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் போரில் பணியாற்றத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவர் போரில் காயமடைந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி காவலர்களிடமிருந்து தப்பினான்", "choice1": "காவலர்கள் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவருக்கு உதவினர்", "choice2": "காவலர்கள் குற்றவாளியைத் துரத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மடிக்கணினி இயங்க மறுத்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதனைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனைச் சார்ஜ் செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் அலமாரியில் இடம் தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "அவள் பலவித துணிமணிகளை வாங்கிச் சேர்த்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சலவை செய்யப்பட்டத் துணிகளை மடித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மனமுடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது மனைவி குழந்தையைப் பெற்றெடுத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவன் மனைவி அவனை விட்டுச் சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் பட்டப்படிப்பு பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் தான் விரும்பிய வேலைக்குத் தகுதி அடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது வேலை வாய்ப்பு இரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குரல் அரங்கம் முழுவதும் தெளிவாக ஒலித்தது", "choice1": "அவன் பார்வையாளர்களை வாழ்த்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஒலிவாங்கியினுள் பேசினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நாணயம் ஒன்றை நீரூற்றினுள் புரட்டினேன்", "choice1": "நாணயம் கீழே மூழ்கியது", "choice2": "நாணயம் உடைந்து இரண்டு துண்டானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆட்டக்காரர் பந்தைத் துளையை நோக்கி அடித்தார்", "choice1": "பந்து துளையினுள் சென்றது", "choice2": "பந்து ஆட்டக்காரரிடம் திரும்பி வந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "உப்பரிகையிலிருந்த தூசியை நான் சுவாசித்தேன்", "choice1": "எனக்கு விக்கல் வந்தது", "choice2": "நான் தும்மினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கடையின் காசாளர் பாதுகாவலரை அழைத்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் கள்ள நோட்டுகளை உபயோகித்தார்", "choice2": "வாடிக்கையாளர் தனது வண்டியின் முகவிளக்கை இயங்கியபடி விட்டுச் சென்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் குப்பையை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice1": "குப்பையினால் சமையலறையில் நாற்றமடித்தது", "choice2": "நான் கடையில் வாங்கவேண்டிய பொருட்களின் பட்டியலைத் தவறுதலாக வீசி எறிந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் உயிரியல் பூங்காவிற்குச் சென்றனர்", "choice1": "குழந்தைகள் விலங்குகளை வியப்புடன் பார்த்தனர்", "choice2": "குழந்தைகள் விலங்குகளைத் துரத்தின", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் சுவாசம் சத்தமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவனது சிறுநீரகம் செயலிழந்து கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனது நுரையீரலில் அடைப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என்னிடம் கச்சேரிக்குச் செல்ல கூடுதல் நுழைவுசீட்டு ஒன்று இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் கச்சேரி நிகழும் இடத்திற்கான வழியைக் கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் அவனுக்குச் செல்ல விருப்பமுள்ளதா என்று கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வீட்டிலிருந்த காற்றுப் பதனாக்கி உடைந்து போனது", "choice1": "நான் போர்வைகளை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஜன்னல்களைத் திறந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையனின் முதுகு வலித்தது", "choice1": "அவனுடைய முதுகுப்பை திறந்து இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனுடைய முதுகுப்பை கனமாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் அம்மாவிற்கு ஒரு பரிசு வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவளுக்கு கேக் ஒன்று சுட்டுக் கொடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "அன்று அவரது பிறந்தநாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தோட்டத்திலிருந்த மல்லிப்பூ செடிகள் நாசமாயின", "choice1": "தோட்டக்காரரைத் தேனீ ஒன்று கொட்டியது", "choice2": "அணில்கள் கிழங்கைத் தோண்டி எடுத்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தீக்குச்சியைப் பற்ற வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நெருப்பு அணைந்து போனது", "choice2": "தீக்குச்சி நெருப்பை உண்டாக்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வாதிடும் இரு தரப்பினரும் ஒரு தீர்வுக்கு வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் நீதிமன்றத்தில் வாதம் செய்ய விரும்பவில்லை", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் தனிப்பட்ட உறவைச் சரி செய்ய விரும்பினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குழந்தைகள் அனாதையர் இல்லத்திற்கு அனுப்பப் பட்டனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது பெற்றோர்கள் இறந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது பெற்றோர் அவர்களை பாழாக்கினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஒரு விண்கல் கடலில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "சுனாமி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "ஆலங்கட்டி மழை பெய்யத் துவங்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "சுற்றுலா பயணி விஷம் வாய்ந்த பாம்பொன்றைக் கண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்கு நீரிழப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் பீதியடைந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மின் அடுப்பு சூடானது", "choice1": "நான் மின் அடுப்பை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் உணவுப்பண்டத்தை மின் அடுப்பினுள் வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் எலுமிச்சை துண்டைப் பிழிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அந்த எலுமிச்சையில் பூஞ்சை வளர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த எலுமிச்சையின் சாறு தெறித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாடு புதிய நிலப்பகுதியைக் கண்டுபிடித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த நாடு அந்த நிலப்பகுதியைக் கைவிட்டது", "choice2": "அந்த நாடு அந்த நிலப்பகுதிக்கு நாகரிகத்தைக் கொண்டு வந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கண்ணாடி மேசையிலிருந்து உருண்டு விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அது தரை முழுவதும் நொறுங்கிச் சிதறியது", "choice2": "அது சலவைக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த துணிகளின் குவியலில் விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மேசை தள்ளாடியது", "choice1": "தரை சரிசமமாக இல்லை", "choice2": "தரை வழவழப்பாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தந்தையார் தன் மகன் பொய் சொல்வதைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் உண்மையை ஒப்புக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தன் மகன் மீது நம்பிக்கை வைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் தலை வலியில் துடித்தது", "choice1": "அவன் இருமல் மருந்தை உட்கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் அஸ்பிரின் மாத்திரையை உட்கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தொடர்வண்டி மெதுவடைந்தது", "choice1": "அது இரயில் நிலையத்தை நெருங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அது அட்டவணையில் குறித்த நேரத்தை விட தாமதமாகச் சென்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சிகிச்சையில் ஈடுபட்டான்", "choice1": "மன நோய் அவன் குடும்பத்தில் வழிமுறையாக வந்தது", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு மனஅழுத்தம் இருப்பது கண்டறியப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தொண்டையை இறுகப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் உணவை விழுங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவளுக்கு உணவால் மூச்சுத் திணறல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குத் தொண்டை வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவளது குரல் கரகரப்பாக ஒலித்தது", "choice2": "அவள் ஒருவகை உச்சரிப்பு தொனியுடன் பேசினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாய் மேசையிலிருந்த சுவையான மாமிசத் துண்டை நோட்டம் விட்டது", "choice1": "அதற்கு வாயில் நீர் ஊறி எச்சில் வழிந்தது", "choice2": "அது படுத்துக் கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் வணிகம் வெற்றி பெற்றது", "choice1": "அவள் தனது ஊழியர்களைப் பணி நீக்கம் செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் செல்வந்தர் ஆனாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மாணவர்கள் வகுப்பிலிருந்து வெளியேறினர்", "choice1": "மணி அடித்தது", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைத் தந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தான் பேய்யைக் கண்டதாகக் கூறினாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குப் பரிச்சயமானவர்கள் ஐயுறவை வெளிப்படுத்தினர்", "choice2": "அவளுக்குப் பரிச்சயமானவர்கள் அவளைப் புரிந்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது கேட்கும் திறனை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் கடலில் கிட்டத்தட்ட மூழ்கியே போய்விட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் குண்டுவெடிப்பில் கிட்டத்தட்ட இறந்தே போய்விட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ஊதற்பையின் கயிரைப் பறக்க விட்டது", "choice1": "ஊதற்பையில் காற்று இறங்கிப் போனது", "choice2": "ஊதற்பை காற்றில் மேலே உயர்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பேச்சு திறனை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்குப் பக்கவாதம் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் ஆழமாக மூச்சு இழுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி நடைபாதையில் தடுமாறினாள்", "choice1": "பைஞ்சுதையில் பிளவு ஏற்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அவளது பெயர் அழைக்கப்படுவதை அவள் கேட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உடலை உருண்டையாக்கி தண்ணீரில் குதித்தான்", "choice1": "உயிர் காப்பாளர் அவனுக்குப் பின் குதித்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் உயிர் காப்பாளரை நனைய வைத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நுண்ணுயிர் கொல்லிகளை உட்கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "எனது தொற்று சீரடைந்தது", "choice2": "எனது தொற்று பரவியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "போக்குவரத்தை ஒழுங்குபடுத்தும் விளக்கு மஞ்சள் நிறமாக மாறியது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் வேகம் குறைப்பானை அழுத்தினார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் தனது ஒலிப்பானை ஒலித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பிளாஸ்டிக் கொள்கலன் உருகியது", "choice1": "நான் அந்த கொள்கலனை வெந்நீரில் மூழ்கடித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த கொள்கலனை சூடான அடுப்பின்மீது வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சீருந்தின் மேற்பரப்பில் பள்ளம் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் தொலைபேசி கம்பத்தின் மீது இடித்தார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுனர் சிவப்பு சிக்னலை மதிக்காமல் கடந்து சென்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பையன் இரவு முழுவதும் படித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தேர்வை எழுதவில்லை", "choice2": "அவன் தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் நீச்சல்குளத்தின் விளிம்பைப் பற்றிக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நீச்சல் கற்றுக்கொள்ள பயந்தான்", "choice2": "உயிர் காப்பாளர் பணியிலிருந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் கையை என் மார்பில் வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் இதயத்துடிப்பை உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "எனது இதயத்துடிப்பு வேகமானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது அலுவலகத்திற்கு அண்டையிலிருந்த கட்டிடத்தில் கட்டுமான வேலை நடந்து கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "எனது அலுவலகம் நெரிசலாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "எனது அலுவலகம் இரைச்சலாக இருந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரை இரவு உணவிற்கு அழைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது முற்றத்திலிருந்து புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரை நோக்கி கையசைத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நீச்சல்குளத்திலிருந்து தண்ணீர் வெளியே தெறித்தது", "choice1": "நீச்சல்வீரர் நீச்சல்குளத்தினுள் குதித்தார்", "choice2": "நீச்சல்வீரர் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் மிதக்கினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தர்பூசணித் துண்டு ஒன்றைக் கடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தவறுதலாக விதை ஒன்றை விழுங்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் தவறுதலாக என் பல்லைப் பிளந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் தடுமாறி விழுந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது மேலுறை திறந்திருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனது காலணி நாடா அவிழ்ந்திருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி காது அடைப்பானை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "இரைச்சலால் அவளது கவனம் சிதறியது", "choice2": "அவள் காது குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் எனது தண்ணீர்க் குடுவையைத் திரும்ப நிரப்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அதிலிருந்த அனைத்து நீரையும் குடித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதை குளிர்சாதன பெட்டியில் வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த தொலைக்காட்சி நிகழ்ச்சி தணிக்கை செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அதில் இழிந்த சொற்கள் நிறைந்திருந்தன", "choice2": "அது சிக்கல்கள் நிறைந்த கதையைப் பெற்றிருத்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கப்பல் சேதமடைந்தது", "choice1": "கப்பல் குழுவினர் மூழ்கினர்", "choice2": "கப்பல் குழுவினர் கடற்கொள்ளையர்களை எதிர்கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு அது புரியாத புதிராக விளங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் புதிருக்கு விடை கண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஒரு குறிப்பு தரும்படி வேண்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "தொலைப்பேசி மணி அடித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் தொலைபேசி தொடர்பைத் துண்டித்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் தொலைபேசியை எடுத்துப் பேசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி என்னை முறைத்து கொண்டிருந்தாள்", "choice1": "நான் அவளைக் கட்டியணைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சங்கடமாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழு அருங்காட்சியகத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறியது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் காட்சிக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருட்களைப் படம்பிடித்துக் கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் காட்சிக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருட்கள் அனைத்தையும் பார்த்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் என்னிடம் வாக்குவாதத்தில் ஈடுபடத் தொடங்கினேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் அந்த மனிதனிடம் என்னை அறிமுகப்படுத்தினான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் எனக்கு ஆதரவாகப் பேசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது மிதிவண்டியிலிருந்த டயரில் காற்று இறங்கியது", "choice1": "நான் டயரில் காற்று நிரப்பினேன்", "choice2": "எனது மிதிவண்டியின் கியரை மாற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி வெளிறியதாகத் தோன்றினாள்", "choice1": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளுக்குக் கதை ஒன்றைப் படித்து காட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவள் நெற்றியைத் தொட்டு உணர்ந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பேனாவில் மை தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "நான் எழுதுகோலை உபயோகித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் பெயரைக் கையெழுத்திட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கடன் விண்ணப்பம் நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கடன்பட்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் வியாபாரம் ஒன்றைத் துவங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பள்ளிக்குச் செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் தங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குச் சின்னம்மை போட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் கணிதம் கற்பதில் இன்பங் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குப்பைப்பை நிரம்பியது", "choice1": "நான் அதனைக் குப்பைத் தொட்டிக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனைத் தொட்டியின் கீழ் அடைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் கம்பளத்தைச் சுத்தம் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "என் அறையில் உடன் தங்கியிருப்பவன் பழரசத்தைச் சிந்தினான்", "choice2": "எனது நாய் முடி உதிர்த்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கோபத்தில் தன்னிலை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் கணினியை அணைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் நாற்காலியை அறையின் குறுக்கே வீசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சிறு கிளை ஒன்றை நெருப்பினுள் எறிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறு கிளை எரிந்தது", "choice2": "தீ அணைந்துப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அவன் குளியலறையிலிருந்து வெளியே வந்தான்", "choice1": "வெந்நீர் வரத்து நின்று போனது", "choice2": "அவனால் துண்டைக் காணமுடியவில்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெற்றோர்கள் தங்கள் பிள்ளைகள் கல்லூரி செல்ல வேண்டும் என்று விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் படிப்புச் செலவிற்கு சேமிப்பு நிதியை ஒதுக்கி வைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் பிள்ளைகளை வெளியே விளையாட ஊக்குவித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் காலணியிலிருந்த நாடாவை அவிழ்த்தான்", "choice1": "காலணி தளர்ந்தது", "choice2": "காலணி தேய்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உணவில் பாதிப்பகுதியை உண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மீதமிருந்ததைக் குளிர்சாதனப்பெட்டியினுள் வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் செய்முறை விளக்கத்தைக் குறித்து வைத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கணுக்கால் வீங்கியது", "choice1": "நான் அதன்மீது பனிக்கட்டியை வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதன்மீது மருந்துத் திரவம் தடவினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "என் அலுவலகக் கதவு திறந்திருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் எனது மேசையில் என் சக பணியாளருடன் பேசினேன்", "choice2": "நான் பொது அறையில் நிகழும் உரையாடலை ஒட்டுக் கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் வரிசையில் காத்திருக்க நேரிட்டது", "choice1": "நான் உட்கார்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் பத்திரிகை ஒன்றைப் புரட்டிப் பார்த்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஈயை ஓங்கியடித்தான்", "choice1": "ஈ பறந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "ஈ அசைவற்று நிலையாக நின்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எந்த மனிதன் உயில் எழுதினான்", "choice1": "அவன் சாகக் கிடந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் மனைவியை இழந்தவன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஓட்டப்பந்தய வீரர் தனது போட்டியாளர் தன்னை முந்துவதை உணர்ந்தார்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒட்டப்பந்தயத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது வேகத்தை அதிகப் படுத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த பிரச்னையைப் பற்றி கவனமாக யோசித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஆலோசனை கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் தீர்வு ஒன்றைக் கண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பயணி ஆடும் தொங்கு பாலத்தில் நடந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் அச்சமுற்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் களிப்படைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த அணியின் வெற்றியை எதிர்பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஆட்டத்தைக் காணத் தன் நண்பர்களைச் சந்தித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பர்களுடன் பந்தயம் கட்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனால் தூங்க முடியவில்லை", "choice1": "அவன் விழிப்புக் கடிகையில் மணி குறித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் செம்மறியாடுகளைக் கணக்கிட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பொருள் பாதுகாப்பான வகையில் பொட்டலம் கட்டப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அது எளிதில் முறியக்கூடியதாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது சிறியதாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் சட்டைப்பையைக் காலி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கிழிக்கப்பட்டப் பயணச்சீட்டை மீட்டெடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு ஆயுதத்தைக் கண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் வீட்டின்மீது கரையான்கள் படையெடுத்தன", "choice1": "கரையான்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்து மறைந்தன", "choice2": "கரையான்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்த மர சாமான்கள் அனைத்தையும் தின்று தீர்த்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பயணிகள் எல்லையை அடைந்தனர்", "choice1": "ரோந்து காவலாளி அவர்களது கடவுச்சீட்டுகளைச் சரி பார்த்தார்", "choice2": "ரோந்து காவலாளி அவர்கள் கடத்தல் செய்வதாகக் குற்றஞ்சாற்றினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அலுவலகம் மூடப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "அன்று விடுமுறை நாள்", "choice2": "அது கோடைக்காலம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சோர்வடைந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் பரமபதம் விளையாடினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கயிறு தாண்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வரிசையில் அவளது இடத்தை இழந்தாள்", "choice1": "மக்கள் பலர் வரிசையில் நுழைந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் வரிசையை விட்டு வெளியே சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் மூக்கைப் பொத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த குழந்தை கழுத்திலிருந்த துணியில் எச்சில் சொட்டியது", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை தன் அரையாடையில் மலம் கழித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "இசைக்குழுவினர் தங்களது பிரபலப் பாடல் ஒன்றை வாசித்தனர்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் இசைக்கு இணங்க கை தட்டினர்", "choice2": "பார்வையாளர்கள் நாகரிகமாக அமைதி காத்து இசையைக் கேட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் கணித ஆசிரியர்க்கு நன்றி தெரிவிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி பள்ளி நேரத்திற்கு பின்பு தண்டனையாற்ற பள்ளியில் தங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி ஆசிரியர்க்கு ஆப்பிளைக் கொண்டு வந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "இளம் சுற்றுலா பயணிகள் பயமுற்றனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது சுற்றுலாப் பயண ஆலோசகர் பேய்க்கதை ஒன்றைக் கூறினார்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சர்க்கரை மிட்டாயை நெருப்பில் சுட்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் தலையை எடுத்துக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் சிந்தனையில் தன்னை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு மூளையதிர்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் எழுதித் தந்த காசோலை நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "என் வங்கிக் கணக்கு காலியாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "நான் ஊதிய உயர்வு பெற்றேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் மின்னஞ்சல் உட்பெட்டி தேவைற்ற மின்னஞ்சல்களால் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் தேவையற்ற மின்னஞ்சல்களை அகற்றினான்", "choice2": "அவன் வெகுஜன மின்னஞ்சல் ஒன்றை அனுப்பினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாலுமி தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நோயினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நோயிலிருந்து குணமடைந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி குறியீட்டை மனப்பாடம் செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனக்குத் தானே ஒப்பித்துக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் எழுதி வைத்துக்கொள்ள மறந்துவிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "நான் கண்ணாடிக்குடுவையில் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த தண்ணீரால் என் தாகம் தணிந்தது", "choice2": "கண்ணாடிக்குடுவை நிரம்பியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் நண்பன் பேசி முடிக்கும் வரை மௌனமாகக் காத்திருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நண்பனுக்கு ஆதரவு தர விரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பனின் சொல்லைப் பற்றி சிந்தித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விபத்து என் தவறால் நேர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நான் குற்ற உணர்ச்சியடைந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் குற்றச்சாட்டு பதிவு செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சங்கிலி விலகி வந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சங்கிலி சக்கரத்தைச் சுற்றிக் கட்டப்பட்டு இருந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த சங்கிலியில் உடைந்த இணைப்பு ஒன்று இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி சமரசத்திற்கு வர முடிவு செய்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வாதிட்டுச் சோர்ந்துப் போயினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பிரச்னையைப் பற்றி பேசுவதைத் தவிர்த்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பொது தேர்தலில் போட்டியிட முடிவெடுத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் பிரச்சார மேலாளரை பணியமர்த்தினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நீதிமன்றத்தில் சாட்சி சொன்னாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பயணத்தில் குளிர்ந்த வானிலையை எதிர்பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் குளிருக்கு உகந்த ஆடைகளைத் தன் கைப்பிடியில் எடுத்து வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பெரிய கைப்பெட்டியுடன் பயணித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் கேள்விக்கான பதிலை அறிந்தான்", "choice1": "தன் கையை உயர்த்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் நேரத்தை வீணடித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கண்கள் நீர் கசிந்தன.", "choice1": "தூசி அவன் கண்களில் புகுந்தது", "choice2": "அவன் காப்புக் கண்ணாடி அணிந்து கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரி தொடர்ந்து ஐந்து ஆட்டங்களில் வெற்றி பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "அவளது எதிரணி வீராங்கனை அவள் மோசடி செய்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளது எதிரணி வீராங்கனை அவளைக் கண்டு பரிதாபப்பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் அந்த மாணவனின் வினாத்தாளைக் கிழித்தெறிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவன் மோசடி செய்வதைக் கண்டு பிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவனின் பதில்கள் தவறாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் பேசுவதை நிறுத்த இடைநிறுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் குரலை இழந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூச்சற்று போனேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "உறைந்த உணவு உருகியது", "choice1": "நான் அதனை நுண்ணலை அடுப்பில் வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனை பிளாஸ்டிக் பொட்டலத்தில் மூடி வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஊழியர் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டதாகப் பொய் சொன்னார்", "choice1": "அவருக்கு வயிற்று வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவர் ஒரு நாள் விடுப்பு பெற விரும்பினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நீச்சல்குளத்தில் இறங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நீச்சல்தளத்தின் மீது ஓடினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் குதி பலகையிலிருந்து குதித்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த திரைப்படத்திற்கான நுழைவுச்சீட்டுகள் விற்றுத் தீர்ந்தன", "choice1": "அன்று அந்த திரைப்படத்தின் தொடக்க நாள்", "choice2": "அந்த திரைப்படம் மோசமான விமர்சனங்களைப் பெற்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உடலிடை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "மக்கள் அவனைத் தனிமைப் படுத்தினர்", "choice2": "மக்கள் அவனைப் பாராட்டினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமியின் கைகளில் கொப்பளங்கள் வந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் கடிதம் ஒன்றைத் தட்டச்சு செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கயிறு ஏறினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சர்க்கஸ் கலைஞர் ஒற்றைச் சக்கர மிதிவண்டியை ஒட்டியபடி செப்பேடு விதை செய்தார்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் ஆச்சரியத்தில் ஆராவாரம் செய்தனர்", "choice2": "கழைக்கூத்தாடி தன் சாகச கயிற்றிலிருந்தபடி ஊஞ்சலாடினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பொறுமை இழந்தேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் என்னைக் காக்க வைத்தான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் நேரத்தில் வந்தடைந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "போரிடும் நாடுகள் அமைதியை விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அணு ஆயுதங்கள் உருவாக்கினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பேச்சுவார்த்தை நடத்தி ஒரு ஒப்பந்தத்திற்கு வந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தூக்க மருந்து உட்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மயக்கமடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனுக்குக் காய்ச்சல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மஞ்சையின்மீது மோதிக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "மஞ்சையின் கால் தளர்வானது", "choice2": "அவள் தனது முட்டிக்காலைக் காயம்படுத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஊதற்பையை அமுக்கினான்", "choice1": "ஊதற்பை வெடித்தது", "choice2": "ஊதற்பை பறந்து போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பயணிகள் தங்களது விடுதி அறைக்கு வந்து சேர்ந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்களது கைப்பெட்டிகளைக் கட்டவிழ்த்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் விமான நிலையத்துக்குச் சென்றனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஆப்பிளைக் கடித்தேன்", "choice1": "ஆப்பிள் கன்றிப்போனது", "choice2": "பழரசம் வெளியே சிந்தியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் கைகள் பிசுபிசுப்படைந்தன", "choice1": "நான் அதிரசத்தை உண்டேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு இனிப்பு பண்டங்களின் மேல் அதிக நாட்டம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கதவைத் தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "கதவு திறந்தது", "choice2": "கதவு பூட்டிக்கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சமூக ஆர்வலர்கள் அந்த பொருட்களைப் புறக்கணித்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த பொருட்கள் தர உத்தரவாதத்திற்குச் சோதனை செய்யப்பட்டன", "choice2": "அந்த பொருட்கள் குழந்தைத் தொழிலாளர்களால் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டவை", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சுவரில் துளையிட்டேன்", "choice1": "துளையிலிருந்துச் சுண்டெலி ஒன்று ஊர்ந்து வெளியே வந்தது", "choice2": "துளையிலிருந்து தூசி பறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் தன் சகோதரியைக் கண்டு பொறாமை பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சகோதரி சந்தோசமாக இருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சகோதரி விவாகரத்து பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் சட்டையில் மது சிந்தினேன்", "choice1": "நான் மேல் அங்கியை அணிந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் சட்டையை மாற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "காசாளர் பணப்பதிவேட்டைத் திறந்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் தன் பணப்பையைத் தேடினார்", "choice2": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் தன் பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தெருவோர இசைக்கலைஞர் மக்கள் கூட்டத்தை கவர்ந்திழுத்தார்", "choice1": "மக்கள் அவரிடம் சில்லறைகளை அளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர் கூட்டத்தை விரட்டியடித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் தன் பராமரிப்பாளரிடம் அழுதான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் பெற்றோர்களின்றி தவித்தான்", "choice2": "அது சிற்றுண்டி உண்ணும் நேரம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "விமானியின் ரேடார் புயல் வருவதைக் கண்டறிந்தது", "choice1": "விமானி புயலைத் தவிர்க்கும் வகையில் விமானத்தை வழிசெலுத்தினார்", "choice2": "விமானி புயலின் உள்ளே விமானத்தைப் பறந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மரம் அதன் இலைகளை உதிர்த்தது", "choice1": "இலைகள் நிறம் மாறின", "choice2": "இலைகள் தரையில் குவிந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் குறும்பான மனநிலையில் இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் சகோதரியுடன் சீட்டாட்டம் ஆட முடிவு செய்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது சகோதரியின் மீது குறும்பு செய்ய முடிவெடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தான் கழிவறைக்குச் செல்ல வேண்டும் என்று முறையிட்டது", "choice1": "அவனது தந்தையார் அவனுக்குக் குடிக்க சோடா கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "அதன் தந்தையார் எரிவாயு நிலையத்தில் சீருந்தை நிறுத்தினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை மீன் உணவைத் தொட்டியினுள் தூவியது", "choice1": "மீன் தொட்டியை விட்டு வெளியே குதித்தது", "choice2": "மீன் உணவை நோக்கி நீந்தியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் அரசியல் பார்வை மாறியது", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கட்சி நிலைப்பாட்டை மாற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கண்டனப் போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குளியலறையிலிருந்த நீர்த்தொட்டியில் அடைப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் குழாயைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் வடிகால் சுத்தம் செய்யும் திரவியத்தை அதனுள் ஊற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பயணிகள் தொடர்வண்டியில் இருந்து வெளியேறினர்", "choice1": "தொடர்வண்டி ரயில் நிலையத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "தொடர்வண்டி தன் சங்கை முழங்கியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கடித உறையின் ஈர மடலை அழுத்தினான்", "choice1": "அவன் கடித உறையில் அஞ்சல்தலையை ஓட்டினான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடித உறையை முத்திரையிட்டு மூடினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நண்பர்கள் தொடர்பு இழந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் ஒருவருக்கொருவரின் தோசாமையில் இன்பம் கண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் வெவ்வேறு நகரங்களுக்குக் குடி பெயர்ந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கணக்காளர் நிறுவனத்தின் நிதியைத் தவறாகக் கையாண்டார்", "choice1": "அவள் அவளது பதவியிலிருந்து நீக்கப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவள் மகப்பேறு விடுப்பில் சென்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கடிகாரத்தைப் பார்த்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கடிகாரம் துடிப்பதைக் கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் மணியைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் கைகளில் பிடிப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் கட்டுரையை கையால் எழுதினேன்", "choice2": "என் மனைவியும் நானும் கை பிடித்தோம்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆணி இறுக்கமாக பிடித்துக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "நான் ஆணியை மாற்றினேன்", "choice2": "நான் குறடைத் திருகினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்பு ஒன்றைக் குத்தகைக்கு அடுத்தது", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி அந்த அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்பில் குடி புகுந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த நகரம் அந்த குடியிருப்பை வாழத் தகுதியற்றதாக அறிவித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வெளியே தாழ்வாரத்தில் அமர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சூரிய அஸ்தமனத்தைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் மின்னலைக் கண்டதாக நினைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தண்ணீரில் உயிர்காப்புச் சட்டையை அணிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனால் நீந்த இயலாது", "choice2": "அந்த தண்ணீர் ஆழமற்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் சொற் பதனாக்கியில் பிழை ஒன்றைச் செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த கோப்பை அகற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அழிக்கும் விசையைத் தட்டினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தனது தோழிகளிடம் தற்பெருமை பேசினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குறைந்த மதிப்பெண்கள் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் போட்டி ஒன்றில் வெற்றி பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "புல்வெளி சேறும் சகதியுமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "இரவு முழுவதும் மழை கொட்டித் தீர்த்தது", "choice2": "அது களைகளால் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அளவுக்கு மீறி தூங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அன்றிரவு விடுதியில் தங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் விழிப்புக் கடிகையில் நேரம் குறிக்க மறந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வெயில் பாதுகாப்பு திரவதைத் தடவிக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நிழலில் உட்கார்ந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடற்கரைக்குச் சென்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை நிரூபித்தனர்", "choice1": "ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை திரும்பப் பெற்றுக்கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "தனிநபர்கள் அந்த தத்துவத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆட்டத்தைக் காண வந்த இரசிகர்கள் கலாட்டா செய்தனர்", "choice1": "ஆட்டம் குறித்த நேரத்தைக் கடந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "நடுவர் தவரான தீர்பைக் கொடுத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் எனக்குரிய சரியான எண் சேர்க்கையைப் பூட்டில் உள்ளிட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் பூட்டைப் பூட்டினேன்", "choice2": "பூட்டு திறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மக்கட்கூட்டத்தில் பதற்றம் வலுவடைந்தது", "choice1": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனிடம் சிறிது பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனின் கையைப் பிடித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நுழைவாயிலை பனி வழிமறித்தது", "choice1": "நான் பனியைத் திரட்டிப் பனிப்பந்தாக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மண்வாரியாக் கொண்டு பனியை வழியிலிருந்து அகற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "படகோட்டிகள் தங்கள் துடுப்புகளைக் கொண்டு படகை ஓட்டினர்", "choice1": "படகு கரையை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "படகு அலை ஒன்றின் மீது மோதியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அவள் மிதிவண்டியில் கட்டுப்பாட்டை இழந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மிதிவண்டியின் கைப் பிடியைத் தவறவிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் வேலிக்குள் மோதினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மின்விசிறியை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் என் தோலின் மீது தெளித்தது", "choice2": "குளிர் காற்று என் மீது பட்டுச் செல்வதை உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கடல் வித்தை வீரர்கள் கடற்கரைக்கு திரும்பி வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் நனைந்திருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஒரு சுறாவைக் கண்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் குளியல் தொட்டியிலிருந்த வடிகாற்செருகியை இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் தொட்டியிலிருந்து வடிந்தது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் தரையில் தெளித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கணவன் தன் மனைவிக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததைக் கண்டு குற்ற உணர்ச்சி அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனுக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினான்", "choice2": "தான் அவளுக்கு துரோகம் செய்ததை அவளிடம் ஒப்புக் கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சுவரொட்டியிலிருந்த மை பரவியது", "choice1": "நான் மை உலரக் காத்திருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சுவரொட்டியில் தண்ணீர் சிந்தினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை கத்திக்கொண்டு விழித்தது", "choice1": "அது ஒரு கொடுங்கனவு கண்டது", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை படுக்கையை ஈரம் செய்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையன் தன் கால்களை மேசையின் மேலே வைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது தந்தையார் மேசையில் அமர்ந்தார்", "choice2": "அவனது தந்தையார் அவனைக் கடிந்து கொண்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் நண்பன் தன் தலையை என் திசையில் திருப்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவன் பெயரைக் கத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் கைகளை அசைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அரசாங்கம் தன் குடிமக்களை ஒடுக்கியது", "choice1": "குடிமக்கள் கிளர்ச்சியை நடத்தினர்", "choice2": "குடிமக்கள் வாக்களிக்க விவரம் பதிவு செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் காட்டிற்குள் தொலைந்து போனான்", "choice1": "அவன் கூடாரத்தை நிறுவினான்", "choice2": "அவன் உதவி கோரி கத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வெளிநாடு பயணம் சென்றாள்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி எப்படி வரைவது என்பதைக் கற்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி மற்ற கலாச்சாரங்களைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் சக பணியாளரைக் கண்டு பொறாமைப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனுடைய சக பணியாளர் பதவி உயர்வு பெற்றார்", "choice2": "அவனுடைய சக பணியாளர் நெடுநேரம் வேலை செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வேற்றுகிரக வாசிகளைக் கண்டான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்கு மருட்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் தியானம் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் முடி பொன்னிறமாக மாறியது", "choice1": "அவன் அதன்மீது ப்ளீச்சைத் தடவினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அதன்மீது சிகைக்காயைத் தடவினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கலைஞர் புதிய படைப்பை உருவாக்கினார்", "choice1": "அந்த கலைஞர் தனது முந்தைய படைப்பை விமர்சனம் செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவள் புது உத்வேகத்தை உணர்ந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அவரது மகன் வீட்டை விட்டு தூரம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் இராணுவத்திலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப் பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் கல்லூரியில் சேரவிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "புத்தக அலமாரியிலிருந்து புத்தகங்கள் விழுந்தன", "choice1": "அலமாரிகள் தூசியால் மூடப்பட்டிருந்தன", "choice2": "ஒரு பூகம்பம் புத்தக அலமாரியை உலுக்கியது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் மின்விளக்கை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மின்சுற்று உடைப்பானை மீட்டமைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நாங்கள் ரோலர் கோஸ்டரில் சவாரி செய்தோம்", "choice1": "அது பார்க்க பயமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது பார்க்க வேடிக்கையாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பாப்கார்ன் பை வெடிக்க ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "நான் அந்த பையில் வெண்ணையை ஊற்றினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனை நுண்ணலை அடுப்பில் வைத்து சூடு செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மின்கம்பியில் மரம் ஒன்று விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அக்கம்பக்கத்தில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice2": "வானிலை முன்னறிக்கை பலத்த காற்று வீசுமென கணித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பேச்சாளர் அரசியல் ரீதியாகத் தவறான கருத்துகளைத் தெரிவித்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் பார்வையாளர்களைச் சலிப்படைய வைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் பார்வையாளர்களை அவமதித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என்னை ஊசியால் குத்திக் கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "ஒரு சொட்டு வியர்வை என் முகத்திலிருந்து வழிந்தது", "choice2": "ஒரு சொட்டு இரத்தம் என் விரலின் மீது உருவானது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மீன் தொட்டியின் மேற்பரப்பில் மிதக்கியது", "choice1": "அந்த மீன் பசியில் இருந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மீன் மரணம் அடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குரல் கரகரப்பாக ஒலித்தது", "choice1": "அவனுக்குச் சளி பிடித்தது", "choice2": "அவன் புகைப்பழக்கத்தை விட்டொழித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மின் தூக்கியின் கதவுகள் திறந்தன", "choice1": "மின்தூக்கி நியமிக்கப்பட்ட தளத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "choice2": "மின்தூக்கி இரு தளத்திற்கு நடுவில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த வாலிபன் பதுங்கியபடி வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறினான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் பெற்றோரிடம் பொய் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அவனது பெற்றோர் தன் அறைக்குச் செல்லுமாறு தண்டனை கொடுத்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குளியலறையில் தண்ணீர் வெள்ளமாக பெருக்கெடுத்து ஓடியது", "choice1": "கழிப்பறை நிரம்பி வழிந்தது", "choice2": "நீர் கொதிகலன் உடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "நாய்க்குட்டி அதன் உரிமையாளர் அருகிலேயே இருந்தது", "choice1": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் கழுத்துப்பட்டை ஒன்றை நாய்குட்டிக்குப் போட்டார்", "choice2": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் தோல்வார் ஒன்றைக் கொண்டு நாய்க்குட்டியை கட்டுப்பாட்டில் வைத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பிரதிபலிப்பைக் கண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் பரந்து விரிந்த மரத்தின் கீழே நின்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் அமைதியான ஏரிக்கு அருகே நின்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் காதலியின் தொலைபேசி அழைப்பை எடுக்கத் தவறினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவளைத் திரும்ப அழைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவளை இரவு உணவிற்குச் சந்தித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் அக்கம்பக்கத்தில் தேடினர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது நாய் அவர்கள் வீட்டை விட்டு ஓடிச் சென்றது", "choice2": "விலையுயர்ந்த நகைகள் அவர்கள் வீட்டிலிருந்து காணாமல் போயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மூச்சை வெளிவிடும்போது என் சுவாசத்தைக் கண்டேன்", "choice1": "குளிர்ந்த வானிலை நிலவியது", "choice2": "அவன் தனது மார்பு இறுக்கமாக இருப்பதாக உணர்ந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஊழியர்கள் தொழிற்சங்கம் ஒன்றை உருவாக்கினார்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் மேம்பட்ட வேலை சூழலை விரும்பினர்", "choice2": "அவர்களின் முதலாளி அவர்கள் ஊதியத்தை உயர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஆப்பிள் பையைச் சமைத்தேன்", "choice1": "அழுகிய நாற்றம் சமையலறையைச் சூழ்ந்தது", "choice2": "நல்ல நறுமணம் சமையலறையைச் சூழ்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் நடக்க கஷ்டப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குதிகால்களை மேலே உயர்த்தும் காலணிகளை அணிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது காலணிகளைக் கழட்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தண்ணீர்ப் பானையிலிருந்து நீராவி மேலே உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் கொதித்தது", "choice2": "நான் பானையை மூடினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என்னுடைய காலுறைகள் அனைத்தும் சலவைக்குப் போடப்பட்டிருந்தன", "choice1": "நான் செருப்பு அணிந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூடு காலணியை அணிந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அரசியல்வாதியின் வாதங்கள் அபத்தமாக இருந்தன", "choice1": "தன் வாக்காளர்களின் ஆதரவை இழந்தார்", "choice2": "அவர்மீது ஊழல் குற்றச்சாட்டு எழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடியின் நிச்சயதார்த்தத்தை அனைவரும் ஆட்சேபித்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி கருவுற்றது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி ஓடிச் சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கட்டிடம் அந்த இலட்சாதிபதிக்கு அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அந்த இலட்சாதிபதி கட்டிடத்தை இடித்துத் தரைமட்டமாக்க விரும்பினார்", "choice2": "அந்த இலட்சாதிபதி கட்டிடத்தைக் கட்டுவதற்குவான நிதியில் பங்களித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமி திருடியதாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டினான்", "choice1": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமி தன் பணப்பையினுள் விற்பனைக்குரிய பொருட்களைப் போடுவதைப் பார்த்தாள்", "choice2": "விற்பனை பணியாளர் அந்த சிறுமிக்குப் பிடித்தப் பணப்பையைத் தேட உதவினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாடு தனது அண்டைநாட்டுடன் போர் தொடுத்தது", "choice1": "வீரர்கள் சண்டையிட வெளியே அனுப்பப்பட்டனர்", "choice2": "வீரர்கள் தங்களின் குடும்பங்களுடன் மீண்டும் ஒன்று சேர்க்கப்பட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நீதிமன்றம் சர்ச்சைக்குரிய தீர்ப்பை நிலைநாட்டியது", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தின் முன் கலவரம் வெடித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி நீதிமன்றத்திற்கு முன்பு திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ஏதோ எரிகின்ற நாற்றத்தை முகந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குக்கீகளை ஜாடியிலிருந்து எடுத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் குக்கீகளை மின் அடுப்பிலேயே விட்டுவிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மழை கொட்டிக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "புயல் தீவிரமடைந்தது", "choice2": "நான் உள்ளே செல்ல அவசரமாக ஓடினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கட்டிடம் காலி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice1": "மின் தூக்கி செயலிழந்தது", "choice2": "தீ அபாய அறிவிப்பொலி ஒலித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனின் குடிப்பழக்கத்தைக் கண்டு ஆத்திரம் கொண்டார்", "choice1": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனுக்குக் கள்ளை வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தனது மகனை வீட்டை விட்டு விரட்டினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வழக்கறிஞர் படியேறி தனது அலுவலகத்திற்கு வந்தடைந்தார்", "choice1": "செயலாளர் அன்றைய வேலையை முடித்து வீடு சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "மின் தூக்கி செயலற்ற நிலையில் கிடந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் நண்பன் மீது எரிச்சல் பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது நண்பன் குறுக்கிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நண்பன் அவனுக்கு மதிய உணவு வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காசாளரிடம் பணத்தை ஒப்படைத்தாள்", "choice1": "காசாளர் சிறுமியிடம் அவளது சில்லறையைக் கொடுத்தார்", "choice2": "காசாளர் அந்த சிறுமியிடம் இரசீதைக் கொடுக்க மறந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி சக்கர நாற்காலியில் அமர்த்தப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விபத்தில் முடங்கிப்போனாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தூக்குப் படுக்கையில் மருத்துவமனைக்குள் நுழைந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குடிமக்கள் தேசியக்கொடியைத் தங்கள் வீட்டின் வெளியே தொங்கவிட்டனர்", "choice1": "அந்த நாடு தன் சுதந்திர நாளை நினைவு கோர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த நாடு பொருளாதார இன்னல்களை எதிர்கொண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அணி போட்டியில் தோல்வியடைந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்களது இரசிகர்களை ஏமாற்றினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ரசிகர்களை ஊக்குவித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் நண்பன் எனது பற்களுக்கு இடையில் உணவுத் துகள்கள் சிக்கிக் கொண்டிருப்பதைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டினான்", "choice1": "நான் சங்கடப்பட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் பெருமைப்பட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையன் வரலாற்றுப் பாடத்தில் தோல்வியடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் வகுப்பில் கவனம் செலுத்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் படிக்க மறந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நகரத்தின் பிரதானக் கட்டிடம் இடிந்து விழுந்தது", "choice1": "பூகம்பம் ஒன்று அந்த நகரத்தை உலுக்கியது", "choice2": "அந்த நகரத்தில் குற்ற எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் காதலி அவனிடம் காதலை முறித்துக்கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவன் தன்னைத் திரும்ப ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளுமாறு அவளிடம் கெஞ்சினான்", "choice2": "அவள் அவனைத் தன் பெற்றோரிடம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவர்கள் இருவரும் பந்தைப் பிடிக்க ஒரே நேரத்தில் கீழே குனிந்தனர்", "choice1": "பந்து உருண்டோடியது", "choice2": "அவர்களது தலைகள் மோதின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாய் குப்பைத் தொட்டியைச் சூறையாடியது", "choice1": "அந்த குப்பைக் கூடையில் அட்டை இருந்தது", "choice2": "குப்பைத் தொட்டியின் மூடி விலகியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையன் எழுதுகோலைக் கூர்மையாக்கினான்", "choice1": "அது விலை மலிவானது", "choice2": "அது மழுங்கியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "காசாளர் ஆடைக்கானப் பணத்தை அந்த பெண்மணியிடம் திரும்பாத தர மறுத்தார்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது இரசீதை இழந்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த ஆடை அவளுக்குப் பொருந்தவில்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் தோலிலிருந்த கீறல் ஆழமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அது சீக்கிரம் குணமடைந்தது", "choice2": "அது வடுவை விட்டுச் சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தொடர்வண்டியிலிருந்தப் பயணிகள் அவனை விசித்திரமாகப் பார்த்தனர்", "choice1": "அவன் வெற்று தரையை முறைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனக்குத் தானே பேசிக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ரொட்டித் துணிக்கைகளைத் தரையில் விட்டுச் சென்றது", "choice1": "எறும்புகள் ரொட்டித் துணிக்கைகளை நோக்கி படையெடுத்தன", "choice2": "அந்த குழந்தை ரொட்டியை வீசி எறிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் சகோதரியிடம் கைக்குட்டையை நீட்டினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சகோதரி தன் கைகளை மடித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சகோதரி அழ ஆரம்பித்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சுவாசப் புத்துணர்ச்சிக்கு மிளகுக்கீரை மிட்டாயை உட்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது உதடுகள் பிளந்திருந்தன", "choice2": "அவன் சுவாச துர்நாற்றத்தைப் பற்றி கவலைப் பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு சீக்கிரம் புறப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அரங்கத்திற்கு அருகில் போக்குவரத்து நெரிசலை எதிர்பார்த்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அரங்கத்திற்குச் செல்லும் வழியைப் பெற்றனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி வேலைக்குச் செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் தங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவளது முதலாளி அவளைப் பாராட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளின் சக பணியாளர் அவளது பணியையும் சேர்த்து செய்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சமூக ஆர்வலர்களின் மனுவில் கையெழுத்திட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் அவர்களது கொள்கைகளை ஆதரித்தான்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பைத்தியங்கள் என அவர்களை அவன் தட்டிக் கழித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நடிகரின் இதயம் நாடகத்தில் நடிப்பதற்கு முன் படபடத்தது", "choice1": "அவர் மேடையில் நடிக்க பயப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவர் தனது வசனங்களை மனப்பாடம் செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தொலைந்து போனேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் பணத்தை எண்ணினேன்", "choice2": "நான் வரைபடத்தை விரித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பழுத்த பழம் நெடுநேரம் பறிக்கப்படாமல் வெயிலில் தொங்கியது", "choice1": "அது உண்ணப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அது சுருங்கிப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சீருந்து பழுதடைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பொறி இயந்திரத்தை செயல்படச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "சீருந்தின் பொறி இயந்திரம் அளவுக்கு மீறி சூடேறியது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் முதுகைக் காயப்படுத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மனநல மருத்துவரைச் சந்திக்க சென்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் படுத்த படுக்கையில் நெடுநாட்கள் கழித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நெருப்பிடத்தில் நெருப்பைப் பற்ற வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "என்னிடமிருந்த விறகு காலியானது", "choice2": "வீட்டில் குளிராக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மெதுவோட்டம் ஓடுவதை நிறுத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கால்களில் தசைப்பிடிப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் ஓடிக் களைப்படைந்த பின் திரும்ப ஓட புது உற்சாகம் பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அண்டை வீட்டார் கதவைத் தட்டினேன்", "choice1": "என் அண்டை வீட்டார் என்னை உள்ளே அழைத்தார்", "choice2": "என் அண்டை வீட்டார் தன் வீட்டை விட்டுச் சென்றார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி எரிச்சலில் பெருமூச்சு விட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளது கணவன் அவள் கவலைகளைத் தவறாக புரிந்து கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவளது கணவன் முத்தமிட்டு விடைபெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் அந்த மாணவனைப் பாராட்டினார்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவனை கேள்விக்கு சரியான விடையைச் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவனை கேள்விக்கு பதில் சொல்ல தயங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியிடமிருந்த முட்டைகள் தீர்ந்து போயின", "choice1": "அவள் பண்ணைக்குச் சென்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பல்பொருள் அங்காடிக்குச் சென்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் பழைய நண்பன் ஒருவனைச் சந்தித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஒரு இரகசியத்தை அவனிடம் வெளிப்படுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனைக் கட்டியணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் ஏரிக்குச் செல்வதைத் தவிர்த்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஒரு மீனைப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice2": "அது மாசுபட்டதாகத் தெரிந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் நனைந்தபடி வகுப்பை வந்தடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது குடை உடைந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவனது இரு சக்கர வண்டி திருடு போனது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கணினித் திரையிலிருந்து நிலைக்காட்டி நகர்ந்தது", "choice1": "பயனாளர் கணினியின் கைகாட்டியைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "பயனாளர் கணினியின் கைகாட்டியை நகர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ஓட்டுநர் மாற்றுவழியில் சென்றார்", "choice1": "பிரதான சாலையில் விபத்து ஒன்று நேர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் தன் முன்னிருந்த சரக்கு வண்டியைப் பின்தொடர்ந்து சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஈரமான சணல்நார் துணியை வெளியே துணிக்கொடியில் தொங்கவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "சணல்நார் துணி உலர்ந்தது", "choice2": "சணல்நார் துணியில் கறை படிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தனது குளிரூட்டும் கண்ணாடியை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "சூரிய ஒளி பிரகாசமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் வாடகை வண்டி ஒன்றைக் கைகாட்டி நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் இரவு வானத்தை அண்ணாந்துப் பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் அது கோடைக்காலமாக இருக்காதா என்று ஏங்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அது அழகாக இருப்பதாக எண்ணினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சோர்ந்து போனேன்", "choice1": "நான் சீக்கிரம் படுக்கச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் இரவு முழுவதும் விழித்திருந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முடி திருத்துபவரிடம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது முடியை நீளமாக வளர்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது முடி நீளமாக வளர்ந்துக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவன் மீது இழிவான வகையில் குறும்பு செய்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவனை வரவேற்றான்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் வகுப்புக்கு வந்த புது மாணவனை வெறுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஒரு குடுவைப் பாலுக்கு ஏங்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அப்பம் சாப்பிட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ரொட்டி சுட்டுக்கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மழை பெய்ய ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தின் முன்விளக்கை இயங்கச் செய்தார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தை ரிவர்ஸ் கியரில் இயங்கச் செய்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கட்டிடத்தின் வாகனம் நிறுத்துமிடம் காலியாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் தெருவின் குறுக்கே என் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நுழைவாயிலுக்கு அருகில் என் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த எழுத்தாளர் வரைவு சமர்பிப்பதற்கான கெடுவைத் தவற விட்டார்", "choice1": "அவளுக்கு யோசனைகள் தோன்றாததால் தொடர்ந்து எழுத இயலாமல் போனாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது வரைவில் திருத்தம் செய்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வாடிக்கையாளர் சேவை பிரதிநிதி எனது தொலைபேசி அழைப்பைத் துண்டித்தார்", "choice1": "நான் மேற்பார்வையாளரிடம் பேச வேண்டுமென கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் எனது அடையாள எண்ணை அளித்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "திறந்த ஜன்னல் வழியே காற்று வீசியது", "choice1": "அழைப்புமணி அடித்தது", "choice2": "திரைச்சீலைகள் ஆடின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் மின்விளக்கை மின் இணைப்பிலிருந்து கழட்டினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மின்காப்பு இழையை உருகச் செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பளு தூக்கும் வீரர் உறுமினார்", "choice1": "அவர் கண்ணாடியின் முன்னே தன் தசைகளை இறுக்கினார்", "choice2": "அவர் பளுவைத் தன் தலைக்கு மேலே உயர்த்தினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் தன் மனதில் கணக்கிட முயற்சித்தான்", "choice1": "நான் கணிப்பானை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "அவன் குழப்பமடைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தூங்கியது", "choice1": "தந்தையார் குழந்தையின் அரையாடையை மாற்றினார்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் குழந்தையின் தொட்டிலை மென்மையாக ஆட்டிவிட்டார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நீர் நிறைந்த ஊதற்பையைச் சிறுவன் மீது வீசினாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு மூளையதிர்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் நனைந்து போனான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "புகைப்படக்காரர் புகைப்படக்கருவியிலுள்ள பிளாஷை உபயோகிக்க மறந்தார்", "choice1": "புகைப்படங்கள் மங்கலாக வெளிவந்தன", "choice2": "புகைப்படத்திலிருந்த அனைவரும் புன்னகைக்க மறுத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் பிறந்தநாள் விழா அழைப்பை நிராகரித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தனிமையாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் நகரத்திற்கு வெளியே சென்றிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் சுறுசுறுப்பாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் பயந்துப் போனேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஈர ஸ்பான்ஜைக் கசக்கிப் பிழிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அது தண்ணீரை உறிஞ்சியது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் அதனிலிருந்து வெளியே ஒழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "விடுமுறையைக் கழிக்க வந்தவர்கள் உல்லாசப் போக்கிடத்திற்குப் படகில் சென்றனர்", "choice1": "உல்லாசப் போக்கிடம் முழுவதுமாக முன்பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "உல்லாசப் போக்கிடம் தீவு ஒன்றில் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த வாலிபப் பெண் பச்சைக் குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஊசியைக் கண்டு பயந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சமூக விதிமுறைகளுக்கு அடிபணியாதவள் எனக் காட்ட விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "முன்பின் தெரியாத சீருந்து ஒன்று என் வீட்டிற்கு வெளியே நிறுத்தப்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "எனக்கு சந்தேகம் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "நான் காவலர்களை அழைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி சரணடைந்தான்", "choice1": "ஆதாரங்கள் அவன் குற்றத்தை நிரூபித்தன", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு எதிராக ஒரு ஆதாரமும் இல்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குண்டு மனிதன் தன் எடையைக் குறைக்க முடிவெடுத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் இனிப்புகள் உண்பதைத் தவிர்த்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் காபி நச்சைத் தவிர்த்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பனிக்கட்டி மீது அடிவைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் சறுக்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நடுங்கினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் கண்களுக்கு கீழ் வளையங்கள் இருந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் இரவு முழுவதும் விழித்திருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் மகனைப் படுக்கையில் படுக்க வைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எரிமலைக்குழம்பு எரிமலையிலிருந்து வழிந்தோடியது", "choice1": "எரிமலை வெடித்தது", "choice2": "எரிமலை உறங்குநிலையில் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் காலணிகளை அணிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விழாவிலிருந்த அனைவரையும் அறிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் விழாவை விட்டுச் செல்ல விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சுங்கச் சாவடி பணிப்பெண்ணிடம் பணம் செலுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "அவள் சுங்கச் சாவடியைக் கடக்க என்னை அனுமதித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் என்னைச் சுங்கச் சாவடியில் தடுத்து நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நிர்வாகி திவாலானார்", "choice1": "அவர் தன் நிறுவனப் பங்குகளை விற்றார்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது செல்வத்தை விரயம் செய்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மருத்துவரிடம் சென்றான்", "choice1": "அந்த மருத்துவர் விடுப்பில் இருந்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஜன்னல் மூலம் படுக்கையறையை விட்டு வெளியேறினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த வீடு தீப்பிடித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த வீடு காலியாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் விரல்களில் சுருக்கம் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் நெடுநேரம் குளித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கைகளைச் சோப்பினால் நுரைத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த பாலைத் துப்பினேன்", "choice1": "அந்த பால் புளித்திருந்தது", "choice2": "என் வாய் வறண்டிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் பேருந்தைத் தவறவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் வேலைக்கு சீக்கிரம் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் வேலைக்கு தாமதமாக சென்றேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சரக்கு வண்டி சீருந்தின் மீது மோதியது", "choice1": "சரக்கு வண்டி வேகத்தை அதிகப்படுத்தியது", "choice2": "சீருந்து நொறுங்கிப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அணி போட்டியில் தங்களுக்குச் சாதகமாக மோசடி செய்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வென்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் வெளியேறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சோடா குடுவை சத்தமிட்டது", "choice1": "நான் குடுவையைத் தலைகீழாகத் திருப்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மூடியைத் திருப்பித் திறந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் அவனது வீட்டுக்கு வெளியே பூட்டப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் திறந்த ஜன்னல் வழியாக உள்ளே நுழைந்தான்", "choice2": "நான் கூரையின் மீது ஏறினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அழைப்புமணி அடித்தது", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர் கதவைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி சாவித் துவாரத்தின் வழியாக எட்டிப் பார்த்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது சூட்டைக் கறைபடுத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் அதனை உலர்சலவை செய்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் அதனைத் தன் அலமாரியில் தொங்கவிட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பற்பசைக் குழலைக் கசக்கிப் பிழிந்தாள்", "choice1": "பற்பசை குழலிலிருந்து வெளிவந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி பற்பசையைத் துப்பினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "போரில் பொதுமக்கள் இறப்பு எண்ணிக்கை உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "போர் எதிர்ப்பாளர்கள் கண்டனப் போராட்டத்தை நடத்தினர்", "choice2": "போர் எதிர்ப்பாளர்கள் அணிவகுப்பை நடத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி நாடாவைத் தனது முடியிலிருந்து வேகமாக இழுத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நாடாவைக் கட்டினாள்", "choice2": "நாடா குழந்தைத்தனமாகத் தெரிந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஒட்டுறுப்பு அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்து கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் முதுமையடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் இளமையாகத் தெரிந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "முட்டையிலிருந்து கொழிக் குஞ்சு வெளிவந்தது", "choice1": "முட்டை குஞ்சு பொரித்தது", "choice2": "நான் முட்டையை நொறுக்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கைதி பசியில் வாடினான்", "choice1": "அவன் மரணமடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தப்பித்து சென்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஏணியில் தன்னிலை தடுமாறினான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஏணியின் மீது ஏறினான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஏணியிலிருந்து விழுந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ஏப்பம் விட்டது", "choice1": "அது சோடாவைப் பெருமளவில் உட்கொண்டது", "choice2": "அது சோடா குடுவையைத் திறந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குளிர் காற்று ஜன்னல் வழியே வீசியது", "choice1": "நான் இளைப்பாறினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நடுங்கினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி கல்லூரிக்குச் செல்ல உதவித்தொகை பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "சக மாணவர்கள் அவளை மதித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் நல்ல மதிப்பெண்களைப் பெற்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி அந்த சிறுவனை எள்ளி நகையாடினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனுக்குப் பக்கத்து வீட்டில் வசித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவளுக்கு அவன் மேல் ஒரு ஈர்ப்பு இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பசியுற்ற நாடோடி உணவு திருடினான்", "choice1": "அவன் பரிதாபத்தைத் தூண்டினான்", "choice2": "அவனிடம் பணம் இல்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அரட்டையடிக்க என் நண்பனை அழைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தனிமையில் இருக்க விரும்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் தனிமையாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் கையை என்னிடம் நீட்டினான்", "choice1": "நான் கைகுலுக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனை அறைந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தலைதாழ்த்தினேன்", "choice1": "பட்டாசுகள் வானத்தில் பறந்தன", "choice2": "பிரிஸ்பீ என் தலையை நோக்கி பறந்து வந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் நகங்களைக் கடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கவலையில் இருந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் ஆச்சரியப்பட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அவன் நாட்காட்டியின் பக்கத்தைத் திருப்பினான்", "choice1": "நான் நாட்காட்டியில் சந்திப்பிற்கான நாளைக் குறித்தேன்", "choice2": "அது புது மாதத்தின் தொடக்கம்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கணவன் தன் மனைவி கள்ளக்காதலில் ஈடுபடுவதைக் கண்டறிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது வழக்கறிஞரை வேலையிலிருந்து நீக்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் விவாகரத்து கோரி ஆவணங்கள் தாக்கல் செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ரப்பர் பந்தைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டாள்", "choice1": "பந்து குதித்தெழுந்தது", "choice2": "பந்து ஜொலித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் தேர்வில் ஒரு தவறு செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் விடையை யூகித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் விடையை அழித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரர் தன் எதிரணி வீரரைச் சமாளித்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது எதிரணி வீரர் தன்னிடம் வீசப்பட்ட பந்தைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அவரது எதிரணிவீரர் தரையில் விழுந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தக்காளியைக் கொடியிலிருந்துப் பறித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவைகள் பழுத்திருந்தன", "choice2": "நான் அவைகளுக்கு தண்ணீர் பாய்ச்சினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் வசீகரமாக நடிக்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது முன்னாள் காதலியை மதிய உணவிற்குச் சந்தித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் காதலிக்குச் சாக்லேட்டுகளை வாங்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வெப்பமானியிலிருந்த பாதரசம் உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நான் வெப்பமானியைத் தவற விட்டேன்", "choice2": "வானிலை வெப்பமடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நகரத்தில் சூறாவளிக் காற்று வந்து சென்றது", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தின் கூரை பறந்து போனது", "choice2": "நெடுஞ்சாலையில் ஆபத்தான அளவில் பனி படர்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் தனிப் பயிற்சி பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவனது மதிப்பெண்கள் முன்னேற்றம் கண்டன", "choice2": "அவன் தேர்வில் மோசடி செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் இதமாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தரையில் முட்டி போட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் போர்வையினுள் சுருண்டுக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கல்லை மெருகூட்டினேன்", "choice1": "அது வழவழப்பானது", "choice2": "அது பளபளப்பானது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் காபியில் சர்க்கரை சேர்த்தேன்", "choice1": "காபியில் நறுமணம் வீசியது", "choice2": "காப்பி இனிப்பாக சுவைத்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் காகிதங்களைக் குலைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் காகிதத் துண்டு ஒன்றைக் கண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் காகிதங்களைத் துண்டாக்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஆணியைச் சுத்தியால் அடித்தேன்", "choice1": "ஆணி விறகினுள் பதிந்தது", "choice2": "ஆணி துரு பிடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மீன் தூண்டிலைக் கடித்தது", "choice1": "மீனவன் பிடிபட்ட மீனை துண்டில் கயிற்றால் உள்ளே இழுத்தான்", "choice2": "மீனவன் தூண்டிலை மறுபடியும் தண்ணீரில் இறக்கினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த இளம்பெண் பள்ளிக்குச் செல்ல சங்கடப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குப் பரு வந்தது", "choice2": "பற்களை நேராக்கும் சாதனத்தை அவள் கழட்டினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் முகபாவனை பிரகாசமானது", "choice1": "நான் நல்ல செய்தியைப் பெற்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் பொறுமையை இழந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் கைகளை ஒரு துண்டால் துடைத்தேன்", "choice1": "அந்த துண்டு ஈரமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "என் கைகள் ஈரமாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முக்காலியில் தன்னிலை தடுமாறினான்", "choice1": "முக்காலி அவனுக்கு அடியில் தள்ளாடியது", "choice2": "அவன் பெயிண்டை முக்காலி மீது சிந்தினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அணியினர் ஒருவரை ஒருவர் குற்றம் சாட்டினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் போட்டியில் தோல்வியடைந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களின் பயிற்சியாளர் பயிற்சியை ரத்து செய்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மன்னிப்பு கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் தவறை எண்ணி வருந்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் இலக்கை அடைந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் டேட்டின் மீது சலிப்படைந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவன் அவளைப் பற்றி கேட்டறிந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தொடர்ந்து தன்னைப் பற்றியே பேசினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி புன்னகைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது கன்னங்கள் சிவந்தன", "choice2": "அவளது கன்னத்தில் குழி விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எதிரியின் கப்பல் வெடித்தது", "choice1": "அது அகழ்பீரங்கியைக் கடந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "அது துறைமுகத்தை வந்தடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அவன் தன் காலைக் குத்திக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒரு குட்டைக்குள் நடந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் உடைந்த கண்ணாடியில் கால் பதித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "துப்பறிவாளர்கள் குற்றம் நிகழ்ந்த இடத்திலிருந்த கைரேகைகளைப் பதிவு செய்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் கொலைகாரனின் அடையாளத்தைக் கண்டுபிடித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் குற்றம் நிகழ்ந்த இடத்தில் ஆயுதத்தைக் கண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நெடுஞ்சாலையில் போக்குவரத்து நெரிசல் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் மாற்றுப்பாதையில் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு சவாரி கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரம் சரிந்தது", "choice1": "மக்கள் பலர் நோய்வுற்றனர்", "choice2": "மக்கள் பலர் வேலையில்லாமல் திண்டாடினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "போக்குவரத்து காவலர் குழந்தைகளை நோக்கி சீழ்க்கைக் கருவியை ஊதினார்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வாகனங்கள் செல்லும் சாலையில் நடக்கவிருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தன் அக்கம்பக்கத்தினர் என அடையாளம் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனை நோக்கி என் கண்களை உருட்டினேன்", "choice1": "அவன் உண்மையை என்னிடம் சொன்னான்", "choice2": "அவன் நக்கல்மிக்க கருத்தைத் தெரிவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சீருந்தில் எரிவாயு தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் சாலையில் தனியாக விடப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் இரவுப்பயணி ஒருவரை ஏற்றிக் கொண்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குப் பிரசவ வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "குழந்தை பிறந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்கு குமட்டல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் தொப்பி பறந்து போனது", "choice1": "அவன் தன் தொப்பியைக் கழட்டினான்", "choice2": "வெளியே காற்றோட்டமாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் வகுப்புத் தோழியின் பிறந்தநாள் விழாவில் கலந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அழைப்பிதழ் ஒன்றைப் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பரிசுப்பொருள் ஒன்றை வாங்கினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் நெற்றி சூடாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவன் வெப்ப நிலையை அளவிட்டார்", "choice2": "அவனது தாயார் அவனைப் பூங்காவிற்கு அழைத்து சென்றார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் மீது வாசனை திரவியத்தைத் தெளித்துக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது டேட்டைக் கவர விரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் தலைமுடிக்கு ஜெல் தடிவினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த வீட்டில் மின்சாரம் நின்று போனது", "choice1": "நான் பிளாஷ்லைட்டைத் தேடினேன்", "choice2": "நான் மண்வாரியை எடுத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் பெரிய வீட்டில் குடி புகுந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் உயர்நிலைப்பள்ளியிலிருந்துப் பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "choice2": "அந்த தாயார் இரட்டைக்குழந்தைகளை ப் பெற்றெடுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மாரத்தான் வீரர் மெதுவாக ஓடினார்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் ஆற்றலைச் சேமிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் முடிவு கோட்டைக் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் பொருள் வழங்கும் இயந்திரத்தை எட்டி உதைத்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த இயந்திரம் சில்லறைகளை வெளியே தள்ளியது", "choice2": "சிப்ஸ் பொட்டலம் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் நண்பனின் நாய் இறந்தது", "choice1": "நான் என் கண்களை அவனை நோக்கி உருட்டினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனை கட்டி அணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தொழிலதிபரின் கடன் அட்டை நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கடன் பத்திரத்தில் கையெழுத்திட்டு கொடுத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பணம் செலுத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சபித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நகங்களை வெட்டினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கால்விரலை இடித்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் சகோதரனை நினைத்து பெருமைப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது சகோதரன் தன் பெற்றோர்களிடம் வாக்குவாதத்தில் ஈடுபட்டான்", "choice2": "அவனது சகோதரன் சட்டக் கல்லூரியில் அனுமதி பெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சூரிய குடும்பத்தைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் நூலகத்திற்குச் சென்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நட்சத்திரங்களை அண்ணாந்து பார்த்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சுவரொட்டி சுவரில் ஒட்டிக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "நான் சுவரொட்டியைக் கதவிற்கு மேல் நிலைநிறுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த சுவரொட்டிக்குப் பின்னால் பசை தடவினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வாடிக்கையாளர் கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளரின் திட்டப்படத்திற்கு ஒப்புதல் அளித்தார்", "choice1": "கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளர் கட்டிடத்தைக் கட்டினார்", "choice2": "கட்டட வடிவமைப்பாளர் திட்டப்படத்தை சீரமைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் கரண்டியைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது கை நடுங்கியது", "choice2": "அவன் கரண்டியை நக்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நிறுவனத்தின் தலைமை நிர்வாக அதிகாரி பதவி விலகினார்", "choice1": "இயக்குநர் வாரியம் நிறுவனத்தைக் கலைத்தது", "choice2": "இயக்குநர் வாரியம் அவர் பொறுப்பில் வேறொருவரை நியமித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் விரிவுரைக்கு தாமதமாக வந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் பின் வரிசையில் உட்கார்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் மேடையை நோக்கி சென்றேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சிறையிலிருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவனது குடும்பத்தினர் அவனுடையப் பிணைக்குப் பணம் செலுத்தினர்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் சக கைதியைத் தாக்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பம் தங்களது அணைத்து அடிமைகளையும் இழந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் வீட்டை விற்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது வீடு தீப்பிடித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அலுமினியம் கேனை நான் மிதித்தேன்", "choice1": "கேன் மறுசுழற்சி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice2": "கேன் நசுங்கி போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சொற்போர் குழுவில் சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கணினி உபயோகப் படுத்தக் கற்றுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் கருத்து வெளிப்படுத்தும் திறனைக் கற்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் மனநிலை சீரானது", "choice1": "நான் இசை கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் பாத்திரம் தேய்த்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தொண்டு நிறுவனம் பணம் திரட்ட இலக்கை நிர்ணயித்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் வீடற்றோர்க்கு உணவளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஏலம் ஒன்றை நடத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ரோலர் கோஸ்டர் செங்குத்தான பாதையில் சென்றது", "choice1": "பயணிகள் இளித்தனர்", "choice2": "பயணிகள் அலறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சீற்றமடைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் வீட்டை விட்டுச் செல்லும் முன் அஞ்சல்பெட்டியைச் எட்டி பார்த்துவிட்டு சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் வீட்டிற்கு வெளியே வந்து கதவை ஓங்கியறைந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சூரிய உதயத்தைப் பார்க்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் வடக்கு நோக்கி பயணித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் சீக்கிரம் விழித்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் காகிதத்தை மடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் காகிதத்தை மறுசுழற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice2": "காகிதத்தில் கோடு விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாடு இயற்கைப் பேரழிவைச் சந்தித்தது", "choice1": "பிற நாடுகளின் தலைவர்கள் கூட்டணி அமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "பிற நாடுகளின் தலைவர்கள் அவசர நிவாரணம் அனுப்பினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் ஆடைகள் நனைந்து போயின", "choice1": "அவன் நீச்சல்குளத்திலிருந்து ஏறி வெளியே வந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் விழுந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "மாணவன் புத்தகத்தைப் படித்து முடிக்க விரைந்தான்", "choice1": "அதனை நூலகத்திற்குத் திரும்பத் தர வேண்டி இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவன் அதனைத் தன் நண்பனிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி தூக்கிலிடப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் சிறையில் அறையப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் கொலை செய்ததாகக் குற்றம் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சூரிய ஒளி அறைக்குள் நுழைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் திரைச்சீலையைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் கதவைத் திறந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் பொய் மயிர் வைத்திருந்தவளின் முடியை ஓங்கி இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "அவளது பொய் மயிர் கழண்டு வந்தது", "choice2": "அவள் வழுக்கையடைந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பதிப்பாசிரியர் வரைவிலிருந்த வாக்கியம் ஒன்றை மாற்றி சொல்லமைத்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் அந்த வரைவு சுவாரசியமாக இருப்பதாகக் கருதினார்", "choice2": "அவர் அந்த வாக்கியம் தெளிவற்றதாகக் கருதினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் கடன் அட்டைக் கணக்கை ரத்து செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கடன் அட்டை காணவில்லை என்பதை உணர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் கடன் அட்டை காலாவதியானதை உணர்ந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆணும் பெண்ணும் காதலில் விழுந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் கல்லூரிக்குச் சென்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "இசையின் ஒலியளவு கேட்க மிகவும் குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் ஒலி அளவை உயர்த்தினேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் சொந்த பாட்டை இசையமைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனின் கலைந்திருந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி அதனைக் கலைத்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி அதை இழுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பூச்சி நசுங்கிப் போனது", "choice1": "நான் என் மீது பூச்சி விரட்டுவானைத் தெளித்து கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த பூச்சியின் மீது காலை வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் கண்களைத் திறந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தூக்கத்திலிருந்து விழித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் களைப்பாறினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் அண்டைவீட்டாரின் இசையொலி இரைச்சலாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் ஒலியளவைக் குறைக்குமாறு கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவரிடமிருந்து குறு வட்டைக் கடன் வாங்கக் கோரினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குடும்பம் வறுமையில் வாடியது", "choice1": "அவன் தன் சம்பளத்தைச் சிக்கனமாகக் கையாண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் குறைந்தபட்ச ஊதியத்தை விட குறைவாக சம்பாதித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மாணவன் பல்கலைக் கழகத்திலிருந்து பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் வேலை தேடினான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொழுது போக்கு ஒன்றைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஓவியக் கலைஞர் மஞ்சள் நிற பெயிண்ட்டுடன் நீல நிற பெயிண்ட்டைச் சேர்த்து கலக்கினார்", "choice1": "பெயிண்ட் அறை முழுவதும் தெறித்தது", "choice2": "பெயிண்ட் பச்சை நிறமாக மாறியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் உரையாடலின் தலைப்பை மாற்றினேன்", "choice1": "பேசுவதற்கு என்னிடம் எந்த ஒரு விஷயமும் இல்லை", "choice2": "உரையாடலில் பதற்றம் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் சகோதரன் மருத்துவமனையில் இருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "நான் அவனை வீட்டிற்கு வரவேற்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் அன்பில்லாதவாறு நடந்து கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மேடையிலிருந்த திரைச்சீலை உயர்ந்தது", "choice1": "நாடகத்தின் தொடக்கக் காட்சி ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice2": "நாடகத்திலிருந்த நடிகர்கள் மேடையை விட்டு வெளியேறினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பிணைக்கைதி கடத்தல்காரனின் ஆணைகளுக்குச் சம்மதித்தான்", "choice1": "கடத்தல்காரன் பிணைக்கைதியைக் காயப்படுத்தப் போவதாக மிரட்டினான்", "choice2": "கடத்தல்காரன் பிணைக்கைதியைத் தானே விடுவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மேடை முழுவதும் பலத்த ஒலி எதிரொலித்தது", "choice1": "இசைக் கலைஞர் தன் காலால் மேடையைத் தட்டினார்", "choice2": "இசைக் கலைஞர் பறையை அடித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பெற்றோர் தங்களது குழந்தையின் படுக்கையறைக்கு விரைந்தனர்", "choice1": "குழந்தை கொடுங்கனவால் அலறிக்கொண்டு விழித்தது", "choice2": "குழந்தை தன் படுக்கையின் கீழே எட்டிப் பார்க்க பயந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி சைகை மொழியில் தன் கருத்துகளைப் பகிர்ந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அகாலமாகப் பிறந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பிறவி காது கேளாதவள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பிரதேசத்தில் வறட்சி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "தண்ணீர் மாசடைந்தது", "choice2": "பயிர்கள் அழிந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பூனை பறவையைத் துரத்தியது", "choice1": "அந்த பறவை பறந்துச் சென்றது", "choice2": "அந்த பறவை ஒரு புழுவைப் பிடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் பள்ளியை மாற்றினாள்", "choice1": "பள்ளி கோடைக் கால விடுமுறை அறிவித்தது", "choice2": "அவள் புதிய நகரத்தில் குடியேறினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த தொழிற்சாலையின் உரிமையாளர் ஊழியர்களின் ஊதியத்தை உயர்த்த மறுத்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த உரிமையாளர் புது மேலாளரை நியமித்தார்", "choice2": "ஊழியர்கள் வேலைநிறுத்தம் செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தலைவர் தீவிரவாதிகளைப் பகையாளிகளாகக் காண்பித்தார்", "choice1": "தீவிரவாதிகள் அவரது மனவோட்டத்தை மாற்றியமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "தீவிரவாதிகள் அவரை படுகொலை செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் வெற்றுக்கால்களில் கடற்கரையோரம் நடந்து சென்றேன்", "choice1": "என் கால்களில் மணல் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டது", "choice2": "கரையின் மீது அலை அடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் இரவின் நடுவில் குளிரால் விழித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் கம்பளிச் சட்டையை அணிந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஒரு குடுவைத் தண்ணீர் குடித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தாயார் தன் மகனை அமைதி காக்க சொன்னாள்", "choice1": "அவளது மகன் ஏளனமாக நகைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவளது மகன் சிணுங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது வன் துணியாடையில் ஓட்டை விழுந்தது", "choice1": "என் வன் துணியாடையின் ஜிப்பை போட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் நடைபாதையில் தவறி விழுந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் பற்களை நேராக்கும் சாதனத்தை அணிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்குப் பற்சொத்தை ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவனது பற்கள் நேராயின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நேற்று உடற்பயிற்சி கூடத்தில் பயிற்சி செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் இன்று தசைவலியுடன் விழித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் இன்று தொண்டைவலியுடன் விழித்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமிகள் இருவரும் உணவுண்ணும் மேசையில் முன்னும் பின்னுமாக ஒருவருக்கொருவர் கிசுகிசுத்துக் கொண்டனர்", "choice1": "மற்ற மாணவர்கள் உணவுண்ணும் மேசையில் உட்கார்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "மற்ற மாணவர்கள் தாங்கள் தனிப்பட்டப்படுத்ததாக உணர்ந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி ட்ராம்போலின் மீது குதித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் குதித்து திரும்ப காற்றில் மேலே உயர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் முயற்சித்து காற்றில் குட்டிக்கரணம் செய்ய முடிவு செய்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கடிதத்தை அஞ்சல் பெட்டியில் போட்டேன்", "choice1": "தபால் அலுவலகம் எனது கடிதத்தைக் கொண்டு சேர்த்தது", "choice2": "தபால் அலுவலகம் எனது கடிதத்தைத் துரிதமாகக் கொண்டு சேர்த்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சூதாட்டக்காரன் நம்பிக்கையாக இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது பணம் முழுவதையும் பந்தயமிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் திவாலாக வீடு சென்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "காட்டு தீ பரவியது", "choice1": "காற்று பலமாகியது", "choice2": "தீ வைத்தவர்கள் பயந்து போயினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை தன் முட்டிக்காலைக் காயம்படுத்திக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவனை தனது அறைக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவனது தாயார் அந்த புண்ணின் மீது கட்டு போட்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கொடிய நோயிலிருந்து பிழைத்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது உயிலில் கையெழுத்திட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் உறுப்பு மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை பெற்றான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கொதிக்கும் காபியில் ஒரு வாய் குடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் நாக்கைக் கடித்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் நாக்கை எரித்துக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பதிப்பாசிரியர் எழுத்தாளரைப் பதவி நீக்கினார்", "choice1": "எழுத்தாளர் தனது கதைகளில் சார்புநிலை வெளிப்படுவதைத் தவிர்த்தார்", "choice2": "எழுத்தாளர் முக்கியக் கெடுவைத் தவறவிட்டார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் களைப்படைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் நாள் முழுவதும் தூங்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் நாள் முழுவதும் படித்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மருத்துவர் நோயாளியின் நோயைக் கண்டறிந்தார்", "choice1": "அவள் நோயாளியின் நோய்குறிகளை அடையாளம் கண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் நோயாளிக்கு மாத்திரைகளைப் பரிந்துரைத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் தோலைச் சொறிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அது வியர்த்தது", "choice2": "அது அரித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அவசர அறுவை சிகிச்சை மேற்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் கோபத்தில் தன்னிலை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் மாரடைப்பால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கைத் தசைகள் பெரியதாயின", "choice1": "அவன் தன் கைகளை இறுக்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் கைகளைத் தேய்த்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது புருவங்களை உயர்த்தினான்", "choice1": "அவன் வியப்படைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஊக்கம் இழந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் சக பணியாளரின் தவறை மன்னித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவனது நோக்கங்கள் நல்லவை என நம்பினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவன் அனுபவம் உள்ளவன் என்று நம்பினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் புகைப்பழக்கத்தை விட்டொழித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் மேலும் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யத் தொடங்கினான்", "choice2": "அவன் சீக்கிரமாக விழிக்க ஆரம்பித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன்னைத் தாக்கியவனை மூக்கில் குத்தினாள்", "choice1": "தாக்கிவனின் உடல் உயிரற்று போனது", "choice2": "தாக்கிவனுக்கு இரத்தம் வரத் தொடங்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "விளையாட்டு அம்பு இலக்கு மையத்தை அடையத் தவறியது", "choice1": "அவனது குறி சரியாக இல்லை", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் ஆட்டத்தில் தோற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வீட்டின் உரிமையாளர் பூச்சி கொல்வானைத் தன் வீட்டிற்கு வரவழைக்க கோரினார்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் வீட்டு அடித்தளத்தில் எலிகள் இருப்பதைக் கண்டுபிடித்தார்", "choice2": "அவன் எறும்புப்பண்ணை ஒன்றைத் தன் அறையில் வைத்திருந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் வீட்டு விருந்தினரிடம் வெளியே சென்று இரவுணவு உண்ணலாம் என பரிந்துரைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஏதொன்றும் தயாரிக்க மிகவும் சோர்வடைந்திருந்தேன்", "choice2": "என் வீடு விருந்தினர் குறித்த காலம் மீறி தாங்கினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தனது சகோதரன் தன் நாட்குறிப்பைப் படித்து கொண்டிருப்பதைப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது நாட்குறிப்பைப் பதுக்கத் தொடங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் புதிய நாட்குறிப்பைப் பெற்றாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்ணிடம் வாடகை செலுத்துவதற்குப் பணம் குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவள் அதிக நேரம் வேலை செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது வேலையிலிருந்து நீங்கினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தையின் கை விரைவாகப் பின்வாங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் சூடான அடுப்பைத் தொட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நாய்க்குட்டியின் தலையைத் தட்டிக் கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நிறுவனம் வாடிக்கையாளர் மனநிறைவை அளவிட விரும்பியது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் புது வாடிக்கையாளர்களுக்கு தள்ளுபடி கொடுத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் மதிப்பாய்வு ஒன்றை வாடிக்கையாளர்களிடம் விநியோகித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மரத் தரையில் கீறல் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் மஞ்சத்திலிருந்து மெத்தைகளை வீசி எறிந்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் நாற்காலி ஒன்றைத் தரையின் குறுக்கே இழுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் முகத்தைப் பாதுகாத்தேன்", "choice1": "என் எதிரி என்னை கேலி செய்தான்", "choice2": "என் எதிரி என்னை அடிக்க கை ஓங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பிரபல சிலை எரிந்து போனது", "choice1": "அதனை மின்னல் தாக்கியது", "choice2": "மக்கள் அதற்கு மதிப்பு செலுத்த வந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மேசையில் பழத்தை விட்டுச் சென்றேன்", "choice1": "பழம் விதைகளைச் சிந்தியது", "choice2": "பழத்தை ஈக்கள் சூழ்ந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆடல் நங்கை தனது தசைநாரைக் கிழித்துக் கொண்டால்", "choice1": "அவள் கால்விரல்களால் தன் உடலின் முழு எடையைத் தாங்கி நின்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் கணுக்காலைச் சுளுக்கிக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தையின் காலணி நாடா அவிழ்ந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் அதனைக் கட்ட கற்றுக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் விளையாட்டுத் திடலில் ஒடித்த் திரிந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த புத்தகத்தால் கவரப்பட்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் புத்தகத்தைத் திரும்ப ஒப்படைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் நேரப் போக்கின் உணர்வை இழந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் நம்பிக்கைகள் அவனது பெற்றோரின் நம்பிக்கைகளை போன்றவையே", "choice1": "அவனது பெற்றோர் அவனின் மனவோட்டத்தை தங்களது தலையீட்டால் மாற்றியமைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவனது பெற்றோர் அவனைக் கைவிட்டனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சீருந்து படிப்படியாக வேகம் குறைந்து நின்று போனது", "choice1": "அதில் எரிவாயு தீர்ந்துப் போனது", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் உறங்கிப் போனார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் பனிக்கூழை வெய்யிலில் உண்டான்", "choice1": "பனிக்கூழ் அதன் சுவையை இழந்தது", "choice2": "பனிக்கூழ் கூம்பிலிருந்து வழிந்தோடியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கலைப்படைப்புகளை அறையில் தொங்கவிட்டேன்", "choice1": "கம்பளம் பார்க்க அழுக்காக இருந்தது", "choice2": "சுவர் வெறுமையாகக் காட்சியளித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் வேலை முடித்து சீக்கிரம் சென்றேன்", "choice1": "எனக்குத் தலைவலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "எனது முதலாளி கூட்டம் கூட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நாய்க்குட்டி கம்பளத்தை அழுக்காக்கியது", "choice1": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் நாய்குட்டியைத் திட்டினார்", "choice2": "அதன் உரிமையாளர் நாய்குட்டிக்கு விருந்து வைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் மன்னிப்பு கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் என்னை மன்னித்தான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் ஆத்திரமடைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கூட்டத்தில் தனியாகத் தெரிந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் முதுகுப் பையை எடுத்துச் சென்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் நியான் உடுப்பு அணிந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சாட்சி பொய் சத்தியம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தனது சாட்சியத்தைச் சொல்லி முடித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொய் வாக்குமூலம் கொடுத்ததாகக் குற்றஞ் சாட்டப்பட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தலைமுடிக்கு டை அடித்துக் கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் புது தோற்றத்தை விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் ஒன்றிணைந்து போக விரும்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வேறுநாட்டிலிருந்து குடியேறியவர்கள் சட்டவிரோதமாகக் குடியிருப்பதாகப் பிடிபட்டனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களுக்கு வேலைவாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது", "choice2": "அவர்கள் நாட்டிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப்பட்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பொது பேச்சாளர் நகைச்சுவையான கருத்தொன்றைக் கூறினார்", "choice1": "பார்வையாளர்கள் சிரித்தனர்", "choice2": "பார்வையாளர்கள் எழுந்து நின்றனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சூரியனை அண்ணாந்து பார்த்தேன்", "choice1": "சூரியன் என்னைக் குருடாக்கியது", "choice2": "சூரியன் என் தோலைப் பழுப்பு நிறமாக்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சலிப்படைந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஏளனமாக சைகை செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் கொட்டாவி விட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாமிசத் துண்டு வெட்டக் கடினமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "கத்தி மழுங்கியிருந்தது", "choice2": "மாமிசத் துண்டு பதனிடப்படாமல் இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி திவாலானதாக அறிவித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஜீவனாம்சப் பணத்தைப் பெற்றாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பெருங்கடன் பட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது நண்பனின் குடியிருப்பில் விளக்கொளி தெரிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் வெளியே சென்றிருப்பானோ என சிந்தித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனைச் சென்று சந்திக்க முடிவு செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த மலரை என் மூக்கின் கீழே வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "இதழ்கள் மலரிலிருந்துப் பிரிந்து வந்தன", "choice2": "நான் அந்த மலரின் வாசனையை முகர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குப் பழைய நினைவுகள் ஞாபகம் வந்தன", "choice1": "அவள் தனது குழந்தைப் பருவத் தோழியைச் சந்தித்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் குழந்தைகளைப் பார்த்து கத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மாணவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைத் தாமதம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைச் சீக்கிரமாகச் சமர்ப்பித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையைச் அரைகுறையாகச் சமர்ப்பித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது சீருந்து பழுதடைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பேரங்காடிக்குச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் பொறிமுறையாளரை அழைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த குறிப்பைப் புறந்தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "அது அனாமதேயமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அது தெளிவற்றதாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பறவை தன் இறக்கைகளை அடித்தது", "choice1": "அது முட்டையிட்டது", "choice2": "அது மேலே பறந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நுழைவாயிலில் வண்டியை நிறுத்தினேன்", "choice1": "கேரேஜ் திறந்திருந்தது", "choice2": "கேரேஜ் நிரம்பியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குற்றவாளி தன் பிணைக்கைதியின் மீது துப்பாக்கியைக் குறிபார்த்தான்", "choice1": "குற்றவாளி துப்பாக்கியைக் கீழே போட்டான்", "choice2": "பிணைக்கைதி தன் கைகளை மேலே உயர்த்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் வார இறுதிக்கு ஆவலாகக் காத்திருந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் எனது மாமாவின் இறுதிச் சடங்கிற்குச் செல்லத் திட்டமிட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் எனது நண்பனின் திருமணத்திற்குச் செல்லத் திட்டமிட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நேரப் போக்கின் உணர்வை இழந்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் பகற்கனவு கண்டு கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு குமட்டல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆவணம் தெளிவற்று அச்சிடப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அச்சு இயந்திரத்தில் மை குறைவாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "அச்சு இயந்திரத்தில் காகிதங்கள் காலியாயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அரங்கத்தில் தேசிய கீதம் இசைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "இரசிகர்கள் கோடியை நோக்கித் திரும்பினர்", "choice2": "இரசிகர்கள் களத்திற்கு விரைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சட்னி சாதுவாக சுவைத்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதைப் பரிமாறினேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதில் உப்பு போட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சிந்திய திரவத்தின் மீது காகிதத் துண்டைப் போட்டேன்", "choice1": "துண்டு திரவத்தை உறிஞ்சியது", "choice2": "சிந்திய திரவம் பிசுபிசுப்பான எச்சத்தை விட்டுச்சென்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவளது புத்தகத்தைப் படித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கும்போது இடையில் குறுக்கிடப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த புத்தகப் பக்கத்தில் அடையாளக் குறி வைத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் புத்தகத்தைத் திரும்பப் படித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விமானம் காற்றில் நிலையற்று தடுமாறியது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் இருக்கைப் பட்டையை இறுக்கினான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் ஜன்னல் வெளியே எட்டிப் பார்த்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் வலியில் பின்வாங்கினான்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுமி அவனைப் புறக்கணித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுமி அவனை விரலால் குத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மருத்துவர்கள் நோயாளிக்குச் செயற்கைக் காலைக் கொடுத்தனர்", "choice1": "அவளது காலைத் துண்டித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அவளின் ஜீவாதார அறிகுறிகளைக் கண்காணித்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் சிறுமியின் முழங்கையைக் கிள்ளினான்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனிடம் அலட்சியம் காட்டினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தனது கையை அவனிடமிருந்து இழுத்துக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் ஆலோசனை கேட்டேன்", "choice1": "அவன் கருத்துக்களை நான் மதித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சரி என்பது எனக்குத் தெரியும்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையன் சேற்றில் அடிவைத்தான்", "choice1": "சேறு அவனது காலணிகளில் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டது", "choice2": "சேறு அவன் முகத்தில் அடித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நகரம் பல அங்குல அளவு பனியைப் பெற்றது", "choice1": "பள்ளிக்கூடங்கள் மூடின", "choice2": "மக்கள் நிலத்தடியில் மறைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஊழியரின் வேலை நேரம் முடிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் அன்றைய வேலையை முடித்து வீடு திரும்பினான்", "choice2": "அவள் வேலையிலிருந்து விலகுவதாக மிரட்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மரம் வீட்டை நாசம் செய்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மரம் வீட்டின் கூரையின் மீது விழுந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மரம் புழக்கடையில் நிழல் அளித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விறகுகட்டை இரண்டாகப் பிளந்தது", "choice1": "நான் நெருப்பிடத்தில் விறகுகளை அடுக்கி வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் விறகினுள் கோடாரியை வீசினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் அந்த ஜோடியை வாழ்த்தினர்", "choice1": "அந்த ஜோடி அவர்கள் பிரியப் போவதாக அறிவித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த ஜோடி அவர்கள் குழந்தைப் பெறவிருப்பதாக அறிவித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி அந்த சிறுவனுக்குக் காதல் கடிதம் அனுப்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அவனை விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அவனை முத்தமிட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் நண்பனின் கூற்றுக்குத் தலையாட்டினேன்", "choice1": "நான் குழப்பமடைந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அவனுடன் உடன்பட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நண்பர்கள் நாணயத்தைப் புரட்டினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் சமரசத்திற்கு வர விரும்பினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் நியாயமான முடிவை எடுக்க விரும்பினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சமயலறையில் நேரம் குறிப்பான் அலற ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் மளிகை சாமான்களை இறக்கி குளிர்சாதனப் பெட்டிக்குள் வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் பீட்சாவை மின் அடுப்பிலிருந்து எடுத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பேராவல்மிக்க இலக்கை நிர்ணயித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது ஆர்வம் குறைந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவள் கடினமாக உழைத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த செல்வந்தர் முதுமையால் இறந்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் சட்டரீதியான சிக்கல்களில் மாட்டிக்கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவரது மகன் அவர் சொத்தை மரபுரிமையாகப் பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி நெருப்பின் மீது மிதித்தாள்", "choice1": "நெருப்பு அணைந்து போனது", "choice2": "நெருப்பிலிருந்து புகை கிளம்பியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் சீருந்து அந்தக் கடையில் இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவளது ஓட்டுனரின் உரிமம் திரும்பப் பெறப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் சீருந்து விபத்தில் சிக்கினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் விழிப்புக் கடிகையை மிஞ்சித் தூங்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் காலை உணவைத் தயார் செய்தான்", "choice2": "நான் காலை உணவு உண்ணத் தவறினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பிரபல மனிதர் தன ஆடம்பர காரிலிருந்து வெளியே இறங்கினார்", "choice1": "புகைப்படக்கருவிகள் அவன் திசையில் பளிச்சிட்டன", "choice2": "அவரது குடும்பத்தினர் செய்தியாளர் சந்திப்பில் கலந்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி குளியல் தொட்டியில் ஊறினாள்", "choice1": "குளியல் நீர் வெதுவெதுப்பானது", "choice2": "குளியல் நீர் தொட்டியிலிருந்து வெளியேறியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கல்லூரி மாணவன் தன் கல்லூரி வளாகத்திலிருக்கும் சக மாணவர்களைச் சந்திக்க விரும்பினான்", "choice1": "அவன் மாணவர் சமூகம் ஒன்றில் சேர்ந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் பொறியியலில் பட்டம் பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மஞ்சை மெத்தைகளை மேலே தூக்கினேன்", "choice1": "நான் சில்லறைகளைத் தேடிக்கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் வாழறையை மறுசீரமைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குளவி அந்த சிறுவனை நோக்கி பறந்தது", "choice1": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஓடிப் போனேன்", "choice2": "அந்த சிறுவன் மலர் ஒன்றைப் பறித்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தகாத நடத்தையில் ஈடுபட்டதாக நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவள் சமூக சேவை ஆற்றுமாறு தண்டனிக்கப்பட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தூக்கு தண்டனைக் கைதிகளின் அறையில் அடைக்கப்பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சூடான தேநீரில் சர்க்கரை சேர்த்து கலக்கினேன்", "choice1": "தேநீரிலிருந்து ஆவி வந்தது", "choice2": "சர்க்கரை கரைந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "போர்வீரர் நொண்டி நொண்டி நடந்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் போரில் பணியாற்றத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டார்", "choice2": "அவர் போரில் காயமடைந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குற்றவாளி காவலர்களிடமிருந்து தப்பினான்", "choice1": "காவலர்கள் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவருக்கு உதவினர்", "choice2": "காவலர்கள் குற்றவாளியைத் துரத்தினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மடிக்கணினி இயங்க மறுத்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதனைக் கீழே தவறவிட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனைச் சார்ஜ் செய்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் அலமாரியில் இடம் தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "அவள் பலவித துணிமணிகளை வாங்கிச் சேர்த்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சலவை செய்யப்பட்டத் துணிகளை மடித்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மனமுடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது மனைவி குழந்தையைப் பெற்றெடுத்தாள்", "choice2": "அவன் மனைவி அவனை விட்டுச் சென்றாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் பட்டப்படிப்பு பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் தான் விரும்பிய வேலைக்குத் தகுதி அடைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது வேலை வாய்ப்பு இரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் குரல் அரங்கம் முழுவதும் தெளிவாக ஒலித்தது", "choice1": "அவன் பார்வையாளர்களை வாழ்த்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஒலிவாங்கியினுள் பேசினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நாணயம் ஒன்றை நீரூற்றினுள் புரட்டினேன்", "choice1": "நாணயம் கீழே மூழ்கியது", "choice2": "நாணயம் உடைந்து இரண்டு துண்டானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆட்டக்காரர் பந்தைத் துளையை நோக்கி அடித்தார்", "choice1": "பந்து துளையினுள் சென்றது", "choice2": "பந்து ஆட்டக்காரரிடம் திரும்பி வந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "உப்பரிகையிலிருந்த தூசியை நான் சுவாசித்தேன்", "choice1": "எனக்கு விக்கல் வந்தது", "choice2": "நான் தும்மினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கடையின் காசாளர் பாதுகாவலரை அழைத்தார்", "choice1": "அந்த வாடிக்கையாளர் கள்ள நோட்டுகளை உபயோகித்தார்", "choice2": "வாடிக்கையாளர் தனது வண்டியின் முகவிளக்கை இயங்கியபடி விட்டுச் சென்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் குப்பையை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice1": "குப்பையினால் சமையலறையில் நாற்றமடித்தது", "choice2": "நான் கடையில் வாங்கவேண்டிய பொருட்களின் பட்டியலைத் தவறுதலாக வீசி எறிந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் உயிரியல் பூங்காவிற்குச் சென்றனர்", "choice1": "குழந்தைகள் விலங்குகளை வியப்புடன் பார்த்தனர்", "choice2": "குழந்தைகள் விலங்குகளைத் துரத்தின", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் சுவாசம் சத்தமாக இருந்தது", "choice1": "அவனது சிறுநீரகம் செயலிழந்து கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனது நுரையீரலில் அடைப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என்னிடம் கச்சேரிக்குச் செல்ல கூடுதல் நுழைவுசீட்டு ஒன்று இருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் கச்சேரி நிகழும் இடத்திற்கான வழியைக் கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் நண்பனிடம் அவனுக்குச் செல்ல விருப்பமுள்ளதா என்று கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வீட்டிலிருந்த காற்றுப் பதனாக்கி உடைந்து போனது", "choice1": "நான் போர்வைகளை வெளியே எடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் ஜன்னல்களைத் திறந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையனின் முதுகு வலித்தது", "choice1": "அவனுடைய முதுகுப்பை திறந்து இருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனுடைய முதுகுப்பை கனமாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் அம்மாவிற்கு ஒரு பரிசு வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் அவளுக்கு கேக் ஒன்று சுட்டுக் கொடுத்தேன்", "choice2": "அன்று அவரது பிறந்தநாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தோட்டத்திலிருந்த மல்லிப்பூ செடிகள் நாசமாயின", "choice1": "தோட்டக்காரரைத் தேனீ ஒன்று கொட்டியது", "choice2": "அணில்கள் கிழங்கைத் தோண்டி எடுத்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தீக்குச்சியைப் பற்ற வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நெருப்பு அணைந்து போனது", "choice2": "தீக்குச்சி நெருப்பை உண்டாக்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வாதிடும் இரு தரப்பினரும் ஒரு தீர்வுக்கு வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் நீதிமன்றத்தில் வாதம் செய்ய விரும்பவில்லை", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் தனிப்பட்ட உறவைச் சரி செய்ய விரும்பினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குழந்தைகள் அனாதையர் இல்லத்திற்கு அனுப்பப் பட்டனர்", "choice1": "அவர்களது பெற்றோர்கள் இறந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது பெற்றோர் அவர்களை பாழாக்கினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஒரு விண்கல் கடலில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "சுனாமி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "ஆலங்கட்டி மழை பெய்யத் துவங்கியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "சுற்றுலா பயணி விஷம் வாய்ந்த பாம்பொன்றைக் கண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்கு நீரிழப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் பீதியடைந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மின் அடுப்பு சூடானது", "choice1": "நான் மின் அடுப்பை இயங்கச் செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் உணவுப்பண்டத்தை மின் அடுப்பினுள் வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் எலுமிச்சை துண்டைப் பிழிந்தேன்", "choice1": "அந்த எலுமிச்சையில் பூஞ்சை வளர்ந்தது", "choice2": "அந்த எலுமிச்சையின் சாறு தெறித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாடு புதிய நிலப்பகுதியைக் கண்டுபிடித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த நாடு அந்த நிலப்பகுதியைக் கைவிட்டது", "choice2": "அந்த நாடு அந்த நிலப்பகுதிக்கு நாகரிகத்தைக் கொண்டு வந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கண்ணாடி மேசையிலிருந்து உருண்டு விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அது தரை முழுவதும் நொறுங்கிச் சிதறியது", "choice2": "அது சலவைக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த துணிகளின் குவியலில் விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மேசை தள்ளாடியது", "choice1": "தரை சரிசமமாக இல்லை", "choice2": "தரை வழவழப்பாக இருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தந்தையார் தன் மகன் பொய் சொல்வதைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice1": "அவரது மகன் உண்மையை ஒப்புக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "தந்தையார் தன் மகன் மீது நம்பிக்கை வைத்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் தலை வலியில் துடித்தது", "choice1": "அவன் இருமல் மருந்தை உட்கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் அஸ்பிரின் மாத்திரையை உட்கொண்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தொடர்வண்டி மெதுவடைந்தது", "choice1": "அது இரயில் நிலையத்தை நெருங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அது அட்டவணையில் குறித்த நேரத்தை விட தாமதமாகச் சென்றது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் சிகிச்சையில் ஈடுபட்டான்", "choice1": "மன நோய் அவன் குடும்பத்தில் வழிமுறையாக வந்தது", "choice2": "அவனுக்கு மனஅழுத்தம் இருப்பது கண்டறியப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தொண்டையை இறுகப் பிடித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் உணவை விழுங்கினாள்", "choice2": "அவளுக்கு உணவால் மூச்சுத் திணறல் ஏற்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணிக்குத் தொண்டை வலி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவளது குரல் கரகரப்பாக ஒலித்தது", "choice2": "அவள் ஒருவகை உச்சரிப்பு தொனியுடன் பேசினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாய் மேசையிலிருந்த சுவையான மாமிசத் துண்டை நோட்டம் விட்டது", "choice1": "அதற்கு வாயில் நீர் ஊறி எச்சில் வழிந்தது", "choice2": "அது படுத்துக் கொண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் வணிகம் வெற்றி பெற்றது", "choice1": "அவள் தனது ஊழியர்களைப் பணி நீக்கம் செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் செல்வந்தர் ஆனாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மாணவர்கள் வகுப்பிலிருந்து வெளியேறினர்", "choice1": "மணி அடித்தது", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைத் தந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தான் பேய்யைக் கண்டதாகக் கூறினாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குப் பரிச்சயமானவர்கள் ஐயுறவை வெளிப்படுத்தினர்", "choice2": "அவளுக்குப் பரிச்சயமானவர்கள் அவளைப் புரிந்து கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தனது கேட்கும் திறனை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் கடலில் கிட்டத்தட்ட மூழ்கியே போய்விட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் குண்டுவெடிப்பில் கிட்டத்தட்ட இறந்தே போய்விட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை ஊதற்பையின் கயிரைப் பறக்க விட்டது", "choice1": "ஊதற்பையில் காற்று இறங்கிப் போனது", "choice2": "ஊதற்பை காற்றில் மேலே உயர்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் பேச்சு திறனை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனுக்குப் பக்கவாதம் ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் ஆழமாக மூச்சு இழுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி நடைபாதையில் தடுமாறினாள்", "choice1": "பைஞ்சுதையில் பிளவு ஏற்பட்டிருந்தது", "choice2": "அவளது பெயர் அழைக்கப்படுவதை அவள் கேட்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உடலை உருண்டையாக்கி தண்ணீரில் குதித்தான்", "choice1": "உயிர் காப்பாளர் அவனுக்குப் பின் குதித்தார்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் உயிர் காப்பாளரை நனைய வைத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நுண்ணுயிர் கொல்லிகளை உட்கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "எனது தொற்று சீரடைந்தது", "choice2": "எனது தொற்று பரவியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "போக்குவரத்தை ஒழுங்குபடுத்தும் விளக்கு மஞ்சள் நிறமாக மாறியது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் வேகம் குறைப்பானை அழுத்தினார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுநர் தனது ஒலிப்பானை ஒலித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பிளாஸ்டிக் கொள்கலன் உருகியது", "choice1": "நான் அந்த கொள்கலனை வெந்நீரில் மூழ்கடித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அந்த கொள்கலனை சூடான அடுப்பின்மீது வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சீருந்தின் மேற்பரப்பில் பள்ளம் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "ஓட்டுநர் தொலைபேசி கம்பத்தின் மீது இடித்தார்", "choice2": "ஓட்டுனர் சிவப்பு சிக்னலை மதிக்காமல் கடந்து சென்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பையன் இரவு முழுவதும் படித்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தேர்வை எழுதவில்லை", "choice2": "அவன் தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் நீச்சல்குளத்தின் விளிம்பைப் பற்றிக் கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் நீச்சல் கற்றுக்கொள்ள பயந்தான்", "choice2": "உயிர் காப்பாளர் பணியிலிருந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் கையை என் மார்பில் வைத்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் இதயத்துடிப்பை உணர்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "எனது இதயத்துடிப்பு வேகமானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது அலுவலகத்திற்கு அண்டையிலிருந்த கட்டிடத்தில் கட்டுமான வேலை நடந்து கொண்டிருந்தது", "choice1": "எனது அலுவலகம் நெரிசலாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "எனது அலுவலகம் இரைச்சலாக இருந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரைப் பற்றி அறிய விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரை இரவு உணவிற்கு அழைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அந்த குடும்பத்தினர் தங்களது முற்றத்திலிருந்து புதிய அக்கம்பக்கத்தினரை நோக்கி கையசைத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நீச்சல்குளத்திலிருந்து தண்ணீர் வெளியே தெறித்தது", "choice1": "நீச்சல்வீரர் நீச்சல்குளத்தினுள் குதித்தார்", "choice2": "நீச்சல்வீரர் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் மிதக்கினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தர்பூசணித் துண்டு ஒன்றைக் கடித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் தவறுதலாக விதை ஒன்றை விழுங்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் தவறுதலாக என் பல்லைப் பிளந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் தடுமாறி விழுந்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது மேலுறை திறந்திருந்தது", "choice2": "அவனது காலணி நாடா அவிழ்ந்திருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி காது அடைப்பானை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "இரைச்சலால் அவளது கவனம் சிதறியது", "choice2": "அவள் காது குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் எனது தண்ணீர்க் குடுவையைத் திரும்ப நிரப்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் அதிலிருந்த அனைத்து நீரையும் குடித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதை குளிர்சாதன பெட்டியில் வைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த தொலைக்காட்சி நிகழ்ச்சி தணிக்கை செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அதில் இழிந்த சொற்கள் நிறைந்திருந்தன", "choice2": "அது சிக்கல்கள் நிறைந்த கதையைப் பெற்றிருத்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கப்பல் சேதமடைந்தது", "choice1": "கப்பல் குழுவினர் மூழ்கினர்", "choice2": "கப்பல் குழுவினர் கடற்கொள்ளையர்களை எதிர்கொண்டனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு அது புரியாத புதிராக விளங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் புதிருக்கு விடை கண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் ஒரு குறிப்பு தரும்படி வேண்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "தொலைப்பேசி மணி அடித்தது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் தொலைபேசி தொடர்பைத் துண்டித்தான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் தொலைபேசியை எடுத்துப் பேசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி என்னை முறைத்து கொண்டிருந்தாள்", "choice1": "நான் அவளைக் கட்டியணைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சங்கடமாக உணர்ந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழு அருங்காட்சியகத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறியது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் காட்சிக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருட்களைப் படம்பிடித்துக் கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் காட்சிக்கு வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருட்கள் அனைத்தையும் பார்த்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் என்னிடம் வாக்குவாதத்தில் ஈடுபடத் தொடங்கினேன்", "choice1": "என் நண்பன் அந்த மனிதனிடம் என்னை அறிமுகப்படுத்தினான்", "choice2": "என் நண்பன் எனக்கு ஆதரவாகப் பேசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது மிதிவண்டியிலிருந்த டயரில் காற்று இறங்கியது", "choice1": "நான் டயரில் காற்று நிரப்பினேன்", "choice2": "எனது மிதிவண்டியின் கியரை மாற்றினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி வெளிறியதாகத் தோன்றினாள்", "choice1": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளுக்குக் கதை ஒன்றைப் படித்து காட்டினார்", "choice2": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவள் நெற்றியைத் தொட்டு உணர்ந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பேனாவில் மை தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice1": "நான் எழுதுகோலை உபயோகித்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் பெயரைக் கையெழுத்திட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் கடன் விண்ணப்பம் நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கடன்பட்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் வியாபாரம் ஒன்றைத் துவங்கினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி பள்ளிக்குச் செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் தங்கினாள்", "choice1": "அவளுக்குச் சின்னம்மை போட்டது", "choice2": "அவள் கணிதம் கற்பதில் இன்பங் கண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குப்பைப்பை நிரம்பியது", "choice1": "நான் அதனைக் குப்பைத் தொட்டிக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதனைத் தொட்டியின் கீழ் அடைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் கம்பளத்தைச் சுத்தம் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "என் அறையில் உடன் தங்கியிருப்பவன் பழரசத்தைச் சிந்தினான்", "choice2": "எனது நாய் முடி உதிர்த்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் கோபத்தில் தன்னிலை இழந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் கணினியை அணைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் நாற்காலியை அறையின் குறுக்கே வீசினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி சிறு கிளை ஒன்றை நெருப்பினுள் எறிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அந்த சிறு கிளை எரிந்தது", "choice2": "தீ அணைந்துப் போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அவன் குளியலறையிலிருந்து வெளியே வந்தான்", "choice1": "வெந்நீர் வரத்து நின்று போனது", "choice2": "அவனால் துண்டைக் காணமுடியவில்லை", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெற்றோர்கள் தங்கள் பிள்ளைகள் கல்லூரி செல்ல வேண்டும் என்று விரும்பினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் படிப்புச் செலவிற்கு சேமிப்பு நிதியை ஒதுக்கி வைத்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் தங்கள் பிள்ளைகளை வெளியே விளையாட ஊக்குவித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன் காலணியிலிருந்த நாடாவை அவிழ்த்தான்", "choice1": "காலணி தளர்ந்தது", "choice2": "காலணி தேய்ந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் உணவில் பாதிப்பகுதியை உண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் மீதமிருந்ததைக் குளிர்சாதனப்பெட்டியினுள் வைத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் செய்முறை விளக்கத்தைக் குறித்து வைத்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கணுக்கால் வீங்கியது", "choice1": "நான் அதன்மீது பனிக்கட்டியை வைத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதன்மீது மருந்துத் திரவம் தடவினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "என் அலுவலகக் கதவு திறந்திருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் எனது மேசையில் என் சக பணியாளருடன் பேசினேன்", "choice2": "நான் பொது அறையில் நிகழும் உரையாடலை ஒட்டுக் கேட்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் வரிசையில் காத்திருக்க நேரிட்டது", "choice1": "நான் உட்கார்ந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் பத்திரிகை ஒன்றைப் புரட்டிப் பார்த்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் ஈயை ஓங்கியடித்தான்", "choice1": "ஈ பறந்து சென்றது", "choice2": "ஈ அசைவற்று நிலையாக நின்றது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எந்த மனிதன் உயில் எழுதினான்", "choice1": "அவன் சாகக் கிடந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் மனைவியை இழந்தவன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஓட்டப்பந்தய வீரர் தனது போட்டியாளர் தன்னை முந்துவதை உணர்ந்தார்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒட்டப்பந்தயத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறினான்", "choice2": "அவன் தனது வேகத்தை அதிகப் படுத்தினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த பிரச்னையைப் பற்றி கவனமாக யோசித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் ஆலோசனை கேட்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் தீர்வு ஒன்றைக் கண்டேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பயணி ஆடும் தொங்கு பாலத்தில் நடந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் அச்சமுற்றான்", "choice2": "அவன் களிப்படைந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த அணியின் வெற்றியை எதிர்பார்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஆட்டத்தைக் காணத் தன் நண்பர்களைச் சந்தித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பர்களுடன் பந்தயம் கட்டினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவனால் தூங்க முடியவில்லை", "choice1": "அவன் விழிப்புக் கடிகையில் மணி குறித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் செம்மறியாடுகளைக் கணக்கிட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/ta/val.ta.jsonl b/data/ta/val.ta.jsonl
index e5a2101..f973f83 100644
--- a/data/ta/val.ta.jsonl
+++ b/data/ta/val.ta.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் குழாயைத் திறந்தான்", "choice1": "கழிப்பறையில் தண்ணீர் நிரம்பியது", "choice2": "பீற்றுக்குழாயிலிருந்து தண்ணீர் வெளியே வழிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் காலை உணவில் பூச்சியைக் கண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கிண்ணத்தில் பாலை ஊற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் பசியை இழந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பணி ஓய்வு பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது ஓய்வூதியத்தைப் பெற்றுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அடமானம் செய்த சொத்துக்களைப் பணம் கட்டி மீட்டெடுத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மின்னாற்றலைச் சேமிக்க விரும்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் காலி அறையின் தரையைப் பெருக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் காலி அறையிலிருந்த மின்விளக்கை அணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அடையிலிருந்த மாமிசம் பொன்னிறமானது", "choice1": "சமையற்காரர் அதனை உறைய வைத்தார்", "choice2": "சமையற்காரர் அதனை வாட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விற்பனையாளனின் கூற்றை நான் சந்தேகித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவன் அளித்த சலுகையை நிராகரித்தேன்", "choice2": "அவன் அந்த பொருளை வாங்க என்னை இணங்கச் செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அன்றிரவு வீட்டில் தங்க முடிவு செய்தேன்", "choice1": "வானிலை முன்னறிக்கை புயல் வருமெனக் கணித்தது", "choice2": "என் நண்பர்கள் தங்களுடன் வெளியே செல்ல என்னை வற்புறுத்தினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் கண்கள் சிவந்து வீங்கின", "choice1": "என் அழுதுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "என் சிரித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியின் சுடர் அணைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் திரியை நோக்கி உதினேன்", "choice2": "நான் எரிதிரியின் மீது தீக்குச்சியைப் போட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் விழாவில் அதிகமாக மது அருந்தினான்", "choice1": "அடுத்த நாள் அவன் தலை வலித்தது", "choice2": "அடுத்த நாள் அவன் மூக்கு ஒழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பௌலிங் பந்து பௌலிங் பின்களை மோதி உருட்டியது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் பௌலிங் பந்தை உருள்தளத்தில் உருள விட்டான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் பௌலிங் பந்தைத் தன் கால் மீது தவறவிட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சமூகம் அவனின் இறப்பைப் பற்றி கண்டறிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் குடும்பம் அவனைக் கல்லறையில் புதைத்தது", "choice2": "அவனது இரங்கல்செய்தி செய்தித்தாளில் வெளிவந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் கணினி செயலிழந்தது", "choice1": "நான் புதிய ஒலிப்பெட்டிகளை நிறுவினேன்", "choice2": "என் கணினித் தரவு அனைத்தையும் நான் இழந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் வேலையை ராஜினாமா செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த நிறுவனத்தில் நிர்வாகப் பதவியை வகிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "தன் மேலதிகாரிகள் நெறிமுறையற்று நடந்து கொள்வதாக அவள் நம்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரர் பந்தைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice1": "அவளது அணியினர் அதனை அவளிடம் எறிந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவளது எதிரணியாளர் அதனை இடைமறிக்க முயன்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நீதிபதி தனது கைச்சுத்தியால் மேசையைத் தட்டினார்", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தில் பரபரப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அறங்கூறாயம் தன் தீர்ப்பை அறிவித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி குழந்தைகளை அவளுக்கு சொந்தமான நிலத்தினுள் வருவதற்கு தடை போட்டாள்", "choice1": "குழந்தைகள் பந்து ஒன்றை அவள் வீட்டின் முற்றத்தில் அடித்தனர்", "choice2": "குழந்தைகள் அவளது தோட்டத்தை மிதித்து பாழாக்கினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கடத்தல்காரர்கள் தங்கள் பிணைக்கைதிகளை விடுவித்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் மீட்புத் தொகையை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சிறையிலிருந்து தப்பித்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சமையற்காரர் கண்களில் நீர் வடிந்தது", "choice1": "அவனிடமிருந்த வெங்காயம் தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவர் வெங்காயத்தை வெட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் கைவிரலைக் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் காண்பித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் வாட்டு மின்கலத்தில் தன் கைவிரலைச் சுட்டுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் விரலில் வைரமோதிரத்தை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி அந்த சொல்லைத் தவறாக எழுத்துக் கூட்டினாள்", "choice1": "ஆசிரியர் அவளின் பிழையைத் திருத்தினார்", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் அவள்மீது அலட்சியம் காட்டினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஆத்திரம் தணிந்து சாந்தமானேன்", "choice1": "என் இதயம் துடித்தது", "choice2": "நான் நீண்ட மூச்சு வாங்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் திறந்த குழாயின் அடியில் என் கையை நீட்டினேன்", "choice1": "சோப்பு என் கைகளிலிருந்து அலசிக் கழுவப்பட்டது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் என் முகத்தில் தெளித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன்னிடமிருந்த சிறந்த சூட்டை உடுத்திக்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் முக்கிய வாடிக்கையாளர் ஒருவரைச் சந்திக்கத் திட்டமிட்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது மனைவி அவனுக்கு புதிய டை ஒன்றை வாங்கி கொடுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த பெண்மணியின் மீதுள்ள காதலைத் தெரிவித்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவனை நிராகரித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவனைக் கண்டு பொறாமைப் பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஓட்டுனரின் டயரில் காற்று இறங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் வேக வரம்பைக் கடந்து வண்டி ஓட்டினேன்", "choice2": "அவன் ஆணி ஒன்றின் மீது வண்டியை ஏற்றினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "திரையரங்கில் எனது பார்வை மறைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "என் பின்னே இருந்த ஜோடி கிசுகிசுத்தது", "choice2": "உயரமான நபர் ஒருவர் என் முன்னே அமர்ந்திருந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தின் முன்விளக்கை எரிய விட்டார்", "choice1": "அவர் இடி சத்தம் கேட்டார்", "choice2": "சூரியன் அஸ்தமனமானது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காய்களை உண்ண மறுத்தாள்.", "choice1": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளைப் பால் குடிக்கச் சொன்னார்", "choice2": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளிடமிருந்து இனிப்பைப் பறித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் தன் கைகளால் தன் வாயைப் பொத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மூச்சை வெளிவிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தும்மினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "செயலாளர் அழைப்பாளரை அழைப்பில் காக்க வைத்தார்", "choice1": "அழைப்பாளரின் தொலைபேசி தொடர்பு துண்டித்து போனது", "choice2": "அழைப்பாளர் தொடர்பில் காத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி ஊன்றுக்கோலை வைத்து நடந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கால் முடியைச் சவரம் செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் காலை உடைத்துக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் இருமினேன்", "choice1": "நான் புகையை உள்ளிழுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் குரல் ஒலியைக் குறைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கடிகாரம் மணியோசை எழுப்பியது", "choice1": "அது புதிய நாழிகையின் தொடக்கம்", "choice2": "நேரம் இழுத்துக் கொண்டு போவது போல் தோன்றியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சமையல்காரர் முட்டையைக் கிண்ணத்தின் ஓரத்தில் மோதினார்", "choice1": "முட்டை உடைந்தது", "choice2": "முட்டை அழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "காவலர்கள் அந்த குற்றவாளியின் சீருந்தைத் தேடினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் ஒரு வாக்குமூலத்தை வெளிக்கொணர முயற்சித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சட்டவிரோத போதைப்பொருள்களைத் தேடிக் கொண்டிருந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி குளிர்காலத்தையொட்டி தெற்கு நோக்கி பயணித்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் பணி ஓய்வு பெற்றவர்கள்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பிரிந்தவர்கள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் நிகழ்ச்சிக்குச் செல்ல கடன்பட்டிருப்பதாக உணர்ந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நண்பனின் அழைப்பை நிராகரித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பனிடம் தான் வருவதாக வாக்கு கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "மணப்பெண் திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு பதற்றமடைந்தாள்", "choice1": "திருமணத்திற்கு வந்த விருந்தினர் பரிசுகள் வாங்கி வந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் திருமணத்தை நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முதுமையடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தலைமுடி நரைத்தது", "choice2": "அவன் தன் உடைமைகளை விற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நண்பர்கள் அடையைப் பங்கிட்டு உண்ண முடிவு செய்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அடையை இரண்டு பாதியாக வெட்டினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அடையுடன் பொரியலையும் வாங்கினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் சோடா குடுவையின் மூடியைத் திருகினேன்", "choice1": "சோடா நுரைத்து பொங்கியது", "choice2": "சோடா வெளியே வழிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த இரு மாணவர்கள் ஆசிரியரின் கண்காணிப்பில் வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவர்கள் இருவரும் நல்ல மதிப்பெண்களைப் பெற்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது வீட்டுப்பாடத்தின் விடைகள் ஒரே மாதிரியாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் நேரத்தில் பள்ளிக்குச் செல்லும் அவசரத்தில் இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் வீட்டுப்பாடத்தை வீட்டிலேயே விட்டுவிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் மதிய உணவைப் பள்ளிக்குக் கொண்டு வந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "பத்திரிகையாளர் மனித நேய ஆர்வலரின் வாழ்க்கையைப் பற்றி வாழ்க்கைச் சரித்திரம் ஒன்று எழுதினார்", "choice1": "அந்த மனித நேய ஆர்வலரைப் பேட்டி எடுக்க பத்திரிகையாளருக்கு மிகவும் கடினமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "பத்திரிகையாளர் அந்த மனித நேய ஆர்வலரின் பணியைக் கண்டு வியப்புற்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தேவாலயத்தின் அதிகாரத்தை எதிர்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தேவாலயத்திற்கு பணம் நன்கொடையாகக் கொடுத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தேவாலயத்திலிருந்து புறந்தள்ளப்பட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் தலை முடி அவள் முகத்தில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அவள் கிளிப்பைக் கொண்டு தன் முடியைப் பின்னே இழுத்துக் கட்டினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சீகைக்காயைத் தன் முடியில் நுரைத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மோதிரம் என் விரலில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "என் விரல் வீங்கியது", "choice2": "நான் என் விரல்நகங்களை வெட்டினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் தொய்வுப்பட்டையை இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "அது அறையின் குறுக்கே பறந்தது", "choice2": "அது நீண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ஈரப் பைஞ்சுதையில் என் கையைப் பதித்தேன்", "choice1": "எனது கைரேகை பைஞ்சுதையில் உலர்ந்தது", "choice2": "பைஞ்சுதையில் விரிசல் விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் தோல் உரிந்து சொறி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் என் முற்றத்திலிருந்த விஷ படர்க்கொடியின் மீது உராய்ந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் விஷ படர்க்கொடியை என் முற்றத்திலிருந்து அகற்றினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் அந்த பத்திரிகைக்குச் செலுத்திய சந்தா காலாவதியானது", "choice1": "நான் புதிய வெளியீட்டை அப்புறப்படுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு புதிய வெளியீடுகள் வருவது நின்று போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "துப்பறிவாளர் அந்த வழக்கில் ஒரு முரண்பாட்டை வெளி கொணர்ந்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் தனது கோட்பாட்டை இறுதி செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் தனது கோட்பாட்டைத் தட்டிக் கழித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஆத்திரத்தில் சண்டித்தனம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது சகோதரன் அவனுடைய பொம்மைகளை அவனிடமிருந்து பிடுங்கிக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் பொம்மைகளைத் தன் சகோதரனுடன் பகிர்ந்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை எப்படி படிப்பது என்பதை கற்றுக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "அது பள்ளிக்குச் செல்ல ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice2": "அது பள்ளியில் தனது வகுப்பிலிருந்து இரண்டு வகுப்புகள் முன்னேறியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் இரவு உணவை உண்ணவில்லை", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவனுக்குப் பிடித்தமான உணவை சமைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவன் பெரிய மதிய உணவை உண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தோழியின் மீது புகழ்ச்சி மழை பொழிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் தோழியிடம் ஒரு உதவி கேட்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் தோழியின் புலம்பல்களைக் கேட்டு எரிச்சலடைந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "எனது காற்சட்டைப்பையில் சாவியைக் காணவில்லை", "choice1": "எனது காற்சட்டைப்பையில் ஓட்டை இருந்தது", "choice2": "காலுறை புதியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மயக்கம் அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒரு சிறுதூக்கம் போட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நெடுந்தூர ஓட்டப்பந்தயத்தில் ஓடினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் போட்டியில் தோல்வி அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த போட்டியில் மோசடி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் தன் போட்டியாளர்களை மிரட்டினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அம்மா மருத்துவ அவசர ஊர்தியை வரவழைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது மகன் தன் பூனையை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவளது மகன் தன் படுக்கையிலிருந்து விழுந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஓட்டுனர் வேகம் குறைப்பானை ஓங்கி அழுத்தினார்", "choice1": "மான் ஒன்று சாலையில் தோன்றியது", "choice2": "சீருந்தின் வானொலிப்பெட்டி நின்று போனது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பூட்டு திறந்தது", "choice1": "நான் சாவியைப் பூட்டினுள் போட்டுத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சாவியின் நகலை உருவாக்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் ரப்பர் கையுறைகளை அணிந்து கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் கைகளைக் கழுவத் தயார் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் குளியலறையைச் சுத்தம் செய்ய தயார் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விலங்கினம் அருகி வந்தது", "choice1": "அவைகளின் வாழ்விடம் அழிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவைகளை வேட்டையாடும் விலங்குகள் அழிந்து போயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த பெண்மணி வித்தியாசமாகத் தோன்றுவதைக் கண்டுணர்ந்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் முடியை வெட்டிக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி காப்பு அணிந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி தனது வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைச் செய்ய மறந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஆசிரியரிடம் கூற ஒரு சாக்குபோக்கைத் தயார் செய்தார்", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் அவளை அடுத்த வகுப்பிற்கு உயர்த்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நாய் குறைத்தது", "choice1": "அந்த பூனை ஆயத்தமாக மஞ்சத்தில் படுத்திருந்தது", "choice2": "கதவு தட்டப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "உள்ளூர் பூங்கா இருக்கும் இடத்தில் பேரங்காடியை அமைக்கத் திட்டங்கள் அறிவிக்கப் பட்டன", "choice1": "சுற்றுச்சூழல் ஆர்வலர்கள் மனு ஒன்றைத் தொடர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "சுற்றுச்சூழல் ஆர்வலர்கள் ஆவணப்படத்தைத் தயாரித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி ஓரிருவரைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் முத்தமிட்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஓய்வெடுத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அந்த மனிதனை வெளியேறச் சொன்னாள்", "choice1": "அவன் அவளை அவமானப்படுத்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அவளுக்கு நன்றி தெரிவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மரத்தின் கிளை ஆற்றில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "கிளை ஆற்றின் கீழ்நோக்கி சென்றது", "choice2": "நதியின் ஓட்டம் வலுவடைந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் மாணவர்களுக்கு வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைத் தந்தார்", "choice1": "மாணவர்கள் குறிப்புகளைக் கைமாற்றினர்", "choice2": "மாணவர்கள் புலம்பினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "கோடைக்காலத்திலிருந்து இலையுதிர்காலத்திற்குப் பருவம் மாறியது", "choice1": "மக்கள் தங்களது இல்லங்களைக் காலி செய்தனர்", "choice2": "இலைகள் மரத்திலிருந்து விழுந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த அரசியல்வாதி மோசடி குற்றத்தில் தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவர் மறுதேர்தலுக்குப் பிரச்சாரம் செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் பதவி நீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் பாரவண்டியைத் தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "பாரவண்டியிலிருந்த பொருட்கள் வெளியே விழுந்தன", "choice2": "பாரவண்டியின் சக்கரங்கள் முன்னே உருண்டோடின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "செல்வாக்காளர் மசோதாவிற்கு ஆதரவு தர மக்களவையை இணங்கச் செய்தார்", "choice1": "குடியரசுத் தலைவர் தடுப்பதிகாரத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி மசோதாவைத் தடுத்தார்", "choice2": "சட்டமன்றம் மசோதாவை நிறைவேற்றியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் அலமாரி கலைந்து கிடந்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதனை ஒழுங்கு செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதை அலங்காரம் செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நீண்ட நேரம் விழித்திருந்தேன்", "choice1": "அன்றிரவு எனக்கு உயிர்ப்புள்ள கனவுகள் வந்தன", "choice2": "நான் காலையில் சோர்வாக இருந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் காற்சட்டைப்பை அவன் நடக்க நடக்க சலசலத்தது", "choice1": "அவனின் காற்சட்டைப்பையில் நாணயங்கள் நிரம்பியிருந்தன", "choice2": "அவனின் காற்சட்டைப்பையில் இருந்த ஒட்டையைத் தைத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "வகுப்பில் இருந்த அனைவரும் அந்த மாணவனை உற்றுப் பார்த்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவனின் கைபேசி ஒலித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவன் குறிப்பு எடுத்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "குதிரை கனைத்தது", "choice1": "ஈ ஒன்று அந்த குதிரையைக் கடித்தது", "choice2": "சவாரியாளர் குதிரையைத் தடவிக் கொடுத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த நகைத்திருடர்கள் பிடிபட்டனர்", "choice1": "திருடப்பட்ட நகை அதன் உரிமையாளரிடம் திரும்ப ஒப்படைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice2": "திருடப்பட்ட நகையின் மதிப்பு கணக்கிடப்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நாட்டில் அரசியல் வன்முறை வெடித்தது", "choice1": "குடிமக்கள் பலர் தலைநகரத்திற்குப் குடி பெயர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "குடிமக்கள் பலர் மற்ற நாடுகளில் தஞ்சமடைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி கைது செய்யப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மறுவாழ்வு மையத்தில் சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தாக்குதல் நடத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி செய்தித்தாளைப் படித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தேர்தலின் முடிவைக் கண்டறிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தேர்தலில் வாக்களித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நோய்வாய்ப்பட்ட குழந்தை தன் நண்பனின் மீது இருமியது", "choice1": "அதன் நண்பன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அதன் நண்பன் தும்மினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி நிச்சயதார்த்தம் செய்து கொண்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொள்ளத் திட்டமிட்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சிறிது நேரம் பிரிந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மனை முகவரைத் தொடர்பு கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அடுக்குமாடி கட்டிடத்தில் வீடு வாங்கத் திட்டமிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் வீட்டினைச் சுத்தம் செய்ய வேண்டியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் லாட்டரியில் வெற்றி பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் செழிப்படைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடன்பட்டிருந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் மெழுகுவர்த்தியை ஏற்றினேன்", "choice1": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியிலிருந்து மெழுகு வழிந்தோடியது", "choice2": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியிலிருந்த மெழுகு கடினமானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் என் நாளை கழித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் கணுக்காலைச் சுளுக்கிக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "எனது முகம் வெய்யிலில் எரிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "காலம் கடந்து வண்டியை நிறுத்தியதற்கு அவனுக்கு அபராதம் விதிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கார் வரிசையில் காலியாக இருந்த இடத்திற்கு முன்னே சென்று மெதுவாக காரைப் பின்னே செலுத்தி நிறுத்தினான்", "choice2": "வண்டியை நிறுத்துவதற்கான காலக்கெடு முடிவடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பிரபலமானாள்", "choice1": "புகைப்படக்காரர்கள் அவளைப் பின் தொடர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவளது குடும்பத்தினர் அவளைத் தவிர்த்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காதணிகளை அணிய விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் காது குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பச்சைக் குத்திக்கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "என் காதுகள் ரீங்காரமிட்டன", "choice1": "நான் ஒரு அருங்காட்சியகத்திற்குச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் கச்சேரிக்குச் சென்றேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "நான் என் வீட்டை சுத்தம் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் வேளையில் மூழ்கியிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் வீட்டிற்கு விருந்தினர் வருவார்கள் என காத்திருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த விமான நிறுவனம் எனது பயணச் சாமான்களை முரட்டுத்தனமாகக் கையாண்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் எனக்கு இழப்பீடு அளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் என் விமானத்தை ரத்து செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த கணிணியைச் சரி செய்ய நிறைய செலவு செய்ய வேண்டியிருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பழுது பார்த்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் புதியதொன்று வாங்கினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "அந்த பெண் மோசமான மனநிலையில் இருந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது தோழியுடன் அற்பப் பேச்சில் ஈடுபட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் தோழியிடம் அவளைத் தனிமையில் விடுமாறு கூறினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் குழாயைத் திறந்தான்", "choice1": "கழிப்பறையில் தண்ணீர் நிரம்பியது", "choice2": "பீற்றுக்குழாயிலிருந்து தண்ணீர் வெளியே வழிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி தன் காலை உணவில் பூச்சியைக் கண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் கிண்ணத்தில் பாலை ஊற்றினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் பசியை இழந்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பணி ஓய்வு பெற்றாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது ஓய்வூதியத்தைப் பெற்றுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் அடமானம் செய்த சொத்துக்களைப் பணம் கட்டி மீட்டெடுத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மின்னாற்றலைச் சேமிக்க விரும்பினேன்", "choice1": "நான் காலி அறையின் தரையைப் பெருக்கினேன்", "choice2": "நான் காலி அறையிலிருந்த மின்விளக்கை அணைத்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அடையிலிருந்த மாமிசம் பொன்னிறமானது", "choice1": "சமையற்காரர் அதனை உறைய வைத்தார்", "choice2": "சமையற்காரர் அதனை வாட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விற்பனையாளனின் கூற்றை நான் சந்தேகித்தேன்", "choice1": "அவன் அளித்த சலுகையை நிராகரித்தேன்", "choice2": "அவன் அந்த பொருளை வாங்க என்னை இணங்கச் செய்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அன்றிரவு வீட்டில் தங்க முடிவு செய்தேன்", "choice1": "வானிலை முன்னறிக்கை புயல் வருமெனக் கணித்தது", "choice2": "என் நண்பர்கள் தங்களுடன் வெளியே செல்ல என்னை வற்புறுத்தினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் கண்கள் சிவந்து வீங்கின", "choice1": "என் அழுதுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "என் சிரித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியின் சுடர் அணைந்தது", "choice1": "நான் திரியை நோக்கி உதினேன்", "choice2": "நான் எரிதிரியின் மீது தீக்குச்சியைப் போட்டேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் விழாவில் அதிகமாக மது அருந்தினான்", "choice1": "அடுத்த நாள் அவன் தலை வலித்தது", "choice2": "அடுத்த நாள் அவன் மூக்கு ஒழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பௌலிங் பந்து பௌலிங் பின்களை மோதி உருட்டியது", "choice1": "அந்த மனிதன் பௌலிங் பந்தை உருள்தளத்தில் உருள விட்டான்", "choice2": "அந்த மனிதன் பௌலிங் பந்தைத் தன் கால் மீது தவறவிட்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சமூகம் அவனின் இறப்பைப் பற்றி கண்டறிந்தது", "choice1": "அவன் குடும்பம் அவனைக் கல்லறையில் புதைத்தது", "choice2": "அவனது இரங்கல்செய்தி செய்தித்தாளில் வெளிவந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் கணினி செயலிழந்தது", "choice1": "நான் புதிய ஒலிப்பெட்டிகளை நிறுவினேன்", "choice2": "என் கணினித் தரவு அனைத்தையும் நான் இழந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் வேலையை ராஜினாமா செய்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அந்த நிறுவனத்தில் நிர்வாகப் பதவியை வகிக்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "தன் மேலதிகாரிகள் நெறிமுறையற்று நடந்து கொள்வதாக அவள் நம்பினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஆட்டக்காரர் பந்தைப் பிடித்தார்", "choice1": "அவளது அணியினர் அதனை அவளிடம் எறிந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவளது எதிரணியாளர் அதனை இடைமறிக்க முயன்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நீதிபதி தனது கைச்சுத்தியால் மேசையைத் தட்டினார்", "choice1": "நீதிமன்றத்தில் பரபரப்பு ஏற்பட்டது", "choice2": "அறங்கூறாயம் தன் தீர்ப்பை அறிவித்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி குழந்தைகளை அவளுக்கு சொந்தமான நிலத்தினுள் வருவதற்கு தடை போட்டாள்", "choice1": "குழந்தைகள் பந்து ஒன்றை அவள் வீட்டின் முற்றத்தில் அடித்தனர்", "choice2": "குழந்தைகள் அவளது தோட்டத்தை மிதித்து பாழாக்கினர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கடத்தல்காரர்கள் தங்கள் பிணைக்கைதிகளை விடுவித்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் மீட்புத் தொகையை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சிறையிலிருந்து தப்பித்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சமையற்காரர் கண்களில் நீர் வடிந்தது", "choice1": "அவனிடமிருந்த வெங்காயம் தீர்ந்து போனது", "choice2": "அவர் வெங்காயத்தை வெட்டினார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் கைவிரலைக் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் காண்பித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் வாட்டு மின்கலத்தில் தன் கைவிரலைச் சுட்டுக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் விரலில் வைரமோதிரத்தை அணிந்து கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி அந்த சொல்லைத் தவறாக எழுத்துக் கூட்டினாள்", "choice1": "ஆசிரியர் அவளின் பிழையைத் திருத்தினார்", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் அவள்மீது அலட்சியம் காட்டினார்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஆத்திரம் தணிந்து சாந்தமானேன்", "choice1": "என் இதயம் துடித்தது", "choice2": "நான் நீண்ட மூச்சு வாங்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் திறந்த குழாயின் அடியில் என் கையை நீட்டினேன்", "choice1": "சோப்பு என் கைகளிலிருந்து அலசிக் கழுவப்பட்டது", "choice2": "தண்ணீர் என் முகத்தில் தெளித்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தன்னிடமிருந்த சிறந்த சூட்டை உடுத்திக்கொண்டான்", "choice1": "அவன் முக்கிய வாடிக்கையாளர் ஒருவரைச் சந்திக்கத் திட்டமிட்டிருந்தான்", "choice2": "அவனது மனைவி அவனுக்கு புதிய டை ஒன்றை வாங்கி கொடுத்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த பெண்மணியின் மீதுள்ள காதலைத் தெரிவித்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவனை நிராகரித்தாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி அவனைக் கண்டு பொறாமைப் பட்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஓட்டுனரின் டயரில் காற்று இறங்கியது", "choice1": "அவன் வேக வரம்பைக் கடந்து வண்டி ஓட்டினேன்", "choice2": "அவன் ஆணி ஒன்றின் மீது வண்டியை ஏற்றினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "திரையரங்கில் எனது பார்வை மறைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "என் பின்னே இருந்த ஜோடி கிசுகிசுத்தது", "choice2": "உயரமான நபர் ஒருவர் என் முன்னே அமர்ந்திருந்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஓட்டுநர் சீருந்தின் முன்விளக்கை எரிய விட்டார்", "choice1": "அவர் இடி சத்தம் கேட்டார்", "choice2": "சூரியன் அஸ்தமனமானது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காய்களை உண்ண மறுத்தாள்.", "choice1": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளைப் பால் குடிக்கச் சொன்னார்", "choice2": "அவளது தந்தையார் அவளிடமிருந்து இனிப்பைப் பறித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் தன் கைகளால் தன் வாயைப் பொத்தினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மூச்சை வெளிவிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தும்மினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "செயலாளர் அழைப்பாளரை அழைப்பில் காக்க வைத்தார்", "choice1": "அழைப்பாளரின் தொலைபேசி தொடர்பு துண்டித்து போனது", "choice2": "அழைப்பாளர் தொடர்பில் காத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி ஊன்றுக்கோலை வைத்து நடந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் கால் முடியைச் சவரம் செய்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் காலை உடைத்துக் கொண்டாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் இருமினேன்", "choice1": "நான் புகையை உள்ளிழுத்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் குரல் ஒலியைக் குறைத்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கடிகாரம் மணியோசை எழுப்பியது", "choice1": "அது புதிய நாழிகையின் தொடக்கம்", "choice2": "நேரம் இழுத்துக் கொண்டு போவது போல் தோன்றியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சமையல்காரர் முட்டையைக் கிண்ணத்தின் ஓரத்தில் மோதினார்", "choice1": "முட்டை உடைந்தது", "choice2": "முட்டை அழுகியது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "காவலர்கள் அந்த குற்றவாளியின் சீருந்தைத் தேடினர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் ஒரு வாக்குமூலத்தை வெளிக்கொணர முயற்சித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சட்டவிரோத போதைப்பொருள்களைத் தேடிக் கொண்டிருந்தனர்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி குளிர்காலத்தையொட்டி தெற்கு நோக்கி பயணித்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் பணி ஓய்வு பெற்றவர்கள்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் பிரிந்தவர்கள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் நிகழ்ச்சிக்குச் செல்ல கடன்பட்டிருப்பதாக உணர்ந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் நண்பனின் அழைப்பை நிராகரித்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் நண்பனிடம் தான் வருவதாக வாக்கு கொடுத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "மணப்பெண் திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு பதற்றமடைந்தாள்", "choice1": "திருமணத்திற்கு வந்த விருந்தினர் பரிசுகள் வாங்கி வந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவள் திருமணத்தை நிறுத்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் முதுமையடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தலைமுடி நரைத்தது", "choice2": "அவன் தன் உடைமைகளை விற்றான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நண்பர்கள் அடையைப் பங்கிட்டு உண்ண முடிவு செய்தனர்", "choice1": "அவர்கள் அடையை இரண்டு பாதியாக வெட்டினர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் அடையுடன் பொரியலையும் வாங்கினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் சோடா குடுவையின் மூடியைத் திருகினேன்", "choice1": "சோடா நுரைத்து பொங்கியது", "choice2": "சோடா வெளியே வழிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த இரு மாணவர்கள் ஆசிரியரின் கண்காணிப்பில் வந்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவர்கள் இருவரும் நல்ல மதிப்பெண்களைப் பெற்றனர்", "choice2": "அவர்களது வீட்டுப்பாடத்தின் விடைகள் ஒரே மாதிரியாக இருந்தன", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவன் நேரத்தில் பள்ளிக்குச் செல்லும் அவசரத்தில் இருந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தன் வீட்டுப்பாடத்தை வீட்டிலேயே விட்டுவிட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் மதிய உணவைப் பள்ளிக்குக் கொண்டு வந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "பத்திரிகையாளர் மனித நேய ஆர்வலரின் வாழ்க்கையைப் பற்றி வாழ்க்கைச் சரித்திரம் ஒன்று எழுதினார்", "choice1": "அந்த மனித நேய ஆர்வலரைப் பேட்டி எடுக்க பத்திரிகையாளருக்கு மிகவும் கடினமாக இருந்தது", "choice2": "பத்திரிகையாளர் அந்த மனித நேய ஆர்வலரின் பணியைக் கண்டு வியப்புற்றார்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் தேவாலயத்தின் அதிகாரத்தை எதிர்த்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் தேவாலயத்திற்கு பணம் நன்கொடையாகக் கொடுத்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் தேவாலயத்திலிருந்து புறந்தள்ளப்பட்டான்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணியின் தலை முடி அவள் முகத்தில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "அவள் கிளிப்பைக் கொண்டு தன் முடியைப் பின்னே இழுத்துக் கட்டினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் சீகைக்காயைத் தன் முடியில் நுரைத்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மோதிரம் என் விரலில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "என் விரல் வீங்கியது", "choice2": "நான் என் விரல்நகங்களை வெட்டினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் தொய்வுப்பட்டையை இழுத்தேன்", "choice1": "அது அறையின் குறுக்கே பறந்தது", "choice2": "அது நீண்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ஈரப் பைஞ்சுதையில் என் கையைப் பதித்தேன்", "choice1": "எனது கைரேகை பைஞ்சுதையில் உலர்ந்தது", "choice2": "பைஞ்சுதையில் விரிசல் விழுந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் தோல் உரிந்து சொறி ஏற்பட்டது", "choice1": "நான் என் முற்றத்திலிருந்த விஷ படர்க்கொடியின் மீது உராய்ந்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் விஷ படர்க்கொடியை என் முற்றத்திலிருந்து அகற்றினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் அந்த பத்திரிகைக்குச் செலுத்திய சந்தா காலாவதியானது", "choice1": "நான் புதிய வெளியீட்டை அப்புறப்படுத்தினேன்", "choice2": "எனக்கு புதிய வெளியீடுகள் வருவது நின்று போனது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "துப்பறிவாளர் அந்த வழக்கில் ஒரு முரண்பாட்டை வெளி கொணர்ந்தார்", "choice1": "அவர் தனது கோட்பாட்டை இறுதி செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் தனது கோட்பாட்டைத் தட்டிக் கழித்தார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் ஆத்திரத்தில் சண்டித்தனம் செய்தான்", "choice1": "அவனது சகோதரன் அவனுடைய பொம்மைகளை அவனிடமிருந்து பிடுங்கிக் கொண்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் தன் பொம்மைகளைத் தன் சகோதரனுடன் பகிர்ந்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த குழந்தை எப்படி படிப்பது என்பதை கற்றுக் கொண்டது", "choice1": "அது பள்ளிக்குச் செல்ல ஆரம்பித்தது", "choice2": "அது பள்ளியில் தனது வகுப்பிலிருந்து இரண்டு வகுப்புகள் முன்னேறியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுவன் இரவு உணவை உண்ணவில்லை", "choice1": "அவனது தாயார் அவனுக்குப் பிடித்தமான உணவை சமைத்தார்", "choice2": "அவன் பெரிய மதிய உணவை உண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் தோழியின் மீது புகழ்ச்சி மழை பொழிந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தன் தோழியிடம் ஒரு உதவி கேட்க விரும்பினாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் தோழியின் புலம்பல்களைக் கேட்டு எரிச்சலடைந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "எனது காற்சட்டைப்பையில் சாவியைக் காணவில்லை", "choice1": "எனது காற்சட்டைப்பையில் ஓட்டை இருந்தது", "choice2": "காலுறை புதியது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் மயக்கம் அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அவன் ஒரு சிறுதூக்கம் போட்டான்", "choice2": "அவன் நெடுந்தூர ஓட்டப்பந்தயத்தில் ஓடினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் போட்டியில் தோல்வி அடைந்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த போட்டியில் மோசடி செய்யப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவன் தன் போட்டியாளர்களை மிரட்டினான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அம்மா மருத்துவ அவசர ஊர்தியை வரவழைத்தாள்", "choice1": "அவளது மகன் தன் பூனையை இழந்தான்", "choice2": "அவளது மகன் தன் படுக்கையிலிருந்து விழுந்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஓட்டுனர் வேகம் குறைப்பானை ஓங்கி அழுத்தினார்", "choice1": "மான் ஒன்று சாலையில் தோன்றியது", "choice2": "சீருந்தின் வானொலிப்பெட்டி நின்று போனது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பூட்டு திறந்தது", "choice1": "நான் சாவியைப் பூட்டினுள் போட்டுத் திறந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் சாவியின் நகலை உருவாக்கினேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் ரப்பர் கையுறைகளை அணிந்து கொண்டேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் கைகளைக் கழுவத் தயார் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் குளியலறையைச் சுத்தம் செய்ய தயார் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விலங்கினம் அருகி வந்தது", "choice1": "அவைகளின் வாழ்விடம் அழிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice2": "அவைகளை வேட்டையாடும் விலங்குகள் அழிந்து போயின", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் அந்த பெண்மணி வித்தியாசமாகத் தோன்றுவதைக் கண்டுணர்ந்தான்", "choice1": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் முடியை வெட்டிக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி காப்பு அணிந்தாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மாணவி தனது வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைச் செய்ய மறந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் ஆசிரியரிடம் கூற ஒரு சாக்குபோக்கைத் தயார் செய்தார்", "choice2": "ஆசிரியர் அவளை அடுத்த வகுப்பிற்கு உயர்த்தினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நாய் குறைத்தது", "choice1": "அந்த பூனை ஆயத்தமாக மஞ்சத்தில் படுத்திருந்தது", "choice2": "கதவு தட்டப்பட்டது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "உள்ளூர் பூங்கா இருக்கும் இடத்தில் பேரங்காடியை அமைக்கத் திட்டங்கள் அறிவிக்கப் பட்டன", "choice1": "சுற்றுச்சூழல் ஆர்வலர்கள் மனு ஒன்றைத் தொடர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "சுற்றுச்சூழல் ஆர்வலர்கள் ஆவணப்படத்தைத் தயாரித்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி ஓரிருவரைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்தது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் முத்தமிட்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் ஓய்வெடுத்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி அந்த மனிதனை வெளியேறச் சொன்னாள்", "choice1": "அவன் அவளை அவமானப்படுத்தினான்", "choice2": "அவன் அவளுக்கு நன்றி தெரிவித்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மரத்தின் கிளை ஆற்றில் விழுந்தது", "choice1": "கிளை ஆற்றின் கீழ்நோக்கி சென்றது", "choice2": "நதியின் ஓட்டம் வலுவடைந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ஆசிரியர் மாணவர்களுக்கு வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைத் தந்தார்", "choice1": "மாணவர்கள் குறிப்புகளைக் கைமாற்றினர்", "choice2": "மாணவர்கள் புலம்பினர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "கோடைக்காலத்திலிருந்து இலையுதிர்காலத்திற்குப் பருவம் மாறியது", "choice1": "மக்கள் தங்களது இல்லங்களைக் காலி செய்தனர்", "choice2": "இலைகள் மரத்திலிருந்து விழுந்தன", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த அரசியல்வாதி மோசடி குற்றத்தில் தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டான்", "choice1": "அவர் மறுதேர்தலுக்குப் பிரச்சாரம் செய்தார்", "choice2": "அவர் பதவி நீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டார்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் பாரவண்டியைத் தள்ளினேன்", "choice1": "பாரவண்டியிலிருந்த பொருட்கள் வெளியே விழுந்தன", "choice2": "பாரவண்டியின் சக்கரங்கள் முன்னே உருண்டோடின", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "செல்வாக்காளர் மசோதாவிற்கு ஆதரவு தர மக்களவையை இணங்கச் செய்தார்", "choice1": "குடியரசுத் தலைவர் தடுப்பதிகாரத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி மசோதாவைத் தடுத்தார்", "choice2": "சட்டமன்றம் மசோதாவை நிறைவேற்றியது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் அலமாரி கலைந்து கிடந்தது", "choice1": "நான் அதனை ஒழுங்கு செய்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் அதை அலங்காரம் செய்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நீண்ட நேரம் விழித்திருந்தேன்", "choice1": "அன்றிரவு எனக்கு உயிர்ப்புள்ள கனவுகள் வந்தன", "choice2": "நான் காலையில் சோர்வாக இருந்தேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதனின் காற்சட்டைப்பை அவன் நடக்க நடக்க சலசலத்தது", "choice1": "அவனின் காற்சட்டைப்பையில் நாணயங்கள் நிரம்பியிருந்தன", "choice2": "அவனின் காற்சட்டைப்பையில் இருந்த ஒட்டையைத் தைத்தான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "வகுப்பில் இருந்த அனைவரும் அந்த மாணவனை உற்றுப் பார்த்தனர்", "choice1": "அந்த மாணவனின் கைபேசி ஒலித்தது", "choice2": "அந்த மாணவன் குறிப்பு எடுத்துக் கொண்டான்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "குதிரை கனைத்தது", "choice1": "ஈ ஒன்று அந்த குதிரையைக் கடித்தது", "choice2": "சவாரியாளர் குதிரையைத் தடவிக் கொடுத்தார்", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த நகைத்திருடர்கள் பிடிபட்டனர்", "choice1": "திருடப்பட்ட நகை அதன் உரிமையாளரிடம் திரும்ப ஒப்படைக்கப்பட்டது", "choice2": "திருடப்பட்ட நகையின் மதிப்பு கணக்கிடப்பட்டது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நாட்டில் அரசியல் வன்முறை வெடித்தது", "choice1": "குடிமக்கள் பலர் தலைநகரத்திற்குப் குடி பெயர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "குடிமக்கள் பலர் மற்ற நாடுகளில் தஞ்சமடைந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி கைது செய்யப்பட்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் மறுவாழ்வு மையத்தில் சேர்ந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தாக்குதல் நடத்தினாள்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி செய்தித்தாளைப் படித்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தேர்தலின் முடிவைக் கண்டறிந்தாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தேர்தலில் வாக்களித்தாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நோய்வாய்ப்பட்ட குழந்தை தன் நண்பனின் மீது இருமியது", "choice1": "அதன் நண்பன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டான்", "choice2": "அதன் நண்பன் தும்மினான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த ஜோடி நிச்சயதார்த்தம் செய்து கொண்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொள்ளத் திட்டமிட்டனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் சிறிது நேரம் பிரிந்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி மனை முகவரைத் தொடர்பு கொண்டாள்", "choice1": "அவள் அடுக்குமாடி கட்டிடத்தில் வீடு வாங்கத் திட்டமிட்டாள்", "choice2": "அந்த பெண்மணி தன் வீட்டினைச் சுத்தம் செய்ய வேண்டியிருந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த மனிதன் லாட்டரியில் வெற்றி பெற்றான்", "choice1": "அவன் செழிப்படைந்தான்", "choice2": "அவன் கடன்பட்டிருந்தான்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் மெழுகுவர்த்தியை ஏற்றினேன்", "choice1": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியிலிருந்து மெழுகு வழிந்தோடியது", "choice2": "மெழுகுவர்த்தியிலிருந்த மெழுகு கடினமானது", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் நீச்சல்குளத்தில் என் நாளை கழித்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் என் கணுக்காலைச் சுளுக்கிக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "எனது முகம் வெய்யிலில் எரிந்தது", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "காலம் கடந்து வண்டியை நிறுத்தியதற்கு அவனுக்கு அபராதம் விதிக்கப்பட்டது", "choice1": "அவன் கார் வரிசையில் காலியாக இருந்த இடத்திற்கு முன்னே சென்று மெதுவாக காரைப் பின்னே செலுத்தி நிறுத்தினான்", "choice2": "வண்டியை நிறுத்துவதற்கான காலக்கெடு முடிவடைந்தது", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண்மணி பிரபலமானாள்", "choice1": "புகைப்படக்காரர்கள் அவளைப் பின் தொடர்ந்தனர்", "choice2": "அவளது குடும்பத்தினர் அவளைத் தவிர்த்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த சிறுமி காதணிகளை அணிய விரும்பினாள்", "choice1": "அவள் காது குத்திக் கொண்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் பச்சைக் குத்திக்கொண்டாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "என் காதுகள் ரீங்காரமிட்டன", "choice1": "நான் ஒரு அருங்காட்சியகத்திற்குச் சென்றேன்", "choice2": "நான் கச்சேரிக்குச் சென்றேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "நான் என் வீட்டை சுத்தம் செய்தேன்", "choice1": "நான் வேளையில் மூழ்கியிருந்தேன்", "choice2": "நான் என் வீட்டிற்கு விருந்தினர் வருவார்கள் என காத்திருந்தேன்", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த விமான நிறுவனம் எனது பயணச் சாமான்களை முரட்டுத்தனமாகக் கையாண்டது", "choice1": "அவர்கள் எனக்கு இழப்பீடு அளித்தனர்", "choice2": "அவர்கள் என் விமானத்தை ரத்து செய்தனர்", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த கணிணியைச் சரி செய்ய நிறைய செலவு செய்ய வேண்டியிருந்தது", "choice1": "நான் பழுது பார்த்துக் கொண்டேன்", "choice2": "நான் புதியதொன்று வாங்கினேன்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "அந்த பெண் மோசமான மனநிலையில் இருந்தாள்", "choice1": "அவள் தனது தோழியுடன் அற்பப் பேச்சில் ஈடுபட்டாள்", "choice2": "அவள் தன் தோழியிடம் அவளைத் தனிமையில் விடுமாறு கூறினாள்", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
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index 83adcfd..f1981ff 100644
--- a/data/th/test.th.jsonl
+++ b/data/th/test.th.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "สิ่งของถูกห่อไว้ในพลาสติก", "choice1": "มันบอบบาง", "choice2": "มันเล็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเอาของออกจากกระเป๋า", "choice1": "ฉันหาขั้วตั๋ว", "choice2": "ฉันเจออาวุธ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ปลวกกินบ้าน", "choice1": "ปลวกหายไปจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ปลวกกินไม้ในบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเดินทางถึงชายแดน", "choice1": "ผู้ตรวจด่านตรวจหนังสือเดินทางของเขา", "choice2": "ผู้ตรวจด่านกล่าวหาว่าเขาแอบนำของออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ที่ทำงานปิด", "choice1": "มันคือวันหยุด", "choice2": "มันเป็นฤดูร้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงหมดแรง", "choice1": "เขาเล่นหมากรุก", "choice2": "เขากระโดดเชือก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเสียที่ในคิว", "choice1": "มีคนเข้าคิวมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเดินออกนอกคิวไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงบีบจมูก", "choice1": "ทารกนํ้าหลายไหลใส่ผ้ากันเปื้อน", "choice2": "ทารกทำผ้าอ้อมเลอะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "วงดนตรีเล่นเพลงดัง", "choice1": "คนดูตบมือตาม", "choice2": "คนดูนั่งฟังด้วยมารยาท", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงอยากจะขอบคุณครูคณิตศาสตร์", "choice1": "เด็กผู้หญิงโดนทำโทษหลังเลืกเรียน", "choice2": "เด็กผู้หญิงเอาแอปเปิ้ลให้คุณครู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเดินทางรู้สึกกลัว", "choice1": "ค่ายของเขาเล่าเรื่องผีให้ฟัง", "choice2": "พวกเขาย่างขนมบนกองไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกระแทกศีรษะของเขา", "choice1": "เขาใจลอย", "choice2": "สมองเขากระทบกระเทือน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เช็คที่ฉันเขียนเด้ง", "choice1": "บัญชีธนาคารของฉันไม่มีเงิน", "choice2": "ฉันได้รับการขึ้นเงินเดือน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อีเมล์ของผู้ชายเต็มไปด้วยเมล์ขยะ", "choice1": "เขาลบมันออก", "choice2": "เขาส่งเมล์ไปให้หลายคน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กะลาสีเรือถูกกักกันโรค", "choice1": "เขาเคยเข้าใกล้พื้นที่เสี่ยงโรค", "choice2": "เขาหายจากโรค", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงจำรหัสลับ", "choice1": "เขาท่องจำมัน", "choice2": "เขาลืมจดมันลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ฉันเทนํ้าลงในแก้ว", "choice1": "นํ้าดับความกระหายของฉัน", "choice2": "แก้วถูกเติมเต็ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายยังเงียบหลังจากเพื่อนของเขาพูดจบแล้ว", "choice1": "เขาต้องการที่จะสนับสนุนเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขาคิดถึงคำพูดของเพื่อนเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อุบัติเหตุเป็นความผิดของฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกผิด", "choice2": "ฉันจะแจ้งความ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "โซ่หลุดออกจากกัน", "choice1": "โซ่ถูกพันไว้รอบล้อรถ", "choice2": "ข้อโซ่หนึ่งข้อหลุดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่รักตัดสินใจที่จะประนีประนอม", "choice1": "พวกเขาเหนื่อยที่จะเถียงกัน", "choice2": "พวกเขาเลี่ยงที่จะไม่พูดถึงปัญหา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงตัดสินใจที่จะลงเลือกตั้ง", "choice1": "เขาจ้างผู้จัดการหาเสียง", "choice2": "เขาให้ปากคำในศาล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเตรียมตัวรับมือกับความหนาว", "choice1": "เขาเตรียมเสื้อหนาวเอาไว้", "choice2": "เขาเดินทางกับกระเป๋าใบใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กนักเรียนรู้คำตอบ", "choice1": "เขายกมือขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเกิดขี้เกียจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายนํ้าตาไหล", "choice1": "ฝุ่นเข้าตาเขา", "choice2": "เขาใส่แว่นตากัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักกีฬาชนะห้าเกมติดต่อกัน", "choice1": "คู่แข่งของเขากล่าวหาว่าเขาโกง", "choice2": "คู่แข่งของเขารู้สึกเสียใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครูฉีกกระดาษข้อสอบนักเรียนทิ้ง", "choice1": "เขาพบว่านักเรียนโกงข้อสอบ", "choice2": "คำตอบของนักเรียนผิด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันหยุดที่จะคิด", "choice1": "เสียงฉันหาย", "choice2": "ฉันหายใจไม่ทัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "อาหารแช่แข็งละลายแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันใส่ในเตาอบ", "choice2": "ฉันห่อมันด้วยถุงพลาสติก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานแกล้งป่วย", "choice1": "เขาปวดท้อง", "choice2": "เขาต้องการวันหยุด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงพุ่งลงไปในสระนํ้า", "choice1": "เขาวิ่งบนขอบสระ", "choice2": "เขากระโดดจากที่กระโดด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตั๋วภาพยนตร์ขายหมด", "choice1": "มันเป็นวันปฐมทัศน์", "choice2": "ภาพยนตร์ได้การตอบรับที่ไม่ดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายนํ้าหนักลด", "choice1": "คนทอดทิ้งเขา", "choice2": "คนชมเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "มือเด็กผู้หญิงถลอก", "choice1": "เขาพิมพ์จดหมาย", "choice2": "เขาปืนด้วยเชือก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนแสดงในละครสัตว์เล่นกลขณะขี่จักรยาน", "choice1": "คนดูดูด้วยความทึ่ง", "choice2": "นักกายกรรมโหนจากจั่ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันควบคุมอารมณ์ไม่อยู่", "choice1": "เพื่อนของฉันทำให้ฉันรอ", "choice2": "เพื่อนฉันถึงตรงเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประเทศที่ขัดแย้งต้องการสันติภาพ", "choice1": "พวกเขาพัฒนาอาวุธนิวเคลียร์", "choice2": "พวกเขาต่อรองสนธิสัญญา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกินยานอนหลับ", "choice1": "เขาง่วง", "choice2": "เขามีไข้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงชนโซฟา", "choice1": "ขาโซฟาหลุด", "choice2": "เข่าของเขาปวม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายบีบลูกโป่ง", "choice1": "ลูกโป่งแตก", "choice2": "ลูกโป่งลอยไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเข้าห้องเขา", "choice1": "พวกเขาเอาของออกจากกระเป๋า", "choice2": "พวกเขาไปสนามบิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันกัดลูกพีช", "choice1": "ลูกพีชชํ้า", "choice2": "นํ้าของมันกระเด็นออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "มือของฉันเหนียว", "choice1": "ฉันกินโดนัท", "choice2": "ฉันชอบกินของหวาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันผลักประตู", "choice1": "ประตูเปิด", "choice2": "ประตูล็อค", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักประท้วงควํ่าบาตรผลิตภัณฑ์", "choice1": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ถูกตรวจเพื่อคุณภาพ", "choice2": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ถูกผลิตโดยแรงงานเด็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเจาะรูในกําแพง", "choice1": "หนูคลานออกมาจากรู", "choice2": "ฝุ่นออกมาจากรู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอิจฉาพี่สาวของเขา", "choice1": "พี่สาวของเขามีความสุข", "choice2": "พี่สาวของเขาหย่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันทำไวน์หกใส่เสื้อ", "choice1": "ฉันใส่ผ้ากันเปื้อน", "choice2": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเสื้อ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แคชเชียร์เปิดลิ้นชักเก็บเงิน", "choice1": "ลูกค้าหากระเป๋าสตางค์", "choice2": "ลูกค้ายื่นเงินให้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักดนตรีบนถนนเรียกผู้ชม", "choice1": "คนให้เงินเขา", "choice2": "เขาไล่คนไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กเล็กร้องไห้กับพี่เลี้ยงของเขา", "choice1": "เขาคิดถึงพ่อแม่", "choice2": "มันเป็นเวลาอาหารว่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เรดาร์ของนักบินจับสัญญาณพายุได้", "choice1": "นักบินขับเครื่องเลี่ยงพายุ", "choice2": "นักบินพาเครื่องบินฝ่าพายุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ต้นไม้ผลัดใบ", "choice1": "ใบไม้เปลี่ยนสี", "choice2": "ใบใม้ตกมารวมกันบนพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายกำลังซน", "choice1": "เขาตัดสินในเล่นไพ่กับพี่สาว", "choice2": "เขาตัดสินใจว่าจะแกล้งพี่สาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายร้องที่จะไปห้องนํ้า", "choice1": "พ่อของเขาให้นํ้าหวานเขาดื่ม", "choice2": "พ่อของเขาหยุดรถที่สถานีบริการ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กโรยอาหารปลาลงบ่อนํ้า", "choice1": "ปลากระโดดออกจากบ่อ", "choice2": "ปลาว่ายเข้าไปหาอาหาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทัศนคติทางด้านการเมืองของผู้หญิงเปลี่ยน", "choice1": "เขาเปลี่ยนพรรคการเมือง", "choice2": "เขาได้ลงไปประท้วง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ท่อนํ้าห้องนํ้าตัน", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดก๊อกนํ้า", "choice2": "ฉันเทยาล้างท่อลงไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้โดยสารลงจากรถไฟ", "choice1": "รถไฟถึงสถานีแล้ว", "choice2": "รถไฟส่งเสียงหวูด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกดลงไปบนกาวของซองจดหมาย", "choice1": "เขาติดแสตมป์ลงบนซองจดหมาย", "choice2": "เขาปิดซองจดหมาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่อนไม่ได้ติดต่อกัน", "choice1": "เขาเคยชอบอยู่ด้วยกัน", "choice2": "เขาย้ายไปอยู่เมืองอื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานบัญชีบริหารการเงินของบริษัทผิดพลาด", "choice1": "เขาถูกไล่ออก", "choice2": "เขาลาคลอด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันดูนาฬิกา", "choice1": "ฉันได้ยินนาฬิกาเดิน", "choice2": "ฉันไปดูเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "มือของฉันเป็นตะคริว", "choice1": "ฉันเขียนบทความด้วยมือ", "choice2": "ฉันจับมือภรรยา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "น็อตถูกขันแน่น", "choice1": "ฉันเปลี่ยนน็อต", "choice2": "ฉันบิดประแจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หญิงชายคู่หนึ่งเซ็นสัญญาเช่าห้อง", "choice1": "คู่หญิงชายย้ายเข้าไปในห้อง", "choice2": "ที่ทำการจังหวัดต่อว่าเจ้าของห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนั่งข้างนอกบนระเบียง", "choice1": "เขาต้องการดูพระอาทิตย์ตก", "choice2": "เขานึกว่าเขาเห็นฟ้าผ่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายใส่เสื้อชูชีพในนํ้า", "choice1": "เขาว่ายนํ้าไม่เป็น", "choice2": "นํ้าตื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงพิมพ์คำผิดในโปรแกรม", "choice1": "เขาลบไฟล์ออก", "choice2": "เขากดปุ่มลบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงคุยอวดกับเพื่อนเขา", "choice1": "เขาได้คะแนนไม่ดี", "choice2": "เขาชนะการประกวด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สนามแฉะ", "choice1": "ฝนตกทั้งคืน", "choice2": "มีวัชพืชขึ้นเต็มไปหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนอนเพลิน", "choice1": "เธอนอนค้างคืนที่โรงแรม", "choice2": "เธอลืมตั้งนาฬิกาปลุก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายทาครีมกันแดด", "choice1": "เขานั่งในร่ม", "choice2": "เขาไปชายหาด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักวิจัยพิสูจน์ทฤษฎีสำเร็จ", "choice1": "นักวิจัยล้มทฤษฎี", "choice2": "คนยอมรับทฤษฎี", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แฟนๆ ในการแข่งขันโห่", "choice1": "การแข่งขันเข้าสู่ช่วงต่อเวลา", "choice2": "กรรมการตัดสินผิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันใส่รหัสในล็อค", "choice1": "ฉันปิดล็อค", "choice2": "ล็อคเปิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนเริ่มหนาแน่น", "choice1": "พ่อยื่นเงินให้ลูกชาย", "choice2": "พ่อจับมือลูกชายแน่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หิมะปิดทางเข้าบ้าน", "choice1": "ฉันควักเอาหิมะมาปั้นเป็นก้อน", "choice2": "ฉันโกยหิมะออกจากทางเข้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักพายเรือจ้วงฝีพาย", "choice1": "เรือคายัคแล่นเข้าฝั่ง", "choice2": "เรือคายัคปะทะคลื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเสียการควบคุมจักรยาน", "choice1": "เธอปล่อยแฮนด์จักรยาน", "choice2": "เธอพุ่งเข้าชนรั้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเปิดพัดลม", "choice1": "หยดน้ำพรมลงบนตัวฉัน", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกถึงอากาศเย็นพัดผ่านตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเซิร์ฟกลับเข้าชายหาด", "choice1": "เขาตัวเปียก", "choice2": "เขาเห็นฉลาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันดึงจุกปิดน้ำในอ่างออก", "choice1": "น้ำไหลลงท่อจนหมดอ่าง", "choice2": "น้ำกระฉอกลงพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สามีรู้สึกผิดที่นอกใจภรรยา", "choice1": "เขากล่าวหาว่าเธอคบชู้", "choice2": "เขาสารภาพกับเธอว่าเขาคบชู้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมึกบนโปสเตอร์เลอะกระดาษ", "choice1": "ฉันรอให้หมึกแห้ง", "choice2": "ฉันทำน้ำหกใส่โปสเตอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กสะดุ้งตื่นร้องจ้า", "choice1": "เขาฝันร้าย", "choice2": "เขาฉี่รดที่นอน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายยกเท้าวางบนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "พ่อเขานั่งลงที่โต๊ะ", "choice2": "พ่อเขาสั่งสอนเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่ื่อนหันมาหาฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันตะโกนเรียกชื่อเขา", "choice2": "ฉันโบกมือให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รัฐบาลกดขี่ประชาชน", "choice1": "ประชาชนปฏิวัติ", "choice2": "ประชาชนลงทะเบียนเลือกตั้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายหลงทางในป่า", "choice1": "เขาตั้งเต๊นท์", "choice2": "เขาร้องหาคนช่วย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินทางไปต่างประเทศ", "choice1": "เธออยากเรียนวาดรูป", "choice2": "เธออยากเรียนรู้วัฒนธรรมอื่นๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายอิจฉาเพื่อนร่วมงานเขา", "choice1": "เพื่ื่อนร่วมงานเขาได้เลื่อนขั้น", "choice2": "เพื่ื่อนร่วมงานเขาอยู่ทำงานดึก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายมองเห็นมนุษย์ต่างดาว", "choice1": "เขาเห็นภาพหลอน", "choice2": "เขานั่งสมาธิ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผมผุ้ชายเปลี่ยนเป็นสีบลอนด์", "choice1": "เขากัดสีผม", "choice2": "เขาใช้แชมพูสระผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ศิลปินสร้างงานใหม่", "choice1": "เธอวิจารณ์งานเก่า", "choice2": "เธอได้แรงบันดาลใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกชายย้ายออกจากบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาถูกปลดประจำการจากกองทัพ", "choice2": "เขาจะไปเรียนมหาวิทยาลัย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หนังสือร่วงลงมาจากชั้นวางหนังสือ", "choice1": "ชั้นวางมีฝุ่นจับ", "choice2": "แผ่นดินไหวสะเทือนชั้นวางหนังสือ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าบ้านฉันดับ", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดไฟ", "choice2": "ฉันรีเซ็ตเครื่องตัดไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เรานั่งรถไฟเหาะ", "choice1": "มันดูน่ากลัว", "choice2": "มันดูน่าสนุก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ข้าวโพดในถุงป๊อปคอร์นเริ่มแตก", "choice1": "ฉันเทเนยลงไปในถุง", "choice2": "ฉันเอามันไปอุ่นในไมโครเวฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ต้นไม้โค่นทับสายไฟฟ้า", "choice1": "ไฟฟ้าในชุมชนดับ", "choice2": "พยากรณ์อากาศบอกว่าจะมีลมกรรโชกแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้พูดกล่าวคำที่ไม่เหมาะสม", "choice1": "เขาทำให้ผู้ชมเบื่อ", "choice2": "เขาทำให้ผู้ชมโกรธ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเอาเข็มจิ้มตัวเอง", "choice1": "เหงื่อผุดออกมาจากบนหน้าฉัน", "choice2": "หยดเลือดซึมออกมาจากนิ้วฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ปลาลอยอยู่บนผิวน้ำตู้ปลา", "choice1": "มันหิว", "choice2": "มันตายแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสียงผู้ชายแหบ", "choice1": "เขาเป็นหวัด", "choice2": "เขาเลิกบุหรี่แล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประตูลิฟท์เปิด", "choice1": "ลิฟท์ไปยังชั้นที่เลือกไว้", "choice2": "ลิฟท์ติดอยู่ระหว่างชั้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "วัยรุ่นแอบหนีออกจากบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาโกหกกับพ่อแม่", "choice2": "พ่อแม่กักบริเวณเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "น้ำท่วมห้องน้ำ", "choice1": "น้ำในชักโครกล้น", "choice2": "เครื่องทำน้ำร้อนเสีย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกหมาอยู่ใกล้เจ้าของ", "choice1": "เจ้าของใส่ปลอกคอให้ลูกหมา", "choice2": "เจ้าของผูกเชือกลูกหมาเอาไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายสังเกตเห็นเงาสะท้อนตัวเอง", "choice1": "เขาอยู่ใต้ต้นไม้ใหญ่", "choice2": "เขายืนอยู่เหนือทะเลสาบน้ำนิ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันรับโทรศัพท์แฟนไม่ทัน", "choice1": "ฉันโทรกลับหาเขา", "choice2": "ฉันนัดเขากินมื้อเย็น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวตามหาทั่วบริเวณ", "choice1": "หมาเขาหนีออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "เครื่ืองเพชรราคาแพงหายไปจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเห็นไอจากลมหายใจตัวเอง", "choice1": "อากาศเย็นจัด", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกแน่นหน้าอก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานรวมตัวกันเป็นสหภาพ", "choice1": "เขาอยากได้สภาพที่ทำงานที่ดีขึ้น", "choice2": "เจ้านายเขาขึ้นเงินเดือนให้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันอบพายแอปเปิ้ล", "choice1": "กลิ่นเน่าคลุ้งเต็มห้องครัว", "choice2": "กลิ่นหอมฟุ้งเต็มห้องครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงพยายามเดินอย่างยากลำบาก", "choice1": "เธอสวมส้นสูง", "choice2": "เธอถอดรองเท้าออก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไอน้ำพวยพุ่งขึ้นมาจากหม้อน้ำ", "choice1": "น้ำเดือด", "choice2": "ฉันปิดฝาหม้อ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ถุงเท้าฉันซักอยู่ทุกคู่", "choice1": "ฉันใส่รองเท้าแตะ", "choice2": "ฉันใส่รองเท้าบูท", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประเด็นของนักการเมืองถูกมองว่าไร้สาระ", "choice1": "เขาเสียเสียงสนับสนุนจากผู้ลงคะแนน", "choice2": "เขาถูกกล่าวหาว่าคอรัปชั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทุกคนไม่เห็นด้วยกับการหมั้นของคู่บ่าวสาว", "choice1": "คู่บ่าวสาวท้อง", "choice2": "คู่บ่าวสาวหนีตามกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตึกถูกอุทิศให้แก่เศรษฐี", "choice1": "เศรษฐีอยากให้ทุบตึกทิ้ง", "choice2": "เศรษฐีเป็นผู้ร่วมออกเงินสร้างตึก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานขายกล่าวหาว่าเด็กหญิงขโมยของ", "choice1": "พนักงานขายเห็นเด็กหญิงหยิบสินค้าใส่กระเป๋าถือตัวเอง", "choice2": "พนักงานขายช่วยเด็กหญิงหากระเป๋าถือที่ชอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประเทศประกาศสงครามกับประเทศเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "ทหารถูกส่งไปรบ", "choice2": "ทหารกลับมาพบกับครอบครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ศาลพิพากษายืนตามการตัดสินที่เป็นที่ครหา", "choice1": "เกิดเหตุจลาจลหน้าศาลาว่าการ", "choice2": "คู่บ่าวสาวปฏิญาณตนหน้าศาลาว่าการ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงได้กลิ่นอะไรบางอย่างไหม้", "choice1": "เธอหยิบคุกกี้ออกมาจากโหล", "choice2": "เธอลืมคุกกี้ไว้ในเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฝนตกหนัก", "choice1": "พายุโหมหนักขึ้น", "choice2": "ฉันรีบวิ่งเข้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนอพยพออกจากตึก", "choice1": "ลิฟท์หยุดทำงาน", "choice2": "สัญญาณเตือนไฟไหม้ดัง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่อไม่พอใจอาการติดเหล้าของลูกชาย", "choice1": "พ่อซื้อเบียร์ให้ลูกชาย", "choice2": "พ่อไล่ลูกชายออกจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทนายเดินขึ้นบันไดไปออฟฟิศ", "choice1": "เลขานุการกลับบ้านหลังหมดวัน", "choice2": "ลิฟท์เสีย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายหงุดหงิดเพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนขัดคอเขา", "choice2": "เพื่อนเลี้ยงมื้อเที่ยงเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงยื่นเงินให้แคชเชียร์", "choice1": "แคชเชียร์ให้เงินทอนกับเด็กหญิง", "choice2": "แคชเชียร์ลืมให้ใบเสร็จกับเด็กหญิง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนั่งรถล้อเข็น", "choice1": "เธอเป็นอัมพาตจากอุบัติเหตุ", "choice2": "เธอนอนเปลหามมายังโรงพยาบาล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประชาชนแขวนธงชาติไว้หน้าบ้าน", "choice1": "ประเทศฉลองวันครอบรอบประกาศอิสรภาพ", "choice2": "ประเทศกำลังประสบภาวะเศรษฐกิจฝืดเคือง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทีมแพ้ทัวร์นาเมนต์", "choice1": "เขาทำให้แฟนๆ ผิดหวัง", "choice2": "เขาทำให้แฟนๆ มีหวัง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่อนฉันบอกว่าฉันมีเศษอาหารติดฟัน", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกอาย", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกภูมิใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายสอบตกวิชาประวัติศาสตร์", "choice1": "เขาตั้งใจเรียน", "choice2": "เขาลืมอ่านหนังสือเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตึกกลางเมืองถล่ม", "choice1": "แผ่นดินไหวในเมือง", "choice2": "อัตราการเกิดอาชญากรรมในเมืองสูงขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แฟนผู้ชายขอเลิกกับเขา", "choice1": "เขาขอร้องให้แฟนกลับมาคืนดี", "choice2": "เธอพาเขาไปทำความรู้จักกับครอบครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กสองคนเอื้อมมือไปหยิบลูกบอลพร้อมกัน", "choice1": "ลูกบอลกลิ้งหายไป", "choice2": "หัวเด็กทั้งสองชนกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แรคคูนคุ้ยถังขยะ", "choice1": "มีกระดาษลังอยู่ในถังขยะ", "choice2": "ฝาถังขยะเปิดอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายเหลาดินสอ", "choice1": "ดินสอราคาถูก", "choice2": "ดินสอทู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แคชเชียร์ปฏิเสธไม่คืนเงินค่าชุดให้ผู้หญิง", "choice1": "เธอทำใบเสร็จหาย", "choice2": "ชุดใส่ไม่พอดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แผลข่วนบนผิวฉันลึก", "choice1": "แผลสมานเร็ว", "choice2": "แผลกลายเป็นแผลเป็น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกผู้โดยสารคนอื่นบนรถไฟมองแปลกๆ", "choice1": "เขาก้มมองพื้นอยู่", "choice2": "เขาพูดกับตัวเองอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กทิ้งเศษขนมไว้บนพื้น", "choice1": "มดขึ้นเศษขนม", "choice2": "เด็กชายเอาขนมปังไปเก็บ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยื่นกระดาษทิชชู่ให้น้องสาว", "choice1": "น้องสาวผู้หญิงกอดอก", "choice2": "น้องสาวผู้หญิงเริ่มร้องไห้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายอมลูกอม", "choice1": "ริมฝีปากเขาแห้งเป็นขุย", "choice2": "เขาเป็นกังวลเรื่องกลิ่นปาก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่หนุ่มสาวออกจากบ้านเร็วเพื่อไปดูการแสดง", "choice1": "เขาคาดว่ารถจะติดรอบๆ โรงละคร", "choice2": "เขาได้เส้นทางไปโรงละคร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอยู่บ้านไม่ไปทำงาน", "choice1": "เจ้านายชมเชยเธอ", "choice2": "เพื่อนร่วมงานช่วยทำงานแทนเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเซ็นคำร้องของนักรณรงค์", "choice1": "เขาสนับสนุนการกระทำของนักรณรงค์", "choice2": "เขาประณามนักรณรงค์ว่าเป็นคนบ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักแสดงใจหายก่อนขึ้นแสดง", "choice1": "เขามีอาการตื่นเวที", "choice2": "เขาจำบทพูดตัวเองได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันหลงทาง", "choice1": "ฉันนับเงินตัวเอง", "choice2": "ฉันคลี่แผนที่ออกดู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผลไม้สุกงอมอยู่กลางแดด", "choice1": "ผลไม้ถูกกิน", "choice2": "ผลไม้เหี่ยว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันบิดกุญแจสตาร์ทรถ", "choice2": "เครื่องยนต์ร้อนเกิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายปวดหลัง", "choice1": "เขาไปพบจิตแพทย์", "choice2": "เขานอนเตียงอยู่หลายวัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจุดไฟในเตาผิง", "choice1": "ฉันไม่มีฟืน", "choice2": "ในบ้านมันหนาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงหยุดวิ่ง", "choice1": "เธอเป็นตะคริว", "choice2": "เธอมีแรงเฮือกที่สอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเคาะประตูเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "เพื่อนบ้านเชิญฉันเข้าบ้าน", "choice2": "เพื่อนบ้านออกไปจากบ้านตัวเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถอนหายใจด้วยความหงุดหงิด", "choice1": "สามีเธอเข้าใจเจตนาดีของเธอผิด", "choice2": "สามีเธอจูบลาเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครูชมเชยนักเรียน", "choice1": "นักเรียนตอบคำถามถูกต้อง", "choice2": "นักเรียนลังเลที่จะตอบคำถาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่มีไข่เหลือ", "choice1": "เธอไปที่ฟาร์ม", "choice2": "เธอไปที่ซูเปอร์มาร์เก็ต", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันพบกับเพื่อนเก่า", "choice1": "ฉันบอกความลับให้เขารู้", "choice2": "ฉันกอดเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเลี่ยงไม่ลงไปในทะเลสาบ", "choice1": "เธอจับปลาได้", "choice2": "ทะเลสาบดูปนเปื้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนมาถึงห้องด้วยตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "choice1": "ร่มเขาหัก", "choice2": "จักรยานเขาถูกขโมย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกศรบนหน้าจอคอมพิวเตอร์ขยับ", "choice1": "ผู้ใช้คลิกเมาส์", "choice2": "ผู้ใช้เลื่อนเมาส์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนขับไปทางลัด", "choice1": "เกิดอุบัติเหตุบนถนนหลัก", "choice2": "เธอขับตามรถบรรทุกข้างหน้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันตากผ้าปูที่นอนเปียกไว้ที่ราวนอกบ้าน", "choice1": "ผ้าปูที่นอนแห้ง", "choice2": "ผ้าปูที่นอนเลอะ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสวมแว่นกันแดด", "choice1": "แสงแดดสว่างจ้า", "choice2": "เธอโบกเรียกแท็กซี่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายมองดูท้องฟ้ายามกลางคืน", "choice1": "เขาอยากให้เป็นฤดูร้อน", "choice2": "เขาคิดว่ามันสวยมาก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกหมดแรง", "choice1": "ฉันเข้านอนเร็ว", "choice2": "ฉันตื่นอยู่ทั้งคืน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปที่ร้านตัดผม", "choice1": "เขาจะไว้ผมยาว", "choice2": "ผมเขาเริ่มยาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายแกล้งเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "choice1": "เด็กชายต้อนรับเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "choice2": "เด็กชายไม่ชอบเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันอยากดื่มนมแก้วหนึ่ง", "choice1": "ฉันกินคุกกี้อยู่", "choice2": "ฉันอบขนมปังอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฝนเริ่มตก", "choice1": "คนขับเปิดไฟหน้า", "choice2": "คนขับเข้าเกียร์ถอยหลัง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลานจอดรถหน้าตึกโล่ง", "choice1": "ฉันจอดรถฝั่งตรงข้าม", "choice2": "ฉันจอดรถใกล้ทางเข้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเขียนพลาดเส้นตายส่งงานร่างแรก", "choice1": "เธอสมองตัน", "choice2": "เธอแก้ร่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานวางสายใส่ฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันขอคุยกับผู้ดูแล", "choice2": "ฉันแจ้งเลขประจำตัวให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลมพัดเข้ามาทางหน้าต่าง", "choice1": "เสียงกริ่งประตูดัง", "choice2": "ผ้าม่านปลิว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าในบ้านฉันดับ", "choice1": "ฉันดึงปลั๊กโคมไฟออก", "choice2": "ฉันทำฟิวส์ขาด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักยกน้ำหนักคำราม", "choice1": "เขาเบ่งกล้ามหน้ากระจก", "choice2": "เขายกคานขึ้นเหนือหัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนพยายามคิดเลขในใจ", "choice1": "เขาหยิบเครื่องคิดเลขออกมา", "choice2": "เขาสับสน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กทารกหลับ", "choice1": "พ่อเปลี่ยนผ้าอ้อมให้เด็กทารก", "choice2": "พ่อไกวเปลให้เด็กทารกอย่างนุ่มนวล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงปาลูกโป่งน้ำใส่เด็กชาย", "choice1": "เด็กชายสมองกระทบกระเทือน", "choice2": "เด็กชายตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ช่างภาพลืมเปิดแฟลชที่กล้อง", "choice1": "รูปภาพมัว", "choice2": "ทุกคนในรูปไม่ยอมยิ้ม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันปฏิเสธคำเชิญไปงานวันเกิด", "choice1": "ฉันเหงา", "choice2": "ฉันไปนอกเมือง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันออกกำลังกาย", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกมีพลัง", "choice2": "ฉันกลัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันบีบฟองน้ำเปียก", "choice1": "มันดูดซับน้ำ", "choice2": "น้ำไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวนั่งเรือด่วนไปรีสอร์ท", "choice1": "รีสอร์ทถูกจองเต็ม", "choice2": "รีสอร์ทอยู่บนเกาะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "วัยรุ่นไปสัก", "choice1": "เธอกลัวเข็ม", "choice2": "เธออยากทำตัวขบถ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถไม่คุ้นตาจอดอยู่หน้าบ้านฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันระแวง", "choice2": "ฉันโทรเรียกตำรวจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อาชญากรเข้ามอบตัว", "choice1": "หลักฐานชี้ไปที่เขา", "choice2": "ไม่มีหลักฐานปรักปรำเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ชายอ้วนตัดสินใจลดน้ำหนัก", "choice1": "เขาลดของหวาน", "choice2": "เขาเลี่ยงคาเฟอีน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเหยียบน้ำแข็ง", "choice1": "เธอลื่น", "choice2": "เธอหนาวสั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีรอยคล้ำใต้ตา", "choice1": "เธอไม่นอนทั้งคืน", "choice2": "เธอส่งลูกชายเข้านอน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลาวาไหลออกมาจากภูเขาไฟ", "choice1": "ภูเขาไฟระเบิด", "choice2": "ภูเขาไฟสงบอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสวมรองเท้า", "choice1": "เธอรู้จักทุกคนในงานเลี้ยง", "choice2": "เธออยากไปจากงานเลี้ยง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจ่ายเงินให้พนักงานทางด่วน", "choice1": "เธอปล่อยให้ฉันผ่านตู้ทางด่วนไปได้", "choice2": "เธอกักฉันไว้ที่ตู้ทางด่วน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้บริหารล้มละลาย", "choice1": "เขาขายหุ้นบริษัท", "choice2": "เขาใช้เงินอย่างสุรุ่ยสุร่าย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปหาหมอ", "choice1": "หมอลางานอยู่", "choice2": "ผู้ชายรู้สึกไม่สบาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันออกจากห้องนอนทางหน้าต่าง", "choice1": "บ้านไฟไหม้", "choice2": "บ้านไม่มีใครอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นิ้วเด็กชายเหี่ยว", "choice1": "เขาอาบน้ำนาน", "choice2": "เขาถูสบู่จนขึ้นฟอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันบ้วนนมออกมา", "choice1": "นมมีรสเปรี้ยว", "choice2": "ฉันปากแห้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันพลาดรถเมล์", "choice1": "ฉันไปถึงทีทำงานเร็ว", "choice2": "ฉันไปถึงที่ทำงานสาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถบรรทุกชนกับรถเก๋ง", "choice1": "รถบรรทุกเร่งความเร็ว", "choice2": "รถเก๋งยับเยิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทีมโกงการแข่งขันให้ตนเองได้เปรียบ", "choice1": "เขาชนะ", "choice2": "เขายอมแพ้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ขวดน้ำอัดลมมีเสียงฟู่", "choice1": "ฉันพลิกขวด", "choice2": "ฉันบิดฝาเปิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายถูกขังอยู่นอกบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาคลานเข้าบ้านจากหน้าต่างที่เปิดอยู่", "choice2": "เขาปีนขึ้นไปบนหลังคา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กริ่งหน้าประตูดัง", "choice1": "แขกเคาะด้วยที่เคาะประตู", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงมองผ่านรูกุญแจประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายทำสูทเลอะ", "choice1": "เขาเอาไปซักแห้ง", "choice2": "เขาเอาไปแขวนในตู้เสื้อผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงบีบหลอดยาสีฟัน", "choice1": "ยาสีฟันทะลักออกมาจากหลอด", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงบ้วนยาสีฟันทิ้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "จำนวนพลเรือนที่เสียชีวิตจากสงครามพุ่งสูง", "choice1": "ผู้รักสงบเดินขบวนประท้วง", "choice2": "ผู้รักสงบจัดเดินขบวนพาเหรด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกระชากริบบิ้นออกจากผม", "choice1": "เธอผูกริบบิ้น", "choice2": "ริบบิ้นดูเหมือนเด็กเกินไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปทำศัลยกรรมหน้า", "choice1": "เขาอายุมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาดูเด็กลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกไก่โผล่ออกมาจากไข่", "choice1": "ไข่ฟักออกมา", "choice2": "ฉันตอกไข่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักโทษอดอาหาร", "choice1": "เขาตาย", "choice2": "เขาหนีไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเสียการทรงตัวขณะอยู่บนบันได", "choice1": "เขาปีนขึ้นบันได", "choice2": "เขาตกบันได", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กเรอ", "choice1": "เขาดื่มน้ำอัดลมอึกหนึ่ง", "choice2": "เขาเปิดกระป๋องน้ำอัดลม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลมหนาวพัดลอดหน้าต่างเข้ามา", "choice1": "ฉันผ่อนคลาย", "choice2": "ฉันหนาวสั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนได้รับทุนศึกษาต่อในมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมชั้นเคารพเธอ", "choice2": "เธอสอบได้คะแนนดี", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงล้อเด็กชายสนุกๆ", "choice1": "เธออยู่ข้างบ้านเขา", "choice2": "เธอแอบชอบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนเร่ร่อนขโมยอาหาร", "choice1": "เขาเป็นที่สงสาร", "choice2": "เขาไม่มีเงิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันโทรคุยกับเพื่อน", "choice1": "ฉันต้องการความเป็นส่วนตัว", "choice2": "ฉันเหงา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายยื่นมือให้ฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันจับมือกับเขา", "choice2": "ฉันตบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันก้มหลบ", "choice1": "พลุถูกจุดขึ้นฟ้า", "choice2": "จานร่อนบินมาทางฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกัดเล็บตัวเอง", "choice1": "เธอเป็นกังวล", "choice2": "เธอประหลาดใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันพลิกหน้าปฏิทิน", "choice1": "ฉันกาวันนัดบนปฏิทิน", "choice2": "เข้าเดือนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สามีพบว่าภรรยาคบชู้", "choice1": "เขาไล่ทนายออก", "choice2": "เขาฟ้องหย่า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงปล่อยลูกบอลยางตก", "choice1": "ลูกบอลกระเด้ง", "choice2": "ลูกบอลเรืองแสง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงทำข้อสอบพลาด", "choice1": "เธอเดาคำตอบ", "choice2": "เธอลบคำตอบออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้เล่นเข้าสกัดฝ่ายตรงข้าม", "choice1": "ฝ่ายตรงข้ามรับลูกได้", "choice2": "ฝ่ายตรงข้ามล้มลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเด็ดมะเขือเทศจากต้น", "choice1": "มันสุกแล้ว", "choice2": "ฉันรดน้ำให้มัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายต้องการทำตัวโรแมนติก", "choice1": "เขานัดกินมื้อเที่ยงกับแฟนเก่า", "choice2": "เขาซื้อช็อคโกแลตให้แฟน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ปรอทในเทอร์โมมิเตอร์สูงขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันทำเทอร์โมมิเตอร์ตก", "choice2": "อากาศอุ่นขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พายุทอร์นาโดพัดผ่านเมือง", "choice1": "หลังคาศาลาว่าการถูกพัดหายไป", "choice2": "ทางหลวงกลายเป็นน้ำแข็งจนอันตราย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนเรียนพิเศษ", "choice1": "คะแนนเขาดีขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาโกงข้อสอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกสบายตัว", "choice1": "ฉันคุกเข่าลงกับพื้น", "choice2": "ฉันห่อตัวในผ้าห่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันขัดหิน", "choice1": "หินลื่นขึ้น", "choice2": "หินกลายเป็นมันเงา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเติมน้ำตาลลงในกาแฟ", "choice1": "กาแฟกลิ่นแรง", "choice2": "กาแฟมีรสหวาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายพลิกดูเอกสาร", "choice1": "เขาถูกกระดาษบาด", "choice2": "เขาฉีกกระดาษทิ้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันใช้ค้อนตอกตะปู", "choice1": "ตะปูจมลงไปในเนื้อไม้", "choice2": "ตะปูขึ้นสนิม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ปลากินเบ็ด", "choice1": "ชาวประมงลากปลาเข้ามา", "choice2": "ชาวประมงเหวี่ยงเบ็ดใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "วัยรุ่นอายที่ต้องไปโรงเรียน", "choice1": "เธอมีสิว", "choice2": "เธอถอดเหล็กดัดแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หน้าฉันมีประกายขึ้นมา", "choice1": "ฉันได้ข่าวดี", "choice2": "ฉันหมดความอดทน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเช็ดมือกับผ้าขนหนู", "choice1": "ผ้าขนหนูเปียกอยู่", "choice2": "มือฉันเปียกอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเสียการทรงตัวขณะอยู่บนเก้าอี้", "choice1": "เก้าอี้โยกเยกอยู่ใต้ตัวเขา", "choice2": "เขาทำสีหกบนเก้าอี้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่อนร่วมทีมกล่าวโทษกันเอง", "choice1": "เขาแพ้การแข่ง", "choice2": "โค้ชสั่งยกเลิกการซ้อม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันขอให้เขายกโทษให้", "choice1": "ฉันเสียใจกับสิ่งที่ทำพลาดไป", "choice2": "ฉันบรรลุเป้าหมายตัวเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเบื่อคู่นัด", "choice1": "เขาถามถึงเรื่องของเธอ", "choice2": "เขาพูดเรื่องตัวเองไม่หยุด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงยิ้ม", "choice1": "แก้มเธอแดงขึ้น", "choice2": "ลักยิ้มเธอปรากฏขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เรือข้าศึกระเบิด", "choice1": "มันแล่นผ่านกับระเบิด", "choice2": "มันแล่นเข้าเทียบท่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกของแหลมตำเท้า", "choice1": "เขาเดินย่ำแอ่งน้ำ", "choice2": "เขาเดินย่ำกระจกแตก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักสืบตรวจหาลายนิ้วมือในที่เกิดเหตุ", "choice1": "เขาค้นพบตัวฆาตกร", "choice2": "เขาพบอาวุธก่อเหตุในที่เกิดเหตุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "มีจราจรหนาแน่นบนทางหลวง", "choice1": "ฉันไปทางลัด", "choice2": "ฉันโบกรถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เศรษฐกิจประเทศถดถอย", "choice1": "คนจำนวนมากล้มป่วย", "choice2": "คนจำนวนมากตกงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "การ์ดข้ามถนนเป่านกหวีดใส่เด็กๆ", "choice1": "เด็กๆ กำลังจะข้ามถนนขณะมีรถ", "choice2": "เธอจำเด็กคนหนึ่งจากแถวบ้านได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันกลอกตาใส่เพื่อน", "choice1": "เขาบอกความจริงกับฉัน", "choice2": "เขาพูดจาเหน็บแนม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถน้ำมันหมด", "choice1": "คนขับติดอยู่กลางถนน", "choice2": "คนขับรับนักโบกรถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงกำลังจะคลอด", "choice1": "เด็กคลอด", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงแพ้ท้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมวกผู้ชายถูกลมพัดปลิว", "choice1": "เขาถอดหมวกออก", "choice2": "ข้างนอกลมแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงไปงานวันเกิดเพื่อน", "choice1": "เธอได้รับคำเชิญ", "choice2": "เธอซื้อของขวัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายตัวร้อน", "choice1": "แม่เขาวัดไข้", "choice2": "แม่เขาพาไปเดินในสวน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายฉีดน้ำหอมให้ตัวเอง", "choice1": "เขาอยากให้คู่นัดประทับใจ", "choice2": "เขาใส่เจลใส่ผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าในบ้านดับ", "choice1": "ฉันหาไฟฉาย", "choice2": "ฉันหยิบพลั่ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวย้ายไปบ้านที่ใหญ่ขึ้น", "choice1": "ลูกชายเรียนจบมัธยม", "choice2": "แม่คลอดลูกแฝด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักวิ่งมาราธอนวิ่งช้าๆ", "choice1": "เธอต้องการเก็บแรงไว้", "choice2": "เธอมองเห็นเส้นชัย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายเตะตู้ขายของอัตโนมัติ", "choice1": "ตู้ขายของทอนเหรียญ", "choice2": "ถุงมันฝรั่งทอดติดอยู่ในเครื่อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมาเพื่อนฉันตาย", "choice1": "ฉันกลอกตาใส่เขา", "choice2": "ฉันกอดเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "บัตรเครดิตนักธุรกิจรูดไม่ผ่าน", "choice1": "เขาเขียนใบแจ้งหนี้", "choice2": "เขาจ่ายด้วยเงินสด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผุ้ชายสบถ", "choice1": "เขาตัดเล็บ", "choice2": "เขานิ้วเท้าซ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายภูมิใจกับน้องชาย", "choice1": "น้องชายเถียงกับพ่อแม่", "choice2": "น้องชายสอบติดคณะนิติศาสตร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงอยากรู้เกี่ยวกับระบบสุริยจักรวาล", "choice1": "เธอไปห้องสมุด", "choice2": "เธอมองดูดาว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "โปสเตอร์ติดกำแพง", "choice1": "ฉันวางตำแหน่งโปสเตอร์ไว้บนประตู", "choice2": "ฉันแปะเทปด้านหลังโปสเตอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกค้าอนุมัติแผนสร้างตึกของสถาปนิก", "choice1": "สถาปนิกสร้างตึก", "choice2": "สถาปนิกปรับแผน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายทำช้อนตกพื้น", "choice1": "มือเขาสั่น", "choice2": "เขาเลียช้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้จัดการทั่วไปของบริษัทลาออก", "choice1": "บอร์ดบริหารสั่งยุบบริษัท", "choice2": "บอร์ดบริหารหาตัวแทนได้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเข้าเรียนสาย", "choice1": "ฉันนั่งที่แถวหลัง", "choice2": "ฉันเดินไปที่แท่นบรรยาย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูุกปล่อยตัวจากเรือนจำ", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเขาจ่ายค่าประกัน", "choice2": "เขาทำร้ายเพื่อนนักโทษ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวสูญเสียสมบัติทั้งหมด", "choice1": "เขาขายบ้าน", "choice2": "บ้านเขาไฟไหม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันกระทืบกระป๋องอะลูมิเนียม", "choice1": "กระป่องถูกนำไปรีไซเคิล", "choice2": "กระป๋องถูกเหยียบแบน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเข้าร่วมทีมโต้วาที", "choice1": "เธอฝึกใช้คอมพิวเตอร์", "choice2": "เธอฝึกทักษะการสื่อสาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อารมณ์ฉันดีขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันฟังเพลง", "choice2": "ฉันล้างจาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "องค์กรการกุศลตั้งเป้าจะเรี่ยไรเงิน", "choice1": "เขาทำอาหารแจกคนเร่ร่อน", "choice2": "เขาจัดประมูลของ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถไฟเหาะพุ่งดิ่งลงทางลาดชัน", "choice1": "คนนั่งหัวเราะคิกคัก", "choice2": "คนนั่งกรีดร้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันโกรธจัด", "choice1": "ฉันตรวจตู้จดหมายก่อนออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ฉันกระแทกประตูปิดก่อนออกจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายอยากดูพระอาทิตย์ขึ้น", "choice1": "เขาเดินทางขึ้นเหนือ", "choice2": "เขาตื่นแต่เช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันพับกระดาษ", "choice1": "ฉันรีไซเคิลกระดาษ", "choice2": "กระดาษมีรอยยับ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประเทศประสบภัยพิบัติ", "choice1": "ผู้นำประเทศอื่นรวมตัวเป็นพันธมิตรกัน", "choice2": "ผู้นำประเทศอื่นส่งความช่วยเหลือ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสื้อของเด็กชายเปียกโชก", "choice1": "เขาปีนออกมาจากสระน้ำ", "choice2": "เขาตกลงไปในสระน้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนรีบอ่านหนังสือให้จบ", "choice1": "ครบกำหนดส่งคืนห้องสมุด", "choice2": "เขายืมหนังสือมาจากเพื่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อาชญากรถูกประหาร", "choice1": "เขาถูกจับขัง", "choice2": "เขาถูกพิพากษาผิดฐานฆาตกรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แสงแดดส่องเข้ามาในห้อง", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดม่าน", "choice2": "ฉันปลดกลอนประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันกระชากผมจากตัวปลอม", "choice1": "วิกผมเธอหลุดออก", "choice2": "เธอหัวล้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "บรรณาธิการตรวจแก้คำในต้นฉบับ", "choice1": "เขาพบว่าต้นฉบับน่าอ่านมาก", "choice2": "เขาคิดว่าประโยคนั้นกำกวม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงปิดบัญชีบัตรเครดิต", "choice1": "เธอพบว่าบัตรหายไป", "choice2": "เธอพบว่าบัตรหมดอายุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกับผู้หญิงรักกัน", "choice1": "เขาเรียนมหาวิทยาลัยด้วยกัน", "choice2": "เขาแต่งงานกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสืยงดนตรีเบาเกินจนไม่ได้ยิน", "choice1": "ฉันเร่งเสียง", "choice2": "ฉันแต่งเพลงเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผมเด็กชายชี้ฟู", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงขยี้ผมเขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงดึงผมเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แมลงถูกบี้แบน", "choice1": "ฉันฉีดยากันแมลง", "choice2": "ฉันเหยียบแมลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันลืมตา", "choice1": "ฉันตื่นขึ้น", "choice2": "ฉันผ่อนคลายลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสียงเพลงจากเพื่อนบ้านดังลั่น", "choice1": "ฉันขอให้เขาลดเสียงลง", "choice2": "ฉันขอยืมซีดีจากเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวของผู้ชายอยู่อย่างยากจน", "choice1": "เขาใช้จ่ายอย่างประหยัด", "choice2": "เขามีรายได้ต่ำกว่าค่าเฉลี่ย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักศึกษาจบการศึกษาจากมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "เขาหางานทำ", "choice2": "เขาหางานอดิเรกทำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ศิลปินผสมสีเหลืองกับสีน้ำเงิน", "choice1": "สีกระเซ็นไปทั่ว", "choice2": "สีกลายเป็นสีเขียว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเรื่องคุย", "choice1": "ฉันหมดเรื่องคุย", "choice2": "เรื่องที่คุยเริ่มตึงเครียด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "น้องชายฉันออกจากโรงพยาบาล", "choice1": "ฉันต้อนรับเขากลับบ้าน", "choice2": "ฉันไม่สนใจเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผ้าม่านเวทีลอยขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉากเปิดละครเริ่มขึ้น", "choice2": "นักแสดงในละครเดินออกจากเวที", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตัวประกันยอมตามข้อเรียกร้องของโจรลักพาตัว", "choice1": "โจรลักพาตัวขู่ทำร้ายตัวประกัน", "choice2": "โจรลักพาตัวไม่ทำอะไรตัวประกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสียงตึงดังสนั่นเวที", "choice1": "นักดนตรีเคาะเท้า", "choice2": "นักดนตรีตีกลอง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่อแม่วิ่งไปยังห้องนอนลูก", "choice1": "ลูกตื่นจากฝันร้ายร้องลั่น", "choice2": "ลูกกลัวการดูใต้เตียง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสื่อสารด้วยภาษามือ", "choice1": "เธอคลอดก่อนกำหนด", "choice2": "เธอหูหนวกตั้งแต่เกิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เกิดภาวะน้ำแล้งขึ้นในภูมิภาค", "choice1": "น้ำปนเปื้อนสารพิษ", "choice2": "พืชผลล้มตาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แมววิ่งไล่นก", "choice1": "นกบินหนีไหป", "choice2": "นกจับหนอนได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงย้ายโรงเรียน", "choice1": "โรงเรียนปิดหน้าร้อน", "choice2": "เธอย้ายเมือง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เจ้าของโรงงานปฏิเสธไม่ยอมขึ้นเงินเดือนให้พนักงาน", "choice1": "เจ้าของแต่งตั้งผู้จัดการคนใหม่", "choice2": "พนักงานนัดหยุดงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้นำต่อต้านกลุ่มหัวรุนแรงในประเทศ", "choice1": "กลุ่มหัวรุนแรงมีอิทธิพลต่อเขา", "choice2": "กลุ่มหัวรุนแรงลอบสังหารเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเดินเท้าเปล่าบนชายหาด", "choice1": "ทรายติดเท้าฉัน", "choice2": "คลื่นซัดกระทบฝั่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันตื่นมากลางดึกหนาวสั่น", "choice1": "ฉันใส่กางเกงวอร์มทับ", "choice2": "ฉันดื่มน้ำหนึ่งแก้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แม่ปลอบให้ลูกหยุดร้อง", "choice1": "ลูกยิ้ม", "choice2": "ลูกร้องไห้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กางเกงยีนส์ฉันขาดเป็นรู", "choice1": "ฉันรูดซิปกางเกงยีนส์", "choice2": "ฉันเดินสะดุดทางเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายใส่เหล็กดัดฟัน", "choice1": "เขาฟันผุ", "choice2": "ฟันเขาตรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เมื่อวานนี้ฉันออกกำลังในยิม", "choice1": "วันนี้ฉันตื่นมาปวดกล้ามเนื้อ", "choice2": "วันนี้ฉันตื่นมาเจ็บคอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกระซิบโต้ตอบกันบนโต๊ะอาหาร", "choice1": "เด็กคนอื่นนั่งลงที่โต๊ะอาหาร", "choice2": "เด็กคนอื่นในโต๊ะอาหารรู้สึกแปลกแยก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหล่นลงบนแทรมโปลีน", "choice1": "เธอกระเด้งกลับขึ้นไปในอากาศ", "choice2": "เธอตัดสินใจลองตีลังกา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันสอดจดหมายลงในตู้ไปรษณีย์", "choice1": "บุรุษไปรษณีย์นำส่งจดหมาย", "choice2": "ไปรษณีย์ส่งจดหมายด่วน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักพนันมีความมั่นใจ", "choice1": "เขาเดิมพันเงินทั้งหมด", "choice2": "เขาถังแตกกลับบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟป่าลุกลาม", "choice1": "ลมกรรโชกแรงขึ้น", "choice2": "ผู้วางเพลิงถูกจับกุม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายเข่าถลอก", "choice1": "แม่เขาส่งเขาขึ้นห้อง", "choice2": "แม่เขาพันแผล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายรอดจากโรคร้าย", "choice1": "เขาเซ็นพินัยกรรม", "choice2": "เขาได้รับการปลูกถ่ายอวัยวะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจิบกาแฟร้อนจัด", "choice1": "ฉันกัดลิ้น", "choice2": "ฉันทำกาแฟลวกลิ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "บรรณาธิการไล่นักเขียนออก", "choice1": "นักเขียนเลี่ยงการเขียนบทความลำเอียง", "choice2": "นักเขียนส่งงานไม่ทันเส้นตายสำคัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกหมดแรง", "choice1": "ฉันนอนหลับทั้งวัน", "choice2": "ฉันอ่านหนังสือเรียนทั้งวัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แพทย์วินิจฉัยโรคผู้ป่วย", "choice1": "เธอสังเกตอาการผู้ป่วย", "choice2": "เธอสั่งยาให้ผู้ป่วย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเกาผิวตัวเอง", "choice1": "มันชุ่มเหงื่อ", "choice2": "มันคัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเข้ารับการรักษาฉุกเฉิน", "choice1": "เขาอารมณ์เสีย", "choice2": "เขาหัวใจวาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กล้ามเนื้อผู้ชายปูดออกมา", "choice1": "เขาเบ่งกล้ามแขน", "choice2": "เขาถูแขน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเลิกคิ้ว", "choice1": "เขาประหลาดใจ", "choice2": "เขาท้อแท้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันยกโทษให้ความผิดพลาดของเพื่อนร่วมงาน", "choice1": "ฉันเชื่อว่าเขาเจตนาดี", "choice2": "ฉันเชื่อว่าเขารู้ดีกว่านั้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเลิกสูบบุหรี่", "choice1": "เขาเริ่มออกกำลังกายมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเริ่มตื่นเช้าขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงชกคนลวนลามเข้าที่จมูก", "choice1": "คนลวนลามสลบเหมือด", "choice2": "คนลวนลามเริ่มเลือดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ลูกดอกพลาดเป้า", "choice1": "ผู้ชายเล็งพลาด", "choice2": "ผู้ชายกำลังจะแพ้เกมปาเป้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เจ้าของบ้านเรียกหน่วยกำจัดหนูมาที่บ้าน", "choice1": "เขาพบหนูอยู่ใต้ถุนบ้าน", "choice2": "เขาเลี้ยงรังมดไว้ในห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเสนอกับแขกว่าควรออกไปกินข้าวข้างนอกกัน", "choice1": "ฉันเหนื่อยเกินจะทำอาหาร", "choice2": "แขกอยู่เกินเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงจับได้ว่าพี่ชายแอบอ่านไดอารี่", "choice1": "เธอเริ่มซ่อนไดอารี่", "choice2": "เธอซื้อไดอารี่ใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่มีเงินจ่ายค่าเช่าบ้าน", "choice1": "เธอทำงานล่วงเวลา", "choice2": "เธอลาออกจากงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายรีบหดมือกลับ", "choice1": "เขาแตะเตาไฟร้อนๆ", "choice2": "เขาลูบหัวลูกหมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "บริษัทอยากวัดความพึงพอใจของลูกค้า", "choice1": "เขาเสนอส่วนลดให้ลูกค้าใหม่", "choice2": "เขาแจกจ่ายแบบสอบถามให้ลูกค้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พื้นไม้มีรอยขีดข่วน", "choice1": "เด็กชายปาเบาะลงจากโซฟา", "choice2": "เด็กชายลากเก้าอี้ไปตามพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันยกมือป้องหน้า", "choice1": "คู่ต่อสู้ท้าทายฉัน", "choice2": "คู่ต่อสู้ง้างหมัด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รูปปั้นชื่อดังถูกไฟไหม้", "choice1": "มันถูกฟ้าผ่าใส่", "choice2": "ผู้คนพากันมาชื่นชมบูชา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันวางผลไม้ทิ้งไว้บนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "ผลไม้แตกเมล็ด", "choice2": "แมลงวันตอมผลไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเต้นบัลเล่ต์ทำเอ็นฉีก", "choice1": "เธอเขย่งเท้า", "choice2": "เธอข้อเท้าแพลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เชือกรองเท้าของเด็กคลายปมออก", "choice1": "เขาหัดผูกเชือกรองเท้า", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งเล่นในสนามเด็กเล่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันอ่านหนังสือจนติด", "choice1": "ฉันนำหนังสือไปคืน", "choice2": "ฉันหลงเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายมีความเชื่อเหมือนพ่อแม่เขา", "choice1": "พ่อแม่เขามีอิทธิพลต่อเขา", "choice2": "พ่อแม่เขาตัดเขาออกจากกองมรดก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถค่อยๆ ชะลอลงจนหยุด", "choice1": "รถน้ำมันหมด", "choice2": "คนขับหลับใน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกินไอศกรีมกลางแดด", "choice1": "ไอศกรีมเสียรส", "choice2": "ไอศกรีมไหลลงมาตามโคน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันแขวนงานศิลปะในห้อง", "choice1": "พรมดูสกปรก", "choice2": "กำแพงดูโล่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเลิกงานเร็ว", "choice1": "ฉันปวดหัว", "choice2": "เจ้านายฉันนัดประชุม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกหมาทำพรมเลอะเทอะ", "choice1": "เจ้าของดุลูกหมา", "choice2": "เจ้าของให้ขนมลูกหมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันขอโทษเพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนยกโทษให้ฉัน", "choice2": "เพื่อนโกรธ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายโดดเด่นออกมาจากฝูงคน", "choice1": "เขาสะพายเป้", "choice2": "เขาใส่เสื้อกั๊กสีสะท้อนแสง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พยานโกหกทั้งที่สาบานตนไว้", "choice1": "เขาให้การจนจบ", "choice2": "เขาถูกตั้งข้อหาให้การเท็จในศาล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงย้อมผม", "choice1": "เธออยากได้ลุคใหม่", "choice2": "เธออยากกลมกลืนกับคนอื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้อพยพถูกจับได้ว่าอาศัยในประเทศโดยผิดกฎหมาย", "choice1": "เขาได้งาน", "choice2": "เขาถููกส่งตัวกลับประเทศ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักพูดเล่าเรื่องตลก", "choice1": "ผู้ชมหัวเราะ", "choice2": "ผู้ชมยืนขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันมองดวงอาทิตย์", "choice1": "แสงอาทิตย์ทำฉันตาพร่า", "choice2": "แสงอาทิตย์ทำฉันผิวคล้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเบื่อ", "choice1": "ฉันสำลัก", "choice2": "ฉันหาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สเต็กหั่นยาก", "choice1": "มีดทื่อ", "choice2": "สเต็กยังดิบอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงประกาศว่าล้มละลาย", "choice1": "เธอได้ค่าชดเชยจากการหย่า", "choice2": "เธอมีหนี้สินก้อนใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟในอพาร์ตเมนต์ของเพื่อนฉันเปิดอยู่", "choice1": "ฉันสงสัยว่าเขาออกไปข้างนอกหรือเปล่า", "choice2": "ฉันตัดสินใจจะไปหาเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันถือดอกไม้ไว้ใต้จมูก", "choice1": "กลีบดอกไม้หลุดร่วง", "choice2": "ฉันได้กลิ่นดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงรู้สึกโหยหาอดีต", "choice1": "เธอบังเอิญพบกับเพื่อนวัยเด็ก", "choice2": "เธอตะโกนว่าลูกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักศึกษาขอผัดผ่อนกำหนดส่งรายงาน", "choice1": "เขาส่งรายงานก่อนกำหนด", "choice2": "เขาส่งรายงานไม่ครบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถฉันเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันไปเที่ยวห้าง", "choice2": "ฉันโทรเรียกช่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันโยนโน้ตทิ้ง", "choice1": "มันไม่มีชื่อคนเขียน", "choice2": "มันอ่านไม่ออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นกกระพือปีก", "choice1": "นกวางไข่", "choice2": "นกตัวลอยขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจอดรถบนถนน", "choice1": "โรงรถเปิดอยู่", "choice2": "โรงรถที่จอดเต็ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อาชญากรเล็งปืนใส่เหยื่อ", "choice1": "อาชญากรวางปืนลง", "choice2": "เหยื่อยกมือขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเฝ้ารอสุดสัปดาห์ที่จะมาถึง", "choice1": "ฉันวางแผนจะไปงานศพลุง", "choice2": "ฉันวางแผนจะไปงานแต่งงานเพื่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันหลงเวลา", "choice1": "ฉันใจลอย", "choice2": "ฉันคลื่นไส้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เอกสารพิมพ์ออกมาอ่านไม่รู้เรื่อง", "choice1": "ปรินเตอร์หมึกหมด", "choice2": "ปรินเตอร์กระดาษหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ในสนามเปิดเพลงชาติ", "choice1": "แฟนๆ หันหาธงชาติ", "choice2": "แฟนๆ แห่กันลงไปในสนาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "น้ำจิ้มรสชาติจืด", "choice1": "ฉันเอาไปเสิร์ฟ", "choice2": "ฉันใส่เกลือเพิ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเอากระดาษซับสิ่งที่หก", "choice1": "กระดาษซับของเหลว", "choice2": "สิ่งที่หกเหลือเป็นคราบเหนียว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถูกขัดจังหวะขณะกำลังอ่านหนังสือ", "choice1": "เธอใส่ที่คั่นหนังสือ", "choice2": "เธอเริ่มอ่านหนังสือซ้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เครื่องบินเจอสภาพอากาศแปรปรวน", "choice1": "ผู้ชายรัดเข็มขัดนิรภัยแน่น", "choice2": "ผู้ชายมองออกไปนอกหน้าต่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายสะดุ้ง", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงไม่สนใจเขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงจิ้มเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมอติดขาเทียมให้คนไข้", "choice1": "เขาตัดขาเธอ", "choice2": "เขาวัดชีพจรเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายหยิกข้อศอกเด็กหญิง", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงยักไหล่ใส่เขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงดึงแขนออกห่างจากเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันขอคำแนะนำจากเพื่อน", "choice1": "ฉันให้ความสำคัญกับความเห็นเขา", "choice2": "ฉันรู้ว่าฉันคิดถูก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายย่ำโคลน", "choice1": "โคลนติดรองเท้าเขา", "choice2": "โคลนกระเด็นใส่หน้าเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หิมะตกในเมืองหนาหลายนิ้ว", "choice1": "โรงเรียนปิด", "choice2": "ผู้คนหลบภัยใต้ดิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พนักงานอยู่หมดกะ", "choice1": "หมดวันเขากลับบ้าน", "choice2": "เขาขู่จะลาออกจากงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ต้นไม้ทำบ้านเสียหาย", "choice1": "ต้นไม้โค่นทับหลังคา", "choice2": "ต้นไม้ให้ร่มเงาบริเวณหลังบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไม้ฟืนขาดครึ่ง", "choice1": "ฉันเรียงไม้ฟืนในเตาผิง", "choice2": "ฉันเหวี่ยงขวานจามไม้ฟืน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวแสดงความยินดีกับคู่รัก", "choice1": "คู่รักประกาศว่าเขาจะแยกทางกัน", "choice2": "คู่รักประกาศว่าเขากำลังจะมีลูก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงส่งของขวัญวาเลนไทน์ให้เด็กชาย", "choice1": "เธอชอบเขา", "choice2": "เธอจูบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันพยักหน้าให้กับคำพูดของเพื่อนฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันสับสน", "choice2": "ฉันเห็นด้วยกับเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่อนๆ โยนเหรียญเสี่ยงทาย", "choice1": "เขาอยากหาทางประนีประนอมกัน", "choice2": "เขาอยากให้ตัดสินกันอย่างยุติธรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นาฬิกาจับเวลาในห้องครัวดัง", "choice1": "ผู้ชายจัดของสดเข้าตู้เย็น", "choice2": "ผู้ชายเอาพิซซ่าออกมาจากเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงตั้งเป้าด้วยความทะเยอทะยาน", "choice1": "เธอขี้เกียจ", "choice2": "เธอทำงานหนัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนรวยเสียชีวิตด้วยโรคชรา", "choice1": "ลูกชายของเขามีคดีความ", "choice2": "ลูกชายของเขาได้รับเงินมรดก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงย่ำไฟ", "choice1": "ไฟมอดดับ", "choice2": "ควันลอยขึ้นจากไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถของผู้หญิงอยู่ในร้าน", "choice1": "ใบขับขี่ของเธอถูกยึด", "choice2": "เธอประสบอุบัติเหตุ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันหลับนาฬิกาปลุกไม่ตื่น", "choice1": "ฉันทำอาหารเช้า", "choice2": "ฉันพลาดอาหารเช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "บุคคลสาธารณะก้าวออกมาจากรถลิมูซีน", "choice1": "แสงแฟลชกล้องหันไปทางเขา", "choice2": "ครอบครัวของเขาเข้าร่วมงานแถลงข่าว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงแช่น้ำในอ่างอยู่นาน", "choice1": "น้ำในอ่างเย็นลง", "choice2": "น้ำในอ่างไหลออกจากอ่างจนหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยอยากพบกับนักศึกษาคนอื่นในวิทยาเขต", "choice1": "เขาเข้าร่วมสโมสรนักศึกษา", "choice2": "เขาเลือกวิชาเอกวิศวกรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันยกเบาะโซฟาขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันหาเศษเหรียญ", "choice2": "ฉันจัดห้องรับแขกใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ต่อบินเข้าหาเด็กชาย", "choice1": "เด็กชายวิ่งหนี", "choice2": "เด็กชายเด็ดดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีความผิดลหุโทษ", "choice1": "เธอถูกพิพากษาให้ทำงานชุมชน", "choice2": "เธอถูกตัดสินประหารชีวิต", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันคนน้ำตาลลงในชาร้อน", "choice1": "ชามีไอน้ำลอยขึ้นมา", "choice2": "น้ำตาลละลาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทหารผ่านศึกเดินกะเผลก", "choice1": "เขาถูกเกณฑ์ไปร่วมสงคราม", "choice2": "เขาได้รับบาดเจ็บในการรบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อาชญากรวิ่งหนีตำรวจ", "choice1": "ตำรวจดูแลเหยื่อ", "choice2": "ตำรวจวิ่งไล่อาชญากร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อปเปิดไม่ติด", "choice1": "ฉันทำคอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อปตก", "choice2": "ฉันเสียบปลั๊กชาร์จคอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่เหลือที่ว่างในตู้เสื้อผ้าเธอ", "choice1": "เธอซื้อเสื้อผ้าเป็นจำนวนมาก", "choice2": "เธอพับเสื้อผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายใจสลาย", "choice1": "ภรรยาเขาคลอดลูก", "choice2": "ภรรยาเขาทิ้งเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายได้ใบปริญญา", "choice1": "เขามีคุณสมบัติครบสำหรับสมัครงานที่เขาอยากได้", "choice2": "ข้อเสนอรับเข้าทำงานของเขาถูกยกเลิก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เสียงผู้ชายดังกังวานทั่วห้อง", "choice1": "เขากล่าวทักทายผู้ชม", "choice2": "เขาพูดใส่ไมโครโฟน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันโยนเหรียญลงไปในบ่อน้ำพุ", "choice1": "เหรียญจมลงก้นบ่อ", "choice2": "เหรียญหักครึ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้เล่นตีลูกบอลไปยังหลุม", "choice1": "ลูกบอลลงหลุม", "choice2": "ลูกบอลไหลกลับไปยังผู้เล่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันสูดเอาฝุ่นห้องใต้หลังคาเข้าไป", "choice1": "ฉันสะอึก", "choice2": "ฉันจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่นักงานคิดเงินเรียกหน่วยรักษาความปลอดภัย", "choice1": "ลูกค้าใช้ธนบัตรปลอม", "choice2": "ลูกค้าเปิดไฟหน้ารถทิ้งไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเอาขยะออกไปทิ้ง", "choice1": "ขยะทำให้ห้องครัวมีกลิ่นเหม็น", "choice2": "ฉันเผลอโยนรายการซื้อของทิ้งไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวไปเที่ยวสวนสัตว์", "choice1": "เด็กๆ ชื่นชมสัตว์ต่างๆ", "choice2": "เด็กๆ วิ่งไล่สัตว์ต่างๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายหายใจเสียงดัง", "choice1": "เขาไตวาย", "choice2": "ปอดเขามีน้ำคั่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันมีตั๋วคอนเสิร์ตเหลือหนึ่งใบ", "choice1": "ฉันถามทางไปสถานที่จัดคอนเสิร์ตจากเพื่อน", "choice2": "ฉันถามเพื่อนว่าเขาสนใจจะไปหรือไม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เครื่องปรับอากาศในบ้านเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันเอาผ้าห่มออกมา", "choice2": "ฉันเปิดหน้าต่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายปวดหลัง", "choice1": "เป้ของเขาเปิดอยู่", "choice2": "เป้ของเขาหนัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันซื้อของขวัญให้แม่", "choice1": "ฉันอบเค้กให้แม่", "choice2": "มันเป็นวันเกิดแม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ดอกแดฟโฟดิลในสวนถูกทำลายเสียหาย", "choice1": "ผึ้่งต่อยคนสวน", "choice2": "กระรอกขุดหน่อดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจุดไม้ขีด", "choice1": "ไฟมอดดับ", "choice2": "ไม้ขีดติดไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่กรณีไกล่เกลี่ยสำเร็จ", "choice1": "พวกเขาไม่อยากสู้คดีในศาล", "choice2": "พวกเขาอยากฟื้นฟูความสัมพันธ์ส่วนตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กๆ ถูกส่งไปสถานเลี้ยงเด็กกำพร้า", "choice1": "พ่อแม่ของเด็กเสียชีวิต", "choice2": "พ่อแม่ของเด็กตามใจเด็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "อุกกาบาตตกในทะเล", "choice1": "เกิดสึนามิ", "choice2": "ลูกเห็บเริ่มตก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักปีนเขาพบงูพิษ", "choice1": "เธอขาดน้ำ", "choice2": "เธอเสียขวัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เตาอบร้อน", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดเตาอบ", "choice2": "ฉันเอาจานเข้าเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันบีบซีกมะนาว", "choice1": "มะนาวขึ้นรา", "choice2": "น้ำมะนาวไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประเทศค้นพบดินแดนใหม่", "choice1": "ประเทศทิ้งดินแดนใหม่", "choice2": "ประเทศยึดครองดินแดนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แก้วกลิ้งตกจากโต๊ะ", "choice1": "แก้วแตกกระจายทั่วพื้น", "choice2": "แก้วตกลงบนกองผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "โต๊ะโยก", "choice1": "พื้นไม่สม่ำเสมอ", "choice2": "พื้นลื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่อจับได้ว่าลูกชายเขาโกหก", "choice1": "ลูกชายสารภาพ", "choice2": "พ่อไว้ใจลูกชาย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ศีรษะผู้ชายเต้นตุบๆ ด้วยความเจ็บปวด", "choice1": "เขากินยาแก้ไอ", "choice2": "เขากินยาแอสไพริน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถไฟชะลอลง", "choice1": "รถไฟกำลังเข้าสู่สถานี", "choice2": "รถไฟวิ่งช้ากว่ากำหนด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเข้ารับการบำบัด", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเขามักมีอาการป่วยทางจิต", "choice2": "เขาได้รับวินิจฉันว่าเป็นโรคซึมเศร้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยกมือกุมคอ", "choice1": "เธอกลืนอาหาร", "choice2": "เธอสำลักอาหาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเจ็บคอ", "choice1": "เธอเสียงแหบ", "choice2": "เธอพูดด้วยสำเนียงแปลก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมาจ้องมองสเต็กบนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "น้ำลายมันไหล", "choice2": "มันนอนลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ธุรกิจของผู้หญิงประสบความสำเร็จ", "choice1": "เธอไล่พนักงานออก", "choice2": "เธอมีฐานะร่ำรวยขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กนักเรียนเดินออกจากห้อง", "choice1": "เสียงออดดัง", "choice2": "ครูสั่งการบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอ้างว่าเธอเห็นผี", "choice1": "คนรู้จักเธอตั้งข้อสงสัย", "choice2": "คนรู้จักเธอเข้าอกเข้าใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายสูญเสียการได้ยิน", "choice1": "เขาเกือบจมน้ำในมหาสมุทร", "choice2": "เขาเกือบตายจากแรงระเบิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กปล่อยมือจากเชือกลูกโป่ง", "choice1": "ลูกโป่งแฟบ", "choice2": "ลูกโป่งลอยขึ้นในอากาศ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายสูญเสียความสามารถในการพูด", "choice1": "เส้นเลือดในสมองเขาแตก", "choice2": "เขาสูดหายใจลึกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินสะดุดบนทางเท้า", "choice1": "มีรอยแตกบนพื้นปูน", "choice2": "เธอได้ยินคนเรียกชื่อ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกระโดดลงสระ", "choice1": "ไลฟ์การ์ดกระโดดลงสระตามเขาไป", "choice2": "ไลฟ์การ์ดตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ฉันกินยาปฏิชีวนะ", "choice1": "แผลติดเชื้อหาย", "choice2": "แผลติดเชื้อลุกลาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ไฟจราจรเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเหลือง", "choice1": "คนขับเหยียบเบรค", "choice2": "คนขับบีบแตร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กล่องพลาสติกละลาย", "choice1": "ฉันนำกล่องแช่น้ำอุ่น", "choice2": "ฉันวางกล่องบนเตาไฟร้อนๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถมีรอยบุบ", "choice1": "คนขับขับชนเสาโทรศัพท์", "choice2": "คนขับขับฝ่าไฟแดง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายอ่านหนังสือเรียนทั้งคืน", "choice1": "เขาโดดสอบ", "choice2": "เขาสอบผ่าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กชายเกาะขอบสระแน่น", "choice1": "เขากลัวการหัดว่ายน้ำ", "choice2": "ไลฟ์การ์ดอยู่เวร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเอามือทาบอก", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกถึงหัวใจเต้น", "choice2": "หัวใจฉันเต้นเร็วขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตึกข้างออฟฟิศฉันอยู่ในระหว่างก่อสร้าง", "choice1": "ออฟฟิศฉันคนแน่น", "choice2": "ออฟฟิศฉันเสียงดัง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครอบครัวอยากทำความรู้จักกับเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเชิญเพื่อนบ้านมากินมื้อเย็น", "choice2": "ครอบครัวโบกมือทักทายเพื่อนจากสนามหน้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นํ้ากระเซ็นขึ้นมาจากสระ", "choice1": "นักว่ายนํ้ากระโดดลงไปในสระ", "choice2": "นักว่ายนํ้าลอยในสระ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันกินแต่งโมหนึ่งเสี้ยว", "choice1": "ฉันกลืนเม็ดแตงโมโดยบังเอิญ", "choice2": "ฟันของฉันหักโดยบังเอิญ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายสะดุด", "choice1": "เสื้อคลุมของเขาไม่ได้รูดซิป", "choice2": "เขาไม่ได้ผูกเชือกรองเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงใส่ที่อุดหู", "choice1": "เธอถูกรบกวนด้วยเสียง", "choice2": "เธอเจาะหู", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเติมนํ้าลงขวด", "choice1": "ฉันดื่มนํ้าในขวดจนหมด", "choice2": "ฉันเก็บมันไว้ในตู้เย็น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "รายการทีวีถูกเซ็นเซอร์เนื้อหา", "choice1": "มันมีคำไม่สุภาพ", "choice2": "มันมีเนื้อเรื่องที่ซับซ้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เรืออับปาง", "choice1": "ลูกเรือจมนํ้า", "choice2": "ลูกเรือเจอโจรสลัด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายรู้สึกท้อแท้กับปริศนา", "choice1": "เขาหาคำตอบได้", "choice2": "เขาขอคำใบ้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "โทรศัพท์ดัง", "choice1": "ผู้ชายวางโทรศัพท์", "choice2": "ผู้ชายรับโทรศัพท์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงจ้องฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันกอดเธอ", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกไม่สบายใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กลุ่มคนออกจากพิพิธภัณฑ์", "choice1": "พวกเขาถ่ายรูปศิลปะ", "choice2": "พวกเขาดูศิลปะครบทุกชิ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเริ่มเถียงกับฉัน", "choice1": "เพื่อนของฉันแนะนำให้ฉันรู้จักผู้ชาย", "choice2": "เพื่อนของฉันปกป้องฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ยางรถจักรยานของฉันแบน", "choice1": "ฉันเติมลมเข้าไปในล้อ", "choice2": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเกียร์รถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงดูซีด", "choice1": "พ่อของเธออ่านหนังสือให้ฟัง", "choice2": "พ่อของเธอจับหน้าผากของเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ปากกาหมึกหมด", "choice1": "ฉันใช้ดินสอ", "choice2": "ฉันเซ็นชื่อของฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกปฎิเสธสินเชื่อ", "choice1": "เขามีหนี้สิน", "choice2": "เขาเริ่มธุรกิจใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงไม่ไปโรงเรียน", "choice1": "เธอเป็นอีสุกอีใส", "choice2": "เธอชอบเรียนเลข", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ถุงขยะเต็มแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันไปทิ้ง", "choice2": "ฉันทิ้งมันลงอ่างล้างจาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันดูดฝุ่นพรม", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมห้องฉันทำนํ้าผลไม้หก", "choice2": "หมาของฉันขนร่วง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายอารมณ์เสีย", "choice1": "เขาปิดคอมฟึวเตอร์", "choice2": "เขาทุ่มเก้าอี้ข้ามห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงโยนก้านไม้เข้ากองไฟ", "choice1": "ก้านไม้ไหม้", "choice2": "ไฟมอดดับ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายออกมาจากห้องอาบน้ำ", "choice1": "นํ้าร้อนหมด", "choice2": "เขาหาผ้าเช็ดตัวไม่เจอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ผู้ปกครองอยากให้ลูกเข้าเรียนมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "พวกเขาเก็บเงินไว้สำหรับค่าเล่าเรียน", "choice2": "เขาสนับสนุนให้ลูกเล่นข้างนอก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายแกะเชือกรองเท้า", "choice1": "รองเท้าหลวมขึ้น", "choice2": "รองเท้าเก่าลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชาบกินอาหารเรียกน้ำย่อยไปครึ่งจาน", "choice1": "เขาเอาอาหารเหลือแช่ตู้เย็น", "choice2": "เขาเก็บสูตรทำอาหารไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ข้อเท้าของฉันบวม", "choice1": "ฉันประคบน้ำแข็งบนข้อเท้า", "choice2": "ฉันทาโลชั่นบนข้อเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ประตูห้องทำงานของฉันเปิดอยู่", "choice1": "ฉันพูดกับเพื่อนร่วมงานที่โต๊ะ", "choice2": "ฉันได้ยินการสนทนาในห้องโถง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันต้องรอในแถว", "choice1": "ฉันนั่งรอ", "choice2": "ฉันนั่งอ่านนิตยสาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายตีแมลงวัน", "choice1": "แมลงวันบินหนีไป", "choice2": "แมลงวันอยู่นิ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเขียนพินัยกรรม", "choice1": "เขากำลังจะตาย", "choice2": "เขาเป็นพ่อม่าย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักวิ่งรู้สึกว่าคู่แข่งของเขากำลังไล่ตามมา", "choice1": "เขาออกจากการแข่งขัน", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งเร็วขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันทบทวนปัญหาอย่างรอบคอบ", "choice1": "ฉันต้องการคำแนะนำ", "choice2": "ฉันหาคำตอบได้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเดินบนสะพานแขวนที่โยกเยก", "choice1": "เขากลัวมาก", "choice2": "เขารู้สึกตื่นเต้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายคาดว่าทีมเขาจะชนะ", "choice1": "เขานัดเจอเพื่อนเขาเพื่อที่จะดูการแข่งขัน", "choice2": "เขาพนันกับเพื่อนของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายนอนไม่หลับ", "choice1": "เขาตั้งนาฬิกาปลุก", "choice2": "เขานับแกะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สิ่งของถูกห่อไว้ในพลาสติก", "choice1": "มันบอบบาง", "choice2": "มันเล็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเอาของออกจากกระเป๋า", "choice1": "ฉันหาขั้วตั๋ว", "choice2": "ฉันเจออาวุธ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ปลวกกินบ้าน", "choice1": "ปลวกหายไปจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ปลวกกินไม้ในบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเดินทางถึงชายแดน", "choice1": "ผู้ตรวจด่านตรวจหนังสือเดินทางของเขา", "choice2": "ผู้ตรวจด่านกล่าวหาว่าเขาแอบนำของออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ที่ทำงานปิด", "choice1": "มันคือวันหยุด", "choice2": "มันเป็นฤดูร้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงหมดแรง", "choice1": "เขาเล่นหมากรุก", "choice2": "เขากระโดดเชือก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเสียที่ในคิว", "choice1": "มีคนเข้าคิวมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเดินออกนอกคิวไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงบีบจมูก", "choice1": "ทารกนํ้าหลายไหลใส่ผ้ากันเปื้อน", "choice2": "ทารกทำผ้าอ้อมเลอะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "วงดนตรีเล่นเพลงดัง", "choice1": "คนดูตบมือตาม", "choice2": "คนดูนั่งฟังด้วยมารยาท", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงอยากจะขอบคุณครูคณิตศาสตร์", "choice1": "เด็กผู้หญิงโดนทำโทษหลังเลืกเรียน", "choice2": "เด็กผู้หญิงเอาแอปเปิ้ลให้คุณครู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเดินทางรู้สึกกลัว", "choice1": "ค่ายของเขาเล่าเรื่องผีให้ฟัง", "choice2": "พวกเขาย่างขนมบนกองไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกระแทกศีรษะของเขา", "choice1": "เขาใจลอย", "choice2": "สมองเขากระทบกระเทือน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เช็คที่ฉันเขียนเด้ง", "choice1": "บัญชีธนาคารของฉันไม่มีเงิน", "choice2": "ฉันได้รับการขึ้นเงินเดือน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อีเมล์ของผู้ชายเต็มไปด้วยเมล์ขยะ", "choice1": "เขาลบมันออก", "choice2": "เขาส่งเมล์ไปให้หลายคน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กะลาสีเรือถูกกักกันโรค", "choice1": "เขาเคยเข้าใกล้พื้นที่เสี่ยงโรค", "choice2": "เขาหายจากโรค", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงจำรหัสลับ", "choice1": "เขาท่องจำมัน", "choice2": "เขาลืมจดมันลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ฉันเทนํ้าลงในแก้ว", "choice1": "นํ้าดับความกระหายของฉัน", "choice2": "แก้วถูกเติมเต็ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายยังเงียบหลังจากเพื่อนของเขาพูดจบแล้ว", "choice1": "เขาต้องการที่จะสนับสนุนเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขาคิดถึงคำพูดของเพื่อนเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อุบัติเหตุเป็นความผิดของฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกผิด", "choice2": "ฉันจะแจ้งความ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "โซ่หลุดออกจากกัน", "choice1": "โซ่ถูกพันไว้รอบล้อรถ", "choice2": "ข้อโซ่หนึ่งข้อหลุดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่รักตัดสินใจที่จะประนีประนอม", "choice1": "พวกเขาเหนื่อยที่จะเถียงกัน", "choice2": "พวกเขาเลี่ยงที่จะไม่พูดถึงปัญหา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงตัดสินใจที่จะลงเลือกตั้ง", "choice1": "เขาจ้างผู้จัดการหาเสียง", "choice2": "เขาให้ปากคำในศาล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเตรียมตัวรับมือกับความหนาว", "choice1": "เขาเตรียมเสื้อหนาวเอาไว้", "choice2": "เขาเดินทางกับกระเป๋าใบใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กนักเรียนรู้คำตอบ", "choice1": "เขายกมือขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเกิดขี้เกียจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายนํ้าตาไหล", "choice1": "ฝุ่นเข้าตาเขา", "choice2": "เขาใส่แว่นตากัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักกีฬาชนะห้าเกมติดต่อกัน", "choice1": "คู่แข่งของเขากล่าวหาว่าเขาโกง", "choice2": "คู่แข่งของเขารู้สึกเสียใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครูฉีกกระดาษข้อสอบนักเรียนทิ้ง", "choice1": "เขาพบว่านักเรียนโกงข้อสอบ", "choice2": "คำตอบของนักเรียนผิด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันหยุดที่จะคิด", "choice1": "เสียงฉันหาย", "choice2": "ฉันหายใจไม่ทัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "อาหารแช่แข็งละลายแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันใส่ในเตาอบ", "choice2": "ฉันห่อมันด้วยถุงพลาสติก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานแกล้งป่วย", "choice1": "เขาปวดท้อง", "choice2": "เขาต้องการวันหยุด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงพุ่งลงไปในสระนํ้า", "choice1": "เขาวิ่งบนขอบสระ", "choice2": "เขากระโดดจากที่กระโดด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตั๋วภาพยนตร์ขายหมด", "choice1": "มันเป็นวันปฐมทัศน์", "choice2": "ภาพยนตร์ได้การตอบรับที่ไม่ดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายนํ้าหนักลด", "choice1": "คนทอดทิ้งเขา", "choice2": "คนชมเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "มือเด็กผู้หญิงถลอก", "choice1": "เขาพิมพ์จดหมาย", "choice2": "เขาปืนด้วยเชือก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนแสดงในละครสัตว์เล่นกลขณะขี่จักรยาน", "choice1": "คนดูดูด้วยความทึ่ง", "choice2": "นักกายกรรมโหนจากจั่ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันควบคุมอารมณ์ไม่อยู่", "choice1": "เพื่อนของฉันทำให้ฉันรอ", "choice2": "เพื่อนฉันถึงตรงเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประเทศที่ขัดแย้งต้องการสันติภาพ", "choice1": "พวกเขาพัฒนาอาวุธนิวเคลียร์", "choice2": "พวกเขาต่อรองสนธิสัญญา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกินยานอนหลับ", "choice1": "เขาง่วง", "choice2": "เขามีไข้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงชนโซฟา", "choice1": "ขาโซฟาหลุด", "choice2": "เข่าของเขาปวม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายบีบลูกโป่ง", "choice1": "ลูกโป่งแตก", "choice2": "ลูกโป่งลอยไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเข้าห้องเขา", "choice1": "พวกเขาเอาของออกจากกระเป๋า", "choice2": "พวกเขาไปสนามบิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันกัดลูกพีช", "choice1": "ลูกพีชชํ้า", "choice2": "นํ้าของมันกระเด็นออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "มือของฉันเหนียว", "choice1": "ฉันกินโดนัท", "choice2": "ฉันชอบกินของหวาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันผลักประตู", "choice1": "ประตูเปิด", "choice2": "ประตูล็อค", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักประท้วงควํ่าบาตรผลิตภัณฑ์", "choice1": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ถูกตรวจเพื่อคุณภาพ", "choice2": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ถูกผลิตโดยแรงงานเด็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเจาะรูในกําแพง", "choice1": "หนูคลานออกมาจากรู", "choice2": "ฝุ่นออกมาจากรู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอิจฉาพี่สาวของเขา", "choice1": "พี่สาวของเขามีความสุข", "choice2": "พี่สาวของเขาหย่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันทำไวน์หกใส่เสื้อ", "choice1": "ฉันใส่ผ้ากันเปื้อน", "choice2": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเสื้อ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แคชเชียร์เปิดลิ้นชักเก็บเงิน", "choice1": "ลูกค้าหากระเป๋าสตางค์", "choice2": "ลูกค้ายื่นเงินให้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักดนตรีบนถนนเรียกผู้ชม", "choice1": "คนให้เงินเขา", "choice2": "เขาไล่คนไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กเล็กร้องไห้กับพี่เลี้ยงของเขา", "choice1": "เขาคิดถึงพ่อแม่", "choice2": "มันเป็นเวลาอาหารว่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เรดาร์ของนักบินจับสัญญาณพายุได้", "choice1": "นักบินขับเครื่องเลี่ยงพายุ", "choice2": "นักบินพาเครื่องบินฝ่าพายุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ต้นไม้ผลัดใบ", "choice1": "ใบไม้เปลี่ยนสี", "choice2": "ใบใม้ตกมารวมกันบนพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายกำลังซน", "choice1": "เขาตัดสินในเล่นไพ่กับพี่สาว", "choice2": "เขาตัดสินใจว่าจะแกล้งพี่สาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายร้องที่จะไปห้องนํ้า", "choice1": "พ่อของเขาให้นํ้าหวานเขาดื่ม", "choice2": "พ่อของเขาหยุดรถที่สถานีบริการ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กโรยอาหารปลาลงบ่อนํ้า", "choice1": "ปลากระโดดออกจากบ่อ", "choice2": "ปลาว่ายเข้าไปหาอาหาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทัศนคติทางด้านการเมืองของผู้หญิงเปลี่ยน", "choice1": "เขาเปลี่ยนพรรคการเมือง", "choice2": "เขาได้ลงไปประท้วง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ท่อนํ้าห้องนํ้าตัน", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดก๊อกนํ้า", "choice2": "ฉันเทยาล้างท่อลงไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้โดยสารลงจากรถไฟ", "choice1": "รถไฟถึงสถานีแล้ว", "choice2": "รถไฟส่งเสียงหวูด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกดลงไปบนกาวของซองจดหมาย", "choice1": "เขาติดแสตมป์ลงบนซองจดหมาย", "choice2": "เขาปิดซองจดหมาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่อนไม่ได้ติดต่อกัน", "choice1": "เขาเคยชอบอยู่ด้วยกัน", "choice2": "เขาย้ายไปอยู่เมืองอื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานบัญชีบริหารการเงินของบริษัทผิดพลาด", "choice1": "เขาถูกไล่ออก", "choice2": "เขาลาคลอด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันดูนาฬิกา", "choice1": "ฉันได้ยินนาฬิกาเดิน", "choice2": "ฉันไปดูเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "มือของฉันเป็นตะคริว", "choice1": "ฉันเขียนบทความด้วยมือ", "choice2": "ฉันจับมือภรรยา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "น็อตถูกขันแน่น", "choice1": "ฉันเปลี่ยนน็อต", "choice2": "ฉันบิดประแจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หญิงชายคู่หนึ่งเซ็นสัญญาเช่าห้อง", "choice1": "คู่หญิงชายย้ายเข้าไปในห้อง", "choice2": "ที่ทำการจังหวัดต่อว่าเจ้าของห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนั่งข้างนอกบนระเบียง", "choice1": "เขาต้องการดูพระอาทิตย์ตก", "choice2": "เขานึกว่าเขาเห็นฟ้าผ่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายใส่เสื้อชูชีพในนํ้า", "choice1": "เขาว่ายนํ้าไม่เป็น", "choice2": "นํ้าตื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงพิมพ์คำผิดในโปรแกรม", "choice1": "เขาลบไฟล์ออก", "choice2": "เขากดปุ่มลบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงคุยอวดกับเพื่อนเขา", "choice1": "เขาได้คะแนนไม่ดี", "choice2": "เขาชนะการประกวด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สนามแฉะ", "choice1": "ฝนตกทั้งคืน", "choice2": "มีวัชพืชขึ้นเต็มไปหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนอนเพลิน", "choice1": "เธอนอนค้างคืนที่โรงแรม", "choice2": "เธอลืมตั้งนาฬิกาปลุก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายทาครีมกันแดด", "choice1": "เขานั่งในร่ม", "choice2": "เขาไปชายหาด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักวิจัยพิสูจน์ทฤษฎีสำเร็จ", "choice1": "นักวิจัยล้มทฤษฎี", "choice2": "คนยอมรับทฤษฎี", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แฟนๆ ในการแข่งขันโห่", "choice1": "การแข่งขันเข้าสู่ช่วงต่อเวลา", "choice2": "กรรมการตัดสินผิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันใส่รหัสในล็อค", "choice1": "ฉันปิดล็อค", "choice2": "ล็อคเปิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนเริ่มหนาแน่น", "choice1": "พ่อยื่นเงินให้ลูกชาย", "choice2": "พ่อจับมือลูกชายแน่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หิมะปิดทางเข้าบ้าน", "choice1": "ฉันควักเอาหิมะมาปั้นเป็นก้อน", "choice2": "ฉันโกยหิมะออกจากทางเข้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักพายเรือจ้วงฝีพาย", "choice1": "เรือคายัคแล่นเข้าฝั่ง", "choice2": "เรือคายัคปะทะคลื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเสียการควบคุมจักรยาน", "choice1": "เธอปล่อยแฮนด์จักรยาน", "choice2": "เธอพุ่งเข้าชนรั้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเปิดพัดลม", "choice1": "หยดน้ำพรมลงบนตัวฉัน", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกถึงอากาศเย็นพัดผ่านตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเซิร์ฟกลับเข้าชายหาด", "choice1": "เขาตัวเปียก", "choice2": "เขาเห็นฉลาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันดึงจุกปิดน้ำในอ่างออก", "choice1": "น้ำไหลลงท่อจนหมดอ่าง", "choice2": "น้ำกระฉอกลงพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สามีรู้สึกผิดที่นอกใจภรรยา", "choice1": "เขากล่าวหาว่าเธอคบชู้", "choice2": "เขาสารภาพกับเธอว่าเขาคบชู้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมึกบนโปสเตอร์เลอะกระดาษ", "choice1": "ฉันรอให้หมึกแห้ง", "choice2": "ฉันทำน้ำหกใส่โปสเตอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กสะดุ้งตื่นร้องจ้า", "choice1": "เขาฝันร้าย", "choice2": "เขาฉี่รดที่นอน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายยกเท้าวางบนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "พ่อเขานั่งลงที่โต๊ะ", "choice2": "พ่อเขาสั่งสอนเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่ื่อนหันมาหาฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันตะโกนเรียกชื่อเขา", "choice2": "ฉันโบกมือให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รัฐบาลกดขี่ประชาชน", "choice1": "ประชาชนปฏิวัติ", "choice2": "ประชาชนลงทะเบียนเลือกตั้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายหลงทางในป่า", "choice1": "เขาตั้งเต๊นท์", "choice2": "เขาร้องหาคนช่วย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินทางไปต่างประเทศ", "choice1": "เธออยากเรียนวาดรูป", "choice2": "เธออยากเรียนรู้วัฒนธรรมอื่นๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายอิจฉาเพื่อนร่วมงานเขา", "choice1": "เพื่ื่อนร่วมงานเขาได้เลื่อนขั้น", "choice2": "เพื่ื่อนร่วมงานเขาอยู่ทำงานดึก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายมองเห็นมนุษย์ต่างดาว", "choice1": "เขาเห็นภาพหลอน", "choice2": "เขานั่งสมาธิ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผมผุ้ชายเปลี่ยนเป็นสีบลอนด์", "choice1": "เขากัดสีผม", "choice2": "เขาใช้แชมพูสระผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ศิลปินสร้างงานใหม่", "choice1": "เธอวิจารณ์งานเก่า", "choice2": "เธอได้แรงบันดาลใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกชายย้ายออกจากบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาถูกปลดประจำการจากกองทัพ", "choice2": "เขาจะไปเรียนมหาวิทยาลัย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หนังสือร่วงลงมาจากชั้นวางหนังสือ", "choice1": "ชั้นวางมีฝุ่นจับ", "choice2": "แผ่นดินไหวสะเทือนชั้นวางหนังสือ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าบ้านฉันดับ", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดไฟ", "choice2": "ฉันรีเซ็ตเครื่องตัดไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เรานั่งรถไฟเหาะ", "choice1": "มันดูน่ากลัว", "choice2": "มันดูน่าสนุก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ข้าวโพดในถุงป๊อปคอร์นเริ่มแตก", "choice1": "ฉันเทเนยลงไปในถุง", "choice2": "ฉันเอามันไปอุ่นในไมโครเวฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ต้นไม้โค่นทับสายไฟฟ้า", "choice1": "ไฟฟ้าในชุมชนดับ", "choice2": "พยากรณ์อากาศบอกว่าจะมีลมกรรโชกแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้พูดกล่าวคำที่ไม่เหมาะสม", "choice1": "เขาทำให้ผู้ชมเบื่อ", "choice2": "เขาทำให้ผู้ชมโกรธ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเอาเข็มจิ้มตัวเอง", "choice1": "เหงื่อผุดออกมาจากบนหน้าฉัน", "choice2": "หยดเลือดซึมออกมาจากนิ้วฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ปลาลอยอยู่บนผิวน้ำตู้ปลา", "choice1": "มันหิว", "choice2": "มันตายแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสียงผู้ชายแหบ", "choice1": "เขาเป็นหวัด", "choice2": "เขาเลิกบุหรี่แล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประตูลิฟท์เปิด", "choice1": "ลิฟท์ไปยังชั้นที่เลือกไว้", "choice2": "ลิฟท์ติดอยู่ระหว่างชั้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "วัยรุ่นแอบหนีออกจากบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาโกหกกับพ่อแม่", "choice2": "พ่อแม่กักบริเวณเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "น้ำท่วมห้องน้ำ", "choice1": "น้ำในชักโครกล้น", "choice2": "เครื่องทำน้ำร้อนเสีย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกหมาอยู่ใกล้เจ้าของ", "choice1": "เจ้าของใส่ปลอกคอให้ลูกหมา", "choice2": "เจ้าของผูกเชือกลูกหมาเอาไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายสังเกตเห็นเงาสะท้อนตัวเอง", "choice1": "เขาอยู่ใต้ต้นไม้ใหญ่", "choice2": "เขายืนอยู่เหนือทะเลสาบน้ำนิ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันรับโทรศัพท์แฟนไม่ทัน", "choice1": "ฉันโทรกลับหาเขา", "choice2": "ฉันนัดเขากินมื้อเย็น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวตามหาทั่วบริเวณ", "choice1": "หมาเขาหนีออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "เครื่ืองเพชรราคาแพงหายไปจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเห็นไอจากลมหายใจตัวเอง", "choice1": "อากาศเย็นจัด", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกแน่นหน้าอก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานรวมตัวกันเป็นสหภาพ", "choice1": "เขาอยากได้สภาพที่ทำงานที่ดีขึ้น", "choice2": "เจ้านายเขาขึ้นเงินเดือนให้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันอบพายแอปเปิ้ล", "choice1": "กลิ่นเน่าคลุ้งเต็มห้องครัว", "choice2": "กลิ่นหอมฟุ้งเต็มห้องครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงพยายามเดินอย่างยากลำบาก", "choice1": "เธอสวมส้นสูง", "choice2": "เธอถอดรองเท้าออก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไอน้ำพวยพุ่งขึ้นมาจากหม้อน้ำ", "choice1": "น้ำเดือด", "choice2": "ฉันปิดฝาหม้อ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ถุงเท้าฉันซักอยู่ทุกคู่", "choice1": "ฉันใส่รองเท้าแตะ", "choice2": "ฉันใส่รองเท้าบูท", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประเด็นของนักการเมืองถูกมองว่าไร้สาระ", "choice1": "เขาเสียเสียงสนับสนุนจากผู้ลงคะแนน", "choice2": "เขาถูกกล่าวหาว่าคอรัปชั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทุกคนไม่เห็นด้วยกับการหมั้นของคู่บ่าวสาว", "choice1": "คู่บ่าวสาวท้อง", "choice2": "คู่บ่าวสาวหนีตามกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตึกถูกอุทิศให้แก่เศรษฐี", "choice1": "เศรษฐีอยากให้ทุบตึกทิ้ง", "choice2": "เศรษฐีเป็นผู้ร่วมออกเงินสร้างตึก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานขายกล่าวหาว่าเด็กหญิงขโมยของ", "choice1": "พนักงานขายเห็นเด็กหญิงหยิบสินค้าใส่กระเป๋าถือตัวเอง", "choice2": "พนักงานขายช่วยเด็กหญิงหากระเป๋าถือที่ชอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประเทศประกาศสงครามกับประเทศเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "ทหารถูกส่งไปรบ", "choice2": "ทหารกลับมาพบกับครอบครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ศาลพิพากษายืนตามการตัดสินที่เป็นที่ครหา", "choice1": "เกิดเหตุจลาจลหน้าศาลาว่าการ", "choice2": "คู่บ่าวสาวปฏิญาณตนหน้าศาลาว่าการ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงได้กลิ่นอะไรบางอย่างไหม้", "choice1": "เธอหยิบคุกกี้ออกมาจากโหล", "choice2": "เธอลืมคุกกี้ไว้ในเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฝนตกหนัก", "choice1": "พายุโหมหนักขึ้น", "choice2": "ฉันรีบวิ่งเข้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนอพยพออกจากตึก", "choice1": "ลิฟท์หยุดทำงาน", "choice2": "สัญญาณเตือนไฟไหม้ดัง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่อไม่พอใจอาการติดเหล้าของลูกชาย", "choice1": "พ่อซื้อเบียร์ให้ลูกชาย", "choice2": "พ่อไล่ลูกชายออกจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทนายเดินขึ้นบันไดไปออฟฟิศ", "choice1": "เลขานุการกลับบ้านหลังหมดวัน", "choice2": "ลิฟท์เสีย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายหงุดหงิดเพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนขัดคอเขา", "choice2": "เพื่อนเลี้ยงมื้อเที่ยงเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงยื่นเงินให้แคชเชียร์", "choice1": "แคชเชียร์ให้เงินทอนกับเด็กหญิง", "choice2": "แคชเชียร์ลืมให้ใบเสร็จกับเด็กหญิง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงนั่งรถล้อเข็น", "choice1": "เธอเป็นอัมพาตจากอุบัติเหตุ", "choice2": "เธอนอนเปลหามมายังโรงพยาบาล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประชาชนแขวนธงชาติไว้หน้าบ้าน", "choice1": "ประเทศฉลองวันครอบรอบประกาศอิสรภาพ", "choice2": "ประเทศกำลังประสบภาวะเศรษฐกิจฝืดเคือง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทีมแพ้ทัวร์นาเมนต์", "choice1": "เขาทำให้แฟนๆ ผิดหวัง", "choice2": "เขาทำให้แฟนๆ มีหวัง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่อนฉันบอกว่าฉันมีเศษอาหารติดฟัน", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกอาย", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกภูมิใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายสอบตกวิชาประวัติศาสตร์", "choice1": "เขาตั้งใจเรียน", "choice2": "เขาลืมอ่านหนังสือเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตึกกลางเมืองถล่ม", "choice1": "แผ่นดินไหวในเมือง", "choice2": "อัตราการเกิดอาชญากรรมในเมืองสูงขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แฟนผู้ชายขอเลิกกับเขา", "choice1": "เขาขอร้องให้แฟนกลับมาคืนดี", "choice2": "เธอพาเขาไปทำความรู้จักกับครอบครัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กสองคนเอื้อมมือไปหยิบลูกบอลพร้อมกัน", "choice1": "ลูกบอลกลิ้งหายไป", "choice2": "หัวเด็กทั้งสองชนกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แรคคูนคุ้ยถังขยะ", "choice1": "มีกระดาษลังอยู่ในถังขยะ", "choice2": "ฝาถังขยะเปิดอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายเหลาดินสอ", "choice1": "ดินสอราคาถูก", "choice2": "ดินสอทู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แคชเชียร์ปฏิเสธไม่คืนเงินค่าชุดให้ผู้หญิง", "choice1": "เธอทำใบเสร็จหาย", "choice2": "ชุดใส่ไม่พอดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แผลข่วนบนผิวฉันลึก", "choice1": "แผลสมานเร็ว", "choice2": "แผลกลายเป็นแผลเป็น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกผู้โดยสารคนอื่นบนรถไฟมองแปลกๆ", "choice1": "เขาก้มมองพื้นอยู่", "choice2": "เขาพูดกับตัวเองอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กทิ้งเศษขนมไว้บนพื้น", "choice1": "มดขึ้นเศษขนม", "choice2": "เด็กชายเอาขนมปังไปเก็บ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยื่นกระดาษทิชชู่ให้น้องสาว", "choice1": "น้องสาวผู้หญิงกอดอก", "choice2": "น้องสาวผู้หญิงเริ่มร้องไห้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายอมลูกอม", "choice1": "ริมฝีปากเขาแห้งเป็นขุย", "choice2": "เขาเป็นกังวลเรื่องกลิ่นปาก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่หนุ่มสาวออกจากบ้านเร็วเพื่อไปดูการแสดง", "choice1": "เขาคาดว่ารถจะติดรอบๆ โรงละคร", "choice2": "เขาได้เส้นทางไปโรงละคร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอยู่บ้านไม่ไปทำงาน", "choice1": "เจ้านายชมเชยเธอ", "choice2": "เพื่อนร่วมงานช่วยทำงานแทนเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเซ็นคำร้องของนักรณรงค์", "choice1": "เขาสนับสนุนการกระทำของนักรณรงค์", "choice2": "เขาประณามนักรณรงค์ว่าเป็นคนบ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักแสดงใจหายก่อนขึ้นแสดง", "choice1": "เขามีอาการตื่นเวที", "choice2": "เขาจำบทพูดตัวเองได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันหลงทาง", "choice1": "ฉันนับเงินตัวเอง", "choice2": "ฉันคลี่แผนที่ออกดู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผลไม้สุกงอมอยู่กลางแดด", "choice1": "ผลไม้ถูกกิน", "choice2": "ผลไม้เหี่ยว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันบิดกุญแจสตาร์ทรถ", "choice2": "เครื่องยนต์ร้อนเกิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายปวดหลัง", "choice1": "เขาไปพบจิตแพทย์", "choice2": "เขานอนเตียงอยู่หลายวัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจุดไฟในเตาผิง", "choice1": "ฉันไม่มีฟืน", "choice2": "ในบ้านมันหนาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงหยุดวิ่ง", "choice1": "เธอเป็นตะคริว", "choice2": "เธอมีแรงเฮือกที่สอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเคาะประตูเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "เพื่อนบ้านเชิญฉันเข้าบ้าน", "choice2": "เพื่อนบ้านออกไปจากบ้านตัวเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถอนหายใจด้วยความหงุดหงิด", "choice1": "สามีเธอเข้าใจเจตนาดีของเธอผิด", "choice2": "สามีเธอจูบลาเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครูชมเชยนักเรียน", "choice1": "นักเรียนตอบคำถามถูกต้อง", "choice2": "นักเรียนลังเลที่จะตอบคำถาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่มีไข่เหลือ", "choice1": "เธอไปที่ฟาร์ม", "choice2": "เธอไปที่ซูเปอร์มาร์เก็ต", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันพบกับเพื่อนเก่า", "choice1": "ฉันบอกความลับให้เขารู้", "choice2": "ฉันกอดเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเลี่ยงไม่ลงไปในทะเลสาบ", "choice1": "เธอจับปลาได้", "choice2": "ทะเลสาบดูปนเปื้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนมาถึงห้องด้วยตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "choice1": "ร่มเขาหัก", "choice2": "จักรยานเขาถูกขโมย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกศรบนหน้าจอคอมพิวเตอร์ขยับ", "choice1": "ผู้ใช้คลิกเมาส์", "choice2": "ผู้ใช้เลื่อนเมาส์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนขับไปทางลัด", "choice1": "เกิดอุบัติเหตุบนถนนหลัก", "choice2": "เธอขับตามรถบรรทุกข้างหน้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันตากผ้าปูที่นอนเปียกไว้ที่ราวนอกบ้าน", "choice1": "ผ้าปูที่นอนแห้ง", "choice2": "ผ้าปูที่นอนเลอะ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสวมแว่นกันแดด", "choice1": "แสงแดดสว่างจ้า", "choice2": "เธอโบกเรียกแท็กซี่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายมองดูท้องฟ้ายามกลางคืน", "choice1": "เขาอยากให้เป็นฤดูร้อน", "choice2": "เขาคิดว่ามันสวยมาก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกหมดแรง", "choice1": "ฉันเข้านอนเร็ว", "choice2": "ฉันตื่นอยู่ทั้งคืน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปที่ร้านตัดผม", "choice1": "เขาจะไว้ผมยาว", "choice2": "ผมเขาเริ่มยาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายแกล้งเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "choice1": "เด็กชายต้อนรับเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "choice2": "เด็กชายไม่ชอบเพื่อนร่วมชั้นคนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันอยากดื่มนมแก้วหนึ่ง", "choice1": "ฉันกินคุกกี้อยู่", "choice2": "ฉันอบขนมปังอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฝนเริ่มตก", "choice1": "คนขับเปิดไฟหน้า", "choice2": "คนขับเข้าเกียร์ถอยหลัง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลานจอดรถหน้าตึกโล่ง", "choice1": "ฉันจอดรถฝั่งตรงข้าม", "choice2": "ฉันจอดรถใกล้ทางเข้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเขียนพลาดเส้นตายส่งงานร่างแรก", "choice1": "เธอสมองตัน", "choice2": "เธอแก้ร่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานวางสายใส่ฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันขอคุยกับผู้ดูแล", "choice2": "ฉันแจ้งเลขประจำตัวให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลมพัดเข้ามาทางหน้าต่าง", "choice1": "เสียงกริ่งประตูดัง", "choice2": "ผ้าม่านปลิว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าในบ้านฉันดับ", "choice1": "ฉันดึงปลั๊กโคมไฟออก", "choice2": "ฉันทำฟิวส์ขาด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักยกน้ำหนักคำราม", "choice1": "เขาเบ่งกล้ามหน้ากระจก", "choice2": "เขายกคานขึ้นเหนือหัว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนพยายามคิดเลขในใจ", "choice1": "เขาหยิบเครื่องคิดเลขออกมา", "choice2": "เขาสับสน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กทารกหลับ", "choice1": "พ่อเปลี่ยนผ้าอ้อมให้เด็กทารก", "choice2": "พ่อไกวเปลให้เด็กทารกอย่างนุ่มนวล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงปาลูกโป่งน้ำใส่เด็กชาย", "choice1": "เด็กชายสมองกระทบกระเทือน", "choice2": "เด็กชายตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ช่างภาพลืมเปิดแฟลชที่กล้อง", "choice1": "รูปภาพมัว", "choice2": "ทุกคนในรูปไม่ยอมยิ้ม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันปฏิเสธคำเชิญไปงานวันเกิด", "choice1": "ฉันเหงา", "choice2": "ฉันไปนอกเมือง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันออกกำลังกาย", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกมีพลัง", "choice2": "ฉันกลัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันบีบฟองน้ำเปียก", "choice1": "มันดูดซับน้ำ", "choice2": "น้ำไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวนั่งเรือด่วนไปรีสอร์ท", "choice1": "รีสอร์ทถูกจองเต็ม", "choice2": "รีสอร์ทอยู่บนเกาะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "วัยรุ่นไปสัก", "choice1": "เธอกลัวเข็ม", "choice2": "เธออยากทำตัวขบถ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถไม่คุ้นตาจอดอยู่หน้าบ้านฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันระแวง", "choice2": "ฉันโทรเรียกตำรวจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อาชญากรเข้ามอบตัว", "choice1": "หลักฐานชี้ไปที่เขา", "choice2": "ไม่มีหลักฐานปรักปรำเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ชายอ้วนตัดสินใจลดน้ำหนัก", "choice1": "เขาลดของหวาน", "choice2": "เขาเลี่ยงคาเฟอีน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเหยียบน้ำแข็ง", "choice1": "เธอลื่น", "choice2": "เธอหนาวสั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีรอยคล้ำใต้ตา", "choice1": "เธอไม่นอนทั้งคืน", "choice2": "เธอส่งลูกชายเข้านอน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลาวาไหลออกมาจากภูเขาไฟ", "choice1": "ภูเขาไฟระเบิด", "choice2": "ภูเขาไฟสงบอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสวมรองเท้า", "choice1": "เธอรู้จักทุกคนในงานเลี้ยง", "choice2": "เธออยากไปจากงานเลี้ยง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจ่ายเงินให้พนักงานทางด่วน", "choice1": "เธอปล่อยให้ฉันผ่านตู้ทางด่วนไปได้", "choice2": "เธอกักฉันไว้ที่ตู้ทางด่วน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้บริหารล้มละลาย", "choice1": "เขาขายหุ้นบริษัท", "choice2": "เขาใช้เงินอย่างสุรุ่ยสุร่าย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปหาหมอ", "choice1": "หมอลางานอยู่", "choice2": "ผู้ชายรู้สึกไม่สบาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันออกจากห้องนอนทางหน้าต่าง", "choice1": "บ้านไฟไหม้", "choice2": "บ้านไม่มีใครอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นิ้วเด็กชายเหี่ยว", "choice1": "เขาอาบน้ำนาน", "choice2": "เขาถูสบู่จนขึ้นฟอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันบ้วนนมออกมา", "choice1": "นมมีรสเปรี้ยว", "choice2": "ฉันปากแห้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันพลาดรถเมล์", "choice1": "ฉันไปถึงทีทำงานเร็ว", "choice2": "ฉันไปถึงที่ทำงานสาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถบรรทุกชนกับรถเก๋ง", "choice1": "รถบรรทุกเร่งความเร็ว", "choice2": "รถเก๋งยับเยิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทีมโกงการแข่งขันให้ตนเองได้เปรียบ", "choice1": "เขาชนะ", "choice2": "เขายอมแพ้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ขวดน้ำอัดลมมีเสียงฟู่", "choice1": "ฉันพลิกขวด", "choice2": "ฉันบิดฝาเปิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายถูกขังอยู่นอกบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาคลานเข้าบ้านจากหน้าต่างที่เปิดอยู่", "choice2": "เขาปีนขึ้นไปบนหลังคา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กริ่งหน้าประตูดัง", "choice1": "แขกเคาะด้วยที่เคาะประตู", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงมองผ่านรูกุญแจประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายทำสูทเลอะ", "choice1": "เขาเอาไปซักแห้ง", "choice2": "เขาเอาไปแขวนในตู้เสื้อผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงบีบหลอดยาสีฟัน", "choice1": "ยาสีฟันทะลักออกมาจากหลอด", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงบ้วนยาสีฟันทิ้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "จำนวนพลเรือนที่เสียชีวิตจากสงครามพุ่งสูง", "choice1": "ผู้รักสงบเดินขบวนประท้วง", "choice2": "ผู้รักสงบจัดเดินขบวนพาเหรด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกระชากริบบิ้นออกจากผม", "choice1": "เธอผูกริบบิ้น", "choice2": "ริบบิ้นดูเหมือนเด็กเกินไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายไปทำศัลยกรรมหน้า", "choice1": "เขาอายุมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาดูเด็กลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกไก่โผล่ออกมาจากไข่", "choice1": "ไข่ฟักออกมา", "choice2": "ฉันตอกไข่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักโทษอดอาหาร", "choice1": "เขาตาย", "choice2": "เขาหนีไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเสียการทรงตัวขณะอยู่บนบันได", "choice1": "เขาปีนขึ้นบันได", "choice2": "เขาตกบันได", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กเรอ", "choice1": "เขาดื่มน้ำอัดลมอึกหนึ่ง", "choice2": "เขาเปิดกระป๋องน้ำอัดลม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลมหนาวพัดลอดหน้าต่างเข้ามา", "choice1": "ฉันผ่อนคลาย", "choice2": "ฉันหนาวสั่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนได้รับทุนศึกษาต่อในมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมชั้นเคารพเธอ", "choice2": "เธอสอบได้คะแนนดี", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงล้อเด็กชายสนุกๆ", "choice1": "เธออยู่ข้างบ้านเขา", "choice2": "เธอแอบชอบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนเร่ร่อนขโมยอาหาร", "choice1": "เขาเป็นที่สงสาร", "choice2": "เขาไม่มีเงิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันโทรคุยกับเพื่อน", "choice1": "ฉันต้องการความเป็นส่วนตัว", "choice2": "ฉันเหงา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายยื่นมือให้ฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันจับมือกับเขา", "choice2": "ฉันตบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันก้มหลบ", "choice1": "พลุถูกจุดขึ้นฟ้า", "choice2": "จานร่อนบินมาทางฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกัดเล็บตัวเอง", "choice1": "เธอเป็นกังวล", "choice2": "เธอประหลาดใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันพลิกหน้าปฏิทิน", "choice1": "ฉันกาวันนัดบนปฏิทิน", "choice2": "เข้าเดือนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สามีพบว่าภรรยาคบชู้", "choice1": "เขาไล่ทนายออก", "choice2": "เขาฟ้องหย่า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงปล่อยลูกบอลยางตก", "choice1": "ลูกบอลกระเด้ง", "choice2": "ลูกบอลเรืองแสง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงทำข้อสอบพลาด", "choice1": "เธอเดาคำตอบ", "choice2": "เธอลบคำตอบออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้เล่นเข้าสกัดฝ่ายตรงข้าม", "choice1": "ฝ่ายตรงข้ามรับลูกได้", "choice2": "ฝ่ายตรงข้ามล้มลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเด็ดมะเขือเทศจากต้น", "choice1": "มันสุกแล้ว", "choice2": "ฉันรดน้ำให้มัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายต้องการทำตัวโรแมนติก", "choice1": "เขานัดกินมื้อเที่ยงกับแฟนเก่า", "choice2": "เขาซื้อช็อคโกแลตให้แฟน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ปรอทในเทอร์โมมิเตอร์สูงขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันทำเทอร์โมมิเตอร์ตก", "choice2": "อากาศอุ่นขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พายุทอร์นาโดพัดผ่านเมือง", "choice1": "หลังคาศาลาว่าการถูกพัดหายไป", "choice2": "ทางหลวงกลายเป็นน้ำแข็งจนอันตราย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนเรียนพิเศษ", "choice1": "คะแนนเขาดีขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาโกงข้อสอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกสบายตัว", "choice1": "ฉันคุกเข่าลงกับพื้น", "choice2": "ฉันห่อตัวในผ้าห่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันขัดหิน", "choice1": "หินลื่นขึ้น", "choice2": "หินกลายเป็นมันเงา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเติมน้ำตาลลงในกาแฟ", "choice1": "กาแฟกลิ่นแรง", "choice2": "กาแฟมีรสหวาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายพลิกดูเอกสาร", "choice1": "เขาถูกกระดาษบาด", "choice2": "เขาฉีกกระดาษทิ้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันใช้ค้อนตอกตะปู", "choice1": "ตะปูจมลงไปในเนื้อไม้", "choice2": "ตะปูขึ้นสนิม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ปลากินเบ็ด", "choice1": "ชาวประมงลากปลาเข้ามา", "choice2": "ชาวประมงเหวี่ยงเบ็ดใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "วัยรุ่นอายที่ต้องไปโรงเรียน", "choice1": "เธอมีสิว", "choice2": "เธอถอดเหล็กดัดแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หน้าฉันมีประกายขึ้นมา", "choice1": "ฉันได้ข่าวดี", "choice2": "ฉันหมดความอดทน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเช็ดมือกับผ้าขนหนู", "choice1": "ผ้าขนหนูเปียกอยู่", "choice2": "มือฉันเปียกอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเสียการทรงตัวขณะอยู่บนเก้าอี้", "choice1": "เก้าอี้โยกเยกอยู่ใต้ตัวเขา", "choice2": "เขาทำสีหกบนเก้าอี้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่อนร่วมทีมกล่าวโทษกันเอง", "choice1": "เขาแพ้การแข่ง", "choice2": "โค้ชสั่งยกเลิกการซ้อม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันขอให้เขายกโทษให้", "choice1": "ฉันเสียใจกับสิ่งที่ทำพลาดไป", "choice2": "ฉันบรรลุเป้าหมายตัวเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเบื่อคู่นัด", "choice1": "เขาถามถึงเรื่องของเธอ", "choice2": "เขาพูดเรื่องตัวเองไม่หยุด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงยิ้ม", "choice1": "แก้มเธอแดงขึ้น", "choice2": "ลักยิ้มเธอปรากฏขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เรือข้าศึกระเบิด", "choice1": "มันแล่นผ่านกับระเบิด", "choice2": "มันแล่นเข้าเทียบท่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกของแหลมตำเท้า", "choice1": "เขาเดินย่ำแอ่งน้ำ", "choice2": "เขาเดินย่ำกระจกแตก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักสืบตรวจหาลายนิ้วมือในที่เกิดเหตุ", "choice1": "เขาค้นพบตัวฆาตกร", "choice2": "เขาพบอาวุธก่อเหตุในที่เกิดเหตุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "มีจราจรหนาแน่นบนทางหลวง", "choice1": "ฉันไปทางลัด", "choice2": "ฉันโบกรถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เศรษฐกิจประเทศถดถอย", "choice1": "คนจำนวนมากล้มป่วย", "choice2": "คนจำนวนมากตกงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "การ์ดข้ามถนนเป่านกหวีดใส่เด็กๆ", "choice1": "เด็กๆ กำลังจะข้ามถนนขณะมีรถ", "choice2": "เธอจำเด็กคนหนึ่งจากแถวบ้านได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันกลอกตาใส่เพื่อน", "choice1": "เขาบอกความจริงกับฉัน", "choice2": "เขาพูดจาเหน็บแนม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถน้ำมันหมด", "choice1": "คนขับติดอยู่กลางถนน", "choice2": "คนขับรับนักโบกรถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงกำลังจะคลอด", "choice1": "เด็กคลอด", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงแพ้ท้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมวกผู้ชายถูกลมพัดปลิว", "choice1": "เขาถอดหมวกออก", "choice2": "ข้างนอกลมแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงไปงานวันเกิดเพื่อน", "choice1": "เธอได้รับคำเชิญ", "choice2": "เธอซื้อของขวัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายตัวร้อน", "choice1": "แม่เขาวัดไข้", "choice2": "แม่เขาพาไปเดินในสวน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายฉีดน้ำหอมให้ตัวเอง", "choice1": "เขาอยากให้คู่นัดประทับใจ", "choice2": "เขาใส่เจลใส่ผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟฟ้าในบ้านดับ", "choice1": "ฉันหาไฟฉาย", "choice2": "ฉันหยิบพลั่ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวย้ายไปบ้านที่ใหญ่ขึ้น", "choice1": "ลูกชายเรียนจบมัธยม", "choice2": "แม่คลอดลูกแฝด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักวิ่งมาราธอนวิ่งช้าๆ", "choice1": "เธอต้องการเก็บแรงไว้", "choice2": "เธอมองเห็นเส้นชัย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายเตะตู้ขายของอัตโนมัติ", "choice1": "ตู้ขายของทอนเหรียญ", "choice2": "ถุงมันฝรั่งทอดติดอยู่ในเครื่อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมาเพื่อนฉันตาย", "choice1": "ฉันกลอกตาใส่เขา", "choice2": "ฉันกอดเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "บัตรเครดิตนักธุรกิจรูดไม่ผ่าน", "choice1": "เขาเขียนใบแจ้งหนี้", "choice2": "เขาจ่ายด้วยเงินสด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผุ้ชายสบถ", "choice1": "เขาตัดเล็บ", "choice2": "เขานิ้วเท้าซ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายภูมิใจกับน้องชาย", "choice1": "น้องชายเถียงกับพ่อแม่", "choice2": "น้องชายสอบติดคณะนิติศาสตร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงอยากรู้เกี่ยวกับระบบสุริยจักรวาล", "choice1": "เธอไปห้องสมุด", "choice2": "เธอมองดูดาว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "โปสเตอร์ติดกำแพง", "choice1": "ฉันวางตำแหน่งโปสเตอร์ไว้บนประตู", "choice2": "ฉันแปะเทปด้านหลังโปสเตอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกค้าอนุมัติแผนสร้างตึกของสถาปนิก", "choice1": "สถาปนิกสร้างตึก", "choice2": "สถาปนิกปรับแผน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายทำช้อนตกพื้น", "choice1": "มือเขาสั่น", "choice2": "เขาเลียช้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้จัดการทั่วไปของบริษัทลาออก", "choice1": "บอร์ดบริหารสั่งยุบบริษัท", "choice2": "บอร์ดบริหารหาตัวแทนได้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเข้าเรียนสาย", "choice1": "ฉันนั่งที่แถวหลัง", "choice2": "ฉันเดินไปที่แท่นบรรยาย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูุกปล่อยตัวจากเรือนจำ", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเขาจ่ายค่าประกัน", "choice2": "เขาทำร้ายเพื่อนนักโทษ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวสูญเสียสมบัติทั้งหมด", "choice1": "เขาขายบ้าน", "choice2": "บ้านเขาไฟไหม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันกระทืบกระป๋องอะลูมิเนียม", "choice1": "กระป่องถูกนำไปรีไซเคิล", "choice2": "กระป๋องถูกเหยียบแบน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงเข้าร่วมทีมโต้วาที", "choice1": "เธอฝึกใช้คอมพิวเตอร์", "choice2": "เธอฝึกทักษะการสื่อสาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อารมณ์ฉันดีขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันฟังเพลง", "choice2": "ฉันล้างจาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "องค์กรการกุศลตั้งเป้าจะเรี่ยไรเงิน", "choice1": "เขาทำอาหารแจกคนเร่ร่อน", "choice2": "เขาจัดประมูลของ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถไฟเหาะพุ่งดิ่งลงทางลาดชัน", "choice1": "คนนั่งหัวเราะคิกคัก", "choice2": "คนนั่งกรีดร้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันโกรธจัด", "choice1": "ฉันตรวจตู้จดหมายก่อนออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ฉันกระแทกประตูปิดก่อนออกจากบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายอยากดูพระอาทิตย์ขึ้น", "choice1": "เขาเดินทางขึ้นเหนือ", "choice2": "เขาตื่นแต่เช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันพับกระดาษ", "choice1": "ฉันรีไซเคิลกระดาษ", "choice2": "กระดาษมีรอยยับ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประเทศประสบภัยพิบัติ", "choice1": "ผู้นำประเทศอื่นรวมตัวเป็นพันธมิตรกัน", "choice2": "ผู้นำประเทศอื่นส่งความช่วยเหลือ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสื้อของเด็กชายเปียกโชก", "choice1": "เขาปีนออกมาจากสระน้ำ", "choice2": "เขาตกลงไปในสระน้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนรีบอ่านหนังสือให้จบ", "choice1": "ครบกำหนดส่งคืนห้องสมุด", "choice2": "เขายืมหนังสือมาจากเพื่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อาชญากรถูกประหาร", "choice1": "เขาถูกจับขัง", "choice2": "เขาถูกพิพากษาผิดฐานฆาตกรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แสงแดดส่องเข้ามาในห้อง", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดม่าน", "choice2": "ฉันปลดกลอนประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันกระชากผมจากตัวปลอม", "choice1": "วิกผมเธอหลุดออก", "choice2": "เธอหัวล้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "บรรณาธิการตรวจแก้คำในต้นฉบับ", "choice1": "เขาพบว่าต้นฉบับน่าอ่านมาก", "choice2": "เขาคิดว่าประโยคนั้นกำกวม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงปิดบัญชีบัตรเครดิต", "choice1": "เธอพบว่าบัตรหายไป", "choice2": "เธอพบว่าบัตรหมดอายุ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกับผู้หญิงรักกัน", "choice1": "เขาเรียนมหาวิทยาลัยด้วยกัน", "choice2": "เขาแต่งงานกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสืยงดนตรีเบาเกินจนไม่ได้ยิน", "choice1": "ฉันเร่งเสียง", "choice2": "ฉันแต่งเพลงเอง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผมเด็กชายชี้ฟู", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงขยี้ผมเขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงดึงผมเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แมลงถูกบี้แบน", "choice1": "ฉันฉีดยากันแมลง", "choice2": "ฉันเหยียบแมลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันลืมตา", "choice1": "ฉันตื่นขึ้น", "choice2": "ฉันผ่อนคลายลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสียงเพลงจากเพื่อนบ้านดังลั่น", "choice1": "ฉันขอให้เขาลดเสียงลง", "choice2": "ฉันขอยืมซีดีจากเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวของผู้ชายอยู่อย่างยากจน", "choice1": "เขาใช้จ่ายอย่างประหยัด", "choice2": "เขามีรายได้ต่ำกว่าค่าเฉลี่ย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักศึกษาจบการศึกษาจากมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "เขาหางานทำ", "choice2": "เขาหางานอดิเรกทำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ศิลปินผสมสีเหลืองกับสีน้ำเงิน", "choice1": "สีกระเซ็นไปทั่ว", "choice2": "สีกลายเป็นสีเขียว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเรื่องคุย", "choice1": "ฉันหมดเรื่องคุย", "choice2": "เรื่องที่คุยเริ่มตึงเครียด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "น้องชายฉันออกจากโรงพยาบาล", "choice1": "ฉันต้อนรับเขากลับบ้าน", "choice2": "ฉันไม่สนใจเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผ้าม่านเวทีลอยขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉากเปิดละครเริ่มขึ้น", "choice2": "นักแสดงในละครเดินออกจากเวที", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตัวประกันยอมตามข้อเรียกร้องของโจรลักพาตัว", "choice1": "โจรลักพาตัวขู่ทำร้ายตัวประกัน", "choice2": "โจรลักพาตัวไม่ทำอะไรตัวประกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสียงตึงดังสนั่นเวที", "choice1": "นักดนตรีเคาะเท้า", "choice2": "นักดนตรีตีกลอง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่อแม่วิ่งไปยังห้องนอนลูก", "choice1": "ลูกตื่นจากฝันร้ายร้องลั่น", "choice2": "ลูกกลัวการดูใต้เตียง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงสื่อสารด้วยภาษามือ", "choice1": "เธอคลอดก่อนกำหนด", "choice2": "เธอหูหนวกตั้งแต่เกิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เกิดภาวะน้ำแล้งขึ้นในภูมิภาค", "choice1": "น้ำปนเปื้อนสารพิษ", "choice2": "พืชผลล้มตาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แมววิ่งไล่นก", "choice1": "นกบินหนีไหป", "choice2": "นกจับหนอนได้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงย้ายโรงเรียน", "choice1": "โรงเรียนปิดหน้าร้อน", "choice2": "เธอย้ายเมือง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เจ้าของโรงงานปฏิเสธไม่ยอมขึ้นเงินเดือนให้พนักงาน", "choice1": "เจ้าของแต่งตั้งผู้จัดการคนใหม่", "choice2": "พนักงานนัดหยุดงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้นำต่อต้านกลุ่มหัวรุนแรงในประเทศ", "choice1": "กลุ่มหัวรุนแรงมีอิทธิพลต่อเขา", "choice2": "กลุ่มหัวรุนแรงลอบสังหารเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเดินเท้าเปล่าบนชายหาด", "choice1": "ทรายติดเท้าฉัน", "choice2": "คลื่นซัดกระทบฝั่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันตื่นมากลางดึกหนาวสั่น", "choice1": "ฉันใส่กางเกงวอร์มทับ", "choice2": "ฉันดื่มน้ำหนึ่งแก้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แม่ปลอบให้ลูกหยุดร้อง", "choice1": "ลูกยิ้ม", "choice2": "ลูกร้องไห้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กางเกงยีนส์ฉันขาดเป็นรู", "choice1": "ฉันรูดซิปกางเกงยีนส์", "choice2": "ฉันเดินสะดุดทางเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายใส่เหล็กดัดฟัน", "choice1": "เขาฟันผุ", "choice2": "ฟันเขาตรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เมื่อวานนี้ฉันออกกำลังในยิม", "choice1": "วันนี้ฉันตื่นมาปวดกล้ามเนื้อ", "choice2": "วันนี้ฉันตื่นมาเจ็บคอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงกระซิบโต้ตอบกันบนโต๊ะอาหาร", "choice1": "เด็กคนอื่นนั่งลงที่โต๊ะอาหาร", "choice2": "เด็กคนอื่นในโต๊ะอาหารรู้สึกแปลกแยก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหล่นลงบนแทรมโปลีน", "choice1": "เธอกระเด้งกลับขึ้นไปในอากาศ", "choice2": "เธอตัดสินใจลองตีลังกา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันสอดจดหมายลงในตู้ไปรษณีย์", "choice1": "บุรุษไปรษณีย์นำส่งจดหมาย", "choice2": "ไปรษณีย์ส่งจดหมายด่วน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักพนันมีความมั่นใจ", "choice1": "เขาเดิมพันเงินทั้งหมด", "choice2": "เขาถังแตกกลับบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟป่าลุกลาม", "choice1": "ลมกรรโชกแรงขึ้น", "choice2": "ผู้วางเพลิงถูกจับกุม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายเข่าถลอก", "choice1": "แม่เขาส่งเขาขึ้นห้อง", "choice2": "แม่เขาพันแผล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายรอดจากโรคร้าย", "choice1": "เขาเซ็นพินัยกรรม", "choice2": "เขาได้รับการปลูกถ่ายอวัยวะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจิบกาแฟร้อนจัด", "choice1": "ฉันกัดลิ้น", "choice2": "ฉันทำกาแฟลวกลิ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "บรรณาธิการไล่นักเขียนออก", "choice1": "นักเขียนเลี่ยงการเขียนบทความลำเอียง", "choice2": "นักเขียนส่งงานไม่ทันเส้นตายสำคัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันรู้สึกหมดแรง", "choice1": "ฉันนอนหลับทั้งวัน", "choice2": "ฉันอ่านหนังสือเรียนทั้งวัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แพทย์วินิจฉัยโรคผู้ป่วย", "choice1": "เธอสังเกตอาการผู้ป่วย", "choice2": "เธอสั่งยาให้ผู้ป่วย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเกาผิวตัวเอง", "choice1": "มันชุ่มเหงื่อ", "choice2": "มันคัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเข้ารับการรักษาฉุกเฉิน", "choice1": "เขาอารมณ์เสีย", "choice2": "เขาหัวใจวาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กล้ามเนื้อผู้ชายปูดออกมา", "choice1": "เขาเบ่งกล้ามแขน", "choice2": "เขาถูแขน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเลิกคิ้ว", "choice1": "เขาประหลาดใจ", "choice2": "เขาท้อแท้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันยกโทษให้ความผิดพลาดของเพื่อนร่วมงาน", "choice1": "ฉันเชื่อว่าเขาเจตนาดี", "choice2": "ฉันเชื่อว่าเขารู้ดีกว่านั้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเลิกสูบบุหรี่", "choice1": "เขาเริ่มออกกำลังกายมากขึ้น", "choice2": "เขาเริ่มตื่นเช้าขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงชกคนลวนลามเข้าที่จมูก", "choice1": "คนลวนลามสลบเหมือด", "choice2": "คนลวนลามเริ่มเลือดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ลูกดอกพลาดเป้า", "choice1": "ผู้ชายเล็งพลาด", "choice2": "ผู้ชายกำลังจะแพ้เกมปาเป้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เจ้าของบ้านเรียกหน่วยกำจัดหนูมาที่บ้าน", "choice1": "เขาพบหนูอยู่ใต้ถุนบ้าน", "choice2": "เขาเลี้ยงรังมดไว้ในห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเสนอกับแขกว่าควรออกไปกินข้าวข้างนอกกัน", "choice1": "ฉันเหนื่อยเกินจะทำอาหาร", "choice2": "แขกอยู่เกินเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงจับได้ว่าพี่ชายแอบอ่านไดอารี่", "choice1": "เธอเริ่มซ่อนไดอารี่", "choice2": "เธอซื้อไดอารี่ใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่มีเงินจ่ายค่าเช่าบ้าน", "choice1": "เธอทำงานล่วงเวลา", "choice2": "เธอลาออกจากงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายรีบหดมือกลับ", "choice1": "เขาแตะเตาไฟร้อนๆ", "choice2": "เขาลูบหัวลูกหมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "บริษัทอยากวัดความพึงพอใจของลูกค้า", "choice1": "เขาเสนอส่วนลดให้ลูกค้าใหม่", "choice2": "เขาแจกจ่ายแบบสอบถามให้ลูกค้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พื้นไม้มีรอยขีดข่วน", "choice1": "เด็กชายปาเบาะลงจากโซฟา", "choice2": "เด็กชายลากเก้าอี้ไปตามพื้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันยกมือป้องหน้า", "choice1": "คู่ต่อสู้ท้าทายฉัน", "choice2": "คู่ต่อสู้ง้างหมัด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รูปปั้นชื่อดังถูกไฟไหม้", "choice1": "มันถูกฟ้าผ่าใส่", "choice2": "ผู้คนพากันมาชื่นชมบูชา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันวางผลไม้ทิ้งไว้บนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "ผลไม้แตกเมล็ด", "choice2": "แมลงวันตอมผลไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเต้นบัลเล่ต์ทำเอ็นฉีก", "choice1": "เธอเขย่งเท้า", "choice2": "เธอข้อเท้าแพลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เชือกรองเท้าของเด็กคลายปมออก", "choice1": "เขาหัดผูกเชือกรองเท้า", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งเล่นในสนามเด็กเล่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันอ่านหนังสือจนติด", "choice1": "ฉันนำหนังสือไปคืน", "choice2": "ฉันหลงเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายมีความเชื่อเหมือนพ่อแม่เขา", "choice1": "พ่อแม่เขามีอิทธิพลต่อเขา", "choice2": "พ่อแม่เขาตัดเขาออกจากกองมรดก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถค่อยๆ ชะลอลงจนหยุด", "choice1": "รถน้ำมันหมด", "choice2": "คนขับหลับใน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกินไอศกรีมกลางแดด", "choice1": "ไอศกรีมเสียรส", "choice2": "ไอศกรีมไหลลงมาตามโคน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันแขวนงานศิลปะในห้อง", "choice1": "พรมดูสกปรก", "choice2": "กำแพงดูโล่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเลิกงานเร็ว", "choice1": "ฉันปวดหัว", "choice2": "เจ้านายฉันนัดประชุม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกหมาทำพรมเลอะเทอะ", "choice1": "เจ้าของดุลูกหมา", "choice2": "เจ้าของให้ขนมลูกหมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันขอโทษเพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนยกโทษให้ฉัน", "choice2": "เพื่อนโกรธ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายโดดเด่นออกมาจากฝูงคน", "choice1": "เขาสะพายเป้", "choice2": "เขาใส่เสื้อกั๊กสีสะท้อนแสง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พยานโกหกทั้งที่สาบานตนไว้", "choice1": "เขาให้การจนจบ", "choice2": "เขาถูกตั้งข้อหาให้การเท็จในศาล", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงย้อมผม", "choice1": "เธออยากได้ลุคใหม่", "choice2": "เธออยากกลมกลืนกับคนอื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้อพยพถูกจับได้ว่าอาศัยในประเทศโดยผิดกฎหมาย", "choice1": "เขาได้งาน", "choice2": "เขาถููกส่งตัวกลับประเทศ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักพูดเล่าเรื่องตลก", "choice1": "ผู้ชมหัวเราะ", "choice2": "ผู้ชมยืนขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันมองดวงอาทิตย์", "choice1": "แสงอาทิตย์ทำฉันตาพร่า", "choice2": "แสงอาทิตย์ทำฉันผิวคล้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเบื่อ", "choice1": "ฉันสำลัก", "choice2": "ฉันหาว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สเต็กหั่นยาก", "choice1": "มีดทื่อ", "choice2": "สเต็กยังดิบอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงประกาศว่าล้มละลาย", "choice1": "เธอได้ค่าชดเชยจากการหย่า", "choice2": "เธอมีหนี้สินก้อนใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟในอพาร์ตเมนต์ของเพื่อนฉันเปิดอยู่", "choice1": "ฉันสงสัยว่าเขาออกไปข้างนอกหรือเปล่า", "choice2": "ฉันตัดสินใจจะไปหาเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันถือดอกไม้ไว้ใต้จมูก", "choice1": "กลีบดอกไม้หลุดร่วง", "choice2": "ฉันได้กลิ่นดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงรู้สึกโหยหาอดีต", "choice1": "เธอบังเอิญพบกับเพื่อนวัยเด็ก", "choice2": "เธอตะโกนว่าลูกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักศึกษาขอผัดผ่อนกำหนดส่งรายงาน", "choice1": "เขาส่งรายงานก่อนกำหนด", "choice2": "เขาส่งรายงานไม่ครบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถฉันเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันไปเที่ยวห้าง", "choice2": "ฉันโทรเรียกช่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันโยนโน้ตทิ้ง", "choice1": "มันไม่มีชื่อคนเขียน", "choice2": "มันอ่านไม่ออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นกกระพือปีก", "choice1": "นกวางไข่", "choice2": "นกตัวลอยขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจอดรถบนถนน", "choice1": "โรงรถเปิดอยู่", "choice2": "โรงรถที่จอดเต็ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อาชญากรเล็งปืนใส่เหยื่อ", "choice1": "อาชญากรวางปืนลง", "choice2": "เหยื่อยกมือขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเฝ้ารอสุดสัปดาห์ที่จะมาถึง", "choice1": "ฉันวางแผนจะไปงานศพลุง", "choice2": "ฉันวางแผนจะไปงานแต่งงานเพื่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันหลงเวลา", "choice1": "ฉันใจลอย", "choice2": "ฉันคลื่นไส้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เอกสารพิมพ์ออกมาอ่านไม่รู้เรื่อง", "choice1": "ปรินเตอร์หมึกหมด", "choice2": "ปรินเตอร์กระดาษหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ในสนามเปิดเพลงชาติ", "choice1": "แฟนๆ หันหาธงชาติ", "choice2": "แฟนๆ แห่กันลงไปในสนาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "น้ำจิ้มรสชาติจืด", "choice1": "ฉันเอาไปเสิร์ฟ", "choice2": "ฉันใส่เกลือเพิ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเอากระดาษซับสิ่งที่หก", "choice1": "กระดาษซับของเหลว", "choice2": "สิ่งที่หกเหลือเป็นคราบเหนียว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถูกขัดจังหวะขณะกำลังอ่านหนังสือ", "choice1": "เธอใส่ที่คั่นหนังสือ", "choice2": "เธอเริ่มอ่านหนังสือซ้ำ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เครื่องบินเจอสภาพอากาศแปรปรวน", "choice1": "ผู้ชายรัดเข็มขัดนิรภัยแน่น", "choice2": "ผู้ชายมองออกไปนอกหน้าต่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายสะดุ้ง", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงไม่สนใจเขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงจิ้มเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมอติดขาเทียมให้คนไข้", "choice1": "เขาตัดขาเธอ", "choice2": "เขาวัดชีพจรเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายหยิกข้อศอกเด็กหญิง", "choice1": "เด็กหญิงยักไหล่ใส่เขา", "choice2": "เด็กหญิงดึงแขนออกห่างจากเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันขอคำแนะนำจากเพื่อน", "choice1": "ฉันให้ความสำคัญกับความเห็นเขา", "choice2": "ฉันรู้ว่าฉันคิดถูก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายย่ำโคลน", "choice1": "โคลนติดรองเท้าเขา", "choice2": "โคลนกระเด็นใส่หน้าเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หิมะตกในเมืองหนาหลายนิ้ว", "choice1": "โรงเรียนปิด", "choice2": "ผู้คนหลบภัยใต้ดิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พนักงานอยู่หมดกะ", "choice1": "หมดวันเขากลับบ้าน", "choice2": "เขาขู่จะลาออกจากงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ต้นไม้ทำบ้านเสียหาย", "choice1": "ต้นไม้โค่นทับหลังคา", "choice2": "ต้นไม้ให้ร่มเงาบริเวณหลังบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไม้ฟืนขาดครึ่ง", "choice1": "ฉันเรียงไม้ฟืนในเตาผิง", "choice2": "ฉันเหวี่ยงขวานจามไม้ฟืน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวแสดงความยินดีกับคู่รัก", "choice1": "คู่รักประกาศว่าเขาจะแยกทางกัน", "choice2": "คู่รักประกาศว่าเขากำลังจะมีลูก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงส่งของขวัญวาเลนไทน์ให้เด็กชาย", "choice1": "เธอชอบเขา", "choice2": "เธอจูบเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันพยักหน้าให้กับคำพูดของเพื่อนฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันสับสน", "choice2": "ฉันเห็นด้วยกับเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่อนๆ โยนเหรียญเสี่ยงทาย", "choice1": "เขาอยากหาทางประนีประนอมกัน", "choice2": "เขาอยากให้ตัดสินกันอย่างยุติธรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นาฬิกาจับเวลาในห้องครัวดัง", "choice1": "ผู้ชายจัดของสดเข้าตู้เย็น", "choice2": "ผู้ชายเอาพิซซ่าออกมาจากเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงตั้งเป้าด้วยความทะเยอทะยาน", "choice1": "เธอขี้เกียจ", "choice2": "เธอทำงานหนัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนรวยเสียชีวิตด้วยโรคชรา", "choice1": "ลูกชายของเขามีคดีความ", "choice2": "ลูกชายของเขาได้รับเงินมรดก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงย่ำไฟ", "choice1": "ไฟมอดดับ", "choice2": "ควันลอยขึ้นจากไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถของผู้หญิงอยู่ในร้าน", "choice1": "ใบขับขี่ของเธอถูกยึด", "choice2": "เธอประสบอุบัติเหตุ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันหลับนาฬิกาปลุกไม่ตื่น", "choice1": "ฉันทำอาหารเช้า", "choice2": "ฉันพลาดอาหารเช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "บุคคลสาธารณะก้าวออกมาจากรถลิมูซีน", "choice1": "แสงแฟลชกล้องหันไปทางเขา", "choice2": "ครอบครัวของเขาเข้าร่วมงานแถลงข่าว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงแช่น้ำในอ่างอยู่นาน", "choice1": "น้ำในอ่างเย็นลง", "choice2": "น้ำในอ่างไหลออกจากอ่างจนหมด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยอยากพบกับนักศึกษาคนอื่นในวิทยาเขต", "choice1": "เขาเข้าร่วมสโมสรนักศึกษา", "choice2": "เขาเลือกวิชาเอกวิศวกรรม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันยกเบาะโซฟาขึ้น", "choice1": "ฉันหาเศษเหรียญ", "choice2": "ฉันจัดห้องรับแขกใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ต่อบินเข้าหาเด็กชาย", "choice1": "เด็กชายวิ่งหนี", "choice2": "เด็กชายเด็ดดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีความผิดลหุโทษ", "choice1": "เธอถูกพิพากษาให้ทำงานชุมชน", "choice2": "เธอถูกตัดสินประหารชีวิต", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันคนน้ำตาลลงในชาร้อน", "choice1": "ชามีไอน้ำลอยขึ้นมา", "choice2": "น้ำตาลละลาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทหารผ่านศึกเดินกะเผลก", "choice1": "เขาถูกเกณฑ์ไปร่วมสงคราม", "choice2": "เขาได้รับบาดเจ็บในการรบ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อาชญากรวิ่งหนีตำรวจ", "choice1": "ตำรวจดูแลเหยื่อ", "choice2": "ตำรวจวิ่งไล่อาชญากร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อปเปิดไม่ติด", "choice1": "ฉันทำคอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อปตก", "choice2": "ฉันเสียบปลั๊กชาร์จคอมพิวเตอร์แลปท็อป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไม่เหลือที่ว่างในตู้เสื้อผ้าเธอ", "choice1": "เธอซื้อเสื้อผ้าเป็นจำนวนมาก", "choice2": "เธอพับเสื้อผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายใจสลาย", "choice1": "ภรรยาเขาคลอดลูก", "choice2": "ภรรยาเขาทิ้งเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายได้ใบปริญญา", "choice1": "เขามีคุณสมบัติครบสำหรับสมัครงานที่เขาอยากได้", "choice2": "ข้อเสนอรับเข้าทำงานของเขาถูกยกเลิก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เสียงผู้ชายดังกังวานทั่วห้อง", "choice1": "เขากล่าวทักทายผู้ชม", "choice2": "เขาพูดใส่ไมโครโฟน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันโยนเหรียญลงไปในบ่อน้ำพุ", "choice1": "เหรียญจมลงก้นบ่อ", "choice2": "เหรียญหักครึ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้เล่นตีลูกบอลไปยังหลุม", "choice1": "ลูกบอลลงหลุม", "choice2": "ลูกบอลไหลกลับไปยังผู้เล่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันสูดเอาฝุ่นห้องใต้หลังคาเข้าไป", "choice1": "ฉันสะอึก", "choice2": "ฉันจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่นักงานคิดเงินเรียกหน่วยรักษาความปลอดภัย", "choice1": "ลูกค้าใช้ธนบัตรปลอม", "choice2": "ลูกค้าเปิดไฟหน้ารถทิ้งไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเอาขยะออกไปทิ้ง", "choice1": "ขยะทำให้ห้องครัวมีกลิ่นเหม็น", "choice2": "ฉันเผลอโยนรายการซื้อของทิ้งไป", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวไปเที่ยวสวนสัตว์", "choice1": "เด็กๆ ชื่นชมสัตว์ต่างๆ", "choice2": "เด็กๆ วิ่งไล่สัตว์ต่างๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายหายใจเสียงดัง", "choice1": "เขาไตวาย", "choice2": "ปอดเขามีน้ำคั่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันมีตั๋วคอนเสิร์ตเหลือหนึ่งใบ", "choice1": "ฉันถามทางไปสถานที่จัดคอนเสิร์ตจากเพื่อน", "choice2": "ฉันถามเพื่อนว่าเขาสนใจจะไปหรือไม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เครื่องปรับอากาศในบ้านเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันเอาผ้าห่มออกมา", "choice2": "ฉันเปิดหน้าต่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายปวดหลัง", "choice1": "เป้ของเขาเปิดอยู่", "choice2": "เป้ของเขาหนัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันซื้อของขวัญให้แม่", "choice1": "ฉันอบเค้กให้แม่", "choice2": "มันเป็นวันเกิดแม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ดอกแดฟโฟดิลในสวนถูกทำลายเสียหาย", "choice1": "ผึ้่งต่อยคนสวน", "choice2": "กระรอกขุดหน่อดอกไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจุดไม้ขีด", "choice1": "ไฟมอดดับ", "choice2": "ไม้ขีดติดไฟ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่กรณีไกล่เกลี่ยสำเร็จ", "choice1": "พวกเขาไม่อยากสู้คดีในศาล", "choice2": "พวกเขาอยากฟื้นฟูความสัมพันธ์ส่วนตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กๆ ถูกส่งไปสถานเลี้ยงเด็กกำพร้า", "choice1": "พ่อแม่ของเด็กเสียชีวิต", "choice2": "พ่อแม่ของเด็กตามใจเด็ก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "อุกกาบาตตกในทะเล", "choice1": "เกิดสึนามิ", "choice2": "ลูกเห็บเริ่มตก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักปีนเขาพบงูพิษ", "choice1": "เธอขาดน้ำ", "choice2": "เธอเสียขวัญ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เตาอบร้อน", "choice1": "ฉันเปิดเตาอบ", "choice2": "ฉันเอาจานเข้าเตาอบ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันบีบซีกมะนาว", "choice1": "มะนาวขึ้นรา", "choice2": "น้ำมะนาวไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประเทศค้นพบดินแดนใหม่", "choice1": "ประเทศทิ้งดินแดนใหม่", "choice2": "ประเทศยึดครองดินแดนใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แก้วกลิ้งตกจากโต๊ะ", "choice1": "แก้วแตกกระจายทั่วพื้น", "choice2": "แก้วตกลงบนกองผ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "โต๊ะโยก", "choice1": "พื้นไม่สม่ำเสมอ", "choice2": "พื้นลื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่อจับได้ว่าลูกชายเขาโกหก", "choice1": "ลูกชายสารภาพ", "choice2": "พ่อไว้ใจลูกชาย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ศีรษะผู้ชายเต้นตุบๆ ด้วยความเจ็บปวด", "choice1": "เขากินยาแก้ไอ", "choice2": "เขากินยาแอสไพริน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถไฟชะลอลง", "choice1": "รถไฟกำลังเข้าสู่สถานี", "choice2": "รถไฟวิ่งช้ากว่ากำหนด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเข้ารับการบำบัด", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเขามักมีอาการป่วยทางจิต", "choice2": "เขาได้รับวินิจฉันว่าเป็นโรคซึมเศร้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยกมือกุมคอ", "choice1": "เธอกลืนอาหาร", "choice2": "เธอสำลักอาหาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเจ็บคอ", "choice1": "เธอเสียงแหบ", "choice2": "เธอพูดด้วยสำเนียงแปลก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมาจ้องมองสเต็กบนโต๊ะ", "choice1": "น้ำลายมันไหล", "choice2": "มันนอนลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ธุรกิจของผู้หญิงประสบความสำเร็จ", "choice1": "เธอไล่พนักงานออก", "choice2": "เธอมีฐานะร่ำรวยขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กนักเรียนเดินออกจากห้อง", "choice1": "เสียงออดดัง", "choice2": "ครูสั่งการบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอ้างว่าเธอเห็นผี", "choice1": "คนรู้จักเธอตั้งข้อสงสัย", "choice2": "คนรู้จักเธอเข้าอกเข้าใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายสูญเสียการได้ยิน", "choice1": "เขาเกือบจมน้ำในมหาสมุทร", "choice2": "เขาเกือบตายจากแรงระเบิด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กปล่อยมือจากเชือกลูกโป่ง", "choice1": "ลูกโป่งแฟบ", "choice2": "ลูกโป่งลอยขึ้นในอากาศ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายสูญเสียความสามารถในการพูด", "choice1": "เส้นเลือดในสมองเขาแตก", "choice2": "เขาสูดหายใจลึกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินสะดุดบนทางเท้า", "choice1": "มีรอยแตกบนพื้นปูน", "choice2": "เธอได้ยินคนเรียกชื่อ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกระโดดลงสระ", "choice1": "ไลฟ์การ์ดกระโดดลงสระตามเขาไป", "choice2": "ไลฟ์การ์ดตัวเปียกชุ่ม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ฉันกินยาปฏิชีวนะ", "choice1": "แผลติดเชื้อหาย", "choice2": "แผลติดเชื้อลุกลาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ไฟจราจรเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเหลือง", "choice1": "คนขับเหยียบเบรค", "choice2": "คนขับบีบแตร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กล่องพลาสติกละลาย", "choice1": "ฉันนำกล่องแช่น้ำอุ่น", "choice2": "ฉันวางกล่องบนเตาไฟร้อนๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถมีรอยบุบ", "choice1": "คนขับขับชนเสาโทรศัพท์", "choice2": "คนขับขับฝ่าไฟแดง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายอ่านหนังสือเรียนทั้งคืน", "choice1": "เขาโดดสอบ", "choice2": "เขาสอบผ่าน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กชายเกาะขอบสระแน่น", "choice1": "เขากลัวการหัดว่ายน้ำ", "choice2": "ไลฟ์การ์ดอยู่เวร", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเอามือทาบอก", "choice1": "ฉันรู้สึกถึงหัวใจเต้น", "choice2": "หัวใจฉันเต้นเร็วขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตึกข้างออฟฟิศฉันอยู่ในระหว่างก่อสร้าง", "choice1": "ออฟฟิศฉันคนแน่น", "choice2": "ออฟฟิศฉันเสียงดัง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครอบครัวอยากทำความรู้จักกับเพื่อนบ้าน", "choice1": "ครอบครัวเชิญเพื่อนบ้านมากินมื้อเย็น", "choice2": "ครอบครัวโบกมือทักทายเพื่อนจากสนามหน้าบ้าน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นํ้ากระเซ็นขึ้นมาจากสระ", "choice1": "นักว่ายนํ้ากระโดดลงไปในสระ", "choice2": "นักว่ายนํ้าลอยในสระ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันกินแต่งโมหนึ่งเสี้ยว", "choice1": "ฉันกลืนเม็ดแตงโมโดยบังเอิญ", "choice2": "ฟันของฉันหักโดยบังเอิญ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายสะดุด", "choice1": "เสื้อคลุมของเขาไม่ได้รูดซิป", "choice2": "เขาไม่ได้ผูกเชือกรองเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงใส่ที่อุดหู", "choice1": "เธอถูกรบกวนด้วยเสียง", "choice2": "เธอเจาะหู", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเติมนํ้าลงขวด", "choice1": "ฉันดื่มนํ้าในขวดจนหมด", "choice2": "ฉันเก็บมันไว้ในตู้เย็น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "รายการทีวีถูกเซ็นเซอร์เนื้อหา", "choice1": "มันมีคำไม่สุภาพ", "choice2": "มันมีเนื้อเรื่องที่ซับซ้อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เรืออับปาง", "choice1": "ลูกเรือจมนํ้า", "choice2": "ลูกเรือเจอโจรสลัด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายรู้สึกท้อแท้กับปริศนา", "choice1": "เขาหาคำตอบได้", "choice2": "เขาขอคำใบ้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "โทรศัพท์ดัง", "choice1": "ผู้ชายวางโทรศัพท์", "choice2": "ผู้ชายรับโทรศัพท์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงจ้องฉัน", "choice1": "ฉันกอดเธอ", "choice2": "ฉันรู้สึกไม่สบายใจ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กลุ่มคนออกจากพิพิธภัณฑ์", "choice1": "พวกเขาถ่ายรูปศิลปะ", "choice2": "พวกเขาดูศิลปะครบทุกชิ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเริ่มเถียงกับฉัน", "choice1": "เพื่อนของฉันแนะนำให้ฉันรู้จักผู้ชาย", "choice2": "เพื่อนของฉันปกป้องฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ยางรถจักรยานของฉันแบน", "choice1": "ฉันเติมลมเข้าไปในล้อ", "choice2": "ฉันเปลี่ยนเกียร์รถ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงดูซีด", "choice1": "พ่อของเธออ่านหนังสือให้ฟัง", "choice2": "พ่อของเธอจับหน้าผากของเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ปากกาหมึกหมด", "choice1": "ฉันใช้ดินสอ", "choice2": "ฉันเซ็นชื่อของฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกปฎิเสธสินเชื่อ", "choice1": "เขามีหนี้สิน", "choice2": "เขาเริ่มธุรกิจใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงไม่ไปโรงเรียน", "choice1": "เธอเป็นอีสุกอีใส", "choice2": "เธอชอบเรียนเลข", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ถุงขยะเต็มแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันไปทิ้ง", "choice2": "ฉันทิ้งมันลงอ่างล้างจาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันดูดฝุ่นพรม", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมห้องฉันทำนํ้าผลไม้หก", "choice2": "หมาของฉันขนร่วง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายอารมณ์เสีย", "choice1": "เขาปิดคอมฟึวเตอร์", "choice2": "เขาทุ่มเก้าอี้ข้ามห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงโยนก้านไม้เข้ากองไฟ", "choice1": "ก้านไม้ไหม้", "choice2": "ไฟมอดดับ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายออกมาจากห้องอาบน้ำ", "choice1": "นํ้าร้อนหมด", "choice2": "เขาหาผ้าเช็ดตัวไม่เจอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ผู้ปกครองอยากให้ลูกเข้าเรียนมหาวิทยาลัย", "choice1": "พวกเขาเก็บเงินไว้สำหรับค่าเล่าเรียน", "choice2": "เขาสนับสนุนให้ลูกเล่นข้างนอก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายแกะเชือกรองเท้า", "choice1": "รองเท้าหลวมขึ้น", "choice2": "รองเท้าเก่าลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชาบกินอาหารเรียกน้ำย่อยไปครึ่งจาน", "choice1": "เขาเอาอาหารเหลือแช่ตู้เย็น", "choice2": "เขาเก็บสูตรทำอาหารไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ข้อเท้าของฉันบวม", "choice1": "ฉันประคบน้ำแข็งบนข้อเท้า", "choice2": "ฉันทาโลชั่นบนข้อเท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ประตูห้องทำงานของฉันเปิดอยู่", "choice1": "ฉันพูดกับเพื่อนร่วมงานที่โต๊ะ", "choice2": "ฉันได้ยินการสนทนาในห้องโถง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันต้องรอในแถว", "choice1": "ฉันนั่งรอ", "choice2": "ฉันนั่งอ่านนิตยสาร", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายตีแมลงวัน", "choice1": "แมลงวันบินหนีไป", "choice2": "แมลงวันอยู่นิ่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเขียนพินัยกรรม", "choice1": "เขากำลังจะตาย", "choice2": "เขาเป็นพ่อม่าย", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักวิ่งรู้สึกว่าคู่แข่งของเขากำลังไล่ตามมา", "choice1": "เขาออกจากการแข่งขัน", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งเร็วขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันทบทวนปัญหาอย่างรอบคอบ", "choice1": "ฉันต้องการคำแนะนำ", "choice2": "ฉันหาคำตอบได้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักท่องเที่ยวเดินบนสะพานแขวนที่โยกเยก", "choice1": "เขากลัวมาก", "choice2": "เขารู้สึกตื่นเต้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายคาดว่าทีมเขาจะชนะ", "choice1": "เขานัดเจอเพื่อนเขาเพื่อที่จะดูการแข่งขัน", "choice2": "เขาพนันกับเพื่อนของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายนอนไม่หลับ", "choice1": "เขาตั้งนาฬิกาปลุก", "choice2": "เขานับแกะ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
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index 156558f..027e94c 100644
--- a/data/th/val.th.jsonl
+++ b/data/th/val.th.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเปิดก๊อกนํ้า", "choice1": "ห้องนํ้าเต็มไปด้วยนํ้า", "choice2": "นํ้าไหลออกมาจากพวย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงเจอแมลงในอาหารเช้า", "choice1": "เธอเทนมลงในชาม", "choice2": "เขากินไม่ลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเกษียณ", "choice1": "เขาได้รับบํานาญ", "choice2": "เขาจ่ายค่าจำนองคืนหมดแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันอยากรักษาพลังงาน", "choice1": "ฉันกวาดพื้นในห้องที่ว่าง", "choice2": "ฉันปิดไฟในห้องที่ว่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เนื้อสุกแล้ว", "choice1": "พ่อครัวนํามันไปแช่แข็ง", "choice2": "พ่อครัวย่างมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉ้นไม่เชื่อคนขาย", "choice1": "ฉันปฎิเสธข้อเสนอของเขา", "choice2": "เขาคะยั้นคะยอให้ฉันซื้อของ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันตัดสินใจอยู่บ้านคืนนี้", "choice1": "พยากรณ์อากาศบอกจะมีพายุ", "choice2": "เพื่อนของฉันแนะนําให้ฉันออกไปเที่ยว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตาของฉันแดงและบวม", "choice1": "ฉันร้องไห้", "choice2": "ฉันหัวเราะ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เปลวไฟของเทียนได้ดับลงแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเป่าเทียน", "choice2": "ฉันจุดเทียนด้วยไม้ขีด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เขาดื่มเยอะมากในงานเลี้ยง", "choice1": "เขาปวดหัวในวันต่อมา", "choice2": "เขามีนํ้ามูกในวันต่อมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลูกโบว์ลิ่งชนพินล้ม", "choice1": "เขาโยนลูกโบว์ลิ่งลงไปตามราง", "choice2": "เขาทําลูกโบว์ลิ่งหล่นใส่เท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ชุมชนทราบข่าวการเสียชีวิตของผู้ชาย", "choice1": "ครอบครัวของเขาฝังเขาไว้ในสุสาน", "choice2": "ตำไว้อาลัยแด่เขาปรากฎในหนังสือพิมพ์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คอมฟิวเตอร์ของฉันเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันติดลำโพงใหม่", "choice2": "ฉันทําข้อมูลทั้งหมดหาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงลาออกจากงาน", "choice1": "เขามีความหวังว่าจะเป็นผู้บริหาร", "choice2": "เขาเชื่อว่านายของเขาไม่สุจริต", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักกีฬารับลูกบอล", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมทีมโยนให้เขา", "choice2": "ผู้เล่นฝ่ายตรงข้ามกันไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้พิพากษาเคาะค้อน", "choice1": "ในศาลเกิดความวุ่นวาย", "choice2": "ลูกขุนประกาศคําพิพากษา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไล่เด็กออกไปจากบ้านของเขา", "choice1": "เด็กๆตีลูกบอลไปในสวนของเขา", "choice2": "เด็กๆวิ่งเข้าไปย่ำในสวนของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนร้ายปล่อยตัวประกัน", "choice1": "พวกเขายอมรับค่าไถ่", "choice2": "พวกเขาหนีออกจากคุก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่อครัวนํ้าตาไหล", "choice1": "เขาใช้หัวหอมหมด", "choice2": "เขาปอกหัวหอม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเอานิ้วจุ่มในนำเย็น", "choice1": "เขาโดนที่ปิ้งขนมปังลวกมือ", "choice2": "เขาสวมแหวนเพชรลงบนนิ้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนสะกดคำผิด", "choice1": "ครูได้แก้ให้เขา", "choice2": "ครูไล่เขาออกไปจากห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันรวบรวมสติได้หลังโกรธ", "choice1": "หัวใจฉันเต้นแรง", "choice2": "ฉันหายใจเข้าลึกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันล้างมือให้นํ้าไหลผ่าน", "choice1": "สบู่ถูกล้างออกจากมือฉัน", "choice2": "นํ้ากระเด็นใส่หน้าฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายใส่สูทที่ดีที่สุดของเขา", "choice1": "เขานัดพบลูกค้าคนสําคัญของเขา", "choice2": "ภรรยาของเขาซื้อเนคไทเส้นใหม่ให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายบอกรักคนรักของเขา", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงปฎิเสธเขา", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงอิจฉาเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "รถของคนขับยางแบน", "choice1": "เขาขับรถเร็วเกินกำหนด", "choice2": "เขาขับรถทับตะปู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "จอภาพยนตร์ถูกบัง", "choice1": "ชายหญิงกระซิบกันข้างหลังฉัน", "choice2": "มีคนตัวสูงนั่งอยู่ข้างหน้าฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนขับรถเปิดไฟหน้า", "choice1": "เขาได้ยินเสียงฟ้าร้อง", "choice2": "พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงปฎิเสธที่จะกินผัก", "choice1": "พ่อของเขาบอกให้เขาดื่มนม", "choice2": "พ่อของเขาเอาของหวานไปเก็บ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเอามือปิดปาก", "choice1": "เขาหายใจออก", "choice2": "เขาจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เลขานุการพักสายโทรศัพท์", "choice1": "สัญญาณโทรศัพท์หาย", "choice2": "คนโทรรอสาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินด้วยไม้คํ้ายัน", "choice1": "เขาโกนขนหน้าแข้ง", "choice2": "ขาเขาหัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันไอ", "choice1": "ฉันสูดควัน", "choice2": "ฉันเบาเสียงลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นาฬิกาปลุกดัง", "choice1": "มันเป็นเวลาต้นชั่วโมง", "choice2": "เวลานั้นดูยาวนาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "พ่อครัวตอกไข่กับขอบชาม", "choice1": "ไข่แตก", "choice2": "ไข่เน่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตํารวจค้นรถของผู้ต้องสงสัย", "choice1": "เขาพยายามให้ผู้ต้องสงสัยสารภาพ", "choice2": "พวกเขาพยายามค้นหายาเสพติด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่สามีภารยาเดินทางไปยังทิศใต้ในฤดูหนาว", "choice1": "พวกเขาได้เกษียณแล้ว", "choice2": "พวกเขาได้แยกกันอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายรู้สึกว่าจําเป็นว่าจะต้องไปงาน", "choice1": "เขาปฎิเสธคำเชิญของเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขาสัญญากับเพื่อนเขาว่าจะไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เจ้าสาวเปลี่ยนใจกะทันหันก่อนงานแต่ง", "choice1": "แขกนำของขวัญมา", "choice2": "เจ้าสาวยกเลิกงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายวัยชรา", "choice1": "ผมของเขาเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเทา", "choice2": "เขาขายสมบัติของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เพื่อนๆตัดสินใจที่จะแบ่งแฮมเบอร์เกอร์ก้น", "choice1": "เขาตัดแบ่งแฮมเบอร์เกอร์คนละครึ่ง", "choice2": "พวกเขาสั่งมันฝรั่งทอดกับแฮมเบอร์เกอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันเปิดฝาขวดนํ้าอัดลม", "choice1": "ก๊าซออกมาจากขวดนํ้าอัดลม", "choice2": "นํ้าอัดลมไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนสองคนถูกครูเพ่งเล็ง", "choice1": "นักเรียนทั่งคู่ได้คะแนนดี", "choice2": "คําตอบของเขาสองคนเหมือนกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนรีบจะไปถึงโรงเรียนให้ทันเวลา", "choice1": "เขาลืมการบ้านไว้ที่บ้าน", "choice2": "เขานําอาหารเที่ยงมาทานที่โรงเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักสื่อข่าวเขียนชีวประวัติของนักสังคมสงเคราะห์", "choice1": "การสัมภาษณ์นักสังคมสงเคราะห์ทำได้ยาก", "choice2": "นักสื่อข่าวสนใจงานของนักสังคมสงเคราะห์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายกล้าต่อต้านผู้นำของโบสถ์", "choice1": "เขาบริจาคเงินให้โบสถ์", "choice2": "เขาถูกขับไล่ออกจากโบสถ์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผมของผู้หญิงตกใส่หน้า", "choice1": "เขารวบผมด้วยที่หนีบผม", "choice2": "เขานวดแชมพูบนผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "แหวนติดบนนิ้วของฉัน", "choice1": "นิ้วของฉันบวม", "choice2": "เล็บของฉันฉีก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉ้นดึงหนังยาง", "choice1": "มันเด้งไปอีกฝั่งของห้อง", "choice2": "มันยืดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันวางมือไปบนปูนเปียก", "choice1": "รอยมือของฉันแห้งในปูน", "choice2": "ปูนมีรอยปริ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผิวของฉันมีผื่นขึ้น", "choice1": "ผิวฉันถูกับใบหมามุ่ยในสวน", "choice2": "ฉันกำจัดต้นหมามุ่ยออกจากสวน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สมาชิกนิตยสารได้หมดอายุแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉ้นทิ้งนิตยสารฉบับล่าสุด", "choice2": "ฉันไม่ได้รับนิตยสารฉบับใหม่แล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักสืบพบช่องโหว่ในคดี", "choice1": "เขาสรุปทฤษฎีของเขา", "choice2": "เขายกเลิกทฤษฎีของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายอาละวาด", "choice1": "พี่ของเขาแย่งของเล่นไป", "choice2": "เขาแบ่งของเล่นกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กเรียนที่จะอ่าน", "choice1": "เขาเริ่มไปโรงเรียน", "choice2": "เขาข้ามหนึ่งชั้นการศึกษา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายไม่ทานอาหารคํ่า", "choice1": "แม่ของเขาทำอาหารจานโปรดให้เขา", "choice2": "เขาทานอาหารเที่ยงมื้อใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยกยอเพื่อนของเขาด้วยคำชม", "choice1": "เขาต้องการบางอย่างจากเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขารำคาญเพื่อนบ่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กุญแจหายไปจากกระเป๋ากางเกงฉัน", "choice1": "กระเป๋ากางเกงฉันมีรู", "choice2": "มันเป็นกางเกงใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายเป็นลม", "choice1": "เขานอนพัก", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งมาราธอน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายแพ้การแข่งขัน", "choice1": "การแข่งขันถูกล้ม", "choice2": "เขาข่มขู่คู่แข่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "แม่เรียกรถพยาบาล", "choice1": "รถของลูกเขาหาย", "choice2": "ลูกของเขาตกเตียง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนขับรถเหยีบเบรครถ", "choice1": "กวางปรากฎบนถนน", "choice2": "วิทยุในรถปิดอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ล็อคถูกเปิดออก", "choice1": "ฉันหมุนกูญแจในล็อค", "choice2": "ฉันทำกุญแจสำรองเอาไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันสวมถุงมือยาง", "choice1": "ฉันเตรียมที่จะล้างจาน", "choice2": "ฉันเตรียมที่จะทำความสะอาดห้องนํ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สัตว์ต่างๆกำลังจะสูญพันธุ์", "choice1": "ที่อยู่อาศัยของพวกมันถูกทำลาย", "choice2": "สัตว์ที่ล่าพวกมันสูญพันธุ์ไปแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายคิดว่าผู้หญิงดูแปลกไป", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงตัดผม", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงใส่กำไล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักเรียนลืมทำการบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาหาข้ออ้างที่จะบอกครู", "choice2": "ครูเลื่อนชั้นให้นักเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หมาเห่า", "choice1": "แมวนอนบนโซฟา", "choice2": "มีคนเคาะประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "มีแผนที่จะเปลี่ยนสวนสาถารณะเป็นห้าง", "choice1": "นักอนุรักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อมเริ่มประท้วง", "choice2": "นักอนุรักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อมผลิตสารคดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่รักดีใจที่ได้เจอกัน", "choice1": "เขาจูบกัน", "choice2": "เขาพักผ่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงขอให้ผู้ชายออกไป", "choice1": "เขาสบประมาทผู้หญิง", "choice2": "เขาขอบคุณเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กิ่งต้นไม้ตกลงไปในแม่นํ้า", "choice1": "กิ่งต้นไม้ไหลตามนํ้าไป", "choice2": "กระแสนํ้าไหลแรงขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ครูให้การบ้านนักเรียน", "choice1": "นักเรียนส่งข้อความให้กัน", "choice2": "นักเรียนบ่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฤดูเปลี่ยนจากฤดูร้อนเป็นฤดูใบไม้ร่วง", "choice1": "ประชาชนอพยพออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ใบไม้ร่วงจากต้นไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "นักการเมืองถูกตัดสินว่าฉ้อโกง", "choice1": "เขาลงหาเสียงเลือกตั้งใหม่", "choice2": "เขาถูกปลดออกจากตำแหน่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันผลักรถลาก", "choice1": "ของในรถลากตกลงมา", "choice2": "ล้อรถลากหมุนไปข้างหน้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ลอบบี้ยิสต์ให้ผู้แทนสนับสนุนเสนอร่างกฎหมาย", "choice1": "ประธานาธิบดีคว่ำร่างกฎหมาย", "choice2": "ผู้แทนอนุมัติกฏหมาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ตู้ของฉันรก", "choice1": "ฉันจัดมัน", "choice2": "ฉันตบแต่งมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันนอนดึก", "choice1": "ฉันฝันเหมือนจริงเมื่อคืน", "choice2": "ฉ้นเหนื่อยตอนเช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "กระเป๋าการเกงผู้ชายมีเสียงเวลาเดิน", "choice1": "กระเป๋ากางเกงของเขาเต็มไปด้วยเหรียญ", "choice2": "เขาเย็บรูในกางเกงเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ทุกคนในห้องหันไปจ้องนักเรียน", "choice1": "โทรศัพท์นักเรียนดัง", "choice2": "นักเรียนจดงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ม้าพยศ", "choice1": "แมลงวันกัดม้า", "choice2": "คนขี่ม้าลูบคอมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คนขโมยเครื่องประดับถูกจับ", "choice1": "เครื่องประดับที่ถูกโขมยมาถูกคืนให้เจ้าของ", "choice2": "ราคาของเครื่องประดับถูกคำนวณ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ความรุนแรงทางการเมืองเกิดขึ้นในประเทศ", "choice1": "ประชาชนหลายคนย้ายไปเมืองหลวง", "choice2": "ประชาชนหลายคนลี้ภัยไปพื้นที่อื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถูกจับ", "choice1": "เขาได้รับการบำบัด", "choice2": "เขาใช้ความรุนแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอ่านหนังสือพิมพ์", "choice1": "เขาทราบผลการเลือกตั้ง", "choice2": "เขาไปลงคะแนนเลือกตั้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กป่วยไอใส่เพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนของเขาป่วย", "choice2": "เพื่อนของเขาจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "คู่รักหมั้นกัน", "choice1": "พวกเขาวางแผนงานแต่งงาน", "choice2": "พวกเขาแยกกั่นอยู่สักพัก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงติดต่อนายหน้าอสังหาริมทรัพย์", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงวางแผนที่จะซื้อคอนโด", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงต้องทำความสะอาดบ้านของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกลอตเตอรี่", "choice1": "เขารํ่ารวย", "choice2": "เขามีหนี้สิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจุดเทียน", "choice1": "นํ้าตาเทียนหยดลงมาจากเทียน", "choice2": "นํ้าตาเทียนแข็งตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันใช้เวลาทั้งวันอยู่ที่สระนํ้า", "choice1": "ข้อเท้าของฉันอักเสบ", "choice2": "หน้าของฉันไหม้จากแสงแดด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้ชายได้รับใบสั่งจากการจอดรถ", "choice1": "เขาจอดรถขนานบนถนน", "choice2": "มีเตอร์จอดรถหมดเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีชื่อเสียง", "choice1": "ช่างภาพติดตามเธอ", "choice2": "ครอบครัวของเธอหลบหลีกเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "เด็กหญิงอยากจะใส่ต่างหู", "choice1": "เขาเจาะหู", "choice2": "เขาไปสักมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "หูของฉันอื้อ", "choice1": "ฉันไปพิพิธภัณฑ์มา", "choice2": "ฉันไปคอนเสิร์ตมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ฉันจัดบ้าน", "choice1": "ฉันมีงานเยอะ", "choice2": "ฉันรอเพื่อนมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "สานการบินทำกระเป๋าฉันหาย", "choice1": "เขาเสนอค่าชดใช้ให้", "choice2": "เขายกเลิกเที่ยวบิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ค่าซ่อมคอมพิวเตอร์แพงเกินไป", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันไปซ่อม", "choice2": "ฉ้นซื้อเครื่องใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอารมณ์เสีย", "choice1": "เขาคุยกับเพื่อนของเขา", "choice2": "เขาบอกให้เพื่อนปล่อยเขาไว้คนเดียว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเปิดก๊อกนํ้า", "choice1": "ห้องนํ้าเต็มไปด้วยนํ้า", "choice2": "นํ้าไหลออกมาจากพวย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้หญิงเจอแมลงในอาหารเช้า", "choice1": "เธอเทนมลงในชาม", "choice2": "เขากินไม่ลง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเกษียณ", "choice1": "เขาได้รับบํานาญ", "choice2": "เขาจ่ายค่าจำนองคืนหมดแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันอยากรักษาพลังงาน", "choice1": "ฉันกวาดพื้นในห้องที่ว่าง", "choice2": "ฉันปิดไฟในห้องที่ว่าง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เนื้อสุกแล้ว", "choice1": "พ่อครัวนํามันไปแช่แข็ง", "choice2": "พ่อครัวย่างมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉ้นไม่เชื่อคนขาย", "choice1": "ฉันปฎิเสธข้อเสนอของเขา", "choice2": "เขาคะยั้นคะยอให้ฉันซื้อของ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันตัดสินใจอยู่บ้านคืนนี้", "choice1": "พยากรณ์อากาศบอกจะมีพายุ", "choice2": "เพื่อนของฉันแนะนําให้ฉันออกไปเที่ยว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตาของฉันแดงและบวม", "choice1": "ฉันร้องไห้", "choice2": "ฉันหัวเราะ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เปลวไฟของเทียนได้ดับลงแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉันเป่าเทียน", "choice2": "ฉันจุดเทียนด้วยไม้ขีด", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เขาดื่มเยอะมากในงานเลี้ยง", "choice1": "เขาปวดหัวในวันต่อมา", "choice2": "เขามีนํ้ามูกในวันต่อมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลูกโบว์ลิ่งชนพินล้ม", "choice1": "เขาโยนลูกโบว์ลิ่งลงไปตามราง", "choice2": "เขาทําลูกโบว์ลิ่งหล่นใส่เท้า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ชุมชนทราบข่าวการเสียชีวิตของผู้ชาย", "choice1": "ครอบครัวของเขาฝังเขาไว้ในสุสาน", "choice2": "ตำไว้อาลัยแด่เขาปรากฎในหนังสือพิมพ์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คอมฟิวเตอร์ของฉันเสีย", "choice1": "ฉันติดลำโพงใหม่", "choice2": "ฉันทําข้อมูลทั้งหมดหาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงลาออกจากงาน", "choice1": "เขามีความหวังว่าจะเป็นผู้บริหาร", "choice2": "เขาเชื่อว่านายของเขาไม่สุจริต", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักกีฬารับลูกบอล", "choice1": "เพื่อนร่วมทีมโยนให้เขา", "choice2": "ผู้เล่นฝ่ายตรงข้ามกันไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้พิพากษาเคาะค้อน", "choice1": "ในศาลเกิดความวุ่นวาย", "choice2": "ลูกขุนประกาศคําพิพากษา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงไล่เด็กออกไปจากบ้านของเขา", "choice1": "เด็กๆตีลูกบอลไปในสวนของเขา", "choice2": "เด็กๆวิ่งเข้าไปย่ำในสวนของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนร้ายปล่อยตัวประกัน", "choice1": "พวกเขายอมรับค่าไถ่", "choice2": "พวกเขาหนีออกจากคุก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่อครัวนํ้าตาไหล", "choice1": "เขาใช้หัวหอมหมด", "choice2": "เขาปอกหัวหอม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเอานิ้วจุ่มในนำเย็น", "choice1": "เขาโดนที่ปิ้งขนมปังลวกมือ", "choice2": "เขาสวมแหวนเพชรลงบนนิ้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนสะกดคำผิด", "choice1": "ครูได้แก้ให้เขา", "choice2": "ครูไล่เขาออกไปจากห้อง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันรวบรวมสติได้หลังโกรธ", "choice1": "หัวใจฉันเต้นแรง", "choice2": "ฉันหายใจเข้าลึกๆ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันล้างมือให้นํ้าไหลผ่าน", "choice1": "สบู่ถูกล้างออกจากมือฉัน", "choice2": "นํ้ากระเด็นใส่หน้าฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายใส่สูทที่ดีที่สุดของเขา", "choice1": "เขานัดพบลูกค้าคนสําคัญของเขา", "choice2": "ภรรยาของเขาซื้อเนคไทเส้นใหม่ให้เขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายบอกรักคนรักของเขา", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงปฎิเสธเขา", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงอิจฉาเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "รถของคนขับยางแบน", "choice1": "เขาขับรถเร็วเกินกำหนด", "choice2": "เขาขับรถทับตะปู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "จอภาพยนตร์ถูกบัง", "choice1": "ชายหญิงกระซิบกันข้างหลังฉัน", "choice2": "มีคนตัวสูงนั่งอยู่ข้างหน้าฉัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนขับรถเปิดไฟหน้า", "choice1": "เขาได้ยินเสียงฟ้าร้อง", "choice2": "พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงปฎิเสธที่จะกินผัก", "choice1": "พ่อของเขาบอกให้เขาดื่มนม", "choice2": "พ่อของเขาเอาของหวานไปเก็บ", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเอามือปิดปาก", "choice1": "เขาหายใจออก", "choice2": "เขาจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เลขานุการพักสายโทรศัพท์", "choice1": "สัญญาณโทรศัพท์หาย", "choice2": "คนโทรรอสาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงเดินด้วยไม้คํ้ายัน", "choice1": "เขาโกนขนหน้าแข้ง", "choice2": "ขาเขาหัก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันไอ", "choice1": "ฉันสูดควัน", "choice2": "ฉันเบาเสียงลง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นาฬิกาปลุกดัง", "choice1": "มันเป็นเวลาต้นชั่วโมง", "choice2": "เวลานั้นดูยาวนาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "พ่อครัวตอกไข่กับขอบชาม", "choice1": "ไข่แตก", "choice2": "ไข่เน่า", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตํารวจค้นรถของผู้ต้องสงสัย", "choice1": "เขาพยายามให้ผู้ต้องสงสัยสารภาพ", "choice2": "พวกเขาพยายามค้นหายาเสพติด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่สามีภารยาเดินทางไปยังทิศใต้ในฤดูหนาว", "choice1": "พวกเขาได้เกษียณแล้ว", "choice2": "พวกเขาได้แยกกันอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายรู้สึกว่าจําเป็นว่าจะต้องไปงาน", "choice1": "เขาปฎิเสธคำเชิญของเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขาสัญญากับเพื่อนเขาว่าจะไป", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เจ้าสาวเปลี่ยนใจกะทันหันก่อนงานแต่ง", "choice1": "แขกนำของขวัญมา", "choice2": "เจ้าสาวยกเลิกงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายวัยชรา", "choice1": "ผมของเขาเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเทา", "choice2": "เขาขายสมบัติของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เพื่อนๆตัดสินใจที่จะแบ่งแฮมเบอร์เกอร์ก้น", "choice1": "เขาตัดแบ่งแฮมเบอร์เกอร์คนละครึ่ง", "choice2": "พวกเขาสั่งมันฝรั่งทอดกับแฮมเบอร์เกอร์", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันเปิดฝาขวดนํ้าอัดลม", "choice1": "ก๊าซออกมาจากขวดนํ้าอัดลม", "choice2": "นํ้าอัดลมไหลออกมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนสองคนถูกครูเพ่งเล็ง", "choice1": "นักเรียนทั่งคู่ได้คะแนนดี", "choice2": "คําตอบของเขาสองคนเหมือนกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนรีบจะไปถึงโรงเรียนให้ทันเวลา", "choice1": "เขาลืมการบ้านไว้ที่บ้าน", "choice2": "เขานําอาหารเที่ยงมาทานที่โรงเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักสื่อข่าวเขียนชีวประวัติของนักสังคมสงเคราะห์", "choice1": "การสัมภาษณ์นักสังคมสงเคราะห์ทำได้ยาก", "choice2": "นักสื่อข่าวสนใจงานของนักสังคมสงเคราะห์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายกล้าต่อต้านผู้นำของโบสถ์", "choice1": "เขาบริจาคเงินให้โบสถ์", "choice2": "เขาถูกขับไล่ออกจากโบสถ์", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผมของผู้หญิงตกใส่หน้า", "choice1": "เขารวบผมด้วยที่หนีบผม", "choice2": "เขานวดแชมพูบนผม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "แหวนติดบนนิ้วของฉัน", "choice1": "นิ้วของฉันบวม", "choice2": "เล็บของฉันฉีก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉ้นดึงหนังยาง", "choice1": "มันเด้งไปอีกฝั่งของห้อง", "choice2": "มันยืดออก", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันวางมือไปบนปูนเปียก", "choice1": "รอยมือของฉันแห้งในปูน", "choice2": "ปูนมีรอยปริ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผิวของฉันมีผื่นขึ้น", "choice1": "ผิวฉันถูกับใบหมามุ่ยในสวน", "choice2": "ฉันกำจัดต้นหมามุ่ยออกจากสวน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สมาชิกนิตยสารได้หมดอายุแล้ว", "choice1": "ฉ้นทิ้งนิตยสารฉบับล่าสุด", "choice2": "ฉันไม่ได้รับนิตยสารฉบับใหม่แล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักสืบพบช่องโหว่ในคดี", "choice1": "เขาสรุปทฤษฎีของเขา", "choice2": "เขายกเลิกทฤษฎีของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายอาละวาด", "choice1": "พี่ของเขาแย่งของเล่นไป", "choice2": "เขาแบ่งของเล่นกัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กเรียนที่จะอ่าน", "choice1": "เขาเริ่มไปโรงเรียน", "choice2": "เขาข้ามหนึ่งชั้นการศึกษา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กผู้ชายไม่ทานอาหารคํ่า", "choice1": "แม่ของเขาทำอาหารจานโปรดให้เขา", "choice2": "เขาทานอาหารเที่ยงมื้อใหญ่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงยกยอเพื่อนของเขาด้วยคำชม", "choice1": "เขาต้องการบางอย่างจากเพื่อนเขา", "choice2": "เขารำคาญเพื่อนบ่น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กุญแจหายไปจากกระเป๋ากางเกงฉัน", "choice1": "กระเป๋ากางเกงฉันมีรู", "choice2": "มันเป็นกางเกงใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายเป็นลม", "choice1": "เขานอนพัก", "choice2": "เขาวิ่งมาราธอน", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายแพ้การแข่งขัน", "choice1": "การแข่งขันถูกล้ม", "choice2": "เขาข่มขู่คู่แข่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "แม่เรียกรถพยาบาล", "choice1": "รถของลูกเขาหาย", "choice2": "ลูกของเขาตกเตียง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนขับรถเหยีบเบรครถ", "choice1": "กวางปรากฎบนถนน", "choice2": "วิทยุในรถปิดอยู่", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ล็อคถูกเปิดออก", "choice1": "ฉันหมุนกูญแจในล็อค", "choice2": "ฉันทำกุญแจสำรองเอาไว้", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันสวมถุงมือยาง", "choice1": "ฉันเตรียมที่จะล้างจาน", "choice2": "ฉันเตรียมที่จะทำความสะอาดห้องนํ้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สัตว์ต่างๆกำลังจะสูญพันธุ์", "choice1": "ที่อยู่อาศัยของพวกมันถูกทำลาย", "choice2": "สัตว์ที่ล่าพวกมันสูญพันธุ์ไปแล้ว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายคิดว่าผู้หญิงดูแปลกไป", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงตัดผม", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงใส่กำไล", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักเรียนลืมทำการบ้าน", "choice1": "เขาหาข้ออ้างที่จะบอกครู", "choice2": "ครูเลื่อนชั้นให้นักเรียน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หมาเห่า", "choice1": "แมวนอนบนโซฟา", "choice2": "มีคนเคาะประตู", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "มีแผนที่จะเปลี่ยนสวนสาถารณะเป็นห้าง", "choice1": "นักอนุรักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อมเริ่มประท้วง", "choice2": "นักอนุรักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อมผลิตสารคดี", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่รักดีใจที่ได้เจอกัน", "choice1": "เขาจูบกัน", "choice2": "เขาพักผ่อน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงขอให้ผู้ชายออกไป", "choice1": "เขาสบประมาทผู้หญิง", "choice2": "เขาขอบคุณเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กิ่งต้นไม้ตกลงไปในแม่นํ้า", "choice1": "กิ่งต้นไม้ไหลตามนํ้าไป", "choice2": "กระแสนํ้าไหลแรงขึ้น", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ครูให้การบ้านนักเรียน", "choice1": "นักเรียนส่งข้อความให้กัน", "choice2": "นักเรียนบ่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฤดูเปลี่ยนจากฤดูร้อนเป็นฤดูใบไม้ร่วง", "choice1": "ประชาชนอพยพออกจากบ้าน", "choice2": "ใบไม้ร่วงจากต้นไม้", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "นักการเมืองถูกตัดสินว่าฉ้อโกง", "choice1": "เขาลงหาเสียงเลือกตั้งใหม่", "choice2": "เขาถูกปลดออกจากตำแหน่ง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันผลักรถลาก", "choice1": "ของในรถลากตกลงมา", "choice2": "ล้อรถลากหมุนไปข้างหน้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ลอบบี้ยิสต์ให้ผู้แทนสนับสนุนเสนอร่างกฎหมาย", "choice1": "ประธานาธิบดีคว่ำร่างกฎหมาย", "choice2": "ผู้แทนอนุมัติกฏหมาย", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ตู้ของฉันรก", "choice1": "ฉันจัดมัน", "choice2": "ฉันตบแต่งมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันนอนดึก", "choice1": "ฉันฝันเหมือนจริงเมื่อคืน", "choice2": "ฉ้นเหนื่อยตอนเช้า", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "กระเป๋าการเกงผู้ชายมีเสียงเวลาเดิน", "choice1": "กระเป๋ากางเกงของเขาเต็มไปด้วยเหรียญ", "choice2": "เขาเย็บรูในกางเกงเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ทุกคนในห้องหันไปจ้องนักเรียน", "choice1": "โทรศัพท์นักเรียนดัง", "choice2": "นักเรียนจดงาน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ม้าพยศ", "choice1": "แมลงวันกัดม้า", "choice2": "คนขี่ม้าลูบคอมัน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คนขโมยเครื่องประดับถูกจับ", "choice1": "เครื่องประดับที่ถูกโขมยมาถูกคืนให้เจ้าของ", "choice2": "ราคาของเครื่องประดับถูกคำนวณ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ความรุนแรงทางการเมืองเกิดขึ้นในประเทศ", "choice1": "ประชาชนหลายคนย้ายไปเมืองหลวง", "choice2": "ประชาชนหลายคนลี้ภัยไปพื้นที่อื่น", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงถูกจับ", "choice1": "เขาได้รับการบำบัด", "choice2": "เขาใช้ความรุนแรง", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอ่านหนังสือพิมพ์", "choice1": "เขาทราบผลการเลือกตั้ง", "choice2": "เขาไปลงคะแนนเลือกตั้ง", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กป่วยไอใส่เพื่อน", "choice1": "เพื่อนของเขาป่วย", "choice2": "เพื่อนของเขาจาม", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "คู่รักหมั้นกัน", "choice1": "พวกเขาวางแผนงานแต่งงาน", "choice2": "พวกเขาแยกกั่นอยู่สักพัก", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงติดต่อนายหน้าอสังหาริมทรัพย์", "choice1": "ผู้หญิงวางแผนที่จะซื้อคอนโด", "choice2": "ผู้หญิงต้องทำความสะอาดบ้านของเขา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายถูกลอตเตอรี่", "choice1": "เขารํ่ารวย", "choice2": "เขามีหนี้สิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจุดเทียน", "choice1": "นํ้าตาเทียนหยดลงมาจากเทียน", "choice2": "นํ้าตาเทียนแข็งตัว", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันใช้เวลาทั้งวันอยู่ที่สระนํ้า", "choice1": "ข้อเท้าของฉันอักเสบ", "choice2": "หน้าของฉันไหม้จากแสงแดด", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้ชายได้รับใบสั่งจากการจอดรถ", "choice1": "เขาจอดรถขนานบนถนน", "choice2": "มีเตอร์จอดรถหมดเวลา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงมีชื่อเสียง", "choice1": "ช่างภาพติดตามเธอ", "choice2": "ครอบครัวของเธอหลบหลีกเธอ", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "เด็กหญิงอยากจะใส่ต่างหู", "choice1": "เขาเจาะหู", "choice2": "เขาไปสักมา", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "หูของฉันอื้อ", "choice1": "ฉันไปพิพิธภัณฑ์มา", "choice2": "ฉันไปคอนเสิร์ตมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ฉันจัดบ้าน", "choice1": "ฉันมีงานเยอะ", "choice2": "ฉันรอเพื่อนมา", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "สานการบินทำกระเป๋าฉันหาย", "choice1": "เขาเสนอค่าชดใช้ให้", "choice2": "เขายกเลิกเที่ยวบิน", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ค่าซ่อมคอมพิวเตอร์แพงเกินไป", "choice1": "ฉันเอามันไปซ่อม", "choice2": "ฉ้นซื้อเครื่องใหม่", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ผู้หญิงอารมณ์เสีย", "choice1": "เขาคุยกับเพื่อนของเขา", "choice2": "เขาบอกให้เพื่อนปล่อยเขาไว้คนเดียว", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/tr/test.tr.jsonl b/data/tr/test.tr.jsonl
index 3460034..9d2333d 100644
--- a/data/tr/test.tr.jsonl
+++ b/data/tr/test.tr.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Ürün balonlu naylonla paketlenmişti.", "choice1": "Kırılgandı.", "choice2": "Küçüktü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ceplerimi boşalttım.", "choice1": "Bir bilet koçanı aldım.", "choice2": "Bir silah buldum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Termitler evi işgal etti.", "choice1": "Termitler evden kayboldu.", "choice2": "Termitler evin içindeki ahşabı yediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yolcular sınıra ulaştı.", "choice1": "Devriye ajanı pasaportlarını kontrol etti.", "choice2": "Devriye ajanı onları kaçakçılıkla suçladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ofis kapalıydı.", "choice1": "Tatildi.", "choice2": "Yaz mevsimiydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kızın enerjisi tükendi.", "choice1": "Dama oynadı.", "choice2": "İp atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın sıradaki yerini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Sıraya daha fazla kişi girdi.", "choice2": "Sıradan çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız burnunu tıkadı.", "choice1": "Bebeğin salyası önlüğüne aktı.", "choice2": "Bebek bezini kirletti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Grup hit şarkılarını çaldı.", "choice1": "Seyirci müziğe alkışla eşlik etti.", "choice2": "Seyirciler kibarca sessizce dinledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız matematik öğretmenine teşekkür etmek istedi.", "choice1": "Kız okuldan sonra cezaya kaldı.", "choice2": "Kız öğretmene bir elma getirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Genç kampçılar korkmuş hissettiler.", "choice1": "Kamp danışmanları onlara bir hayalet hikayesi anlattı.", "choice2": "Kamp ateşinde marshmallow kızarttılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kafasını vurdu.", "choice1": "Düşüncede kayboldu.", "choice2": "Beyin sarsıntısı geçirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yazdığım çek karşılıksız çıktı.", "choice1": "Banka hesabımda para yoktu.", "choice2": "Maaş zammı kazandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın e-posta gelen kutusu spam ile doluydu.", "choice1": "Spam'i sildi.", "choice2": "Toplu bir e-posta gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Denizci karantinaya alındı.", "choice1": "Bir hastalığa maruz kaldı.", "choice2": "Hastalıktan kurtuldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız kodu ezberledi.", "choice1": "Kendi kendine okudu.", "choice2": "Yazmayı unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bardağa su doldurdum.", "choice1": "Su susuzluğumu giderdi.", "choice2": "Bardak doldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam, arkadaşı konuşmayı bitirdiğinde sessiz kaldı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşına destek vermek istedi.", "choice2": "Arkadaşının söylediklerini düşünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaza benim hatamdı.", "choice1": "Suçlu hissettim.", "choice2": "Suçlamada bulundum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zincir dağıldı.", "choice1": "Zincir bir lastiğin etrafına sarılıydı.", "choice2": "Zincirde kopuk bir halka vardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çift uzlaşmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Tartışmaktan yoruldular.", "choice2": "Sorunu tartışmaktan kaçındılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın devlet görevi için aday olmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Bir kampanya yöneticisi tuttu.", "choice2": "Mahkemede ifade verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam yolculuğunda soğuk hava bekliyordu.", "choice1": "Bavuluna sıcak tutacak giysiler koydu.", "choice2": "Büyük bir bavulla seyahat etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci sorunun cevabını biliyordu.", "choice1": "Elini kaldırdı.", "choice2": "Kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın gözleri sulandı.", "choice1": "Gözüne toz kaçtı.", "choice2": "Gözlük taktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oyuncu arka arkaya beş maç kazandı.", "choice1": "Rakibi onu hile yapmakla suçladı.", "choice2": "Rakibi onun için üzüldü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrencinin sınavını yırttı.", "choice1": "Öğrenciyi kopya çekerken yakaladı.", "choice2": "Öğrencinin cevapları yanlıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konuşurken durdum.", "choice1": "Sesimi kaybettim.", "choice2": "Nefesim tükendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Donmuş yemek çözüldü.", "choice1": "Mikrodalga fırına koydum.", "choice2": "Plastik sargı ile kapladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çalışan, hasta numarası yaptı.", "choice1": "Karın ağrısı vardı.", "choice2": "Bir gün izin istedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız havuza atladı.", "choice1": "Havuz güvertesinde koştu.", "choice2": "Tramplenden atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinema biletleri tükendi.", "choice1": "Filmin vizyona girdiği gündü.", "choice2": "Film kötü eleştiriler aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kilo verdi.", "choice1": "İnsanlar onu dışladı.", "choice2": "İnsanlar ona iltifat etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kızın elleri kabarmıştı.", "choice1": "Mektup yazdı.", "choice2": "Bir ipe tırmandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tek tekerlekli sirk bisikletine binerken sirk sanatçısı hokkabazlık yaptı.", "choice1": "Seyirciler şaşkınlıkla alkışladılar.", "choice2": "Akrobat bir trapezde döndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sabrımı kaybettim.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni bekletmeye devam etti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım zamanında geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Savaşan ülkeler barış istiyorlardı.", "choice1": "Nükleer silah geliştirdiler.", "choice2": "Bir antlaşma müzakere ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam uyku ilacı aldı.", "choice1": "Uykusu geldi.", "choice2": "Ateşi çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kanepeye çarptı.", "choice1": "Kanepenin ayağı gevşedi.", "choice2": "Dizini morarttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk balonu sıktı.", "choice1": "Balon patladı.", "choice2": "Balon uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gezginler otel odalarına girdiler.", "choice1": "Valizlerini boşalttılar.", "choice2": "Havaalanına gittiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şeftaliyi ısırdım.", "choice1": "Şeftali ezildi.", "choice2": "Su fışkırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ellerim yapışkan hale geldi.", "choice1": "Donut yedim.", "choice2": "Tatlı seviyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kapıyı ittim.", "choice1": "Kapı açıldı.", "choice2": "Kapı kilitliydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aktivistler ürünleri boykot ettiler.", "choice1": "Ürünler kalite güvencesi için test edilmiştir.", "choice2": "Ürünler çocuk işçiliği ile üretildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Duvarda bir delik açtım.", "choice1": "Bir fare delikten sürünerek çıktı.", "choice2": "Delikten toz çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kız kardeşini kıskandı.", "choice1": "Kız kardeşi mutluydu.", "choice2": "Kardeşi boşandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gömleğime şarap döktüm.", "choice1": "Bir önlük giydim.", "choice2": "Gömleğimi değiştirdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasiyer kasayı açtı.", "choice1": "Müşteri cüzdanını aradı.", "choice2": "Müşteri parasını uzattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sokak müzisyeni bir kalabalık çekti.", "choice1": "İnsanlar ona madeni para verdi.", "choice2": "Kalabalığı dağıttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Küçük çocuk bakıcısına ağladı.", "choice1": "Ebeveynlerini özledi.", "choice2": "Atıştırmalık zamanıydı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pilotun radarı bir fırtına tespit etti.", "choice1": "Pilot fırtınadan uzaklaştı.", "choice2": "Pilot fırtınanın içinden uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ağaç yapraklarını döktü.", "choice1": "Yapraklar renkleri değişti.", "choice2": "Yerlerde yapraklar birikti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Çocuk yaramaz bir haldeydi.", "choice1": "Kız kardeşi ile bir kart oyunu oynamaya karar verdi.", "choice2": "Kız kardeşine bir şaka yapmaya karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk tuvalete gitmek zorunda olduğundan şikayet etti.", "choice1": "Babası ona gazlı bir içecek verdi.", "choice2": "Babası bir benzin istasyonunda durdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk tanka balık yemi serpti.", "choice1": "Balık tanktan sıçradı.", "choice2": "Balık yeme doğru yüzdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının politik görüşü değişti.", "choice1": "Parti üyeliğini değiştirdi.", "choice2": "Bir protesto gösterisine katıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Banyo lavabosu tıkanmış.", "choice1": "Musluğu açtım.", "choice2": "Lavabo temizleyicisini içine döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yolcular trenden indi.", "choice1": "Tren istasyona vardı.", "choice2": "Tren düdüğünü çaldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam zarfın nemli kapağına bastırdı.", "choice1": "Zarfın üzerine bir pul koydu.", "choice2": "Zarfı kapattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşların teması kesildi.", "choice1": "Birbirleriyle zaman geçirmekten hoşlanıyorlardı.", "choice2": "Farklı şehirlere taşındılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Muhasebeci şirketin parasını yanlış yönetti.", "choice1": "Görevinden kovuldu.", "choice2": "Doğum iznine çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Saate baktım.", "choice1": "Saatin sesini duydum.", "choice2": "Zamanı kontrol etmek istedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elime kramp girdi.", "choice1": "Elimle yazı yazdım.", "choice2": "Karımla el ele tutuştuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cıvata sıkıldı.", "choice1": "Cıvatayı değiştirdim.", "choice2": "Anahtarı sıkıştırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Çift bir daire için kira imzaladı.", "choice1": "Çift daireye taşındı.", "choice2": "Şehir apartmana el koydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın dışarıda verandaya oturdu.", "choice1": "Gün batımını izlemek istedi.", "choice2": "Yıldırım gördüğünü sandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam su içindeyken can yeleği giyiyordu.", "choice1": "Yüzme bilmiyordu.", "choice2": "Su sığdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kelime işlemci bir yazım hatası yaptı.", "choice1": "Belgeyi sildi.", "choice2": "Geri tuşuna bastı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız arkadaşlarına övündü.", "choice1": "Kötü bir not aldı.", "choice2": "Yarışmayı kazandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bahçe çamurluydu.", "choice1": "Gece yağmur yağmıştı.", "choice2": "Otlarla doluydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın uyuyakaldı.", "choice1": "Geceyi bir otelde geçirdi.", "choice2": "Çalar saatini kurmayı unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam güneş kremi sürdü.", "choice1": "Gölgede oturdu.", "choice2": "Sahile gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Araştırmacılar teoriyi kanıtladı.", "choice1": "Araştırmacılar teoriyi geri çekti.", "choice2": "Bireyler teoriyi kabul etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maçtaki taraftarlar yuhaladı.", "choice1": "Oyun uzatmalara kaldı.", "choice2": "Hakem yanlış karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şifremi kilide girdim.", "choice1": "Kilitledim.", "choice2": "Kilit açıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kalabalık yoğunlaştı.", "choice1": "Baba oğluna biraz para verdi.", "choice2": "Baba oğlunun elini tuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kar yolu kapatıyordu.", "choice1": "Karları bir kartopuna topladım.", "choice2": "Yoldan karı temizledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kanocular kürek çekti.", "choice1": "Kayık kıyıya ulaştı.", "choice2": "Kayık bir dalgaya çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız bisikletinin kontrolunu kaybetti.", "choice1": "Gidonları serbest bıraktı.", "choice2": "Bir çite çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fanı açtım.", "choice1": "Tenime su sıçradı.", "choice2": "Soğuk havanın üstüme geldiğini hissettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sörfçüler sahile döndü.", "choice1": "Sırılsıklam olmuşlardı.", "choice2": "Köpekbalığı gördüler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Küvetteki tıpayı çektim.", "choice1": "Su, küvetten boşaltıldı.", "choice2": "Yere su sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam karısını aldattığı için suçlu hissetti.", "choice1": "Onu sadakatsizlikle suçladı.", "choice2": "Sadakatsizliğini ona itiraf etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Posterdeki mürekkep bulaştı.", "choice1": "Mürekkebin kurumasını bekledim.", "choice2": "Postere su döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk çığlık atarak uyandı.", "choice1": "Kabus gördü.", "choice2": "Yatağını ıslattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk ayaklarını masaya koydu.", "choice1": "Babası masaya oturdu.", "choice2": "Babası ona ders verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşım kafasını bana doğru çevirdi.", "choice1": "Adını bağırdım.", "choice2": "El salladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hükümet vatandaşlarına baskı yaptı.", "choice1": "Vatandaşlar isyan etti.", "choice2": "Vatandaşlar oy vermek için kayıt oldular.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk ormanda kayboldu.", "choice1": "Bir çadır kurdu.", "choice2": "Yardım için çığlık attı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kadın yurt dışına seyahat etti.", "choice1": "Nasıl çizim yapmayı öğrenmek istedi.", "choice2": "Diğer kültürleri öğrenmek istiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam iş arkadaşını kıskanıyordu.", "choice1": "İş arkadaşı terfi aldı.", "choice2": "İş arkadaşı geç saatlere kadar çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam uzaylılara tanık oldu.", "choice1": "Halüsinasyon görüyordu.", "choice2": "Meditasyon yapıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın saçı sarı oldu.", "choice1": "Saçını boyadı.", "choice2": "Şampuanladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sanatçı yeni çalışmalar yaptı.", "choice1": "Önceki çalışmasını eleştirdi.", "choice2": "Kadına ilham geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk evden uzağa taşındı.", "choice1": "Askerden taburcu edildi.", "choice2": "Üniversiteye gidiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kitaplar kitaplıktan düştü.", "choice1": "Raflar tozla kaplıydı.", "choice2": "Bir deprem kitaplığı salladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Evimde elektrikler kesildi.", "choice1": "Işığı açtım.", "choice2": "Sigortayı yeniden açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lunapark treni sürdük.", "choice1": "Korkutucu görünüyordu.", "choice2": "Eğlenceli görünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Patlamış mısır torbası patlamaya başladı.", "choice1": "Torbaya tereyağı döktüm.", "choice2": "Mikrodalgada ısıttım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elektrik hattının üzerine bir ağaç devrildi.", "choice1": "Semtteki elektrik gitti.", "choice2": "Hava tahmini ağır rüzgar tahminininde bulundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konuşmacı politik olarak yanlış yorumlar yaptı.", "choice1": "O izleyicileri sıktı.", "choice2": "O izleyicleri rencide etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İğne ile kendimi yaraladım.", "choice1": "Bir tane ter damladı yüzümden.", "choice2": "Parmağımda bir kan damlası oluştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Balık deponun yüzeyinde duruyordu.", "choice1": "O açtı.", "choice2": "O ölmüştü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adamın sesi boğuktu.", "choice1": "Onun soğuk algınlığı vardı.", "choice2": "O sigarayı bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Asansörün kapıları açıldı.", "choice1": "Asansör belirlenen kata varmıştı.", "choice2": "Asansör katlar arasında sıkışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ergen evden kaçtı.", "choice1": "O evebeynlerine yalan söyledi.", "choice2": "Evebeynleri onu dışarı çıkmasını yasaklamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Banyoyu su bastı.", "choice1": "Tuvalet taştı.", "choice2": "Su ısıtıcısı kırıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yavru köpek sahibinin yanında kaldı.", "choice1": "Sahibi köpeğe tasma taktı.", "choice2": "Sahibi köpeği tasmasından tuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adam kendi yansımasını yakaladı.", "choice1": "Geniş bir ağacın altında durdu.", "choice2": "Sakin gölün ününde durdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız arkadaşımın aramasını kaçırdım.", "choice1": "Onu geri aradım.", "choice2": "Onunlar akşam yemeğinde buluştuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile semti aradı.", "choice1": "Köpekleri evden kaçmıştı.", "choice2": "Pahalı mücevherleri evden kaybolmuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nefes verirken nefesimi gördüm.", "choice1": "Hava soğuktu.", "choice2": "Göğsüm sıkışmış hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İşçiler sendika kurdu.", "choice1": "Onlar daha iyi çalışma koşulları istiyorlardı.", "choice2": "İş verenleri onların maaşlarını yükseltti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "ELma pastası pişirdim.", "choice1": "Mutfağı bir çürüme kokusu doldurdu.", "choice2": "Taze bir arona mutfağı doldurdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın yürümekte zorluk çekiyordu.", "choice1": "O yüksek topuklu ayakkabı giymişti.", "choice2": "O ayakkabılarını çıkarmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Su kabından buhar yükseldi.", "choice1": "Su kaynamıştı.", "choice2": "Kabı kapamıştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bütün çoraplarım çamaşırhanede.", "choice1": "Sandaletlerimi giydim.", "choice2": "Botumu giydim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politikacının argümanı absürt bulundu.", "choice1": "O oy verenlerin desteğini kaybetti.", "choice2": "O yolsuzlukla suçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Herkes çiftin nişanından kayboldu.", "choice1": "Çift hamile kaldı.", "choice2": "Çift gizlice kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bina milyonere adandı.", "choice1": "Milyoner binayı yımak istedi.", "choice2": "Milyoner binanın yapımı için katkı yaptı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Satış görevlisi kızı çalmakla suçladı.", "choice1": "Satış görevlisi kızı el çantasına ürün koyarken gördü.", "choice2": "Satış görevlisi kıza istediği el çantasını bulmasında yardım etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ülke komşu ülkeye savaş ilan etti.", "choice1": "Askerler savaşa gönderilidi.", "choice2": "Askerler aileleriyle bir araya getirildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mhkeme tartışmalı kararı onayladı.", "choice1": "Mahmeke binası önünde isyan çıktı.", "choice2": "Bir çift mahkeme binası önünde evlendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız yanık kokusu aldı.", "choice1": "O kurabiyeleri kavanozdan çıkardı.", "choice2": "O kurabiyeleri fırnda bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yağmur yağıyordu.", "choice1": "Fırtına daha kötü oldu.", "choice2": "İçeri girmek için hızla koştum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bina tahliye edildi.", "choice1": "Asansör çalımayı durdurdu.", "choice2": "Yangın alarmı çaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baba oğlunun alkolikliğine sinirlendi.", "choice1": "Baba oğluna bir bira aldı.", "choice2": "Baba oğlunu evden kovdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Avukat ofisine mervidenlerden çıktı.", "choice1": "Sekreter eve gitmişti.", "choice2": "Asansör çalışmıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam arkadaşına sinirlendi.", "choice1": "Arkadaşı onun sözüne kesti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşı ona öğle yemeği aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız parayı kasiyere verdi.", "choice1": "Kasiyer kıza para üstünü verdi.", "choice2": "Kasiyer kıza fiş vermeyi unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın tekerlekli sandalyeye konuldu.", "choice1": "O kazada felç kaldı.", "choice2": "O hastaneye bir sedye içinde girdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şehir sakinlei evlerinin dışına milli bayrak bayrak astı.", "choice1": "Ülke bağımsızlığını anıyordu.", "choice2": "Ülke economik zorluklarla yüzleşiyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Takım turnuvayı kaybetti.", "choice1": "Onlar taraftarlarını hayal kırıklığına uğrattı.", "choice2": "Onlar taraftarlarına ilham oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşım dişimde yemek kaldığını belirtti.", "choice1": "Utanç duydum.", "choice2": "Gurur duydum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Erkek çocuk tarih sınavından kaldı.", "choice1": "O derse dikkati verdi.", "choice2": "O çalışmayı unuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şehir merkezi binası yıkıldı.", "choice1": "Şehri deprem vurdu.", "choice2": "Suç oranları arttı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kız arkadaşı ondan ayrıldı.", "choice1": "O onu geri alması için yalvardı.", "choice2": "Onu ailesine tanıttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İki çocuk aynı anda topu almak için aşağı uzandı.", "choice1": "Top uzağa yuvarlandı.", "choice2": "Başları birbirine çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rakun çöp kutusunu karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Çöp kutusunda karton vardı.", "choice2": "Çöp kutusunun kapağı açıktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Erkek çocuk kalemi sivriltti.", "choice1": "Kalem ucuzdu.", "choice2": "Kalem körleşmişti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasiyer kıyafetin iadesini reddetti.", "choice1": "O fişi kaybetmişti.", "choice2": "Kıyafet uymamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Derimdeki çizgi derindi.", "choice1": "Hızlıca iyileşti.", "choice2": "O yara izi bıraktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam trendeki yolcuların garip bakışlarıyla karşılaştı.", "choice1": "O yere bakıyodu.", "choice2": "O kendi kendine konuşuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk kırıntıları yerde bıraktı.", "choice1": "Karıncalar kırıntılara gittiler.", "choice2": "Çocuk ekmeği bir kenara koydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kardeşine bir peçete uzattı.", "choice1": "Kadının kardeşi ellerini büktü.", "choice2": "Kadının kız kardeşi ağlamaya başladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam bir nane şekeri aldı.", "choice1": "Onun dudakları çatladı.", "choice2": "O kötü nefes kokusundan endişe etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çift şov için erken ayrıldı.", "choice1": "Onlar tiyatro çevresinde trafik tahmin ettiler.", "choice2": "Onlar tiyatroya giden yön tarifini edindiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın işten evde kaldı.", "choice1": "Patronu onu övdü.", "choice2": "Meslektaşı onun için örtbas edildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam aktivistlerin dilekçesini imzaladı.", "choice1": "Onların amacını destekliyordu.", "choice2": "Onları deli olmakla eleştirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kalbi performansından önce güm güm atıyordu.", "choice1": "Onun sahne korkusu vardı.", "choice2": "Kendi repliğini hatırladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaybolmuştum.", "choice1": "Paramı saydım.", "choice2": "Haritayı açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Olgunlaşmış meyve güneşin altında kaldo.", "choice1": "Yendi.", "choice2": "İçi geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Araba bozuldu.", "choice1": "Kontağı açtım.", "choice2": "Motor fazla ısındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam sırtını incitti.", "choice1": "O psikiyatristi görmeye gitti.", "choice2": "O birkaç gün yatakta kaldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şömenide ateş yaktım.", "choice1": "Yakacak odununum yoktu.", "choice2": "Evin içi soğuktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın koşuyu durdurdu.", "choice1": "Yan tarafına kramp girdi.", "choice2": "Kadın soluklanıp enerjisini tekrar topladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Komuşumun kapısını tıklattım.", "choice1": "Komşum beni içeri davet etti.", "choice2": "Komşum evini terk etmişti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın hayal kırıklığıyla iç çekti.", "choice1": "Kocası onun endişelerini yanlış anladı.", "choice2": "Kocası ona veda etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrenciyi övdü.", "choice1": "Öğrenci soruyu doğru cevapladı.", "choice2": "Öğrenci soruyu çevaplamakta tereddüt etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının yumurtası kalmadı.", "choice1": "Kadın çiftliğe gitti.", "choice2": "Kadın süpermarkete gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Eski bir arkadaşla karşılaştım.", "choice1": "Ona bir sır verdim.", "choice2": "Ona sarıldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın göle girmekten kaçındı.", "choice1": "Kadın bir balık yakaladı.", "choice2": "O kirlenmiş görünüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci sınıfa sırılsıklam vardı.", "choice1": "Şemsiyesi kırıldı.", "choice2": "Bisikleti çalındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bilgisayar ekranındaki imleç hareket etti.", "choice1": "Kullanıcı fareye tıkladı.", "choice2": "Kullanıcı fareyi kaydırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sürücü dolambaçlı yoldan gitti.", "choice1": "Ana yolda bir kaza olmuştu.", "choice2": "O önündeki kamyonu takip etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Islak çarşafı dışarıdaki çamaşır ipine astım.", "choice1": "Çamaşır kurudu.", "choice2": "Çamaşır lekelendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın gölgeliğini açtı.", "choice1": "Güneş parlaktı.", "choice2": "O taksi çağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam gece gökyüzüne baktı.", "choice1": "Yaz olmasını diledi.", "choice2": "Güzel olduğunu düşündü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yorgunluktan tükenmiş hissettim.", "choice1": "Yatağa erken gittim.", "choice2": "Bütün gece ayakta kaldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam berbere gitti.", "choice1": "O saçlarını uzatıyordu.", "choice2": "Saçları uzamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışına kötü numaralar yaptı.", "choice1": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışını hoş karşıladı.", "choice2": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışını sevmedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Canım bir bardak süt çekti.", "choice1": "Kurabiye yiyordum.", "choice2": "Ekmek yapıyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yağmur yağmaya başladı.", "choice1": "Sürücü farları açtı.", "choice2": "Sürücü arabayı geriye vitese aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Binanın park yeri boştu.", "choice1": "Sokağın karşısına park ettim.", "choice2": "Girişin yanına park ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yazar taslak teslimi için olan son tarihi kaçırdı.", "choice1": "Yazar yazamadı.", "choice2": "O taslağı düzenledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "İş arkadaşım bana kafayı taktı.", "choice1": "Yöneticiyle konuşmak istedim.", "choice2": "Kimlik numaramı verdim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rüzgar açık pencereden içeri esti.", "choice1": "Kapı zili çaldı.", "choice2": "Perdeler titredi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Evimdeki elektirik gitti.", "choice1": "Lambayı fişten çıkardım.", "choice2": "Sigortayı attırdım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Halter homurdandı.", "choice1": "Ayna karşısında kaslarını esnetti.", "choice2": "Barı kafasının üzerine kaldırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci hesabı kafasından yapmayı denedi.", "choice1": "Hesap makinesini çıkardı.", "choice2": "Onun kafası karıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bebek uykuya daldı.", "choice1": "Bbası bebeğin bezini değiştirdi.", "choice2": "Babası bebeği yavaşça salladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız oğlana su balonu attı.", "choice1": "Oğlan sarsıldı.", "choice2": "Oğlan ıslandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fotoğrafçı kameradaki flaşı kullanmayı unuttu.", "choice1": "Fotoğraflar bulanık çıktı.", "choice2": "Fotoğraftaki herkes gülmeyi reddetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Doğum günü partisin davetini geri çevirdim.", "choice1": "Yalnızdım.", "choice2": "Şehir dışındaydım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Egzersiz yaptım.", "choice1": "Enerjik hissettim.", "choice2": "Korktum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Islak süngeri sıktım.", "choice1": "Suyu içine çekti.", "choice2": "İçinden su sızdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tatilciler tatil yeri için vapur kullandılar.", "choice1": "Tatil yeri rezerve edilmişti.", "choice2": "Tatil yeri adadaydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ergen dövme yaptırdı.", "choice1": "O iğnelerden korktu.", "choice2": "Asilik yapmak istedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alışılmadık bir araba evimin dışına park etti.", "choice1": "Şüphelendim.", "choice2": "Polisi aradım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Suçlu teslim oldu.", "choice1": "Deliller onu işaret ediyordu.", "choice2": "Onun aleyhine delil yoktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İri ve ağır adam kilo vermeye karar verdi.", "choice1": "Tatlıyı kesti.", "choice2": "Kafeğinden kaçındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız buza bastı.", "choice1": "O kaydı.", "choice2": "O titredi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının gözlerinin altında halkaları var.", "choice1": "O bütün gece ayakta kaldı.", "choice2": "O oğlunu yatağa koydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lav volkandan aktı.", "choice1": "Volkan patladı.", "choice2": "Volkan aktif değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın ayakkabılarını giydi.", "choice1": "O partideki herkesi biliyordu..", "choice2": "O partiden erken ayrıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gişe görevlisine ödedim.", "choice1": "Gişeden geçmeme izin verdi.", "choice2": "O beni gişede tuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yönetici iflas etti.", "choice1": "O şirket hissesini sattı.", "choice2": "O şansını harcadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam doktora gitti.", "choice1": "Doktor izindeydi.", "choice2": "Adam hasta hissetti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yatak odamı pencereden terk ettim.", "choice1": "Ev yanıyordu.", "choice2": "Ev boştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuğun parmakları buruşuk oldu.", "choice1": "O uzun bir duş aldı.", "choice2": "Ellerini sabunla köpürttü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sütü tükürdüm.", "choice1": "Süt tadı ekşiydi.", "choice2": "Ağzım kuruydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Otobüsü kaçırdım.", "choice1": "İşe erken geldim.", "choice2": "İşe geç kaldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kamyon arabayla çarpıştı.", "choice1": "Kamyon hızlandı.", "choice2": "Araba paramparça oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Takım yarışmayı kendi lehine düzenledi.", "choice1": "Onlar kazandı.", "choice2": "Onlar bıraktılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Soda şişesi tısladı.", "choice1": "Şişeyi devirdim.", "choice2": "Kapağı çevirip açtım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oğlan evde kitli kaldı.", "choice1": "O açık pencereden sürünerek ilerledi.", "choice2": "O çatıya çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kapı zili çaldı.", "choice1": "Ziyaretçi kapıdaki tokmağa dokundu.", "choice2": "Kadın kapı deliğinden baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adam takım elbisesini leke yaptı.", "choice1": "Ona kuruma temizleme yaptırdı.", "choice2": "Dolabına astı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız diş macunu tüpünü sıktı.", "choice1": "Diş macunu tüpten fışkırdı.", "choice2": "Kız diş macununu tükürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Savaştaki sivil ölümler hızlıca çok arttı.", "choice1": "Savaş karşıtları protesto düzenlediler.", "choice2": "Savaş karşıtları geçit düzenlediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız kurdeleyi saçından çekti.", "choice1": "O kurdeleyi bağladı.", "choice2": "Kurdele çocuksu görünüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam estetik ameliyatı oldu.", "choice1": "O yaşlandı.", "choice2": "O genç görünüyor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir civciv yumurtadan çıktı.", "choice1": "Yumurta çatladı.", "choice2": "Yumurtayı çatlattım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mahkum çok açlık çekti.", "choice1": "O öldü.", "choice2": "O kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam merdivende dengesini kaybetti.", "choice1": "O merdivene tırmandı.", "choice2": "O medivenden düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk geğirdi.", "choice1": "O sodadan bir yudum aldı.", "choice2": "O soda kapağını açtı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Penceren soğuk bir hava geldi.", "choice1": "Rahatladım.", "choice2": "Titredim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci üniversiteye gitmek için burs aldı.", "choice1": "Sınıf arkadaşları ona saygı duydu.", "choice2": "İyi notlar aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız oğlanla alay etti.", "choice1": "O onun yanındaki evde yaşıyordu.", "choice2": "Ona aşık oldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aç berduş yemek çaldı.", "choice1": "Merhamete ilham verdi.", "choice2": "Parası yoktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşımı sohbet etmeye çağırdım.", "choice1": "Mahremiyet istedim.", "choice2": "Yalnız hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam elini bana uzattı.", "choice1": "Elini sıktım.", "choice2": "Onu tokatladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Başımı hızlıca eğdim.", "choice1": "Havai fişekler yukarı çıkmaya başladı.", "choice2": "Frizbi kafama doğru yükseldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız tırnaklarını yedi.", "choice1": "O endişelendi.", "choice2": "O şaşırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Takvimdeki sayfayı çevirdim.", "choice1": "Takvime bir randevu işaretledim.", "choice2": "Yeni ayın başlangıcıydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koca eşinin başkasıyla birlikte olduğunu keşfetti.", "choice1": "O avukatını kovdu.", "choice2": "O boşanma davası açtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız plastik topu düşürdü.", "choice1": "Top sekti.", "choice2": "Top parladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız sınavda bir hata yaptı.", "choice1": "O cevabı tahmin etti.", "choice2": "O cevabını sildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oyuncu rakibi ile mücadele etti.", "choice1": "Rakibi pası yakaladı.", "choice2": "Rakibi yere düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Domatesleri asmadan aldım.", "choice1": "Onlar olgunlaşmıştı.", "choice2": "Onları yıkadım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam romantik davranmak istedi.", "choice1": "O eski kız arkadaşıyla öğle yemeği için buluştu.", "choice2": "O kız arkadaşına çikolatalar aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Termometredeki civa yükseldi.", "choice1": "Termometreyi düşürdüm.", "choice2": "Hava ısındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir kasırga kasabadan geçti.", "choice1": "Adliyenin çatısı uçtu.", "choice2": "Otoyol tehlikeli derecede buzlu oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci özel ders aldı.", "choice1": "Notları iyileşti.", "choice2": "O sınavda kopya çekti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rahat hissediyorum.", "choice1": "Yere diz çöktüm.", "choice2": "Kendimi battaniye ile sardım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Taşı cilaladım.", "choice1": "Kaygan oldu.", "choice2": "Parlak oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kahveye şeker ekledim.", "choice1": "Kahve güçlü kokuyordu.", "choice2": "Kahve tatlı oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kağıtları karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Ona kağıt kesiği oldu.", "choice2": "O kağıtları parçaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çiviyi çekiçle çaktım.", "choice1": "Çivi oduna girdi.", "choice2": "Çivi paslandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Balık oltayı ısırdı.", "choice1": "Balıkçı balığı çekti.", "choice2": "Balıkçı oltayı yeniden attı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ergen okula getmeye utanmıştı.", "choice1": "Onun sivilcesi vardı.", "choice2": "O diş tellerini çıkardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yüz ifadem aydınlandı.", "choice1": "İyi haberler aldım.", "choice2": "Sabrımı kaybettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ellerimi havlu ile sildim.", "choice1": "Havlu ıslaktı.", "choice2": "Ellerim ıslaktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam oturak üzerindeki dengesini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Oturak altında sallandı.", "choice2": "Tabureye boya döktü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Takımarkadaşları suçlamaya birbirlerine yönelttiler.", "choice1": "Oyunu kaybettiler.", "choice2": "Koçları çalışmayı iptal etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Affetmesini istedim.", "choice1": "Hatamdam pişman oldum.", "choice2": "Amacıma ulaştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın flört ettiği kişiden sıkıldı.", "choice1": "Onun hakkında sorular sordu.", "choice2": "O aralıksız kendi hakkında konuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız gülümsedi.", "choice1": "Yanakları kızardı.", "choice2": "Gamzeleri göründü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Düşman gemisi havaya uçtu.", "choice1": "Madenin üzerinden geçti.", "choice2": "O limana yelken açtı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam ayağını deldi.", "choice1": "Su birikintisine girdi.", "choice2": "O kırıklmış cama bastı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Detektifler parmak izi için suç mahallinin tozunu aldılar.", "choice1": "Suçlunun kimliğini keşfettiler.", "choice2": "Onlar suç mahallinde silah buldular.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Otoyolda çok trafik vardı.", "choice1": "Farklı bir yola saptım.", "choice2": "Arabayla gezmek istedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ülkenin ekonomisi inişe geçti.", "choice1": "Birçok insan hastalandı.", "choice2": "Birçok insan işsizlikle yüzleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Geçiş görevlisi çocuklara düdüğünü çaldı.", "choice1": "Onlar yaklaşmakta olan trafiğe girmek üzereydiler.", "choice2": "Onları kendi semtinden tanıdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gözlerimi arkadışıma devirdim.", "choice1": "Bana doğruyu söyledi.", "choice2": "Alaycı bir açıklama yaptı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arabada benzin bitti.", "choice1": "Sürücü yolda mahsur kaldı.", "choice2": "Sürücü bir otostopçu aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın doğum yaptı.", "choice1": "Bebek doğdu.", "choice2": "Kadının sabah bulantısı vardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın şapkası uçtu.", "choice1": "O şapkasını çıkardı.", "choice2": "Dışarısı rüzgarlıydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız sınıf arkadaşının doğum günü partisine katıldı.", "choice1": "O bir davetiye aldı.", "choice2": "O bir hediye aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oğlanın alnı sıcaktı.", "choice1": "Annesi ateşine baktı.", "choice2": "Annesi onu parka götürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adam kendisine parfüm sıktı.", "choice1": "Flörtünü etkilemek istedi.", "choice2": "O saçına jole sürdü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Evdeki elektirikler kesildi.", "choice1": "Bir el feneri aradım.", "choice2": "Bir kürek aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile daha büyük bir eve taşındı.", "choice1": "Oğlan liseden mezun oldu.", "choice2": "Ane ikiz doğurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Maratoncu yavaş temposunu korudu.", "choice1": "O enerjisini korumak istiyordu.", "choice2": "O bitiş çizgisini gördü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk otomatı tekmeledi.", "choice1": "Makine para üstünü fırlattı.", "choice2": "Cips kutusu sıkıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşımın köpeği öldü.", "choice1": "Gözlerimi ona devirdim.", "choice2": "Ona sarıldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İş adamının kredi kartı kabul edilmedi.", "choice1": "O bir borç senedi yazdı.", "choice2": "O nakit ile ödedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam lanet etti.", "choice1": "O tırnaklarını kesti.", "choice2": "O ayak parmağını vurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kardeşiyle gurur duydu.", "choice1": "Kardeşi evebeynleri ile tartışmaya girdi.", "choice2": "Kardeşi hukuk fakültesine kabul edildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız güneş sistemi hakkında öğrenmek istedi.", "choice1": "Kütüphaneye gitti.", "choice2": "Yıldızlara baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Poster duvara yapıştı.", "choice1": "Posteri kapının üstüne yerleştirdim.", "choice2": "Posterin arkasına bant koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Müşteri mimarın bina için planını onayladı.", "choice1": "Mimar binayı inşa etti.", "choice2": "Mimar planı düzenledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adam kaşığını düşürdü.", "choice1": "Elleri titriyordu.", "choice2": "Kaşığı yaladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şirketin ceosu istifa etti.", "choice1": "Yönetim kurulu şirketi feshetti.", "choice2": "Yönetim kurulu onun yerine birini buldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Derse geç vardım.", "choice1": "Arka sıraya oturdum.", "choice2": "Podyuma yaklaştım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam hapisten salındı.", "choice1": "Ailesi kefaletini ödedi.", "choice2": "O mahkuma saldırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile bütün sahip olduklarını kaybetti.", "choice1": "Onlar evlerini sattılar.", "choice2": "Onların evi ateş aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aleminyum kutuyu ayağımla ezdim.", "choice1": "Kutu geri dönüştürüldü.", "choice2": "Kutu ezildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız münazara takımına katıldı.", "choice1": "O bilgisayar kullnmayı öğrendi.", "choice2": "O iletişim becerileri öğrendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ruh halim iyileşti.", "choice1": "Müzik dinledim.", "choice2": "Yemekleri yaptım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hayır kuruluşu para toplamayı amaçladı.", "choice1": "Onlar evsizleri beslediler.", "choice2": "Onlar bir açık artırma düzenlediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lunaparktaki hız treni dik bir şekilde aşşağı hızla indi.", "choice1": "Yolcular kıkırdadılar.", "choice2": "Yolcular çığlık attılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öfkeliydim.", "choice1": "Evden ayrılırken posta kutusunu kontrol ettim.", "choice2": "Evi terk ederken kapıyı çarptım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam güneşin doğuşunu seyretmek istedi.", "choice1": "O kuzeye yolculuk etti.", "choice2": "O erken kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kağıdı katladım.", "choice1": "Kağıdı geri dönüştürdüm.", "choice2": "Kağıt buruştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ulus doğal felakete katlandı.", "choice1": "Diğer ülkelerin liderleri bir birlik kurdu.", "choice2": "Diğer ülkelerin liderleri acil durum yardım gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oğlanın kıyafetleri ıslandı.", "choice1": "O havuzdan çıktı.", "choice2": "O havuza düştü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci kitabı bitirmek için acele etti.", "choice1": "Onun kütüphaneye iade edilmesi gerekiyordu.", "choice2": "Onu bir arkadaşından ödünç aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suçlu idam edildi.", "choice1": "O hapse atıldı.", "choice2": "Cinayetten hüküm giydi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Güneş ışığı odaya girdi.", "choice1": "Perdeleri açtım.", "choice2": "Kapının kilidini açtım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sahtekarın saçını çektim.", "choice1": "Peruğu çıktı.", "choice2": "O kel oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Editör metindeki bir cümleyi yeniden düzenledi.", "choice1": "Makaleyi etkili buldu.", "choice2": "O cümleyi karışık buldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kredi kartı hesabını iptal etti.", "choice1": "O kartının kaybolduğunu fark etti.", "choice2": "O kartının süresinin dolmuş olduğunu fark etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam ve kadın aşık oldu.", "choice1": "Üniversiteye gittiler.", "choice2": "Evlendiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Müziğin sesi duymak için çok zayıftı.", "choice1": "Sesi açtım.", "choice2": "Kendi şarkımı besteledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oğlanın saçı yukarı kalktı.", "choice1": "Kız onu kabarttı.", "choice2": "Kız onu çekti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Böcek ezildi.", "choice1": "Kendime böceksavar spyreyledim.", "choice2": "Böceğin üzerinde bastım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gözlerimi açtım.", "choice1": "Uyandım.", "choice2": "Rahatladım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Komşumun müziği yüksek sesliydi.", "choice1": "Ondan kısmasını istedim.", "choice2": "Ona CD ödünç almak için sordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın ailesi yoksulluk içinde yaşıyordu.", "choice1": "Küpelerine değer veriyordu.", "choice2": "Asgari maaşın altında kazanıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci, üniversiteden mezun oldu.", "choice1": "İş aradı.", "choice2": "Bir hobi edindi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sanatçı, sarı boyayı mavi boya ile karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Boya her yere bulaştı.", "choice2": "Boya yeşile dönüştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sohbetin konusunu değiştirdim.", "choice1": "Konuşacak bir şeyim kalmadı.", "choice2": "Sohbet gergin bir hale geldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kardeşim taburcu edildi.", "choice1": "Onu evde karşıladım.", "choice2": "Ona soğuk davrandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sahne perdesi kalktı.", "choice1": "Açılış sahnesi başladı.", "choice2": "Oyuncular sahneyi terk etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Rehine, onu kaçıran kişinin eline düştü.", "choice1": "Onu kaçıran kişi rehineyi canını yakmakla tehdit etti.", "choice2": "Onu kaçıran kişi rehineyi kendi haline bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sahnede bir gümbürtü yankılandı.", "choice1": "Müziyen ayağını yere vurdu.", "choice2": "Müzisyen davula vurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ebeveynleri çocuklarının odasına koştu.", "choice1": "Çocuk çığlık içinde kabusundan uyandı.", "choice2": "Çocuk yatağının altına bakmaktan korkuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın işaret diliyle iletişim kuruyordu.", "choice1": "Kadın erken doğum sonucu dünyaya gelmişti.", "choice2": "Kadın doğuştan sağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bölgede bir kuraklık meydana geldi.", "choice1": "Su zehirlendi.", "choice2": "Ekinler mahvoldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kedi, kuşu kovaladı.", "choice1": "Kuş uçup gitti.", "choice2": "Kuş bir solucan yakaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız okul değiştirdi.", "choice1": "Okul yaz tatiline girdi.", "choice2": "Kız başka bir şehire taşındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fabrika sahibi çalışanlarına zam yapmayı reddetti.", "choice1": "Patron yeni bir idareci atadı.", "choice2": "Çalışanlar greve gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lider ülkesindeki radikalleri kendine düşman edindi.", "choice1": "Radikaller onu etkisi altına aldı.", "choice2": "Radikaller ona suikast düzenledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sahilde yalın ayak yürüdüm.", "choice1": "Ayağıma kum yapıştı.", "choice2": "Dalgalar sahil boyunca kıyıya vurdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gecenin bir yarısı üşüyerek uyandım.", "choice1": "Eşofman altı giydim.", "choice2": "Bir bardak su içtim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anne çocuğunu susturdu.", "choice1": "Çocuk sırıttı.", "choice2": "Çocuk mızmızlandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Pantalonumda bir delik açıldı.", "choice1": "Pantalonumun fermuarını çektim.", "choice2": "Kaldırımda ayağım taşa takıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk diş teli takıyordu.", "choice1": "Dişinde bir oyuk oluştu.", "choice2": "Dişleri düzleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dün spor salonunda çalıştım.", "choice1": "Bugün kas ağrılarıyla uyandım.", "choice2": "Bugün boğazım acıyarak uyandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kızlar yemek masasında birbirilerine fısıldadı.", "choice1": "Diğer öğrenciler yemek masasına oturdu.", "choice2": "Yemek masasındaki diğer öğrenciler masadan kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk tramboline indi.", "choice1": "Tekrar havaya uçtu.", "choice2": "Havada takla atmayı denemeye karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mektubu posta kutusuna bıraktım.", "choice1": "Postacı mektubu teslim etti.", "choice2": "Posta ofisi mektubun işlenmesini hızlandırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kumarbaz kendinden emindi.", "choice1": "Tüm parasıyla bahse girdi.", "choice2": "Eve meteliksiz döndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Orman yangını yayıldı.", "choice1": "Rüzgar güçlendi.", "choice2": "Kundakçı yakalandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk dizini yaraladı.", "choice1": "Annesi onu odasına gönderdi.", "choice2": "Annesi yarasını sardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam ölümcül hastalığı atlattı.", "choice1": "Vasiyetini imzaladı.", "choice2": "Adama organ nakli yapıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaynar kahveden bir yudum aldım.", "choice1": "Dilimi ısırdım.", "choice2": "Dilimi yaktım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Editör yazarı kovdu.", "choice1": "Yazar hikayelerinde taraflı olmaktan kaçındı.", "choice2": "Yazar önemli son teslim tarihlerini kaçırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yorgun hissettim.", "choice1": "Tüm gün uyudum.", "choice2": "Tüm gün çalıştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Doktor hastaya tanı koydu.", "choice1": "Hastanın hastalık belirtilerini tanımladı.", "choice2": "Hastaya hap reçeteleri verdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Derimi kaşıdım.", "choice1": "Terliydi.", "choice2": "Kaşıntı hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam acil bir ameliyat geçirdi.", "choice1": "Sinirleri bozuldu.", "choice2": "Kalp krizi geçirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kol kasları şişti.", "choice1": "Kollarını kastı.", "choice2": "Kollarını ovaladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kaşlarını kaldırdı.", "choice1": "Adam şaşırdı.", "choice2": "Adamın cesareti kırılmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İş arkadaşımın yaptığı gafı görmezden geldim.", "choice1": "İyi niyetli olduğunu düşünüyordum.", "choice2": "Daha düşünceli olması gerektiğini düşünüyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam sigara içmeyi bıraktı.", "choice1": "Daha çok egzersiz yapmaya başladı.", "choice2": "Daha erken uyanmaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın saldırganın burnuna yumruk attı.", "choice1": "Saldırgan hareketsiz kaldı.", "choice2": "Saldırgan kanamaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dart tam isabet edemedi.", "choice1": "Adam düzgün nişan alamadı.", "choice2": "Adam oyunu kaybediyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ev sahibi evinin böceklere karşı ilaçlanmasını istedi.", "choice1": "Bodrumda fareler gördü.", "choice2": "Odasında karınca çiftliği tutuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Misafirime dışarda yemek yemeyi teklif ettim.", "choice1": "Bir şey hazırlamak için çok yorgundum.", "choice2": "Misafirim evde beklediğimden fazla kaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız, erkek kardeşini günlüğünü okurken yakaladı.", "choice1": "Günlüğünü saklamaya başladı.", "choice2": "Yeni bir günlük aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kirayı denk getiremedi.", "choice1": "Fazladan mesai yapmaya başladı.", "choice2": "İstifa etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk elini aniden geri çekti.", "choice1": "Sıcak ocağa dokundu.", "choice2": "Köpeğin başını okşadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şirket müşteri memnuniyetini ölçmek istedi.", "choice1": "Yeni müşterilerine indirim teklif ettiler.", "choice2": "Müşterilerine anket gönderdiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tahta zemin çizilmeye başladı.", "choice1": "Genç, koltuktaki yastıkları kaldırdı.", "choice2": "Genç, bir sandalyeyi zeminde sürükledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suratımı korudum.", "choice1": "Rakibim benimle alay etti.", "choice2": "Rakibim bir yumruk salladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ünlü heykel yandı.", "choice1": "Üzerine yıldırım düştü.", "choice2": "İnsanlar ona saygı göstermek için geldiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Meyveyi masanın üstünde bıraktım.", "choice1": "Meyve tohumlarını döktü.", "choice2": "Meyvenin etrafını sinekler sardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Balerinin bağ dokularından biri koptu.", "choice1": "Ayak parmaklarını sivrileştirdi.", "choice2": "Bileğini burktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuğun ayakkabı bağcıkları çözüldü.", "choice1": "Nasıl düğüm atılacağını öğrendi.", "choice2": "Çocuk parkında koşuşturdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kitaptan büyülendim.", "choice1": "Kitabı iade ettim.", "choice2": "Zaman nasıl geçti anlamadım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam ailesiyle benzer inanışlara sahipti.", "choice1": "Ailesi onu etkiledi.", "choice2": "Aile onu evlatlıktan reddetti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Araba yavaşça durdu.", "choice1": "Benzini bitmişti.", "choice2": "Şoför uyuya kaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam güneş altında dondurmasını yedi.", "choice1": "Dondurmanın tadı kayboldu.", "choice2": "Dondurma külahtan eridi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Odaya sanat eserleri astım.", "choice1": "Halı pis duruyordu.", "choice2": "Duvar çok boş duruyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "İşten erken çıktım.", "choice1": "Başım ağrıyordu.", "choice2": "Patron toplantı düzenledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Köpek yavrusu halıya pisledi.", "choice1": "Sahibi köpeğini azarladı.", "choice2": "Sahibi köpeğine bir ödül verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşıma özür diledim.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni affetti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım öfkelendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kabalıkta çok belli oluyordu.", "choice1": "Sort çantası taşıyordu.", "choice2": "Adam neon bir ceket giyiyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Görgü tanığı yeminliyken yalan söyledi.", "choice1": "İfadesini tamamladı.", "choice2": "Yalancı şahitlikle suçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın saçını boyadı.", "choice1": "Yeni bir görünüş istedi.", "choice2": "Araya karışmak istedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mülteciler yasa dışı şekilde yaşarken yakalandı.", "choice1": "İş buldular.", "choice2": "Sınır dışı edildiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konuşmacı bir espri patlattı.", "choice1": "Dinleyiciler güldü.", "choice2": "Dinleyiciler ayağa kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Güneşe baktım.", "choice1": "Güneş gözümü aldı.", "choice2": "Güneş beni bronzlaştırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sıkıldığımı hissettim.", "choice1": "Horladım.", "choice2": "Esnedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bifteği kesmesi zordu.", "choice1": "Bıçak körelmişti.", "choice2": "Biftek çiğdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın iflasını açıkladı.", "choice1": "Nafaka almaya başladı.", "choice2": "Çok büyük borçlandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşımın evindeki ışıklar açıktı.", "choice1": "Acaba dışarda mı diye düşündüm.", "choice2": "Onu ziyaret etmeye karar verdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çiçeği burnumun altına koydum.", "choice1": "Çiçeğin yaprakları döküldü.", "choice2": "Çiçeğin kokusunu aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın nostaljik hissetti.", "choice1": "Çocukluk arkadaşıyla karşılaştı.", "choice2": "Çocuklarına bağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci yazı ödevini yapmayı erteledi.", "choice1": "Kağıdını erken gönderdi.", "choice2": "Kağıdını tamamlamadan gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arabam bozuldu.", "choice1": "Alışveriş merkezine gittim.", "choice2": "Araba tamircisi çağırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Notu görmezden geldim.", "choice1": "Sahibi belirsizdi.", "choice2": "Okunabilir değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuş kanatlarını çırptı.", "choice1": "Yumurtladı.", "choice2": "Yükselmeye başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yol kenarına park ettim.", "choice1": "Garaj açıktı.", "choice2": "Garaj doluydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suçlu silahını mağdura yöneltti.", "choice1": "Suçlu silahını indirdi.", "choice2": "Mağdur ellerini kaldırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Haftasonunu dört gözle bekliyordum.", "choice1": "Amcamın cenazesine katılma planım vardı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşımın düğününe katılma planım vardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zaman nasıl geçti bilemedim.", "choice1": "Hayal kuruyordum.", "choice2": "Midem bulanıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aldığım çıktı okunaklı değildi.", "choice1": "Yazıcının kartuşu bitmişti.", "choice2": "Yazıcıda kağıt kalmamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Stadyum milli marşı çaldı.", "choice1": "Fanlar bayrağa döndü.", "choice2": "Fanlar sahaya atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sos hafif geldi.", "choice1": "Onu servis ettim.", "choice2": "Tuz ekledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dökülen şeyin üzerine kağıt havlu koydum.", "choice1": "Havlu sıvıyı emdi.", "choice2": "Sıvı yapışkan bir iz bıraktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadını kitabının ortasındayken böldüler.", "choice1": "Okuduğu sayfaya işaret koydu.", "choice2": "Kitabı baştan okudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Uçak türbilansa girdi.", "choice1": "Adam emniyet kemerini sıktı.", "choice2": "Adam camdan dışarı baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk ürktü.", "choice1": "Kız onu görmezden geldi.", "choice2": "Kız onu dürttü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Doktorlar hastaya protez taktılar.", "choice1": "Bacağını ampute ettiler.", "choice2": "Yaşam belirtilerini incelediler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk kızın dirseğini cimcikledi.", "choice1": "Kız çocuğa omuz silkmeledi.", "choice2": "Kız kolunu ondan uzağa çekti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşımdan tavsiye istedim.", "choice1": "Görüşüne değer veriyordum.", "choice2": "Haklı olduğunu biliyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk çamura bastı.", "choice1": "Ayakkabısına çamur yapıştı.", "choice2": "Çamur suratına sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasabaya birkaç inç kar yağdı.", "choice1": "Okullar tatil oldu.", "choice2": "İnsanlar yeraltında sakladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çalışanların mesaisi bitti.", "choice1": "Eve döndüler.", "choice2": "İstifa etmekle tehdit etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ağaç eve zarar verdi.", "choice1": "Ağaç evin çatısına düştü.", "choice2": "Ağaç bahçeye gölge yapıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kütük ikiye bölündü.", "choice1": "Şömineye odunları dizdim.", "choice2": "Baltayı oduna vurdum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile çifti tebrik etti.", "choice1": "Çift boşanacağını duyurdu.", "choice2": "Çift bebekleri olacağını duyurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız çocuğa bir aşk mektubu gönderdi.", "choice1": "Kız ondan hoşlanıyordu.", "choice2": "Kız onu öptü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kafamı sallayarak arkadaşıma katıldığımı gösterdim.", "choice1": "Kafam karışmıştı.", "choice2": "Onunla aynı fikirdeydim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşlar yazı tura attı.", "choice1": "Orta yol bulmak istiyorlardı.", "choice2": "Bir karar vermek istediler.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mutfaktaki sayaç ötmeye başladı.", "choice1": "Adam buzdolabından malzeeleri çıkardı.", "choice2": "Adam fırından pizzayı çıkardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın hırslı bir hedef belirledi.", "choice1": "Tembellik yaptı.", "choice2": "Çok çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Zengin adam yaşlılıktan vefat etti.", "choice1": "Oğlunun başı yasalarla belaya girdi.", "choice2": "Oğlu onun mirasına sahip çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın alevin üzerine bastı.", "choice1": "Alev söndü.", "choice2": "Alevden duman çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının arabası tamirdedi.", "choice1": "Ehlyetine el koyulmuşyu.", "choice2": "Bir kazaya karışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Alarmıma uyanmadım.", "choice1": "Kahvaltı hazırladım.", "choice2": "Kahvaltıyı kaçırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ünlü, limuzinden çıktı.", "choice1": "Kameraların flaşları onun yönünde patladı.", "choice2": "Ailesi basın toplantısına katıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın küvette oyalandı.", "choice1": "Küvet suyu ılıklaştı.", "choice2": "Küvet suyu küvetten taştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Üniversite öğrencisi kampüste diğerleriyle tanışmak istedi.", "choice1": "Okul birliğine katıldı.", "choice2": "Mühendislik okudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kanepe yastıklarını kaldırdım.", "choice1": "Bozuk para arıyordum.", "choice2": "Salonu yeniden düzenliyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arı çocuğa doğru uçtu.", "choice1": "Çocuk kaçtı.", "choice2": "Çocuk bir çiçek kopardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın bir suçtan hüküm giydi.", "choice1": "Toplum hizmeti cezası aldı.", "choice2": "İdam cezası aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sıcak çayla şekeri karıştırdım.", "choice1": "Çay duman çıkardı.", "choice2": "Şeker eridi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gazi sekerek yürüyordu.", "choice1": "Savaşa çağırılmıştı.", "choice2": "Savaşta yaralanmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Suçlu polisten kaçtı.", "choice1": "Polis mağdurla ilgilendi.", "choice2": "Polis suçluyu takip etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Laptop açılmıyordu.", "choice1": "Onu düşürdüm.", "choice2": "Onu şarj ettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Kadının dolabında yer kalmadı.", "choice1": "Büyük bir dolap edindi.", "choice2": "Çamaşırlarını katladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kalbi kırıldı.", "choice1": "Karısı doğum yaptı.", "choice2": "Karısı onu terk etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam lisans aldı.", "choice1": "İstediği iş için kalifiye duruma geldi.", "choice2": "İş teklifi iptal oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın sesi koferans salonunda çok iyi iletiliyordu.", "choice1": "Dinleyicileri selamladı.", "choice2": "Mikrofona konuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kuyuya bozuk para attım.", "choice1": "Bozuk para dibe battı.", "choice2": "Bozuk para ikiye bölündü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oyuncu topu deliğe doğru vurdu.", "choice1": "Top deliğe girdi.", "choice2": "Top oyuncuya geri geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çatı katında toz yuttum.", "choice1": "Hıçkırdım.", "choice2": "Hapşurdum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kasiyer güvenliği çağırdı.", "choice1": "Müşteri sahte para kullandu.", "choice2": "Müşteri farlarını açık unuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çöpü dışarıya çıkardım.", "choice1": "Çöp mutfağı kötü kokuttu.", "choice2": "Yanlışlıkla alışveriş listemi çöpe attım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile hayvanat bahçesine gitti.", "choice1": "Çocuklar hayvanları hayranlıkla izledi.", "choice2": "Çocuklar hayvanları kovaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın nefes alışı çok sesliydi.", "choice1": "Böbrekleri iflas ediyordu.", "choice2": "Akciğerleri sıkışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Konsere fazladan bir biletim vardı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşımdan mekanın yol tarifini istedim.", "choice2": "Arkadaşıma gelmek isteyip istemeyeceğini sordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Evdeki klima bozuldu.", "choice1": "Yorganları çıkardım.", "choice2": "Camları açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuğun sırtı ağrıyordu.", "choice1": "Çantası açıktı.", "choice2": "Çantası ağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anneme bir hediye aldım.", "choice1": "Ona pasta pişirdim.", "choice2": "Onun doğum günüydü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bahçedeki nergisler mahvolmuştu.", "choice1": "Bahçıvanı arı soktu.", "choice2": "Sincaplar bitkilerin soğanını kazıdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir kibrit yaktım.", "choice1": "Ateş söndü.", "choice2": "Kibrit ateş yaktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tartışan gruplar uzlaştı.", "choice1": "Mahkemede tartışmak istemiyorlardı.", "choice2": "Aralarındaki ilişkiyi tamir etmek istiyorlardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuklar yetimhaneye gönderildi.", "choice1": "Aileleri vefat etti.", "choice2": "Aileleri onları şımarttı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Okyanusa bir meteor düştü.", "choice1": "Bir tsunami oluştu.", "choice2": "Dolu yağmaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yürüyüştü zehirli bir yılana rastladı.", "choice1": "Susamıştı.", "choice2": "Panik yaptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Fırın ısındı.", "choice1": "Fırını açtım.", "choice2": "Yemeği fırına koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Limon dilimini sıktım.", "choice1": "Limon küflendi.", "choice2": "Limonun suyu çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Üle yeni karalar keştti.", "choice1": "Ülke toprakları terk etti.", "choice2": "Ülke toprakları kolonileştirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bardak masadan düştü.", "choice1": "Yerde param parça oldu.", "choice2": "Bir kıyafet yığını üzerine düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Masa yalpalıyordu.", "choice1": "Zemin düz değildi.", "choice2": "Zemin kaygandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Baba çocuğunu yalan söylerken yakaladı.", "choice1": "Çocuğu doğruyu itiraf etti.", "choice2": "Baba çocuğuna güvendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kafası acı içinde zonkladı.", "choice1": "Öksürük şurubu aldı.", "choice2": "Aspirin içti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tren yavaşladı.", "choice1": "İstasyona yaklaşıyordu.", "choice2": "Planın gerisinde kalmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam terapi süreci geçirdi.", "choice1": "Zihinsel hastalık kalıtsaldı.", "choice2": "Depresyon tanısı koyuldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın boğazını tuttu.", "choice1": "Lokmasını yuttu.", "choice2": "Lokmasında boğuldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının boğazı acıyordu.", "choice1": "Sesi gıcırtılıydı.", "choice2": "Aksanlı konuşuyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Köpek masadaki sulu bifteğe bakıyordu.", "choice1": "Ağzı sulandı.", "choice2": "Yere yattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının işi başarılı oldu.", "choice1": "Çalışanlarını kovdu.", "choice2": "Zengin oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenciler sınıfı terk etti.", "choice1": "Zil çaldı.", "choice2": "Öğretmen ödev verdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın bir hayalet gördüğünü söyledi.", "choice1": "Tanıdıkları şühelerini belirtti.", "choice2": "Tanıdıkları bu olayı yakın buldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam duyma yetisini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Okyanusta neredeyse boğuluyordu.", "choice2": "Bir patlamada neredeyse ölüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk balonun ipini bıraktı.", "choice1": "Balon söndü.", "choice2": "Balon havaya uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam konuşma yetisini kaybetti.", "choice1": "İnme geçirdi.", "choice2": "Derin bir nefes aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının kaldırımda ayağı takıldı.", "choice1": "Betonda bir çatlak vardı.", "choice2": "Birinin ona seslendiğini duydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam havuza bombalama atladı.", "choice1": "Cankurtaran arkasından atladı.", "choice2": "Cankurtaranı ıslattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Antibiyotik aldım.", "choice1": "Enfeksiyonum temizlendi.", "choice2": "Enfeksiyonum yayıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trafik ışığı sarıya döndü.", "choice1": "Şoför frene bastı.", "choice2": "Şoför kornaya bastı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Plastik kap eridi.", "choice1": "Kabı ılık suya batırdım.", "choice2": "Kabı sıcak ocağın üstüne koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arabada vuruk oluştu.", "choice1": "Şoför bir telefon kulübesine vurdu.", "choice2": "Şoför kırmızı ışıta geçti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk gece boyu çalıştı.", "choice1": "Sınava girmedi.", "choice2": "Sınavı geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk havuzun kenarına tutundu.", "choice1": "Yüzmeyi öğrenmekten korkuyordu.", "choice2": "Cankurtaran hazır bekliyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elimi göğsüme koydum.", "choice1": "Kalp atışımı hissettim.", "choice2": "Kalp atışım hızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ofisimin dibindeki binada inşaat vardı.", "choice1": "Ofisim kalabalıktı.", "choice2": "Ofisim gürültülüydü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aile komşularını tanımak istiyordu.", "choice1": "Aile komşılarını yemeğe çağırdı.", "choice2": "Aile bahçeden komşularına el salladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Havuzdan su sıçradı.", "choice1": "Yüzücü havuza daldı.", "choice2": "Yüzücü havuzda su yüzüne çıktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir dilim karpuz ısırdım.", "choice1": "Yanlışlıkla çekirdek yuttum.", "choice2": "Yanlışlıkla dişimi kırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuğun ayağı takıldı.", "choice1": "Montunun fermuarı kapatılmamıştı.", "choice2": "Bağcıkları bağlı değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kulak tıkaçlarını taktı.", "choice1": "Sesten dikkati dağıldu.", "choice2": "Kulaklarını deldirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Su şişemi yeniden doldurdum.", "choice1": "İçindeki tüm suyu içtim.", "choice2": "Onu buzdolabında tuttum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Televizyon programı sansürlendi.", "choice1": "Sert bir dil içeriyordu.", "choice2": "Karışık bir konusu vardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gemi battı.", "choice1": "Mürettebat boğuldu.", "choice2": "Mürettebat korsanlarla karşılaştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk bilmeceyi zor buldu.", "choice1": "Bilmeceyi çözdü.", "choice2": "Bir ipucu istedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Telefon çaldı.", "choice1": "Adam telefonu kapattı.", "choice2": "Adam telefonu kaldırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın bana bakıyordu.", "choice1": "Ona sarıldım.", "choice2": "Rahatsız hissettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Grup müzeyi terk etti.", "choice1": "Sergilerin fotoğraflarını çektiler.", "choice2": "Tüm sergileri gezdiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam benimle tartışmaya başladı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni adamla tanıştırdı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım beni korudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bisikletimin tekerleği indi.", "choice1": "Tekerleğe hava bastım.", "choice2": "Bisiklette vites değiştirdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız solgun gözüküyordu.", "choice1": "Babası ona bir hikaye okudu.", "choice2": "Babası alnını kontrol etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kalemin mürekkebi bitti.", "choice1": "Kurşun kalem kullandım.", "choice2": "İmzamı attım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın kredi talebi reddedildi.", "choice1": "Adam borçluydu.", "choice2": "Adam bir iş başlattı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız okula gitmedi.", "choice1": "Suçiçeği olmuştu.", "choice2": "Matematik öğrenmeyi seviyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çöp kutusu tamamen dolmuştu.", "choice1": "Çöpe boşalttım.", "choice2": "Lavabodan döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Halıyı süpürdüm.", "choice1": "Oda arkadaşım içeceğini döktü.", "choice2": "Köpeğim saç döktü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın sinirleri bozuldu.", "choice1": "Bilgisayarını kapattı.", "choice2": "Sandalyeyi odanın diğer ucuna fırlattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız kamp ateşine bir dal fırlattı.", "choice1": "Dal yandı.", "choice2": "Ateş söndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam duştan çıktı.", "choice1": "Sıcak su akmıyordu.", "choice2": "Havlu bulamadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ailesi çocuklarının üniversiteye gitmesini istiyordu.", "choice1": "Üniversite ücretini biriktirdiler.", "choice2": "Çocuklarını dışarda oynamaya teşvik ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam ayakkabılarının bağcıklarını söktü.", "choice1": "Ayakkabı bollaştı.", "choice2": "Ayakkabı aşındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam antrenin yarısını yedi.", "choice1": "Kalanları buzdolabına koydu.", "choice2": "Yemek tarifini kaydetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bileğim şişti.", "choice1": "Üzerine buz koydum.", "choice2": "Üzerini kremledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ofis kapım açıktı.", "choice1": "Masadan iş arkadaşımla konultum.", "choice2": "Koridorda konuşulanlara kulak misafiri oldum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sırada beklemek zorundaydım.", "choice1": "Oturdum.", "choice2": "Bir dergiye göz attım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Adam sineğe doğru kolunu salladı.", "choice1": "Sinek uçtu.", "choice2": "Sinek olduğu gibi durdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam vasiyetini yazdı.", "choice1": "Ölüyordu.", "choice2": "Duldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Koşucu rakibinin ona yaklaştığını hissetti.", "choice1": "Yarıştan çekildi.", "choice2": "Hızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Problemi taraflıca düşündüm.", "choice1": "Tavsiye istedim.", "choice2": "Bir çözüm aklıma geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yolcu sallanan asmalı köprüde yürüdü.", "choice1": "Korkmuş hissetti.", "choice2": "Çok mutlu hissetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam takımının kazanacağını tahmin etmişti.", "choice1": "Maçı izlemek için arkadaşlarıyla buluştu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşlarıyla iddiaya girdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk uyuyamıyordu.", "choice1": "Alarm kurdu.", "choice2": "Kuzuları saymaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ürün balonlu naylonla paketlenmişti.", "choice1": "Kırılgandı.", "choice2": "Küçüktü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ceplerimi boşalttım.", "choice1": "Bir bilet koçanı aldım.", "choice2": "Bir silah buldum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Termitler evi işgal etti.", "choice1": "Termitler evden kayboldu.", "choice2": "Termitler evin içindeki ahşabı yediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yolcular sınıra ulaştı.", "choice1": "Devriye ajanı pasaportlarını kontrol etti.", "choice2": "Devriye ajanı onları kaçakçılıkla suçladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ofis kapalıydı.", "choice1": "Tatildi.", "choice2": "Yaz mevsimiydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kızın enerjisi tükendi.", "choice1": "Dama oynadı.", "choice2": "İp atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın sıradaki yerini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Sıraya daha fazla kişi girdi.", "choice2": "Sıradan çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız burnunu tıkadı.", "choice1": "Bebeğin salyası önlüğüne aktı.", "choice2": "Bebek bezini kirletti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Grup hit şarkılarını çaldı.", "choice1": "Seyirci müziğe alkışla eşlik etti.", "choice2": "Seyirciler kibarca sessizce dinledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız matematik öğretmenine teşekkür etmek istedi.", "choice1": "Kız okuldan sonra cezaya kaldı.", "choice2": "Kız öğretmene bir elma getirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Genç kampçılar korkmuş hissettiler.", "choice1": "Kamp danışmanları onlara bir hayalet hikayesi anlattı.", "choice2": "Kamp ateşinde marshmallow kızarttılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kafasını vurdu.", "choice1": "Düşüncede kayboldu.", "choice2": "Beyin sarsıntısı geçirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yazdığım çek karşılıksız çıktı.", "choice1": "Banka hesabımda para yoktu.", "choice2": "Maaş zammı kazandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın e-posta gelen kutusu spam ile doluydu.", "choice1": "Spam'i sildi.", "choice2": "Toplu bir e-posta gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Denizci karantinaya alındı.", "choice1": "Bir hastalığa maruz kaldı.", "choice2": "Hastalıktan kurtuldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız kodu ezberledi.", "choice1": "Kendi kendine okudu.", "choice2": "Yazmayı unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bardağa su doldurdum.", "choice1": "Su susuzluğumu giderdi.", "choice2": "Bardak doldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam, arkadaşı konuşmayı bitirdiğinde sessiz kaldı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşına destek vermek istedi.", "choice2": "Arkadaşının söylediklerini düşünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaza benim hatamdı.", "choice1": "Suçlu hissettim.", "choice2": "Suçlamada bulundum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zincir dağıldı.", "choice1": "Zincir bir lastiğin etrafına sarılıydı.", "choice2": "Zincirde kopuk bir halka vardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çift uzlaşmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Tartışmaktan yoruldular.", "choice2": "Sorunu tartışmaktan kaçındılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın devlet görevi için aday olmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Bir kampanya yöneticisi tuttu.", "choice2": "Mahkemede ifade verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam yolculuğunda soğuk hava bekliyordu.", "choice1": "Bavuluna sıcak tutacak giysiler koydu.", "choice2": "Büyük bir bavulla seyahat etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci sorunun cevabını biliyordu.", "choice1": "Elini kaldırdı.", "choice2": "Kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın gözleri sulandı.", "choice1": "Gözüne toz kaçtı.", "choice2": "Gözlük taktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oyuncu arka arkaya beş maç kazandı.", "choice1": "Rakibi onu hile yapmakla suçladı.", "choice2": "Rakibi onun için üzüldü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrencinin sınavını yırttı.", "choice1": "Öğrenciyi kopya çekerken yakaladı.", "choice2": "Öğrencinin cevapları yanlıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konuşurken durdum.", "choice1": "Sesimi kaybettim.", "choice2": "Nefesim tükendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Donmuş yemek çözüldü.", "choice1": "Mikrodalga fırına koydum.", "choice2": "Plastik sargı ile kapladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çalışan, hasta numarası yaptı.", "choice1": "Karın ağrısı vardı.", "choice2": "Bir gün izin istedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız havuza atladı.", "choice1": "Havuz güvertesinde koştu.", "choice2": "Tramplenden atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinema biletleri tükendi.", "choice1": "Filmin vizyona girdiği gündü.", "choice2": "Film kötü eleştiriler aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kilo verdi.", "choice1": "İnsanlar onu dışladı.", "choice2": "İnsanlar ona iltifat etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kızın elleri kabarmıştı.", "choice1": "Mektup yazdı.", "choice2": "Bir ipe tırmandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tek tekerlekli sirk bisikletine binerken sirk sanatçısı hokkabazlık yaptı.", "choice1": "Seyirciler şaşkınlıkla alkışladılar.", "choice2": "Akrobat bir trapezde döndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sabrımı kaybettim.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni bekletmeye devam etti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım zamanında geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Savaşan ülkeler barış istiyorlardı.", "choice1": "Nükleer silah geliştirdiler.", "choice2": "Bir antlaşma müzakere ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam uyku ilacı aldı.", "choice1": "Uykusu geldi.", "choice2": "Ateşi çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kanepeye çarptı.", "choice1": "Kanepenin ayağı gevşedi.", "choice2": "Dizini morarttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk balonu sıktı.", "choice1": "Balon patladı.", "choice2": "Balon uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gezginler otel odalarına girdiler.", "choice1": "Valizlerini boşalttılar.", "choice2": "Havaalanına gittiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şeftaliyi ısırdım.", "choice1": "Şeftali ezildi.", "choice2": "Su fışkırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ellerim yapışkan hale geldi.", "choice1": "Donut yedim.", "choice2": "Tatlı seviyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kapıyı ittim.", "choice1": "Kapı açıldı.", "choice2": "Kapı kilitliydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aktivistler ürünleri boykot ettiler.", "choice1": "Ürünler kalite güvencesi için test edilmiştir.", "choice2": "Ürünler çocuk işçiliği ile üretildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Duvarda bir delik açtım.", "choice1": "Bir fare delikten sürünerek çıktı.", "choice2": "Delikten toz çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kız kardeşini kıskandı.", "choice1": "Kız kardeşi mutluydu.", "choice2": "Kardeşi boşandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gömleğime şarap döktüm.", "choice1": "Bir önlük giydim.", "choice2": "Gömleğimi değiştirdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasiyer kasayı açtı.", "choice1": "Müşteri cüzdanını aradı.", "choice2": "Müşteri parasını uzattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sokak müzisyeni bir kalabalık çekti.", "choice1": "İnsanlar ona madeni para verdi.", "choice2": "Kalabalığı dağıttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Küçük çocuk bakıcısına ağladı.", "choice1": "Ebeveynlerini özledi.", "choice2": "Atıştırmalık zamanıydı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pilotun radarı bir fırtına tespit etti.", "choice1": "Pilot fırtınadan uzaklaştı.", "choice2": "Pilot fırtınanın içinden uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ağaç yapraklarını döktü.", "choice1": "Yapraklar renkleri değişti.", "choice2": "Yerlerde yapraklar birikti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Çocuk yaramaz bir haldeydi.", "choice1": "Kız kardeşi ile bir kart oyunu oynamaya karar verdi.", "choice2": "Kız kardeşine bir şaka yapmaya karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk tuvalete gitmek zorunda olduğundan şikayet etti.", "choice1": "Babası ona gazlı bir içecek verdi.", "choice2": "Babası bir benzin istasyonunda durdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk tanka balık yemi serpti.", "choice1": "Balık tanktan sıçradı.", "choice2": "Balık yeme doğru yüzdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının politik görüşü değişti.", "choice1": "Parti üyeliğini değiştirdi.", "choice2": "Bir protesto gösterisine katıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Banyo lavabosu tıkanmış.", "choice1": "Musluğu açtım.", "choice2": "Lavabo temizleyicisini içine döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yolcular trenden indi.", "choice1": "Tren istasyona vardı.", "choice2": "Tren düdüğünü çaldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam zarfın nemli kapağına bastırdı.", "choice1": "Zarfın üzerine bir pul koydu.", "choice2": "Zarfı kapattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşların teması kesildi.", "choice1": "Birbirleriyle zaman geçirmekten hoşlanıyorlardı.", "choice2": "Farklı şehirlere taşındılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Muhasebeci şirketin parasını yanlış yönetti.", "choice1": "Görevinden kovuldu.", "choice2": "Doğum iznine çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Saate baktım.", "choice1": "Saatin sesini duydum.", "choice2": "Zamanı kontrol etmek istedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elime kramp girdi.", "choice1": "Elimle yazı yazdım.", "choice2": "Karımla el ele tutuştuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cıvata sıkıldı.", "choice1": "Cıvatayı değiştirdim.", "choice2": "Anahtarı sıkıştırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Çift bir daire için kira imzaladı.", "choice1": "Çift daireye taşındı.", "choice2": "Şehir apartmana el koydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın dışarıda verandaya oturdu.", "choice1": "Gün batımını izlemek istedi.", "choice2": "Yıldırım gördüğünü sandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam su içindeyken can yeleği giyiyordu.", "choice1": "Yüzme bilmiyordu.", "choice2": "Su sığdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kelime işlemci bir yazım hatası yaptı.", "choice1": "Belgeyi sildi.", "choice2": "Geri tuşuna bastı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız arkadaşlarına övündü.", "choice1": "Kötü bir not aldı.", "choice2": "Yarışmayı kazandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bahçe çamurluydu.", "choice1": "Gece yağmur yağmıştı.", "choice2": "Otlarla doluydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın uyuyakaldı.", "choice1": "Geceyi bir otelde geçirdi.", "choice2": "Çalar saatini kurmayı unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam güneş kremi sürdü.", "choice1": "Gölgede oturdu.", "choice2": "Sahile gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Araştırmacılar teoriyi kanıtladı.", "choice1": "Araştırmacılar teoriyi geri çekti.", "choice2": "Bireyler teoriyi kabul etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maçtaki taraftarlar yuhaladı.", "choice1": "Oyun uzatmalara kaldı.", "choice2": "Hakem yanlış karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şifremi kilide girdim.", "choice1": "Kilitledim.", "choice2": "Kilit açıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kalabalık yoğunlaştı.", "choice1": "Baba oğluna biraz para verdi.", "choice2": "Baba oğlunun elini tuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kar yolu kapatıyordu.", "choice1": "Karları bir kartopuna topladım.", "choice2": "Yoldan karı temizledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kanocular kürek çekti.", "choice1": "Kayık kıyıya ulaştı.", "choice2": "Kayık bir dalgaya çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız bisikletinin kontrolunu kaybetti.", "choice1": "Gidonları serbest bıraktı.", "choice2": "Bir çite çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fanı açtım.", "choice1": "Tenime su sıçradı.", "choice2": "Soğuk havanın üstüme geldiğini hissettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sörfçüler sahile döndü.", "choice1": "Sırılsıklam olmuşlardı.", "choice2": "Köpekbalığı gördüler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Küvetteki tıpayı çektim.", "choice1": "Su, küvetten boşaltıldı.", "choice2": "Yere su sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam karısını aldattığı için suçlu hissetti.", "choice1": "Onu sadakatsizlikle suçladı.", "choice2": "Sadakatsizliğini ona itiraf etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Posterdeki mürekkep bulaştı.", "choice1": "Mürekkebin kurumasını bekledim.", "choice2": "Postere su döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk çığlık atarak uyandı.", "choice1": "Kabus gördü.", "choice2": "Yatağını ıslattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk ayaklarını masaya koydu.", "choice1": "Babası masaya oturdu.", "choice2": "Babası ona ders verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşım kafasını bana doğru çevirdi.", "choice1": "Adını bağırdım.", "choice2": "El salladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hükümet vatandaşlarına baskı yaptı.", "choice1": "Vatandaşlar isyan etti.", "choice2": "Vatandaşlar oy vermek için kayıt oldular.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk ormanda kayboldu.", "choice1": "Bir çadır kurdu.", "choice2": "Yardım için çığlık attı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kadın yurt dışına seyahat etti.", "choice1": "Nasıl çizim yapmayı öğrenmek istedi.", "choice2": "Diğer kültürleri öğrenmek istiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam iş arkadaşını kıskanıyordu.", "choice1": "İş arkadaşı terfi aldı.", "choice2": "İş arkadaşı geç saatlere kadar çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam uzaylılara tanık oldu.", "choice1": "Halüsinasyon görüyordu.", "choice2": "Meditasyon yapıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın saçı sarı oldu.", "choice1": "Saçını boyadı.", "choice2": "Şampuanladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sanatçı yeni çalışmalar yaptı.", "choice1": "Önceki çalışmasını eleştirdi.", "choice2": "Kadına ilham geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk evden uzağa taşındı.", "choice1": "Askerden taburcu edildi.", "choice2": "Üniversiteye gidiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kitaplar kitaplıktan düştü.", "choice1": "Raflar tozla kaplıydı.", "choice2": "Bir deprem kitaplığı salladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Evimde elektrikler kesildi.", "choice1": "Işığı açtım.", "choice2": "Sigortayı yeniden açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lunapark treni sürdük.", "choice1": "Korkutucu görünüyordu.", "choice2": "Eğlenceli görünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Patlamış mısır torbası patlamaya başladı.", "choice1": "Torbaya tereyağı döktüm.", "choice2": "Mikrodalgada ısıttım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elektrik hattının üzerine bir ağaç devrildi.", "choice1": "Semtteki elektrik gitti.", "choice2": "Hava tahmini ağır rüzgar tahminininde bulundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konuşmacı politik olarak yanlış yorumlar yaptı.", "choice1": "O izleyicileri sıktı.", "choice2": "O izleyicleri rencide etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İğne ile kendimi yaraladım.", "choice1": "Bir tane ter damladı yüzümden.", "choice2": "Parmağımda bir kan damlası oluştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Balık deponun yüzeyinde duruyordu.", "choice1": "O açtı.", "choice2": "O ölmüştü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adamın sesi boğuktu.", "choice1": "Onun soğuk algınlığı vardı.", "choice2": "O sigarayı bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Asansörün kapıları açıldı.", "choice1": "Asansör belirlenen kata varmıştı.", "choice2": "Asansör katlar arasında sıkışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ergen evden kaçtı.", "choice1": "O evebeynlerine yalan söyledi.", "choice2": "Evebeynleri onu dışarı çıkmasını yasaklamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Banyoyu su bastı.", "choice1": "Tuvalet taştı.", "choice2": "Su ısıtıcısı kırıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yavru köpek sahibinin yanında kaldı.", "choice1": "Sahibi köpeğe tasma taktı.", "choice2": "Sahibi köpeği tasmasından tuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adam kendi yansımasını yakaladı.", "choice1": "Geniş bir ağacın altında durdu.", "choice2": "Sakin gölün ününde durdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız arkadaşımın aramasını kaçırdım.", "choice1": "Onu geri aradım.", "choice2": "Onunlar akşam yemeğinde buluştuk.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile semti aradı.", "choice1": "Köpekleri evden kaçmıştı.", "choice2": "Pahalı mücevherleri evden kaybolmuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nefes verirken nefesimi gördüm.", "choice1": "Hava soğuktu.", "choice2": "Göğsüm sıkışmış hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İşçiler sendika kurdu.", "choice1": "Onlar daha iyi çalışma koşulları istiyorlardı.", "choice2": "İş verenleri onların maaşlarını yükseltti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "ELma pastası pişirdim.", "choice1": "Mutfağı bir çürüme kokusu doldurdu.", "choice2": "Taze bir arona mutfağı doldurdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın yürümekte zorluk çekiyordu.", "choice1": "O yüksek topuklu ayakkabı giymişti.", "choice2": "O ayakkabılarını çıkarmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Su kabından buhar yükseldi.", "choice1": "Su kaynamıştı.", "choice2": "Kabı kapamıştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bütün çoraplarım çamaşırhanede.", "choice1": "Sandaletlerimi giydim.", "choice2": "Botumu giydim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politikacının argümanı absürt bulundu.", "choice1": "O oy verenlerin desteğini kaybetti.", "choice2": "O yolsuzlukla suçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Herkes çiftin nişanından kayboldu.", "choice1": "Çift hamile kaldı.", "choice2": "Çift gizlice kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bina milyonere adandı.", "choice1": "Milyoner binayı yımak istedi.", "choice2": "Milyoner binanın yapımı için katkı yaptı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Satış görevlisi kızı çalmakla suçladı.", "choice1": "Satış görevlisi kızı el çantasına ürün koyarken gördü.", "choice2": "Satış görevlisi kıza istediği el çantasını bulmasında yardım etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ülke komşu ülkeye savaş ilan etti.", "choice1": "Askerler savaşa gönderilidi.", "choice2": "Askerler aileleriyle bir araya getirildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mhkeme tartışmalı kararı onayladı.", "choice1": "Mahmeke binası önünde isyan çıktı.", "choice2": "Bir çift mahkeme binası önünde evlendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız yanık kokusu aldı.", "choice1": "O kurabiyeleri kavanozdan çıkardı.", "choice2": "O kurabiyeleri fırnda bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yağmur yağıyordu.", "choice1": "Fırtına daha kötü oldu.", "choice2": "İçeri girmek için hızla koştum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bina tahliye edildi.", "choice1": "Asansör çalımayı durdurdu.", "choice2": "Yangın alarmı çaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baba oğlunun alkolikliğine sinirlendi.", "choice1": "Baba oğluna bir bira aldı.", "choice2": "Baba oğlunu evden kovdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Avukat ofisine mervidenlerden çıktı.", "choice1": "Sekreter eve gitmişti.", "choice2": "Asansör çalışmıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam arkadaşına sinirlendi.", "choice1": "Arkadaşı onun sözüne kesti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşı ona öğle yemeği aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız parayı kasiyere verdi.", "choice1": "Kasiyer kıza para üstünü verdi.", "choice2": "Kasiyer kıza fiş vermeyi unuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın tekerlekli sandalyeye konuldu.", "choice1": "O kazada felç kaldı.", "choice2": "O hastaneye bir sedye içinde girdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şehir sakinlei evlerinin dışına milli bayrak bayrak astı.", "choice1": "Ülke bağımsızlığını anıyordu.", "choice2": "Ülke economik zorluklarla yüzleşiyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Takım turnuvayı kaybetti.", "choice1": "Onlar taraftarlarını hayal kırıklığına uğrattı.", "choice2": "Onlar taraftarlarına ilham oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşım dişimde yemek kaldığını belirtti.", "choice1": "Utanç duydum.", "choice2": "Gurur duydum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Erkek çocuk tarih sınavından kaldı.", "choice1": "O derse dikkati verdi.", "choice2": "O çalışmayı unuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şehir merkezi binası yıkıldı.", "choice1": "Şehri deprem vurdu.", "choice2": "Suç oranları arttı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kız arkadaşı ondan ayrıldı.", "choice1": "O onu geri alması için yalvardı.", "choice2": "Onu ailesine tanıttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İki çocuk aynı anda topu almak için aşağı uzandı.", "choice1": "Top uzağa yuvarlandı.", "choice2": "Başları birbirine çarptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rakun çöp kutusunu karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Çöp kutusunda karton vardı.", "choice2": "Çöp kutusunun kapağı açıktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Erkek çocuk kalemi sivriltti.", "choice1": "Kalem ucuzdu.", "choice2": "Kalem körleşmişti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasiyer kıyafetin iadesini reddetti.", "choice1": "O fişi kaybetmişti.", "choice2": "Kıyafet uymamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Derimdeki çizgi derindi.", "choice1": "Hızlıca iyileşti.", "choice2": "O yara izi bıraktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam trendeki yolcuların garip bakışlarıyla karşılaştı.", "choice1": "O yere bakıyodu.", "choice2": "O kendi kendine konuşuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk kırıntıları yerde bıraktı.", "choice1": "Karıncalar kırıntılara gittiler.", "choice2": "Çocuk ekmeği bir kenara koydu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kardeşine bir peçete uzattı.", "choice1": "Kadının kardeşi ellerini büktü.", "choice2": "Kadının kız kardeşi ağlamaya başladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam bir nane şekeri aldı.", "choice1": "Onun dudakları çatladı.", "choice2": "O kötü nefes kokusundan endişe etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çift şov için erken ayrıldı.", "choice1": "Onlar tiyatro çevresinde trafik tahmin ettiler.", "choice2": "Onlar tiyatroya giden yön tarifini edindiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın işten evde kaldı.", "choice1": "Patronu onu övdü.", "choice2": "Meslektaşı onun için örtbas edildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam aktivistlerin dilekçesini imzaladı.", "choice1": "Onların amacını destekliyordu.", "choice2": "Onları deli olmakla eleştirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kalbi performansından önce güm güm atıyordu.", "choice1": "Onun sahne korkusu vardı.", "choice2": "Kendi repliğini hatırladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaybolmuştum.", "choice1": "Paramı saydım.", "choice2": "Haritayı açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Olgunlaşmış meyve güneşin altında kaldo.", "choice1": "Yendi.", "choice2": "İçi geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Araba bozuldu.", "choice1": "Kontağı açtım.", "choice2": "Motor fazla ısındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam sırtını incitti.", "choice1": "O psikiyatristi görmeye gitti.", "choice2": "O birkaç gün yatakta kaldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şömenide ateş yaktım.", "choice1": "Yakacak odununum yoktu.", "choice2": "Evin içi soğuktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın koşuyu durdurdu.", "choice1": "Yan tarafına kramp girdi.", "choice2": "Kadın soluklanıp enerjisini tekrar topladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Komuşumun kapısını tıklattım.", "choice1": "Komşum beni içeri davet etti.", "choice2": "Komşum evini terk etmişti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın hayal kırıklığıyla iç çekti.", "choice1": "Kocası onun endişelerini yanlış anladı.", "choice2": "Kocası ona veda etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrenciyi övdü.", "choice1": "Öğrenci soruyu doğru cevapladı.", "choice2": "Öğrenci soruyu çevaplamakta tereddüt etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının yumurtası kalmadı.", "choice1": "Kadın çiftliğe gitti.", "choice2": "Kadın süpermarkete gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Eski bir arkadaşla karşılaştım.", "choice1": "Ona bir sır verdim.", "choice2": "Ona sarıldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın göle girmekten kaçındı.", "choice1": "Kadın bir balık yakaladı.", "choice2": "O kirlenmiş görünüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci sınıfa sırılsıklam vardı.", "choice1": "Şemsiyesi kırıldı.", "choice2": "Bisikleti çalındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bilgisayar ekranındaki imleç hareket etti.", "choice1": "Kullanıcı fareye tıkladı.", "choice2": "Kullanıcı fareyi kaydırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sürücü dolambaçlı yoldan gitti.", "choice1": "Ana yolda bir kaza olmuştu.", "choice2": "O önündeki kamyonu takip etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Islak çarşafı dışarıdaki çamaşır ipine astım.", "choice1": "Çamaşır kurudu.", "choice2": "Çamaşır lekelendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın gölgeliğini açtı.", "choice1": "Güneş parlaktı.", "choice2": "O taksi çağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam gece gökyüzüne baktı.", "choice1": "Yaz olmasını diledi.", "choice2": "Güzel olduğunu düşündü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yorgunluktan tükenmiş hissettim.", "choice1": "Yatağa erken gittim.", "choice2": "Bütün gece ayakta kaldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam berbere gitti.", "choice1": "O saçlarını uzatıyordu.", "choice2": "Saçları uzamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışına kötü numaralar yaptı.", "choice1": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışını hoş karşıladı.", "choice2": "Çocuk yeni sınıf arkadışını sevmedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Canım bir bardak süt çekti.", "choice1": "Kurabiye yiyordum.", "choice2": "Ekmek yapıyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yağmur yağmaya başladı.", "choice1": "Sürücü farları açtı.", "choice2": "Sürücü arabayı geriye vitese aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Binanın park yeri boştu.", "choice1": "Sokağın karşısına park ettim.", "choice2": "Girişin yanına park ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yazar taslak teslimi için olan son tarihi kaçırdı.", "choice1": "Yazar yazamadı.", "choice2": "O taslağı düzenledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "İş arkadaşım bana kafayı taktı.", "choice1": "Yöneticiyle konuşmak istedim.", "choice2": "Kimlik numaramı verdim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rüzgar açık pencereden içeri esti.", "choice1": "Kapı zili çaldı.", "choice2": "Perdeler titredi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Evimdeki elektirik gitti.", "choice1": "Lambayı fişten çıkardım.", "choice2": "Sigortayı attırdım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Halter homurdandı.", "choice1": "Ayna karşısında kaslarını esnetti.", "choice2": "Barı kafasının üzerine kaldırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci hesabı kafasından yapmayı denedi.", "choice1": "Hesap makinesini çıkardı.", "choice2": "Onun kafası karıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bebek uykuya daldı.", "choice1": "Bbası bebeğin bezini değiştirdi.", "choice2": "Babası bebeği yavaşça salladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız oğlana su balonu attı.", "choice1": "Oğlan sarsıldı.", "choice2": "Oğlan ıslandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fotoğrafçı kameradaki flaşı kullanmayı unuttu.", "choice1": "Fotoğraflar bulanık çıktı.", "choice2": "Fotoğraftaki herkes gülmeyi reddetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Doğum günü partisin davetini geri çevirdim.", "choice1": "Yalnızdım.", "choice2": "Şehir dışındaydım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Egzersiz yaptım.", "choice1": "Enerjik hissettim.", "choice2": "Korktum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Islak süngeri sıktım.", "choice1": "Suyu içine çekti.", "choice2": "İçinden su sızdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tatilciler tatil yeri için vapur kullandılar.", "choice1": "Tatil yeri rezerve edilmişti.", "choice2": "Tatil yeri adadaydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ergen dövme yaptırdı.", "choice1": "O iğnelerden korktu.", "choice2": "Asilik yapmak istedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alışılmadık bir araba evimin dışına park etti.", "choice1": "Şüphelendim.", "choice2": "Polisi aradım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Suçlu teslim oldu.", "choice1": "Deliller onu işaret ediyordu.", "choice2": "Onun aleyhine delil yoktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İri ve ağır adam kilo vermeye karar verdi.", "choice1": "Tatlıyı kesti.", "choice2": "Kafeğinden kaçındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız buza bastı.", "choice1": "O kaydı.", "choice2": "O titredi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının gözlerinin altında halkaları var.", "choice1": "O bütün gece ayakta kaldı.", "choice2": "O oğlunu yatağa koydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lav volkandan aktı.", "choice1": "Volkan patladı.", "choice2": "Volkan aktif değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın ayakkabılarını giydi.", "choice1": "O partideki herkesi biliyordu..", "choice2": "O partiden erken ayrıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gişe görevlisine ödedim.", "choice1": "Gişeden geçmeme izin verdi.", "choice2": "O beni gişede tuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yönetici iflas etti.", "choice1": "O şirket hissesini sattı.", "choice2": "O şansını harcadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam doktora gitti.", "choice1": "Doktor izindeydi.", "choice2": "Adam hasta hissetti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yatak odamı pencereden terk ettim.", "choice1": "Ev yanıyordu.", "choice2": "Ev boştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuğun parmakları buruşuk oldu.", "choice1": "O uzun bir duş aldı.", "choice2": "Ellerini sabunla köpürttü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sütü tükürdüm.", "choice1": "Süt tadı ekşiydi.", "choice2": "Ağzım kuruydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Otobüsü kaçırdım.", "choice1": "İşe erken geldim.", "choice2": "İşe geç kaldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kamyon arabayla çarpıştı.", "choice1": "Kamyon hızlandı.", "choice2": "Araba paramparça oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Takım yarışmayı kendi lehine düzenledi.", "choice1": "Onlar kazandı.", "choice2": "Onlar bıraktılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Soda şişesi tısladı.", "choice1": "Şişeyi devirdim.", "choice2": "Kapağı çevirip açtım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oğlan evde kitli kaldı.", "choice1": "O açık pencereden sürünerek ilerledi.", "choice2": "O çatıya çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kapı zili çaldı.", "choice1": "Ziyaretçi kapıdaki tokmağa dokundu.", "choice2": "Kadın kapı deliğinden baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adam takım elbisesini leke yaptı.", "choice1": "Ona kuruma temizleme yaptırdı.", "choice2": "Dolabına astı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız diş macunu tüpünü sıktı.", "choice1": "Diş macunu tüpten fışkırdı.", "choice2": "Kız diş macununu tükürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Savaştaki sivil ölümler hızlıca çok arttı.", "choice1": "Savaş karşıtları protesto düzenlediler.", "choice2": "Savaş karşıtları geçit düzenlediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız kurdeleyi saçından çekti.", "choice1": "O kurdeleyi bağladı.", "choice2": "Kurdele çocuksu görünüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam estetik ameliyatı oldu.", "choice1": "O yaşlandı.", "choice2": "O genç görünüyor.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir civciv yumurtadan çıktı.", "choice1": "Yumurta çatladı.", "choice2": "Yumurtayı çatlattım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mahkum çok açlık çekti.", "choice1": "O öldü.", "choice2": "O kaçtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam merdivende dengesini kaybetti.", "choice1": "O merdivene tırmandı.", "choice2": "O medivenden düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk geğirdi.", "choice1": "O sodadan bir yudum aldı.", "choice2": "O soda kapağını açtı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Penceren soğuk bir hava geldi.", "choice1": "Rahatladım.", "choice2": "Titredim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci üniversiteye gitmek için burs aldı.", "choice1": "Sınıf arkadaşları ona saygı duydu.", "choice2": "İyi notlar aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız oğlanla alay etti.", "choice1": "O onun yanındaki evde yaşıyordu.", "choice2": "Ona aşık oldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aç berduş yemek çaldı.", "choice1": "Merhamete ilham verdi.", "choice2": "Parası yoktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşımı sohbet etmeye çağırdım.", "choice1": "Mahremiyet istedim.", "choice2": "Yalnız hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam elini bana uzattı.", "choice1": "Elini sıktım.", "choice2": "Onu tokatladım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Başımı hızlıca eğdim.", "choice1": "Havai fişekler yukarı çıkmaya başladı.", "choice2": "Frizbi kafama doğru yükseldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız tırnaklarını yedi.", "choice1": "O endişelendi.", "choice2": "O şaşırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Takvimdeki sayfayı çevirdim.", "choice1": "Takvime bir randevu işaretledim.", "choice2": "Yeni ayın başlangıcıydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koca eşinin başkasıyla birlikte olduğunu keşfetti.", "choice1": "O avukatını kovdu.", "choice2": "O boşanma davası açtı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız plastik topu düşürdü.", "choice1": "Top sekti.", "choice2": "Top parladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız sınavda bir hata yaptı.", "choice1": "O cevabı tahmin etti.", "choice2": "O cevabını sildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oyuncu rakibi ile mücadele etti.", "choice1": "Rakibi pası yakaladı.", "choice2": "Rakibi yere düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Domatesleri asmadan aldım.", "choice1": "Onlar olgunlaşmıştı.", "choice2": "Onları yıkadım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam romantik davranmak istedi.", "choice1": "O eski kız arkadaşıyla öğle yemeği için buluştu.", "choice2": "O kız arkadaşına çikolatalar aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Termometredeki civa yükseldi.", "choice1": "Termometreyi düşürdüm.", "choice2": "Hava ısındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir kasırga kasabadan geçti.", "choice1": "Adliyenin çatısı uçtu.", "choice2": "Otoyol tehlikeli derecede buzlu oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci özel ders aldı.", "choice1": "Notları iyileşti.", "choice2": "O sınavda kopya çekti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rahat hissediyorum.", "choice1": "Yere diz çöktüm.", "choice2": "Kendimi battaniye ile sardım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Taşı cilaladım.", "choice1": "Kaygan oldu.", "choice2": "Parlak oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kahveye şeker ekledim.", "choice1": "Kahve güçlü kokuyordu.", "choice2": "Kahve tatlı oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kağıtları karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Ona kağıt kesiği oldu.", "choice2": "O kağıtları parçaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çiviyi çekiçle çaktım.", "choice1": "Çivi oduna girdi.", "choice2": "Çivi paslandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Balık oltayı ısırdı.", "choice1": "Balıkçı balığı çekti.", "choice2": "Balıkçı oltayı yeniden attı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ergen okula getmeye utanmıştı.", "choice1": "Onun sivilcesi vardı.", "choice2": "O diş tellerini çıkardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yüz ifadem aydınlandı.", "choice1": "İyi haberler aldım.", "choice2": "Sabrımı kaybettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ellerimi havlu ile sildim.", "choice1": "Havlu ıslaktı.", "choice2": "Ellerim ıslaktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam oturak üzerindeki dengesini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Oturak altında sallandı.", "choice2": "Tabureye boya döktü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Takımarkadaşları suçlamaya birbirlerine yönelttiler.", "choice1": "Oyunu kaybettiler.", "choice2": "Koçları çalışmayı iptal etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Affetmesini istedim.", "choice1": "Hatamdam pişman oldum.", "choice2": "Amacıma ulaştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın flört ettiği kişiden sıkıldı.", "choice1": "Onun hakkında sorular sordu.", "choice2": "O aralıksız kendi hakkında konuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız gülümsedi.", "choice1": "Yanakları kızardı.", "choice2": "Gamzeleri göründü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Düşman gemisi havaya uçtu.", "choice1": "Madenin üzerinden geçti.", "choice2": "O limana yelken açtı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam ayağını deldi.", "choice1": "Su birikintisine girdi.", "choice2": "O kırıklmış cama bastı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Detektifler parmak izi için suç mahallinin tozunu aldılar.", "choice1": "Suçlunun kimliğini keşfettiler.", "choice2": "Onlar suç mahallinde silah buldular.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Otoyolda çok trafik vardı.", "choice1": "Farklı bir yola saptım.", "choice2": "Arabayla gezmek istedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ülkenin ekonomisi inişe geçti.", "choice1": "Birçok insan hastalandı.", "choice2": "Birçok insan işsizlikle yüzleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Geçiş görevlisi çocuklara düdüğünü çaldı.", "choice1": "Onlar yaklaşmakta olan trafiğe girmek üzereydiler.", "choice2": "Onları kendi semtinden tanıdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gözlerimi arkadışıma devirdim.", "choice1": "Bana doğruyu söyledi.", "choice2": "Alaycı bir açıklama yaptı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arabada benzin bitti.", "choice1": "Sürücü yolda mahsur kaldı.", "choice2": "Sürücü bir otostopçu aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın doğum yaptı.", "choice1": "Bebek doğdu.", "choice2": "Kadının sabah bulantısı vardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın şapkası uçtu.", "choice1": "O şapkasını çıkardı.", "choice2": "Dışarısı rüzgarlıydı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız sınıf arkadaşının doğum günü partisine katıldı.", "choice1": "O bir davetiye aldı.", "choice2": "O bir hediye aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oğlanın alnı sıcaktı.", "choice1": "Annesi ateşine baktı.", "choice2": "Annesi onu parka götürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adam kendisine parfüm sıktı.", "choice1": "Flörtünü etkilemek istedi.", "choice2": "O saçına jole sürdü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Evdeki elektirikler kesildi.", "choice1": "Bir el feneri aradım.", "choice2": "Bir kürek aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile daha büyük bir eve taşındı.", "choice1": "Oğlan liseden mezun oldu.", "choice2": "Ane ikiz doğurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Maratoncu yavaş temposunu korudu.", "choice1": "O enerjisini korumak istiyordu.", "choice2": "O bitiş çizgisini gördü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk otomatı tekmeledi.", "choice1": "Makine para üstünü fırlattı.", "choice2": "Cips kutusu sıkıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşımın köpeği öldü.", "choice1": "Gözlerimi ona devirdim.", "choice2": "Ona sarıldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İş adamının kredi kartı kabul edilmedi.", "choice1": "O bir borç senedi yazdı.", "choice2": "O nakit ile ödedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam lanet etti.", "choice1": "O tırnaklarını kesti.", "choice2": "O ayak parmağını vurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kardeşiyle gurur duydu.", "choice1": "Kardeşi evebeynleri ile tartışmaya girdi.", "choice2": "Kardeşi hukuk fakültesine kabul edildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız güneş sistemi hakkında öğrenmek istedi.", "choice1": "Kütüphaneye gitti.", "choice2": "Yıldızlara baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Poster duvara yapıştı.", "choice1": "Posteri kapının üstüne yerleştirdim.", "choice2": "Posterin arkasına bant koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Müşteri mimarın bina için planını onayladı.", "choice1": "Mimar binayı inşa etti.", "choice2": "Mimar planı düzenledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adam kaşığını düşürdü.", "choice1": "Elleri titriyordu.", "choice2": "Kaşığı yaladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şirketin ceosu istifa etti.", "choice1": "Yönetim kurulu şirketi feshetti.", "choice2": "Yönetim kurulu onun yerine birini buldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Derse geç vardım.", "choice1": "Arka sıraya oturdum.", "choice2": "Podyuma yaklaştım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam hapisten salındı.", "choice1": "Ailesi kefaletini ödedi.", "choice2": "O mahkuma saldırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile bütün sahip olduklarını kaybetti.", "choice1": "Onlar evlerini sattılar.", "choice2": "Onların evi ateş aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aleminyum kutuyu ayağımla ezdim.", "choice1": "Kutu geri dönüştürüldü.", "choice2": "Kutu ezildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız münazara takımına katıldı.", "choice1": "O bilgisayar kullnmayı öğrendi.", "choice2": "O iletişim becerileri öğrendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ruh halim iyileşti.", "choice1": "Müzik dinledim.", "choice2": "Yemekleri yaptım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hayır kuruluşu para toplamayı amaçladı.", "choice1": "Onlar evsizleri beslediler.", "choice2": "Onlar bir açık artırma düzenlediler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lunaparktaki hız treni dik bir şekilde aşşağı hızla indi.", "choice1": "Yolcular kıkırdadılar.", "choice2": "Yolcular çığlık attılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öfkeliydim.", "choice1": "Evden ayrılırken posta kutusunu kontrol ettim.", "choice2": "Evi terk ederken kapıyı çarptım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam güneşin doğuşunu seyretmek istedi.", "choice1": "O kuzeye yolculuk etti.", "choice2": "O erken kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kağıdı katladım.", "choice1": "Kağıdı geri dönüştürdüm.", "choice2": "Kağıt buruştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ulus doğal felakete katlandı.", "choice1": "Diğer ülkelerin liderleri bir birlik kurdu.", "choice2": "Diğer ülkelerin liderleri acil durum yardım gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oğlanın kıyafetleri ıslandı.", "choice1": "O havuzdan çıktı.", "choice2": "O havuza düştü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci kitabı bitirmek için acele etti.", "choice1": "Onun kütüphaneye iade edilmesi gerekiyordu.", "choice2": "Onu bir arkadaşından ödünç aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suçlu idam edildi.", "choice1": "O hapse atıldı.", "choice2": "Cinayetten hüküm giydi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Güneş ışığı odaya girdi.", "choice1": "Perdeleri açtım.", "choice2": "Kapının kilidini açtım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sahtekarın saçını çektim.", "choice1": "Peruğu çıktı.", "choice2": "O kel oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Editör metindeki bir cümleyi yeniden düzenledi.", "choice1": "Makaleyi etkili buldu.", "choice2": "O cümleyi karışık buldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kredi kartı hesabını iptal etti.", "choice1": "O kartının kaybolduğunu fark etti.", "choice2": "O kartının süresinin dolmuş olduğunu fark etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam ve kadın aşık oldu.", "choice1": "Üniversiteye gittiler.", "choice2": "Evlendiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Müziğin sesi duymak için çok zayıftı.", "choice1": "Sesi açtım.", "choice2": "Kendi şarkımı besteledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oğlanın saçı yukarı kalktı.", "choice1": "Kız onu kabarttı.", "choice2": "Kız onu çekti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Böcek ezildi.", "choice1": "Kendime böceksavar spyreyledim.", "choice2": "Böceğin üzerinde bastım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gözlerimi açtım.", "choice1": "Uyandım.", "choice2": "Rahatladım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Komşumun müziği yüksek sesliydi.", "choice1": "Ondan kısmasını istedim.", "choice2": "Ona CD ödünç almak için sordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın ailesi yoksulluk içinde yaşıyordu.", "choice1": "Küpelerine değer veriyordu.", "choice2": "Asgari maaşın altında kazanıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci, üniversiteden mezun oldu.", "choice1": "İş aradı.", "choice2": "Bir hobi edindi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sanatçı, sarı boyayı mavi boya ile karıştırdı.", "choice1": "Boya her yere bulaştı.", "choice2": "Boya yeşile dönüştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sohbetin konusunu değiştirdim.", "choice1": "Konuşacak bir şeyim kalmadı.", "choice2": "Sohbet gergin bir hale geldi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kardeşim taburcu edildi.", "choice1": "Onu evde karşıladım.", "choice2": "Ona soğuk davrandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sahne perdesi kalktı.", "choice1": "Açılış sahnesi başladı.", "choice2": "Oyuncular sahneyi terk etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Rehine, onu kaçıran kişinin eline düştü.", "choice1": "Onu kaçıran kişi rehineyi canını yakmakla tehdit etti.", "choice2": "Onu kaçıran kişi rehineyi kendi haline bıraktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sahnede bir gümbürtü yankılandı.", "choice1": "Müziyen ayağını yere vurdu.", "choice2": "Müzisyen davula vurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ebeveynleri çocuklarının odasına koştu.", "choice1": "Çocuk çığlık içinde kabusundan uyandı.", "choice2": "Çocuk yatağının altına bakmaktan korkuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın işaret diliyle iletişim kuruyordu.", "choice1": "Kadın erken doğum sonucu dünyaya gelmişti.", "choice2": "Kadın doğuştan sağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bölgede bir kuraklık meydana geldi.", "choice1": "Su zehirlendi.", "choice2": "Ekinler mahvoldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kedi, kuşu kovaladı.", "choice1": "Kuş uçup gitti.", "choice2": "Kuş bir solucan yakaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız okul değiştirdi.", "choice1": "Okul yaz tatiline girdi.", "choice2": "Kız başka bir şehire taşındı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fabrika sahibi çalışanlarına zam yapmayı reddetti.", "choice1": "Patron yeni bir idareci atadı.", "choice2": "Çalışanlar greve gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lider ülkesindeki radikalleri kendine düşman edindi.", "choice1": "Radikaller onu etkisi altına aldı.", "choice2": "Radikaller ona suikast düzenledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sahilde yalın ayak yürüdüm.", "choice1": "Ayağıma kum yapıştı.", "choice2": "Dalgalar sahil boyunca kıyıya vurdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gecenin bir yarısı üşüyerek uyandım.", "choice1": "Eşofman altı giydim.", "choice2": "Bir bardak su içtim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anne çocuğunu susturdu.", "choice1": "Çocuk sırıttı.", "choice2": "Çocuk mızmızlandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Pantalonumda bir delik açıldı.", "choice1": "Pantalonumun fermuarını çektim.", "choice2": "Kaldırımda ayağım taşa takıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk diş teli takıyordu.", "choice1": "Dişinde bir oyuk oluştu.", "choice2": "Dişleri düzleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dün spor salonunda çalıştım.", "choice1": "Bugün kas ağrılarıyla uyandım.", "choice2": "Bugün boğazım acıyarak uyandım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kızlar yemek masasında birbirilerine fısıldadı.", "choice1": "Diğer öğrenciler yemek masasına oturdu.", "choice2": "Yemek masasındaki diğer öğrenciler masadan kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk tramboline indi.", "choice1": "Tekrar havaya uçtu.", "choice2": "Havada takla atmayı denemeye karar verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mektubu posta kutusuna bıraktım.", "choice1": "Postacı mektubu teslim etti.", "choice2": "Posta ofisi mektubun işlenmesini hızlandırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kumarbaz kendinden emindi.", "choice1": "Tüm parasıyla bahse girdi.", "choice2": "Eve meteliksiz döndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Orman yangını yayıldı.", "choice1": "Rüzgar güçlendi.", "choice2": "Kundakçı yakalandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk dizini yaraladı.", "choice1": "Annesi onu odasına gönderdi.", "choice2": "Annesi yarasını sardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam ölümcül hastalığı atlattı.", "choice1": "Vasiyetini imzaladı.", "choice2": "Adama organ nakli yapıldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaynar kahveden bir yudum aldım.", "choice1": "Dilimi ısırdım.", "choice2": "Dilimi yaktım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Editör yazarı kovdu.", "choice1": "Yazar hikayelerinde taraflı olmaktan kaçındı.", "choice2": "Yazar önemli son teslim tarihlerini kaçırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yorgun hissettim.", "choice1": "Tüm gün uyudum.", "choice2": "Tüm gün çalıştım.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Doktor hastaya tanı koydu.", "choice1": "Hastanın hastalık belirtilerini tanımladı.", "choice2": "Hastaya hap reçeteleri verdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Derimi kaşıdım.", "choice1": "Terliydi.", "choice2": "Kaşıntı hissettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam acil bir ameliyat geçirdi.", "choice1": "Sinirleri bozuldu.", "choice2": "Kalp krizi geçirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kol kasları şişti.", "choice1": "Kollarını kastı.", "choice2": "Kollarını ovaladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kaşlarını kaldırdı.", "choice1": "Adam şaşırdı.", "choice2": "Adamın cesareti kırılmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İş arkadaşımın yaptığı gafı görmezden geldim.", "choice1": "İyi niyetli olduğunu düşünüyordum.", "choice2": "Daha düşünceli olması gerektiğini düşünüyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam sigara içmeyi bıraktı.", "choice1": "Daha çok egzersiz yapmaya başladı.", "choice2": "Daha erken uyanmaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın saldırganın burnuna yumruk attı.", "choice1": "Saldırgan hareketsiz kaldı.", "choice2": "Saldırgan kanamaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dart tam isabet edemedi.", "choice1": "Adam düzgün nişan alamadı.", "choice2": "Adam oyunu kaybediyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ev sahibi evinin böceklere karşı ilaçlanmasını istedi.", "choice1": "Bodrumda fareler gördü.", "choice2": "Odasında karınca çiftliği tutuyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Misafirime dışarda yemek yemeyi teklif ettim.", "choice1": "Bir şey hazırlamak için çok yorgundum.", "choice2": "Misafirim evde beklediğimden fazla kaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız, erkek kardeşini günlüğünü okurken yakaladı.", "choice1": "Günlüğünü saklamaya başladı.", "choice2": "Yeni bir günlük aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kirayı denk getiremedi.", "choice1": "Fazladan mesai yapmaya başladı.", "choice2": "İstifa etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk elini aniden geri çekti.", "choice1": "Sıcak ocağa dokundu.", "choice2": "Köpeğin başını okşadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şirket müşteri memnuniyetini ölçmek istedi.", "choice1": "Yeni müşterilerine indirim teklif ettiler.", "choice2": "Müşterilerine anket gönderdiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tahta zemin çizilmeye başladı.", "choice1": "Genç, koltuktaki yastıkları kaldırdı.", "choice2": "Genç, bir sandalyeyi zeminde sürükledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suratımı korudum.", "choice1": "Rakibim benimle alay etti.", "choice2": "Rakibim bir yumruk salladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ünlü heykel yandı.", "choice1": "Üzerine yıldırım düştü.", "choice2": "İnsanlar ona saygı göstermek için geldiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Meyveyi masanın üstünde bıraktım.", "choice1": "Meyve tohumlarını döktü.", "choice2": "Meyvenin etrafını sinekler sardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Balerinin bağ dokularından biri koptu.", "choice1": "Ayak parmaklarını sivrileştirdi.", "choice2": "Bileğini burktu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuğun ayakkabı bağcıkları çözüldü.", "choice1": "Nasıl düğüm atılacağını öğrendi.", "choice2": "Çocuk parkında koşuşturdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kitaptan büyülendim.", "choice1": "Kitabı iade ettim.", "choice2": "Zaman nasıl geçti anlamadım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam ailesiyle benzer inanışlara sahipti.", "choice1": "Ailesi onu etkiledi.", "choice2": "Aile onu evlatlıktan reddetti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Araba yavaşça durdu.", "choice1": "Benzini bitmişti.", "choice2": "Şoför uyuya kaldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam güneş altında dondurmasını yedi.", "choice1": "Dondurmanın tadı kayboldu.", "choice2": "Dondurma külahtan eridi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Odaya sanat eserleri astım.", "choice1": "Halı pis duruyordu.", "choice2": "Duvar çok boş duruyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "İşten erken çıktım.", "choice1": "Başım ağrıyordu.", "choice2": "Patron toplantı düzenledi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Köpek yavrusu halıya pisledi.", "choice1": "Sahibi köpeğini azarladı.", "choice2": "Sahibi köpeğine bir ödül verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşıma özür diledim.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni affetti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım öfkelendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kabalıkta çok belli oluyordu.", "choice1": "Sort çantası taşıyordu.", "choice2": "Adam neon bir ceket giyiyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Görgü tanığı yeminliyken yalan söyledi.", "choice1": "İfadesini tamamladı.", "choice2": "Yalancı şahitlikle suçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın saçını boyadı.", "choice1": "Yeni bir görünüş istedi.", "choice2": "Araya karışmak istedi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mülteciler yasa dışı şekilde yaşarken yakalandı.", "choice1": "İş buldular.", "choice2": "Sınır dışı edildiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konuşmacı bir espri patlattı.", "choice1": "Dinleyiciler güldü.", "choice2": "Dinleyiciler ayağa kalktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Güneşe baktım.", "choice1": "Güneş gözümü aldı.", "choice2": "Güneş beni bronzlaştırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sıkıldığımı hissettim.", "choice1": "Horladım.", "choice2": "Esnedim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bifteği kesmesi zordu.", "choice1": "Bıçak körelmişti.", "choice2": "Biftek çiğdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın iflasını açıkladı.", "choice1": "Nafaka almaya başladı.", "choice2": "Çok büyük borçlandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşımın evindeki ışıklar açıktı.", "choice1": "Acaba dışarda mı diye düşündüm.", "choice2": "Onu ziyaret etmeye karar verdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çiçeği burnumun altına koydum.", "choice1": "Çiçeğin yaprakları döküldü.", "choice2": "Çiçeğin kokusunu aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın nostaljik hissetti.", "choice1": "Çocukluk arkadaşıyla karşılaştı.", "choice2": "Çocuklarına bağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci yazı ödevini yapmayı erteledi.", "choice1": "Kağıdını erken gönderdi.", "choice2": "Kağıdını tamamlamadan gönderdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arabam bozuldu.", "choice1": "Alışveriş merkezine gittim.", "choice2": "Araba tamircisi çağırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Notu görmezden geldim.", "choice1": "Sahibi belirsizdi.", "choice2": "Okunabilir değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuş kanatlarını çırptı.", "choice1": "Yumurtladı.", "choice2": "Yükselmeye başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yol kenarına park ettim.", "choice1": "Garaj açıktı.", "choice2": "Garaj doluydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suçlu silahını mağdura yöneltti.", "choice1": "Suçlu silahını indirdi.", "choice2": "Mağdur ellerini kaldırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Haftasonunu dört gözle bekliyordum.", "choice1": "Amcamın cenazesine katılma planım vardı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşımın düğününe katılma planım vardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zaman nasıl geçti bilemedim.", "choice1": "Hayal kuruyordum.", "choice2": "Midem bulanıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aldığım çıktı okunaklı değildi.", "choice1": "Yazıcının kartuşu bitmişti.", "choice2": "Yazıcıda kağıt kalmamıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Stadyum milli marşı çaldı.", "choice1": "Fanlar bayrağa döndü.", "choice2": "Fanlar sahaya atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sos hafif geldi.", "choice1": "Onu servis ettim.", "choice2": "Tuz ekledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dökülen şeyin üzerine kağıt havlu koydum.", "choice1": "Havlu sıvıyı emdi.", "choice2": "Sıvı yapışkan bir iz bıraktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadını kitabının ortasındayken böldüler.", "choice1": "Okuduğu sayfaya işaret koydu.", "choice2": "Kitabı baştan okudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Uçak türbilansa girdi.", "choice1": "Adam emniyet kemerini sıktı.", "choice2": "Adam camdan dışarı baktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk ürktü.", "choice1": "Kız onu görmezden geldi.", "choice2": "Kız onu dürttü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Doktorlar hastaya protez taktılar.", "choice1": "Bacağını ampute ettiler.", "choice2": "Yaşam belirtilerini incelediler.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk kızın dirseğini cimcikledi.", "choice1": "Kız çocuğa omuz silkmeledi.", "choice2": "Kız kolunu ondan uzağa çekti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşımdan tavsiye istedim.", "choice1": "Görüşüne değer veriyordum.", "choice2": "Haklı olduğunu biliyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk çamura bastı.", "choice1": "Ayakkabısına çamur yapıştı.", "choice2": "Çamur suratına sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasabaya birkaç inç kar yağdı.", "choice1": "Okullar tatil oldu.", "choice2": "İnsanlar yeraltında sakladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çalışanların mesaisi bitti.", "choice1": "Eve döndüler.", "choice2": "İstifa etmekle tehdit etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ağaç eve zarar verdi.", "choice1": "Ağaç evin çatısına düştü.", "choice2": "Ağaç bahçeye gölge yapıyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kütük ikiye bölündü.", "choice1": "Şömineye odunları dizdim.", "choice2": "Baltayı oduna vurdum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile çifti tebrik etti.", "choice1": "Çift boşanacağını duyurdu.", "choice2": "Çift bebekleri olacağını duyurdu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız çocuğa bir aşk mektubu gönderdi.", "choice1": "Kız ondan hoşlanıyordu.", "choice2": "Kız onu öptü.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kafamı sallayarak arkadaşıma katıldığımı gösterdim.", "choice1": "Kafam karışmıştı.", "choice2": "Onunla aynı fikirdeydim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşlar yazı tura attı.", "choice1": "Orta yol bulmak istiyorlardı.", "choice2": "Bir karar vermek istediler.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mutfaktaki sayaç ötmeye başladı.", "choice1": "Adam buzdolabından malzeeleri çıkardı.", "choice2": "Adam fırından pizzayı çıkardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın hırslı bir hedef belirledi.", "choice1": "Tembellik yaptı.", "choice2": "Çok çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Zengin adam yaşlılıktan vefat etti.", "choice1": "Oğlunun başı yasalarla belaya girdi.", "choice2": "Oğlu onun mirasına sahip çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın alevin üzerine bastı.", "choice1": "Alev söndü.", "choice2": "Alevden duman çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının arabası tamirdedi.", "choice1": "Ehlyetine el koyulmuşyu.", "choice2": "Bir kazaya karışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Alarmıma uyanmadım.", "choice1": "Kahvaltı hazırladım.", "choice2": "Kahvaltıyı kaçırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ünlü, limuzinden çıktı.", "choice1": "Kameraların flaşları onun yönünde patladı.", "choice2": "Ailesi basın toplantısına katıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın küvette oyalandı.", "choice1": "Küvet suyu ılıklaştı.", "choice2": "Küvet suyu küvetten taştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Üniversite öğrencisi kampüste diğerleriyle tanışmak istedi.", "choice1": "Okul birliğine katıldı.", "choice2": "Mühendislik okudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kanepe yastıklarını kaldırdım.", "choice1": "Bozuk para arıyordum.", "choice2": "Salonu yeniden düzenliyordum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arı çocuğa doğru uçtu.", "choice1": "Çocuk kaçtı.", "choice2": "Çocuk bir çiçek kopardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın bir suçtan hüküm giydi.", "choice1": "Toplum hizmeti cezası aldı.", "choice2": "İdam cezası aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sıcak çayla şekeri karıştırdım.", "choice1": "Çay duman çıkardı.", "choice2": "Şeker eridi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gazi sekerek yürüyordu.", "choice1": "Savaşa çağırılmıştı.", "choice2": "Savaşta yaralanmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Suçlu polisten kaçtı.", "choice1": "Polis mağdurla ilgilendi.", "choice2": "Polis suçluyu takip etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Laptop açılmıyordu.", "choice1": "Onu düşürdüm.", "choice2": "Onu şarj ettim.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Kadının dolabında yer kalmadı.", "choice1": "Büyük bir dolap edindi.", "choice2": "Çamaşırlarını katladı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kalbi kırıldı.", "choice1": "Karısı doğum yaptı.", "choice2": "Karısı onu terk etti.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam lisans aldı.", "choice1": "İstediği iş için kalifiye duruma geldi.", "choice2": "İş teklifi iptal oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın sesi koferans salonunda çok iyi iletiliyordu.", "choice1": "Dinleyicileri selamladı.", "choice2": "Mikrofona konuştu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kuyuya bozuk para attım.", "choice1": "Bozuk para dibe battı.", "choice2": "Bozuk para ikiye bölündü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oyuncu topu deliğe doğru vurdu.", "choice1": "Top deliğe girdi.", "choice2": "Top oyuncuya geri geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çatı katında toz yuttum.", "choice1": "Hıçkırdım.", "choice2": "Hapşurdum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kasiyer güvenliği çağırdı.", "choice1": "Müşteri sahte para kullandu.", "choice2": "Müşteri farlarını açık unuttu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çöpü dışarıya çıkardım.", "choice1": "Çöp mutfağı kötü kokuttu.", "choice2": "Yanlışlıkla alışveriş listemi çöpe attım.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile hayvanat bahçesine gitti.", "choice1": "Çocuklar hayvanları hayranlıkla izledi.", "choice2": "Çocuklar hayvanları kovaladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın nefes alışı çok sesliydi.", "choice1": "Böbrekleri iflas ediyordu.", "choice2": "Akciğerleri sıkışmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Konsere fazladan bir biletim vardı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşımdan mekanın yol tarifini istedim.", "choice2": "Arkadaşıma gelmek isteyip istemeyeceğini sordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Evdeki klima bozuldu.", "choice1": "Yorganları çıkardım.", "choice2": "Camları açtım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuğun sırtı ağrıyordu.", "choice1": "Çantası açıktı.", "choice2": "Çantası ağırdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anneme bir hediye aldım.", "choice1": "Ona pasta pişirdim.", "choice2": "Onun doğum günüydü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bahçedeki nergisler mahvolmuştu.", "choice1": "Bahçıvanı arı soktu.", "choice2": "Sincaplar bitkilerin soğanını kazıdı.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir kibrit yaktım.", "choice1": "Ateş söndü.", "choice2": "Kibrit ateş yaktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tartışan gruplar uzlaştı.", "choice1": "Mahkemede tartışmak istemiyorlardı.", "choice2": "Aralarındaki ilişkiyi tamir etmek istiyorlardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuklar yetimhaneye gönderildi.", "choice1": "Aileleri vefat etti.", "choice2": "Aileleri onları şımarttı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Okyanusa bir meteor düştü.", "choice1": "Bir tsunami oluştu.", "choice2": "Dolu yağmaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yürüyüştü zehirli bir yılana rastladı.", "choice1": "Susamıştı.", "choice2": "Panik yaptı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Fırın ısındı.", "choice1": "Fırını açtım.", "choice2": "Yemeği fırına koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Limon dilimini sıktım.", "choice1": "Limon küflendi.", "choice2": "Limonun suyu çıktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Üle yeni karalar keştti.", "choice1": "Ülke toprakları terk etti.", "choice2": "Ülke toprakları kolonileştirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bardak masadan düştü.", "choice1": "Yerde param parça oldu.", "choice2": "Bir kıyafet yığını üzerine düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Masa yalpalıyordu.", "choice1": "Zemin düz değildi.", "choice2": "Zemin kaygandı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Baba çocuğunu yalan söylerken yakaladı.", "choice1": "Çocuğu doğruyu itiraf etti.", "choice2": "Baba çocuğuna güvendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kafası acı içinde zonkladı.", "choice1": "Öksürük şurubu aldı.", "choice2": "Aspirin içti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tren yavaşladı.", "choice1": "İstasyona yaklaşıyordu.", "choice2": "Planın gerisinde kalmıştı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam terapi süreci geçirdi.", "choice1": "Zihinsel hastalık kalıtsaldı.", "choice2": "Depresyon tanısı koyuldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın boğazını tuttu.", "choice1": "Lokmasını yuttu.", "choice2": "Lokmasında boğuldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının boğazı acıyordu.", "choice1": "Sesi gıcırtılıydı.", "choice2": "Aksanlı konuşuyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Köpek masadaki sulu bifteğe bakıyordu.", "choice1": "Ağzı sulandı.", "choice2": "Yere yattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının işi başarılı oldu.", "choice1": "Çalışanlarını kovdu.", "choice2": "Zengin oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenciler sınıfı terk etti.", "choice1": "Zil çaldı.", "choice2": "Öğretmen ödev verdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın bir hayalet gördüğünü söyledi.", "choice1": "Tanıdıkları şühelerini belirtti.", "choice2": "Tanıdıkları bu olayı yakın buldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam duyma yetisini kaybetti.", "choice1": "Okyanusta neredeyse boğuluyordu.", "choice2": "Bir patlamada neredeyse ölüyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk balonun ipini bıraktı.", "choice1": "Balon söndü.", "choice2": "Balon havaya uçtu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam konuşma yetisini kaybetti.", "choice1": "İnme geçirdi.", "choice2": "Derin bir nefes aldı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının kaldırımda ayağı takıldı.", "choice1": "Betonda bir çatlak vardı.", "choice2": "Birinin ona seslendiğini duydu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam havuza bombalama atladı.", "choice1": "Cankurtaran arkasından atladı.", "choice2": "Cankurtaranı ıslattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Antibiyotik aldım.", "choice1": "Enfeksiyonum temizlendi.", "choice2": "Enfeksiyonum yayıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trafik ışığı sarıya döndü.", "choice1": "Şoför frene bastı.", "choice2": "Şoför kornaya bastı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Plastik kap eridi.", "choice1": "Kabı ılık suya batırdım.", "choice2": "Kabı sıcak ocağın üstüne koydum.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arabada vuruk oluştu.", "choice1": "Şoför bir telefon kulübesine vurdu.", "choice2": "Şoför kırmızı ışıta geçti.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk gece boyu çalıştı.", "choice1": "Sınava girmedi.", "choice2": "Sınavı geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk havuzun kenarına tutundu.", "choice1": "Yüzmeyi öğrenmekten korkuyordu.", "choice2": "Cankurtaran hazır bekliyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elimi göğsüme koydum.", "choice1": "Kalp atışımı hissettim.", "choice2": "Kalp atışım hızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ofisimin dibindeki binada inşaat vardı.", "choice1": "Ofisim kalabalıktı.", "choice2": "Ofisim gürültülüydü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aile komşularını tanımak istiyordu.", "choice1": "Aile komşılarını yemeğe çağırdı.", "choice2": "Aile bahçeden komşularına el salladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Havuzdan su sıçradı.", "choice1": "Yüzücü havuza daldı.", "choice2": "Yüzücü havuzda su yüzüne çıktı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir dilim karpuz ısırdım.", "choice1": "Yanlışlıkla çekirdek yuttum.", "choice2": "Yanlışlıkla dişimi kırdım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuğun ayağı takıldı.", "choice1": "Montunun fermuarı kapatılmamıştı.", "choice2": "Bağcıkları bağlı değildi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kulak tıkaçlarını taktı.", "choice1": "Sesten dikkati dağıldu.", "choice2": "Kulaklarını deldirdi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Su şişemi yeniden doldurdum.", "choice1": "İçindeki tüm suyu içtim.", "choice2": "Onu buzdolabında tuttum.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Televizyon programı sansürlendi.", "choice1": "Sert bir dil içeriyordu.", "choice2": "Karışık bir konusu vardı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gemi battı.", "choice1": "Mürettebat boğuldu.", "choice2": "Mürettebat korsanlarla karşılaştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk bilmeceyi zor buldu.", "choice1": "Bilmeceyi çözdü.", "choice2": "Bir ipucu istedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Telefon çaldı.", "choice1": "Adam telefonu kapattı.", "choice2": "Adam telefonu kaldırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın bana bakıyordu.", "choice1": "Ona sarıldım.", "choice2": "Rahatsız hissettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Grup müzeyi terk etti.", "choice1": "Sergilerin fotoğraflarını çektiler.", "choice2": "Tüm sergileri gezdiler.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam benimle tartışmaya başladı.", "choice1": "Arkadaşım beni adamla tanıştırdı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşım beni korudu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bisikletimin tekerleği indi.", "choice1": "Tekerleğe hava bastım.", "choice2": "Bisiklette vites değiştirdim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız solgun gözüküyordu.", "choice1": "Babası ona bir hikaye okudu.", "choice2": "Babası alnını kontrol etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kalemin mürekkebi bitti.", "choice1": "Kurşun kalem kullandım.", "choice2": "İmzamı attım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın kredi talebi reddedildi.", "choice1": "Adam borçluydu.", "choice2": "Adam bir iş başlattı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız okula gitmedi.", "choice1": "Suçiçeği olmuştu.", "choice2": "Matematik öğrenmeyi seviyordu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çöp kutusu tamamen dolmuştu.", "choice1": "Çöpe boşalttım.", "choice2": "Lavabodan döktüm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Halıyı süpürdüm.", "choice1": "Oda arkadaşım içeceğini döktü.", "choice2": "Köpeğim saç döktü.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın sinirleri bozuldu.", "choice1": "Bilgisayarını kapattı.", "choice2": "Sandalyeyi odanın diğer ucuna fırlattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız kamp ateşine bir dal fırlattı.", "choice1": "Dal yandı.", "choice2": "Ateş söndü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam duştan çıktı.", "choice1": "Sıcak su akmıyordu.", "choice2": "Havlu bulamadı.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ailesi çocuklarının üniversiteye gitmesini istiyordu.", "choice1": "Üniversite ücretini biriktirdiler.", "choice2": "Çocuklarını dışarda oynamaya teşvik ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam ayakkabılarının bağcıklarını söktü.", "choice1": "Ayakkabı bollaştı.", "choice2": "Ayakkabı aşındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam antrenin yarısını yedi.", "choice1": "Kalanları buzdolabına koydu.", "choice2": "Yemek tarifini kaydetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bileğim şişti.", "choice1": "Üzerine buz koydum.", "choice2": "Üzerini kremledim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ofis kapım açıktı.", "choice1": "Masadan iş arkadaşımla konultum.", "choice2": "Koridorda konuşulanlara kulak misafiri oldum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sırada beklemek zorundaydım.", "choice1": "Oturdum.", "choice2": "Bir dergiye göz attım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Adam sineğe doğru kolunu salladı.", "choice1": "Sinek uçtu.", "choice2": "Sinek olduğu gibi durdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam vasiyetini yazdı.", "choice1": "Ölüyordu.", "choice2": "Duldu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Koşucu rakibinin ona yaklaştığını hissetti.", "choice1": "Yarıştan çekildi.", "choice2": "Hızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Problemi taraflıca düşündüm.", "choice1": "Tavsiye istedim.", "choice2": "Bir çözüm aklıma geldi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yolcu sallanan asmalı köprüde yürüdü.", "choice1": "Korkmuş hissetti.", "choice2": "Çok mutlu hissetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam takımının kazanacağını tahmin etmişti.", "choice1": "Maçı izlemek için arkadaşlarıyla buluştu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşlarıyla iddiaya girdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk uyuyamıyordu.", "choice1": "Alarm kurdu.", "choice2": "Kuzuları saymaya başladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/tr/val.tr.jsonl b/data/tr/val.tr.jsonl
index 4e601e7..206591c 100644
--- a/data/tr/val.tr.jsonl
+++ b/data/tr/val.tr.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Adam musluğu açtı.", "choice1": "Tuvalet su ile dolu.", "choice2": "Musluktan su aktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız, mısır gevreğinde bir böcek buldu.", "choice1": "Kaseye süt döktü.", "choice2": "İştahını kaybetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın emekli oldu.", "choice1": "Emekli maaşını aldı.", "choice2": "Ev kredisini ödedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Enerjiden tasarruf etmek istedim.", "choice1": "Kullanılmayan odanın yerlerini sildim.", "choice2": "Kullanılmayan odadaki ışıkları kapattım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hamburger eti kızardı.", "choice1": "Aşçı dondurdu.", "choice2": "Aşçı onu kızarttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Satıcının konuşmasından şüphelendim.", "choice1": "Teklifini geri çevirdim.", "choice2": "Beni ürünü almaya ikna etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Geceyi evde geçirmeye karar verdim.", "choice1": "Hava durumu fırtına öngördü.", "choice2": "Arkadaşlarım beni dışarı çıkmaya teşvik etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gözlerim kızardı ve şişti.", "choice1": "Ağlıyordum.", "choice2": "Gülüyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mumun ateşi söndü.", "choice1": "Mumu üfledim.", "choice2": "Kibritle mumu yaktım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam partide çok içti.", "choice1": "Ertesi gün başı ağrıdı.", "choice2": "Ertesi gün burnu aktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bowling topu lobutları devirdi.", "choice1": "Adam topu bowling pistinde yuvarladı.", "choice2": "Adam bowling topunu ayağına düşürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Topluluk adamın ölümünü öğrendi.", "choice1": "Ailesi onu mezarlığa gömdü.", "choice2": "Ölüm ilanı gazetede yayınlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bilgisayarım çöktü.", "choice1": "Yeni hoparlörler kurdum.", "choice2": "Tüm verilerimi kaybettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın işinden istifa etti.", "choice1": "Firmada yönetici olarak görev almayı çok istedi.", "choice2": "Üstlerinin etik davranmadığına inanıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Oyuncu topu yakaladı.", "choice1": "Takım arkadaşı ona attı.", "choice2": "Rakibi onu durdurmaya çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hakim tokmağı vurdu.", "choice1": "Mahkeme salonunda kargaşa çıktı.", "choice2": "Jüri kararını açıkladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın çocukları evinden kovdu.", "choice1": "Çocuklar avlunun içinde top oynadı.", "choice2": "Çocuklar bahçesini ezdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kaçıranlar rehineyi serbest bıraktı.", "choice1": "Fidye parasını kabul ettiler.", "choice2": "Hapisten kaçtılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Aşçının gözleri sulandı.", "choice1": "Elindeki soğanlar bitti.", "choice2": "Soğanı doğradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın parmağını soğuk suyun altına tuttu.", "choice1": "Parmağını ekmek kızartma makinesinde yaktı.", "choice2": "Parmağına elmas bir yüzük taktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci bir kelimeyi yanlış yazmış.", "choice1": "Öğretmen onu düzeltti.", "choice2": "Öğretmen onu kovdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öfkem geçti.", "choice1": "Kalbim küt küt attı.", "choice2": "Derin nefes aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ellerimi akan musluğun altına koydum.", "choice1": "Ellerim sabundan durulandı.", "choice2": "Yüzüme su sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam en iyi takım elbisesini giydi.", "choice1": "Önemli bir müşteriyle bir toplantı planladı.", "choice2": "Karısı ona yeni bir kravat aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kadına olan sevgisini itiraf etti.", "choice1": "Kadın onu reddetti.", "choice2": "Kadın ona gıpta etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sürücünün lastiği patladı.", "choice1": "Hız sınırını aştı.", "choice2": "Bir çivinin üzerinden geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Film ekranını görüşüm engellendi.", "choice1": "The couple behind me was whispering.", "choice2": "Önümde uzun boylu bir insan oturuyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sürücü arabanın farlarını açtı.", "choice1": "Gök gürültüsü duydu.", "choice2": "Güneş battı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız sebzelerini yemeyi reddetti.", "choice1": "Babası ona sütünü içmesini söyledi.", "choice2": "Babası tatlısını elinden aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın ağzını eliyle kapattı.", "choice1": "Nefes verdi.", "choice2": "Hapşırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sekreter arayanı beklemeye aldı.", "choice1": "Arayanın telefonu sinyal alımını kaybetti.", "choice2": "Arayan kişi hatta bekledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın koltuk değneği ile yürüdü.", "choice1": "Bacaklarını traş etti.", "choice2": "Bacağını kırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öksürdüm.", "choice1": "Duman teneffüs ettim.", "choice2": "Sesimi kıstım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Saat çaldı.", "choice1": "Saat başıydı.", "choice2": "Saat akıp gidiyor gibi görünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Şef kasenin yanına yumurta vurdu.", "choice1": "Yumurta çatladı.", "choice2": "Yumurta çürüdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Polis suçlunun arabasını aradı.", "choice1": "İtiraf ettirmeye çalışıyorlardı.", "choice2": "Yasadışı uyuşturucu arıyorlardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çift kış için güneye seyahate gitti.", "choice1": "Emekli oldular.", "choice2": "Ayrıldılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam etkinliğe katılmakla yükümlü olduğunu hissetti.", "choice1": "Arkadaşının gitme davetini reddetti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşına gideceğine söz verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gelin düğünden önce şüpheye düştü.", "choice1": "Düğün konukları hediyeler getirdi.", "choice2": "Düğünü iptal etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam yaşlandı.", "choice1": "Saçları beyazladı.", "choice2": "Eşyalarını sattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Arkadaşlar hamburgeri paylaşmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Hamburgerleri ikiye böldüler.", "choice2": "Hamburger ile patates sipariş ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Soda şisesinin kapağını açtım.", "choice1": "Soda köpürdü.", "choice2": "Soda dışarı sızdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir çift öğrenci öğretmen tarafından denetlendi.", "choice1": "Öğrencilerin her ikisi de mükemmel notlar aldı.", "choice2": "Ödev için verdikleri cevaplar aynıydı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci zamanında okula gitmek için acele etti.", "choice1": "Ödevini evde bıraktı.", "choice2": "Öğle yemeğini okula getirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gazeteci, yardımsever insanın hayatı hakkında bir biyografi yazdı.", "choice1": "Gazeteci ve yardımsever insanın röportaj yapması zor oldu.", "choice2": "Gazeteci yardımsever insanın çalışmasıyla ilgilendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kilisenin yetkililerine karşı çıktı.", "choice1": "Kiliseye bağışta bulundu.", "choice2": "Kiliseden aforoz edildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadının saçları yüzüne düştü.", "choice1": "Saçlarını bir tokayla tutturdu.", "choice2": "Saçlarını şampuanla köpürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yüzük parmağıma sıkıştı.", "choice1": "Parmağım şişti.", "choice2": "Tırnağımı kestim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lastik bandı çektim.", "choice1": "Odanın karşısında fırladı.", "choice2": "Gerildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Elimi ıslak çimentoya bastırdım.", "choice1": "El izim çimentoda kurutuldu.", "choice2": "Çimentoda çatlaklar oluştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cildimde kızarıklıklar oluştu.", "choice1": "Bahçemdeki zehirli sarmaşıklara dokundum.", "choice2": "Bahçemdeki zehirli sarmaşıkları yok ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dergi aboneliğimin süresi doldu.", "choice1": "Yeni sayıyı attım.", "choice2": "Yeni sayılar gelmedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dedektif olayda bir anormallik ortaya çıkardı.", "choice1": "Teorisini kesinleştirdi.", "choice2": "Teorisinden vazgeçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Çocuk öfke nöbeti geçirdi.", "choice1": "Kardeşi oyuncaklarını ondan aldı.", "choice2": "Oyuncaklarını kardeşiyle paylaştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk okumayı öğrendi.", "choice1": "Okula gitmeye başladı.", "choice2": "Okulda bir sınıfı atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çocuk akşam yemeğini atladı.", "choice1": "Annesi en sevdiği yemeği pişirdi.", "choice2": "Büyük bir öğle yemeği yedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın arkadaşıyla övgüyle bahsetti.", "choice1": "Arkadaşından bir iyilik istemek istiyordu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşının sızlandan rahatsız oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anahtar pantolon cebimde kaybolmuştu.", "choice1": "Cebinde bir delik vardı.", "choice2": "Pantolon yeniydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam bayıldı.", "choice1": "Kestirdi.", "choice2": "Bir maraton koştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam yarışı kaybetti.", "choice1": "Yarışma sabote edildi.", "choice2": "Rakiplerini korkuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anne ambulans çağırdı.", "choice1": "Oğlu kedisini kaybetti.", "choice2": "Oğlu yatağından düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sürücü frenlerine asıldı.", "choice1": "Yolda bir geyik belirdi.", "choice2": "Araba radyosu kapandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kilit açıldı.", "choice1": "Anahtarı kilitte çevirdi.", "choice2": "Anahtarın bir kopyasını yaptım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lastik eldiven giydim.", "choice1": "Ellerimi yıkamak üzereydim.", "choice2": "Banyoyu temizlemeye hazırlanıyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hayvan türleri tehlikeye girdi.", "choice1": "Yaşam alanları yok edildi.", "choice2": "Onları avlayanlarının nesli tükendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam kadının farklı göründüğünü algıladı.", "choice1": "Kadın saçınlarını kestirdi.", "choice2": "Kadın bir bilezik takıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğrenci ödevini yapmayı unuttu.", "choice1": "Öğretmene söylemek için bir bahane uydurdu.", "choice2": "Öğretmen onu bir sonraki sınıfa yükseltti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Köpek havladı.", "choice1": "Kedi kanepede uzanıyordu.", "choice2": "Kapı çalındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yerel bir parkın bir alışveriş merkezine dönüştürülmesine yönelik planlar açıklandı.", "choice1": "Çevreciler dilekçe verdi.", "choice2": "Çevreciler bir belgesel hazırladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çift birbirini görmekten mutlu oldu.", "choice1": "Öpüştüler.", "choice2": "Dinlendiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın adamdan ayrılmasını istedi.", "choice1": "Ona hakaret etti.", "choice2": "Ona teşekkür etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ağaç dalı nehre düştü.", "choice1": "Ağaç dalı akıntı yönünde ilerledi.", "choice2": "Akıntı güçlendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrencilere ödev verdi.", "choice1": "Öğrenciler notları paylaştı.", "choice2": "Öğrenciler sızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Yazdan sonbahara geçtik.", "choice1": "İnsanlar evlerini boşalttılar.", "choice2": "Yapraklar ağaçlardan düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Politikacı sahtekarlıktan hüküm giymişti.", "choice1": "Yeniden seçim kampanyası yaptı.", "choice2": "Makamından uzaklaştırıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vagonu ittim.", "choice1": "Vagondaki nesneler düştü.", "choice2": "Vagon tekerlekleri öne doğru eğildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Lobici meclisi tasarıyı desteklemeye ikna etti.", "choice1": "Aşkan tasarıyı veto etti.", "choice2": "Meclis tasarıyı kabul etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dolabım dağınıktı.", "choice1": "Düzenledim.", "choice2": "Dekore ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Geç saate kadar uyanık kaldım.", "choice1": "O gece canlı rüyalar gördüm.", "choice2": "Sabah yorgundum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adamın cebinden yürürken ses çıkıyordu.", "choice1": "Cebi madeni paralarla doluydu.", "choice2": "Cebindeki deliği dikti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sınıftaki herkes öğrenciye baktı.", "choice1": "Öğrencinin telefonu çaldı.", "choice2": "Öğrenci not aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "At tekmeledi.", "choice1": "Atı bir sinek ısırdı.", "choice2": "Binici atı okşadı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mücevher hırsızları yakalandı.", "choice1": "Çalınan mücevher sahiplerine iade edildi.", "choice2": "Çalınan mücevherlerin maliyeti hesaplandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ülkede politik şiddet patlak verdi.", "choice1": "Birçok vatandaş başkente taşındı.", "choice2": "Birçok vatandaş diğer bölgelere sığındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın tutuklandı.", "choice1": "Rehabilitasyona girdi.", "choice2": "Saldırıda bulundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın gazeteyi okudu.", "choice1": "Seçimlerin sonucunu öğrendi.", "choice2": "Seçimde oy kullandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hasta çocuk arkadaşına öksürdü.", "choice1": "Arkadaşı hastalandı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşı hapşırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Çift nişanlandı.", "choice1": "Düğün planladılar.", "choice2": "Biraz süre ayrı kaldılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın emlakçı ile temasa geçti.", "choice1": "Kadın bir mülk almayı planladı.", "choice2": "Kadının evini temizlemesi gerekiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adam piyangoyu kazandı.", "choice1": "Zengin oldu.", "choice2": "Borçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bir mum yaktım.", "choice1": "Mum damladı.", "choice2": "Mum sertleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Günü havuzda geçirdim.", "choice1": "Bileğimi burktum.", "choice2": "Yüzüm güneş yanığı oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Adama park cezası kesildi.", "choice1": "Yola paralel park etti.", "choice2": "Parkmetre süresi doldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın ünlü oldu.", "choice1": "Fotoğrafçılar onu takip etti.", "choice2": "Ailesi ondan kaçındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kız küpe takmak istedi.", "choice1": "Kulaklarını deldirdi.", "choice2": "Dövme yaptırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kulakları çınlıyordu.", "choice1": "Müzeye gitti.", "choice2": "Konsere gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Evimi topladım.", "choice1": "İşe gömülmüştüm.", "choice2": "Misafir bekliyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Havayolu bagajımı yanlış yönlendirmişti.", "choice1": "Bana tazminat teklif ettiler.", "choice2": "Uçuşumu iptal ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bilgisayarı tamir etmek pahalıydı.", "choice1": "Tamir ettirdim.", "choice2": "Yeni bir tane aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kadın kötü bir ruh halindeydi.", "choice1": "Arkadaşıyla biraz konuştu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşına onu yalnız bırakmasını söyledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam musluğu açtı.", "choice1": "Tuvalet su ile dolu.", "choice2": "Musluktan su aktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız, mısır gevreğinde bir böcek buldu.", "choice1": "Kaseye süt döktü.", "choice2": "İştahını kaybetti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın emekli oldu.", "choice1": "Emekli maaşını aldı.", "choice2": "Ev kredisini ödedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Enerjiden tasarruf etmek istedim.", "choice1": "Kullanılmayan odanın yerlerini sildim.", "choice2": "Kullanılmayan odadaki ışıkları kapattım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hamburger eti kızardı.", "choice1": "Aşçı dondurdu.", "choice2": "Aşçı onu kızarttı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Satıcının konuşmasından şüphelendim.", "choice1": "Teklifini geri çevirdim.", "choice2": "Beni ürünü almaya ikna etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Geceyi evde geçirmeye karar verdim.", "choice1": "Hava durumu fırtına öngördü.", "choice2": "Arkadaşlarım beni dışarı çıkmaya teşvik etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gözlerim kızardı ve şişti.", "choice1": "Ağlıyordum.", "choice2": "Gülüyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mumun ateşi söndü.", "choice1": "Mumu üfledim.", "choice2": "Kibritle mumu yaktım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam partide çok içti.", "choice1": "Ertesi gün başı ağrıdı.", "choice2": "Ertesi gün burnu aktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bowling topu lobutları devirdi.", "choice1": "Adam topu bowling pistinde yuvarladı.", "choice2": "Adam bowling topunu ayağına düşürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Topluluk adamın ölümünü öğrendi.", "choice1": "Ailesi onu mezarlığa gömdü.", "choice2": "Ölüm ilanı gazetede yayınlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bilgisayarım çöktü.", "choice1": "Yeni hoparlörler kurdum.", "choice2": "Tüm verilerimi kaybettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın işinden istifa etti.", "choice1": "Firmada yönetici olarak görev almayı çok istedi.", "choice2": "Üstlerinin etik davranmadığına inanıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Oyuncu topu yakaladı.", "choice1": "Takım arkadaşı ona attı.", "choice2": "Rakibi onu durdurmaya çalıştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hakim tokmağı vurdu.", "choice1": "Mahkeme salonunda kargaşa çıktı.", "choice2": "Jüri kararını açıkladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın çocukları evinden kovdu.", "choice1": "Çocuklar avlunun içinde top oynadı.", "choice2": "Çocuklar bahçesini ezdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kaçıranlar rehineyi serbest bıraktı.", "choice1": "Fidye parasını kabul ettiler.", "choice2": "Hapisten kaçtılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Aşçının gözleri sulandı.", "choice1": "Elindeki soğanlar bitti.", "choice2": "Soğanı doğradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın parmağını soğuk suyun altına tuttu.", "choice1": "Parmağını ekmek kızartma makinesinde yaktı.", "choice2": "Parmağına elmas bir yüzük taktı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci bir kelimeyi yanlış yazmış.", "choice1": "Öğretmen onu düzeltti.", "choice2": "Öğretmen onu kovdu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öfkem geçti.", "choice1": "Kalbim küt küt attı.", "choice2": "Derin nefes aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ellerimi akan musluğun altına koydum.", "choice1": "Ellerim sabundan durulandı.", "choice2": "Yüzüme su sıçradı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam en iyi takım elbisesini giydi.", "choice1": "Önemli bir müşteriyle bir toplantı planladı.", "choice2": "Karısı ona yeni bir kravat aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kadına olan sevgisini itiraf etti.", "choice1": "Kadın onu reddetti.", "choice2": "Kadın ona gıpta etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sürücünün lastiği patladı.", "choice1": "Hız sınırını aştı.", "choice2": "Bir çivinin üzerinden geçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Film ekranını görüşüm engellendi.", "choice1": "The couple behind me was whispering.", "choice2": "Önümde uzun boylu bir insan oturuyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sürücü arabanın farlarını açtı.", "choice1": "Gök gürültüsü duydu.", "choice2": "Güneş battı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız sebzelerini yemeyi reddetti.", "choice1": "Babası ona sütünü içmesini söyledi.", "choice2": "Babası tatlısını elinden aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın ağzını eliyle kapattı.", "choice1": "Nefes verdi.", "choice2": "Hapşırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sekreter arayanı beklemeye aldı.", "choice1": "Arayanın telefonu sinyal alımını kaybetti.", "choice2": "Arayan kişi hatta bekledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın koltuk değneği ile yürüdü.", "choice1": "Bacaklarını traş etti.", "choice2": "Bacağını kırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öksürdüm.", "choice1": "Duman teneffüs ettim.", "choice2": "Sesimi kıstım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Saat çaldı.", "choice1": "Saat başıydı.", "choice2": "Saat akıp gidiyor gibi görünüyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Şef kasenin yanına yumurta vurdu.", "choice1": "Yumurta çatladı.", "choice2": "Yumurta çürüdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Polis suçlunun arabasını aradı.", "choice1": "İtiraf ettirmeye çalışıyorlardı.", "choice2": "Yasadışı uyuşturucu arıyorlardı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çift kış için güneye seyahate gitti.", "choice1": "Emekli oldular.", "choice2": "Ayrıldılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam etkinliğe katılmakla yükümlü olduğunu hissetti.", "choice1": "Arkadaşının gitme davetini reddetti.", "choice2": "Arkadaşına gideceğine söz verdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gelin düğünden önce şüpheye düştü.", "choice1": "Düğün konukları hediyeler getirdi.", "choice2": "Düğünü iptal etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam yaşlandı.", "choice1": "Saçları beyazladı.", "choice2": "Eşyalarını sattı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Arkadaşlar hamburgeri paylaşmaya karar verdi.", "choice1": "Hamburgerleri ikiye böldüler.", "choice2": "Hamburger ile patates sipariş ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Soda şisesinin kapağını açtım.", "choice1": "Soda köpürdü.", "choice2": "Soda dışarı sızdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir çift öğrenci öğretmen tarafından denetlendi.", "choice1": "Öğrencilerin her ikisi de mükemmel notlar aldı.", "choice2": "Ödev için verdikleri cevaplar aynıydı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci zamanında okula gitmek için acele etti.", "choice1": "Ödevini evde bıraktı.", "choice2": "Öğle yemeğini okula getirdi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gazeteci, yardımsever insanın hayatı hakkında bir biyografi yazdı.", "choice1": "Gazeteci ve yardımsever insanın röportaj yapması zor oldu.", "choice2": "Gazeteci yardımsever insanın çalışmasıyla ilgilendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kilisenin yetkililerine karşı çıktı.", "choice1": "Kiliseye bağışta bulundu.", "choice2": "Kiliseden aforoz edildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadının saçları yüzüne düştü.", "choice1": "Saçlarını bir tokayla tutturdu.", "choice2": "Saçlarını şampuanla köpürdü.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yüzük parmağıma sıkıştı.", "choice1": "Parmağım şişti.", "choice2": "Tırnağımı kestim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lastik bandı çektim.", "choice1": "Odanın karşısında fırladı.", "choice2": "Gerildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Elimi ıslak çimentoya bastırdım.", "choice1": "El izim çimentoda kurutuldu.", "choice2": "Çimentoda çatlaklar oluştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cildimde kızarıklıklar oluştu.", "choice1": "Bahçemdeki zehirli sarmaşıklara dokundum.", "choice2": "Bahçemdeki zehirli sarmaşıkları yok ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dergi aboneliğimin süresi doldu.", "choice1": "Yeni sayıyı attım.", "choice2": "Yeni sayılar gelmedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dedektif olayda bir anormallik ortaya çıkardı.", "choice1": "Teorisini kesinleştirdi.", "choice2": "Teorisinden vazgeçti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Çocuk öfke nöbeti geçirdi.", "choice1": "Kardeşi oyuncaklarını ondan aldı.", "choice2": "Oyuncaklarını kardeşiyle paylaştı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk okumayı öğrendi.", "choice1": "Okula gitmeye başladı.", "choice2": "Okulda bir sınıfı atladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çocuk akşam yemeğini atladı.", "choice1": "Annesi en sevdiği yemeği pişirdi.", "choice2": "Büyük bir öğle yemeği yedi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın arkadaşıyla övgüyle bahsetti.", "choice1": "Arkadaşından bir iyilik istemek istiyordu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşının sızlandan rahatsız oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anahtar pantolon cebimde kaybolmuştu.", "choice1": "Cebinde bir delik vardı.", "choice2": "Pantolon yeniydi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam bayıldı.", "choice1": "Kestirdi.", "choice2": "Bir maraton koştu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam yarışı kaybetti.", "choice1": "Yarışma sabote edildi.", "choice2": "Rakiplerini korkuttu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anne ambulans çağırdı.", "choice1": "Oğlu kedisini kaybetti.", "choice2": "Oğlu yatağından düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sürücü frenlerine asıldı.", "choice1": "Yolda bir geyik belirdi.", "choice2": "Araba radyosu kapandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kilit açıldı.", "choice1": "Anahtarı kilitte çevirdi.", "choice2": "Anahtarın bir kopyasını yaptım.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lastik eldiven giydim.", "choice1": "Ellerimi yıkamak üzereydim.", "choice2": "Banyoyu temizlemeye hazırlanıyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hayvan türleri tehlikeye girdi.", "choice1": "Yaşam alanları yok edildi.", "choice2": "Onları avlayanlarının nesli tükendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam kadının farklı göründüğünü algıladı.", "choice1": "Kadın saçınlarını kestirdi.", "choice2": "Kadın bir bilezik takıyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğrenci ödevini yapmayı unuttu.", "choice1": "Öğretmene söylemek için bir bahane uydurdu.", "choice2": "Öğretmen onu bir sonraki sınıfa yükseltti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Köpek havladı.", "choice1": "Kedi kanepede uzanıyordu.", "choice2": "Kapı çalındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yerel bir parkın bir alışveriş merkezine dönüştürülmesine yönelik planlar açıklandı.", "choice1": "Çevreciler dilekçe verdi.", "choice2": "Çevreciler bir belgesel hazırladı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çift birbirini görmekten mutlu oldu.", "choice1": "Öpüştüler.", "choice2": "Dinlendiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın adamdan ayrılmasını istedi.", "choice1": "Ona hakaret etti.", "choice2": "Ona teşekkür etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ağaç dalı nehre düştü.", "choice1": "Ağaç dalı akıntı yönünde ilerledi.", "choice2": "Akıntı güçlendi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Öğretmen öğrencilere ödev verdi.", "choice1": "Öğrenciler notları paylaştı.", "choice2": "Öğrenciler sızlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Yazdan sonbahara geçtik.", "choice1": "İnsanlar evlerini boşalttılar.", "choice2": "Yapraklar ağaçlardan düştü.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Politikacı sahtekarlıktan hüküm giymişti.", "choice1": "Yeniden seçim kampanyası yaptı.", "choice2": "Makamından uzaklaştırıldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vagonu ittim.", "choice1": "Vagondaki nesneler düştü.", "choice2": "Vagon tekerlekleri öne doğru eğildi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Lobici meclisi tasarıyı desteklemeye ikna etti.", "choice1": "Aşkan tasarıyı veto etti.", "choice2": "Meclis tasarıyı kabul etti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dolabım dağınıktı.", "choice1": "Düzenledim.", "choice2": "Dekore ettim.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Geç saate kadar uyanık kaldım.", "choice1": "O gece canlı rüyalar gördüm.", "choice2": "Sabah yorgundum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adamın cebinden yürürken ses çıkıyordu.", "choice1": "Cebi madeni paralarla doluydu.", "choice2": "Cebindeki deliği dikti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sınıftaki herkes öğrenciye baktı.", "choice1": "Öğrencinin telefonu çaldı.", "choice2": "Öğrenci not aldı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "At tekmeledi.", "choice1": "Atı bir sinek ısırdı.", "choice2": "Binici atı okşadı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mücevher hırsızları yakalandı.", "choice1": "Çalınan mücevher sahiplerine iade edildi.", "choice2": "Çalınan mücevherlerin maliyeti hesaplandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ülkede politik şiddet patlak verdi.", "choice1": "Birçok vatandaş başkente taşındı.", "choice2": "Birçok vatandaş diğer bölgelere sığındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın tutuklandı.", "choice1": "Rehabilitasyona girdi.", "choice2": "Saldırıda bulundu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın gazeteyi okudu.", "choice1": "Seçimlerin sonucunu öğrendi.", "choice2": "Seçimde oy kullandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hasta çocuk arkadaşına öksürdü.", "choice1": "Arkadaşı hastalandı.", "choice2": "Arkadaşı hapşırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Çift nişanlandı.", "choice1": "Düğün planladılar.", "choice2": "Biraz süre ayrı kaldılar.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın emlakçı ile temasa geçti.", "choice1": "Kadın bir mülk almayı planladı.", "choice2": "Kadının evini temizlemesi gerekiyordu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adam piyangoyu kazandı.", "choice1": "Zengin oldu.", "choice2": "Borçlandı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bir mum yaktım.", "choice1": "Mum damladı.", "choice2": "Mum sertleşti.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Günü havuzda geçirdim.", "choice1": "Bileğimi burktum.", "choice2": "Yüzüm güneş yanığı oldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Adama park cezası kesildi.", "choice1": "Yola paralel park etti.", "choice2": "Parkmetre süresi doldu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın ünlü oldu.", "choice1": "Fotoğrafçılar onu takip etti.", "choice2": "Ailesi ondan kaçındı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kız küpe takmak istedi.", "choice1": "Kulaklarını deldirdi.", "choice2": "Dövme yaptırdı.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kulakları çınlıyordu.", "choice1": "Müzeye gitti.", "choice2": "Konsere gitti.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Evimi topladım.", "choice1": "İşe gömülmüştüm.", "choice2": "Misafir bekliyordum.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Havayolu bagajımı yanlış yönlendirmişti.", "choice1": "Bana tazminat teklif ettiler.", "choice2": "Uçuşumu iptal ettiler.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bilgisayarı tamir etmek pahalıydı.", "choice1": "Tamir ettirdim.", "choice2": "Yeni bir tane aldım.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kadın kötü bir ruh halindeydi.", "choice1": "Arkadaşıyla biraz konuştu.", "choice2": "Arkadaşına onu yalnız bırakmasını söyledi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/vi/test.vi.jsonl b/data/vi/test.vi.jsonl
index 0b10f65..0a33dd0 100644
--- a/data/vi/test.vi.jsonl
+++ b/data/vi/test.vi.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "Các mặt hàng đã được đóng gói trong bọc bong bóng.", "choice1": "Nó dễ vỡ.", "choice2": "Nó nhỏ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi lục túi của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi lấy một cuống vé.", "choice2": "Tôi tìm thấy một vũ khí.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Mối đầy nhà.", "choice1": "Mối biến mất khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Mối ăn gỗ trong nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các du khách đã đến biên giới.", "choice1": "Các nhân viên tuần tra kiểm tra hộ chiếu của họ.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên tuần tra buộc tội họ buôn lậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Văn phòng đóng cửa.", "choice1": "Đang vào đợt nghỉ.", "choice2": "Đang mùa hè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái hết năng lượng.", "choice1": "Cô chơi cờ đam.", "choice2": "Cô nhảy dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ mất chỗ trong hàng.", "choice1": "Nhiều người hơn đaz vào hàng.", "choice2": "Cô bước ra khỏi hàng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái véo mũi.", "choice1": "Đứa bé chảy nước dãi trên chiếc yếm của cô.", "choice2": "Đứa bé làm bẩn tã của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ban nhạc chơi bài hát hit của họ.", "choice1": "Khán giả vỗ tay theo điệu nhạc.", "choice2": "Khán giả lịch sự lắng nghe trong im lặng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái muốn cảm ơn cô giáo dạy toán.", "choice1": "Cô gái bị giữ lại sau giờ học.", "choice2": "Cô gái mang cho cô giáo một quả táo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các trại viên trẻ cảm thấy sợ hãi.", "choice1": "Cố vấn trại của họ kể cho họ một câu chuyện ma.", "choice2": "Họ nướng marshmallows trên lửa trại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đập đầu.", "choice1": "Anh lạc trong suy nghĩ.", "choice2": "Anh ấy bị chấn động.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Check tôi viết bị trả lại.", "choice1": "Tài khoản ngân hàng của tôi trống rỗng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã được tăng lương.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hộp thư đến của ông ấy đầy thư rác.", "choice1": "Ông ấy xóa thư rác.", "choice2": "Ông đã gửi một email hàng loạt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người thủy thủ đã được cách ly.", "choice1": "Anh đã tiếp xúc với dịch bệnh.", "choice2": "Anh đã khỏi bệnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái ghi nhớ mã.", "choice1": "Cô tự đọc nhẩm lại.", "choice2": "Cô quên viết nó xuống.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi rót nước vào ly.", "choice1": "Nước làm dịu cơn khát của tôi.", "choice2": "Chiếc ly trở nên đầy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông vẫn im lặng khi bạn mình nói xong.", "choice1": "Ông ấy muốn hỗ trợ bạn mình.", "choice2": "Ông ấy đang nghĩ về những lời nói của bạn mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tai nạn là lỗi của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy tội lỗi.", "choice2": "Tôi kiện.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dây xích đã bị đứt.", "choice1": "Dây xích bị quấn quanh một lốp xe.", "choice2": "Có một liên kết bị hỏng trong dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hai vợ chồng quyết định thỏa hiệp.", "choice1": "Họ trở nên mệt mỏi vì tranh cãi.", "choice2": "Họ tránh thảo luận về vấn đề này.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ quyết định ứng cử công chức.", "choice1": "Cô đã thuê một người quản lý chiến dịch.", "choice2": "Cô làm chứng trước tòa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông dự đoán thời tiết lạnh trong chuyến đi của mình.", "choice1": "Anh xếp quần áo ấm vào vali.", "choice2": "Anh đi du lịch với một chiếc vali lớn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh biết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy giơ tay.", "choice2": "Cậy ấy làm biếng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngấn lệ.", "choice1": "Bụi bay vào mắt ông ấy.", "choice2": "Anh đeo kính lên mắt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chơi đã thắng năm trận liên tiếp.", "choice1": "Đối thủ của cô buộc tội cô gian lận.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của cô cảm thấy tiếc cho cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giáo viên xé bài kiểm tra của học sinh.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bắt được học sinh gian lận.", "choice2": "Câu trả lời của học sinh không chính xác.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi dừng lại để dừng nói chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi mất giọng.", "choice2": "Tôi hết hơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các thực phẩm đông lạnh tan băng.", "choice1": "Tôi cho nó vào lò vi sóng.", "choice2": "Tôi bọc nó bằng bọc nhựa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhân viên giả ốm.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị đau bụng.", "choice2": "Anh ta muốn một ngày nghỉ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái rớt xuống bể bơi.", "choice1": "Cô chạy trên sàn hồ bơi.", "choice2": "Cô nhảy khỏi bảng lặn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vé xem phim đã bán hết.", "choice1": "Đó là ngày khai mạc cho bộ phim.", "choice2": "Bộ phim nhận được đánh giá kém.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông giảm cân.", "choice1": "Mọi người cô lập anh.", "choice2": "Mọi người khen anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bàn tay của cô gái trở nên phồng rộp.", "choice1": "Cô gõ một lá thư.", "choice2": "Cô trèo lên một sợi dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người biểu diễn xiếc tung hứng trong khi đi xe đạp một bánh.", "choice1": "Khán giả reo hò trong sự ngạc nhiên.", "choice2": "Acrobat vung lên từ một cái bẫy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi mất kiên nhẫn.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi làm tôi chờ.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi đến đúng giờ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các nước tham chiến muốn hòa bình.", "choice1": "Họ đã phát triển vũ khí hạt nhân.", "choice2": "Họ đã thương lượng một hiệp ước.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông uống thuốc ngủ.", "choice1": "Ông trở nên buồn ngủ.", "choice2": "Ông bị sốt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ va vào ghế sofa.", "choice1": "Chân ghế sofa bị lỏng ra.", "choice2": "Cô bầm tím đầu gối.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bóp bóng bay.", "choice1": "Bong bóng nổ.", "choice2": "Bong bóng bay đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Du khách đã nhận phòng khách sạn.", "choice1": "Họ tháo vali ra.", "choice2": "Họ đã đến sân bay.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cắn vào quả đào.", "choice1": "Quả đào bầm dập.", "choice2": "Nước trái cây tràn ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tay tôi trở nên dính.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ăn một chiếc bánh rán.", "choice2": "Tôi thích ăn ngọt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đẩy cửa.", "choice1": "Cánh cửa mở ra.", "choice2": "Cánh cửa bị khóa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các nhà hoạt động tẩy chay các sản phẩm.", "choice1": "Các sản phẩm đã được kiểm tra để đảm bảo chất lượng.", "choice2": "Các sản phẩm được sản xuất thông qua lao động trẻ em.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi khoan một cái lỗ trên tường.", "choice1": "Một con chuột bò ra khỏi cái lỗ.", "choice2": "Bụi bay ra khỏi lỗ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ cảm thấy ghen tị với chị gái mình.", "choice1": "Chị cô hạnh phúc.", "choice2": "Chị gái cô đã ly hôn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi làm đổ rượu lên áo.", "choice1": "Tôi đeo tạp dề.", "choice2": "Tôi đã thay áo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân mở máy tính tiền.", "choice1": "Vị khách kiếm trong ví của mình.", "choice2": "Khách hàng đưa tiền cho cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhạc sĩ đường phố thu hút một đám đông.", "choice1": "Mọi người cho anh tiền lẻ.", "choice2": "Anh tiễn đám đông đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé khóc với người trông trẻ.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nhớ bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Đó là thời gian ăn nhẹ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Radar của phi công đã phát hiện ra một cơn bão.", "choice1": "Phi công điều hướng khỏi cơn bão.", "choice2": "Phi công đã bay qua cơn bão.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cây rụng lá.", "choice1": "Lá chuyển màu.", "choice2": "Lá dồn trên mặt đường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé đang trong tâm trạng tinh nghịch.", "choice1": "Cậu quyết định chơi một ván bài với chị gái.", "choice2": "Cậu quyết định chọc em gái mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ phàn nàn rằng nó phải đi vệ sinh.", "choice1": "Bố nó cho nó uống soda.", "choice2": "Bố nó dừng xe ở trạm xăng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ rắc thức ăn cho cá vào bể.", "choice1": "Con cá nhảy ra khỏi bể.", "choice2": "Con cá bơi về phía thức ăn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quan điểm chính trị của người phụ nữ đã thay đổi.", "choice1": "Cô chuyển liên kết đảng của mình.", "choice2": "Cô tham gia vào một cuộc biểu tình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bồn rửa trong phòng tắm bị tắc.", "choice1": "Tôi bật vòi nước.", "choice2": "Tôi đổ nước xả vào đó.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các hành khách đã xuống tàu.", "choice1": "Tàu đến ga.", "choice2": "Tàu nổ còi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ấn mặt ẩm của phong bì.", "choice1": "Ông dán tem lên phong bì.", "choice2": "Ông đóng kín phong bì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bạn bè mất liên lạc.", "choice1": "Họ rất thích được ở cạnh nhau.", "choice2": "Họ chuyển đến các thành phố khác nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kế toán quản lý sai quỹ của công ty.", "choice1": "Cô bị sa thải khỏi vị trí của mình.", "choice2": "Cô đi nghỉ thai sản.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhìn đồng hồ.", "choice1": "Tôi nghe tiếng tích tắc.", "choice2": "Tôi muốn kiểm tra thời gian.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tay tôi bị chuột rút.", "choice1": "Tôi đã viết bài luận bằng tay.", "choice2": "Vợ chồng tôi nắm tay nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cái chốt siết chặt.", "choice1": "Tôi thay chốt.", "choice2": "Tôi vặn mỏ lết.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hai vợ chồng ký hợp đồng thuê một căn hộ.", "choice1": "Hai vợ chồng chuyển vào căn hộ.", "choice2": "Thành phố lên án căn hộ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngồi ngoài hiên.", "choice1": "Cô muốn ngắm hoàng hôn.", "choice2": "Cô nghĩ mình đã thấy sét.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mặc áo phao.", "choice1": "Anh ấy không biết bơi.", "choice2": "Nước cạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ mắc lỗi đánh máy trong trình xử lý văn bản.", "choice1": "Cô xóa tài liệu.", "choice2": "Cô nhấn phím xóa lùi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái khoe khoang với bạn bè.", "choice1": "Cô bị điểm kém.", "choice2": "Cô đã thắng một cuộc thi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bãi cỏ lầy lội.", "choice1": "Trời mưa vào đêm qua.", "choice2": "Nó đầy cỏ dại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngủ quên.", "choice1": "Cô ở lại đêm trong một khách sạn.", "choice2": "Cô quên cài đồng hồ báo thức.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bôi kem chống nắng.", "choice1": "Anh ngồi trong bóng râm.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đã đi đến bãi biển.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chứng được minh lý thuyết.", "choice1": "Các nhà nghiên cứu rút lại lý thuyết.", "choice2": "Mọi người chấp nhận lý thuyết.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người hâm mộ la ó.", "choice1": "Trận đấu phải bước vào phút bù giờ.", "choice2": "Trọng tài ra quyết định sai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhập dãy mã vào ổ khóa.", "choice1": "Tôi đóng khóa.", "choice2": "Khóa bật mở.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đám đông nhiều lên.", "choice1": "Người cha đưa cho con trai một ít tiền.", "choice2": "Người cha nắm lấy tay con trai mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tuyết đã chặn đường lái xe.", "choice1": "Tôi nặn thành một quả cầu tuyết.", "choice2": "Tôi xúc tuyết ra khỏi đường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người chèo thuyền kayak chèo mái chèo của họ.", "choice1": "Thuyền kayak đến bờ.", "choice2": "Chiếc thuyền kayak gặp một con sóng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái mất kiểm soát chiếc xe đạp của mình.", "choice1": "Cô buông tay lái.", "choice2": "Cô đâm vào một hàng rào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi bật quạt.", "choice1": "Nước rắc lên da tôi.", "choice2": "Không khí mát mẻ lướt qua tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người lướt sóng trở lại bãi biển.", "choice1": "Họ ướt đẫm.", "choice2": "Họ đã nhìn thấy một con cá mập.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi rút phích cắm trong bồn tắm.", "choice1": "Nước rút ra khỏi bồn.", "choice2": "Nước văng lên sàn nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chồng cảm thấy có lỗi khi lừa dối vợ.", "choice1": "Anh buộc tội cô ngoại tình.", "choice2": "Anh thú nhận ngoại tình với cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mực trên poster bị lem.", "choice1": "Tôi đợi mực khô.", "choice2": "Tôi làm đổ nước lên poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ tỉnh dậy la hét.", "choice1": "Nó gặp ác mộng.", "choice2": "Nó làm ướt giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé gác chân lên bàn.", "choice1": "Bố cậu ngồi xuống bàn.", "choice2": "Bố cậu giáo huấn cậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bạn tôi quay đầu về phía tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi hét to tên anh.", "choice2": "Tôi vẫy tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chính phủ đàn áp công dân của mình.", "choice1": "Các công dân đã tổ chức một cuộc nổi dậy.", "choice2": "Các công dân đăng ký bỏ phiếu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bị lạc trong rừng.", "choice1": "Cậu dựng lều.", "choice2": "Cậu hét lên cầu cứu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi du lịch nước ngoài.", "choice1": "Cô muốn học vẽ.", "choice2": "Cô muốn tìm hiểu về các nền văn hóa khác.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ghen tị với đồng nghiệp của mình.", "choice1": "Đồng nghiệp của anh ấy đã được thăng chức.", "choice2": "Đồng nghiệp của anh ấy ở lại muộn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông thấy người ngoài hành tinh.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị ảo giác.", "choice2": "Anh ta đang ngồi thiền.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tóc của người đàn ông chuyển sang màu vàng.", "choice1": "Ông ấy bỏ thuốc tẩy lên tóc.", "choice2": "Ông ấy thoa dầu gội lên đó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các nghệ sĩ đã tạo ra tác phẩm mới.", "choice1": "Cô phê bình công việc trước đây của mình.", "choice2": "Cô cảm thấy một cơn cảm hứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người con trai dọn ra khỏi nhà.", "choice1": "Anh ấy được xuất ngũ.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đi học đại học.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sách rơi ra khỏi tủ sách.", "choice1": "Các kệ sách phủ bụi.", "choice2": "Một trận động đất làm rung chuyển tủ sách.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tôi tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi bật đèn lên.", "choice2": "Tôi cài đặt lại bộ ngắt mạch.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chúng tôi đi tàu lượn siêu tốc.", "choice1": "Trông nó thật đáng sợ.", "choice2": "Trông nó rất vui.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Túi bỏng ngô bắt đầu phồng lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đổ bơ vào túi.", "choice2": "Tôi hâm nóng nó trong lò vi sóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một cái cây rơi trên đường dây điện.", "choice1": "Điện trong khu phố đã tắt.", "choice2": "Dự báo có gió lớn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Diễn giả đã bình luận không chính xác.", "choice1": "Anh làm khán giả chán.", "choice2": "Anh xúc phạm khán giả.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi tự chích bằng kim.", "choice1": "Một giọt mồ hôi chảy ra từ mặt tôi.", "choice2": "Một giọt máu hình thành trên ngón tay của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con cá nổi trên mặt bể.", "choice1": "Nó đói rồi.", "choice2": "Nó đã chết.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giọng nói của người đàn ông khàn khàn.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bị cảm.", "choice2": "Anh bỏ thuốc lá.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cửa thang máy mở ra.", "choice1": "Thang máy đã đến tầng được chỉ định.", "choice2": "Thang máy bị kẹt giữa các tầng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu thiếu niên lẻn ra khỏi nhà.", "choice1": "Cậu nói dối bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Bố mẹ cậu nhốt cậu anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phòng tắm ngập nước.", "choice1": "Nước nhà vệ sinh tràn ra.", "choice2": "Máy nước nóng bị hỏng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chó con ở gần chủ của nó.", "choice1": "Người chủ mặc cho con chó con một cổ áo.", "choice2": "Người chủ xích con chó con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bắt gặp hình ảnh phản chiếu của mình.", "choice1": "Anh đứng dưới gốc cây ngổn ngang.", "choice2": "Anh đứng trên mặt hồ tĩnh lặng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhỡ cuộc gọi của bạn gái tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi gọi lại cho cô ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi gặp cô ấy đi ăn tối.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình tìm kiếm khắp khu phố.", "choice1": "Con chó của họ bỏ nhà ra đi.", "choice2": "Đồ trang sức đắt tiền đã bị mất khỏi nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thấy hơi thở của mình khi tôi thở ra.", "choice1": "Thời tiết se lạnh.", "choice2": "Ngực tôi cảm thấy căng cứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các nhân viên thành lập một công đoàn.", "choice1": "Họ muốn điều kiện làm việc tốt hơn.", "choice2": "Họ được tăng lương.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nướng một chiếc bánh táo.", "choice1": "Một mùi thối rữa tràn ngập bếp.", "choice2": "Một mùi thơm ấm áp tràn ngập nhà bếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ chật vật bước đi.", "choice1": "Cô đi giày cao gót.", "choice2": "Cô cởi giày ra.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hơi nước bốc lên từ nồi nước.", "choice1": "Nước sôi.", "choice2": "Tôi đậy nắp nồi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Toàn bộ tất của tôi đã ở trong máy giặt.", "choice1": "Tôi đi dép.", "choice2": "Tôi đi giày bốt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lập luận của chính trị gia được coi là vô lý.", "choice1": "Ông mất sự ủng hộ của cử tri.", "choice2": "Ông bị buộc tội tham nhũng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mọi người đều không ủng hộ cặp đôi đính hôn.", "choice1": "Hai vợ chồng có thai.", "choice2": "Hai vợ chồng chạy trốn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tòa nhà vinh danh vị triệu phú.", "choice1": "Vị triệu phú muốn tòa nhà bị phá hủy.", "choice2": "Vị triệu phú đã đóng góp kinh phí để xây dựng nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhân viên bán hàng buộc tội cô gái ăn cắp.", "choice1": "Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn thấy cô gái bỏ hàng hóa vào ví.", "choice2": "Nhân viên bán hàng đã giúp cô gái tìm được chiếc ví mình thích.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đất nước tuyên chiến với lãnh thổ láng giềng.", "choice1": "Những người lính được phái ra chiến đấu.", "choice2": "Những người lính được đoàn tụ với gia đình họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tòa án giữ nguyên phán quyết gây tranh cãi.", "choice1": "Một cuộc bạo loạn đã nổ ra trước tòa án.", "choice2": "Một cặp vợ chồng trao nhau lời thề trước tòa án.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái ngửi thấy mùi gì đó bốc cháy.", "choice1": "Cô lấy bánh quy ra khỏi bình.", "choice2": "Cô quên bánh quy trong lò nướng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mưa đã trút xuống.", "choice1": "Cơn bão trở nên tồi tệ hơn.", "choice2": "Tôi lao vào trong.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tòa nhà đã được sơ tán.", "choice1": "Thang máy ngừng hoạt động.", "choice2": "Chuông báo cháy reng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người cha buồn bực việc con trai nghiện rượu.", "choice1": "Người cha mua cho con trai một cốc bia.", "choice2": "Người cha đuổi con trai ra khỏi nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Luật sư đi cầu thang lên văn phòng của cô.", "choice1": "Thư ký đã về nhà.", "choice2": "Thang máy không hoạt động.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông trở nên khó chịu với bạn mình.", "choice1": "Bạn anh ngắt lời anh.", "choice2": "Bạn anh mua cho anh bữa trưa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái đưa tiền cho nhân viên thu ngân.", "choice1": "Nhân viên thu ngân thối tiền lẻ cho cô.", "choice2": "Nhân viên thu ngân quên đưa cho cô gái một biên lai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ được đưa lên xe lăn.", "choice1": "Cô bị liệt trong một tai nạn.", "choice2": "Cô vào bệnh viện trong cáng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người dân treo cờ quốc gia bên ngoài nhà của họ.", "choice1": "Đất nước đang kỷ niệm độc lập.", "choice2": "Đất nước đã phải đối mặt với khó khăn kinh tế.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đội thua giải đấu.", "choice1": "Họ làm người hâm mộ thất vọng.", "choice2": "Họ truyền cảm hứng cho người hâm mộ của họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bạn tôi chỉ ra rằng tôi có thức ăn bị mắc kẹt trong răng.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy xấu hổ.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy tự hào.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé thất bại trong kỳ thi lịch sử.", "choice1": "Cậu rất tập trung trong lớp.", "choice2": "Cậu quên học bài.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tòa nhà trung tâm bị sập.", "choice1": "Một trận động đất ập đến thành phố.", "choice2": "Tỷ lệ tội phạm trong thành phố tăng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bạn gái của anh ấy đã chia tay với anh ta.", "choice1": "Anh cầu xin cô quay trở lại.", "choice2": "Cô giới thiệu anh với bố mẹ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hai đứa đồng loạt thò tay xuống lấy bóng.", "choice1": "Bóng lăn đi.", "choice2": "Đầu chúng va vào nhau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con gấu trúc lục lọi thùng rác.", "choice1": "Có thùng các tông trong thùng rác.", "choice2": "Cái nắp rơi ra khỏi thùng rác.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé gọt bút chì.", "choice1": "Nó rẻ tiền.", "choice2": "Thật là buồn tẻ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân từ chối hoàn tiền chiếc váy cho người phụ nữ.", "choice1": "Cô bị mất biên lai.", "choice2": "Chiếc váy không vừa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vết xước trên da tôi thật sâu.", "choice1": "Nó lành nhanh chóng.", "choice2": "Nó để lại một vết sẹo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận được ánh mắt kỳ lạ từ hành khách trên tàu.", "choice1": "Anh đang nhìn chằm chằm xuống đất.", "choice2": "Anh đang nói chuyện với chính mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ để lại vụn bánh trên sàn nhà.", "choice1": "Kiến bò đến vụn bánh.", "choice2": "Đứa trẻ bỏ bánh mì đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đưa khăn giấy cho em gái.", "choice1": "Em gái của cô ấy khoanh tay.", "choice2": "Em gái của cô ấy bắt đầu khóc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngậm bạc hà.", "choice1": "Môi anh nứt nẻ.", "choice2": "Anh lo bị hôi miệng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cặp đôi đi sớm xem biểu diễn.", "choice1": "Họ đoán giao thông ùn tắc xung quanh nhà hát.", "choice2": "Họ đã có chỉ đường đến nhà hát.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ở nhà.", "choice1": "Ông chủ của cô khen ngợi cô.", "choice2": "Đồng nghiệp của cô làm thay cho cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã ký tên lên thỉnh nguyện của các nhà hoạt động.", "choice1": "Ông ủng hộ mục đích của họ.", "choice2": "Ông tố cáo họ điên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tim của nam diễn viên đập mạnh trước màn biểu diễn.", "choice1": "Anh ấy sợ sân khấu.", "choice2": "Anh ghi nhớ lời thoại của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã thua.", "choice1": "Tôi đếm tiền mặt của tôi.", "choice2": "Tôi mở bản đồ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những quả chín đung đưa dưới nắng.", "choice1": "Nó đã bị ăn.", "choice2": "Nó co rúm lại.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc xe bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi bật lửa.", "choice2": "Động cơ quá nóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đau lưng.", "choice1": "Anh đi gặp bác sĩ tâm lý.", "choice2": "Anh nằm trên giường vài ngày.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi bắt đầu đốt lửa trong lò sưởi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã hết củi.", "choice2": "Trong nhà thật lạnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngừng chạy bộ.", "choice1": "Cô bị chuột rút ở bên.", "choice2": "Cô có năng lượng trở lại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gõ cửa nhà hàng xóm.", "choice1": "Hàng xóm của tôi mời tôi vào.", "choice2": "Hàng xóm của tôi rời khỏi nhà cô ấy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thở dài vì thất vọng.", "choice1": "Chồng cô hiểu lầm mối quan tâm của cô.", "choice2": "Chồng cô hôn tạm biệt cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giáo viên khen học sinh.", "choice1": "Học sinh trả lời đúng câu hỏi.", "choice2": "Học sinh ngập ngừng trả lời câu hỏi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ hết trứng.", "choice1": "Cô đi đến trang trại.", "choice2": "Cô đi siêu thị.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gặp một người bạn cũ.", "choice1": "Tôi tiết lộ một bí mật cho anh ta.", "choice2": "Tôi ôm anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tránh đi trong hồ.", "choice1": "Cô bắt được một con cá.", "choice2": "Trông nó thật ô nhiễm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh đến lớp ướt sũng.", "choice1": "Chiếc ô của anh bị hỏng.", "choice2": "Chiếc xe đạp của anh đã bị đánh cắp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con trỏ trên màn hình máy tính di chuyển.", "choice1": "Người dùng nhấp chuột.", "choice2": "Người dùng đã di chuyển chuột.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người lái xe đi đường vòng.", "choice1": "Một vụ tai nạn xảy ra trên đường chính.", "choice2": "Cô đi theo chiếc xe tải trước mặt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi treo tấm vải ướt lên dây phơi ngoài trời.", "choice1": "Vải khô.", "choice2": "Vải nhuộm màu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đeo kính râm.", "choice1": "Ánh sáng mặt trời chói lóa.", "choice2": "Cô gọi một chiếc taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhìn chằm chằm vào bầu trời đêm.", "choice1": "Anh ước đó là mùa hè.", "choice2": "Anh nghĩ nó thật đẹp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy kiệt sức.", "choice1": "Tôi đi ngủ sớm.", "choice2": "Tôi thức cả đêm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đi đến tiệm cắt tóc.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đang nuôi tóc.", "choice2": "Tóc anh ngày càng dài.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bắt nạt bạn mới.", "choice1": "Cậu chào đón người bạn mới.", "choice2": "Cậu không ưa người bạn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thèm một ly sữa.", "choice1": "Tôi đang ăn bánh quy.", "choice2": "Tôi đang nướng bánh mì.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trời bắt đầu mưa.", "choice1": "Tài xế bật đèn pha.", "choice2": "Tài xế lùi xe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bãi đậu xe của tòa nhà trống rỗng.", "choice1": "Tôi đậu xe bên kia đường.", "choice2": "Tôi đậu gần lối vào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhà văn đã bỏ lỡ thời hạn của cô cho bản dự thảo.", "choice1": "Cô ấy tịt ngòi.", "choice2": "Cô chỉnh sửa bản nháp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người cộng sự cúp máy.", "choice1": "Tôi yêu cầu nói chuyện với quản lí.", "choice2": "Tôi đã cung cấp số nhận dạng của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gió thổi qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Chuông cửa reo.", "choice2": "Rèm cửa rung rinh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tôi tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi rút phích cắm đèn.", "choice2": "Tôi rất tức giận.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Người cử tạ nghiến răng.", "choice1": "Anh uốn cong cơ bắp trong gương.", "choice2": "Anh nâng thanh xà trên đầu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh đã cố gắng tính nhẩm trong đầu.", "choice1": "Anh lấy ra một cái máy tính.", "choice2": "Anh bối rối.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa bé ngủ thiếp đi.", "choice1": "Người cha đã thay tã cho em bé.", "choice2": "Người cha nhẹ nhàng đá đứa bé.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái ném quả bóng nước vào cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cậu bé bị chấn động.", "choice2": "Cậu bé đã ướt sũng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Nhiếp ảnh gia quên sử dụng đèn flash trên máy ảnh.", "choice1": "Những bức ảnh trở nên mờ ảo.", "choice2": "Mọi người trong ảnh đều từ chối mỉm cười.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi từ chối lời mời đến bữa tiệc sinh nhật.", "choice1": "Tôi cô đơn.", "choice2": "Tôi không có nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi tập thể dục.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy tràn đầy năng lượng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã hoảng sợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi bóp miếng bọt biển ẩm ướt.", "choice1": "Nó ngấm nước.", "choice2": "Nước thấm chảy ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người đi nghỉ đã đi phà đến khu nghỉ mát.", "choice1": "Khu nghỉ dưỡng đã được đặt trước.", "choice2": "Khu nghỉ mát nằm trên một hòn đảo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thiếu niên có một hình xăm.", "choice1": "Cô sợ kim tiêm.", "choice2": "Cô muốn nổi loạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một chiếc ô tô lạ đỗ bên ngoài nhà tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi trở nên nghi ngờ.", "choice2": "Tôi gọi cho cảnh sát.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tên tội phạm đầu thú.", "choice1": "Bằng chứng liên quan đến anh ta.", "choice2": "Không có bằng chứng chống lại anh ta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nặng ký quyết định giảm cân.", "choice1": "Ông ấy cắt giảm đồ ngọt.", "choice2": "Anh tránh cafein.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái bước lên băng.", "choice1": "Cô trượt dài.", "choice2": "Cô rùng mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ có quầng thâm dưới mắt.", "choice1": "Cô thức cả đêm.", "choice2": "Cô đặt con trai lên giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dung nham chảy từ núi lửa.", "choice1": "Núi lửa phun trào.", "choice2": "Núi lửa không hoạt động.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi giày vào.", "choice1": "Cô biết tất cả mọi người trong bữa tiệc.", "choice2": "Cô muốn rời khỏi bữa tiệc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã trả tiền cho nhân viên thu phí.", "choice1": "Cô ấy cho tôi đi qua trạm thu phí.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã giam giữ tôi tại trạm thu phí.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vị giám đốc điều hành đã phá sản.", "choice1": "Ông đã bán cổ phiếu công ty của mình.", "choice2": "Ông phung phí tài sản của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã đi đến bác sĩ.", "choice1": "Bác sĩ được nghỉ phép.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông bị bệnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thoát ra khỏi phòng ngủ qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Ngôi nhà bị cháy.", "choice2": "Ngôi nhà trống rỗng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những ngón tay của cậu bé trở nên nhăm nhúm.", "choice1": "Cậu tắm lâu.", "choice2": "Cậu rửa tay bằng xà phòng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhổ sữa ra.", "choice1": "Sữa có vị chua.", "choice2": "Miệng tôi khô khốc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã lỡ xe buýt.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi làm sớm.", "choice2": "Tôi đi làm muộn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Xe tải va chạm với xe hơi.", "choice1": "Chiếc xe tải tăng tốc.", "choice2": "Chiếc xe hơi bị đập vỡ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhóm đã tổ chức cuộc thi theo hướng có lợi cho họ.", "choice1": "Họ đã thắng.", "choice2": "Họ bỏ cuộc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chai soda rít lên.", "choice1": "Tôi lật chai.", "choice2": "Tôi vặn nắp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bị nhốt ngoài nhà.", "choice1": "Cậu bò vào bằng đường cửa sổ.", "choice2": "Cậu trèo lên mái nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chuông cửa reo.", "choice1": "Vị khách gõ cửa.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ nhìn qua lỗ khóa ở cửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhuộm màu bộ đồ vest của mình.", "choice1": "Ông ấy đem nó đi giặt khô.", "choice2": "Ông ấy treo nó vào trong tủ quần áo của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái bóp ống kem đánh răng.", "choice1": "Kem đánh răng phun ra khỏi ống.", "choice2": "Cô gái nhổ kem đánh răng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những cái chết dân sự từ cuộc chiến tăng vọt.", "choice1": "Những người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình đã tổ chức một cuộc biểu tình.", "choice2": "Những người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình đã tổ chức một cuộc diễu hành.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái giật mạnh dải băng ra khỏi tóc.", "choice1": "Cô buộc dây ruy băng.", "choice2": "Dải băng trông trẻ con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ.", "choice1": "Ông già.", "choice2": "Ông trông trẻ hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một con gà con nổi lên từ quả trứng.", "choice1": "Trứng nở.", "choice2": "Tôi đập trứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người tù chết đói.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã chết.", "choice2": "Anh chạy trốn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thăng bằng trên thang.", "choice1": "Anh leo lên thang.", "choice2": "Anh ngã khỏi thang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ ợ.", "choice1": "Nó uống một ngụm soda.", "choice2": "Nó mở lon soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một làn gió lạnh luồn qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Tôi thư giãn.", "choice2": "Tôi rùng mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh nhận được học bổng để đi học đại học.", "choice1": "Các bạn cùng lớp tôn trọng cô.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đạt điểm cao.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái chọc quê cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cô sống kế nhà cậu.", "choice2": "Cô đã phải lòng cậu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người ăn xin đói khát đã trộm thức ăn.", "choice1": "Anh gây thương cảm.", "choice2": "Anh không có tiền.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gọi cho bạn tôi để trò chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi muốn sự riêng tư.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đưa tay về phía tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi bắt tay anh.", "choice2": "Tôi tát anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cúi xuống.", "choice1": "Pháo hoa được phóng lên không trung.", "choice2": "Chiếc dĩa nhựa bay vút lên đầu tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái cắn móng tay.", "choice1": "Cô lo lắng.", "choice2": "Cô ngạc nhiên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi lật trang lịch.", "choice1": "Tôi đánh dấu một cuộc hẹn trên lịch.", "choice2": "Đó là sự khởi đầu của một tháng mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chồng phát hiện ra rằng vợ mình đang ngoại tình.", "choice1": "Anh ta sa thải luật sư của mình.", "choice2": "Anh nộp đơn ly hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái đánh rơi quả bóng cao su.", "choice1": "Bóng nảy lên.", "choice2": "Bóng phát sáng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái mắc lỗi trong bài thi của mình.", "choice1": "Cô đoán câu trả lời.", "choice2": "Cô xóa câu trả lời của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chơi tấn công đối thủ của mình.", "choice1": "Đối thủ của anh bắt được đường chuyền.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của anh ta ngã xuống đất.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi hái cà chua từ cành của chúng.", "choice1": "Chúng đã chín.", "choice2": "Tôi tưới nước cho chúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông muốn hành động lãng mạn.", "choice1": "Anh gặp bạn gái cũ đi ăn trưa.", "choice2": "Anh mua sô cô la cho bạn gái.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thủy ngân trong nhiệt kế tăng.", "choice1": "Tôi đánh rơi nhiệt kế.", "choice2": "Thời tiết trở nên ấm hơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một cơn lốc xoáy đi qua thị trấn.", "choice1": "Mái của tòa án bị thổi bay.", "choice2": "Đường cao tốc trở nên băng giá.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh được dạy kèm.", "choice1": "Điểm số của anh được cải thiện.", "choice2": "Anh gian lận trong kì thi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái.", "choice1": "Tôi quỳ xuống đất.", "choice2": "Tôi quấn mình trong chăn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đánh bóng đá.", "choice1": "Nó trở nên trơn trượt.", "choice2": "Nó trở nên sáng bóng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thêm đường vào cà phê.", "choice1": "Cà phê có mùi nồng.", "choice2": "Cà phê có vị ngọt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông xáo trộn qua giấy tờ.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã cắt giấy.", "choice2": "Anh xé giấy tờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đập cái đinh bằng búa.", "choice1": "Chiếc đinh chìm vào gỗ.", "choice2": "Cái đinh trở nên rỉ sét.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con cá cắn câu.", "choice1": "Người ngư dân kéo con cá vào.", "choice2": "Người ngư dân đánh cá tiếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thiếu niên xấu hổ đi học.", "choice1": "Cô ấy nổi mụn.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã tháo niềng răng ra.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vẻ mặt tôi sáng lên.", "choice1": "Tôi nhận được tin tốt.", "choice2": "Tôi mất kiên nhẫn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi lau tay bằng khăn.", "choice1": "Khăn ướt.", "choice2": "Tay tôi ướt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thăng bằng trên ghế đẩu.", "choice1": "Chiếc ghế đung đưa bên dưới anh ta.", "choice2": "Anh đổ sơn lên ghế đẩu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các đồng đội đổ lỗi cho nhau.", "choice1": "Họ thua.", "choice2": "Huấn luyện viên của họ đã hủy bỏ buổi tập.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi xin tha thứ.", "choice1": "Tôi hối hận về lỗi lầm của mình.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đạt được mục tiêu của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ trở nên buồn chán với cuộc hẹn của mình.", "choice1": "Anh hỏi cô những câu hỏi về bản thân cô ấy.", "choice2": "Anh nói không ngừng về bản thân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái nở một nụ cười.", "choice1": "Má cô ửng đỏ.", "choice2": "Lúm đồng tiền của cô hiện rõ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tàu địch nổ tung.", "choice1": "Nó đi qua một cái mỏ.", "choice2": "Nó đi thuyền vào bến cảng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đâm thủng chân anh.", "choice1": "Anh bước vào một vũng nước.", "choice2": "Anh bước lên kính vỡ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các thám tử đã làm bẩn hiện trường vụ án để lấy dấu vân tay.", "choice1": "Họ đã phát hiện ra danh tính của kẻ giết người.", "choice2": "Họ tìm thấy vũ khí tại hiện trường vụ án.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giao thông tắc nghẽn trên đường cao tốc.", "choice1": "Tôi đi đường vòng.", "choice2": "Tôi yêu cầu đi nhờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nền kinh tế của quốc gia suy giảm.", "choice1": "Nhiều người mắc bệnh.", "choice2": "Nhiều người phải đối mặt với thất nghiệp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người bảo vệ tuýt còi bọn trẻ.", "choice1": "Chúng suýt chạy vào làn xe đang chạy.", "choice2": "Cô nhận ra chúng từ khu phố của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi tròn mắt nhìn bạn mình.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nói với tôi sự thật.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy đưa ra một nhận xét mỉa mai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Xe hết xăng.", "choice1": "Tài xế bị mắc kẹt trên đường.", "choice2": "Tài xế cho một người đi nhờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi đẻ.", "choice1": "Đứa bé được sinh ra.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ bị ốm nghén.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc mũ của người đàn ông bị thổi bay.", "choice1": "Anh cởi mũ.", "choice2": "Bên ngoài trời có gió.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái tham dự bữa tiệc sinh nhật của bạn cùng lớp.", "choice1": "Cô nhận được lời mời.", "choice2": "Cô mua một món quà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Trán cậu bé nóng.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu đo nhiệt độ cho cậu.", "choice2": "Mẹ cậu đưa cậu đến công viên.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông xịt nước hoa.", "choice1": "Anh ấy muốn gây ấn tượng với buổi hẹn hò của mình.", "choice2": "Anh bôi gel lên tóc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi tìm đèn pin.", "choice2": "Tôi nhặt một cái xẻng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình nọ chuyển đến một ngôi nhà lớn hơn.", "choice1": "Người con trai tốt nghiệp cấp ba.", "choice2": "Người mẹ vừa sinh đôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vận động viên marathon giữ tốc độ chậm.", "choice1": "Cô muốn tiết kiệm năng lượng của mình.", "choice2": "Cô nhìn thấy vạch đích.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé đá máy bán hàng tự động.", "choice1": "Máy phun ra tiền thối.", "choice2": "Túi khoai tây chiên bị kẹt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chó của bạn tôi bị chết.", "choice1": "Tôi tròn mắt nhìn anh.", "choice2": "Tôi ôm anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thẻ tín dụng của doanh nhân đã bị từ chối.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã viết một IOU.", "choice2": "Anh trả bằng tiền mặt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông chửi thề.", "choice1": "Anh cắt móng tay.", "choice2": "Anh bị dập ngón chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông cảm thấy tự hào về anh trai mình.", "choice1": "Anh trai của anh ấy đã cãi nhau với bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Anh trai của anh ấy đã được nhận vào trường luật.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái muốn tìm hiểu về hệ mặt trời.", "choice1": "Cô đi đến thư viện.", "choice2": "Cô nhìn những vì sao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các poster dán vào tường.", "choice1": "Tôi đặt tấm áp phích phía trên cánh cửa.", "choice2": "Tôi dán băng dính vào mặt sau của poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Khách hàng đã phê duyệt kế hoạch của kiến trúc sư.", "choice1": "Các kiến trúc sư xây dựng tòa nhà.", "choice2": "Kiến trúc sư đã điều chỉnh các kế hoạch.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đánh rơi thìa.", "choice1": "Tay anh run run.", "choice2": "Anh liếm cái muỗng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "CEO của công ty đã từ chức.", "choice1": "Hội đồng quản trị đã giải thể công ty.", "choice2": "Hội đồng quản trị tìm thấy người thay thế ông.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đến giảng đường muộn.", "choice1": "Tôi ngồi ở hàng ghế sau.", "choice2": "Tôi đến gần bục giảng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã ra tù.", "choice1": "Gia đình anh trả tiền bảo lãnh.", "choice2": "Anh ta tấn công một bạn tù.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cả gia đình mất hết đồ đạc.", "choice1": "Họ đã bán căn nhà.", "choice2": "Ngôi nhà của họ bốc cháy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi dẫm lên lon nhôm.", "choice1": "Chiếc lon được tái chế.", "choice2": "Chiếc lon bị nghiền nát.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái tham gia nhóm tranh luận.", "choice1": "Cô học cách sử dụng máy tính.", "choice2": "Cô học được kỹ năng giao tiếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tâm trạng của tôi được cải thiện.", "choice1": "Tôi nghe nhạc.", "choice2": "Tôi rửa chén.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các tổ chức từ thiện đã hoàn thành mục tiêu quyên tiền.", "choice1": "Họ nuôi những người vô gia cư.", "choice2": "Họ đã tổ chức một cuộc đấu giá.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Tàu lượn siêu tốc lao xuống dốc cao.", "choice1": "Các hành khách cười khúc khích.", "choice2": "Các hành khách hét lên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi tức giận.", "choice1": "Tôi kiểm tra hộp thư khi rời khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Tôi đóng sầm cửa khi rời khỏi nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông muốn ngắm mặt trời mọc.", "choice1": "Anh đi về phía bắc.", "choice2": "Anh dậy sớm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gấp tờ giấy lại.", "choice1": "Tôi tái chế giấy.", "choice2": "Giấy nhăn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đất nước vừa chịu đựng một thảm họa thiên nhiên.", "choice1": "Các nhà lãnh đạo của các quốc gia khác đã thành lập một liên minh.", "choice2": "Lãnh đạo các nước khác đã gửi cứu trợ khẩn cấp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quần áo của cậu bé đã ướt sũng.", "choice1": "Cậu trèo ra khỏi bể bơi.", "choice2": "Cậu ngã xuống bể.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh vội vàng hoàn thành cuốn sách.", "choice1": "Sắp đến hạn trả lại cho thư viện.", "choice2": "Anh mượn nó từ một người bạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tên tội phạm đã bị xử tử.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị tống vào tù.", "choice2": "Anh ta bị kết tội giết người.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ánh nắng chiếu vào phòng.", "choice1": "Tôi mở rèm cửa.", "choice2": "Tôi mở khóa cửa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi kéo tóc kẻ mạo danh.", "choice1": "Tóc giả của cô ta văng ra.", "choice2": "Cô ta hói đầu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Biên tập viên viết lại một câu trong bản thảo.", "choice1": "Ông thấy bản thảo thật hấp dẫn.", "choice2": "Ông nghĩ câu văn không rõ ràng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đã hủy tài khoản thẻ tín dụng của mình.", "choice1": "Cô nhận ra thẻ bị mất.", "choice2": "Cô nhận ra thẻ đã hết hạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông và người phụ nữ đã yêu nhau.", "choice1": "Họ học đại học.", "choice2": "Họ đã kết hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tiếng nhạc quá nhỏ để nghe thấy.", "choice1": "Tôi tăng âm lượng.", "choice2": "Tôi sáng tác bài hát của riêng tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tóc của cậu bé dựng lên.", "choice1": "Cô bé xoa xoa đầu cậu bé.", "choice2": "Cô bé giật nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con bọ bị nghiền nát.", "choice1": "Tôi tự xịt thuốc chống côn trùng.", "choice2": "Tôi dẫm lên con bọ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi mở mắt.", "choice1": "Tôi tỉnh dậy.", "choice2": "Tôi thư giãn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hàng xóm tôi mở nhạc ầm ĩ.", "choice1": "Tôi yêu cầu anh ta vặn nhỏ lại.", "choice2": "Tôi hỏi mượn đĩa CD từ anh ấy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình của người đàn ông sống trong nghèo khổ.", "choice1": "Anh ấy tiết kiệm với thu nhập của mình.", "choice2": "Anh ấy kiếm được ít hơn mức lương tối thiểu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học.", "choice1": "Anh tìm việc.", "choice2": "Anh theo đuổi một sở thích.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người họa sĩ trộn sơn vàng và sơn xanh.", "choice1": "Sơn văng khắp nơi.", "choice2": "Sơn chuyển sang màu xanh lá cây.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã thay đổi chủ đề của cuộc trò chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi hết chuyện để nói.", "choice2": "Cuộc trò chuyện trở nên căng thẳng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Anh tôi được xuất viện.", "choice1": "Tôi đón anh về nhà.", "choice2": "Tôi thờ ơ với anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bức màn sân khấu được vén lên.", "choice1": "Cảnh mở đầu vở kịch bắt đầu.", "choice2": "Các diễn viên trong vở kịch đã rời khỏi sân khấu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con tin đầu hàng yêu cầu của kẻ bắt cóc.", "choice1": "Kẻ bắt cóc đe dọa làm hại con tin.", "choice2": "Kẻ bắt cóc đã tự thả con tin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một tiếng ồn vang khắp sân khấu.", "choice1": "Nhạc sĩ gõ chân.", "choice2": "Nhạc sĩ đập trống.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bố mẹ vội chạy vào phòng ngủ của con.", "choice1": "Đứa trẻ tỉnh dậy gào thét từ một cơn ác mộng.", "choice2": "Đứa trẻ sợ hãi nhìn xuống gầm giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ ký hiệu.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bị sinh non.", "choice2": "Cô ấy bị điếc bẩm sinh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một đợt hạn hán xảy ra trong khu vực.", "choice1": "Nước trở nên ô nhiễm.", "choice2": "Các vụ mùa bị diệt vong.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con mèo đuổi theo con chim.", "choice1": "Con chim bay đi.", "choice2": "Con chim bắt được con sâu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái chuyển trường.", "choice1": "Trường học đóng cửa vào mùa hè.", "choice2": "Cô chuyển đến một thị trấn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chủ nhà máy từ chối tăng lương cho nhân viên.", "choice1": "Chủ sở hữu bổ nhiệm một người quản lý mới.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên đã đình công.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhà lãnh đạo đã chống lại những kẻ cực đoan trong nước mình.", "choice1": "Những kẻ cực đoan đã ảnh hưởng anh ta.", "choice2": "Những kẻ cực đoan ám sát anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đi chân trần trên bãi biển.", "choice1": "Cát dính vào chân tôi.", "choice2": "Sóng vỗ dọc bờ biển.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thức dậy giữa đêm vì cảm thấy lạnh.", "choice1": "Tôi mặc thêm quần bó sát.", "choice2": "Tôi uống một ly nước.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người mẹ ôm con trai.", "choice1": "Con trai cô nhếch mép.", "choice2": "Con trai cô rên rỉ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một lỗ thủng xé toạc quần jean của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi kéo khóa quần jean lên.", "choice2": "Tôi vấp trên vỉa hè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé đeo niềng răng.", "choice1": "Cậu có một lỗ sâu răng.", "choice2": "Răng cậu trở nên thẳng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi tập thể dục tại phòng gym ngày hôm qua.", "choice1": "Hôm nay tôi thức dậy với cơ bắp đau nhức.", "choice2": "Hôm nay tôi thức dậy với một cơn đau họng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các cô gái thì thầm qua lại với nhau ở bàn ăn trưa.", "choice1": "Những học sinh khác ngồi xuống bàn ăn trưa.", "choice2": "Các sinh viên khác ở bàn ăn trưa cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ đáp xuống tấm bạt lò xo.", "choice1": "Nó bật ngược lên không trung.", "choice2": "Nó quyết định thử làm một cú lật.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gửi thư trong hộp thư.", "choice1": "Bưu điện chuyển thư.", "choice2": "Bưu điện xúc tiến bức thư.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con bạc rất tự tin.", "choice1": "Anh ta đặt cược tất cả tiền của mình.", "choice2": "Anh về nhà rỗng túi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lửa rừng lan rộng.", "choice1": "Những cơn gió trở nên mạnh hơn.", "choice2": "Những kẻ chủ mưu đã bị bắt giữ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ bị tróc da đầu gối.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu đuổi cậu về phòng.", "choice2": "Mẹ cậu băng bó vết thương.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông sống sót sau căn bệnh hiểm nghèo.", "choice1": "Ông ấy đã ký di chúc.", "choice2": "Ông được ghép tạng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhấp một ngụm cà phê nóng.", "choice1": "Tôi cắn phải lưỡi.", "choice2": "Tôi bị bỏng lưỡi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Biên tập viên sa thải nhà văn.", "choice1": "Nhà văn tránh có sự thiên vị trong những câu chuyện của cô.", "choice2": "Nhà văn đã bỏ lỡ một thời hạn quan trọng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy kiệt sức.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ngủ cả ngày.", "choice2": "Tôi học cả ngày.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh nhân.", "choice1": "Cô đã xác định các triệu chứng của bệnh nhân.", "choice2": "Cô kê thuốc cho bệnh nhân.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gãi da.", "choice1": "Nó ướt mồ hôi.", "choice2": "Nó ngứa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã trải qua ca phẫu thuật khẩn cấp.", "choice1": "Anh mất bình tĩnh.", "choice2": "Anh bị đau tim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cơ bắp cánh tay của người đàn ông phồng lên.", "choice1": "Anh khoanh tay.", "choice2": "Anh xoa tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhướng mày.", "choice1": "Anh ấy ngạc nhiên.", "choice2": "Anh cảm thấy nản lòng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi xin lỗi thay cho sự ngớ ngẩn của đồng nghiệp của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi tin rằng anh ấy có ý tốt.", "choice2": "Tôi nghĩ anh ấy đã có thể suy nghĩ tốt hơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bỏ thuốc lá.", "choice1": "Anh bắt đầu tập thể dục nhiều hơn.", "choice2": "Anh bắt đầu thức dậy sớm hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đấm vào mũi kẻ tấn công.", "choice1": "Cơ thể của kẻ tấn công trở nên vô hồn.", "choice2": "Kẻ tấn công bắt đầu chảy máu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Phi tiêu đã bỏ lỡ mục tiêu.", "choice1": "Tầm ngắm của người đàn ông không chính xác.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông đã thua cuộc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chủ nhà yêu cầu một người diệt mối đến nhà anh ta.", "choice1": "Anh phát hiện ra chuột trong tầng hầm.", "choice2": "Anh ta giữ một trang trại kiến trong phòng của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đề nghị với khách đi ra ngoài ăn tối.", "choice1": "Tôi đã quá mệt mỏi để chuẩn bị bất cứ điều gì.", "choice2": "Khách của tôi ở quá lâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái bắt gặp anh trai đang đọc nhật ký của mình.", "choice1": "Cô bắt đầu giấu cuốn nhật ký.", "choice2": "Cô ấy có một cuốn nhật ký mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thiếu tiền thuê nhà.", "choice1": "Cô làm thêm giờ.", "choice2": "Cô nghỉ việc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bàn tay đứa trẻ nhanh chóng thu lại.", "choice1": "Nó chạm vào bếp nóng.", "choice2": "Nó vỗ đầu con chó con.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Công ty muốn đánh giá sự hài lòng của khách hàng.", "choice1": "Họ giảm giá cho khách hàng mới.", "choice2": "Họ đã tiến hành một cuộc khảo sát khách hàng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sàn gỗ bị trầy xước.", "choice1": "Cậu bé ném đệm ra khỏi đi văng.", "choice2": "Cậu bé kéo một chiếc ghế trên sàn nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi che mặt lại.", "choice1": "Kẻ thù chế nhạo tôi.", "choice2": "Kẻ thù vung nắm đấm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bức tượng nổi tiếng bị thiêu rụi.", "choice1": "Nó bị sét đánh.", "choice2": "Mọi người đến để tôn kính nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi để trái cây trên bàn.", "choice1": "Quả rụng hạt.", "choice2": "Ruồi tràn ngập trái cây.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nữ diễn viên ba lê bị xé dây chằng.", "choice1": "Cô nhón chân.", "choice2": "Cô vặn cổ chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Dây giày của đứa bé bị tuột.", "choice1": "Nó học cách buộc chúng.", "choice2": "Nó chạy quanh sân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi bị cuốn hút vào cuốn sách.", "choice1": "Tôi trả lại cuốn sách.", "choice2": "Tôi quên cả thời gian.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chàng trai có những niềm tin tương tự như cha mẹ mình.", "choice1": "Cha mẹ anh ảnh hưởng đến anh.", "choice2": "Cha mẹ anh từ mặt anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc xe dần dần dừng lại.", "choice1": "Nó hết xăng.", "choice2": "Người lái xe ngủ thiếp đi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ăn kem dưới ánh mặt trời.", "choice1": "Kem mất hương vị của nó.", "choice2": "Kem chảy ra từ que.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi treo tác phẩm nghệ thuật trong phòng.", "choice1": "Tấm thảm trông bẩn thỉu.", "choice2": "Những bức tường trông trống trải.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi về nhà sớm.", "choice1": "Tôi bị nhức đầu.", "choice2": "Ông chủ của tôi đã tổ chức một cuộc họp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chó con làm bẩn thảm.", "choice1": "Người chủ mắng con chó.", "choice2": "Người chủ cho con chó một món quà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã xin lỗi bạn tôi.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi đã tha thứ cho tôi.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi trở nên tức giận.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nổi bật trong đám đông.", "choice1": "Anh mang ba lô.", "choice2": "Anh mặc vest neon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhân chứng nói dối mặc dù đã tuyên thệ.", "choice1": "Anh ta đã hoàn thành lời khai của mình.", "choice2": "Anh ta bị buộc tội khai man.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nhuộm tóc.", "choice1": "Cô muốn một cái nhìn mới.", "choice2": "Cô muốn hòa nhập.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người nhập cư bị bắt gặp cư trú bất hợp pháp trong nước.", "choice1": "Họ tìm được việc làm.", "choice2": "Họ đã bị trục xuất.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Diễn giả nói đùa.", "choice1": "Khán giả bật cười.", "choice2": "Khán giả đứng dậy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhìn vào mặt trời.", "choice1": "Mặt trời làm tôi mờ mắt.", "choice2": "Mặt trời làm rám nắng da tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy buồn chán.", "choice1": "Tôi khịt mũi.", "choice2": "Tôi ngáp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Miếng bít tết rất khó cắt.", "choice1": "Con dao cùn.", "choice2": "Bít tết chưa chín.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tuyên bố phá sản.", "choice1": "Cô đã nhận được tiền cấp dưỡng.", "choice2": "Cô có một khoản nợ lớn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đèn trong căn hộ của bạn tôi bật sáng.", "choice1": "Tôi tự hỏi có phải anh ấy đã ra ngoài không.", "choice2": "Tôi quyết định ghé thăm anh một chuyến.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đặt bông hoa dưới mũi mình.", "choice1": "Những cánh hoa rơi ra hoa.", "choice2": "Tôi ngửi thấy mùi hương của hoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ cảm thấy nhớ nhung quá khứ.", "choice1": "Cô gặp một người bạn thời thơ ấu.", "choice2": "Cô mắng con.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh chần chừ không viết bài.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nộp bài sớm.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy nộp bài không hoàn chỉnh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Xe tôi bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi đến trung tâm mua sắm.", "choice2": "Tôi gọi thợ sửa máy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã bỏ tờ ghi chú.", "choice1": "Nó ẩn danh.", "choice2": "Nó không đọc được.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chim vỗ cánh.", "choice1": "Nó đẻ trứng.", "choice2": "Nó bay lên cao.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đỗ xe ở lối đi.", "choice1": "Nhà để xe đã mở.", "choice2": "Nhà xe đã đầy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tên tội phạm nhắm súng vào nạn nhân của mình.", "choice1": "Tên tội phạm đặt súng xuống.", "choice2": "Nạn nhân đưa tay lên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi mong đến cuối tuần.", "choice1": "Tôi dự định tham dự đám tang của chú tôi.", "choice2": "Tôi dự định tham dự đám cưới của bạn tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi quên cả thời gian.", "choice1": "Tôi đã mơ mộng.", "choice2": "Tôi buồn nôn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các tài liệu in ra không đọc được.", "choice1": "Máy in bị hết mực.", "choice2": "Máy in đã hết giấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Sân vận động đã mở nhạc quốc ca.", "choice1": "Các cổ động viên chào cờ.", "choice2": "Các cổ động viên đổ xô ra sân.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các món nếm nhạt nhẽo.", "choice1": "Tôi dọn nó ra.", "choice2": "Tôi bỏ muối vào đó.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đặt khăn giấy lên chỗ đổ.", "choice1": "Khăn giấy hấp thụ chất lỏng.", "choice2": "Chỗ đổ nước còn dính.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị quấy rầy trong lúc đang đọc sách.", "choice1": "Cô đánh dấu trang của mình.", "choice2": "Cô đọc lại cuốn sách.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Máy bay gặp một số nhiễu loạn.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông thắt dây an toàn.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông nhìn ra cửa sổ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé nhăn mặt.", "choice1": "Cô bé bỏ mặc cậu.", "choice2": "Cô bé chọt cậu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các bác sĩ đã cho bệnh nhân lắp một cái xương sườn giả.", "choice1": "Họ cắt cụt chân cô.", "choice2": "Họ theo dõi sức sống của cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé véo khuỷu tay cô bé.", "choice1": "Cô nhún vai nhìn anh.", "choice2": "Cô hất tay ra khỏi anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nhờ bạn tôi tư vấn.", "choice1": "Tôi coi trọng ý kiến của anh ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi biết tôi đã đúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bước xuống bùn.", "choice1": "Bùn dính vào giày cậu.", "choice2": "Bùn đập vào mặt cậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tuyết phủ dày vài inch trong thị trấn.", "choice1": "Các trường học đóng cửa.", "choice2": "Người dân trốn dưới lòng đất.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ca trực của nhân viên đã kết thúc.", "choice1": "Anh về nhà.", "choice2": "Anh dọa bỏ việc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cây làm hư nhà.", "choice1": "Cây ngã xuống mái nhà.", "choice2": "Cây che bóng sân sau.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gỗ tách làm đôi.", "choice1": "Tôi xếp gỗ trong lò sưởi.", "choice2": "Tôi vung rìu xuống gỗ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình chúc mừng cặp đôi.", "choice1": "Cặp đôi tuyên bố họ đang ly thân.", "choice2": "Cặp đôi tuyên bố họ sắp có con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô bé gửi cho cậu bé một lá thư valentine.", "choice1": "Cô thích cậu.", "choice2": "Cô đã hôn cậu ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi gật đầu trước tuyên bố của bạn tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã nhầm lẫn.", "choice2": "Tôi đồng ý với anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhóm bạn tung đồng xu.", "choice1": "Họ muốn tìm được sự thỏa hiệp.", "choice2": "Họ muốn đưa ra một quyết định công bằng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đồng hồ bấm giờ trong bếp reng.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông dỡ đồ tạp hóa vào tủ lạnh.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông lấy pizza ra khỏi lò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đặt mục tiêu đầy tham vọng.", "choice1": "Cô làm biếng.", "choice2": "Cô ấy làm việc chăm chỉ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông giàu có chết vì già.", "choice1": "Con trai ông ta gặp rắc rối về pháp lý.", "choice2": "Con trai ông được thừa hưởng gia tài.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ dẫm lên ngọn lửa.", "choice1": "Ngọn lửa đã tắt.", "choice2": "Khói bốc lên từ ngọn lửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Xe của người phụ nữ đã ở trong cửa hàng.", "choice1": "Bằng lái xe của cô đã bị thu hồi.", "choice2": "Cô gặp tai nạn xe hơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi ngủ quên.", "choice1": "Tôi làm bữa sáng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã bỏ bữa sáng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người nổi tiếng bước ra khỏi xe limousine.", "choice1": "Các máy ảnh lóe lên về phía anh.", "choice2": "Gia đình anh tham dự buổi họp báo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nán lại trong bồn tắm.", "choice1": "Nước tắm trở nên bớt ấm.", "choice2": "Nước tắm chảy ra khỏi bồn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu sinh viên muốn gặp các sinh viên khác trong trường.", "choice1": "Cậu tham gia một hội anh em.", "choice2": "Cậu học chuyên ngành kỹ sư.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi lật đệm ghế lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đang tìm tiền lẻ.", "choice2": "Tôi đang sắp xếp lại phòng khách.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con ong bay về phía cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cậu bé bỏ chạy.", "choice2": "Cậu bé hái một bông hoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị kết tội nhẹ.", "choice1": "Cô bị kết án lao động công ích.", "choice2": "Cô đã bị xử bắn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi khuấy đường vào trà nóng.", "choice1": "Trà nóng.", "choice2": "Đường tan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người cựu binh bước đi khập khiễng.", "choice1": "Ông ấy chuẩn bị nhập ngũ.", "choice2": "Ông ấy bị thương trong trận chiến.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tên tội phạm bỏ chạy khỏi cảnh sát.", "choice1": "Cảnh sát chăm sóc nạn nhân.", "choice2": "Cảnh sát đuổi theo tên tội phạm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Máy tính xách tay không bật lên được.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đánh rơi nó.", "choice2": "Tôi đã sạc pin nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ không còn chỗ trong tủ quần áo của mình.", "choice1": "Cô có nhiều quần áo.", "choice2": "Cô gấp quần áo của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông rất đau lòng.", "choice1": "Vợ anh sinh con.", "choice2": "Vợ anh bỏ anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã hoàn thành bằng cấp.", "choice1": "Anh ta có đủ điều kiện cho công việc anh ta muốn.", "choice2": "Lời đề nghị công việc của anh đã bị hủy bỏ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giọng nói của người đàn ông vang vọng khắp khán phòng.", "choice1": "Ông chào khán giả.", "choice2": "Ông nói vào micro.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi ném một đồng xu vào vòi nước.", "choice1": "Đồng xu chìm xuống đáy.", "choice2": "Đồng xu đã vỡ làm đôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chơi đánh bóng về phía lỗ.", "choice1": "Bóng đi vào lỗ.", "choice2": "Bóng bay ngược về phía cầu thủ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi hít bụi trong căn gác.", "choice1": "Tôi nấc cụt.", "choice2": "Tôi hắt xì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân gọi bảo vệ.", "choice1": "Khách hàng đã sử dụng tiền giả.", "choice2": "Khách hàng bật đèn pha lên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đem rác đi đổ.", "choice1": "Rác làm nhà bếp bốc mùi khó chịu.", "choice2": "Tôi vô tình vứt mất danh sách mua sắm của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình đã đi đến sở thú.", "choice1": "Bọn trẻ ngưỡng mộ những con vật.", "choice2": "Bọn trẻ đuổi theo những con vật.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hơi thở của người đàn ông rất to.", "choice1": "Thận của anh ta không còn hoạt động.", "choice2": "Phổi anh ta bị tắc nghẽn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi có thêm một vé cho buổi hòa nhạc.", "choice1": "Tôi hỏi bạn tôi đường đến địa điểm.", "choice2": "Tôi hỏi bạn tôi rằng anh ta có thích đi cùng không.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Máy điều hòa trong nhà bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi mang chăn ra.", "choice2": "Tôi mở cửa sổ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bị đau lưng.", "choice1": "Ba lô của cậu mở.", "choice2": "Ba lô của cậu nặng trĩu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã mua cho mẹ tôi một món quà.", "choice1": "Tôi nướng cho bà ấy một cái bánh.", "choice2": "Đó là sinh nhật của bà ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hoa thủy tiên trong vườn bị phá hủy.", "choice1": "Một con ong chích người làm vườn.", "choice2": "Những con sóc đào xới những luống đất.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi quẹt diêm.", "choice1": "Ngọn lửa tắt dần.", "choice2": "Que diêm tạo ra lửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các bên tranh chấp đã đạt được thoả thuận.", "choice1": "Họ không muốn tranh luận trước tòa.", "choice2": "Họ muốn cứu vãn mối quan hệ cá nhân của họ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những đứa trẻ được gửi đến một trại trẻ mồ côi.", "choice1": "Cha mẹ của chúng đã chết.", "choice2": "Cha mẹ chúng chiều chuộng chúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Một thiên thạch rơi xuống đại dương.", "choice1": "Một cơn sóng thần đã xảy ra.", "choice2": "Nó bắt đầu mưa đá.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người leo núi gặp một con rắn độc.", "choice1": "Cô trở nên mất nước.", "choice2": "Cô hốt hoảng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lò nướng trở nên nóng.", "choice1": "Tôi bật lò nướng.", "choice2": "Tôi cho món ăn vào lò nướng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi vắt chanh.", "choice1": "Chanh bị mốc.", "choice2": "Chanh phụt nước ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quốc gia này phát hiện ra vùng đất mới.", "choice1": "Quốc gia bỏ mặc vùng đất.", "choice2": "Quốc gia biến vùng đất thành thuộc địa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc ly lật khỏi bàn.", "choice1": "Nó vỡ tan khắp sàn nhà.", "choice2": "Nó đáp xuống một đống đồ giặt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cái bàn chao đảo.", "choice1": "Sàn nhà không bằng phẳng.", "choice2": "Sàn nhà trơn trượt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người cha bắt con trai nói dối.", "choice1": "Con trai thú nhận sự thật.", "choice2": "Người cha tin tưởng con trai mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đầu người đàn ông đau nhói.", "choice1": "Anh uống siro ho.", "choice2": "Anh uống aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tàu chạy chậm lại.", "choice1": "Nó đang đến gần nhà ga.", "choice2": "Nó bị chậm so với lịch trình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã trải qua trị liệu.", "choice1": "Bệnh tâm thần di truyền trong gia đình anh.", "choice2": "Anh bị chẩn đoán mắc bệnh trầm cảm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nắm chặt cổ họng.", "choice1": "Cô nuốt thức ăn.", "choice2": "Cô nghẹn thức ăn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị đau họng.", "choice1": "Giọng cô khàn khàn.", "choice2": "Cô nói với giọng điệu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chó nhìn miếng bít tết ngon ngọt trên bàn.", "choice1": "Nó chảy nước dãi.", "choice2": "Nó nằm xuống.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Công việc kinh doanh của người phụ nữ đã thành công.", "choice1": "Cô sa thải nhân viên của mình.", "choice2": "Cô trở nên giàu có.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các sinh viên rời khỏi lớp học.", "choice1": "Chuông reo.", "choice2": "Giáo viên giao bài tập về nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tuyên bố cô nhìn thấy một con ma.", "choice1": "Những người quen của cô bày tỏ sự hoài nghi.", "choice2": "Những người quen của cô liên quan đến cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thính giác.", "choice1": "Ông suýt chết đuối.", "choice2": "Ông suýt bị giết trong một vụ nổ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ buông dây bóng bay.", "choice1": "Bong bóng xì hơi.", "choice2": "Bong bóng bay lên không trung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất khả năng nói.", "choice1": "Ông bị đột quỵ.", "choice2": "Ông hít một hơi thật sâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ vấp ngã trên vỉa hè.", "choice1": "Có một vết nứt trong xi măng.", "choice2": "Cô nghe thấy ai gọi tên mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn nhảy canon vào hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Nhân viên cứu hộ nhảy vào sau anh ta.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông làm ướt viên cứu hộ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã uống thuốc kháng sinh.", "choice1": "Nhiễm trùng hết hẳn.", "choice2": "Nhiễm trùng lây lan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đèn giao thông chuyển sang màu vàng.", "choice1": "Tài xế nhấn phanh.", "choice2": "Người lái xe bấm còi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hộp đựng nhựa tan chảy.", "choice1": "Tôi ngâm hộp đựnh trong nước ấm.", "choice2": "Tôi đặt hộp đựng lên bếp nóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc xe bị móp méo.", "choice1": "Tài xế đâm vào cột điện thoại.", "choice2": "Tài xế vượt đèn đỏ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé học cả đêm.", "choice1": "Cậu không làm bài kiểm tra.", "choice2": "Cậu thi đỗ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé trẻ bám vào gờ của hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Cậu sợ học bơi.", "choice2": "Nhân viên cứu hộ đang làm nhiệm vụ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đưa tay lên ngực.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm nhận nhịp tim của tôi.", "choice2": "Nhịp tim của tôi tăng tốc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tòa nhà liền kề văn phòng của tôi đang được xây dựng.", "choice1": "Văn phòng tôi rất đông.", "choice2": "Văn phòng tôi trở nên ồn ào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Gia đình muốn làm quen với hàng xóm mới của họ.", "choice1": "Gia đình mời hàng xóm qua ăn tối.", "choice2": "Gia đình vẫy tay chào hàng xóm từ sân của họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nước văng lên từ hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Người bơi nhảy xuống hồ bơi.", "choice2": "Người bơi nổi trong hồ bơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi cắn một lát dưa hấu.", "choice1": "Tôi vô tình nuốt hạt dưa.", "choice2": "Tôi vô tình sứt mẻ răng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé vấp ngã.", "choice1": "Áo khoác của cậu không kéo khoá.", "choice2": "Dây giày của cậu không buộc chặt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đeo bông nhét tai.", "choice1": "Cô bị phân tâm bởi tiếng ồn.", "choice2": "Cô ấy vừa bấm lỗ tai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đổ nước đầy chai.", "choice1": "Tôi đã uống hết nước trong đó.", "choice2": "Tôi giữ nó trong tủ lạnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chương trình truyền hình bị kiểm duyệt.", "choice1": "Nó chứa ngôn ngữ thô tục.", "choice2": "Nó có một cốt truyện phức tạp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con tàu đắm.", "choice1": "Tất cả các nhân viên chết đuối.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên gặp phải cướp biển.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé cảm thấy bối rối bởi câu đố.", "choice1": "Cậu giải được câu đố.", "choice2": "Cậu yêu cầu một gợi ý.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Điện thoại reo.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông cúp điện thoại.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông nhấc máy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đang nhìn chằm chằm vào tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ôm cô ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cả nhóm rời khỏi bảo tàng.", "choice1": "Họ chụp ảnh các tác phẩm triển lãm.", "choice2": "Họ đã xem tất cả các tác phẩm triển lãm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bắt đầu một cuộc cãi vã với tôi.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi giới thiệu tôi với người đàn ông.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi bảo vệ tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lốp xe đạp của tôi bị xẹp.", "choice1": "Tôi bơm không khí vào lốp xe.", "choice2": "Tôi tăng ga trên xe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái trông tái nhợt.", "choice1": "Cha cô đọc cho cô nghe một câu chuyện.", "choice2": "Cha cô sờ trán cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bút hết mực.", "choice1": "Tôi sử dụng bút chì.", "choice2": "Tôi ký tên tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bị từ chối cho vay.", "choice1": "Anh ta đang mắc nợ.", "choice2": "Anh ta bắt đầu kinh doanh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái nghỉ học ở nhà.", "choice1": "Cô bị thủy đậu.", "choice2": "Cô rất thích học toán.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Túi rác đã đầy.", "choice1": "Tôi đem nó đến bãi rác.", "choice2": "Tôi đổ nó xuống bồn rửa chén.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi hút bụi thảm.", "choice1": "Bạn cùng phòng của tôi làm đổ đồ uống.", "choice2": "Con chó của tôi rụng lông.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất bình tĩnh.", "choice1": "Anh tắt máy tính.", "choice2": "Anh ném ghế qua phòng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái ném một cành cây vào lửa trại.", "choice1": "Cành cây bị đốt cháy.", "choice2": "Ngọn lửa đã tắt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ra khỏi phòng tắm.", "choice1": "Nước nóng đã hết.", "choice2": "Anh ta không tm thấy khăn tắm.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bố mẹ muốn con đi học đại học.", "choice1": "Họ dành một quỹ tiết kiệm cho học phí.", "choice2": "Họ khuyến khích con cái họ chơi bên ngoài.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông cởi giày ra.", "choice1": "Đôi giày nới lỏng.", "choice2": "Đôi giày bị mòn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông chỉ ăn một nửa món khai vị.", "choice1": "Anh để tủ lạnh thức ăn thừa.", "choice2": "Anh lưu công thức nấu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mắt cá chân của tôi bị sưng.", "choice1": "Tôi chườm đá.", "choice2": "Tôi xoa kem dưỡng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cửa văn phòng của tôi mở.", "choice1": "Tôi nói chuyện với đồng nghiệp của tôi tại bàn.", "choice2": "Tôi tình cờ nghe được cuộc trò chuyện trong hội trường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã phải chờ xếp hàng.", "choice1": "Tôi ngồi xuống.", "choice2": "Tôi đọc lướt qua một tạp chí.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đập ruồi.", "choice1": "Con ruồi bay đi.", "choice2": "Con ruồi vẫn đứng yên.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã viết di chúc.", "choice1": "Ông ấy sắp chết.", "choice2": "Ông ấy là một người góa vợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Vận động viên chạy cảm nhận được đối thủ đang bám sát.", "choice1": "Anh bỏ cuộc đua.", "choice2": "Anh tăng tốc.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã suy nghĩ cẩn thận về vấn đề này.", "choice1": "Tôi xin lời khuyên.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đưa ra một giải pháp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Lữ khách đi trên cây cầu treo bấp bênh.", "choice1": "Anh cảm thấy sợ hãi.", "choice2": "Anh cảm thấy ngây ngất.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông dự đoán chiến thắng của đội.", "choice1": "Anh ấy gặp bạn bè để xem trận đấu.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đã đặt cược với bạn bè của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé không ngủ được.", "choice1": "Cậu đặt đồng hồ báo thức.", "choice2": "Cậu đếm cừu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các mặt hàng đã được đóng gói trong bọc bong bóng.", "choice1": "Nó dễ vỡ.", "choice2": "Nó nhỏ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi lục túi của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi lấy một cuống vé.", "choice2": "Tôi tìm thấy một vũ khí.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Mối đầy nhà.", "choice1": "Mối biến mất khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Mối ăn gỗ trong nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các du khách đã đến biên giới.", "choice1": "Các nhân viên tuần tra kiểm tra hộ chiếu của họ.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên tuần tra buộc tội họ buôn lậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Văn phòng đóng cửa.", "choice1": "Đang vào đợt nghỉ.", "choice2": "Đang mùa hè.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái hết năng lượng.", "choice1": "Cô chơi cờ đam.", "choice2": "Cô nhảy dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ mất chỗ trong hàng.", "choice1": "Nhiều người hơn đaz vào hàng.", "choice2": "Cô bước ra khỏi hàng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái véo mũi.", "choice1": "Đứa bé chảy nước dãi trên chiếc yếm của cô.", "choice2": "Đứa bé làm bẩn tã của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ban nhạc chơi bài hát hit của họ.", "choice1": "Khán giả vỗ tay theo điệu nhạc.", "choice2": "Khán giả lịch sự lắng nghe trong im lặng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái muốn cảm ơn cô giáo dạy toán.", "choice1": "Cô gái bị giữ lại sau giờ học.", "choice2": "Cô gái mang cho cô giáo một quả táo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các trại viên trẻ cảm thấy sợ hãi.", "choice1": "Cố vấn trại của họ kể cho họ một câu chuyện ma.", "choice2": "Họ nướng marshmallows trên lửa trại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đập đầu.", "choice1": "Anh lạc trong suy nghĩ.", "choice2": "Anh ấy bị chấn động.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Check tôi viết bị trả lại.", "choice1": "Tài khoản ngân hàng của tôi trống rỗng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã được tăng lương.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hộp thư đến của ông ấy đầy thư rác.", "choice1": "Ông ấy xóa thư rác.", "choice2": "Ông đã gửi một email hàng loạt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người thủy thủ đã được cách ly.", "choice1": "Anh đã tiếp xúc với dịch bệnh.", "choice2": "Anh đã khỏi bệnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái ghi nhớ mã.", "choice1": "Cô tự đọc nhẩm lại.", "choice2": "Cô quên viết nó xuống.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi rót nước vào ly.", "choice1": "Nước làm dịu cơn khát của tôi.", "choice2": "Chiếc ly trở nên đầy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông vẫn im lặng khi bạn mình nói xong.", "choice1": "Ông ấy muốn hỗ trợ bạn mình.", "choice2": "Ông ấy đang nghĩ về những lời nói của bạn mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tai nạn là lỗi của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy tội lỗi.", "choice2": "Tôi kiện.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dây xích đã bị đứt.", "choice1": "Dây xích bị quấn quanh một lốp xe.", "choice2": "Có một liên kết bị hỏng trong dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hai vợ chồng quyết định thỏa hiệp.", "choice1": "Họ trở nên mệt mỏi vì tranh cãi.", "choice2": "Họ tránh thảo luận về vấn đề này.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ quyết định ứng cử công chức.", "choice1": "Cô đã thuê một người quản lý chiến dịch.", "choice2": "Cô làm chứng trước tòa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông dự đoán thời tiết lạnh trong chuyến đi của mình.", "choice1": "Anh xếp quần áo ấm vào vali.", "choice2": "Anh đi du lịch với một chiếc vali lớn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh biết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy giơ tay.", "choice2": "Cậy ấy làm biếng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngấn lệ.", "choice1": "Bụi bay vào mắt ông ấy.", "choice2": "Anh đeo kính lên mắt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chơi đã thắng năm trận liên tiếp.", "choice1": "Đối thủ của cô buộc tội cô gian lận.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của cô cảm thấy tiếc cho cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giáo viên xé bài kiểm tra của học sinh.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bắt được học sinh gian lận.", "choice2": "Câu trả lời của học sinh không chính xác.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi dừng lại để dừng nói chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi mất giọng.", "choice2": "Tôi hết hơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các thực phẩm đông lạnh tan băng.", "choice1": "Tôi cho nó vào lò vi sóng.", "choice2": "Tôi bọc nó bằng bọc nhựa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhân viên giả ốm.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị đau bụng.", "choice2": "Anh ta muốn một ngày nghỉ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái rớt xuống bể bơi.", "choice1": "Cô chạy trên sàn hồ bơi.", "choice2": "Cô nhảy khỏi bảng lặn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vé xem phim đã bán hết.", "choice1": "Đó là ngày khai mạc cho bộ phim.", "choice2": "Bộ phim nhận được đánh giá kém.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông giảm cân.", "choice1": "Mọi người cô lập anh.", "choice2": "Mọi người khen anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bàn tay của cô gái trở nên phồng rộp.", "choice1": "Cô gõ một lá thư.", "choice2": "Cô trèo lên một sợi dây.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người biểu diễn xiếc tung hứng trong khi đi xe đạp một bánh.", "choice1": "Khán giả reo hò trong sự ngạc nhiên.", "choice2": "Acrobat vung lên từ một cái bẫy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi mất kiên nhẫn.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi làm tôi chờ.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi đến đúng giờ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các nước tham chiến muốn hòa bình.", "choice1": "Họ đã phát triển vũ khí hạt nhân.", "choice2": "Họ đã thương lượng một hiệp ước.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông uống thuốc ngủ.", "choice1": "Ông trở nên buồn ngủ.", "choice2": "Ông bị sốt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ va vào ghế sofa.", "choice1": "Chân ghế sofa bị lỏng ra.", "choice2": "Cô bầm tím đầu gối.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bóp bóng bay.", "choice1": "Bong bóng nổ.", "choice2": "Bong bóng bay đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Du khách đã nhận phòng khách sạn.", "choice1": "Họ tháo vali ra.", "choice2": "Họ đã đến sân bay.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cắn vào quả đào.", "choice1": "Quả đào bầm dập.", "choice2": "Nước trái cây tràn ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tay tôi trở nên dính.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ăn một chiếc bánh rán.", "choice2": "Tôi thích ăn ngọt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đẩy cửa.", "choice1": "Cánh cửa mở ra.", "choice2": "Cánh cửa bị khóa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các nhà hoạt động tẩy chay các sản phẩm.", "choice1": "Các sản phẩm đã được kiểm tra để đảm bảo chất lượng.", "choice2": "Các sản phẩm được sản xuất thông qua lao động trẻ em.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi khoan một cái lỗ trên tường.", "choice1": "Một con chuột bò ra khỏi cái lỗ.", "choice2": "Bụi bay ra khỏi lỗ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ cảm thấy ghen tị với chị gái mình.", "choice1": "Chị cô hạnh phúc.", "choice2": "Chị gái cô đã ly hôn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi làm đổ rượu lên áo.", "choice1": "Tôi đeo tạp dề.", "choice2": "Tôi đã thay áo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân mở máy tính tiền.", "choice1": "Vị khách kiếm trong ví của mình.", "choice2": "Khách hàng đưa tiền cho cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhạc sĩ đường phố thu hút một đám đông.", "choice1": "Mọi người cho anh tiền lẻ.", "choice2": "Anh tiễn đám đông đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé khóc với người trông trẻ.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nhớ bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Đó là thời gian ăn nhẹ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Radar của phi công đã phát hiện ra một cơn bão.", "choice1": "Phi công điều hướng khỏi cơn bão.", "choice2": "Phi công đã bay qua cơn bão.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cây rụng lá.", "choice1": "Lá chuyển màu.", "choice2": "Lá dồn trên mặt đường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé đang trong tâm trạng tinh nghịch.", "choice1": "Cậu quyết định chơi một ván bài với chị gái.", "choice2": "Cậu quyết định chọc em gái mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ phàn nàn rằng nó phải đi vệ sinh.", "choice1": "Bố nó cho nó uống soda.", "choice2": "Bố nó dừng xe ở trạm xăng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ rắc thức ăn cho cá vào bể.", "choice1": "Con cá nhảy ra khỏi bể.", "choice2": "Con cá bơi về phía thức ăn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quan điểm chính trị của người phụ nữ đã thay đổi.", "choice1": "Cô chuyển liên kết đảng của mình.", "choice2": "Cô tham gia vào một cuộc biểu tình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bồn rửa trong phòng tắm bị tắc.", "choice1": "Tôi bật vòi nước.", "choice2": "Tôi đổ nước xả vào đó.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các hành khách đã xuống tàu.", "choice1": "Tàu đến ga.", "choice2": "Tàu nổ còi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ấn mặt ẩm của phong bì.", "choice1": "Ông dán tem lên phong bì.", "choice2": "Ông đóng kín phong bì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bạn bè mất liên lạc.", "choice1": "Họ rất thích được ở cạnh nhau.", "choice2": "Họ chuyển đến các thành phố khác nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kế toán quản lý sai quỹ của công ty.", "choice1": "Cô bị sa thải khỏi vị trí của mình.", "choice2": "Cô đi nghỉ thai sản.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhìn đồng hồ.", "choice1": "Tôi nghe tiếng tích tắc.", "choice2": "Tôi muốn kiểm tra thời gian.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tay tôi bị chuột rút.", "choice1": "Tôi đã viết bài luận bằng tay.", "choice2": "Vợ chồng tôi nắm tay nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cái chốt siết chặt.", "choice1": "Tôi thay chốt.", "choice2": "Tôi vặn mỏ lết.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hai vợ chồng ký hợp đồng thuê một căn hộ.", "choice1": "Hai vợ chồng chuyển vào căn hộ.", "choice2": "Thành phố lên án căn hộ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngồi ngoài hiên.", "choice1": "Cô muốn ngắm hoàng hôn.", "choice2": "Cô nghĩ mình đã thấy sét.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mặc áo phao.", "choice1": "Anh ấy không biết bơi.", "choice2": "Nước cạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ mắc lỗi đánh máy trong trình xử lý văn bản.", "choice1": "Cô xóa tài liệu.", "choice2": "Cô nhấn phím xóa lùi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái khoe khoang với bạn bè.", "choice1": "Cô bị điểm kém.", "choice2": "Cô đã thắng một cuộc thi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bãi cỏ lầy lội.", "choice1": "Trời mưa vào đêm qua.", "choice2": "Nó đầy cỏ dại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngủ quên.", "choice1": "Cô ở lại đêm trong một khách sạn.", "choice2": "Cô quên cài đồng hồ báo thức.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bôi kem chống nắng.", "choice1": "Anh ngồi trong bóng râm.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đã đi đến bãi biển.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chứng được minh lý thuyết.", "choice1": "Các nhà nghiên cứu rút lại lý thuyết.", "choice2": "Mọi người chấp nhận lý thuyết.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người hâm mộ la ó.", "choice1": "Trận đấu phải bước vào phút bù giờ.", "choice2": "Trọng tài ra quyết định sai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhập dãy mã vào ổ khóa.", "choice1": "Tôi đóng khóa.", "choice2": "Khóa bật mở.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đám đông nhiều lên.", "choice1": "Người cha đưa cho con trai một ít tiền.", "choice2": "Người cha nắm lấy tay con trai mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tuyết đã chặn đường lái xe.", "choice1": "Tôi nặn thành một quả cầu tuyết.", "choice2": "Tôi xúc tuyết ra khỏi đường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người chèo thuyền kayak chèo mái chèo của họ.", "choice1": "Thuyền kayak đến bờ.", "choice2": "Chiếc thuyền kayak gặp một con sóng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái mất kiểm soát chiếc xe đạp của mình.", "choice1": "Cô buông tay lái.", "choice2": "Cô đâm vào một hàng rào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi bật quạt.", "choice1": "Nước rắc lên da tôi.", "choice2": "Không khí mát mẻ lướt qua tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người lướt sóng trở lại bãi biển.", "choice1": "Họ ướt đẫm.", "choice2": "Họ đã nhìn thấy một con cá mập.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi rút phích cắm trong bồn tắm.", "choice1": "Nước rút ra khỏi bồn.", "choice2": "Nước văng lên sàn nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chồng cảm thấy có lỗi khi lừa dối vợ.", "choice1": "Anh buộc tội cô ngoại tình.", "choice2": "Anh thú nhận ngoại tình với cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mực trên poster bị lem.", "choice1": "Tôi đợi mực khô.", "choice2": "Tôi làm đổ nước lên poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ tỉnh dậy la hét.", "choice1": "Nó gặp ác mộng.", "choice2": "Nó làm ướt giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé gác chân lên bàn.", "choice1": "Bố cậu ngồi xuống bàn.", "choice2": "Bố cậu giáo huấn cậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bạn tôi quay đầu về phía tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi hét to tên anh.", "choice2": "Tôi vẫy tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chính phủ đàn áp công dân của mình.", "choice1": "Các công dân đã tổ chức một cuộc nổi dậy.", "choice2": "Các công dân đăng ký bỏ phiếu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bị lạc trong rừng.", "choice1": "Cậu dựng lều.", "choice2": "Cậu hét lên cầu cứu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi du lịch nước ngoài.", "choice1": "Cô muốn học vẽ.", "choice2": "Cô muốn tìm hiểu về các nền văn hóa khác.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ghen tị với đồng nghiệp của mình.", "choice1": "Đồng nghiệp của anh ấy đã được thăng chức.", "choice2": "Đồng nghiệp của anh ấy ở lại muộn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông thấy người ngoài hành tinh.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị ảo giác.", "choice2": "Anh ta đang ngồi thiền.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tóc của người đàn ông chuyển sang màu vàng.", "choice1": "Ông ấy bỏ thuốc tẩy lên tóc.", "choice2": "Ông ấy thoa dầu gội lên đó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các nghệ sĩ đã tạo ra tác phẩm mới.", "choice1": "Cô phê bình công việc trước đây của mình.", "choice2": "Cô cảm thấy một cơn cảm hứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người con trai dọn ra khỏi nhà.", "choice1": "Anh ấy được xuất ngũ.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đi học đại học.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sách rơi ra khỏi tủ sách.", "choice1": "Các kệ sách phủ bụi.", "choice2": "Một trận động đất làm rung chuyển tủ sách.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tôi tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi bật đèn lên.", "choice2": "Tôi cài đặt lại bộ ngắt mạch.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chúng tôi đi tàu lượn siêu tốc.", "choice1": "Trông nó thật đáng sợ.", "choice2": "Trông nó rất vui.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Túi bỏng ngô bắt đầu phồng lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đổ bơ vào túi.", "choice2": "Tôi hâm nóng nó trong lò vi sóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một cái cây rơi trên đường dây điện.", "choice1": "Điện trong khu phố đã tắt.", "choice2": "Dự báo có gió lớn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Diễn giả đã bình luận không chính xác.", "choice1": "Anh làm khán giả chán.", "choice2": "Anh xúc phạm khán giả.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi tự chích bằng kim.", "choice1": "Một giọt mồ hôi chảy ra từ mặt tôi.", "choice2": "Một giọt máu hình thành trên ngón tay của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con cá nổi trên mặt bể.", "choice1": "Nó đói rồi.", "choice2": "Nó đã chết.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giọng nói của người đàn ông khàn khàn.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bị cảm.", "choice2": "Anh bỏ thuốc lá.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cửa thang máy mở ra.", "choice1": "Thang máy đã đến tầng được chỉ định.", "choice2": "Thang máy bị kẹt giữa các tầng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu thiếu niên lẻn ra khỏi nhà.", "choice1": "Cậu nói dối bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Bố mẹ cậu nhốt cậu anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phòng tắm ngập nước.", "choice1": "Nước nhà vệ sinh tràn ra.", "choice2": "Máy nước nóng bị hỏng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chó con ở gần chủ của nó.", "choice1": "Người chủ mặc cho con chó con một cổ áo.", "choice2": "Người chủ xích con chó con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bắt gặp hình ảnh phản chiếu của mình.", "choice1": "Anh đứng dưới gốc cây ngổn ngang.", "choice2": "Anh đứng trên mặt hồ tĩnh lặng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhỡ cuộc gọi của bạn gái tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi gọi lại cho cô ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi gặp cô ấy đi ăn tối.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình tìm kiếm khắp khu phố.", "choice1": "Con chó của họ bỏ nhà ra đi.", "choice2": "Đồ trang sức đắt tiền đã bị mất khỏi nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thấy hơi thở của mình khi tôi thở ra.", "choice1": "Thời tiết se lạnh.", "choice2": "Ngực tôi cảm thấy căng cứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các nhân viên thành lập một công đoàn.", "choice1": "Họ muốn điều kiện làm việc tốt hơn.", "choice2": "Họ được tăng lương.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nướng một chiếc bánh táo.", "choice1": "Một mùi thối rữa tràn ngập bếp.", "choice2": "Một mùi thơm ấm áp tràn ngập nhà bếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ chật vật bước đi.", "choice1": "Cô đi giày cao gót.", "choice2": "Cô cởi giày ra.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hơi nước bốc lên từ nồi nước.", "choice1": "Nước sôi.", "choice2": "Tôi đậy nắp nồi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Toàn bộ tất của tôi đã ở trong máy giặt.", "choice1": "Tôi đi dép.", "choice2": "Tôi đi giày bốt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lập luận của chính trị gia được coi là vô lý.", "choice1": "Ông mất sự ủng hộ của cử tri.", "choice2": "Ông bị buộc tội tham nhũng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mọi người đều không ủng hộ cặp đôi đính hôn.", "choice1": "Hai vợ chồng có thai.", "choice2": "Hai vợ chồng chạy trốn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tòa nhà vinh danh vị triệu phú.", "choice1": "Vị triệu phú muốn tòa nhà bị phá hủy.", "choice2": "Vị triệu phú đã đóng góp kinh phí để xây dựng nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhân viên bán hàng buộc tội cô gái ăn cắp.", "choice1": "Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn thấy cô gái bỏ hàng hóa vào ví.", "choice2": "Nhân viên bán hàng đã giúp cô gái tìm được chiếc ví mình thích.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đất nước tuyên chiến với lãnh thổ láng giềng.", "choice1": "Những người lính được phái ra chiến đấu.", "choice2": "Những người lính được đoàn tụ với gia đình họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tòa án giữ nguyên phán quyết gây tranh cãi.", "choice1": "Một cuộc bạo loạn đã nổ ra trước tòa án.", "choice2": "Một cặp vợ chồng trao nhau lời thề trước tòa án.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái ngửi thấy mùi gì đó bốc cháy.", "choice1": "Cô lấy bánh quy ra khỏi bình.", "choice2": "Cô quên bánh quy trong lò nướng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mưa đã trút xuống.", "choice1": "Cơn bão trở nên tồi tệ hơn.", "choice2": "Tôi lao vào trong.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tòa nhà đã được sơ tán.", "choice1": "Thang máy ngừng hoạt động.", "choice2": "Chuông báo cháy reng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người cha buồn bực việc con trai nghiện rượu.", "choice1": "Người cha mua cho con trai một cốc bia.", "choice2": "Người cha đuổi con trai ra khỏi nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Luật sư đi cầu thang lên văn phòng của cô.", "choice1": "Thư ký đã về nhà.", "choice2": "Thang máy không hoạt động.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông trở nên khó chịu với bạn mình.", "choice1": "Bạn anh ngắt lời anh.", "choice2": "Bạn anh mua cho anh bữa trưa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái đưa tiền cho nhân viên thu ngân.", "choice1": "Nhân viên thu ngân thối tiền lẻ cho cô.", "choice2": "Nhân viên thu ngân quên đưa cho cô gái một biên lai.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ được đưa lên xe lăn.", "choice1": "Cô bị liệt trong một tai nạn.", "choice2": "Cô vào bệnh viện trong cáng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người dân treo cờ quốc gia bên ngoài nhà của họ.", "choice1": "Đất nước đang kỷ niệm độc lập.", "choice2": "Đất nước đã phải đối mặt với khó khăn kinh tế.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đội thua giải đấu.", "choice1": "Họ làm người hâm mộ thất vọng.", "choice2": "Họ truyền cảm hứng cho người hâm mộ của họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bạn tôi chỉ ra rằng tôi có thức ăn bị mắc kẹt trong răng.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy xấu hổ.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy tự hào.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé thất bại trong kỳ thi lịch sử.", "choice1": "Cậu rất tập trung trong lớp.", "choice2": "Cậu quên học bài.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tòa nhà trung tâm bị sập.", "choice1": "Một trận động đất ập đến thành phố.", "choice2": "Tỷ lệ tội phạm trong thành phố tăng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bạn gái của anh ấy đã chia tay với anh ta.", "choice1": "Anh cầu xin cô quay trở lại.", "choice2": "Cô giới thiệu anh với bố mẹ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hai đứa đồng loạt thò tay xuống lấy bóng.", "choice1": "Bóng lăn đi.", "choice2": "Đầu chúng va vào nhau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con gấu trúc lục lọi thùng rác.", "choice1": "Có thùng các tông trong thùng rác.", "choice2": "Cái nắp rơi ra khỏi thùng rác.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé gọt bút chì.", "choice1": "Nó rẻ tiền.", "choice2": "Thật là buồn tẻ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân từ chối hoàn tiền chiếc váy cho người phụ nữ.", "choice1": "Cô bị mất biên lai.", "choice2": "Chiếc váy không vừa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vết xước trên da tôi thật sâu.", "choice1": "Nó lành nhanh chóng.", "choice2": "Nó để lại một vết sẹo.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận được ánh mắt kỳ lạ từ hành khách trên tàu.", "choice1": "Anh đang nhìn chằm chằm xuống đất.", "choice2": "Anh đang nói chuyện với chính mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ để lại vụn bánh trên sàn nhà.", "choice1": "Kiến bò đến vụn bánh.", "choice2": "Đứa trẻ bỏ bánh mì đi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đưa khăn giấy cho em gái.", "choice1": "Em gái của cô ấy khoanh tay.", "choice2": "Em gái của cô ấy bắt đầu khóc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngậm bạc hà.", "choice1": "Môi anh nứt nẻ.", "choice2": "Anh lo bị hôi miệng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cặp đôi đi sớm xem biểu diễn.", "choice1": "Họ đoán giao thông ùn tắc xung quanh nhà hát.", "choice2": "Họ đã có chỉ đường đến nhà hát.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ở nhà.", "choice1": "Ông chủ của cô khen ngợi cô.", "choice2": "Đồng nghiệp của cô làm thay cho cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã ký tên lên thỉnh nguyện của các nhà hoạt động.", "choice1": "Ông ủng hộ mục đích của họ.", "choice2": "Ông tố cáo họ điên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tim của nam diễn viên đập mạnh trước màn biểu diễn.", "choice1": "Anh ấy sợ sân khấu.", "choice2": "Anh ghi nhớ lời thoại của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã thua.", "choice1": "Tôi đếm tiền mặt của tôi.", "choice2": "Tôi mở bản đồ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những quả chín đung đưa dưới nắng.", "choice1": "Nó đã bị ăn.", "choice2": "Nó co rúm lại.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc xe bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi bật lửa.", "choice2": "Động cơ quá nóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đau lưng.", "choice1": "Anh đi gặp bác sĩ tâm lý.", "choice2": "Anh nằm trên giường vài ngày.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi bắt đầu đốt lửa trong lò sưởi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã hết củi.", "choice2": "Trong nhà thật lạnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ ngừng chạy bộ.", "choice1": "Cô bị chuột rút ở bên.", "choice2": "Cô có năng lượng trở lại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gõ cửa nhà hàng xóm.", "choice1": "Hàng xóm của tôi mời tôi vào.", "choice2": "Hàng xóm của tôi rời khỏi nhà cô ấy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thở dài vì thất vọng.", "choice1": "Chồng cô hiểu lầm mối quan tâm của cô.", "choice2": "Chồng cô hôn tạm biệt cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giáo viên khen học sinh.", "choice1": "Học sinh trả lời đúng câu hỏi.", "choice2": "Học sinh ngập ngừng trả lời câu hỏi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ hết trứng.", "choice1": "Cô đi đến trang trại.", "choice2": "Cô đi siêu thị.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gặp một người bạn cũ.", "choice1": "Tôi tiết lộ một bí mật cho anh ta.", "choice2": "Tôi ôm anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tránh đi trong hồ.", "choice1": "Cô bắt được một con cá.", "choice2": "Trông nó thật ô nhiễm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh đến lớp ướt sũng.", "choice1": "Chiếc ô của anh bị hỏng.", "choice2": "Chiếc xe đạp của anh đã bị đánh cắp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con trỏ trên màn hình máy tính di chuyển.", "choice1": "Người dùng nhấp chuột.", "choice2": "Người dùng đã di chuyển chuột.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người lái xe đi đường vòng.", "choice1": "Một vụ tai nạn xảy ra trên đường chính.", "choice2": "Cô đi theo chiếc xe tải trước mặt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi treo tấm vải ướt lên dây phơi ngoài trời.", "choice1": "Vải khô.", "choice2": "Vải nhuộm màu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đeo kính râm.", "choice1": "Ánh sáng mặt trời chói lóa.", "choice2": "Cô gọi một chiếc taxi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhìn chằm chằm vào bầu trời đêm.", "choice1": "Anh ước đó là mùa hè.", "choice2": "Anh nghĩ nó thật đẹp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy kiệt sức.", "choice1": "Tôi đi ngủ sớm.", "choice2": "Tôi thức cả đêm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đi đến tiệm cắt tóc.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đang nuôi tóc.", "choice2": "Tóc anh ngày càng dài.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bắt nạt bạn mới.", "choice1": "Cậu chào đón người bạn mới.", "choice2": "Cậu không ưa người bạn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thèm một ly sữa.", "choice1": "Tôi đang ăn bánh quy.", "choice2": "Tôi đang nướng bánh mì.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trời bắt đầu mưa.", "choice1": "Tài xế bật đèn pha.", "choice2": "Tài xế lùi xe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bãi đậu xe của tòa nhà trống rỗng.", "choice1": "Tôi đậu xe bên kia đường.", "choice2": "Tôi đậu gần lối vào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhà văn đã bỏ lỡ thời hạn của cô cho bản dự thảo.", "choice1": "Cô ấy tịt ngòi.", "choice2": "Cô chỉnh sửa bản nháp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người cộng sự cúp máy.", "choice1": "Tôi yêu cầu nói chuyện với quản lí.", "choice2": "Tôi đã cung cấp số nhận dạng của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gió thổi qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Chuông cửa reo.", "choice2": "Rèm cửa rung rinh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tôi tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi rút phích cắm đèn.", "choice2": "Tôi rất tức giận.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Người cử tạ nghiến răng.", "choice1": "Anh uốn cong cơ bắp trong gương.", "choice2": "Anh nâng thanh xà trên đầu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh đã cố gắng tính nhẩm trong đầu.", "choice1": "Anh lấy ra một cái máy tính.", "choice2": "Anh bối rối.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa bé ngủ thiếp đi.", "choice1": "Người cha đã thay tã cho em bé.", "choice2": "Người cha nhẹ nhàng đá đứa bé.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái ném quả bóng nước vào cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cậu bé bị chấn động.", "choice2": "Cậu bé đã ướt sũng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Nhiếp ảnh gia quên sử dụng đèn flash trên máy ảnh.", "choice1": "Những bức ảnh trở nên mờ ảo.", "choice2": "Mọi người trong ảnh đều từ chối mỉm cười.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi từ chối lời mời đến bữa tiệc sinh nhật.", "choice1": "Tôi cô đơn.", "choice2": "Tôi không có nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi tập thể dục.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm thấy tràn đầy năng lượng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã hoảng sợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi bóp miếng bọt biển ẩm ướt.", "choice1": "Nó ngấm nước.", "choice2": "Nước thấm chảy ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người đi nghỉ đã đi phà đến khu nghỉ mát.", "choice1": "Khu nghỉ dưỡng đã được đặt trước.", "choice2": "Khu nghỉ mát nằm trên một hòn đảo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thiếu niên có một hình xăm.", "choice1": "Cô sợ kim tiêm.", "choice2": "Cô muốn nổi loạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một chiếc ô tô lạ đỗ bên ngoài nhà tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi trở nên nghi ngờ.", "choice2": "Tôi gọi cho cảnh sát.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tên tội phạm đầu thú.", "choice1": "Bằng chứng liên quan đến anh ta.", "choice2": "Không có bằng chứng chống lại anh ta.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nặng ký quyết định giảm cân.", "choice1": "Ông ấy cắt giảm đồ ngọt.", "choice2": "Anh tránh cafein.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái bước lên băng.", "choice1": "Cô trượt dài.", "choice2": "Cô rùng mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ có quầng thâm dưới mắt.", "choice1": "Cô thức cả đêm.", "choice2": "Cô đặt con trai lên giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dung nham chảy từ núi lửa.", "choice1": "Núi lửa phun trào.", "choice2": "Núi lửa không hoạt động.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi giày vào.", "choice1": "Cô biết tất cả mọi người trong bữa tiệc.", "choice2": "Cô muốn rời khỏi bữa tiệc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã trả tiền cho nhân viên thu phí.", "choice1": "Cô ấy cho tôi đi qua trạm thu phí.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã giam giữ tôi tại trạm thu phí.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vị giám đốc điều hành đã phá sản.", "choice1": "Ông đã bán cổ phiếu công ty của mình.", "choice2": "Ông phung phí tài sản của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã đi đến bác sĩ.", "choice1": "Bác sĩ được nghỉ phép.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông bị bệnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thoát ra khỏi phòng ngủ qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Ngôi nhà bị cháy.", "choice2": "Ngôi nhà trống rỗng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những ngón tay của cậu bé trở nên nhăm nhúm.", "choice1": "Cậu tắm lâu.", "choice2": "Cậu rửa tay bằng xà phòng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhổ sữa ra.", "choice1": "Sữa có vị chua.", "choice2": "Miệng tôi khô khốc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã lỡ xe buýt.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi làm sớm.", "choice2": "Tôi đi làm muộn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Xe tải va chạm với xe hơi.", "choice1": "Chiếc xe tải tăng tốc.", "choice2": "Chiếc xe hơi bị đập vỡ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhóm đã tổ chức cuộc thi theo hướng có lợi cho họ.", "choice1": "Họ đã thắng.", "choice2": "Họ bỏ cuộc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chai soda rít lên.", "choice1": "Tôi lật chai.", "choice2": "Tôi vặn nắp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bị nhốt ngoài nhà.", "choice1": "Cậu bò vào bằng đường cửa sổ.", "choice2": "Cậu trèo lên mái nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chuông cửa reo.", "choice1": "Vị khách gõ cửa.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ nhìn qua lỗ khóa ở cửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhuộm màu bộ đồ vest của mình.", "choice1": "Ông ấy đem nó đi giặt khô.", "choice2": "Ông ấy treo nó vào trong tủ quần áo của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái bóp ống kem đánh răng.", "choice1": "Kem đánh răng phun ra khỏi ống.", "choice2": "Cô gái nhổ kem đánh răng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những cái chết dân sự từ cuộc chiến tăng vọt.", "choice1": "Những người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình đã tổ chức một cuộc biểu tình.", "choice2": "Những người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình đã tổ chức một cuộc diễu hành.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái giật mạnh dải băng ra khỏi tóc.", "choice1": "Cô buộc dây ruy băng.", "choice2": "Dải băng trông trẻ con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ.", "choice1": "Ông già.", "choice2": "Ông trông trẻ hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một con gà con nổi lên từ quả trứng.", "choice1": "Trứng nở.", "choice2": "Tôi đập trứng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người tù chết đói.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã chết.", "choice2": "Anh chạy trốn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thăng bằng trên thang.", "choice1": "Anh leo lên thang.", "choice2": "Anh ngã khỏi thang.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ ợ.", "choice1": "Nó uống một ngụm soda.", "choice2": "Nó mở lon soda.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một làn gió lạnh luồn qua cửa sổ.", "choice1": "Tôi thư giãn.", "choice2": "Tôi rùng mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh nhận được học bổng để đi học đại học.", "choice1": "Các bạn cùng lớp tôn trọng cô.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đạt điểm cao.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái chọc quê cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cô sống kế nhà cậu.", "choice2": "Cô đã phải lòng cậu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người ăn xin đói khát đã trộm thức ăn.", "choice1": "Anh gây thương cảm.", "choice2": "Anh không có tiền.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gọi cho bạn tôi để trò chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi muốn sự riêng tư.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đưa tay về phía tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi bắt tay anh.", "choice2": "Tôi tát anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cúi xuống.", "choice1": "Pháo hoa được phóng lên không trung.", "choice2": "Chiếc dĩa nhựa bay vút lên đầu tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái cắn móng tay.", "choice1": "Cô lo lắng.", "choice2": "Cô ngạc nhiên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi lật trang lịch.", "choice1": "Tôi đánh dấu một cuộc hẹn trên lịch.", "choice2": "Đó là sự khởi đầu của một tháng mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chồng phát hiện ra rằng vợ mình đang ngoại tình.", "choice1": "Anh ta sa thải luật sư của mình.", "choice2": "Anh nộp đơn ly hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái đánh rơi quả bóng cao su.", "choice1": "Bóng nảy lên.", "choice2": "Bóng phát sáng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái mắc lỗi trong bài thi của mình.", "choice1": "Cô đoán câu trả lời.", "choice2": "Cô xóa câu trả lời của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chơi tấn công đối thủ của mình.", "choice1": "Đối thủ của anh bắt được đường chuyền.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của anh ta ngã xuống đất.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi hái cà chua từ cành của chúng.", "choice1": "Chúng đã chín.", "choice2": "Tôi tưới nước cho chúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông muốn hành động lãng mạn.", "choice1": "Anh gặp bạn gái cũ đi ăn trưa.", "choice2": "Anh mua sô cô la cho bạn gái.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thủy ngân trong nhiệt kế tăng.", "choice1": "Tôi đánh rơi nhiệt kế.", "choice2": "Thời tiết trở nên ấm hơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một cơn lốc xoáy đi qua thị trấn.", "choice1": "Mái của tòa án bị thổi bay.", "choice2": "Đường cao tốc trở nên băng giá.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh được dạy kèm.", "choice1": "Điểm số của anh được cải thiện.", "choice2": "Anh gian lận trong kì thi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái.", "choice1": "Tôi quỳ xuống đất.", "choice2": "Tôi quấn mình trong chăn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đánh bóng đá.", "choice1": "Nó trở nên trơn trượt.", "choice2": "Nó trở nên sáng bóng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thêm đường vào cà phê.", "choice1": "Cà phê có mùi nồng.", "choice2": "Cà phê có vị ngọt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông xáo trộn qua giấy tờ.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã cắt giấy.", "choice2": "Anh xé giấy tờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đập cái đinh bằng búa.", "choice1": "Chiếc đinh chìm vào gỗ.", "choice2": "Cái đinh trở nên rỉ sét.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con cá cắn câu.", "choice1": "Người ngư dân kéo con cá vào.", "choice2": "Người ngư dân đánh cá tiếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thiếu niên xấu hổ đi học.", "choice1": "Cô ấy nổi mụn.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã tháo niềng răng ra.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vẻ mặt tôi sáng lên.", "choice1": "Tôi nhận được tin tốt.", "choice2": "Tôi mất kiên nhẫn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi lau tay bằng khăn.", "choice1": "Khăn ướt.", "choice2": "Tay tôi ướt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thăng bằng trên ghế đẩu.", "choice1": "Chiếc ghế đung đưa bên dưới anh ta.", "choice2": "Anh đổ sơn lên ghế đẩu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các đồng đội đổ lỗi cho nhau.", "choice1": "Họ thua.", "choice2": "Huấn luyện viên của họ đã hủy bỏ buổi tập.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi xin tha thứ.", "choice1": "Tôi hối hận về lỗi lầm của mình.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đạt được mục tiêu của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ trở nên buồn chán với cuộc hẹn của mình.", "choice1": "Anh hỏi cô những câu hỏi về bản thân cô ấy.", "choice2": "Anh nói không ngừng về bản thân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái nở một nụ cười.", "choice1": "Má cô ửng đỏ.", "choice2": "Lúm đồng tiền của cô hiện rõ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tàu địch nổ tung.", "choice1": "Nó đi qua một cái mỏ.", "choice2": "Nó đi thuyền vào bến cảng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đâm thủng chân anh.", "choice1": "Anh bước vào một vũng nước.", "choice2": "Anh bước lên kính vỡ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các thám tử đã làm bẩn hiện trường vụ án để lấy dấu vân tay.", "choice1": "Họ đã phát hiện ra danh tính của kẻ giết người.", "choice2": "Họ tìm thấy vũ khí tại hiện trường vụ án.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giao thông tắc nghẽn trên đường cao tốc.", "choice1": "Tôi đi đường vòng.", "choice2": "Tôi yêu cầu đi nhờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nền kinh tế của quốc gia suy giảm.", "choice1": "Nhiều người mắc bệnh.", "choice2": "Nhiều người phải đối mặt với thất nghiệp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người bảo vệ tuýt còi bọn trẻ.", "choice1": "Chúng suýt chạy vào làn xe đang chạy.", "choice2": "Cô nhận ra chúng từ khu phố của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi tròn mắt nhìn bạn mình.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nói với tôi sự thật.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy đưa ra một nhận xét mỉa mai.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Xe hết xăng.", "choice1": "Tài xế bị mắc kẹt trên đường.", "choice2": "Tài xế cho một người đi nhờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi đẻ.", "choice1": "Đứa bé được sinh ra.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ bị ốm nghén.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc mũ của người đàn ông bị thổi bay.", "choice1": "Anh cởi mũ.", "choice2": "Bên ngoài trời có gió.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái tham dự bữa tiệc sinh nhật của bạn cùng lớp.", "choice1": "Cô nhận được lời mời.", "choice2": "Cô mua một món quà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Trán cậu bé nóng.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu đo nhiệt độ cho cậu.", "choice2": "Mẹ cậu đưa cậu đến công viên.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông xịt nước hoa.", "choice1": "Anh ấy muốn gây ấn tượng với buổi hẹn hò của mình.", "choice2": "Anh bôi gel lên tóc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Điện trong nhà tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi tìm đèn pin.", "choice2": "Tôi nhặt một cái xẻng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình nọ chuyển đến một ngôi nhà lớn hơn.", "choice1": "Người con trai tốt nghiệp cấp ba.", "choice2": "Người mẹ vừa sinh đôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vận động viên marathon giữ tốc độ chậm.", "choice1": "Cô muốn tiết kiệm năng lượng của mình.", "choice2": "Cô nhìn thấy vạch đích.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé đá máy bán hàng tự động.", "choice1": "Máy phun ra tiền thối.", "choice2": "Túi khoai tây chiên bị kẹt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chó của bạn tôi bị chết.", "choice1": "Tôi tròn mắt nhìn anh.", "choice2": "Tôi ôm anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thẻ tín dụng của doanh nhân đã bị từ chối.", "choice1": "Anh ấy đã viết một IOU.", "choice2": "Anh trả bằng tiền mặt.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông chửi thề.", "choice1": "Anh cắt móng tay.", "choice2": "Anh bị dập ngón chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông cảm thấy tự hào về anh trai mình.", "choice1": "Anh trai của anh ấy đã cãi nhau với bố mẹ.", "choice2": "Anh trai của anh ấy đã được nhận vào trường luật.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái muốn tìm hiểu về hệ mặt trời.", "choice1": "Cô đi đến thư viện.", "choice2": "Cô nhìn những vì sao.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các poster dán vào tường.", "choice1": "Tôi đặt tấm áp phích phía trên cánh cửa.", "choice2": "Tôi dán băng dính vào mặt sau của poster.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Khách hàng đã phê duyệt kế hoạch của kiến trúc sư.", "choice1": "Các kiến trúc sư xây dựng tòa nhà.", "choice2": "Kiến trúc sư đã điều chỉnh các kế hoạch.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đánh rơi thìa.", "choice1": "Tay anh run run.", "choice2": "Anh liếm cái muỗng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "CEO của công ty đã từ chức.", "choice1": "Hội đồng quản trị đã giải thể công ty.", "choice2": "Hội đồng quản trị tìm thấy người thay thế ông.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đến giảng đường muộn.", "choice1": "Tôi ngồi ở hàng ghế sau.", "choice2": "Tôi đến gần bục giảng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã ra tù.", "choice1": "Gia đình anh trả tiền bảo lãnh.", "choice2": "Anh ta tấn công một bạn tù.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cả gia đình mất hết đồ đạc.", "choice1": "Họ đã bán căn nhà.", "choice2": "Ngôi nhà của họ bốc cháy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi dẫm lên lon nhôm.", "choice1": "Chiếc lon được tái chế.", "choice2": "Chiếc lon bị nghiền nát.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái tham gia nhóm tranh luận.", "choice1": "Cô học cách sử dụng máy tính.", "choice2": "Cô học được kỹ năng giao tiếp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tâm trạng của tôi được cải thiện.", "choice1": "Tôi nghe nhạc.", "choice2": "Tôi rửa chén.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các tổ chức từ thiện đã hoàn thành mục tiêu quyên tiền.", "choice1": "Họ nuôi những người vô gia cư.", "choice2": "Họ đã tổ chức một cuộc đấu giá.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Tàu lượn siêu tốc lao xuống dốc cao.", "choice1": "Các hành khách cười khúc khích.", "choice2": "Các hành khách hét lên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi tức giận.", "choice1": "Tôi kiểm tra hộp thư khi rời khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Tôi đóng sầm cửa khi rời khỏi nhà.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông muốn ngắm mặt trời mọc.", "choice1": "Anh đi về phía bắc.", "choice2": "Anh dậy sớm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gấp tờ giấy lại.", "choice1": "Tôi tái chế giấy.", "choice2": "Giấy nhăn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đất nước vừa chịu đựng một thảm họa thiên nhiên.", "choice1": "Các nhà lãnh đạo của các quốc gia khác đã thành lập một liên minh.", "choice2": "Lãnh đạo các nước khác đã gửi cứu trợ khẩn cấp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quần áo của cậu bé đã ướt sũng.", "choice1": "Cậu trèo ra khỏi bể bơi.", "choice2": "Cậu ngã xuống bể.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh vội vàng hoàn thành cuốn sách.", "choice1": "Sắp đến hạn trả lại cho thư viện.", "choice2": "Anh mượn nó từ một người bạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tên tội phạm đã bị xử tử.", "choice1": "Anh ta bị tống vào tù.", "choice2": "Anh ta bị kết tội giết người.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ánh nắng chiếu vào phòng.", "choice1": "Tôi mở rèm cửa.", "choice2": "Tôi mở khóa cửa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi kéo tóc kẻ mạo danh.", "choice1": "Tóc giả của cô ta văng ra.", "choice2": "Cô ta hói đầu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Biên tập viên viết lại một câu trong bản thảo.", "choice1": "Ông thấy bản thảo thật hấp dẫn.", "choice2": "Ông nghĩ câu văn không rõ ràng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đã hủy tài khoản thẻ tín dụng của mình.", "choice1": "Cô nhận ra thẻ bị mất.", "choice2": "Cô nhận ra thẻ đã hết hạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông và người phụ nữ đã yêu nhau.", "choice1": "Họ học đại học.", "choice2": "Họ đã kết hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tiếng nhạc quá nhỏ để nghe thấy.", "choice1": "Tôi tăng âm lượng.", "choice2": "Tôi sáng tác bài hát của riêng tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tóc của cậu bé dựng lên.", "choice1": "Cô bé xoa xoa đầu cậu bé.", "choice2": "Cô bé giật nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con bọ bị nghiền nát.", "choice1": "Tôi tự xịt thuốc chống côn trùng.", "choice2": "Tôi dẫm lên con bọ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi mở mắt.", "choice1": "Tôi tỉnh dậy.", "choice2": "Tôi thư giãn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hàng xóm tôi mở nhạc ầm ĩ.", "choice1": "Tôi yêu cầu anh ta vặn nhỏ lại.", "choice2": "Tôi hỏi mượn đĩa CD từ anh ấy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình của người đàn ông sống trong nghèo khổ.", "choice1": "Anh ấy tiết kiệm với thu nhập của mình.", "choice2": "Anh ấy kiếm được ít hơn mức lương tối thiểu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học.", "choice1": "Anh tìm việc.", "choice2": "Anh theo đuổi một sở thích.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người họa sĩ trộn sơn vàng và sơn xanh.", "choice1": "Sơn văng khắp nơi.", "choice2": "Sơn chuyển sang màu xanh lá cây.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã thay đổi chủ đề của cuộc trò chuyện.", "choice1": "Tôi hết chuyện để nói.", "choice2": "Cuộc trò chuyện trở nên căng thẳng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Anh tôi được xuất viện.", "choice1": "Tôi đón anh về nhà.", "choice2": "Tôi thờ ơ với anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bức màn sân khấu được vén lên.", "choice1": "Cảnh mở đầu vở kịch bắt đầu.", "choice2": "Các diễn viên trong vở kịch đã rời khỏi sân khấu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con tin đầu hàng yêu cầu của kẻ bắt cóc.", "choice1": "Kẻ bắt cóc đe dọa làm hại con tin.", "choice2": "Kẻ bắt cóc đã tự thả con tin.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một tiếng ồn vang khắp sân khấu.", "choice1": "Nhạc sĩ gõ chân.", "choice2": "Nhạc sĩ đập trống.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bố mẹ vội chạy vào phòng ngủ của con.", "choice1": "Đứa trẻ tỉnh dậy gào thét từ một cơn ác mộng.", "choice2": "Đứa trẻ sợ hãi nhìn xuống gầm giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ ký hiệu.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bị sinh non.", "choice2": "Cô ấy bị điếc bẩm sinh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một đợt hạn hán xảy ra trong khu vực.", "choice1": "Nước trở nên ô nhiễm.", "choice2": "Các vụ mùa bị diệt vong.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con mèo đuổi theo con chim.", "choice1": "Con chim bay đi.", "choice2": "Con chim bắt được con sâu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái chuyển trường.", "choice1": "Trường học đóng cửa vào mùa hè.", "choice2": "Cô chuyển đến một thị trấn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chủ nhà máy từ chối tăng lương cho nhân viên.", "choice1": "Chủ sở hữu bổ nhiệm một người quản lý mới.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên đã đình công.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhà lãnh đạo đã chống lại những kẻ cực đoan trong nước mình.", "choice1": "Những kẻ cực đoan đã ảnh hưởng anh ta.", "choice2": "Những kẻ cực đoan ám sát anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đi chân trần trên bãi biển.", "choice1": "Cát dính vào chân tôi.", "choice2": "Sóng vỗ dọc bờ biển.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thức dậy giữa đêm vì cảm thấy lạnh.", "choice1": "Tôi mặc thêm quần bó sát.", "choice2": "Tôi uống một ly nước.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người mẹ ôm con trai.", "choice1": "Con trai cô nhếch mép.", "choice2": "Con trai cô rên rỉ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một lỗ thủng xé toạc quần jean của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi kéo khóa quần jean lên.", "choice2": "Tôi vấp trên vỉa hè.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé đeo niềng răng.", "choice1": "Cậu có một lỗ sâu răng.", "choice2": "Răng cậu trở nên thẳng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi tập thể dục tại phòng gym ngày hôm qua.", "choice1": "Hôm nay tôi thức dậy với cơ bắp đau nhức.", "choice2": "Hôm nay tôi thức dậy với một cơn đau họng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các cô gái thì thầm qua lại với nhau ở bàn ăn trưa.", "choice1": "Những học sinh khác ngồi xuống bàn ăn trưa.", "choice2": "Các sinh viên khác ở bàn ăn trưa cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ đáp xuống tấm bạt lò xo.", "choice1": "Nó bật ngược lên không trung.", "choice2": "Nó quyết định thử làm một cú lật.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gửi thư trong hộp thư.", "choice1": "Bưu điện chuyển thư.", "choice2": "Bưu điện xúc tiến bức thư.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con bạc rất tự tin.", "choice1": "Anh ta đặt cược tất cả tiền của mình.", "choice2": "Anh về nhà rỗng túi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lửa rừng lan rộng.", "choice1": "Những cơn gió trở nên mạnh hơn.", "choice2": "Những kẻ chủ mưu đã bị bắt giữ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ bị tróc da đầu gối.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu đuổi cậu về phòng.", "choice2": "Mẹ cậu băng bó vết thương.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông sống sót sau căn bệnh hiểm nghèo.", "choice1": "Ông ấy đã ký di chúc.", "choice2": "Ông được ghép tạng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhấp một ngụm cà phê nóng.", "choice1": "Tôi cắn phải lưỡi.", "choice2": "Tôi bị bỏng lưỡi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Biên tập viên sa thải nhà văn.", "choice1": "Nhà văn tránh có sự thiên vị trong những câu chuyện của cô.", "choice2": "Nhà văn đã bỏ lỡ một thời hạn quan trọng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy kiệt sức.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ngủ cả ngày.", "choice2": "Tôi học cả ngày.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh nhân.", "choice1": "Cô đã xác định các triệu chứng của bệnh nhân.", "choice2": "Cô kê thuốc cho bệnh nhân.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gãi da.", "choice1": "Nó ướt mồ hôi.", "choice2": "Nó ngứa.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã trải qua ca phẫu thuật khẩn cấp.", "choice1": "Anh mất bình tĩnh.", "choice2": "Anh bị đau tim.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cơ bắp cánh tay của người đàn ông phồng lên.", "choice1": "Anh khoanh tay.", "choice2": "Anh xoa tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhướng mày.", "choice1": "Anh ấy ngạc nhiên.", "choice2": "Anh cảm thấy nản lòng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi xin lỗi thay cho sự ngớ ngẩn của đồng nghiệp của tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi tin rằng anh ấy có ý tốt.", "choice2": "Tôi nghĩ anh ấy đã có thể suy nghĩ tốt hơn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bỏ thuốc lá.", "choice1": "Anh bắt đầu tập thể dục nhiều hơn.", "choice2": "Anh bắt đầu thức dậy sớm hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đấm vào mũi kẻ tấn công.", "choice1": "Cơ thể của kẻ tấn công trở nên vô hồn.", "choice2": "Kẻ tấn công bắt đầu chảy máu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Phi tiêu đã bỏ lỡ mục tiêu.", "choice1": "Tầm ngắm của người đàn ông không chính xác.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông đã thua cuộc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chủ nhà yêu cầu một người diệt mối đến nhà anh ta.", "choice1": "Anh phát hiện ra chuột trong tầng hầm.", "choice2": "Anh ta giữ một trang trại kiến trong phòng của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đề nghị với khách đi ra ngoài ăn tối.", "choice1": "Tôi đã quá mệt mỏi để chuẩn bị bất cứ điều gì.", "choice2": "Khách của tôi ở quá lâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái bắt gặp anh trai đang đọc nhật ký của mình.", "choice1": "Cô bắt đầu giấu cuốn nhật ký.", "choice2": "Cô ấy có một cuốn nhật ký mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thiếu tiền thuê nhà.", "choice1": "Cô làm thêm giờ.", "choice2": "Cô nghỉ việc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bàn tay đứa trẻ nhanh chóng thu lại.", "choice1": "Nó chạm vào bếp nóng.", "choice2": "Nó vỗ đầu con chó con.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Công ty muốn đánh giá sự hài lòng của khách hàng.", "choice1": "Họ giảm giá cho khách hàng mới.", "choice2": "Họ đã tiến hành một cuộc khảo sát khách hàng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sàn gỗ bị trầy xước.", "choice1": "Cậu bé ném đệm ra khỏi đi văng.", "choice2": "Cậu bé kéo một chiếc ghế trên sàn nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi che mặt lại.", "choice1": "Kẻ thù chế nhạo tôi.", "choice2": "Kẻ thù vung nắm đấm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bức tượng nổi tiếng bị thiêu rụi.", "choice1": "Nó bị sét đánh.", "choice2": "Mọi người đến để tôn kính nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi để trái cây trên bàn.", "choice1": "Quả rụng hạt.", "choice2": "Ruồi tràn ngập trái cây.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nữ diễn viên ba lê bị xé dây chằng.", "choice1": "Cô nhón chân.", "choice2": "Cô vặn cổ chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Dây giày của đứa bé bị tuột.", "choice1": "Nó học cách buộc chúng.", "choice2": "Nó chạy quanh sân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi bị cuốn hút vào cuốn sách.", "choice1": "Tôi trả lại cuốn sách.", "choice2": "Tôi quên cả thời gian.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chàng trai có những niềm tin tương tự như cha mẹ mình.", "choice1": "Cha mẹ anh ảnh hưởng đến anh.", "choice2": "Cha mẹ anh từ mặt anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc xe dần dần dừng lại.", "choice1": "Nó hết xăng.", "choice2": "Người lái xe ngủ thiếp đi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ăn kem dưới ánh mặt trời.", "choice1": "Kem mất hương vị của nó.", "choice2": "Kem chảy ra từ que.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi treo tác phẩm nghệ thuật trong phòng.", "choice1": "Tấm thảm trông bẩn thỉu.", "choice2": "Những bức tường trông trống trải.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi về nhà sớm.", "choice1": "Tôi bị nhức đầu.", "choice2": "Ông chủ của tôi đã tổ chức một cuộc họp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chó con làm bẩn thảm.", "choice1": "Người chủ mắng con chó.", "choice2": "Người chủ cho con chó một món quà.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã xin lỗi bạn tôi.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi đã tha thứ cho tôi.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi trở nên tức giận.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nổi bật trong đám đông.", "choice1": "Anh mang ba lô.", "choice2": "Anh mặc vest neon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhân chứng nói dối mặc dù đã tuyên thệ.", "choice1": "Anh ta đã hoàn thành lời khai của mình.", "choice2": "Anh ta bị buộc tội khai man.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nhuộm tóc.", "choice1": "Cô muốn một cái nhìn mới.", "choice2": "Cô muốn hòa nhập.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người nhập cư bị bắt gặp cư trú bất hợp pháp trong nước.", "choice1": "Họ tìm được việc làm.", "choice2": "Họ đã bị trục xuất.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Diễn giả nói đùa.", "choice1": "Khán giả bật cười.", "choice2": "Khán giả đứng dậy.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhìn vào mặt trời.", "choice1": "Mặt trời làm tôi mờ mắt.", "choice2": "Mặt trời làm rám nắng da tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cảm thấy buồn chán.", "choice1": "Tôi khịt mũi.", "choice2": "Tôi ngáp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Miếng bít tết rất khó cắt.", "choice1": "Con dao cùn.", "choice2": "Bít tết chưa chín.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tuyên bố phá sản.", "choice1": "Cô đã nhận được tiền cấp dưỡng.", "choice2": "Cô có một khoản nợ lớn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đèn trong căn hộ của bạn tôi bật sáng.", "choice1": "Tôi tự hỏi có phải anh ấy đã ra ngoài không.", "choice2": "Tôi quyết định ghé thăm anh một chuyến.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đặt bông hoa dưới mũi mình.", "choice1": "Những cánh hoa rơi ra hoa.", "choice2": "Tôi ngửi thấy mùi hương của hoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ cảm thấy nhớ nhung quá khứ.", "choice1": "Cô gặp một người bạn thời thơ ấu.", "choice2": "Cô mắng con.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh chần chừ không viết bài.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy nộp bài sớm.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy nộp bài không hoàn chỉnh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Xe tôi bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi đến trung tâm mua sắm.", "choice2": "Tôi gọi thợ sửa máy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã bỏ tờ ghi chú.", "choice1": "Nó ẩn danh.", "choice2": "Nó không đọc được.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chim vỗ cánh.", "choice1": "Nó đẻ trứng.", "choice2": "Nó bay lên cao.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đỗ xe ở lối đi.", "choice1": "Nhà để xe đã mở.", "choice2": "Nhà xe đã đầy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tên tội phạm nhắm súng vào nạn nhân của mình.", "choice1": "Tên tội phạm đặt súng xuống.", "choice2": "Nạn nhân đưa tay lên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi mong đến cuối tuần.", "choice1": "Tôi dự định tham dự đám tang của chú tôi.", "choice2": "Tôi dự định tham dự đám cưới của bạn tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi quên cả thời gian.", "choice1": "Tôi đã mơ mộng.", "choice2": "Tôi buồn nôn.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các tài liệu in ra không đọc được.", "choice1": "Máy in bị hết mực.", "choice2": "Máy in đã hết giấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Sân vận động đã mở nhạc quốc ca.", "choice1": "Các cổ động viên chào cờ.", "choice2": "Các cổ động viên đổ xô ra sân.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các món nếm nhạt nhẽo.", "choice1": "Tôi dọn nó ra.", "choice2": "Tôi bỏ muối vào đó.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đặt khăn giấy lên chỗ đổ.", "choice1": "Khăn giấy hấp thụ chất lỏng.", "choice2": "Chỗ đổ nước còn dính.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị quấy rầy trong lúc đang đọc sách.", "choice1": "Cô đánh dấu trang của mình.", "choice2": "Cô đọc lại cuốn sách.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Máy bay gặp một số nhiễu loạn.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông thắt dây an toàn.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông nhìn ra cửa sổ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé nhăn mặt.", "choice1": "Cô bé bỏ mặc cậu.", "choice2": "Cô bé chọt cậu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các bác sĩ đã cho bệnh nhân lắp một cái xương sườn giả.", "choice1": "Họ cắt cụt chân cô.", "choice2": "Họ theo dõi sức sống của cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé véo khuỷu tay cô bé.", "choice1": "Cô nhún vai nhìn anh.", "choice2": "Cô hất tay ra khỏi anh.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nhờ bạn tôi tư vấn.", "choice1": "Tôi coi trọng ý kiến của anh ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi biết tôi đã đúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bước xuống bùn.", "choice1": "Bùn dính vào giày cậu.", "choice2": "Bùn đập vào mặt cậu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tuyết phủ dày vài inch trong thị trấn.", "choice1": "Các trường học đóng cửa.", "choice2": "Người dân trốn dưới lòng đất.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ca trực của nhân viên đã kết thúc.", "choice1": "Anh về nhà.", "choice2": "Anh dọa bỏ việc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cây làm hư nhà.", "choice1": "Cây ngã xuống mái nhà.", "choice2": "Cây che bóng sân sau.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gỗ tách làm đôi.", "choice1": "Tôi xếp gỗ trong lò sưởi.", "choice2": "Tôi vung rìu xuống gỗ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình chúc mừng cặp đôi.", "choice1": "Cặp đôi tuyên bố họ đang ly thân.", "choice2": "Cặp đôi tuyên bố họ sắp có con.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô bé gửi cho cậu bé một lá thư valentine.", "choice1": "Cô thích cậu.", "choice2": "Cô đã hôn cậu ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi gật đầu trước tuyên bố của bạn tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã nhầm lẫn.", "choice2": "Tôi đồng ý với anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhóm bạn tung đồng xu.", "choice1": "Họ muốn tìm được sự thỏa hiệp.", "choice2": "Họ muốn đưa ra một quyết định công bằng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đồng hồ bấm giờ trong bếp reng.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông dỡ đồ tạp hóa vào tủ lạnh.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông lấy pizza ra khỏi lò.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đặt mục tiêu đầy tham vọng.", "choice1": "Cô làm biếng.", "choice2": "Cô ấy làm việc chăm chỉ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông giàu có chết vì già.", "choice1": "Con trai ông ta gặp rắc rối về pháp lý.", "choice2": "Con trai ông được thừa hưởng gia tài.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ dẫm lên ngọn lửa.", "choice1": "Ngọn lửa đã tắt.", "choice2": "Khói bốc lên từ ngọn lửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Xe của người phụ nữ đã ở trong cửa hàng.", "choice1": "Bằng lái xe của cô đã bị thu hồi.", "choice2": "Cô gặp tai nạn xe hơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi ngủ quên.", "choice1": "Tôi làm bữa sáng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã bỏ bữa sáng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người nổi tiếng bước ra khỏi xe limousine.", "choice1": "Các máy ảnh lóe lên về phía anh.", "choice2": "Gia đình anh tham dự buổi họp báo.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nán lại trong bồn tắm.", "choice1": "Nước tắm trở nên bớt ấm.", "choice2": "Nước tắm chảy ra khỏi bồn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu sinh viên muốn gặp các sinh viên khác trong trường.", "choice1": "Cậu tham gia một hội anh em.", "choice2": "Cậu học chuyên ngành kỹ sư.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi lật đệm ghế lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đang tìm tiền lẻ.", "choice2": "Tôi đang sắp xếp lại phòng khách.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con ong bay về phía cậu bé.", "choice1": "Cậu bé bỏ chạy.", "choice2": "Cậu bé hái một bông hoa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị kết tội nhẹ.", "choice1": "Cô bị kết án lao động công ích.", "choice2": "Cô đã bị xử bắn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi khuấy đường vào trà nóng.", "choice1": "Trà nóng.", "choice2": "Đường tan.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người cựu binh bước đi khập khiễng.", "choice1": "Ông ấy chuẩn bị nhập ngũ.", "choice2": "Ông ấy bị thương trong trận chiến.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tên tội phạm bỏ chạy khỏi cảnh sát.", "choice1": "Cảnh sát chăm sóc nạn nhân.", "choice2": "Cảnh sát đuổi theo tên tội phạm.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Máy tính xách tay không bật lên được.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đánh rơi nó.", "choice2": "Tôi đã sạc pin nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ không còn chỗ trong tủ quần áo của mình.", "choice1": "Cô có nhiều quần áo.", "choice2": "Cô gấp quần áo của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông rất đau lòng.", "choice1": "Vợ anh sinh con.", "choice2": "Vợ anh bỏ anh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã hoàn thành bằng cấp.", "choice1": "Anh ta có đủ điều kiện cho công việc anh ta muốn.", "choice2": "Lời đề nghị công việc của anh đã bị hủy bỏ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giọng nói của người đàn ông vang vọng khắp khán phòng.", "choice1": "Ông chào khán giả.", "choice2": "Ông nói vào micro.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi ném một đồng xu vào vòi nước.", "choice1": "Đồng xu chìm xuống đáy.", "choice2": "Đồng xu đã vỡ làm đôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chơi đánh bóng về phía lỗ.", "choice1": "Bóng đi vào lỗ.", "choice2": "Bóng bay ngược về phía cầu thủ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi hít bụi trong căn gác.", "choice1": "Tôi nấc cụt.", "choice2": "Tôi hắt xì.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhân viên thu ngân gọi bảo vệ.", "choice1": "Khách hàng đã sử dụng tiền giả.", "choice2": "Khách hàng bật đèn pha lên.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đem rác đi đổ.", "choice1": "Rác làm nhà bếp bốc mùi khó chịu.", "choice2": "Tôi vô tình vứt mất danh sách mua sắm của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình đã đi đến sở thú.", "choice1": "Bọn trẻ ngưỡng mộ những con vật.", "choice2": "Bọn trẻ đuổi theo những con vật.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hơi thở của người đàn ông rất to.", "choice1": "Thận của anh ta không còn hoạt động.", "choice2": "Phổi anh ta bị tắc nghẽn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi có thêm một vé cho buổi hòa nhạc.", "choice1": "Tôi hỏi bạn tôi đường đến địa điểm.", "choice2": "Tôi hỏi bạn tôi rằng anh ta có thích đi cùng không.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Máy điều hòa trong nhà bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi mang chăn ra.", "choice2": "Tôi mở cửa sổ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bị đau lưng.", "choice1": "Ba lô của cậu mở.", "choice2": "Ba lô của cậu nặng trĩu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã mua cho mẹ tôi một món quà.", "choice1": "Tôi nướng cho bà ấy một cái bánh.", "choice2": "Đó là sinh nhật của bà ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hoa thủy tiên trong vườn bị phá hủy.", "choice1": "Một con ong chích người làm vườn.", "choice2": "Những con sóc đào xới những luống đất.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi quẹt diêm.", "choice1": "Ngọn lửa tắt dần.", "choice2": "Que diêm tạo ra lửa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các bên tranh chấp đã đạt được thoả thuận.", "choice1": "Họ không muốn tranh luận trước tòa.", "choice2": "Họ muốn cứu vãn mối quan hệ cá nhân của họ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những đứa trẻ được gửi đến một trại trẻ mồ côi.", "choice1": "Cha mẹ của chúng đã chết.", "choice2": "Cha mẹ chúng chiều chuộng chúng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Một thiên thạch rơi xuống đại dương.", "choice1": "Một cơn sóng thần đã xảy ra.", "choice2": "Nó bắt đầu mưa đá.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người leo núi gặp một con rắn độc.", "choice1": "Cô trở nên mất nước.", "choice2": "Cô hốt hoảng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lò nướng trở nên nóng.", "choice1": "Tôi bật lò nướng.", "choice2": "Tôi cho món ăn vào lò nướng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi vắt chanh.", "choice1": "Chanh bị mốc.", "choice2": "Chanh phụt nước ra.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quốc gia này phát hiện ra vùng đất mới.", "choice1": "Quốc gia bỏ mặc vùng đất.", "choice2": "Quốc gia biến vùng đất thành thuộc địa.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc ly lật khỏi bàn.", "choice1": "Nó vỡ tan khắp sàn nhà.", "choice2": "Nó đáp xuống một đống đồ giặt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cái bàn chao đảo.", "choice1": "Sàn nhà không bằng phẳng.", "choice2": "Sàn nhà trơn trượt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người cha bắt con trai nói dối.", "choice1": "Con trai thú nhận sự thật.", "choice2": "Người cha tin tưởng con trai mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đầu người đàn ông đau nhói.", "choice1": "Anh uống siro ho.", "choice2": "Anh uống aspirin.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tàu chạy chậm lại.", "choice1": "Nó đang đến gần nhà ga.", "choice2": "Nó bị chậm so với lịch trình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã trải qua trị liệu.", "choice1": "Bệnh tâm thần di truyền trong gia đình anh.", "choice2": "Anh bị chẩn đoán mắc bệnh trầm cảm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ nắm chặt cổ họng.", "choice1": "Cô nuốt thức ăn.", "choice2": "Cô nghẹn thức ăn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị đau họng.", "choice1": "Giọng cô khàn khàn.", "choice2": "Cô nói với giọng điệu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chó nhìn miếng bít tết ngon ngọt trên bàn.", "choice1": "Nó chảy nước dãi.", "choice2": "Nó nằm xuống.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Công việc kinh doanh của người phụ nữ đã thành công.", "choice1": "Cô sa thải nhân viên của mình.", "choice2": "Cô trở nên giàu có.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các sinh viên rời khỏi lớp học.", "choice1": "Chuông reo.", "choice2": "Giáo viên giao bài tập về nhà.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ tuyên bố cô nhìn thấy một con ma.", "choice1": "Những người quen của cô bày tỏ sự hoài nghi.", "choice2": "Những người quen của cô liên quan đến cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất thính giác.", "choice1": "Ông suýt chết đuối.", "choice2": "Ông suýt bị giết trong một vụ nổ.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ buông dây bóng bay.", "choice1": "Bong bóng xì hơi.", "choice2": "Bong bóng bay lên không trung.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất khả năng nói.", "choice1": "Ông bị đột quỵ.", "choice2": "Ông hít một hơi thật sâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ vấp ngã trên vỉa hè.", "choice1": "Có một vết nứt trong xi măng.", "choice2": "Cô nghe thấy ai gọi tên mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn nhảy canon vào hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Nhân viên cứu hộ nhảy vào sau anh ta.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông làm ướt viên cứu hộ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã uống thuốc kháng sinh.", "choice1": "Nhiễm trùng hết hẳn.", "choice2": "Nhiễm trùng lây lan.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đèn giao thông chuyển sang màu vàng.", "choice1": "Tài xế nhấn phanh.", "choice2": "Người lái xe bấm còi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hộp đựng nhựa tan chảy.", "choice1": "Tôi ngâm hộp đựnh trong nước ấm.", "choice2": "Tôi đặt hộp đựng lên bếp nóng.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc xe bị móp méo.", "choice1": "Tài xế đâm vào cột điện thoại.", "choice2": "Tài xế vượt đèn đỏ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé học cả đêm.", "choice1": "Cậu không làm bài kiểm tra.", "choice2": "Cậu thi đỗ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé trẻ bám vào gờ của hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Cậu sợ học bơi.", "choice2": "Nhân viên cứu hộ đang làm nhiệm vụ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đưa tay lên ngực.", "choice1": "Tôi cảm nhận nhịp tim của tôi.", "choice2": "Nhịp tim của tôi tăng tốc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tòa nhà liền kề văn phòng của tôi đang được xây dựng.", "choice1": "Văn phòng tôi rất đông.", "choice2": "Văn phòng tôi trở nên ồn ào.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Gia đình muốn làm quen với hàng xóm mới của họ.", "choice1": "Gia đình mời hàng xóm qua ăn tối.", "choice2": "Gia đình vẫy tay chào hàng xóm từ sân của họ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nước văng lên từ hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Người bơi nhảy xuống hồ bơi.", "choice2": "Người bơi nổi trong hồ bơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi cắn một lát dưa hấu.", "choice1": "Tôi vô tình nuốt hạt dưa.", "choice2": "Tôi vô tình sứt mẻ răng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé vấp ngã.", "choice1": "Áo khoác của cậu không kéo khoá.", "choice2": "Dây giày của cậu không buộc chặt.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đeo bông nhét tai.", "choice1": "Cô bị phân tâm bởi tiếng ồn.", "choice2": "Cô ấy vừa bấm lỗ tai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đổ nước đầy chai.", "choice1": "Tôi đã uống hết nước trong đó.", "choice2": "Tôi giữ nó trong tủ lạnh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chương trình truyền hình bị kiểm duyệt.", "choice1": "Nó chứa ngôn ngữ thô tục.", "choice2": "Nó có một cốt truyện phức tạp.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con tàu đắm.", "choice1": "Tất cả các nhân viên chết đuối.", "choice2": "Các nhân viên gặp phải cướp biển.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé cảm thấy bối rối bởi câu đố.", "choice1": "Cậu giải được câu đố.", "choice2": "Cậu yêu cầu một gợi ý.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Điện thoại reo.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông cúp điện thoại.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông nhấc máy.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đang nhìn chằm chằm vào tôi.", "choice1": "Tôi đã ôm cô ấy.", "choice2": "Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cả nhóm rời khỏi bảo tàng.", "choice1": "Họ chụp ảnh các tác phẩm triển lãm.", "choice2": "Họ đã xem tất cả các tác phẩm triển lãm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bắt đầu một cuộc cãi vã với tôi.", "choice1": "Bạn tôi giới thiệu tôi với người đàn ông.", "choice2": "Bạn tôi bảo vệ tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lốp xe đạp của tôi bị xẹp.", "choice1": "Tôi bơm không khí vào lốp xe.", "choice2": "Tôi tăng ga trên xe.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái trông tái nhợt.", "choice1": "Cha cô đọc cho cô nghe một câu chuyện.", "choice2": "Cha cô sờ trán cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bút hết mực.", "choice1": "Tôi sử dụng bút chì.", "choice2": "Tôi ký tên tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bị từ chối cho vay.", "choice1": "Anh ta đang mắc nợ.", "choice2": "Anh ta bắt đầu kinh doanh.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái nghỉ học ở nhà.", "choice1": "Cô bị thủy đậu.", "choice2": "Cô rất thích học toán.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Túi rác đã đầy.", "choice1": "Tôi đem nó đến bãi rác.", "choice2": "Tôi đổ nó xuống bồn rửa chén.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi hút bụi thảm.", "choice1": "Bạn cùng phòng của tôi làm đổ đồ uống.", "choice2": "Con chó của tôi rụng lông.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mất bình tĩnh.", "choice1": "Anh tắt máy tính.", "choice2": "Anh ném ghế qua phòng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái ném một cành cây vào lửa trại.", "choice1": "Cành cây bị đốt cháy.", "choice2": "Ngọn lửa đã tắt.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ra khỏi phòng tắm.", "choice1": "Nước nóng đã hết.", "choice2": "Anh ta không tm thấy khăn tắm.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bố mẹ muốn con đi học đại học.", "choice1": "Họ dành một quỹ tiết kiệm cho học phí.", "choice2": "Họ khuyến khích con cái họ chơi bên ngoài.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông cởi giày ra.", "choice1": "Đôi giày nới lỏng.", "choice2": "Đôi giày bị mòn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông chỉ ăn một nửa món khai vị.", "choice1": "Anh để tủ lạnh thức ăn thừa.", "choice2": "Anh lưu công thức nấu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mắt cá chân của tôi bị sưng.", "choice1": "Tôi chườm đá.", "choice2": "Tôi xoa kem dưỡng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cửa văn phòng của tôi mở.", "choice1": "Tôi nói chuyện với đồng nghiệp của tôi tại bàn.", "choice2": "Tôi tình cờ nghe được cuộc trò chuyện trong hội trường.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã phải chờ xếp hàng.", "choice1": "Tôi ngồi xuống.", "choice2": "Tôi đọc lướt qua một tạp chí.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đập ruồi.", "choice1": "Con ruồi bay đi.", "choice2": "Con ruồi vẫn đứng yên.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã viết di chúc.", "choice1": "Ông ấy sắp chết.", "choice2": "Ông ấy là một người góa vợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Vận động viên chạy cảm nhận được đối thủ đang bám sát.", "choice1": "Anh bỏ cuộc đua.", "choice2": "Anh tăng tốc.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã suy nghĩ cẩn thận về vấn đề này.", "choice1": "Tôi xin lời khuyên.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đưa ra một giải pháp.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Lữ khách đi trên cây cầu treo bấp bênh.", "choice1": "Anh cảm thấy sợ hãi.", "choice2": "Anh cảm thấy ngây ngất.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông dự đoán chiến thắng của đội.", "choice1": "Anh ấy gặp bạn bè để xem trận đấu.", "choice2": "Anh ấy đã đặt cược với bạn bè của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé không ngủ được.", "choice1": "Cậu đặt đồng hồ báo thức.", "choice2": "Cậu đếm cừu.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/vi/val.vi.jsonl b/data/vi/val.vi.jsonl
index 9b879f9..237a41d 100644
--- a/data/vi/val.vi.jsonl
+++ b/data/vi/val.vi.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông bật vòi nước.", "choice1": "Nhà vệ sinh đầy nước.", "choice2": "Nước chảy ra từ vòi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái tìm thấy con bọ trong ngũ cốc của mình.", "choice1": "Cô đổ sữa vào bát.", "choice2": "Cô mất cảm giác ngon miệng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đã nghỉ hưu.", "choice1": "Cô ấy nhận lương hưu.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã trả hết nợ thế chấp của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi muốn tiết kiệm năng lượng.", "choice1": "Tôi quét sàn trong căn phòng trống.", "choice2": "Tôi tắt đèn trong căn phòng trống.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thịt hamburger chuyển màu nâu.", "choice1": "Đầu bếp đông lạnh nó.", "choice2": "Đầu bếp nướng nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi nghi ngờ thông tin chào mời của người bán hàng.", "choice1": "Tôi từ chối lời đề nghị của anh ấy.", "choice2": "Anh ấy thuyết phục tôi mua sản phẩm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi quyết định ở nhà tối nay.", "choice1": "Dự báo thời tiết có bão.", "choice2": "Bạn bè tôi rủ tôi ra ngoài chơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mắt tôi đỏ hoe.", "choice1": "Tôi đã khóc nức nở.", "choice2": "Tôi đã cười.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Ngọn lửa trên ngọn nến đã tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi thổi vào bấc.", "choice2": "Tôi đặt một que diêm cho bấc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông uống rất nhiều trong bữa tiệc.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bị đau đầu vào ngày hôm sau.", "choice2": "Anh ấy bị sổ mũi vào ngày hôm sau.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Quả bóng bowling làm ngã hết cái trụ bowling.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông lăn quả bóng bowling xuống đường băng.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông thả quả bóng bowling xuống chân mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mọi người đã biết về cái chết của người đàn ông.", "choice1": "Gia đình ông ta chôn cất ở nghĩa trang.", "choice2": "Cáo phó của ông ấy xuất hiện trên báo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Máy tính của tôi bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi đã cài đặt loa mới.", "choice2": "Tôi đã mất tất cả dữ liệu của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ xin nghỉ việc.", "choice1": "Cô ấy khao khát được giữ một vị trí điều hành trong công ty.", "choice2": "Cô ấy tin rằng cấp trên của mình đang hành động phi đạo đức.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người chơi đã bắt được bóng.", "choice1": "Đồng đội của cô ấy đã ném cho cô.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của cô ấy đã cố gắng chặn nó lại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Thẩm phán đập búa.", "choice1": "Phòng xử án nhốn nháo.", "choice2": "Bồi thẩm đoàn tuyên bố phán quyết của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đuổi bọn trẻ ra khỏi nhà mình.", "choice1": "Bọn trẻ đánh một quả bóng vào sân của cô ấy.", "choice2": "Những đứa trẻ giẫm đạp qua khu vườn của cô ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bọn bắt cóc đã thả con tin.", "choice1": "Họ chấp nhận tiền chuộc.", "choice2": "Họ trốn thoát khỏi nhà tù.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đầu bếp chảy nước mắt.", "choice1": "Ông ấy hết hành.", "choice2": "Ông ấy cắt một củ hành.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ rửa tay dưới nước lạnh.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bị phỏng ngón tay trên lò nướng bánh.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đeo nhẫn kim cương vào ngón tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh viết sai chính tả.", "choice1": "Cô giáo sửa lỗi.", "choice2": "Cô giáo làm lơ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi lấy lại bình tĩnh từ cơn giận của mình.", "choice1": "Tim tôi đập thình thịch.", "choice2": "Tôi hít thở thật sâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Tôi đưa tay dưới vòi nước đang chảy.", "choice1": "Xà phòng rửa sạch tay tôi.", "choice2": "Nước bắn vào mặt tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông mặc bộ đồ đẹp nhất của mình.", "choice1": "Ông đã lên lịch họp với một khách hàng quan trọng.", "choice2": "Vợ ông ấy mua cho ông ấy một chiếc cà vạt mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông tỏ tình với người phụ nữ.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ từ chối anh ấy.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ ghen tị với anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tài xế bị thủng lốp.", "choice1": "Anh ta vượt quá giới hạn tốc độ.", "choice2": "Anh chạy phải đinh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tầm nhìn màn hình của tôi bị chặn.", "choice1": "Cặp đôi phía sau tôi thì thầm.", "choice2": "Một người cao lớn ngồi trước mặt tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tài xế bật đèn pha của xe.", "choice1": "Anh ta nghe sấm sét.", "choice2": "Mặt trời đã lặn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bé gái không chịu ăn rau.", "choice1": "Bố bé bảo bé uống sữa.", "choice2": "Bố bé lấy đi món tráng miệng của bé.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ che miệng bằng tay.", "choice1": "Cô thở ra.", "choice2": "Cô hắt xì.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thư ký nói người gọi đợi.", "choice1": "Điện thoại của người gọi bị mất sóng.", "choice2": "Người gọi chờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi bằng nạng.", "choice1": "Cô cạo lông chân.", "choice2": "Cô ấy bị gẫy chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi ho.", "choice1": "Tôi hít khói.", "choice2": "Tôi hạ giọng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đồng hồ reo lên.", "choice1": "Đó là đầu giờ.", "choice2": "Một giờ đồng hồ kéo dài vô tận.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đầu bếp đập trứng vào cạnh bát.", "choice1": "Trứng nứt.", "choice2": "Trứng thối rữa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cảnh sát đã khám xét xe của bọn tội phạm.", "choice1": "Họ đang cố thuyết phục chúng đầu thú.", "choice2": "Họ đang tìm kiếm ma túy bất hợp pháp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cặp đôi đi du lịch miền Nam vào mùa đông.", "choice1": "Họ đã nghỉ hưu.", "choice2": "Họ đã ly thân.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông cảm thấy bắt buộc phải tham dự sự kiện này.", "choice1": "Anh ta từ chối lời mời của bạn mình.", "choice2": "Anh đã hứa với bạn mình rằng anh sẽ đi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô dâu cảm thấy lo lắng sợ hãi trước đám cưới.", "choice1": "Khách dự tiệc cưới mang quà.", "choice2": "Cô ấy hủy hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông già đi.", "choice1": "Tóc anh ta chuyển bạc.", "choice2": "Anh ta đã bán đồ đạc của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những người bạn quyết định chia sẻ bánh hamburger.", "choice1": "Họ cắt bánh hamburger làm đôi.", "choice2": "Họ gọi khoai tây chiên với hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi vặn nắp chai soda.", "choice1": "Soda xì hơi.", "choice2": "Soda bị rò rỉ ra ngoài.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cặp học sinh này bị giáo viên kiểm tra.", "choice1": "Cả hai đều nhận được điểm xuất sắc.", "choice2": "Câu trả lời của họ trong bài tập giống hệt nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh vội vàng đến trường đúng giờ.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy quên bài tập ở nhà.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy mang bữa trưa đến trường.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Nhà báo viết tiểu sử của nhà hoạt động nhân đạo.", "choice1": "Rất khó để nhà báo phỏng vấn nhà nhân đạo.", "choice2": "Nhà báo bị hấp dẫn bởi công việc của nhà nhân đạo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông cản trở chính quyền nhà thờ.", "choice1": "Ông quyên góp tiền cho nhà thờ.", "choice2": "Ông bị trục xuất khỏi nhà thờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tóc của người phụ nữ rơi vào mặt cô.", "choice1": "Cô vén tóc lại bằng một cái kẹp.", "choice2": "Cô ấy thoa dầu gội đầu vào tóc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chiếc nhẫn trên ngón tay tôi bị kẹt.", "choice1": "Ngón tay tôi sưng lên.", "choice2": "Tôi sứt móng tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi kéo dây cao su.", "choice1": "Nó bay khắp phòng.", "choice2": "Nó kéo dài.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi ấn tay vào xi măng ướt.", "choice1": "Dấu tay của tôi khô lại trong xi măng.", "choice2": "Các vết nứt nổi lên trong xi măng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Da tôi đổ mẩn ngứa.", "choice1": "Tôi đụng vào cây thường xuân độc trong sân.", "choice2": "Tôi diệt trừ cây thường xuân độc hại trong sân của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đăng ký của tôi vào tạp chí đã hết hạn.", "choice1": "Tôi đã vứt ấn phẩm mới.", "choice2": "Tôi đã ngừng nhận được các ấn phẩm mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Thám tử tiết lộ sự bất thường trong vụ án.", "choice1": "Ông đã hoàn thành giả thuyết của mình.", "choice2": "Ông đã loại bỏ giả thuyết của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé nổi cơn thịnh nộ.", "choice1": "Anh trai lấy đồ chơi của cậu.", "choice2": "Cậu chia sẻ đồ chơi của mình với anh trai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ đã học cách đọc.", "choice1": "Nó bắt đầu đi học.", "choice2": "Nó nhảy một lớp ở trường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cậu bé bỏ bữa tối.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu nấu bữa ăn yêu thích của cậu.", "choice2": "Cậu ăn một bữa trưa lớn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thảo mai với bạn mình bằng lời nịnh hót.", "choice1": "Cô muốn nhờ bạn mình giúp đỡ.", "choice2": "Cô phát cáu với lời càm ràm của bạn mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chìa khóa bị rớt ra khỏi túi quần của tôi.", "choice1": "Cái túi có một cái lỗ.", "choice2": "Chiếc quần còn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngất đi.", "choice1": "Anh ta chợp mắt.", "choice2": "Anh ta chạy marathon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã thua cuộc.", "choice1": "Cuộc thi bị phá hoại.", "choice2": "Anh ta làm đối thủ của mình sợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người mẹ gọi xe cứu thương.", "choice1": "Con trai bà mất con mèo.", "choice2": "Con trai bà ngã ra khỏi giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người tài xế đạp phanh.", "choice1": "Một con nai xuất hiện trên đường.", "choice2": "Radio trên xe vụt tắt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Khóa mở ra.", "choice1": "Tôi vặn chìa vào ổ khóa.", "choice2": "Tôi tạo một bản sao của chìa khóa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đeo găng tay cao su vào.", "choice1": "Tôi đang chuẩn bị rửa tay.", "choice2": "Tôi đang chuẩn bị dọn dẹp phòng tắm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Các loài động vật gặp đang nguy hiểm.", "choice1": "Môi trường sống của chúng bị phá hủy.", "choice2": "Động vật ăn thịt của chúng đã tuyệt chủng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận thấy người phụ nữ trông khác.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ đã cắt tóc.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ đeo vòng tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Học sinh quên làm bài tập.", "choice1": "Cô ấy kiếm cớ để nói với giáo viên.", "choice2": "Cô giáo cho học sinh học vượt lớp.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con chó sủa.", "choice1": "Con mèo nằm dài trên đi văng.", "choice2": "Một tiếng gõ cửa vang lên.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Kế hoạch thay thế công viên địa phương bằng một trung tâm mua sắm đã được công bố.", "choice1": "Các nhà hoạt động môi trường bắt đầu một kiến nghị.", "choice2": "Các nhà hoạt động môi trường sản xuất một bộ phim tài liệu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cặp đôi hạnh phúc khi gặp nhau.", "choice1": "Họ hôn nhau.", "choice2": "Họ nghỉ ngơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đuổi người đàn ông đi.", "choice1": "Anh xúc phạm cô.", "choice2": "Anh cảm ơn cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cành cây rơi xuống sông.", "choice1": "Cành cây di chuyển xuôi dòng.", "choice2": "Dòng sông trở nên mạnh hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Giáo viên giao bài tập về nhà cho học sinh.", "choice1": "Các học sinh chuyền nhau ghi chú.", "choice2": "Các học sinh rên rỉ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mùa đã đổi từ hạ sang thu.", "choice1": "Người dân sơ tán khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Lá rụng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Chính trị gia đã bị kết án về tội lừa đảo.", "choice1": "Ông vận động bầu cử lại.", "choice2": "Ông đã bị cách chức.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đẩy xe ngựa.", "choice1": "Đồ đạc trong toa xe rơi ra.", "choice2": "Các bánh xe di chuyển về phía trước.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người vận động hành lang đã thuyết phục cơ quan lập pháp ủng hộ dự luật.", "choice1": "Tổng thống phủ quyết dự luật.", "choice2": "Các cơ quan lập pháp đã thông qua dự luật.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tủ quần áo của tôi rất lộn xộn.", "choice1": "Tôi đã sắp xếp lại nó.", "choice2": "Tôi trang trí nó.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thức khuya.", "choice1": "Tôi đã có những giấc mơ sống động.", "choice2": "Tôi mệt mỏi vào sáng hôm sau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Túi của người đàn ông lắc lư khi anh ta bước đi.", "choice1": "Túi của anh ta chứa đầy tiền xu.", "choice2": "Anh khâu lỗ trong túi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Mọi người trong lớp quay sang nhìn chằm chằm vào học sinh.", "choice1": "Điện thoại của học sinh reo.", "choice2": "Học sinh ghi chép.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Con ngựa oằn mình.", "choice1": "Một con ruồi cắn con ngựa.", "choice2": "Người cưỡi ngựa vuốt ve con ngựa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Những tên trộm trang sức đã bị bắt.", "choice1": "Các đồ trang sức bị đánh cắp đã được trả lại cho chủ sở hữu của chúng.", "choice2": "Chi phí của đồ trang sức bị đánh cắp đã được tính toán.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Bạo lực chính trị nổ ra trong cả nước.", "choice1": "Nhiều công dân chuyển đến thủ đô.", "choice2": "Nhiều công dân đã lánh nạn ở các lãnh thổ khác.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị bắt.", "choice1": "Cô vào trại cai nghiện.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã hành hung.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đọc báo.", "choice1": "Cô biết được kết quả của cuộc bầu cử.", "choice2": "Cô đã bỏ phiếu trong cuộc bầu cử.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Đứa trẻ bị bệnh ho vào người bạn mình.", "choice1": "Bạn nó bị ốm.", "choice2": "Bạn nó hắt hơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cặp đôi đã đính hôn.", "choice1": "Họ lên kế hoạch cho một đám cưới.", "choice2": "Họ mất một thời gian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ liên lạc với đại lý bất động sản.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ dự định mua một căn hộ.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ cần dọn dẹp nhà cửa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông trúng xổ số.", "choice1": "Anh trở nên giàu có.", "choice2": "Anh nợ tiền.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi thắp nến.", "choice1": "Sáp nhỏ giọt khỏi ngọn nến.", "choice2": "Sáp trên nến cứng lại.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi đã dành cả ngày tại hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Tôi bị bong gân mắt cá chân.", "choice2": "Mặt tôi bị cháy nắng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận một vé phạt đậu xe.", "choice1": "Anh đỗ song song trên phố.", "choice2": "Đồng hồ đỗ xe hết hạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ trở nên nổi tiếng.", "choice1": "Nhiếp ảnh gia theo dõi cô.", "choice2": "Gia đình cô tránh mặt cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Cô gái muốn đeo hoa tai.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bấm lỗ tai.", "choice2": "Cô xăm một hình xăm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tai tôi rung lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi đến một bảo tàng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đi đến một buổi hòa nhạc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Tôi dọn dẹp nhà cửa.", "choice1": "Tôi bị ngập trong công việc.", "choice2": "Tôi có khách.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Hãng hàng không làm hư hại hành lý của tôi.", "choice1": "Họ đề nghị bồi thường.", "choice2": "Họ đã hủy chuyến bay của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Máy tính rất đắt để sửa.", "choice1": "Tôi đã thuê người sửa nó.", "choice2": "Tôi đã mua một cái mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đang trong tâm trạng tồi tệ.", "choice1": "Cô ấy buôn chuyện với bạn mình.", "choice2": "Cô nói với bạn mình để cô ấy yên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông bật vòi nước.", "choice1": "Nhà vệ sinh đầy nước.", "choice2": "Nước chảy ra từ vòi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái tìm thấy con bọ trong ngũ cốc của mình.", "choice1": "Cô đổ sữa vào bát.", "choice2": "Cô mất cảm giác ngon miệng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đã nghỉ hưu.", "choice1": "Cô ấy nhận lương hưu.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã trả hết nợ thế chấp của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi muốn tiết kiệm năng lượng.", "choice1": "Tôi quét sàn trong căn phòng trống.", "choice2": "Tôi tắt đèn trong căn phòng trống.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thịt hamburger chuyển màu nâu.", "choice1": "Đầu bếp đông lạnh nó.", "choice2": "Đầu bếp nướng nó.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi nghi ngờ thông tin chào mời của người bán hàng.", "choice1": "Tôi từ chối lời đề nghị của anh ấy.", "choice2": "Anh ấy thuyết phục tôi mua sản phẩm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi quyết định ở nhà tối nay.", "choice1": "Dự báo thời tiết có bão.", "choice2": "Bạn bè tôi rủ tôi ra ngoài chơi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mắt tôi đỏ hoe.", "choice1": "Tôi đã khóc nức nở.", "choice2": "Tôi đã cười.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Ngọn lửa trên ngọn nến đã tắt.", "choice1": "Tôi thổi vào bấc.", "choice2": "Tôi đặt một que diêm cho bấc.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông uống rất nhiều trong bữa tiệc.", "choice1": "Anh ấy bị đau đầu vào ngày hôm sau.", "choice2": "Anh ấy bị sổ mũi vào ngày hôm sau.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Quả bóng bowling làm ngã hết cái trụ bowling.", "choice1": "Người đàn ông lăn quả bóng bowling xuống đường băng.", "choice2": "Người đàn ông thả quả bóng bowling xuống chân mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mọi người đã biết về cái chết của người đàn ông.", "choice1": "Gia đình ông ta chôn cất ở nghĩa trang.", "choice2": "Cáo phó của ông ấy xuất hiện trên báo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Máy tính của tôi bị hỏng.", "choice1": "Tôi đã cài đặt loa mới.", "choice2": "Tôi đã mất tất cả dữ liệu của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ xin nghỉ việc.", "choice1": "Cô ấy khao khát được giữ một vị trí điều hành trong công ty.", "choice2": "Cô ấy tin rằng cấp trên của mình đang hành động phi đạo đức.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người chơi đã bắt được bóng.", "choice1": "Đồng đội của cô ấy đã ném cho cô.", "choice2": "Đối thủ của cô ấy đã cố gắng chặn nó lại.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Thẩm phán đập búa.", "choice1": "Phòng xử án nhốn nháo.", "choice2": "Bồi thẩm đoàn tuyên bố phán quyết của mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đuổi bọn trẻ ra khỏi nhà mình.", "choice1": "Bọn trẻ đánh một quả bóng vào sân của cô ấy.", "choice2": "Những đứa trẻ giẫm đạp qua khu vườn của cô ấy.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bọn bắt cóc đã thả con tin.", "choice1": "Họ chấp nhận tiền chuộc.", "choice2": "Họ trốn thoát khỏi nhà tù.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đầu bếp chảy nước mắt.", "choice1": "Ông ấy hết hành.", "choice2": "Ông ấy cắt một củ hành.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ rửa tay dưới nước lạnh.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bị phỏng ngón tay trên lò nướng bánh.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đeo nhẫn kim cương vào ngón tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh viết sai chính tả.", "choice1": "Cô giáo sửa lỗi.", "choice2": "Cô giáo làm lơ.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi lấy lại bình tĩnh từ cơn giận của mình.", "choice1": "Tim tôi đập thình thịch.", "choice2": "Tôi hít thở thật sâu.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Tôi đưa tay dưới vòi nước đang chảy.", "choice1": "Xà phòng rửa sạch tay tôi.", "choice2": "Nước bắn vào mặt tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông mặc bộ đồ đẹp nhất của mình.", "choice1": "Ông đã lên lịch họp với một khách hàng quan trọng.", "choice2": "Vợ ông ấy mua cho ông ấy một chiếc cà vạt mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông tỏ tình với người phụ nữ.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ từ chối anh ấy.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ ghen tị với anh ta.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tài xế bị thủng lốp.", "choice1": "Anh ta vượt quá giới hạn tốc độ.", "choice2": "Anh chạy phải đinh.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tầm nhìn màn hình của tôi bị chặn.", "choice1": "Cặp đôi phía sau tôi thì thầm.", "choice2": "Một người cao lớn ngồi trước mặt tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tài xế bật đèn pha của xe.", "choice1": "Anh ta nghe sấm sét.", "choice2": "Mặt trời đã lặn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bé gái không chịu ăn rau.", "choice1": "Bố bé bảo bé uống sữa.", "choice2": "Bố bé lấy đi món tráng miệng của bé.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ che miệng bằng tay.", "choice1": "Cô thở ra.", "choice2": "Cô hắt xì.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thư ký nói người gọi đợi.", "choice1": "Điện thoại của người gọi bị mất sóng.", "choice2": "Người gọi chờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đi bằng nạng.", "choice1": "Cô cạo lông chân.", "choice2": "Cô ấy bị gẫy chân.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi ho.", "choice1": "Tôi hít khói.", "choice2": "Tôi hạ giọng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đồng hồ reo lên.", "choice1": "Đó là đầu giờ.", "choice2": "Một giờ đồng hồ kéo dài vô tận.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đầu bếp đập trứng vào cạnh bát.", "choice1": "Trứng nứt.", "choice2": "Trứng thối rữa.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cảnh sát đã khám xét xe của bọn tội phạm.", "choice1": "Họ đang cố thuyết phục chúng đầu thú.", "choice2": "Họ đang tìm kiếm ma túy bất hợp pháp.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cặp đôi đi du lịch miền Nam vào mùa đông.", "choice1": "Họ đã nghỉ hưu.", "choice2": "Họ đã ly thân.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông cảm thấy bắt buộc phải tham dự sự kiện này.", "choice1": "Anh ta từ chối lời mời của bạn mình.", "choice2": "Anh đã hứa với bạn mình rằng anh sẽ đi.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô dâu cảm thấy lo lắng sợ hãi trước đám cưới.", "choice1": "Khách dự tiệc cưới mang quà.", "choice2": "Cô ấy hủy hôn.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông già đi.", "choice1": "Tóc anh ta chuyển bạc.", "choice2": "Anh ta đã bán đồ đạc của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những người bạn quyết định chia sẻ bánh hamburger.", "choice1": "Họ cắt bánh hamburger làm đôi.", "choice2": "Họ gọi khoai tây chiên với hamburger.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi vặn nắp chai soda.", "choice1": "Soda xì hơi.", "choice2": "Soda bị rò rỉ ra ngoài.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cặp học sinh này bị giáo viên kiểm tra.", "choice1": "Cả hai đều nhận được điểm xuất sắc.", "choice2": "Câu trả lời của họ trong bài tập giống hệt nhau.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh vội vàng đến trường đúng giờ.", "choice1": "Cậu ấy quên bài tập ở nhà.", "choice2": "Cậu ấy mang bữa trưa đến trường.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Nhà báo viết tiểu sử của nhà hoạt động nhân đạo.", "choice1": "Rất khó để nhà báo phỏng vấn nhà nhân đạo.", "choice2": "Nhà báo bị hấp dẫn bởi công việc của nhà nhân đạo.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông cản trở chính quyền nhà thờ.", "choice1": "Ông quyên góp tiền cho nhà thờ.", "choice2": "Ông bị trục xuất khỏi nhà thờ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tóc của người phụ nữ rơi vào mặt cô.", "choice1": "Cô vén tóc lại bằng một cái kẹp.", "choice2": "Cô ấy thoa dầu gội đầu vào tóc.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chiếc nhẫn trên ngón tay tôi bị kẹt.", "choice1": "Ngón tay tôi sưng lên.", "choice2": "Tôi sứt móng tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi kéo dây cao su.", "choice1": "Nó bay khắp phòng.", "choice2": "Nó kéo dài.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi ấn tay vào xi măng ướt.", "choice1": "Dấu tay của tôi khô lại trong xi măng.", "choice2": "Các vết nứt nổi lên trong xi măng.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Da tôi đổ mẩn ngứa.", "choice1": "Tôi đụng vào cây thường xuân độc trong sân.", "choice2": "Tôi diệt trừ cây thường xuân độc hại trong sân của tôi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đăng ký của tôi vào tạp chí đã hết hạn.", "choice1": "Tôi đã vứt ấn phẩm mới.", "choice2": "Tôi đã ngừng nhận được các ấn phẩm mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Thám tử tiết lộ sự bất thường trong vụ án.", "choice1": "Ông đã hoàn thành giả thuyết của mình.", "choice2": "Ông đã loại bỏ giả thuyết của mình.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé nổi cơn thịnh nộ.", "choice1": "Anh trai lấy đồ chơi của cậu.", "choice2": "Cậu chia sẻ đồ chơi của mình với anh trai.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ đã học cách đọc.", "choice1": "Nó bắt đầu đi học.", "choice2": "Nó nhảy một lớp ở trường.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cậu bé bỏ bữa tối.", "choice1": "Mẹ cậu nấu bữa ăn yêu thích của cậu.", "choice2": "Cậu ăn một bữa trưa lớn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ thảo mai với bạn mình bằng lời nịnh hót.", "choice1": "Cô muốn nhờ bạn mình giúp đỡ.", "choice2": "Cô phát cáu với lời càm ràm của bạn mình.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chìa khóa bị rớt ra khỏi túi quần của tôi.", "choice1": "Cái túi có một cái lỗ.", "choice2": "Chiếc quần còn mới.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông ngất đi.", "choice1": "Anh ta chợp mắt.", "choice2": "Anh ta chạy marathon.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông đã thua cuộc.", "choice1": "Cuộc thi bị phá hoại.", "choice2": "Anh ta làm đối thủ của mình sợ.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người mẹ gọi xe cứu thương.", "choice1": "Con trai bà mất con mèo.", "choice2": "Con trai bà ngã ra khỏi giường.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người tài xế đạp phanh.", "choice1": "Một con nai xuất hiện trên đường.", "choice2": "Radio trên xe vụt tắt.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Khóa mở ra.", "choice1": "Tôi vặn chìa vào ổ khóa.", "choice2": "Tôi tạo một bản sao của chìa khóa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đeo găng tay cao su vào.", "choice1": "Tôi đang chuẩn bị rửa tay.", "choice2": "Tôi đang chuẩn bị dọn dẹp phòng tắm.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Các loài động vật gặp đang nguy hiểm.", "choice1": "Môi trường sống của chúng bị phá hủy.", "choice2": "Động vật ăn thịt của chúng đã tuyệt chủng.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận thấy người phụ nữ trông khác.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ đã cắt tóc.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ đeo vòng tay.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Học sinh quên làm bài tập.", "choice1": "Cô ấy kiếm cớ để nói với giáo viên.", "choice2": "Cô giáo cho học sinh học vượt lớp.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con chó sủa.", "choice1": "Con mèo nằm dài trên đi văng.", "choice2": "Một tiếng gõ cửa vang lên.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Kế hoạch thay thế công viên địa phương bằng một trung tâm mua sắm đã được công bố.", "choice1": "Các nhà hoạt động môi trường bắt đầu một kiến nghị.", "choice2": "Các nhà hoạt động môi trường sản xuất một bộ phim tài liệu.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cặp đôi hạnh phúc khi gặp nhau.", "choice1": "Họ hôn nhau.", "choice2": "Họ nghỉ ngơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đuổi người đàn ông đi.", "choice1": "Anh xúc phạm cô.", "choice2": "Anh cảm ơn cô.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cành cây rơi xuống sông.", "choice1": "Cành cây di chuyển xuôi dòng.", "choice2": "Dòng sông trở nên mạnh hơn.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Giáo viên giao bài tập về nhà cho học sinh.", "choice1": "Các học sinh chuyền nhau ghi chú.", "choice2": "Các học sinh rên rỉ.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mùa đã đổi từ hạ sang thu.", "choice1": "Người dân sơ tán khỏi nhà.", "choice2": "Lá rụng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Chính trị gia đã bị kết án về tội lừa đảo.", "choice1": "Ông vận động bầu cử lại.", "choice2": "Ông đã bị cách chức.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đẩy xe ngựa.", "choice1": "Đồ đạc trong toa xe rơi ra.", "choice2": "Các bánh xe di chuyển về phía trước.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người vận động hành lang đã thuyết phục cơ quan lập pháp ủng hộ dự luật.", "choice1": "Tổng thống phủ quyết dự luật.", "choice2": "Các cơ quan lập pháp đã thông qua dự luật.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tủ quần áo của tôi rất lộn xộn.", "choice1": "Tôi đã sắp xếp lại nó.", "choice2": "Tôi trang trí nó.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thức khuya.", "choice1": "Tôi đã có những giấc mơ sống động.", "choice2": "Tôi mệt mỏi vào sáng hôm sau.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Túi của người đàn ông lắc lư khi anh ta bước đi.", "choice1": "Túi của anh ta chứa đầy tiền xu.", "choice2": "Anh khâu lỗ trong túi.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Mọi người trong lớp quay sang nhìn chằm chằm vào học sinh.", "choice1": "Điện thoại của học sinh reo.", "choice2": "Học sinh ghi chép.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Con ngựa oằn mình.", "choice1": "Một con ruồi cắn con ngựa.", "choice2": "Người cưỡi ngựa vuốt ve con ngựa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Những tên trộm trang sức đã bị bắt.", "choice1": "Các đồ trang sức bị đánh cắp đã được trả lại cho chủ sở hữu của chúng.", "choice2": "Chi phí của đồ trang sức bị đánh cắp đã được tính toán.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Bạo lực chính trị nổ ra trong cả nước.", "choice1": "Nhiều công dân chuyển đến thủ đô.", "choice2": "Nhiều công dân đã lánh nạn ở các lãnh thổ khác.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ bị bắt.", "choice1": "Cô vào trại cai nghiện.", "choice2": "Cô ấy đã hành hung.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đọc báo.", "choice1": "Cô biết được kết quả của cuộc bầu cử.", "choice2": "Cô đã bỏ phiếu trong cuộc bầu cử.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Đứa trẻ bị bệnh ho vào người bạn mình.", "choice1": "Bạn nó bị ốm.", "choice2": "Bạn nó hắt hơi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cặp đôi đã đính hôn.", "choice1": "Họ lên kế hoạch cho một đám cưới.", "choice2": "Họ mất một thời gian.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ liên lạc với đại lý bất động sản.", "choice1": "Người phụ nữ dự định mua một căn hộ.", "choice2": "Người phụ nữ cần dọn dẹp nhà cửa.", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông trúng xổ số.", "choice1": "Anh trở nên giàu có.", "choice2": "Anh nợ tiền.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi thắp nến.", "choice1": "Sáp nhỏ giọt khỏi ngọn nến.", "choice2": "Sáp trên nến cứng lại.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi đã dành cả ngày tại hồ bơi.", "choice1": "Tôi bị bong gân mắt cá chân.", "choice2": "Mặt tôi bị cháy nắng.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người đàn ông nhận một vé phạt đậu xe.", "choice1": "Anh đỗ song song trên phố.", "choice2": "Đồng hồ đỗ xe hết hạn.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ trở nên nổi tiếng.", "choice1": "Nhiếp ảnh gia theo dõi cô.", "choice2": "Gia đình cô tránh mặt cô.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Cô gái muốn đeo hoa tai.", "choice1": "Cô ấy bấm lỗ tai.", "choice2": "Cô xăm một hình xăm.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tai tôi rung lên.", "choice1": "Tôi đã đi đến một bảo tàng.", "choice2": "Tôi đã đi đến một buổi hòa nhạc.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Tôi dọn dẹp nhà cửa.", "choice1": "Tôi bị ngập trong công việc.", "choice2": "Tôi có khách.", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Hãng hàng không làm hư hại hành lý của tôi.", "choice1": "Họ đề nghị bồi thường.", "choice2": "Họ đã hủy chuyến bay của tôi.", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Máy tính rất đắt để sửa.", "choice1": "Tôi đã thuê người sửa nó.", "choice2": "Tôi đã mua một cái mới.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "Người phụ nữ đang trong tâm trạng tồi tệ.", "choice1": "Cô ấy buôn chuyện với bạn mình.", "choice2": "Cô nói với bạn mình để cô ấy yên.", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/zh/test.zh.jsonl b/data/zh/test.zh.jsonl
index 3cc48ef..0c235b0 100644
--- a/data/zh/test.zh.jsonl
+++ b/data/zh/test.zh.jsonl
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
-{"premise": "该物品用气泡包装纸包着。", "choice1": "它很易碎。", "choice2": "它很小。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我掏空了口袋。", "choice1": "我找到了一张票根。", "choice2": "我找到了一件武器。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "白蚁入侵了这所房子。", "choice1": "白蚁从房子里消失了。", "choice2": "白蚁吃穿了房子里的木头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "旅客到达边境。", "choice1": "巡逻员检查了他们的护照。", "choice2": "巡逻人员指控他们走私。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "办公室关门了。", "choice1": "那是个假期。", "choice2": "那是个夏天。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩精疲力竭。", "choice1": "她玩了跳棋。", "choice2": "她跳了绳。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人排队的位置没有了。", "choice1": "越来越多的人开始排队。", "choice2": "她走出了队外。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女孩捏了捏鼻子。", "choice1": "婴儿在围嘴上流口水。", "choice2": "婴儿弄脏了尿布。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "乐队演奏了他们的热门歌曲。", "choice1": "观众随着音乐拍手。", "choice2": "观众礼貌地沉默着。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩想感谢她的数学老师。", "choice1": "那个女孩放学后被留堂了。", "choice2": "这个女孩给老师带来了一个苹果。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "年轻的露营者们感到害怕。", "choice1": "他们的营地顾问给他们讲了一个鬼故事。", "choice2": "他们在营火上烤了棉花糖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的头撞了一下。", "choice1": "他陷入了沉思。", "choice2": "他得了脑震荡。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的支票被拒付了。", "choice1": "我的银行帐户是空的。", "choice2": "我加薪了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该男子的电子邮件收件箱中充斥着垃圾邮件。", "choice1": "他删除了垃圾邮件。", "choice2": "他群发了电子邮件。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "水手被隔离了。", "choice1": "他接触了这种疾病。", "choice2": "他从疾病中康复了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩记住了密码。", "choice1": "她背下来给自己听了。", "choice2": "她忘了写下来。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把水倒进了玻璃杯中。", "choice1": "这水解了我的渴。", "choice2": "玻璃杯变满了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "他的朋友结束讲话的时候,那个人保持着沉默。", "choice1": "他想支持他的朋友。", "choice2": "他在思考他朋友的话。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这次事故是我的错。", "choice1": "我感到内疚。", "choice2": "我起诉了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "链条破裂了。", "choice1": "链条缠绕在轮胎上。", "choice2": "链条中有一节断开了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇决定妥协。", "choice1": "他们厌倦了争论。", "choice2": "他们避免讨论这个问题。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该名妇女决定竞选公职。", "choice1": "她雇用了一位竞选策划人。", "choice2": "她在法庭上作证。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该名男子预计他的旅途中的天气会很冷。", "choice1": "他把保暖的衣服装进行李箱里。", "choice2": "他带着一个大行李箱旅行。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生知道这道问题的答案。", "choice1": "他举起了手。", "choice2": "它偷懒了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男人的眼睛流泪了。", "choice1": "他的眼睛进灰了。", "choice2": "他戴上了护目镜。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位玩家连续赢得了五场比赛。", "choice1": "她的对手指责她作弊。", "choice2": "她的对手为她感到难过。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "老师撕毁了这位学生的试卷。", "choice1": "他抓住了这位学生作弊。", "choice2": "学生的答案是错误的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我讲话停了下来了。", "choice1": "我失声了。", "choice2": "我气喘吁吁。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "冷冻食品解冻了。", "choice1": "我把它放进了微波炉里。", "choice2": "我用保鲜膜盖住了它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "员工假装生病。", "choice1": "他得了胃痉挛。", "choice2": "他想休息一天。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女孩落在游泳池里。", "choice1": "她在泳池甲板上奔跑。", "choice2": "她跳下了跳水板。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "电影票卖完了。", "choice1": "这是电影的首映日。", "choice2": "这部电影的评论不佳。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该男子减了肥。", "choice1": "人们孤立他。", "choice2": "人们称赞他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩的手起了水泡。", "choice1": "她打了一封信。", "choice2": "她爬上了一根绳子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "马戏团表演者在骑独轮车时玩杂耍。", "choice1": "观众惊讶地欢呼。", "choice2": "杂技演员从空中飞来飞去。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我失去了耐心。", "choice1": "我的朋友一直让我等着。", "choice2": "我的朋友准时到达。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "交战国家要求和平。", "choice1": "他们研发了核武器。", "choice2": "他们商定了一项条约。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人吃了安眠药。", "choice1": "他变得昏昏欲睡。", "choice2": "他发烧了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人撞到沙发上。", "choice1": "沙发的腿松了。", "choice2": "她擦伤了膝盖。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩挤气球。", "choice1": "气球破了。", "choice2": "气球飞走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "旅客入住了他们的旅馆房间。", "choice1": "他们打开了行李箱。", "choice2": "他们去了机场。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我咬了桃子。", "choice1": "桃子坏了。", "choice2": "果汁溅出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的手发粘。", "choice1": "我吃了甜甜圈。", "choice2": "我爱吃甜食。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我推了门。", "choice1": "门开了。", "choice2": "门锁上了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "激进分子抵制了这些产品。", "choice1": "产品通过了质量保证测试。", "choice2": "产品是由童工制造出来的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在墙上钻了一个洞。", "choice1": "一只老鼠从洞里爬出来。", "choice2": "灰尘从孔中吹出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女人羡慕她的妹妹。", "choice1": "她妹妹很高兴。", "choice2": "她妹妹离婚了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把酒洒在衬衫上了。", "choice1": "我穿上了围裙。", "choice2": "我换了衬衫。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "收银员打开了收银机。", "choice1": "顾客翻找着他的钱包。", "choice2": "顾客把钱递过来了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "街头音乐家吸引了一群人。", "choice1": "人们给了他零钱。", "choice2": "他把人群赶走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "小男孩向他的保姆哭了。", "choice1": "他想念他的父母。", "choice2": "那是点心时间。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "飞行员的雷达发现了一场风暴。", "choice1": "飞行员避开了风暴。", "choice2": "飞行员飞过了风暴。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这棵树落叶了。", "choice1": "叶子变色了。", "choice2": "叶子堆积在地面上。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩想恶作剧。", "choice1": "他决定和妹妹玩纸牌游戏。", "choice2": "他决定对捉弄妹妹。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个孩子抱怨说他必须去洗手间。", "choice1": "父亲给他喝了苏打水。", "choice2": "他的父亲把汽车停在了加油站。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子将鱼食撒进水缸。", "choice1": "鱼从水缸里跳了出来。", "choice2": "鱼游向了食物。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人的政治观点发生了变化。", "choice1": "她换了党派。", "choice2": "她参与了抗议。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "浴室的水槽堵塞了。", "choice1": "我打开水龙头。", "choice2": "我向水槽倒入了下水道清洁剂。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "乘客们下了火车。", "choice1": "火车到达了车站。", "choice2": "火车鸣笛。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该名男子按下信封的湿口。", "choice1": "他在信封上盖了邮票。", "choice2": "他把信封密封好了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "朋友们失去了联系。", "choice1": "他们享受彼此的陪伴。", "choice2": "他们搬去了不同的城市。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "会计师对公司的资金管理不善。", "choice1": "她被解雇了。", "choice2": "她休了产假。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我看着时钟。", "choice1": "我听到时钟的滴答声。", "choice2": "我想查看时间。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的手紧缩起来。", "choice1": "我手写了论文。", "choice2": "我和妻子牵了手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "螺栓被拧紧了。", "choice1": "我更换了螺栓。", "choice2": "我扭动了扳手。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇签了一份公寓租约。", "choice1": "这对夫妇搬进了公寓。", "choice2": "市政府将该公寓判为危房。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人坐在门廊外面。", "choice1": "她想看日落。", "choice2": "她以为自己看见了闪电。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该男子在水中穿着救生衣。", "choice1": "他不会游泳。", "choice2": "水很浅。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人在文字处理器中打了一个错字。", "choice1": "她删除了文件。", "choice2": "她按下了退格键。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩向她的朋友吹牛。", "choice1": "她的成绩不好。", "choice2": "她比赛获胜了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "草坪是泥泞的。", "choice1": "下了一夜的雨。", "choice2": "到处都是杂草。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人睡过头了。", "choice1": "她在旅馆住了一晚。", "choice2": "她忘了设置闹钟。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男人涂上了防晒霜。", "choice1": "他坐在阴影里。", "choice2": "他去了海滩。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "研究人员证明了这一理论。", "choice1": "研究人员撤回了这一理论。", "choice2": "大众接受了这一理论。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "比赛中的球迷嘘声高涨。", "choice1": "游戏进入加时赛。", "choice2": "裁判做出了错误的判断。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在锁上输入了我的组合密码。", "choice1": "我给它上锁了。", "choice2": "锁开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "人群越来越多。", "choice1": "父亲递给儿子一些钱。", "choice2": "父亲握住儿子的手。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "雪挡住了车道。", "choice1": "我把雪聚成一个雪球。", "choice2": "我把雪铲开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "皮划艇者划着桨。", "choice1": "皮划艇划到了岸边。", "choice2": "皮划艇遇上了风浪。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女孩的自行车失控了。", "choice1": "她松开了车把。", "choice2": "她撞上了篱笆。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我打开了风扇。", "choice1": "水洒在我的皮肤上。", "choice2": "我感到凉风拂过。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "冲浪者回到海滩。", "choice1": "他们浑身湿透了。", "choice2": "他们看到了一条鲨鱼。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我拉开了浴缸里的排水塞。", "choice1": "水从浴缸中排出。", "choice2": "水溅到地板上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "丈夫因欺骗妻子而感到内疚。", "choice1": "他指责她不忠。", "choice2": "他向她坦白了他的不忠。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "海报上的墨水抹开了。", "choice1": "我等着墨水变干。", "choice2": "我在海报上洒了水。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "孩子大叫着起来。", "choice1": "他做了一个噩梦。", "choice2": "他弄湿了床。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩把脚放在桌子上。", "choice1": "父亲在桌旁坐下了。", "choice2": "父亲教育了他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的朋友朝我的方向转过头。", "choice1": "我喊了他的名字。", "choice2": "我挥舞了双臂。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "政府压迫其公民。", "choice1": "公民发动了叛乱。", "choice2": "公民登记投票。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩在树林里迷路了。", "choice1": "他搭了一个帐篷。", "choice2": "他尖叫求救。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这女人出国旅行了。", "choice1": "她想学习画画。", "choice2": "她想了解其他文化。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男人嫉妒他的同事。", "choice1": "他的同事得到了晋升。", "choice2": "他的同事工作到很晚。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这男人目睹了外星人。", "choice1": "他那时出现了幻觉。", "choice2": "他那时在冥想。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男人的头发变成了金色。", "choice1": "他在头发里放了漂白剂。", "choice2": "他在头发里放了洗发水。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "艺术家创作了新作品。", "choice1": "她批评了她以前的作品。", "choice2": "她感到一阵灵感。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "儿子离开了家。", "choice1": "他被退伍。", "choice2": "他要去上大学。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "书从书架上掉了下来。", "choice1": "架子上满是灰尘。", "choice2": "一场地震震动了书架。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我家停电了。", "choice1": "我打开了一盏灯。", "choice2": "我重置了断路器。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我们坐了过山车。", "choice1": "它看起来很吓人。", "choice2": "它看起来很有趣。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "爆米花的袋子开始发出爆裂声。", "choice1": "我把黄油倒进了袋子里。", "choice2": "我用微波炉给它加了热。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一棵树倒在电线上。", "choice1": "附近停电了。", "choice2": "天气预报说有大风。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "演讲者发表了政治上不正确的评论。", "choice1": "他使听众感到厌烦。", "choice2": "他冒犯了听众。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我用针刺伤了自己。", "choice1": "一滴汗从我脸上滴下来。", "choice2": "我的手指上形成了一滴血。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "鱼漂浮在水箱表面。", "choice1": "它饿了。", "choice2": "它死了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的声音听起来嘶哑了。", "choice1": "他感冒了。", "choice2": "他戒烟了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "电梯门开了。", "choice1": "电梯到达指定的楼层。", "choice2": "电梯卡在楼层间。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "少年溜出家门。", "choice1": "他对他的父母撒了谎。", "choice2": "他的父母把他关了禁闭。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "浴室被淹了。", "choice1": "马桶溢出了。", "choice2": "热水器坏了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "小狗呆在主人附近。", "choice1": "主人给小狗戴上了项圈。", "choice2": "主人把小狗拴在狗绳上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人看见了他的倒影。", "choice1": "他站在一棵大树下。", "choice2": "他站在平静的湖面上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我错过了我女朋友的电话。", "choice1": "我给她回了电话。", "choice2": "我与她共进晚餐。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这家人搜查了附近。", "choice1": "他们的狗离家出走了。", "choice2": "他们家丢失了昂贵的珠宝。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "当我呼出时,我看到了我的呼吸。", "choice1": "天气很冷。", "choice2": "我的胸部感觉很紧。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "雇员们组成了一个工会。", "choice1": "他们想要更好的工作条件。", "choice2": "他们的雇主提高了工资。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我烤了一个苹果派。", "choice1": "厨房弥漫着腐烂的气味。", "choice2": "厨房里弥漫着温暖的香气。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人挣扎着走路。", "choice1": "她穿着高跟鞋。", "choice2": "她脱下鞋子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "蒸汽从锅上升出。", "choice1": "水煮沸了。", "choice2": "我盖上了锅盖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我所有的袜子都在洗衣房里。", "choice1": "我穿着凉鞋。", "choice2": "我穿着靴子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那位政治家的论点被认为是荒谬的。", "choice1": "他失去了选民的支持。", "choice2": "他被指控腐败。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "每个人都不赞成这对夫妇的订婚。", "choice1": "这对夫妇怀孕了。", "choice2": "这对夫妇私奔了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这栋楼是献给这位百万富翁的。", "choice1": "这位百万富翁希望把大楼拆掉。", "choice2": "这位百万富翁捐了钱来建造它。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "售货员指控那个女孩偷窃。", "choice1": "售货员看到那个女孩把商品放在钱包里。", "choice2": "售货员帮助那个女孩找到她喜欢的钱包。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个国家向邻国宣战。", "choice1": "士兵被派去战斗。", "choice2": "士兵们与家人团聚。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "法院维持了这项有争议的裁决。", "choice1": "法庭前爆发了一场骚乱。", "choice2": "一对夫妇在法院门前交换了誓言。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩闻到有东西烧焦了。", "choice1": "她把饼干从罐子里拿出来。", "choice2": "她把饼干忘在烤箱里了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "大雨倾盆而下。", "choice1": "暴风雨更猛烈了。", "choice2": "我冲了进去。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "大楼被疏散了。", "choice1": "电梯停止运转。", "choice2": "火警响了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "父亲憎恨儿子酗酒。", "choice1": "父亲给儿子买了一杯啤酒。", "choice2": "父亲把儿子赶出了家门。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "律师爬楼去她的办公室。", "choice1": "秘书这天回家了。", "choice2": "电梯坏了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人对他的朋友很恼火。", "choice1": "他的朋友打断了他。", "choice2": "他的朋友给他买了午餐。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩把钱交给了收银员。", "choice1": "收银员把找的钱给了那个女孩。", "choice2": "收银员忘了给那个女孩一张收据。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人被放在轮椅上。", "choice1": "她在一次事故中瘫痪了。", "choice2": "她被担架抬进了医院。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "市民们把国旗挂在家门外。", "choice1": "这个国家正在纪念它的独立。", "choice2": "这个国家正面临经济困难。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该队输掉了比赛。", "choice1": "他们让他们的球迷失望了。", "choice2": "他们鼓舞了他们的球迷。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的朋友指出我的牙齿里塞了食物。", "choice1": "我感到很尴尬。", "choice2": "我很自豪。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩没有通过历史考试。", "choice1": "他在课堂上认真听讲了。", "choice2": "他忘了学习。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "市中心的大楼倒塌了。", "choice1": "一场地震袭击了这个城市。", "choice2": "这个城市的犯罪率上升了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男人的女朋友和他分手了。", "choice1": "他恳求她再次接受他。", "choice2": "她把他介绍给她的父母。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "两个孩子同时伸手去取回球。", "choice1": "球滚开了。", "choice2": "他们的头相撞了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "熊洗劫了垃圾桶。", "choice1": "垃圾桶里有纸板。", "choice2": "垃圾桶的盖子没盖上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩把铅笔磨光了。", "choice1": "它很便宜。", "choice2": "它很钝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "收银员拒绝给那女人退款。", "choice1": "她丢了收据。", "choice2": "这件衣服不合适。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我皮肤上的划痕很深。", "choice1": "它很快愈合了。", "choice2": "它留下了一个疤痕。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "火车上的乘客奇怪地看着他。", "choice1": "他盯着地面。", "choice2": "他在自言自语。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子把面包屑留在了地板上。", "choice1": "蚂蚁爬到了面包屑上。", "choice2": "孩子把面包收了起来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人递给她的妹妹一张纸巾。", "choice1": "女人的妹妹叠起了她的手。", "choice2": "女人的妹妹哭了起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人拿了薄荷。", "choice1": "他的嘴唇裂开了。", "choice2": "他担心口臭。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇早早地离开去看演出。", "choice1": "他们预计剧院周围会有堵车。", "choice2": "他们知道去剧院的路。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人呆在家里没去上班。", "choice1": "她的老板表扬了她。", "choice2": "她的同事帮她掩护。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人在维权人士的请愿书上签了名。", "choice1": "他支持他们的事业。", "choice2": "他谴责他们疯了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "演员在演出前心慌。", "choice1": "他有上台紧张症。", "choice2": "他记住了他的台词。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我迷路了。", "choice1": "我数了一下我的现金。", "choice2": "我展开了一张地图。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "成熟的果实在阳光下摇动。", "choice1": "它被吃了。", "choice2": "它枯萎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "汽车抛锚了。", "choice1": "我转动了点火装置。", "choice2": "发动机过热。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人伤了背部。", "choice1": "他去看精神病医生了。", "choice2": "他在床上呆了几天。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在壁炉里生了火。", "choice1": "我没柴火了。", "choice2": "房子里很冷。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人停止了慢跑。", "choice1": "她一侧身体抽筋了。", "choice2": "她恢复了精力。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我敲了邻居的门。", "choice1": "我的邻居邀请我进来。", "choice2": "我的邻居离开了她的房子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人沮丧地叹了口气。", "choice1": "她丈夫误解了她的顾虑。", "choice2": "她丈夫与她吻别。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "老师表扬了学生。", "choice1": "学生正确回答了问题。", "choice2": "学生犹豫着回答问题。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人的鸡蛋用完了。", "choice1": "她去了农场。", "choice2": "她去了超市。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我遇到了一位老朋友。", "choice1": "我向他透露了一个秘密。", "choice2": "我给了他一个拥抱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人避免去湖边。", "choice1": "她钓到了一条鱼。", "choice2": "它看起来被污染了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生来上课时浑身湿透了。", "choice1": "他的伞坏了。", "choice2": "他的自行车被偷了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "电脑屏幕上的光标移动了。", "choice1": "用户单击了鼠标。", "choice2": "用户移动了鼠标。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "司机绕道而行。", "choice1": "主干道上发生了一起事故。", "choice2": "她跟着前面的卡车。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把湿床单挂在户外晾衣绳上。", "choice1": "床单干了。", "choice2": "床单染色了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人戴上了她的墨镜。", "choice1": "阳光很大。", "choice2": "她叫了一辆出租车。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人凝视着夜空。", "choice1": "他希望那是夏天。", "choice2": "他认为它很漂亮。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我感到筋疲力尽。", "choice1": "我很早就上床睡觉了。", "choice2": "我熬夜了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "那人去找理发师。", "choice1": "他正在长头发。", "choice2": "他的头发变长了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩恶意地捉弄了他的新同学。", "choice1": "这个男孩欢迎这个新同学。", "choice2": "这个男孩不喜欢这个新同学。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我想喝一杯牛奶。", "choice1": "我在吃饼干。", "choice2": "我在烤面包。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "天开始下雨了。", "choice1": "司机打开了大前灯。", "choice2": "司机把车倒过来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "大楼的停车场是空的。", "choice1": "我把车停在街对面。", "choice2": "我把车停在入口附近。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "作者错过了提交草稿的最后期限。", "choice1": "她犯了写作障碍。", "choice2": "她编辑了草稿。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "同事挂断了我的电话。", "choice1": "我要求与主管谈话。", "choice2": "我提供了我的身份证号码。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "风吹过开着的窗户。", "choice1": "门铃响了。", "choice2": "窗帘抖动了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我家的电停了。", "choice1": "我拔下台灯的插头。", "choice2": "我烧断了保险丝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "举重运动员发出哼声。", "choice1": "他在镜子里展示他的肌肉。", "choice2": "他把杠铃杆举过头顶。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个学生试图心算。", "choice1": "他拿出了一个计算器。", "choice2": "他弄糊涂了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "婴儿睡着了。", "choice1": "父亲换了婴儿的尿布。", "choice2": "父亲轻轻地摇动着婴儿。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩把水气球扔向男孩。", "choice1": "那男孩得了脑震荡。", "choice2": "男孩被淋湿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "摄影师忘了用相机上的闪光灯。", "choice1": "照片模糊不清。", "choice2": "照片上的每个人都拒绝微笑。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我谢绝了生日聚会的邀请。", "choice1": "我很孤独。", "choice2": "我不在城里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我锻炼了。", "choice1": "我感到精力充沛。", "choice2": "我很害怕。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我挤压了这个湿海绵。", "choice1": "它浸湿了水。", "choice2": "水从中渗出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "游客们乘坐渡轮去度假村。", "choice1": "度假村已被预订好。", "choice2": "度假村在一个岛上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个少年有纹身。", "choice1": "她害怕打针。", "choice2": "她想叛逆。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一辆陌生的车停在我家外面。", "choice1": "我开始起疑了。", "choice2": "我给警察打了电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "罪犯自首了。", "choice1": "证据指向了他。", "choice2": "没有不利于他的证据。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个魁梧的人决定减肥。", "choice1": "他戒了甜食。", "choice2": "他避免咖啡因。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩踩在了冰上。", "choice1": "她滑倒了。", "choice2": "她颤抖着。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人眼睛下面有眼袋。", "choice1": "她熬夜了。", "choice2": "她把儿子安顿睡觉了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "熔岩从火山中流出。", "choice1": "火山爆发了。", "choice2": "火山处于休眠状态。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人穿上鞋子。", "choice1": "她认识聚会上的每个人。", "choice2": "她想离开聚会。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我向收费站服务员付了费。", "choice1": "她让我通过了收费站。", "choice2": "她在收费站把我拦下了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "执行官破产了。", "choice1": "他卖掉了公司的股票。", "choice2": "他挥霍了他的财产。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人去看医生了。", "choice1": "医生正在休假。", "choice2": "那人感到不适。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我从窗户离开卧室。", "choice1": "房子着火了。", "choice2": "房子是空的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩的手指变得皱了。", "choice1": "他洗了很长时间澡。", "choice2": "他用肥皂打手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我吐出牛奶。", "choice1": "牛奶尝起来很酸。", "choice2": "我的嘴是干的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我错过了公共汽车。", "choice1": "我很早就去上班了。", "choice2": "我上班迟到了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "卡车与汽车相撞。", "choice1": "卡车加速了。", "choice2": "汽车被撞坏了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这支队伍以对他们有利的方式操纵了比赛。", "choice1": "他们赢了。", "choice2": "他们退出了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "汽水瓶发出嘘声。", "choice1": "我把瓶子翻了过来。", "choice2": "我拧掉了帽子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "那个男孩被锁在屋外。", "choice1": "他从一扇开着的窗户爬进来。", "choice2": "他爬上屋顶。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "门铃响了。", "choice1": "来访者轻拍门上的门环。", "choice2": "那女人从门上的钥匙孔里窥视着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人弄脏了他的西装。", "choice1": "他干洗了。", "choice2": "他把它挂在壁橱里。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩挤了牙膏管。", "choice1": "牙膏从管子里喷出来。", "choice2": "女孩吐出牙膏。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "战争造成的平民死亡人数激增。", "choice1": "和平主义者举行了抗议。", "choice2": "和平主义者举行了游行。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩把丝带从头发上拉了出来。", "choice1": "她系上丝带。", "choice2": "丝带看起来很幼稚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男人做了整形手术。", "choice1": "他老了。", "choice2": "他看起来更年轻。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一只小鸡从鸡蛋里出来。", "choice1": "鸡蛋孵化了。", "choice2": "我把鸡蛋打碎了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "囚犯饿死了。", "choice1": "他死了。", "choice2": "他逃走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人在梯子上失去了平衡。", "choice1": "他爬上梯子。", "choice2": "他从梯子上摔下来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子打嗝了。", "choice1": "他大喝了一口苏打水。", "choice2": "他打开汽水罐。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一股冷风从窗户进来。", "choice1": "我放松了。", "choice2": "我颤抖。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个学生获得了上大学的奖学金。", "choice1": "她的同学尊敬她。", "choice2": "她成绩很好。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩打趣那个男孩。", "choice1": "她住在他隔壁。", "choice2": "她迷恋上了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "饥饿的流浪汉偷走了食物。", "choice1": "他煽动怜悯。", "choice2": "他没有钱。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我打电话给我的朋友聊天。", "choice1": "我想要隐私。", "choice2": "我感到孤独。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人向我伸出手来。", "choice1": "我握了握他的手。", "choice2": "我打了他一耳光。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我躲开了。", "choice1": "烟火在空中燃放。", "choice2": "飞盘朝我的头飞去。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩咬了指甲。", "choice1": "她很担心。", "choice2": "她很惊讶。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我翻了一页日历。", "choice1": "我在日历上标了一个约会。", "choice2": "这是一个新的月的开始。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "丈夫发现他的妻子有外遇。", "choice1": "他解雇了他的律师。", "choice2": "他提出离婚。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩掉了橡皮球。", "choice1": "球弹了起来。", "choice2": "球闪闪发光。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩考试犯了一个错误。", "choice1": "她猜到了答案。", "choice2": "她抹去了她的答案。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个选手扭倒了对手。", "choice1": "他的对手抓住了传球。", "choice2": "他的对手击倒了地面。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我从藤蔓上摘了西红柿。", "choice1": "他们成熟了。", "choice2": "我给他们浇水。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人想表现得浪漫。", "choice1": "他和前女友共进午餐。", "choice2": "他给他女朋友买了巧克力。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "温度计中的汞上升。", "choice1": "我把温度计掉了。", "choice2": "天气变暖和了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "龙卷风穿过了整个城镇。", "choice1": "法院的屋顶被吹掉了。", "choice2": "公路可能引起危险地结冰了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个学生接受了辅导。", "choice1": "他的成绩提高了。", "choice2": "他在考试中作弊了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我感觉很舒服。", "choice1": "我跪在地上。", "choice2": "我把自己裹在毯子里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把石头磨光了。", "choice1": "它变得很滑。", "choice2": "它变得有光泽。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在咖啡里加了糖。", "choice1": "咖啡闻起来很浓。", "choice2": "咖啡尝起来很甜。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人翻阅了报纸。", "choice1": "他被纸划了。", "choice2": "他把文件撕碎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我用锤子敲钉子。", "choice1": "钉子插进了木头里。", "choice2": "钉子生锈了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "鱼咬了线。", "choice1": "渔夫把鱼收了过来。 ?。", "choice2": "渔夫重投了鱼线。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个少年上学很尴尬。", "choice1": "她有粉刺。", "choice2": "她脱下了牙套。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的面部表情亮了起来。", "choice1": "我收到了好消息。", "choice2": "我失去了耐心。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我用毛巾擦了擦手。", "choice1": "毛巾是湿的。", "choice2": "我的手湿了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人失去了在凳子上的平衡。", "choice1": "凳子在他下面摇晃。", "choice2": "他把油漆洒在凳子上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "队友们互相指责。", "choice1": "他们输掉了比赛。", "choice2": "他们的教练取消了练习。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我请求宽恕。", "choice1": "我为我的错误感到遗憾。", "choice2": "我实现了我的目标。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女人对她的约会感到厌烦了。", "choice1": "他问她关于自己的问题。", "choice2": "他不停地谈论自己。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩闪过一个微笑。", "choice1": "她的脸颊发红了。", "choice2": "她出现酒窝了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "敌舰爆炸了。", "choice1": "它越过了水雷。", "choice2": "它驶入港口。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人刺穿了他的脚。", "choice1": "他走进一个水坑。", "choice2": "他踩在碎玻璃上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "侦探们在犯罪现场撒了粉来显示指纹。", "choice1": "他们发现了凶手的身份。", "choice2": "他们在犯罪现场发现了武器。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "高速公路上交通很拥挤。", "choice1": "我绕道而行。", "choice2": "我要求搭便车。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "国家经济下滑了。", "choice1": "许多人生病了。", "choice2": "许多人面临失业。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "交通指挥向孩子们吹口哨。", "choice1": "他们正要走进迎面而来的车流。", "choice2": "她从她的邻居认出了他们。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我对我的朋友翻了白眼。", "choice1": "他告诉了我真相。", "choice2": "他发表了讽刺性的评论。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "汽车汽油用完了。", "choice1": "司机被困在路上。", "choice2": "司机接了一个搭便车的人。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人开始分娩了。", "choice1": "婴儿被接生了。", "choice2": "那女人孕吐了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的帽子被吹掉了。", "choice1": "他摘下帽子。", "choice2": "外面刮风。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩参加了她同学的生日聚会。", "choice1": "她收到了邀请。", "choice2": "她买了一件礼物。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩的额头很热。", "choice1": "他妈妈给他量了体温。", "choice2": "他妈妈带他去公园。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人喷了古龙水。", "choice1": "他想给他的约会对象留下深刻印象。", "choice2": "他给头发涂了发胶。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "房子里的电停了。", "choice1": "我找了手电筒。", "choice2": "我拿起一把铲子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一家人搬进了一所更大的房子。", "choice1": "儿子高中毕业。", "choice2": "母亲生了双胞胎。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "马拉松运动员保持缓慢的步伐。", "choice1": "她想节省体力。", "choice2": "她看到了终点线。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩踢了自动售货机。", "choice1": "机器吐出零钱。", "choice2": "一袋薯条卡住了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我朋友的狗死了。", "choice1": "我翻了他一个白眼。", "choice2": "我给了他一个拥抱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "商人的信用卡被拒绝了。", "choice1": "他写了一张借据。", "choice2": "他用现金付了钱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男人咒骂了一句。", "choice1": "他剪了指甲。", "choice2": "他踢到了他的脚趾。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人为他的兄弟感到骄傲。", "choice1": "他哥哥和父母发生了争执。", "choice2": "他哥哥被法学院录取了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩想了解太阳系。", "choice1": "她去了图书馆。", "choice2": "她看着星星。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "海报贴在墙上。", "choice1": "我把海报放在门上面。", "choice2": "我在海报的背面贴了胶带。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "客户批准了建筑师的大楼计划。", "choice1": "建筑师建造了这座建筑。", "choice2": "建筑师调整了计划。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人掉了勺子。", "choice1": "他的手在颤抖。", "choice2": "他舔了舔勺子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "公司的首席执行官辞职了。", "choice1": "董事会解散了公司。", "choice2": "董事会找到了他的继任者。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我到课时迟到了。", "choice1": "我在后排坐下了。", "choice2": "我走近讲台。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人从监狱里被释放了。", "choice1": "他的家人付了他的保释金。", "choice2": "他袭击了一个同狱犯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个家庭失去了所有的财产。", "choice1": "他们卖掉了房子。", "choice2": "他们的房子着火了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我踩在铝罐上。", "choice1": "罐被回收了。", "choice2": "罐被压碎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩加入了辩论队。", "choice1": "她学会了使用电脑。", "choice2": "她学会了沟通技巧。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的心情好转了。", "choice1": "我听了音乐。", "choice2": "我洗了碗。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "慈善机构制定了一个筹款目标。", "choice1": "他们给无家可归的人喂食。", "choice2": "他们举行了一场拍卖会。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "过山车从陡坡上速降下来。", "choice1": "乘客们咯咯地笑。", "choice2": "乘客们尖叫着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我很生气。", "choice1": "离开家时,我检查了邮箱。", "choice2": "离开家时,我砰地关上了门。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人想看日出。", "choice1": "他向北旅行。", "choice2": "他起得很早。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把纸折起来。", "choice1": "我回收了纸。", "choice2": "纸有折痕了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个国家经受了一场自然灾害。", "choice1": "其他国家的领导人结成了联盟。", "choice2": "其他国家领导人送去了紧急救援。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男孩的衣服湿透了。", "choice1": "他爬出了游泳池。", "choice2": "他掉进了游泳池。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生急忙读完这本书。", "choice1": "它本来要归还给图书馆的。", "choice2": "他是从一个朋友那里借来的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "罪犯被处决了。", "choice1": "他被关进了监狱。", "choice2": "他被判犯有谋杀罪。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "阳光照进了房间。", "choice1": "我打开窗帘。", "choice2": "我打开了门。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我拉扯了那个骗子的头发。", "choice1": "她的假发掉了。", "choice2": "她秃了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "编辑在手稿中改写了一句话。", "choice1": "他发现手稿很有说服力。", "choice2": "他认为那句子不清楚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人取消了她的信用卡帐户。", "choice1": "她意识到卡不见了。", "choice2": "她意识到卡过期了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男人和女人坠入爱河。", "choice1": "他们上了大学。", "choice2": "他们结婚了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "音乐太微弱了,听不见。", "choice1": "我把音量调大了。", "choice2": "我创作了自己的歌曲。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩的头发竖起了。", "choice1": "女孩生气了。", "choice2": "女孩拉了它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "虫子被压扁了。", "choice1": "我给自己喷了驱虫剂。", "choice2": "我踩到了这个虫子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我睁开眼睛。", "choice1": "我醒了。", "choice2": "我放松了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我邻居的音乐在巨响。", "choice1": "我请他把它关掉。", "choice2": "我向他借了CD。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的家庭生活在贫困之中。", "choice1": "他节俭地使用他的收入。", "choice2": "他挣的钱低于最低工资。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个学生从大学毕业了。", "choice1": "他找工作了。", "choice2": "他开始一种爱好。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "艺术家把黄色的油漆混合进蓝色的油漆。", "choice1": "油漆到处飞溅。", "choice2": "油漆变绿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我改变了谈话的话题。", "choice1": "我用完了要谈的事情。", "choice2": "谈话变得紧张起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "我哥哥出院了。", "choice1": "我欢迎他回家。", "choice2": "我冷淡地对待他。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "舞台上的帷幕拉开了。", "choice1": "演出的第一幕开始了。", "choice2": "剧中的演员退出了舞台。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "人质服从了绑架者。", "choice1": "绑架者威胁要伤害人质。", "choice2": "绑架者自己离开了人质。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一阵隆隆声在舞台上回荡。", "choice1": "音乐家轻拍他的脚。", "choice2": "音乐家敲击鼓。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "父母们冲到孩子的卧室。", "choice1": "孩子从噩梦中惊醒尖叫。", "choice2": "那孩子害怕看床底下。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那位妇女用手语交流。", "choice1": "她是早产儿。", "choice2": "她生来就是聋子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该地区发生了干旱。", "choice1": "水被污染了。", "choice2": "庄稼死了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "猫追赶那只鸟。", "choice1": "那只鸟飞走了。", "choice2": "那只鸟捉到了虫子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩换了学校。", "choice1": "学校放学放暑假了。", "choice2": "她搬到了一个新城镇。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "工厂老板拒绝提高雇员的工资。", "choice1": "老板任命了一位新经理。", "choice2": "雇员们继续罢工。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位领导人在对抗了他国家里的极端分子。", "choice1": "极端分子影响了他。", "choice2": "极端分子暗杀了他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我赤脚走在沙滩上。", "choice1": "沙刺到我的脚。", "choice2": "海浪沿着海岸冲来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我半夜醒来,感觉很冷。", "choice1": "我穿上运动裤。", "choice2": "我喝了一杯水。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "母亲让儿子安静下来。", "choice1": "她的儿子笑了。", "choice2": "她儿子发牢骚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的牛仔裤上有个洞。", "choice1": "我拉起牛仔裤。", "choice2": "我在人行道上绊倒了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩戴着牙套。", "choice1": "他有一个空腔。", "choice2": "他的牙齿变得直了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我昨天在健身房锻炼。", "choice1": "我今天醒来时肌肉酸痛。", "choice2": "我今天醒来时喉咙痛。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩在餐桌上互相耳语。", "choice1": "其他学生坐在午餐桌旁。", "choice2": "在餐桌上的其他学生感到被冷落了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子落在蹦床上。", "choice1": "她飞回空中。", "choice2": "她决定尝试做一次翻转。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把信寄到信箱里了。", "choice1": "邮局把信交付了。", "choice2": "邮局迅速发出了信。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "赌徒很自信。", "choice1": "他赌了所有的钱。", "choice2": "他回家时已经破产了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "森林大火蔓延开来。", "choice1": "风变得更强了。", "choice2": "纵火者被捕了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这孩子把膝盖破了皮。", "choice1": "他妈妈把他送到他的房间。", "choice2": "他的母亲在伤口上系了绷带。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人幸免于这种致命的疾病。", "choice1": "他签了个要人。", "choice2": "他接受了器官移植。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "我喝了一口滚烫的咖啡。", "choice1": "我咬了舌头。", "choice2": "我烫伤了舌头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "编辑解雇了作者。", "choice1": "这位作家避免在故事中出现偏见。", "choice2": "作者错过了一个重要的截止日期。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我感到筋疲力尽。", "choice1": "我睡了一整天。", "choice2": "我学习了一整天。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "医生诊断病人。", "choice1": "她确定了病人的症状。", "choice2": "她给病人开了药。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我抓伤了皮肤。", "choice1": "这是汗水。", "choice2": "感觉很痒。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人接受了紧急手术。", "choice1": "他发脾气了。", "choice2": "他心脏病发作。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的手臂肌肉鼓了起来。", "choice1": "他弯曲了双臂。", "choice2": "他揉了揉手臂。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人扬起眉毛。", "choice1": "他很惊讶。", "choice2": "他感到气馁。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我宽恕了同事的愚蠢错误。", "choice1": "我相信他的意图是好的。", "choice2": "我相信他更清楚。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人戒烟了。", "choice1": "他开始多锻炼。", "choice2": "他开始早起。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人用拳头打袭击者的鼻子。", "choice1": "袭击者的身体没有了生命迹象。", "choice2": "攻击者开始流血。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "飞镖错过了牛眼。", "choice1": "那人没有中目标。", "choice2": "那人输掉了比赛。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "房主要求一个灭害员到他家来。", "choice1": "他在地下室发现了老鼠。", "choice2": "他在房间里养了一个蚂蚁农场。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我建议我的客人出去吃饭。", "choice1": "我太累了,什么都准备不了。", "choice2": "我的客人逗留过于久了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩发现她的哥哥在读她的日记。", "choice1": "她开始把日记藏起来。", "choice2": "她收到一本新日记。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人缺钱付房租。", "choice1": "她加班加点。", "choice2": "她辞职了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子的手很快退缩了。", "choice1": "他碰了热炉子。", "choice2": "他拍了拍小狗的头。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "公司希望衡量客户满意度。", "choice1": "他们为新客户提供折扣。", "choice2": "他们向客户分发了一份调查。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "木地板被划伤。", "choice1": "男孩把垫子从沙发上扔了出去。", "choice2": "男孩把椅子拖过地板。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我遮住了我的脸。", "choice1": "我的敌人嘲笑我。", "choice2": "我的敌人举起拳头。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这座著名的雕像被烧毁了。", "choice1": "它被闪电击中了。", "choice2": "人们来崇拜它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把水果忘在桌子上了。", "choice1": "水果脱落种子。", "choice2": "苍蝇挤满了那水果。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "芭蕾舞选手撕裂了系带。", "choice1": "她指着她的脚趾。", "choice2": "她扭伤了脚踝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子的鞋带解开了。", "choice1": "他学会了如何把他们绑起来。", "choice2": "他在操场上跑来跑去。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我迷上了这本书。", "choice1": "我还了书。", "choice2": "我忘记了时间。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个人有着和父母相似的信仰。", "choice1": "他的父母影响了他。", "choice2": "他的父母抛弃了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "汽车逐渐减速停了下来。", "choice1": "汽油用完了。", "choice2": "司机睡着了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "那人在阳光下吃了冰淇淋。", "choice1": "冰淇淋失去了味道。", "choice2": "冰淇淋从蛋卷上滴下来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把艺术品挂在房间里。", "choice1": "地毯看起来很脏。", "choice2": "墙壁看起来光秃秃的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我很早就下班了。", "choice1": "我头疼。", "choice2": "我老板召开了一个会议。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "小狗弄脏了地毯。", "choice1": "主人骂了小狗。", "choice2": "主人给小狗一个款待。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我向我的朋友道歉了。", "choice1": "我的朋友原谅了我。", "choice2": "我的朋友很生气。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人在人群中脱颖而出。", "choice1": "他背着一个背包。", "choice2": "他穿着一件霓虹灯背心。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "证人在宣誓后撒谎。", "choice1": "他完成了他的证词。", "choice2": "他被指控作伪证。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人染了头发。", "choice1": "她想要一个新的面貌。", "choice2": "她想融入其中。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这些移民是非法居住在这个国家的。", "choice1": "他们找到了工作。", "choice2": "他们被驱逐出境了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "公共发言人开了个玩笑。", "choice1": "观众笑了起来。", "choice2": "观众站了起来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我看着太阳。", "choice1": "太阳使我失明。", "choice2": "太阳晒黑了我的皮肤。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我觉得很无聊。", "choice1": "我哼了一声。", "choice2": "我打哈欠了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "牛排很难切。", "choice1": "刀子很钝。", "choice2": "牛排是生的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人宣布破产了。", "choice1": "她收到了赡养费。", "choice2": "她获得了巨额债务。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我朋友公寓里的灯亮着。", "choice1": "我想知道他是否出去了。", "choice2": "我决定去拜访他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把花放在鼻子底下。", "choice1": "花瓣从花瓣上脱落。", "choice2": "我闻到了花的香味。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人感到怀旧。", "choice1": "她遇到了一个儿时的朋友。", "choice2": "她对孩子们大喊大叫。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生拖延文章。", "choice1": "他早早地提交了论文。", "choice2": "他提交的文件不完整。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的车抛锚了。", "choice1": "我去了购物中心。", "choice2": "我给一个机械师打了电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我丢弃了那张纸条。", "choice1": "是匿名的。", "choice2": "这是难以辨认的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那只鸟拍打着翅膀。", "choice1": "它产卵了。", "choice2": "它向上上升。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把车停在车道上。", "choice1": "车库是开着的。", "choice2": "车库满了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "罪犯用枪瞄准他的受害者。", "choice1": "罪犯放下了枪。", "choice2": "受害者举起双手。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我期待着周末。", "choice1": "我计划参加我叔叔的葬礼。", "choice2": "我计划参加我朋友的婚礼。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我忘记了时间。", "choice1": "我在做白日梦。", "choice2": "我恶心。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "文件打印出来后不可辨认。", "choice1": "打印机墨水不足。", "choice2": "印刷品没有纸了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "体育场奏起了国歌。", "choice1": "球迷们转向国旗。", "choice2": "球迷们冲了场。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "蘸料尝起来很平淡。", "choice1": "我把它端上桌。", "choice2": "我放了盐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把纸巾放在溢出处。", "choice1": "毛巾吸收了液体。", "choice2": "溢出物留下了粘性残留物。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人在看书时被打断了。", "choice1": "她在那页放上了书签。", "choice2": "她重读了这本书。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "飞机遇上了一些湍流。", "choice1": "那人系紧了安全带。", "choice2": "那人向窗外望去。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩退缩了。", "choice1": "女孩不理他。", "choice2": "女孩戳了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "医生给了病人一个假肢。", "choice1": "他们截肢了她的腿。", "choice2": "他们监控着她的生命体征。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩捏了女孩的肘部。", "choice1": "她耸了耸肩膀朝他。", "choice2": "她猛地把手臂从他身上拉开。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我向朋友请教。", "choice1": "我重视他的意见。", "choice2": "我知道我是对的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩踩在泥里。", "choice1": "泥粘在他的鞋子上。", "choice2": "泥浆溅到了他的脸。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个镇下了几英寸的雪。", "choice1": "学校停课了。", "choice2": "人们躲在地下。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "员工的轮班结束。", "choice1": "他回家过一天。", "choice2": "他威胁要辞职。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "树损坏了房子。", "choice1": "树倒在屋顶上。", "choice2": "树在后院被荫覆盖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "木头劈成两半。", "choice1": "我把木头堆在壁炉里。", "choice2": "我挥斧头砍到木头里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "家人向这对夫妇表示祝贺。", "choice1": "这对夫妇宣布他们要分居了。", "choice2": "这对夫妇宣布他们要生孩子了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩给男孩送了个情人节礼物。", "choice1": "她喜欢他。", "choice2": "她吻了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我对我的朋友的陈述点头。", "choice1": "我很困惑。", "choice2": "我同意他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "朋友们掷硬币。", "choice1": "他们想找到一个妥协。", "choice2": "他们想做出一个公平的决定。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "厨房的计时器熄了。", "choice1": "那人把杂货卸到冰箱里。", "choice2": "那人把披萨从烤箱里拿出来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女人设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标。", "choice1": "她松懈下来。", "choice2": "她工作很努力。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个有钱人因年老而死。", "choice1": "他的儿子惹上了法律麻烦。", "choice2": "他的儿子继承了他的财产。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人踩着火焰。", "choice1": "火焰熄火了。", "choice2": "烟雾从火焰中冒出来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人的车在商店里。", "choice1": "她的驾驶执照被吊销了。", "choice2": "她出了车祸。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我睡过了闹钟。", "choice1": "我做了早餐。", "choice2": "我错过了早餐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "公众人物从豪华轿车里出来。", "choice1": "照相机朝他的方向闪着闪光灯。", "choice2": "他的家人出席了记者招待会。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人在浴缸里逗留。", "choice1": "洗澡水变得很微温。", "choice2": "洗澡水从浴缸里流出。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个大学生想在校园里认识其他学生。", "choice1": "他加入了一个兄弟会。", "choice2": "他主修工程学。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我抬起沙发垫子。", "choice1": "我在寻找零钱。", "choice2": "我正在重新布置客厅。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "黄蜂飞向男孩。", "choice1": "男孩跑了。", "choice2": "男孩摘了一朵花。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这名妇女被判犯有轻罪。", "choice1": "她被判从事社区服务。", "choice2": "她被关在死囚牢房里。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把糖搅拌到热茶里。", "choice1": "茶蒸了。", "choice2": "糖溶解了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "老兵走路一跛一拐。", "choice1": "他被征召参战。", "choice2": "他在战斗中受伤了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "罪犯从警察身边逃走了。", "choice1": "警察照顾了受害者。", "choice2": "警察追赶罪犯。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "笔记本电脑无法打开。", "choice1": "我掉了。", "choice2": "我给它充了电。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人的衣橱没有空间了。", "choice1": "她买了一个宽敞的衣柜。", "choice2": "她把洗好的衣服折起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "那人很伤心。", "choice1": "他的妻子生了孩子。", "choice2": "他的妻子离开了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人获得了学位。", "choice1": "他有资格胜任他想要的工作。", "choice2": "他的工作机会被撤销了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的声音在礼堂里清晰可见。", "choice1": "他向观众致意。", "choice2": "他讲了话筒。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把一枚硬币扔进喷泉里。", "choice1": "硬币沉到底部。", "choice2": "硬币折断成一半了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "球员把球打向洞。", "choice1": "球进了洞。", "choice2": "球退回到球员那儿。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在阁楼的灰尘中呼吸。", "choice1": "我打嗝了。", "choice2": "我打喷嚏。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "商店收银员叫保安。", "choice1": "顾客使用假币。", "choice2": "客户没关前灯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把垃圾拿出来。", "choice1": "垃圾使厨房闻起来难闻。", "choice2": "我不小心扔掉了我的购物清单。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "一家人去了动物园。", "choice1": "孩子们赞叹动物。", "choice2": "孩子们追逐动物。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的呼吸很响。", "choice1": "他的肾衰竭了。", "choice2": "他的肺充血了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我有一张音乐会的票。", "choice1": "我向我的朋友询问去会场的方向。", "choice2": "我问我的朋友他是否有兴趣去。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "房子里的空调坏了。", "choice1": "我拿出了毯子。", "choice2": "我打开了窗户。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩的背部疼痛。", "choice1": "他的背包是开着的。", "choice2": "他的背包很重。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我给妈妈买了一件礼物。", "choice1": "我给她烤了个蛋糕。", "choice2": "那是她的生日。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "花园里的水仙花被毁坏了。", "choice1": "一条蜜蜂刺伤了园丁。", "choice2": "松鼠挖出了它的根。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我点了根火柴。", "choice1": "火焰熄灭了。", "choice2": "火柴产生了火焰。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "争议双方达成和解。", "choice1": "他们不想在法庭上辩论。", "choice2": "他们想修复他们的个人关系。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子们被送到孤儿院。", "choice1": "他们的父母死了。", "choice2": "他们的父母宠坏了他们。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "一块陨石落在了海里。", "choice1": "海啸发生了。", "choice2": "开始下冰雹。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "徒步旅行者遇到了一条毒蛇。", "choice1": "她脱水了。", "choice2": "她惊慌失措。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "烤箱变热了。", "choice1": "我把烤箱打开。", "choice2": "我把盘子放在烤箱里。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我挤压了柠檬楔子。", "choice1": "柠檬发霉了。", "choice2": "柠檬喷出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个国家发现了新的土地。", "choice1": "这个国家放弃了这块土地。", "choice2": "这个国家殖民了这片土地。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "玻璃杯从桌子上掉下来。", "choice1": "它碎了一地。", "choice2": "它落在一堆衣服上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "桌子摇晃着。", "choice1": "地板不平。", "choice2": "地板很滑。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "父亲发现他的儿子在撒谎。", "choice1": "他的儿子承认了真相。", "choice2": "父亲信任他的儿子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人的头因疼痛而颤动。", "choice1": "他服用了咳嗽糖浆。", "choice2": "他服用了阿司匹林。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "火车慢下来了。", "choice1": "它正接近车站。", "choice2": "它落后于计划。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人接受了治疗。", "choice1": "他的家族有精神病史。", "choice2": "他被诊断患有抑郁症。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人抓住她的喉咙。", "choice1": "她吞下了她的食物。", "choice2": "她被食物呛住了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人嗓子疼。", "choice1": "她的声音听起来很刺耳。", "choice2": "她说话带有口音。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "狗看着桌上多汁的牛排。", "choice1": "它流口水。", "choice2": "它躺下了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女人的生意成功了。", "choice1": "她解雇了她的员工。", "choice2": "她变得富有了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生们离开了教室。", "choice1": "铃响了。", "choice2": "老师布置了作业。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人声称她看见了鬼。", "choice1": "她的熟人表示怀疑。", "choice2": "她的熟人理解她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人失去了听力。", "choice1": "他差点淹死在海里。", "choice2": "他差点在爆炸中丧生。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "孩子放开气球串。", "choice1": "气球放气了。", "choice2": "气球升到空中。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人失去了说话的能力。", "choice1": "他中风了。", "choice2": "他深吸了一口气。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人在人行道上绊倒了。", "choice1": "水泥有裂缝。", "choice2": "她听到她的名字被叫了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人加农炮式跳入了池子。", "choice1": "救生员在他之后跳了进来。", "choice2": "那人把救生员浸湿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我服用了抗生素。", "choice1": "我的感染已经清除了。", "choice2": "我的感染蔓延了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "交通灯变黄了。", "choice1": "司机踩了刹车。", "choice2": "司机按响了喇叭。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "塑料容器融化了。", "choice1": "我把容器浸泡在温水中。", "choice2": "我把容器放在热炉子上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "汽车凹陷了。", "choice1": "司机撞到了电线杆上。", "choice2": "司机闯了红灯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩通宵学习。", "choice1": "他跳过了考试。", "choice2": "他通过了考试。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "小男孩紧紧抓住池子边缘。", "choice1": "他害怕学习游泳。", "choice2": "救生员在值班。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把手放在胸前。", "choice1": "我感觉到我的心跳。", "choice2": "我的心率加快了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我办公室旁边的大楼正在建设中。", "choice1": "我的办公室很拥挤。", "choice2": "我的办公室很吵。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个家庭想了解他们的新邻居。", "choice1": "一家人邀请邻居过来吃饭。", "choice2": "一家人从院子里向邻居们挥手致意。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "水从水池里溅起来。", "choice1": "游泳者跳进游泳池。", "choice2": "游泳者在游泳池里漂浮。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我咬了一片西瓜。", "choice1": "我不小心吞下了一颗种子。", "choice2": "我不小心咬破了牙齿。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩被绊倒了。", "choice1": "他的夹克被解开了。", "choice2": "他的鞋带解开了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人把耳塞插了。", "choice1": "她被噪音分散了注意力。", "choice2": "她的耳朵被刺穿了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我重新加了水瓶。", "choice1": "我喝了它里所有的水。", "choice2": "我把它放在冰箱里了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个电视节目受到审查。", "choice1": "它包含粗俗的语言。", "choice2": "它有一个复杂的情节。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "船失事了。", "choice1": "船员们淹死了。", "choice2": "船员们遇到了海盗。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男孩被这个谜语难住了。", "choice1": "他解开了谜语。", "choice2": "他要求一个提示。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "电话铃响了。", "choice1": "那人挂断了电话。", "choice2": "那人拿起电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人盯着我看。", "choice1": "我拥抱了她。", "choice2": "我感觉不舒服。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这群人离开了博物馆。", "choice1": "他们拍了展品的照片。", "choice2": "他们看了所有的展品。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人和我争吵了。", "choice1": "我的朋友把我介绍给那个人。", "choice2": "我的朋友支持我。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我自行车上的轮胎没气了。", "choice1": "我把空气注入轮胎里。", "choice2": "我换了自行车上的齿轮。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女孩脸色苍白。", "choice1": "她父亲给她读了一个故事。", "choice2": "她的父亲感觉了下她的额头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "钢笔墨水用完了。", "choice1": "我用了一支铅笔。", "choice2": "我签了名。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人被拒绝贷款。", "choice1": "他负债累累。", "choice2": "他开始做生意。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女孩放学后呆在家里。", "choice1": "她有水痘。", "choice2": "她喜欢学数学。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "垃圾袋装满了。", "choice1": "我把它带到垃圾箱里。", "choice2": "我把它扔到水槽里了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把地毯吸了个尘。", "choice1": "我的室友大打出手。", "choice2": "我的狗掉毛了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人发脾气了。", "choice1": "他关掉了电脑。", "choice2": "他把一把椅子扔过房间。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女孩把一根树枝扔进篝火里。", "choice1": "树枝烧焦了。", "choice2": "火熄火了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人从淋浴里出来。", "choice1": "热水没了。", "choice2": "他找不到毛巾。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "父母希望他们的孩子上大学。", "choice1": "他们拨出一个储蓄基金作为学费。", "choice2": "他们鼓励他们的孩子在外面玩。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人解开了鞋子。", "choice1": "鞋子松了。", "choice2": "鞋子穿破了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人吃了一半的主菜。", "choice1": "他把剩菜冷藏。", "choice2": "他保存了食谱。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的脚踝肿了。", "choice1": "我冰上放了冰。", "choice2": "我擦了洗液。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的办公室门是开着的。", "choice1": "我在办公桌前和同事交谈。", "choice2": "我无意中听到大厅里的谈话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我不得不排队等候。", "choice1": "我坐了下来。", "choice2": "我浏览了一本杂志。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人向苍蝇用力击打。", "choice1": "苍蝇嗡嗡飞走。", "choice2": "苍蝇静止不动。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人写了一份遗嘱。", "choice1": "他快死了。", "choice2": "他是个寡妇。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "赛跑者感觉到他的竞争对手在逼近。", "choice1": "他退出了比赛。", "choice2": "他加快了步伐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我仔细考虑了这个问题。", "choice1": "我征求了意见。", "choice2": "我想出了一个解决办法。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "旅行者走在摇摇欲坠的吊桥上。", "choice1": "他感到害怕。", "choice2": "他欣喜若狂。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人预料到球队会获胜。", "choice1": "他会见了他的朋友看比赛。", "choice2": "他和朋友们打赌。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那男孩睡不着。", "choice1": "他把闹钟定了。", "choice2": "他数着羊。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该物品用气泡包装纸包着。", "choice1": "它很易碎。", "choice2": "它很小。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我掏空了口袋。", "choice1": "我找到了一张票根。", "choice2": "我找到了一件武器。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "白蚁入侵了这所房子。", "choice1": "白蚁从房子里消失了。", "choice2": "白蚁吃穿了房子里的木头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 2, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "旅客到达边境。", "choice1": "巡逻员检查了他们的护照。", "choice2": "巡逻人员指控他们走私。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "办公室关门了。", "choice1": "那是个假期。", "choice2": "那是个夏天。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩精疲力竭。", "choice1": "她玩了跳棋。", "choice2": "她跳了绳。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人排队的位置没有了。", "choice1": "越来越多的人开始排队。", "choice2": "她走出了队外。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女孩捏了捏鼻子。", "choice1": "婴儿在围嘴上流口水。", "choice2": "婴儿弄脏了尿布。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "乐队演奏了他们的热门歌曲。", "choice1": "观众随着音乐拍手。", "choice2": "观众礼貌地沉默着。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩想感谢她的数学老师。", "choice1": "那个女孩放学后被留堂了。", "choice2": "这个女孩给老师带来了一个苹果。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "年轻的露营者们感到害怕。", "choice1": "他们的营地顾问给他们讲了一个鬼故事。", "choice2": "他们在营火上烤了棉花糖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的头撞了一下。", "choice1": "他陷入了沉思。", "choice2": "他得了脑震荡。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的支票被拒付了。", "choice1": "我的银行帐户是空的。", "choice2": "我加薪了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该男子的电子邮件收件箱中充斥着垃圾邮件。", "choice1": "他删除了垃圾邮件。", "choice2": "他群发了电子邮件。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "水手被隔离了。", "choice1": "他接触了这种疾病。", "choice2": "他从疾病中康复了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩记住了密码。", "choice1": "她背下来给自己听了。", "choice2": "她忘了写下来。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把水倒进了玻璃杯中。", "choice1": "这水解了我的渴。", "choice2": "玻璃杯变满了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "他的朋友结束讲话的时候,那个人保持着沉默。", "choice1": "他想支持他的朋友。", "choice2": "他在思考他朋友的话。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这次事故是我的错。", "choice1": "我感到内疚。", "choice2": "我起诉了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "链条破裂了。", "choice1": "链条缠绕在轮胎上。", "choice2": "链条中有一节断开了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇决定妥协。", "choice1": "他们厌倦了争论。", "choice2": "他们避免讨论这个问题。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该名妇女决定竞选公职。", "choice1": "她雇用了一位竞选策划人。", "choice2": "她在法庭上作证。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该名男子预计他的旅途中的天气会很冷。", "choice1": "他把保暖的衣服装进行李箱里。", "choice2": "他带着一个大行李箱旅行。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生知道这道问题的答案。", "choice1": "他举起了手。", "choice2": "它偷懒了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男人的眼睛流泪了。", "choice1": "他的眼睛进灰了。", "choice2": "他戴上了护目镜。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位玩家连续赢得了五场比赛。", "choice1": "她的对手指责她作弊。", "choice2": "她的对手为她感到难过。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "老师撕毁了这位学生的试卷。", "choice1": "他抓住了这位学生作弊。", "choice2": "学生的答案是错误的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我讲话停了下来了。", "choice1": "我失声了。", "choice2": "我气喘吁吁。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "冷冻食品解冻了。", "choice1": "我把它放进了微波炉里。", "choice2": "我用保鲜膜盖住了它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "员工假装生病。", "choice1": "他得了胃痉挛。", "choice2": "他想休息一天。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女孩落在游泳池里。", "choice1": "她在泳池甲板上奔跑。", "choice2": "她跳下了跳水板。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "电影票卖完了。", "choice1": "这是电影的首映日。", "choice2": "这部电影的评论不佳。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该男子减了肥。", "choice1": "人们孤立他。", "choice2": "人们称赞他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩的手起了水泡。", "choice1": "她打了一封信。", "choice2": "她爬上了一根绳子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "马戏团表演者在骑独轮车时玩杂耍。", "choice1": "观众惊讶地欢呼。", "choice2": "杂技演员从空中飞来飞去。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我失去了耐心。", "choice1": "我的朋友一直让我等着。", "choice2": "我的朋友准时到达。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "交战国家要求和平。", "choice1": "他们研发了核武器。", "choice2": "他们商定了一项条约。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人吃了安眠药。", "choice1": "他变得昏昏欲睡。", "choice2": "他发烧了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人撞到沙发上。", "choice1": "沙发的腿松了。", "choice2": "她擦伤了膝盖。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩挤气球。", "choice1": "气球破了。", "choice2": "气球飞走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "旅客入住了他们的旅馆房间。", "choice1": "他们打开了行李箱。", "choice2": "他们去了机场。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我咬了桃子。", "choice1": "桃子坏了。", "choice2": "果汁溅出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的手发粘。", "choice1": "我吃了甜甜圈。", "choice2": "我爱吃甜食。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我推了门。", "choice1": "门开了。", "choice2": "门锁上了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "激进分子抵制了这些产品。", "choice1": "产品通过了质量保证测试。", "choice2": "产品是由童工制造出来的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在墙上钻了一个洞。", "choice1": "一只老鼠从洞里爬出来。", "choice2": "灰尘从孔中吹出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女人羡慕她的妹妹。", "choice1": "她妹妹很高兴。", "choice2": "她妹妹离婚了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把酒洒在衬衫上了。", "choice1": "我穿上了围裙。", "choice2": "我换了衬衫。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "收银员打开了收银机。", "choice1": "顾客翻找着他的钱包。", "choice2": "顾客把钱递过来了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "街头音乐家吸引了一群人。", "choice1": "人们给了他零钱。", "choice2": "他把人群赶走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "小男孩向他的保姆哭了。", "choice1": "他想念他的父母。", "choice2": "那是点心时间。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "飞行员的雷达发现了一场风暴。", "choice1": "飞行员避开了风暴。", "choice2": "飞行员飞过了风暴。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这棵树落叶了。", "choice1": "叶子变色了。", "choice2": "叶子堆积在地面上。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩想恶作剧。", "choice1": "他决定和妹妹玩纸牌游戏。", "choice2": "他决定对捉弄妹妹。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个孩子抱怨说他必须去洗手间。", "choice1": "父亲给他喝了苏打水。", "choice2": "他的父亲把汽车停在了加油站。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子将鱼食撒进水缸。", "choice1": "鱼从水缸里跳了出来。", "choice2": "鱼游向了食物。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人的政治观点发生了变化。", "choice1": "她换了党派。", "choice2": "她参与了抗议。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "浴室的水槽堵塞了。", "choice1": "我打开水龙头。", "choice2": "我向水槽倒入了下水道清洁剂。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "乘客们下了火车。", "choice1": "火车到达了车站。", "choice2": "火车鸣笛。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该名男子按下信封的湿口。", "choice1": "他在信封上盖了邮票。", "choice2": "他把信封密封好了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 59, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "朋友们失去了联系。", "choice1": "他们享受彼此的陪伴。", "choice2": "他们搬去了不同的城市。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "会计师对公司的资金管理不善。", "choice1": "她被解雇了。", "choice2": "她休了产假。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我看着时钟。", "choice1": "我听到时钟的滴答声。", "choice2": "我想查看时间。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的手紧缩起来。", "choice1": "我手写了论文。", "choice2": "我和妻子牵了手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "螺栓被拧紧了。", "choice1": "我更换了螺栓。", "choice2": "我扭动了扳手。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇签了一份公寓租约。", "choice1": "这对夫妇搬进了公寓。", "choice2": "市政府将该公寓判为危房。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人坐在门廊外面。", "choice1": "她想看日落。", "choice2": "她以为自己看见了闪电。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该男子在水中穿着救生衣。", "choice1": "他不会游泳。", "choice2": "水很浅。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人在文字处理器中打了一个错字。", "choice1": "她删除了文件。", "choice2": "她按下了退格键。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩向她的朋友吹牛。", "choice1": "她的成绩不好。", "choice2": "她比赛获胜了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "草坪是泥泞的。", "choice1": "下了一夜的雨。", "choice2": "到处都是杂草。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人睡过头了。", "choice1": "她在旅馆住了一晚。", "choice2": "她忘了设置闹钟。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男人涂上了防晒霜。", "choice1": "他坐在阴影里。", "choice2": "他去了海滩。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "研究人员证明了这一理论。", "choice1": "研究人员撤回了这一理论。", "choice2": "大众接受了这一理论。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "比赛中的球迷嘘声高涨。", "choice1": "游戏进入加时赛。", "choice2": "裁判做出了错误的判断。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在锁上输入了我的组合密码。", "choice1": "我给它上锁了。", "choice2": "锁开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "人群越来越多。", "choice1": "父亲递给儿子一些钱。", "choice2": "父亲握住儿子的手。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "雪挡住了车道。", "choice1": "我把雪聚成一个雪球。", "choice2": "我把雪铲开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "皮划艇者划着桨。", "choice1": "皮划艇划到了岸边。", "choice2": "皮划艇遇上了风浪。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女孩的自行车失控了。", "choice1": "她松开了车把。", "choice2": "她撞上了篱笆。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我打开了风扇。", "choice1": "水洒在我的皮肤上。", "choice2": "我感到凉风拂过。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "冲浪者回到海滩。", "choice1": "他们浑身湿透了。", "choice2": "他们看到了一条鲨鱼。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我拉开了浴缸里的排水塞。", "choice1": "水从浴缸中排出。", "choice2": "水溅到地板上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "丈夫因欺骗妻子而感到内疚。", "choice1": "他指责她不忠。", "choice2": "他向她坦白了他的不忠。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "海报上的墨水抹开了。", "choice1": "我等着墨水变干。", "choice2": "我在海报上洒了水。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "孩子大叫着起来。", "choice1": "他做了一个噩梦。", "choice2": "他弄湿了床。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩把脚放在桌子上。", "choice1": "父亲在桌旁坐下了。", "choice2": "父亲教育了他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 86, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的朋友朝我的方向转过头。", "choice1": "我喊了他的名字。", "choice2": "我挥舞了双臂。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "政府压迫其公民。", "choice1": "公民发动了叛乱。", "choice2": "公民登记投票。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩在树林里迷路了。", "choice1": "他搭了一个帐篷。", "choice2": "他尖叫求救。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这女人出国旅行了。", "choice1": "她想学习画画。", "choice2": "她想了解其他文化。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男人嫉妒他的同事。", "choice1": "他的同事得到了晋升。", "choice2": "他的同事工作到很晚。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这男人目睹了外星人。", "choice1": "他那时出现了幻觉。", "choice2": "他那时在冥想。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 92, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男人的头发变成了金色。", "choice1": "他在头发里放了漂白剂。", "choice2": "他在头发里放了洗发水。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "艺术家创作了新作品。", "choice1": "她批评了她以前的作品。", "choice2": "她感到一阵灵感。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "儿子离开了家。", "choice1": "他被退伍。", "choice2": "他要去上大学。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "书从书架上掉了下来。", "choice1": "架子上满是灰尘。", "choice2": "一场地震震动了书架。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我家停电了。", "choice1": "我打开了一盏灯。", "choice2": "我重置了断路器。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我们坐了过山车。", "choice1": "它看起来很吓人。", "choice2": "它看起来很有趣。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "爆米花的袋子开始发出爆裂声。", "choice1": "我把黄油倒进了袋子里。", "choice2": "我用微波炉给它加了热。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一棵树倒在电线上。", "choice1": "附近停电了。", "choice2": "天气预报说有大风。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 100, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "演讲者发表了政治上不正确的评论。", "choice1": "他使听众感到厌烦。", "choice2": "他冒犯了听众。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 101, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我用针刺伤了自己。", "choice1": "一滴汗从我脸上滴下来。", "choice2": "我的手指上形成了一滴血。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 102, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "鱼漂浮在水箱表面。", "choice1": "它饿了。", "choice2": "它死了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 103, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的声音听起来嘶哑了。", "choice1": "他感冒了。", "choice2": "他戒烟了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 104, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "电梯门开了。", "choice1": "电梯到达指定的楼层。", "choice2": "电梯卡在楼层间。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 105, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "少年溜出家门。", "choice1": "他对他的父母撒了谎。", "choice2": "他的父母把他关了禁闭。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 106, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "浴室被淹了。", "choice1": "马桶溢出了。", "choice2": "热水器坏了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 107, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "小狗呆在主人附近。", "choice1": "主人给小狗戴上了项圈。", "choice2": "主人把小狗拴在狗绳上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 108, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人看见了他的倒影。", "choice1": "他站在一棵大树下。", "choice2": "他站在平静的湖面上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 109, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我错过了我女朋友的电话。", "choice1": "我给她回了电话。", "choice2": "我与她共进晚餐。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 110, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这家人搜查了附近。", "choice1": "他们的狗离家出走了。", "choice2": "他们家丢失了昂贵的珠宝。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 111, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "当我呼出时,我看到了我的呼吸。", "choice1": "天气很冷。", "choice2": "我的胸部感觉很紧。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 112, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "雇员们组成了一个工会。", "choice1": "他们想要更好的工作条件。", "choice2": "他们的雇主提高了工资。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 113, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我烤了一个苹果派。", "choice1": "厨房弥漫着腐烂的气味。", "choice2": "厨房里弥漫着温暖的香气。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 114, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人挣扎着走路。", "choice1": "她穿着高跟鞋。", "choice2": "她脱下鞋子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 115, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "蒸汽从锅上升出。", "choice1": "水煮沸了。", "choice2": "我盖上了锅盖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 116, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我所有的袜子都在洗衣房里。", "choice1": "我穿着凉鞋。", "choice2": "我穿着靴子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 117, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那位政治家的论点被认为是荒谬的。", "choice1": "他失去了选民的支持。", "choice2": "他被指控腐败。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 118, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "每个人都不赞成这对夫妇的订婚。", "choice1": "这对夫妇怀孕了。", "choice2": "这对夫妇私奔了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 119, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这栋楼是献给这位百万富翁的。", "choice1": "这位百万富翁希望把大楼拆掉。", "choice2": "这位百万富翁捐了钱来建造它。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 120, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "售货员指控那个女孩偷窃。", "choice1": "售货员看到那个女孩把商品放在钱包里。", "choice2": "售货员帮助那个女孩找到她喜欢的钱包。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 121, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个国家向邻国宣战。", "choice1": "士兵被派去战斗。", "choice2": "士兵们与家人团聚。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 122, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "法院维持了这项有争议的裁决。", "choice1": "法庭前爆发了一场骚乱。", "choice2": "一对夫妇在法院门前交换了誓言。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 123, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩闻到有东西烧焦了。", "choice1": "她把饼干从罐子里拿出来。", "choice2": "她把饼干忘在烤箱里了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 124, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "大雨倾盆而下。", "choice1": "暴风雨更猛烈了。", "choice2": "我冲了进去。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 125, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "大楼被疏散了。", "choice1": "电梯停止运转。", "choice2": "火警响了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 126, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "父亲憎恨儿子酗酒。", "choice1": "父亲给儿子买了一杯啤酒。", "choice2": "父亲把儿子赶出了家门。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 127, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "律师爬楼去她的办公室。", "choice1": "秘书这天回家了。", "choice2": "电梯坏了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 128, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人对他的朋友很恼火。", "choice1": "他的朋友打断了他。", "choice2": "他的朋友给他买了午餐。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 129, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩把钱交给了收银员。", "choice1": "收银员把找的钱给了那个女孩。", "choice2": "收银员忘了给那个女孩一张收据。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 130, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人被放在轮椅上。", "choice1": "她在一次事故中瘫痪了。", "choice2": "她被担架抬进了医院。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 131, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "市民们把国旗挂在家门外。", "choice1": "这个国家正在纪念它的独立。", "choice2": "这个国家正面临经济困难。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 132, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该队输掉了比赛。", "choice1": "他们让他们的球迷失望了。", "choice2": "他们鼓舞了他们的球迷。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 133, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的朋友指出我的牙齿里塞了食物。", "choice1": "我感到很尴尬。", "choice2": "我很自豪。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 134, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩没有通过历史考试。", "choice1": "他在课堂上认真听讲了。", "choice2": "他忘了学习。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 135, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "市中心的大楼倒塌了。", "choice1": "一场地震袭击了这个城市。", "choice2": "这个城市的犯罪率上升了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 136, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男人的女朋友和他分手了。", "choice1": "他恳求她再次接受他。", "choice2": "她把他介绍给她的父母。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 137, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "两个孩子同时伸手去取回球。", "choice1": "球滚开了。", "choice2": "他们的头相撞了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 138, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "熊洗劫了垃圾桶。", "choice1": "垃圾桶里有纸板。", "choice2": "垃圾桶的盖子没盖上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 139, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩把铅笔磨光了。", "choice1": "它很便宜。", "choice2": "它很钝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 140, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "收银员拒绝给那女人退款。", "choice1": "她丢了收据。", "choice2": "这件衣服不合适。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 141, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我皮肤上的划痕很深。", "choice1": "它很快愈合了。", "choice2": "它留下了一个疤痕。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 142, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "火车上的乘客奇怪地看着他。", "choice1": "他盯着地面。", "choice2": "他在自言自语。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 143, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子把面包屑留在了地板上。", "choice1": "蚂蚁爬到了面包屑上。", "choice2": "孩子把面包收了起来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 144, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人递给她的妹妹一张纸巾。", "choice1": "女人的妹妹叠起了她的手。", "choice2": "女人的妹妹哭了起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 145, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人拿了薄荷。", "choice1": "他的嘴唇裂开了。", "choice2": "他担心口臭。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 146, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇早早地离开去看演出。", "choice1": "他们预计剧院周围会有堵车。", "choice2": "他们知道去剧院的路。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 147, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人呆在家里没去上班。", "choice1": "她的老板表扬了她。", "choice2": "她的同事帮她掩护。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 148, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人在维权人士的请愿书上签了名。", "choice1": "他支持他们的事业。", "choice2": "他谴责他们疯了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 149, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "演员在演出前心慌。", "choice1": "他有上台紧张症。", "choice2": "他记住了他的台词。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 150, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我迷路了。", "choice1": "我数了一下我的现金。", "choice2": "我展开了一张地图。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 151, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "成熟的果实在阳光下摇动。", "choice1": "它被吃了。", "choice2": "它枯萎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 152, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "汽车抛锚了。", "choice1": "我转动了点火装置。", "choice2": "发动机过热。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 153, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人伤了背部。", "choice1": "他去看精神病医生了。", "choice2": "他在床上呆了几天。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 154, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在壁炉里生了火。", "choice1": "我没柴火了。", "choice2": "房子里很冷。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 155, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人停止了慢跑。", "choice1": "她一侧身体抽筋了。", "choice2": "她恢复了精力。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 156, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我敲了邻居的门。", "choice1": "我的邻居邀请我进来。", "choice2": "我的邻居离开了她的房子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 157, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人沮丧地叹了口气。", "choice1": "她丈夫误解了她的顾虑。", "choice2": "她丈夫与她吻别。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 158, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "老师表扬了学生。", "choice1": "学生正确回答了问题。", "choice2": "学生犹豫着回答问题。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 159, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人的鸡蛋用完了。", "choice1": "她去了农场。", "choice2": "她去了超市。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 160, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我遇到了一位老朋友。", "choice1": "我向他透露了一个秘密。", "choice2": "我给了他一个拥抱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 161, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人避免去湖边。", "choice1": "她钓到了一条鱼。", "choice2": "它看起来被污染了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 162, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生来上课时浑身湿透了。", "choice1": "他的伞坏了。", "choice2": "他的自行车被偷了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 163, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "电脑屏幕上的光标移动了。", "choice1": "用户单击了鼠标。", "choice2": "用户移动了鼠标。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 164, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "司机绕道而行。", "choice1": "主干道上发生了一起事故。", "choice2": "她跟着前面的卡车。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 165, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把湿床单挂在户外晾衣绳上。", "choice1": "床单干了。", "choice2": "床单染色了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 166, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人戴上了她的墨镜。", "choice1": "阳光很大。", "choice2": "她叫了一辆出租车。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 167, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人凝视着夜空。", "choice1": "他希望那是夏天。", "choice2": "他认为它很漂亮。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 168, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我感到筋疲力尽。", "choice1": "我很早就上床睡觉了。", "choice2": "我熬夜了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 169, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "那人去找理发师。", "choice1": "他正在长头发。", "choice2": "他的头发变长了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 170, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩恶意地捉弄了他的新同学。", "choice1": "这个男孩欢迎这个新同学。", "choice2": "这个男孩不喜欢这个新同学。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 171, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我想喝一杯牛奶。", "choice1": "我在吃饼干。", "choice2": "我在烤面包。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 172, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "天开始下雨了。", "choice1": "司机打开了大前灯。", "choice2": "司机把车倒过来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 173, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "大楼的停车场是空的。", "choice1": "我把车停在街对面。", "choice2": "我把车停在入口附近。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 174, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "作者错过了提交草稿的最后期限。", "choice1": "她犯了写作障碍。", "choice2": "她编辑了草稿。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 175, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "同事挂断了我的电话。", "choice1": "我要求与主管谈话。", "choice2": "我提供了我的身份证号码。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 176, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "风吹过开着的窗户。", "choice1": "门铃响了。", "choice2": "窗帘抖动了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 177, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我家的电停了。", "choice1": "我拔下台灯的插头。", "choice2": "我烧断了保险丝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 178, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "举重运动员发出哼声。", "choice1": "他在镜子里展示他的肌肉。", "choice2": "他把杠铃杆举过头顶。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 179, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个学生试图心算。", "choice1": "他拿出了一个计算器。", "choice2": "他弄糊涂了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 180, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "婴儿睡着了。", "choice1": "父亲换了婴儿的尿布。", "choice2": "父亲轻轻地摇动着婴儿。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 181, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩把水气球扔向男孩。", "choice1": "那男孩得了脑震荡。", "choice2": "男孩被淋湿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 182, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "摄影师忘了用相机上的闪光灯。", "choice1": "照片模糊不清。", "choice2": "照片上的每个人都拒绝微笑。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 183, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我谢绝了生日聚会的邀请。", "choice1": "我很孤独。", "choice2": "我不在城里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 184, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我锻炼了。", "choice1": "我感到精力充沛。", "choice2": "我很害怕。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 185, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我挤压了这个湿海绵。", "choice1": "它浸湿了水。", "choice2": "水从中渗出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 186, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "游客们乘坐渡轮去度假村。", "choice1": "度假村已被预订好。", "choice2": "度假村在一个岛上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 187, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个少年有纹身。", "choice1": "她害怕打针。", "choice2": "她想叛逆。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 188, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一辆陌生的车停在我家外面。", "choice1": "我开始起疑了。", "choice2": "我给警察打了电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 189, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "罪犯自首了。", "choice1": "证据指向了他。", "choice2": "没有不利于他的证据。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 190, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个魁梧的人决定减肥。", "choice1": "他戒了甜食。", "choice2": "他避免咖啡因。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 191, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩踩在了冰上。", "choice1": "她滑倒了。", "choice2": "她颤抖着。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 192, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人眼睛下面有眼袋。", "choice1": "她熬夜了。", "choice2": "她把儿子安顿睡觉了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 193, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "熔岩从火山中流出。", "choice1": "火山爆发了。", "choice2": "火山处于休眠状态。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 194, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人穿上鞋子。", "choice1": "她认识聚会上的每个人。", "choice2": "她想离开聚会。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 195, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我向收费站服务员付了费。", "choice1": "她让我通过了收费站。", "choice2": "她在收费站把我拦下了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 196, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "执行官破产了。", "choice1": "他卖掉了公司的股票。", "choice2": "他挥霍了他的财产。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 197, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人去看医生了。", "choice1": "医生正在休假。", "choice2": "那人感到不适。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 198, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我从窗户离开卧室。", "choice1": "房子着火了。", "choice2": "房子是空的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 199, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩的手指变得皱了。", "choice1": "他洗了很长时间澡。", "choice2": "他用肥皂打手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 200, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我吐出牛奶。", "choice1": "牛奶尝起来很酸。", "choice2": "我的嘴是干的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 201, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我错过了公共汽车。", "choice1": "我很早就去上班了。", "choice2": "我上班迟到了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 202, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "卡车与汽车相撞。", "choice1": "卡车加速了。", "choice2": "汽车被撞坏了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 203, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这支队伍以对他们有利的方式操纵了比赛。", "choice1": "他们赢了。", "choice2": "他们退出了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 204, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "汽水瓶发出嘘声。", "choice1": "我把瓶子翻了过来。", "choice2": "我拧掉了帽子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 205, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "那个男孩被锁在屋外。", "choice1": "他从一扇开着的窗户爬进来。", "choice2": "他爬上屋顶。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 206, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "门铃响了。", "choice1": "来访者轻拍门上的门环。", "choice2": "那女人从门上的钥匙孔里窥视着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 207, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人弄脏了他的西装。", "choice1": "他干洗了。", "choice2": "他把它挂在壁橱里。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 208, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩挤了牙膏管。", "choice1": "牙膏从管子里喷出来。", "choice2": "女孩吐出牙膏。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 209, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "战争造成的平民死亡人数激增。", "choice1": "和平主义者举行了抗议。", "choice2": "和平主义者举行了游行。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 210, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩把丝带从头发上拉了出来。", "choice1": "她系上丝带。", "choice2": "丝带看起来很幼稚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 211, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男人做了整形手术。", "choice1": "他老了。", "choice2": "他看起来更年轻。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 212, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一只小鸡从鸡蛋里出来。", "choice1": "鸡蛋孵化了。", "choice2": "我把鸡蛋打碎了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 213, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "囚犯饿死了。", "choice1": "他死了。", "choice2": "他逃走了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 214, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人在梯子上失去了平衡。", "choice1": "他爬上梯子。", "choice2": "他从梯子上摔下来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 215, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子打嗝了。", "choice1": "他大喝了一口苏打水。", "choice2": "他打开汽水罐。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 216, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一股冷风从窗户进来。", "choice1": "我放松了。", "choice2": "我颤抖。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 217, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个学生获得了上大学的奖学金。", "choice1": "她的同学尊敬她。", "choice2": "她成绩很好。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 218, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩打趣那个男孩。", "choice1": "她住在他隔壁。", "choice2": "她迷恋上了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 219, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "饥饿的流浪汉偷走了食物。", "choice1": "他煽动怜悯。", "choice2": "他没有钱。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 220, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我打电话给我的朋友聊天。", "choice1": "我想要隐私。", "choice2": "我感到孤独。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 221, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人向我伸出手来。", "choice1": "我握了握他的手。", "choice2": "我打了他一耳光。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 222, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我躲开了。", "choice1": "烟火在空中燃放。", "choice2": "飞盘朝我的头飞去。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 223, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩咬了指甲。", "choice1": "她很担心。", "choice2": "她很惊讶。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 224, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我翻了一页日历。", "choice1": "我在日历上标了一个约会。", "choice2": "这是一个新的月的开始。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 225, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "丈夫发现他的妻子有外遇。", "choice1": "他解雇了他的律师。", "choice2": "他提出离婚。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 226, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩掉了橡皮球。", "choice1": "球弹了起来。", "choice2": "球闪闪发光。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 227, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩考试犯了一个错误。", "choice1": "她猜到了答案。", "choice2": "她抹去了她的答案。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 228, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个选手扭倒了对手。", "choice1": "他的对手抓住了传球。", "choice2": "他的对手击倒了地面。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 229, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我从藤蔓上摘了西红柿。", "choice1": "他们成熟了。", "choice2": "我给他们浇水。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 230, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人想表现得浪漫。", "choice1": "他和前女友共进午餐。", "choice2": "他给他女朋友买了巧克力。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 231, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "温度计中的汞上升。", "choice1": "我把温度计掉了。", "choice2": "天气变暖和了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 232, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "龙卷风穿过了整个城镇。", "choice1": "法院的屋顶被吹掉了。", "choice2": "公路可能引起危险地结冰了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 233, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个学生接受了辅导。", "choice1": "他的成绩提高了。", "choice2": "他在考试中作弊了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 234, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我感觉很舒服。", "choice1": "我跪在地上。", "choice2": "我把自己裹在毯子里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 235, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把石头磨光了。", "choice1": "它变得很滑。", "choice2": "它变得有光泽。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 236, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在咖啡里加了糖。", "choice1": "咖啡闻起来很浓。", "choice2": "咖啡尝起来很甜。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 237, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人翻阅了报纸。", "choice1": "他被纸划了。", "choice2": "他把文件撕碎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 238, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我用锤子敲钉子。", "choice1": "钉子插进了木头里。", "choice2": "钉子生锈了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 239, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "鱼咬了线。", "choice1": "渔夫把鱼收了过来。 ?。", "choice2": "渔夫重投了鱼线。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 240, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个少年上学很尴尬。", "choice1": "她有粉刺。", "choice2": "她脱下了牙套。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 241, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的面部表情亮了起来。", "choice1": "我收到了好消息。", "choice2": "我失去了耐心。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 242, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我用毛巾擦了擦手。", "choice1": "毛巾是湿的。", "choice2": "我的手湿了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 243, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人失去了在凳子上的平衡。", "choice1": "凳子在他下面摇晃。", "choice2": "他把油漆洒在凳子上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 244, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "队友们互相指责。", "choice1": "他们输掉了比赛。", "choice2": "他们的教练取消了练习。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 245, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我请求宽恕。", "choice1": "我为我的错误感到遗憾。", "choice2": "我实现了我的目标。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 246, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女人对她的约会感到厌烦了。", "choice1": "他问她关于自己的问题。", "choice2": "他不停地谈论自己。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 247, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩闪过一个微笑。", "choice1": "她的脸颊发红了。", "choice2": "她出现酒窝了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 248, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "敌舰爆炸了。", "choice1": "它越过了水雷。", "choice2": "它驶入港口。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 249, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人刺穿了他的脚。", "choice1": "他走进一个水坑。", "choice2": "他踩在碎玻璃上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 250, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "侦探们在犯罪现场撒了粉来显示指纹。", "choice1": "他们发现了凶手的身份。", "choice2": "他们在犯罪现场发现了武器。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 251, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "高速公路上交通很拥挤。", "choice1": "我绕道而行。", "choice2": "我要求搭便车。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 252, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "国家经济下滑了。", "choice1": "许多人生病了。", "choice2": "许多人面临失业。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 253, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "交通指挥向孩子们吹口哨。", "choice1": "他们正要走进迎面而来的车流。", "choice2": "她从她的邻居认出了他们。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 254, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我对我的朋友翻了白眼。", "choice1": "他告诉了我真相。", "choice2": "他发表了讽刺性的评论。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 255, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "汽车汽油用完了。", "choice1": "司机被困在路上。", "choice2": "司机接了一个搭便车的人。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 256, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人开始分娩了。", "choice1": "婴儿被接生了。", "choice2": "那女人孕吐了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 257, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的帽子被吹掉了。", "choice1": "他摘下帽子。", "choice2": "外面刮风。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 258, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩参加了她同学的生日聚会。", "choice1": "她收到了邀请。", "choice2": "她买了一件礼物。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 259, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩的额头很热。", "choice1": "他妈妈给他量了体温。", "choice2": "他妈妈带他去公园。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 260, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人喷了古龙水。", "choice1": "他想给他的约会对象留下深刻印象。", "choice2": "他给头发涂了发胶。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 261, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "房子里的电停了。", "choice1": "我找了手电筒。", "choice2": "我拿起一把铲子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 262, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一家人搬进了一所更大的房子。", "choice1": "儿子高中毕业。", "choice2": "母亲生了双胞胎。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 263, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "马拉松运动员保持缓慢的步伐。", "choice1": "她想节省体力。", "choice2": "她看到了终点线。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 264, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩踢了自动售货机。", "choice1": "机器吐出零钱。", "choice2": "一袋薯条卡住了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 265, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我朋友的狗死了。", "choice1": "我翻了他一个白眼。", "choice2": "我给了他一个拥抱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 266, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "商人的信用卡被拒绝了。", "choice1": "他写了一张借据。", "choice2": "他用现金付了钱。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 267, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男人咒骂了一句。", "choice1": "他剪了指甲。", "choice2": "他踢到了他的脚趾。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 268, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人为他的兄弟感到骄傲。", "choice1": "他哥哥和父母发生了争执。", "choice2": "他哥哥被法学院录取了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 269, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩想了解太阳系。", "choice1": "她去了图书馆。", "choice2": "她看着星星。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 270, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "海报贴在墙上。", "choice1": "我把海报放在门上面。", "choice2": "我在海报的背面贴了胶带。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 271, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "客户批准了建筑师的大楼计划。", "choice1": "建筑师建造了这座建筑。", "choice2": "建筑师调整了计划。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 272, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人掉了勺子。", "choice1": "他的手在颤抖。", "choice2": "他舔了舔勺子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 273, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "公司的首席执行官辞职了。", "choice1": "董事会解散了公司。", "choice2": "董事会找到了他的继任者。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 274, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我到课时迟到了。", "choice1": "我在后排坐下了。", "choice2": "我走近讲台。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 275, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人从监狱里被释放了。", "choice1": "他的家人付了他的保释金。", "choice2": "他袭击了一个同狱犯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 276, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个家庭失去了所有的财产。", "choice1": "他们卖掉了房子。", "choice2": "他们的房子着火了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 277, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我踩在铝罐上。", "choice1": "罐被回收了。", "choice2": "罐被压碎了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 278, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩加入了辩论队。", "choice1": "她学会了使用电脑。", "choice2": "她学会了沟通技巧。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 279, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的心情好转了。", "choice1": "我听了音乐。", "choice2": "我洗了碗。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 280, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "慈善机构制定了一个筹款目标。", "choice1": "他们给无家可归的人喂食。", "choice2": "他们举行了一场拍卖会。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 281, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "过山车从陡坡上速降下来。", "choice1": "乘客们咯咯地笑。", "choice2": "乘客们尖叫着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 282, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我很生气。", "choice1": "离开家时,我检查了邮箱。", "choice2": "离开家时,我砰地关上了门。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 283, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人想看日出。", "choice1": "他向北旅行。", "choice2": "他起得很早。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 284, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把纸折起来。", "choice1": "我回收了纸。", "choice2": "纸有折痕了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 285, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个国家经受了一场自然灾害。", "choice1": "其他国家的领导人结成了联盟。", "choice2": "其他国家领导人送去了紧急救援。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 286, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男孩的衣服湿透了。", "choice1": "他爬出了游泳池。", "choice2": "他掉进了游泳池。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 287, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生急忙读完这本书。", "choice1": "它本来要归还给图书馆的。", "choice2": "他是从一个朋友那里借来的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 288, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "罪犯被处决了。", "choice1": "他被关进了监狱。", "choice2": "他被判犯有谋杀罪。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 289, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "阳光照进了房间。", "choice1": "我打开窗帘。", "choice2": "我打开了门。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 290, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我拉扯了那个骗子的头发。", "choice1": "她的假发掉了。", "choice2": "她秃了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 291, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "编辑在手稿中改写了一句话。", "choice1": "他发现手稿很有说服力。", "choice2": "他认为那句子不清楚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 292, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人取消了她的信用卡帐户。", "choice1": "她意识到卡不见了。", "choice2": "她意识到卡过期了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 293, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男人和女人坠入爱河。", "choice1": "他们上了大学。", "choice2": "他们结婚了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 294, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "音乐太微弱了,听不见。", "choice1": "我把音量调大了。", "choice2": "我创作了自己的歌曲。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 295, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩的头发竖起了。", "choice1": "女孩生气了。", "choice2": "女孩拉了它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 296, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "虫子被压扁了。", "choice1": "我给自己喷了驱虫剂。", "choice2": "我踩到了这个虫子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 297, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我睁开眼睛。", "choice1": "我醒了。", "choice2": "我放松了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 298, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我邻居的音乐在巨响。", "choice1": "我请他把它关掉。", "choice2": "我向他借了CD。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 299, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的家庭生活在贫困之中。", "choice1": "他节俭地使用他的收入。", "choice2": "他挣的钱低于最低工资。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 300, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个学生从大学毕业了。", "choice1": "他找工作了。", "choice2": "他开始一种爱好。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 301, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "艺术家把黄色的油漆混合进蓝色的油漆。", "choice1": "油漆到处飞溅。", "choice2": "油漆变绿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 302, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我改变了谈话的话题。", "choice1": "我用完了要谈的事情。", "choice2": "谈话变得紧张起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 303, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "我哥哥出院了。", "choice1": "我欢迎他回家。", "choice2": "我冷淡地对待他。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 304, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "舞台上的帷幕拉开了。", "choice1": "演出的第一幕开始了。", "choice2": "剧中的演员退出了舞台。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 305, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "人质服从了绑架者。", "choice1": "绑架者威胁要伤害人质。", "choice2": "绑架者自己离开了人质。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 306, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一阵隆隆声在舞台上回荡。", "choice1": "音乐家轻拍他的脚。", "choice2": "音乐家敲击鼓。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 307, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "父母们冲到孩子的卧室。", "choice1": "孩子从噩梦中惊醒尖叫。", "choice2": "那孩子害怕看床底下。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 308, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那位妇女用手语交流。", "choice1": "她是早产儿。", "choice2": "她生来就是聋子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 309, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该地区发生了干旱。", "choice1": "水被污染了。", "choice2": "庄稼死了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 310, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "猫追赶那只鸟。", "choice1": "那只鸟飞走了。", "choice2": "那只鸟捉到了虫子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 311, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩换了学校。", "choice1": "学校放学放暑假了。", "choice2": "她搬到了一个新城镇。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 312, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "工厂老板拒绝提高雇员的工资。", "choice1": "老板任命了一位新经理。", "choice2": "雇员们继续罢工。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 313, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位领导人在对抗了他国家里的极端分子。", "choice1": "极端分子影响了他。", "choice2": "极端分子暗杀了他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 314, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我赤脚走在沙滩上。", "choice1": "沙刺到我的脚。", "choice2": "海浪沿着海岸冲来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 315, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我半夜醒来,感觉很冷。", "choice1": "我穿上运动裤。", "choice2": "我喝了一杯水。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 316, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "母亲让儿子安静下来。", "choice1": "她的儿子笑了。", "choice2": "她儿子发牢骚。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 317, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的牛仔裤上有个洞。", "choice1": "我拉起牛仔裤。", "choice2": "我在人行道上绊倒了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 318, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩戴着牙套。", "choice1": "他有一个空腔。", "choice2": "他的牙齿变得直了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 319, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我昨天在健身房锻炼。", "choice1": "我今天醒来时肌肉酸痛。", "choice2": "我今天醒来时喉咙痛。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 320, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩在餐桌上互相耳语。", "choice1": "其他学生坐在午餐桌旁。", "choice2": "在餐桌上的其他学生感到被冷落了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 321, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子落在蹦床上。", "choice1": "她飞回空中。", "choice2": "她决定尝试做一次翻转。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 322, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把信寄到信箱里了。", "choice1": "邮局把信交付了。", "choice2": "邮局迅速发出了信。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 323, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "赌徒很自信。", "choice1": "他赌了所有的钱。", "choice2": "他回家时已经破产了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 324, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "森林大火蔓延开来。", "choice1": "风变得更强了。", "choice2": "纵火者被捕了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 325, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这孩子把膝盖破了皮。", "choice1": "他妈妈把他送到他的房间。", "choice2": "他的母亲在伤口上系了绷带。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 326, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人幸免于这种致命的疾病。", "choice1": "他签了个要人。", "choice2": "他接受了器官移植。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 327, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "我喝了一口滚烫的咖啡。", "choice1": "我咬了舌头。", "choice2": "我烫伤了舌头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 328, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "编辑解雇了作者。", "choice1": "这位作家避免在故事中出现偏见。", "choice2": "作者错过了一个重要的截止日期。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 329, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我感到筋疲力尽。", "choice1": "我睡了一整天。", "choice2": "我学习了一整天。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 330, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "医生诊断病人。", "choice1": "她确定了病人的症状。", "choice2": "她给病人开了药。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 331, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我抓伤了皮肤。", "choice1": "这是汗水。", "choice2": "感觉很痒。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 332, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人接受了紧急手术。", "choice1": "他发脾气了。", "choice2": "他心脏病发作。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 333, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的手臂肌肉鼓了起来。", "choice1": "他弯曲了双臂。", "choice2": "他揉了揉手臂。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 334, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人扬起眉毛。", "choice1": "他很惊讶。", "choice2": "他感到气馁。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 335, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我宽恕了同事的愚蠢错误。", "choice1": "我相信他的意图是好的。", "choice2": "我相信他更清楚。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 336, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人戒烟了。", "choice1": "他开始多锻炼。", "choice2": "他开始早起。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 337, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人用拳头打袭击者的鼻子。", "choice1": "袭击者的身体没有了生命迹象。", "choice2": "攻击者开始流血。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 338, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "飞镖错过了牛眼。", "choice1": "那人没有中目标。", "choice2": "那人输掉了比赛。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 339, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "房主要求一个灭害员到他家来。", "choice1": "他在地下室发现了老鼠。", "choice2": "他在房间里养了一个蚂蚁农场。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 340, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我建议我的客人出去吃饭。", "choice1": "我太累了,什么都准备不了。", "choice2": "我的客人逗留过于久了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 341, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩发现她的哥哥在读她的日记。", "choice1": "她开始把日记藏起来。", "choice2": "她收到一本新日记。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 342, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人缺钱付房租。", "choice1": "她加班加点。", "choice2": "她辞职了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 343, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子的手很快退缩了。", "choice1": "他碰了热炉子。", "choice2": "他拍了拍小狗的头。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 344, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "公司希望衡量客户满意度。", "choice1": "他们为新客户提供折扣。", "choice2": "他们向客户分发了一份调查。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 345, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "木地板被划伤。", "choice1": "男孩把垫子从沙发上扔了出去。", "choice2": "男孩把椅子拖过地板。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 346, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我遮住了我的脸。", "choice1": "我的敌人嘲笑我。", "choice2": "我的敌人举起拳头。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 347, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这座著名的雕像被烧毁了。", "choice1": "它被闪电击中了。", "choice2": "人们来崇拜它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 348, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把水果忘在桌子上了。", "choice1": "水果脱落种子。", "choice2": "苍蝇挤满了那水果。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 349, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "芭蕾舞选手撕裂了系带。", "choice1": "她指着她的脚趾。", "choice2": "她扭伤了脚踝。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 350, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子的鞋带解开了。", "choice1": "他学会了如何把他们绑起来。", "choice2": "他在操场上跑来跑去。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 351, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我迷上了这本书。", "choice1": "我还了书。", "choice2": "我忘记了时间。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 352, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个人有着和父母相似的信仰。", "choice1": "他的父母影响了他。", "choice2": "他的父母抛弃了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 353, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "汽车逐渐减速停了下来。", "choice1": "汽油用完了。", "choice2": "司机睡着了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 354, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "那人在阳光下吃了冰淇淋。", "choice1": "冰淇淋失去了味道。", "choice2": "冰淇淋从蛋卷上滴下来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 355, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把艺术品挂在房间里。", "choice1": "地毯看起来很脏。", "choice2": "墙壁看起来光秃秃的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 356, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我很早就下班了。", "choice1": "我头疼。", "choice2": "我老板召开了一个会议。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 357, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "小狗弄脏了地毯。", "choice1": "主人骂了小狗。", "choice2": "主人给小狗一个款待。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 358, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我向我的朋友道歉了。", "choice1": "我的朋友原谅了我。", "choice2": "我的朋友很生气。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 359, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人在人群中脱颖而出。", "choice1": "他背着一个背包。", "choice2": "他穿着一件霓虹灯背心。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 360, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "证人在宣誓后撒谎。", "choice1": "他完成了他的证词。", "choice2": "他被指控作伪证。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 361, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人染了头发。", "choice1": "她想要一个新的面貌。", "choice2": "她想融入其中。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 362, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这些移民是非法居住在这个国家的。", "choice1": "他们找到了工作。", "choice2": "他们被驱逐出境了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 363, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "公共发言人开了个玩笑。", "choice1": "观众笑了起来。", "choice2": "观众站了起来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 364, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我看着太阳。", "choice1": "太阳使我失明。", "choice2": "太阳晒黑了我的皮肤。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 365, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我觉得很无聊。", "choice1": "我哼了一声。", "choice2": "我打哈欠了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 366, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "牛排很难切。", "choice1": "刀子很钝。", "choice2": "牛排是生的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 367, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人宣布破产了。", "choice1": "她收到了赡养费。", "choice2": "她获得了巨额债务。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 368, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我朋友公寓里的灯亮着。", "choice1": "我想知道他是否出去了。", "choice2": "我决定去拜访他。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 369, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把花放在鼻子底下。", "choice1": "花瓣从花瓣上脱落。", "choice2": "我闻到了花的香味。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 370, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人感到怀旧。", "choice1": "她遇到了一个儿时的朋友。", "choice2": "她对孩子们大喊大叫。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 371, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生拖延文章。", "choice1": "他早早地提交了论文。", "choice2": "他提交的文件不完整。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 372, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的车抛锚了。", "choice1": "我去了购物中心。", "choice2": "我给一个机械师打了电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 373, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我丢弃了那张纸条。", "choice1": "是匿名的。", "choice2": "这是难以辨认的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 374, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那只鸟拍打着翅膀。", "choice1": "它产卵了。", "choice2": "它向上上升。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 375, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把车停在车道上。", "choice1": "车库是开着的。", "choice2": "车库满了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 376, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "罪犯用枪瞄准他的受害者。", "choice1": "罪犯放下了枪。", "choice2": "受害者举起双手。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 377, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我期待着周末。", "choice1": "我计划参加我叔叔的葬礼。", "choice2": "我计划参加我朋友的婚礼。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 378, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我忘记了时间。", "choice1": "我在做白日梦。", "choice2": "我恶心。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 379, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "文件打印出来后不可辨认。", "choice1": "打印机墨水不足。", "choice2": "印刷品没有纸了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 380, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "体育场奏起了国歌。", "choice1": "球迷们转向国旗。", "choice2": "球迷们冲了场。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 381, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "蘸料尝起来很平淡。", "choice1": "我把它端上桌。", "choice2": "我放了盐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 382, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把纸巾放在溢出处。", "choice1": "毛巾吸收了液体。", "choice2": "溢出物留下了粘性残留物。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 383, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人在看书时被打断了。", "choice1": "她在那页放上了书签。", "choice2": "她重读了这本书。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 384, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "飞机遇上了一些湍流。", "choice1": "那人系紧了安全带。", "choice2": "那人向窗外望去。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 385, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩退缩了。", "choice1": "女孩不理他。", "choice2": "女孩戳了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 386, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "医生给了病人一个假肢。", "choice1": "他们截肢了她的腿。", "choice2": "他们监控着她的生命体征。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 387, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩捏了女孩的肘部。", "choice1": "她耸了耸肩膀朝他。", "choice2": "她猛地把手臂从他身上拉开。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 388, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我向朋友请教。", "choice1": "我重视他的意见。", "choice2": "我知道我是对的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 389, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩踩在泥里。", "choice1": "泥粘在他的鞋子上。", "choice2": "泥浆溅到了他的脸。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 390, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个镇下了几英寸的雪。", "choice1": "学校停课了。", "choice2": "人们躲在地下。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 391, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "员工的轮班结束。", "choice1": "他回家过一天。", "choice2": "他威胁要辞职。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 392, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "树损坏了房子。", "choice1": "树倒在屋顶上。", "choice2": "树在后院被荫覆盖。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 393, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "木头劈成两半。", "choice1": "我把木头堆在壁炉里。", "choice2": "我挥斧头砍到木头里。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 394, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "家人向这对夫妇表示祝贺。", "choice1": "这对夫妇宣布他们要分居了。", "choice2": "这对夫妇宣布他们要生孩子了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 395, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩给男孩送了个情人节礼物。", "choice1": "她喜欢他。", "choice2": "她吻了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 396, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我对我的朋友的陈述点头。", "choice1": "我很困惑。", "choice2": "我同意他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 397, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "朋友们掷硬币。", "choice1": "他们想找到一个妥协。", "choice2": "他们想做出一个公平的决定。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 398, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "厨房的计时器熄了。", "choice1": "那人把杂货卸到冰箱里。", "choice2": "那人把披萨从烤箱里拿出来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 399, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女人设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标。", "choice1": "她松懈下来。", "choice2": "她工作很努力。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 400, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个有钱人因年老而死。", "choice1": "他的儿子惹上了法律麻烦。", "choice2": "他的儿子继承了他的财产。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 401, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人踩着火焰。", "choice1": "火焰熄火了。", "choice2": "烟雾从火焰中冒出来。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 402, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人的车在商店里。", "choice1": "她的驾驶执照被吊销了。", "choice2": "她出了车祸。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 403, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我睡过了闹钟。", "choice1": "我做了早餐。", "choice2": "我错过了早餐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 404, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "公众人物从豪华轿车里出来。", "choice1": "照相机朝他的方向闪着闪光灯。", "choice2": "他的家人出席了记者招待会。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 405, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人在浴缸里逗留。", "choice1": "洗澡水变得很微温。", "choice2": "洗澡水从浴缸里流出。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 406, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个大学生想在校园里认识其他学生。", "choice1": "他加入了一个兄弟会。", "choice2": "他主修工程学。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 407, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我抬起沙发垫子。", "choice1": "我在寻找零钱。", "choice2": "我正在重新布置客厅。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 408, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "黄蜂飞向男孩。", "choice1": "男孩跑了。", "choice2": "男孩摘了一朵花。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 409, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这名妇女被判犯有轻罪。", "choice1": "她被判从事社区服务。", "choice2": "她被关在死囚牢房里。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 410, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把糖搅拌到热茶里。", "choice1": "茶蒸了。", "choice2": "糖溶解了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 411, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "老兵走路一跛一拐。", "choice1": "他被征召参战。", "choice2": "他在战斗中受伤了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 412, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "罪犯从警察身边逃走了。", "choice1": "警察照顾了受害者。", "choice2": "警察追赶罪犯。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 413, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "笔记本电脑无法打开。", "choice1": "我掉了。", "choice2": "我给它充了电。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 414, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人的衣橱没有空间了。", "choice1": "她买了一个宽敞的衣柜。", "choice2": "她把洗好的衣服折起来。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 415, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "那人很伤心。", "choice1": "他的妻子生了孩子。", "choice2": "他的妻子离开了他。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 416, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人获得了学位。", "choice1": "他有资格胜任他想要的工作。", "choice2": "他的工作机会被撤销了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 417, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的声音在礼堂里清晰可见。", "choice1": "他向观众致意。", "choice2": "他讲了话筒。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 418, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把一枚硬币扔进喷泉里。", "choice1": "硬币沉到底部。", "choice2": "硬币折断成一半了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 419, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "球员把球打向洞。", "choice1": "球进了洞。", "choice2": "球退回到球员那儿。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 420, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在阁楼的灰尘中呼吸。", "choice1": "我打嗝了。", "choice2": "我打喷嚏。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 421, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "商店收银员叫保安。", "choice1": "顾客使用假币。", "choice2": "客户没关前灯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 422, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把垃圾拿出来。", "choice1": "垃圾使厨房闻起来难闻。", "choice2": "我不小心扔掉了我的购物清单。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 423, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "一家人去了动物园。", "choice1": "孩子们赞叹动物。", "choice2": "孩子们追逐动物。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 424, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的呼吸很响。", "choice1": "他的肾衰竭了。", "choice2": "他的肺充血了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 425, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我有一张音乐会的票。", "choice1": "我向我的朋友询问去会场的方向。", "choice2": "我问我的朋友他是否有兴趣去。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 426, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "房子里的空调坏了。", "choice1": "我拿出了毯子。", "choice2": "我打开了窗户。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 427, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩的背部疼痛。", "choice1": "他的背包是开着的。", "choice2": "他的背包很重。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 428, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我给妈妈买了一件礼物。", "choice1": "我给她烤了个蛋糕。", "choice2": "那是她的生日。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 429, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "花园里的水仙花被毁坏了。", "choice1": "一条蜜蜂刺伤了园丁。", "choice2": "松鼠挖出了它的根。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 430, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我点了根火柴。", "choice1": "火焰熄灭了。", "choice2": "火柴产生了火焰。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 431, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "争议双方达成和解。", "choice1": "他们不想在法庭上辩论。", "choice2": "他们想修复他们的个人关系。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 432, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子们被送到孤儿院。", "choice1": "他们的父母死了。", "choice2": "他们的父母宠坏了他们。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 433, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "一块陨石落在了海里。", "choice1": "海啸发生了。", "choice2": "开始下冰雹。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 434, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "徒步旅行者遇到了一条毒蛇。", "choice1": "她脱水了。", "choice2": "她惊慌失措。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 435, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "烤箱变热了。", "choice1": "我把烤箱打开。", "choice2": "我把盘子放在烤箱里。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 436, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我挤压了柠檬楔子。", "choice1": "柠檬发霉了。", "choice2": "柠檬喷出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 437, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个国家发现了新的土地。", "choice1": "这个国家放弃了这块土地。", "choice2": "这个国家殖民了这片土地。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 438, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "玻璃杯从桌子上掉下来。", "choice1": "它碎了一地。", "choice2": "它落在一堆衣服上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 439, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "桌子摇晃着。", "choice1": "地板不平。", "choice2": "地板很滑。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 440, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "父亲发现他的儿子在撒谎。", "choice1": "他的儿子承认了真相。", "choice2": "父亲信任他的儿子。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 441, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人的头因疼痛而颤动。", "choice1": "他服用了咳嗽糖浆。", "choice2": "他服用了阿司匹林。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 442, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "火车慢下来了。", "choice1": "它正接近车站。", "choice2": "它落后于计划。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 443, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人接受了治疗。", "choice1": "他的家族有精神病史。", "choice2": "他被诊断患有抑郁症。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 444, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人抓住她的喉咙。", "choice1": "她吞下了她的食物。", "choice2": "她被食物呛住了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 445, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人嗓子疼。", "choice1": "她的声音听起来很刺耳。", "choice2": "她说话带有口音。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 446, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "狗看着桌上多汁的牛排。", "choice1": "它流口水。", "choice2": "它躺下了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 447, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女人的生意成功了。", "choice1": "她解雇了她的员工。", "choice2": "她变得富有了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 448, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生们离开了教室。", "choice1": "铃响了。", "choice2": "老师布置了作业。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 449, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人声称她看见了鬼。", "choice1": "她的熟人表示怀疑。", "choice2": "她的熟人理解她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 450, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人失去了听力。", "choice1": "他差点淹死在海里。", "choice2": "他差点在爆炸中丧生。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 451, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "孩子放开气球串。", "choice1": "气球放气了。", "choice2": "气球升到空中。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 452, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人失去了说话的能力。", "choice1": "他中风了。", "choice2": "他深吸了一口气。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 453, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人在人行道上绊倒了。", "choice1": "水泥有裂缝。", "choice2": "她听到她的名字被叫了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 454, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人加农炮式跳入了池子。", "choice1": "救生员在他之后跳了进来。", "choice2": "那人把救生员浸湿了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 455, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我服用了抗生素。", "choice1": "我的感染已经清除了。", "choice2": "我的感染蔓延了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 456, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "交通灯变黄了。", "choice1": "司机踩了刹车。", "choice2": "司机按响了喇叭。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 457, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "塑料容器融化了。", "choice1": "我把容器浸泡在温水中。", "choice2": "我把容器放在热炉子上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 458, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "汽车凹陷了。", "choice1": "司机撞到了电线杆上。", "choice2": "司机闯了红灯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 459, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩通宵学习。", "choice1": "他跳过了考试。", "choice2": "他通过了考试。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 460, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "小男孩紧紧抓住池子边缘。", "choice1": "他害怕学习游泳。", "choice2": "救生员在值班。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 461, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把手放在胸前。", "choice1": "我感觉到我的心跳。", "choice2": "我的心率加快了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 462, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我办公室旁边的大楼正在建设中。", "choice1": "我的办公室很拥挤。", "choice2": "我的办公室很吵。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 463, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个家庭想了解他们的新邻居。", "choice1": "一家人邀请邻居过来吃饭。", "choice2": "一家人从院子里向邻居们挥手致意。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 464, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "水从水池里溅起来。", "choice1": "游泳者跳进游泳池。", "choice2": "游泳者在游泳池里漂浮。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 465, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我咬了一片西瓜。", "choice1": "我不小心吞下了一颗种子。", "choice2": "我不小心咬破了牙齿。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 466, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩被绊倒了。", "choice1": "他的夹克被解开了。", "choice2": "他的鞋带解开了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 467, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人把耳塞插了。", "choice1": "她被噪音分散了注意力。", "choice2": "她的耳朵被刺穿了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 468, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我重新加了水瓶。", "choice1": "我喝了它里所有的水。", "choice2": "我把它放在冰箱里了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 469, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个电视节目受到审查。", "choice1": "它包含粗俗的语言。", "choice2": "它有一个复杂的情节。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 470, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "船失事了。", "choice1": "船员们淹死了。", "choice2": "船员们遇到了海盗。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 471, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男孩被这个谜语难住了。", "choice1": "他解开了谜语。", "choice2": "他要求一个提示。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 472, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "电话铃响了。", "choice1": "那人挂断了电话。", "choice2": "那人拿起电话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 473, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人盯着我看。", "choice1": "我拥抱了她。", "choice2": "我感觉不舒服。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 474, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这群人离开了博物馆。", "choice1": "他们拍了展品的照片。", "choice2": "他们看了所有的展品。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 475, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人和我争吵了。", "choice1": "我的朋友把我介绍给那个人。", "choice2": "我的朋友支持我。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 476, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我自行车上的轮胎没气了。", "choice1": "我把空气注入轮胎里。", "choice2": "我换了自行车上的齿轮。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 477, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女孩脸色苍白。", "choice1": "她父亲给她读了一个故事。", "choice2": "她的父亲感觉了下她的额头。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 478, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "钢笔墨水用完了。", "choice1": "我用了一支铅笔。", "choice2": "我签了名。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 479, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人被拒绝贷款。", "choice1": "他负债累累。", "choice2": "他开始做生意。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 480, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女孩放学后呆在家里。", "choice1": "她有水痘。", "choice2": "她喜欢学数学。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 481, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "垃圾袋装满了。", "choice1": "我把它带到垃圾箱里。", "choice2": "我把它扔到水槽里了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 482, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把地毯吸了个尘。", "choice1": "我的室友大打出手。", "choice2": "我的狗掉毛了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 483, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人发脾气了。", "choice1": "他关掉了电脑。", "choice2": "他把一把椅子扔过房间。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 484, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女孩把一根树枝扔进篝火里。", "choice1": "树枝烧焦了。", "choice2": "火熄火了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 485, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人从淋浴里出来。", "choice1": "热水没了。", "choice2": "他找不到毛巾。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 486, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "父母希望他们的孩子上大学。", "choice1": "他们拨出一个储蓄基金作为学费。", "choice2": "他们鼓励他们的孩子在外面玩。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 487, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人解开了鞋子。", "choice1": "鞋子松了。", "choice2": "鞋子穿破了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 488, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人吃了一半的主菜。", "choice1": "他把剩菜冷藏。", "choice2": "他保存了食谱。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 489, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的脚踝肿了。", "choice1": "我冰上放了冰。", "choice2": "我擦了洗液。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 490, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的办公室门是开着的。", "choice1": "我在办公桌前和同事交谈。", "choice2": "我无意中听到大厅里的谈话。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 491, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我不得不排队等候。", "choice1": "我坐了下来。", "choice2": "我浏览了一本杂志。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 492, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人向苍蝇用力击打。", "choice1": "苍蝇嗡嗡飞走。", "choice2": "苍蝇静止不动。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 493, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人写了一份遗嘱。", "choice1": "他快死了。", "choice2": "他是个寡妇。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 494, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "赛跑者感觉到他的竞争对手在逼近。", "choice1": "他退出了比赛。", "choice2": "他加快了步伐。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 495, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我仔细考虑了这个问题。", "choice1": "我征求了意见。", "choice2": "我想出了一个解决办法。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 496, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "旅行者走在摇摇欲坠的吊桥上。", "choice1": "他感到害怕。", "choice2": "他欣喜若狂。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 497, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人预料到球队会获胜。", "choice1": "他会见了他的朋友看比赛。", "choice2": "他和朋友们打赌。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 498, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那男孩睡不着。", "choice1": "他把闹钟定了。", "choice2": "他数着羊。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 499, "changed": false}
diff --git a/data/zh/val.zh.jsonl b/data/zh/val.zh.jsonl
index c6ebfbf..8c940ea 100644
--- a/data/zh/val.zh.jsonl
+++ b/data/zh/val.zh.jsonl
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-{"premise": "那人打开水龙头。", "choice1": "厕所里满是水。", "choice2": "水从水龙头喷口流出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩在麦片粥中发现了一个虫子。", "choice1": "她向碗里倒了牛奶。", "choice2": "她没了食欲。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人退休了。", "choice1": "她领了退休金。", "choice2": "她还清了抵押贷款。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "我想节约能源。", "choice1": "我在空着的房间里扫了地板。", "choice2": "我把空房间里的灯关了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "汉堡肉变成焦褐色了。", "choice1": "厨师把它冷冻了。", "choice2": "厨师把它烤了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我不信任这位推销员的推销。", "choice1": "我拒绝了他的提议。", "choice2": "他成功劝说我购买他的产品。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我决定待在家里过夜。", "choice1": "天气预报预测了暴风雨。", "choice2": "我的朋友敦促我出去。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的眼睛变得红肿。", "choice1": "我那时在哭泣。", "choice2": "我那时在大笑。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "蜡烛上的火焰熄灭了。", "choice1": "我吹灭了灯芯。", "choice2": "我把一根火柴放在灯芯上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人在聚会上喝得很厉害。", "choice1": "第二天他头疼了。", "choice2": "第二天他流鼻涕了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "保龄球撞倒了保龄球瓶子。", "choice1": "那人把保龄球滚下滑道。", "choice2": "那人把保龄球掉在他的脚上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个社区了解到了该男子的死亡。", "choice1": "他的家人把他葬在了墓地。", "choice2": "他的讣告出现在报纸上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的电脑坏了。", "choice1": "我安装了新的扬声器。", "choice2": "我丢失了我的数据。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人辞职了。", "choice1": "她希望在公司担任高管职位。", "choice2": "她认为上司的行为不道德。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位球员接住了球。", "choice1": "她的队友把它扔给了她。", "choice2": "她的对手试图拦截它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "法官重击了木槌。", "choice1": "法庭上发生了轩然大波。", "choice2": "陪审团宣布了判决。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人把孩子们从她的房子中驱逐出去。", "choice1": "孩子们向她的院子里投了一个球。", "choice2": "孩子们踩踏着她的花园。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "绑架者释放了人质。", "choice1": "他们接受了赎金。", "choice2": "他们从监狱中逃脱了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "厨师的眼睛流泪了。", "choice1": "他没有洋葱了。", "choice2": "他切了洋葱。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人用冷水冲洗着她的手指。", "choice1": "她的手指在烤面包机上烫到了。", "choice2": "她把钻石戒指戴在了她的手指上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生拼错了这个词。", "choice1": "老师纠正了她。", "choice2": "老师斥退了她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我从愤怒中恢复了平静。", "choice1": "我的心脏跳动着。", "choice2": "我深吸了一口气。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我将手放在流着水的水龙头下。", "choice1": "我手上的肥皂被冲洗掉了。", "choice2": "水溅到了我的脸上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男人穿着他最好的正装。", "choice1": "他安排了一场和重要客户的会议。", "choice2": "他的妻子给他买了一条新领带。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男人向女人表白了。", "choice1": "女人拒绝了他。", "choice2": "女人羨慕他。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "司机的轮胎瘪了。", "choice1": "他超速了。", "choice2": "他压过了一个钉子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我看电影屏幕的视线被挡住了。", "choice1": "我身后的情侣在窃窃私语。", "choice2": "一个高个子的人坐在我面前。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "驾驶员打开了汽车的大灯。", "choice1": "他听到雷声。", "choice2": "太阳下山了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩拒绝吃她的蔬菜。", "choice1": "她的父亲叫她喝牛奶。", "choice2": "她父亲拿走了她的甜点。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人用她的手捂住了嘴。", "choice1": "她呼了口气。", "choice2": "她打了一个喷嚏。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "秘书搁置了来电人。", "choice1": "来电人没了信号。", "choice2": "来电人在线上等着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人拄着拐杖走路。", "choice1": "她剃了腿毛。", "choice2": "她摔断了腿。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我咳嗽了。", "choice1": "我吸了烟。", "choice2": "我压低了声音。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "时钟响了。", "choice1": "整点到了。", "choice2": "时间似乎拖后了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "厨师把鸡蛋打在碗边上。", "choice1": "鸡蛋破裂了。", "choice2": "鸡蛋烂了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "警察搜查了罪犯的汽车。", "choice1": "他们试图引导认罪。", "choice2": "他们在寻找非法毒品。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇去南方过冬了。", "choice1": "他们退休了。", "choice2": "他们离婚了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这男子觉得有义务参加这次活动。", "choice1": "他拒绝了他朋友的邀请。", "choice2": "他答应了他的朋友他会去的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "新娘在婚礼前感到很紧张。", "choice1": "婚礼来宾带来了礼物。", "choice2": "她把婚礼取消了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这男人变老了。", "choice1": "他的头发变灰了。", "choice2": "他卖掉了他的财产。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "朋友们决定分享这个汉堡包。", "choice1": "他们把汉堡包切成两半。", "choice2": "他们点了炸薯条配汉堡包。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我拧开了汽水瓶的盖子。", "choice1": "汽水冒泡了。", "choice2": "汽水漏出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对学生受到了老师的审查。", "choice1": "学生们都获得了优异的成绩。", "choice2": "他们的作业答案是一样的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这学生为了准时上学而很匆忙。", "choice1": "他把作业丢在家里了。", "choice2": "他带了午餐去学校。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位记者写了一部关于这位人道主义者人生的传记。", "choice1": "这位记者很难采访到这位人道主义者。", "choice2": "这位记者对这位人道主义者的工作很感兴趣。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该人无视教堂的权威。", "choice1": "他向教堂捐款。", "choice2": "他被逐出教会。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人的头发掉在她的脸上。", "choice1": "她用发夹将头发往后拉。", "choice2": "她在头发上涂了洗发水。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的戒指卡在我的手指上了。", "choice1": "我的手指肿了。", "choice2": "我的指甲破了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我拉了橡皮筋。", "choice1": "它横穿了整个房间。", "choice2": "它伸展开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我把手伸进湿的水泥里。", "choice1": "我的手印在水泥里干了。", "choice2": "水泥中出现裂缝。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的皮肤突然出了疹子。", "choice1": "我在院子里碰到了毒藤。", "choice2": "我从院子里铲除了毒藤。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我对杂志的订阅已过期。", "choice1": "我扔掉了新的一期。", "choice2": "我不再收到新期的杂志。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "侦探发现此案异常。", "choice1": "他完成了他的推論。", "choice2": "他推翻了他的推论。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩发脾气。", "choice1": "他的兄弟拿走了他的玩具。", "choice2": "他和哥哥分享了玩具。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个孩子学会了阅读。", "choice1": "他开始上学了。", "choice2": "他在学校跳了一级。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个男孩没吃晚餐。", "choice1": "他妈妈做了他最喜欢的菜。", "choice2": "他午饭吃了一顿大餐。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那个女人用奉承的话来吹捧她的朋友。", "choice1": "她想请她的朋友帮个忙。", "choice2": "她被朋友的抱怨激怒了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我裤子口袋里的钥匙不见了。", "choice1": "这个口袋上有一个洞。", "choice2": "裤子是新的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人晕倒了。", "choice1": "他小睡了一下。", "choice2": "他跑了马拉松。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那人输了比赛。", "choice1": "比赛遭到了破坏。", "choice2": "他威吓了竞争对手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "母亲叫了一辆救护车。", "choice1": "她的儿子丢了猫。", "choice2": "她儿子从床上摔下来了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "司机猛踩刹车。", "choice1": "一只鹿出现在了马路上。", "choice2": "汽车音响停了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "锁开了。", "choice1": "我转开了锁里的钥匙。", "choice2": "我配了这把钥匙的复件。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我戴上了橡胶手套。", "choice1": "我正准备洗手。", "choice2": "我正准备打扫浴室。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这些物种濒临灭绝了。", "choice1": "他们的栖息地被毁。", "choice2": "他们的天敌灭绝了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "男人觉得女人看上去很不一样。", "choice1": "女人把头发剪了。", "choice2": "那个女人戴了一只手镯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "学生忘了做作业。", "choice1": "她给老师编造了一个借口。", "choice2": "老师把她提拔到了更高的一个年级。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "狗吠了。", "choice1": "猫在沙发上休息。", "choice2": "传来一声敲门声。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "用购物中心取代当地公园的计划被宣布了。", "choice1": "环保主义者开始了请愿。", "choice2": "环保主义者制作了纪录片。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇见到对方很高兴。", "choice1": "他们接吻了。", "choice2": "他们休息了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "女人请男人离开。", "choice1": "他侮辱了她。", "choice2": "他感谢了她。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "树枝落在河里。", "choice1": "树枝向下游移动。", "choice2": "这条河的水流变强了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "老师把作业布置给学生。", "choice1": "学生们传递了笔记。", "choice2": "学生发出了抱怨。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "季节从夏天进入秋天。", "choice1": "人们撤离了家园。", "choice2": "叶子从树上掉了下来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位政治家被判犯有欺诈罪。", "choice1": "他参加连任竞选。", "choice2": "他被免职。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我推了马车。", "choice1": "马车上的东西掉了。", "choice2": "马车车轮向前旋转。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "游说者说服立法机关支持该法案。", "choice1": "总统否决了该法案。", "choice2": "立法机关通过了该法案。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的衣橱很乱。", "choice1": "我整理好了。", "choice2": "我装饰了它。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我熬夜了。", "choice1": "那天晚上我做了生动的梦。", "choice2": "我早上很累。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这位男子的口袋在走动时叮当作响。", "choice1": "他的口袋里装满了硬币。", "choice2": "他把口袋里的洞缝上了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "班上的每个人都瞪着这个学生。", "choice1": "这个学生的电话响了。", "choice2": "这个学生记了笔记。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这只马蹶蹄子了。", "choice1": "一只苍蝇咬了这只马。", "choice2": "骑手抚摸着这只马。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "珠宝贼被抓了。", "choice1": "被盗的珠宝还给物主了。", "choice2": "被盗珠宝的成本算出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "全国爆发了政治暴动。", "choice1": "许多公民搬到了国会大厦。", "choice2": "许多公民去了其他领地避难。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该名女子被捕。", "choice1": "她住进了戒毒所。", "choice2": "她发起了攻击。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人读了报纸。", "choice1": "她知道了选举的结果。", "choice2": "她在选举中投票。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个生病的孩子对者他的朋友咳嗽。", "choice1": "他的朋友病了。", "choice2": "他的朋友打了喷嚏。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "这对夫妇订婚了。", "choice1": "他们计划了一场婚礼。", "choice2": "他们分开了一段时间。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女人联系了房地产经纪人。", "choice1": "这个女人计划购买公寓。", "choice2": "这个女人需要打扫她的房子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这男人中了彩票。", "choice1": "他变得富有了。", "choice2": "他欠钱了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我点燃了蜡烛。", "choice1": "蜡从蜡烛上掉下来。", "choice2": "蜡烛上的蜡变硬了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我在游泳池度过了一天。", "choice1": "我扭伤了我的脚腕。", "choice2": "我的脸被晒伤了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "该男子收到一张罚单。", "choice1": "他平行地停在街上。", "choice2": "停车收费表已过期。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
-{"premise": "女人成名了。", "choice1": "摄影师们跟着她。", "choice2": "她的家人回避她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这个女孩想戴耳环。", "choice1": "她打了耳洞。", "choice2": "她做了纹身。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我的耳朵在响。", "choice1": "我去了一个博物馆。", "choice2": "我去了一场音乐会。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "我整理了我的房间。", "choice1": "我忙于工作。", "choice2": "我在等待友人到来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "航空公司没有正确处理我的行李。", "choice1": "他们给了我补偿。", "choice2": "他们取消了我的航班。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "这台计算机修理起来很昂贵。", "choice1": "我去修好了它。", "choice2": "我买了一个新的。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
-{"premise": "那女人心情不好。", "choice1": "她和她的朋友闲聊。", "choice2": "她请她的朋友让她独自待着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人打开水龙头。", "choice1": "厕所里满是水。", "choice2": "水从水龙头喷口流出。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 0, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩在麦片粥中发现了一个虫子。", "choice1": "她向碗里倒了牛奶。", "choice2": "她没了食欲。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 1, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人退休了。", "choice1": "她领了退休金。", "choice2": "她还清了抵押贷款。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 2, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "我想节约能源。", "choice1": "我在空着的房间里扫了地板。", "choice2": "我把空房间里的灯关了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 3, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "汉堡肉变成焦褐色了。", "choice1": "厨师把它冷冻了。", "choice2": "厨师把它烤了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 4, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我不信任这位推销员的推销。", "choice1": "我拒绝了他的提议。", "choice2": "他成功劝说我购买他的产品。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 5, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我决定待在家里过夜。", "choice1": "天气预报预测了暴风雨。", "choice2": "我的朋友敦促我出去。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 6, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的眼睛变得红肿。", "choice1": "我那时在哭泣。", "choice2": "我那时在大笑。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 7, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "蜡烛上的火焰熄灭了。", "choice1": "我吹灭了灯芯。", "choice2": "我把一根火柴放在灯芯上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 8, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人在聚会上喝得很厉害。", "choice1": "第二天他头疼了。", "choice2": "第二天他流鼻涕了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 9, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "保龄球撞倒了保龄球瓶子。", "choice1": "那人把保龄球滚下滑道。", "choice2": "那人把保龄球掉在他的脚上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 10, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个社区了解到了该男子的死亡。", "choice1": "他的家人把他葬在了墓地。", "choice2": "他的讣告出现在报纸上。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 11, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的电脑坏了。", "choice1": "我安装了新的扬声器。", "choice2": "我丢失了我的数据。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 12, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人辞职了。", "choice1": "她希望在公司担任高管职位。", "choice2": "她认为上司的行为不道德。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 13, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位球员接住了球。", "choice1": "她的队友把它扔给了她。", "choice2": "她的对手试图拦截它。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 14, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "法官重击了木槌。", "choice1": "法庭上发生了轩然大波。", "choice2": "陪审团宣布了判决。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 15, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人把孩子们从她的房子中驱逐出去。", "choice1": "孩子们向她的院子里投了一个球。", "choice2": "孩子们踩踏着她的花园。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 16, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "绑架者释放了人质。", "choice1": "他们接受了赎金。", "choice2": "他们从监狱中逃脱了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 17, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "厨师的眼睛流泪了。", "choice1": "他没有洋葱了。", "choice2": "他切了洋葱。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 18, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人用冷水冲洗着她的手指。", "choice1": "她的手指在烤面包机上烫到了。", "choice2": "她把钻石戒指戴在了她的手指上。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 19, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生拼错了这个词。", "choice1": "老师纠正了她。", "choice2": "老师斥退了她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 20, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我从愤怒中恢复了平静。", "choice1": "我的心脏跳动着。", "choice2": "我深吸了一口气。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 21, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我将手放在流着水的水龙头下。", "choice1": "我手上的肥皂被冲洗掉了。", "choice2": "水溅到了我的脸上。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 22, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男人穿着他最好的正装。", "choice1": "他安排了一场和重要客户的会议。", "choice2": "他的妻子给他买了一条新领带。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 23, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男人向女人表白了。", "choice1": "女人拒绝了他。", "choice2": "女人羨慕他。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 24, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "司机的轮胎瘪了。", "choice1": "他超速了。", "choice2": "他压过了一个钉子。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 25, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我看电影屏幕的视线被挡住了。", "choice1": "我身后的情侣在窃窃私语。", "choice2": "一个高个子的人坐在我面前。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 26, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "驾驶员打开了汽车的大灯。", "choice1": "他听到雷声。", "choice2": "太阳下山了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 27, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩拒绝吃她的蔬菜。", "choice1": "她的父亲叫她喝牛奶。", "choice2": "她父亲拿走了她的甜点。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 28, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人用她的手捂住了嘴。", "choice1": "她呼了口气。", "choice2": "她打了一个喷嚏。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 29, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "秘书搁置了来电人。", "choice1": "来电人没了信号。", "choice2": "来电人在线上等着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 30, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人拄着拐杖走路。", "choice1": "她剃了腿毛。", "choice2": "她摔断了腿。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 31, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我咳嗽了。", "choice1": "我吸了烟。", "choice2": "我压低了声音。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 32, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "时钟响了。", "choice1": "整点到了。", "choice2": "时间似乎拖后了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 33, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "厨师把鸡蛋打在碗边上。", "choice1": "鸡蛋破裂了。", "choice2": "鸡蛋烂了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 34, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "警察搜查了罪犯的汽车。", "choice1": "他们试图引导认罪。", "choice2": "他们在寻找非法毒品。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 35, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇去南方过冬了。", "choice1": "他们退休了。", "choice2": "他们离婚了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 36, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这男子觉得有义务参加这次活动。", "choice1": "他拒绝了他朋友的邀请。", "choice2": "他答应了他的朋友他会去的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 37, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "新娘在婚礼前感到很紧张。", "choice1": "婚礼来宾带来了礼物。", "choice2": "她把婚礼取消了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 38, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这男人变老了。", "choice1": "他的头发变灰了。", "choice2": "他卖掉了他的财产。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 39, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "朋友们决定分享这个汉堡包。", "choice1": "他们把汉堡包切成两半。", "choice2": "他们点了炸薯条配汉堡包。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 40, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我拧开了汽水瓶的盖子。", "choice1": "汽水冒泡了。", "choice2": "汽水漏出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 41, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对学生受到了老师的审查。", "choice1": "学生们都获得了优异的成绩。", "choice2": "他们的作业答案是一样的。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 42, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这学生为了准时上学而很匆忙。", "choice1": "他把作业丢在家里了。", "choice2": "他带了午餐去学校。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 43, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位记者写了一部关于这位人道主义者人生的传记。", "choice1": "这位记者很难采访到这位人道主义者。", "choice2": "这位记者对这位人道主义者的工作很感兴趣。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 44, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该人无视教堂的权威。", "choice1": "他向教堂捐款。", "choice2": "他被逐出教会。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 45, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人的头发掉在她的脸上。", "choice1": "她用发夹将头发往后拉。", "choice2": "她在头发上涂了洗发水。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 46, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的戒指卡在我的手指上了。", "choice1": "我的手指肿了。", "choice2": "我的指甲破了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 47, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我拉了橡皮筋。", "choice1": "它横穿了整个房间。", "choice2": "它伸展开了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 48, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我把手伸进湿的水泥里。", "choice1": "我的手印在水泥里干了。", "choice2": "水泥中出现裂缝。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 49, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的皮肤突然出了疹子。", "choice1": "我在院子里碰到了毒藤。", "choice2": "我从院子里铲除了毒藤。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 50, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我对杂志的订阅已过期。", "choice1": "我扔掉了新的一期。", "choice2": "我不再收到新期的杂志。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 51, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "侦探发现此案异常。", "choice1": "他完成了他的推論。", "choice2": "他推翻了他的推论。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 52, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩发脾气。", "choice1": "他的兄弟拿走了他的玩具。", "choice2": "他和哥哥分享了玩具。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 53, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个孩子学会了阅读。", "choice1": "他开始上学了。", "choice2": "他在学校跳了一级。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 54, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个男孩没吃晚餐。", "choice1": "他妈妈做了他最喜欢的菜。", "choice2": "他午饭吃了一顿大餐。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 55, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那个女人用奉承的话来吹捧她的朋友。", "choice1": "她想请她的朋友帮个忙。", "choice2": "她被朋友的抱怨激怒了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 56, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我裤子口袋里的钥匙不见了。", "choice1": "这个口袋上有一个洞。", "choice2": "裤子是新的。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 57, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人晕倒了。", "choice1": "他小睡了一下。", "choice2": "他跑了马拉松。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 58, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那人输了比赛。", "choice1": "比赛遭到了破坏。", "choice2": "他威吓了竞争对手。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 59, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "母亲叫了一辆救护车。", "choice1": "她的儿子丢了猫。", "choice2": "她儿子从床上摔下来了。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 60, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "司机猛踩刹车。", "choice1": "一只鹿出现在了马路上。", "choice2": "汽车音响停了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 61, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "锁开了。", "choice1": "我转开了锁里的钥匙。", "choice2": "我配了这把钥匙的复件。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 62, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我戴上了橡胶手套。", "choice1": "我正准备洗手。", "choice2": "我正准备打扫浴室。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 63, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这些物种濒临灭绝了。", "choice1": "他们的栖息地被毁。", "choice2": "他们的天敌灭绝了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 64, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "男人觉得女人看上去很不一样。", "choice1": "女人把头发剪了。", "choice2": "那个女人戴了一只手镯。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 65, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "学生忘了做作业。", "choice1": "她给老师编造了一个借口。", "choice2": "老师把她提拔到了更高的一个年级。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 66, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "狗吠了。", "choice1": "猫在沙发上休息。", "choice2": "传来一声敲门声。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 67, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "用购物中心取代当地公园的计划被宣布了。", "choice1": "环保主义者开始了请愿。", "choice2": "环保主义者制作了纪录片。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 68, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇见到对方很高兴。", "choice1": "他们接吻了。", "choice2": "他们休息了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 69, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "女人请男人离开。", "choice1": "他侮辱了她。", "choice2": "他感谢了她。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 70, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "树枝落在河里。", "choice1": "树枝向下游移动。", "choice2": "这条河的水流变强了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 71, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "老师把作业布置给学生。", "choice1": "学生们传递了笔记。", "choice2": "学生发出了抱怨。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 72, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "季节从夏天进入秋天。", "choice1": "人们撤离了家园。", "choice2": "叶子从树上掉了下来。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 73, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位政治家被判犯有欺诈罪。", "choice1": "他参加连任竞选。", "choice2": "他被免职。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 74, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我推了马车。", "choice1": "马车上的东西掉了。", "choice2": "马车车轮向前旋转。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 75, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "游说者说服立法机关支持该法案。", "choice1": "总统否决了该法案。", "choice2": "立法机关通过了该法案。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 76, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的衣橱很乱。", "choice1": "我整理好了。", "choice2": "我装饰了它。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 77, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我熬夜了。", "choice1": "那天晚上我做了生动的梦。", "choice2": "我早上很累。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 78, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这位男子的口袋在走动时叮当作响。", "choice1": "他的口袋里装满了硬币。", "choice2": "他把口袋里的洞缝上了。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 79, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "班上的每个人都瞪着这个学生。", "choice1": "这个学生的电话响了。", "choice2": "这个学生记了笔记。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 80, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这只马蹶蹄子了。", "choice1": "一只苍蝇咬了这只马。", "choice2": "骑手抚摸着这只马。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 81, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "珠宝贼被抓了。", "choice1": "被盗的珠宝还给物主了。", "choice2": "被盗珠宝的成本算出来了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 82, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "全国爆发了政治暴动。", "choice1": "许多公民搬到了国会大厦。", "choice2": "许多公民去了其他领地避难。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 83, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该名女子被捕。", "choice1": "她住进了戒毒所。", "choice2": "她发起了攻击。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 84, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人读了报纸。", "choice1": "她知道了选举的结果。", "choice2": "她在选举中投票。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 85, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个生病的孩子对者他的朋友咳嗽。", "choice1": "他的朋友病了。", "choice2": "他的朋友打了喷嚏。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 86, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "这对夫妇订婚了。", "choice1": "他们计划了一场婚礼。", "choice2": "他们分开了一段时间。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 87, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女人联系了房地产经纪人。", "choice1": "这个女人计划购买公寓。", "choice2": "这个女人需要打扫她的房子。", "question": "cause", "label": 0, "idx": 88, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这男人中了彩票。", "choice1": "他变得富有了。", "choice2": "他欠钱了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 89, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我点燃了蜡烛。", "choice1": "蜡从蜡烛上掉下来。", "choice2": "蜡烛上的蜡变硬了。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 90, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我在游泳池度过了一天。", "choice1": "我扭伤了我的脚腕。", "choice2": "我的脸被晒伤了。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 91, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "该男子收到一张罚单。", "choice1": "他平行地停在街上。", "choice2": "停车收费表已过期。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 92, "changed": true}
+{"premise": "女人成名了。", "choice1": "摄影师们跟着她。", "choice2": "她的家人回避她。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 93, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这个女孩想戴耳环。", "choice1": "她打了耳洞。", "choice2": "她做了纹身。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 94, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我的耳朵在响。", "choice1": "我去了一个博物馆。", "choice2": "我去了一场音乐会。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 95, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "我整理了我的房间。", "choice1": "我忙于工作。", "choice2": "我在等待友人到来。", "question": "cause", "label": 1, "idx": 96, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "航空公司没有正确处理我的行李。", "choice1": "他们给了我补偿。", "choice2": "他们取消了我的航班。", "question": "effect", "label": 0, "idx": 97, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "这台计算机修理起来很昂贵。", "choice1": "我去修好了它。", "choice2": "我买了一个新的。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 98, "changed": false}
+{"premise": "那女人心情不好。", "choice1": "她和她的朋友闲聊。", "choice2": "她请她的朋友让她独自待着。", "question": "effect", "label": 1, "idx": 99, "changed": false}