This charm provides a blank Ubuntu image. It does not provide any applications other than a blank cloud image for you to manage manually, it is intended for testing and development.
Step by step instructions on using this charm:
juju deploy ubuntu
You can then ssh to the instance with:
juju ssh ubuntu/0
This charm is not designed to be used at scale since it does not have any relationships, however you can bulk add machines with add-unit
juju add-unit ubuntu # Add one more
juju add-unit -n5 ubuntu # Add 5 at a time
You can also alias names in order to organize a bunch of empty instances:
juju deploy ubuntu mytestmachine1
juju deploy ubuntu mytestmachine2
and so on.
This charm does not provide anything other than a blank server, so it does not relate to other charms.
This charm has no configuration options.
- Author: Juju Charm Community
- Report bugs at: Github