An R-Shiny application for the downstream enrichment analyses of gene lists of interest
Developed by Coralie Capron and Costas Bouyioukos
A simple to use R-Shiny application for the downstream enrichment analysis, including ontologies, pathways and gene sets, of any gene list of interest.
The application takes a simple un-ordered gene list, or a gene list ordered by any arbitrary criterion of interest (e.g. expression log-Fold-Change, enrichment in peaks, as so on) and performs the following analyses:
- Gene Ontologies enrichment
- Gene Set enrichments (in case an ordered list is provided)
- REACTOME pathway enrichment
- KEGG pathway enrichment
The application creates the relative visualisation of each analysis in terms of dotplots and/or barplots.
Current release
The Rstudio suite is needed to launch the app. (please install a relatively new version of RStudio as this will make easier the use and run of the app) The following R libraries are required by this application and need to be installed before you try to run it:
- shinyWidgets
- shinydashboard
- shiny
- clusterProfiler
- ReactomePA
- msigdbr
- shinycssloaders
- ggplot2
- shinyjs
- some Bioconductor databases (see below) You can install all requirements by running the following R command:
install.packages(c("shinyWidgets","shinydashboard","shiny","clusterProfiler","ReactomePA", "msigdbr", "shinycssloaders", "ggplot2", "shinyjs"))
To make sure you will have the databases for annotations of several model organisms install them with the following command: (you will need BiocManager to install Bioconductor databases)
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("org.At.tair.db", "", "", "", "", "", "", "org.Sc.sgd.db", ""))
Everything you need to make an app demonstration is on the shiny_app directory. Open the file shiny_app/app.R in an Rstudio session. Then, click on the "Run app" button (upper right side of the code window) and then if everything is in place a window with the GUI should appear.
There are some test data provided to show the application's capabilites:
- test_gene_ensembl: This is a 2 genes ID unordered file
- test_gene_ensembl2col: This is a 5 genes ID ordered file used for GSEA
R: V.3.6.1
rstudio: V.1.2.5019
clusterProfiler: V.3.14.0
ggplot2: V.3.2.1
ReactomePA: V.1.30.0
msigdbr: V.7.0.1
shiny: V.1.4.0
shinycssloaders: V.0.2.0
shinydashboard: V.0.7.1
shinyjs: V.1.0
shinyWidgets: V.0.5.0
all org.db are in V.3.10.0
Contact Costas Bouyioukos at: