Work for main WRR manuscript aggregating grids, computing resample case, computing metrics, plotting.
build conda environment from ./environment.yml
create a ./ file similar to that shown below
add submodule
git submodule add -b 2112_Agg
add the new submodule to your python path
Figure 5. Resample case classification progression for May 2018 Saint John River flood hazard data
Figure 6. Bias from aggregation of four metrics
Figure 7. WSH difference maps for an example 512 m square region at five resolutions aggregated with the WSH Averaging routine
Figure S1. Full domain computation results. See main text for details
Figure S2. Exposed domain computation results. See main text for details
2210_AggFSyn: Scripts for computing potential flood damage function error from aggregation against synthetically produced depths. ICFM9 work
2112_AggAnal: work for 2023 WRR aggregation supplement. copied from FloodGridPerformance (2023-06-30)
FloodGridPerformance: simple tool for computing the performance of some flood grids (against observations). wrapper on fperf.
2207_dscale2: project for generating analog inundation grids with LISFLOOD.
FloodPolisher: mid-2022 inundation downscaling work using simple growth. pyqgis.
FloodRescaler: public repo with simple QGIS tools included in Agg publication.
2112_agg_pub: public repo of analysis for aggregation paper.
FloodDownscaler: Work for manuscript to downscale inundation grids, compute performance against observations, and plot
import os
proj_dir = r'C:\LS\09_REPOS\02_JOBS\2112_Agg\cef'
src_dir = proj_dir
#path to latex engine
os.environ['PATH'] += R";C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64"