This repository holds the dataset found in the XML London RDF triple store. Everything about each XML London conference is represented and marked up according to the Semantic Web Conference Ontology (SWC).
- common-vocabularies, ontologies like PURL, FOAF, SWCO, etc.
- specifics-generator, XSLT code used to generate specifics from modified DOI batch files.
- 2013-general.ttl, general info about the XML London 2013 conference.
- 2013-specifics.rdf, specific info about XML London 2013, presentations, papers, etc.
- 2014-general.ttl, general info about the XML London 2014 conference.
- 2014-specifics.rdf, specific info about XML London 2014, presentations, papers, etc.
- 2015-general.ttl, general info about the XML London 2015 conference.
- 2015-specifics.rdf, specifics about XML London 2015, presentations, papers, etc.
- 2016-general.ttl, general info about the XML London 2016 conference (incomplete).
- 2016-specifics.rdf, specifics about XML London 2016, presentations, papers, etc (incomplete).
- locations.ttl, holds information about places, such as UCL.
- organisations.ttl, info about organisations that XML London knows about.
- other-events.ttl, very basic info about other events, like XML Prague etc.
- people.ttl, info about people which XML London knows about.
- xmllondon-schema.ttl, custom RDFS for concepts the common vocabularies didn't quite cover.
-, script to produce large RDF/XML files suitable for
You can run SPARQL queries and Visually browse and navigate the XML London triple store by clicking on the fixed SPARQL icon on the bottom right hand side of the XML London website.
SPARQL Endpoint:
Graph Store Protocol: