diff --git a/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-i386-autoinst.xml b/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-i386-autoinst.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a2b03d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-i386-autoinst.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ false
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ vagrantup.com
+ vagrant-sles-11sp4-x86
+ auto
+ vagrantup.com
+ true
+ dhcp
+ eth0
+ auto
+ no
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ swap
+ true
+ defaults
+ false
+ swap
+ device
+ 130
+ 1
+ false
+ 1561492992
+ true
+ false
+ ext3
+ true
+ acl,user_xattr
+ false
+ /
+ device
+ 131
+ 2
+ false
+ 19895844352
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ openssh
+ kernel-default-devel
+ sudo
+ gcc
+ wget
+ make
+ Minimal
+ apparmor
+ 100
+ video,dialout
+ /home
+ -1
+ /bin/bash
+ /etc/skel
+ 022
+ true
+ vagrant
+ 100
+ /home/vagrant
+ 99999
+ 0
+ 7
+ /bin/bash
+ 1000
+ $2y$05$NA1Li9ZKJOLRW5mMTXm6/e5r8dltWS5RpDZpvHrI82aLE00V51tdi
+ vagrant
+ true
+ root
+ 0
+ /root
+ /bin/bash
+ 0
+ $2y$05$NA1Li9ZKJOLRW5mMTXm6/e5r8dltWS5RpDZpvHrI82aLE00V51tdi
+ root
diff --git a/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-x86_64-autoinst.xml b/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-x86_64-autoinst.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae21e9f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http/sles-11/sles-11-sp4-x86_64-autoinst.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ false
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ vagrantup.com
+ vagrant-sles-11sp4-x64
+ auto
+ vagrantup.com
+ true
+ dhcp
+ eth0
+ auto
+ no
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ swap
+ true
+ defaults
+ false
+ swap
+ device
+ 130
+ 1
+ false
+ 1561492992
+ true
+ false
+ ext3
+ true
+ acl,user_xattr
+ false
+ /
+ device
+ 131
+ 2
+ false
+ 19895844352
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ 0
+ openssh
+ kernel-default-devel
+ sudo
+ gcc
+ wget
+ make
+ Minimal
+ apparmor
+ 100
+ video,dialout
+ /home
+ -1
+ /bin/bash
+ /etc/skel
+ 022
+ true
+ vagrant
+ 100
+ /home/vagrant
+ 99999
+ 0
+ 7
+ /bin/bash
+ 1000
+ $2y$05$NA1Li9ZKJOLRW5mMTXm6/e5r8dltWS5RpDZpvHrI82aLE00V51tdi
+ vagrant
+ true
+ root
+ 0
+ /root
+ /bin/bash
+ 0
+ $2y$05$NA1Li9ZKJOLRW5mMTXm6/e5r8dltWS5RpDZpvHrI82aLE00V51tdi
+ root
diff --git a/scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh b/scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh
index 632fa6cbc..7eef549e7 100644
--- a/scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh
+++ b/scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ if [ $oslevel == '11' ]; then
elif [ $patchlevel == '3' ]; then
+ elif [ $patchlevel == '4' ]; then
+ repo_ver="11.4.4-1.109"
echo "Failed to remove DVD source; don't know how to deal with patchlevel $patchlevel"
exit 1
zypper removerepo "SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP$patchlevel $repo_ver"
- zypper addrepo "http://demeter.uni-regensburg.de/SLES11SP$patchlevel-$arch_suffix/DVD1/" "SLES11SP$patchlevel-$arch_suffix DVD1 Online"
elif [ $oslevel == '12' ]; then
- zypper removerepo "SLES12-12-$patchlevel"
- zypper addrepo "http://demeter.uni-regensburg.de/SLES12-$arch_suffix/DVD1/" "SLES12-12-$patchlevel-$arch_suffix DVD1 Online"
- zypper addrepo "http://demeter.uni-regensburg.de/SLES12-$arch_suffix/DVD2/" "SLES12-12-$patchlevel-$arch_suffix DVD2 Online"
+ zypper removerepo "SLES12-12-$patchlevel";
zypper refresh
diff --git a/scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh b/scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh
index a86fa5f4a..fe464451b 100644
--- a/scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh
+++ b/scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
#!/bin/sh -eux
# remove zypper locks on removed packages to avoid later dependency problems
-zypper --non-interactive ll | grep package | awk -F\| '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n 20 zypper --non-interactive rl
+any_package_locks=`zypper --non-interactive ll | grep package`;
+if [ 'There are no package locks defined.' == "$any_package_locks" ]; then
+ echo 'There are no package locks defined. Doing nothing.';
+ zypper --non-interactive ll | grep package | awk -F\| '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n 20 zypper --non-interactive rl;
diff --git a/sles-11-sp4-i386.json b/sles-11-sp4-i386.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d57dc7aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sles-11-sp4-i386.json
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ "builders": [
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
+ "guest_os_type": "OpenSUSE",
+ "hard_drive_interface": "sata",
+ "headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-virtualbox",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "virtualbox-iso",
+ "vboxmanage": [
+ [
+ "modifyvm",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--memory",
+ "480"
+ ],
+ [
+ "modifyvm",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--cpus",
+ "1"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_os_type": "sles11",
+ "headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-vmware",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
+ "type": "vmware-iso",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}",
+ "vmx_data": {
+ "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1",
+ "memsize": "480",
+ "numvcpus": "1"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_os_type": "suse",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-parallels",
+ "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
+ "prlctl": [
+ [
+ "set",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--memsize",
+ "480"
+ ],
+ [
+ "set",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--cpus",
+ "1"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "prlctl_version_file": ".prlctl_version",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "parallels-iso",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-qemu",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "qemu",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "post-processors": [
+ {
+ "output": "builds/{{user `box_basename`}}.{{.Provider}}.box",
+ "type": "vagrant"
+ }
+ ],
+ "provisioners": [
+ {
+ "destination": "/tmp/bento-metadata.json",
+ "source": "{{user `metadata`}}",
+ "type": "file"
+ },
+ {
+ "environment_vars": [
+ "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant",
+ "http_proxy={{user `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy={{user `https_proxy`}}",
+ "no_proxy={{user `no_proxy`}}"
+ ],
+ "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E sh '{{.Path}}'",
+ "scripts": [
+ "scripts/common/metadata.sh",
+ "scripts/common/sshd.sh",
+ "scripts/common/vagrant.sh",
+ "scripts/common/vmtools.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/sudoers.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh",
+ "scripts/common/minimize.sh"
+ ],
+ "type": "shell"
+ }
+ ],
+ "variables": {
+ "arch": "32",
+ "autoinst_cfg": "sles-11/sles-11-sp4-i386-autoinst.xml",
+ "box_basename": "sles-11-sp4-i386",
+ "build_timestamp": "{{isotime \"20060102150405\"}}",
+ "git_revision": "__unknown_git_revision__",
+ "headless": "",
+ "http_proxy": "{{env `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy": "{{env `https_proxy`}}",
+ "iso_checksum": "3e2f09b0a5dc04f4b8cafa174ab971b7355b8f6c22925aab1d1817fff5c7e549",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
+ "iso_name": "SLES-11-SP4-DVD-i586-GM-DVD1.iso",
+ "metadata": "floppy/dummy_metadata.json",
+ "mirror": "http://cdn.novell.com/prot/46PZWZ91TPo~",
+ "name": "sles-11-sp4-i386",
+ "template": "sles-11-sp4-i386",
+ "version": "2.0.TIMESTAMP"
+ }
diff --git a/sles-11-sp4-x86_64.json b/sles-11-sp4-x86_64.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99afcb614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sles-11-sp4-x86_64.json
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ "builders": [
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
+ "guest_os_type": "OpenSUSE_64",
+ "hard_drive_interface": "sata",
+ "headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-virtualbox",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "virtualbox-iso",
+ "vboxmanage": [
+ [
+ "modifyvm",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--memory",
+ "480"
+ ],
+ [
+ "modifyvm",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--cpus",
+ "1"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_os_type": "sles11-64",
+ "headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-vmware",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
+ "type": "vmware-iso",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}",
+ "vmx_data": {
+ "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1",
+ "memsize": "480",
+ "numvcpus": "1"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "guest_os_type": "suse",
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-parallels",
+ "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
+ "prlctl": [
+ [
+ "set",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--memsize",
+ "480"
+ ],
+ [
+ "set",
+ "{{.Name}}",
+ "--cpus",
+ "1"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "prlctl_version_file": ".prlctl_version",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "parallels-iso",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ },
+ {
+ "boot_command": [
+ "",
+ "linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
+ " textmode=1",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "boot_wait": "10s",
+ "disk_size": 20480,
+ "http_directory": "http",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-qemu",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_port": 22,
+ "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+ "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+ "type": "qemu",
+ "vm_name": "{{ user `template` }}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "post-processors": [
+ {
+ "output": "builds/{{user `box_basename`}}.{{.Provider}}.box",
+ "type": "vagrant"
+ }
+ ],
+ "provisioners": [
+ {
+ "destination": "/tmp/bento-metadata.json",
+ "source": "{{user `metadata`}}",
+ "type": "file"
+ },
+ {
+ "environment_vars": [
+ "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant",
+ "http_proxy={{user `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy={{user `https_proxy`}}",
+ "no_proxy={{user `no_proxy`}}"
+ ],
+ "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E sh '{{.Path}}'",
+ "scripts": [
+ "scripts/common/metadata.sh",
+ "scripts/common/sshd.sh",
+ "scripts/common/vagrant.sh",
+ "scripts/common/vmtools.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/sudoers.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/zypper-locks.sh",
+ "scripts/sles/remove-dvd-source.sh",
+ "scripts/common/minimize.sh"
+ ],
+ "type": "shell"
+ }
+ ],
+ "variables": {
+ "arch": "64",
+ "autoinst_cfg": "sles-11/sles-11-sp4-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
+ "box_basename": "sles-11-sp4",
+ "build_timestamp": "{{isotime \"20060102150405\"}}",
+ "git_revision": "__unknown_git_revision__",
+ "headless": "",
+ "http_proxy": "{{env `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy": "{{env `https_proxy`}}",
+ "iso_checksum": "4fbf22201876d571c719328f385d87d6d690fb3ceb5e093108cdf0373c43e855",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
+ "iso_name": "SLES-11-SP4-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
+ "metadata": "floppy/dummy_metadata.json",
+ "mirror": "http://cdn.novell.com/prot/l7C51hFz57E~",
+ "name": "sles-11-sp4",
+ "template": "sles-11-sp4-x86_64",
+ "version": "2.2.TIMESTAMP"
+ }
diff --git a/sles-12-x86_64.json b/sles-12-x86_64.json
index 688e76130..5f2b60d7f 100644
--- a/sles-12-x86_64.json
+++ b/sles-12-x86_64.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"boot_command": [
"linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
- " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/sles-12/sles-12-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
" textmode=1",
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
"hard_drive_interface": "sata",
"headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
"http_directory": "http",
- "iso_checksum": "58086fca0441b1d44c7a51c5ee64e1bd4365466fcee48ec92c4f39d07739aeed",
- "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
- "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/SLE-12-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
- "output_directory": "packer-sles-12-x86_64-virtualbox",
- "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-virtualbox",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"ssh_password": "vagrant",
"ssh_port": 22,
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"boot_command": [
"linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
- " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/sles-12/sles-12-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
" textmode=1",
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
"guest_os_type": "sles11-64",
"headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
"http_directory": "http",
- "iso_checksum": "58086fca0441b1d44c7a51c5ee64e1bd4365466fcee48ec92c4f39d07739aeed",
- "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
- "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/SLE-12-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
- "output_directory": "packer-sles-12-sp3-x86_64-vmware",
- "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-vmware",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"ssh_password": "vagrant",
"ssh_port": 22,
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"boot_command": [
"linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
- " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/sles-12/sles-12-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
" textmode=1",
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
"disk_size": 20480,
"guest_os_type": "suse",
"http_directory": "http",
- "iso_checksum": "58086fca0441b1d44c7a51c5ee64e1bd4365466fcee48ec92c4f39d07739aeed",
- "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
- "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/SLE-12-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
- "output_directory": "packer-sles-12-x86_64-parallels",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-parallels",
"parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
"prlctl": [
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"prlctl_version_file": ".prlctl_version",
- "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"ssh_password": "vagrant",
"ssh_port": 22,
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
@@ -117,18 +117,18 @@
"boot_command": [
"linux netdevice=eth0 netsetup=dhcp install=cd:/",
- " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/sles-12/sles-12-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
+ " lang=en_US autoyast=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `autoinst_cfg`}}",
" textmode=1",
"boot_wait": "10s",
"disk_size": 20480,
"http_directory": "http",
- "iso_checksum": "58086fca0441b1d44c7a51c5ee64e1bd4365466fcee48ec92c4f39d07739aeed",
- "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
- "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/SLE-12-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
- "output_directory": "packer-sles-12-x86_64-qemu",
- "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
+ "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+ "iso_url": "{{user `mirror`}}/{{user `iso_name`}}",
+ "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-qemu",
+ "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"ssh_password": "vagrant",
"ssh_port": 22,
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
@@ -150,7 +150,12 @@
"type": "file"
- "environment_vars": [],
+ "environment_vars": [
+ "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant",
+ "http_proxy={{user `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy={{user `https_proxy`}}",
+ "no_proxy={{user `no_proxy`}}"
+ ],
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E sh '{{.Path}}'",
"scripts": [
@@ -169,15 +174,20 @@
"variables": {
"arch": "64",
+ "autoinst_cfg": "sles-12/sles-12-x86_64-autoinst.xml",
"box_basename": "sles-12",
"build_timestamp": "{{isotime \"20060102150405\"}}",
"git_revision": "__unknown_git_revision__",
"headless": "",
+ "http_proxy": "{{env `http_proxy`}}",
+ "https_proxy": "{{env `https_proxy`}}",
+ "iso_checksum": "58086fca0441b1d44c7a51c5ee64e1bd4365466fcee48ec92c4f39d07739aeed",
+ "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
+ "iso_name": "SLE-12-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso",
"metadata": "floppy/dummy_metadata.json",
- "mirror": "http://cdn2.novell.com/prot/Q_VbW21BiB4~",
+ "mirror": "http://cdn.novell.com/prot/1RBC-NrdggI~",
"name": "sles-12",
"template": "sles-12-x86_64",
- "version": "2.0.TIMESTAMP"
+ "version": "2.2.TIMESTAMP"