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John McCrae edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 9 revisions

As of August 2024, we are directed to follow a new format for updating/writing release notes. Please use this format

New Features

Any new features are written in the form of “Added so that .”


That’s usually in the form of “<Description of thing added/removed/updated>….”

For example, “We removed the EOL warning from Chef Infra Client because it’s no longer released on a regular cadence.”,
or “We updated OpenSSL to 3.0 to fix .”

Bug fixes

That’s usually in the form of “Chef Infra Client now correctly handles .”

EG “Chef Infra Client now correctly fetches secrets from Azure Secrets Manager.”

Dependency updates

If it’s just a regular dependency update and not related to some security bug or customer bug, those can be added to a Dependency Updates section and just listed, like “- Updated to .” or “Updated from to .”


That’s just the platforms that we build Client to run on, like macos 10.15.

That can be “We < or > Chef Infra Client packages for .”

Other Things

You can also skip things that don’t directly affect customers like fixing broken pipelines/Expeditor, docs changes, testing etc…

There’s more details to writing release notes in this guide. They’ve got release note formulas that might be helpful.

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