Modern front-end development is getting much easier thanks to the thriving ecology of Javascript, there are so many frameworks and libraries that ease the pain of building web applications, but sometimes frameworks can be troublesome, they make your code harder to reason about. Craftsman knows their tools well and builds one when the tools in hand do not meet their needs. Framework codes are just code, one effective way to learn them is to build an MVP version.
The same opinion is also illustrated here
A utility function library, including date, string, array, event bus and other commonly used tools.
Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases.
A simple babel implementation that can be used to parse javascript grammar, including parser, traverser, core and CLI.
A simple promise implementation, based on the browser event loop, use setTimeout(_,0) under the hook.
A simple vue3 implementation, including reactivity-system, diff algorithm, scheduler and more.
A simple react implementation
A simple runtime JSX parser