diff --git a/.config/dotnet-tools.json b/.config/dotnet-tools.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b4c5783a..0000000000
--- a/.config/dotnet-tools.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- "version": 1,
- "isRoot": true,
- "tools": {
- "cake.tool": {
- "version": "1.1.0",
- "commands": [
- "dotnet-cake"
- ]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile b/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index c5a3748a73..0000000000
--- a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ARG VARIANT="3.1-focal"
-FROM mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/dotnet:0-${VARIANT}
-RUN if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" != "none" ]; then su vscode -c "umask 0002 && . /usr/local/share/nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install ${NODE_VERSION} 2>&1"; fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
index 0b3f58e710..84aaed0d14 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
+++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
@@ -1,27 +1,34 @@
// For format details, see https://aka.ms/devcontainer.json. For config options, see the README at:
-// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.202.5/containers/dotnet
+// https://github.com/withastro/astro/blob/main/.devcontainer/with-mdx/devcontainer.json
- "name": "C# (.NET)",
- "runArgs": ["--init"],
- "build": {
- "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
- "args": {
- "VARIANT": "3.1-focal",
- "NODE_VERSION": "20"
+ "name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/typescript-node:1-20-bullseye",
+ "forwardPorts": [5086],
+ "portsAttributes": {
+ "5086": {
+ "label": "Astro",
+ "onAutoForward": "openBrowser"
+ }
+ },
+ "postAttachCommand": "yarn dev",
+ "customizations": {
+ "codespaces": {
+ "openFiles": ["README.md"]
+ },
+ "vscode": {
+ "extensions": [
+ "DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint",
+ "shardulm94.trailing-spaces",
+ "nhoizey.gremlins",
+ "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker",
+ "bierner.emojisense",
+ "astro-build.astro-vscode",
+ "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
+ "unifiedjs.vscode-mdx",
+ "ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-next",
+ "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
+ ]
- },
- "hostRequirements": {
- "cpus": 4,
- "memory": "8gb"
- },
- "settings": {},
- "extensions": [
- "ms-dotnettools.csharp",
- "DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint",
- "shardulm94.trailing-spaces",
- "nhoizey.gremlins",
- "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker",
- "bierner.emojisense"
- ],
- "remoteUser": "vscode"
+ },
+ "remoteUser": "node"
diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dbaa9b227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# build output
+# generated types
+# dependencies
+# git history
+# logs
+# npm
+# yarn
+# environment variables
+# macOS-specific files
+# jetbrains setting folder
+# choco-theme
+# general
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffe9a1f4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+root = true
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+charset = utf-8
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af3ad12812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/.yarn/** linguist-vendored
+/.yarn/releases/* binary
+/.yarn/plugins/**/* binary
+/.pnp.* binary linguist-generated
diff --git a/.github/workflows/playwright.yml b/.github/workflows/playwright.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfea630d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/playwright.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name: Playwright Tests
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ main, master ]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ test:
+ timeout-minutes: 60
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository using git
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Setup Node.js
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: '20'
+ - name: Build site
+ run: yarn build
+ - name: Run Playwright tests
+ run: yarn playwright
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ if: always()
+ with:
+ name: playwright-report
+ path: playwright-report/
+ retention-days: 14
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yaml b/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
index e431ce8d39..bfba5ac6b8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
@@ -1,37 +1,32 @@
name: Publish Documentation
- workflow_dispatch:
- push:
- branches:
- - master
+ push:
+ branches: [ master ]
+ workflow_dispatch:
- ###################################################
- # DOCS
- ###################################################
+# Allow this job to clone the repo and create a page deployment
+ contents: read
+ pages: write
+ id-token: write
- name: Publish
- runs-on: windows-latest
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- fetch-depth: 0
- - name: Setup dotnet
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
- with:
- dotnet-version: '3.1.301' # SDK Version to use.
+ - name: Checkout repository using git
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Install, build, and upload site
+ uses: withastro/action@v2
- - name: Publish-Documentation
- shell: bash
- env:
- run: |
- dotnet tool restore
- dotnet cake --target=Publish-Documentation
\ No newline at end of file
+ deploy:
+ needs: build
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ environment:
+ name: github-pages
+ url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
+ id: deployment
+ uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pullrequest.yaml b/.github/workflows/pullrequest.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a9c28549..0000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/pullrequest.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-name: Build Pull Request
- pull_request:
- ###################################################
- # DOCS
- ###################################################
- build:
- name: Build
- runs-on: windows-latest
- steps:
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- fetch-depth: 0
- - name: Setup dotnet
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
- with:
- dotnet-version: '3.1.301' # SDK Version to use.
- - name: Statiq-Build
- shell: bash
- env:
- run: |
- dotnet tool restore
- dotnet cake --target=Statiq-Build
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 742ea927b5..90a8406481 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
+# build output
+# generated types
+# dependencies
+# logs
+# npm
+# yarn
@@ -23,4 +28,31 @@ cache/
\ No newline at end of file
+# environment variables
+# macOS-specific files
+# jetbrains setting folder
+# choco-theme
+# general
+# playwright
diff --git a/.markdownlint.json b/.markdownlint.json
index 2034cef932..d52120e02e 100644
--- a/.markdownlint.json
+++ b/.markdownlint.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "MD026": false,
- "MD013": false,
- "MD024": false,
- "MD034": false,
- "MD033": {
- "allowed_elements": ["details", "strong", "summary"]
- }
+ "MD026": false,
+ "MD013": false,
+ "MD024": false,
+ "MD034": false,
+ "MD033": {
+ "allowed_elements": ["details", "strong", "summary"]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22a15055d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/extensions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "recommendations": ["astro-build.astro-vscode"],
+ "unwantedRecommendations": []
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d642209762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "command": "./node_modules/.bin/astro dev",
+ "name": "Development server",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "type": "node-terminal"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index b7ba3b08dc..37743adeae 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,130 +1,149 @@
- "cSpell.words": [
- "Admins",
- "adobereader",
- "Authenticode",
- "baretail",
- "baselined",
- "behavior",
- "Boxstarter",
- "choco",
- "chococcm",
- "Chocolatey's",
- "chocolateyorg",
- "chocolateypackage",
- "Cloudsmith",
- "cmdlet",
- "crapware",
- "cygwin",
- "digicert",
- "Disqus",
- "distro",
- "distros",
- "Emoji",
- "exes",
- "fullname",
- "gemcutter",
- "gitextensions",
- "Gitter",
- "HKEY",
- "HKLM",
- "honor",
- "Internalizer",
- "Intune",
- "intunewin",
- "Kickstarter",
- "labeouf",
- "malware",
- "minecraft",
- "MITM",
- "MSIX",
- "myget",
- "Ninite",
- "notepadplusplus",
- "nuget",
- "nupkg",
- "packagename",
- "packageparameters",
- "pkgid",
- "pkgname",
- "programdata",
- "psobject",
- "qdeazure",
- "rebundle",
- "Roadmap",
- "Saltstack",
- "SCCM",
- "scriptable",
- "shia",
- "Sonatype",
- "sphynx",
- "Statiq",
- "sysadmins",
- "TLDR",
- "uninstallation",
- "Uninstaller",
- "Uninstalling",
- "uninstalls",
- "versioningupgrades",
- "webpi",
- "whatif",
- "windirstat",
- "xcopy"
- ],
- "languageToolLinter.languageTool.ignoredWordsInWorkspace": [
- "format-filesize",
- "get-packageparameters",
- "choco-info",
- "choco-warning",
- "chocolatey",
- "chocolateyinstall",
- "format-filesize",
- "get-checksumvalid",
- "get-chocolateyconfigvalue",
- "get-chocolateypath",
- "get-chocolateyunzip",
- "get-chocolateywebfile",
- "get-environmentvariable",
- "get-environmentvariablenames",
- "get-ftpfile",
- "get-osarchitecturewidth",
- "get-packageparameters",
- "get-toolslocation",
- "get-uacenabled",
- "get-uninstallregistrykey",
- "get-viruscheckvalid",
- "get-webfile",
- "get-webfilename",
- "get-webheaders",
- "install-binfile",
- "install-chocolateyenvironmentvariable",
- "install-chocolateyexplorermenuitem",
- "install-chocolateyfileassociation",
- "install-chocolateyinstallpackage",
- "install-chocolateypackage",
- "install-chocolateypath",
- "install-chocolateypinnedtaskbaritem",
- "install-chocolateypowershellcommand",
- "install-chocolateyshortcut",
- "install-chocolateyvsixpackage",
- "install-chocolateywindowsservice",
- "install-chocolateyzippackage",
- "install-vsix",
- "qde",
- "set-environmentvariable",
- "set-powershellexitcode",
- "sonatype",
- "start-chocolateyprocessasadmin",
- "start-chocolateywindowsservice",
- "stop-chocolateywindowsservice",
- "test-processadminrights",
- "uninstall-binfile",
- "uninstall-chocolateyenvironmentvariable",
- "uninstall-chocolateypackage",
- "uninstall-chocolateywindowsservice",
- "uninstall-chocolateyzippackage",
- "update-sessionenvironment",
- "write-functioncalllogmessage"
- ]
+ "cSpell.words": [
+ "Admins",
+ "adobereader",
+ "amped",
+ "Anson",
+ "astro",
+ "astrojs",
+ "authenticode",
+ "Authenticode",
+ "baretail",
+ "baselined",
+ "behavior",
+ "bierner",
+ "Boxstarter",
+ "Callout",
+ "Checksumming",
+ "choco",
+ "chococcm",
+ "Chocolatey's",
+ "chocolateyorg",
+ "chocolateypackage",
+ "Cloudsmith",
+ "cmdlet",
+ "Codespaces",
+ "crapware",
+ "cygwin",
+ "datetime",
+ "dbaeumer",
+ "devcontainers",
+ "digicert",
+ "Disqus",
+ "distro",
+ "distros",
+ "Emoji",
+ "emojisense",
+ "esbenp",
+ "exes",
+ "fullname",
+ "gemcutter",
+ "gitextensions",
+ "Gitter",
+ "HKEY",
+ "HKLM",
+ "honor",
+ "Internalizer",
+ "Intune",
+ "intunewin",
+ "Kickstarter",
+ "labeouf",
+ "malware",
+ "minecraft",
+ "MITM",
+ "MSIX",
+ "myget",
+ "nhoizey",
+ "Ninite",
+ "nocheck",
+ "notepadplusplus",
+ "nuget",
+ "nupkg",
+ "packagename",
+ "packageparameters",
+ "pkgid",
+ "pkgname",
+ "programdata",
+ "psobject",
+ "qdeazure",
+ "rebundle",
+ "rehype",
+ "Roadmap",
+ "Saltstack",
+ "SCCM",
+ "scriptable",
+ "shardulm",
+ "shia",
+ "Sonatype",
+ "sphynx",
+ "Statiq",
+ "sysadmins",
+ "TLDR",
+ "unifiedjs",
+ "uninstallation",
+ "Uninstaller",
+ "Uninstalling",
+ "uninstalls",
+ "versioningupgrades",
+ "webpi",
+ "whatif",
+ "windirstat",
+ "xcopy"
+ ],
+ "languageToolLinter.languageTool.ignoredWordsInWorkspace": [
+ "format-filesize",
+ "get-packageparameters",
+ "choco-info",
+ "choco-warning",
+ "chocolatey",
+ "chocolateyinstall",
+ "format-filesize",
+ "get-checksumvalid",
+ "get-chocolateyconfigvalue",
+ "get-chocolateypath",
+ "get-chocolateyunzip",
+ "get-chocolateywebfile",
+ "get-environmentvariable",
+ "get-environmentvariablenames",
+ "get-ftpfile",
+ "get-osarchitecturewidth",
+ "get-packageparameters",
+ "get-toolslocation",
+ "get-uacenabled",
+ "get-uninstallregistrykey",
+ "get-viruscheckvalid",
+ "get-webfile",
+ "get-webfilename",
+ "get-webheaders",
+ "install-binfile",
+ "install-chocolateyenvironmentvariable",
+ "install-chocolateyexplorermenuitem",
+ "install-chocolateyfileassociation",
+ "install-chocolateyinstallpackage",
+ "install-chocolateypackage",
+ "install-chocolateypath",
+ "install-chocolateypinnedtaskbaritem",
+ "install-chocolateypowershellcommand",
+ "install-chocolateyshortcut",
+ "install-chocolateyvsixpackage",
+ "install-chocolateywindowsservice",
+ "install-chocolateyzippackage",
+ "install-vsix",
+ "qde",
+ "set-environmentvariable",
+ "set-powershellexitcode",
+ "sonatype",
+ "start-chocolateyprocessasadmin",
+ "start-chocolateywindowsservice",
+ "stop-chocolateywindowsservice",
+ "test-processadminrights",
+ "uninstall-binfile",
+ "uninstall-chocolateyenvironmentvariable",
+ "uninstall-chocolateypackage",
+ "uninstall-chocolateywindowsservice",
+ "uninstall-chocolateyzippackage",
+ "update-sessionenvironment",
+ "write-functioncalllogmessage"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.yarnrc.yml b/.yarnrc.yml
index afcc04f9fb..ca9fc37d06 100644
--- a/.yarnrc.yml
+++ b/.yarnrc.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-checksumBehavior: update
-nodeLinker: node-modules
-yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-4.1.1.cjs
+checksumBehavior: update
+nodeLinker: node-modules
+yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-4.1.1.cjs
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9ddec9500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FROM node:lts
+COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
+COPY . .
+EXPOSE 5086
+CMD [ "yarn", "dev" ]
diff --git a/Docs.csproj b/Docs.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1e95e16b..0000000000
--- a/Docs.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- Exe
- netcoreapp3.1
- $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)
- $(DefaultItemExcludes);output\**;.gitignore
- Never
- Never
- Never
- Never
- Never
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Docs.sln b/Docs.sln
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c71b3955f..0000000000
--- a/Docs.sln
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
-# Visual Studio Version 16
-VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30011.22
-MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
-Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Docs", "Docs.csproj", "{C337F609-A890-4E52-BDA3-91658039B0E3}"
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
- Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
- Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {C337F609-A890-4E52-BDA3-91658039B0E3}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {C337F609-A890-4E52-BDA3-91658039B0E3}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {C337F609-A890-4E52-BDA3-91658039B0E3}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {C337F609-A890-4E52-BDA3-91658039B0E3}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
- HideSolutionNode = FALSE
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
- SolutionGuid = {2FB3922B-494A-45EB-A479-FC507B8E107C}
- EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/Program.cs b/Program.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 11000437ae..0000000000
--- a/Program.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Docs.Shortcodes;
-using Statiq.App;
-using Statiq.Common;
-using Statiq.Markdown;
-using Statiq.Web;
-namespace Docs
- public static class Program
- {
- public static async Task Main(string[] args) =>
- await Bootstrapper.Factory
- .CreateWeb(args)
- .AddSetting(Keys.Host, "docs.chocolatey.org")
- .AddSetting(Keys.LinksUseHttps, true)
- .AddSetting(Constants.EditLink, ConfigureEditLink())
- .AddSetting(WebKeys.GatherHeadingsLevel, 5)
- .ConfigureSite("chocolatey", "docs", "master")
- .ConfigureTemplates(templates => ((RenderMarkdown)templates[MediaTypes.Markdown].Module).UseExtension(new Markdig.Extensions.Emoji.EmojiExtension()))
- .AddShortcode("Children", typeof(ChildrenShortcode))
- .AddPipelines()
- .RunAsync();
- private static Config ConfigureEditLink()
- {
- return Config.FromDocument((doc, ctx) =>
- {
- return string.Format("https://github.com/{0}/{1}/edit/{2}/input/{3}",
- ctx.GetString(Constants.Site.Owner),
- ctx.GetString(Constants.Site.Repository),
- ctx.GetString(Constants.Site.Branch),
- doc.Source.GetRelativeInputPath());
- });
- }
- }
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5499999f4e..b4f010af50 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,98 +1,115 @@
-# Chocolatey Docs
-This repository contains the source files for the documentation site that can be found here:
-This site is built using [Statiq](https://statiq.dev/).
-## Thanks
-The original template that was used to create this docs site came from the work that was done by [Patrik Svensson](https://github.com/patriksvensson), on his [Spectre.Console](https://spectresystems.github.io/spectre.console/) and [Spectre.Cli](https://spectresystems.github.io/spectre.cli/) docs sites. Huge thank you to Patrik for all his help!
-## Writing Documentation
-Listed below are some of the areas we consider important when writing. We have two goals:
-* **Consistency**. It's important when writing to be consistent in all areas including, but not limited to, headings, code style, formatting, use of bold and italics. We acknowledge that as our writing style has evolved not all of our writing has followed. When we write we should be consistent.
-* **Clarity**. When writing we must remember to write for others and not just for ourselves. It's important to understand that jargon or acronyms can cause confusion, misunderstanding and a barrier for others who are not familiar with the terms. Avoid using jargon where you can and only use acronyms once they have been defined. Ensure any [jargon or acronyms used are documented](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/information/jargon-buster).
-To help with these goals, please refer to our guides on [writing documentation](https://design.chocolatey.org/content-and-marketing/writing-documentation) and the use of [language and grammar](https://design.chocolatey.org/content-and-marketing/language-and-grammar).
-## Building the Site
-There are two options to build the site:
-1. Build it on your own computer.
-1. Build it using a Docker container.
-### Build the Site On Your Computer
-There are a number or pre-requisites that are needed before you will be able to build the website locally. These include:
-* .NET Core SDK
-* NodeJS
-There is a `.\setup.ps1` file in the root of this repository that can be used to install all necessary packages.
-#### Building the Site
-To build the site locally on your computer, either run the `.\build.ps1` or the `build.sh` file (depending on your operating system). This will compile the site, and all generated output file be placed into the `output` folder.
-### Build the Site Using a Docker Container
-There are two ways you can do this:
-* Using the Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension.
-* Running the Docker container from the command line.
-#### Using the Visual Studio Code Dev Containers Extension
-Connect to the Docker Container in Visual Studio Code. This will launch Visual Studio Code and open a terminal that is running inside the Docker Container whose configuration is defined in `/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json` and `/.devcontainer/Dockerfile`. You can now move onto [previewing the site](#previewing-the-site).
-#### Running the Docker Container From the Command Line
-Follow these steps:
-1. Run `docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/dotnet:0-3.1-focal`.
-1. Change to the `/.devcontainer` directory and run `docker build . --tag chocolatey-docs-container`. This will build the image you can use to preview the docs. Note that you can change the name `chocolatey-docs-container` to whatever you want.
-#### Previewing the Site
-To preview the site locally on your computer, either run the `.\preview.ps1` or the `preview.sh` file (depending on your operating system). If you are previewing the site using the Docker container from the command line, change to the directory containing this repository and run `docker run -p 5080:5080 -v ${pwd}:/workspaces/chocolatey-docs -w /workspaces/chocolatey-docs -i -t chocolatey-docs-container /bin/bash ./preview.sh`. Replace `chocolatey-docs-container` with whatever you named your container above.
-Once completed, you should be able to open a browser on your machine to `http://localhost:5080` and the site will be loaded. Once running, any changes made to the files within the `input` folder will cause the site to be rebuilt with the new content.
-### Troubleshooting the build
-If you are having build errors with `'copyTheme' errored after`, try removing the `node_modules` directory and clearing your yarn cache with `yarn cache clean`.
-If you receive the error `The configured user limit (128) on the number of inotify instances has been reached, or the per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached` then you can increase the number by running `echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p`. See [this GitHub comment](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/8449#issuecomment-512275929) for more information.
-## Adding a New Highlight
-To add a new Highlight, follow the steps below:
-1. Check to see if the Highlight you are writing already has a folder associated with it. This will match the current year and month that you are posting the Highlight in. If there is already a folder, copy the file from `/en-us/highlights/template/template.md` into the folder your new Highlight will go in, then skip to step #4.
-1. Copy the folder `/en-us/highlights/template` and rename it to the format of "YYYY-MM". For example: "2023-04".
-1. In your new folder, update the `index.md` file:
- 1. Change the `PostedDateTime` to the first day of the current month. This should match the folder name. This will be the heading title that appears on the [Highlights page](xref:highlights).
- 1. Remove the `IsActive: false` line completely. This is set to `true` by default, and a section will now appear for the given month on the Highlights page.
-1. In your new folder, change the file name of `template.md` to match the title of the Highlight you are writing. This should be something that can easily be identified if changes will need to be made by another person later.
-1. Update your new (previously `template.md`) file as needed:
- 1. Remove the `IsActive: false` line completely. This is set to `true` by default, and will now be shown on the Highlights page.
- 1. To make the Highlight appear on the Home page, remove the `ShowOnHome: false` line completely. This is set to `true` by default, and will now be shown on the Home page.
-## Build Status
-[![GitHub Actions Build Status](https://github.com/chocolatey/docs/workflows/Publish%20Documentation/badge.svg)](https://github.com/chocolatey/docs/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Build+Pull+Request%22)
-## Chat Room
-Come join in the conversation about Chocolatey in our [Community Chat Room](https://ch0.co/community).
-Please make sure you've read over and agree with the [etiquette regarding communication](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/blob/master/README.md#etiquette-regarding-communication).
-## Search
-Search uses [Algolia DocSearch](https://docsearch.algolia.com/) as backend.
-Configuration for crawler is available at https://github.com/algolia/docsearch-configs/blob/master/configs/chocolatey.json.
\ No newline at end of file
+# Chocolatey Docs
+This repository contains the source files for the documentation site that can be found here:
+This site is built using [Astro](https://astro.build/).
+## Writing Documentation
+Listed below are some of the areas we consider important when writing. We have two goals:
+* **Consistency**. It's important when writing to be consistent in all areas including, but not limited to, headings, code style, formatting, use of bold and italics. We acknowledge that as our writing style has evolved not all of our writing has followed. When we write we should be consistent.
+* **Clarity**. When writing we must remember to write for others and not just for ourselves. It's important to understand that jargon or acronyms can cause confusion, misunderstanding and a barrier for others who are not familiar with the terms. Avoid using jargon where you can and only use acronyms once they have been defined. Ensure any [jargon or acronyms used are documented](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/information/jargon-buster).
+To help with these goals, please refer to our guides on [writing documentation](https://design.chocolatey.org/content-and-marketing/writing-documentation) and the use of [language and grammar](https://design.chocolatey.org/content-and-marketing/language-and-grammar).
+## Building the Site
+There are multiple options to build the site:
+1. Build it on [your own computer](#build-the-site-on-your-computer).
+1. Open in [GitHub Codespaces](https://codespaces.new/chocolatey/docs?devcontainer_path=.devcontainer/devcontainer.json).
+1. Build it using a [Dev Container](#build-the-site-using-a-dev-container).
+1. Build it using [Docker](#build-the-site-using-docker).
+### Build the Site On Your Computer
+Ensure that you have Node v20+ installed by running `node -v`. There is a `.\setup.ps1` file in the root of this repository that uses Chocolatey to install or upgrade Node to the correct version.
+After confirming the required Node version, run the following command from a terminal:
+yarn dev
+This will compile the site, and bring up a preview on `http:localhost:5086`. Any changes you make will automatically be hot reloaded.
+### Build the Site Using a Dev Container
+Follow these steps to open the project in a [Dev Container](https://containers.dev/):
+1. Install the Dev Containers extension for Visual Studio Code if you haven't already. You can install it from the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X) by searching for "Dev Containers".
+2. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or F1) and run the command `Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container...`.
+3. Select the folder containing this repository (or the repository root if you've already opened it in VS Code).
+4. Wait for the Dev Container to start up. This may take a few minutes the first time as it needs to download the container image. Subsequent starts will be faster.
+5. Once the Dev Container is ready, you'll have a full development environment with all the required tools and dependencies pre-installed. Any changes you make will automatically be hot reloaded.
+6. When you're done, you can close the Dev Container by running the `Dev Containers: Close Remote Connection` command from the Command Palette.
+### Build the Site Using Docker
+From a terminal, run the following:
+docker build -t chocolatey-docs-container .
+Once this is complete, run the following from the same terminal:
+docker run -p 5086:5086 -v $(pwd):/app chocolatey-docs-container
+This will compile the site, and bring up a preview on `http:localhost:5086`. Any changes you make will automatically be hot reloaded.
+### Troubleshooting the build
+If you are having build errors with `'copyTheme' errored after`, try removing the `node_modules` directory and clearing your yarn cache with `yarn cache clean`.
+If you receive the error `The configured user limit (128) on the number of inotify instances has been reached, or the per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached` then you can increase the number by running `echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p`. See [this GitHub comment](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/8449#issuecomment-512275929) for more information.
+## Understanding Astro
+The [Chocolatey Design System](https://design.chocolatey.org) and [choco-astro](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-astro) contain information on how to understand several Astro concepts:
+* Learn how to [override automatically generated heading ID's](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-astro?tab=readme-ov-file#overriding-automatically-generated-heading-ids).
+* Learn about Astro and how to use [Components in `.mdx` and `.astro`](https://design.chocolatey.org/foundations/astro) file types.
+* Learn how to use the [`` Component](https://design.chocolatey.org/components/callouts) to display notes and important information.
+* Learn how to use the [`` Component](https://design.chocolatey.org/collapse-button) to display a button that triggers a collapsed element.
+* Learn how to use the [`` Component](https://design.chocolatey.org/components/iframe) to display videos with defined aspect ratios.
+* Learn how to use the [`` Component](https://design.chocolatey.org/components/tabs) to display content in tabbed interface.
+* Learn how to use the [`` Component](https://design.chocolatey.org/components/xref) to link to other documents within this repository.
+## Markdown Diagrams with Mermaid
+[Mermaid](https://mermaid.js.org/) via an [Astro integration](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-astro/blob/main/astro.config.mjs.json) allows an easy way to display information with diagrams written in markdown. Find more information on usage at the [choco-astro repository](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-astro?tab=readme-ov-file#markdown-diagrams-with-mermaid).
+## Running Playwright Tests
+To run all the Playwright tests, first run the following command:
+yarn build
+Once this has completed, run:
+yarn playwright
+This will run all Playwright tests and report any errors for further investigation.
+## Build Status
+[![GitHub Actions Build Status](https://github.com/chocolatey/docs/workflows/Publish%20Documentation/badge.svg)](https://github.com/chocolatey/docs/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Build+Pull+Request%22)
+## Chat Room
+Come join in the conversation about Chocolatey in our [Community Chat Room](https://ch0.co/community).
+Please make sure you've read over and agree with the [etiquette regarding communication](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/blob/master/README.md#etiquette-regarding-communication).
+## Search
+Search uses [Algolia DocSearch](https://docsearch.algolia.com/) as backend.
diff --git a/astro.config.mjs b/astro.config.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e1dd020f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro.config.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap";
+import mdx from "@astrojs/mdx";
+import rehypeMermaid from 'rehype-mermaid';
+import remarkCustomHeaderId from 'remark-custom-header-id';
+import { mermaidConfig } from 'choco-astro/src/scripts/util/mermaid-config';
+export default defineConfig({
+ site: 'https://docs.chocolatey.org',
+ vite: {
+ optimizeDeps: {
+ exclude: ['fsevents']
+ }
+ },
+ server: {
+ port: 5086,
+ host: true
+ },
+ markdown: {
+ syntaxHighlight: false, // Temporarily disable syntax highlighting and rely on Prism.js via choco-theme
+ remarkPlugins: [
+ remarkCustomHeaderId,
+ ],
+ rehypePlugins: [
+ [rehypeMermaid, {
+ mermaidConfig: mermaidConfig
+ }]
+ ]
+ },
+ prefetch: {
+ prefetchAll: true
+ },
+ integrations: [mdx(), sitemap()],
+ redirects: {
+ '/docs/release-notes-agent': '/en-us/agent/release-notes',
+ '/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/client-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/client-setup',
+ '/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/': '/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/',
+ '/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/packages': '/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/packages',
+ '/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/rdp': '/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/rdp',
+ '/en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide/certificate-renewal': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/certificate-renewal',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide',
+ '/en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/firewall-changes': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/firewall-rules',
+ '/en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/',
+ '/en-us/quick-deployment': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/release-notes': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/desktop-readme': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/ssl-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/client-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/internet-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/upgrade-license': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/desktop-readme': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/ssl-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/client-setup': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation',
+ '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/upgrade-nexus-qde': '/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/upgrade-nexus',
+ '/docs/add-ccmgroup': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroup',
+ '/docs/add-ccmgroup-member': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroupMember',
+ '/docs/connect-ccmserver': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ConnectCCMServer',
+ '/docs/disable-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/DisableCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/export-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/export-ccmdeployment-report': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeploymentReport',
+ '/docs/export-ccmoutdated-software-report': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport',
+ '/docs/get-ccmcomputer': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMComputer',
+ '/docs/get-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/get-ccmgroup': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroup',
+ '/docs/get-ccmgroup-member': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroupMember',
+ '/docs/get-ccmoutdated-software': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftware',
+ '/docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-member': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareMember',
+ '/docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-report': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport',
+ '/docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-report-detail': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail',
+ '/docs/get-ccmrole': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMRole',
+ '/docs/get-ccmsoftware': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMSoftware',
+ '/docs/get-deployment-result': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetDeploymentResult',
+ '/docs/import-pdqdeploy-package': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ImportPDQDeployPackage',
+ '/docs/move-ccmdeployment-to-ready': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/MoveCCMDeploymentToReady',
+ '/docs/new-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/new-ccmdeployment-step': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeploymentStep',
+ '/docs/new-ccmoutdated-software-report': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport',
+ '/docs/remove-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/remove-ccmdeployment-step': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeploymentStep',
+ '/docs/remove-ccmgroup': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroup',
+ '/docs/remove-ccmgroup-member': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroupMember',
+ '/docs/remove-ccmstale-deployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMStaleDeployment',
+ '/docs/set-ccmdeployment-step': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMDeploymentStep',
+ '/docs/set-ccmgroup': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMGroup',
+ '/docs/set-ccmnotification-status': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMNotificationStatus',
+ '/docs/start-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StartCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/stop-ccmdeployment': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StopCCMDeployment',
+ '/docs/choco-ccmfunction-reference': '/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/',
+ '/docs/central-management': '/en-us/central-management/',
+ '/docs/release-notes-central-management': '/en-us/central-management/release-notes',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup-client': '/en-us/central-management/setup/client',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup-database': '/en-us/central-management/setup/database',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup': '/en-us/central-management/setup/',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup-service': '/en-us/central-management/setup/service',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup-upgrade': '/en-us/central-management/setup/upgrade',
+ '/docs/central-management-setup-web': '/en-us/central-management/setup/website',
+ '/docs/central-management-api': '/en-us/central-management/usage/api/',
+ '/docs/commandsrule': '/en-us/choco/commands/rule',
+ '/docs/commands-rule': '/en-us/choco/commands/rule',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployments': '/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployment-plans',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/sensitive-variables': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/sensitive-variables',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/encryption-passphrase': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/encryption-passphrase',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/audit-retention': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/retention',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/stale-computer-deletion': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/retention',
+ '/docs/central-management-computers': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/computers',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/computers': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/computers',
+ '/docs/central-management-deployments': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/deployments',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/deployments': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/deployments',
+ '/docs/central-management-groups': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/groups',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/groups': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/groups',
+ '/docs/central-management-reports': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/reports',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/reports': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/reports',
+ '/docs/central-management-software': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/software',
+ '/en-us/central-management/usage/software': '/en-us/central-management/usage/website/software',
+ '/docs/commandscache': '/en-us/choco/commands/cache',
+ '/docs/commands-cache': '/en-us/choco/commands/cache',
+ '/docs/commandsconfig': '/en-us/choco/commands/config',
+ '/docs/commands-config': '/en-us/choco/commands/config',
+ '/docs/commandsdownload': '/en-us/choco/commands/download',
+ '/docs/commands-download': '/en-us/choco/commands/download',
+ '/docs/commandsexport': '/en-us/choco/commands/export',
+ '/docs/commands-export': '/en-us/choco/commands/export',
+ '/docs/commandsfeature': '/en-us/choco/commands/feature',
+ '/docs/commands-feature': '/en-us/choco/commands/feature',
+ '/docs/commandsfeatures': '/en-us/choco/commands/features',
+ '/docs/commands-features': '/en-us/choco/commands/features',
+ '/docs/commandsfind': '/en-us/choco/commands/find',
+ '/docs/commands-find': '/en-us/choco/commands/find',
+ '/docs/commandshelp': '/en-us/choco/commands/help',
+ '/docs/commands-help': '/en-us/choco/commands/help',
+ '/docs/commandsreference': '/en-us/choco/commands/',
+ '/docs/commands-reference': '/en-us/choco/commands/',
+ '/docs/commandsinfo': '/en-us/choco/commands/info',
+ '/docs/commands-info': '/en-us/choco/commands/info',
+ '/docs/commandsinstall': '/en-us/choco/commands/install',
+ '/docs/commands-install': '/en-us/choco/commands/install',
+ '/docs/commandslist': '/en-us/choco/commands/list',
+ '/docs/commands-list': '/en-us/choco/commands/list',
+ '/docs/commandsoptimize': '/en-us/choco/commands/optimize',
+ '/docs/commands-optimize': '/en-us/choco/commands/optimize',
+ '/docs/commandsoutdated': '/en-us/choco/commands/outdated',
+ '/docs/commands-outdated': '/en-us/choco/commands/outdated',
+ '/docs/commandspin': '/en-us/choco/commands/pin',
+ '/docs/commands-pin': '/en-us/choco/commands/pin',
+ '/docs/commandssearch': '/en-us/choco/commands/search',
+ '/docs/commands-search': '/en-us/choco/commands/search',
+ '/docs/commandssetapikey': '/en-us/choco/commands/setapikey',
+ '/docs/commands-setapikey': '/en-us/choco/commands/setapikey',
+ '/docs/commandssource': '/en-us/choco/commands/source',
+ '/docs/commands-source': '/en-us/choco/commands/source',
+ '/docs/commandssources': '/en-us/choco/commands/sources',
+ '/docs/commands-sources': '/en-us/choco/commands/sources',
+ '/docs/commandssupport': '/en-us/choco/commands/support',
+ '/docs/commands-support': '/en-us/choco/commands/support',
+ '/docs/commandssync': '/en-us/choco/commands/sync',
+ '/docs/commands-sync': '/en-us/choco/commands/sync',
+ '/docs/commandssynchronize': '/en-us/choco/commands/synchronize',
+ '/docs/commands-synchronize': '/en-us/choco/commands/synchronize',
+ '/docs/commandsuninstall': '/en-us/choco/commands/uninstall',
+ '/docs/commands-uninstall': '/en-us/choco/commands/uninstall',
+ '/docs/commandsunpackself': '/en-us/choco/commands/unpackself',
+ '/docs/commands-unpackself': '/en-us/choco/commands/unpackself',
+ '/docs/commandsupgrade': '/en-us/choco/commands/upgrade',
+ '/docs/commands-upgrade': '/en-us/choco/commands/upgrade',
+ '/docs/release-notes-choco-cli': '/en-us/choco/release-notes',
+ '/docs/installation': '/en-us/choco/setup',
+ '/docs/install': '/en-us/choco/setup',
+ '/en-us/choco/installation': '/en-us/choco/setup',
+ '/docs/uninstallation': '/en-us/choco/uninstallation',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-gui-overview': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-gui-known-issues': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/known-issues',
+ '/docs/release-notes-chocolatey-gui': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/release-notes',
+ '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/installation/chocolateygui': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/installation',
+ '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/installation/chocolatey-gui': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/installation',
+ '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/uninstallation/chocolatey-gui': '/en-us/chocolatey-gui/setup/uninstallation',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-install-ps1': '/en-us/chocolatey-install-ps1',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-story': '/en-us/chocolatey-story',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-vs-ninite': '/en-us/chocolatey-vs-ninite',
+ '/docs/community-packages-disclaimer': '/en-us/community-repository/community-packages-disclaimer',
+ '/docs/how-to-deprecate-a-chocolatey-package': '/en-us/community-repository/maintainers/deprecate-a-chocolatey-package',
+ '/docs/package-maintainer-handover': '/en-us/community-repository/maintainers/package-maintainer-handover',
+ '/docs/moderation': '/en-us/community-repository/moderation/',
+ '/docs/package-triage-process': '/en-us/community-repository/users/package-triage-process',
+ '/community-repository/users/package-triage-process#are-you-a-software-vendor': '/en-us/community-repository/users/software-vendor',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-configuration': '/en-us/configuration',
+ '/docs/automatic-packages': '/en-us/create/automatic-packages',
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+ '/docs/commands-apikey': '/en-us/create/commands/api-key',
+ '/docs/commandsconvert': '/en-us/create/commands/convert',
+ '/docs/commands-convert': '/en-us/create/commands/convert',
+ '/docs/commandsnew': '/en-us/create/commands/new',
+ '/docs/commands-new': '/en-us/create/commands/new',
+ '/docs/commandspack': '/en-us/create/commands/pack',
+ '/docs/commands-pack': '/en-us/create/commands/pack',
+ '/docs/commandspush': '/en-us/create/commands/push',
+ '/docs/commands-push': '/en-us/create/commands/push',
+ '/docs/commandstemplate': '/en-us/create/commands/template',
+ '/docs/commands-template': '/en-us/create/commands/template',
+ '/docs/commandstemplates': '/en-us/create/commands/templates',
+ '/docs/commands-templates': '/en-us/create/commands/templates',
+ '/docs/createpackagesquickstart': '/en-us/create/create-packages-quick-start',
+ '/docs/create-packages-quick-start': '/en-us/create/create-packages-quick-start',
+ '/docs/create-packages': '/en-us/create/create-packages',
+ '/docs/CreatePackages': '/en-us/create/create-packages',
+ '/docs/helpers-format-file-size': '/en-us/create/functions/format-filesize',
+ '/docs/helpersformatfilesize': '/en-us/create/functions/format-filesize',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetchocolateyconfigvalue': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateyconfigvalue',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-chocolatey-path': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateypath',
+ '/docs/helpersgetchocolateypath': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateypath',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-chocolatey-unzip': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateyunzip',
+ '/docs/helpersgetchocolateyunzip': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateyunzip',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetchocolateywebfile': '/en-us/create/functions/get-chocolateywebfile',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-environment-variable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariable',
+ '/docs/helpersgetenvironmentvariable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariable',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-environment-variable-names': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariableNames',
+ '/docs/helpersgetenvironmentvariablenames': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariableNames',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-ftp-file': '/en-us/create/functions/get-ftpfile',
+ '/docs/helpersgetftpfile': '/en-us/create/functions/get-ftpfile',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetosarchitecturewidth': '/en-us/create/functions/get-osarchitecturewidth',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-o-s-architecture-width': '/en-us/create/functions/get-osarchitecturewidth',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetpackageparameters': '/en-us/create/functions/get-packageparameters',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-packageparameters': '/en-us/create/functions/get-packageparameters',
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+ '/docs/helpersgettoolslocation': '/en-us/create/functions/get-toolslocation',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetuacenabled': '/en-us/create/functions/get-uacenabled',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetuninstallregistrykey': '/en-us/create/functions/get-uninstallregistrykey',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetviruscheckvalid': '/en-us/create/functions/get-viruscheckvalid',
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+ '/docs/helpersgetwebfilename': '/en-us/create/functions/get-webfilename',
+ '/docs/helpers-get-web-headers': '/en-us/create/functions/get-webheaders',
+ '/docs/helpersgetwebheaders': '/en-us/create/functions/get-webheaders',
+ '/docs/helpers-reference': '/en-us/create/functions/',
+ '/docs/HelpersReference': '/en-us/create/functions/',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-bin-file': '/en-us/create/functions/install-binfile',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallbinfile': '/en-us/create/functions/install-binfile',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-environment-variable': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyenvironmentvariable',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyenvironmentvariable': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyenvironmentvariable',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-explorer-menu-item': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyexplorermenuitem',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyexplorermenuitem': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyexplorermenuitem',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-file-association': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyfileassociation',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyfileassociation': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyfileassociation',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-install-package': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyinstallpackage',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyinstallpackage': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyinstallpackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-package': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypackage',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateypackage': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-path': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/install-chocolateyPath',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateypath': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/install-chocolateyPath',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-pinned-task-bar-item': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypinnedtaskbaritem',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateypinnedtaskbaritem': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypinnedtaskbaritem',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-powershell-command': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypowershellcommand',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateypowershellcommand': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypowershellcommand',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-shortcut': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyshortcut',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyshortcut': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyshortcut',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-vsix-package': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyvsixpackage',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyvsixpackage': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyvsixpackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-windows-service': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateywindowsservice',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-chocolatey-zip-package': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyzippackage',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallchocolateyzippackage': '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateyzippackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-install-vsix': '/en-us/create/functions/install-vsix',
+ '/docs/helpersinstallvsix': '/en-us/create/functions/install-vsix',
+ '/docs/helpers-set-environment-variable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/set-environmentVariable',
+ '/docs/helperssetenvironmentvariable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/set-environmentVariable',
+ '/docs/helpers-set-power-shell-exit-code': '/en-us/create/functions/set-powershellexitcode',
+ '/docs/helperssetpowershellexitcode': '/en-us/create/functions/set-powershellexitcode',
+ '/docs/helpers-start-chocolatey-process-as-admin': '/en-us/create/functions/start-chocolateyprocessasadmin',
+ '/docs/helpersstartchocolateyprocessasadmin': '/en-us/create/functions/start-chocolateyprocessasadmin',
+ '/docs/helpers-start-chocolatey-windows-service': '/en-us/create/functions/start-chocolateywindowsservice',
+ '/docs/helpers-stop-chocolatey-windows-service': '/en-us/create/functions/stop-chocolateywindowsservice',
+ '/docs/helpers-test-process-admin-rights': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/test-processAdminRights',
+ '/docs/helperstestprocessadminrights': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/test-processAdminRights',
+ '/docs/helpers-uninstall-bin-file': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-binfile',
+ '/docs/helpersuninstallbinfile': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-binfile',
+ '/docs/helpers-uninstall-chocolatey-environment-variable': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateyenvironmentvariable',
+ '/docs/helpersuninstallchocolateyenvironmentvariable': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateyenvironmentvariable',
+ '/docs/helpers-uninstall-chocolatey-package': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateypackage',
+ '/docs/helpersuninstallchocolateypackage': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateypackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-uninstall-chocolatey-windows-service': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateywindowsservice',
+ '/docs/helpers-uninstall-chocolatey-zip-package': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateyzippackage',
+ '/docs/helpersuninstallchocolateyzippackage': '/en-us/create/functions/uninstall-chocolateyzippackage',
+ '/docs/helpers-update-session-environment': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/update-sessionEnvironment',
+ '/docs/helpersupdatesessionenvironment': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/update-sessionEnvironment',
+ '/docs/helpers-write-function-call-log-message': '/en-us/create/functions/write-functioncalllogmessage',
+ '/docs/helperswritefunctioncalllogmessage': '/en-us/create/functions/write-functioncalllogmessage',
+ '/docs/package-dependencies': '/en-us/create/package-dependencies',
+ '/docs/PackageDependencies': '/en-us/create/package-dependencies',
+ '/docs/default-chocolatey-install-reasoning': '/en-us/default-chocolatey-install-reasoning',
+ '/docs/chocolatey-faqs': '/en-us/faqs',
+ '/docs/features-branding': '/en-us/features/branding',
+ '/docs/features-chocolatey-central-management': '/en-us/features/chocolatey-central-management',
+ '/docs/how-to-create-extensions': '/en-us/features/extensions',
+ '/docs/how-to-host-feed': '/en-us/features/host-packages',
+ '/docs/features-install-directory-override': '/en-us/features/install-directory-override',
+ '/docs/features-infrastructure-automation': '/en-us/features/integrations',
+ '/docs/features-package-audit': '/en-us/features/package-audit',
+ '/docs/features-create-packages-from-installers': '/en-us/features/package-builder',
+ '/docs/features-automatically-recompile-packages': '/en-us/features/package-internalizer',
+ '/docs/features-package-reducer': '/en-us/features/package-reducer',
+ '/docs/features-synchronize': '/en-us/features/package-synchronization/',
+ '/docs/features-package-throttle': '/en-us/features/package-throttle',
+ '/docs/features-private-cdn': '/en-us/features/private-cdn',
+ '/docs/features-agent-service': '/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere',
+ '/docs/features-shim': '/en-us/features/shim',
+ '/docs/features-virus-check': '/en-us/features/virus-check',
+ '/docs/getting-started': '/en-us/getting-started',
+ '/docs/gettingstarted': '/en-us/getting-started',
+ '/docs/how-to-create-custom-package-templates': '/en-us/guides/create/create-custom-package-templates',
+ '/docs/how-to-mount-an-iso-in-chocolatey-package': '/en-us/guides/create/mount-an-iso-in-chocolatey-package',
+ '/docs/how-to-parse-package-parameters-argument': '/en-us/guides/create/parse-packageparameters-argument',
+ '/docs/how-to-recompile-packages': '/en-us/guides/create/recompile-packages',
+ '/docs/how-to-setup-internal-package-repository': '/en-us/guides/organizations/automate-package-internalization',
+ '/docs/how-to-setup-offline-installation': '/en-us/guides/organizations/organizational-deployment-guide',
+ '/docs/how-to-set-up-chocolatey-server': '/en-us/guides/organizations/set-up-chocolatey-server',
+ '/docs/how-to-change-cache': '/en-us/guides/usage/change-cache',
+ '/docs/development-environment-setup': '/en-us/guides/usage/development-environment-setup',
+ '/docs/how-to-install-upgrade-package-without-scripts': '/en-us/guides/usage/install-upgrade-package-without-scripts',
+ '/docs/proxy-settings-for-chocolatey': '/en-us/guides/usage/proxy-settings-for-chocolatey',
+ '/docs/hosting-chocolatey-packages-on-myget': '/en-us/hosting-chocolatey-packages-on-myget',
+ '/docs/history': '/en-us/information/history',
+ '/docs/presentations': '/en-us/information/learning-resources/presentations',
+ '/docs/resources': '/en-us/information/learning-resources/resources',
+ '/docs/videos': '/en-us/information/learning-resources/videos',
+ '/docs/legal': '/en-us/information/legal',
+ '/docs/release-notes': '/en-us/information/release-notes/floss',
+ '/docs/release-notes-licensed': '/en-us/information/release-notes/licensed',
+ '/docs/security': '/en-us/information/security',
+ '/docs/release-notes-extension': '/en-us/licensed-extension/release-notes',
+ '/docs/installation-licensed': '/en-us/licensed-extension/setup',
+ '/docs/logo-use-policy': '/en-us/logo-use-policy',
+ '/docs/migrate-old-chocolatey-directory-to-programdata': '/en-us/migrate-old-chocolatey-directory-to-programdata',
+ '/docs/packaging-next': '/en-us/packaging-next',
+ '/docs/roadmap': '/en-us/roadmap',
+ '/docs/troubleshooting': '/en-us/troubleshooting',
+ '/docs/why': '/en-us/why',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/get-environmentvariable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariable',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/get-environmentvariablenames': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/get-environmentVariableNames',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/install-chocolateypath': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/install-chocolateyPath',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/set-environmentvariable': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/set-environmentVariable',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/test-processadminrights': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/test-processAdminRights',
+ '/en-us/create/functions/update-sessionenvironment': '/en-us/create/cmdlets/update-sessionEnvironment',
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.cake b/build.cake
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a6f8a2cb5..0000000000
--- a/build.cake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-// Tools
-#tool dotnet:https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/cake-contrib/Home/_packaging/addins/nuget/v3/index.json?package=KuduSync.Tool&version=1.5.4-g13cb5857b6
-// Addins
-#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Git&version=0.22.0
-#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Kudu&version=1.0.1
-#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Yarn&version=0.4.8
-// Scripts
-#load "buildData.cake"
-// Arguments
-var target = Argument("target", "Default");
-var configuration = Argument("configuration", "Release");
-var port = Argument("port", 5080);
-// Setup
-Setup(context =>
- Information("Setting up BuildData...");
- var buildData = new BuildData(context);
- return buildData;
-var projectPath = "./Docs.csproj";
-// Tasks
- .Does(() =>
- Information(Context.Environment.Platform.Family);
- .Does((context, buildData) =>
- var directoriesToClean = new []{
- buildData.PublishDirectory,
- buildData.OutputDirectory,
- "./bin",
- "./obj",
- "./temp",
- "./wwwroot"
- };
- CleanDirectories(directoriesToClean);
- .WithCriteria(() => FileExists("./package.json"), "package.json file not found in repository")
- .IsDependentOn("Clean")
- .Does(() =>
- if (BuildSystem.IsLocalBuild)
- {
- Information("Running yarn install...");
- Yarn.Install();
- }
- else
- {
- Information("Running yarn install --immutable...");
- Yarn.Install(settings => settings.ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("--immutable"));
- }
- .IsDependentOn("Yarn-Install")
- .Does(() =>
- Yarn.RunScript("choco-theme");
- .IsDependentOn("Run-Choco-Theme")
- .Does((context, buildData) =>
- var settings = new DotNetCoreRunSettings {
- Configuration = configuration
- };
- DotNetCoreRun(projectPath, new ProcessArgumentBuilder().Append(string.Format("preview --port {0} --output \"{1}\"", port, buildData.OutputDirectory)), settings);
- .IsDependentOn("Run-Choco-Theme")
- .Does((context, buildData) =>
- var settings = new DotNetCoreRunSettings {
- Configuration = configuration
- };
- DotNetCoreRun(projectPath, new ProcessArgumentBuilder().Append(string.Format("--output \"{0}\"", buildData.OutputDirectory)), settings);
- .IsDependentOn("Run-Choco-Theme")
- .Does((context, buildData) =>
- var settings = new DotNetCoreRunSettings {
- Configuration = configuration,
- ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("-a ValidateRelativeLinks=Error -a ValidateAbsoluteLinks=Error")
- };
- DotNetCoreRun(projectPath, new ProcessArgumentBuilder().Append(string.Format("--output \"{0}\"", buildData.OutputDirectory)), settings);
- .IsDependentOn("Statiq-Build")
- .Does((context, buildData) =>
- var sourceCommit = GitLogTip("./");
- CleanDirectory(buildData.PublishDirectory);
- var publishFolder = buildData.PublishDirectory.Combine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"));
- Information("Publishing Folder: {0}", publishFolder);
- Information("Getting publish branch...");
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildData.GitHubUserName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildData.GitHubPassword))
- {
- Information("Cloning repository using username and password...");
- GitClone(buildData.DeployRemote, publishFolder, buildData.GitHubUserName, buildData.GitHubPassword, new GitCloneSettings{ BranchName = buildData.DeployBranch });
- }
- else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildData.GitHubToken))
- {
- Information("Cloning repository using token...");
- GitClone(buildData.DeployRemote, publishFolder, buildData.GitHubToken, "x-oauth-basic", new GitCloneSettings{ BranchName = buildData.DeployBranch });
- }
- else
- {
- Information("Cloning repository anonymously...");
- GitClone(buildData.DeployRemote, publishFolder, new GitCloneSettings{ BranchName = buildData.DeployBranch });
- }
- Information("Sync output files...");
- Kudu.Sync(buildData.OutputDirectory, publishFolder, new KuduSyncSettings {
- ArgumentCustomization = args=>args.Append("--ignore").AppendQuoted(".git;CNAME")
- });
- if (GitHasUncommitedChanges(publishFolder))
- {
- Information("Stage all changes...");
- GitAddAll(publishFolder);
- if (GitHasStagedChanges(publishFolder))
- {
- Information("Commit all changes...");
- GitCommit(
- publishFolder,
- sourceCommit.Committer.Name,
- sourceCommit.Committer.Email,
- string.Format("Continuous Integration Publish: {0}\r\n{1}", sourceCommit.Sha, sourceCommit.Message)
- );
- Information("Pushing all changes...");
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildData.GitHubUserName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildData.GitHubPassword))
- {
- Information("Pushing with username and password...");
- GitPush(publishFolder, buildData.GitHubUserName, buildData.GitHubPassword, buildData.DeployBranch);
- }
- else
- {
- Information("Pushing with token...");
- GitPush(publishFolder, buildData.GitHubToken, "x-oauth-basic", buildData.DeployBranch);
- }
- }
- }
- .IsDependentOn("Statiq-Preview");
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d1c9a25e4..0000000000
--- a/build.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-$env:DOTNET_NOLOGO = '1'
-dotnet tool restore
-if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
-dotnet cake --target=Statiq-Build
-if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f89dbddf9..0000000000
--- a/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-dotnet tool restore
-dotnet cake --target=Statiq-Build
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildData.cake b/buildData.cake
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a614e4b92..0000000000
--- a/buildData.cake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-public class BuildData
- public string DeployRemote { get; set; }
- public string DeployBranch { get; set; }
- public DirectoryPath PublishDirectory { get; set; }
- public DirectoryPath OutputDirectory { get; set; }
- public string GitHubToken { get; set; }
- public string GitHubUserName { get; set; }
- public string GitHubPassword { get; set; }
- public string ProjectPath { get; set; }
- public BuildData(ICakeContext context)
- {
- if (context == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
- }
- DeployRemote = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_DEPLOY_REMOTE");
- DeployBranch = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_DEPLOY_BRANCH");
- PublishDirectory = context.MakeAbsolute(context.Directory("publish"));
- OutputDirectory = context.MakeAbsolute(context.Directory("output"));
- GitHubToken = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_GITHUB_TOKEN");
- GitHubUserName = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_GITHUB_USER_NAME");
- GitHubPassword = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_GITHUB_PASSWORD");
- ProjectPath = context.EnvironmentVariable("STATIQ_PROJECT_PATH");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/404.md b/input/404.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e586fb9895..0000000000
--- a/input/404.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Title: Page Not Found
-NoSidebar: true
Oops! Page not found.
- We were unable to find this page. This could be as a result of the recent changes to the site, where we have moved some files around. Please verify that the link you are using is what you expect. If you are still having problems, please reach out to the Chocolatey Team, and we will do our best to fix this problem.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/_ViewImports.cshtml b/input/_ViewImports.cshtml
deleted file mode 100644
index a5d9f57bd5..0000000000
--- a/input/_ViewImports.cshtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-@using Statiq.Common
-@using Statiq.Razor
-@using Statiq.Web
-@using Statiq.Web.Pipelines
-@using Docs
-@using Docs.Utilities;
-@inherits StatiqRazorPage
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/_ViewStart.cshtml b/input/_ViewStart.cshtml
deleted file mode 100644
index eae89a4817..0000000000
--- a/input/_ViewStart.cshtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- Layout = @"/_Layout.cshtml";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/agent/index.md b/input/en-us/agent/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 179496dd8d..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/agent/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Order: 130
-xref: chocolatey-agent
-Title: Chocolatey Agent
-Description: This is a Windows Services which Chocolatey uses to perform Self-Service installs, as well as to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/agent/release-notes.md b/input/en-us/agent/release-notes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c78f526a55..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/agent/release-notes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: agent-release-notes
-Title: Release Notes
-Description: Release Notes for Chocolatey Agent
-OgImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-agent-og.png
-TwitterImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-agent-twitter.png
-RedirectFrom: docs/release-notes-agent
-# Chocolatey Release Notes - Chocolatey Agent Service
-## Summary
-This covers the release notes for the Chocolatey Agent Service (`chocolatey-agent`) package, which covers Self-Service and Central Management client functionality. For more information, installation options, etc., please refer to [Chocolatey Agent Service](xref:setup-agent).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This package is available to Chocolatey for Business (C4B) customers only.
-## Other Release Notes
-- Refer to [Open Source Release Notes](xref:floss-release-notes) as commercial editions build on top of open source.
-- Chocolatey for Business (C4B) customers - also refer to [Chocolatey Licensed Extension Release Notes](xref:licensed-extension-release-notes) and [Chocolatey Central Management Release Notes](xref:ccm-release-notes).
-## Known Issues
-- Please see https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/labels/AgentService
-! Include "../../shared/maintenance-and-support-link.txt" /?>
-! Include "../../shared/chocolatey-component-dependencies-link.txt" /?>
-## 2.1.3 (June 5, 2024){#v2.1.3}
-Read our [blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2024/06/announcing-cli-230-cle-620-agent213-releases/) about this release.
-### Improvement
-- [Security] Prevent usage of new option when running in Self-Service mode.
- - See the [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere#background-service-restricted-options).
-## 2.1.2 (January 31, 2024)
-### Bug Fix
-- [Security] Fix - Prevent usage of options when running in Self-Service mode.
- - See the [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere#background-service-restricted-options).
-## 1.1.4 (January 31, 2024)
-### Bug Fix
-- [Security] Fix - Prevent usage of options when running in Self-Service mode.
- - See the [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere#background-service-restricted-options).
-## 2.1.1 (December 19, 2023)
-### Bug Fix
-- [Security] Fix - Prevent usage of options when running in Self-Service mode.
- - See the [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere#background-service-restricted-options).
-## 1.1.3 (December 19, 2023)
-### Bug Fix
-- [Security] Fix - Prevent usage of options when running in Self-Service mode.
- - See the [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/self-service-anywhere#background-service-restricted-options).
-## 2.1.0 (June 29, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Refer to our [Upgrade Guide](xref:upgrading-to-chocolatey-v2-v6) for recommendations before upgrading from 1.x versions to 2.x.
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Outdated packages are not being reported to Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-### Improvement
-- Make use of option to skip HTTP cache when running Chocolatey CLI commands.
-## 2.0.0 (May 31, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Refer to our [Upgrade Guide](xref:upgrading-to-chocolatey-v2-v6) for recommendations before upgrading from 1.x versions to 2.0.0.
-### Breaking Changes
-- Upgrade to target version 4.8 of the .NET Framework.
-- Upgrade to target version 2.0.0 of Chocolatey.Lib and version 6.0.0 of Chocolatey.Licensed.Lib assemblies.
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Handle the removal of deprecated configurations from Config class in Chocolatey CLI.
-### Improvements
-- Update to use latest releases of Chocolatey products.
-- Migrate from Rx-* packages to System.Reactive.* packages.
-## 1.1.2 (May 10, 2023)
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Update version ranges in nuspec file to use maximum inclusive rather than maximum exclusive.
-## 2.0.0-beta-20230426 (April 26, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey Agent and it is **NOT** suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey Agent we would ask that you comment on this [discussion](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995), which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.
-### Known Issues
-See this [list](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995) for known issues with this pre-release.
-### Improvement
-- Update to use latest beta releases of Chocolatey products.
-## 2.0.0-beta-20230412 (April 12, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey Agent and it is **NOT** suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey Agent we would ask that you comment on this [discussion](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995), which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.
-### Known Issues
-See this [list](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995) for known issues with this pre-release.
-### Improvement
-- Update to use latest beta releases of Chocolatey Components.
-## 2.0.0-beta-20230321 (March 21, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey Agent and it is **NOT** suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey Agent we would ask that you comment on this [discussion](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995), which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.
-### Known Issues
-See this [list](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995) for known issues with this pre-release.
-### Improvement
-- Migrate from Rx-* packages to System.Reactive.* packages.
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Handle the removal of deprecated configurations from Config class in Chocolatey CLI.
-## 2.0.0-alpha-20230221 (February 21, 2023)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey Agent and it is **NOT** suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you run into any problems when using this alpha version of Chocolatey Agent we would ask that you comment on this [discussion](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995), which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this alpha release.
-### Known Issues
-See this [list](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/discussions/2995) for known issues with this pre-release.
-### Breaking Changes
-- Upgrade to target version 4.8 of the .NET Framework.
-- Upgrade to target version 2.0.0 of Chocolatey.Lib and version 6.0.0 of Chocolatey.Licensed.Lib assemblies.
-## 1.1.1 (October 12, 2022)
-### Improvements
-- Update package version range for Chocolatey Licensed Extension to support 5.0.0+.
-## 1.1.0 (August 22, 2022)
-### Features
-- Add scheduled automatic log cleaner for Chocolatey and Chocolatey Agent rollover log files - see [licensed #214](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/214).
-### Improvements
-- Chocolatey Central Management - Add retry logic for running Deployment Steps acquired from Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-- Recheck the license on a schedule and shut down if it is invalid.
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Logging - Exception handling for all the tasks.
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 1.0.0 (March 21, 2022)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The dependencies of the chocolatey-agent package have changed in this release. It now requires Chocolatey Licensed Extension v4.0.0.
-### Breaking Change
-- Update Chocolatey Licensed Extension dependency to v4.0.0.
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.13.0 (February 28, 2022)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The dependencies of the chocolatey-agent package have changed in this release, and it now requires Chocolatey Licensed Extension v3.2.0+.
-### Breaking Changes
-- Chocolatey Central Management - Enhanced communication method for reporting information in Chocolatey Central Management.
- - **NOTE:** This version of Chocolatey Agent is backwards compatible with versions of Chocolatey Central Management earlier than 0.8.0. However, we always recommend updating to the latest version of Chocolatey Central Management.
-### Improvements
-- Chocolatey Central Management
- - Add logic to retry reporting of a Deployment Step result to Chocolatey Central Management if it initially fails.
- - Ensure that no expanded sensitive variables are captured in log that is returned to Chocolatey Central Management.
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.12.1 (September 14, 2021)
-### Bug Fix
-- [Security] Fix - Deployments - Sensitive arguments are included in log file when advanced Deployment Steps are executed via Chocolatey Central Management - see [licensed #255](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/255).
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.12.0 (September 2, 2021)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The dependencies of the chocolatey-agent package have changed in this release, and it now requires chocolatey.extension v2.2.0.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Central Management
- - Fix - Second and subsequent Deployment Steps to Chocolatey Agent with PowerShell v4 come back inconclusive (possibly earlier PowerShell versions as well) - see [licensed #237](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/237).
- - Fix - Deployments - Log does not contain all information under error circumstances.
-### Improvements
-- [Security] XML External Entity attack in log4net (CVE-2018-1285) - see [licensed #253](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/253).
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.11.2 (November 5, 2020)
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Deployments - An execution timeout in seconds value of `0` for a Deployment Step is not treated as infinite.
-### Improvements
-- Provide clarity in log messages when salt additive configuration values are misconfigured.
-## 0.11.1 (October 5, 2020)
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - CCM - Prevent incorrect exit code of -1 from successful PowerShell script Deployment Step when no exit code is explicitly supplied by the script.
-## 0.11.0 (June 25, 2020)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Chocolatey Agent v0.11.0 will only work with Central Management v0.3.0+. Upgrade order doesn't matter as you'll need to be on CCM v0.3.0 and Agent v0.11.0 before things start working again. See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - CCM - passphrases do not match on check-in (report_computer_information) - see [Licensed #152](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/152).
-- Fix - CCM Deployments - Deployments agent exit code of -1 reports successful Deployment Step - see [Licensed #153](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/153).
-## 0.10.0 (June 18, 2020)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Chocolatey Agent v0.10.0 will only work with Central Management v0.2.0+. Please upgrade Central Management first if you are using CCM with the agent service.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Log locations have changed. Please see [Log File for Chocolatey Agent](xref:setup-agent#log-file-location-for-chocolatey-agent) for more information.
-### Features
-- Execution for Chocolatey Central Management Deployments.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Monitoring `chocolatey.config` for changes could potentially lock the file from being written to by Chocolatey CLI.
-- Fix - Logging - the service stops responding to calls and stops logging after choco configuration file is edited.
-- Fix - CCM Reporting - Do not report unfound packages as outdated.
-### Improvements
-- Logging - Log to the root logs folder of Chocolatey installation.
-## 0.9.3 (March 26, 2020)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Central Management Reporting:
- - Fix - Ensure best available TLS is used - see [Licensed #132](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/132).
-## 0.9.2 (January 30, 2020)
-### Improvements
-- When reporting into CCM, add the URL that is being used in log to aid when debugging issues.
-## 0.9.1 (April 30, 2019)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Self-Service / Background Mode:
- - Fix - Multiple quoted options being parsed incorrectly - see [Licensed #78](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/78).
-## 0.9.0 (March 18, 2019)
-### Features
-- Chocolatey Central Management Reporting - Clients can now report into Chocolatey Central Management on a configurable basis. For more information, please see [the documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/chocolatey-central-management).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Self-Service / Background Mode:
- - Fix - Package Arguments not being passed from Chocolatey Agent to Chocolatey CLI properly - see [Licensed #60](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/60).
- - Fix - Chocolatey Agent does not pass the exit code back to the console (service side) - see [Licensed #51](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/51).
- - Fix - Execution times out after 10 minutes - ignores configuration - see [Licensed #41](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/41).
-## 0.8.1 (September 28, 2017)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - bump dependency on Chocolatey Licensed Extension to ensure user is created with complex password instead of created with no password and then updated with complex password.
-## 0.8.0 (September 27, 2017)
-### Breaking Changes
-- [Security] Use 'ChocolateyLocalAdmin' user and manage the user by default - using LocalSystem doesn't work well with all software installations. Using a local user that is an admin works much better for ensuring applications are installed. If you need the previous functionality, pass `/UseDefaultChocolateyConfigUser`. This will use whatever Chocolatey is configured to use by default for new service installations. You can also pass in a username and optionally a password for a domain account or local administrator account.
-### Improvements
-- Upgrade - Pass `/NoRestartService` to upgrade the service without shutting down the current running service. You will need to restart the service to take advantage of the new changes - see [#26](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/26).
-- Install/Upgrade - Pick username/password for runtime. Pass `/Username:value /Password:value2` through package parameters.
-- Install/Upgrade - Pass `/EnterPassword` through package parameters to have Chocolatey ask for the user password at runtime during installation. Captures as a secure string.
-## 0.7.0 (June 27, 2017)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Fix - Use a URI with WCF named pipes that doesn't exclusively hold a lock on the root (blocking other services) - see [#12](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/12).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Allow chocolatey.lib (not just calls from choco.exe) to run self-service.
-## 0.6.0 (March 20, 2017)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Sources must be opted in for self-service if the feature `UseBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly` is turned on. This is automatically the case with Chocolatey Licensed v1.10.0+ (and Chocolatey 0.10.4+).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Sources using nupkg/nuspec were being allowed. This is now disabled as well.
-## 0.5.0 (January 14, 2017)
-### Breaking Changes
-- New pattern for dependencies requires a reload of the interface that works between the Agent and Chocolatey.Extension, requiring a bump in the sub v1.
-## 0.4.0 (January 4, 2017)
-Initial Release
-### Features
-- Streams logging messages back to the caller in realtime.
-- Audits disallowed calls / attempted abuses of the service.
-- Only runs Chocolatey functions.
-- Ensures installation from approved sources only.
-- Receives and passes user context to Chocolatey functions.
-- Works exclusively with Chocolatey for Business - checks passcode prior to running command.
-- Processes one command at a time with locking algorithm.
diff --git a/input/en-us/agent/setup.md b/input/en-us/agent/setup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2e794290..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/agent/setup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: setup-agent
-Title: Setup
-Description: Information on how to setup Chocolatey Agent
-To install the Chocolatey Agent service, you need to install the `chocolatey-agent` package. The Chocolatey Agent is only available for business edition customers to install from the licensed source (customers trialling the business edition will be provided instructions on how to install).
-## Requirements
-* Chocolatey (`chocolatey` package)
-* Chocolatey for Business (C4B) Edition
-* Chocolatey Licensed Extension (`chocolatey.extension` package)
-* Chocolatey Agent Service (`chocolatey-agent` package)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The Chocolatey Agent Service requires Log On As Service and Log On As Batch rights. We attempt to set these rights on the user at the time of installation via Local Policy, but if you have a restrictive Group Policy that will be applied to the system, please ensure that the user account you are attempting to use (or ChocolateyLocalAdmin as the default) has the correct permissions applied in your Group Policy.
-## Chocolatey Agent Install Options
-Starting with Chocolatey Agent v0.8.0+, the service will install as a local administrative user `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` by default (and manage the password as well). However you can specify your own user with package parameters (or have it use `LocalSystem`). Using a local administrator account allows for more things to be installed without issues. It also will allow easier shortcuts and other items to be put back on the correct user (the original requestor). You can specify a domain account as well. Prior to `v0.8.0`, Chocolatey Agent would install as LocalSystem (`SYSTEM`) and would require additional customization.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Chocolatey Agent should **not** be installed on a machine that is acting as a domain controller. Doing so is not a supported configuration. Domain controllers do not have local accounts other than the LocalSystem (`SYSTEM`) account. Any other local administrator account, such as the default `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account, used to install Chocolatey Agent on a domain controller will by default become a domain administrator account.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you are using file shares for sources, you may want to ensure the account or computer has network access permissions for the file share(s).
-## Package Parameters
-Note items with "`:`" mean a value should be provided, items without are simply switches.
-* `/Username:` - provide username - instead of using the default 'ChocolateyLocalAdmin' user. This user will need to be a member of local administrators due to the privileges needed for this service - this is typically ensured during installation. `Logon as Service` and `Logon as Batch` privileges are also ensured.
-* `/Password:` - optional password for the user.
-* `/EnterPassword` - receive the password at runtime as a secure string
-* `/UseDefaultChocolateyConfigUser` - use the default username from Chocolatey's configuration. This may be LocalSystem.
-* `/NoRestartService` - do not shut down and restart the service. You will need to restart later to take advantage of new service information.
-## Chocolatey Managed Password
-When Chocolatey manages the password for a local administrator, it creates a very complex password:
-* It is 32 characters long.
-* It uses uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to meet very stringent complexity requirements.
-* The password is different for every machine.
-* Due to the way that it is generated, it is completely unguessable.
-* No one at Chocolatey Software could even tell you what the password is for a particular machine without local access.
-See [FAQ](#faq) below for more discussion on security aspects.
-### Chocolatey Agent Service Windows Account Considerations
-* Windows Account (required, defaults to `ChocolateyLocalAdmin`)
- * The Chocolatey Agent Service requires **an** administrative account, whether that is a domain account or a local account - it just needs to be a local admin (a member of the Administrators group).
- * The agent service doesn't specifically require the `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account, any Windows account can be used. The `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` is used as the default if one is not specified.
- * Upon use of an account during installation, it will make that account a member of the Administrators account.
- * The account used will also be granted LogonAsService and LogonAsBatch privileges.
-* Managed Password (optional, default)
- * When the `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account is used, it generates a managed password that is different on every machine, 32 characters long, meets complexity requirements, and basically very strong.
- * To determine the managed password, it would take access to the box and someone from Chocolatey Software who has access to the algorithm used to generate the password (more information in the FAQs below).
-* Rotating/Updating Passwords
- * If a different account with a rotating password is used, the service will need to be updated with the new credentials and restarted soon after changing that password.
- * The managed password is not currently updated/rotated, but it is something we are looking at how best to implement.
-## Self-Service Anywhere Setup
-See [Background Mode Setup](#background-mode-setup).
-## Background Mode Setup
-To set Chocolatey in background mode, you need to run the following:
-* `choco upgrade chocolatey-agent ` (see [agent install options](#chocolatey-agent-install-options))
-* `choco feature disable --name="'showNonElevatedWarnings'"`
-* `choco feature enable --name="'useBackgroundService'"`
-* You also need to opt in sources in for self-service packages. See [choco source](xref:choco-command-source) (and `--allow-self-service`). You can also run `choco source -?` to get the help menu.
- * OPTIONAL (not recommended): Alternatively, you can allow any configured source to be used for self-service by running the following: `choco feature disable --name="'useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly'"` . We do not recommend this as it could be a security finding if you shut it off.
-* OPTIONAL (highly recommended): If you want self-service to apply only to non-administrators, run `choco feature enable --name="'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly'"` (requires Chocolatey Extension v1.11.1+). Do understand this means that a real non-administrator, not an administrator in a non-elevated UAC context (that scenario will go the normal route and will not go through background mode).
-* OPTIONAL (varied recommendations): If you want to configure custom commands (not just install/upgrade), use something like `choco config set --name backgroundServiceAllowedCommands --value "install,upgrade,pin,sync"` (with the commands you want to allow, requires Chocolatey Extension v1.12.4+). See [commands consideration](#command-customization-consideration) below.
-* OPTIONAL (highly recommended): If you want to allow non-admins to uninstall packages, you can also restrict down to only the packages they have installed/upgraded. Run `choco feature enable --name="'allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly'"` (requires Chocolatey Extension v2.0+).
-* OPTIONAL (highly recommended): For use with Chocolatey GUI, you need Chocolatey Extension v1.12.4+, and at least Chocolatey GUI v0.15.0. **Uninstall any version of the GUI you already have installed first**, then run `choco upgrade chocolateygui -y --allow-downgrade` (you will also need at least .NET 4.5.2 installed)
-* DOES NOT WORK WITH UAC, DO NOT USE UNTIL [FIX IS ANNOUNCED](https://groups.google.com/group/chocolatey-announce)! OPTIONAL (recommended if you use installers that are not completely silent): If you want self-service to interactively manage installations, run `choco feature enable --name="'useBackgroundServiceInteractively'"` (requires Chocolatey Extension v1.12.10+). This requires that you use the `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account with the Chocolatey-managed password as passwords are not stored and the service would need to produce that at runtime. There are some security considerations and why this is not turned on by default. Please see [interactive self-service consideration](#interactive-self-service-consideration).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Once you are all setup, please review the [Common Errors and Resolutions](#common-errors-and-resolutions) section so you will be familiar if you run into any issues with working with sources.
-An example script:
-This carries our typical recommendations, but you could adjust from above.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-agent -y
-choco feature disable --name="'showNonElevatedWarnings'"
-choco feature enable --name="'useBackgroundService'"
-choco feature enable --name="'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly'"
-# allow uninstalls as well:
-#choco config set --name backgroundServiceAllowedCommands --value "install,upgrade,uninstall"
-# restrict uninstalls to just packages the user has installed/upgraded (requires Chocolatey Extension v2.0+):
-#choco feature enable --name="'allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly'"
-# TODO: opt in your sources with --allow-self-service - run choco source -? for details
-> Best practices in scripts are noted here:
-> * Use `upgrade` instead of `install` - upgrade is more making the script reusable when newer versions are available.
-> * Always use `-y` to ensure nothing stops and prompts for more than 30 seconds.
-> * When using options prefer a longer name (`--name` versus the short `-n`) to make the scripts more self-documenting
-> * When using options that have a value passed, add an `=` between and surround the value with `"''"` (`--name="'value'"`). This ensures that the argument is not split between different versions/editions of Chocolatey. This also ensures that values like `.` and `\\` are not escaped by PowerShell.
-### Command Customization Consideration
-Starting with Chocolatey Licensed Extension v1.12.4, you are allowed to configure what commands can be routed through the background service. Please note that Chocolatey Licensed defaults to `install` and `upgrade` as that is the most secure experience. However you can add uninstall and some other commands as well. Uninstall does have some security considerations as it would allow a non-administrator to remove software that you may have installed, including the background service itself.
-**Available Commands**:
-* info - do not add if you want sources hidden from non-admins
-* list/search - do not add if you want sources hidden from non-admins
-* outdated - do not add if you want sources hidden from non-admins
-* install - default
-* upgrade - default
-* uninstall - keep in mind there may be security implications for this
-* optimize
-* pin
-* sync
-* download - Chocolatey Licensed Extension v1.12.12+ - keep in mind if you have shut off a non-admin's ability to run this they still won't be able to without also disabling the `adminOnlyExecutionForDownloadCommand` feature.
-**Blacklisted Commands**:
-* config
-* feature
-* source
-* apikey
-Chocolatey does not allow for configuration changing commands to be routed through the background service as that would allow users to be able to change configuration and that could be detrimental. For instance, a user could add a local source with a package they've created that promotes themselves to an administrator (escalation of privilege). As that constitutes a security issue, we do not allow it.
-For the same reason, we do not recommend allowing sources you do not control to be allowed for self-service.
-### Interactive Self-Service Consideration
-When using the self-service with `useBackgroundServiceInteractively`, it is similar to "Run As". Microsoft used to allow Windows services to interact with the desktop but removed the functionality (of "Allow Service to Interact with the Desktop") in Windows Vista and limited all services into what is known as Session 0 isolation. In Session 0, those services can access a desktop, but not the interactive user's desktop (at least it is very, very difficult to do so). Microsoft did this as a security consideration as allowing a privileged account to run executables in a non-administrative user context opens the potential to allow a non-admin to gain privileges to a system (known as escalation of privilege). Depending on what is allowed for folks to install, as long as those package installations do not open a command shell and wait for user input, the potential is quite low. However it is something to keep in mind and assess before turning on this feature (and why it is off by default).
-However sometimes you work with installers that refuse to be silent. You might get them down to unattended (meaning they still have required input or window pop ups, but they are all handled and automatically closed), but they won't get to silent without a different option. Here are some options from most preferred to least preferred in getting those installers that are not fully silent to work:
-* (Silent) Find a portable version of the tool that doesn't run a badly behaved installer. Looked for a zipped up version, you can easily create a Chocolatey package from these.
-* (Silent) Find an alternative that does the same thing, but has silent installers. It's a consideration, but maybe not something you can or are willing to explore. Moving on...
-* (Silent) Use MSI repackaging to produce a completely silent installer. It works by recording everything that happens when you run the install and creates an MSI to do the same. This would need to be done for every version. There are tools out there that can do this, some of which are VERY expensive.
-* (Unattended/Interactive) Use AutoHotKey or AutoIT (or some other tool) to automate the key presses and values being sent to the interfaces. This can be brittle, but can typically be quickly implemented.
-If you must run in the context of working with "unattended", non-silent installations, you need to take the above security consideration into account if you want to be able to manage those installations using the background service.
-## Chocolatey Central Management Agent Setup
-Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) for details.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This will also contain more FAQs and Common Errors and Resolutions related to communication with Central Management.
-## Log File Location For Chocolatey Agent
-The Chocolatey Agent log file is located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\chocolatey-agent.log`. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Agent prior to v0.10.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service\logs\chocolatey-agent.log`.
-## Chocolatey Agent Roadmap
-* Maintenance Windows: Admins will be able to schedule when upgrades occur.
-* Toast Notifications: Let users know when things are happening, and let users know when upgrades are available for Self-Served applications
-* ~~Self-Service: Admins will be able to configure what commands can be run through the background service.~~ Completed with Chocolatey Extension v1.12.4.
-* Self-Service: Admins will have more granular control of what certain users can install.
-* ~~Report into Central Management~~ - completed May 2019
-* ~~Handle tasks from Central Management Deployments~~ - completed June 2020
-## FAQ
-### How do I take advantage of Chocolatey Agent?
-You must have a [Business edition of Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/compare). Business editions are great for organizations that need to manage the total software lifecycle.
-### I'm a licensed customer, now what?
-Once you have the agent service installed and Chocolatey for Business configured for background mode (see [Setup](#setup-1) above), most tools that use Chocolatey will automatically use the background service.
-### Will this become available for lower editions of Chocolatey?
-The background service and Central Management UI Console will only be available in C4B (Chocolatey for Business).
-### I have questions regarding Agent and Central Management
-Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) as the FAQs related to Central Management (CCM) are kept there.
-### I have Puppet or some other configuration management tool (RMM tool, infrastructure automation tool, etc.) that also runs Chocolatey. Can I configure it to skip background mode?
-Yes! Add `--run-actual` to your install options. Most likely your tool won't need to be reconfigured though as it will just work with background mode. You will need Chocolatey v0.10.3+ installed across your environment so Chocolatey handles the unknown arguments appropriately.
-Another (possibly better) way to handle this as of Chocolatey Extension v1.12.0, turn on the `useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly` feature to make Self-Service apply only to non-administrators. See [Background Mode Setup](#background-mode-setup) for details.
-### How does it work?
-As a background service, it is able to call Chocolatey with an administrative account that is configured by you. It is secure communication that only starts once Chocolatey is configured to work with the background service.
-### What's the minimum Chocolatey licensed extension version that I need to install the agent?
-You need `chocolatey.extension` version 1.8.4+.
-### How is it secure?
-For Background Mode / Self-Service Installer:
-* Commands are ignored unless they come from the business edition of Chocolatey.
-* Chocolatey installs can only be done from approved, configured sources.
-* The background service validates commands prior to running.
-* Attempted abuses of the service are logged for further review by an administrator later.
-For the Central Management UI / Console:
-* Coming later when central console is more complete.
-* Communication will be done over TLS (w/self-signed certificate) or another medium with message encryption
-### Do you have an example of a message that goes across the agent service named pipe, from the client?
-The message is a serialized object that contains:
-* hashed passcode - SHA512 Hash of args, user, current directory, and a salt value only shared with agent and licensed edition
-* command arguments to run - verified against validation checks
-* username - this is what we'll use to ensure things like desktop shortcuts, etc
-* timeout - how long before the command should timeout (from choco config)
-* working directory - where is the context of this being executed, in case there are things to place relative to current directory
-Here is the interface:
-`void run_choco_command(string passcode, IEnumerable arguments, string userName, int timeout, string workingDirectory);`
-Keep in mind this message is only put on localhost. It does not go over any networks.
-### What is the purpose of the hash that is used to protect the named pipe?
-You may notice the hash changes every time based on what command is called. This is a security measure to ensure the call is coming from a configured Chocolatey client and not from another source. The agent will ignore anything that does not match up.
-### Does the agent service or Chocolatey stop installation from unconfigured sources?
-The agent stops unconfigured sources from installation. Right now it simply logs those abuses to the log file (that is locked down to admins for modify). The log file can be slurped into a tool like Splunk. Alternatively considering this is preview and we are waiting for feedback, we can look to providing those alerts in a different way, like the event log. We welcome any feedback on how you might like to see this.
-Chocolatey doesn't stop unconfigured sources for install, it lets the agent do so. Once Chocolatey is in background mode, all commands for install/upgrade go through the agent service.
-The one exception is when someone calls `--run-actual` in their arguments. But there is no escalation of privilege here because they would be running that under their own user context and thus only have the permissions granted to them already.
-### We want to set up the chocolatey agent service to use a domain account that will have local admin on each box. Can we do this?
-Yes, absolutely. You will pass those credentials through at install/upgrade time, and you will also want to turn on the feature `useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades` (see [configuration](xref:configuration#features)) so that future upgrades will have that information available. The remembered arguments are stored encrypted on the box (that encryption is reversible so you may opt to pass that information each time).
-* `/Username:` - provide username - instead of using the default 'ChocolateyLocalAdmin' user. This user will need to be a member of local administrators due to the privileges needed for this service.
-* `/Password:` - optional password for the user.
-* `/EnterPassword` - receive the password at runtime as a secure string
-You would pass something like `choco install chocolatey-agent -y --params="'/Username:domain\account /EnterPassword'"` to securely pass the password at runtime. You could also run `choco install chocolatey-agent -y --params="'/Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"` (or do it as part of `choco upgrade`).
-With Puppet, this could look something like:
-package {'chocolatey-agent':
- ensure => latest,
- install_options => ['-pre','--params="',"'/Username:'", '"','--package-parameters-sensitive="', "'/Password:'", '"'],
- require => Chocolateyfeature['useLocalSystemForServiceInstalls'],
-where `` and `` could be pulled from Hiera or somewhere else. If you have access to the Puppet secrets type, then you can use that here as well.
-### Is the password stored anywhere?
-No, that would reduce the security of the password. It exists in memory long enough to set the value on user and the service and then it is cleared.
-There is no storage of the password anywhere other than how Windows stores passwords.
-### We are going to use our own account with a rotating password. When we rotate the password for the account that we use for the Chocolatey Agent, what do we need to do?
-Like with any service that uses rotating passwords, you will need to redeploy the service or go into the services management console and update the password. As it is much faster to deploy out that update, you can do something like `choco upgrade chocolatey-agent -y --params="'/Username:domain\account'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:newpassword'" --force` (the `--force` ensures the code is redeployed).
-### Tell me more about the Chocolatey managed password.
-So you've seen from above that
-* It is 32 characters long.
-* It uses uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to meet very stringent complexity requirements.
-* The password is different for every machine.
-* Due to the way that it is generated, it is completely unguessable.
-* No one at Chocolatey Software could even tell you what the password is for a particular machine without local access.
-Chocolatey uses something unique about each system, along with an encrypted value in the licensed code base to generate base password, then it makes some other changes to ensure that the password meets complexity requirements. We won't give you the full algorithm of how the password is generated as knowing the algorithm would be a security issue - like having a partial picture of a key, you could start working on how to break in. Unlike a picture of a key, even knowing the full algorithm doesn't get you everything you need as you would need local access to each box to determine the password for **each** machine.
-### Is the managed password stored or logged anywhere?
-No, that would reduce the security of the password. It exists in memory long enough to set the value on user and the service and then it is cleared.
-There is no storage of the password anywhere other than how Windows stores passwords.
-### Is the managed password the same on every machine?
-No, it is different for every machine it is deployed to.
-### How would someone potentially get access to the managed password?
-The Chocolatey licensed code base is encrypted, so only people that work at Chocolatey Software would be able to determine the password for a particular box (just that one) **IF** they have local access to that box. Even with all of the information and the algorithm, it's still going to take our folks a while to determine the password. That gets them access to one machine. Of course, Chocolatey folks are not going to do this for obvious reasons.
-So let's realize this to its full potential - If someone were able to hack the Chocolatey licensed codebase, they would be able to determine the full password algorithm. Then they'd also need to hack into your infrastructure and get local access to every box that they wanted to get the Chocolatey-managed password so they could get admin access to just that box. Taking this out a bit further, it's reasonable to assume that if someone has hacked into your infrastructure, it's highly unlikely they are going to be using a non-administrator account to get local access to a box so they can get the password for an administrator account for just that one box. It's more likely they would would already have a local admin account for the boxes they are attacking, and are likely to seek other attack vectors that are much less sophisticated.
-### Do you rotate the managed password on a schedule?
-We are looking to do this in a future release. We may make the schedule configurable.
-### Can I take advantage of Chocolatey managed passwords with my own Windows services?
-Yes, absolutely. If you use C4B's PowerShell Windows Services code, you will be able to install services and have Chocolatey manage the password for those as well.
-### Can I save an image with the agent already installed that I can deploy new machines from?
-Yes, however you need to keep in mind that there is a unique machine Id that will need to be erased so it can be regenerated.
-Make sure to include the following in your provisioning script to deploy the new images:
-Write-Host "Removing Chocolatey Unique Machine GUID"
-Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Chocolatey" -Name "UniqueId" -Force
-# Restart the Agent Service if it is running
-Once you've removed this, you'll need to restart the Agent Service to get it regenerated.
-### Can we use an account for the service that is not a local administrator?
-Unfortunately no. The user account for the service must be a member of local administrators due to the privileges needed for this service. Typically the installation scripts will ensure the user becomes an administrator if they are not.
-### What is Run Actual?
-You may have seen `--run-actual`, what is that?
-This is a switch that is passed to opt out of Chocolatey Self-Service. It's typically passed by the agent service back to choco to run a command for a user. You typically would not issue this, but the agent service will, so you are likely to see it in the logs if you are looking closely.
-### Where is the agent service installed?
-The installation folder for `chocolatey-agent` is at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service`.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### I have issues regarding Central Management
-Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) as the common errors and resolutions related to Central Management (CCM) are kept there.
-### Installs from custom source locations are not allowed in background mode. Please remove custom source and try again using default (configured) package source locations.
-You can not pass custom source arguments to Chocolatey, it will error. You need to set up sources in the Chocolatey configuration and any that are marked as allowed for self-service will be passed by the background service.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have run `choco feature disable --name useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly`, then all configured sources will be passed by the background service.
-### I'm getting the following: "There are no sources enabled for packages and none were passed as arguments."
-This means you need to opt a source into self-service (new in Chocolatey Extension v1.10).
-This just involves ensuring a source is set so that it allows self-service. To do this you run `choco source add --name name --source location <--other details need repeated> --allow-self-service`. Editing a source happens when the name is the same in `choco source add`.
-To change this behavior back to the way it was previously, simply run `choco disable --name useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly`. For feature options, run `choco feature list` or see [Self-Service Feature Configuration](xref:configuration#self-service-background-mode)
-### I'm having trouble seeing packages on a file share source
-Starting with Chocolatey Agent v0.8.0+, the service will default an install to a local administrative user `ChocolateyLocalAdmin`, but before that it installed as LocalSystem by default. These accounts may not have network access to UNC shares. We recommend changing the service to a named account that is a local admin that would also have network access (or setting machines into an active directory group and explicitly giving that group read permissions to the share and ACL). To specify your own user, you can do that at install time with [package parameters](#chocolatey-agent-install-options), or you can do that in the Service Manager properties for the service itself (future upgrades would need you to pass that user/pass at least the first time).
-So if you've set up a source like `choco source add -n="'name'" -s="'\\unc\packages'" --priority=1`, by default this may not work with the Chocolatey Agent. You would need to grant access to machines or anonymous access to the share (Everyone Read is likely not enough).
-A great read on your options can be found at the following Stack Exchange links:
-* https://serverfault.com/q/135867/79259
-* https://serverfault.com/q/41130/79259
-A way to do this with LocalSystem:
-1. Create a global group on the Domain
- * add all machines to this group
-1. Add this group to the share permissions with "Read" Access
-1. Add this group to the NTFS permissions with "Read" Access
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You'll need to add this group itself and not nest it inside of another one.
-### The agent service is not picking up the new license
-Currently, you do need to restart agents. Here's a handy script:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-### Background Service is not being used for my non-administrator accounts
-If a user is a member of the Built-in AD group `Network Configuration Operators`, then that means they have an elevation token available and will be treated in the same way as administrative accounts. To fix this, you have two options:
-* Remove the users from `Network Configuration Operators` - PowerShell offers an alternative to `ipconfig /flushdns` that does not require admin permissions - `Clear-DnsClientCache`.
-* OR `choco feature disable --name="'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly'"`
-Similar to the above, if a user is a member of the local `Power Users` group, then that means they have an elevation token available and will be treated in the same way as administrative accounts. To fix this, you have two options:
-* Remove the users from `Power Users`
-* Force all users through the Background Service: `choco feature disable --name="'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly'"`
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/agent/upgrade.md b/input/en-us/agent/upgrade.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dcaaba8efa..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/agent/upgrade.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Order: 30
-xref: upgrade-agent
-Title: Upgrade
-Description: Information on how to upgrade Chocolatey Agent
-## Upgrade Process
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The upgrade of `chocolatey-agent` through `chocolatey-agent` will require a restart of the service in order for the new version to be picked up.
-### Minor / Patch Versions (for example 1.1.x to 1.3.x, or 1.1.1 to 1.1.5)
-To upgrade Chocolatey Agent directly, you can upgrade it through Chocolatey CLI with the command `choco upgrade chocolatey-agent`.
-### Major Versions
-When upgrading Chocolatey Agent to a new major version (for example, **v1.x** to **v2.x**) a specific upgrade process needs to be followed to ensure that all its dependencies will be correctly installed.
-As an example, the upgrade process for v1.x to v2.x is as follows:
-1. Ensure you are on the latest stable **v1.x** version of Chocolatey CLI, **v5.x** version of Chocolatey Licensed Extension, and **v1.x** version of Chocolatey Agent.
- - To find the latest versions, you can use `choco search --exact chocolatey --all-versions` (or `chocolatey.extension` / `chocolatey.agent` for those packages).
- You can also visit [Chocolatey CLI's Chocolatey Community Repository page](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/chocolatey) (or other packages' pages on the site) and look at the Version History section to get this list.
-1. Upgrade `chocolatey` **first**.
-1. Due to the dependency version ranges and Chocolatey CLI's dependency resolution, `chocolatey-agent` will be upgraded alongside the `chocolatey` package and associated dependencies.
-### Using Chocolatey Central Management to Upgrade chocolatey-agent
-Because Chocolatey Central Management uses `chocolatey-agent` to perform its actions, the upgrade will require a restart of the service.
-The easiest way to do this is with a scheduled task as part of an Advanced Deployment Step.
-A recommended Advanced Deployment Step script to do this is as follows:
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> If upgrading `chocolatey-agent` to a new **major** version, target **only** the `chocolatey` package for the `choco upgrade` command in the script below, instead of the `chocolatey-agent` package.
-$delayInMinutes = 1
-# If using an internal repository to install Chocolatey Agent, replace `chocolatey.licensed` below
-# with the name or URL of your internally configured source.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-agent --source 'chocolatey.licensed'
-# Ensure the deployment task registers as failed if the installation failed, and skip registering the
-# scheduled task.
-if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- Write-Error 'The upgrade failed!'
-# Restart the Agent service after the preset delay time via a scheduled task.
-$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddMinutes($delayInMinutes)
-$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument "-WindowStyle Hidden -Command Restart-Service chocolatey-agent"
-$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId Administrators -RunLevel Highest
-$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Hidden
-Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "restart chocolatey-agent" -Description "Upgrade Chocolatey Agent" -Principal $principal -Settings $settings -Verbose:$false
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Although the `ScheduledTasks` module is available on Windows Server 2012 R2, the [`chocolatey-agent` service encounters an error when trying to import it](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/273). It is recommended to explore other options for the scheduled task if you're using Windows Server 2012 R2.
-## Change Service Account Username or Password
-If you need to change the username or password of the Chocolatey Agent, you have a few options:
-* Change it through the Windows Service Manager
-* Change it during an upgrade by [passing the new username/password to the upgrade command](xref:setup-agent#package-parameters)
-* Change it during an uninstall and reinstall while [passing the new username/password to the install command](xref:setup-agent#package-parameters).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The service password cannot be changed through a Chocolatey upgrade command while the service is running.
-### Use Chocolatey Central Management to Change the Service Account Username or Password
-If you use Chocolatey Central Management, you won't be able to use a Deployment Step to uninstall the agent and then install the agent. This is because the agent cannot change the username/password while is it running. Instead, you can send a Deployment Step that creates a scheduled task to uninstall the agent, then install with the new parameters.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Due to limitations of Windows Task Scheduler, it is likely that your users will see the PowerShell window initially, but it should disappear once PowerShell has fully started.
-An example advanced Deployment Step script to do this is as follows:
-$delayInMinutes = 1
-$newUsername = ''
-$newPassword = ''
-$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddMinutes($delayInMinutes)
-$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument "-WindowStyle Hidden -Command choco uninstall chocolatey-agent -y ; choco install chocolatey-agent -y --params='/Username:$newUsername' --package-parameters-sensitive='/Password:$newPassword'"
-$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId Administrators -RunLevel Highest
-$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Hidden
-Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "Upgrade chocolatey-agent" -Description "Upgrade Chocolatey Agent" -Principal $principal -Settings $settings -Verbose:$false
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Be sure to use [Sensitive Variables](xref:ccm-administration-sensitive-variables) to ensure the username and password don't get added to the Chocolatey logs when using Chocolatey Central Management version 0.7.0 or newer.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Although the `ScheduledTasks` module is available on Windows Server 2012 R2, the [`chocolatey-agent` service encounters an error when trying to import it](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/273). It is recommended to explore other options for the scheduled task if you're using Windows Server 2012 R2.
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/client-setup.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/client-setup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e3291774..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/client-setup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-Order: 42
-xref: c4b-ansible-client-setup
-Title: Client Setup
-Description: How to Setup a Client Machine to Use the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment
-## Summary
-Once you have your Chocolatey for Business environment deployed, you'll need to get clients talking to it.
-To do that, you'll need to do the following on the clients:
-1. Ensure the client machine can access the Chocolatey Central Management service on port 24020, and the Sonatype Nexus service on 8443 (by default).
-1. **If your certificate is self-signed:** [Install the SSL/TLS certificate](xref:c4b-azure-client-setup#ssl-certificate).
-1. [Install Chocolatey components and configure the client for Chocolatey for Business](xref:c4b-ansible-client-setup#client-setup) (C4B) deployments and management.
-## Client Setup
-You will need the following values ready when running this script:
-* `FQDN`: The fully qualified domain name used to access your environment.
-* `ccm_client_salt`: This is the client-side salt additive. More information about this can be found in the [Config Settings](xref:ccm-client#config-settings) docs. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.
-* `ccm_service_salt`: This is the service salt additive. More information about this can be found in the [Config Settings](xref:ccm-client#config-settings) docs. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.
-* `nexus_password`: The password for the `chocouser` account which is used by the client to access your environments' Sonatype Nexus service. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.
-The values generated during the deployment are available in the `CCM.html` file provided in the `credentials` directory within the deployment repository.
-::::{.tab-content .text-bg-body-secondary .p-3 .mb-3 .border-start .border-end .border-bottom .rounded-bottom}
-:::{.tab-pane .fade .show .active #scenario-one role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-one-tab}
-To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could run an Ansible playbook.
-### ClientSetup Playbook
-- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
- hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
- gather_facts: true
- vars_prompt:
- - name: license_path
- prompt: "Path to Chocolatey License File"
- private: no
- - name: ccm_fqdn
- prompt: "FQDN to access Chocolatey Central Management, e.g. ccm.example.com"
- private: no
- - name: ccm_client_salt
- prompt: "Client Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
- private: yes
- - name: ccm_service_salt
- prompt: "Service Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
- private: yes
- - name: nexus_password
- prompt: "Password for the ChocoUser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository"
- private: yes
- vars:
- # You can add more sources here.
- chocolatey_sources:
- - name: ChocolateyInternal
- url: "https://{{ nexus_fqdn | default(ccm_fqdn) }}:8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/index.json"
- user: "{{ nexus_user | default('chocouser') }}"
- password: "{{ nexus_password | mandatory }}"
- self_service: true
- # You can add more configuration settings here.
- chocolatey_config:
- - cacheLocation: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco-cache
- - commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds: 14400
- - backgroundServiceAllowedCommands: install,upgrade,uninstall
- # You can add more features to enable or disable here.
- chocolatey_features:
- - showNonElevatedWarnings: disabled
- - useBackgroundService: enabled
- - useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly: enabled
- - allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly: enabled
- - excludeChocolateyPackagesDuringUpgradeAll: enabled
- # If you'd prefer to use a non-latest version of Chocolatey, you can specify it here.
- chocolatey_version: latest
- # When set to true, deploys Chocolatey GUI and the Chocolatey GUI licensed extension.
- install_gui: true
- # An accessible copy of the Dotnet 4.8 installer.
- ndp48_location: https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/2d6bb6b2-226a-4baa-bdec-798822606ff1/8494001c276a4b96804cde7829c04d7f/ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe
- tasks:
- - name: Ensure a valid Chocolatey for Business License
- block:
- - name: Get Chocolatey License
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- license_content: "{{ lookup('file', license_path) }}"
- when: license_content is not defined and license_path is defined
- delegate_to: localhost
- - name: Get Chocolatey License Expiration
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- license_expiry: "{{ license_content | regex_search('expiration=\".+?\"') | regex_replace('expiration=\"(.+)\"', '\\1') | trim() }}"
- when: license_content is defined
- delegate_to: localhost
- - name: Test License Expiry
- ansible.builtin.assert:
- that:
- - license_expiry is defined
- - license_expiry | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0000000')
- - license_expiry > ansible_date_time.iso8601
- quiet: true
- when: license_expiry is defined
- delegate_to: localhost
- - name: Ensure choco-setup Directory
- ansible.windows.win_tempfile:
- state: directory
- suffix: choco-setup
- register: choco_setup
- - name: Ensure Dotnet 4.8
- ansible.windows.win_powershell:
- parameters:
- NetFx48InstallerFile: "{{ ndp48_location | default('https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/2d6bb6b2-226a-4baa-bdec-798822606ff1/8494001c276a4b96804cde7829c04d7f/ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe') }}"
- WorkingDirectory: "{{ choco_setup.path }}"
- script: |
- param($NetFx48InstallerFile, $WorkingDirectory)
- if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Release -lt 528040) {
- Write-Warning ".NET Framework 4.8 is required for Chocolatey. Installing .NET Framework 4.8..."
- # Attempt to download the installer if it doesn't exist locally
- if (-not (Test-Path $NetFx48InstallerFile)) {
- try {
- $DownloadArgs = @{
- Uri = $NetFx48InstallerFile
- OutFile = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory $(Split-Path $NetFx48InstallerFile -Leaf)
- UseBasicParsing = $true
- }
- if (-not (Test-Path $DownloadArgs.OutFile)) {
- Invoke-WebRequest @DownloadArgs -ErrorAction Stop
- }
- $NetFx48InstallerFile = $DownloadArgs.OutFile
- } catch {
- $Ansible.failed = $true
- throw "Could not download .NET Framework 4.8"
- }
- }
- # Install .NET Framework 4.8
- try {
- $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
- $psi.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory
- $psi.FileName = $NetFx48InstallerFile
- $psi.Arguments = "/q /norestart"
- $s = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
- $s.WaitForExit()
- $Ansible.changed = $true
- if ($s.ExitCode -notin (0, 1641, 3010)) {
- $Ansible.message = "$($s.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd())" + "$($s.StandardError.ReadToEnd())"
- $Ansible.failed = $true
- }
- } catch {
- $Ansible.failed = $true
- throw
- }
- } else {
- $Ansible.changed = $false
- }
- register: dotnet_install
- - name: Reboot Server for Prerequisites
- ansible.windows.win_reboot:
- when: dotnet_install.changed
- - name: Get Chocolatey Package and Install Script
- ansible.windows.win_powershell:
- parameters:
- RepositoryUrl: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url }}"
- ChocolateyVersion: "{{ chocolatey_version }}"
- WorkingDirectory: "{{ choco_setup.path }}"
- script: |
- param($RepositoryUrl, $ChocolateyVersion, $WorkingDirectory)
- $Ansible.Changed = $false
- # Download Chocolatey Package
- $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
- try {
- $Credential = [PSCredential]::new(
- '{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default('') }}',
- (ConvertTo-SecureString '{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default('') }}' -AsPlainText -Force)
- )
- $webClient.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
- } catch {}
- $NupkgUrl = if (-not $ChocolateyVersion -or $ChocolateyVersion -eq 'latest') {
- $QueryString = "((Id eq 'chocolatey') and (not IsPrerelease)) and IsLatestVersion"
- $Query = 'Packages()?$filter={0}' -f [uri]::EscapeUriString($queryString)
- $QueryUrl = ($RepositoryUrl.TrimEnd('/index.json'), $Query) -join '/' # This works with Nexus hosted repositories
- [xml]$result = $webClient.DownloadString($QueryUrl)
- $result.feed.entry.content.src
- } else {
- # Otherwise, assume the URL
- "$($RepositoryUrl.Trim('/'))/chocolatey/$($ChocolateyVersion)"
- }
- $NupkgPath = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory "chocolatey.zip"
- if (-not (Test-Path $NupkgPath)) {
- try {
- $webClient.DownloadFile($NupkgUrl, $NupkgPath)
- } catch {
- $Ansible.Failed = $true
- }
- $Ansible.Changed = $true
- }
- $Ansible.Result = $NupkgPath
- # Download Chocolatey Bootstrap Script
- $BootstrapScript = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory "Install-Chocolatey.ps1"
- $BootstrapUrl = "$($RepositoryUrl.TrimEnd('/index.json').TrimEnd('ChocolateyInternal'))choco-install/ChocolateyInstall.ps1"
- if (-not (Test-Path $BootstrapScript)) {
- Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($BootstrapUrl)'"
- $webClient.DownloadFile($BootstrapUrl, $BootstrapScript)
- $Ansible.Changed = $true
- }
- register: local_choco_package
- - name: Install Chocolatey
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolatey
- state: "{{ 'latest' if chocolatey_version == 'latest' or chocolatey_version is undefined or chocolatey_version == omit else 'downgrade' }}"
- source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | default(omit) }}"
- source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
- source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
- bootstrap_script: "{{ choco_setup.path }}\\Install-Chocolatey.ps1"
- environment:
- chocolateyDownloadUrl: "{{ local_choco_package.result | default('') }}"
- chocolateyUseWindowsCompression: 'true'
- register: choco_install
- ignore_errors: true
- - name: Install Chocolatey License Package
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolatey-license
- state: latest
- source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | mandatory }}"
- source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
- source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
- when: license_content is not defined
- - name: Ensure License Directory
- ansible.windows.win_file:
- path: C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\license\\
- state: directory
- when: license_content is defined
- - name: Install Chocolatey License
- ansible.windows.win_copy:
- dest: "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\license\\chocolatey.license.xml"
- content: "{{ license_content }}"
- force: true
- when: license_content is defined
- - name: Install Chocolatey.Extension
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolatey.extension
- state: latest
- source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | default(omit) }}"
- source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
- source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
- package_params: /NoContextMenu
- - name: Set Chocolatey Features
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_feature:
- name: "{{ item.key }}"
- state: "{{ item.value }}"
- with_dict: "{{ chocolatey_features }}"
- - name: Set Chocolatey Configuration
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_config:
- name: "{{ item.key }}"
- state: "{{ 'absent' if not item.value else 'present' }}"
- value: "{{ item.value | default('omit') }}"
- with_dict: "{{ chocolatey_config }}"
- - name: Add Chocolatey Source
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_source:
- name: "{{ item.name }}"
- source: "{{ item.url }}"
- source_username: "{{ item.user | default(omit) }}"
- source_password: "{{ item.password | default(omit) }}"
- priority: 1
- state: present
- loop: "{{ chocolatey_sources }}"
- no_log: true
- - name: Install ChocolateyGUI
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolateygui
- state: latest
- when: install_gui is not false
- - name: Install ChocolateyGUI Extension
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolateygui.extension
- state: latest
- when: install_gui is not false
- - name: Disable other sources
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_source:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: disabled
- loop:
- - chocolatey
- - chocolatey.licensed
- - name: Install Chocolatey Agent
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey:
- name: chocolatey-agent
- state: latest
- - name: Configure Chocolatey Agent to use Chocolatey Central Management
- block:
- - name: Set Chocolatey Configuration
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_config:
- name: "{{ item.key }}"
- state: "{{ 'absent' if not item.value else 'present' }}"
- value: "{{ item.value | default('omit') }}"
- with_dict:
- - CentralManagementServiceUrl: "https://{{ ccm_fqdn }}:24020/ChocolateyManagementService"
- - CentralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword: "{{ ccm_client_salt | default(omit) }}"
- - CentralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword: "{{ ccm_service_salt | default(omit) }}"
- no_log: true
- - name: Set Chocolatey Features
- chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey_feature:
- name: "{{ item.key }}"
- state: "{{ item.value }}"
- with_dict:
- - useChocolateyCentralManagement: enabled
- - useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments: enabled
-After saving the example playbook to a file, e.g. `client-setup.yml`, you can run it with one of the following commands:
-# This will install to all available hosts.
-ansible-playbook /path/to/client-setup.yml --extra-vars "c4b_nodes='*'"
-# You could specify an inventory to use, or be more specific when defining c4b_nodes.
-ansible-playbook /path/to/client-setup.yml --inventory /path/to/hosts.yml --extra-vars "c4b_nodes='windows_servers'"
-You will be prompted to enter the values mentioned above, but you can pass them in using `--extra-vars` instead. Please see the Ansible documentation "[Defining Variables At Runtime](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_variables.html#defining-variables-at-runtime)" for further details and examples.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This playbook will install Dotnet 4.8 to target hosts that don't have a compatible version installed.
-> This will cause machines that have the dependency installed to reboot.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-two role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-two-tab}
-To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could run the `ClientSetup.ps1` script provided with your Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment. By default, this script is stored in the newly created `choco-install` repository.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You can set default values for the parameters and remove the Mandatory flag if you prefer to run the script without being prompted for input.
-### PowerShell Script
-When you're ready, run the following script on the client from an elevated (Run as Administrator) PowerShell terminal:
- # The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Sonatype Nexus Repository service
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $FQDN,
- # The Password for the chocouser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository service
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $Password,
- # The Chocolatey Central Management client communication salt, provided during deployment
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $ClientCommunicationSalt,
- # The Chocolatey Central Management service communication salt
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $ServiceCommunicationSalt
-$credential = [pscredential]::new('chocouser', ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
-$downloader = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
-$downloader.Credentials = $credential
-$script = $downloader.DownloadString("https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/choco-install/ClientSetup.ps1")
-$params = @{
- Credential = $credential
- ClientSalt = $clientCommunicationSalt
- ServerSalt = $serviceCommunicationSalt
-& ([scriptblock]::Create($script)) @params
-For example, to run this locally, save the script to an accessible location (in the example below shown as `~\Downloads\ChocoOnboarding.ps1`) and run:
-Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force
-You will then be prompted for each parameter value.
-Alternatively, you could run the ClientSetup.ps1 script with Ansible.
-### Ansible Script
-An example of what to add to your Ansible tasks is shown below:
-- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
- hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
- gather_facts: true
- vars_prompt:
- - name: ccm_fqdn
- prompt: "FQDN to access Chocolatey Central Management, e.g. ccm.example.com"
- private: no
- - name: ccm_client_salt
- prompt: "Client Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
- private: yes
- - name: ccm_service_salt
- prompt: "Service Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
- private: yes
- - name: nexus_password
- prompt: "Password for the ChocoUser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository"
- private: yes
- tasks:
- - name: Run ClientSetup.ps1
- ansible.windows.win_powershell:
- parameters:
- FQDN: "{{ ccm_fqdn }}"
- Password: "{{ nexus_password }}"
- ClientCommunicationSalt: "{{ ccm_client_salt }}"
- ServiceCommunicationSalt: "{{ ccm_service_salt }}"
- script: |
- param(
- # The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Sonatype Nexus Repository service
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $FQDN,
- # The Password for the chocouser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository service
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $Password,
- # The Chocolatey Central Management client communication salt, provided during deployment
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $ClientCommunicationSalt,
- # The Chocolatey Central Management service communication salt
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- $ServiceCommunicationSalt
- )
- $credential = [pscredential]::new('chocouser', ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
- $downloader = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
- $downloader.Credentials = $credential
- $script = $downloader.DownloadString("https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/choco-install/ClientSetup.ps1")
- $params = @{
- Credential = $credential
- ClientSalt = $clientCommunicationSalt
- ServerSalt = $serviceCommunicationSalt
- }
- & ([scriptblock]::Create($script)) @params
-This will not be as predictable as running Ansible tasks, and will report a change regardless of the result of the script.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-three role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-three-tab}
-To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could add the example Ansible roles to a playbook.
-To do this, copy the `roles` directory from the [C4B-Ansible Repository](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible) to the directory your playbook is saved, or to a [`roles_path`](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_reuse_roles.html#storing-and-finding-roles).
-You will then be able to reference the role(s) in your playbook, as shown below:
-### Ansible Roles
-- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
- hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
- gather_facts: true
- vars:
- ccm_fqdn: "chocolatey.example.com"
- ccm_client_salt: !vault |
- ...
- ccm_service_salt: !vault |
- ...
- nexus_password: !vault |
- ...
- tasks:
- - name: Add ChocolateyAgent to Server
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
- name: win_chocolateyagent
- vars:
- license_path: \path\to\chocolatey.license.xml
- ccm_hostname: "{{ ccm_fqdn }}"
- client_salt: "{{ ccm_client_salt }}"
- service_salt: "{{ ccm_service_salt }}"
- repository:
- - name: ChocolateyInternal
- url: https://{{ ccm_fqdn }}:8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/index.json
- user: chocouser
- password: "{{ nexus_password }}"
-For further information on the roles and available parameters, please refer to the readmes:
-- [Win_ChocolateyLicensed](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible/blob/main/roles/win_chocolateylicensed/README.md)
-- [Win_ChocolateyAgent](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible/blob/main/roles/win_chocolateyagent/README.md)
-This script will accomplish the following on your client:
-1. Install Chocolatey CLI from the installation script hosted in your internal raw Sonatype Nexus Repository.
-1. Add the `ChocolateyInternal` source, and enable it for self-service.
-1. Disable the default `chocolatey` source.
-1. Install your Chocolatey license using the `chocolatey-license` package.
-1. Install the Chocolatey Licensed Extension (without context menus for Package Builder).
-1. Install the `ChocolateyGUI` package on the endpoint, for self-service support.
-1. Install the `chocolatey-agent` package, which supports self-service and Chocolatey Central Management communication.
-1. Enable and disable features related to configuring self-service access on the endpoint.
-1. Setup the communication channel between the endpoint and Chocolatey Central Management, using the correct URL and salts.
-1. Enable Chocolatey Central Management Deployments.
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/index.md
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-Order: 40
-xref: c4b-ansible
-Title: Ansible Environment
-Description: Overview of the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment
-## Summary
-This is an overview of the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment.
-It is a playbook and selection of modules, allowing for the speedy creation of an opinionated, pre-configured environment containing Chocolatey Central Management (CCM), a package repository (Sonatype Nexus Repository), and an automation engine (Jenkins).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> A Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment is a fully functional Chocolatey for Business environment; as such, it will require a business or trial license.
-## Prerequisites
-To deploy the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment you will need:
-* A Chocolatey for Business license, or Trial license.
-* One or more existing server accessible from your Ansible host.
-* The ability to create a CNAME DNS record for your chosen FQDN.
-* A valid certificate for your chosen FQDN, in PFX format, with exportable private key.
-For portions of this guide using Ansible, we will assume that you either have an Ansible Execution Environment preconfigured, or are using the [dev container](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/setting-up-your-project-for-codespaces/adding-a-dev-container-configuration/introduction-to-dev-containers) to execute the playbooks. You should have the latest supported version of the [Chocolatey.Chocolatey](https://galaxy.ansible.com/ui/repo/published/chocolatey/chocolatey/) Ansible collection installed, along with any additional prerequisites listed in the [requirements.txt](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible/blob/main/requirements.txt).
-You can install the Python requirements for the module using `PIP`, e.g.:
-pip3 install --upgrade -r /requirements.txt
-## Deploying the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment
-The Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment is designed to deploy Chocolatey Central Management and all the suggested softwares to one or more servers within your environment, and provide methods for deploying Chocolatey for Business to your other endpoints.
-You can deploy this using Ansible Automation Platform, an existing installation of the Ansible client, or the dev container image provided within the repository (as well as a variety of other methods).
-This guide will be written as if you were using Ansible from a local installation or the dev container, but can be easily adapted to run from Automation Platform / AWX.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you want to run this deployment on an environment that doesn't have access to the internet, refer to the [offline deployment](xref:c4b-ansible-offline-deployment) page and start on a Windows machine.
-### Setup
-Clone or otherwise download the `c4b-ansible` repository from [GitHub](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible).
-git clone https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible.git
-### Configuring Your Hosts
-You can deploy the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment to one or more servers. There are four services being installed:
-* Chocolatey Central Management
-* Sonatype Nexus Repository
-* Jenkins
-* Optional: SQL Server Express
-#### Installing On a Single Host
-To install on a single host, create a host with the title `ccm_server`. All services will be installed to this host. There is an example of a hosts file containing a single host in the root of the repository - [hosts.yml](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible/blob/main/hosts.yml).
- hosts:
- ccm_server:
- ansible_connection: winrm
- ansible_winrm_transport: ntlm
- ansible_port: 5986
- ansible_winrm_scheme: https
- ansible_host: chocoserver
- ansible_user: ansibleuser
- ansible_password: !vault |
- [...]
-#### Installing On Multiple Hosts
-To install on multiple hosts, define hosts with the following names:
-* `ccm_server`: Chocolatey Central Management service and website
-* `nexus_server`: Sonatype Nexus Repository
-* `jenkins_server`: Jenkins
-* `database_server`: SQL Server Express
- vars:
- ansible_connection: winrm
- ansible_winrm_transport: ntlm
- ansible_port: 5986
- ansible_winrm_scheme: https
- ansible_user: ansibleuser
- ansible_password: !vault |
- [...]
- hosts:
- ccm_server:
- ansible_host: chocoserver
- nexus_server:
- ansible_host: nexus
- jenkins_server:
- ansible_host: chocorunner
- database_server:
- ansible_host: db1
-If any are not defined, the service will be installed on the `ccm_server` host.
-If a connection string is passed, we assume the database is set up and do not install SQL Server.
-For further details on defining Windows hosts in Ansible, see [this blog post](https://www.ansible.com/blog/connecting-to-a-windows-host) for some basics on Windows hosts and [this documentation](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/inventory_guide/intro_inventory.html) for further information on inventories.
-#### Using An Existing Database
-You can provide a connection string to the environment to use for storing Chocolatey Central Management data. This can have significant benefits for performance, as well as simplifying backups and load-balancing of instances.
-To use an existing database server you wish to use, follow the instructions for [creating a database](xref:ccm-database) and provide the connection string as a variable.
-### Setting Secrets
-Secrets, including credentials, for the various services will be generated during the deployment. They are stored temporarily in the `/credentials` directory within the repository, and you should store and remove them from this when the deployment is complete.
-If you would prefer to create and maintain them from scratch, you can modify the values of the following secrets within the [`/group_vars/all.yml`](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-ansible/blob/main/group_vars/all.yml) file:
-ccm_password: !vault |
- [...]
-ccm_client_salt: !vault |
- [...]
-ccm_service_salt: !vault |
- [...]
-ccm_encryption_password: !vault |
- [...]
-> :choco-info: **Note**
-> We have shown examples of redacted secrets being stored securely using [Ansible Vault](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/vault_guide/index.html) throughout this document. They will need to be replaced with your secrets, and we'd recommend you store them securely!
-### Internalize Packages
-You can select packages to directly internalize at the end of the deployment from the [Chocolatey Community Repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/).
-To do so, uncomment the example array `internalize_packages` in the `/group_vars/all.yml`, and add packages that you wish to be internalized.
-# Packages to Internalize
-- 1password
-- 7zip
-- adobereader
-- azcopy
-- azure-cli
-- firefox
-- git
-- notepadplusplus
-- powershell
-- slack
-- vscode
-This will result in packages matching the ID's being internalized from the Chocolatey Community Repository.
-### Deploying the Environment
-You can now run the playbook using `ansible-playbook`. If you have modified the hosts file in the base of the repository, you can run it as follows:
-ansible-playbook ./c4b-environment.yml -i ./hosts.yml
-The playbook will prompt you for the location of your license, certificate, and password. After you have answered these prompts, the playbook will deploy all of the services.
-![Initial Playbook Prompts](/assets/images/c4b-ansible/playbook-prompts.jpg)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You can add the values to an inventory file or the playbook directly, instead of being prompted at runtime.
-### Configuring Chocolatey Central Management
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> You cannot create users in Chocolatey Central Management until you have configured an SMTP server. To do this, please see [how to configure SMTP](xref:ccm-website#step-4.2-smtp-configuration).
-> You can log in to Chocolatey Central Management using the credentials provided in the credentials document (see [Accessing Services](#accessing-services), below).
-## Accessing Services
-At this point, the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment should be deployed with the following accessible services:
-| Service | Initial Username |
-| --------------------------------- | ---------------- |
-| **Chocolatey Central Management** | ccmadmin |
-| **Sonatype Nexus Repository** | admin |
-| **Jenkins** | admin |
-Passwords to login to the services have been stored in the credentials directory within the root of the `c4b-ansible` repository.
-There should be a `CCM.html` file that contains a start-up guide, including initial steps and credentials for the various services. You should secure this appropriately.
-## FAQ
-### SSL Certificate
-You will need an SSL certificate for the domain you intend to use. This certificate:
-* Needs to be in the PFX format.
-* Needs to include an exportable Private Key.
-* Must have a password.
-You can either provide a self-signed SSL certificate, or a purchased or acquired certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).
-#### Self-Signed SSL Certificates
-You can quickly generate a self-signed certificate on any recent Windows machine, using PowerShell.
-1. Open an elevated PowerShell console
-1. Run code similar to the following, modifying the `-FilePath` parameter of `Export-PfxCertificate` if necessary:
-$Domain = Read-Host "Enter the FQDN you plan to use to access the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment sites"
-$Password = Read-Host "Enter a password to use for the PFX" -AsSecureString
-$Cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $Domain -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
-$Cert | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath ~\Desktop\$($Domain).pfx -Password $Password
-You can then use this generated file and the password you set to deploy your Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Your browser will display warnings when accessing the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment sites with a self-signed certificate. To stop these warnings, you need to import this certificate to the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` store on any clients used to access the services. Unless you know what you're doing, we would strongly recommend using a certificate from a CA like [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/).
-#### Purchased/Acquired Certificates From a Certificate Authority
-Organizations can also opt to purchase or acquire a certificate from an external Certificate Authority (e.g. [LetsEncrypt](https://github.com/win-acme/win-acme)).
-As mentioned before, you will need to ensure that the "Subject/Common Name" attribute on the SSL certificates matches the FQDN you are using.
-If you have a preferred vendor for certificates, you should refer to their documentation for best practices in acquiring a certificate.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### SQL Installation Stalling
-We have seen the SQL Server installation fail with code `-2068774911`, or hang indefinitely when the target server only has IPv6 DNS.
-This can be resolved by a login to the server using RDP and re-running the playbook, or by ensuring the target server has IPv4 DNS available.
-### Timeout When Downloading Jenkins Plugins
-Sometimes the downloading of Jenkins plugins times out. Rerunning the playbook again should complete this.
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/license-update.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/license-update.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb69566a3..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/ansible/license-update.md
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-Order: 43
-xref: c4b-ansible-license-update
-Title: License Update
-Description: How to Update the License in Use on Your Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment
-## Summary
-If you use the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment for long periods of time, the license you used to deploy it may expire and you will need to update it.
-You can either run through the process manually, or run the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment playbook again with a specific tag.
-## Ansible Update
-To create your updated license package with the Ansible playbook, re-run the playbook with the `licensepackage` tag and provide the path to your new Chocolatey for Business license.
-Example of running via Playbook:
-ansible-playbook ./c4b-environment.yml -i ./hosts.yml -tags licensepackage
-## Manual Update
-### Prerequisites
-- You will need Chocolatey CLI installed.
-- You will need your new Chocolatey for Business license file.
-- You will need the FQDN of your Sonatype Nexus Repository server.
-- You will need the API Key for your Sonatype Nexus Repository.
-### Creating a New License Package
-Please refer to [the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment documentation](xref:c4b-azure-license-update#creating-a-new-license-package) for creating the license package.
-### Uploading the License Package
-We now need to upload this new package to the `ChocolateyInternal` repository. Open a PowerShell terminal and run the following code (which will prompt you for information for values that are not set):
-if (-not $FQDN) {
- $FQDN = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the FQDN for the Nexus repository')"
- if (([uri]$FQDN).Host) {$FQDN = ([uri]$FQDN).Host}
-if (-not $NexusApiKey) {
- $NexusApiKey = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the API Key to be used to push Chocolatey packages to Nexus')"
-$LicensePackage = (Get-Item $env:Temp\ChocolateyLicensedPackage\*.nupkg)[-1]
-choco push $LicensePackage.FullName --source="https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/" --api-key="$NexusApiKey" --force
-### Pushing the New License to Clients
-You can either rely on automation to push this package (and updated license) to your clients, or refer to [these documents](xref:ccm-deployments) to manually create a deployment.
\ No newline at end of file
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-Order: 41
-xref: c4b-ansible-offline-deployment
-Title: Preparing for an Offline Deployment
-Description: How to deploy Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment without an internet connection
-## Summary
-In some environments, you won't be able to rely on downloadable resources from the internet. For these purposes, you can prepare the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment to be deployed without an internet connection.
-## Prerequisites
-- A Windows machine capable of running Chocolatey.
-- An internet connection.
-- PowerShell 5.0+.
-- A Chocolatey for Business license or Trial license.
-- A compatible PFX certificate to use for your deployment.
-## Preparing for Offline Deployment
-1. To begin, download or clone the `c4b-ansible` repository to your local machine.
-1. Open a PowerShell terminal and navigate to the repository directory that contains the files you downloaded, above.
-1. In the PowerShell terminal run the `OfflineInstallPreparation.ps1` script with the following arguments:
- a. `-LicensePath`: The path to your Chocolatey license file, if it's not installed in the default location.
- a. `-CertificatePath`: The path to your PFX certificate.
- a. `-CertificatePassword`: A `SecureString` of your PFX certificate password.
- If you do not provide it, you will be prompted to enter it securely.
- ```PowerShell
- .\OfflineInstallPreparation.ps1 -LicensePath ~\Downloads\chocolatey.license.xml -CertificatePath ~\Downloads\c4b.pfx
- ```
-1. Transfer the content of the repository, including the files directory, to your offline environment and deploy it as per the instructions within the [main document](xref:c4b-ansible#setup).
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/certificate-update.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/certificate-update.md
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-Order: 30
-xref: c4b-azure-cert-update
-Title: Certificate Update
-Description: A guide to updating the certificate used in the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-## Summary
-When deploying a Chocolatey for Business (C4B) Azure Environment, you are asked to supply an SSL certificate. This page shows you how to update that certificate when the original is expiring or has been regenerated for any other reason.
-To perform this operation you will need to have permissions sufficient to edit Access Policies on the environment's Azure Key Vault.
-Please note that it can take some time for all of the components in your C4B Azure Environment to reflect the new certificate.
-For portions of this document using PowerShell, we assume you have installed a recent version of the [Az modules](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az/) (easily available by running `choco install az.powershell` in an elevated prompt), and have logged in to your account using `Connect-AzAccount`. You can also set a variable, `$ResourceGroupName`, to the name of the resource group you deployed the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment to as we will use this with the PowerShell code snippets below.
-## Access Policies
-Similar to the Access Policies configuration needed to [access](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services) the usernames and passwords for the services running in your C4B Azure Environment, you will need to configure access to manage the SSL certificate.
-You can adjust the Access Policies using the Azure Portal or PowerShell.
-### Azure Portal
-1. Navigate to the `Resource Group` that contains your C4B Azure Environment.
-1. Select the Key vault.
- ![Key vault resource](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-Resource.png)
-1. Under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Access Policies`.
-1. Click `+ Add Access Policy`.
- ![Vault Access Policies](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-AccessPolicies.png)
-1. Select, at a minimum, `Certificate Permissions`: `Get`, `List`, `Import`, and `Update` *(You can use a Template such as `Certificate Management`)*.
- ![Secret Permissions](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-SecretPermissions.png)
-1. Under `Select Principal`, click `None Selected` and find your current user, and select it.
-1. Click `Add`.
- ![Add Principal](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-AddPrincipal.png)
-1. Back on the `Access Policies` blade, hit `Save` and wait for the operation to complete.
-### PowerShell
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-$CurrentUser = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id
-# Grant access to the KeyVault, if missing
-$KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | ForEach-Object {Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $_.VaultName}
-$CertPermissions = $KeyVault.AccessPolicies.Where{$_.DisplayName -like "*$CurrentUser*"}.PermissionsToCertificates
-if ($CertPermissions -notcontains 'Get' -or $CertPermissions -notcontains 'List' -or $CertPermissions -notcontains 'Update' -or $CertPermissions -notcontains 'Import') {
- $NewCertPermissions = $CertPermissions + @('Get', 'List', 'Update', 'Import') | Select-Object -Unique
- Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -UserPrincipalName $CurrentUser -PermissionsToCertificates $NewCertPermissions
-## Updating the Azure Key Vault
-The certificate used by most of the C4B Azure Environment is stored in the provided Azure Key Vault under the name `C4B-Azure-Certificate`. To update the certificate used by the environment, you create a new version of this certificate.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Please note that the new certificate must meet the same requirements as the original did during the [initial deployment](xref:c4b-azure#ssl-certificate). The certificate:
-> * Needs to be in the PFX format.
-> * Needs to include an exportable Private Key.
-> * Must have a password.
-You can upload a new version of the certificate using the Azure Portal or PowerShell.
-### Azure Portal
-1. Within the Key Vault, under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Certificates`.
-1. Select the certificate named `C4B-Azure-Certificate`.
- ![Vault Certificates](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-Certificates.png)
-1. Click `+ New Version`.
- ![Vault Certificates New Version](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-Cert-New.png)
-1. Change the `Method of Certificate Creation` to `Import`.
-1. Upload your certificate PFX file, and provide the password needed to import it.
- ![Vault Import Certificates](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-Cert-Import.png)
-1. Click `Create`.
-1. The new certificate will now be listed as the `CURRENT VERSION` and any previous certificates will be listed under `OLDER VERSIONS`.
- ![Vault Certificate Version List](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-KeyVault-Cert-Version-List.png)
-### PowerShell
-This script prompts you for the name of the Resource Group that contains your C4B Azure Environment and then opens a dialog box to select your new certificate.
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-$KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | ForEach-Object {Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $_.VaultName}
-$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
-$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
- Title = 'Select Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment Certificate'
- Filter = 'Certificate (*.pfx)|*.pfx'
-$null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
-$CertImport = @{
- VaultName = $KeyVault.VaultName
- Name = 'C4B-Azure-Certificate'
- FilePath = $FileBrowser.FileName
-$null = Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate @CertImport -Password (Read-Host "Enter the certificate import password" -AsSecureString)
-## Updating the Application Gateway
-The Application Gateway provided with your C4B Azure Environment needs to be updated manually, as it is not able to reference the Azure Key Vault.
-### Azure Portal
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> In addition to the certificate in a PFX format that was used in the [previous section](xref:c4b-azure-cert-update#updating-the-azure-key-vault), you will need a copy of the certificate in CER format.
-> You can convert your existing certificate using OpenSSL (easily installed by running `choco install openssl.light`):
-> `openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -out certificate.cer -nokeys -clcerts`
-> You will need to edit the resulting file to remove all of the text above the `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----` line.
-1. Navigate to the `Resource Group` the contains your C4B Azure Environment.
-1. Select the `Application gateway`.
- ![Application Gateway resource](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-Resource.png)
-1. Under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Backend settings`.
-1. Select `CCMService`.
- ![Application Gateway backend settings](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-BackendSettings.png)
-1. On the `Add Backend settings` blade, click `+ Add certificate`.
- ![Backend setting add certificate](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-BackendCertAdd.png)
-1. Ensure `Create new` is selected and browse to the `.cer` version of your certificate.
-1. Provide a descriptive `Cert name` that is different to the existing certificate. The initial certificate is called `CCMCert`.
-1. Click `+ Add certificate`.
- ![Add backend certificate](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-BackendCertDetails.png)
-1. Click the `...` (three dots) to the right of the previous certificate and choose `Delete`.
-1. Click `Save`.
- ![Save new backend certificate](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-BackendCertSave.png)
-1. Under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Listeners`.
-1. Select `CCM`.
- ![Application Gateway listeners settings](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-ListenersSettings.png)
-1. Ensure `SslCertificate` is the selected certificate.
-1. Check `Renew or edit selected certificate`.
-1. Browse to select the `.pfx` version of your certificate.
-1. Enter the `Password` required to import the certificate.
-1. Click `Save`.
- ![Application Gateway listeners cert update](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Cert-AppGateway-ListenersCert.png)
-1. It can take some time for the Application Gateway to update. When it has finished you will be able check that the new certificate is being served by visiting on the C4B Azure Environment [services](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services).
-### PowerShell
-Please note that until the `Set-AzApplicationGateway` command is run, the Application Gateway will not be updated. **The update can take up to 30 minutes**, but the command should return immediately.
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-$ApplicationGateway = Get-AzApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
-$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
-if (-not $FileBrowser.FileName) {
- $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
- Title = 'Select Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment Certificate'
- Filter = 'Certificate (*.pfx)|*.pfx'
- }
- $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
-$CertificateDetails = @{
- Name = "SslCertificate"
- CertificateFile = $FileBrowser.FileName
- Password = Read-Host "Enter the certificate import password" -AsSecureString
-# Set the listener SSL certificate
-$ApplicationGateway = Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate -ApplicationGateway $ApplicationGateway @CertificateDetails
-# Convert the certificate to a CER format
-$Cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new(
- $CertificateDetails.CertificateFile,
- $CertificateDetails.Password,
- 32 # EphemeralKeySet
-[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes(($TemporaryCerPath = New-TemporaryFile), $Cert.Export("Cert"))
-# Set the authentication certificate for the CCM service
-$ApplicationGateway = Set-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate -ApplicationGateway $ApplicationGateway -Name "CCMCert" -CertificateFile $TemporaryCerPath
-# "Save" the new settings to the Application Gateway
-$null = Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $ApplicationGateway
-# Clean up the temporary CER
-Remove-Item $TemporaryCerPath
-## FAQ
-### I've uploaded a new certificate, why hasn't it been applied?
-Some components of the C4B Azure Environment need to select between multiple versions of a certificate when determining if an update is required.
-The determining factor is the `NotBefore` date on the certificate. The latest date is considered to belong to the newest certificate.
-You can check the `NotBefore` property of a pfx file using PowerShell:
-$CertificatePath = Read-Host 'Enter the path to the certificate file'
-Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath $CertificatePath | Select-Object NotBefore
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/client-setup.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/client-setup.md
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-Order: 27
-xref: c4b-azure-client-setup
-Title: Client Setup
-Description: How to setup a client machine to use Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-RedirectFrom: en-us/quick-deployment/azure/client-setup
-## Summary
-Once you have your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment deployed, you'll need to get clients talking to it.
-To do that, you'll need to do the following on the clients:
-1. Setup DNS to allow access to the environment.
-1. Install the SSL/TLS certificate, if self-signed, so clients can access HTTPS components.
-1. Install Chocolatey components and configure the client for Chocolatey for Business (C4B) deployments.
-## DNS
-Ensure that you have [configured DNS](xref:c4b-azure#dns-configuration) to direct clients to your deployed environment.
-Once you've added the required CNAME record, clients should be able to access it.
-## SSL Certificate
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you used an SSL certificate from an external Certificate Authority (CA), or internally trusted PKI CA, your clients will automatically trust it and you can skip this section.
-If you used a self-signed certificate to deploy your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, you will need to import this certificate to the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` store on the clients.
-1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (`MMC.msc`)
-1. Select **File** -> **Add/Remove Snap-in...**
-1. Select **Certificates** and click **Add >**
-1. Choose **Computer account** and click **Next**, **Finish**, then **OK**
-1. Expand **Certificates (Local Computer)**
-1. Right-click **Trusted Root Certification Authorities**, and select **All Tasks** -> **Import**
- ![Importing SSL Certificate in MMC](/assets/images/c4b-azure/MMC-Import-Certificate.png)
-1. Click **Next**
-1. Browse to the self-signed certificate file
- 1. You may need to adjust the filetype so that you can see `.pfx` files
- ![Changing file type when browsing for certificate file in MMC](/assets/images/c4b-azure/MMC-Browse-FileType.png)
-1. Click **Next**
-1. Enter the password supplied when creating the certificate
-1. Click **Next**, **Next**, then **Finish**
-1. Close the Microsoft Management Console
-## Client Setup Script
-To on-board clients, you run the `ClientSetup.ps1` script provided with your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-You will need the following values ready when running this script:
-* `FQDN`: The fully qualified domain name used to access your environment.
-* `ccmClientCommunicationSalt`: This is the client-side salt additive. More information about this can be found in the [C4B Config Settings](xref:ccm-client#config-settings) docs.
-* `ccmServiceCommunicationSalt`: This is the server-side salt additive. More information about this can be found in the [C4B Config Settings](xref:ccm-client#config-settings) docs.
-* `ChocoUserPassword`: The password for the `chocouser` account which is used by the client to access your environments' Sonatype Nexus Repository service.
-Except for the `FQDN`, all of these values are available in your deployed environment's Azure Key Vault.
-See [Accessing Services](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services) for more information about retrieving values from the Vault.
-When you're ready, run the following on the client from an elevated (Run as Administrator) PowerShell session:
-# Please fill in the following values
-$fqdn = 'Replace with FQDN for your Chocolatey for Business QDE Azure Environment'
-$clientCommunicationSalt = 'Your ccmClientCommunicationSalt' #This value is stored within your Azure Key Vault
-$serverCommunicationSalt = 'Your ccmServiceCommunicationSalt' #This value is stored within your Azure Key Vault
-$password = 'Your ChocoUserPassword' #This value is stored within your Azure Key Vault
-# Touch NOTHING below this line
-$user = 'chocouser'
-$securePassword = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
-$credential = [pscredential]::new($user, $securePassword)
-$downloader = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
-$downloader.Credentials = $credential
-$script = $downloader.DownloadString("https://$($fqdn)/nexus/repository/choco-install/ClientSetup.ps1")
-$params = @{
- Credential = $credential
- ClientSalt = $clientCommunicationSalt
- ServerSalt = $serverCommunicationSalt
-& ([scriptblock]::Create($script)) @params
-This script will accomplish the following on your client:
-1. Install Chocolatey CLI from the installation script hosted in your internal raw Sonatype Nexus Repository.
-1. Add the `ChocolateyInternal` source, and enable it for self-service
-1. Disable the default `chocolatey` source.
-1. Install your Chocolatey license using the `chocolatey-license` package.
-1. Install the Chocolatey Licensed Extension (without context menus for Package Builder).
-1. Install the `ChocolateyGUI` package on the endpoint, for self-service support.
-1. Install the `chocolatey-agent` package, which supports self-service and Chocolatey Central Management communication.
-1. Enable and disable features related to configuring self-service access on the endpoint.
-1. Setup the communication channel between the endpoint and Chocolatey Central Management, using the correct URL and salts.
-1. Enable Chocolatey Central Management Deployments.
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/index.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 20
-xref: c4b-azure
-Title: Azure Environment
-Description: Overview of the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
- - en-us/quick-deployment/azure
- - en-us/quick-deployment/azure/index.html
-## Summary
-This is an overview of the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-It is a deployable resource in the [Microsoft Azure Marketplace](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/chocolateysoftwareinc1605695330527.c4b_azure_qde), allowing for the speedy creation of an opinionated, pre-configured environment containing Chocolatey Central Management (CCM), a package repository (Nexus OSS), and an automation engine (Jenkins).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> A Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment is a fully functional Chocolatey for Business environment; as such, it will require a business or trial license.
-## Prerequisites
-Currently, to deploy the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment you will need:
-* A Chocolatey for Business License, or Trial License
-* An account with [Contributor](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/built-in-roles#contributor) access to an Azure subscription
-* The ability to create a CNAME DNS record for your chosen FQDN
-* A valid certificate for your chosen FQDN, in PFX format, with exportable private key
-For portions of this document using PowerShell, we assume you have installed a recent version of the [Az modules](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az/) (easily available by running `choco install az.powershell` in an elevated prompt), and have logged in to your account using `Connect-AzAccount`. You can also set a variable, `$ResourceGroupName`, to the name of the resource group you deployed the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment to as we will use this with the PowerShell code snippets below.
-## Deploying the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-The Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment is available as a deployable resource in the [Microsoft Azure Marketplace](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/chocolateysoftwareinc1605695330527.c4b_azure_qde).
-Find the [Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Marketplace/GalleryItemDetailsBladeNopdl/id/chocolateysoftwareinc1605695330527.c4b_azure_qde) resource, and click `Create`. You will be taken to the `Create Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment` page.
-### Basics
-Select the subscription, resource group, and region you intend to deploy to. As you need to deploy this to an empty resource group, you may need to create a new one by clicking the `Create new` button below the selector.
-![Resource Group Selector](/assets/images/c4b-azure/BasicsView-ResourceGroupSelector.png)
-By default, all resources in the resource group are deployed with 'choco' prefixing the resource name. If you'd prefer to use something else for identification you can change it here.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Due to constraints in naming some resources, the prefix must be 8 characters or less and contain only alphanumeric characters.
-![Naming Prefix](/assets/images/c4b-azure/BasicsView-InstanceDetails.png)
-For the environment to deploy successfully, you must have a valid Chocolatey for Business license. Select and upload your license here.
-![License Upload](/assets/images/c4b-azure/BasicsView-LicenseUpload.png)
-### Domain Configuration
-In order to connect to your new Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, you will need to select a DNS name. Though you can connect to the Microsoft provided FQDN, there would be additional work involved in trusting the self-signed certificate used (i.e. adding the Public IP addresses' FQDN to a self-signed certificate, and ensuring this certificate was in the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` store).
-Fill your intended domain name in, select and upload your PFX certificate, and enter the password for the certificate.
-![Custom Domain Configuration](/assets/images/c4b-azure/DomainView-CustomDomain.png)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The PFX certificate must contain the exportable private key, and should be protected with a password.
-> Suggestions for creating a PFX certificate can be found [here](xref:c4b-azure#ssl-certificate).
-### Internalize Packages
-You can select packages to directly internalize from the [Chocolatey Community Repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/).
-We offer bundles of recommended packages (see [recommendations](xref:c4b-azure-packages#recommendations) for the exact content of each bundle).
-You can then select any of the **Additional Packages**, which will be added to the bundle you choose.
-Finally, you can specify _any other_ package from the Chocolatey Community Repository in the `Specify any other packages` textbox.
-Please provide a list of Package IDs, separated with commas.
-![Package Internalization Screen](/assets/images/c4b-azure/InternalizePackagesView.png)
-### Review + create
-At this point, Azure will validate your inputs and allow you to deploy the resource.
-If there are any validation errors (e.g. missing fields), Azure will highlight the tab the issue is on.
-When validation succeeds, click `Create`. The specified environment will be deployed. This can take around half an hour, depending on how many packages are being internalized.
-## DNS Configuration
-You should create a CNAME DNS record for the domain you specified on the earlier Domain Configuration page.
-You can get the FQDN using the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com), or via PowerShell:
-1. Navigate to the Resource Group
-1. Select the resource with type `Public IP Address`
-1. Copy the `DNS name` from the `Essentials` panel at the top of the blade
-![Public IP Address](/assets/images/c4b-azure/PublicIPAddress-EssentialsView.png)
-1. Run the following PowerShell:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DnsSettings | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fqdn
-### Creating a CNAME record
-You should now create a CNAME record for this FQDN. The exact method for this will vary depending on your domain registrar.
-Please see the table below for links to help from some popular registrars:
-| Registrar | Documentation |
-| ---------- | ------------- |
-| GoDaddy | [Add a CNAME record](https://godaddy.com/help/add-a-cname-record-19236) |
-| NameCheap | [How to Create a CNAME Record For Your Domain](https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9646/2237/how-to-create-a-cname-record-for-your-domain/) |
-| Cloudflare | [Managing DNS records in Cloudflare](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019093151-Managing-DNS-records-in-Cloudflare#h_60566325041543261564371) |
-| Bluehost | [How To Create & Edit CNAME](https://my.bluehost.com/hosting/help/resource/714) |
-| 123-reg | [Creating a CNAME record](https://www.123-reg.co.uk/support/domains/how-do-i-set-up-a-cname-record-on-my-domain-name/) |
-If you need help with another registrar, we recommend searching for their documentation, or reaching out to their support.
-### Configuring Chocolatey Central Management
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> You cannot create users in Chocolatey Central Management until you have configured an SMTP server. To do this, please see [how to configure SMTP](xref:ccm-website#step-4.2-smtp-configuration).
-> You can log in to Chocolatey Central Management using the credentials provided in the KeyVault (see [Accessing Services](#accessing-services), below).
-## Accessing Services
-At this point, your environment should be deployed. You should be able to access the following services:
-| Service | Address | Initial Username |
-| --------------------------------- | :----------------------- | ---------------- |
-| **Chocolatey Central Management** | https://\/ | ccmadmin |
-| **Sonatype Nexus** | https://\/nexus | admin |
-| **Jenkins** | https://\/jenkins | admin |
-Passwords to log in to the services have been stored in the KeyVault deployed to your Resource Group.
-You can access these passwords either via the Azure Portal, or with PowerShell.
-1. Navigate to the Resource Group
-1. Select the KeyVault
-1. Under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Access Policies`
-1. Click `+ Add Access Policy`
- ![Vault Access Policies](/assets/images/c4b-azure/KeyVault-AccessPolicies.png)
-1. Select, at a minimum, `Secret Permissions`: `Get` and `List` *(You can use a Template such as `Secret Management`)*
- ![Secret Permissions](/assets/images/c4b-azure/KeyVault-SecretPermissions.png)
-1. Under `Select Principal`, click `None Selected` and find your current user, and select it
-1. Click `Add`
- ![Add Principal](/assets/images/c4b-azure/KeyVault-AddPrincipal.png)
-1. Back on the `Access Policies` blade, hit `Save` and wait for the operation to complete
-You can now view and access the secrets in this KeyVault.
-![Secrets in Vault](/assets/images/c4b-azure/KeyVault-Secrets.png)
-1. Under `Settings` on the left of the blade, select `Secrets`
-1. For each Password you want to retrieve (e.g. nexusPassword)
- 1. Select the secret
- 1. Select the current version
- 1. Either click `Show Secret Value` or use the `Copy to Clipboard` button to retrieve the secret
-1. Run PowerShell similar to the following:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-$CurrentUser = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id
-# Grant access to the KeyVault, if missing
-$KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | ForEach-Object {Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $_.VaultName}
-if ($KeyVault.AccessPolicies.Where{$_.DisplayName -like "*$CurrentUser*"}.PermissionsToSecrets -notcontains 'get') {
- Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -UserPrincipalName $CurrentUser -PermissionsToSecrets @('get')
-Write-Host "Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment Passwords for '$($KeyVault.ResourceGroupName)':"
- CCM = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -Name ccmPassword -AsPlainText
- Nexus = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -Name nexusPassword -AsPlainText
- Jenkins = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -Name jenkinsPassword -AsPlainText
-*or* Download and use [Get-AzLabCredential.ps1](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/JPRuskin/a8e438c534a471749fe3c38c948882e8/raw/Get-AzLabCredential.ps1) (which automatically handles permissions), as follows:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-$CcmCredential = .\Get-AzLabCredential.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -SecretPrefix ccm
-$NexusCredential = .\Get-AzLabCredential.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -SecretPrefix nexus
-$JenkinsCredential = .\Get-AzLabCredential.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -SecretPrefix jenkins
-## FAQ
-### SSL Certificate
-You will need an SSL certificate for the domain you intend to use. This certificate:
-* Needs to be in the PFX format
-* Needs to include an exportable Private Key
-* Must have a password
-You can either provide a self-signed SSL certificate, or a purchased or acquired certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).
-#### Self-Signed SSL Certificates
-You can quickly generate a self-signed certificate on any recent Windows computer, using PowerShell.
-1. Open an elevated PowerShell console
-1. Run code similar to the following, modifying the filepath if necessary:
-$Domain = Read-Host "Enter the FQDN you plan to use to access the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment sites"
-$Password = Read-Host "Enter a password to use for the PFX" -AsSecureString
-$Cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $Domain -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
-$Cert | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath ~\Desktop\$($Domain).pfx -Password $Password
-You can then use this generated file and the password you set to deploy your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-You can also use a Microsoft Azure KeyVault to create a self-signed certificate by following the steps in Microsoft's documentation using the [Portal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/certificates/quick-create-portal) or [Azure PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/certificates/quick-create-powershell).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Your browser will display warnings when accessing the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment sites with a self-signed certificate. To stop these warnings, you need to import this certificate to the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` store on machines used to access the management sites.
-#### Purchased/Acquired Certificates from CA
-Organizations can also opt to purchase or acquire a certificate from an external Certificate Authority (e.g. [LetsEncrypt](https://github.com/win-acme/win-acme)).
-As mentioned before, you will need to ensure that the "Subject/Common Name" attribute on the SSL certificates matches the FQDN you are using.
-If you have a preferred vendor for certificates, you should refer to their documentation for best practices in acquiring a certificate.
-You can also use a Microsoft Azure KeyVault and one of the [partnered CA Providers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/certificates/create-certificate#partnered-ca-providers) to create and fulfil a certificate request, though this may require additional configuration for your environment.
-### How much does it cost?
-A ballpark estimate comes to around $350 per month for the deployed infrastructure, after the 0.20.0 release.
-| Version | Estimated Cost | Date |
-| -------- | -------------- | ------------------------ |
-| ≤ 0.19.0 | $170 | 2021-07-29 -> 2023-07-17 |
-| ≥ 0.20.0 | $350 | 2023-08-17 -> |
-This is due to the deprecation of the Application Gateway v1, which cost significantly less than the v2.
-Using methods such as [Azure Reservations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cost-management-billing/reservations/save-compute-costs-reservations), [Hybrid Benefit](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/pricing/hybrid-benefit/), or [Dev-Test Subscriptions](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/pricing/dev-test/#overview) can cut the overall cost significantly.
-This is based on:
-* Using a `Standard B4ms` VM size
-* Deploying to a standard Pay-As-You-Go subscription
-* Deploying to the `East US` location
-### Can I change my public IP address in the Application Gateway from Dynamic to Static?
-The only way to accomplish this is by setting the public IP address statically _from the start_. Once the public IP address is created, the application gateway does not support changing it. More information can be found [in the Microsoft documentation here.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/ip-services/configure-public-ip-application-gateway)
-What _can_ be done is creating a CNAME record pointing at the existing DNS record of the Application Gateway. For assistance in setting this CNAME DNS record, please see our [supporting documentation](xref:c4b-azure#dns-configuration).
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Jenkins jobs fail to run after upgrade to Chocolatey CLI v2.0.0
-As of version 2.0.0 of Chocolatey CLI, the `choco list` command only lists local packages. The Jenkins scripts included in the C4B Azure Environment prior to version 0.19.0 used this command when interrogating the environment's Nexus repositories. This results in the Jenkins jobs that use these scripts failing to run after updating Chocolatey CLI on ChocoServer itself to version 2.0.0 or above.
-To fix these scripts, you need to install a package called `chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts` on ChocoServer. Start by internalizing it:
-1. Ensure you have your login credentials for Jenkins and Chocolatey Central Management, as described in the [Accessing Services](#accessing-services) section.
-1. Log into Jenkins at `https:///jenkins`
-1. Click the green "play" triangle to the right of the `Internalize packages from the Chocolatey Community and Licensed Repositories` job
- ![Location of Jenkins job play button](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Jenkins-Play-Button.png)
-1. Enter `chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts` under the `P_PKG_LIST` parameter
-1. Change the `P_DST_URL` parameter so that it ends with `ChocolateyInternal` rather than `ChocolateyTest`, this is being changed because the job that promotes packages between these repositories will not work if you have already upgraded to Chocolatey CLI v2.0.0 or above
-1. Click `Build`
- ![Example of settings for the Internalize Packages Jenkins job](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Jenkins-Job-Fix-Internalize.png)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You may wish to run this job a second time, leaving the `P_DST_URL` as its default value. This will allow future updates to the `chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts` package to be automatically internalized.
-Now you need to deploy the `chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts` package to ChocoServer:
-1. Log into Chocolatey Central Management at `https:///`
-1. Navigate to `Groups` and create a group the contains only ChocoServer if that does not already exist
-1. Create a [Deployment Plan](xref:ccm-deployments) that targets the group containing ChocoServer
-1. Add a basic step, selecting the `choco install` command and specifying the package name `chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts`
-1. Move this Deployment Plan to the Ready [state](xref:ccm-deployments#deployment-states) and then run it
-### Status Message: Exist soft deleted vault with the same name. (Code:ConflictError)
-This can happen when you've deployed a Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, deleted the Resource Group, and then redeployed it with the same name.
-You can either purge the KeyVault in the GUI, or use the PowerShell Az modules as follows:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'}
-Get-AzKeyVault -InRemovedState | Where-Object {
- $_.ResourceId -match "/resourceGroups/$($ResourceGroupName)/"
-} | ForEach-Object {
- Remove-AzKeyVault -Name $_.VaultName -Location $_.Location -InRemovedState -Force
-1. Open the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com) in a browser, and navigate to the [KeyVault](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/BrowseResource/resourceType/Microsoft.KeyVault%2Fvaults) resource view.
-1. Click `Manage Deleted Vaults`
-1. Select the Subscription the KeyVault was contained in
-1. Select the KeyVault to purge, and click `Purge`, then confirm by clicking `Delete`
-### Wait-CCM: 'http://ChocoServer/' was not accessible
-We have seen an occasional issue with IISReset that cannot be replicated. This results in CCM setup stalling.
-> Restart attempt failed.
-> Access denied, you must be an administrator of the remote computer to use this
-> command. Either have your account added to the administrator local group of
-> the remote computer or to the domain administrator global group.
-If you see this error, you should redeploy the resource.
-### Environment VM unable to start due to missing secret (Error: KeyVaultSecretDoesNotExist)
-During the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment your supplied certificate is converted from a [secret](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/secrets/about-secrets) object to a [certificate](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/certificates/about-certificates) object within the environment's [KeyVault](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/BrowseResource/resourceType/Microsoft.KeyVault%2Fvaults)
-The Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment's Virtual Machine may retain a reference to the certificate from prior to the conversion, and if it is shut down then it will not be able to start again due to the referenced secret no longer existing.
-To fix this, use the PowerShell Az modules as follows:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {
- $ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'
-Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | Remove-AzVMSecret | Update-AzVM
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/license-update.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/license-update.md
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-Order: 31
-xref: c4b-azure-license-update
-Title: License Update
-Description: How to update the license in use on your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-## Summary
-If you use the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment for long periods of time, the license you used to deploy it may expire and you will need to update it.
-### Prerequisites
-- You will need Chocolatey CLI installed.
-- You will need your new Chocolatey for Business license file.
-- You will need the FQDN of your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-- You will need the API Key for your Nexus repository (or access to the Resource Group hosting your Azure Key Vault to be able to [retrieve it](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services)).
-## Creating a New License Package
-When you initially deploy a Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, you upload your Chocolatey for Business license. This is then used to create a Chocolatey package that installs the license on your nodes.
-We will need to create an updated version of the package, which will overwrite the previous version of the license on install.
-Open a PowerShell window and run the following code (which will prompt you for information for values that are not set):
-if (-not $LicensePath) {
- $LicensePath = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the path to your license file')"
-# Generate the license package layout
-$WorkingDirectory = Join-Path $env:Temp "ChocolateyLicensedPackage"
-if (-not (Test-Path $WorkingDirectory)) {
- $null = New-Item -Path $WorkingDirectory -ItemType Directory
-$PackageDirectory = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory "chocolatey-license"
-$ToolsDir = Join-Path $PackageDirectory "tools"
-if (-not (Test-Path $ToolsDir)) {
- $null = New-Item $ToolsDir -ItemType Directory
-Set-Content -Path $ToolsDir\chocolateyInstall.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Value @'
-$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
-$ToolsDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
-if (-not (Test-Path $env:ChocolateyInstall\license -PathType Container)) {
- $null = New-Item $env:ChocolateyInstall\license -ItemType Directory -Force
-Copy-Item -Path $ToolsDir\chocolatey.license.xml -Destination $env:ChocolateyInstall\license\chocolatey.license.xml -Force
-Set-Content -Path $ToolsDir\chocolateyUninstall.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Value @'
-Remove-Item -Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\license\chocolatey.license.xml" -Force
-Set-Content -Path $PackageDirectory\chocolatey-license.nuspec -Encoding UTF8 -Value @'
- chocolatey-license
- 1.0.0
- Chocolatey License
- Chocolatey Software, Inc
- chocolatey license
- Installs the Chocolatey commercial license file.
- This package ensures installation of the Chocolatey commercial license file.
-This should be installed internally prior to installing other packages, directly after Chocolatey is installed and prior to installing `chocolatey.extension` and `chocolatey-agent`.
-The order for scripting is this:
-* chocolatey
-* chocolatey-license
-* chocolatey.extension
-* chocolatey-agent
-If items are installed in any other order, it could have strange effects or fail.
-# Update the license
-Copy-Item -Path $LicensePath -Destination $ToolsDir\chocolatey.license.xml -Force
-# Get license expiration date and node count
-[xml]$licenseXml = Get-Content -Path $LicensePath
-$licenseExpiration = [datetimeoffset]::Parse("$($licenseXml.SelectSingleNode('/license').expiration) +0")
-$null = $licenseXml.license.name -match "(?<=\[).*(?=\])"
-$licenseNodeCount = $Matches.Values -replace '\s[A-Za-z]+',''
-if ($licenseExpiration -lt [datetimeoffset]::UtcNow) {
- Write-Warning "THE LICENSE FILE AT '$LicensePath' is EXPIRED. This is the file used by this script to generate this package, not at '$licensePackageFolder'"
- Write-Warning "Please update the license file correctly in the environment FIRST, then rerun this script."
- throw "License is expired as of $($licenseExpiration.ToString()). Please use an up to date license."
-if (-not $LicensePackageVersion) {
- $LicensePackageVersion = ($licenseExpiration | Get-Date -Format 'yyyy.MM.dd') + '.' + "$licenseNodeCount"
-# Pack everything up
-choco pack $WorkingDirectory\chocolatey-license\chocolatey-license.nuspec --output-directory="$WorkingDirectory" --version="$LicensePackageVersion"
-## Uploading the License Package
-We now need to upload this new package to the Nexus repository. Open a PowerShell window and run the following code (which will prompt you for information for values are not set):
-if (-not $FQDN) {
- $FQDN = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the FQDN for the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment application')"
- if (([uri]$FQDN).Host) {$FQDN = ([uri]$FQDN).Host}
-if (-not $NexusApiKey) {
- $NexusApiKey = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the API Key to be used to push Chocolatey packages to Nexus')"
-$LicensePackage = (Get-Item $env:Temp\ChocolateyLicensedPackage\*.nupkg)[-1]
-choco push $LicensePackage.FullName --source="https://$($FQDN)/nexus/repository/ChocolateyInternal/" --api-key="$NexusApiKey" --force
-## Pushing the New License to Nodes
-You can either rely on automation to push this package (and updated license) to your nodes, or refer to [these documents](xref:ccm-deployments) to trigger a deployment manually.
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/packages.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/packages.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/packages.md
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-Order: 26
-xref: c4b-azure-packages
-Title: Package Selection
-Description: A summary of the package offerings for the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-RedirectFrom: en-us/quick-deployment/azure/packages
-## Summary
-When deploying the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, you are prompted to select [packages to internalize](xref:c4b-azure#internalize-packages).
-This page shows the packages we bundle as recommendations, and discusses how to source other packages to automatically publish to your new Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-## Recommendations
-We provide bundles of packages that are commonly used by Chocolatey for Business customers:
-| Bundle | Contains |
-| ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| All | Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Edge Microsoft VS Code Microsoft PowerShell Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Notepad++ Adobe Reader Slack Microsoft Teams Zoom Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Skype VSCode PowerShell Git GIMP VLC SysInternals Azure-CLI AzCopy 1password PuTTY Java Runtime Environment |
-| Minimal | Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Microsoft VS Code Microsoft PowerShell Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Notepad++ Adobe Reader Slack Microsoft Teams Zoom |
-| None | - |
-You can remove any of these packages from your repository without using them by logging into Nexus, browsing to the `ChocolateyTest` and `ChocolateyInternal` repositories, and deleting the package from each.
-## Custom Packages
-You can add custom packages using the `Specify any other packages` textbox.
-Please provide these as a comma-separated list, e.g.
-nexus-repository, notepadplusplus, sublimetext3
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> We recommend you review and test all packages before internalizing and deploying them from the [Chocolatey Community Repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages).
-## Adding Packages Post-Deployment
-You can download and internalize packages after the deployment of your environment.
-To do so, log into Jenkins at `https:///jenkins`, and click the `Schedule a Build...` icon on the right of the `Internalize packages from the Community Repository` job. This will take you to a screen where you can add Package IDs as a semicolon-separated list to the `P_PKG_LIST` parameter, e.g.
-nexus-repository; notepadplusplus; sublimetext3
-Start the internalize job by clicking `Build`.
-The specified packages will then be downloaded and pushed to your ChocolateyTest repository, ready for testing, and then be promoted to the ChocolateyInternal repository either by you or by the `Update production repository` job.
-There are further details on these default jobs [here](xref:automate-package-internalization#create-jenkins-jobs).
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/rdp.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/rdp.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 28
-xref: c4b-azure-rdp
-Title: RDP Access
-Description: A guide to accessing RDP in the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-RedirectFrom: en-us/quick-deployment/azure/rdp
-## Summary
-After deploying a Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment, you may wish to link the machine to an existing Active Directory domain or install monitoring software. This page will show you how to gain access to the primary VM within the environment via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
-We will assume you know [how to retrieve passwords from your environment](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services). In order to connect, you need the VM username and password (stored in the deployed Azure Key Vault).
-## Azure Portal
-We need to add a publicly accessible IP address to the VM, and add a rule to the Network Security Group (NSG) to allow connections.
-First we will add the IP address:
-1. In the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com), navigate to the Resource Group containing your deployed Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment.
-1. Select the VM's network interface (which should be called `choco-vm-nic` by default), and open the `IP configurations` panel.
- ![Open IP Configurations](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Rdp-IpConfiguration.png)
-1. Select the IP configuration (`ipconfig1` by default), and under `Public IP address settings` click `Associate`.
- ![Create IP Address](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Rdp-IpCreation.png)
-1. Click `Create new`, and create a basic IP address. For future examples, I have named this IP `choco-vm-ip`.
- | Key | Value |
- | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
- | Name | choco-vm-ip _(or similar)_ |
- | Sku | Basic |
- | Assignment | Dynamic |
-1. Click `Save`.
-On returning to the network interface overview, a `Public IP address` should now be visible. Make a note of the value.
-Now we will add a rule to the NSG. If you do not already know your current public IP address, you can find out by visiting [ipconfig.me](https://ifconfig.me/ip).
-1. Navigate back to your Resource Group in the Azure Portal
-1. Select the `Network security group`, and open the `Inbound security rules` panel.
- ![Create IP Address](/assets/images/c4b-azure/Rdp-NsgRuleAddition.png)
-1. Click `Add` and fill in at least the following details:
- | Key | Value |
- | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
- | Service | RDP |
- | Source | IP Addresses |
- | Source IP addresses | _Your current public IP address_ |
- | Name | RDPAccess _(or similar)_ |
-1. Click `Add` at the bottom of the panel
-You should now be able to try [Connecting to the VM](xref:c4b-azure-rdp#connecting-to-the-vm)
-## PowerShell
-For the sake of this section, we will assume that you have installed an up-to-date version of [Az modules](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az) and your session is authenticated with an account that has access to your Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment. We also assume that you haven't made significant modifications to the deployed resources.
-To begin, we need to create a Public IP address for the VM.
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {
- $ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'
-# There should only be one network interface in the resource group.
-if (-not ($NI = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name *-nic)) {
- Write-Error "No Network Interface matching '*-nic' found in '$($ResourceGroupName)'. Please ensure deployment is complete."
-if (-not $NI.IpConfigurations[0].PublicIpAddress.Id) {
- # If there is no public IP address assigned, we create one.
- if (-not ($VMPublicIp = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name 'TempIP')) {
- $ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName
- $VMPublicIp = New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name 'TempIP' -Location $ResourceGroup.Location -AllocationMethod Dynamic
- }
- # And assign it to the VM's network interface
- $NI.IpConfigurations[0].PublicIpAddress = $VMPublicIp
- $NI = Set-AzNetworkInterface -NetworkInterface $NI
-We should then create a NSG rule to allow traffic from our current IP to the VM over the port used for RDP (3389). If you want to create the rule for another IP address, you should change the value of `$IPAddress` before running the `Add` and `Set` commands.
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {
- $ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'
-# Look up your current Public IP address
-$IPAddress = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://ifconfig.me/ip").Content
-# Find the deployed Network Security Group
-$Group = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
-# And add a rule allowing RDP from your current Public IP address
-$RdpRule = @{
- Name = "$($env:UserName)-RDP"
- Direction = 'Inbound'
- Priority = (($Group.SecurityRules.Priority | Sort-Object)[0] - 1)
- Access = 'Allow'
- SourceAddressPrefix = $IPAddress
- SourcePortRange = '*'
- DestinationAddressPrefix = '*'
- DestinationPortRange = '3389'
- Protocol = 'TCP'
-$null = Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @RdpRule -NetworkSecurityGroup $Group
-$null = Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup $Group
-Finally, you can find the IP address to connect to by running the following code:
-if (-not $ResourceGroupName) {
- $ResourceGroupName = Read-Host 'Enter the ResourceGroupName'
-# Look up the new Public IP address for the VM's network interface
-$NI = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name *-nic
-$IPAddress = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $NI.IpConfigurations.PublicIpAddress.Id.Split('/')[-1].IPAddress
-Write-Host "The IP Address to connect to is $($IPAddress)"
-## Connecting to the VM
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> It can sometimes take a few minutes for the Network Security Group rules to be updated.
-Finally, use the IP address that we found in the previous steps to [connect to the VM](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/connect-logon) using the IP address you procured in the previous steps, using [the credential from the Azure Key Vault](xref:c4b-azure#accessing-services).
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-Order: 10
-xref: c4b-azure-release-notes
-Title: Release Notes
-Description: Release Notes for the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment
-OgImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-for-business-azure-environment-og.png
-TwitterImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-for-business-azure-environment-twitter.png
-# Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment Release Notes
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Issue links may not be publicly available at this time.
-## 0.21.0 (February 8, 2024){#v0.21.0}
-### Breaking Change
-- Trim the list of included Jenkins plugins - see [#103](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/103).
-### Improvements
-- Setup Nexus Using NuGet V3 Repositories - see [#145](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/145).
-- Update to Latest Packages - see [#154](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/154).
-- Update Jenkins Java Dependency - see [#155](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/155).
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey-agent | 2.1.2 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.12.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.12.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.12.0 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 6.1.2 |
-| dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime | 6.0.26 |
-| dotnet-6.0-runtime | 6.0.26 |
-| dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 | 16.0.23339 |
-| jenkins | 2.426.3 |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurin11jre | N/A (Removed) |
-| Temurin21jre | (New) |
-| vcredist140 | 14.38.33135 |
-## 0.20.0 (August 17, 2023)
-### Improvements
-- Update to Application Gateway v2 - see [#89](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/89).
-- Accessing Application Gateway Back-end Health Statistics - see [#92](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/92).
-- Update from Basic Public IP SKU to Standard - see [#108](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/108).
-- Update to Latest Packages - see [#148](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/148).
-- Upgrade to AppGateway v2 - see [#149](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/pull/149).
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 2.2.2 |
-| dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime | 6.0.20 |
-| dotnet-6.0-runtime | 6.0.20 |
-| dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 | 16.0.23172 |
-| jenkins | 2.401.3 |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurin11jre | |
-| Temurinjre | N/A (Removed) |
-## 0.19.0 (July 4, 2023)
-### Feature
-- Update environment deployment to support Chocolatey CLI v2.x - see [#135](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/135).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - VM Unable to Start Due to Missing Secret - see [#121](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/121).
-- Fix - Jenkins Jobs failing when executed with Chocolatey v2.x installed - see [#134](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/134).
-### Improvement
-- Update to 2.1.0 and 6.1.0 of Chocolatey products - see [#141](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/141).
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 2.1.0 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 6.1.0 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 2.1.0 |
-| chocolateygui | 2.1.0 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 2.0.0 |
-| chocolatey-licensed-jenkins-scripts | 0.1.1 (New) |
-| Temurinjre | |
-| vcredist140 | 14.36.32532 |
-## 0.18.1 (May 25, 2023)
-### Bug Fix
-- Fix - Updating Jenkins breaks AppGateway Health Checks - see [#126](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/126).
-### Improvements
-- Update Chocolatey software components to the latest available versions - see [#128](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/128).
-- Update ARM Template Resource API Versions - see [#129](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/129).
-- Update Jenkins Plugins and match selection in C4B Quick Start - see [#131](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/131).
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 1.4.0 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 5.0.3 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 1.1.2 |
-| chocolateygui | 1.1.3 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 1.0.3 |
-| jenkins | 2.387.2 |
-| jenkins-set-prefix.hook | 1.0.0 (New) |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurin11jre | |
-## 0.18.0 (February 21, 2023)
-### Improvement
-- Update Chocolatey software components to the latest available versions - see [#124](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/124)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 1.3.0 |
-| chocolateygui | 1.1.1 |
-## 0.17.1 (February 3, 2023)
-### Improvement
-- Update Chocolatey software components to the latest available versions - see [#123](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/123)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 1.2.1 |
-| chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension | 1.0.5 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 5.0.1 |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurin11jre | |
-| vcredist140 | 14.32.31332 |
-## 0.17.0 (October 28, 2022)
-### Improvements
-- Update Chocolatey software components to the latest available versions - see [#110](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/110)
-- Jenkins Job should account for multiple new releases when syncing from test to prod repository - see [#111](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/111)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 1.2.0 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 5.0.0 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 1.1.1 |
-| chocolateygui | 1.1.0 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 1.0.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.10.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.10.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.10.1 |
-## 0.16.0 (September 7, 2022)
-### Improvements
-- Update Chocolatey Central Management to 0.10.0 and include new dependencies - see [#94](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/94)
-- Update chocolatey.extension to 4.2.0 - see [#99](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/99)
-- Update chocolatey-agent to 1.1.0 - see [#100](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/100)
-- Deployment should fail if installation of key components is not successful - see [#101](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/101)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| aspnetcore-runtimepackagestore | N/A (Removed) |
-| chocolatey-agent | 1.1.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.10.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.10.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.10.0 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 4.2.0 |
-| dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime | 6.0.5 (New) |
-| dotnet-6.0-runtime | 6.0.5 (New) |
-| dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 | 16.0.22108 (New) |
-| dotnetcore-sdk | N/A (Removed) |
-| dotnetcore-windowshosting | N/A (Removed) |
-| dotnetfx | |
-| KB2533623 | N/A (Removed) |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurin11jre | |
-| vcredist140 | 14.28.29913 |
-| vcredist2015 | N/A (Removed) |
-## 0.15.0 (May 18, 2022)
-Updates the bundled versions of:
-- [Chocolatey 1.1.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/choco/release-notes#march-30-2022)
-- [Chocolatey Licensed Extension 4.1.1](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/licensed-extension/release-notes#april-11-2022)
-- [Chocolatey Central Management 0.8.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/release-notes#february-28-2022)
-- [Chocolatey GUI 1.0.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/chocolatey-gui/release-notes#march-21-2022)
-- [Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension 1.0.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/chocolatey-gui-licensed-extension/release-notes#march-21-2022)
-- [Chocolatey Agent 1.0.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/agent/release-notes#march-21-2022)
-### Features
-- Provide easy mechanism for update Certificate - see [#78](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/78)
-### Improvements
-- Update to the latest Chocolatey components - see [#77](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/77)
-- Add Cleanup to Get-UpdatedPackage Jenkins Script - see [#75](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/75)
-- Packages from the Licensed Feed aren't updated by existing Jenkins Jobs - see [#72](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/72)
-- Bundled Packages contain x86 and x64 Installers - see [#67](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/67)
-- Jenkins plugins complain that Jenkins is outdated - see [#65](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/65)
-### Documentation
-- Rename repository to match new name - see [#69](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/69)
-- Allow users to manage their licenses - see [#62](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/62)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 1.1.0 |
-| chocolatey-compatibility.extension | 1.0.0 (new) |
-| chocolatey-core.extension | 1.4.0 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 1.0.0 |
-| chocolatey-extension | 4.1.1 |
-| chocolateygui | 1.0.0 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 1.0.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.8.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.8.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.8.0 |
-| jenkins | 2.332.3 |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurinjre | |
-| Temurin11jre | (new) |
-| vcredist140 | 14.32.31326 |
-## 0.14.0 (February 14, 2022)
-Updates the bundled versions of:
-- [Chocolatey 0.12.1](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/choco/release-notes#january-25th-2022)
-- [Chocolatey Central Management 0.7.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/release-notes#november-17th-2021)
-- [Chocolatey GUI 0.20.0](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/chocolatey-gui/release-notes#february-10-2022).
-### Breaking Changes
-- Internalize Jenkins Plugins - see [#49](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/49)
- In scenarios where the Jenkins plugins were unavailable to download, the deployment would previously fail.
- We have now changed it to contain all of the plugins we require, and to _attempt_ to download the rest.
- This may result in an environment that doesn't fail deployment, but is unlike previous successful deployments.
-### Features
-- Upgrades bundled software, as above - see [#60](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/60)
-- Internalizes packages on first run with the deployed Jenkins job - see [#46](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/46)
-- Adds commas as a valid separator for Jenkins params - see [#50](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/50)
-- Adds a HTTP->HTTPS redirect - see [#42](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/42)
-- Changes the deployed VM size to `B4ms` - see [#55](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/55)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fixes an issue with generated passwords containing quotes - see [#61](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/61)
-- Deployment now correctly installs internalized version of Chocolatey - see [#59](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/59)
-### Bundled Version Update
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey | 0.12.1 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 0.12.1 |
-| chocolatey-extension | 3.1.0 |
-| chocolatey-dotnetfx.extension | 1.0.1 |
-| chocolateygui | 0.20.0 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 0.4.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.7.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.7.0 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.7.0 |
-| dotnetcore-sdk | 3.1.410 |
-| dotnetfx | |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| Temurinjre | |
-| vcredist140 | 14.30.30708 |
-| AdoptOpenJDKjre | N/A (Removed) |
-| DotNet4.5.2 | N/A (Removed) |
-## 0.13.2 (September 14, 2021)
-Updates the bundled version of CCM to the [recently released 0.6.2](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/release-notes#august-26th-2021).
-### Features
-- Upgrades CCM to 0.6.2 - see [#51](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/51)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fixes an issue with package internalization - see [#54](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/54)
-### Documentation
-- Adds a guide to enabling RDP [here](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/rdp) - see [#52](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/52)
-- Adds a guide for onboarding clients [here](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/client-setup) - see [#53](https://github.com/chocolatey/c4b-azure/issues/53)
-### Bundled Version Updates
-| Package | Version |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.6.2 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.6.2 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.6.2 |
-| dotnetcore-sdk | 3.1.410 |
-| vcredist140 | 14.29.30133 |
-## 0.13.1 (August 13, 2021)
-Update the bundled version of CCM to the [recently released 0.6.1](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/release-notes#august-5th-2021).
-### Features
-- Updates CCM to version 0.6.1, and updates dependencies
-- Validates Chocolatey Licence _before_ deploying resources
-- Ensured Chocolatey Agent is installed and checking into the CCM installation
-### Bug Fixes
-- Uses `Restart-WebAppPool` instead of `iisreset`, which fixes a rare issue that failed deployments complaining of insufficient permissions
-### Improvements
-- Changes the available base packages to offer packages not available in the bundles
-### Bundled Version Updates
-| Package | Version |
-| aspnetcore-runtimepackagestore | 3.1.16 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.6.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.6.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.6.1 |
-| dotnetcore-windowshosting | 3.1.16 |
-| vcredist140 | 14.29.30040 |
-## 0.11.5 (July 29, 2021)
-The first released version! Available on the [Azure Marketplace](https://portal.azure.com/#create/chocolateysoftwareinc1605695330527.c4b_azure_qdec4b-qde) from 2021-07-29.
-### Features
-- QDE Deployment via the Azure Marketplace
-- Deploys CCM, Nexus, and Jenkins to a VM
-- Takes an SSL certificate and FQDN and configures the environment appropriately
-### Documentation
-- Adds basic docs [here](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/quick-deployment/azure/)
-### Bundled Packages
-| Package | Version |
-| AdoptOpenJDKjre | |
-| aspnetcore-runtimepackagestore | 2.2.7 |
-| chocolatey | 0.10.15 |
-| chocolatey.extension | 2.1.1 |
-| chocolatey-agent | 0.11.2 |
-| chocolatey-core.extension | |
-| chocolateygui | 0.18.1 |
-| chocolateygui.extension | 0.2.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-database | 0.5.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-service | 0.5.1 |
-| chocolatey-management-web | 0.5.1 |
-| chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension | 1.0.4 |
-| DotNet4.5.2 | |
-| dotnetcore-windowshosting | 2.2.7 |
-| jenkins | 2.222.4 |
-| KB2533623 | 2.0.0 |
-| KB2919355 | 1.0.20160915 |
-| KB2919442 | 1.0.20160915 |
-| KB2999226 | 1.0.20181019 |
-| KB3033929 | 1.0.5 |
-| KB3035131 | 1.0.3 |
-| KB3063858 | 1.0.0 |
-| nexus-repository | |
-| vcredist140 | 14.29.30037 |
-| vcredist2015 | 14.0.24215.20170201 |
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/index.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cd6766d9f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Order: 145
-xref: c4b-envs
-Title: Chocolatey for Business Environments
-Description: Information about supported Chocolatey for Business Environments
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/certificate-renewal.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/certificate-renewal.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f714df806e..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/certificate-renewal.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: quick-start-guide-cert-renewal
-Title: Certificate Renewal
-Description: Certificate renewal docs for Nexus and Chocolatey Central Management
-RedirectFrom: en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide/certificate-renewal
-This document is meant to serve as a guide for where to look when needing to renew your SSL certificate(s) for the Nexus and Chocolatey Central Management components of the quick start environment.
-## Set-NexusCert.ps1
-This script should be saved on your repository server at `C:\choco-setup\scripts\Set-NexusCert.ps1`.
-You can [download the Set-NexusCert.ps1 file directly](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-quickstart-scripts/blob/main/scripts/Set-NexusCert.ps1), or copy the below code and save it manually.
-Certificate renewal script for Nexus.
-Helps edit the java keystore file for Nexus when doing a certificate renewal.
-.PARAMETER Thumbprint
-Thumbprint value of certificate you want to run Nexus on. Make sure certificate is located at Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\
-Port you have Nexus configured to run on.
-PS> .\Set-NexusCert.ps1 -Thumbprint 'Your_Certificate_Thumbprint_Value' -NexusPort 'Port_Number'
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- [string]
- $Thumbprint,
- [Parameter()]
- [string]
- $NexusPort = '8443'
-begin {
- if($host.name -ne 'ConsoleHost') {
- Write-Warning "This script cannot be ran from within PowerShell ISE"
- Write-Warning "Please launch powershell.exe as an administrator, and run this script again"
- break
- }
-process {
-$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
-if ((Test-Path C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\ssl\keystore.jks)) {
- Remove-Item C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\ssl\keystore.jks -Force
-$KeyTool = "C:\ProgramData\nexus\jre\bin\keytool.exe"
-$password = "chocolatey" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
-$certificate = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\ | Where-Object { $_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
-Write-Host "Exporting .pfx file to C:\, will remove when finished" -ForegroundColor Green
-$certificate | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\cert.pfx -Password $password
-Get-ChildItem -Path c:\cert.pfx | Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Exportable -Password $password
-Write-Warning -Message "You'll now see prompts and other outputs, things are working as expected, don't do anything"
-$string = ("chocolatey" | & $KeyTool -list -v -keystore C:\cert.pfx) -match '^Alias.*'
-$currentAlias = ($string -split ':')[1].Trim()
-$passkey = '9hPRGDmfYE3bGyBZCer6AUsh4RTZXbkw'
-& $KeyTool -importkeystore -srckeystore C:\cert.pfx -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass chocolatey -destkeystore C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\ssl\keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS -alias $currentAlias -destalias jetty -deststorepass $passkey
-& $KeyTool -keypasswd -keystore C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\ssl\keystore.jks -alias jetty -storepass $passkey -keypass chocolatey -new $passkey
-$xmlPath = 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml'
-[xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml'
-foreach ($entry in $xml.Configure.New.Where{ $_.id -match 'ssl' }.Set.Where{ $_.name -match 'password' }) {
- $entry.InnerText = $passkey
-$xml.OuterXml | Set-Content -Path $xmlPath
-Remove-Item C:\cert.pfx
-$nexusPath = 'C:\ProgramData\sonatype-work\nexus3'
-$configPath = "$nexusPath\etc\nexus.properties"
-(Get-Content $configPath) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "application-port-ssl="} | Set-Content $configPath
-$configStrings = @('jetty.https.stsMaxAge=-1', "application-port-ssl=$NexusPort", 'nexus-args=${jetty.etc}/jetty.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-https.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-requestlog.xml')
-$configStrings | ForEach-Object {
- if ((Get-Content -Raw $configPath) -notmatch [regex]::Escape($_)) {
- $_ | Add-Content -Path $configPath
- }
-Restart-Service nexus
-Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "The script has successfully run and the Nexus service is now rebooting for the changes to take effect."
-### What does this script do?
-- Prompts for Thumbprint value. This is the certificate thumbprint value you wish to associate to your Nexus instance.
-- Optionally you can specify `-Port` with the port number you want Nexus to run over.
-- The script will remove your previous keystore.jks file
-- Create a new keystore.jks file based on your certificate
-- Re-write the nexus.properties file to use the correct port, by default will use port 8443 unless specified in command.
-- Restart the Nexus service for changes to take effect and re-load web UI.
-### Script Examples
-.\Set-NexusCert.ps1 -Thumbprint 'Your_Certificate_Thumbprint_Value' -NexusPort 'Port_Number'
-.\Set-NexusCert.ps1 -Thumbprint 'Your_Certificate_Thumbprint_Value'
-## Set-CCMCert.ps1
-This script should be saved on your repository server at `C:\choco-setup\scripts\Set-CCMCert.ps1`.
-You can [download the Set-CCMCert.ps1 file directly](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-quickstart-scripts/blob/main/scripts/Set-CCMCert.ps1), or copy the below code and manually save it.
-Certificate renewal script for Chocolatey Central Management(CCM)
-This script will go through and renew the certificate association with both the Chocolatey Central Management Service and IIS Web hosted dashboard.
-.PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
-Thumbprint value of the certificate you would like the Chocolatey Central Management Service and Web to run on.
-Please make sure the certificate is located in both the Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\ and Cert:\LocalMachine\My certificate stores.
-PS> .\Set-CCMCert.ps1 -CertificateThumbprint 'Your_Certificate_Thumbprint_Value'
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- [String]
- $CertificateThumbprint
-begin {
- if($host.name -ne 'ConsoleHost') {
- Write-Warning "This script cannot be ran from within PowerShell ISE"
- Write-Warning "Please launch powershell.exe as an administrator, and run this script again"
- break
- }
-process {
- #Stop Central Management components
- Stop-Service chocolatey-central-management
- Get-Process chocolateysoftware.chocolateymanagement.web* | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
- #Remove existing bindings
- Write-Verbose "Removing existing bindings"
- netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
- #Add new CCM Web IIS Binding
- Write-Verbose "Adding new IIS binding to Chocolatey Central Management"
- $guid = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("B")
- netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=$CertificateThumbprint certstorename=MY appid="$guid"
- Get-WebBinding -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement | Remove-WebBinding
- New-WebBinding -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement -Protocol https -Port 443 -SslFlags 0 -IpAddress '*'
- #Write Thumbprint to CCM Service appsettings.json
- $appSettingsJson = 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\appsettings.json'
- $json = Get-Content $appSettingsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- $json.CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
- $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $appSettingsJson -Force
- #Try Restarting CCM Service
- try {
- Start-Service chocolatey-central-management -ErrorAction Stop
- }
- catch {
- #Try again...
- Start-Service chocolatey-central-management -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- }
- finally {
- if ((Get-Service chocolatey-central-management).Status -ne 'Running') {
- Write-Warning "Unable to start Chocolatey Central Management service, please start manually in Services.msc"
- }
- }
-### What does this script do?
-- The script will prompt for certificate thumbprint value. Please enter the thumbprint value of the certificate you wish to have the IIS endpoint of Chocolatey Central Management run over.
-- Stops the chocolatey-central-management windows service
-- Removes any existing binding for the site running over port 443.
-- Adds a new IIS binding with the new certificate info.
-- Writes the thumbprint value given to the appsettings.json file of the Chocolatey Central Management service to run over.
-- Brings up the Chocolatey Central Management service and web components once configured.
-### Script Example
-.\Set-CCMCert.ps1 -CertificateThumbprint 'Your_Certificate_Thumbprint_Value'
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 20
-xref: c4b-quick-start-guide
-Title: C4B Quick Start Guide
-Description: Get up and running quickly with Chocolatey for Business
-- docs/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide
-- en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide/chocolatey-for-business-quick-start-guide
-Welcome to the Chocolatey for Business (C4B) Quick-Start Guide! This guide will walk you through the basics of configuring a C4B Server on your VM infrastructure of choice. This includes the Chocolatey Licensed components, a NuGet V2 Repository (Nexus), Chocolatey Central Management (CCM), and an Automation Pipeline (Jenkins).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This quick-start guide is intended for customers who have recently purchased Chocolatey for Business (C4B), or are evaluating C4B as part of a proof-of-concept.
-> It is **opinionated**, and thus illustrates only one method of setting up your Chocolatey environment.
-> Our goal is to get you up-and-running smoothly and efficiently in order to fully test out the feature set.
-> For a more exhaustive reference of possible setup scenarios, you may refer to the [Organizational Deployment Documentation](xref:organizational-deployment-guide).
-If you have any questions or would like to discuss more involved implementations, please feel free to reach out to your Chocolatey representative.
-Let's get started!
-## Components
-As illustrated in the diagram above, there are four main components to a Chocolatey for Business installation:
-1. **C4B Licensed components**: A licensed version of Chocolatey includes:
- - Installation of the Chocolatey OSS client package itself (`chocolatey`)
- - Chocolatey license file (`chocolatey.license.xml`) installed in the correct directory (`ProgramData\chocolatey\license`)
- - Installation of the Chocolatey Licensed extension (`chocolatey.extension`), giving you access to features like Package Builder, Package Internalizer, etc. (full list [here](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/)).
-1. **NuGet V3 Repository Server App (Nexus)**: Chocolatey works best with a NuGet V3 repository. This application hosts and manages versioning of your Chocolatey package artifacts, in their enhanced NuGet package (.nupkg) file format. The quick start guide helps you setup [Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager (OSS)](https://www.sonatype.com/products/nexus-repository).
-1. **Chocolatey Central Management (CCM)**: CCM is the Web UI portal for your entire Chocolatey environment. Your endpoints check-in to CCM to report their package status. This includes the Chocolatey packages they have installed, and whether any of these packages are outdated. And now, with CCM Deployments, you can also deploy packages or package updates to groups of endpoints, as well as ad-hoc PowerShell commands. CCM is backed by an MS SQL Database. This guide will set up MS SQL Express for you.
-1. **Automation Pipeline (Jenkins)**: A pipeline tool will help you automate repetitive tasks, such checking for updates to a set of Chocolatey Packages from the Chocolatey Community Repository (CCR). If updates exist, the pipeline task will auto-internalize your list of packages, and push them into your NuGet repository for you. This guide will help you set up Jenkins as your automation pipeline.
-## Requirements
-> :choco-danger: **ATTENTION**
-> The server used for your Chocolatey For Business environment should be a **_fresh, dedicated machine_** that serves no other purpose in your organization. Installation of C4B on a server running mission critical enterprise applications is **NOT** recommended.
-Below are the minimum requirements for setting up your C4B server via this guide:
-- Windows Server 2019+ (ideally, Windows Server 2022)
-- 4+ CPU cores (more preferred)
-- 16 GB+ RAM (8GB as a bare minimum; 4GB of RAM is reserved specifically for Nexus)
-- 500 GB+ of free space for local NuGet package artifact storage (more is better, and you may have to grow this as your packages and versions increase)
-- Open outgoing (egress) Internet access
-- Administrator user rights
-## Installation
-### Step 0: Preparation of C4B Server
-1. Provision your C4B server on the infrastructure of your choice.
-1. Install all Windows Updates.
-1. If you plan on joining this server to your Active Directory domain, do so now before beginning setup below.
-1. If you plan to use a Purchased/Acquired or Domain SSL certificate, please ensure the CN/Subject value matches the DNS-resolvable Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your C4B Server. Place this certificate in the `Local Machine > Personal` certificate store, and ensure that the private key is exportable.
-1. Copy your `chocolatey.license.xml` license file (from the email you received) onto your C4B Server.
-> :choco-warning:**DISCLAIMER**: This guide utilizes code from a GitHub repository, namely: [choco-quickstart-scripts](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco-quickstart-scripts). Though we explain what each script does in drop-down boxes, please do your due diligence to review this code and ensure it meets your Organizational requirements.
-> :memo:**Offline Install**: If your C4B server does not have unrestricted access to the internet, you can download the `choco-quickstart-scripts` repository to a Windows machine that is connected to the internet and run `OfflineInstallPreparation.ps1`. This will use Chocolatey to save all of the required assets into the repository folder, which can then be transferred to the target C4B server.
-### Step 1: Begin C4B Setup
-> :choco-danger: **IMPORTANT**
-> All commands must be run from an **elevated** Windows PowerShell window (and **not ISE**), by opening your PowerShell console with the `Run as Administrator` option.
-1. Open a Windows PowerShell console with the `Run as Administrator` option, and paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::tls12
- Invoke-RestMethod https://ch0.co/qsg-go | Invoke-Expression
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Installs Chocolatey client from https://community.chocolatey.org
- >
Prompts for your C4B license file location, with validation
- >
Converts your C4B license into a Chocolatey package
- >
Configures local "choco-setup" directories
- >
Downloads setup files from "choco-quickstart-scripts" GitHub repo
- >
Downloads Chocolatey packages required for setup
- >
- >
-> :memo:**Offline Install**: You can now copy the `C:\choco-setup\` directory to any computer to continue the installation. To zip up that directory, run `Compress-Archive -Path C:\choco-setup\files\* -DestinationPath C:\choco-setup\C4B-Files.zip`. Move the archive to your new machine, and run `Expand-Archive -Path /path/to/C4B-Files.zip -DestinationPath C:\choco-setup\files -Force`. You should then run `Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"; .\Start-C4bSetup.ps1`, and continue with the guide.
-### Step 2: Nexus Setup
-1. In the same **elevated** Windows PowerShell console as above, paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Start-C4bNexusSetup.ps1
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
Sets up "ChocolateyInternal" on C4B Server as source, with API key
- >
Adds firewall rule for repository access
- >
Installs MS Edge, and disables first-run experience
- >
Outputs data to a JSON file to pass between scripts
- >
- >
-### Step 3: Chocolatey Central Management Setup
-1. In the same PowerShell Administrator console as above, paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Start-C4bCcmSetup.ps1
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Installs MS SQL Express and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- >
Creates "ChocolateyManagement" database, and adds appropriate `ChocoUser` permissions
- >
Installs all 3 Chocolatey Central Management packages (database, service, web), with correct parameters
- >
Outputs data to a JSON file to pass between scripts
- >
- >
-### Step 4: Jenkins Setup
-1. In the same **elevated** PowerShell console as above, paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Start-C4bJenkinsSetup.ps1
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Installs Jenkins package
- >
Updates Jenkins plugins
- >
Configures pre-downloaded Jenkins scripts for Package Internalizer automation
- >
Sets up pre-defined Jenkins jobs for the scripts above
- >
- >
-### Step 5: SSL Setup
-1. In the same **elevated** PowerShell console as above, paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Set-SslSecurity.ps1
- ```
- **ALTERNATIVE 1 : Custom SSL Certificate** - If you have your own custom SSL certificate (purchased/acquired, or from your Domain CA), you can paste and run the following script with the `Thumbprint` value of your SSL certificate specified:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Set-SslSecurity.ps1 -Thumbprint '' -Hardened
- ```
- > :choco-warning: **WARNING**
- >
- > If you are using your own SSL certificate, be sure to place this certificate in the `Local Machine > Personal` certificate store before running the above script, and ensure that the private key is exportable.
- > :choco-info: **NOTE**
- >
- > You may have noticed the `-Hardened` parameter we've added above. When using a custom SSL certificate, this parameter will further secure access to your C4B Server. A Role and User credential will be configured to limit access to your Nexus repositories. As well, CCM Client and Service Salts are configured to further encrypt your connection between CCM and your endpoint clients. These additional settings are also incorporated into your `Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1` script for onboarding endpoints. We do require you to enable this option if your C4B Server will be Internet-facing, with a FQDN that resolves to a public IP.
- **ALTERNATIVE 2 : Wildcard SSL Certificate** - If you have a wildcard certificate, you will also need to provide a DNS name you wish to use for that certificate:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Set-SslSecurity.ps1 -Thumbprint '' -CertificateDnsName '' -Hardened
- ```
- For example, with a wildcard certificate with a thumbprint of `deee9b2fabb24bdaae71d82286e08de1` you wish to use `chocolatey.foo.org`, the following would be required:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Set-SslSecurity.ps1 -Thumbprint deee9b2fabb24bdaae71d82286e08de1 -CertificateDnsName chocolatey.foo.org -Hardened
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Adds SSL certificate configuration for Nexus and CCM web portals
- >
Generates a `Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1` script for you to easily set up endpoint clients
- >
Outputs data to a JSON file to pass between scripts
- >
Writes a Readme.html file to the Public Desktop with account information for C4B services
- >
Auto-opens README, CCM, Nexus, and Jenkins in your web browser
- >
Removes temporary JSON files used during provisioning
- >
- >
- > :choco-info: **NOTE**
- >
- > A `Readme.html` file will now be generated on your desktop. This file contains login information for all 3 web portals (CCM, Nexus, and Jenkins). This `Readme.html`, along with all 3 web portals, will automatically be opened in your browser.
-### Step 6: Verification
-1. In the same **elevated** PowerShell console as above, paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-Location "$env:SystemDrive\choco-setup\files"
- .\Start-C4bVerification.ps1 -Fqdn ''
- ```
- If you expect services to be available at `chocoserver.yourcompany.com`, then your command would look like: `.\Start-C4bVerification.ps1 -Fqdn 'chocoserver.yourcompany.com'`
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Verifies Nexus Repository installation
- >
Verifies Central Management installation
- >
Verifies Jenkins installation
- >
Ensures system firewall is configured
- >
Ensures Windows Features are installed
- >
Ensures services are correctly configured
- >
Ensured README is created
- >
- >
-### Step 7: Setting up Endpoints
-1. Find the `Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1` script in the `choco-setup\files\scripts\` directory on your C4B Server. Copy this script to your client endpoint.
-1. Open an **elevated** PowerShell console on your client endpoint, and browse (`cd`) to the location you copied the script above. Paste and run the following code:
- ```powershell
- Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::tls12
- .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1
- ```
- >
- > What does this script do? (click to expand)
- >
- >
Installs Chocolatey client (chocolatey), using a script from your raw "choco-install" repository
- >
Runs the "ClientSetup.ps1" script from your raw "choco-install" repository, which does the following:
- >
Licenses Chocolatey by installing the license package (chocolatey-license) created during QDE setup
- >
Installs the Chocolatey Licensed Extension (chocolatey.extension) without context menus
- >
Configures "ChocolateyInternal" source
- >
Disables access to the "chocolatey" public Chocolatey Community Repository (CCR)
- >
Configures Self-Service mode and installs Chocolatey GUI (chocolateygui) along with its licensed extension (chocolateygui.extension)
- >
Configures Central Management (CCM) check-in, and opts endpoints into CCM Deployments
- >
- >
-### Conclusion
-Congratulations! If you followed all the steps detailed above, you should now have a fully functioning Chocolatey for Business implementation deployed in your environment.
-It is worth mentioning that some customers may have a more bespoke environment, with the presence of proxies and additional configuration management applications. Chocolatey is engineered to be quite flexible, specifically to account for these scenarios. Please refer to the many options for installation referenced on the [Installation page](xref:setup-licensed#more-install-options). Again, If you have any questions or would like to discuss more involved implementations, please feel free to reach out to your Chocolatey representative.
-### See it in Action
-If you'd prefer to watch and follow along, here is a recording of our Chocolatey Team going through this guide live on our Twitch stream:
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-Order: 25
-xref: firewall-rules
-Title: Firewall Rules
-Description: Firewall rules used by the Quick Start Environment
-RedirectFrom: en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/firewall-changes
-## External Firewall Ports (Optional)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> - Performing this incorrectly could cause security issues and possibly cause you to be subjected to copyright law/redistribution.
-> Read all of this first.
-> - DO NOT OPEN these ports externally until you have done the following:
-> - Locked down your repositories to user/pass access.
-> - Updated your ClientSetup script within the raw client repository.
-These are ports that need to be opened through the corporate firewall, if users are **not** on VPN and need to install packages from anywhere.
-| Port | Application |
-| :---: | :------------------------- |
-| 8443 | Nexus Web UI |
-| 24020 | Chocolatey Central Management Service |
-## Internal Firewall Ports
-These are the ports that are already opened on Windows Firewall in the Quick Start Environment.
-| Port | Application |
-| :---: | :------------ |
-| 8443 | Nexus Web UI |
-| 443 | Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard |
-| 24020 | Chocolatey Central Management Service |
-> :choco-info: **Cloud Hosting Consideration**
-> If hosting your Quick Start Environment on a cloud provider, such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services, be sure to set your inbound networking rules appropriately for the VM.
-## FAQ
-### Can I open up the Chocolatey Central Management Service's port to allow machines to report in from anywhere?
-For best results, we recommend using a VPN connection for client check-ins.
-The Chocolatey Central Management service connection is authenticated over SSL, but our best practice recommendation is to secure the connection over a VPN as well.
-With Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0+, more security has been put into allowing for checking in over internet connections. We _highly_ recommend setting both a `centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` and `centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` Chocolatey configuration value on your client machines and Chocolatey Central Management Service host machine.
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-Order: 30
-xref: quick-start-environment-folder
-Title: C4B Quick Start Environment
-Description: Quick start environment and supporting documentation
-RedirectFrom: en-us/guides/organizations/quick-start-guide
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/qde-deprecation.md
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-Order: 10
-xref: qde-deprecation
-Title: Quick Deploy Environment Deprecation Notice
-Description: Landing page for old QDE links
-ShowInNavbar: false
-ShowInSidebar: false
-- en-us/quick-deployment
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/index.html
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/release-notes
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/index.html
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/desktop-readme
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/ssl-setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/client-setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/internet-setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/upgrade-license
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/index.html
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/desktop-readme
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/ssl-setup
-- en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/v1/client-setup
-## Why Has the Quick Deploy Environment Been Deprecated
-The Quick Deploy Environment (QDE) solution has been deprecated in favor of our [Chocolatey For Business Quick Start Guide (QSG)](xref:c4b-quick-start-guide) and [Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment](xref:c4b-azure) offerings. The reasoning behind this is the Quick Deploy Environment became too complex and cumbersome to support given the need to build out several different format virtual-machine images to work across the ever-increasing number of Hypervisors being used by our customer base. The Quick Start Guide was created as a solution to this problem. It allows deploying the same components you find in a Quick Deploy Environment, but installing them as PowerShell steps rather than needing to bundle them all as a full Windows Server virtual-machine image. This allows customers to bring their own Windows Server virtual-machine setup into the Hypervisor of their choice. We just simply install the needed components onto the virtual-machine provided.
-The Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment was later developed as our replacement for the Quick Deployment Environment Hyper-V to Azure offering. The Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment is a complete cloud native solution offered through the [Microsoft Azure Marketplace](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/chocolateysoftwareinc1605695330527.c4b_azure_qde). It stands up the same components of the previous Quick Deploy Environment and current Quick Start Guide solutions using the Azure cloud tooling for the host virtual-machine and networking.
-## I Have a Quick Deploy Environment Solution In Place. What Should I Do Now?
-While we don't support the Quick Deploy Environment as a new deployment option, if already deployed, you have the same components (Sonatype Nexus, Jenkins, and Chocolatey Central Management) as our current environment solutions. You simply need to keep them up-to-date going forward.
-### How Do I Handle SSL Certificate Renewal?
-Our [certificate renewal documentation](xref:quick-start-guide-cert-renewal) for the Quick Start Guide works on the older Quick Deploy Environment.
-### How Do I Upgrade My Sonatype Nexus Instance?
-The same [Sonatype Nexus upgrade documentation](xref:upgrade-nexus) works for the Quick Start Guide and Quick Deploy Environment solutions.
-### How Do I Upgrade Chocolatey Central Management (CCM)?
-See [Chocolatey Central Management Upgrade Documentation](xref:ccm-upgrade).
-### How Do I Upgrade Jenkins?
-See [Jenkins Upgrade Documentation](xref:upgrade-jenkins)
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/upgrade-jenkins.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/upgrade-jenkins.md
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-Order: 60
-xref: upgrade-jenkins
-Title: Upgrading Jenkins
-Description: How to upgrade jenkins
-## Upgrade Jenkins in Quick Start Environment
-This document outlines the process for upgrading Jenkins, and it's Java dependency running on your Quick Start Environment.
-This guide assumes your server has access to the internet to internalize the needed packages from the Chocolatey community repository.
-If your server is internet restricted, please internalize the needed packages on a machine that does have internet access, then push these packages to your internal repository.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The current Jenkins package requires Java version 17 or 21 which hasn't been added as a package dependency to jenkins (due to the numerous flavours of Java out there). As part of the Quick Start Guide setup we install the temurin21jre package. However any Java version 17 or 21 package will work.
-> More information is available in the [Java support policy documentation](https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/platform-information/support-policy-java/).
-## Instructions
-1. Internalize the Jenkins package and push it to your internal repo.
-2. Internalize a java package compatible with Jenkins and push it to your internal repo. We recommend the [temurin21jre package](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/Temurin21jre).
-3. Upgrade the temurin21jre and Jenkins packages (Example commands provided below).
-> :choco-info: **Internalizing Note**
-> You can add the temurin21jre and Jenkins packages to your Jenkins pipelines, setup by the Quick Start Guide, to help keep new versions of these packages in your internal repo.
-### Example Upgrade Commands:
-choco upgrade temurin21jre --package-parameters="/ADDLOCAL=FeatureJavaHome" -y --source="'Your Internal Repo'"
-choco upgrade jenkins -y --source="'Your Internal Repo'"
diff --git a/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/upgrade-nexus.md b/input/en-us/c4b-environments/quick-start-environment/upgrade-nexus.md
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-Order: 50
-xref: upgrade-nexus
-Title: Upgrading Nexus
-Description: How to upgrade nexus
-RedirectFrom: en-us/c4b-environments/quick-deployment/setup/upgrade-nexus-qde
-## Upgrade Nexus in Quick Start Environment
-This document outlines the process for upgrading Nexus running inside our Quick Start Environment.
-The script provided assumes your server has access to the internet to download the Nexus package from the community repository.
-If your server is restricted then internalize the package to your internal repository and update the source in the script appropriately.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The instructions on this page use parameters available to the nexus-repository package to conserve SSL configuration. If you have arrived here,
-> and do not have a Nexus instance configured with SSL, leave off the package parameters.
-> This command will backup the SSL configuration to the root of your User Profile in a NexusBackup folder.
-## Instructions
-1. Internalize the nexus-repository package and push to your internal repo
-2. choco upgrade the nexus-repository package (Example command provided below, which preserves SSL Configuration)
-### Example Upgrade Command:
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The following command assumes your nexus instance is available at nexus.example.com. Use your actual FQDN instead
-choco upgrade nexus-repository -y --package-parameters="'/Port:8443 /Fqdn:""nexus.example.com"" /BackupSslConfig'"
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
->If you are upgrading from Nexus V or older to a newer version, you may need to make the following change to the jetty-https.xml file.
->Change `class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory">` to `class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory$Server">`
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroup.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroup.md
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-Order: 10
-xref: add-ccmgroup
-Title: Add-CCMGroup
-Description: Information about the Add-CCMGroup function
-RedirectFrom: docs/add-ccmgroup
-# Add-CCMGroup
-Adds a group to Central Management
-## Syntax
-Add-CCMGroup `
- -Name `
- [-Description ] `
- [-Group ] `
- [-Computer ] []
-## Description
-Deployments in Central Management revolve around Groups. Before you can execute a deployment you must define a target group of computers the Deployment will execute on.
-Use this function to create new groups in your Central Management system
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Add-CCMGroup -Name PowerShell -Description "I created this via the ChocoCCM module" -Computer pc1,pc2
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Add-CCMGroup -Name PowerShell -Description "I created this via the ChocoCCM module" -Group Webservers
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Name <String>
-The name you wish to give the group
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Description [<String>]
-A short description of the group
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Group [<String[]>]
-The group(s) to include as members
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 3
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Computer [<String[]>]
-The computer(s) to include as members
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 4
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Add-CCMGroup -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroupMember.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/AddCCMGroupMember.md
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-Order: 20
-xref: add-ccmgroupmember
-Title: Add-CCMGroupMember
-Description: Information about the Add-CCMGroupMember function
-RedirectFrom: docs/add-ccmgroup-member
-# Add-CCMGroupMember
-Adds a member to an existing Group in Central Management
-## Syntax
-Add-CCMGroupMember `
- [-Name ] `
- [-Group ] []
-Add-CCMGroupMember `
- [-Name ] `
- -Computer []
-## Description
-Add new computers and groups to existing Central Management Groups
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Add-CCMGroupMember -Group 'Newly Imaged' -Computer Lab1,Lab2,Lab3
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Name <String>
-The group to edit
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Computer <String[]>
-The computer(s) to add
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Group [<String[]>]
-The group(s) to add
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Add-CCMGroupMember -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ConnectCCMServer.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ConnectCCMServer.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f21c9f6c..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ConnectCCMServer.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Order: 30
-xref: connect-ccmserver
-Title: Connect-CCMServer
-Description: Information about the Connect-CCMServer function
-RedirectFrom: docs/connect-ccmserver
-# Connect-CCMServer
-Creates a session to a central management instance
-## Syntax
-Connect-CCMServer `
- -Hostname `
- -Credential `
- [-UseSSL] []
-## Description
-Creates a web session cookie used for other functions in the ChocoCCM module
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Connect-CCMServer -Hostname localhost:8090
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-$cred = Get-Credential ; Connect-CCMServer -Hostname localhost:8090 -Credential $cred
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Hostname <String>
-The hostname and port number of your Central Management installation
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Credential <PSCredential>
-The credentials for your Central Management installation. You'll be prompted if left blank
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -UseSSL
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Connect-CCMServer -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/DisableCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/DisableCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d7da180f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/DisableCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: disable-ccmdeployment
-Title: Disable-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Disable-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/disable-ccmdeployment
-# Disable-CCMDeployment
-Archive a CCM Deployment. This will move a Deployment to the Archived Deployments section in the Central Management Web UI.
-## Syntax
-Disable-CCMDeployment `
- [-Deployment ] `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Moves a deployment in Central Management to the archive. This Deployment will no longer be available for use.
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Disable-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Archive-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment [<String>]
-The deployment to archive
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Disable-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1e710eff..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Order: 50
-xref: export-ccmdeployment
-Title: Export-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Export-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/export-ccmdeployment
-# Export-CCMDeployment
-Exports a Deployment to a CliXML file
-## Syntax
-Export-CCMDeployment `
- -Deployment `
- [-DeploymentStepsOnly] `
- -OutFile `
- [-AllowClobber] []
-## Description
-Adds ability to export a deployment as cli-xml. Useful for backup/source control of deployments
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Export-CCMDeployment -Deployment TestDeployment -OutFile C:\temp\testdeployment.xml
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Export-CCMDeployment -Deployment UpgradeChrome -OutFile C:\temp\upgradechrome_ccmdeployment.xml -AllowClobber
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The CCM Deployment to Export
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -DeploymentStepsOnly
-Only export a deployment's steps
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -OutFile <String>
-The xml file to save the deployment as
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -AllowClobber
-Allow a file to be overwritten if it already exists
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Export-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeploymentReport.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeploymentReport.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9ae53870..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMDeploymentReport.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Order: 60
-xref: export-ccmdeploymentreport
-Title: Export-CCMDeploymentReport
-Description: Information about the Export-CCMDeploymentReport function
-RedirectFrom: docs/export-ccmdeployment-report
-# Export-CCMDeploymentReport
-Downloads a deployment report from Central Management. This will be saved in the path you specify for OutputFolder
-## Syntax
-Export-CCMDeploymentReport `
- [-Deployment ] `
- -Type `
- -OutputFolder []
-## Description
-Downloads a deployment report from Central Management in PDF or Excel format. The file is saved to the OutputFolder
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Export-CCMDeploymentReport -Deployment 'Complex' -Type PDF -OutputFolder C:\temp\
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Export-CCMDeploymentReport -Deployment 'Complex -Type Excel -OutputFolder C:\CCMReports
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment [<String>]
-The deployment from which to generate and download a report
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Type <String>
-The type of report, either PDF or Excel
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -OutputFolder <String>
-The path to save the report too
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 3
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Export-CCMDeploymentReport -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 50bec5518f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ExportCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Order: 70
-xref: export-ccmoutdatedsoftwarereport
-Title: Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-Description: Information about the Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport function
-RedirectFrom: docs/export-ccmoutdated-software-report
-# Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-Download an outdated Software report from Central Management. This file will be saved to the OutputFolder specified
-## Syntax
-Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport `
- -Report `
- -Type `
- -OutputFolder []
-## Description
-Download either a PDF or Excel format report of outdated software from Central Management to the OutputFolder specified
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport -Report '7/4/2020 6:44:40 PM' -Type PDF -OutputFolder C:\CCMReports
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Report <String>
-The report to download
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Type <String>
-Specify either PDF or Excel
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -OutputFolder <String>
-The path to save the file
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 3
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMComputer.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMComputer.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd29901d5..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMComputer.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Order: 80
-xref: get-ccmcomputer
-Title: Get-CCMComputer
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMComputer function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmcomputer
-# Get-CCMComputer
-Returns information about computers in CCM
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMComputer []
-Get-CCMComputer `
- -Computer []
-Get-CCMComputer `
- -Id []
-## Description
-Query for all, or by computer name/id to retrieve information about the system as reported in Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMComputer -Computer web1
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Get-CCMComputer -Id 13
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Computer <String[]>
-Returns the specified computer(s)
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Id <Int32>
-Returns the information for the computer with the specified id
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | 0
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMComputer -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dc19f055ff..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-Order: 90
-xref: get-ccmdeployment
-Title: Get-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmdeployment
-# Get-CCMDeployment
-Return information about a CCM Deployment
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMDeployment `
- -All []
-Get-CCMDeployment `
- -Name []
-Get-CCMDeployment `
- -Id []
-## Description
-Returns detailed information about Central Management Deployment Plans
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMDeployment -All
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMDeployment -Name Bob
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Get-CCMDeployment -Id 583
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -All
-Returns all Deployment Plans
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Name <String>
-Returns the named Deployment Plan
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Id <String>
-Returns the Deployment Plan with the give Id
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeploymentStep.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeploymentStep.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e1ccca58..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMDeploymentStep.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Order: 95
-xref: get-ccmdeploymentstep
-Title: Get-CCMDeploymentStep
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMDeploymentStep function
-# Get-CCMDeploymentStep
-Return information about a CCM Deployment step.
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -InputObject `
- [-IncludeResults] []
-Get-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Id `
- [-IncludeResults] []
-## Description
-Returns detailed information about Central Management Deployment Steps.
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMDeploymentStep -Id 583 -IncludeResults
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMDeploymentStep -InputObject $step -IncludeResults
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -InputObject <PSObject>
-Retrieves additional details for the given step.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | --------------
-Aliases | Step
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | true (ByValue)
-### -Id <Int64>
-Returns the Deployment Step with the given Id.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | ------------------------------
-Aliases | DeploymentStepId
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | 0
-Accept Pipeline Input? | true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-### -IncludeResults
-If set, additionally retrieves the results for the targeted step.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMDeploymentStep -Full`.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroup.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3016018e60..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Order: 100
-xref: get-ccmgroup
-Title: Get-CCMGroup
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMGroup function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmgroup
-# Get-CCMGroup
-Returns group information for your CCM installation
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMGroup []
-Get-CCMGroup `
- -Group []
-Get-CCMGroup `
- -Id []
-## Description
-Returns information about the groups created in your CCM Installation
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMGroup -Id 1
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Get-CCMGroup -Group 'Web Servers'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Group <String[]>
-Returns group with the provided name
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Id <String[]>
-Returns group withe the provided id
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMGroup -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroupMember.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroupMember.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d5d7b1d1d..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMGroupMember.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Order: 110
-xref: get-ccmgroupmember
-Title: Get-CCMGroupMember
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMGroupMember function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmgroup-member
-# Get-CCMGroupMember
-Returns information about a CCM group's members
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMGroupMember `
- -Group []
-## Description
-Return detailed group information from Chocolatey Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMGroupMember -Group "WebServers"
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Group <String>
-The Group to query
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMGroupMember -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftware.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftware.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae44123ec..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftware.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Order: 120
-xref: get-ccmoutdatedsoftware
-Title: Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmoutdated-software
-# Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
-Returns all outdated software reported in CCM
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware []
-## Description
-Returns all outdated software reported in CCM
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareMember.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareMember.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ab359d6c..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareMember.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Order: 130
-xref: get-ccmoutdatedsoftwaremember
-Title: Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-member
-# Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember
-Returns computers with the requested outdated software. To see outdated software information use Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember `
- [-Software ] `
- [-Package ] []
-## Description
-Returns the computers with the requested outdated software. To see outdated software information use Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember -Software 'VLC Media Player'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember -Package vlc
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Software [<String>]
-The software to query. Software here refers to what would show up in Programs and Features on a machine.
-Example: If you have VLC installed, this shows as 'VLC Media Player' in Programs and Features.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Package [<String>]
-This is the Chocolatey package name to search for.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a421c1a7..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Order: 140
-xref: get-ccmoutdatedsoftwarereport
-Title: Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMOudatedSoftwareReport function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-report
-# Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-List all Outdated Software Reports generated in Central Management
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport []
-## Description
-List all Outdated Software Reports generated in Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 119049e434..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Order: 150
-xref: get-ccmoutdatedsoftwarereportdetail
-Title: Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmoutdated-software-report-detail
-# Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail
-View detailed information about an Outdated Software Report
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail `
- -Report []
-## Description
-Return report details from an Outdated Software Report in Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail -Report '7/4/2020 6:44:40 PM'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Report <String>
-The report to query
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMRole.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMRole.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf1fd4151..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMRole.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Order: 160
-xref: get-ccmrole
-Title: Get-CCMRole
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMRole function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmrole
-# Get-CCMRole
-Get roles available in Chococlatey Central Management
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMRole []
-Get-CCMRole `
- [-Name ] []
-## Description
-Return information about roles available in Chocolatey Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMRole -Name CCMAdmin
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Name [<String>]
-The name of a role to query
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMRole -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMSoftware.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMSoftware.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e12a3fcfb..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetCCMSoftware.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-Order: 170
-xref: get-ccmsoftware
-Title: Get-CCMSoftware
-Description: Information about the Get-CCMSoftware function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-ccmsoftware
-# Get-CCMSoftware
-Returns information about software tracked inside of CCM
-## Syntax
-Get-CCMSoftware []
-Get-CCMSoftware `
- -Software []
-Get-CCMSoftware `
- -Package []
-Get-CCMSoftware `
- -Id []
-## Description
-Return information about each piece of software managed across all of your estate inside Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Get-CCMSoftware -Software 'VLC Media Player'
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Get-CCMSoftware -Package vlc
-**EXAMPLE 4**
-Get-CCMSoftware -Id 37
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Software <String>
-Return information about a specific piece of software by friendly name
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Package <String>
-Return information about a specific package
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Id <Int32>
-Return information about a specific piece of software by id
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | 0
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-CCMSoftware -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetDeploymentResult.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetDeploymentResult.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 591ab4b05f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/GetDeploymentResult.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Order: 180
-xref: get-deploymentresult
-Title: Get-DeploymentResult
-Description: Information about the Get-DeploymentResult function
-RedirectFrom: docs/get-deployment-result
-# Get-DeploymentResult
-Return the result of a Central Management Deployment
-## Syntax
-Get-DeploymentResult `
- -Deployment []
-## Description
-Return the result of a Central Management Deployment
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Get-CCMDeploymentResult -Name 'Google Chrome Upgrade'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The Deployment for which to return information
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Get-DeploymentResult -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ImportPDQDeployPackage.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ImportPDQDeployPackage.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eed8c64c6..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/ImportPDQDeployPackage.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Order: 190
-xref: import-pdqdeploypackage
-Title: Import-PDQDeployPackage
-Description: Information about the Import-PDQDeployPackage function
-RedirectFrom: docs/import-pdqdeploy-package
-# Import-PDQDeployPackage
-Imports a PDQ Deploy package as a Central Management Deployment
-## Syntax
-Import-PDQDeployPackage `
- -PdqXml []
-## Description
-Imports a PDQ Deploy package as a Central Management Deployment
-## Notes
-General notes
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -PdqXml <String>
-The pdq xml file to import
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Import-PDQDeployPackage -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/MoveCCMDeploymentToReady.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/MoveCCMDeploymentToReady.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b6e3628a..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/MoveCCMDeploymentToReady.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Order: 200
-xref: move-ccmdeploymenttoready
-Title: Move-CCMDeploymentToReady
-Description: Information about the Move-CCMDeploymentToReady function
-RedirectFrom: docs/move-ccmdeployment-to-ready
-# Move-CCMDeploymentToReady
-Moves a deployment to Ready state
-## Syntax
-Move-CCMDeploymentToReady `
- -Deployment []
-## Description
-Moves a Deployment to the Ready state so it can start
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Move-CCMDeploymentToReady -Deployment 'Upgrade Outdated VLC'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Move-CCMDeploymenttoReady -Deployment 'Complex Deployment'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The deployment to move
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Move-CCMDeploymentToReady -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d8412069e6..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Order: 210
-xref: new-ccmdeployment
-Title: New-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the New-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/new-ccmdeployment
-# New-CCMDeployment
-Create a new CCM Deployment Plan
-## Syntax
-New-CCMDeployment `
- -Name []
-## Description
-Creates a new CCM Deployment. This is just a shell. You'll need to add steps with New-CCMDeploymentStep.
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-New-CCMDeployment -Name 'This is awesome'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Name <String>
-The name for the deployment
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help New-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeploymentStep.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeploymentStep.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ac71bf3f2e..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMDeploymentStep.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-Order: 220
-xref: new-ccmdeploymentstep
-Title: New-CCMDeploymentStep
-Description: Information about the New-CCMDeploymentStep function
-RedirectFrom: docs/new-ccmdeployment-step
-# New-CCMDeploymentStep
-Adds a Deployment Step to a Deployment Plan
-## Syntax
-New-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Name `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] `
- -Type `
- -Script []
-New-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Name `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] `
- -Type `
- -ChocoCommand `
- -PackageName []
-New-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Name `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] `
- -Type []
-## Description
-Adds both Basic and Advanced steps to a Deployment Plan
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup WebServers -Type Basic -ChocoCommand upgrade -PackageName firefox
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup All,PowerShell -Type Advanced -Script { $process = Get-Process
->> Foreach($p in $process){
->> Write-Host $p.PID
->> }
->> Write-Host "end"
->> }
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup All,PowerShell -Type Advanced -Script {(Get-Content C:\script.txt)}
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The Deployment where the step will be added
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Name <String>
-The Name of the step
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -TargetGroup [<String[]>]
-The group(s) the step will target
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | @()
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ExecutionTimeoutSeconds [<String>]
-How long to wait for the step to timeout. Defaults to 14400 (4 hours)
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | 14400
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -FailOnError
-Fail the step if there is an error. Defaults to True
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | True
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -RequireSuccessOnAllComputers
-Ensure all computers are successful before moving to the next step.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ValidExitCodes [<String[]>]
-Valid exit codes your script can emit. Default values are: '0','1605','1614','1641','3010'
-Property | Value
----------------------- | ----------------------------------
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | @('0','1605','1614','1641','3010')
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Type <String>
-Either a Basic or Advanced Step
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ChocoCommand <String>
-Select from Install,Upgrade, or Uninstall. Used with a Simple step type.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -PackageName <String>
-The chocolatey package to use with a simple step.
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Script <ScriptBlock>
-A scriptblock your Advanced step will use
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help New-CCMDeploymentStep -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 317941276a..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/NewCCMOutdatedSoftwareReport.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Order: 230
-xref: new-ccmoutdatedsoftwarereport
-Title: New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-Description: Information about the New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport function
-RedirectFrom: docs/new-ccmoutdated-software-report
-# New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport
-Create a new Outdated Software Report in Central Management
-## Syntax
-New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport []
-## Description
-Create a new Outdated Software Report in Central Management
-## Notes
-Creates a new report named with a creation date timestamp in UTC format
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ced914276d..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-Order: 240
-xref: remove-ccmdeployment
-Title: Remove-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Remove-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/remove-ccmdeployment
-# Remove-CCMDeployment
-Removes a deployment plan
-## Syntax
-Remove-CCMDeployment `
- -Deployment `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Removes the Deployment Plan selected from a Central Management installation
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Remove-CCMDeployment -Name 'Super Complex Deployment'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Remove-CCMDeployment -Name 'Deployment Alpha' -Confirm:$false
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String[]>
-The Deployment to delete
-Property | Value
----------------------- | ------------------------------
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Remove-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeploymentStep.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeploymentStep.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bcdcd5bee..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMDeploymentStep.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Order: 250
-xref: remove-ccmdeploymentstep
-Title: Remove-CCMDeploymentStep
-Description: Information about the Remove-CCMDeploymentStep function
-RedirectFrom: docs/remove-ccmdeployment-step
-# Remove-CCMDeploymentStep
-Removes a deployment plan
-## Syntax
-Remove-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Step `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Removes the Deployment Plan selected from a Central Management installation
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Remove-CCMDeploymentStep -Name 'Super Complex Deployment' -Step 'Kill web services'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Remove-CCMDeploymentStep -Name 'Deployment Alpha' -Step 'Copy Files' -Confirm:$false
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The Deployment to remove a step from
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Step <String>
-The Step to remove
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Remove-CCMDeploymentStep -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroup.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c60145f88..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Order: 260
-xref: remove-ccmgroup
-Title: Remove-CCMGroup
-Description: Information about the Remove-CCMGroup function
-RedirectFrom: docs/remove-ccmgroup
-# Remove-CCMGroup
-Removes a CCM group
-## Syntax
-Remove-CCMGroup `
- [-Group ] `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Removes a group from Chocolatey Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Remove-CCMGroup -Group WebServers
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Remove-CCMGroup -Group WebServer,TestAppDeployment
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Remove-CCMGroup -Group PilotPool -Confirm:$false
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Group [<String[]>]
-The group(s) to delete
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Remove-CCMGroup -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroupMember.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroupMember.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a745ec522..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMGroupMember.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-Order: 270
-xref: remove-ccmgroupmember
-Title: Remove-CCMGroupMember
-Description: Information about the Remove-CCMGroupMember function
-RedirectFrom: docs/remove-ccmgroup-member
-# Remove-CCMGroupMember
-Remove a member from a Central Management Group
-## Syntax
-Remove-CCMGroupMember `
- -Group `
- -Member `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Remove a member from a Central Management Group
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Remove-CCMGroupMember -Group TestLab -Member TestPC1
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Group <String>
-The group you want to remove a member from
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Member <String>
-The member you want to remove
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Remove-CCMGroupMember -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMStaleDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMStaleDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c0af4032c..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/RemoveCCMStaleDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Order: 280
-xref: remove-ccmstaledeployment
-Title: Remove-CCMStaleDeployment
-Description: Information about the Remove-CCMStaleDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/remove-ccmstale-deployment
-# Remove-CCMStaleDeployment
-Removes stale CCM Deployments
-## Syntax
-Remove-CCMStaleDeployment `
- -Age `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Remove stale deployments from CCM based on their age and run status.
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Remove-StaleCCMDeployment -Age 30
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Age <String>
-The age in days to prune
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Remove-CCMStaleDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMDeploymentStep.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMDeploymentStep.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-Order: 290
-xref: set-ccmdeploymentstep
-Title: Set-CCMDeploymentStep
-Description: Information about the Set-CCMDeploymentStep function
-RedirectFrom: docs/set-ccmdeployment-step
-# Set-CCMDeploymentStep
-Modify a Deployment Step of a Central Management Deployment
-## Syntax
-Set-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Step `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] []
-Set-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Step `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] `
- -ChocoCommand `
- -PackageName []
-Set-CCMDeploymentStep `
- -Deployment `
- -Step `
- [-TargetGroup ] `
- [-ExecutionTimeoutSeconds ] `
- [-FailOnError] `
- [-RequireSuccessOnAllComputers] `
- [-ValidExitCodes ] `
- -Script []
-## Description
-Modify a Deployment Step of a Central Management Deployment
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Set-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment 'Google Chrome Upgrade' -Step 'Upgrade' -TargetGroup LabPCs -ExecutionTimeoutSeconds 14400 -ChocoCommand Upgrade -PackageName googlechrome
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-$stepParams = @{
- Deployment = 'OS Version'
- Step = 'Gather Info'
- TargetGroup = 'US-East servers'
- Script = { $data = Get-WMIObject win32_OperatingSystem
- [pscustomobject]@{
- Name = $data.caption
- Version = $data.version
- }
- }
-Set-CCMDeploymentStep @stepParams
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The Deployment to modify
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Step <String>
-The step to modify
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -TargetGroup [<String[]>]
-Set the target group of the deployment
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ExecutionTimeoutSeconds [<String>]
-Modify the execution timeout of the deployment in seconds
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -FailOnError
-Set the FailOnError flag for the deployment step
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -RequireSuccessOnAllComputers
-Set the RequreSuccessOnAllComputers for the deployment step
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ValidExitCodes [<String[]>]
-Set valid exit codes for the deployment
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -ChocoCommand <String>
-For a basic step, set the choco command to execute. Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -PackageName <String>
-For a basic step, the choco package to use in the deployment
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Script <ScriptBlock>
-For an advanced step, this is a script block of PowerShell code to execute in the step
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Set-CCMDeploymentStep -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMGroup.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMGroup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6129753f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMGroup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Order: 300
-xref: set-ccmgroup
-Title: Set-CCMGroup
-Description: Information about the Set-CCMGroup function
-RedirectFrom: docs/set-ccmgroup
-# Set-CCMGroup
-Change information about a group in Chocolatey Central Management
-## Syntax
-Set-CCMGroup `
- [-Group ] `
- [-NewName ] `
- [-NewDescription ] []
-## Description
-Change the name or description of a Group in Chocolatey Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Set-CCMGroup -Group Finance -Description 'Computers in the finance division'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Set-CCMGroup -Group IT -NewName TheBestComputers
-**EXAMPLE 3**
-Set-CCMGroup -Group Test -NewName NewMachineImaged -Description 'Group for freshly imaged machines needing a baseline package pushed to them'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Group [<String>]
-The Group to edit
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -NewName [<String>]
-The new name of the group
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 2
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -NewDescription [<String>]
-The new description of the group
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 3
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Set-CCMGroup -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMNotificationStatus.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMNotificationStatus.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c59c2e1499..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/SetCCMNotificationStatus.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Order: 310
-xref: set-ccmnotificationstatus
-Title: Set-CCMNotificationStatus
-Description: Information about the Set-CCMNotificationStatus function
-RedirectFrom: docs/set-ccmnotification-status
-# Set-CCMNotificationStatus
-Turn notifications on or off in CCM
-## Syntax
-Set-CCMNotificationStatus `
- -Enable []
-Set-CCMNotificationStatus `
- -Disable []
-## Description
-Manage your notification settings in Central Management. Currently only supports On, or Off
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Set-CCMNotificationStatus -Enable
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Set-CCMNotificationStatus -Disable
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Enable
-Enables notifications
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Disable
-Disables notifications
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | named
-Default Value | False
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Set-CCMNotificationStatus -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StartCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StartCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c52c76a5..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StartCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Order: 320
-xref: start-ccmdeployment
-Title: Start-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Start-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/start-ccmdeployment
-# Start-CCMDeployment
-Starts a deployment
-## Syntax
-Start-CCMDeployment `
- -Deployment []
-## Description
-Starts the specified deployment in Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Start-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade Outdated VLC'
-**EXAMPLE 2**
-Start-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Complex Deployment'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment <String>
-The deployment to start
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | true
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Start-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StopCCMDeployment.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StopCCMDeployment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3e0794cc..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/StopCCMDeployment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Order: 330
-xref: stop-ccmdeployment
-Title: Stop-CCMDeployment
-Description: Information about the Stop-CCMDeployment function
-RedirectFrom: docs/stop-ccmdeployment
-# Stop-CCMDeployment
-Stops a running CCM Deployment
-## Syntax
-Stop-CCMDeployment `
- [-Deployment ] `
- [-WhatIf] `
- [-Confirm] []
-## Description
-Stops a deployment current running in Central Management
-## Aliases
-## Examples
- **EXAMPLE 1**
-Stop-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'
-## Inputs
-## Outputs
-## Parameters
-### -Deployment [<String>]
-The deployment to Stop
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases |
-Required? | false
-Position? | 1
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -WhatIf
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | wi
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### -Confirm
-Property | Value
----------------------- | -----
-Aliases | cf
-Required? | false
-Position? | named
-Default Value |
-Accept Pipeline Input? | false
-### <CommonParameters>
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see `about_CommonParameters` https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216 .
-[Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `Import-Module "ChocoCCM" -Force; Get-Help Stop-CCMDeployment -Full`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 19562b01f6..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/functions/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Order: 30
-xref: chococcm-functions
-Title: Functions
-Description: All the functions that exist with the ChocoCCM PowerShell Module
-RedirectFrom: docs/choco-ccmfunction-reference
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8d92192e..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: chococcm
-Title: ChocoCCM
-Description: This is a PowerShell Modules which contains functions or communicating with the Chocolatey Central Management API
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/release-notes.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/release-notes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba3ebfe02..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/release-notes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: chococcm-release-notes
-Title: Release Notes
-Description: Release Notes for ChocoCCM
-OgImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-choco-ccm-og.png
-TwitterImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-choco-ccm-twitter.png
-# Chocolatey Release Notes - ChocoCCM
-## Summary
-This covers the release notes for the ChocoCCM PowerShell Module, which is available for installation from the [PowerShell Gallery](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ChocoCCM). For more information, installation options, etc, please refer to [ChocoCCM](xref:chococcm).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This PowerShell Module requires an installation of at least CCM v0.4.0 in order to be fully compatible.
-## 0.3.0 (September 8, 2022)
-### Improvement
-- Sign PowerShell Module Files - see [#73](https://github.com/chocolatey/ChocoCCM/issues/73)
-### Documentation
-- Add documentation around building and testing locally - see [#61](https://github.com/chocolatey/ChocoCCM/issues/61)
-## 0.2.0 (April 1, 2021)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Add-CCMGroup throws `HTTP 400` error
-- Fix - Add-CCMGroupMember throws `HTTP 400` error
-- Fix - Fetching Deployment Plan by ID fails when Deployment Plan is not in Draft or Ready state
-- Fix - Get-CCMGroupMember has incorrect URL
-- Fix - Export-CCMDeploymentReport is not exported by the module
-### Improvements
-- Added a new Remove-CCMGroup cmdlet to allow removal of a group
-- Added a new Remove-CCMGroupMember cmdlet to allow removal a computer or group from a CCM group
-- Added functionally to the Get-CCMDeploymentStep cmdlet to allow retrieval of Deployment Steps, results, and logs from a Deployment Step and its computers
-## 0.1.1 (December 4, 2020)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - New-CCMDeploymentStep Throws HTTP 400 Error
-- Fix - Not all functions are returning all objects by default
-## 0.1.0 (November 13, 2020)
-Initial preview release
-### Features
-- PowerShell functions are provided for interacting with the core entities within CCM via the Web API
- - Roles
- - Groups
- - Computers
- - Deployments
- - Outdated Software
- - Reports
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/setup.md b/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/setup.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/input/en-us/central-management/chococcm/setup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: chococcm-setup
-Title: Setup
-Description: How to setup the ChocoCCM PowerShell Module
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The ChocoCCM PowerShell Module requires an installation of at least CCM v0.4.0 in order to be fully compatible.
-## Installation
-To install the ChocoCCM PowerShell Module from the [PowerShell Gallery](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ChocoCCM) use the following command:
-Install-Module -Name ChocoCCM
-## Upgrade
-To upgrade to a newer version, when available from the [PowerShell Gallery](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ChocoCCM), run the following command:
-Update-Module -Name ChocoCCM
-## Available Functions
-Have a look at the [complete](xref:chococcm-functions) list of all available functions included within the ChocoCCM module.
-Or you can run the following command:
-Get-Command -Module ChocoCCM
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diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/faq.md b/input/en-us/central-management/faq.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5518fad4..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/faq.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Order: 50
-xref: ccm-faq
-Title: FAQs
-## Timezone FAQs
-### Why Doesn't Chocolatey Central Management Have My Timezone?
-Chocolatey Central Management uses the Windows install of its host to determine if a timezone is valid. If Windows does not know of a timezone, then it will not be made available.
-Some examples of timezones that may not appear:
-* `Qyzylorda Standard Time` does not appear in Windows Server 2016 until you install Windows Update [5031362](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-10-2023-kb5031362-os-build-14393-6351-0c6e713e-3d6a-4593-8a75-af0a605f249c) or later.
-* `Yukon Standard Time` does not appear in Windows Server 2016 until you install Windows Update [5031362](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-10-2023-kb5031362-os-build-14393-6351-0c6e713e-3d6a-4593-8a75-af0a605f249c) or later.
-* `South Sudan Standard Time` does not appear in Windows Server 2016 until you install [5031362](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-10-2023-kb5031362-os-build-14393-6351-0c6e713e-3d6a-4593-8a75-af0a605f249c) or later.
-### Why Did I Get a Notification That My Chosen Timezone is Invalid?
-Starting in Chocolatey Central Management version 0.12.0, if the chosen timezone is detected to be invalid, we will set it back to the default timezone and alert you through a notification. If you are an Administrator, you may additionally receive a notification that the system timezone was invalid.
-#### User Account Timezone is Invalid
-If you received the below notification, then it means that the timezone used for your user account was invalid, and has been set back to the default system timezone. You can pick your own default by clicking the user menu in the top right and selecting `My Settings`.
-![Example notification for a user configured timezone being invalid](/assets/images/ccm-manual/notifications/user-timezone-invalid.png)
-#### System Timezone is Invalid
-If you received the below notification, then it means that the system timezone was invalid, and has been set back to the default of `UTC`. You can adjust the default through the [Settings page](xref:ccm-administration-settings-general).
-![Example notification for a Chocolatey Central Management configured timezone being invalid](/assets/images/ccm-manual/notifications/system-timezone-invalid.png)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5aeda0ef..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-Order: 140
-xref: central-management
-Title: Chocolatey Central Management (CCM)
-Description: What is CCM?
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management
-Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) provides you insights across your desktop and endpoint environments. CCM is available with Chocolatey for Business only.
-Once installed and configured, you can use Chocolatey Central Management to:
-* Bring reporting to the organizational level
-* Quickly see all software across the organization and see what needs attention immediately
-* Create reports for tracking and auditing purposes
-* Manage endpoints with Deployment Plans through groups and collections
-![Central Management Logo](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/account/login/logo.png)
-This provides an overview on Chocolatey Central Management (CCM). It provides both setup and use of CCM.
-## Chocolatey Central Management Components
-The following are all of the Chocolatey components required for Chocolatey Central Management to work.
-* Chocolatey CLI (`chocolatey` package)
-* Chocolatey for Business (C4B) Edition.
-* Chocolatey Licensed Extension (`chocolatey.extension` package)
-* Chocolatey Agent (`chocolatey-agent` package)
-* Chocolatey Central Management Database (`chocolatey-management-database` package)
- * This deploys the Chocolatey Central Management database schema to a specified SQL Server instance.
-* Chocolatey Central Management Service (`chocolatey-management-service` package)
- * This installs the Chocolatey Central Management Service, which the Chocolatey Agent will communicate with.
-* Chocolatey Central Management Website (`chocolatey-management-web` package)
- * This is the Chocolatey Central Management front-end website that is the main user interface of the application.
-### Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix
-Chocolatey Central Management has specific needs that are mostly handled by packaging aspects. As the Chocolatey Agent and Chocolatey Central Management communicate with each other, there are some versions that may not be compatible with each other due to mistakes or fixes that needed to be implemented. This serves as a means of capturing that for you.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Central Management packages (all three) are treated as a singular unit, meaning that they all must be on the same version across one or more machines. Using different versions of Chocolatey Central Management packages is unsupported and will likely not work properly.
-|Chocolatey Central Management|Chocolatey Agent|Chocolatey Licensed Extension|Chocolatey|
-|0.10.0 |1.1.0+ | 4.2.0+ | 1.1.0+ |
-|0.9.0 |1.0.0+ | 4.1.1+ | 1.1.0+ |
-|0.8.0 |0.13.0+ | 3.2.0+ | 0.12.0+ |
-|0.7.0 |0.11.0+ | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.6.x |0.11.0+ | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.5.x |0.11.0+ | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.4.0 |0.11.0+ | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.3.x |0.11.0+ | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.2.x |0.10.x | 2.1.0+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.1.1 |0.9.x | 2.0.3+ | 0.10.15+ |
-|0.1.0 |0.9.x | 2.0.0+ | 0.10.12+ |
-## Getting Chocolatey Central Management
-Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) is only available for Chocolatey for Business (C4B) customers. If you are a C4B customer, you can head to the install components section:
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client)
-If you are not a customer yet, you can [reach out for a trial](https://chocolatey.org/contact/trial).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Trials are limited to organizations. If you are personally wanting to work with CCM and other C4B components, you can purchase a C4B starter pack - see [pricing](https://chocolatey.org/pricing).
-## Stay Up To Date
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Release Notes](xref:ccm-release-notes)
-* [Release Announcements Only Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/group/chocolatey-announce)
-## Links
-### Setup / Installation
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup)
- * [Chocolatey Central Management Database Setup](xref:ccm-database)
- * [Chocolatey Central Management Service Setup](xref:ccm-service)
- * [Chocolatey Central Management Web Setup](xref:ccm-website)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client)
-### Setup / Upgrade
-* [Upgrading Chocolatey Central Management](xref:ccm-upgrade)
-### Using Chocolatey Central Management
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Computers](xref:ccm-computers)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Software](xref:ccm-software)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Groups](xref:ccm-groups)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Deployments](xref:ccm-deployments)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Reports](xref:ccm-reports)
-![Chocolatey Central Management Overview](/assets/images/ccm-manual/screens-mockup.jpg)
-### Chocolatey Central Management API
-* [Chocolatey Central Management API](xref:ccm-api)
-### ChocoCCM Powershell Module
-* [ChocoCCM Module](xref:chococcm)
-## Related Articles
-* [Chocolatey For Business Quick Start Guide(QSG)](xref:c4b-quick-start-guide)
-* [Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment](xref:c4b-azure)
-## Roadmap
-* [Chocolatey Central Management Development Roadmap](xref:roadmap#chocolatey-central-management)
-## FAQs
-### How do I take advantage of Chocolatey Central Management?
-You must have a [Business edition of Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/compare). Business editions are great for organizations that need to manage the total software lifecycle.
-### I'm a licensed customer, now what?
-See [Getting Chocolatey Central Management](#getting-ccm).
-### Will this become available for lower editions of Chocolatey?
-Chocolatey Central Management will only be available in Chocolatey for Business (C4B).
-### What's the minimum version of the Chocolatey packages I need to use Chocolatey Central Management?
-See [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](#chocolatey-central-management-component-compatibility-matrix).
-### Where can I find all the log files for Chocolatey Central Management
-Chocolatey Central Management is made up of a number of components, so there will be a few possible places to find the log files, which you may be asked for when engaging with support.
-* The Chocolatey Central Management Website log file located at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data\Logs\ccm-website.log`. If you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data\Logs\Logs.txt`.
-* The Chocolatey Central Management service log file is located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`. If you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-* The Chocolatey Agent log file is located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\chocolatey-agent.log`. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Agent prior to 0.10.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service\logs\chocolatey-agent.log`.
-### Where can I find the changelog or release notes for Chocolatey Central Management?
-Please see [Central Management Release Notes](xref:ccm-release-notes).
-### How do I get support?
-Please run `choco support` from a licensed edition and follow the instructions.
-### How do I set up Chocolatey Central Management?
-* As part of our [Chocolatey for Business Quick Start Guide](xref:c4b-quick-start-guide)
-* As part of our [Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment](xref:c4b-azure)
-* By following the [Chocolatey Central Management Setup Docs](xref:ccm-setup)
-### If I update the license file, do I need to restart my services and web?
-Yes, you do need to restart the agents, the service, and the web to pick up the license. Here's a handy script:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-For your agent machines:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Computers checking in are overwriting each other
-You are generating machines from a base image that already had Chocolatey commercial code on it. This is okay, but you need to remove the Chocolatey Machine Id Guid, which is used to identify a machine as unique.
-When the licensed agent service is installed on a machine, a unique machine id is given to the machine. If you are starting from a template, there is no opportunity for that to be different and when those machines start checking in, they will start overwriting each other.
-Basically you need to go find the machine id at `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Chocolatey\` (`UniqueId`) and remove it as part of your image deployment mechanism.
-Write-Host "Removing Chocolatey Unique Machine GUID"
-Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Chocolatey" -Name "UniqueId" -Force
-# Restart the Agent Service if it is running
-Once you've removed this, you'll need to restart the Agent Service to get it regenerated.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You may **also** need to remove the ChocolateyLocalAdmin user (if you are using it for services) and reinstall the Agent service (and CCM service if on this machine) to get that password corrected.
-### An Internal error occurred during your request
-Check the log files. You may have incorrect database access, but most likely it can come because you didn't follow the steps for setup appropriately.
-### System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name
-This means you are upgrading things out of order. Please make sure your database is upgraded first, then the service, then the web.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/release-notes.md b/input/en-us/central-management/release-notes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e846092c7..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/release-notes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-release-notes
-Title: Release Notes
-Description: Release Notes for Chocolatey Central Management
-OgImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-central-management-og.png
-TwitterImage: https://img.chocolatey.org/social-share/release-notes-chocolatey-central-management-twitter.png
-RedirectFrom: docs/release-notes-central-management
-# Chocolatey Release Notes - Chocolatey Central Management
-## Summary
-This covers the release notes for the Chocolatey Central Management (`chocolatey-management-database`, `chocolatey-management-service`, and `chocolatey-management-web`) packages, which covers Central Management server-side functionality. For more information, installation options, etc, please refer to [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management).
-- Installation - [Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup)
-- Upgrade - [Central Management Upgrade](xref:ccm-upgrade)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This package is available to Chocolatey for Business (C4B) customers only.
-## Other Release Notes
-- Refer to [Open Source Release Notes](xref:floss-release-notes) as commercial editions build on top of open source.
-- Chocolatey for Business (C4B) customers - also refer to [Chocolatey Licensed Extension Release Notes](xref:licensed-extension-release-notes) and [Chocolatey Agent Release Notes](xref:agent-release-notes).
-## Known Issues
-- Please see our [GitHub repository issues](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/labels/CentralManagement).
-## 0.12.1 (May 23, 2024)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Duplicated Deployment Step reports created for unreachable and unresponsive computers.
-## 0.12.0 (November 29, 2023)
-Read our [blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2023/11/central-management-0.12.0-released/) about this release.
-### Features
-- Provide ability to create a Deployment Plan for a single outdated package on all affected Computers.
-- Provide ability to create a Deployment Plan for all outdated packages on all Computers.
-- Provide ability to create an empty Deployment Plan directly for a specific Computer - see [Licensed #259](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/259).
-- Provide ability to create a Deployment Plan for all outdated packages for a single Computer - see [Licensed #281](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/281).
-- Provide ability to duplicate an existing Group.
-- Provide ability to create an empty Deployment Plan directly for a specific Group.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - The ability to impersonate other users should be removed - see [Licensed #318](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/318).
-- Fix - Unnecessary permissions should not be present in the `Edit Roles` and `Permissions` modal windows.
-- Fix - Notification about a scheduled Deployment Plan failing to start uses incorrect date format.
-- Fix - Inconsistent presentation of Export and Action buttons across pages.
-- Fix - Missing TimeZone setting for users in Colombia - (UTC - 05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco - see [Licensed #356](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/356).
-- Fix - The HTTP error page of the Chocolatey Central Management Website does not use standard styling.
-- Fix - Ensure colors for the "yes/no" badges are consistent on various tables across the website.
-- Fix - Encryption Settings information callout is dismissible when it shouldn't be.
-- Fix - Password reset link no longer displays an "invalid link" message after updating the Encryption Passphrase.
-- Fix - Tables should retain the current page when refreshed automatically.
-- Fix - The casing of the word for product "Excel" is incorrect on all export buttons.
-- Fix - Names of Deployment Steps can cause an overflow on some modal windows.
-- Fix - Action buttons on tables that only contain one option are hidden.
-- Fix - Existing configuration stored in the `appsettings.json` file are not respected when upgrading either the Chocolatey Central Management Database or Service packages.
-- Fix - Elements on page overlap when a Passphrase is required to be reset by an Admin.
-### Improvements
-- Provide ability to have a Group Details screen.
-- Provide ability to automatically fetch updated information for main Deployment Plan page.
-- Provide ability to see information about the last refreshed time for Dashboard.
-- Provide ability to see the number of Computers that have specific Software installed - see [Licensed #231](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/231).
-- Provide ability to duplicate a Deployment Step within a Deployment Plan - see [Licensed #332](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/332).
-- Information about the number of ready/active Deployment Plans is available within the Dashboard page.
-- Reporting - Truncate all Excel sheet names to required 31-char limit.
-- Use Windows standard naming for all timezones - see [Licensed #325](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/325).
-- Add an item to the Dashboard page to show the number of Computers that have not recently reported into Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Shorten generated names for Deployment Steps to remove redundant "Deployment Step" prefix.
-### Documentation
-- Normalize wording for Deployment Plan and Deployment Step in the user interface.
-## 0.11.0 (September 18, 2023)
-Read our [blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2023/09/central-management-0.11.0-released/) about this release.
-### Features
-- Add the ability to import and export Deployment Plan definitions.
-- Add the ability to export the installed software from a computer to packages.config file - see [Licensed #355](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/355).
-- Add retention policies for completed and archived Deployment Plans.
-- Add computers reporting into Chocolatey Central Management to an 'All Computers' group.
-- Add the ability to send email notifications when a Deployment Plan has finished - see [Licensed #328](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/328).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - On the Deployment Step Details screen, when showing the contents of the log, the error highlighting doesn't extend to the total available width.
-- Fix - When viewing the log for a Deployment Step, the text disappears from the `Copy` button when the mouse is hovered over it.
-- Fix - Errors are reported in the Deployment Step Details log when no errors have occurred.
-- Fix - Audit log retention does not clean up old log entries - see [Licensed #336](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/336).
-### Improvements
-- Add an option to provide a default value for the `executionTimeoutInSeconds` setting, which will be used for all new Deployment Steps.
-- Ensure a Computer's `ComputerName` and `FriendlyName` properties are in separate fields when the API returns data.
-- Move the `Action` button to the first column in all tables.
-- Reinstate the `Return To Deployment Plans` button when editing a Deployment Plan.
-- Remove the ability to assign a User the `ChocoAdmin` Role.
-- Update email templates for consistency.
-## 0.10.1 (October 6, 2022)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Reporting - Internal error shown when exporting individual software report to excel - see [Licensed #323](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/323)
-- Deployments - Recurring Deployment Plans are missing Deployment Steps - see [Licensed #322](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/322)
-- API - GetComputerForView method result missing creationTime - see [Licensed #321](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/321)
-- Multi-Factor Authentication - Email verification can be enabled while SMTP settings have not been configured
-- Website - Ensure builtin accounts' default email addresses are not resolvable
-## 0.10.0 (August 30, 2022)
-### Features
-- Added recurring Deployment Plans.
-- Add ability to duplicate an existing Deployment Plan.
-- Retention Policies - Automatically delete a computer that hasn't reported in for a configurable period of time. This defaults to 365 days.
-- Implement a dark/light mode.
-- API - Add a way to query licensed machine count - see [Licensed #272](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/272).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Auditing data may be lost in the database when some entries are updated.
- - Editing a Group, Software, or Computer would erase the user who created it and the time it was created. As part of this fix, entries without that information will set the creating user to the user who last modified it.
-- Fix - API - Exception when retrieving a Deployment Plan from the `GetDeploymentPlanForView` method.
-- Fix - The creation time on the Notifications table was incorrect.
-- Fix - Excel and PDF Reports incorrectly show the time in UTC and not the local time zone.
-- Fix - Non-administrative users cannot view the Login Attempts section.
-- Fix - API - Group statistics were not updated when adding ComputerGroups / GroupGroups via the API.
-### Improvements
-- Computers tab should display Group enrolment - see [Licensed #223](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/223).
-- Creating a Deployment Plan and then clicking Cancel without adding steps or saving once should remove the Deployment Plan entirely.
-- Add the Deployment Plan name to its Step Details pages.
-- Add visual indicators that editing/adding/removing Deployment Steps is disabled when the Deployment Plan schedule is outdated.
-- Add option of `--version` and `--pre` for a Basic Deployment Step.
-- Send email notifications when a scheduled Deployment Plan fails to start.
-- Warn when Chocolatey license is due to expire.
-- Remember the specified value for Show Entries dropdown on tables.
-- Replace loading animation.
-- Require new user passwords to be at least 6 characters long.
-- Add option for email 2FA as part of authentication - see [Licensed #300](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/300).
-- Uninstalling chocolatey-management-web should remove IIS Website and Application Pool.
-- Add additional auditing fields for Deployments.
-## 0.9.0 (June 15, 2022)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The dependencies of all the Chocolatey Central Management packages (`chocolatey-management-database`, `chocolatey-management-service`, and `chocolatey-management-web`) have changed in this release. This is to allow the installation of .NET 6.0, which is now a requirement to run Chocolatey Central Management.
-> In addition to the above, all the Chocolatey Central Management packages now make use of the commercial cmdlets, which means that these packages _have_ to be installed on a correctly licensed machine. [Further information about why we have enabled this can be found on our blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2021/09/chocolatey-licensed-changes-restricted-to-licensed-nodes/)
-> Finally, support for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 has been removed. Any attempt to install one of the Chocolatey Central Management packages against one of these instances will results in an error. [Further information about this change can be found in our blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2022/06/ccm-090-remove-sqlserver2008-support/)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Add support for .NET 6.0 to all Chocolatey Central Management components
- - As a result, the dependencies for all of the Chocolatey Central Management packages have changed
-- Update all Chocolatey Central Management packages to make use of commercial cmdlets and license validation
- - This will mean that installation of the Chocolatey Central Management packages has to happen on a correctly licensed machine. [Further information about why we have enabled this can be found on our blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2021/09/chocolatey-licensed-changes-restricted-to-licensed-nodes/)
-- Remove support for SQL Server 2008
- - [Further information about this change can be found in our blog post](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2022/06/ccm-090-remove-sqlserver2008-support/)
-### Features
-- Add ability to update the "Friendly Name" of a computer via the API - see [Licensed #285](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/285)
-- Provide ability to ensure that all Chocolatey Central Management Chocolatey packages are not being installed to either SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 instance
-### Bug Fixes
-- Ensure that it is possible to hide links from login page when new user registration is disabled - see [Licensed #270](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/270)
-- Ensure that no error is caused when viewing a large response from the website
-- Ensure that the `chocolatey-management-web` Chocolatey package can be internalized using Package Internalizer
-### Improvements
-- [Security] Remove usage of `morris.js` due to security vulnerability
-- Add ability for the CCM Admin Role, by default, to be able to edit a computer - see [Licensed #217](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/217)
-- Add ability to see the "Friendly Name" assigned to a computer across other areas of Chocolatey Central Management - see [Licensed #221](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/221)
-- Add colorization to the Deployment Plan / Step screens to show overall result in detail pages
-- Remove "Show Log" button from Deployment Step details page for a computer with a result reason of "Unreachable"
-- Provide ability to navigate to software screen from the KPI dashboard screen - see [Licensed #282](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/282)
-## 0.8.0 (February 28, 2022)
-### Features
-- Ensure that a Deployment Step specifies whether it contains sensitive variables in the script that's to be run.
-- Enhanced communication contracts that are used when communicating with Chocolatey Agent.
-- Store the database package version number in a database table.
-### Bug Fixes
-- [Security] Fix - ASP.NET Core anti-forgery cookie doesn't use the secure flag.
-- Fix - High memory/CPU consumption when there are lots of Computers/Software/Deployment Plans being used.
-### Improvements
-- Disable updating of related group information when it is not needed as computers are reporting in.
-## 0.7.0 (November 17, 2021)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Additional steps required to change LDAP and SMTP passwords.
- -The LDAP and SMTP password is no longer present on the page so cannot be inspected.
- - We've added an additional step for confirmation of the passwords.
-- Encryption passphrase is required.
- - To enhance the security of sensitive fields in the database we require the encryption passphrase to be set to a value you provide.
- - When any user with the CCM Administrator role logs in they will be redirected to the Settings page where the passphrase can be changed.
- - The passphrase change can be deferred but on the 5th login it will be required to set this passphrase before any other changes can be made.
- - Users who are not a member of the CCM Administrator role will only be shown a warning that the passphrase needs to be changed and to contact their Administrator to do so.
- - The links provided in email activation or password reset emails that were sent prior to the passphrase change will no longer be valid. The user clicking the link will be directed to a page where they can request them again.
-### Improvements
-- Web - Ability to add sensitive variables to advanced PowerShell Deployment Steps - see [documentation](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/usage/website/sensitive-variables)
-- API - Hide token API endpoints from Swagger documentation.
-- Web - Update jQuery dependency - see [Licensed #271](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/271).
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - CCM - Sensitive package parameters shown in database & Deployment Step page - see [Licensed #267](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/267).
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.6.3 (September 23, 2021)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Processing of message queue does not complete when an invalid XML file is located - see [Licensed #266](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/266)
-- Fix - When the "Only one concurrent login per user" setting is enabled, users are locked out of CCM Web UI - see [Licensed #260](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/260)
-- Fix - Error shown when navigating to certain pages within the CCM Web UI - see [Licensed #262](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/262)
-- Fix - Users are unable to change IsOutdated status for software entries within CCM Web UI - see [Licensed #264](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/264)
-- Fix - Users are unable to delete a piece of software within CCM Web UI - see [Licensed #261](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/261)
-- Fix - Incorrect total number of affected instances within Outdated Software Details Report Details - see [Licensed #265](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/265)
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.6.2 (August 26, 2021)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Service - Method to determine correct SSL certificate to use between CCM Service installation script and execution is inconsistent
-- Fix - Service - Exceptions thrown during CCM Service startup do not halt internal service tasks
-- Fix - Service - CCM Service log file does not contain full error information - see [Licensed #247](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/247)
-- Fix - Service - Unnecessary/unhelpful log messages are added to the CCM Service log file
-- Fix - Web - Upgrading CCM Website package doesn't complete successfully due to locked files
-- Fix - Web - Upgrading CCM Website package doesn't ensure creation of required configuration in appsettings.json file
-- Fix - Web - Upgrading CCM Website package doesn't ensure creation of required configuration in web.config file
-- Fix - Web - Unable to "see" newly created Outdated Software Report when there are greater than 10 reports
-- Fix - Web - Incorrect total number of Outdated Software Reports displayed
-- Fix - Database - Unable to install 0.6.0/0.6.1 database package when IIS is not installed - see [Licensed #248](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/248)
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.6.1 (August 5, 2021)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Service - Unable to install chocolatey-management-service package under certain conditions - see [Licensed #242](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/242)
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.6.0 (August 3, 2021)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Audit Retention
- - By default, Audit Logs generated within CCM will now be kept for 30 days, after which they will be removed
- - This can be [changed](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/setup/website#step-4.5-audit-retention) within the Administration | Settings screen of the CCM Web Application
- - If you wish to retain all your current audit logs, we recommend that you back up the AbpAuditLogs table prior to upgrading to this release
-### Improvements
-- All CCM Components have been updated to use .NET Core 3.1 which is supported until [December 2022](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/support/policy/dotnet-core). Previous versions of CCM used NET Core 2.2 which Microsoft ended support for in [December 2019](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/support/policy/dotnet-core)
-- Due to this update, the CCM Website now uses the in-process hosting model within IIS. This is enabled by [default starting with ASP.NET Core 3.0](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/iis/in-process-hosting?view=aspnetcore-5.0#enable-in-process-hosting).
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.5.1 (April 12, 2021)
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Service - Unable to process Deployment Step report messages that contain invalid XML characters - see [Licensed #216](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/216)
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.5.0 (March 25, 2021)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Deployments - Provide better resiliency when handling large numbers of computers within a Deployment Plan - see [Licensed #212](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/212)
-Previously, while not recommended, the CCM Service could be run as a user with non-administrative rights on the machine, as long as certain permissions were provided to the user. Going forward, there is now a strict requirement that the user that is running the CCM Service has administrative rights on the machine. This is needed to ensure reliability of messages delivered into the CCM Service.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Web - No data is returned when logged into the website with FIPS compliant checksums enabled on the hosting server - see [Licensed #167](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/167)
-### Improvements
-- Installation - CCM Chocolatey Package scripts have been authenticode signed
-### Release Video
-A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:
-## 0.4.0 (November 6, 2020)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Deployments - Machine contact timeout now defaults to infinite (0) to allow for semi-connected environments
-Previously this value was set to a constant value of 20 and not configurable. To revert to previous behaviour, set the machine contact timeout in minutes value for a given Deployment Step to 20.
-### Features
-- Deployment Scheduling
- - Scheduled Deployment Plans allows for starting a Deployment Plan at some point in the future
- - Maintenance Windows - Ability to specify date and time for when no more computers within a Deployment Step can start
-- API - Swagger UI allows visualization and interaction with all CCM API operations - see [Licensed #183](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/183)
-- Long Running Deployments - Enables support for semi-connected computers
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Deployments - Computers marked unreachable should not be picked up in future steps in same Deployment Plan
-- Fix - Deployments - Adding distinct groups that share computers to a Deployment Plan results in duplicated computers within Deployment Steps
-- Fix - Web - Authentication of external user (i.e. LDAP) fails when no email address is configured for user - see [Licensed #181](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/181)
-- Fix - Database - Unable to upgrade database when user specific permissions (i.e. instead of assigning a role to a user) for CCM are used for any user
-- Fix - Deployments - Execution timeout of infinite (0) for a Deployment Step is not being respected when querying for timed out computers
-- Fix - Deployments - Machine contact timeout for Deployment Step is not being respected, Deployment Step incorrectly wait indefinitely (due to changes in v0.3.1)
-- Fix - Web - Real time notifications never reach CCM Web UI
-- Fix - Web - Notifications page has no way to see entire notification
-### Improvements
-- Deployments - Handle Deployment Step activation order properly when the same computer is in multiple Deployment Plans that are active at the same time
-- Service - Configuration - Provide clarity in log messages when salt additive configuration values are misconfigured
-- Deployments - Round percentage complete values on report pages while Deployment Step is in progress
-- Deployments - Auto-refresh Deployment Plan report pages
-## 0.3.1 (October 5, 2020)
-### Bug FIxes
-- Fix - Database - Upgrade fails when passing database parameters due to incorrect cmdlet name - see [Licensed #161](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/161)
-- Fix - Service Install - Ensure that existing certificate is located in TrustedPeople certificate store
-- Fix - Service Install - Netsh Entries Incorrectly Parsed ("Cannot index into a null array") when installing in different locales - see [Licensed #174](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/174)
-- Fix - Web - Invalid LDAP credentials/URL should not prevent login for ccmadmin user
-- Fix - Deployments - Start Date Time for Deployment Step is overwritten when Step is marked as inconclusive
-- Fix - Deployments - Switching from Basic to Advanced script without providing package name causes validation errors - see [Licensed #164](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/164)
-### Improvements
-- Service Install - Allow skipping certificate binding with package parameter /SkipCertificateBinding
-- Include CreationTime property on Deployment Plan entity - useful when querying via CCM API
-- Web - Deployments UI - Add Deployment Step modal window should default to basic view
-## 0.3.0 (June 25, 2020)
-### Breaking Changes
-- Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0 will only work with Chocolatey Agent v0.11.0+. Upgrade order doesn't matter as you'll need to be on CCM v0.3.0 and Agent v0.11.0 before things start working again. See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix.
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Service - Communication with Chocolatey Agent fails on Incorrect Passphrase - see [Licensed #152](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/152)
-- Fix - Web - Do not recreate website w/bindings on upgrade - see [Licensed #156](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/156)
-## 0.2.0 (June 18, 2020)
-Deployments Release - we are excited to bring about managing remote machines with [Central Management Deployments](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2020/05/announcing-deployments/) coming in this release! There are quite a few things we've brought into the initial release and we think you'll agree that it is a powerful, yet easy to use interface. Read [the announcement.](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2020/05/announcing-deployments/). We've also overhauled the documentation to make it understandable and approachable. Please see https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/central-management/.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Log locations have changed. Please see [Central Management FAQs](xref:central-management#faqs) for more information.
-### Features
-- [Central Management Deployments](https://blog.chocolatey.org/2020/05/announcing-deployments/):
- - Create target groups to deploy to
- - Create a Deployment Plan with one or more Steps
- - Each step can target multiple groups, and different groups in each step if desired
- - Script a Chocolatey package
- - With additional permissions, run a full PowerShell script instead
- - Choose how failures in each step are handled
- - Reorder steps
- - Control permissions on who can deploy Chocolatey packages and who can run full scripts
- - See progress on active Deployment Plans
- - View logs for computers that executed a Deployment Step
- - Report on completed Deployment Plans including exporting to PDF for sharing with executive staff
-### Bug Fixes
-- [Security] Fix - Framework does not encrypt LDAP Password in the database - see [licensed #144](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/144)
-- Fix - Service - Error on installation when providing existing certificate: Cannot index into a null array - see [licensed #143](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/143)
-- Fix - Web - Do not enable recaptcha by default for site registration - see [licensed #128](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/128)
-- Fix - Web - Create/Edit Computer and Software modals are not saving changes - see [licensed #125](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/125)
-- Fix - Web - Remove default permission to edit software and computers
-- Fix - Web - Restrict What Can Be Created or Edited For Computers and Software
-- Fix - Web - Deleted/Hidden items are still being used for counts for paging purposes in Software
-- Fix - Web - The license count looks clickable at times when it is not clickable
-- Fix - Web - After installation of CCM, doing an iisreset breaks the site
-- Fix - All - Monitoring chocolatey.config for changes could potentially lock the file from being written to by choco
-- Fix - All - Logging - CCM service not responding to calls and stops logging after choco configuration file is edited
-- Fix - Service - Changing CentralManagementServiceUrl value in chocolatey.config causes running management service to crash
-### Improvements
-- Web - Allow removing computers as a default permission for ccmadmin role - see [licensed #133](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/133)
-- Service - On install/upgrade, write out the FQDN and link to provide to chocolatey agents
-- Logging - Service and DB Migrator should log to the root logs folder of Chocolatey Installation
-- All - Logging - Adjust format to match closer with other Chocolatey log file formats
-- Service - Set higher encryption when available (TLS 1.2)
-- Database Install - Add `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` parameter to skip permissions check - see [licensed #147](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/147)
-- Trial licenses that do not include counts will allow 100 licenses - see [licensed #140](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/140)
-## 0.1.1 (January 30, 2020)
-### Bug Fixes
-- [Security] Fix - Database - Don't emit Connection String information to log file
-- [Security] Fix - Web - Add missing ability to use Active Directory (LDAP) for authentication
-- Fix - Web - Error on installation 'HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler "aspNetCore" has a bad module "AspNetCoreModule" in its module list' - see [Licensed #114](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/114)
-- Fix - Service - Unable to parse netsh entries that contain hostname:port bindings - see [Licensed #96](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/96)
-- Fix - Web - When setting SMTP configuration the SSL checkbox status is being ignored - see [Licensed #87](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/87)
-- Fix - Service - "The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large." - see [Licensed #95](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/95)
-- Fix - Service - Unable to install CCM service with less than PowerShell v5 due to error on New-Guid cmdlet
-- Fix - Web - Time discrepancy between Computers and Computer details - see [Licensed #97](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/97)
-- Fix - Web - Remove ability to brand sections of CCM for now as it wasn't meant to be there yet and doesn't work
-- Fix - Service - Unable to uninstall chocolatey-management-service due to incorrect name in package uninstall script
-- Fix - Web - License count information is not being displayed correctly (e.g. 90 / n/a) - see [Licensed #80](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/80)
-- Fix - Service - IP Address of Computer is not updating - see [Licensed #86](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/86)
-- Fix - Web - Unable to upload a profile picture for user
-- Fix - Web - Hovering over tooltips in Internet Explorer causes the page to jump
-- Fix - Web - Clicking the Chocolatey icon in top left-hand corner opens new tab
-- Fix - Web - Website Logs are not appearing the in Maintenance Tab
-- Fix - All - Move from DEBUG level reporting by default to INFO level reporting to reduce amount of logging
-- Fix - Web - Improve wording in email templates and ensure consistent naming is used
-### Improvements
-- Database - Check whether provided SQL Server connection string actually works prior to starting installation
-- Web - Optimize/Reduce Size of Chocolatey package by removing unnecessary files - see [Licensed #62](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/62)
-- All - Show a warning when no package parameters are passed when initially installing CCM packages
-- All - Show a warning during installation when provided SQL Server connection string doesn't provide an explicit user/password to connect with
-- Service - Adjust logs to provide more appropriate information for normal operations
-- Web - Autofocus on new password text box on password change screen
-## 0.1.0 (May 22, 2019)
-Initial preview release
-### Features
-- Reports - Ability to view and generate report (Excel/PDF) for all currently outdated software
-- Dashboard - Provide a dashboard screen with key KPI values
-- Overview - Show number of machines checking into CCM and compare to number currently licensed
-### Bug Fixes
-- Fix - Packaging - Before upgrading Web Package ensure that dotnet process isn't running
-- Fix - Web Site - Ensure that minified versions of all assets are used
-- Fix - Web Site - Ensure consistent Date/Time Formatting used everywhere
-- Fix - Web Site - Corrected duplicate display of search input box on some screens
-- Fix - Web Site - Error when attempting to sort by any column in table on Computer Details screen
-- Fix - Web Site - Error when attempting to sort by Name or Package Title column in table on Software screen
-- Fix - Web Site - Tab does not sort by outdated first on Software screen
-- Fix - Web Site - Timezone modification doesn't provide useful information to user
-- Fix - Web Site - Only show Software that is installed on at least one machine
-- Fix - Web Site - Excel Export generates errors when DateTime values are included
-- Fix - Versioning - Ensure correct version number is stamped on all generated assemblies
-- Fix - Service - Correct usage of default port number, which should be 24020
-- Fix - Service - New-SelfSignedCertificate usage doesn't work on earlier PowerShell versions
-- Fix - Service - Ensure correct error handling for incorrect/missing SQL Server credentials
-- Fix - Database - Ensure SQL Server 2008 support
-- Fix - Database - Migrator doesn't exit with non-zero exit code when there is an error
-- Fix - Installation - Ensure usage of FQDN for all components
-### Improvements
-- Logging - Provided better logging during Service Certificate installation
-- Installation - Verify and usage persisted appsettings.json file during upgrade
-- Installation - Reduce issues unpacking web package by shortening paths in packaging
-- Uninstallation - Remove modifications that were done as part of installation
-- Database - Don't attempt to seed database tables every time application starts
-- Packaging - Removed unnecessary files from package, making it much smaller
-- Packaging - Added required dependencies to packages
-- Packaging - Add information about available installation parameters to package description
-- Service - Allow modification of configuration settings without the need to restart Windows Service
-## 0.1.0-beta-20181009 (October 9, 2018)
-### Features
-- [Security] Installation - Provide encryption for all persisted configuration data
-- [Security] Installation - Sign all PowerShell Scripts and assemblies shipped as part of release
-- [Security] Web Site - Provide full RBAC to site and API
-- Audit - Provide ability to list all computers that are currently in use across environment
-- Audit - Provide ability to list all software that is currently installed across environment
-- Reports - Ability to view and generate report (Excel/PDF) for all currently installed software
-- Reports - Ability to view and generate report (Excel/PDF) for all computers currently in use
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/client.md b/input/en-us/central-management/setup/client.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 12eba525d8..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/client.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: ccm-client
-Title: Client
-Description: How to setup client machines to report into CCM
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup-client
-This will guide us through getting an agent installed and configured to check into Chocolatey Central Management and to be set up for handling deployment tasks.
-## Setup
-### Step 1: Install Chocolatey Agent
-First you need Chocolatey Agent installed. As there may be some steps involved with the install of the agent, please see [Chocolatey Agent Setup](xref:setup-agent).
-### Step 2: Update Configuration
-At a minimum you need the following items set to be able to have a Chocolatey Agent be "opted-in" for both checking into Chocolatey Central Management and Deployments:
-choco config set --name CentralManagementServiceUrl --value https://:24020/ChocolateyManagementService
-choco feature enable --name="'useChocolateyCentralManagement'"
-# Requires Chocolatey Licensed Extension v2.1.0+, Chocolatey-Agent v0.10.0+, and Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.0+:
-choco feature enable --name="'useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The Chocolatey Agent installed on the same machine that has the CCM Service installed will share the `centralManagementServiceUrl` setting, so that agent can only report into that CCM Service.
-Please see config settings and features below for a full list.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> As these features have security considerations as it is enabling cross-machine communication, they must be turned on explicitly.
-> If you decide you want to open this up for over the internet communication, you should also set `centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` and `centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` - see [Configuration](#config-settings) below.
-#### Config Settings
-* `centralManagementServiceUrl` = **' '** - The URL that should be used to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management. It should look something like https://servicemachineFQDN:24020/ChocolateyManagementService. See [FQDN usage](xref:ccm#fqdn-usage). Defaults to '' (empty). Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementReportPackagesTimerIntervalInSeconds` = **'1800'** - Amount of time, in seconds, between each execution of the background service to report installed and outdated packages to Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to '1800'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementReceiveTimeoutInSeconds` = **'30'** - The amount of time, in seconds, that the background agent should wait to receive information from Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to '30'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementSendTimeoutInSeconds` = **'30'** - The amount of time, in seconds, that the background agent should wait to send information to Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to '30'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementCertificateValidationMode` = **'PeerOrChainTrust'** - The certificate mode that is used in communication to Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to 'PeerOrChainTrust'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementMaxReceiveMessageSizeInBytes` = **'2147483647'** - The size of the permitted message, in bytes, which can be exchanged between the Chocolatey Background Agent and Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to '2147483647'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementDeploymentCheckTimerIntervalInSeconds` = **'180'** - Amount of time, in seconds, between each execution of the Chocolatey Agent service to check for a new Deployment Step from Chocolatey Central Management. Defaults to '180'. Available in business editions only.
-* `centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` = **' '** - Chocolatey Central Management Client Communication Salt Additive - The salt additive to use in the salt recipe for encrypting and verifying communication from an agent TO an instance of Central Management Service (will need to be set the same on all clients contacting that service AND the instance of the management service itself). When not set a default encryption phrase set by the system will be used. When set the unencrypted value must match exactly with what is set in the configuration for Central Management Service and every client contacting that instance of Central Management Service. Value is not shared over the wire. Because this is a much more involved process, it is recommended only setting this if you are transmitting messages over the internet. Defaults to ''. Needs to be at least 8 characters long if set or it will throw errors and use the default. Available in business editions only. IMPORTANT: If this value is set, agents less than v0.10.0 will be unable to contact Central Management to report in.
-* `centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` = **' '** - Chocolatey Central Management Communication Salt Additive - The salt additive to use in the salt recipe for encrypting and verifying communication FROM an instance of Central Management Service to an agent (will need to be set the same on all clients contacting that service AND the instance of the management service itself). When not set a default encryption phrase set by the system will be used. When set the unencrypted value must match exactly with what is set in the configuration for Central Management Service and every client contacting that instance of Central Management Service. Value is not shared over the wire. Because this is a much more involved process, it is recommended only setting this if you are transmitting messages over the internet. Defaults to ''. Needs to be at least 8 characters long if set or it will throw errors and use the default. Available in business editions only.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The Chocolatey Agent installed on the same machine that has the CCM Service installed will share the `centralManagementServiceUrl` setting, so that agent can only report into that CCM Service.
-Also found at [Chocolatey Configuration](xref:configuration).
-#### Features
-* [ ] `useChocolateyCentralManagement` - Use Chocolatey Central Management - Lists of installed and outdated packages will be reported to the chosen Chocolatey Central Management server. Business editions only (version 2.0.0+). See [docs](xref:ccm)
-* [ ] `useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments` - Use Chocolatey Central Management Deployments - Centrally managed deployments of packages and scripts can be sent from Chocolatey Central Management. Business editions only (version 2.1.0+). See [docs](xref:ccm)
-Also found at [Chocolatey Configuration](xref:configuration).
-### Step 3: Verify Installation
-* Open the services snap-in (services.msc) and check for the presence of the `Chocolatey Agent` which should be in the started state.
-* The installation folder for `chocolatey-agent` is at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service`.
-* Open the Service log file located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\chocolatey-agent.log` and verify that there are no recently reported errors. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Agent prior to 0.10.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service\logs\chocolatey-agent.log`.
-* There should be messages of connecting to the ccm server and checking in. It will be similar to this:
- ![Agent Setup For CCM](/assets/images/features/ccm/agent_ccm_setup_good.png)
- Connection to report in:
- ![Agent Check-in to CCM](/assets/images/features/ccm/agent_ccm_communication.png)
-## FAQ
-### Can I run Self-Service and Chocolatey Central Management Deployments at the same time?
-### How can I increase the level of logging for Chocolatey Central Management?
-This can be done by changing the level value, which should be currently `INFO`, to use `DEBUG`, as per the following:
-In the following files:
-* `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\log4net.config`. If you are on a version less than 0.2.0, then it will be in `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\chocolatey-central-management.exe.config`.
-* `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service\chocolatey-agent.exe.config`
-When the value is changed, the services may also need restarted.
-### Can I save an image with the agent already installed that I can deploy new machines from?
-Yes, however you need to keep in mind that there is a unique machine Id that will need to be erased so it can be regenerated.
-Make sure to include the following in your provisioning script to deploy the new images:
-Write-Host "Removing Chocolatey Unique Machine GUID"
-Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Chocolatey" -Name "UniqueId" -Force
-# Restart the Agent Service if it is running
-Once you've removed this, you'll need to restart the Agent Service to get it regenerated.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You may **also** need to remove the ChocolateyLocalAdmin user (if you are using it for services) and reinstall the Agent service (and CCM service if on this machine) to get that password corrected.
-### What is the CCM compatibility matrix?
-Central Management has specific compatibility requirements with quite a few moving parts. It is important to understand that there are some Chocolatey Agent versions that may not be able to communicate with some versions of CCM and vice versa. Please see the [CCM Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) for details.
-### What is Run Actual?
-You may have seen `--run-actual`, what is that?
-This is a switch that is passed to opt out of Chocolatey Self-Service. It's typically passed by the agent service back to choco to run a command for a user. You typically would not issue this, but the agent service will, so you are likely to see it in the logs if you are looking closely.
-### Where is the agent service installed?
-The installation folder for `chocolatey-agent` is at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service`.
-## Common Errors And Resolutions
-### Unable to report computer information to CCM
-You may see messaging like the following in the chocolatey-agent.log:
-[INFO ] - Creating secure channel to https://ccmserver:24020/ChocolateyManagementService ahead of CCM check-in...
-[ERROR] - Unable to report computer information to CCM.:
- The message with Action 'http://tempuri.org/IChocolateyManagementService/report_computer_information' cannot be
- processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a
- contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender
- and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security
- requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).
-This is due to having a Chocolatey Agent that is v0.10.0+ versus an older Central Management Service (< v0.2.0). Newer agents are incompatible because they use newer and more secure methods of communication. Please upgrade Central Management to v0.2.0+ at your earliest convenience. Or if you are on CCM v0.3.0+, your agents need to be on v0.11.0+. Please refer to the [CCM Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix).
-### Unable to check for deployments from Chocolatey Central Management
-This will provide similar messaging as the above. The fix is the same, upgrade Chocolatey Central Management to v0.2.0+. Or if you are on CCM v0.3.0+, your agents need to be on v0.11.0+. Please refer to the [CCM Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix). You may need to be on at least v0.3.0 and agents on v0.11.0+ if you are experiencing improper passphrase issues noted below, it means you need to likely upgrade to v0.3.0+ / v0.11.0 across your infrastructure.
-### We are seeing the error "attempted to call report_computer_information with an improper passphrase" in the CCM Service log
-If you are in the CCM service logs, you may be seeing the above error. That is a bug that was found with the communication of CCM v0.2.0 and Chocolatey Agent v0.10.0. That was resolved in CCM v0.3.0 and Chocolatey Agent v0.11.0. Please see the [CCM Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) and [Licensed Issue #152](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/152) for more details.
-### The client reports successful check-in, but nothing is showing up in CCM
-You need to check the CCM service logs. The agent will always report success when it communicates with the service successfully. The service may reject what it receives, but due to security settings, it won't tell the client about that.
-The logs are located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`. If you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-### Chocolatey Agent Service is unable to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management Service
-There is a known issue with the beta release of Chocolatey Central Management where an inconsistent Port Number is used between these two services. One used 24020 and the other used 24040. The correct default Port Number is 24020, and this is used in the 0.1.0 release of Chocolatey Central Management. If required, the Port Number can be explicitly set during the installation of the Chocolatey Central Management packages using the following option when installing `chocolatey-management-service`:
-### The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large
-When reporting a larger number of packages (approximately 200), this error may be reported. This is due to the size of the information, in bytes, being too large to send between the Chocolatey Agent Service and the Chocolatey Central Management Service. This has been identified as a [bug](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/95), which is due to be corrected in version 0.1.1 of Chocolatey Central Management
-### Computers checking in are overwriting each other
-You are generating machines from a base image that already had Chocolatey commercial code on it. This is okay, but you need to remove the Chocolatey Machine Id Guid, which is used to identify a machine as unique.
-When the licensed agent service is installed on a machine, a unique machine id is given to the machine. If you are starting from a template, there is no opportunity for that to be different and when those machines start checking in, they will start overwriting each other.
-Basically you need to go find the machine id at `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Chocolatey\` (`UniqueId`) and remove it as part of your image deployment mechanism.
-Write-Host "Removing Chocolatey Unique Machine GUID"
-Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Chocolatey" -Name "UniqueId" -Force
-# Restart the Agent Service if it is running
-Once you've removed this, you'll need to restart the Agent Service to get it regenerated.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> You may **also** need to remove the ChocolateyLocalAdmin user (if you are using it for services) and reinstall the Agent service (and CCM service if on this machine) to get that password corrected.
-### The agent services are not picking up the new license
-Currently, you do need to restart agents. Here's a handy script:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-[Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup) | [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/database.md b/input/en-us/central-management/setup/database.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d55ff2f3c..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/database.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-database
-Title: Database
-Description: Information on how to setup the CCM Database
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup-database
-At the end of this, we should have a fully ready to go SQL Server:
-* Installed
-* Configured
-* Database package deployed creating the database
-* Permissions added
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Unless otherwise noted, please follow these steps in **exact** order. These steps build on each other and need to be completed in order.
-## Step 1: Complete Prerequisites
-* [High-level Requirements](xref:ccm-setup#high-level-requirements)
-* SQL Server 2012 or later.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> While we'd like to support different database engines at some point in the distant future, currently only SQL Server is supported.
-Chocolatey Central Management will not install or take a dependency on a database engine install as there are different editions that could be installed and multiple packages out there. At this time, it is expected that you have this ready. This is required before you can continue to other steps.
-* You need a SQL Server set up somewhere. Editions really don't matter until you have a large number of computers checking in.
-* SQL Server should support mixed mode for logins (unless you are going to use AD authentication). 98% of the time you are going to want mixed mode authentication for SQL Server unless you hit options.
-* You need to create the user access to the database (logins at the server level/users at the db level).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> SQL Server Mixed Mode Authentication is what you will want for ease of installation. If you decide you need to go Windows Authentication (aka integrated security), you **will** need to ensure the following additional items:
-> * **You *must* have active directory** - Full stop. Local machine accounts can not authenticate to remote machines (nor SQL Server instances on remote machines).
-> * **SQL Server machine security** - ensure the domain accounts being used for the service and web are not local administrators (members of the `BUILTIN\Administrators`) group on the machine that contains the SQL Server instance, or they will have `sysadmin` privileges by default to the SQL Server instance (until removed).
-> * **Chocolatey Central Management Service installation** - You'll need to use an Active Directory (LDAP) account. See the install options for how to pass that through.
-> * **!!Security!!** - As part of installation, an account will be made a member of the `BUILTIN\Administrators` group on the machine where the service is installed. Ensure that is **not** the same machine where SQL Server is installed or that account will immediately be a member of the `sysadmin` role by default in SQL Server (until removed).
-> * **Chocolatey Central Management Web installation** - You'll need to use an Active Directory (LDAP) account. See the install options for how to pass that through to be set with the IIS Application Pool.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Incorrect credentials to the database is 90% of support tickets related to Chocolatey Central Management.
-> Unless you are an expert in hooking things up to SQL Server, its probably best to stick with SQL Server Mixed Mode Authentication.
-> See
-### Step 1.1: Install SQL Server
-You may need to install SQL Server as part of this. There are all kinds of ways to do that and different SKUs to choose from. If you already have SQL Server implemented and you simply want to add the Chocolatey Management Database to that, you can skip this step (and possibly 1.2 as well).
-#### Install SQL Server Express
-You may have other methods for getting SQL Server installed, but if you are looking for a quick way of installing SQL Server Express, you can use the Chocolatey packages we internalized earlier in this process.
-The quickest option to get going with the database is to use the Chocolatey Community Repository, or an internalized version of a SQL Server package from the community repository. For SQL Server Express 2022, run the following:
-choco install sql-server-express -y
-You will also want to have the management tools installed, which can be installed with:
-choco install sql-server-management-studio -y
-### Step 1.2: Prepare SQL Server
-In preparing SQL Server, you need to do the following:
-* Turn on Named Pipes and TCP Server protocols
-* Ensure the TcpPort is 1433 (or know what it is you need to connect to)
-* Set SQL Server Mixed Mode Authentication
-* Restart SQL Server
-* Open Windows Firewall ports for TCP access (and SQL Server Browser in most cases)
-We've prepared a handy script (that may turn into a package later) to help you ensure you have SQL Server set up properly.
-#### Script to Prepare SQL Server Express
-The following is a script for SQL Server Express. You may be configuring a default instance. This should be run on the computer that has SQL Server Express installed as it will have the right binaries necessary for accessing SQL Server programmatically.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This script is SQL Server version dependent! Please see the TODO in the script below and adjust accordingly.
-# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/tools/configuration-manager/tcp-ip-properties-ip-addresses-tab
-Write-Output "SQL Server: Configuring Remote Access on SQL Server Express."
-$assemblyList = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common', 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo', 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement', 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended'
-foreach ($assembly in $assemblyList) {
- $assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly)
-$wmi = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer # connects to localhost by default
-$instance = $wmi.ServerInstances | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'SQLEXPRESS' }
-$np = $instance.ServerProtocols | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Np' }
-$np.IsEnabled = $true
-$tcp = $instance.ServerProtocols | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Tcp' }
-$tcp.IsEnabled = $true
-$tcpIpAll = $tcp.IpAddresses | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'IpAll' }
-$tcpDynamicPorts = $tcpIpAll.IpAddressProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TcpDynamicPorts' }
-$tcpDynamicPorts.Value = ""
-$tcpPort = $tcpIpAll.IpAddressProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TcpPort' }
-$tcpPort.Value = "1433"
-# TODO: THIS LINE IS VERSION DEPENDENT! Replace MSSQL16 with whatever version you have
-Write-Output "SQL Server: Setting Mixed Mode Authentication."
-New-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer\' -Name 'LoginMode' -Value 2 -Force
-Write-Output "SQL Server: Forcing Restart of Instance."
-Restart-Service -Force 'MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS'
-Write-Output "SQL Server: Setting up SQL Server Browser and starting the service."
-Set-Service 'SQLBrowser' -StartupType Automatic
-Start-Service 'SQLBrowser'
-Write-Output "Firewall: Enabling SQLServer TCP port 1433."
-netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL Server 1433" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433 profile=any enable=yes service=any
-#New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow inbound TCP Port 1433" –Direction inbound –LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow
-Write-Output "Firewall: Enabling SQL Server browser UDP port 1434."
-netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL Server Browser 1434" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=1434 profile=any enable=yes service=any
-#New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow inbound UDP Port 1434" –Direction inbound –LocalPort 1434 -Protocol UDP -Action Allow
-## Step 2: Install Chocolatey Central Management Database Package
-The Chocolatey Central Management Database package:
-* Creates the `ChocolateyManagement` database if it does not exist.
-* Migrates the database code (`DDL/DML`) to bring it up to the current version.
-* That's it.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Chocolatey Central Management packages do **NOT** install SQL Server. You must take care of that in the prerequisites. Do not even start on Chocolatey Central Management installs until you have a SQL Server instance up and ready. I repeat, SQL Server engine must be already installed.
-The Chocolatey Central Management database package will add or update a database to an existing SQL Server instance.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> When you run this package installation, you will want to do so as integrated security, or with Windows Authentication. When you run the other two package installations, you will want to do so providing a connection string.
-### Package Parameters
-* `/ConnectionString:` - The SQL Server database connection string to be used to connect to the Chocolatey Central Management database. Defaults to default or explicit values for `/SqlServiceInstance` and `/Database`, along with Integrated Security (`Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;`). The account should have `db_owner` access to the database ([database owner](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles#fixed-database-roles)).
-* `/SqlServerInstance:` - Instance name of the SQL Server database to connect to. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/Database` (below) to build a connection string. Defaults to ``.
-* `/Database:` - Name of the SQL Server database to use. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/SqlServerInstance` (above) to build a connection string. Defaults to `ChocolateyManagement`.
-* `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` - By default, a check will be completed to ensure that the installing user has access to create a new database, based on the provided/computed connection string. If this check isn't required, for example, the database has already been created or permissions will error, this step can be skipped using this parameter. Available with CCM v0.2.0+.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Items suffixed with "`:`" mean a value should be provided. Items without are simply switches.
-### Database Authentication Scenarios
-* [Scenario 1 - Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-database#scenario-one)
-* [Scenario 2 - Active Directory Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-database#scenario-two)
-* [Scenario 3 - SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-database#scenario-three)
-* [Scenario 4 - SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-database#scenario-four)
-::::{.tab-content .text-bg-body-secondary .p-3 .mb-3 .border-start .border-end .border-bottom .rounded-bottom}
-:::{.tab-pane .fade .show .active #scenario-one role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-one-tab}
-#### Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server
-You have set up the database to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You are installing the database package on a single server, but connecting to an existing SQL Server in your environment.
-##### Licensed SQL Server
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters='/ConnectionString=""Server=Localhost;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=true;""'
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Note the connection string doesn't include credentials. That's because Windows Authentication for SQL Server uses the context of what is running the process, whether that be a domain account or a local Windows account.
-> You can use `--package-parameters` and/or `--package-parameters-sensitive` here, depending on whether you are specifying things that should not be logged (`--package-parameters-sensitive` is guaranteed to stay out of logs).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> **Installs**: Please ensure the user running the package installation is able to create databases unless you also pass `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` (in that case you simply need `db_owner` to the database being managed if it was pre-created).
-> **Upgrades**: Please ensure the user running the package installation has been granted `db_owner` access to an existing database.
-##### SQL Server Express
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters='/ConnectionString=""Server=Localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=true;""'
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The above warnings and notes apply here as well.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-two role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-two-tab}
-#### Active Directory Authentication to Remote SQL Server
-You have set up the database to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You are installing the database package on a different server than your existing SQL Server is located on.
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters='/ConnectionString=""Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=true;""'
-> :choco-danger: **DANGER**
-> SLOW DOWN right here.
-> We recommend keeping the package installations on the same machine as SQL Server. It will reduce confusion and increase the accuracy of reporting. Run the installs/upgrades on the machine they apply to, so this should be the same machine that contains SQL Server (if on Windows).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> **Installs**: Please ensure the user running the package installation is able to create databases unless you also pass `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` (in that case you simply need `db_owner` to the database being managed if it was pre-created).
-> **Upgrades**: Please ensure the user running the package installation has been granted `db_owner` access to an existing database.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-three role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-three-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server
-The database has been setup to use Mixed Mode Authentication. Someone has already pre-created the login credentials for a SQL Server account and ensured the user has `db_owner` permissions to allow for changing schema. There is a high likelihood that the database has been pre-created. Now you want to install the package on the same machine where the sql server instance is located.
-##### Licensed SQL Server
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters="'/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck'" --package-parameters-sensitive='/ConnectionString=""Server=Localhost;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;""'
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> **Installs**: Please ensure the login credentials provided are able to create databases unless you also pass `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` (in that case you simply need `db_owner` to the database being managed if it was pre-created).
-> **Upgrades**: Please ensure the login credentials provided have been given `db_owner` access to an existing database.
-##### SQL Server Express
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters-sensitive='/ConnectionString=""Server=Localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;""'
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The above warnings and notes apply here as well.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-four role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-four-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server
-The database has been setup to use Mixed Mode Authentication. Someone has already pre-created the login credentials for a SQL Server account and ensured the user has `db_owner` permissions to allow for changing schema. There is a high likelihood that the database has been pre-created. Now you want to install the package on a different machine than where the sql server instance is located.
-choco install chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters="'/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck'" --package-parameters-sensitive='/ConnectionString=""Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;""'
-> :choco-danger: **DANGER**
-> SLOW DOWN right here.
-> We recommend keeping the package installations on the same machine that SQL Server is in. It will reduce confusion and increase the accuracy of reporting. Run the installs/upgrades on the machine they apply to, so this should be the same machine that contains SQL Server (if on Windows).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> **Installs**: Please ensure the login credentials provided are able to create databases unless you also pass `/SkipDatabasePermissionCheck` (in that case you simply need `db_owner` to the database being managed if it was pre-created).
-> **Upgrades**: Please ensure the login credentials provided have been given `db_owner` access to an existing database.
-## Step 3: Set up SQL Server Logins And Access
-Once we have the database, we can create logins and map those logins to users in the database.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Chocolatey Central Management packages do **NOT** configure SQL Server access.
-The difference between a login and a user when it comes to SQL Server accounts has long confused folks. Simply put:
-* Login (Authentication) - A login is at instance level (the credentials or Windows-based accounts) - [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/create-a-login](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/create-a-login)
-* User (Authorization) - A user is that login being mapped to a database and given roles/privileges (an instance can contain multiple databases) - [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/create-a-database-user](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/create-a-database-user)
-* Grant `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` to the accounts you create for the web and service.
-* You can share the same login for the two accounts, unless your internal best practices dictate using different passwords.
-function Add-DatabaseUserAndRoles {
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
- [string] $Username,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
- [string] $DatabaseName,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
- [string] $DatabaseServer = 'localhost\SQLEXPRESS',
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
- [string[]] $DatabaseRoles = @('db_datareader'),
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
- [string] $DatabaseServerPermissionsOptions = 'Trusted_Connection=true;',
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
- [switch] $CreateSqlUser,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
- [string] $SqlUserPassword
- )
- $LoginOptions = "FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[$DatabaseName]"
- if ($CreateSqlUser) {
- }
- $addUserSQLCommand = @"
-USE [master]
-IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.sys.syslogins WHERE UPPER([name]) = UPPER('$Username'))
- DROP LOGIN [$Username]
-CREATE LOGIN [$Username] $LoginOptions
-USE [$DatabaseName]
-IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE UPPER([name]) = UPPER('$Username'))
- DROP USER [$Username]
-CREATE USER [$Username] FOR LOGIN [$Username]
- foreach ($DatabaseRole in $DatabaseRoles) {
- $addUserSQLCommand += @"
-ALTER ROLE [$DatabaseRole] ADD MEMBER [$Username]
- }
- Write-Output "Adding $UserName to $DatabaseName with the following permissions: $($DatabaseRoles -Join ', ')"
- Write-Debug "running the following: \n $addUserSQLCommand"
- $Connection = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection
- $Connection.ConnectionString = "server='$DatabaseServer';database='master';$DatabaseServerPermissionsOptions"
- $Connection.Open()
- $Command = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand
- $Command.CommandText = $addUserSQLCommand
- $Command.Connection = $Connection
- $Command.ExecuteNonQuery()
- $Connection.Close()
-# Please choose from one of the three listed account types below. The commands will grant database permissions to a user account of your choice. This account will be used in your Connection String for the CCM Service and Web package installs ahead.
-# Add Sql Server Login / User:
-Add-DatabaseUserAndRoles -DatabaseName 'ChocolateyManagement' -Username 'ChocoUser' -SqlUserPassword '' -CreateSqlUser -DatabaseRoles @('db_datareader', 'db_datawriter')
-# Add Local Windows User:
-Add-DatabaseUserAndRoles -DatabaseName 'ChocolateyManagement' -Username "$(hostname)\ChocolateyLocalAdmin" -DatabaseRoles @('db_datareader', 'db_datawriter')
-# Add Active Directory Domain User to a default instance of SQL Server:
-Add-DatabaseUserAndRoles -DatabaseServer 'localhost' -DatabaseName 'ChocolateyManagement' -Username "\" -DatabaseRoles @('db_datareader', 'db_datawriter')
-## Step 4: Verify Installation
-The purpose of the `chocolatey-management-database` package is to create and deploy the schema for the database that is used by the Chocolatey Central Management Service and Website. This can be verified by using something like SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the SQL Server Instance and:
-* Check that a database (by default named `ChocolateyManagement`) has been created
-* That a set of tables have been created within this database
-* That permissions have been set for accounts
-## FAQ
-### Can I use MySQL (or PostgreSQL)?
-Unfortunately only SQL Server SKUs work with Chocolatey Central Management at this time. You can use SQL Server Express in smaller shops without additional costs.
-### What is the Chocolatey Central Management compatibility matrix?
-Chocolatey Central Management has specific compatibility requirements with quite a few moving parts. It is important to understand that there are some Chocolatey Agent versions that may not be able to communicate with some versions of Chocolatey Central Management and vice versa. Please see the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) for details.
-### What is the minimum required configuration for the appsettings.json file?
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.2, the default settings in the `appsettings.json` for the database package are:
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- }
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This file will usually be condensed into a single line with the values encrypted.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Chocolatey Central Management database package installs without error, but ChocolateyManagement database is not created
-In the beta version of the Chocolatey Central Management database package, if there was an error during the creation of the database, no exit code was used. As a result, the package could state that it was installed correctly, but the database would not have been created. This has been corrected in the 0.1.0 release of Chocolatey Central Management.
-When this occurs, the problem is typically the connection string being used to connect to the database. The advice is to verify that the connecting string is valid, and attempt the installation again.
-### The term 'Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
-In the beta version of Chocolatey.Extension, there was a Cmdlet named Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile and this was used in the 0.1.0-beta-20181009 release of the Chocolatey Central Management components. In the final released version of the Chocolatey.Extension, this was renamed to Install-AppSettingsJsonFile.
-As a result, the Chocolatey Central Management beta no longer works with the released version of Chocolatey.Extension. This will be corrected once the next release of the Chocolatey Central Management components is completed.
-### Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath
-During the creation of Chocolatey Central Management, some additional PowerShell cmdlets were created, and these are installed as part of the Chocolatey Extension package. These cmdlets went through a number of iterations, and as a result, different combinations of Chocolatey Central Management packages were incompatible with the Chocolatey Extension package, resulting in the error:
-`Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath`
-The guidance in this case is either to pin to the specific version of the Chocolatey Extension package required by the version of Chocolatey Central Management being used, or update to the latest versions of all packages, where the situation should be addressed.
-### ERROR: The term ‘Install-SettingsJsonFile’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
-This is .
-There are two workarounds noted:
-* Delete the `appsettings.json` file prior to upgrade.
-* Do not pass database details if they have not changed during upgrade.
-### ERROR: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.AbpAuditLogs'.'PK_AbpAuditLogs' in database 'ChocolateyManagement' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
-This occurs when the `ChocolateyManagement` database has reached its maximum configured size. The following SQL query resolves the issue by increasing the database size to 200 MB. You can increase this value up to 10 GB (in MB notation) if using SQL EXPRESS or higher if using a licensed edition of SQL Server. Ensure you have the free space available to support whatever maximum you decide upon.
-USE master;
-ALTER DATABASE ChocolateyManagement
- (NAME = ChocolateyManagement,
- SIZE = 200MB);
-[Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup) [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/setup/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 638eb1f679..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-setup
-Title: Setup
-Description: Information on how to setup CCM
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup
-Installing CCM takes a little more pre-thought than simply running the package installs.
-While it is envisioned that CCM will be installed across multiple servers (split installation), it is certainly possible to run CCM on a single server (monolithic).
-When setting up Central Management, currently, the CCM packages do not provision the SQL Server Database Permissions that are required for the CCM components to function. It is assumed that the necessary permissions have already been provided (see the [FAQ](#how-can-i-add-sql-server-permissions-through-powershell) for one method of doing it).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> * Unless otherwise noted, please follow these steps in **exact** order. These steps build on each other and need to be completed in order.
-> * All deployed components of the CCM packages should **always** be the **SAME VERSION**. The only time you should not have this is when you are in a state of upgrading and that transition time should be quite short.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> * Please read through all of this prior to running installation as you could run into issues that require support to help you correct later.
-> * If this seems like a lot to set up, you have access to the [Quick Start Guide](xref:c4b-quick-start-guide) which makes setup of Chocolatey Central Management just running one Powershell script. We also offer our [Chocolatey For Business Azure Environment](xref:c4b-azure). It comes preloaded with Chocolatey Central Management and other Chocolatey recommended infrastructure.
-## High Level Requirements
-Central Management packages require at a minimum:
-* Chocolatey for Business (C4B) Edition
-* Windows Server 2016
-Each package further defines dependencies that they include.
-Additionally, the Chocolatey Central Management components should be installed onto servers having a static IP address assigned, in addition to an appropriately configured DNS A record. Failure to ensure this configuration is applied could lead to unexpected errors with agent check-in and deployment operations.
-## Step 1: Internalize Packages
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Make sure you have read over the [CCM Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) prior to starting internalization as this will save you some headaches.
-The complete installation of CCM requires several packages that are available from the community repository. Let's get them internalized. We will internalize them to a `C:\packages` directory. It is highly recommended that you push the packages to an internal repository before continuing with other steps in this guide. Change the values in the first lines of this script to match what you need in your environment.
-# To run this, you need Chocolatey for Business installed (chocolatey / chocolatey.extension).
-# Update the values and remove the < >
-$YourInternalRepositoryPushUrl = ''
-$YourInternalRepositoryApiKey = ''
-# You get this from the chocolatey.license.xml file:
-$YourBusinessLicenseGuid = ''
-if(!(Test-Path C:\packages)){
- $null = New-Item C:\packages -ItemType Directory
-# Download Chocolatey community related items, no internalization necessary
-choco download chocolatey chocolateygui --force --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# This is for other Community Related Items
-choco download dotnet4.5.2 dotnetfx --force --internalize --internalize-all-urls --append-use-original-location --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# This is for SQL Server Express
-# Not necessary if you already have SQL Server
-@('sql-server-express','sql-server-management-studio') | Foreach-Object {
- choco download $_ --force --internalize --internalize-all-urls --append-use-original-location --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# We must use the 6.x.x versions of these packages, so we need to download/internalize these specific items. At the time of publishing, the most recent version of this package is 6.0.5, but later package versions (within the 6.x.x release) are expected to work.
-@('dotnet-6.0-runtime', 'dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime') | Foreach-Object {
- choco download $_ --version 6.0.5 --force --internalize --internalize-all-urls --append-use-original-location --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# Starting with v0.9.0 of the CCM Website package, it uses dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2. At the time of publishing, the most recent version of this package 16.0.22108, but later package versions (within the 17.x.x release) are expected to work
-choco download dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 --version 16.0.22108 --force --internalize --internalize-all-urls --append-use-original-location --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# Download Licensed Packages
-## DO NOT RUN WITH `--internalize` and `--internalize-all-urls` - see https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/155
-choco download chocolatey-agent chocolatey.extension chocolatey-management-database chocolatey-management-service chocolatey-management-web --force --source="'https://licensedpackages.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --ignore-dependencies --output-directory="'C:\packages'" --user="'user'" --password="'$YourBusinessLicenseGuid'"
-# Push all downloaded packages to your internal repository
-Get-ChildItem C:\packages -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | Foreach-Object { choco push $_.Fullname --source="'$YourInternalRepositoryPushUrl'" --api-key="'$YourInternalRepositoryApiKey'"}
-## Step 2: Setup Central Management Database
-Please see [Central Management Database Setup](xref:ccm-database).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> While we'd like to support different database engines at some point in the distant future, currently only SQL Server is supported.
-## Step 3: Setup Central Management Windows Service(s)
-Please see [Central Management Service Setup](xref:ccm-service).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If Step 1 is not succesful, do not move on to this step until you resolve issues with database setup.
-## Step 4: Setup Central Management Website
-Please see [Central Management Web Setup](xref:ccm-website).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If Step 1 or 2 is not successful, do not move on to this step until you resolve issues with previous steps.
-## Step 5: Setting up Agent Machines
-Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client).
-## Upgrading?
-Looking for upgrade instructions? See [Central Management Upgrade](xref:ccm-upgrade).
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Executable script code found in signature block
-When attempting to install some components of Chocolatey, you may have seen this error. This was a bug due to how the script at [Step 1: Internalize Packages](#step-1-internalize-packages) was [internalizing packages](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/155).
-Please go back through Step 1 and re-internalize those packages. You may need to overwrite any you would have pushed up (many if it won't let you do a push). In Nexus, you can remove the existing items and then upload through there. In other repositories you may need to remove the existing package versions you deployed first.
-### The client reports successful check-in, but nothing is showing up in CCM
-You need to check the CCM service logs. The agent will always report success when it communicates with the service successfully. The service may reject what it receives, but due to security settings, it won't tell the client about that.
-The logs are located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`. If you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-[Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/service.md b/input/en-us/central-management/setup/service.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f8a7e0a9a..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/service.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-service
-Title: Service
-Description: Information on how to setup the CCM Service
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup-service
-This is the service that the agents (`chocolatey-agent`) communicates with. You could install one or more of these depending on the size of your environment (not multiple on one machine though). The FQDN and certificate used determine what the URL will be for the agents to check into Chocolatey Central Management.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Unless otherwise noted, please follow these steps in **exact** order. These steps build on each other and need to be completed in order.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> In order to run the Chocolatey Central Management Service a user with Administrator access is required. By default, a new user named `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` will be created and configured to run the Chocolatey Central Management Service. In addition, `Logon as Service` and `Logon as Batch` privileges will be asserted for this user. If attempting to run the Chocolatey Central Management Service as a different user, these permissions will be required.
-## Step 1: Complete Prerequisites
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The [database](xref:ccm-database) must be setup and available, along with [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-* [High-level Requirements](xref:ccm-setup#high-level-requirements)
-* PowerShell 5.1
-## Step 2: Install Chocolatey Central Management Service Package
-By default the service will install as the local administrative user `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` (and manage the password as well). However you can specify your own user with package parameters (such as using a domain account). You will need to specify credentials to the database as we'll see in scenarios below.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Timezones are super important here and time synchronization is really important when generating SSL Certificates. You want to make sure this information is correct. Otherwise there is a potential edge case you could generate an SSL Certificate that is not yet valid. As the service package could generate an SSL certificate if you don't pass an existing thumbprint, it's best to ensure that time synchronization is not an issue with the machine you are installing this on.
-### FQDN Usage
-When installing the Chocolatey Central Management Service, the default is to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine that it is being installed on. As a result, there is an expectation that the certificate (either the self-signed certificate that is created during installation, or the existing certificate which is configured with the [CertificateThumbprint](#package-parameters-1) parameter) that is used to secure the transport layer of this service also uses the same FQDN.
-# Find FDQN for current machine
-$hostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
-$domainName = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName
-if(-Not $hostName.endswith($domainName)) {
- $hostName += "." + $domainName
-choco config set --name="'centralManagementServiceUrl'" --value="'https://$($hostname):24020/ChocolateyManagementService'"
-If this is not the case, it will be necessary to provide the information to the package about the actual name for the machine that is being used. When using a self-signed certificate, this can be specified using the `CertificateDnsName`, and when using an existing certificate, no additional parameters are required. In both cases, it will be necessary to also set the `centralManagementServiceUrl` [configuration parameter](#centralmanagementserviceurl). This can be done using the following command:
-choco config set --name="'centralManagementServiceUrl'" --value="'https://:24020/ChocolateyManagementService'"
-### Package Parameters
-Note items with "`:`" mean a value should be provided. Items without are simply switches.
-* `/Username:` - Username to run the service under. Defaults to `ChocolateyLocalAdmin`. This should be a local Administrator - this is typically ensured during installation. `Logon as Service` and `Logon as Batch` privileges are also ensured.
-* `/Password:` - Password for the user. Default is the [Chocolatey Managed Password](#chocolatey-managed-password).
-* `/EnterPassword` - Receive the password at runtime as a secure string. Requires input at runtime whe installing/upgrading the package.
-* `/NoRestartService` - Do not shut down and restart the service. You will need to restart later to take advantage of new service information.
-* `/DoNotReinstallService` - Do not re-install the service.
-* `/PortNumber:` - The port the Chocolatey Management Service will listen on. This will automatically create a rule to open the firewall on the port specified. Defaults to `24020`.
-* `/CertificateDnsName:` - The DNS name of the self-signed certificate that is generated if no existing certificate thumbprint is provided using the `/CertificateThumbprint` parameter (below). Defaults to ``.
-* `/CertificateThumbprint:` - Provide the thumbprint of an existing certificate (already installed in `LocalMachine\TrustedPeople` certificate store) to use for secure communication with clients. Defaults to a new self-signed SSL certificate on first installation / reuses existing on upgrades.
-* `/ConnectionString:` - The SQL Server database connection string to be used to connect to the Chocolatey Central Management database. Defaults to default or explicit values for `/SqlServiceInstance` and `/Database`, along with Integrated Security (`Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;`). The account should have `db_datareader`/`db_datawriter` access to the database ([data reader / data writer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles#fixed-database-roles)).
-* `/SqlServerInstance:` - Instance name of the SQL Server database to connect to. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/Database` (below) to build a connection string. Defaults to ``.
-* `/Database:` - Name of the SQL Server database to use. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/SqlServerInstance` (above) to build a connection string. Defaults to `ChocolateyManagement`.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Items suffixed with "`:`" mean a value should be provided. Items without are simply switches.
-### Service Settings
-* Service Name: **chocolatey-central-management**
-* Service Displayname: **Chocolatey Central Management Service**
-* Description: **Chocolatey Central Management Service is a service for Chocolatey**
-* Service Startup: **Automatic**
-* Service Username: **ChocolateyLocalAdmin** or '`/Username:`'
-### Chocolatey Central Management Service Configuration
-For most installations, the default values for the Chocolatey Central Management Service configuration should be all that is required. However, if you need to modify this configuration, then full details of what can be controlled is detailed on the [Chocolatey Central Management Service configuration page](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#chocolatey-configuration-file).
-### Chocolatey Configuration
-There are a number of different Chocolatey Configuration values that can be set for the Chocolatey Central Management Service. The main setting that _has_ to be set is detailed below, and you can find a complete list on the [Chocolatey Central Management Service configuration page](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#chocolatey-configuration-file).
-* `centralManagementServiceUrl` = **' '** (empty) - The URL that should be used to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management. It should look something like `https://servicemachineFQDN:24020/ChocolateyManagementService`. See [FQDN usage](xref:ccm#fqdn-usage). Defaults to '' (empty). NOTE: Chocolatey Agent and Chocolatey Central Management Service share this value on a machine that contains both. If blank, the Chocolatey Central Management Service will construct a URL based on defaults of the machine, but is required to be set for Agents.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The Chocolatey Agent installed on the same machine that has the Chocolatey Central Management Service installed will share the `centralManagementServiceUrl` setting, so that agent can only report into that Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-### Chocolatey Managed Password
-When Chocolatey manages the password for a local Administrator, it creates a very complex password:
-* It is 32 characters long.
-* It uses uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to meet very stringent complexity requirements.
-* The password is different for every machine.
-* Due to the way that it is generated, it is completely unguessable.
-* No one at Chocolatey Software could even tell you what the password is for a particular machine without local access.
-### Chocolatey Central Management Service Windows Account Considerations
-* Windows Account (required, defaults to `ChocolateyLocalAdmin`)
- * The Chocolatey Central Management Service requires **an** administrative account, whether that is a domain account or a local account - it just needs to be a local admin (a member of the Administrators group).
- * The Chocolatey Central Management Service doesn't specifically require the `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account. Any Windows account can be used. The `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` is used as the default if one is not specified.
- * Upon use of an account during installation, it will make that account a member of the Administrators account.
- * The account used will also be granted `LogonAsService` and `LogonAsBatch` privileges.
-* Managed Password (optional, default)
- * When the `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` account is used, it generates a managed password that is different on every machine. The password is 32 characters long, meets complexity requirements, and is basically very strong.
- * To determine the managed password, it would take access to the box and someone from Chocolatey Software who has access to the algorithm used to generate the password (more information in the FAQs below).
-* Rotating/Updating Passwords
- * If a different account with a rotating password is used, the service will need to be updated with the new credentials and restarted soon after changing that password.
- * The managed password is not currently updated/rotated, but it is something we are looking to implement once we have figured out the best approach to do so.
-### Database Authentication Scenarios
-* [Scenario 1 - Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-service#scenario-one)
-* [Scenario 2 - Active Directory Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-service#scenario-two)
-* [Scenario 3 - SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-service#scenario-three)
-* [Scenario 4 - SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-service#scenario-four)
-::::{.tab-content .text-bg-body-secondary .p-3 .mb-3 .border-start .border-end .border-bottom .rounded-bottom}
-:::{.tab-pane .fade .show .active #scenario-one role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-one-tab}
-#### Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server
-Monolithic - you have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You wish to use a local Windows account to connect to the local database.
-##### Specify User
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True; /Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the user `` has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-##### `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` User
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the user `ChocolateyLocalAdmin` has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Note the connection string doesn't include credentials. That's because Windows Authentication for SQL Server uses the context of what is running it and why the service itself needs the right user/password.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-two role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-two-tab}
-#### Active Directory Authentication to Remote SQL Server
-Split - you have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You wish to use an Active Directory account to connect to an existing SQL instance.
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True; /Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the user `` has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Note the connection string doesn't include credentials. That's because Windows Authentication for SQL Server uses the context of what is running it and why the service itself needs the right user/password.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-three role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-three-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server
-Monolithic - you are installing the management service on the same machine as a SQL Server Express instance. You likely have a smaller environment where you have up to 1,000 machines. You have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Mixed Mode Authentication.
-##### Licensed SQL Server
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=Localhost;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-##### SQL Server Express
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=Localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-four role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-four-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server
-Split - you are installing the management service(s) on a server, and targeting an existing SQL Server instance in your organization. You have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Mixed Mode Authentication.
-choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-## Step 3: Verify Installation
-The `chocolatey-management-service` is responsible for making a number of changes to your system. A successful installation of this package can be verified by:
-* Open the services snap-in (services.msc) and check for the presence of the `Chocolatey Management Service` which should be in the "Started" state.
-* The installation folder for `chocolatey-management-service` is at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service`.
-* Open the Service log file located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log` and verify that there are no recently reported errors. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Central Management prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-## FAQ
-### Why is the Chocolatey Central Management Service not marked as 'Stopped' when there is an error during its execution?
-By default, all exceptions that occur within the Chocolatey Central Management Service are logged to the applications log file (ccm-service.log). However, these exceptions do not result in actually physically stopping the service.
-If an exception is thrown within the application, and you checked the Chocolatey Central Management Service in the Windows Services snap-in, you would still see that the service is running.
-Due to the nature of how exceptions occur within the Chocolatey Central Management Service, this is normally perfectly fine since operations are attempted again at a later date.
-There are occasions, for example when something in the `appsettings.json` file has been misconfigured, that an exception can be thrown and the service doesn't start up correctly, but it is still marked as Running.
-This situation can occur with any version of Chocolatey Central Management up to and including v0.6.2, but it is something that we are looking to address in a future release.
-### What is the minimum required configuration for the `appsettings.json` file?
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.2, the default configuration values in the `appsettings.json` for the Chocolatey Central Management service are:
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- },
- "CertificateThumbprint": ""
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This file will usually be condensed into a single line, with the values encrypted.
-If these values are removed or incorrect, the Chocolatey Central Management service may fail to start.
-To correct this, ensure all configuration is present and correct and then restart the Chocolatey Central Management service.
-Get-Service -Name chocolatey-central-management | Restart-Service
-### How can we increase the level of logging for Chocolatey Central Management?
-This can be done by changing the level value, which should be currently INFO, to use DEBUG, as per the following:
-In the following files:
-* `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\log4net.config`. If you are on a version less than 0.2.0, then it will be in `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\chocolatey-central-management.exe.config`.
-* `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-agent\tools\service\chocolatey-agent.exe.config`
-When the value is changed, the services may also need restarted.
-### How can we view what SSL registrations have been made by the installation of chocolatey-management-service?
-By default, the installation of the `chocolatey-management-service` package will register a single `netsh` binding between a self-signed certificate (created at the point of installation) and port 24020. This can be verified using the following command:
-netsh http show sslcert
->:choco-info: **NOTE**
->Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.6.0, `netsh` bindings are no longer created during the installation of the Chocolatey Central Management Service package. On installing the 0.6.0 Chocolatey Central Management Service package, any existing `netsh` bindings that were created specifically for Chocolatey Central Management usage will be removed.
-### How can we remove a `netsh` binding that has been created?
-If you need to remove a `netsh` binding, you can do that using the following command:
-netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Here, `` should be replaced with the Port Number that has been registered.
->Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.6.0, `netsh` bindings are no longer created during the installation of the Chocolatey Central Management Service package. On installing the 0.6.0 Chocolatey Central Management Service package, any existing `netsh` bindings that were created specifically for Chocolatey Central Management usage will be removed.
-### Can we manually create an SSL binding?
-If required, it is possible to manually create a `netsh` binding. This is done using the following command:
-netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash= appid={}
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Here, `` should be replaced with the Port Number to be used for the registration. `` should be replaced with the thumbprint for the certificate that is to be used for the registration. `` should be replaced with a random guid in the following format `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx`
->Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.6.0, `netsh` bindings are no longer created during the installation of the Chocolatey Central Management Service package. On installing the 0.6.0 Chocolatey Central Management Service package, any existing `netsh` bindings that were created specifically for Chocolatey Central Management usage will be removed.
-### Can we install the Chocolatey Central Management Service behind a load balancer?
-Unfortunately, this is not a supported scenario. If you are trying to load balance requests to the Chocolatey Central Management service, you should install multiple instances on multiple machines and point clients explicitly to an instance so they can work together. If you are trying to load balance other things on a machine and the Chocolatey Central Management service just happens to be there (like with QDE), move the Chocolatey Central Management service to a different machine or allow direct connections to the box for Chocolatey Central Management.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you are an expert in managing X509 certificates with load balancing, you can certainly set this up, but if you can't get it to work, move to a supported scenario. The Support team will tell you the same.
-### We want to set up the Chocolatey Central Management service to use a domain account that will have local admin privileges on each box. Can we do this?
-Yes, absolutely. You will pass those credentials through at install/upgrade time, and you will also want to turn on the feature `useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades` (see [configuration](xref:configuration#features)) so that future upgrades will have that information available. The remembered arguments are stored encrypted on the box (and that encryption is reversible so you may opt to pass that information each time).
-* `/Username`: - provide username - instead of using the default 'ChocolateyLocalAdmin' user. This user should be a local Administrator.
-* `/Password`: - optional password for the user.
-* `/EnterPassword` - receive the password at runtime as a secure string
-You would pass something like `choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --params="'/Username:domain\account /EnterPassword'"` to securely pass the password at runtime. You could also run `choco install chocolatey-management-service -y --params="'/Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"` (or do it as part of `choco upgrade`).
-### Is the password stored anywhere?
-No, that would reduce the security of the password. It exists in memory long enough to set the value on the user and the service and then it is cleared.
-There is no storage of the password anywhere other than how Windows stores passwords.
-### We are going to use our own account with a rotating password. When we rotate the password for the account that we use for the Chocolatey Central Management Service, what do we need to do?
-Like with any service that uses rotating passwords, you will need to redeploy the service or go into the Services Management console and update the password. As it is much faster to deploy out that update, you can do something like `choco upgrade chocolatey-management-service -y --params="'/Username:domain\account'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:newpassword'" --force` (the `--force` ensures the code is redeployed).
-### Tell me more about the Chocolatey managed password.
-So you've seen from above that
-* It is 32 characters long.
-* It uses uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to meet very stringent complexity requirements.
-* The password is different for every machine.
-* Due to the way that it is generated, it is completely unguessable.
-* No one at Chocolatey Software could even tell you what the password is for a particular machine without local access.
-Chocolatey uses something unique about each system, along with an encrypted value in the licensed code base to generate the base password. It then makes some other changes to ensure that the password meets complexity requirements. We won't give you the full algorithm of how the password is generated as knowing the algorithm would be a security issue. Like having a partial picture of a key; you could start working on how to break in. Unlike a picture of a key, even knowing the full algorithm doesn't get you everything you need as you would require local access to **each** machine to determine the password for **each** machine.
-### Is the managed password stored or logged anywhere?
-No, that would reduce the security of the password. It exists in memory long enough to set the value on the user and the service and then it is cleared.
-There is no storage of the password anywhere other than how Windows stores passwords.
-### Is the managed password the same on every machine?
-No, a different password is created for every machine at deployment.
-### How would someone potentially get access to the managed password?
-The Chocolatey licensed code base is encrypted, so only people that work at Chocolatey Software would be able to determine the password for a particular box (just that one) **IF** they have local access to that box. Even with all of the information and the algorithm, it's still going to take our folks a while to determine the password. That gets them access to one machine. Of course, Chocolatey folks are not going to do this for obvious reasons.
-Let's realize this to its full potential - If someone were able to hack the Chocolatey licensed codebase, they would be able to determine the full password algorithm. Then they'd also need to hack into your infrastructure and get local access to every box that they wanted to get the Chocolatey-managed password so they could get admin access to just that box. Taking this out a bit further, it's reasonable to assume that if someone has hacked into your infrastructure, it's highly unlikely they are going to be using a non-Administrator account to get local access to a box so they can get the password for an Administrator account for just that one box. It's more likely they would would already have a local admin account for the boxes they are attacking, and are likely to seek other attack vectors that are much less sophisticated.
-### Do you rotate the managed password on a schedule?
-We are looking to do this in a future release. We may make the schedule configurable.
-### Can I take advantage of Chocolatey managed passwords with my own Windows services?
-Yes, absolutely. If you use Chocolatey For Business's PowerShell Windows Services code, you will be able to install services and have Chocolatey manage the password for those as well.
-### What is the Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix?
-Chocolatey Central Management has specific compatibility requirements with quite a few moving parts. It is important to understand that there are some Chocolatey Agent versions that may not be able to communicate with some versions of Chocolatey Central Management and vice versa. Please see the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) for details.
-### I entered incorrect database details on install. Do I need to reinstall to fix that?
-It depends. You can simply go to the `appsettings.json` file and adjust the connection string to be plaintext. It will remain in plaintext though (at least until upgrade), so if you have actual password details you need to keep secure, you should do a force installation using the `--force` parameter.
-1. The file is located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\appsettings.json`.
-1. You would open that up in an editor and modify the `"Default"` connection string.
-1. It would look something like the following (adjust the connection string as necessary):
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- }
-1. You may find it all on a single line in the file, and that is okay.
-1. Restart the service by running the following from an admin powershell session: `Get-Service chocolatey-management-service | Stop-Service; Get-Service chocolatey-management-service | Start-Service`
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Do not put `sec:` or `secure-` at the start (prefix) of any values that you are adding/modifying directly. That tells Chocolatey components they are encrypted and it will attempt to decrypt them for use. If that is done incorrectly, it will cause things to crash.
-### Can we use an account for the service that is not a local Administrator?
-No. This is not a supported scenario. The installation will attempt to ensure that the user becomes an Administrator if they are not, in addition to `Logon as Service` and `Logon as Batch` privileges.
-### Where is the management service installed?
-The installation folder for `chocolatey-management-service` is at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service`.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Cannot convert the "System.Object[]" value of type "System.Object[]" to type "System.Int32".
-You may see this error message when attempting to install version 0.6.0 of the `chocolatey-management-service` package.
-Please see [Licensed Issue #242](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/242) for details on a workaround that can be used. This bug will be addressed in the 0.6.1 release of Chocolatey Central Management.
-### Agents are unable to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management Service and the Chocolatey Central Management service log shows "Unable to start Kestrel".
-This is a known issue with Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.0 and v0.6.1 due to changes in how the Chocolatey Central Management service is hosted.
-`netsh` bindings are no longer required for the Chocolatey Central Management service, and you may also notice the bindings for the Chocolatey Central Management service removed during upgrade.
-The identifying symptom of this issue is the following in the Chocolatey Central Management service log file:
-[FATAL] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel (0): Unable to start Kestrel
-In these versions, the best workaround is to ensure that your `LocalMachine\TrustedPeople` certificate store contains only one certificate with a DNS name that matches the Chocolatey Central Management service URL setting in your `chocolatey.config` file, and that this certificate has the `ServerAuthentication` usage applied to it.
-Starting in v0.6.2, it is possible to configure the Chocolatey Central Management service to select a specific certificate to use.
-The Chocolatey Central Management service log file error will also now contain slightly more information, looking something like this:
-[FATAL] ChocolateyServiceManagementTask: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel [0]
-Unable to start Kestrel.
-System.InvalidOperationException: Certificate 3edebdfee63b57b0a0a12a079ed8da791da03ba7 cannot be used as an SSL server certificate. It has an Extended Key Usage extension but the usages do not include Server Authentication (OID
-You may also receive a differently-worded error if the certificate used by the Chocolatey Central Management service in the `LocalMachine\TrustedPeople` store is removed.
-Starting in Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.2, the Chocolatey Central Management Service package will attempt to select an appropriate certificate during installation, and store the thumbprint in the `appsettings.json` file.
-You can also specify the thumbprint for the certificate to use as the `/CertificateThumbprint` package parameter during installation or upgrade.
-If you need to change the certificate you're using after installation, you can modify the entry in the `appsettings.json` file for the Chocolatey Central Management service, shown below.
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- },
- "CertificateThumbprint": ""
-Altering the `CertificateThumbprint` value will cause the Chocolatey Central Management service to select the corresponding certificate from the `LocalMachine\TrustedPeople` store instead.
-You will need to restart the Chocolatey Central Management service after changing this value for it to take effect.
-Get-Service -Name chocolatey-central-management | Restart-Service
-### Chocolatey Agent Service is unable to communicate with Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-There is a known issue with the beta release of Chocolatey Central Management where an inconsistent Port Number is used between these two services. One used 24020 and the other used 24040. The correct default Port Number is 24020, and this is used in the 0.1.0 release of Chocolatey Central Management. If required, the Port Number can be explicitly set during the installation of the Chocolatey Central Management packages using the following option when installing `chocolatey-management-service`:
-### Unable to report computer information to Chocolatey Central Management.
-You may see messaging like the following in the `chocolatey-agent.log`:
-[INFO ] - Creating secure channel to https://ccmserver:24020/ChocolateyManagementService ahead of CCM check-in...
-[ERROR] - Unable to report computer information to CCM.:
- The message with Action 'http://tempuri.org/IChocolateyManagementService/report_computer_information' cannot be
- processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a
- contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender
- and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security
- requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).
-This is due to having a Chocolatey Agent that is v0.10.0+ versus an older Chocolatey Central Management Service (< v0.2.0). Newer agents are incompatible because they use newer and more secure methods of communication. Please upgrade Chocolatey Central Management to v0.2.0+ at your earliest convenience. Or if you are on Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0+, your agents need to be on v0.11.0+. Please refer to the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix).
-### Unable to check for deployments from Chocolatey Central Management.
-This will provide similar messaging as the above. The fix is the same, upgrade Chocolatey Central Management to v0.2.0+. Or if you are on Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0+, your agents need to be on v0.11.0+. Please refer to the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix). You may need to be on at least v0.3.0 and agents on v0.11.0+. If you are experiencing improper passphrase issues noted below, it means you need to likely upgrade to v0.3.0+ / v0.11.0 across your infrastructure.
-### We are seeing the error "attempted to call report_computer_information with an improper passphrase" in the Chocolatey Central Management service log.
-If you are in the Chocolatey Central Management service logs, you may see the above error. This is a bug that was found with the communication of Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.0 and Chocolatey Agent v0.10.0. That was resolved in Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0 and Chocolatey Agent v0.11.0. Please see the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) and [Licensed Issue #152](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/152) for more details.
-### The client reports successful check-in, but nothing is showing up in Chocolatey Central Management.
-You need to check the Chocolatey Central Management service logs. The agent will always report success when it communicates with the service successfully. The service may reject what it receives, but due to security settings, it won't tell the client about that.
-The logs are located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Central Management prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-### A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name KeyUsage.
-This is a known issue with the beta release of Chocolatey Central Management regarding the creation of a self-signed certificate. You may see the error:
-`A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name KeyUsage`
-This happens when installing Chocolatey Central Management on a machine that has PowerShell 4 or earlier. This is corrected in the 0.1.0 release of Chocolatey Central Management.
-To work around this issue, you can use the following script to manually create a self-signed certificate, which will then be used to continue the installation:
-$hostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
-$domainName = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName
-if(-Not $hostName.endswith($domainName)) {
- $hostName += "." + $domainName
-$certificateDnsName = $hostName
-$newCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName $certificateDnsName
-# move the certificate to 'TrustedPeople'
-$certPath = Get-ChildItem -Path 'Cert:\\LocalMachine\\My' | Where-Object subject -like "*$certificateDnsName"
-$null = Move-Item -Path $certPath.PsPath -Destination 'Cert:\\LocalMachine\\TrustedPeople'
-### The term 'Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
-In the beta version of the Chocolatey Licensed Extension, there was a cmdlet named `Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile` and this was used in the 0.1.0-beta-20181009 release of the Chocolatey Central Management components. In the final released version of the Chocolatey Licensed Extension, this was renamed to `Install-AppSettingsJsonFile`.
-As a result, the Chocolatey Central Management beta no longer works with the released version of Chocolatey Licensed Extension. This will be corrected once the next release of the Chocolatey Central Management components is completed.
-### Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath.
-During the creation of Chocolatey Central Management, some additional PowerShell cmdlets were created, and these are installed as part of the Chocolatey Licensed Extension package. These cmdlets went through a number of iterations, and as a result, different combinations of Chocolatey Central Management packages were incompatible with the Chocolatey Licensed Extension package, resulting in the error:
-`Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath`
-The guidance in this case to update to the latest versions of all packages where the situation should be addressed.
-### The remote server returned an unexpected response: (413) Request Entity Too Large.
-When reporting a larger number of packages (approximately 200), this error may be reported. This is due to the size of the information, in bytes, being too large to send between the Chocolatey Agent Service and the Chocolatey Central Management Service. This has been identified as a [bug](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/95), which is due to be corrected in version 0.1.1 of Chocolatey Central Management.
-### ERROR: Cannot index into a null array.
-This error can be reported when installing the Chocolatey Central Management Service. This can happen depending on the `netsh` bindings that are currently present on the machine that the Chocolatey Central Management service is being installed on. If, for example, you have enabled SNI on a website on the machine that you are installing onto, then this error may occur. This has been identified as a [bug](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/96), which is due to be corrected in version 0.1.1 of Chocolatey Central Management.
-This could also be when you are providing an existing certificate - this was identified as a [bug](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/143) and was fixed in Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.0.
-There is a known issue with Chocolatey Central Management v.0.3.0 affecting at least French machines. Please reach out to Support if you are experiencing this (run `choco support` for options).
-### The new license is not being picked up.
-You need to restart services and Chocolatey Central Management web to pick up the license. Here's a handy script:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-### Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path.
-You may see the following: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."
-This means you are attempting to attach a Local DB file as part of your connection. **This is an invalid scenario.** This could also mean that there is something wrong with your connection strings format in the `appsettings.json` file.
-### System.ServiceModel.AddressAccessDeniedException HTTP could not register URL.
-You may see the following: `System.ServiceModel.AddressAccessDeniedException: HTTP could not register URL https://+:24020/ChocolateyManagementService/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70353 for details). ---> System.Net.HttpListenerException: Access is denied`
-You are attempting to set up a user that is not in the local Administrators group with the Chocolatey Central Management Service. **This is not a supported scenario.**
-Please refer to the [Chocolatey Central Management Service Windows Account Considerations](xref:ccm-service#chocolatey-central-management-service-windows-account-considerations) and select an option that works best for your organization.
-[Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup) | [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-### Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
-If the Chocolatey Central Management Service is not able to be started due to "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.", it is likely caused due to no compatible versions of dotnet aspnetruntime not being installed.
-The installed runtimes can be listed with `dotnet --list-runtimes`. Ensure that a 6.x.x version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.App is listed. If there is not a version listed, reinstall `dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime`.
-There is a known issue with the aspnetcoremodule-v2 installer that will uninstall the aspnetruntime on upgrade, which may be the root cause for this missing runtime. https://github.com/dotnetcore-chocolatey/dotnetcore-chocolateypackages/issues/64
\ No newline at end of file
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-Order: 50
-xref: ccm-upgrade
-Title: Upgrade
-Description: How to upgrade CCM
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup-upgrade
-This will guide us through upgrading an existing Chocolatey Central Management installation to newer versions.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Looking for installation instructions? See [Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> - Unless otherwise noted, please follow these steps in **exact** order. These steps build on each other and need to be completed in order.
-> - All deployed components of the CCM packages should **always** be the **SAME VERSION**. The only time you should not have this is when you are in a state of upgrading and that transition time should be quite short.
-## Step 0: Backup Your Current CCM Environment
-We suggest you go through and take a snapshot of your CCM VM before proceeding with an upgrade. If taking a snapshot is not an option, at a bare minimum we recommend creating a local backup of the CentralManagement SQL Database and backing up your appsettings.json file located at `C:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\appsettings.json`.
-## Step 1: Download Latest Packages
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Make sure you have read over the [CCM Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) prior to starting internalization as this will save you some headaches.
-Similar to how we internalized in [Setup - Internalize Packages](xref:ccm-setup#step-1-internalize-packages), we need to get the latest editions of everything compatible. Be sure that the versions of packages you have match up with the [Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix).
-# To run this, you need Chocolatey for Business installed (chocolatey / chocolatey.extension).
-# Update the values and remove the < >
-$YourInternalRepositoryPushUrl = ''
-$YourInternalRepositoryApiKey = ''
-# You get this from the chocolatey.license.xml file:
-$YourBusinessLicenseGuid = ''
-# Download Chocolatey community related dependencies, internalization necessary
-choco download dotnet-6.0-runtime dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --internalize --output-directory="'C:\packages'"
-# Download Licensed Packages
-## DO NOT RUN WITH `--internalize` and `--internalize-all-urls` - see https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/155
-choco download chocolatey chocolatey-agent chocolatey.extension chocolatey-management-database chocolatey-management-service chocolatey-management-web --source="'https://licensedpackages.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --ignore-dependencies --output-directory="'C:\packages'" --user="'user'" --password="'$YourBusinessLicenseGuid'"
-# Push all downloaded packages to your internal repository
-Get-ChildItem C:\packages -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | Foreach-Object { choco push $_.Fullname --source="'$YourInternalRepositoryPushUrl'" --api-key="'$YourInternalRepositoryApiKey'"}
-## Step 2: Upgrade Central Management Database
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Please see [Central Management Database Setup](xref:ccm-database) for details about all arguments that can be passed and set.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-management-database -y
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> If you are using QDE and receive an error about deserializing and padding, see the resolution below.
-## Step 3: Setup Central Management Windows Service(s)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Please see [Central Management Service Setup](xref:ccm-service) for details about all arguments that can be passed and set.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-management-service -y
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> - If you passed non-default options for any of the following:
-> - `/Username:` / `/Password:` / `/EnterPassword`
-> - `/PortNumber:`
-> You **will need to pass those items again** for upgrades in current releases of CCM.
-> - If you passed a non-default option for the `/CertificateDnsName:` / `/CertificateThumbprint:`, you **may need to pass those items again** under the following conditions:
-> - Your certificate's DNS name does not match `*`(a certificate that at least starts with the hostname).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Database details that have not changed will not need to be passed.
-There may be additional (new) things you will want to configure. Please see [Central Management Service Setup](xref:ccm-service) for details.
-## Step 4: Setup Central Management Website
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Please see [Central Management Web Setup](xref:ccm-website) for details about all arguments that can be passed and set.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-management-web -y
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> You may need to adjust permissions/roles for your user if not using the default `ccmadmin` account. Please see the roles and permissions your account has versus what is available in `Administration -> Users`.
-## Step 5: Upgrade Agent Machines
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) for details about all arguments that can be passed and set.
-choco upgrade chocolatey-agent -y
-There may be additional (new) things you will want to configure. Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) for details.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This could include the agent(s) on the CCM machine(s).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The Chocolatey Agent installed on the same machine that has the CCM Service installed will share the `centralManagementServiceUrl` setting, so that agent can only report into that CCM Service.
-### New Deployments Feature Example
-As an example, configuring using Deployments would have the folllowing:
-# Requires Chocolatey Licensed Extension v2.1.0+, Chocolatey-Agent v0.10.0+, and Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.0+:
-choco feature enable --name="'useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> As these features have security considerations (it is enabling cross-machine communication), they must be turned on explicitly.
-> If you decide you want to open this up for over the internet communication, you should also set `centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword` and `centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword`.
-> For more in-depth configuration options and settings for your endpoints, you can view the [CCM Client Setup page](xref:ccm-client)
-## FAQs
-### Can I simply upgrade all three CCM packages in the same command?
-We strongly advise against it as there is an explicit order that things must be upgraded in. Since CCM components can be installed on separate machines, there is no explicit dependency that can be taken. Just note that running
-# !!!DO NOT DO THIS!!!
-# choco upgrade chocolatey-management-database chocolatey-management-service chocolatey-management-web -y
-when you have everything on the same box may work, but it may not. Please follow the steps here for best success.
-### If I update the license file, do I need to restart my services and web?
-Yes, you do need to restart the agents, the service, and the web to pick up the license. Here's a script to handle that:
-# For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-# For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# For CCM v0.6.2 and up
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# Restart Chocolatey Agent and/or CCM service (all versions)
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Restart-Service
-### Can I use Chocolatey Deployments to upgrade CCM based components?
-Likely you absolutely can, just keep in mind that there may be a specific ordering in how you would upgrade everything and adhere to that order. In some instances, you may need to upgrade agents first, then CCM components as once CCM is upgraded it may not be able to talk to the agents. However agents will stop being able to talk to CCM for a small period of time while you are upgrading CCM, but then things will start working again.
-### Why does the chocolatey-management-web package upgrade when I upgrade the chocolatey-management-service package?
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This only applies to version of CCM _after_ 0.6.0 and _before_ 0.9.0.
-When you run the upgrade of the chocolatey-management-service package from a computer that has all the CCM packages installed, you may not expect the chocolatey-management-web package to also be upgraded.
-This happens due to the bounded version numbers that are in place for the service and web packages. Starting with 0.6.0, both the service and web packages have the following dependencies:
-Prior to 0.6.0, only the chocolatey-management-web package had the following dependencies:
-You will notice that there is an upper bounded version number of 3.0.0, meaning that Chocolatey won't allow a version higher than 3.0.0 of these dependencies to be installed.
-In the new 0.6.0 packages for CCM, the upper bounded version number has changed to 4.0.0. As a result, when running the upgrade command for the chocolatey-management-service package, Chocolatey will also want to install a 4.x.x version of the dependencies, but this _isn't_ allowed due to the constraints on the installed earlier version of the chocolatey-management-web package. To remedy this, Chocolatey is able to find a newer version of the chocolatey-management-web package which does fit within these new constraints, and therefore the chocolatey-management-web package is also upgraded.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### ERROR: There was an error deserializing the requested JSON file: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\chocolatey-management-database\tools\app\appsettings.json Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
-This means that the Chocolatey Unique Machine GUID has been changed since you installed the database, as you might see with some versions of QDE (which might be corrected in a version you have.)
-In that case you should run the following script:
-Remove-Item -Force -Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-database\tools\app\appsettings.json" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-choco upgrade chocolatey-management-database -y --package-parameters="'/SqlServerInstance:localhost\SQLEXPRESS'" --source="'c:\choco-setup\packages'"
-### When I upgrade the website, it wipes out any http port bindings I created
-This was an issue in releases prior to upgrading to CCM v0.3.0 - see .
-If you run into this, please recreate the bindings again.
-### ERROR: The term 'Install-SettingsJsonFile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
-This is .
-There are two workarounds noted:
-- Delete the appsettings.json file prior to upgrade
-- Do not pass database details if they have not changed during upgrade.
-[Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup) | [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-### When upgrading the CCM website, Chocolatey reports a lot of errors about files being locked, and the CCM website does not function after the upgrade
-This is a known issue for v0.6.0 and v0.6.1 releases, and is resolved as of v0.6.2.
-The IIS hosting model changed as of v0.6.0 to use the in-process model, which alters how the website needs to be shut down and restarted.
-A quick workaround is to stop the CCM website manually before running the upgrade by running the following in an administrative Windows PowerShell session:
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force -PassThru
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Stop-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Once the upgrade process has completed, you can ensure the website is properly restarted by running:
-Start-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/website.md b/input/en-us/central-management/setup/website.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee18a7323..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/setup/website.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-website
-Title: Website
-Description: Information on how to setup the CCM Website
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-setup-web
-This is the Chocolatey Central Management website that gives an API and a web layer to centrally manage information about your environment and manage endpoints with deployment tasks.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Unless otherwise noted, please follow these steps in **exact** order. These steps build on each other and need to be completed in order.
-## Step 1: Complete Prerequisites
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The [database](xref:ccm-database) must be setup and available, along with [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-* [High-level Requirements](xref:ccm-setup#high-level-requirements)
-* PowerShell 5.1
-* IIS Set up and available
-* dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 version 16.0.23055
-* dotnet-6.0-runtime version 6.0.15
-* dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime version 6.0.15
-The Chocolatey Central Management Website is built on ASP.Net Core, and as such we need to ensure that it is installed on the server for proper function. Note that the codebase is currently locked to version `6.x.x` of these packages, and it is critical that you install these right, otherwise you will encounter errors. At the time of release, the most recent version of these packages was 6.0.5, though we recommend installing the latest versions of these packages.
-### Script for some prerequisites
-choco install IIS-WebServer --source windowsfeatures --no-progress -y
-choco install IIS-ApplicationInit --source windowsfeatures --no-progress -y
-choco install dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2 --version 16.0.23055 --no-progress -y
-choco install dotnet-6.0-runtime --version 6.0.15 --no-progress -y
-choco install dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime --version 6.0.15 --no-progress -y
-## Step 2: Install Chocolatey Central Management Web Package
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> At this time we don't recommend opening internet access to Chocolatey Central Management web. However, if you choose to, you will want to set up SSL/TLS certificates to ensure communication is encrypted over the internet.
-### Package Parameters
-Note items with "`:`" mean a value should be provided. Items without are simply switches.
-* `/Username:` - Username that the IIS Web Application Pool will run under. Defaults to `IIS APPPOOL\ChocolateyCentralManagement`. If this is specified, you must also specify either `/Password` or `/EnterPassword`.
- > :choco-info: **NOTE**
- >
- > This may require manual steps after install as well. See [Non-Default App Pool User Considerations](#non-default-app-pool-user-considerations).
-* `/Password:` - Password for the user. Defaults to a Windows autogenerated secure password for the IIS AppPool.
-* `/EnterPassword` - Receive the password at runtime as a secure string. Requires input at runtime whe installing/upgrading the package.
-* `/ConnectionString:` - The SQL Server database connection string to be used to connect to the Chocolatey Central Management database. Defaults to default or explicit values for `/SqlServiceInstance` and `/Database`, along with Integrated Security (`Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;`). The account should have `db_datareader`/`db_datawriter` access to the database ([data reader / data writer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles#fixed-database-roles)).
-* `/SqlServerInstance:` - Instance name of the SQL Server database to connect to. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/Database` (below) to build a connection string. Defaults to ``.
-* `/Database:` - Name of the SQL Server database to use. Alternative to passing full connection string with `/ConnectionString`. Uses `/SqlServerInstance` (above) to build a connection string. Defaults to `ChocolateyManagement`.
-### IIS Settings
-This package creates the Chocolatey Central Management Website and Application Pool with the following defaults:
-* IIS Web Application Pool: **ChocolateyCentralManagement**
- * enable32BitAppOnWin64: **True**
- * managedPipelineMode: **Integrated**
- * managedRuntimeVersion: <blank>
- * startMode: **AlwaysRunning**
- * processModel.idleTimeout: **0**
- * recycling.periodicRestart.schedule: **Disabled**
- * recycling.periodicRestart.time: **0**
-* Website Name: **ChocolateyCentralManagement**
- * PortBinding: **80**
- * applicationDefaults.preloadEnabled: **True**
-### Non-Default App Pool User Considerations
-If you've used a specific username for the app pool, specified by `/Username:` or later added one manually to IIS settings, it's important to note that the installation procedure as of Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0 does not currently set the following and they will need to be set manually.
-This includes (but may not be limited to):
-* User needs to be granted "Logon as batch" in local security policy.
-* User needs to be given explicit Read/Execute rights (ACLs) to `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web`.
-* User needs to be given explicit Modify rights (ACLs) to `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data`.
-### Database Authentication Scenarios
-* [Scenario 1 - Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-website#scenario-one)
-* [Scenario 2 - Active Directory Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-website#scenario-two)
-* [Scenario 3 - SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server](xref:ccm-website#scenario-three)
-* [Scenario 4 - SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server](xref:ccm-website#scenario-four)
-::::{.tab-content .text-bg-body-secondary .p-3 .mb-3 .border-start .border-end .border-bottom .rounded-bottom}
-:::{.tab-pane .fade .show .active #scenario-one role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-one-tab}
-#### Windows Authentication to Local SQL Server
-Monolithic - you have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You wish to use a local Windows account to connect to the local database.
-##### Specify User
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True; /Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the user `` has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-##### Default User (`IIS APPPOOL\ChocolateyCentralManagement`)
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the user `IIS APPPOOL\ChocolateyCentralManagement` has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Note the connection string doesn't include credentials. That's because Windows Authentication for SQL Server uses the context of what is running it and why the service itself needs the right user/password. Whatever is running the IIS Application Pool is the user you need to ensure is in the database.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-two role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-two-tab}
-#### Active Directory Authentication to Local SQL Server
-Split - you have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Windows Authentication (or Mixed Mode Authentication). You wish to use an Active Directory account to connect to an existing SQL instance.
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;Trusted_Connection=True; /Username:'" --package-parameters-sensitive="'/Password:'"
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Note the connection string doesn't include credentials. That's because Windows Authentication for SQL Server uses the context of what is running it and why the service itself needs the right user/password. In this case, whatever is running the IIS Application Pool is the user you need to ensure has access to the database.
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-three role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-three-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Local SQL Server
-Monolithic - you are installing the management service on the same machine as a SQL Server Express instance. You likely have a smaller environment where you have up to 1,000 machines. You have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Mixed Mode Authentication.
-##### Licensed SQL Server
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=Localhost;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-##### SQL Server Express
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=Localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #scenario-four role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=scenario-four-tab}
-#### SQL Server Authentication to Remote SQL Server
-Split - you are installing the management service(s) on a server, and targeting an existing SQL Server instance in your organization. You have set up the [database](xref:ccm-database) to use Mixed Mode Authentication.
-choco install chocolatey-management-web -y --package-parameters-sensitive="'/ConnectionString:Server=;Database=ChocolateyManagement;User ID=ChocoUser;Password=Ch0c0R0cks;'"
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Please ensure the login has been given `db_datareader` and `db_datawriter` access to the database. See [logins and access](xref:ccm-database#step-2-set-up-sql-server-logins-and-access).
-## Step 3: Verify Installation
-The `chocolatey-management-web` package is responsible for creating and deploying the Chocolatey Central Management Website within IIS. A successful installation of this package can be verified by:
-* Opening an internet browser on the machine to the following address `http://localhost` which should result in the login page for Chocolatey Central Management being displayed.
-* It should be possible to login to the site using the default credentials mentioned in Step 4 (below).
-* The installation folder for `chocolatey-management-web` is at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web` (this is configurable by `$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation`).
-* Open the website log file located at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data\Logs\ccm-website.log` and verify that there are no recently reported errors. If you are on a version of Chocolatey Central Management prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data\Logs\Logs.txt`.
-## Step 4: Set Up Website
-### Step 4.1: Login And Change Default Credentials
-When you access the Chocolatey Central Management Website you will be prompted to provide a username and password to access the site. By default, the username is `ccmadmin` and the password is `123qwe`. After you input this, you will be prompted to change the password.
-![First time login - change password](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/account/login/alert-additional-settings.png)
-### Step 4.2: SMTP Configuration
-In order to send email from Chocolatey Central Management, you will need to make sure that [all necessary settings have been configured](xref:ccm-administration-settings-email).
-#### `appsettings.json` configuration
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> In version 0.2.0+ of Chocolatey Central Management, this configuration will likely be automatically applied during installation and will use defaults but be encrypted. If the value is incorrect, you can simply set it as shown here as encryption is not necessary for this value.
-There is a requirement within the Chocolatey Central Management site to send emails to end users of the application when, for example, registering a new user or resetting a password. To ensure that these emails contain a properly clickable link a modification needs to be made to the `appsettings.json` file which is located in the `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web` folder.
-Open this file in a text editor, and add the following entry:
- "App": {
- "WebSiteRootAddress": ""
- }
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> - `URL_to_CCM` should be the accessible URL to access the Chocolatey Central Management Website.
-> This will typically be the FQDN of the server that is hosting the Chocolatey Central Management Website, but it will depend on your environment's configuration.
-> - When adding this entry, be sure to include a `,` either before or after the entry, depending on where you add it in the file.
-> In other words, the end result needs to be a properly formatted JSON document.
-The end result should look something like this:
-![Modified appsettings.json file](/assets/images/features/ccm/updated_appsettingsjson_file.png)
-Once this change has been added, save the file and then run the following to ensure that the process running the Chocolatey Central Management Website is stopped:
-# For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-# For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# For CCM v0.6.2 and up
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Then try accessing the website again. Any emails that are then sent from Chocolatey Central Management should then contain valid links back to the site.
-### Step 4.3: LDAP Configuration
-You may want to allow [authentication against LDAP](xref:ccm-administration-settings-user-management#ldap-configuration) for users that are logging into the Chocolatey Central Management website.
-### Step 4.4: Application Settings File
-Some application settings will require you to edit the `appsettings.json` file, which is located in the `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web` folder.
-Here is a copy of items that can be set. They are not required to be encrypted. Any item that is encrypted can be replaced by a non-encrypted value. During package install/upgrade, Chocolatey will encrypt the settings (even if they were previously plain text).
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- },
- "App": {
- "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://"
- },
- "Recaptcha": {
- "SiteKey": "",
- "SecretKey": ""
- }
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Recaptcha is likely to require a publicly available Chocolatey Central Management Website, and we currently have a strong recommendation to **NOT** open up the website to the internet. You likely do not want to set this or turn it on inside the Administration -> Settings section. However, if you do, you will _need_ the items set here in the `appsettings.json` as well.
-### Step 4.5: Audit Retention
-You may want to configure the [automatic deletion of audit logs](xref:ccm-administration-settings-retention#audit-retention) that are captured by Chocolatey Central Management website.
-### Step 4.6: Stale Computer Retention
-You may want to setup the [automatic deletion of computers](xref:ccm-administration-settings-retention#stale-computer-retention) that are no longer reporting into Chocolatey Central Management.
-### Step 4.7: Set up Two Factor Login
-You may want to setup [two factor login](xref:ccm-administration-settings-security#two-factor-login) for users who are going to be logging into the Chocolatey Central Management website.
-## FAQ
-### What is the minimum required configuration for the `appsettings.json` file?
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.2, the default settings in the `appsettings.json` for the website package are:
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- },
- "App": {
- "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://"
- }
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This file will usually be condensed into a single line, with the values encrypted.
-If these values are removed or incorrect, the Chocolatey Central Management website may fail to start.
-To correct this, ensure all configuration is present and correct and then restart the Chocolatey Central Management website.
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-### Can I install the Chocolatey Central Management Website under a Virtual Directory in IIS?
-Currently, no. The Chocolatey Central Management Website expects to reside at the site level within IIS.
-### What is the Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix?
-Chocolatey Central Management has specific compatibility requirements with quite a few moving parts. It is important to understand that there are some Chocolatey Agent versions that may not be able to communicate with some versions of Chocolatey Central Management and vice versa. Please see the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) for details.
-### I entered incorrect database details on install, do I need to reinstall to fix that?
-It depends. You can simply go to the `appsettings.json` file and adjust the connection string to be plaintext. It will remain in plaintext though (at least until upgrade), so if you have actual password details you need to keep secure, you should do a force installation.
-1. The file is located at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\appsettings.json`.
-1. You would open that up in an editor and modify the `"Default"` connection string.
-1. It would look something like the following (adjust the connection string as necessary):
- "ConnectionStrings": {
- "Default": "Server=; Database=ChocolateyManagement; Trusted_Connection=True;"
- },
- "App": {
- "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://"
- }
-1. Then restart the website by running from admin powershell:
- ```powershell
- # For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
- Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
- # For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
- Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
- Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- # For CCM v0.6.2 and up
- Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- ```
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Do not put `sec:` or `secure-` at the start (prefix) of any values that you are adding/modifying directly. That tells Chocolatey components they are encrypted and it will attempt to decrypt them for use. If that is done incorrectly, it will cause things to crash.
-### Where is the Chocolatey Central Management Website installed?
-The default installation folder for `chocolatey-management-web` is at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web`. However, this is configurable based on `$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation`. We would not suggest changing that value once you have installed anything that makes use of it as permissions and other things will be pointing to that set of folders.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### Chocolatey Central Management Website fails to start, showing "An error occurred while starting the application."
-You may also see the following entry in the Chocolatey Central Management website log file:
-System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'str')
-This indicates some of the [required configuration values][required-config] for the CCM website to function are not present.
-Ensure all [required configuration values][required-config] are present, then restart the CCM website:
-# For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-# For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# For CCM v0.6.2 and up
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-### Chocolatey Central Management Website fails to load with a `500.21` error code.
-This error code indicates that IIS failed to start the website due to a misconfiguration.
-By default, Chocolatey Central Management uses the `AspNetCoreModuleV2` in IIS, however the initial versions of Chocolatey Central Management initially used `AspNetCoreModule` instead.
-Due to how the upgrade logic has worked prior to v0.6.2, this old configuration value may be kept during upgrade.
-As of v0.6.0, the IIS webhost can no longer run the website using the `AspNetCoreModule` as 0.6.x is running on .NET Core 3.1, and the structure of the `web.config` file has changed.
-If you encounter this issue, you will need to update your `web.config` file to match the new format.
-The default `web.config` file structure as of v0.6.0 is as follows:
-As of v0.6.2, the `chocolatey-management-website` package upgrade process will inform you during upgrade if your `web.config` file is not usable.
-If it is not, the installer will show a large warning message, indicating where the existing `web.config` file has been backed up to.
-After the installation completes, you will need to replicate any customizations you have made to the `web.config` file into the new file manually.
-### Configure Chocolatey Central Management alongside WSUS admin site.
-! Include "../../../shared/iis-wsus-chocolatey.txt" /?>
-### The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
-This error can occur when installing the `chocolatey-management-web` package. Due to the nested folder structure contained within this package, when extracting to the default cache location, the path can become too long. This problem is known is occur in the 0.1.0-beta-20181009 release of this package, and it should be corrected in subsequent releases. As a workaround, adding the following parameters to the install command should allow the installation to complete successfully:
-### HTTP Error when trying to access Chocolatey Central Management Website.
-When you try to access the Chocolatey Central Management Website (by default, this is hosted on `http://localhost`), errors messages similar to the following may be returned:
-`HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error`
-These errors happen very early in the application execution, and as a result, are not logged to the standard log location. It is possible to increase the logging that is performed by the ASP.NET Worker Process, so that additional information about the error can be found. Follow these steps to enable that additional logging:
-1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the `c:/tools/chocolatey-management-web` folder
-1. Find the `web.config` file and open this in a text editor
-1. Locate the `stdoutLogEnabled` attribute, which will be set to false by default
-1. Change this to true, and save the file
-1. Check to see if there is a running process called `ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc.exe`. If there is, stop it.
-1. Restart the CCM app pool and website in IIS.
-1. Attempt to access the website again. An additional log file will be created in the `App_Data\Logs\stdout` folder. In Chocolatey Central Management v0.6.0 and v0.6.1, this may be incorrectly located in the `Logs\stdout` folder.
-1. Review this log for additional error information
-1. Ensure that you set the `stdoutLogEnabled` attribute back to false
-In these situations, we have found that incorrect database connection strings are typically the root cause of the problem.
-Another possible cause for this error is if there are mismatching versions of `dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime` and `dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2`. Ensure that both are on the same patch level. Note that `dotnet-aspnetcoremodule-v2` package versioning does not directly correspond to the dotnet patch level, so it is recommended to use the versions specified in the prerequisites above
-### The term 'Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
-In the beta version of Chocolatey Licensed Extension, there was a cmdlet named `Install-ChocolateyAppSettingsJsonFile` and this was used in the 0.1.0-beta-20181009 release of the Chocolatey Central Management components. In the final released version of the Chocolatey Licensed Extension, this was renamed to `Install-AppSettingsJsonFile`.
-As a result, the Chocolatey Central Management beta no longer works with the released version of Chocolatey Licensed Extension. This will be corrected once the next release of the Chocolatey Central Management components is completed.
-### Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath.
-During the creation of Chocolatey Central Management, some additional PowerShell cmdlets were created, and these are installed as part of the Chocolatey Licensed Extension package. These cmdlets went through a number of iterations, and as a result, different combinations of Chocolatey Central Management packages were incompatible with the Chocolatey Licensed Extension package, resulting in the error:
-`Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilePath`
-The guidance in this case is either to pin to the specific version of the Chocolatey Extension package required by the version of Chocolatey Central Management being used, or, update to the latest versions of all packages, where the situation should be addressed.
-### All attempts to send email from Chocolatey Central Management result in an error.
-When any attempt is made by Chocolatey Central Management to send an email, an error occurs. This either results in an HTTP 500 errors similar to the following:
-![HTTP 500 error when sending email](/assets/images/features/ccm/error_when_sending_email_500.png)
-Or an inline error, with text similar to: "Unable to send email, please contact System Administrator to ensure SMTP settings are configured correctly.".
-Checking the log file, an error similar to this is found:
-ERROR 2019-06-14 00:54:03,491 [55 ] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel - Connection id "0HLNGIPBBV01R", Request id "0HLNGIPBBV01R:00000001": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
-System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
-This is caused due to the default SMTP configuration being used by CCM, which is incompatible with the environment. Chocolatey Central Management, by default, assumes that there is an available SMTP Server available on the current machine, using port 25. To fix this, follow the [configuration steps](xref:ccm-administration-settings-email).
-### Emails sent from Chocolatey Central Management to users have links that contain localhost, rather than the actual Chocolatey Central Management Server name.
-There is a requirement within the Chocolatey Central Management site to send emails to end users of the application when, for example, registering a new user or resetting a password. When this happens, the email should contain a link back to the Chocolatey Central Management site, which the user can click on to bring up the site in their browser. However, emails sent from Chocolatey Central Management contain links that contain localhost in the address, which means when clicked on, they fail to open correctly. This can be fixed by making a change to the `appsettings.json` file which is located in the `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web` folder.
-Open this file in a text editor, and add the following entry:
- "App": {
- "WebSiteRootAddress": ""
- }
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> When adding this entry, be sure to include a `,` either before or after the entry, depending on where you add it in the file. i.e. the end result needs to be a properly formatted JSON document.
-where `URL_to_CCM` should be the accessible URL to access the Chocolatey Central Management Website. This will typically be the FQDN of the server that is hosting the Chocolatey Central Management Website, but it will depend on your environment's configuration.
-The end result should look something like this:
-![Modified appsettings.json file](/assets/images/features/ccm/updated_appsettingsjson_file.png)
-Once this change has been added, save the file, and then run the following to ensure that the process running the Chocolatey Central Management Website is stopped:
-# For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-# For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# For CCM v0.6.2 and up
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-And then try accessing the website again. Any emails that are then sent from Chocolatey Central Management should then contain valid links back to the site.
-### The updated license file is not being picked up in the website.
-You need to restart the web executable currently. We are looking to have it automatically picked up in future releases. Here's a script to handle that:
-# For CCM versions older than v0.6.0
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-# For CCM version 0.6.0 and 0.6.1
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# For CCM v0.6.2 and up
-Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
-# Restart Chocolatey Agent and/or CCM service (all versions)
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Restart-Service
-### A computer or group is not showing as available for deployments but I have plenty of available licenses.
-Once you upgrade to Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0+, you have upgraded the Agent on the machine to v0.11.0+, and it has successfully completed a check in, then that messaging should go away. Note that clients do not get a message back that there was a failure as a security feature - you'll need to consult the Chocolatey Central Management Service logs. You can find that at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`, or if you are on a version of Chocolatey Central Management prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-### Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path.
-You may see the following: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."
-This means you are attempting to attach a Local DB file as part of your connection. This is an invalid scenario.
-### The website app pool shuts down almost as soon as it is started.
-If you see the app pool shutting down immediately when you start it.
-* Check the event log first. It's very helpful in seeing what the actual issues are
-* Turn on stdout logging in the config at `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\web.config` if it is not already on. The attribute is named `stdoutLogEnabled` (set it to true). This will allow logging to `c:\tools\chocolatey-management-web\App_Data\Logs`. Permissions will play a role in this so ensure [the user has the right access](#non-default-app-pool-user-considerations).
-* Check for [Non-Default App Pool User Considerations](#non-default-app-pool-user-considerations).
-### Errors when attempting to communicate with SignalR.
-Within the Chocolatey Central Management Website, [SignalR](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/signalr) is used to enable real time communications for notifications. It has been found that the following errors can be shown within the Developer Tools sections of some browsers:
-* Error: Connection disconnected with error 'Error: Cannot send until the transport is connected'
-* The connection to ... was interrupted while the page was loading. Error: Connection disconnected with error 'Error: Error occurred'
-* Error: failed to start the connection: Error: Unable to connect to the server with any of the available transports. ServerSentEvents failed: Error: 'ServerSentEvents' is disabled by the client. LongPolling failed: Error: 'LongPolling' is disabled by the client.
-In all of these cases, we haven't seen any drop in functionality for the notifications that are sent from the Chocolatey Central Management application. Our suspicion is that there is a timing issue when attempting to make the connection to the SignalR Hub, which is almost immediately rectified. Due to the fact that SignalR is a 3rd party integration, we do not believe that there is anything that can be done to resolve this problem, and since the functionality continues to work as expected, these errors in the JavaScript console can safely be ignored.
-[Central Management Setup](xref:ccm-setup) | [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-[required-config]: #what-is-the-minimum-required-configuration-for-the-appsettingsjson-file
-### Current user did not login to the application!
-After upgrading to v0.6.0/0.6.1/0.6.2 of the Chocolatey Central Management Website, you may see the error message:
-> Current user did not login to the application!
-When you attempt to login to the application, and you will be immediately logged out again.
-Full details of this problem can be found in the [GitHub issue](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/260), including a workaround for the problem.
-This issue has been addressed in v0.6.3.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/api/examples.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/api/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 54742fcce3..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/api/examples.md
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-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-api-examples
-Title: Examples
-Description: CCM API usage examples
-## Creating An _All Computers_ Group and Deploy Application Upgrades
-From a completely fresh CCM instance with at least one computer checking into Central Management, this process will:
-- Create a new group containing all the computers currently registered to Central Management.
-- Create a new Deployment Plan with a single step, which will upgrade all Chocolatey-managed applications to the latest available versions.
-- Start the Deployment Plan.
-The process involves a couple of intermediary steps as well, since we're using the raw REST API endpoints here (see below).
-We're also assuming as part of this example that you've already [Authenticated to the CCM API](#authentication) and have a `$Session` variable created as in that example.
-### 1. Get All CCM-Managed Computers
-$CcmServerHostname = 'chocoserver'
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CCmServerHostname/api/services/app/Computers/GetAll"
- Method = 'GET'
- WebSession = $Session
-$ComputerList = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-### 2. Create an _All Computers_ Group
-# Create group in CCM
-$GroupName = 'All Clients'
-$Params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit"
- Method = 'POST'
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{
- name = $GroupName
- description = 'All CCM client machines'
- groups = @()
- computers = @(
- $ComputerList.result | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'computerId'; Expression = { "$($_.id)" } }
- )
- } | ConvertTo-Json
-$null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-# Retrieve created group information
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/Groups/GetAll"
- Method = "GET"
- WebSession = $Session
-$Group = Invoke-RestMethod @params |
- Select-Object -ExpandProperty result |
- Where-Object Name -EQ $GroupName
-### 3. Create a New Deployment Plan
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/CreateOrEdit"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ name = "Upgrade Chocolatey-Managed Applications [$(Get-Date)]" } | ConvertTo-Json
-$deployment = (Invoke-RestMethod @params).result
-### 4. Add a Deployment Step
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEdit"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{
- deploymentPlanId = $deployment.Id
- name = "Choco Upgrade All"
- validExitCodes = "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010"
- executionTimeoutInSeconds = 14400
- machineContactTimeoutInMinutes = "0"
- failOnError = $true
- requireSuccessOnAllComputers = $false
- deploymentStepGroups = @(
- @{ groupId = $Group.Id; groupName = $Group.Name }
- )
- # Syntax for basic Deployment Steps is "|"
- script = "upgrade|all"
- } | ConvertTo-Json
-$null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-### 5. Move Deployment Plan to Ready & Start the Deployment Plan
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/MoveToReady"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ id = $deployment.Id } | ConvertTo-Json
-$null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-$params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Start"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ id = $deployment.Id } | ConvertTo-Json
-$null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-## Create a Recurring Scheduled Task to run Recurring Deployment Plans
-This example uses the concepts in the previous example and streamlines the process of creating a scheduled task on Windows to create a recurring Deployment Plan task.
-In this example, we set the trigger to run daily, but you could configure it to run as needed for your use case.
-$recurringDeploymentScript = {
- # Fill in the CCM Server name as well as the Group ID that the Deployment Step will target
- $CcmServerHostname = 'chocoserver'
- $GroupId = 1
- # Authenticate to API
- # NOTE: This is an example only; it's never a great idea to store your credentials in a script or scheduled task.
- # Instead, store the credentials securely and retrieve them during the scheduled task script.
- $body = @{
- usernameOrEmailAddress = 'ccmadmin'
- password = 'ch0c0R0cks'
- }
- $null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CcmServerHostname/Account/Login" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $body -SessionVariable Session -ErrorAction Stop
- # Create New Deployment Plan
- $params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/CreateOrEdit"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ name = "Upgrade Chocolatey-Managed Applications [$(Get-Date)]" } | ConvertTo-Json
- }
- $deployment = (Invoke-RestMethod @params).result
- # Add Deployment Step
- $params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEdit"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{
- deploymentPlanId = $deployment.Id
- name = "Choco Upgrade All"
- validExitCodes = "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010"
- executionTimeoutInSeconds = 14400
- machineContactTimeoutInMinutes = "0"
- failOnError = $true
- requireSuccessOnAllComputers = $false
- deploymentStepGroups = @(
- @{ groupId = $GroupId }
- )
- script = "upgrade|all"
- } | ConvertTo-Json
- }
- $null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
- # Move Deployment Plan to Ready & Start the Deployment Plan
- $params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/MoveToReady"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ id = $deployment.Id } | ConvertTo-Json
- }
- $null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
- $params = @{
- Uri = "https://$CcmServerHostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Start"
- Method = "POST"
- WebSession = $Session
- ContentType = 'application/json'
- Body = @{ id = $deployment.Id } | ConvertTo-Json
- }
- $null = Invoke-RestMethod @params
-$argumentString = '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "& {{ {0} }}"' -f $recurringDeploymentScript
-$taskParams = @{
- Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument $argumentString
- # Fill in the requirements for the repeating scheduled task; here, it will trigger once a day @ 6 PM
- Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 6pm
- TaskName = 'Repeat - Choco Update Deployment'
- Description = "Create and start a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan which will trigger all computers in the group '$groupName' to update their Chocolatey-managed applications."
-Register-ScheduledTask @taskParams
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/api/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/api/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-api
-Title: API
-Description: Information on using the CCM API
-RedirectFrom: docs/central-management-api
-## Description
-As of CCM v0.4.0, the API for Chocolatey Central Management is exposed via Swagger.
-The API documentation and examples can be reached from your CCM dashboard by selecting the :gear: **API** option on the left sidebar.
-The information contained there is referenced here, but you can additionally try out the various API endpoints directly from the Swagger API page for your own CCM environment.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> The Swagger UI does not work in Internet Explorer. Please use another browser.
-## ChocoCCM
-The [ChocoCCM](xref:chococcm) PowerShell module is available from the PowerShell Gallery for use with CCM v0.4.0 and later.
-This module contains PowerShell commands designed for interfacing with the CCM API directly.
-See the [ChocoCCM Function Reference](xref:chococcm-functions) page for a full list of commands and their associated documentation.
-## Authentication
-Before being able to utilise the CCM API, you will need to create an authenticated session.
-This can be done by targeting the `/Account/Login` endpoint and submitting the username and password.
-You will need to use the authenticated session variable for any API calls.
-# Replace 'chocoserver' with the hostname of your CCM server in your environment
-$CcmServerHostname = 'chocoserver'
-$Credential = Get-Credential
-$body = @{
- usernameOrEmailAddress = $Credential.UserName
- password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
-$Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CcmServerHostname/Account/Login" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $body -SessionVariable Session -ErrorAction Stop
-While authenticated, you can target API endpoints like this:
-# The $Session variable name must match the string given to -SessionVariable when authenticating.
-Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CcmServerHostname/$endpointUrl" -Method $Method -Body $Parameters -Session $Session
-## Endpoints
-Below is a list of the API endpoints available for CCM as of v0.10.0.
-For more detailed information on the API endpoints and their parameters for your version of CCM, select the :gear: **API** option from the sidebar on the Central Management dashboard, or navigate to `https://CCM_SERVER_HOSTNAME/swagger/`.
-### AuditLog
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :-------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/AuditLog/GetAuditLogs |
-### ChocolateyLicenseInformation
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ChocolateyLicenseInformation/GetLicenseCount |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ChocolateyLicenseInformation/GetLicenseExpiration |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ChocolateyLicenseInformation/GetIsTrialLicense |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ChocolateyLicenseInformation/GetIsLicenseCountValid |
-### ComputerGroup
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerGroup/GetAllByComputerId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerGroup/GetAllByGroupId |
-| POST | /api/services/app/ComputerGroup/CreateOrEdit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/ComputerGroup/Delete |
-### Computers
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetComputerCount |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetAllPaged |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetComputerForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetComputerForEditByComputerGuid |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Computers/GetComputerForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/Computers/Edit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/Computers/Delete |
-### ComputerSoftware
-Methods for querying or managing mappings between Computer objects and Software entries
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :--------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllByComputerId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedByComputerId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllBySoftwareId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedBySoftwareId |
-### DeploymentPlans
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetAllPaged |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetAllScheduledDeploymentPlansReadyToStart |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/CreateOrEdit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Delete |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentPLans/DeleteNewDraftDeploymentPlan |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Archive |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Duplicate |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Start |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Cancel |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/MoveToReady |
-### DeploymentStepComputers
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetAllPagedByDeploymentStepId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetAllByDeploymentStepId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetDeploymentStepComputerForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetDeploymentStepComputerForEdit |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetReadyDeploymentStepComputerByMachineGuid |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetUnreachableDeploymentStepComputers |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetStaleActiveDeploymentStepComputers |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/CreateOrEdit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/Delete |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetDeploymentStepDetailsToZip |
-### DeploymentStepGroups
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepGroups/GetDeploymentStepGroupForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepGroups/GetDeploymentStepGroupForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepGroups/CreateOrEdit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentStepGroups/Delete |
-### DeploymentSteps
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetAllPagedByDeploymentPlanId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetAllByDeploymentPlanId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetDeploymentStepForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetDeploymentStepForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEditPrivileged |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/Delete |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/DeletePrivileged |
-### Groups
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :--------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Groups/GetAllPaged |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Groups/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Groups/GetGroupForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/Groups/Delete |
-### OutdatedReports
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetAllPaged |
-| GET | /api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetAllByReportId |
-| POST | /api/services/app/OutdatedReports/Create |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/OutdatedReports/Delete |
-### Permission
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :--------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Permission/GetAllPermissions |
-### Role
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :---------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Role/GetRoles |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Role/GetRoleForEdit |
-| POST | /api/services/app/Role/CreateOrUpdateRole |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/Role/DeleteRole |
-### SensitiveVariables
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :--------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/SensitiveVariables/GetAllPaged |
-| GET | /api/services/app/SensitiveVariables/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/SensitiveVariables/GetSensitiveVariableForView |
-| POST | /api/services/app/SensitiveVariables/Create |
-| DELETE | /api/services/app/SensitiveVariables/Delete |
-### Software
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetAll |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetAllCurrentlyInstalled |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetAllWithoutFilter |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetSoftwareByPackageId |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetSoftwareByPackageIdAndVersion |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetSoftwareForView |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetSoftwareForEdit |
-| GET | /api/services/app/Software/GetSoftwareForEditByPackageIdAndVersion |
-### TokenAuth
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :------------------------------------------------ |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/Authenticate |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/RefreshToken |
-| GET | /api/TokenAuth/LogOut |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/SendTwoFactorAuthCode |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/ImpersonatedAuthenticate |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/LinkedAccountAuthenticate |
-| GET | /api/TokenAuth/GetExternalAuthenticationProviders |
-| POST | /api/TokenAuth/ExternalAuthenticate |
-| GET | /api/TokenAuth/TestNotification |
-### WebLog
-| Method | EndpointUrl |
-| :----: | :---------------------------------------- |
-| GET | /api/services/app/WebLog/GetLatestWebLogs |
-| POST | /api/services/app/WebLog/DownloadWebLogs |
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployment-plans.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployment-plans.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 889f1e1156..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployment-plans.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-example-deployment-plans
-Title: Deployment Plans
-Description: Example Deployment Plans that can be imported into Chocolatey Central Management for immediate use.
-RedirectFrom: en-us/central-management/usage/examples/deployments
-## Summary
-Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) now (in version 0.11.0 and up) supports importing and exporting Deployment Plans. We have several example Deployment Plans that you can import and use immediately, to help you make best use of your Chocolatey for Business suite!
-! Include "../../../../shared/import-deployment-plan.txt" /?>
-### Updating Values in Deployment Plans
-When importing an example Deployment Plan, you may have to update the `Target Group(s)` and any `Deployment Start Time` that are set.
-After importing the Deployment Plan, you should follow these steps to ensure you are able to deploy it!
-#### Setting the Target Group(s)
-You will also need to set a Target Group for the Deployment Step:
-- Mouse-over the Deployment Step and click the **Edit** button.
- ![Editing a Deployment Step](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/button-edit-step.png)
-- Navigate to the `Select Target Groups` panel.
-- Highlight your preferred groups and click the **>** button to move them into `Selected Groups`.
- ![Selecting Target Groups](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-select-target-groups.png)
-- Click **Save**.
-#### Setting the Start Time Date (Scheduled Deployments)
-Before you can run the Deployment Plan, you must set the `Start Date Time` to a time at least 30 minutes in the future.
-To do so, click on the clock icon next to the `Start Date Time` field. When you have selected an appropriate time, click **Save**.
-![Updating an invalid Start Date Time](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/calendar-start-date-time.png)
-## Example Deployment Plans
-We have several example Deployment Plans shown below, and you can check the [Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan Examples repository](https://github.com/chocolatey/ccm-deployment-examples) on GitHub for more.
-#### Installing or Upgrading a Package
-The only Deployment Step in this Deployment Plan upgrades, or installs if not present, the `Firefox` package ([available on the Chocolatey Community Repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/firefox)).
-Assuming this package was available on your sources, you will only need to set the Target Groups for the Deployment Step. If you don't have it available, you can download it using `choco download firefox --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/'"` and then upload it to your internal repository.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
-#### Installing Multiple Packages
-This Deployment Plan is a basic example of deploying multiple packages.
-We recommend that you use a separate Deployment Step for each package to deploy to allow per-computer reporting.
-You can use this to generate larger Deployment Plans with more comprehensive suites of packages, even mixing Basic and Advanced Deployment Steps in order to provide additional configuration.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
-#### Installing a Package with Parameters
-This Deployment Plan is an example of deploying a package using an Advanced Deployment Step, in this case to provide a package parameter during deployment.
-The example passes the `/InstallDir` parameter to the `python312` package, causing the package to be installed to the location provided.
-We use the Advanced Deployment Step to do this because the Basic Deployment Step does not allow package parameters to be used.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
-### Advanced Deployments
-#### Using a Deployment Schedule
-The following Deployment Plan maintains your Chocolatey license in your environment. It assumes that as a Chocolatey for Business customer
-you have created a `chocolatey-license` package. If you don't currently have a license package, you can create one by following [the instructions](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/c4b-environments/azure/license-update#creating-a-new-license-package).
-The Deployment Step included in this Deployment Plan upgrades, or installs if not present, the `chocolatey.license` package. The Deployment Plan
-utilizes a schedule which will execute daily.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
-A weekly version of this Deployment Plan is available. Click the button below and save
-the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
-#### Upgrading Chocolatey for Business Client Packages
-These Deployment Plans are examples of upgrading the Chocolatey for Business client packages.
-There are two example Deployment Plans here. They follow the instructions laid out on the [upgrading to Chocolatey v2](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/guides/upgrading-to-chocolatey-v2-v6#upgrade-using-chocolatey-central-management-deployments) page.
-##### Upgrade the Chocolatey for Business Client Packages to the Latest 1.x Version.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
- "Name": "Upgrade Chocolatey for Business Client to Latest 1.x",
- "ScheduledDateTimeUtc": null,
- "LastScheduledDateTimeUtc": null,
- "RepeatPeriod": 0,
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "RequiresApproval": false,
- "DeploymentSteps": [
- {
- "Name": "Upgrade to Latest 1.x Client Components",
- "IsPrivileged": true,
- "PlanOrder": 1,
- "Script": "$Installed = choco list --local-only --limit-output | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Header 'Id','Version'\n$ChocolateyVersion = $Installed.Where{$_.Id -eq 'chocolatey'}.Version\n$AgentVersion = $Installed.Where{$_.Id -eq 'chocolatey-agent'}.Version\n$ExtensionVersion = $Installed.Where{$_.Id -eq 'chocolatey.extension'}.Version\n# We don't need to run this step if we're already on the latest 1.*\nif ([version]$ChocolateyVersion -ge '1.4.0' -and [version]$AgentVersion -ge '1.1.2' -and [version]$ExtensionVersion -ge '5.0.3') {\n exit 0\n}\n\n$delayInMinutes = 1\n# If using an internal repository to install Chocolatey Agent, replace `chocolatey.licensed` below\n# with the name or URL of your internally configured source.\nchoco upgrade chocolatey-agent --version=1.1.2 --source=\"'chocolatey.licensed'\"\n\n# Ensure the deployment task registers as failed if the installation failed, and skip registering the\n# scheduled task.\nif ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {\n Write-Error 'The upgrade failed!'\n exit $LASTEXITCODE\n}\n\n# Restart the Agent service after the preset delay time via a scheduled task.\n$ScheduledTask = @{\n TaskName = \"Restart chocolatey-agent\"\n Description = \"Upgrade Chocolatey Agent\"\n Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddMinutes($delayInMinutes)\n Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument \"-WindowStyle Hidden -Command Restart-Service chocolatey-agent\"\n Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId Administrators -RunLevel Highest\n Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Hidden\n}\n\nRegister-ScheduledTask @ScheduledTask -Verbose:$false",
- "ValidExitCodes": "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010",
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "FailOnError": true,
- "RequireSuccessOnAllComputers": false,
- "MachineContactTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
- "DeploymentStepGroupIds": []
- },
- {
- "Name": "Ensure Chocolatey CLI 1.4.0",
- "IsPrivileged": true,
- "PlanOrder": 2,
- "Script": "choco upgrade chocolatey --version=1.4.0 --source=\"'chocolatey.licensed'\"\nexit $LASTEXITCODE",
- "ValidExitCodes": "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010",
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "FailOnError": true,
- "RequireSuccessOnAllComputers": false,
- "MachineContactTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
- "DeploymentStepGroupIds": []
- }
- ]
-##### Upgrade the Chocolatey for Business Client Packages to the Latest Version.
-Save the following as a `.json` file to import as a Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan:
- "Name": "Upgrade Chocolatey for Business Client",
- "ScheduledDateTimeUtc": null,
- "LastScheduledDateTimeUtc": null,
- "RepeatPeriod": 0,
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "RequiresApproval": false,
- "DeploymentSteps": [
- {
- "Name": "Upgrade Chocolatey for Business Client Components",
- "IsPrivileged": true,
- "PlanOrder": 1,
- "Script": "$delayInMinutes = 1\n\n# If using an internal repository to install Chocolatey Agent, replace `chocolatey.licensed` below\n# with the name or URL of your internally configured source.\nchoco upgrade chocolatey-agent --source=\"'chocolatey.licensed'\"\n\n# Ensure the deployment task registers as failed if the installation failed, and skip registering the\n# scheduled task.\nif ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {\n Write-Error 'The upgrade failed!'\n exit $LASTEXITCODE\n}\n\n# Restart the Agent service after the preset delay time via a scheduled task.\n$ScheduledTask = @{\n TaskName = \"restart chocolatey-agent\"\n Description = \"Upgrade Chocolatey Agent\"\n Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddMinutes($delayInMinutes)\n Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument \"-WindowStyle Hidden -Command Restart-Service chocolatey-agent\"\n Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId Administrators -RunLevel Highest\n Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Hidden\n}\nRegister-ScheduledTask @ScheduledTask -Verbose:$false",
- "ValidExitCodes": "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010",
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "FailOnError": true,
- "RequireSuccessOnAllComputers": false,
- "MachineContactTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
- "DeploymentStepGroupIds": []
- },
- {
- "Name": "Ensure Chocolatey CLI is Upgraded",
- "IsPrivileged": true,
- "PlanOrder": 2,
- "Script": "choco upgrade chocolatey --source=\"'chocolatey.licensed'\"\nexit $LASTEXITCODE",
- "ValidExitCodes": "0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010",
- "ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400,
- "FailOnError": true,
- "RequireSuccessOnAllComputers": false,
- "MachineContactTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
- "DeploymentStepGroupIds": []
- }
- ]
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/examples/index.md
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-Order: 40
-xref: ccm-usage-examples
-Title: Examples
-Description: Suggested configurations, deployments, and usages for Chocolatey Central Management
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-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-usage
-Title: Usage
-Description: Information about how to works with the different entities/functionality contained within Chocolatey Central Management
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-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-usage-service-configuration
-Title: Configuration
-Description: Information about the configuration options available for the CCM Service
-## Chocolatey Central Management Service Configuration File
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Any changes to the `chocolatey-central-management.exe.config` file will require that the Chocolatey Central Management Service be restarted.
-There are a number of configuration options within the `chocolatey-central-management.exe.config` to control how the Chocolatey Central Management Service operates.
-### StaleActiveTimeoutBufferInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, to add as a buffer when checking for stale active computers in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `600`
-### UpdateKpisTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between each execution of updating the Chocolatey Central Management KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
-Default Value: `180`
-### CheckForComputerInformationMessagesToProcessTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between checking for computer information messages to process in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `30`
-### CheckForDeploymentStepResultMessagesToProcessTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between checking for Deployment Step result messages to process in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `30`
-### CheckForUnreachableComputersTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between checking for unreachable computers in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `180`
-### CheckForStaleActiveDeploymentComputersTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between checking for stale active computers in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `240`
-### CheckForScheduledDeploymentPlansTimerIntervalInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, of the interval between checking for scheduled Deployment Plans in Chocolatey Central Management.
-Default Value: `60`
-### ComputerInformationMessagesFolderPath
-The path to the folder where incoming computer information messages will be stored.
-Default Value: `C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\services\computer_information_messages`
-### ComputerInformationMessagesProcessingFolderPath
-The path to the folder where computer information messages will be processed.
-Default Value: `C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\services\computer_information_messages_processing`
-### DeploymentStepResultMessagesFolderPath
-The path to the folder where incoming Deployment Step result messages will be stored.
-Default Value: `C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\services\deployment_step_result_messages`
-### DeploymentStepResultMessagesProcessingFolderPath
-The path to the folder where Deployment Step result messages will be processed.
-Default Value: `C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\services\deployment_step_result_messages_processing`
-### DeploymentStepResultMessagesFailedFolderPath
-The path to the folder where Deployment Step result messages that failed to process will be stored. _(Available since v0.8.0)_
-Default Value: `C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\services\deployment_step_result_messages_failed`
-## Chocolatey Configuration File
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> When changes are made to these settings via the `choco config` command, there is no requirement to restart the CCM Service. These changes will be automatically picked up, and the necessary components within the CCM Service updated to use the changed values.
-### centralManagementServiceUrl
-The is the URL that is used by the Chocolatey Central Management Service to listen for incoming requests from the Chocolatey Agents installed on client machines. This configuration setting is used by both the Chocolatey Central Management Service, as well as Chocolatey Agent.
-Default Value: `https://:24020/ChocolateyManagementService`
-### centralManagementReceiveTimeoutInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, that the Chocolatey Central Management Service connection can remain inactive, during which no application messages are received, before it is dropped.
-Default Value: `30`
-### centralManagementSendTimeoutInSeconds
-The amount of time, in seconds, that the Chocolatey Central Management Service will wait before raising an exception when attempting to perform a write operation.
-Default Value: `30`
-### centralManagementMaxReceiveMessageSizeInBytes
-The maximum size, in bytes, for a message that can be processed by the Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-Default Value: `2147483647`
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-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-usage-service
-Title: Service
-Description: Information about how to works with the different entities/functionality contained within Chocolatey Central Management Service
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-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-usage-service-message-processing
-Title: Message Processing
-Description: Information about how messages are processed by the Chocolatey Central Management Service
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The message processing that is described below was introduced in version 0.4.1 of the Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-In order to ensure the safe delivery of messages from each Chocolatey Agent into the Chocolatey Central Management Service, a message processing system has been implemented. Rather than attempt to immediately add information into the database, each message is immediately stored to disk, and then processed via recurring jobs within the Chocolatey Central Management Service. This allows for the Service to easily handle bursts of messages that may happen as a result of a Deployment Step occurring on many machines, and then computers reporting into the Service.
-## Message Processing Folders
-The Chocolatey Central Management Service uses a number of different folders to process the incoming messages. These can be configured in the `chocolatey-central-management.exe.config` within the installation folder for the service. These folders are:
-* [ComputerInformationMessagesFolderPath](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#computerinformationmessagesfolderpath)
-* [ComputerInformationMessagesProcessingFolderPath](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#computerinformationmessagesprocessingfolderpath)
-* [DeploymentStepResultMessagesFolderPath](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#deploymentstepresultmessagesfolderpath)
-* [DeploymentStepResultMessagesProcessingFolderPath](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#deploymentstepresultmessagesprocessingfolderpath)
-* [DeploymentStepResultMessagesFailedFolderPath](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#deploymentstepresultmessagesfailedfolderpath)
-As new messages, both computer information and Deployment Step results, arrive at the Chocolatey Central Management Service, they are immediately stored into the `*MessagesFolderPath` folders. Then as the service begins to process these messages, they are moved into the `*MessageProcessingFolderPath` folders, and once they are processed, the stored messages are deleted.
-## Message Processing Folder Permissions
-During start up of the Chocolatey Central Management Service, it will ensure that all required folders are created (based on the configured values above). In addition, it will ensure, for security purposes, that only the user account that is currently running the Chocolatey Central Management Service has read/write permissions to these folders. By default, this will be the ChocolateyLocalAdmin user, which Chocolatey creates as part of the installation process. If an additional account is used to run the Chocolatey Central Management Service, then this account, and only this account, will be provided read/write permissions to these folders.
-## Poison Messages
-Starting in version 0.8.0 of the Chocolatey Central Management service there is now an additional folder for Deployment Step messages. Processed messages that failed to update the status of the Deployment Step will be moved to the folder specified in [`DeploymentStepResultMessagesFailedFolderPath`](xref:ccm-usage-service-configuration#deploymentstepresultmessagesfailedfolderpath) after the update has been tried 3 times. Files in this directory are not deleted by the Chocolatey Central Management service.
-See the additional information below for computers which have reported in the status of their Chocolatey packages, or for older versions of Chocolatey Central Management service.
-If there is an error during the processing of a message, the message will not be deleted from the `*MessageProcessingFolderPath`. As a result, the message will attempt to be processed again.
-In the unlikely event that there is something "wrong" with the message, and it can't be processed, it will become what is known as a "poison message" and it will remain in the queue indefinitely, attempting to be processed each cycle. If/when this happens, it will be necessary to remove this message from the `*MessageProcessingFolderPath` folder.
-To do this, first stop the Chocolatey Central Management Service. Due to the permissions that are applied on these folders, it will first be necessary for an administrator of the machine to take ownership of the folder that contains the message(s), and to either:
-* move the message to another location
-* delete the message
-Once any poison messages have been removed, the Chocolatey Central Management Service should be restarted, and the permissions for those folders will be reapplied.
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diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/audit-logs.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/audit-logs.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: ccm-administration-audit-logs
-Title: Audit Logs
-Description: Information about using the audit logs within the Chocolatey Central Management Administration section
-## Operation logs
-The Chocolatey Central Management Website stores a lot of information about the operations that have been performed on it.
-It is possible to search for operations that have happened using a number of different filters:
-- Date range
-- User name
-Expanding the `Show advanced filters` section displays the following filters:
-- Service
-- Duration
-- Action
-- Error state
-- Browser
-Once the required filters have been set, pressing the `Refresh` button will show the available results.
-![Operation logs tab within the Audit logs section of the Administration | Settings page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/audit-logs/left-menu-active.png)
-It is possible to see all available information for an operation by clicking the :mag: button to the left-hand side of the table.
-If required, the available results can be exported to an Excel document using the `Export | Export to Excel` button.
-This will generate a file named something similar to the following `Chocolatey_AuditLogs_20231122_095144.xlsx`.
-The length of time that Operation logs are stored within the Chocolatey Central Management Website can be configured in the [Retention Policies](xref:ccm-administration-settings-retention#audit-retention) Settings tab.
-## Change logs
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This section of the Chocolatey Central Management Website does not actually provide any functionality, and will be removed in a future version.
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-Order: 70
-xref: ccm-administration
-Title: Administration
-Description: How to configure the different administration sections of Chocolatey Central Management
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diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/maintenance.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/maintenance.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 50
-xref: ccm-administration-maintenance
-Title: Maintenance
-Description: Information about using the maintenance functions within the Chocolatey Central Management Administration section.
-## Caches
-To improve overall performance of the Chocolatey Central Management Website, a number of different caches are used.
-If/when required, these caches can be cleared, either individually, or all at once.
-![Caches tab within the Maintenance section of the Administration | Settings page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/maintenance/left-menu-active.png)
-## Website Logs
-It is possible to review, and download, the logs for the Chocolatey Central Management Website.
-Clicking the `Download all` button will download all the available Website logs in a `WebSiteLogs.zip` file.
-Clicking the `Refresh` button will load any additional logs that have been created since the page was first opened.
-![Websites Logs tab within the Maintenance section of the Administration | Settings page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/maintenance/tab-website-logs.png)
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diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/roles.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/roles.md
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index 572006aaf5..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-administration-roles
-Title: Roles
-Description: Information about configuring roles within the Chocolatey Central Management Administration section
-Chocolatey Central Management's roles are the basis for setting collections of permissions that can be assigned to specific users within Chocolatey Central Management.
-Roles can be accessed by going to Administration on the left-hand navigation and selecting roles.
-![Roles menu entry on the CCM Dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-nested-roles.png)
-## Creating a Role
-On the main roles page, select the **+ Create New Role** button.
-![Create New Role button on the Roles page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/roles/button-create-new-role.png)
-You will then be presented with the Role properties window where you can enter the name for the new role. You also have the option to make your new role the Default which will be added to all new users by default.
-![Creating New Role Setting Role Properties](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/roles/modal-new-role-tab-role.png)
-Next you'll want to click over to Permissions. This window will allow you to select what specific permissions you wish to give your new role.
-![Creating New Role Setting Permissions](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/roles/modal-new-role-tab-permissions.png)
-Click :floppy_disk: **Save** to close the window and create the new role.
-## Editing a Role
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Edit** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Edit Roles_ permission.
-On the main Roles page, find the role you want to edit.
-You can also use _Select Permissions (0)_ to filter the Roles listed based on them having the permissions you select.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the role, and then select **Edit** to open the _Edit Group_ window.
-![Edit menu entry in role actions flyout menu](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/roles/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-edit.png)
-From the **Edit Role** window, you can modify the name, set it to be the Default role, and edit its permissions.
-## Deleting a Role
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Delete** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Edit Roles_ permissions.
-> Roles labelled **Static** cannot be deleted.
-> You cannot delete a Role if the account you are using also has the Role assigned to it.
-On the main Roles page, find the role you want to delete. You can also use _Select Permissions (0)_ to filter the roles listed based on permission. Similar to the [Edit Role](#editing-a-role) action, select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the role, and select **Delete**. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
-## Pre-Configured Roles
-When first browsing to the Roles page, you'll be presented with 4 pre-configured roles that are built-in to Chocolatey Central Management.
-* CCM Admin
-* CCM User
-* CCM Deployment
-* CCM Deployment Privileged
-These pre-configured roles are labeled **Static** and cannot be deleted. They can however be edited by name, default role selection, and permissions.
-We recommend you review the permissions these roles have. Then edit them, if needed, to work within your environment.
-## Related Topics
-* [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management - Deployments](xref:ccm-deployments)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management - Reports](xref:ccm-reports)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/sensitive-variables.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/sensitive-variables.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8febd543fd..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/sensitive-variables.md
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-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-administration-sensitive-variables
-Title: Sensitive Variables
-Description: Information on sensitive variables within Chocolatey Central Management
-RedirectFrom: en-us/central-management/usage/website/sensitive-variables
-Chocolatey Central Management gives you the ability to create sensitive variables for use in Deployment Steps.
-The **Sensitive Variables** page can be accessed from the Administration section of Chocolatey Central Management. The page is only visible to users who have permissions to create or delete sensitive variables.
-![Chocolatey Central Management dashboard, arrow pointing to Sensitive Variables menu in the left sidebar entry.](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-nested-sensitive-variables.png)
-## Creating a new Sensitive Variable
-1. From the Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard, select `Administration` > `Sensitive Variables` from the left sidebar.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management dashboard, arrow pointing to Sensitive Variables menu in the left sidebar entry.](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-nested-sensitive-variables.png)
-1. Select the :heavy_plus_sign: **Create new sensitive variable** button at the top of the page.
- ![CCM Sensitive Variables page, arrow pointing to Create new sensitive variable button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/sensitive-variables/button-create-new-sensitive-variable.png)
-1. Fill in the details and click Save.
- ![Fill in Sensitive Variables information](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/sensitive-variables/modal-new-sensitive-variable.png)
-Alternatively, variables can also be added from an Deployment Step Advanced script by clicking the :heavy_plus_sign: in the upper right corner.
-![Sensitive Variables Added from the Advanced script of a Deployment Step](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-button-create-sensitive-variable.png)
-## Adding Sensitive Variables to scripts
-! Include "../../../../../shared/sensitive-variables-note.txt" /?>
-1. In an Advanced script of a Deployment Step, select the variable to insert from the Sensitive Variables drop down.
-![Deployment Step Advanced script, with an arrow pointing to the Sensitive Variables selection dropdown.](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-advanced-command-select-sensitive-variable.png)
-## Deleting Sensitive Variables
-1. From the Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard, select `Administration` > `Sensitive Variables` from the left sidebar.
- ![Central Management dashboard, arrow pointing to Sensitive Variables menu in the left sidebar entry on the CCM Dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-nested-sensitive-variables.png)
-1. Select :wastebasket: **Delete** beside the Sensitive Variable you wish to delete.
- ![Sensitive Variables page with arrow to a delete button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/sensitive-variables/button-quick-action-delete.png)
-## Editing / Changing Sensitive Variables
-You cannot change or edit a Sensitive Variable directly. If you need to change the value a Sensitive Variable has, please [delete it](#deleting-sensitive-variables) and [create it](#creating-a-new-sensitive-variable) again.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/dashboard.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/dashboard.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c45889b977..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/dashboard.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Order: 13
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-dashboard
-Title: Dashboard
-Description: Information about setting Dashboard settings within the Administration Settings screen
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.12.0.
-On the [Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard](xref:ccm-dashboard) there is a count of the `Total Stale Computers`. This is defined as `the total number of Computers that haven't reported into Chocolatey Central Management in the last 180 days.`. Here 180 is the default value, but you can change this by using the following steps:
-1. Open the Chocolatey Central Management Site in the browser.
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user.
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`.
-1. Click on the `Dashboard` tab in the `Settings` screen.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/tab-dashboard.png)
-1. Adjust the `Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in`.
-1. Click the `Save All` button to save changes.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> When the [Stale Computer Retention Policy](xref:ccm-administration-settings-retention#stale-computer-retention) is enabled, it is not possible to set the `Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in` for the Dashboard to a number that is lower than what is currently configured for the `Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting` setting, and vice versa. If this is attempted, a validation warning will be shown.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> When upgrading to Chocolatey Central Management 0.12.0, if the [Stale Computer Retention Policy](xref:ccm-administration-settings-retention#stale-computer-retention) is enabled, if the current value for `Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting` is less than the default value for `Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in`, a change will be made to the default value to make it half of the configured value for `Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting`.
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-Order: 40
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-email
-Title: Email (SMTP)
-Description: Information about using up email settings within the Administration Settings screen
-The CCM Site needs to be able to send email for certain actions. For example, when a new user is registering with the system, or when sending out forgotten password emails. Valid SMTP Configuration has to be provided in order for these emails to be sent out. Follow these steps to configure SMTP for CCM.
-1. Open the CCM Site in the browser
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`
-1. Click on the `Email (SMTP)` tab in the `Settings` screen
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Email Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/tab-email-(smtp).png)
-1. Add the SMTP settings for your environment. If you uncheck the `Use default credentials` checkbox, you will need to provide the `Domain name`, `User name` and `SMTP Password` for a user that is permitted to send email via the system that is being used.
-1. Click the `Save All` button to save changes
-1. Change the email address to go to your email address
-1. Click the `Send Test Email` button and ensure that an email is received correctly
-You should receive a notification similar to this:
-![Test email sent successfully](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/email-(smtp)-toast-success.png)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> If you leave either the `Default from (sender) email address` or `Default from (sender) display name` with their default values, you will see an error when an email is attempted to be sent via the system.
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-Order: 70
-xref: ccm-encryption-passphrase
-Title: Encryption Passphrase
-Description: Information on the Encryption Passphrase within Chocolatey Central Management
-RedirectFrom: en-us/central-management/usage/website/encryption-passphrase
-Starting in Chocolatey Central Management 0.7.0 we are providing the ability to control the passphrase that is used when encrypting both secret values and certain requests that happen between the website and the service.
-The encryption passphrase can be changed in Chocolatey Central Management by accessing the `Administrator -> Settings` section and selecting the `Security` tab. The settings for the encryption passphrase will only be visible to users who are a member of the CCM Administrator role.
-> :choco-danger: **IMPORTANT**
-> We recommend this passphrase is set as soon as possible. However, a user who is a member of the CCM Administrator role will be able to defer this for 4 logins. On the 5th login they will be restricted to only being able to set the passphrase.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Changing the encryption passphrase will invalidate the links in Email Activation and Password Resets emails sent out prior to the change. The user clicking on the invalid link will be notified of this, and will be requested to enter their information again to have a new email sent.
-## Set the encryption passphrase for the first time { #set-the-encryption-passphrase-for-the-first-time }
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> Once the passphrase has been changed and saved, there will be a short delay while both the website and the API are updated. During that time they will be unavailable for any other use and browsing the website or calling the API may result in a `500 - Internal Server Error` response.
-1. Navigate to the `Administrator -> Settings` section of Central Management, and click on the `Security` tab to show the location that a new passphrase can be set (_New `CCM Admin` Logins will be redirected to this location_).
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Settings, encryption passphrase location](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/security-alert-new-passphrase-warning.png)
-2. Enter the passphrase to use in the box labeled `New Passphrase`.
- > :choco-info: **NOTE**
- >
- > The new passphrase must meet the following requirements:
- >
- > 1. A length equal to, or higher than, 5 characters.
- > 2. At least 1 lowercase character (`a-z`).
- > 3. At least 1 uppercase character (`A-Z`).
- > 4. At least 1 digit (`0-9`).
- > 5. At least 1 alpha numeric character.
-3. Enter the same passphrase in the box labeled `Confirm New Passphrase`.
- > :choco-warning: **WARNING**
- >
- > Make sure to save the passphrase in a secure location as it will be needed if there is a need to change it again in the future.
- > Chocolatey Software, Inc. will not be responsible for any misplaced passphrases or restoring the database if the passphrase has been forgotten or lost.
-4. Save the changes using the `Save all` button located at the top of the page.
- > :choco-warning: **WARNING**
- >
- > This will take between 5 and 10 seconds but could take more depending on performance.
- > During this time it is not recommended to navigate to any other pages or make any API calls as they may result in an error.
- > A dialog to refresh the page will be displayed once the changes have completed.
-5. Users following links for email activation or password resets will need to re-enter their information to have a new email sent.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management, invalid Forgot Password link ](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/account/forgot-password/alert-invalid-link.png)
- ![Chocolatey Central Management, invalid Email Activation link](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/account/email-activation/alert-invalid-link.png)
-## Update the encryption passphrase
-The same procedure can be followed as was detailed in the [`Set the encryption passphrase for the first time`](#set-the-encryption-passphrase-for-the-first-time) section above.
-The only difference is that the current passphrase, as well as the new passphrase, will have to be entered.
-## Additional warnings that may be seen
-We have added a number of warnings to help highlight that changes need to be made, where and by whom. Please see these screenshots below.
-- Before a user is logged in, they will see a warning on the login screen confirming that additional changes need to be made by a user who is a member of the CCM Administrator role.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Login warning, pointing out changes are needed](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/account/login/alert-additional-settings.png)
-- If a user is logged in, but is not in the CCM Administrator role, the same warning is displayed to the user.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard warning for normal users](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/alert-passphrase-admin.png)
-- A user that is a member of the CCM Administrator role, will be redirected to set the encryption passphrase, when they log in.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Settings, encryption passphrase location](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/security-alert-new-passphrase-warning.png)
-- A user that is a member of the CCM Administrator role, will be able to navigate to other sections of Chocolatey Central Management when they have not set the encryption passphrase and have logged in less than 5 times.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard warning on Administrators](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/alert-passphrase-user.png)
-- On the 5th and subsequent logins, a user who is a member of the CCM Administrator role will be redirected to set the encryption passphrase and will not be able to navigate to other sections of Chocolatey Central Management until the passphrase has been set.
- > :choco-info: **NOTE**
- >
- > A user who is not a member of the CCM Administrators role will still be available to use Chocolatey Central Management website and API, as normal .
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Settings, encryption passphrase required](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/security-alert-new-passphrase-danger.png)
-## FAQ
-### What is the encryption passphrase?
-The encryption passphrase is the password (along with a salt value) that will be used to encrypt sensitive settings in the database, as well as links in Password Reset and Email Activation emails.
-### What items are encrypted using the passphrase?
-The following items are encrypted using the passphrase:
-- [`Sensitive Variables`](xref:ccm-administration-sensitive-variables).
-- SMTP and LDAP passwords.
-- Links used in Email Activation and Password Reset emails.
-There are also some of the requests used when browsing the web site, and making API requests that also encrypt/decrypt values using the same passphrase.
-### Why do I need to set a passphrase?
-We have enhanced the security of fields stored in the database to use encryption that requires a unique passphrase that you control and can change if/when needed. This allows you to ensure the encryption passphrase is always secure, regularly updated and meets the standards of your organization.
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-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-general
-Title: General
-Description: Information about using up general settings within the Administration Settings screen
-The Administration Settings page loads the General tab by default. This page is used to set the default timezone.
-If a user does not set their own timezone for display from `My Settings`, then the selected timezone will be used for the display of all times.
-![General Settings Administration page of Chocolatey Central Management](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/tab-general.png)
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-Order: 60
-xref: ccm-administration-settings
-Title: Settings
-Description: How to configure the different settings of Chocolatey Central Management
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-Order: 50
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-retention
-Title: Retention Policies
-Description: Information about using retention settings within the Administration Settings screen
- - en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/audit-retention
- - en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/settings/stale-computer-deletion
-Chocolatey Central Management has a number of settings that allow you to adjust various retention periods. By default, only the Audit Retention policy is enabled.
-If you want to change these settings, follow these steps:
-1. Open the CCM Site in the browser.
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user.
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`.
-1. Click on the `Retention Policies` tab
-1. Modify the settings as required
-1. Click the `Save All` button at the bottom left of the page to save your settings.
-As noted in the User Interface, any modifications to this section of the settings will require the Web Application to be restarted. This can be completed by doing the following:
-1. Get direct access to the machine that is hosting the CCM Web Application
-1. Open an administrative PowerShell session
-1. Run the following commands:
- ```powershell
- Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
- Stop-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Restart-WebAppPool -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- Start-Website -Name ChocolateyCentralManagement
- ```
-## Audit Retention
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This feature was added, as a breaking change, in version 0.6.0 of Chocolatey Central Management. Audit Retention is enabled by default, and will immediately start truncating the audit log table as soon as it is installed.
-> If you require keeping all audit logs, we would recommend that you first back up the CCM database before applying the new version.
-In an attempt to control the size of the Chocolatey Central Management database, it is possible to control the retention policy for the audit logs table within the application.
-By default, Audit Retention is enabled, and any logs that are older than 30 days will automatically be removed.
-![Audit Retention Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/retention-policies-checkbox-enable-audit-retention.png)
-## Stale Computer Retention
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-In Chocolatey Central Management, a stale computer is one which hasn't reported in for a long period of time. This could be perfectly normal, but it could also be a sign that this computer is no longer active, and should be removed. This is something that can be done manually, given the correct permissions, from the [computers page](xref:ccm-computers#removing-a-computer-from-central-management), however, enabling this setting automatically removes stale computers from Chocolatey Central Management.
-By default, Stale Computer Deletion is disabled. When it is enabled, computers that haven't reported into Chocolatey Central Management within the set timeframe (the default is 365 days) will be removed.
-![Stale Computer Deletion Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/retention-policies-checkbox-enable-stale-computer-retention.png)
-## Deployment Plan Retention
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.11.0.
-Chocolatey Central Management has the ability to automatically archive or delete Deployment Plans that have reached a completion state.
-By default, Deployment Plan Retention is disabled for both archiving and deleting. When it is enabled, Deployment Plans that have completed beyond the set timeframe (the default is 30 days) will be archived, or deleted. If both archive and delete are enabled, the delete period will be considered the combination of the archive and the delete.
-![Deployment Plan Retention Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/retention-policies-checkbox-enable-deployment-plan-retention.png)
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-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-security
-Title: Security
-Description: Information about using up security settings within the Administration Settings screen
-## Two Factor Login
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-By default, Two Factor Login is disabled in Chocolatey Central Management.
-If you want to change these settings, follow these steps:
-1. Open the CCM Site in the browser.
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user.
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`.
-1. Click on the `Security` tab
-1. Either enable, or disable, the `Enable two factor user login` checkbox as required.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Security Two Factor Login Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/security-checkbox-enable-two-factor-authentication.png)
-1. If enabled, choose whether to `Enable email verification` and `Allow to remember browser. If you allow this, users can select to remember browser to skip second time two factor login for the same browser.`
-1. Click the `Save All` button at the top right of the page to save your settings.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you disable the `Enable email verification` option, this is the same as disabling all two factor login. In future versions of Chocolatey Central Management, there will be additional methods of verification on top of only email, this is why there is a checkbox for it currently.
-Once enabled, any user logging into the Chocolatey Central Management website will be presented with this screen, where they will have the allotted time to enter the security code which will have been sent to the email address associated with their account.
-The `Remember this browser` checkbox is what can be enabled/disabled in step 6 above. If the user chooses to enable this setting, a cookie will be created and stored in the browser, meaning that they will not be promoted for a two factor login security code on this browser again.
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+++ /dev/null
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-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-user-management
-Title: User Management
-Description: Information about using up user management settings within the Administration Settings screen
-## LDAP Configuration
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The Central Management Server must be joined to the Active Directory Domain.
-1. Open the CCM Site in the browser.
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user.
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`.
-1. Click on the `User management` tab in the `Settings` screen.
-1. Under LDAP Setting click the `Enable LDAP Authentication` button.
-1. Fill in your FQDN for the `Domain name` field and the `User name` field with an active directory account that has access to query user accounts within your active directory environment.
- ![CCM LDAP Setup](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/user-management-checkbox-enable-ldap.png)
-1. Click the `Update LDAP Password` button to open a modal window to allow you to enter/confirm the password that is to be used.
- ![Update LDAP Password](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/user-management-modal-ldap-password.png)
-1. Click the `Save` button
-1. Click the `Save All` button at the top right of the page to save your settings.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> In order for LDAP authentication to succeed in versions of Central Management 0.3.1 and lower
-> an Email Address, Surname, and GivenName must be configured on the properties of the Active Directory user you are
-> attempting to use for login. If any of these fields are empty, errors will be encountered when attempting to login
-> to the Central Management application.
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-Order: 15
-xref: ccm-administration-settings-website
-Title: Website
-Description: Information about setting Website settings within the Administration Settings screen
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.11.0.
-When Chocolatey Central Management sends out emails, they need to know the hostname of the CCM server in order to be able to correctly link back to the Chocolatey Central Management website. When Chocolatey Central Management is installed, it tries to determine the website host and stores it in the Website Settings as the `Web site root address`. If the hostname used to access the Chocolatey Central Management website changes, you will want to update this setting. Follow these steps to configure the Web site root address for Chocolatey Central Management.
-1. Open the CCM Site in the browser.
-1. Login with the `ccmadmin` user.
-1. In the left-hand menu click on `Administration` and then `Settings`.
-1. Click on the `Website` tab in the `Settings` screen.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Website Settings](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/settings/tab-website.png)
-1. Adjust the Web site root address.
-1. Click the `Save All` button to save changes.
-As noted in the User Interface, any modifications to this section of the settings will require the Chocolatey Central Management Service to be restarted. This can be completed by doing the following:
-1. Get direct access to the machine that is hosting the Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-1. Open an administrative PowerShell session.
-1. Run the following command: `Restart-Service chocolatey-central-management`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/users.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/administration/users.md
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-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-administration-users
-Title: Users
-Description: Information about configuring Users within the Chocolatey Central Management Administration section
-In Chocolatey Central Management, Users are people who are given access to login in, and perform operations.
-Users can be accessed by going to Administration on the left-hand navigation and selecting Users.
-![Users menu entry on the Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-nested-users.png)
-## Creating a User
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **+ Create new user** button, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Creating new user_ permission.
-On the main Users page, select the **+ Create New User** button.
-![Create New User button on the Users page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/users/button-create-new-user.png)
-You will then be presented with the `Create New User` window where you can enter all the information for the User, including `First Name`, `Email address`, etc.
-![Creating New User Setting User Properties](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/users/modal-new-user-tab-information.png)
-Next you'll want to click over to `Roles`. This window will allow you to select what specific [Roles](xref:ccm-administration-roles) you wish to give your new User.
-![Creating New User Setting Roles](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/users/modal-new-user-tab-roles.png)
-Click :floppy_disk: **Save** to close the window and create the new User.
-A green toast notification will be shown once the operation completes successfully.
-## Editing a User
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Edit** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Editing user_ permission.
-On the main Users page, [find](#searching-for-a-user) the User you want to edit.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the User, and then select **Edit** to open the _Edit User_ window.
-![Edit menu entry in User actions flyout menu](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/users/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-edit.png)
-From the **Edit Role** window, you can modify all the properties for a User, for example, `First Name`, `Phone number`, etc. In addition, you can alter the [Roles](xref:ccm-administration-roles) associated with the User.
-Once modifications are complete, click the :floppy_disk: **Save** button.
-A green toast notification will be shown once the operation completes successfully.
-## Fine grained permissions
-In addition to configuring a set of Roles for an individual User, so can set speicial permissions for an individual User.
-On the main Users page, [find](#searching-for-a-user) the User you want to edit.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the User, and then select **Permission** to open the _Permissions_ window.
-![Permissions menu entry in User actions flyout menu](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/administration/users/modal-permissions.png)
-From the tree of permissions, check/uncheck the permissions that are needed.
-Once modifications are complete, click the :floppy_disk: **Save** button.
-A green toast notification will be shown once the operation completes successfully.
-## Deleting a User
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Delete** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Deleting user_ permission.
-On the main Users page, [find](#searching-for-a-user) the User that needs to be deleted.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the User, and then select **Delete**.
-A prompt will be shown asking `Are you sure?`.
-Click `Cancel` to not continue with the operation.
-Click `Yes` to proceed with the operation.
-A green toast notification will be shown once the operation completes successfully.
-## Unlocking a User
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Unlock** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, please see your Administrator to determine if your account has the _Editing user_ permission.
-If a User enters the wrong login information 5 times, their account will become locked.
-To allow them to attempt to login again, the account will need to be unlocked.
-On the main Users page, [find](#searching-for-a-user) the User that is locked out.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the User, and then select **Unlock**.
-A green toast notification will be shown once the operation completes successfully.
-## Searching for a User
-By default, there is a single search box, which can be used to search for a given User by their `User name`, `First Name`, `Surname`, and `Email`.
-Clicking the `Show advanced filters` link, provide additional filtering options:
-- Permissions
-- Role
-- Only locked users
-## Exporting User Information
-From the main Users page, it is possible to export all User information into either PDF or Excel format.
-This can be done by using either the `Export | Export to PDF`, or the `Export | Export to Excel` button.
-This will generate a file name similar to `Chocolatey_Users_20231122_130612.xlsx`, or `Chocolatey_Users_20231122_130612.pdf`.
-## Pre-Configured Users
-In a fresh installation of Chocolatey Central Management, there is a single pre-configured User called `ccmadmin`, which has been allocated the `CCM Admin` Role.
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/computers.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/computers.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-Order: 40
-xref: ccm-computers
-Title: Computers
-Description: Information on computers within CCM
- - docs/central-management-computers
- - en-us/central-management/usage/computers
-Chocolatey Central Management gives you visibility into what's installed on a given computer, as well as their last check-in to Central Management and IP Address.
-The **Computers** page can be accessed from the Central Management Dashboard via the menu entry in the left-hand sidebar.
-![Computers menu entry on the CCM Dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-computers.png)
-## Registering a New Computer
-Client computers (agents) will show up in Central Management automatically as long as long as these conditions are met for the client computer:
-1. The `chocolatey`, `chocolatey.extension`, and `chocolatey-agent` packages are installed, alongside a valid Chocolatey for Business license.
-1. The `useChocolateyCentralManagement` feature is enabled.
-1. The `centralManagementServiceUrl` is set correctly in the chocolatey configuration file (typically to `https://:24020/ChocolateyManagementService`)
-1. The client has access to the above URL (this may require opening the port in your firewall, etc.) so that it can resolve the SSL certificate necessary to communicate with the CCM service.
-Please see [Central Management Client Setup](xref:ccm-client) for more details and setup.
-## Viewing Installed Software on a Computer
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.10.0, the groups that a computer is a member of is shown in both the table of all computers, as well as on the computer details pages. By default, this will only show the first 5 group memberships. If there are more group associations:
-> - The computers table will display a `...` link in the Groups column. Upon hovering this link, a tooltip will be shown with all group memberships.
-> - On the computer details page, a `View More` link will be shown. When clicked, this will cause an expansion to show all group memberships and the link will update to say `View Less`. Clicking this link again will show the default previous view.
-From the main Computers page in Central Management, locate the computer of interest in the list or by providing a search term in the table filter.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** menu in the corresponding left-hand column, and click **Details**.
-![Finding a computer's details menu option](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-details.png)
-You will be presented with a list of the installed software packages for the machine, similar to below.
-![Computer details screen showing installed software](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/details/screen.png)
-## Creating a Draft Deployment Plan for a Computer
-Creating a Draft Deployment Plan for a Computer can be done from two pages:
-1. In the leftmost column of the Computer table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display a **Create New Deployment Plan** option.
- ![Finding the Create New Deployment Plan menu entry for a specific Computer on the Computers page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-create-new-deployment-plan.png)
-1. From the Computer Details page, click the :gear: **Actions** button and select the **Create New Deployment Plan** option.
- ![Button to create a new draft Deployment Plan from the Computer Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-create-new-deployment-plan.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with a [Temporary Group](#xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains the Computer selected. Upon arriving on the Edit Deployment Plan screen, this Deployment Step will be opened and ready to add a script command.
-![Automatically created Deployment Plan showing the Deployment Step modal script command area](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/computers-modal-new-deployment-plan.png)
-The Deployment Plan can be saved without adding a script command, however it will be ineligible for deployment. A red warning icon will be shown on the Deployment Step, that when clicking will show a message.
-![Red popover warning on Deployment Step with ineligible deployment message](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/popover-ineligible-step.png)
-After adding a script command to the Deployment Step, the Deployment Plan can be deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Upgrading All Outdated Software on a Computer
-Upgrading all outdated Software installed on a Computer can be done from two pages:
-1. In the leftmost column of the Computer table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display a **Upgrade Outdated Software** option.
- ![Finding the Upgrade Outdated Software menu entry for a specific Computer on the Computers page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-upgrade-outdated-software.png)
-1. From the Computer Details page, click the :gear: **Actions** button and select the **Upgrade Outdated Software** option.
- ![Button to create a new Deployment Plan to upgrade all outdated Software on a Computer from the Computer Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-upgrade-outdated-software.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step per outdated Software.
-![Automatically created Deployment Plan showing Deployment Steps](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/computers-upgrade-outdated-software.png)
-Each Deployment Step has a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) selected that contains the Computer, and the script command automatically entered.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Exporting a `packages.config` file for a computer
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.11.0, the packages installed on a computer can be exported to a `packages.config` file.
-From the Computer details page, click the `Export` button and select the `Export to packages.config` option.
-![Computer details screen highlighting Export to packages.config button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-export-to-packages.config.png)
-## Removing a Computer from Chocolatey Central Management
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Unless you first uninstall (at minimum) the `chocolatey-agent` or disable Central Management by disabling the feature setting, the deleted computer will reappear when the Chocolatey Agent performs its next check-in.
-From the main Computers page in Central Management, locate the computer of interest in the list or by providing a search term in the table filter.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** menu in the corresponding left-hand column, and click **Delete**. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
-![Deleting a computer in Central Management](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-delete.png)
-## FAQ
-### What do I do if computers are not showing up in CCM?
-You need to check the CCM service logs. The agent will always report success when it communicates with the service successfully. The service may reject what it receives, but due to security settings, it won't tell the client about that.
-The logs are located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`. If you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-For more common errors related to checking in, see the [setup section (and component setup sub-sections)](xref:ccm-setup) as they dive deeper into common errors and resolutions related to things such as this.
-## Related Topics
-* [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-* [Central Management - Software](xref:ccm-software)
-* [Central Management - Groups](xref:ccm-groups)
-* [Central Management - Reports](xref:ccm-reports)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/dashboard.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/dashboard.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 884ce15f38..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/dashboard.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-dashboard
-Title: Dashboard
-Description: Information on the dashboard page
-The Dashboard page within the Chocolatey Central Management Website is the first page that can be seen after successful login.
-It captures top level information about the current state of the overall application, including:
-- Total Installed Packages
- - This is the total number of packages currently installed across all the Computers that are reporting into Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Total Outdated Packages
- - This is the total number to outdated packages currently installed across all the Computers that are reporting into Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Total Unique Installed Packages
- - This is the total number of unique packages currently installed across all the Computers that are reporting into Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Total Unique Outdated Packages
- - This is the total number of unique outdated packages currently installed across all the Computers that are reporting into Chocolatey Central Management.
-Starting with Chocolatey Central Management 0.12.0, the following metrics are also available:
-- Total Draft/Ready Deployment Plans
- - This is the total number of unique Deployment Plans in the Draft or Ready states in Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Total Active Deployment Plans
- - This is the total number of unique Deployment Plans in the Active state in Chocolatey Central Management.
-- Total Stale Computers
- - This is the total number of Computers that haven't reported into Chocolatey Central Management in the last 180 days.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> There is a configuration value in the [Dashboard Settings](xref:ccm-administration-settings-dashboard) page to control how long a Computer has to be absent from reporting into Chocolatey Central Management before being considered stale.
-The `Last Updated` date/time that is shown is when the information was last updated by the Chocolatey Central Management Service.
-![Dashboard page for Chocolatey Central Management showing available KPI's and last updated time](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-dashboard.png)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/deployments.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/deployments.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c2dfc848..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/deployments.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: ccm-deployments
-Title: Deployment Plans
-Description: How to deploy packages, and execute PowerShell, on client machines
- - docs/central-management-deployments
- - en-us/central-management/usage/deployments
-## Description
-Chocolatey Central Managements' Deployments functionality allows for pre-defined actions to be executed across any Chocolatey-managed computers.
-Deployment actions can be defined as simple `choco` commands, or as fully-fledged PowerShell scripts.
-## Creating a Deployment Plan
-To setup a new Deployment Plan, you'll need to create a Deployment Plan which defines the steps for the Deployment Plan and the Computers which will run them.
-In order to get started, you'll need at least the `Create New Deployment Plan` and/or the `Create New Privileged Deployment Plan` permissions applied to your user account in Chocolatey Central Management.
-You will also need to have at least one Group of computers already defined.
-1. From the Chocolatey Central Management dashboard, select `Deployment Plans` from the left sidebar.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management dashboard, arrow pointing to Deployment Plans menu in the left sidebar](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-deployment-plans.png)
-1. Select the :heavy_plus_sign: **Create New Deployment Plan** button at the top of the page.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plans page, arrow pointing to Create New Deployment Plan button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/button-create-new-deployment-plan.png)
-1. (Optional) Give the Deployment Plan a custom name by clicking the edit icon displayed next to it and entering a new name.
- Press **Enter** to save the new name.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management New Deployment Plan page, arrow pointing to the edit title button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/button-edit-name.png)
-1. (Optional, Requires Chocolatey Central Management v0.11.0+) Add a Deployment Plan execution timeout in seconds to be used by all Deployment Steps.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management New Deployment Plan page, arrow pointing to the Deployment Plan execution timeout in seconds setting](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/input-execution-timeout-in-seconds.png)
- * The Deployment Plan execution timeout in seconds will be used on all steps created **after it has been modified**. A Deployment Step can override the Deployment Plan execution timeout in seconds by modifying the Deployment Step execution timeout in seconds in the Deployment Step modal located in the advanced filters dropdown.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Step modal, arrow pointing to execution timeout in seconds](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-input-execution-timeout-in-seconds.png)
-1. (Optional, Requires Chocolatey Central Management v0.4.0+) Add a schedule by selecting the :heavy_plus_sign: **Add Schedule** button.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management New Deployment Plan page, arrow pointing to Add Schedule button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/button-add-schedule.png)
- * Enter a date and time, or click the :calendar: button to pick the date and time from a calendar UI.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan schedule picker](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/calendar-start-date-time.png)
- * (Optional) If you'd like to define a maintenance window for the Deployment Plan start time, select the **Restrict schedule to a maintenance window** option and enter the ending date and time for the maintenance window.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan maintenance window option](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/checkbox-restrict-schedule.png)
- * (Optional) If you'd like a Deployment Plan to happen again, on a recurring basis, select how often you'd like the Deployment Plan to recur. Check the [recurring Deployment Plans section for more information](#recurring-deployments)
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan Repeat Period](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/select-repeat-period.png)
-1. Select :heavy_plus_sign: **Add Step** to add your first Deployment Step.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan add Deployment Step button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/button-add-deployment-step.png)
-1. (Optional) In the `Create New Deployment Step` modal, enter a custom name for the Deployment Step.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan new step modal](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step.png)
-1. Add the Deployment Step action:
- * For _Basic_ Deployment Steps, select a `Script command` from the list, a `Package name` to install, and optionally a specific package version to install or whether to allow Chocolatey to install the latest prerelease package version. **NOTE:** It is not possible to use a space character within the `Package name` or `Package Version` textboxes, and the `Package Version` textbox must contain at least one digit.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan basic step action](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-basic-command.png)
- * For _Advanced_ Deployment Steps (requires the _Create Privileged Deployment_ user role), click the **Advanced** button and then enter one or more PowerShell script commands.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan advanced step action](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-advanced-command.png)
- * You can use [Sensitive Variables](xref:ccm-administration-sensitive-variables#adding-sensitive-variables-to-scripts) in an Advanced script in Chocolatey Central Management version 0.7.0 and later.
- ! Include "../../../../shared/sensitive-variables-note.txt" /?>
-1. (Optional) Click **Show advanced filters** to set one or more of the following options:
- * `Execution timeout`.
- * `Valid exit codes`.
- * `Machine contact timeout` (requires Chocolatey Central Management v0.4.0+ to edit).
- * `Fail overall Deployment Plan if not successful`.
- Disabling this option will allow the overall Deployment Plan to be marked as successful even if the step fails.
- By default, if any Deployment Step fails, the overall Deployment Plan is marked as Failed.
- * `Only run other Deployment Steps if successful`.
- Enabling this option will prevent subsequent Deployment Steps from starting if this step fails.
- The overall Deployment Plan will be marked as Failed, and subsequent Deployment Steps will be Cancelled.
-1. Select the **Select Target Groups** tab.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Step Select Target Group tab](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-tab-select-target-groups.png)
-1. Add groups from the **Available Groups** column to the **Selected Groups** column by selecting them from the list and pressing the `>` button. You can also select the `>>` button to immediately move all groups into the **Selected Groups** column.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Step Select Target Groups modal](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-select-target-groups.png)
-1. Click the :floppy_disk: **Save** button to save the Deployment Step.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Step Save button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/modal-step-button-save.png)
-1. Continue to add steps until your Deployment Plan is complete.
-1. (Optional, requires Chocolatey Central Management v0.12.0) If you need to create multiple similar Deployment Steps, you can use the Duplicate Deployment Step button on an individual Deployment Step to make a copy of it.
- ![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Step Duplicate button](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/button-duplicate-step.png)
-1. Select :floppy_disk: **Save** to save the changes to the Deployment Plan.
-! Include "../../../../shared/import-deployment-plan.txt" /?>
-## Recurring Deployment Plans
-As mentioned above, when creating a Deployment Plan, it is possible to select a scheduled start date/time, and in addition a Repeat Period. This Repeat Period controls how often a Deployment Plan recurs going forward. The values for the Repeat Period are:
-- `Daily`
-- `Weekly`
-- `Every two weeks`
-- `Every four weeks`
-- `Monthly`
-- `Every two months`
-- `Quarterly`
-- `Every six months`
-- `Yearly`
-Once a Deployment Plan has been assigned a Repeat Period, and it is moved to the [Ready](#ready) state, it will be shown with a slightly different icon:
-![Chocolatey Central Management Deployment Plan marked as recurring](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/table-row-icon-recurring-deployment-plan.png)
-Let's take as example a Deployment Plan in the [Ready](#ready) state that is scheduled to start on `23rd August 2022 at 07:11 UTC`, with a Repeat Period of `Weekly` set.
-Once this instance of the Deployment Plan moves to the [Active](#active) state, another instance of the Deployment Plan will be created.
-The new instance will have the same steps and settings except for the scheduled start date/time, which will be set to exactly 1 week from the scheduled start date/time of the previous instance (in this case `30th August 2022 at 07:11 UTC`).
-For repeating Deployment Plans, a new instance of the Deployment Plan will be created once a scheduled Deployment Plan moves to the [Active](#active) state.
-If a repeating Deployment Plan specifies a maintenance window date/time (`Last Scheduled Date Time`), the new instance's maintenance window will also be adjusted from the previous instance's value by the same period as the scheduled start date/time.
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> If the scheduled start date/time of a Deployment Plan is overridden using the [Run Now](#run-now) action, the new instance of the recurring Deployment Plan will use the **scheduled** start date/time of the previous instance when calculating the next scheduled start date/time, **not** the date/time that the Deployment Plan actually started.
-> If you want to change the scheduled start date/time of the recurring Deployment Plan, edit the Deployment Plan while it is in the [Ready](#ready) state to ensure that future instances of the recurring Deployment Plan will use that value when calculating the next scheduled date/time.
-While in the [Ready](#ready) state, if you use the [Cancel](#cancel) or [Delete](#delete) action on the recurring Deployment Plan, no further instances of the recurring Deployment Plan will be created.
-## Deployment Plan States
-### Draft
-A Deployment Plan is initially created in the [`Draft`](#draft) state, and will remain in this state until it is moved into the [`Ready`](#ready) state.
-While it is in the [`Draft`](#draft) state, it cannot be run, and scheduled Deployment Plan start times will be ignored.
-While in the [`Draft`](#draft) state, the available actions that can be performed on a Deployment Plan are:
-- [Move To Ready](#move-to-ready)
-- [Edit](#edit)
-- [Duplicate](#duplicate)
-- [Delete](#delete)
-- [Export](#export)
-### Scheduled/Ready
-Once the Deployment Plan enters the [`Ready`](#ready) state, it's eligible to be started.
-Deployment Plans in this state can be started manually or according to a schedule.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Any modifications to a Deployment Plan in this state will revert it back to the [`Draft`](#draft) state.
-While in the [`Ready`](#ready) state, the available actions that can be performed on a Deployment Plan are:
-- [View](#view)
-- [Run Now](#run-now)
-- [Edit](#edit)
-- [Duplicate](#duplicate)
-- [Cancel](#cancel)
-- [Delete](#delete)
-- [Export](#export)
-### Active
-Deployment Plans that are currently in progress will be in this state.
-While in the [`Active`](#active) state, the available actions that can be performed on a Deployment Plan are:
-- [Details](#details)
-- [Duplicate](#duplicate)
-- [Cancel](#cancel)
-- [Export](#export)
-### Completed
-Deployment Plans that have completed running will be in either the `Success`, `Failed`, `Unreachable`, `Inconclusive`, or `Cancelled` state, depending on how the run went.
-While in one of these states, the available actions that can be performed on a Deployment Plan are:
-- [Details](#details)
-- [Duplicate](#duplicate)
-- [Archive](#archive)
-- [Export](#export)
-In most cases Deployment Plans in one of the Completed states will remain in that same state.
-However, due to changes introduced in [Chocolatey Agent v1.1.0](xref:agent-release-notes#august-22-2022), a Deployment Plan in the `Inconclusive` state due to the computer or the Agent service being shut down or restarted during the Deployment Step, may retry the task and later update the Deployment Plan's status.
-This can result in the Deployment Step or overall Deployment Plan changing from the `Inconclusive` status to `Success` or `Failed` depending on the final status of the retried task.
-### Archived
-Deployment Plans that are in a [completed](#completed) state can be actioned using [`Archive`](#archive) action to hide them from the main Deployment Plans screen.
-This is helpful if you'd like to reduce clutter on the main Deployment Plans screen without discarding the information the completed report contains.
-You can access archived Deployment Plans from the `Deployment Plans` page and clicking on the `View Archived Deployment Plans` button. [`Archived`](#archived) Deployment Plans will not appear in any other reports that contain Deployment Plans.
-While in the [`Archived`](#archived) state, no additional actions can be performed on a Deployment Plan.
-## Deployment Plan Actions
-Depending on the [state](#deployment-states) that a Deployment Plan is currently in, there are a defined set of actions that can be performed on them. What follows are is a description of each of those actions.
-### Move To Ready
-This action moves a Deployment Plan from the [`Draft`](#draft) state to the [`Ready`](#ready) state. While in this interim state, no additional changes can be made to the Deployment Plan. If changes are made, it will be moved back to the [`Draft`](#draft) state.
-### Edit
-The action opens the edit page for the selected Deployment Plan. Here changes can be made to the steps, schedule, groups, etc. If any changes are made on the page, a Deployment Plan that was in the [`Ready`](#ready) state, will be moved back to the [`Draft`](#draft) state.
-### Duplicate
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-The action makes an exact copy (with the exception of any scheduled start/end time or repeat period) of any given Deployment Plan. Once the duplicate has been created, you will be taken to the edit page ready to make any additional required changes. The name of the new Deployment Plan will be the same as the original with some additional information added to the end. For example, if the original Deployment Plan was called `Install Papercut`, the name given to the duplicate would be `Install Papercut - Copy (19 Aug 2022 12:52:25)` where the timestamp is the current date time.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> There is a specific permission to allow duplication of a Deployment Plan. If you want to configure this permission, it can be done either for an individual [user](xref:ccm-administration-users), or a specific [role](xref:ccm-administration-roles)
-### Delete
-This removes all information about the Deployment Plan from Chocolatey Central Management.
-The action cannot be undone, so care should be taken before using it.
-### View
-The action opens the edit page for the selected Deployment Plan where all the parts of the plan can be viewed. Here changes can be made to the steps, schedule, groups, etc. If any changes are made on the page, a Deployment Plan that was in the [`Ready`](#ready) state, will be moved back to the [`Draft`](#draft) state.
-### Run Now
-This action takes a Deployment Plan from the [`Ready`](#ready) state, to the [`Active`](#active) state. This can be thought of as actually setting the Deployment Plan in motion, and the steps within this Deployment Plan will begin to be picked up by the computers that are contained within the steps (in the order that has been defined).
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> If the scheduled start date/time of a Deployment Plan is overridden using the [Run Now](#run-now) action, the new instance of the recurring Deployment Plan will use the **scheduled** start date/time of the previous instance when calculating the next scheduled start date/time, **not** the date/time that the Deployment Plan actually started.
-> If you want to change the scheduled start date/time of the recurring Deployment Plan, edit the Deployment Plan while it is in the [Ready](#ready) state to ensure that future instances of the recurring Deployment Plan will use that value when calculating the next scheduled date/time.
-### Cancel
-This action stops all future steps from being performed within a Deployment Plan. Any steps that are currently active will still be allowed to complete, but no further steps will occur.
-If a recurring Deployment Plan is Cancelled from the [`Ready`](#ready) state, all future instances of the Deployment Plan are also cancelled.
-If you want to skip an iteration of a recurring Deployment Plan, instead change its scheduled start time directly.
-### Details
-This action opens up the details for the selected Deployment Plans, allowing the user to see the progress so far. For example: the currently active Deployment Step, or which computers have picked up this step. This view is useful for monitoring the progress in real time, as the details pages update automatically.
-### Archive
-This action will mark any completed Deployment Plan as archived, and it will no longer be shown in the main Deployment Plans screen of Chocolatey Central Management website. You can access archived Deployment Plans from the `Deployment Plans` page and clicking on the `View Archived Deployment Plans` button.
-### Export
-This action will export the details of the Deployment Plan to a `.json` file. The name of the new Deployment Plan will be the same as the original with some additional information added to the end. For example, if the original Deployment Plan was called `Install Papercut`, the name given to the exported Deployment Plan would be `Install Papercut - Exported (19 Sept 2023 12:52:25)` where the timestamp is the current date time.
-## Deployment Plan Status Notifications
-> :choco-info: **Note**
-> Email notifications require that the Email / SMTP settings have been configured first.
-> If these settings have not been configured, email notifications will not be sent.
-### Deployment Plan Completion Notifications
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.11.0, all Deployment Plans will issue an email notification when they finish to the user that created the Deployment Plan.
-The email notification will indicate the status of the Deployment Plan, as well as linking back to the Deployment Plan details page for further information.
-![Example email from Chocolatey Central Management for a successfully completed Deployment Plan, showing the status, start time, and finish time, as well as the Deployment Plan name and a link to the Deployment Plan details.](/assets/images/ccm-manual/deployment-plans/email-deployment-success.png)
-### Notification for Scheduled Deployment Plans Unable to Start
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.10.0, a scheduled Deployment Plan that fails to start will issue a push notification as well as an email notification to the user who initially created the Deployment Plan. The push notification can be viewed in Chocolatey Central Management by clicking the "bell" icon in the top navigation.
-![Example email from Chocolatey Central Management for a scheduled Deployment Plan that failed to start, showing the Deployment Plan name and scheduled start time](/assets/images/ccm-manual/deployment-plans/email-failed-scheduled-start.png)
-## FAQ
-### What Versions of Components Do I Need for Deployments to Work Properly?
-While you might be able to get things to work with Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.x and Chocolatey Agent v0.10.x, it's best to use the following:
-* Chocolatey Central Management components (`chocolatey-management-*` all 3 packages) - v0.3.0+
-* Chocolatey Agent (`chocolatey-agent` package on all clients) - v0.11.0+
-* Chocolatey Licensed Extension (`chocolatey.extension` on all clients) - v2.1.1+
-### What Is the Chocolatey Central Management Compatibility Matrix?
-Chocolatey Central Management has specific compatibility requirements with quite a few moving parts. It is important to understand that there are some Chocolatey Agent versions that may not be able to communicate with some versions of Chocolatey Central Management and vice versa. Please see the [Chocolatey Central Management Component Compatibility Matrix](xref:central-management#ccm-component-compatibility-matrix) for details.
-### Why Do I See Some Machines Have Not Opted in for Deployments?
-If you are on the Groups screen, you may notice that some machines show up highlighted with a color. The legend below it mentions "Not Opted In For Deployments (Configuration)".
-![Group eligibility legend](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/modal-warning-legend.png)
-As you can see from the text, it is meant to help you figure out the issue:
-> The Computer has not opted in, or a Group contains computers that have not opted in for Deployments by configuration. Please ensure the computer has at least chocolatey-agent v0.10.0+ installed and the feature "useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments" has been set to enabled on the client computer.
-This is telling you that you need to ensure you set the client to allow for the use of Deployments. As it is a security consideration, it requires an explicit opt-in on client machines. See [Client Setup - Features](xref:ccm-client#features) for details on how to set it.
-### I Have Plenty of Licenses, Why Do Some Machines Show Not Opted in for Deployments and Also Exceeds Your Current License Count?
-Once you upgrade to at least Chocolatey Central Management v0.2.0, every machine will show that until they check in the next time. Once they check in, that will go away. So it's basically normal to see that until those machines check in again.
-### Can I use Chocolatey Deployment Plans to upgrade Chocolatey Central Management based components?
-You can upgrade the chocolatey-agent package via Chocolatey Central Management. To do so please see [here](xref:upgrade-agent#use-chocolatey-central-management-to-upgrade-chocolatey-agent) as this must be performed as an advanced Deployment Step.
-We do not recommend upgrading Chocolatey Central Management itself via an automated Deployment Plan process. Please see our [Chocolatey Central Management Upgrade Documentation](xref:ccm-upgrade) for the supported upgrade process.
-### What is Run Actual?
-You may have seen `--run-actual` get attached to scripts where you are running choco commands - what is it?
-This is a switch that is passed to opt out of Chocolatey Self-Service. It's typically passed by the agent service back to choco to run a command for a user. You typically would not issue this, but the agent service will, so you are likely to see it in the logs if you are looking closely.
-### What Happens if More Than One Deployment Plan is "Active" at the Same Time?
-This will depend a little bit on the version of Chocolatey Central Management you're running.
-Prior to v0.4.0, control of Deployment Plans was handled entirely on a per-Deployment-_step_ basis.
-This means that if you have an active Deployment Plan with some of the Computers in it idling (waiting for a later step in the Deployment Plan to begin, essentially), these machines will pick up available Deployment Steps from an unrelated Deployment Plan while they're waiting.
-As of v0.4.0 of Chocolatey Central Management, this has been fine-tuned a little bit so that any Computer which is acted on by a Deployment Step will not pick up any further Deployment Steps from unrelated Deployment Plans until all its assigned steps in the first Deployment Plan are completed.
-This can get a bit confusing, so let's consider the following scenario:
-* Deployment Plan A
- * Deployment Step 1
- * Computer A
- * Computer B
- * Deployment Step 2
- * Computer B
- * Deployment Step 3
- * Computer A
-* Deployment Plan B
- * Deployment Step 1
- * Computer A
-Let's say `Deployment Plan A` is started first, and `Deployment Plan B` starts while `Deployment Plan A` is in either `Deployment Step 1` or `Deployment Step 2`.
-When `Deployment Plan A` reaches `Deployment Step 2`, even though `Computer A` is not currently running any Deployment Steps, it will not start running steps from `Deployment Plan B` because it still has a task to do in `Deployment Plan A`.
-If you are running Chocolatey Central Management 0.3.x, `Computer A` will instead pick up and run the step from `Deployment Plan B` despite `Deployment Plan A` still being in progress.
-### Why do My Computers or Groups Show as Ineligible for Deployments While They're Opted In?
-Computers can be considered ineligible for Deployments based on two criteria:
-1. Is the computer licensed under your Chocolatey for Business license?
-1. Is the computer opted in for Deployments based on the Chocolatey configuration?
-If **either** one of these two criteria is not met, that computer is considered ineligible for Deployments.
-Additionally, any group that contains any of the following will be considered ineligible:
-* An ineligible Computer
-* A Group containing **any** ineligible Computers
-* A Group containing **any** ineligible Groups
-### What Happens if a Computer / Group in a Deployment Becomes Ineligible?
-* For Deployment Plans that have not yet started:
- * If the Deployment Plan is scheduled, it will not run until all Computers/Groups are eligible again.
- * If the Deployment Plan is not scheduled, it cannot be started until all Computers/Groups are eligible again.
- Once Chocolatey Central Management has confirmed the problem Computer(s)/Group(s) are eligible again, the Deployment Plan can be started.
- If the Deployment Plan was previously scheduled, and it has not passed the maintenance window time (if set), it will start at that point.
-* For Deployment Plans that are currently [`Active`](#active)
- * As soon as Chocolatey Central Management detects the ineligible Computer, it will terminate the current Deployment Step.
- * Then, all following Deployment Steps will be `Cancelled`.
-### How Can I Run Deployment Plans in a Semi-Connected Environment?
-As of Chocolatey Central Management v0.4.0, you are able to configure Deployment Plans to tolerate semi-connected environments.
-This effectively allows Chocolatey Central Management Deployments to simply wait until a machine is connected to the network before it begins a given Deployment Step.
-To configure this, you can set the `Machine Contact Timeout` value in the Advanced settings of each individual Deployment Step to `0`.
-This value must be positive, or zero (which is treated as infinite).
-You may want to configure this only for the first step of a Deployment Plan, or for multiple steps if you expect the target machines to be connected/disconnected over the course of the Deployment Plan.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If the Deployment Plan is scheduled with a maintenance window set, the `Machine Contact Timeout` value of the first Deployment Step is ignored.
-> In this case, the maintenance window defines the contact timeout for the first step.
-The `Execution Timeout` is the maximum allowed time for the Chocolatey Agent to execute the Deployment Step task.
-Any positive value for this setting will be respected, and as with `Machine Contact Timeout`, a `0` value is treated as infinite.
-However, if the execution timeout is infinite and a computer goes offline, that Deployment Step will not complete until that computer checks in again. If it errors three times attempting to provide the results, it will fail it at the client and that computer will not report results, and require manual intervention.
-Infinite execution timeouts are **not recommended** for this reason — Deployment Steps may end up seemingly stalling for long periods of time and/or require manual intervention to cancel them.
-## Deployment Plans Webinars
-Catch the recording of the Jun 23rd, 2020 webinar for a full showcase of the Chocolatey Central Management Deployments features:
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### A Deployment Step Is Stalled With Infinite Execution Timeout
-The only way to resolve this currently is to cancel the Deployment Plan itself, which can be done from the main Deployment Plans list.
-On the left-hand side of the [`Active`](#active) Deployment Plans table, click the Actions menu for the corresponding Deployment Plan, and select [`Cancel`](#cancel).
-You will be asked to confirm the cancellation.
-All remaining steps in the Deployment Plan will be cancelled, along with any still running or pending tasks.
-### The Updated License File Is Not Being Picked Up in the Website
-You need to restart the web executable currently. We are looking to have it automatically picked up in future releases. Here's a script to handle that:
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Stop-Service
-Get-Process -Name "ChocolateySoftware.ChocolateyManagement.Web.Mvc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process
-Get-Service chocolatey-* | Start-Service
-### A Computer or Group Is Not Showing as Available for Deployment Plans but I Have Plenty of Available Licenses
-Once you upgrade to Chocolatey Central Management v0.3.0+, you have upgraded the Agent on the machine to v0.11.0+, and it has successfully completed a check in, then that messaging should go away. Note that clients do not get a message back that there was a failure as a security feature - you'll need to consult the Chocolatey Central Management Service logs. You can find that at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`, or if you are on a version of Chocolatey Central Management prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-### Using `choco` Commands in a Script Deployment Plan Break if Semicolons Are Used to Separate the Statements
-When constructing a PowerShell script for a Deployment Step, all Chocolatey commands must be placed on separate lines. It is not possible to do something like the following:
-::::{.tab-content .text-bg-body-secondary .p-3 .mb-3 .border-start .border-end .border-bottom .rounded-bottom}
-:::{.tab-pane .fade .show .active #choco-v2 role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=choco-v2-tab}
-choco list -r; exit $LASTEXITCODE
-Instead, this should be written as:
-choco list -r
-:::{.tab-pane .fade #choco-v1 role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=choco-v1-tab}
-choco list --local-only -r; exit $LASTEXITCODE
-Instead, this should be written as:
-choco list --local-only -r
-For more information on when this will be addressed, you can subscribe to the [GitHub issue](https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-licensed-issues/issues/158).
-## Related Topics
-* [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management - Groups](xref:ccm-groups)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management - Computers](xref:ccm-computers)
-* [Chocolatey Central Management - Reports](xref:ccm-reports)
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-Order: 70
-xref: ccm-general
-Title: General
-Description: Top level, general, information about Chocolatey Central Management Website functionality
-## Dark/Light Mode
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-Once signed into the Chocolatey Central Management website, you can select whether you want to use a dark or a light mode across all the web pages. This select is made using the button at the top right hand corner, as shown in the next screenshot.
-![Chocolatey Central Management dark/light mode selection](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/dropdown-menu-theme-toggle.png)
-The selection that is made here is persisted, meaning that it will be remembered after you sign out of the Chocolatey Central Management website.
-### Dashboard in Dark Mode
-![Chocolatey Central Management dashboard using dark mode](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/dark-mode.png)
-### Dashboard in Light Mode
-![Chocolatey Central Management dashboard using light mode](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/light-mode.png)
-## Remembered number of table entries
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-Across the various pages within the Chocolatey Central Management website, there are a number of different tables. Showing, for example, all the [Computers](xref:ccm-computers) that are currently reporting into Chocolatey Central Management service, or all of the [Deployment Plans](xref:ccm-deployments) that have been created. For each of these tables, it is possible to select the number of entries that you want to see in the table. The selection will be remembered between logged in sessions to the Chocolatey Central Management website (assuming you are using the same browser).
-![Drop down list showing available options for how many entries to show in a table](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/computers/dropdown-number-of-table-entries.png)
-## License Expiration Warning
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.10.0.
-When your Chocolatey license is approaching its expiration date, a new banner will be shown on the [Dashboard](xref:ccm-dashboard) screen once you sign into the Chocolatey Central Management website.
-![License expiration warning shown on the Chocolatey Central Management dashboard once signed in](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/alert-license-expiring.png)
-For a normal license, this will start showing when there are 90 days remaining on your license.
-For a trial license, this will start showing when there are 7 days remaining on your license.
-It is possible to dismiss this warning using the "x" on the far right of the banner, however, the banner will re-appear again in 2 days' time to remind you. This will repeat until the license is renewed, or until the license expires.
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-Order: 30
-xref: ccm-groups
-Title: Groups
-Description: Information on groups within Chocolatey Central Management
- - docs/central-management-groups
- en-us/central-management/usage/groups
-Groups are the basis on which a given [Deployment Plan](xref:ccm-deployments) operates.
-A Group may contain one or more Computers, and/or other Groups.
-Currently, Groups are entirely self-contained, and cannot be directly mapped from Active Directory Groups.
-The **Groups** page can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu by selecting the **Groups** menu item.
-If you do not see this menu entry, verify with your administrator whether yourhas the `View Groups` role assigned.
-![Groups menu entry on the Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-groups.png)
-## The All Computers (Automatic Group)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.11.0.
-All Computers present in Chocolatey Central Management are automatically added to a System Managed Group named `All Computers (Automatic Group)`. This Group can not be edited or deleted. It will have a blue lock icon next to the name in the table. Hovering over this lock icon will display a tooltip with more information.
-![The All Computers (Automatic Group) on the Groups page with an arrow pointing to the Group in the table](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/table-row-icon-automatic-group-lock.png)
-## Temporary Groups
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.12.0.
-A Temporary Group is a Group that has been created for one or more specific circumstance, for instance as part of creating an Automatic Deployment Plan.
-These Groups are normally not viewable from anywhere, other than the Deployment Plans where they are being used, and will be cleaned up on an interval when they are no longer needed.
-A Temporary Group can also not be Edited, Deleted, or Duplicated manually by a user. As well, no other Group can have such a Group as a Sub-Group.
-## Creating a Group
-On the main Groups page, select the **+ Create New Group** button.
-![Create New Group button on the Groups page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/button-create-new-group.png)
-Fill in a Name for the Group and (optionally) a Description in the appropriate fields in the _Create New Group_ modal.
-Then, select the Computer(s) or existing Group(s) you would like to include in the new Group and click the **>** button in the _Available Groups/Computers_ column to add the selected items, or click the **>>** button to add all available Groups and Computers into the new Group.
-![New Group Modal](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/modal-create-new-group.png)
-Click :floppy_disk: **Save** to close the modal and create the new Group.
-## Editing a Group
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Edit** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, consult your administrator to determine if you have the Edit Groups role assigned.
-On the main Groups page, find the Group you want to edit.
-You can enter a search term in the text field to filter results by typing in part of their Name or Description and clicking the :mag: button.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the Group, and then select **Edit** to open the _Edit Group_ modal.
-![Edit menu entry in Group actions flyout menu](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-edit.png)
-From the **Edit Group** modal, you can modify the Group name and description, and modify members by adding or removing Groups and/or Computers.
-## Deleting a Group
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Delete** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, consult your administrator to determine if you have the appropriate role assigned to your account.
-On the main Groups page, find the Group you want to edit.
-You can enter a search term in the text field to filter results by typing in part of their Name or Description and clicking the :mag: button.
-Similar to the [Edit Group](#editing-a-group) action, select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the Group, and instead select **Delete**.
-You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
-## Duplicating a Group
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you do not see the **Duplicate** menu entry or the :gear: **Actions** buttons, consult your administrator to determine if you have the appropriate role assigned to your account.
-On the main Groups page, find the Group you want to duplicate.
-You can enter a search term in the text field to filter results by typing in part of their Name or Description and clicking the :mag: button.
-Similar to the [Edit Group](#editing-a-group) action, select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the Group, and instead select **Duplicate**.
-If the Group being duplicated is a system managed Group, a confirmation message will be shown indicating that the duplicated Group will not be system managed.
-A success message will be shown that mentions that the Group was duplicated, and if you have permissions to Edit a Group a dialog to edit this duplicated Group will be shown.
-## Viewing a Group's Details
-On the main Groups page, find the group you want to view.
-You can enter a search term in the text field to filter results by typing in part of their Name or Description and clicking the :mag: button.
-Select the :gear: **Actions** button on the left-hand side of the group, and select **Details**.
-![Details menu entry in Group actions flyout menu](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-details.png)
-On the Group Details page, you'll find a searchable list of all Computers and Groups that are in the Group, as well as a more detailed view of the Group information.
-![Group Details screen showing the Computers and Groups that are currently in the Group](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/details/screen.png)
-## Creating a Deployment Plan from a Group
-Creating a Deployment Plan for a Group can be done from two pages:
-1. In the leftmost column of the Groups table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display a **Create New Deployment Plan** option.
- ![Finding the Create New Deployment Plan menu entry for a specific Group on the Groups page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-create-new-deployment-plan.png)
-1. From the Group Details page, click the :gear: **Actions** button and select the **Create New Deployment Plan** option.
- ![Button to create a new Draft Deployment Plan for a Group from the Group Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-create-new-deployment-plan.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with the chosen Target Group selected. Upon arriving on the Edit Deployment Plan screen, this Deployment Step will be opened and ready to add a script command.
-![Automatically created Deployment Plan showing the Deployment Step modal script command area](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/groups-modal-new-deployment-plan.png)
-The Deployment Plan can be saved without adding a script command, however it will be ineligible for deployment. A red warning icon will be shown on the Deployment Step, that when clicking will show a message.
-![Red popover warning on Deployment Step with ineligible deployment message](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/popover-ineligible-step.png)
-After adding a script command to the Deployment Step, the Deployment Plan can be deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Eligibility for Deployments
-The Create / Edit Group modals display Groups or Computers that are ineligible for Deployment Steps in either red or orange, depending on the reason for their ineligibility.
-**All** Groups and Computers in a given Group must have their eligibility clear in order for that Group to be used as part of a Deployment Step.
-If a Deployment Step is targeting ineligible Groups, the Deployment Plan cannot be started until the eligibility status(es) of the affected Computers has been resolved.
-![Group eligibility legend](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/modal-warning-legend.png)
-## FAQ
-### Why do I see some machines have not opted in for Deployments?
-If you are on the Groups screen, you may notice that some machines show up highlighted with a coloring, and one of those colorings is an orange - the legend below it mentions "Not Opted In For Deployments (Configuration)".
-![Group eligibility legend](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/groups/modal-warning-legend.png)
-As you can see from the text, it is meant to help you figure out the issue:
-> The Computer has not opted in, or a Group contains Computers that have not opted in, for deployments by configuration. Please ensure the Computer has at least Chocolatey Agent v0.10.0+ installed and the feature `useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments` has been set to enabled on the client Computer.
-This is telling you that you need to ensure you set the client to allow for the use of Deployments. As it is a security consideration, it requires an explicit opt-in on client machines. See [Client Setup - Features](xref:ccm-client#features) for details on how to set it.
-### I have plenty of licenses, why do some machines show not opted in for deployments and also exceeds your current license count?
-Once you upgrade to at least CCM v0.2.0, every machine will show that until they check in the next time. Once they check in, that will go away. So it's basically normal to see that until those machines check in again.
-## Common Errors and Resolutions
-### A Computer or Group is not showing as available for deployments, but I have plenty of available licenses
-Once you upgrade to Central Management v0.3.0+, you have upgraded the Agent on the machine to v0.11.0+, and it has successfully completed a check in, then that messaging should go away. Note that clients do not get a message back that there was a failure as a security feature - you'll need to consult the Central Management Service logs. You can find that at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\ccm-service.log`, or if you are on a version of CCM prior to 0.2.0, the log will be located at `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\chocolatey-management-service\tools\service\logs\chocolatey.service.host.log`.
-## Related Topics
-* [Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
-* [Central Management - Deployments](xref:ccm-deployments)
-* [Central Management - Computers](xref:ccm-computers)
diff --git a/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/index.md b/input/en-us/central-management/usage/website/index.md
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-Order: 10
-xref: ccm-usage-website
-Title: Website
-Description: Information about how to work with the different entities/functionality contained within the Chocolatey Central Management Website
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-Order: 60
-xref: ccm-reports
-Title: Reports
-Description: Information on reports within Chocolatey Central Management
- - docs/central-management-reports
- - en-us/central-management/usage/reports
-Chocolatey Central Management Reports section currently allows for the following reports to be generated:
-- [Outdated Software](#outdated-software)
-- [Deployment Plans](#deployment-plans)
-## Outdated Software
-Outdated Software Reports can be generated at any time, as long as there is at least one known Outdated Software package.
-If there is no Outdated Software, a report cannot be generated.
-When generating an Outdated Software Report, a snapshot of the current Outdated Software will be captured for the report.
-Generated reports will be displayed in a list, showing the date and time they were created.
-Reports can be exported from this screen via the :gear: **Actions** menu, and selecting the desired export type.
-![Outdated Reports export to Excel](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/reports/outdated-software/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-export-to-excel.png)
-![Outdated Reports export to PDF](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/reports/outdated-software/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-export-to-pdf.png)
-When clicking on the date and time for a report, or selecting the :gear: **Actions** menu and then **Details**, the Outdated Software Details screen will be shown.
-The report will display the name and version of any Outdated Software, along with any Computers that each Outdated Software is installed on.
-![Outdated Software Details view](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/reports/outdated-software/details/screen.png)
-The Outdated Software Report currently being viewed can be exported from this screen via the **Export** menu at the top-right.
-![Outdated Software Details view, showing the Export button options](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/reports/outdated-software/details/button-export.png)
-## Deployment Plans
-The Deployment Plans Report displays all completed Deployment Plans. It allows you to search for a subset of Deployment Plans or adjust the sorting order, or filter the displayed reports by their final Status.
-![Deployment Plans report page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/reports/deployment-plans/screen.png)
-Clicking the name of an individual Deployment Plan will take you to the Deployment Plan Details screen, similar to those shown on the main [Deployment Plans](xref:ccm-deployments) page.
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+++ /dev/null
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-Order: 50
-xref: ccm-software
-Title: Software
-Description: Information on software within CCM
- - docs/central-management-software
- - en-us/central-management/usage/software
-Chocolatey Central Management gives you direct visibility into the software packages in use in your organization, making it easy to see which machines are out of date and may need packages updated.
-Software packages can be viewed in the context of the organization as a whole, or in the context of an individual computer.
-The main **Software** page can be accessed from the Central Management dashboard via the menu entry in the left-hand sidebar.
-![Software menu entry on the CCM dashboard](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/dashboard/left-menu-software.png)
-## Main Page
-The Software main page lists all installed software in any computers that have checked in to Central Management, including version information and whether the package is outdated (has a newer version available).
-![Software main page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/screen.png)
-## Upgrade Individual Software
-In the leftmost column of the Software table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display an **Upgrade** option on outdated Software.
-![Finding the Upgrade menu entry for a specific Software entry](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-upgrade.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains all the Computers the outdated Software is currently installed on.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Uninstall Individual Software
-In the leftmost column of the Software table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display an **Uninstall** option.
-![Finding the Upgrade menu entry for a specific Software entry](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-uninstall.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains all the Computers the Software is currently installed on.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plans documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Upgrade All Software
-From the Software main page, click the **Create New Deployment Plan** button and select the **Upgrade Outdated Software** option.
-![Button to upgrade all outdated Software from the Software main page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/button-action-dropdown-menu-upgrade-outdated-software.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will contain one Deployment Step per outdated piece of Software.
-![Automatically created Deployment Plan showing a Deployment Step for each piece of Software](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/deployment-plans/edit/software-upgrade-outdated-software.png)
-Each Deployment Step will create a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains all the Computers the Software is currently installed on.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plan documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Software Details
-In the leftmost column of the Software table you will find an :gear: **Actions** menu which will display a **Details** option.
-Clicking this option will take you to the **Software Details** page.
-![Finding the Details menu entry for a specific Software entry](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/table-row-button-action-dropdown-menu-details.png)
-On the _Software Details_ page, you'll find a searchable list of all computers that currently have the package installed, as well as a more verbose view of the package information.
-![Software Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/details/screen.png)
-### Upgrade Individual Software
-From the Software Details page of an outdated Software, click the **Actions** button and select the **Upgrade Software** option.
-![Button to upgrade individual Software on a Computer from the Software Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-upgrade-software.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains all the Computers the Software is currently installed on.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plan documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-### Uninstall Individual Software
-From the Software Details page, click the **Actions** button and select the **Uninstall Software** option.
-![Button to uninstall individual outdated Software on a Computer from the Software Details page](/assets/images/ccm-playwright/software/details/button-action-dropdown-menu-uninstall-software.png)
-Clicking this option will create a New Deployment Plan. This Deployment Plan will create one Deployment Step with a [Temporary Group](xref:ccm-groups#temporary-groups) that contains all the Computers the Software is currently installed on.
-From here, the Deployment Plan can be edited and deployed as outlined in the [Deployment Plan documentation](xref:ccm-deployments).
-## Related Topics
-* [Central Management - Computers](xref:ccm-computers)
-* [Central Management - Reports](xref:ccm-reports)
-[Chocolatey Central Management](xref:central-management)
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/cache.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/cache.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ba98401766..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/cache.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-Order: 5
-xref: choco-command-cache
-Title: Cache
-Description: Cache Command (choco cache)
- - docs/commandscache
- - docs/commands-cache
-# Cache Command (choco cache)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This command was introduced in Chocolatey CLI v2.1.0
-Get the statistics of what Chocolatey CLI has cached or clear any cached
-items in the current context.
-The behavior of this command will vary depending on whether it is running in an elevated context or not.
-Statistics and removing cached items will always happen on the User HTTP Cache.
-However, the System HTTP Cache will only be considered if running in an elevated context.
-## Usage
- choco cache [list]|remove [options/switches]
-## Examples
- choco cache
- choco cache list
- choco cache remove
- choco cache remove --expired
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- --expired
- Expired - Remove cached items that have expired.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-*> :choco-info: **NOTE*** This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco cache -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/config.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/config.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 211195233c..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/config.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-Order: 10
-xref: choco-command-config
-Title: Config
-Description: Config Command (choco config)
- - docs/commandsconfig
- - docs/commands-config
-# Config Command (choco config)
-Chocolatey will allow you to interact with the configuration file settings.
-## Usage
- choco config [list]|get|set|unset []
-## Examples
- choco config
- choco config list
- choco config get cacheLocation
- choco config get --name cacheLocation
- choco config set cacheLocation c:\temp\choco
- choco config set --name cacheLocation --value c:\temp\choco
- choco config unset proxy
- choco config unset --name proxy
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do, config already set/unset (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## See It In Action
-![Config shown in action](/assets/images/gifs/choco_config.gif)
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the config setting. Required with some actions.
- Defaults to empty.
- --value=VALUE
- Value - the value of the config setting. Required with some actions.
- Defaults to empty.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco config -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/download.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/download.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 575a8b52c6..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/download.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-Order: 20
-xref: choco-command-download
-Title: Download
-Description: Download Command (choco download)
- - docs/commandsdownload
- - docs/commands-download
-# Download Command (choco download)
-### Package Copy / Package Downloader
-Chocolatey [Licensed Editions](https://chocolatey.org/compare) only.
-Downloads a package from a source and unpacks it.
-### Package Internalizer
-[Chocolatey for Business](https://chocolatey.org/compare) (C4B) and Managed Service Providers (MSP) only.
-Downloads a package from a source, optionally downloading remote
- resources and recompiling the package to use internal resources. This
- takes an existing package and makes it available without any internet
- requirement.
-See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-internalizer
-## Usage
- choco download [] [install_script_variable=value]
- Install script variables are values that are discovered in the
- chocolateyInstall.ps1 (or a script it calls). When you find values
- there maybe don't get found and replaced or they use a default
- value and you want to provide a value for them to use instead, you
- can find them and then provide the value you want to pass instead.
- For example, in the Firefox package, it uses a default value of
- 'en-US' for `$locale`. If you want to change that, you can add
- `locale` and a value, which will replace `$locale` in the script,
- e.g. `choco download firefox --internalize locale=en-GB`.
-## Examples
- choco download sysinternals
- #### [Chocolatey for Business](https://chocolatey.org/compare) / Chocolatey for MSP
- choco download notepadplusplus --internalize
- choco download notepadplusplus.install --internalize --resources-location \\server\share
- choco download notepadplusplus.install --internalize --resources-location http://somewhere/internal --append-useoriginallocation
- choco download KB3033929 --internalize -internalize-all-urls --append-useoriginallocation
- choco download firefox --internalize locale=es-AR
-## See It In Action
-Coming soon
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source to find the package(s) to download. Defaults to
- default feeds.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - A specific version to download. Defaults to unspecified.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --out, --outdir, --outputdirectory, --output-directory=VALUE
- OutputDirectory - Specifies the directory for the downloaded Chocolatey
- package file. If not specified, uses the current directory.
- -i, --ignoredependencies, --ignore-dependencies
- IgnoreDependencies - Ignore dependencies when installing package(s).
- Licensed editions only. Defaults to false.
- --installed, --installed-packages
- Installed Packages - Download all installed Chocolatey packages.
- Licensed editions only. Defaults to false.
- --ignore-unfound, --ignore-unfound-packages
- Ignore Unfound Packages - When downloading more than one package,
- continue when one is unfound. Licensed editions only. Defaults to false.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When used,
- this makes queries similar to the way they were done in earlier versions
- of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --recompile, --internalize
- Recompile / Internalize - Download all external resources and recompile
- the package to use the local resources instead. Business editions only.
- --resources-location=VALUE
- Resources Location - When internalizing, use this location for resources
- instead of embedding the downloaded resources into the package. Can be a
- file share or an internal url location. When it is a file share, it will
- attempt to download to that location. When it is an internal url, it
- will download locally and give further instructions on where it should
- be uploaded to match package edits. Business editions only.
- --download-location=VALUE
- Download Location - OPTIONAL - When internalizing, download the
- resources to this location. Used with Resources Location (and defaults
- to Resources Location when not set). Business editions only.
- -a, --all-urls, --internalize-all, --internalize-all-urls
- All Urls - OPTIONAL - When internalizing, Chocolatey would normally only
- internalize packages with known helpers. Add this switch to make it
- download anytime a URL is found. Business editions only.
- --append-useoriginallocation, --append-use-original-location
- Append -UseOriginalLocation - When `Install-ChocolateyPackage` is
- internalized, append the `-UseOriginalLocation` parameter to the
- function. Business editions only. Overrides the feature
- 'internalizeAppendUseOriginalLocation' set to by default to 'True'.
- --sdc, --skipdownloadcache, --skip-download-cache
- Skip Download Cache - Use the original download url even if a private
- CDN cache is available for a package. Overrides the default feature
- 'downloadCache' set to 'True'. Business editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/private-cdn
- --dc, --downloadcache, --download-cache, --use-download-cache
- Use Download Cache - Use private CDN cache if available for a package.
- Overrides the default feature 'downloadCache' set to 'True'. Business
- editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/private-cdn
- --svc, --skipvirus, --skip-virus, --skipviruscheck, --skip-virus-check
- Skip Virus Check - Skip the virus check for downloaded files on this ru-
- n. Overrides the default feature 'virusCheck' set to 'False'. Licensed
- editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --virus, --viruscheck, --virus-check
- Virus Check - check downloaded files for viruses. Overrides the default
- feature 'virusCheck' set to 'False'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --viruspositivesmin, --virus-positives-minimum=VALUE
- Virus Check Minimum Scan Result Positives - the minimum number of scan
- result positives required to flag a package. Used when virusScannerType
- is VirusTotal. Overrides the default configuration value
- 'virusCheckMinimumPositives' set to '4'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco download -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/export.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/export.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7039874fb2..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/export.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-Order: 30
-xref: choco-command-export
-Title: Export
-Description: Export Command (choco export)
- - docs/commandsexport
- - docs/commands-export
-# Export Command (choco export)
-Export all currently installed packages to a file.
-This is especially helpful when re-building a machine that was created
-using Chocolatey. Export all packages to a file, and then re-install
-those packages onto new machine using `choco install packages.config`.
-## Usage
- choco export []
-## Examples
- choco export
- choco export --include-version-numbers
- choco export "'c:\temp\packages.config'"
- choco export "'c:\temp\packages.config'" --include-version-numbers
- choco export -o="'c:\temp\packages.config'"
- choco export -o="'c:\temp\packages.config'" --include-version-numbers
- choco export --output-file-path="'c:\temp\packages.config'"
- choco export --output-file-path="'c:\temp\packages.config'" --include-version-numbers
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -o, --output-file-path=VALUE
- Output File Path - the path to where the list of currently installed
- packages should be saved. Defaults to packages.config.
- --include-version-numbers, --include-version
- Include Version Numbers - controls whether or not version numbers for
- each package appear in generated file. Defaults to false.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco export -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/feature.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/feature.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 029801c4a0..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/feature.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-Order: 40
-xref: choco-command-feature
-Title: Feature
-Description: Feature Command (choco feature)
- - docs/commandsfeature
- - docs/commands-feature
-# Feature Command (choco feature)
-Chocolatey will allow you to interact with features.
-## Usage
- choco feature [list]|disable|enable []
-## Examples
- choco feature
- choco feature list
- choco feature get checksumFiles
- choco feature get --name=checksumFiles
- choco feature disable --name=checksumFiles
- choco feature enable --name=checksumFiles
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do, feature already set (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the source. Required with actions other than list.
- Defaults to empty.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco feature -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/features.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/features.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5745f2cb51..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/features.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Order: 45
-xref: choco-command-features
-Title: Features
-Description: Features Command (choco features)
- - docs/commandsfeatures
- - docs/commands-features
-ShowInNavbar: false
-ShowInSidebar: false
-# Feature Command (choco features)
-Chocolatey will allow you to interact with features.
-## Usage
- choco feature [list]|disable|enable []
-## Examples
- choco feature
- choco feature list
- choco feature get checksumFiles
- choco feature get --name=checksumFiles
- choco feature disable --name=checksumFiles
- choco feature enable --name=checksumFiles
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do, feature already set (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the source. Required with actions other than list.
- Defaults to empty.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco features -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/find.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/find.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b76d46767e..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/find.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Order: 35
-xref: choco-command-find
-Title: Find
-Description: Find Command (choco find)
- - docs/commandsfind
- - docs/commands-find
-# Search Command (choco find)
-Chocolatey will perform a search for a package local or remote.
-## Usage
- choco find []
- choco search []
-## Examples
- choco search git
- choco search git --source="'https://somewhere/out/there'"
- choco search bob -s "'https://somewhere/protected'" -u user -p pass
- choco search --page=0 --page-size=25
- choco search 7zip --all-versions --exact
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: no results (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes' turned on,
- then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## See It In Action
-![choco find](/assets/images/gifs/choco_search.gif)
-## Alternative Sources
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - Source location for install. Can use special 'windowsfeatures',
- 'ruby', 'cygwin', or 'python' sources. Defaults to sources.
- --idonly, --id-only
- Id Only - Only return Package Ids in the list results.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- -i, --includeprograms, --include-programs
- IncludePrograms - Filters out apps Chocolatey has listed as packages and
- includes those in the list. Defaults to false.
- -a, --all, --allversions, --all-versions
- AllVersions - include results from all versions.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - Specific version of a package to return.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --page=VALUE
- Page - the 'page' of results to return. Defaults to return all results.
- --page-size=VALUE
- Page Size - the amount of packages to return in each page of results.
- NOTE: this value is per source. Defaults to 25 for each source that is
- included in query.
- -e, --exact
- Exact - Only return packages with this exact name.
- --by-id-only
- ByIdOnly - Only return packages where the id contains the search filter.
- --by-tag-only, --by-tags-only
- ByTagOnly - Only return packages where the search filter matches on the
- tags.
- --id-starts-with
- IdStartsWith - Only return packages where the id starts with the search
- filter.
- --order-by-popularity
- OrderByPopularity - Sort by package results by popularity.
- --approved-only
- ApprovedOnly - Only return approved packages - this option will filter
- out results not from the [community repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages).
- --download-cache, --download-cache-only
- DownloadCacheAvailable - Only return packages that have a download cache
- available - this option will filter out results not from the community
- repository.
- --not-broken
- NotBroken - Only return packages that are not failing testing - this
- option only filters out failing results from the [community feed](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages). It will
- not filter against other sources.
- --detail, --detailed
- Detailed - Alias for verbose.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When
- disabled, this makes queries similar to the way they were done in
- earlier versions of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --include-configured-sources
- Include Configured Sources - When using the '--source' option, this
- appends the sources that have been saved into the chocolatey.config file
- by 'source' command. Available in 2.3.0+
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco find -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/help.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d94ae453a..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/help.md
+++ /dev/null
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-Order: 50
-xref: choco-command-help
-Title: Help
-Description: Help Command (choco help)
- - docs/commandshelp
- - docs/commands-help
-# Help Command (choco help)
-Displays the complete help information, including:
-* Available commands
-* How to pass options/switches
-* Scripting best practices and style guide
-## Usage
- choco help
-## Examples
- choco help
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/index.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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-Order: 40
-xref: choco-commands
-Title: Commands
-Description: Full list of all available Chocolatey commands
- - docs/commandsreference
- - docs/commands-reference
-# Command Reference
-This is a listing of all of the different things you can pass to choco.
-## Commands
- * [apikey](xref:choco-command-apikey) - retrieves, saves or deletes an API key for a particular source
- * [cache](xref:choco-command-cache) - Manage the local HTTP caches used to store queries (v2.1.0+)
- * [config](xref:choco-command-config) - Retrieve and configure config file settings
- * [convert](xref:choco-command-convert) - converts packages from one type to another type
- * [download](xref:choco-command-download) - downloads packages - optionally internalizing all remote resources
- * [export](xref:choco-command-export) - exports list of currently installed packages
- * [feature](xref:choco-command-feature) - view and configure choco features
- * [features](xref:choco-command-features) - view and configure choco features (alias for feature)
- * [find](xref:choco-command-find) - searches remote packages (alias for search)
- * [help](xref:choco-command-help) - displays top level help information for choco
- * [info](xref:choco-command-info) - retrieves package information. Shorthand for choco search pkgname --exact --verbose
- * [install](xref:choco-command-install) - installs packages using configured sources
- * [list](xref:choco-command-list) - lists local packages
- * [new](xref:choco-command-new) - creates template files for creating a new Chocolatey package
- * [optimize](xref:choco-command-optimize) - optimizes installation, reducing space usage
- * [outdated](xref:choco-command-outdated) - retrieves packages that are outdated. Similar to upgrade all --noop
- * [pack](xref:choco-command-pack) - packages nuspec, scripts, and other Chocolatey package resources into a nupkg file
- * [pin](xref:choco-command-pin) - suppress upgrades for a package
- * [push](xref:choco-command-push) - pushes a compiled nupkg to a source
- * [rule](xref:choco-command-rule) - view or list implemented package rules (v2.3.0+)
- * [search](xref:choco-command-search) - searches remote packages
- * [setapikey](xref:choco-command-setapikey) - retrieves, saves or deletes an API key for a particular source (alias for apikey)
- * [source](xref:choco-command-source) - view and configure default sources
- * [sources](xref:choco-command-sources) - view and configure default sources (alias for source)
- * [support](xref:choco-command-support) - provides support information
- * [sync](xref:choco-command-sync) - synchronizes against system installed software - generates missing packages
- * [synchronize](xref:choco-command-synchronize) - synchronizes against system installed software - generates missing packages
- * [template](xref:choco-command-template) - get information about installed templates
- * [templates](xref:choco-command-templates) - get information about installed templates (alias for template)
- * [uninstall](xref:choco-command-uninstall) - uninstalls a package
- * [unpackself](xref:choco-command-unpackself) - [DEPRECATED] will be removed in v3.0.0 - re-installs Chocolatey base files
- * [upgrade](xref:choco-command-upgrade) - upgrades packages from various sources
-Please run chocolatey with `choco command -help` for specific help on
- each command.
-## How To Pass Options / Switches
-You can pass options and switches in the following ways:
- * Unless stated otherwise, an option/switch should only be passed one
- time. Otherwise you may find weird/non-supported behavior.
- * `-`, `/`, or `--` (one character switches should not use `--`)
- * **Option Bundling / Bundled Options**: One character switches can be
- bundled. e.g. `-d` (debug), `-f` (force), `-v` (verbose), and `-y`
- (confirm yes) can be bundled as `-dfvy`.
- * NOTE: If `debug` or `verbose` are bundled with local options
- (not the global ones above), some logging may not show up until after
- the local options are parsed.
- * **Use Equals**: You can also include or not include an equals sign
- `=` between options and values.
- * **Quote Values**: When you need to quote an entire argument, such as
- when using spaces, please use a combination of double quotes and
- apostrophes (`"'value'"`). In cmd.exe you can just use double quotes
- (`"value"`) but in powershell.exe you should use backticks
- (`` `"value`" ``) or apostrophes (`'value'`). Using the combination
- allows for both shells to work without issue, except for when the next
- section applies.
- * **Pass quotes in arguments**: When you need to pass quoted values to
- to something like a native installer, you are in for a world of fun. In
- cmd.exe you must pass it like this: `-ia "/yo=""Spaces spaces"""`. In
- PowerShell.exe, you must pass it like this: `-ia '/yo=""Spaces spaces""'`.
- No other combination will work. In PowerShell.exe if you are on version
- v3+, you can try `--%` before `-ia` to just pass the args through as is,
- which means it should not require any special workarounds.
- * **Periods in PowerShell**: If you need to pass a period as part of a
- value or a path, PowerShell doesn't always handle it well. Please
- quote those values using "Quote Values" section above.
- * Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- installing multiple packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, choco
- is going to look for and try to install version 1.0.0 of every
- package passed. So please split out multiple package calls when
- wanting to pass specific options.
-## Scripting / Integration - Best Practices / Style Guide
-When writing scripts, such as PowerShell scripts passing options and
-switches, there are some best practices to follow to ensure that you
-don't run into issues later. This also applies to integrations that
-are calling Chocolatey and parsing output. Chocolatey **uses**
-PowerShell, but it is an exe, so it cannot return PowerShell objects.
-Following these practices ensures both readability of your scripts AND
-compatibility across different versions and editions of Chocolatey.
-Following this guide will ensure your experience is not frustrating
-based on choco not receiving things you think you are passing to it.
- * For consistency, always use `choco`, not `choco.exe`.
- * Always have the command as the first argument to `choco`. e.g.
- [`choco install`](xref:choco-command-install), where [`install`](xref:choco-command-install) is the command.
- * If there is a subcommand, ensure that is the second argument. e.g.
- `choco source list`, where `source` is the command and [`list`](xref:choco-command-list) is the
- subcommand.
- * Typically the subject comes next. If installing packages, the
- subject would be the package names, e.g. `choco install pkg1 pkg2`.
- * Never use 'nupkg' or point directly to a nupkg file UNLESS using
- 'choco push'. Use the source folder instead, e.g. `choco install
- --source="'c:\folder\with\package'"` instead of
- `choco install DoNotDoThis.1.0.nupkg` or `choco install DoNotDoThis
- --source="'c:\folder\with\package\DoNotDoThis.1.0.nupkg'"`.
- * Switches and parameters are called simply options. Options come
- after the subject. e.g. `choco install pkg1 --debug --verbose`.
- * Never use the force option (`--force`/`-f`) in scripts (or really
- otherwise as a default mode of use). Force is an override on
- Chocolatey behavior. If you are wondering why Chocolatey isn't doing
- something like the documentation says it should, it's likely because
- you are using force. Stop.
- * Always use full option name. If the short option is `-n`, and the
- full option is `--name`, use `--name`. The only acceptable short
- option for use in scripts is `-y`. Find option names in help docs
- online or through `choco -?` /`choco [Command Name] -?`.
- * For scripts that are running automated, always use `-y`. Do note
- that even with `-y` passed, some things / state issues detected will
- temporarily stop for input - the key here is temporarily. They will
- continue without requiring any action after the temporary timeout
- (typically 30 seconds).
- * Full option names are prepended with two dashes, e.g. `--` or
- `--debug --verbose --ignore-proxy`.
- * When setting a value to an option, always put an equals (`=`)
- between the name and the setting, e.g. `--source="'local'"`.
- * When setting a value to an option, always surround the value
- properly with double quotes bookending apostrophes, e.g.
- `--source="'internal_server'"`.
- * If you are building PowerShell scripts, you can most likely just
- simply use apostrophes surrounding option values, e.g.
- `--source='internal_server'`.
- * Prefer upgrade to install in scripts. You can't [`install`](xref:choco-command-install) to a newer
- version of something, but you can [`choco upgrade`](xref:choco-command-upgrade) which will do both
- upgrade or install (unless switched off explicitly).
- * If you are sharing the script with others, pass `--source` to be
- explicit about where the package is coming from. Use full link and
- not source name ('https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2' versus
- 'chocolatey').
- * If parsing output, you might want to use `--limit-output`/`-r` to
- get output in a more machine parseable format. NOTE: Not all
- commands handle return of information in an easily digestible
- output.
- * Use exit codes to determine status. Chocolatey exits with 0 when
- everything worked appropriately and other exits codes like 1 when
- things error. There are package specific exit codes that are
- recommended to be used and reboot indicating exit codes as well. To
- check exit code when using PowerShell, immediately call
- `$exitCode = $LASTEXITCODE` to get the value choco exited with.
-Here's an example following bad practices (line breaks added for
- readability):
- `choco install pkg1 -y -params '/Option:Value /Option2:value with
- spaces' --c4b-option 'Yaass' --option-that-is-new 'dude upgrade'`
-Now here is that example written with best practices (again line
- breaks added for readability - there are not line continuations
- for choco):
- `choco upgrade pkg1 -y --source="'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2'"
- --package-parameters="'/Option:Value /Option2:value with spaces'"
- --c4b-option="'Yaass'" --option-that-is-new="'dude upgrade'"`
-Note the differences between the two:
- * Which is more self-documenting?
- * Which will allow for the newest version of something installed or
- upgraded to (which allows for more environmental consistency on
- packages and versions)?
- * Which may throw an error on a badly passed option?
- * Which will throw errors on unknown option values? See explanation
- below.
-Chocolatey ignores options it doesn't understand, but it can only
- ignore option values if they are tied to the option with an
- equals sign ('='). Note those last two options in the examples above?
- If you roll off of a commercial edition or someone with older version
- attempts to run the badly crafted script `--c4b-option 'Yaass'
- --option-that-is-new 'dude upgrade'`, they are likely to see errors on
- 'Yaass' and 'dude upgrade' because they are not explicitly tied to the
- option they are written after. Now compare that to the other script.
- Choco will ignore `--c4b-option="'Yaass'"` and
- `--option-that-is-new="'dude upgrade'"` as a whole when it doesn't
- register the options. This means that your script doesn't error.
-Following these scripting best practices will ensure your scripts work
- everywhere they are used and with newer versions of Chocolatey.
-## See Help Menu In Action
-![choco help in action](/assets/images/gifs/choco_help.gif)
-## Default Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/info.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/info.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5204569829..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/info.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-Order: 60
-xref: choco-command-info
-Title: Info
-Description: Info Command (choco info)
- - docs/commandsinfo
- - docs/commands-info
-# Info Command (choco info)
-Chocolatey will perform a search for a package local or remote and provide
- detailed information about that package. This is a synonym for
- `choco search --exact --detailed`.
-## Usage
- choco info []
-## Examples
- choco info chocolatey
- choco info googlechrome
- choco info powershell
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: no results (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes' turned on,
- then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - Source location for install. Can use special 'windowsfeatures',
- 'ruby', 'cygwin', or 'python' sources. Defaults to configured sources.
- -l, --lo, --localonly, --local-only
- LocalOnly - Only search against local machine items.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - Specific version of a package to return.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When used,
- this makes queries similar to the way they were done in earlier versions
- of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --include-configured-sources
- Include Configured Sources - When using the '--source' option, this
- appends the sources that have been saved into the chocolatey.config file
- by 'source' command. Available in 2.3.0+
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco info -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/install.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/install.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 08af939887..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/install.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-Order: 70
-xref: choco-command-install
-Title: Install
-Description: Install Command (choco install)
- - docs/commandsinstall
- - docs/commands-install
-# Install Command (choco install)
-Installs a package or a list of packages (sometimes specified as a
- packages.config).
-## Usage
- choco install [] []
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Any package name ending with .config is considered a
- 'packages.config' file. Please see https://ch0.co/packages_config
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> [Chocolatey Pro](https://chocolatey.org/compare) / Business builds on top of a great open source
- experience with quite a few features that enhance the your use of the
- community package repository (when using Pro), and really enhance the
- Chocolatey experience all around. If you are an organization looking
- for a better ROI, look no further than Business - automatic package
- creation from installer files, automatic recompile support, runtime
- malware protection, private CDN download cache, synchronize with
- Programs and Features, etc - https://chocolatey.org/compare.
-## Examples
- choco install sysinternals
- choco install notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip
- choco install notepadplusplus --force --force-dependencies
- choco install notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip -dvfy
- choco install git -y --params="'/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf'"
- choco install git -y --params="'/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf'" --install-arguments="'/DIR=C:\git'"
- # Params are package parameters, passed to the package
- # Install args are installer arguments, appended to the silentArgs
- # in the package for the installer itself
- choco install nodejs.install --version 0.10.35
- choco install git -s "'https://somewhere/out/there'"
- choco install git -s "'https://somewhere/protected'" -u user -p pass
-(DEPRECATED) Choco can also install directly from a nuspec/nupkg file. This aids in
- testing packages:
- choco install
- choco install
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> `all` is a special package keyword that will allow you to install
- all packages available on a source. This keyword is not available for
- public repositories like the Chocolatey [Community Repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages), and is
- intended to be used with internal package sources only.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-Package Exit Codes:
- - 1641: success, reboot initiated
- - 3010: success, reboot required
- - other (not listed): likely an error has occurred
-In addition to normal exit codes, packages are allowed to exit
- with their own codes when the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' is
- turned on. Uninstall command has additional valid exit codes.
-Reboot Exit Codes:
- - 350: pending reboot detected, no action has occurred
- - 1604: install suspended, incomplete
-In addition to the above exit codes, you may also see reboot exit codes
- when the feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' is turned on. It typically requires
- the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' to also be turned on to work properly.
-## See It In Action
-Chocolatey FOSS install showing tab completion and `refreshenv` (a way
- to update environment variables without restarting the shell).
-![FOSS install in action](/assets/images/gifs/choco_install.gif)
-[Chocolatey Professional](https://chocolatey.org/compare) showing private download cache and virus scan
- protection.
-![Pro install in action](/assets/images/gifs/chocopro_install_stopped.gif)
-## Packages.config
-Alternative to PackageName. This is a list of packages in an xml manifest for Chocolatey to install. This is like the packages.config that NuGet uses except it also adds other options and switches. This can also be the path to the packages.config file if it is not in the current working directory.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> The filename is only required to end in .config, the name is not required to be packages.config.
-## Alternative Sources
-### Ruby
-This specifies the source is Ruby Gems and that we are installing a
- gem. If you do not have ruby installed prior to running this command,
- the command will install that first.
- e.g. `choco install compass -source ruby`
-### Cygwin
-This specifies the source is Cygwin and that we are installing a cygwin
- package, such as bash. If you do not have Cygwin installed, it will
- install that first and then the product requested.
- e.g. `choco install bash --source cygwin`
-### Python
-This specifies the source is Python and that we are installing a python
- package, such as Sphinx. If you do not have easy_install and Python
- installed, it will install those first and then the product requested.
- e.g. `choco install sphinx --source python`
-### Windows Features
-This specifies that the source is a Windows Feature and we should
- install via the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (DISM)
- on the local machine.
- e.g. `choco install IIS-WebServerRole --source windowsfeatures`
-## Resources
- * How-To: A complete example of how you can use the PackageParameters argument
- when creating a Chocolatey Package can be seen at
- https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/guides/create/parse-packageparameters-argument
- * One may want to override the default installation directory of a
- piece of software. See
- https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/getting-started#overriding-default-install-directory-or-other-advanced-install-concepts.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source to find the package(s) to install. Special sources
- include: ruby, cygwin, windowsfeatures, and python. To specify more than
- one source, pass it with a semi-colon separating the values (e.g.
- "'source1;source2'"). Defaults to default feeds.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - A specific version to install. Defaults to unspecified.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- --x86, --forcex86
- ForceX86 - Force x86 (32bit) installation on 64 bit systems. Defaults to
- false.
- --ia, --installargs, --install-args, --installarguments, --install-arguments=VALUE
- InstallArguments - Install Arguments to pass to the native installer in
- the package. Defaults to unspecified.
- -o, --override, --overrideargs, --overridearguments, --override-arguments
- OverrideArguments - Should install arguments be used exclusively without
- appending to current package passed arguments? Defaults to false.
- --notsilent, --not-silent
- NotSilent - Do not install this silently. Defaults to false.
- --params, --parameters, --pkgparameters, --packageparameters, --package-parameters=VALUE
- PackageParameters - Parameters to pass to the package. Defaults to
- unspecified.
- --argsglobal, --args-global, --installargsglobal, --install-args-global, --applyargstodependencies, --apply-args-to-dependencies, --apply-install-arguments-to-dependencies
- Apply Install Arguments To Dependencies - Should install arguments be
- applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
- --paramsglobal, --params-global, --packageparametersglobal, --package-parameters-global, --applyparamstodependencies, --apply-params-to-dependencies, --apply-package-parameters-to-dependencies
- Apply Package Parameters To Dependencies - Should package parameters be
- applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
- --allowdowngrade, --allow-downgrade
- AllowDowngrade - Should an attempt at downgrading be allowed? Defaults
- to false.
- -i, --ignoredependencies, --ignore-dependencies
- IgnoreDependencies - Ignore dependencies when installing package(s).
- Defaults to false.
- -x, --forcedependencies, --force-dependencies
- ForceDependencies - Force dependencies to be reinstalled when force
- installing package(s). Must be used in conjunction with --force.
- Defaults to false.
- -n, --skippowershell, --skip-powershell, --skipscripts, --skip-scripts, --skip-automation-scripts
- Skip PowerShell - Do not run chocolateyInstall.ps1. Defaults to false.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --ignorechecksum, --ignore-checksum, --ignorechecksums, --ignore-checksums
- IgnoreChecksums - Ignore checksums provided by the package. Overrides
- the default feature 'checksumFiles' set to 'True'.
- --allowemptychecksum, --allowemptychecksums, --allow-empty-checksums
- Allow Empty Checksums - Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums
- for downloaded resources from non-secure locations (HTTP, FTP). Use this
- switch is not recommended if using sources that download resources from
- the internet. Overrides the default feature 'allowEmptyChecksums' set to
- 'False'.
- --allowemptychecksumsecure, --allowemptychecksumssecure, --allow-empty-checksums-secure
- Allow Empty Checksums Secure - Allow packages to have empty checksums
- for downloaded resources from secure locations (HTTPS). Overrides the
- default feature 'allowEmptyChecksumsSecure' set to 'True'.
- --requirechecksum, --requirechecksums, --require-checksums
- Require Checksums - Requires packages to have checksums for downloaded
- resources (both non-secure and secure). Overrides the default feature
- 'allowEmptyChecksums' set to 'False' and 'allowEmptyChecksumsSecure' set
- to 'True'.
- --checksum, --downloadchecksum, --download-checksum=VALUE
- Download Checksum - a user provided checksum for downloaded resources
- for the package. Overrides the package checksum (if it has one).
- Defaults to empty.
- --checksum64, --checksumx64, --downloadchecksumx64, --download-checksum-x64=VALUE
- Download Checksum 64bit - a user provided checksum for 64bit downloaded
- resources for the package. Overrides the package 64-bit checksum (if it
- has one). Defaults to same as Download Checksum.
- --checksumtype, --checksum-type, --downloadchecksumtype, --download-checksum-type=VALUE
- Download Checksum Type - a user provided checksum type. Overrides the
- package checksum type (if it has one). Used in conjunction with Download
- Checksum. Available values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512'.
- Defaults to 'md5'.
- --checksumtype64, --checksumtypex64, --checksum-type-x64, --downloadchecksumtypex64, --download-checksum-type-x64=VALUE
- Download Checksum Type 64bit - a user provided checksum for 64bit
- downloaded resources for the package. Overrides the package 64-bit
- checksum (if it has one). Used in conjunction with Download Checksum
- 64bit. Available values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512'.
- Defaults to same as Download Checksum Type.
- --ignorepackagecodes, --ignorepackageexitcodes, --ignore-package-codes, --ignore-package-exit-codes
- IgnorePackageExitCodes - Exit with a 0 for success and 1 for non-succes-
- s, no matter what package scripts provide for exit codes. Overrides the
- default feature 'usePackageExitCodes' set to 'True'.
- --usepackagecodes, --usepackageexitcodes, --use-package-codes, --use-package-exit-codes
- UsePackageExitCodes - Package scripts can provide exit codes. Use those
- for choco's exit code when non-zero (this value can come from a
- dependency package). Chocolatey defines valid exit codes as 0, 1605,
- 1614, 1641, 3010. Overrides the default feature 'usePackageExitCodes'
- set to 'True'.
- --stoponfirstfailure, --stop-on-first-failure, --stop-on-first-package-failure
- Stop On First Package Failure - stop running install, upgrade or
- uninstall on first package failure instead of continuing with others.
- Overrides the default feature 'stopOnFirstPackageFailure' set to 'False'.
- --exitwhenrebootdetected, --exit-when-reboot-detected
- Exit When Reboot Detected - Stop running install, upgrade, or uninstall
- when a reboot request is detected. Requires 'usePackageExitCodes'
- feature to be turned on. Will exit with either 350 or 1604. Overrides
- the default feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' set to 'False'.
- --ignoredetectedreboot, --ignore-detected-reboot
- Ignore Detected Reboot - Ignore any detected reboots if found. Overrides
- the default feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' set to 'False'.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When used,
- this makes queries similar to the way they were done in earlier versions
- of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --pin, --pinpackage, --pin-package
- Pin Package - Add a pin to the package after install. Available in 1.2.0+
- --skiphooks, --skip-hooks
- Skip hooks - Do not run hook scripts. Available in 1.2.0+
- --include-configured-sources
- Include Configured Sources - When using the '--source' option, this
- appends the sources that have been saved into the chocolatey.config file
- by 'source' command. Available in 2.3.0+
- --sdc, --skipdownloadcache, --skip-download-cache
- Skip Download Cache - Use the original download even if a private CDN
- cache is available for a package. Overrides the default feature
- 'downloadCache' set to 'True'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/private-cdn
- --dc, --downloadcache, --download-cache, --use-download-cache
- Use Download Cache - Use private CDN cache if available for a package.
- Overrides the default feature 'downloadCache' set to 'True'. Licensed
- editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/private-cdn
- --svc, --skipvirus, --skip-virus, --skipviruscheck, --skip-virus-check
- Skip Virus Check - Skip the virus check for downloaded files on this ru-
- n. Overrides the default feature 'virusCheck' set to 'False'. Licensed
- editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --virus, --viruscheck, --virus-check
- Virus Check - check downloaded files for viruses. Overrides the default
- feature 'virusCheck' set to 'False'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --viruspositivesmin, --virus-positives-minimum=VALUE
- Virus Check Minimum Scan Result Positives - the minimum number of scan
- result positives required to flag a package. Used when virusScannerType
- is VirusTotal. Overrides the default configuration value
- 'virusCheckMinimumPositives' set to '4'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/virus-check
- --install-arguments-sensitive=VALUE
- InstallArgumentsSensitive - Install Arguments to pass to the native
- installer in the package that are sensitive and you do not want logged.
- Defaults to unspecified. Licensed editions only.
- --package-parameters-sensitive=VALUE
- PackageParametersSensitive - Package Parameters to pass the package that
- are sensitive and you do not want logged. Defaults to unspecified.
- Licensed editions only.
- --dir, --directory, --installdir, --installdirectory, --install-dir, --install-directory=VALUE
- Install Directory Override - Override the default installation directory.
- Chocolatey will automatically determine the type of installer and
- pass the appropriate arguments to override the install directory. The
- package must use Chocolatey install helpers and be installing an
- installer for software. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/install-directory-override
- --bps, --maxdownloadrate, --max-download-rate, --maxdownloadbitspersecond, --max-download-bits-per-second, --maximumdownloadbitspersecond, --maximum-download-bits-per-second=VALUE
- Maximum Download Rate Bits Per Second - The maximum download rate in
- bits per second. '0' or empty means no maximum. A number means that will
- be the maximum download rate in bps. Defaults to config setting of '0'.
- Available in licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-throttle
- --reduce, --reduce-package-size, --deflate, --deflate-package-size
- Reducer Installed Package Size (Package Reducer) - Reduce size of the
- nupkg file to very small and remove extracted archives and installers.
- Overrides the default feature 'reduceInstalledPackageSpaceUsage' set to
- 'True'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-reducer
- --no-reduce, --no-reduce-package-size, --no-deflate, --no-deflate-package-size
- Do Not Reduce Installed Package Size - Leave the nupkg and files alone
- in the package. Overrides the default feature
- 'reduceInstalledPackageSpaceUsage' set to 'True'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-reducer
- --reduce-nupkg-only, --deflate-nupkg-only
- Reduce Only Nupkg File Size - reduce only the size of nupkg file when
- using Package Reducer. Overrides the default feature
- 'reduceOnlyNupkgSize' set to 'False'. Licensed editions only.
- See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-reducer
- --reason, --pin-reason, --note=VALUE
- Pin Reason - Text information about why you are setting a pin. Available
- in business editions 5.0.0+.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco install -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/list.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/list.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdd460489..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/list.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-Order: 80
-xref: choco-command-list
-Title: List
-Description: List Command (choco list)
- - docs/commandslist
- - docs/commands-list
-# List Command (choco list)
-## Usage
- choco list []
-## Examples
- choco list -i
- choco list --include-programs
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: no results (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes' turned on,
- then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - Name of alternative source to use, for example
- 'windowsfeatures', 'ruby', 'cygwin', or 'python'.
- --idonly, --id-only
- Id Only - Only return Package Ids in the list results.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- -i, --includeprograms, --include-programs
- IncludePrograms - Includes software from Programs and Features not being
- managed by Chocolatey CLI.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - Specific version of a package to return.
- --page=VALUE
- Page - the 'page' of results to return. Defaults to return all results.
- --page-size=VALUE
- Page Size - the amount of package results to return per page. Defaults
- to 25.
- -e, --exact
- Exact - Only return packages with this exact name.
- --by-id-only
- ByIdOnly - Only return packages where the id contains the search filter.
- --by-tag-only, --by-tags-only
- ByTagOnly - Only return packages where the search filter matches on the
- tags.
- --id-starts-with
- IdStartsWith - Only return packages where the id starts with the search
- filter.
- --detail, --detailed
- Detailed - Alias for verbose.
- --audit, --showaudit, --show-audit, --show-audit-info
- Show Audit Information - Display auditing information for a package.
- Available in business editions only.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco list -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/optimize.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/optimize.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d032ea48..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/optimize.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Order: 90
-xref: choco-command-optimize
-Title: Optimize
-Description: Optimize Command (choco optimize)
- - docs/commandsoptimize
- - docs/commands-optimize
-# Optimize Command (choco optimize)
-### Package Optimizer
-Chocolatey [Licensed editions](https://chocolatey.org/compare) only.
-Similar to Package Reducer, but reduces for existing packages.
-With Package Optimizer/Reducer:
-* nupkg file is reduced to 5KB or less, no matter the size.
-* zips / installers are automatically removed from the package directory if they are found.
-* zips / installers are removed from TEMP cache if found.
-The following file extensions are removed automatically:
-* 7z / zip / rar / gz / tar / sfx
-* iso
-* msi / msu / msp
-* exe files if they are detected to be an installer
-## Usage
- choco optimize []
-## Examples
- choco optimize
- choco optimize --reduce-nupkg-only
-## See It In Action
-Coming soon
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- downloading multiple packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is
- going to look for and try to download version 1.0.0 of every package
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- --reduce-nupkg-only, --deflate-nupkg-only
- Reduce Only Nupkg File Size - reduce only the size of nupkg file when
- using Package Optimizer. Licensed editions only.
- --id=VALUE
- Id - The package to optimize
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco optimize -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/outdated.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/outdated.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d5193ac81..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/outdated.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-Order: 100
-xref: choco-command-outdated
-Title: Outdated
-Description: Outdated Command (choco outdated)
- - docs/commandsoutdated
- - docs/commands-outdated
-# Outdated Command (choco outdated)
-Returns a list of outdated packages.
-## Usage
- choco outdated []
-## Examples
- choco outdated
- choco outdated -s https://somewhere/out/there
- choco outdated -s "'https://somewhere/protected'" -u user -p pass
-If you use `--source=https://somewhere/out/there`, it is
- going to look for outdated packages only based on that source, so
- you may want to add `--ignore-unfound` to your options.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 0: no outdated packages
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: outdated packages have been found (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes' turned on,
- then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## See It In Action
-![choco outdated](/assets/images/gifs/choco_outdated.gif)
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source to find the package(s) to install. Special sources
- include: ruby, cygwin, windowsfeatures, and python. To specify more than
- one source, pass it with a semi-colon separating the values (e.g.
- "'source1;source2'"). Defaults to default feeds.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- --ignore-pinned
- Ignore Pinned - Ignore pinned packages. Defaults to false.
- --ignore-unfound
- Ignore Unfound Packages - Ignore packages that are not found on the
- sources used (or the defaults). Overrides the default feature
- 'ignoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated' set to 'False'.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When
- disabled, this makes queries similar to the way they were done in
- earlier versions of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --include-configured-sources
- Include Configured Sources - When using the '--source' option, this
- appends the sources that have been saved into the chocolatey.config file
- by 'source' command. Available in 2.3.0+
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco outdated -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/pin.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/pin.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c2ce4a30..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/pin.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-Order: 110
-xref: choco-command-pin
-Title: Pin
-Description: Pin Command (choco pin)
- - docs/commandspin
- - docs/commands-pin
-# Pin Command (choco pin)
-Pin a package to suppress upgrades.
-This is especially helpful when running [`choco upgrade`](xref:choco-command-upgrade) for all
- packages, as it will automatically skip those packages. Another
- alternative is `choco upgrade --except="pkg1,pk2"`.
-## Usage
- choco pin [list]|add|remove []
-## Examples
- choco pin
- choco pin list
- choco pin add -n git
- choco pin add --name="'git'" --version="'1.2.3'"
- choco pin add --name="'git'" --version="'1.2.3'" --reason="'reasons available in business editions only'"
- choco pin remove --name="'git'"
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the package. Required with some actions. Defaults to
- empty.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - Used when multiple versions of a package are installed.
- Defaults to empty.
- --reason, --pin-reason, --note=VALUE
- Pin Reason - Text information about why you are setting a pin. Available
- in business editions only.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco pin -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/rule.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/rule.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 17afcf42d2..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/rule.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-Order: 115
-xref: choco-command-rule
-Title: Rule
-Description: Rule Command (choco rule)
- - docs/commandsrule
- - docs/commands-rule
-# Rule Command (choco rule)
-> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
-> This command was introduced in Chocolatey CLI v2.3.0
-Retrieve information about what rule validations are implemented by Chocolatey CLI.
-## Usage
- choco rule [list]|get [options/switches]
-## Examples
- choco rule
- choco rule list
- choco rule get --name CHCR0002
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the rule to show more details about. Required with
- actions other than list. Defaults to empty.
-Press enter to continue...
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-*> :choco-info: **NOTE*** This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco rule -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/search.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/search.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c93ec3797..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/search.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Order: 120
-xref: choco-command-search
-Title: Search
-Description: Search Command (choco search)
- - docs/commandssearch
- - docs/commands-search
-# Search Command (choco search)
-Chocolatey will perform a search for a package local or remote.
-## Usage
- choco find []
- choco search []
-## Examples
- choco search git
- choco search git --source="'https://somewhere/out/there'"
- choco search bob -s "'https://somewhere/protected'" -u user -p pass
- choco search --page=0 --page-size=25
- choco search 7zip --all-versions --exact
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: no results (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> If you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes' turned on,
- then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## See It In Action
-![choco search](/assets/images/gifs/choco_search.gif)
-## Alternative Sources
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - Source location for install. Can use special 'windowsfeatures',
- 'ruby', 'cygwin', or 'python' sources. Defaults to sources.
- --idonly, --id-only
- Id Only - Only return Package Ids in the list results.
- --pre, --prerelease
- Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
- -i, --includeprograms, --include-programs
- IncludePrograms - Filters out apps Chocolatey has listed as packages and
- includes those in the list. Defaults to false.
- -a, --all, --allversions, --all-versions
- AllVersions - include results from all versions.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - Specific version of a package to return.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --page=VALUE
- Page - the 'page' of results to return. Defaults to return all results.
- --page-size=VALUE
- Page Size - the amount of packages to return in each page of results.
- NOTE: this value is per source. Defaults to 25 for each source that is
- included in query.
- -e, --exact
- Exact - Only return packages with this exact name.
- --by-id-only
- ByIdOnly - Only return packages where the id contains the search filter.
- --by-tag-only, --by-tags-only
- ByTagOnly - Only return packages where the search filter matches on the
- tags.
- --id-starts-with
- IdStartsWith - Only return packages where the id starts with the search
- filter.
- --order-by-popularity
- OrderByPopularity - Sort by package results by popularity.
- --approved-only
- ApprovedOnly - Only return approved packages - this option will filter
- out results not from the [community repository](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages).
- --download-cache, --download-cache-only
- DownloadCacheAvailable - Only return packages that have a download cache
- available - this option will filter out results not from the community
- repository.
- --not-broken
- NotBroken - Only return packages that are not failing testing - this
- option only filters out failing results from the [community feed](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages). It will
- not filter against other sources.
- --detail, --detailed
- Detailed - Alias for verbose.
- --disable-repository-optimizations, --disable-package-repository-optimizations
- Disable Package Repository Optimizations - Do not use optimizations for
- reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package
- install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should not generally be used,
- unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When
- disabled, this makes queries similar to the way they were done in
- earlier versions of Chocolatey. Overrides the default feature
- 'usePackageRepositoryOptimizations' set to 'True'.
- --include-configured-sources
- Include Configured Sources - When using the '--source' option, this
- appends the sources that have been saved into the chocolatey.config file
- by 'source' command. Available in 2.3.0+
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco search -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/setapikey.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/setapikey.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4360fb42b4..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/setapikey.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-Order: 130
-xref: choco-command-setapikey
-Title: SetApiKey
-Description: SetApiKey Command (choco setapikey)
- - docs/commandssetapikey
- - docs/commands-setapikey
-# ApiKey Command (choco setapikey)
-This lists API keys that are set or sets an api key for a particular
- source so it doesn't need to be specified every time.
-Anything that doesn't contain source and key will list API keys.
-## Usage
- choco apikey []
- choco setapikey []
-## Examples
- choco apikey
- choco apikey -s https://somewhere/out/there
- choco apikey list
- choco apikey list -s https://somewhere/out/there
- choco apikey add -s="https://somewhere/out/there/" -k="value"
- choco apikey add -s "https://push.chocolatey.org/" -k="123-123123-123"
- choco apikey add -s "http://internal_nexus" -k="user:password"
- choco apikey remove -s https://somewhere/out/there
-For source location, this can be a folder/file share or an
-http location. When it comes to urls, they can be different from the packages
-url (where packages are searched and installed from). As an example, for
-Chocolatey's community package package repository, the package url is
-https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/, but the push url is https://push.chocolatey.org
-(and the deprecated https://chocolatey.org/ as a push url). Check the
-documentation for your choice of repository to learn what the push url is.
-For the key, this can be an apikey that is provided by your source repository.
-With some sources, like Nexus, this can be a NuGet API key or it could be a
-user name and password specified as 'user:password' for the API key. Please see
-your repository's documentation (for Nexus, please see
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Connecting to Chocolatey.org (Community Package Repository)
-In order to save your API key for https://push.chocolatey.org/,
- log in (or register, confirm and then log in) to
- https://push.chocolatey.org/, go to https://push.chocolatey.org/account,
- copy the API Key, and then use it in the following command:
- choco apikey add -k -s https://push.chocolatey.org/
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do, apikey already set (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source [REQUIRED] - The source location for the key
- -k, --key, --apikey, --api-key=VALUE
- ApiKey - The API key for the source. This is the authentication that
- identifies you and allows you to push to a source. With some sources
- this is either a key or it could be a user name and password specified
- as 'user:password'.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco setapikey -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/source.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/source.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bfe5fba6b..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/source.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-Order: 140
-xref: choco-command-source
-Title: Source
-Description: Source Command (choco source)
- - docs/commandssource
- - docs/commands-source
-# Source Command (choco source)
-Chocolatey will allow you to interact with sources.
-## Usage
- choco source [list]|add|remove|disable|enable []
- choco sources [list]|add|remove|disable|enable []
-## Examples
- choco source
- choco source list
- choco source add -n=bob -s="https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/"
- choco source add -n=bob -s "'https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/'" -cert=\Users\bob\bob.pfx
- choco source add -n=bob -s "'https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/'" -u=bob -p=12345
- choco source disable -n=bob
- choco source enable -n=bob
- choco source remove -n=bob
-When it comes to the source location, this can be a folder/file share or an http
-location. If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and
-it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser, similar to
-what you see when you go to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the source. Required with actions other than list.
- Defaults to empty.
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source. This can be a folder/file share or an http locatio-
- n. If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and
- it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser,
- similar to what you see when you go to https://community.chocolate-
- y.org/api/v2/. Required with add action. Defaults to empty.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Encrypted in chocolate-
- y.config file.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --priority=VALUE
- Priority - The priority order of this source as compared to other
- sources, lower is better. Defaults to 0 (no priority). All priorities
- above 0 will be evaluated first, then zero-based values will be
- evaluated in config file order.
- --bypassproxy, --bypass-proxy
- Bypass Proxy - Should this source explicitly bypass any explicitly or
- system configured proxies? Defaults to false.
- --allowselfservice, --allow-self-service
- Allow Self-Service - Should this source be allowed to be used with self-
- service? Requires business edition with feature
- 'useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly' turned on. Defaults to
- false.
- --adminonly, --admin-only
- Visible to Administrators Only - Should this source be visible to non-
- administrators? Requires business edition. Defaults to false.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco source -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/sources.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/sources.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a61c0aa70..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/sources.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-Order: 150
-xref: choco-command-sources
-Title: Sources
-Description: Sources Command (choco sources)
- - docs/commandssources
- - docs/commands-sources
-# Source Command (choco sources)
-Chocolatey will allow you to interact with sources.
-## Usage
- choco source [list]|add|remove|disable|enable []
- choco sources [list]|add|remove|disable|enable []
-## Examples
- choco source
- choco source list
- choco source add -n=bob -s="https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/"
- choco source add -n=bob -s "'https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/'" -cert=\Users\bob\bob.pfx
- choco source add -n=bob -s "'https://somewhere/out/there/api/v2/'" -u=bob -p=12345
- choco source disable -n=bob
- choco source enable -n=bob
- choco source remove -n=bob
-When it comes to the source location, this can be a folder/file share or an http
-location. If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and
-it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser, similar to
-what you see when you go to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
- - 2: nothing to do (enhanced)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Starting in v2.3.0, if you have the feature 'useEnhancedExitCodes'
- turned on, then choco will provide enhanced exit codes that allow
- better integration and scripting.
-If you find other exit codes that we have not yet documented, please
- file a ticket so we can document it at
- https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/new/choose.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -n, --name=VALUE
- Name - the name of the source. Required with actions other than list.
- Defaults to empty.
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source. This can be a folder/file share or an http locatio-
- n. If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and
- it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser,
- similar to what you see when you go to https://community.chocolate-
- y.org/api/v2/. Required with add action. Defaults to empty.
- -u, --user=VALUE
- User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
- -p, --password=VALUE
- Password - the user's password to the source. Encrypted in chocolate-
- y.config file.
- --cert=VALUE
- Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
- Defaults to empty.
- --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
- Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
- Defaults to empty.
- --priority=VALUE
- Priority - The priority order of this source as compared to other
- sources, lower is better. Defaults to 0 (no priority). All priorities
- above 0 will be evaluated first, then zero-based values will be
- evaluated in config file order.
- --bypassproxy, --bypass-proxy
- Bypass Proxy - Should this source explicitly bypass any explicitly or
- system configured proxies? Defaults to false.
- --allowselfservice, --allow-self-service
- Allow Self-Service - Should this source be allowed to be used with self-
- service? Requires business edition with feature
- 'useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly' turned on. Defaults to
- false.
- --adminonly, --admin-only
- Visible to Administrators Only - Should this source be visible to non-
- administrators? Requires business edition. Defaults to false.
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco sources -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/support.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/support.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 25bc31b5b4..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/support.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Order: 160
-xref: choco-command-support
-Title: Support
-Description: Support Command (choco support)
- - docs/commandssupport
- - docs/commands-support
-# Support Command (choco support)
-As a licensed customer, you can reach out to
- our email for support. If you have phone support, you
- may reach out during the hours that are listed in your support
- contract. See https://chocolatey.org/support for details.
-## Usage
- choco support []
-## Examples
- choco support
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco support -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/sync.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/sync.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b429bb56d..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/sync.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Order: 170
-xref: choco-command-sync
-Title: Sync
-Description: Sync Command (choco sync)
- - docs/commandssync
- - docs/commands-sync
-# Synchronize Command (choco sync)
-Business editions of Chocolatey only.
-Synchronizes against the system installed software that are not
- installed as packages on Chocolatey. Searches through the system to
- see software that has been installed and generates packages from that
- software, baselines the packages against Chocolatey and makes the
- packages available to upload to source.
-See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-synchronization/
-## Usage
- choco sync []
-## Examples
- choco sync
- choco sync --id=putty
- choco sync --id=putty --package-id=putty
-## See It In Action
-Coming soon
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- downloading multiple packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is
- going to look for and try to download version 1.0.0 of every package
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- --id=VALUE
- Id - The Display Name from Programs and Features
- --packageid, --package-id=VALUE
- PackageId - When used with Id, this will be the custom name for the
- package. Business editions only.
- --out, --outdir, --outputdirectory, --output-directory=VALUE
- OutputDirectory - Specifies the directory for the generated Chocolatey
- package file(s). If not specified, uses a subdirectory of the current
- directory.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco sync -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/synchronize.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/synchronize.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 073aa05184..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/synchronize.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Order: 180
-xref: choco-command-synchronize
-Title: Synchronize
-Description: Synchronize Command (choco synchronize)
- - docs/commandssynchronize
- - docs/commands-synchronize
-# Synchronize Command (choco synchronize)
-Business editions of Chocolatey only.
-Synchronizes against the system installed software that are not
- installed as packages on Chocolatey. Searches through the system to
- see software that has been installed and generates packages from that
- software, baselines the packages against Chocolatey and makes the
- packages available to upload to source.
-See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/package-synchronization/
-## Usage
- choco sync []
-## Examples
- choco sync
- choco sync --id=putty
- choco sync --id=putty --package-id=putty
-## See It In Action
-Coming soon
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- downloading multiple packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is
- going to look for and try to download version 1.0.0 of every package
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- --id=VALUE
- Id - The Display Name from Programs and Features
- --packageid, --package-id=VALUE
- PackageId - When used with Id, this will be the custom name for the
- package. Business editions only.
- --out, --outdir, --outputdirectory, --output-directory=VALUE
- OutputDirectory - Specifies the directory for the generated Chocolatey
- package file(s). If not specified, uses a subdirectory of the current
- directory.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco synchronize -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/uninstall.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/uninstall.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9728cf6e0f..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/uninstall.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-Order: 190
-xref: choco-command-uninstall
-Title: Uninstall
-Description: Uninstall Command (choco uninstall)
- - docs/commandsuninstall
- - docs/commands-uninstall
-# Uninstall Command (choco uninstall)
-Uninstalls a package or a list of packages.
-Chocolatey automatically tracks registry changes for "Programs and
- Features" of the underlying software's native installers when
- installing packages. The "Automatic Uninstaller" (auto uninstaller)
- service is a feature that can use that information to automatically
- determine how to uninstall these natively installed applications. This
- means that a package may not need an explicit chocolateyUninstall.ps1
- to reverse the installation done in the install script.
-Chocolatey tracks packages, which are the files in
- `$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\packagename`. These packages may or may not
- contain the software (applications/tools) that each package represents.
- The software may actually be installed in Program Files (most native
- installers will install the software there) or elsewhere on the
- machine.
-With auto uninstaller turned off, a chocolateyUninstall.ps1 is required
- to perform uninstall from the system. In the absence of
- chocolateyUninstall.ps1, choco uninstall only removes the package from
- Chocolatey but does not remove the software from your system (unless
- in the package directory).
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> A package with a failing uninstall can be removed with the
-`-n --skipautouninstaller` flags. This will remove the package from
-chocolatey without attempting to uninstall the program.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> [Chocolatey Pro](https://chocolatey.org/compare) / Business automatically synchronizes with
- Programs and Features, ensuring manually removed apps are
- automatically removed from Chocolatey's repository.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Synchronizer and AutoUninstaller enhancements in licensed
- versions of Chocolatey ensure that Autouninstaller is up to 95%
- effective at removing software without an uninstall script. This is
- because synchronizer ensures the registry snapshot stays up to date
- and licensed enhancements have the ability to inspect more locations
- to determine how to automatically uninstall software.
-## Usage
- choco uninstall [pkg2 pkgN] [options/switches]
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> `all` is a special package keyword that will allow you to
- uninstall all packages.
-## See It In Action
-![choco uninstall](/assets/images/gifs/choco_uninstall.gif)
-## Examples
- choco uninstall git
- choco uninstall notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip
- choco uninstall notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip -dv
- choco uninstall ruby --version
- choco uninstall nodejs.install --all-versions
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> See scripting in [how to pass arguments](xref:choco-commands#how-to-pass-options-switches) (`choco -?`) for how to
- write proper scripts and integrations.
-## Exit Codes
-Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- - 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- - -1 or 1: an error has occurred
-Package Exit Codes:
- - 1605: software is not installed
- - 1614: product is uninstalled
- - 1641: success, reboot initiated
- - 3010: success, reboot required
- - other (not listed): likely an error has occurred
-In addition to normal exit codes, packages are allowed to exit
- with their own codes when the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' is
- turned on.
-Reboot Exit Codes:
- - 350: pending reboot detected, no action has occurred
- - 1604: install suspended, incomplete
-In addition to the above exit codes, you may also see reboot exit codes
- when the feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' is turned on. It typically requires
- the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' to also be turned on to work properly.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
- -s, --source=VALUE
- Source - The source to find the package(s) to install. Special sources
- include: ruby, cygwin, windowsfeatures, and python. Defaults to default
- feeds.
- --version=VALUE
- Version - A specific version to uninstall. Defaults to unspecified.
- -a, --allversions, --all-versions
- AllVersions - Uninstall all versions? Defaults to false.
- --ua, --uninstallargs, --uninstallarguments, --uninstall-arguments=VALUE
- UninstallArguments - Uninstall Arguments to pass to the native installer
- in the package. Defaults to unspecified.
- -o, --override, --overrideargs, --overridearguments, --override-arguments
- OverrideArguments - Should uninstall arguments be used exclusively
- without appending to current package passed arguments? Defaults to false.
- --notsilent, --not-silent
- NotSilent - Do not uninstall this silently. Defaults to false.
- --params, --parameters, --pkgparameters, --packageparameters, --package-parameters=VALUE
- PackageParameters - Parameters to pass to the package. Defaults to
- unspecified.
- --argsglobal, --args-global, --installargsglobal, --install-args-global, --applyargstodependencies, --apply-args-to-dependencies, --apply-install-arguments-to-dependencies
- Apply Install Arguments To Dependencies - Should install arguments be
- applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
- --paramsglobal, --params-global, --packageparametersglobal, --package-parameters-global, --applyparamstodependencies, --apply-params-to-dependencies, --apply-package-parameters-to-dependencies
- Apply Package Parameters To Dependencies - Should package parameters be
- applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
- -x, --forcedependencies, --force-dependencies, --removedependencies, --remove-dependencies
- RemoveDependencies - Uninstall dependencies when uninstalling package(s-
- ). Defaults to false.
- -n, --skippowershell, --skip-powershell, --skipscripts, --skip-scripts, --skip-automation-scripts
- Skip PowerShell - Do not run chocolateyUninstall.ps1. Defaults to false.
- --ignorepackagecodes, --ignorepackageexitcodes, --ignore-package-codes, --ignore-package-exit-codes
- IgnorePackageExitCodes - Exit with a 0 for success and 1 for non-succes-
- s, no matter what package scripts provide for exit codes. Overrides the
- default feature 'usePackageExitCodes' set to 'True'.
- --usepackagecodes, --usepackageexitcodes, --use-package-codes, --use-package-exit-codes
- UsePackageExitCodes - Package scripts can provide exit codes. Use those
- for choco's exit code when non-zero (this value can come from a
- dependency package). Chocolatey defines valid exit codes as 0, 1605,
- 1614, 1641, 3010. Overrides the default feature 'usePackageExitCodes'
- set to 'True'.
- --autouninstaller, --use-autouninstaller
- UseAutoUninstaller - Use auto uninstaller service when uninstalling.
- Overrides the default feature 'autoUninstaller' set to 'True'.
- --skipautouninstaller, --skip-autouninstaller
- SkipAutoUninstaller - Skip auto uninstaller service when uninstalling.
- Overrides the default feature 'autoUninstaller' set to 'True'.
- --failonautouninstaller, --fail-on-autouninstaller
- FailOnAutoUninstaller - Fail the package uninstall if the auto
- uninstaller reports and error. Overrides the default feature
- 'failOnAutoUninstaller' set to 'False'.
- --ignoreautouninstallerfailure, --ignore-autouninstaller-failure
- Ignore Auto Uninstaller Failure - Do not fail the package if auto
- uninstaller reports an error. Overrides the default feature
- 'failOnAutoUninstaller' set to 'False'.
- --stoponfirstfailure, --stop-on-first-failure, --stop-on-first-package-failure
- Stop On First Package Failure - stop running install, upgrade or
- uninstall on first package failure instead of continuing with others.
- Overrides the default feature 'stopOnFirstPackageFailure' set to 'False'.
- --exitwhenrebootdetected, --exit-when-reboot-detected
- Exit When Reboot Detected - Stop running install, upgrade, or uninstall
- when a reboot request is detected. Requires 'usePackageExitCodes'
- feature to be turned on. Will exit with either 350 or 1604. Overrides
- the default feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' set to 'False'.
- --ignoredetectedreboot, --ignore-detected-reboot
- Ignore Detected Reboot - Ignore any detected reboots if found. Overrides
- the default feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' set to 'False'.
- --skiphooks, --skip-hooks
- Skip hooks - Do not run hook scripts. Available in 1.2.0+
- --fromprograms, --from-programs, --fromprogramsandfeatures, --from-programs-and-features
- From Programs and Features - Uninstalls a program from programs and
- features. Name used for id must be a match or a wildcard (*) to Display
- Name in Programs and Features. Available in licensed editions only.
- --use-self-service, --force-self-service
- Force the command to be handled through the self-service when not
- configured to allow this command. This option requires the features for
- self-service and self-service command override to be enabled. Business
- editions only (licensed version 5.0.0+).
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco uninstall -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/unpackself.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/unpackself.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6442b45221..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/unpackself.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Order: 200
-xref: choco-command-unpackself
-Title: UnpackSelf
-Description: UnpackSelf Command (choco unpackself)
- - docs/commandsunpackself
- - docs/commands-unpackself
-# [DEPRECATED] UnpackSelf Command (choco unpackself)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Unpackself has been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0.
-This will unpack files needed by choco. It will overwrite existing
- files only if --force is specified.
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This command should only be used when installing Chocolatey, not
- during normal operation.
-## Options and Switches
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
- running a command like install that allows installing multiple
- packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is going to look for and
- try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split
- out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.
-Includes [default options/switches](xref:choco-commands#default-options-and-switches) (included below for completeness).
- -?, --help, -h
- Prints out the help menu.
- --online
- Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
- This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
- option. Available in 2.0.0+
- -d, --debug
- Debug - Show debug messaging.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
- under normal circumstances.
- --trace
- Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
- except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
- --nocolor, --no-color
- No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
- the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
- --acceptlicense, --accept-license
- AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
- future use.
- -y, --yes, --confirm
- Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
- Implies --accept-license
- -f, --force
- Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
- it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
- --noop, --whatif, --what-if
- NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
- -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
- LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
- --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
- CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
- finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
- configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
- -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
- CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
- in chocolatey.config file.
- --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
- AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
- this flag for choco to continue.
- --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
- FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
- received when running external commands during install providers. This
- overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
- --use-system-powershell
- UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
- instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
- internal host is failing.
- --no-progress
- Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
- --proxy=VALUE
- Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
- location of ''.
- --proxy-user=VALUE
- Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
- proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
- ''.
- --proxy-password=VALUE
- Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with user
- name. Encrypted. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting)
- and user name (`--proxy-user` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy password.
- --proxy-bypass-list=VALUE
- ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
- proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
- the default proxy bypass list of ''.
- --proxy-bypass-on-local
- Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
- explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
- proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
- --log-file=VALUE
- Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
- --skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
- SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
- command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
- the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
- Available in 1.1.0+
- --ignore-http-cache
- IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
- created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
-[Command Reference](xref:choco-commands)
-> :choco-info: **NOTE**
-> This documentation has been automatically generated from `choco unpackself -h`.
diff --git a/input/en-us/choco/commands/upgrade.md b/input/en-us/choco/commands/upgrade.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ab25bbbb4e..0000000000
--- a/input/en-us/choco/commands/upgrade.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-Order: 220
-xref: choco-command-upgrade
-Title: Upgrade
-Description: Upgrade Command (choco upgrade)
- - docs/commandsupgrade
- - docs/commands-upgrade
-# Upgrade Command (choco upgrade)
-Upgrades a package or a list of packages. If you do not have a package
- installed, upgrade will install it.
-## Usage
- choco upgrade [