diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9a79c3dc..0b734df7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ Options:
     -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
                         Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K34, K578,
-                        KDX, KPW, KV, KO, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O,
-                        KoAO, KoF) [Default=KV]
+                        KDX, KPW, KPW5, KV, KO, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O,
+                        KoAO, KoC, KoL, KoF) [Default=KV]
     -m, --manga-style   Manga style (right-to-left reading and splitting)
     -q, --hq            Try to increase the quality of magnification
     -2, --two-panel     Display two not four panels in Panel View mode
diff --git a/kindlecomicconverter/KCC_gui.py b/kindlecomicconverter/KCC_gui.py
index 50e91dda..56b00c56 100644
--- a/kindlecomicconverter/KCC_gui.py
+++ b/kindlecomicconverter/KCC_gui.py
@@ -916,6 +916,9 @@ def __init__(self, kccapp, kccwindow):
                              'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KV'},
             "Kindle Voyage": {'PVOptions': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
                               'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KV'},
+            "Kindle PW 5": {
+              'PVOptions': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0, 'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KPW5',  
+            },
             "Kindle PW 3/4": {'PVOptions': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
                               'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KV'},
             "Kindle PW 1/2": {'PVOptions': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
@@ -938,6 +941,10 @@ def __init__(self, kccapp, kccwindow):
                               'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KoAH2O'},
             "Kobo Aura ONE": {'PVOptions': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                               'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KoAO'},
+            "Kobo Clara HD": {'PVOptions': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
+                           'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KoC'},
+            "Kobo Libra H2O": {'PVOptions': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
+                           'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KoL'},
             "Kobo Forma": {'PVOptions': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                            'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KoF'},
             "Other": {'PVOptions': False, 'ForceExpert': True, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
@@ -955,11 +962,14 @@ def __init__(self, kccapp, kccwindow):
             "Kindle Oasis 2/3",
             "Kindle Oasis",
             "Kindle Voyage",
+            "Kindle PW 5",
             "Kindle PW 3/4",
             "Kindle PW 1/2",
             "Kobo Forma",
+            "Kobo Libra H2O",
+            "Kobo Clara HD",
             "Kobo Aura ONE",
             "Kobo Aura H2O",
             "Kobo Aura HD",
diff --git a/kindlecomicconverter/comic2ebook.py b/kindlecomicconverter/comic2ebook.py
index 3fe23332..31ae0760 100755
--- a/kindlecomicconverter/comic2ebook.py
+++ b/kindlecomicconverter/comic2ebook.py
@@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ def makeParser():
     otherOptions = OptionGroup(psr, "OTHER")
     mainOptions.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store", dest="profile", default="KV",
-                           help="Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K34, K578, KDX, KPW, KV, KO, KoMT, KoG,"
-                                " KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O, KoAO, KoF) [Default=KV]")
+                           help="Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K34, K578, KDX, KPW, KPW5, KV, KO, KoMT, KoG,"
+                                " KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O, KoAO, KoC, KoL, KoF) [Default=KV]")
     mainOptions.add_option("-m", "--manga-style", action="store_true", dest="righttoleft", default=False,
                            help="Manga style (right-to-left reading and splitting)")
     mainOptions.add_option("-q", "--hq", action="store_true", dest="hq", default=False,
@@ -974,13 +974,13 @@ def checkOptions():
     options.bordersColor = None
     options.kfx = False
     if options.format == 'Auto':
-        if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K34', 'K578', 'KPW', 'KV', 'KO']:
+        if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K34', 'K578', 'KPW', 'KPW5', 'KV', 'KO']:
             options.format = 'MOBI'
         elif options.profile in ['OTHER', 'KoMT', 'KoG', 'KoGHD', 'KoA', 'KoAHD', 'KoAH2O', 'KoAO']:
             options.format = 'EPUB'
         elif options.profile in ['KDX']:
             options.format = 'CBZ'
-    if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K34', 'K578', 'KPW', 'KV', 'KO']:
+    if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K34', 'K578', 'KPW', 'KPW5', 'KV', 'KO']:
         options.iskindle = True
     if options.white_borders:
         options.bordersColor = 'white'
@@ -1078,10 +1078,7 @@ def makeBook(source, qtgui=None):
     getComicInfo(os.path.join(path, "OEBPS", "Images"), source)
     detectCorruption(os.path.join(path, "OEBPS", "Images"), source)
     if options.webtoon:
-        if image.ProfileData.Profiles[options.profile][1][1] > 1024:
-            y = 1024
-        else:
-            y = image.ProfileData.Profiles[options.profile][1][1]
+        y = image.ProfileData.Profiles[options.profile][1][1]
         comic2panel.main(['-y ' + str(y), '-i', '-m', path], qtgui)
     print("Processing images...")
     if GUI:
@@ -1222,7 +1219,7 @@ def makeMOBI(work, qtgui=None):
         threadNumber = 1
     elif 2 < availableMemory <= 4:
         threadNumber = 2
-    elif 4 < availableMemory <= 8:
+    elif 4 < availableMemory:
         threadNumber = 4
         threadNumber = None
diff --git a/kindlecomicconverter/comic2panel.py b/kindlecomicconverter/comic2panel.py
index cd5d87ac..b13cb59d 100644
--- a/kindlecomicconverter/comic2panel.py
+++ b/kindlecomicconverter/comic2panel.py
@@ -57,9 +57,8 @@ def mergeDirectory(work):
         if len(images) > 0:
             targetWidth = max(set(sizes), key=sizes.count)
             for i in images:
-                if i[1] <= targetWidth:
-                    targetHeight += i[2]
-                    imagesValid.append(i[0])
+                targetHeight += i[2]
+                imagesValid.append(i[0])
             # Silently drop directories that contain too many images
             # 131072 = GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE / 4
             if targetHeight > 131072:
@@ -68,8 +67,10 @@ def mergeDirectory(work):
             y = 0
             for i in imagesValid:
                 img = Image.open(i).convert('RGB')
-                if img.size[0] < targetWidth:
-                    img = ImageOps.fit(img, (targetWidth, img.size[1]), method=Image.BICUBIC, centering=(0.5, 0.5))
+                if img.size[0] < targetWidth or img.size[0] > targetWidth:
+                    widthPercent = (targetWidth / float(img.size[0]))
+                    heightSize = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(widthPercent)))
+                    img = ImageOps.fit(img, (targetWidth, heightSize), method=Image.BICUBIC, centering=(0.5, 0.5))
                 result.paste(img, (0, y))
                 y += img.size[1]
@@ -100,6 +101,8 @@ def splitImage(work):
         name = work[1]
         opt = work[2]
         filePath = os.path.join(path, name)
+        Image.warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning)
+        Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1000000000    
         imgOrg = Image.open(filePath).convert('RGB')
         imgProcess = Image.open(filePath).convert('1')
         widthImg, heightImg = imgOrg.size
@@ -113,11 +116,16 @@ def splitImage(work):
             panelDetected = False
             panels = []
             while yWork < heightImg:
-                tmpImg = imgProcess.crop([0, yWork, widthImg, yWork + 4])
+                tmpImg = imgProcess.crop([4, yWork, widthImg-4, yWork + 4])
                 solid = detectSolid(tmpImg)
                 if not solid and not panelDetected:
                     panelDetected = True
                     panelY1 = yWork - 2
+                if heightImg - yWork <= 5:
+                    if not solid and panelDetected:
+                        panelY2 = heightImg
+                        panelDetected = False
+                        panels.append((panelY1, panelY2, panelY2 - panelY1))
                 if solid and panelDetected:
                     panelDetected = False
                     panelY2 = yWork + 6
diff --git a/kindlecomicconverter/image.py b/kindlecomicconverter/image.py
index 35fcfc87..2bcee165 100755
--- a/kindlecomicconverter/image.py
+++ b/kindlecomicconverter/image.py
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ def __init__(self):
         'KDX': ("Kindle DX/DXG", (824, 1000), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KPW': ("Kindle Paperwhite 1/2", (758, 1024), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KV': ("Kindle Paperwhite 3/4/Voyage/Oasis", (1072, 1448), Palette16, 1.8),
+        'KPW5': ("Kindle Paperwhite 5/Signature Edition", (1236, 1648), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KO': ("Kindle Oasis 2/3", (1264, 1680), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KoMT': ("Kobo Mini/Touch", (600, 800), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KoG': ("Kobo Glo", (768, 1024), Palette16, 1.8),
@@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ def __init__(self):
         'KoAHD': ("Kobo Aura HD", (1080, 1440), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KoAH2O': ("Kobo Aura H2O", (1080, 1430), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KoAO': ("Kobo Aura ONE", (1404, 1872), Palette16, 1.8),
+        'KoC': ("Kobo Clara HD", (1072, 1448), Palette16, 1.8),
+        'KoL': ("Kobo Libra H2O", (1264, 1680), Palette16, 1.8),
         'KoF': ("Kobo Forma", (1440, 1920), Palette16, 1.8),
         'OTHER': ("Other", (0, 0), Palette16, 1.8),