elfhash is a utility to manipulate hash table of ELF file.
0, Architecture indepent, That means you can handle 32bit arm ELF in x86/x86_64 platform.
1, Convert GNU style hashtable in ELF to sysV style.
2, Rebuild sysv hashtable, if you change ELF dynamic symbols manually, you may need re-hash it.
3, Rename symbols to new name as same length. "The same length" is a limition: If new symbol name has different length, we need handle so many offset problem.
$sudo make install
It will install 'elfhash' to handle both 32bit and 64bit ELF.
$elfhash : convert gnu style hash to sysv style if it exists.
$elfhash -r : rebuild sysv hash.
$elfhash -f old_symbol -t new_symbol :rename old symbol name to new name
$elfhash -l : list the contents of elf
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO not use it to manipulate system libraries, it is dangerous!!!!
1.some codes come from PadicoTM project.
svn co svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/pm2/trunk
2.elf.h comes from elfutils without modifications.