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"552b9bcd7fb5") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (compile-multi . [(20240923 1814) ((emacs (28 1))) "A multi target interface to compile" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/mohkale/compile-multi") (:commit . "94b2f267d1e424cf523643a3c9841c83f0a86368") (:revdesc . "94b2f267d1e4") (:keywords "tools" "compile" "build") (:authors ("mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe")) (:maintainers ("mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe")) (:maintainer "mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe"))]) (compile-multi-all-the-icons . [(20240923 1814) ((emacs (28 0)) (all-the-icons-completion (0 0 1))) "Affixate `compile-multi' with icons" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/mohkale/compile-multi") (:commit . "94b2f267d1e424cf523643a3c9841c83f0a86368") (:revdesc . "94b2f267d1e4") (:keywords "tools" "compile" "build") (:authors ("mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe")) (:maintainers ("mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe")) (:maintainer "mohsin kaleem" . "mohkale@kisara.moe"))]) (compile-multi-embark . 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"https://github.com/mikanfactory/memolist.el") (:commit . "60c296e202a71e9dcf1c3936d47b5c4b95c5839f") (:revdesc . "60c296e202a7") (:keywords "markdown" "memo") (:authors ("mikanfactory" . "k952i4j14x17_at_gmail.com")))]) (mentor . [(20230103 1146) ((emacs (25 1)) (xml-rpc (1 6 15)) (seq (1 11)) (async (1 9 3)) (url-scgi (0 8))) "Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/skangas/mentor") (:commit . "f51dd4f3f87c54b7cc92189924b9d873a53f5a75") (:revdesc . "f51dd4f3f87c") (:keywords "comm" "processes" "bittorrent") (:authors ("Stefan Kangas" . "stefankangas@gmail.com")) (:maintainers ("Stefan Kangas" . "stefankangas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Stefan Kangas" . "stefankangas@gmail.com"))]) - (meow . [(20241121 1319) ((emacs (27 1))) "Yet Another modal editing" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/meow-edit/meow") (:commit . "4a9297d698e4bdc4376052a42401eb8df7ede621") (:revdesc . "4a9297d698e4") (:keywords "convenience" "modal-editing"))]) + (meow . 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