Package: clessnize Type: Package Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2024-03-29 Title: Data Visualization Tools for the CLESSN research group Authors@R: c( person("Laurence-Olivier", "M. Foisy", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Hubert", "Cadieux", email = "", role = "ctb"), person("Judith", "Bourque", role = "ctb")) Description: Provides a set of tools and themes for enhancing data visualization within the company, leveraging ggplot2. Currently, it includes themes for clean light and dark visualizations, with plans for further expansion. Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), ggplot2 Imports: sysfonts, showtext Suggests: testthat License: MIT Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true RoxygenNote: 7.3.2