` format here if you are running Terraform on a system that the repository has been added to with `helm repo add` but this is not recommended. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| [chart\_description](#input\_chart\_description) | Set release description attribute (visible in the history). | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [chart\_repository](#input\_chart\_repository) | Repository URL where to locate the requested chart. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| [chart\_values](#input\_chart\_values) | Additional values to yamlencode as `helm_release` values. | `any` | `{}` | no |
-| [chart\_version](#input\_chart\_version) | Specify the exact chart version to install. If this is not specified, the latest version is installed. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [cleanup\_on\_fail](#input\_cleanup\_on\_fail) | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [context](#input\_context) | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"descriptor_formats": {},
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"labels_as_tags": [
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {},
"tenant": null
| no |
-| [create\_namespace](#input\_create\_namespace) | Create the namespace if it does not yet exist. Defaults to `false`. | `bool` | `null` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_additional\_tags](#input\_default\_ingress\_additional\_tags) | Additional tags to apply to the ingress load balancer. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_class\_name](#input\_default\_ingress\_class\_name) | Class name for default ingress | `string` | `"default"` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_enabled](#input\_default\_ingress\_enabled) | Set `true` to deploy a default IngressClass. There should only be one default per cluster. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_group](#input\_default\_ingress\_group) | Group name for default ingress | `string` | `"common"` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_ip\_address\_type](#input\_default\_ingress\_ip\_address\_type) | IP address type for default ingress, one of `ipv4` or `dualstack`. | `string` | `"dualstack"` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_load\_balancer\_attributes](#input\_default\_ingress\_load\_balancer\_attributes) | A list of load balancer attributes to apply to the default ingress load balancer.
See [Load Balancer Attributes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/application-load-balancers.html#load-balancer-attributes). | `list(object({ key = string, value = string }))` | `[]` | no |
-| [default\_ingress\_scheme](#input\_default\_ingress\_scheme) | Scheme for default ingress, one of `internet-facing` or `internal`. | `string` | `"internet-facing"` | no |
-| [delimiter](#input\_delimiter) | Delimiter to be used between ID elements.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [descriptor\_formats](#input\_descriptor\_formats) | Describe additional descriptors to be output in the `descriptors` output map.
Map of maps. Keys are names of descriptors. Values are maps of the form
format = string
labels = list(string)
(Type is `any` so the map values can later be enhanced to provide additional options.)
`format` is a Terraform format string to be passed to the `format()` function.
`labels` is a list of labels, in order, to pass to `format()` function.
Label values will be normalized before being passed to `format()` so they will be
identical to how they appear in `id`.
Default is `{}` (`descriptors` output will be empty). | `any` | `{}` | no |
-| [eks\_component\_name](#input\_eks\_component\_name) | The name of the eks component | `string` | `"eks/cluster"` | no |
-| [enabled](#input\_enabled) | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
-| [environment](#input\_environment) | ID element. Usually used for region e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR role 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [helm\_manifest\_experiment\_enabled](#input\_helm\_manifest\_experiment\_enabled) | Enable storing of the rendered manifest for helm\_release so the full diff of what is changing can been seen in the plan | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [id\_length\_limit](#input\_id\_length\_limit) | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for keep the existing setting, which defaults to `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
-| [kube\_data\_auth\_enabled](#input\_kube\_data\_auth\_enabled) | If `true`, use an `aws_eks_cluster_auth` data source to authenticate to the EKS cluster.
Disabled by `kubeconfig_file_enabled` or `kube_exec_auth_enabled`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile) | The AWS config profile for `aws eks get-token` to use | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile\_enabled) | If `true`, pass `kube_exec_auth_aws_profile` as the `profile` to `aws eks get-token` | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [kube\_exec\_auth\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_enabled) | If `true`, use the Kubernetes provider `exec` feature to execute `aws eks get-token` to authenticate to the EKS cluster.
Disabled by `kubeconfig_file_enabled`, overrides `kube_data_auth_enabled`. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn) | The role ARN for `aws eks get-token` to use | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn\_enabled) | If `true`, pass `kube_exec_auth_role_arn` as the role ARN to `aws eks get-token` | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [kubeconfig\_context](#input\_kubeconfig\_context) | Context to choose from the Kubernetes kube config file | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [kubeconfig\_exec\_auth\_api\_version](#input\_kubeconfig\_exec\_auth\_api\_version) | The Kubernetes API version of the credentials returned by the `exec` auth plugin | `string` | `"client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1"` | no |
-| [kubeconfig\_file](#input\_kubeconfig\_file) | The Kubernetes provider `config_path` setting to use when `kubeconfig_file_enabled` is `true` | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [kubeconfig\_file\_enabled](#input\_kubeconfig\_file\_enabled) | If `true`, configure the Kubernetes provider with `kubeconfig_file` and use that kubeconfig file for authenticating to the EKS cluster | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [kubernetes\_namespace](#input\_kubernetes\_namespace) | The namespace to install the release into. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| [label\_key\_case](#input\_label\_key\_case) | Controls the letter case of the `tags` keys (label names) for tags generated by this module.
Does not affect keys of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [label\_order](#input\_label\_order) | The order in which the labels (ID elements) appear in the `id`.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 6 labels ("tenant" is the 6th), but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
-| [label\_value\_case](#input\_label\_value\_case) | Controls the letter case of ID elements (labels) as included in `id`,
set as tag values, and output by this module individually.
Does not affect values of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Set this to `title` and set `delimiter` to `""` to yield Pascal Case IDs.
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [labels\_as\_tags](#input\_labels\_as\_tags) | Set of labels (ID elements) to include as tags in the `tags` output.
Default is to include all labels.
Tags with empty values will not be included in the `tags` output.
Set to `[]` to suppress all generated tags.
The value of the `name` tag, if included, will be the `id`, not the `name`.
Unlike other `null-label` inputs, the initial setting of `labels_as_tags` cannot be
changed in later chained modules. Attempts to change it will be silently ignored. | `set(string)` | [
| no |
-| [name](#input\_name) | ID element. Usually the component or solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins'.
This is the only ID element not also included as a `tag`.
The "name" tag is set to the full `id` string. There is no tag with the value of the `name` input. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [namespace](#input\_namespace) | ID element. Usually an abbreviation of your organization name, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp', to help ensure generated IDs are globally unique | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [rbac\_enabled](#input\_rbac\_enabled) | Service Account for pods. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [regex\_replace\_chars](#input\_regex\_replace\_chars) | Terraform regular expression (regex) string.
Characters matching the regex will be removed from the ID elements.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [region](#input\_region) | AWS Region. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| [resources](#input\_resources) | The cpu and memory of the deployment's limits and requests. | object({
limits = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
requests = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
| n/a | yes |
-| [stage](#input\_stage) | ID element. Usually used to indicate role, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [tags](#input\_tags) | Additional tags (e.g. `{'BusinessUnit': 'XYZ'}`).
Neither the tag keys nor the tag values will be modified by this module. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| [tenant](#input\_tenant) | ID element \_(Rarely used, not included by default)\_. A customer identifier, indicating who this instance of a resource is for | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [timeout](#input\_timeout) | Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). Defaults to `300` seconds | `number` | `null` | no |
+| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+| [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional key-value pairs to add to each map in `tags_as_list_of_maps`. Not added to `tags` or `id`.
This is for some rare cases where resources want additional configuration of tags
and therefore take a list of maps with tag key, value, and additional configuration. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [atomic](#input\_atomic) | If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [attributes](#input\_attributes) | ID element. Additional attributes (e.g. `workers` or `cluster`) to add to `id`,
in the order they appear in the list. New attributes are appended to the
end of the list. The elements of the list are joined by the `delimiter`
and treated as a single ID element. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
+| [chart](#input\_chart) | Chart name to be installed. The chart name can be local path, a URL to a chart, or the name of the chart if `repository` is specified. It is also possible to use the `/` format here if you are running Terraform on a system that the repository has been added to with `helm repo add` but this is not recommended. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| [chart\_description](#input\_chart\_description) | Set release description attribute (visible in the history). | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [chart\_repository](#input\_chart\_repository) | Repository URL where to locate the requested chart. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| [chart\_values](#input\_chart\_values) | Additional values to yamlencode as `helm_release` values. | `any` | `{}` | no |
+| [chart\_version](#input\_chart\_version) | Specify the exact chart version to install. If this is not specified, the latest version is installed. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [cleanup\_on\_fail](#input\_cleanup\_on\_fail) | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [context](#input\_context) | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"descriptor_formats": {},
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"labels_as_tags": [
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {},
"tenant": null
| no |
+| [create\_namespace](#input\_create\_namespace) | Create the namespace if it does not yet exist. Defaults to `false`. | `bool` | `null` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_additional\_tags](#input\_default\_ingress\_additional\_tags) | Additional tags to apply to the ingress load balancer. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_class\_name](#input\_default\_ingress\_class\_name) | Class name for default ingress | `string` | `"default"` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_enabled](#input\_default\_ingress\_enabled) | Set `true` to deploy a default IngressClass. There should only be one default per cluster. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_group](#input\_default\_ingress\_group) | Group name for default ingress | `string` | `"common"` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_ip\_address\_type](#input\_default\_ingress\_ip\_address\_type) | IP address type for default ingress, one of `ipv4` or `dualstack`. | `string` | `"dualstack"` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_load\_balancer\_attributes](#input\_default\_ingress\_load\_balancer\_attributes) | A list of load balancer attributes to apply to the default ingress load balancer.
See [Load Balancer Attributes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/application-load-balancers.html#load-balancer-attributes). | `list(object({ key = string, value = string }))` | `[]` | no |
+| [default\_ingress\_scheme](#input\_default\_ingress\_scheme) | Scheme for default ingress, one of `internet-facing` or `internal`. | `string` | `"internet-facing"` | no |
+| [delimiter](#input\_delimiter) | Delimiter to be used between ID elements.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [descriptor\_formats](#input\_descriptor\_formats) | Describe additional descriptors to be output in the `descriptors` output map.
Map of maps. Keys are names of descriptors. Values are maps of the form
format = string
labels = list(string)
(Type is `any` so the map values can later be enhanced to provide additional options.)
`format` is a Terraform format string to be passed to the `format()` function.
`labels` is a list of labels, in order, to pass to `format()` function.
Label values will be normalized before being passed to `format()` so they will be
identical to how they appear in `id`.
Default is `{}` (`descriptors` output will be empty). | `any` | `{}` | no |
+| [eks\_component\_name](#input\_eks\_component\_name) | The name of the eks component | `string` | `"eks/cluster"` | no |
+| [enabled](#input\_enabled) | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
+| [environment](#input\_environment) | ID element. Usually used for region e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR role 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [helm\_manifest\_experiment\_enabled](#input\_helm\_manifest\_experiment\_enabled) | Enable storing of the rendered manifest for helm\_release so the full diff of what is changing can been seen in the plan | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [id\_length\_limit](#input\_id\_length\_limit) | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for keep the existing setting, which defaults to `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| [kube\_data\_auth\_enabled](#input\_kube\_data\_auth\_enabled) | If `true`, use an `aws_eks_cluster_auth` data source to authenticate to the EKS cluster.
Disabled by `kubeconfig_file_enabled` or `kube_exec_auth_enabled`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile) | The AWS config profile for `aws eks get-token` to use | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_aws\_profile\_enabled) | If `true`, pass `kube_exec_auth_aws_profile` as the `profile` to `aws eks get-token` | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [kube\_exec\_auth\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_enabled) | If `true`, use the Kubernetes provider `exec` feature to execute `aws eks get-token` to authenticate to the EKS cluster.
Disabled by `kubeconfig_file_enabled`, overrides `kube_data_auth_enabled`. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn) | The role ARN for `aws eks get-token` to use | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn\_enabled](#input\_kube\_exec\_auth\_role\_arn\_enabled) | If `true`, pass `kube_exec_auth_role_arn` as the role ARN to `aws eks get-token` | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [kubeconfig\_context](#input\_kubeconfig\_context) | Context to choose from the Kubernetes kube config file | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [kubeconfig\_exec\_auth\_api\_version](#input\_kubeconfig\_exec\_auth\_api\_version) | The Kubernetes API version of the credentials returned by the `exec` auth plugin | `string` | `"client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1"` | no |
+| [kubeconfig\_file](#input\_kubeconfig\_file) | The Kubernetes provider `config_path` setting to use when `kubeconfig_file_enabled` is `true` | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [kubeconfig\_file\_enabled](#input\_kubeconfig\_file\_enabled) | If `true`, configure the Kubernetes provider with `kubeconfig_file` and use that kubeconfig file for authenticating to the EKS cluster | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [kubernetes\_namespace](#input\_kubernetes\_namespace) | The namespace to install the release into. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| [label\_key\_case](#input\_label\_key\_case) | Controls the letter case of the `tags` keys (label names) for tags generated by this module.
Does not affect keys of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_order](#input\_label\_order) | The order in which the labels (ID elements) appear in the `id`.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 6 labels ("tenant" is the 6th), but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_value\_case](#input\_label\_value\_case) | Controls the letter case of ID elements (labels) as included in `id`,
set as tag values, and output by this module individually.
Does not affect values of tags passed in via the `tags` input.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Set this to `title` and set `delimiter` to `""` to yield Pascal Case IDs.
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [labels\_as\_tags](#input\_labels\_as\_tags) | Set of labels (ID elements) to include as tags in the `tags` output.
Default is to include all labels.
Tags with empty values will not be included in the `tags` output.
Set to `[]` to suppress all generated tags.
The value of the `name` tag, if included, will be the `id`, not the `name`.
Unlike other `null-label` inputs, the initial setting of `labels_as_tags` cannot be
changed in later chained modules. Attempts to change it will be silently ignored. | `set(string)` | [
| no |
+| [name](#input\_name) | ID element. Usually the component or solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins'.
This is the only ID element not also included as a `tag`.
The "name" tag is set to the full `id` string. There is no tag with the value of the `name` input. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [namespace](#input\_namespace) | ID element. Usually an abbreviation of your organization name, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp', to help ensure generated IDs are globally unique | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [rbac\_enabled](#input\_rbac\_enabled) | Service Account for pods. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [regex\_replace\_chars](#input\_regex\_replace\_chars) | Terraform regular expression (regex) string.
Characters matching the regex will be removed from the ID elements.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [region](#input\_region) | AWS Region. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| [resources](#input\_resources) | The cpu and memory of the deployment's limits and requests. | object({
limits = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
requests = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
| n/a | yes |
+| [stage](#input\_stage) | ID element. Usually used to indicate role, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [tags](#input\_tags) | Additional tags (e.g. `{'BusinessUnit': 'XYZ'}`).
Neither the tag keys nor the tag values will be modified by this module. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [tenant](#input\_tenant) | ID element \_(Rarely used, not included by default)\_. A customer identifier, indicating who this instance of a resource is for | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [timeout](#input\_timeout) | Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). Defaults to `300` seconds | `number` | `null` | no |
## Outputs
-| Name | Description |
+| Name | Description |
| [metadata](#output\_metadata) | Block status of the deployed release |
diff --git a/modules/eks/alb-controller/distributed-iam-policy.tf b/modules/eks/alb-controller/distributed-iam-policy.tf
index fcc655182..a7bca3763 100644
--- a/modules/eks/alb-controller/distributed-iam-policy.tf
+++ b/modules/eks/alb-controller/distributed-iam-policy.tf
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ locals {
- "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags"
+ "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags",
+ "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTrustStores"
"Resource": "*"
diff --git a/modules/eks/alb-controller/main.tf b/modules/eks/alb-controller/main.tf
index bdb2b3f8a..29f0aca02 100644
--- a/modules/eks/alb-controller/main.tf
+++ b/modules/eks/alb-controller/main.tf
@@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ module "alb_controller" {
# alb-controller-specific values
- aws = {
- region = var.region
- }
+ region = var.region
+ vpcId = module.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
clusterName = module.eks.outputs.eks_cluster_id
createIngressClassResource = var.default_ingress_enabled
ingressClass = var.default_ingress_class_name
diff --git a/modules/eks/alb-controller/remote-state.tf b/modules/eks/alb-controller/remote-state.tf
index c1ec8226d..038ed8463 100644
--- a/modules/eks/alb-controller/remote-state.tf
+++ b/modules/eks/alb-controller/remote-state.tf
@@ -6,3 +6,12 @@ module "eks" {
context = module.this.context
+module "vpc" {
+ source = "cloudposse/stack-config/yaml//modules/remote-state"
+ version = "1.5.0"
+ component = var.vpc_component_name
+ context = module.this.context
diff --git a/modules/eks/alb-controller/variables.tf b/modules/eks/alb-controller/variables.tf
index 0c14e0a45..a15df3827 100644
--- a/modules/eks/alb-controller/variables.tf
+++ b/modules/eks/alb-controller/variables.tf
@@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ variable "eks_component_name" {
default = "eks/cluster"
+variable "vpc_component_name" {
+ type = string
+ description = "The name of the vpc component"
+ default = "vpc"
####### Configure default Ingress Class #######
variable "default_ingress_enabled" {