What's Changed
- Test to check our string escape word triggers on its own by @peternewman in #2879
- feat(dictionary): add additiional additional entry by @IndexSeek in #2882
- Add
Misspelling by @korverdev in #2881 - Add more typos for "approximate" by @int-y1 in #2884
- Add new typos for "load" by @int-y1 in #2885
- Add typos for "accommodate" by @int-y1 in #2886
- Add spelling correction for 'prodive' by @adrien-berchet in #2889
- Add
Mispelling by @korverdev in #2891 - Add alternative spelling corrections for "merget" by @cfi-gb in #2890
- Add various typos by @int-y1 in #2887
- Add suffixes to existing typos by @int-y1 in #2895
- Add
As Dev Dependency by @korverdev in #2901 - frustrum->frustum by @tkoyama010 in #2899
- Add several spelling corrections by @luzpaz in #2900
- Add suffixes to existing typos, part 2 by @int-y1 in #2902
- Add iamges->images and cannel variants by @peternewman in #2893
- Add all corrections in #2857 by @janosh in #2898
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "a" by @int-y1 in #2905
- Add suffixes to typos from "b" to "ch" by @int-y1 in #2906
- Add suffixes to typos from "cop" to "cy" by @int-y1 in #2911
- Add spelling corrections for upperace and lowerace. by @cfi-gb in #2909
- Add suffixes to typos from "ci" to "con" by @int-y1 in #2907
- Add variations of 'check' by @luzpaz in #2904
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "de" by @int-y1 in #2913
- Add suffixes to typos from "di" to "dy" by @int-y1 in #2914
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "e" by @int-y1 in #2915
- Add some spelling corrections by @fxlb in #2918
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "f" by @int-y1 in #2916
- Add typos for "general", "generate", "generic" by @int-y1 in #2919
- Move
to code by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2917 - Add correction for "distict" by @jdufresne in #2910
- Add several spelling corrections by @luzpaz in #2908
- Add new suggestions for existing typos by @int-y1 in #2921
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "g" or "h" by @int-y1 in #2922
- Dev Container by @korverdev in #2903
- Add postifx->postfix to code dictionary by @luzpaz in #2927
- Add openes->opens, openness, to dictionary by @luzpaz in #2930
- Add suffixes to typos from "ib" to "im" by @int-y1 in #2924
- Add indepentend->independent by @alxgu in #2892
- Add several spelling corrections by @luzpaz in #2926
- feat: Add collogue->colleague to dictionary by @matthewfeickert in #2923
- Typos from OpenSSL 3.0 by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2883
- Add suffixes to typos from "ip" to "k" by @int-y1 in #2931
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "in" by @int-y1 in #2925
- Add typos discovered in django/deps repository by @jdufresne in #2932
- Add some archaic terms for Muslim to dictionary by @skangas in #2610
- Add words from misspell's dictionary (A-1) by @skangas in #2748
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "l" by @int-y1 in #2936
- Add typo fix: reacord->record by @jdufresne in #2941
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "m" by @int-y1 in #2937
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "n" by @int-y1 in #2939
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "o" by @int-y1 in #2940
- Improve existing suggestions by @int-y1 in #2943
- Add vulnerabily->vulnerably, vulnerability, spelling correction. by @cfi-gb in #2946
- Add suffixes to typos from "pa" to "pl" by @int-y1 in #2944
- Add suffixes to typos from "po" to "pu" by @int-y1 in #2945
- Allow words missing from aspell dictionaries by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2933
- Add journalling->journaling to GB->EN dict by @luzpaz in #2371
- Use large aspell dictionaries by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2947
- Add suffixes to typos from "q" to "red" by @int-y1 in #2948
- Add suffixes to typos from "ref" to "rep" by @int-y1 in #2949
- Add suffixes to typos from "req" to "ry" by @int-y1 in #2950
- Add suffixes to typos from "sa" to "se" by @int-y1 in #2951
- Add suffixes to typos from "sh" to "sp" by @int-y1 in #2952
- Add suffixes to typos from "sr" to "st" by @int-y1 in #2953
- Remove a branch from
to pass Ruff CI check. by @korverdev in #2962 - Add suffixes to typos from "su" to "sz" by @int-y1 in #2954
- Dictionary fixes by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2935
- Add Pre-Commit as a dev dependency by @korverdev in #2959
- Drop support for Python 3.7 by @korverdev in #2964
- Fix pre-commit issues by @kurtmckee in #2967
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "t" by @int-y1 in #2965
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "u" by @int-y1 in #2966
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "v" by @int-y1 in #2970
- Add suffixes to typos from "w" to "z" by @int-y1 in #2971
- Add some new misspellings by @Jeremiah-England in #2972
- Add spelling corrections for defaoult and variants. by @cfi-gb in #2975
- Fix the name of the extra word lists we load by @peternewman in #2976
- Add suffixes to typos from "aa" to "acc" by @int-y1 in #2974
- Add suffixes to typos from "ace" to "ad" by @int-y1 in #2987
- Add suffixes to typos from "af" to "al" by @int-y1 in #2988
- Dictionary fixes by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2980
- Add suffixes to typos from "am" to "an" by @int-y1 in #2989
- Use pre-commit to sort the dictionaries by @kurtmckee in #2973
- Simpler dictionary parsing by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2986
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #2993
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "ap" by @int-y1 in #2991
- Half dozen new cases in
by @janosh in #2994 - Add suffixes to typos that start with "ar" by @int-y1 in #2992
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "as" by @int-y1 in #2997
- Add suffixes to typos from "at" to "ay" by @int-y1 in #2998
- Add suffixes to typos from "ba" to "be" by @int-y1 in #2999
- Add preperint typo by @yarikoptic in #2978
- Add some typos found in a large documentation repo by @kurtmckee in #3001
- Add suffixes to typos from "bi" to "bu" by @int-y1 in #3002
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "ca" by @int-y1 in #3003
- Add some misspellings and refinements by @luzpaz in #3004
- Add typo variations of background(s) by @luzpaz in #3006
- Add more typos for "check" and similar by @int-y1 in #3005
- ...ter → ...tor by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2990
- Add suffixes to typos from "ce" to "ci" by @int-y1 in #3008
- Remove the grave accent (`) from the default word regex by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2983
- Add typo variations for 'enble'->'enable' to main dictionary by @akien-mga in #3010
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3011
- Add suffixes to typos from "cl" to "col" by @int-y1 in #3009
- Generate alternative typos with a translation table by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #2985
- Remove redundant linting CI workflows handled by pre-commit.ci by @kurtmckee in #2969
- Fix ruff lint error by @int-y1 in #3015
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "com" by @int-y1 in #3012
- Add spelling correction for information and variant. by @cfi-gb in #3018
- Replace local and CI workflow by pre-commit by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3020
- Add fram->frame and friend by @peternewman in #3016
- Add typo variations of 'dispatch' by @luzpaz in #3007
- Add more typos for "configure" and similar by @int-y1 in #3013
- Add suffixes to typos from "cona" to "conr" by @int-y1 in #3023
- Add suffixes to typos from "cons" to "conv" by @int-y1 in #3025
- Add more typos for "correspond" and similar by @int-y1 in #3026
- Adding articifial to artificial to
by @jamesbraza in #3024 - Move the valid word implementor in rare dictionary by @fxlb in #3030
- Typos from tcpdump and libpcap by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3031
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3033
- Add suffixes to typos from "coo" to "coy" by @int-y1 in #3029
- Add suffixes to typos from "cp" to "cy" by @int-y1 in #3032
- Add suffixes to typos from "dc" to "den" by @int-y1 in #3034
- Add suffixes to typos from "dep" to "der" by @int-y1 in #3036
- [pre-commit.ci] fix new ruff issue by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3042
- Add suffixes to typos from "des" to "dev" by @int-y1 in #3039
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "di" by @int-y1 in #3040
- Add suffixes to typos from "do" to "dy" by @int-y1 in #3043
- Add suffixes to typos from "ea" to "en" by @int-y1 in #3048
- Add suffixes to typos from "ep" to "exe" by @int-y1 in #3049
- Add suffixes to typos from "exi" to "exu" by @int-y1 in #3050
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3045
- Update dictionary.txt by @janosh in #3035
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3051
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "f" by @int-y1 in #3052
- Add suffixes to typos from "g" to "h" by @int-y1 in #3053
- Additions to
by @janosh in #3054 - Modify structure of dict read from TOML to match dict read from INI by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3046
- Add suffixes to typos from "id" to "inh" by @int-y1 in #3055
- Add more typos for "initialize" and similar by @int-y1 in #3056
- Add suffixes to typos from "ini" to "it" by @int-y1 in #3059
- Add suffixes to typos from "j" to "l" by @int-y1 in #3060
- Add refinement to 'draing' typo by @luzpaz in #3062
- Add suffixes to typos from "ma" to "me" by @int-y1 in #3063
- Add suffixes to typos from "mi" to "mu" by @int-y1 in #3064
- Add more variations of "except" and "exempt" by @barsnick in #3057
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3065
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #3066
- Add spelling correction for "exis". by @cfi-gb in #3067
- Add followiing->following by @alxgu in #3070
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "n" by @int-y1 in #3068
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "o" by @int-y1 in #3069
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3074
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "pa" by @int-y1 in #3071
- Add suffixes to typos from "pe" to "po" by @int-y1 in #3073
- Get rid of typos with apostrophe replaced by semicolon by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3022
- Add suffixes to typos from "pr" to "pu" by @int-y1 in #3075
- Add handlong->handling by @nils-van-zuijlen in #3076
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #3078
- Add suffixes to typos from "q" to "rec" by @int-y1 in #3077
- Revert b397a6e / #3078 by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3080
- Add various typos by @luzpaz in #3079
- Add suffixes to typos from "red" to "rep" by @int-y1 in #3081
- Add suffixes to typos from "req" to "ru" by @int-y1 in #3083
- Dictionary additions by @janosh in #3082
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3085
- Add suffixes to typos from "sa" to "se" by @int-y1 in #3084
- Add correction for havne't->haven't by @cfi-gb in #3089
- Add suffixes to typos from "sh" to "so" by @int-y1 in #3086
- Add suffixes to typos from "sp" to "st" by @int-y1 in #3087
- Add suffixes to typos from "su" to "sy" by @int-y1 in #3090
- Add suffixes to typos from "ta" to "th" by @int-y1 in #3092
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #3097
- Add suffixes to typos from "ti" to "ty" by @int-y1 in #3094
- Add suffixes to typos that start with "u" by @int-y1 in #3095
- Add suffixes to typos from "v" to "z" by @int-y1 in #3096
- many new typos from different repositories by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3021
- fixing setuptool_scm dependency because the latest version is broken by @tomrijntjes in #3100
- More typos by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3101
- Use f-strings wherever possible by @DimitriPapadopoulos in #3102
New Contributors
- @IndexSeek made their first contribution in #2882
- @alxgu made their first contribution in #2892
- @kurtmckee made their first contribution in #2967
- @Jeremiah-England made their first contribution in #2972
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #2993
- @jamesbraza made their first contribution in #3024
- @barsnick made their first contribution in #3057
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #3066
- @tomrijntjes made their first contribution in #3100
Full Changelog: v2.2.5...v2.2.6