diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1b590da..c9f22ff 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ You will get the line: `
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 96da69e..0000000
--- a/dist/index.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-export declare const IconH1: string;
-export declare const IconH2: string;
-export declare const IconH3: string;
-export declare const IconH4: string;
-export declare const IconH5: string;
-export declare const IconH6: string;
-export declare const IconAddBackground: string;
-export declare const IconAddBorder: string;
-export declare const IconAlignCenter: string;
-export declare const IconAlignJustify: string;
-export declare const IconAlignLeft: string;
-export declare const IconAlignRight: string;
-export declare const IconBold: string;
-export declare const IconBrackets: string;
-export declare const IconCheck: string;
-export declare const IconChecklist: string;
-export declare const IconChevronDown: string;
-export declare const IconChevronLeft: string;
-export declare const IconChevronRight: string;
-export declare const IconChevronUp: string;
-export declare const IconClipboard: string;
-export declare const IconCollapse: string;
-export declare const IconColor: string;
-export declare const IconCopy: string;
-export declare const IconCross: string;
-export declare const IconCurlyBrackets: string;
-export declare const IconDelimiter: string;
-export declare const IconDirectionDownRight: string;
-export declare const IconDirectionLeftDown: string;
-export declare const IconDirectionRightDown: string;
-export declare const IconDirectionUpRight: string;
-export declare const IconDotCircle: string;
-export declare const IconEtcHorisontal: string;
-export declare const IconEtcVertical: string;
-export declare const IconFile: string;
-export declare const IconGift: string;
-export declare const IconGlobe: string;
-export declare const IconHeading: string;
-export declare const IconHeart: string;
-export declare const IconHidden: string;
-export declare const IconHtml: string;
-export declare const IconInstagram: string;
-export declare const IconItalic: string;
-export declare const IconLink: string;
-export declare const IconLinkedin: string;
-export declare const IconListBulleted: string;
-export declare const IconListNumbered: string;
-export declare const IconLoader: string;
-export declare const IconMarker: string;
-export declare const IconMenuSmall: string;
-export declare const IconMenu: string;
-export declare const IconPicture: string;
-export declare const IconPlay: string;
-export declare const IconPlus: string;
-export declare const IconQuestion: string;
-export declare const IconQuote: string;
-export declare const IconRedo: string;
-export declare const IconRemoveBackground: string;
-export declare const IconReplace: string;
-export declare const IconSave: string;
-export declare const IconSearch: string;
-export declare const IconStar: string;
-export declare const IconStretch: string;
-export declare const IconStrikethrough: string;
-export declare const IconTableWithHeadings: string;
-export declare const IconTableWithoutHeadings: string;
-export declare const IconTable: string;
-export declare const IconText: string;
-export declare const IconTranslate: string;
-export declare const IconTrash: string;
-export declare const IconTwitter: string;
-export declare const IconUnderline: string;
-export declare const IconUndo: string;
-export declare const IconUnlink: string;
-export declare const IconUser: string;
-export declare const IconUsersGroup: string;
-export declare const IconWarning: string;
diff --git a/dist/index.mjs b/dist/index.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a5945..0000000
--- a/dist/index.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-const o = '', t = '', r = '', e = '', n = '', s = '', i = '', h = '', l = '', w = '', d = '', k = '', c = '', C = '', g = '', u = '', p = '', a = '', v = '', M = '', x = '', L = '', H = '', m = '', f = '', B = '', I = '', V = '', j = '', y = '', Z = '', D = '', T = '', b = '', R = '', U = '', A = '', S = '', G = '', P = '', W = '', E = '', N = '', Q = '', F = '', J = '', X = '', q = '', z = '', K = '', O = '', Y = '', _ = '', $ = '', o1 = '', t1 = '', r1 = '', e1 = '', n1 = '', s1 = '', i1 = '', h1 = '', l1 = '', w1 = '', d1 = '', k1 = '', c1 = '', C1 = '', g1 = '', u1 = '', p1 = '', a1 = '', v1 = '', M1 = '', x1 = '', L1 = '', H1 = '';
-export {
- i as IconAddBackground,
- h as IconAddBorder,
- l as IconAlignCenter,
- w as IconAlignJustify,
- d as IconAlignLeft,
- k as IconAlignRight,
- c as IconBold,
- C as IconBrackets,
- g as IconCheck,
- u as IconChecklist,
- p as IconChevronDown,
- a as IconChevronLeft,
- v as IconChevronRight,
- M as IconChevronUp,
- x as IconClipboard,
- L as IconCollapse,
- H as IconColor,
- m as IconCopy,
- f as IconCross,
- B as IconCurlyBrackets,
- I as IconDelimiter,
- V as IconDirectionDownRight,
- j as IconDirectionLeftDown,
- y as IconDirectionRightDown,
- Z as IconDirectionUpRight,
- D as IconDotCircle,
- T as IconEtcHorisontal,
- b as IconEtcVertical,
- R as IconFile,
- U as IconGift,
- A as IconGlobe,
- o as IconH1,
- t as IconH2,
- r as IconH3,
- e as IconH4,
- n as IconH5,
- s as IconH6,
- S as IconHeading,
- G as IconHeart,
- P as IconHidden,
- W as IconHtml,
- E as IconInstagram,
- N as IconItalic,
- Q as IconLink,
- F as IconLinkedin,
- J as IconListBulleted,
- X as IconListNumbered,
- q as IconLoader,
- z as IconMarker,
- O as IconMenu,
- K as IconMenuSmall,
- Y as IconPicture,
- _ as IconPlay,
- $ as IconPlus,
- o1 as IconQuestion,
- t1 as IconQuote,
- r1 as IconRedo,
- e1 as IconRemoveBackground,
- n1 as IconReplace,
- s1 as IconSave,
- i1 as IconSearch,
- h1 as IconStar,
- l1 as IconStretch,
- w1 as IconStrikethrough,
- c1 as IconTable,
- d1 as IconTableWithHeadings,
- k1 as IconTableWithoutHeadings,
- C1 as IconText,
- g1 as IconTranslate,
- u1 as IconTrash,
- p1 as IconTwitter,
- a1 as IconUnderline,
- v1 as IconUndo,
- M1 as IconUnlink,
- x1 as IconUser,
- L1 as IconUsersGroup,
- H1 as IconWarning
diff --git a/dist/index.umd.js b/dist/index.umd.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fbb16f..0000000
--- a/dist/index.umd.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-(function(o,t){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?t(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):(o=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:o||self,t(o["@codexteam/icons"]={}))})(this,function(o){"use strict";const t='',r='',e='',n='',s='',i='',h='',l='',d='',w='',c='',k='',C='',u='',g='',a='',p='',v='',M='',L='',I='',x='',H='',f='',m='',B='',V='',y='',j='',D='',T='',b='',R='',S='',U='',Z='',A='',P='',G='',W='',E='',Q='',N='',F='',J='',_='',O='',X='',q='',z='',K='',Y='',$='',o1='',t1='',r1='',e1='',n1='',s1='',i1='',h1='',l1='',d1='',w1='',c1='',k1='',C1='',u1='',g1='',a1='',p1='',v1='',M1='',L1='',I1='',x1='',H1='';o.IconAddBackground=h,o.IconAddBorder=l,o.IconAlignCenter=d,o.IconAlignJustify=w,o.IconAlignLeft=c,o.IconAlignRight=k,o.IconBold=C,o.IconBrackets=u,o.IconCheck=g,o.IconChecklist=a,o.IconChevronDown=p,o.IconChevronLeft=v,o.IconChevronRight=M,o.IconChevronUp=L,o.IconClipboard=I,o.IconCollapse=x,o.IconColor=H,o.IconCopy=f,o.IconCross=m,o.IconCurlyBrackets=B,o.IconDelimiter=V,o.IconDirectionDownRight=y,o.IconDirectionLeftDown=j,o.IconDirectionRightDown=D,o.IconDirectionUpRight=T,o.IconDotCircle=b,o.IconEtcHorisontal=R,o.IconEtcVertical=S,o.IconFile=U,o.IconGift=Z,o.IconGlobe=A,o.IconH1=t,o.IconH2=r,o.IconH3=e,o.IconH4=n,o.IconH5=s,o.IconH6=i,o.IconHeading=P,o.IconHeart=G,o.IconHidden=W,o.IconHtml=E,o.IconInstagram=Q,o.IconItalic=N,o.IconLink=F,o.IconLinkedin=J,o.IconListBulleted=_,o.IconListNumbered=O,o.IconLoader=X,o.IconMarker=q,o.IconMenu=K,o.IconMenuSmall=z,o.IconPicture=Y,o.IconPlay=$,o.IconPlus=o1,o.IconQuestion=t1,o.IconQuote=r1,o.IconRedo=e1,o.IconRemoveBackground=n1,o.IconReplace=s1,o.IconSave=i1,o.IconSearch=h1,o.IconStar=l1,o.IconStretch=d1,o.IconStrikethrough=w1,o.IconTable=C1,o.IconTableWithHeadings=c1,o.IconTableWithoutHeadings=k1,o.IconText=u1,o.IconTranslate=g1,o.IconTrash=a1,o.IconTwitter=p1,o.IconUnderline=v1,o.IconUndo=M1,o.IconUnlink=L1,o.IconUser=I1,o.IconUsersGroup=x1,o.IconWarning=H1,Object.defineProperties(o,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}})});
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 0e64ef3..6c00cc9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@codexteam/icons",
- "version": "0.3.2",
+ "version": "0.3.3",
"main": "dist/index.umd.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
diff --git a/src/icons/brackets-vertical.svg b/src/icons/brackets-vertical.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cb21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/icons/brackets-vertical.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 281b6c7..1b271c1 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export const IconAlignJustify: string = '