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Add setters for generated message fields. Supports scalar values (string, int32, etc) and maps with primitive types for both key and value.

This is an often-requested feature for protoc-gen-go that won't be added to the core generator. See:


The simplest option is to just generate a setter for a single field.

syntax = "proto3";

import "";

message Person {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2 [(setter.include)=true];

Alternatively, you may want to generate setters for all fields in a message, or all fields except a single field.

syntax = "proto3";

import "";

message Person {
  option (setter.all_fields) = true;

  string id = 1 [(setter.exclude)=true];
  string name = 2;

Lastly, you may want to generate setters for everything in a file.

syntax = "proto3";

import "";

option (setter.all_messages) = true;

message Person {
  string id = 1 [(setter.exclude)=true];
  string name = 2;

You'd generate the setters code by running

$ protoc --setter_out=. person.proto

All three examples above would result in person_setter.go containing

func (t *Person) SetName(name string) {
	t.Name = name