* RFC PR: [concourse/rfcs#38](https://github.com/concourse/rfcs/38) * Concourse Issue: [concourse/concourse#5870](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/5870) # Resource Prototypes A *resource prototype* is an interface implemented by a prototype which allows it to be used as a *resource* in a pipeline. ## Motivation * Support for creating multiple versions from `put`: [concourse/concourse#2660](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/2660) * Support for deleting versions: [concourse/concourse#362](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/362), [concourse/concourse#524](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/524) * Make the `get` after `put` opt-in: [concourse/concourse#3299](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/3299), [concourse/registry-image-resource#16](https://github.com/concourse/registry-image-resource/issues/16) ## Proposal A resource prototype implements the following messages: * `check` * `get` * `put` (optional) * `delete` (optional) Their behavior is described as follows. ### `check`: discover new versions of a resource Initially, the `check` handler will be invoked with an object containing only the fields configured by the resource's `source:` in the pipeline. A `MessageResponse` must be emitted for *all* versions available in the source, in chronological order. Subsequent `check` calls will be run with a clone of the configuration object with the last emitted version object merged in. The `check` handler must emit the specified version if it still exists, followed by all versions detected after it in chronological order. If the specified version is no longer present, the `check` handler must instead emit all available versions, as if the version was not specified. Concourse will detect this scenario by noticing that the first version emitted does not match the requested version. The given version, along with any other versions that are not present in the returned set of versions, will be marked as deleted and no longer be available. The `check` handler can use the **bits** directory to cache state between runs. On the first run, the directory will be empty. There is no `check` step syntax. Concourse will `check` every configured resource and maintain its version history. ### `get`: fetch a version of a resource The `get` handler will be invoked with an object specifying the version to fetch. The `get` handler must fetch the resource into an output named `resource` under the **bits** directory. A `MessageResponse` must be emitted for all versions that have been fetched into the bits directory. Each version will be recorded as an input to the build. When a `get` handler is invoked by a `get` step in a build plan, the output will be mapped to the resource's name in the pipeline: ```yaml resources: - name: some-resource type: git source: uri: https://example.com/some-repo jobs: - name: get-and-test plan: - get: some-resource - task: unit file: some-resource/ci/unit.yml ``` Assuming the latest commit of `some-resource` is `abcdef`, this would be similar to the following build plan: ```yaml jobs: - name: get-and-test plan: - run: get type: git params: uri: https://example.com/some-repo ref: abcdef output_mapping: resource: some-resource - task: unit file: some-resource/ci/unit.yml ``` The bits fetched by a `get` step may be cached so that the same version does not have to be fetched repeatedly. ### `put`: idempotently create resource versions The `put` handler will be invoked with user-provided configuration and arbitrary bits. A `MessageResponse` must be emitted for all versions that have been created/updated. When a `put` step is used in a build plan, each version emitted will be recorded as an output of the build. A `get` field may be explicitly added to the step, specifying a name to fetch the last-emitted version as: ```yaml jobs: - name: push-pull-resource plan: # put to 'my-resource', and then get the last emitted version object as # 'some-name' for use later in the build plan - put: my-resource get: some-name ``` This replaces the "implicit `get` after `put`" behavior, which will remain for resources provided by `resource_types:` for backwards-compatibility. ### `delete`: idempotently destroy resource versions The `delete` handler will be invoked with user-provided configuration and arbitrary bits. A `MessageResponse` must be emitted for all versions that have been destroyed. When a `delete` step is used in a build plan, each version emitted will be marked as "deleted" and no longer be available for use in other builds. ```yaml jobs: - name: prune-release-candidates plan: - delete: concourse-rc params: {regexp: concourse-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-rc.[0-9]+.tgz} ``` ## Migration Path Concourse pipelines will support `resource_types:` and `prototypes:` side-by-side. Resources backed by a resource type will retain all of today's behavior for backwards-compatibility. We don't want to force a big-bang migration of every Concourse user's pipelines. Resources backed by a prototype will gain all the behavior described in this proposal. Pipeline authors are encouraged to transition from resource types to prototypes, which they can do gradually. There is no EOL date specified for resource types support. They would likely be supported for a number of years. ## Open Questions n/a ## Answered Questions * [Version filtering is best left to `config`.](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/1176#issuecomment-472111623) * [Resource-determined triggerability of versions](https://github.com/concourse/rfcs/issues/11) will be addressed by the "trigger resource" RFC. * Webhooks are left out of this first pass of the interface. I would like to investigate alternative approaches before baking it in. * For example, could Concourse itself integrate with these services and map webhooks to resource checks intelligently?