diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 227d96a..deff0c9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -42,49 +42,53 @@ in sync with the written specification on conventionalcommits.org.
 /* See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629#section-4 */
-<UTF8-char>     ::= "Placeholder for UTF-8 grammar"
-<UTF8-octets>   ::= <UTF8char>+
-<CR>            ::= "0x000D"
-<LF>            ::= "0x000A"
-<newline>       ::= [<CR>], <LF>
-<parens>        ::= "(" | ")"
-<ZWNBSP>        ::= "U+FEFF"
-<TAB>           ::= "U+0009"
-<VT>            ::= "U+000B"
-<FF>            ::= "U+000C"
-<SP>            ::= "U+0020"
-<NBSP>          ::= "U+00A0"
+<UTF8-char>       ::= "Placeholder for UTF-8 grammar"
+<UTF8-octets>     ::= <UTF8char>+
+<CR>              ::= "0x000D"
+<LF>              ::= "0x000A"
+<newline>         ::= [<CR>], <LF>
+<parens>          ::= "(" | ")"
+<ZWNBSP>          ::= "U+FEFF"
+<TAB>             ::= "U+0009"
+<VT>              ::= "U+000B"
+<FF>              ::= "U+000C"
+<SP>              ::= "U+0020"
+<NBSP>            ::= "U+00A0"
 /* See: https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/11.0/index.html#sec-white-space */
-<USP>           ::= "Any other Unicode 'Space_Separator' code point"
+<USP>             ::= "Any other Unicode 'Space_Separator' code point"
 /* Any non-newline whitespace: */
-<whitespace>    ::= <ZWNBSP> | <TAB> | <VT> | <FF> | <SP> | <NBSP> | <USP>
-<message>       ::= <summary>, <newline>+, <body>, <newline>*, <footer>+
-                 |  <summary>, <newline>*, <footer>+
-                 |  <summary>, <newline>*
-<summary>       ::= <type>, "(", <scope>, ")", ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
-                 |  <type>, ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
-<type>          ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens or ":" or "!:" or whitespace>+
-<scope>         ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens>+
-<text>          ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline>*
- * Note: if the first <body> node starts with "BREAKING CHANGE:" this should
- * be treated by parsers as a breaking change marker upstream:
- */
-<body>          ::= [<any text except pre-footer>], <newline>, <body>*
-                 | [<any text except pre-footer>]
-/* Note: <pre-footer> is used during parsing, but never returned in the AST. */
-<pre-footer>    ::= <newline>*, <footer>+
-<footer>        ::= <token>, <separator>, <whitespace>*, <value>, [<newline>]
-<token>         ::= "BREAKING CHANGE"
-                 |  <type>, "(" <scope> ")", ["!"]
-                 |  <type>, ["!"]
-<separator>     ::= ":" | " #"
-<value>         ::= <text>, <continuation>+
-                 | <text>
-<continuation> ::= <newline>, <whitespace>+, <text>
+<whitespace>      ::= <ZWNBSP> | <TAB> | <VT> | <FF> | <SP> | <NBSP> | <USP>
+<message>         ::= <summary>, <newline>+, <body>, <newline>*, <footer>+
+                   |  <summary>, <newline>*, <footer>+
+                   |  <summary>, <newline>*
+/* "!" should be added to the AST as a <breaking-change> node with the value "!" */
+<summary>         ::= <type>, "(", <scope>, ")", ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
+                   |  <type>, ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
+<type>            ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens or ":" or "!:" or whitespace>+
+<scope>           ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens>+
+<text>            ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline>*
+<body>            ::= [<any body-text except pre-footer>], <newline>, <body>*
+                   |  [<any body-text except pre-footer>]
+/* For convenience the <breaking-change>, <separator>, <whitespace>, and
+ * <text> tokens of <body-text> should be appended as children to <body> */
+<body-text>       ::= [<breaking-change>, ":", <whitespace>*], text
+/* Note: <pre-footer> is used during parsing, but not returned in the AST. */
+<pre-footer>      ::= <newline>*, <footer>+
+<footer>          ::= <token>, <separator>, <whitespace>*, <value>, [<newline>]
+/* "!" should be added to the AST as a <breaking-change> node with the value "!" */
+<token>           ::= <breaking-change>
+                   |  <type>, "(" <scope> ")", ["!"]
+                   |  <type>, ["!"]
+<separator>       ::= ":" | " #"
+<value>           ::= <text>, <continuation>+
+                   |  <text>
+<continuation>    ::= <newline>, <whitespace>+, <text>
+<breaking-change> ::= "BREAKING CHANGE" | "BREAKING-CHANGE"
diff --git a/lib/parser.js b/lib/parser.js
index c8946da..f3ddf80 100644
--- a/lib/parser.js
+++ b/lib/parser.js
@@ -166,15 +166,25 @@ function scope (scanner) {
- * <body>          ::= [<any text except pre-footer>], <newline>, <body>*
- *                  | [<any text except pre-footer>]
+ * <body>          ::= [<any body-text except pre-footer>], <newline>, <body>*
+ *                  | [<any body-text except pre-footer>]
 function body (scanner) {
   const node = scanner.enter('body', [])
-  // <any text except pre-footer>
+  // check except <pre-footer> condition:
   const pf = preFooter(scanner)
   if (!(pf instanceof Error)) return scanner.abort(node)
+  // ["BREAKING CHANGE", ":", <whitespace>*]
+  const b = breakingChange(scanner, false)
+  if (!(b instanceof Error) && scanner.peek() === ':') {
+    node.children.push(b)
+    node.children.push(separator(scanner))
+    const w = whitespace(scanner)
+    if (!(w instanceof Error)) node.children.push(w)
+  }
   // [<text>]
   const t = text(scanner)
@@ -282,13 +292,15 @@ function token (scanner) {
- * <breaking-change> ::= "!" | "BREAKING CHANGE"
+ * <breaking-change> ::= "!" | "BREAKING CHANGE" | "BREAKING-CHANGE"
+ *
+ * Note: "!" is only allowed in <footer> and <summary>, not <body>.
-function breakingChange (scanner) {
+function breakingChange (scanner, allowBang = true) {
   const node = scanner.enter('breaking-change', '')
-  if (scanner.peek() === '!') {
+  if (scanner.peek() === '!' && allowBang) {
     node.value = scanner.next()
-  } else if (scanner.peekLiteral('BREAKING CHANGE')) {
+  } else if (scanner.peekLiteral('BREAKING CHANGE') || scanner.peekLiteral('BREAKING-CHANGE')) {
     node.value = scanner.next('BREAKING CHANGE'.length)
   if (node.value === '') {
diff --git a/test/parser.js b/test/parser.js
index 026b2c4..328a993 100644
--- a/test/parser.js
+++ b/test/parser.js
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ describe('<message>', () => {
     it('parses BREAKING CHANGE literal as <token>', () => {
-      const parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\nBREAKING CHANGE: this change is breaking')
+      let parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\nBREAKING CHANGE: this change is breaking')
+      parsed.should.matchSnapshot()
+      parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\nBREAKING-CHANGE: this change is breaking')
     it('supports multiline BREAKING CHANGES, via continuation', () => {
@@ -102,11 +104,25 @@ describe('<message>', () => {
       assertNodePositions('fix: address major bug\n\nthis is a free form body of text')
+  describe('<body>', () => {
+    it('parses BREAKING CHANGE at start of body', () => {
+      const parsed = parser('feat: breaking change\n\nBREAKING CHANGE: introduces breaking change\nsecond line')
+      parsed.should.matchSnapshot()
+    })
+  })
   describe('<body>, <newline>*, <footer>+', () => {
     it('parses footer after body', () => {
       const parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\n\nthis is a free form body of text\nAuthor: @bcoe\nRefs #392')
+    it('parses footer after body containing BREAKING CHANGE', () => {
+      const parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\n\nBREAKING CHANGE: this is breaking.\nthis is a free form body of text\nAuthor: @bcoe\nRefs #392')
+      parsed.should.matchSnapshot()
+    })
+    it('parses BREAKING CHANGE footers with higher precedence than body', () => {
+      const parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\n\nBREAKING CHANGE: this is breaking.\n\nAuthor: @bcoe\nRefs #392')
+      parsed.should.matchSnapshot()
+    })
     it('parses footer after multi-line body', () => {
       const parsed = parser('fix: address major bug\n\nthis is the first line of the body\n\nthis is the second line of body\n\nAuthor: @bcoe\nRefs #392')
diff --git a/test/parser.js.snap b/test/parser.js.snap
index ccd466c..ba74b63 100644
--- a/test/parser.js.snap
+++ b/test/parser.js.snap
@@ -1,5 +1,633 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`<message> <body> parses BREAKING CHANGE at start of body 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "children": Array [
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 4,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 0,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "type",
+          "value": "feat",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 6,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 5,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 4,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": ":",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 6,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 6,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 5,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "whitespace",
+          "value": " ",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 22,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 21,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 6,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "text",
+          "value": "breaking change",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 22,
+          "line": 1,
+          "offset": 21,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 1,
+          "offset": 0,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "summary",
+    },
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 16,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 38,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 23,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "breaking-change",
+          "value": "BREAKING CHANGE",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 17,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 39,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 16,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 38,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": ":",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 18,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 40,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 17,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 39,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "whitespace",
+          "value": " ",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 44,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 66,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 18,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 40,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "text",
+          "value": "introduces breaking change",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 12,
+              "line": 4,
+              "offset": 78,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 4,
+              "offset": 67,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "text",
+          "value": "second line",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 12,
+          "line": 4,
+          "offset": 78,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 3,
+          "offset": 23,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "body",
+    },
+  ],
+  "position": Object {
+    "end": Object {
+      "column": 12,
+      "line": 4,
+      "offset": 78,
+    },
+    "start": Object {
+      "column": 1,
+      "line": 1,
+      "offset": 0,
+    },
+  },
+  "type": "message",
+exports[`<message> <body>, <newline>*, <footer>+ parses BREAKING CHANGE footers with higher precedence than body 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "children": Array [
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 4,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 3,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 0,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "type",
+          "value": "fix",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 4,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 4,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 3,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": ":",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 6,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 5,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 4,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "whitespace",
+          "value": " ",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 23,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 22,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 6,
+              "line": 1,
+              "offset": 5,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "text",
+          "value": "address major bug",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 23,
+          "line": 1,
+          "offset": 22,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 1,
+          "offset": 0,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "summary",
+    },
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 16,
+                  "line": 3,
+                  "offset": 39,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                  "offset": 24,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "breaking-change",
+              "value": "BREAKING CHANGE",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 16,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 39,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 24,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "token",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 17,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 40,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 16,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 39,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": ":",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 18,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 41,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 17,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 40,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "whitespace",
+          "value": " ",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 35,
+                  "line": 3,
+                  "offset": 58,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 18,
+                  "line": 3,
+                  "offset": 41,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "text",
+              "value": "this is breaking.",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 4,
+              "offset": 59,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 18,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 41,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "value",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 5,
+          "offset": 60,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 3,
+          "offset": 24,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "footer",
+    },
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 7,
+                  "line": 5,
+                  "offset": 66,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 5,
+                  "offset": 60,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "type",
+              "value": "Author",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 66,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 66,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "token",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 8,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 67,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 66,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": ":",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 9,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 68,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 8,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 67,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "whitespace",
+          "value": " ",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 14,
+                  "line": 5,
+                  "offset": 73,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 9,
+                  "line": 5,
+                  "offset": 68,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "text",
+              "value": "@bcoe",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 1,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 74,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 9,
+              "line": 5,
+              "offset": 68,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "value",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 6,
+          "offset": 74,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 5,
+          "offset": 60,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "footer",
+    },
+    Object {
+      "children": Array [
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 5,
+                  "line": 6,
+                  "offset": 78,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 6,
+                  "offset": 74,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "type",
+              "value": "Refs",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 78,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 78,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "token",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 80,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 78,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "separator",
+          "value": " #",
+        },
+        Object {
+          "children": Array [
+            Object {
+              "position": Object {
+                "end": Object {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 6,
+                  "offset": 83,
+                },
+                "start": Object {
+                  "column": 7,
+                  "line": 6,
+                  "offset": 80,
+                },
+              },
+              "type": "text",
+              "value": "392",
+            },
+          ],
+          "position": Object {
+            "end": Object {
+              "column": 10,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 83,
+            },
+            "start": Object {
+              "column": 7,
+              "line": 6,
+              "offset": 80,
+            },
+          },
+          "type": "value",
+        },
+      ],
+      "position": Object {
+        "end": Object {
+          "column": 10,
+          "line": 6,
+          "offset": 83,
+        },
+        "start": Object {
+          "column": 1,
+          "line": 6,
+          "offset": 74,
+        },
+      },
+      "type": "footer",
+    },
+  ],
+  "position": Object {
+    "end": Object {
+      "column": 10,
+      "line": 6,
+      "offset": 83,
+    },
+    "start": Object {
+      "column": 1,
+      "line": 1,
+      "offset": 0,
+    },
+  },
+  "type": "message",
 exports[`<message> <body>, <newline>*, <footer>+ parses footer after body 1`] = `
 Object {
   "children": Array [
@@ -89,9 +717,357 @@ Object {
         Object {
           "position": Object {
             "end": Object {
-              "column": 33,
+              "column": 33,
+              "line": 3,
+              "offset": 56,
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