This repo is now deprecated. Please see the new home of the Cosmic Gatsby source plugin at
Source plugin for fetching data into Gatsby from Cosmic. Cosmic offers a Headless CMS for your Gatsby website.
npm install --save gatsby-source-cosmicjs
Log into your Cosmic account to get your bucketSlug
and apiAcecss
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-cosmicjs`,
options: {
bucketSlug: ``, // Get this value in Bucket > Settings
objectTypes: [`posts`],
// If you have enabled read_key to fetch data (optional).
apiAccess: {
read_key: ``, // Get this value in Bucket > Settings
localMedia: true, // Download media locally for gatsby image (optional)
limit: 1000, // The number of Objects to fetch on each request (optional)
debug: false, // Optional: will output details about the API requests to Cosmic
For more control over how content is sourced from Cosmic, you can provide object type overrides in the plugin configuration. This can be useful if you are coming up against API limits, or are trying to performance tune your builds. Use at your own risk!
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-cosmicjs`,
options: {
bucketSlug: ``, // Get this value in Bucket > Settings
objectTypes: [
// Basic usage: define objectType as a string
// Advanced usage: define objectType as an object
type: `news`, // required
params: { // any valid API parameter can be used. YMMV!
hide_metafields: true, // hides metafields, which can get pretty large. You should only need metadata
limit: 100, // this will override the limit only for this object type
// If you have enabled read_key to fetch data (optional).
apiAccess: {
read_key: ``, // Get this value in Bucket > Settings
localMedia: true, // Download media locally for gatsby image (optional)
limit: 1000, // The number of Objects to fetch on each request (optional)
debug: false, // Optional: will output details about the API requests to Cosmic
Use the debug: true
flag in your config to get more information about the build. This will provide:
- Exact Cosmic API endpoint being used for each object type
- Response size returned from Cosmic for the request
You can query the nodes created from Cosmic with the following:
allCosmicjsPosts {
edges {
node {
and you can filter specific node using this:
cosmicjsPosts(slug: {eq: ''}) {
if localMedia=true
in plugin config, you can use Gatsby Image.
allCosmicjsPosts {
edges {
node {
hero {
local {
childImageSharp {
fluid(quality: 90, maxWidth: 1920) {
Read gatsby-image
documentation here here.
allCosmicjsPosts(filter: {locale: {eq: "en"}}, sort: {fields: [published_at], order: DESC}) {
edges {
node {
Install the Cosmic Gatsby starter:
npm i cosmicjs -g
cosmic init gatsby-starter
cd gatsby-starter
cosmic start
Install the Cosmic Gatsby localization starter:
npm i cosmicjs -g
cosmic init gatsby-starter
cd gatsby-localization-starter
cosmic start