diff --git a/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/DeleteItem.spec.jsx b/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/DeleteItem.spec.jsx
index 93405f34f3..922bafee1a 100644
--- a/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/DeleteItem.spec.jsx
+++ b/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/DeleteItem.spec.jsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mount } from 'enzyme'
+import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import DeleteItem from './DeleteItem'
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ describe('DeleteItem', () => {
jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch')
const onLeave = jest.fn()
- const root = mount(
+ const container = render(
- return { root, store, displayedFolder }
+ return { container, store, displayedFolder }
- it('should show a modal', () => {
- const { root, store, displayedFolder } = setup()
- const menuItem = root.find('ActionMenuItem')
- menuItem.simulate('click')
+ it('should show a modal', async () => {
+ const { container, store, displayedFolder } = setup()
+ const confirmButton = container.getByText('Remove')
+ fireEvent.click(confirmButton)
type: 'SHOW_MODAL',
diff --git a/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/delete.spec.jsx b/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/delete.spec.jsx
index 30ce7ba427..85f56c08c5 100644
--- a/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/delete.spec.jsx
+++ b/src/modules/drive/Toolbar/delete/delete.spec.jsx
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-import { mount } from 'enzyme'
+import { render, fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { EnhancedDeleteConfirm } from './delete'
-import DeleteConfirm from '../../DeleteConfirm'
import AppLike from 'test/components/AppLike'
import { setupStoreAndClient } from 'test/setup'
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ describe('EnhancedDeleteConfirm', () => {
getRecipients: () => [],
getSharingLink: () => null
- const root = mount(
+ const container = render(
null} />
- return { root, folder, client }
+ return { container, folder, client }
it('should trashFiles on confirmation', async () => {
- const { root } = setup()
- const confirmProps = root.find(DeleteConfirm).props()
- await confirmProps.afterConfirmation()
- expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/folder/parent-folder-id')
+ const { container } = setup()
+ const confirmButton = container.getByText('Remove')
+ fireEvent.click(confirmButton)
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/folder/parent-folder-id')
+ )
diff --git a/src/modules/filelist/AddFolder.spec.jsx b/src/modules/filelist/AddFolder.spec.jsx
index 0ab479eff4..47db3eab42 100644
--- a/src/modules/filelist/AddFolder.spec.jsx
+++ b/src/modules/filelist/AddFolder.spec.jsx
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-import { mount } from 'enzyme'
+import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
-import { WebVaultClient } from 'cozy-keys-lib'
-import AddFolder, { AddFolder as DumbAddFolder } from './AddFolder'
-import { createFolder } from 'modules/navigation/duck/actions'
+import { AddFolder } from './AddFolder'
import AppLike from 'test/components/AppLike'
import { setupStoreAndClient } from 'test/setup'
@@ -19,34 +16,31 @@ jest.mock('cozy-keys-lib', () => ({
WebVaultClient: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({})
-const CURRENT_FOLDER_ID = 'id'
describe('AddFolder', () => {
const setup = () => {
const { client, store } = setupStoreAndClient({})
- const vaultClient = new WebVaultClient('http://alice.cozy.cloud')
- jest.spyOn(client, 'create').mockResolvedValue({})
- const root = mount(
+ const onSubmit = jest.fn()
+ const container = render(
- const component = root.find(DumbAddFolder)
- return { root, client, component, vaultClient }
+ return { container, onSubmit }
- it('should dispatch a createFolder action on submit', () => {
- const { component, client, vaultClient } = setup()
- expect(component.props().onSubmit('Mes photos de chat'))
- expect(createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- client,
- vaultClient,
+ it('should dispatch a createFolder action on submit', async () => {
+ const { container, onSubmit } = setup()
+ const input = await container.findByRole('textbox')
+ fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: 'Mes photos de chat' } })
+ input.blur()
+ expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
'Mes photos de chat',
- { isEncryptedFolder: false }
+ expect.anything(),
+ expect.anything()
diff --git a/src/modules/upload/Dropzone.spec.jsx b/src/modules/upload/Dropzone.spec.jsx
index 3737834618..a29fa02f07 100644
--- a/src/modules/upload/Dropzone.spec.jsx
+++ b/src/modules/upload/Dropzone.spec.jsx
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
-import { mount } from 'enzyme'
import React from 'react'
-import Dropzone, { Dropzone as DumbDropzone } from './Dropzone'
-import AppLike from 'test/components/AppLike'
-import { setupFolderContent, mockCozyClientRequestQuery } from 'test/setup'
+import { Dropzone as DumbDropzone } from './Dropzone'
+import { mockCozyClientRequestQuery } from 'test/setup'
jest.mock('react-dropzone', () => {
const Component = ({
@@ -45,30 +43,6 @@ jest.mock('cozy-keys-lib', () => ({
describe('Dropzone', () => {
- it('should match snapshot', async () => {
- // Given
- jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation()
- const displayedFolder = {
- id: 'directory-foobar0'
- }
- const { store, client } = await setupFolderContent({
- folderId: 'directory-foobar0'
- })
- store.dispatch = jest.fn()
- // When
- const root = mount(
- )
- // Then
- expect(root).toMatchSnapshot()
- })
it('should dispatch the uploadFiles action', () => {
// Given
const uploadFilesMock = jest.fn()
diff --git a/src/modules/upload/__snapshots__/Dropzone.spec.jsx.snap b/src/modules/upload/__snapshots__/Dropzone.spec.jsx.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 73528787ce..0000000000
--- a/src/modules/upload/__snapshots__/Dropzone.spec.jsx.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2098 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Dropzone should match snapshot 1`] = `
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- "& button[title="Close"]": {
- "color": "#fff",
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "& $icon": {
- "color": "#fff",
- },
- "border": "1px solid #fff",
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- "& button[title="Close"]": {
- "color": "#fff",
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)",
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- "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)",
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- "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)",
- },
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- "MuiCheckbox": {
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- "borderColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48)",
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- "color": "#fff",
- "fill": "#fff",
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "fill": "#fff",
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- "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.04)",
- "borderColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.32)",
- },
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- "&$colorPrimary": {
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- "&$clickable, &$deletable": {
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- "backgroundColor": "#fff",
- },
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- "&$disabled": {
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "backgroundColor": "#fff",
- "color": "#fff",
- "padding": "0 1px",
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- "&.ghost": {
- "&$clickable, &$deletable": {
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- "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)",
- "borderColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48)",
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- "& $icon, & $deleteIcon": {
- "color": "#fff",
- "fill": "#fff",
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- "color": "#fff",
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- "fill": "#fff",
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- "&$clickable, &$deletable": {
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- "backgroundColor": "#fff",
- "borderColor": "#fff",
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diff --git a/src/modules/viewer/FileOpenerExternal.spec.jsx b/src/modules/viewer/FileOpenerExternal.spec.jsx
index 04c45583e3..735c94d9f3 100644
--- a/src/modules/viewer/FileOpenerExternal.spec.jsx
+++ b/src/modules/viewer/FileOpenerExternal.spec.jsx
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
+import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { FileOpener } from './FileOpenerExternal'
+import AppLike from 'test/components/AppLike'
+import { setupStoreAndClient } from 'test/setup'
global.cozy = {
client: {
files: {
@@ -19,73 +22,92 @@ const routerMock = {
const showAlert = jest.fn()
const t = x => x
+jest.mock('cozy-keys-lib', () => ({
+ withVaultClient: jest.fn().mockImplementation(arg => arg),
+ useVaultClient: jest.fn()
describe('FileOpenerExternal', () => {
it('should set the id in state', async () => {
- const wrapper = shallow(
- ,
- {
- disableLifecycleMethods: true
- }
- )
+ const { client, store } = setupStoreAndClient({})
- _id: '123'
+ _id: '123',
+ name: 'file.txt',
+ attributes: {}
- await wrapper.instance().loadFileInfo('123')
+ const container = render(
+ )
- expect(wrapper.state().file.id).toBe('123')
+ await container.findByText('file.txt')
it('should set the id in state even after a props update', async () => {
- const wrapper = shallow(
- ,
- {
- disableLifecycleMethods: true
- }
- )
+ const { client, store } = setupStoreAndClient({})
- _id: '123'
+ _id: '123',
+ name: 'file123.txt',
+ attributes: {}
- await wrapper.instance().loadFileInfo('123')
+ const container = render(
+ )
- expect(wrapper.state().file.id).toBe('123')
+ await container.findByText('file123.txt')
- wrapper.setProps({
- routeParams: {
- fileId: '456'
- }
- })
- _id: '456'
+ _id: '456',
+ name: 'file456.txt',
+ attributes: {}
- await wrapper.instance().loadFileInfo('456')
+ container.rerender(
+ )
- expect(wrapper.state().file.id).toBe('456')
+ await container.findByText('file456.txt')
diff --git a/test/setup.jsx b/test/setup.jsx
index ee38e3a651..c8756a93f7 100644
--- a/test/setup.jsx
+++ b/test/setup.jsx
@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
* Setup utilities to be used in tests
-import { configure } from '@testing-library/react'
-import { mount } from 'enzyme'
+import { configure, render, act } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
-import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils'
import CozyClient from 'cozy-client'
@@ -97,13 +95,11 @@ const setupFolderContent = async ({ folderId, initialStoreState }) => {
let root
await act(async () => {
- root = mount(
+ root = render(
- await root.update()
return { root, store, client }