diff --git a/distributed/tests/test_worker.py b/distributed/tests/test_worker.py
index a1d5ad2abd2..3d630cd31b5 100644
--- a/distributed/tests/test_worker.py
+++ b/distributed/tests/test_worker.py
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
+    FreeKeysEvent,
@@ -3505,10 +3506,13 @@ def teardown(self, worker):
 @gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)])
 async def test_execute_preamble_abort_retirement(c, s, a):
     """Test race condition in the preamble of Worker.execute(), which used to cause a
-    task to remain permanently in running state in case of very tight timings when
+    task to remain permanently in executing state in case of very tight timings when
     exiting the closing_gracefully status.
-    See https://github.com/dask/distributed/issues/6867
+    See also
+    --------
+    https://github.com/dask/distributed/issues/6867
+    test_execute_preamble_early_resume
     x = c.submit(inc, 1, key="x")
     await wait_for_state("x", "executing", a, interval=0)
@@ -3525,10 +3529,49 @@ async def test_execute_preamble_abort_retirement(c, s, a):
     # Run Worker.execute
     await asyncio.sleep(0)
-    # The Worker.execute should have detected the closing_gracefully status and
-    # performed an early exit.
+    # Worker.execute should have detected the closing_gracefully status and performed an
+    # early exit.
     a.handle_worker_status_change("running", stimulus_id="test")
     # Test that x does not get stuck.
     assert await x == 2
+@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)])
+async def test_execute_preamble_early_resume(c, s, a):
+    """Test race condition in the preamble of Worker.execute(), which used to cause a
+    task to remain permanently in resumed state in case of very tight timings when
+    resuming a task.
+    See also
+    --------
+    https://github.com/dask/distributed/issues/6869
+    test_execute_preamble_abort_retirement
+    """
+    x = c.submit(inc, 1, key="x")
+    await wait_for_state("x", "executing", a, interval=0)
+    # The Worker.execute asyncio task has just been created and is scheduled to
+    # first run somewhere after this test function in the event loop
+    # Simulate a cancellation request from the scheduler, which is almost immediately
+    # reversed. As it would be exceedingly hard to get the right timings with the real
+    # thing, we're instead tampering directly with the Worker endpoint.
+    a.handle_stimulus(FreeKeysEvent(keys=["x"], stimulus_id="free"))
+    assert a.state.tasks["x"].state == "cancelled"
+    # Run Worker.execute
+    await asyncio.sleep(0)
+    # Worker.execute should have detected the cancelled state and
+    # performed an early exit.
+    # The exit callback of Worker.execute hasn't been run yet
+    assert a.state.tasks["x"].state == "cancelled"
+    # Resume the task. No need for run_spec etc, as the WorkerState will detect that
+    # the previous asyncio task is still running and it will resume it.
+    a.handle_stimulus(ComputeTaskEvent.dummy(key="x", stimulus_id="resume"))
+    assert a.state.tasks["x"].state == "executing"
+    # Test that x does not get stuck.
+    assert await x == 2
diff --git a/distributed/worker.py b/distributed/worker.py
index 0222f63dd69..755544f8748 100644
--- a/distributed/worker.py
+++ b/distributed/worker.py
@@ -2153,15 +2153,11 @@ async def execute(self, key: str, *, stimulus_id: str) -> StateMachineEvent:
         if self.status not in WORKER_ANY_RUNNING:
             return RescheduleEvent(key=key, stimulus_id=f"worker-closing-{time()}")
-        # The key *must* be in the state
-        ts = self.state.tasks[key]
+        # The key *must* be in the worker state
+        ts = self.state.tasks[key]
         if ts.state == "cancelled":
-            logger.debug(
-                "Trying to execute task %s which is not in executing state anymore",
-                ts,
-            )
-            return AlreadyCancelledEvent(key=ts.key, stimulus_id=stimulus_id)
+            return RescheduleEvent(key=key, stimulus_id=f"already-cancelled-{time()}")
             function, args, kwargs = await self._maybe_deserialize_task(ts)