package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "go/build" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" ) var ( gitMail = flag.String("git-author-mail", "", "Git author mail") gitName = flag.String("git-author-name", "cs3org-bot", "Git author name") gitSSH = flag.Bool("git-ssh", false, "Use git protocol instead of https for cloning repos") _only_build = flag.Bool("only-build", false, "Build all protos and languages but do not push to language repos") _all = flag.Bool("all", false, "Compile, build and publish for all available languages, mean to be run in CI platform like Drone") _buildProto = flag.Bool("build-proto", false, "Compile Protobuf definitions") _buildGo = flag.Bool("build-go", false, "Build Go library") _pushGo = flag.Bool("push-go", false, "Push Go library to") _buildPython = flag.Bool("build-python", false, "Build Python library") _pushPython = flag.Bool("push-python", false, "Push Python library to") _buildJs = flag.Bool("build-js", false, "Build Js library") _pushJs = flag.Bool("push-js", false, "Push Js library to") _buildNode = flag.Bool("build-node", false, "Build Node.js library") _pushNode = flag.Bool("push-node", false, "Push Node.js library to") ) func init() { flag.Parse() if *_all { *_buildProto = true *_buildGo = true *_buildPython = true *_buildJs = true *_buildNode = true *_pushGo = true *_pushPython = true *_pushJs = true *_pushNode = true } if *_only_build { *_buildProto = true *_buildGo = true *_buildPython = true *_buildJs = true *_buildNode = true } } func getProtoOS() string { switch runtime.GOOS { case "darwin": return "osx" case "linux": return "linux" default: panic("no build procedure for " + runtime.GOOS) } } func clone(repo, dir string) { repo = getRepo(repo) // get git or https repo location cmd := exec.Command("git", "clone", "--quiet", repo) cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) } func checkout(branch, dir string) { // See cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("git checkout %s || git checkout -b %s", branch, branch)) cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) } func update(dir string) error { cmd := exec.Command("git", "pull", "--quiet") cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Dir = dir return cmd.Run() } func isRepoDirty(repo string) bool { cmd := exec.Command("git", "status", "-s") cmd.Dir = repo changes := runAndGet(cmd) if changes != "" { fmt.Println("repo is dirty") fmt.Println(changes) } return changes != "" } func getCommitID(dir string) string { if os.Getenv("BUILD_GIT_COMMIT") != "" { return os.Getenv("BUILD_GIT_COMMIT") } cmd := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD") cmd.Dir = dir commit := runAndGet(cmd) return commit } func getRepo(repo string) string { if *gitSSH { return fmt.Sprintf("", repo) } return fmt.Sprintf("", repo) } func commit(repo, msg string) { // set correct author name and mail cmd := exec.Command("git", "config", "", *gitMail) cmd.Dir = repo run(cmd) cmd = exec.Command("git", "config", "", *gitName) cmd.Dir = repo run(cmd) // check if repo is dirty if !isRepoDirty(repo) { // nothing to do return } cmd = exec.Command("git", "add", ".") cmd.Dir = repo run(cmd) cmd = exec.Command("git", "commit", "-m", msg) cmd.Dir = repo run(cmd) } func push(repo string) { protoBranch := getGitBranch(".") cmd := exec.Command("git", "push", "--set-upstream", "origin", protoBranch) cmd.Dir = repo run(cmd) } func getGitBranch(repo string) string { // check if branch is provided by env variable if os.Getenv("BUILD_GIT_BRANCH") != "" { return os.Getenv("BUILD_GIT_BRANCH") } // obtain branch from repo cmd := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD") cmd.Dir = repo branch := runAndGet(cmd) return branch } // getVersionFromGit returns a version string that identifies the currently // checked out git commit. func getVersionFromGit(repodir string) string { cmd := exec.Command("git", "describe", "--long", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always") cmd.Dir = repodir out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("git describe returned error: %v\n", err)) } version := strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) return version } func run(cmd *exec.Cmd) { var b bytes.Buffer mw := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &b) cmd.Stdout = mw cmd.Stderr = mw err := cmd.Run() fmt.Println(cmd.Dir, cmd.Args) fmt.Println(b.String()) if err != nil { fmt.Println("ERROR: ", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } } func runAndGet(cmd *exec.Cmd) string { var b bytes.Buffer mw := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &b) cmd.Stderr = mw out, err := cmd.Output() fmt.Println(cmd.Dir, cmd.Args) fmt.Println(b.String()) if err != nil { fmt.Println("ERROR: ", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } return strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) } // Works with Go 1.8+ // func getGoPath() string { gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") if gopath == "" { gopath = build.Default.GOPATH } return gopath } func sed(dir, suffix, old, new string) { err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if strings.HasSuffix(path, suffix) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return err } newData := strings.ReplaceAll(string(data), old, new) err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(newData), 0) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } } func find(patterns ...string) []string { var files []string for _, p := range patterns { fs, err := filepath.Glob(p) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } files = append(files, fs...) } return files } func findProtos() []string { return find("cs3/*/*.proto", "cs3/*/*/*.proto", "cs3/*/*/*/*.proto") } func findFolders() []string { var folders []string err := filepath.Walk("cs3", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } if info.IsDir() { folders = append(folders, path) } return nil }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } return folders } func buildProto() { dir := "." cmd := exec.Command("prototool", "compile", "--walk-timeout", "10s") cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) cmd = exec.Command("protolock", "status") cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) // lint cmd = exec.Command("prototool", "format", "-w", "--walk-timeout", "10s") cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) cmd = exec.Command("prototool", "lint", "--walk-timeout", "10s") cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) cmd = exec.Command("go", "run", "tools/check-license/check-license.go") cmd.Dir = dir run(cmd) os.RemoveAll("docs") os.MkdirAll("docs", 0755) files := findProtos() fmt.Println(files) args := []string{"--doc_out=./docs", "--doc_opt=html,index.html", "-I=.", "-I=./third_party"} args = append(args, files...) cmd = exec.Command("protoc", args...) run(cmd) } func buildGo() { // Remove build dir os.RemoveAll("build/go-cs3apis") os.MkdirAll("build", 0755) // Clone Go repo and set branch to current branch clone("cs3org/go-cs3apis", "build") protoBranch := getGitBranch(".") goBranch := getGitBranch("build/go-cs3apis") fmt.Printf("Proto branch: %s\nGo branch: %s\n", protoBranch, goBranch) if goBranch != protoBranch { checkout(protoBranch, "build/go-cs3apis") } // remove leftovers (existing defs) os.RemoveAll("build/go-cs3apis/cs3") cmd := exec.Command("prototool", "generate", "--walk-timeout", "10s") run(cmd) sed("build/go-cs3apis", ".go", "", "") if !isRepoDirty("build/go-cs3apis") { fmt.Println("Repo is clean, nothing to do") } // get proto repo commit id hash := getCommitID(".") repo := "build/go-cs3apis" msg := "Synced to" + hash commit(repo, msg) } func buildPython() { // Remove build dir os.RemoveAll("build/python-cs3apis") os.MkdirAll("build", 0755) // Clone Go repo and set branch to current branch clone("cs3org/python-cs3apis", "build") protoBranch := getGitBranch(".") buildBranch := getGitBranch("build/python-cs3apis") fmt.Printf("Proto branch: %s\nBuild branch: %s\n", protoBranch, buildBranch) if buildBranch != protoBranch { checkout(protoBranch, "build/python-cs3apis") } // remove leftovers (existing defs) os.RemoveAll("build/python-cs3apis/cs3") files := findProtos() args := []string{"-m", "grpc_tools.protoc", "--python_out=./build/python-cs3apis", "-I.", "-I./third_party", "--grpc_python_out=./build/python-cs3apis"} args = append(args, files...) cmd := exec.Command("python3", args...) run(cmd) modules := findFolders() var initFiles []string for _, f := range modules { initPy := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", "build/python-cs3apis", f, "") initFiles = append(initFiles, initPy) } cmd = exec.Command("touch", initFiles...) run(cmd) // get proto repo commit id hash := getCommitID(".") repo := "build/python-cs3apis" msg := "Synced to" + hash commit(repo, msg) } func buildJS() { // Remove build dir os.RemoveAll("build/js-cs3apis") os.MkdirAll("build", 0755) // Clone repo and set branch to current branch clone("cs3org/js-cs3apis", "build") protoBranch := getGitBranch(".") buildBranch := getGitBranch("build/js-cs3apis") fmt.Printf("Proto branch: %s\nBuild branch: %s\n", protoBranch, buildBranch) if buildBranch != protoBranch { checkout(protoBranch, "build/js-cs3apis") } // remove leftovers (existing defs) os.RemoveAll("build/js-cs3apis/cs3") files := findProtos() args := []string{"--js_out=import_style=commonjs:./build/js-cs3apis", "--grpc-web_out=import_style=commonjs,mode=grpcwebtext:./build/js-cs3apis/", "-I.", "-I./third_party"} args = append(args, files...) cmd := exec.Command("protoc", args...) run(cmd) // get proto repo commit id hash := getCommitID(".") repo := "build/js-cs3apis" msg := "Synced to" + hash commit(repo, msg) } func buildNode() { // Remove build dir os.RemoveAll("build/node-cs3apis") os.MkdirAll("build", 0755) // Clone repo and set branch to current branch clone("cs3org/node-cs3apis", "build") protoBranch := getGitBranch(".") buildBranch := getGitBranch("build/node-cs3apis") fmt.Printf("Proto branch: %s\nBuild branch: %s\n", protoBranch, buildBranch) if buildBranch != protoBranch { checkout(protoBranch, "build/node-cs3apis") } nodeProtocPlugin, err := exec.LookPath("grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin") if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin binary not found in PATH: %v\n", err)) } // remove leftovers (existing defs) os.RemoveAll("build/node-cs3apis/cs3") files := findProtos() args := []string{"--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./build/node-cs3apis", "--grpc_out=./build/node-cs3apis/", "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=" + nodeProtocPlugin} args = append(args, files...) cmd := exec.Command("grpc_tools_node_protoc", args...) run(cmd) // get proto repo commit id hash := getCommitID(".") repo := "build/node-cs3apis" msg := "Synced to" + hash commit(repo, msg) } func pushPython() { push("build/python-cs3apis") } func pushGo() { push("build/go-cs3apis") } func pushJS() { push("build/js-cs3apis") } func pushNode() { push("build/node-cs3apis") } func main() { if *_buildProto { fmt.Println("Compiling and linting protobufs ...") buildProto() } if *_buildGo { fmt.Println("Building Go ...") buildGo() } if *_pushGo { fmt.Println("Pushing Go ...") pushGo() } if *_buildPython { fmt.Println("Building Python ...") buildPython() } if *_pushPython { fmt.Println("Pushing Python ...") pushPython() } if *_buildJs { fmt.Println("Building JS ...") buildJS() } if *_pushJs { fmt.Println("Pushing Js ...") pushJS() } if *_buildNode { fmt.Println("Building Node.js ...") buildNode() } if *_pushNode { fmt.Println("Pushing Node.js ...") pushNode() } }