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CMaytom edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

Documentation Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Markdown
  3. Tool Overview
  4. JSDoc
  5. jsdoc-to-markdown
  6. Eslint
  7. Useful Links


All documentation can be found in our Github Wiki. The source files of all our projects documentation can be found in the docs folder of our repository excluding API and Test documentation which is generated dynamically. Each time we approve and merge any code into develop, all documentation is uploaded to our Github Wiki.


Since we are using Github Wiki to hold our documentation, we are using Markdown format. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. Refer to the references for more details.

Naming Scheme

When creating documents in the docs/ directory, name the files by capitalizing the first letter in each word and using _ to separate words.


How to Add New Documentation to the Project

  1. Create a new branch off of develop with the name docs/<name>
  2. Create the new markdown(.md) file in docs/ directory
  3. Create pull request to merge your branch into develop
  4. Once the pull request is approved and merged, your new document should appear in the Github Wiki

To include images, add them to the docs/images directory and link to them in our git repository.


Tool Overview

The tools we use for maintaining our API-level documentation include:

How to install our tools

After cloning our repository, run the command: npm install

How to run automated documentation scripts

After installing our tools and setting up the repo, you can check what the output of our automated jsdoc documentation will look like by using the command:

npm run docs:build

This will create two markdown files in the docs/ directory:

  • - This is generated from the jsdoc comments of all the js files in src/ directory
  • - This is generated from the jsdoc comments of all the js files in test/ directory

If you only want to check one of them then you can either run:

  • npm run docs:build:api - to create
  • npm run docs:build:test - to create

Both these files are generated and uploaded to our GitHub Wiki each time we merge a PR into the develop branch.


JSDoc provides us with a standardized way of writing comments in our code to describe functions, classes, methods, and variables. Once our code is commented, it also provides a way to generate documentation by parsing our comments.

JSDoc Function Example

 * This is a function.
 * @param {string} n - A string param
 * @return {string} A good string
 * @example
 * // returns 'hello'
 *     foo('hello')

function foo(n) { return n }

JSDoc Types

@param {string=} n              Optional
@param {string} [n]             Optional
@param {(string|number)} n  	Multiple types
@param {*} n	                Any type
@param {...string} n	        Repeatable arguments
@param {string} [n="hi"]        Optional with default
@param {string[]} n             Array of strings
@return {Promise<string[]>} n	Promise fulfilled by array of strings

JSDoc typedef

 * A song
 * @typedef {Object} Song
 * @property {string} title - The title
 * @property {string} artist - The artist
 * @property {number} year - The year
 * Plays a song
 * @param {Song} song - The {@link Song} to be played

function play (song) {

JSDoc Other Useful Tags

@param {<type>} <variable name> - <description>
@return {<type>} <description>
@module <name>


jsdoc-to-markdown generates markdown API documentation based on jsdoc annotated source code.

This is used by the two js files in the scripts/ directory which generate documentation from our comments.


ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs.

Linting Rules

  1. JSDoc Comments
  2. JS Standard Style guide

Command to run Eslint

To have the linter run automated fixes and report errors use the command:

npm run lint

You should do this before commiting any changes to keep our repositories log clean of any commits that just fix linting errors.

Useful Links

  2. jsdoc-to-markdown
  3. JS Standard Style guide
  4. Eslint