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Mister Cocktail


This project aims to build a 3-model app with a many to many relationship (n:n). It's a cocktail manager to store your favourite cocktails recipes.


Languages: Ruby, Javascript, CSS, HTML, erb

Database: PostgreSQL

Frameworks: Rails, Active Record

Service: Cloudinary

API: TheCocktailDB

Key features

  • View all the cocktails
  • View a cocktail's ingredients and doses
  • Add a new cocktail with name and photo
  • Add a new ingredient and its dose with a description
  • Delete a cocktail
  • Delete an ingredient and dose

Project status

The project is done.

However some additional features could be added in the future such as sign up/login (devise), scoping actions depending on who is the cocktail's creator (pundit), saving favourite cocktails.

Credits & Sources

  • Cocktails images scraped from BBC Good Food
  • Project built during Le Wagon coding bootcamp batch#280 (2016)