E-Commerce store that sells prime products to fuel programmers around the globe.
navbar visible from all pages
- link to cart
- link to user profile
- link to homepage
- link to sign in page
- Homepage
- can view all products for sale
- main product picture
- link to add to cart
- basic info - price, name, in stock/out of stock
- clicking product links to product details page
- search bar to search for products
- Products details page
- link to add to cart (with dropdown or field to enter quantity > 1)
- quantity in stock, price
- additional pictures
- feedbacks/comments/questions...
- ability to post new feedback
- Login page - When user attempts to checkout or access user page and are not logged in, redirect here
- if items in cart (from when they weren't logged in), items will be added to their cart
- link to signup page for new users
- login form
- Signup page
- signup form
- Profile page
- link to edit form for user
- link to past purchases
- personal info (address, shipping payment preferences etc)
- User edit page
- can edit login info (username, password)
- can edit personal info (address, shipping payment preferences etc)
- Cart page
- change quantity for
- remove items from cart
- link to checkout
- Checkout page
- totals price + tax
- link to payment page (Reach goal - MVP will just give confirmation message of purchase)
Purchases made simple
Paypal? Amazon? Etsy?
username: String,
email: String,
password_digest: String,
favorited items: [productSchema],
carts: [cartSchema]
name: String,
photo_url: String,
category(ies): [String],
price: Number,
quantityInStock: Number,
feedback: [feedbackSchema]
product_id: String,
comment: String,
author: String
product: productSchema,
quantity: Number