From 1a6f87922cb4722792b5ead43de7d32feaf3ca19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cacie Prins <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 14:45:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fix: report results correctly when the browser crashes
 mid-test (#27786)

* report correct number of failures if browser crashes in the middle of a test suite

* report failure correctly when browser crashes during test

* refactor crash handling

* correct exit option check, clean up debug

* exit on success if exit option !== false

* use default stats when reporter stats are unavailable

* fix error messaging

* move reporter types to an intermediate .ts file, to be combined with reporter.js when migrated

* debug tab close test in ci

* move debug env from pkg to ci yml

* set debug env in spec

* fix pckg

* adds some logging to cri-client

* remove event emit logging from project-base

* revert snapshot for tab close system test

* fixes console output for no exit on success

* changelog

* changelog wsp

* cleanup

* clean up tests

* refactor to more straightforward control flow

* rm export for unused type

* correct tab close snapshot for ci

* new system test for mid-test config crash

* update snapshots
 cli/                              |    1 +
 packages/server/lib/modes/run.ts              |   93 +-
 packages/server/lib/project-base.ts           |    8 +-
 packages/server/lib/types/reporter.ts         |   48 +
 .../lib/util/graceful_crash_handling.ts       |  115 +
 .../browser_crash_handling_spec.js            |   50 +-
 system-tests/__snapshots__/record_spec.js     | 2893 +++++++++--------
 .../cypress-with-project-id.config.js         |   15 +
 .../cypress/e2e/         |   13 +
 .../e2e/cypress/e2e/    |   15 +-
 system-tests/test/record_spec.js              |   45 +-
 11 files changed, 1790 insertions(+), 1506 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/server/lib/types/reporter.ts
 create mode 100644 packages/server/lib/util/graceful_crash_handling.ts
 create mode 100644 system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress-with-project-id.config.js
 create mode 100644 system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress/e2e/

diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
index 83c36686124b..3b7f8fa6e726 100644
--- a/cli/
+++ b/cli/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ _Released 10/03/2023 (PENDING)_
 - Fixed an issue where requests were correlated in the wrong order in the proxy. This could cause an issue where the wrong request is used for `cy.intercept` or assets (e.g. stylesheets or images) may not properly be available in Test Replay. Addressed in [#27892](
 - Fixed an issue where a crashed Chrome renderer can cause the Test Replay recorder to hang. Addressed in [#27909](
 - Fixed an issue where multiple responses yielded from calls to `cy.wait()` would sometimes be out of order. Fixes [#27337](
+- Enables test replay for executed specs in runs that have a spec that causes a browser crash. Addressed in [#27786](
 ## 13.3.0
diff --git a/packages/server/lib/modes/run.ts b/packages/server/lib/modes/run.ts
index 95558d72a2ee..2dbee21338a6 100644
--- a/packages/server/lib/modes/run.ts
+++ b/packages/server/lib/modes/run.ts
@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ import random from '../util/random'
 import system from '../util/system'
 import chromePolicyCheck from '../util/chrome_policy_check'
 import type { SpecWithRelativeRoot, SpecFile, TestingType, OpenProjectLaunchOpts, FoundBrowser, BrowserVideoController, VideoRecording, ProcessOptions } from '@packages/types'
-import type { Cfg } from '../project-base'
+import type { Cfg, ProjectBase } from '../project-base'
 import type { Browser } from '../browsers/types'
 import * as printResults from '../util/print-run'
 import type { ProtocolManager } from '../cloud/protocol'
 import { telemetry } from '@packages/telemetry'
 import { CypressRunResult, createPublicBrowser, createPublicConfig, createPublicRunResults, createPublicSpec, createPublicSpecResults } from './results'
+import { EarlyExitTerminator } from '../util/graceful_crash_handling'
 type SetScreenshotMetadata = (data: TakeScreenshotProps) => void
 type ScreenshotMetadata = ReturnType<typeof screenshotMetadata>
@@ -36,18 +37,13 @@ type BeforeSpecRun = any
 type AfterSpecRun = any
 type Project = NonNullable<ReturnType<typeof openProject['getProject']>>
-let exitEarly = (err) => {
-  debug('set early exit error: %s', err.stack)
-  earlyExitErr = err
-let earlyExitErr: Error
 let currentSetScreenshotMetadata: SetScreenshotMetadata
 const debug = Debug('cypress:server:run')
+let earlyExitTerminator = new EarlyExitTerminator()
 const relativeSpecPattern = (projectRoot, pattern) => {
   if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
     return pattern.replace(`${projectRoot}/`, '')
@@ -411,53 +407,30 @@ function launchBrowser (options: { browser: Browser, spec: SpecWithRelativeRoot,
   return openProject.launch(browser, spec, browserOpts)
-function listenForProjectEnd (project, exit): Bluebird<any> {
+async function listenForProjectEnd (project: ProjectBase, exit: boolean): Promise<any> {
   if (globalThis.CY_TEST_MOCK?.listenForProjectEnd) return Bluebird.resolve(globalThis.CY_TEST_MOCK.listenForProjectEnd)
-  return new Bluebird((resolve, reject) => {
-    if (exit === false) {
-      resolve = () => {
+  // if exit is false, we need to intercept the resolution of tests - whether
+  // an early exit with intermediate results, or a full run.
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    Promise.race([
+      new Promise((res) => {
+        project.once('end', (results) => {
+          debug('project ended with results %O', results)
+          res(results)
+        })
+      }),
+      earlyExitTerminator.waitForEarlyExit(project, exit),
+    ]).then((results) => {
+      if (exit === false) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
         console.log('not exiting due to options.exit being false')
+      } else {
+        resolve(results)
-    }
-    const onEarlyExit = function (err) {
-      if (err.isFatalApiErr) {
-        return reject(err)
-      }
-      console.log('')
-      errors.log(err)
-      const obj = {
-        error: errors.stripAnsi(err.message),
-        stats: {
-          failures: 1,
-          tests: 0,
-          passes: 0,
-          pending: 0,
-          suites: 0,
-          skipped: 0,
-          wallClockDuration: 0,
-          wallClockStartedAt: new Date().toJSON(),
-          wallClockEndedAt: new Date().toJSON(),
-        },
-      }
-      return resolve(obj)
-    }
-    project.once('end', (results) => resolve(results))
-    // if we already received a reason to exit early, go ahead and do it
-    if (earlyExitErr) {
-      return onEarlyExit(earlyExitErr)
-    }
-    // otherwise override exitEarly so we exit as soon as there is a reason
-    exitEarly = (err) => {
-      onEarlyExit(err)
-    }
+    }).catch((err) => {
+      reject(err)
+    })
@@ -730,6 +703,13 @@ async function waitForTestsToFinishRunning (options: { project: Project, screens = null
+  // the early exit terminator persists between specs,
+  // so if this spec crashed, the next one will report as
+  // a crash too unless it is reset. Would like to not rely
+  // on closure, but threading through fn props via options is also not
+  // great.
+  earlyExitTerminator = new EarlyExitTerminator()
   return results
@@ -1005,7 +985,11 @@ async function ready (options: ReadyOptions) {
   // this needs to be a closure over `exitEarly` and not a reference
   // because `exitEarly` gets overwritten in `listenForProjectEnd`
   // TODO: refactor this so we don't need to extend options
-  const onError = options.onError = (err) => exitEarly(err)
+  const onError = options.onError = (err) => {
+    debug('onError')
+    earlyExitTerminator.exitEarly(err)
+  }
   // alias and coerce to null
   let specPatternFromCli = options.spec || null
@@ -1140,6 +1124,7 @@ async function ready (options: ReadyOptions) {
 export async function run (options, loading: Promise<void>) {
+  debug('run start')
   // Check if running as electron process
   if (require('../util/electron-app').isRunningAsElectronProcess({ debug })) {
     const app = require('electron').app
@@ -1161,6 +1146,8 @@ export async function run (options, loading: Promise<void>) {
   try {
     return ready(options)
   } catch (e) {
-    return exitEarly(e)
+    debug('caught outer error', e)
+    return earlyExitTerminator.exitEarly(e)
diff --git a/packages/server/lib/project-base.ts b/packages/server/lib/project-base.ts
index f9ac70da24e9..e8172918c40c 100644
--- a/packages/server/lib/project-base.ts
+++ b/packages/server/lib/project-base.ts
@@ -376,7 +376,6 @@ export class ProjectBase extends EE {
       onMocha: async (event, runnable) => {
-        debug('onMocha', event)
         // bail if we dont have a
         // reporter instance
         if (!reporterInstance) {
@@ -385,7 +384,12 @@ export class ProjectBase extends EE {
         reporterInstance.emit(event, runnable)
-        if (event === 'end') {
+        if (event === 'test:before:run') {
+          this.emit('test:before:run', {
+            runnable,
+            previousResults: reporterInstance?.results() || {},
+          })
+        } else if (event === 'end') {
           const [stats = {}] = await Promise.all([
             (reporterInstance != null ? reporterInstance.end() : undefined),
diff --git a/packages/server/lib/types/reporter.ts b/packages/server/lib/types/reporter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f09d52464afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/server/lib/types/reporter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+interface ReporterTestAttempt {
+  state: 'skipped' | 'failed' | 'passed'
+  error: any
+  timings: any
+  failedFromHookId: any
+  wallClockStartedAt: Date
+  wallClockDuration: number
+  videoTimestamp: any
+interface ReporterTest {
+  testId: string
+  title: string[]
+  state: 'skipped' | 'passed' | 'failed'
+  body: string
+  displayError: any
+  attempts: ReporterTestAttempt[]
+export interface BaseReporterResults {
+  error?: string
+  stats: {
+    failures: number
+    tests: number
+    passes: number
+    pending: number
+    suites: number
+    skipped: number
+    wallClockDuration: number
+    wallClockStartedAt: string
+    wallClockEndedAt: string
+  }
+export interface ReporterResults extends BaseReporterResults {
+  reporter: string
+  reporterStats: {
+    suites: number
+    tests: number
+    passes: number
+    pending: number
+    failures: number
+    start: string
+    end: string
+    duration: number
+  }
+  hooks: any[]
+  tests: ReporterTest[]
diff --git a/packages/server/lib/util/graceful_crash_handling.ts b/packages/server/lib/util/graceful_crash_handling.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38d42718fc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/server/lib/util/graceful_crash_handling.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import type { ProjectBase } from '../project-base'
+import type { BaseReporterResults, ReporterResults } from '../types/reporter'
+import * as errors from '../errors'
+import Debug from 'debug'
+import pDefer, { DeferredPromise } from 'p-defer'
+const debug = Debug('cypress:util:crash_handling')
+const patchRunResultsAfterCrash = (error: Error, reporterResults: ReporterResults, mostRecentRunnable: any): ReporterResults => {
+  const endTime: number = reporterResults?.stats?.wallClockEndedAt ? Date.parse(reporterResults?.stats?.wallClockEndedAt) : new Date().getTime()
+  const wallClockDuration = reporterResults?.stats?.wallClockStartedAt ?
+    endTime - Date.parse(reporterResults.stats.wallClockStartedAt) : 0
+  const endTimeStamp = new Date(endTime).toJSON()
+  // in crash situations, the most recent report will not have the triggering test
+  // so the results are manually patched, which produces the expected exit=1 and
+  // terminal output indicating the failed test
+  return {
+    ...reporterResults,
+    stats: {
+      ...reporterResults?.stats,
+      wallClockEndedAt: endTimeStamp,
+      wallClockDuration,
+      failures: (reporterResults?.stats?.failures ?? 0) + 1,
+      skipped: (reporterResults?.stats?.skipped ?? 1) - 1,
+    },
+    reporterStats: {
+      ...reporterResults?.reporterStats,
+      tests: (reporterResults?.reporterStats?.tests ?? 0) + 1, // crashed test does not increment this value
+      end: reporterResults?.reporterStats?.end || endTimeStamp,
+      duration: wallClockDuration,
+      failures: (reporterResults?.reporterStats?.failures ?? 0) + 1,
+    },
+    tests: (reporterResults?.tests || []).map((test) => {
+      if (test.testId === {
+        return {
+          ...test,
+          state: 'failed',
+          attempts: [
+            ...test.attempts.slice(0, -1),
+            {
+              ...test.attempts[test.attempts.length - 1],
+              state: 'failed',
+            },
+          ],
+        }
+      }
+      return test
+    }),
+    error: errors.stripAnsi(error.message),
+  }
+const defaultStats = (error: Error): BaseReporterResults => {
+  return {
+    error: errors.stripAnsi(error.message),
+    stats: {
+      failures: 1,
+      tests: 0,
+      passes: 0,
+      pending: 0,
+      suites: 0,
+      skipped: 0,
+      wallClockDuration: 0,
+      wallClockStartedAt: new Date().toJSON(),
+      wallClockEndedAt: new Date().toJSON(),
+    },
+  }
+export class EarlyExitTerminator {
+  private terminator: DeferredPromise<BaseReporterResults>
+  private pendingRunnable: any
+  private intermediateStats: ReporterResults | undefined
+  constructor () {
+    this.terminator = pDefer<BaseReporterResults>()
+  }
+  waitForEarlyExit (project: ProjectBase, exit?: boolean) {
+    debug('waiting for early exit')
+    project.on('test:before:run', ({
+      runnable,
+      previousResults,
+    }) => {
+      debug('preparing to run test, previous stats reported as %O', previousResults)
+      this.intermediateStats = previousResults
+      this.pendingRunnable = runnable
+    })
+    return this.terminator.promise
+  }
+  exitEarly (error) {
+    if (error.isFatalApiErr) {
+      this.terminator.reject(error)
+      return
+    }
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+    console.log('')
+    errors.log(error)
+    const runResults: BaseReporterResults = (this.intermediateStats && this.pendingRunnable) ?
+      patchRunResultsAfterCrash(error, this.intermediateStats, this.pendingRunnable) :
+      defaultStats(error)
+    this.terminator.resolve(runResults)
+  }
diff --git a/system-tests/__snapshots__/browser_crash_handling_spec.js b/system-tests/__snapshots__/browser_crash_handling_spec.js
index 56fc095e8eec..e73a03aebb52 100644
--- a/system-tests/__snapshots__/browser_crash_handling_spec.js
+++ b/system-tests/__snapshots__/browser_crash_handling_spec.js
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ exports['Browser Crash Handling / when the tab crashes in chrome / fails'] = `
   Running:                                                          (1 of 2)
-  1) navigates to about /html
+  a test suite with a browser crash
+    ✓ navigates to about:blank
 We detected that the Chrome Renderer process just crashed.
@@ -37,24 +38,18 @@
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Spec Ran:                                                           │
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ to about html      (1280x720)
-     (failed).png                                                                                   
   Running:                                                                    (2 of 2)
@@ -87,11 +82,11 @@
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✖                   XX:XX        -        -        1        -        - │
+  │ ✖                   XX:XX        2        1        1        -        - │
   │ ✔                             XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
-    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        1        1        1        -        -  
+    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        3        2        1        -        -  
@@ -115,7 +110,8 @@ exports['Browser Crash Handling / when the tab crashes in electron / fails'] = `
   Running:                                                          (1 of 2)
-  1) navigates to about /html
+  a test suite with a browser crash
+    ✓ navigates to about:blank
 We detected that the Electron Renderer process just crashed.
@@ -135,24 +131,18 @@
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Spec Ran:                                                           │
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ to about html      (1280x720)
-     (failed).png                                                                                   
   Running:                                                                    (2 of 2)
@@ -185,11 +175,11 @@
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✖                   XX:XX        -        -        1        -        - │
+  │ ✖                   XX:XX        2        1        1        -        - │
   │ ✔                             XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
-    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        1        1        1        -        -  
+    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        3        2        1        -        -  
@@ -229,7 +219,7 @@ This can happen for many different reasons:
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
   │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
@@ -273,11 +263,11 @@ This can happen for many different reasons:
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✖               XX:XX        -        -        1        -        - │
+  │ ✖               XX:XX        1        -        1        -        - │
   │ ✔                             XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
-    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        1        1        1        -        -  
+    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        2        1        1        -        -  
@@ -317,7 +307,7 @@ This can happen for many different reasons:
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
   │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
@@ -371,11 +361,11 @@ This can happen for many different reasons:
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✖               XX:XX        -        -        1        -        - │
+  │ ✖               XX:XX        1        -        1        -        - │
   │ ✔                             XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
-    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        1        1        1        -        -  
+    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        2        1        1        -        -  
diff --git a/system-tests/__snapshots__/record_spec.js b/system-tests/__snapshots__/record_spec.js
index a518ba71b934..d811fa8f189c 100644
--- a/system-tests/__snapshots__/record_spec.js
+++ b/system-tests/__snapshots__/record_spec.js
@@ -272,931 +272,6 @@ We dynamically generated a new test to display this failure.
   Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors project 404 errors and exits 1'] = `
-We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
-This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
-Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
-We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
-Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors update instance stdout warns but proceeds 1'] = `
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-Warning: We encountered an error communicating with our servers.
-This run will proceed, but will not be recorded.
-This error will not affect or change the exit code.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record recordKey errors and exits without recordKey 1'] = `
-You passed the --record flag but did not provide us your Record Key.
-You can pass us your Record Key like this:
-  $ cypress run --record --key <record_key>
-You can also set the key as an environment variable with the name: CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY
-exports['e2e record projectId errors and exits without projectId 1'] = `
-You passed the --record flag but this project has not been setup to record.
-This project is missing the projectId inside of: cypress.config.js
-We cannot uniquely identify this project without this id.
-You need to setup this project to record. This will generate a unique projectId.
-Alternatively if you omit the --record flag this project will run without recording.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors recordKey and projectId errors and exits on 401 1'] = `
-Your Record Key f858a...ee7e1 is not valid with this projectId: pid123
-It may have been recently revoked by you or another user.
-Please log into Cypress Cloud to see the valid Record Keys.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors uploading assets warns but proceeds 1'] = `
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        true                                                                             │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Video)
-  -  Video output: /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Failed Uploading 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/ - 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-  - Screenshot - Failed Uploading 2/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png - 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record misconfiguration errors and exits when no specs found 1'] = `
-Can't run because no spec files were found.
-We searched for specs matching this glob pattern:
-  > /foo/bar/.projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/notfound/**
-exports['e2e record recordKey warns but does not exit when is forked pr 1'] = `
-Warning: It looks like you are trying to record this run from a forked PR.
-The Record Key is missing. Your CI provider is likely not passing private environment variables to builds from forks.
-These results will not be recorded.
-This error will not affect or change the exit code.
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 422 errors and exits when group name is in use 1'] = `
-You passed the --group flag, but this group name has already been used for this run.
-The existing run is:
-The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
-If you are trying to parallelize this run, then also pass the --parallel flag, else pass a different group name.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run unknown 422 errors and exits when there is an unknown 422 response 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 422
-  "message": "An unknown message here from the server."
-There is likely something wrong with the request.
-The --tag flag you passed was: nightly
-The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
-The --parallel flag you passed was: true
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing and creating instance 1'] = `
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors update instance 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing and updating instance 1'] = `
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors api retries on error warns and does not create or update instances 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 3 more times in X second(s)...
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 2 more times in X second(s)...
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 3 more times in X second(s)...
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record recordKey warns but does not exit when is forked pr and parallel 1'] = `
-Warning: It looks like you are trying to record this run from a forked PR.
-The Record Key is missing. Your CI provider is likely not passing private environment variables to builds from forks.
-These results will not be recorded.
-This error will not affect or change the exit code.
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - free plan exceeds monthly private tests errors and exits when on free plan and over recorded runs limit 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
-To continue recording tests this month you must upgrade your account. Please visit your billing to upgrade to another billing plan.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - parallel feature not available in plan errors and exits when attempting parallel run when not available in plan 1'] = `
-Parallelization is not included under your current billing plan.
-To run your tests in parallel, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with parallelization.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - unknown error errors and exits when there\'s an unknown 402 error 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 402
-  "error": "Something went wrong"
-There is likely something wrong with the request.
-The --tag flag you passed was: 
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - free plan exceeds monthly tests errors and exits when on free plan and over recorded tests limit 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
-To continue recording tests this month you must upgrade your account. Please visit your billing to upgrade to another billing plan.
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - grouping feature not available in plan errors and exits when attempting parallel run when not available in plan 1'] = `
-Grouping is not included under your current billing plan.
-To run your tests with groups, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with grouping.
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - grouping feature warns when using parallel feature 1'] = `
-Grouping is not included under your free plan.
-Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still run with groups until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue running your tests with groups in the future.
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - parallel feature warns when using parallel feature 1'] = `
-Parallelization is not included under your free plan.
-Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still run in parallel until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue running your tests in parallel in the future.
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings unknown warning warns with unknown warning code 1'] = `
-Warning from Cypress Cloud: You are almost out of time
-  "code": "OUT_OF_TIME",
-  "hadTime": 1000,
-  "name": "OutOfTime",
-  "spentTime": 999
-  (Run Starting)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-  (Results)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
 exports['e2e record passing passes 2'] = [
@@ -1209,8 +284,8 @@ exports['e2e record passing passes 2'] = [
       'skipped': 1,
       'failures': 1,
       'wallClockStartedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
-      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
       'wallClockDuration': 1234,
+      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
     'tests': [
@@ -1305,8 +380,8 @@ exports['e2e record passing passes 2'] = [
       'skipped': 0,
       'failures': 0,
       'wallClockStartedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
-      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
       'wallClockDuration': 1234,
+      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
     'tests': [
@@ -1385,8 +460,8 @@ exports['e2e record passing passes 2'] = [
       'skipped': 0,
       'failures': 1,
       'wallClockStartedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
-      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
       'wallClockDuration': 1234,
+      'wallClockEndedAt': '2018-02-01T20:14:19.323Z',
     'tests': [
@@ -1455,12 +530,662 @@ exports['e2e record passing passes 2'] = [
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - over private tests limit warns when over private test results 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+exports['e2e record misconfiguration errors and exits when no specs found 1'] = `
+Can't run because no spec files were found.
+We searched for specs matching this glob pattern:
+  > /foo/bar/.projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/notfound/**
+exports['e2e record misconfiguration errors and exits when no browser found 1'] = `
+Can't run because you've entered an invalid browser name.
+Browser: browserDoesNotExist was not found on your system or is not supported by Cypress.
+Cypress supports the following browsers:
+ - electron
+ - chrome
+ - chromium
+ - chrome:canary
+ - edge
+ - firefox
+You can also use a custom browser:
+Available browsers found on your system are:
+- browser1
+- browser2
+- browser3
+exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  0 passing
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  Running:                                                                     (2 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  0 passing
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                      │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        -        -        -        -        - │
+  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+  │ ✔                              XX:XX        -        -        -        -        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        -        -        -        -        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+exports['e2e record projectId errors and exits without projectId 1'] = `
+You passed the --record flag but this project has not been setup to record.
+This project is missing the projectId inside of: cypress.config.js
+We cannot uniquely identify this project without this id.
+You need to setup this project to record. This will generate a unique projectId.
+Alternatively if you omit the --record flag this project will run without recording.
+exports['e2e record quiet mode respects quiet mode 1'] = `
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
+exports['e2e record recordKey errors and exits without recordKey 1'] = `
+You passed the --record flag but did not provide us your Record Key.
+You can pass us your Record Key like this:
+  $ cypress run --record --key <record_key>
+You can also set the key as an environment variable with the name: CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY
+exports['e2e record recordKey warns but does not exit when is forked pr 1'] = `
+Warning: It looks like you are trying to record this run from a forked PR.
+The Record Key is missing. Your CI provider is likely not passing private environment variables to builds from forks.
+These results will not be recorded.
+This error will not affect or change the exit code.
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+exports['e2e record recordKey warns but does not exit when is forked pr and parallel 1'] = `
+Warning: It looks like you are trying to record this run from a forked PR.
+The Record Key is missing. Your CI provider is likely not passing private environment variables to builds from forks.
+These results will not be recorded.
+This error will not affect or change the exit code.
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                               │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                 │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                      (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  This spec and its tests were skipped because the run has been canceled.
+  Running:                                                                  (2 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  b spec
+    ✓ b test
+  1 passing
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                   │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ -             SKIPPED        -        -        -        -        - │
+  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+  │ ✔                           XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    -  The run was canceled                     XX:XX        1        1        -        -        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+  Exiting with non-zero exit code because the run was canceled.
+exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing in parallel 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                               │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                 │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: abc, Parallel: true                                             │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still be recorded until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue recording tests on Cypress Cloud in the future.
+  Running:                                                      (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  This spec and its tests were skipped because the run has been canceled.
+  Running:                                                                  (2 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  b spec
+    ✓ b test
+  1 passing
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                   │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ -             SKIPPED        -        -        -        -        - │
+  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+  │ ✔                           XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    -  The run was canceled                     XX:XX        1        1        -        -        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+  Exiting with non-zero exit code because the run was canceled.
+exports['e2e record video recording when video=false does not upload when not enabled 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  record pass
+plugin stdout
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors recordKey and projectId errors and exits on 401 1'] = `
+Your Record Key f858a...ee7e1 is not valid with this projectId: pid123
+It may have been recently revoked by you or another user.
+Please log into Cypress Cloud to see the valid Record Keys.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors project 404 errors and exits 1'] = `
+We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
+This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
+Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
+We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
+Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 errors and exits 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 when grouping without parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing and creating instance 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance 500 without parallelization - does not proceed 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors update instance 500 does not proceed and exits with error when parallelizing and updating instance 1'] = `
@@ -1471,7 +1196,7 @@
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
   │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
   │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -1511,43 +1236,232 @@
   -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 422 errors and exits when group name is in use 1'] = `
+You passed the --group flag, but this group name has already been used for this run.
+The existing run is:
+The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
+If you are trying to parallelize this run, then also pass the --parallel flag, else pass a different group name.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 412 errors and exits when request schema is invalid 1'] = `
+Recording this run failed. The request was invalid.
+Request Validation Error
+  "ci is the wrong type, saw null, expected object",
+  "commit is the wrong type, saw null, expected object",
+  "platform is the wrong type, saw null, expected object"
+Request Sent:
+  "ci": null,
+  "specs": [
+    "cypress/e2e/"
+  ],
+  "commit": null,
+  "group": null,
+  "platform": null,
+  "parallel": null,
+  "ciBuildId": null,
+  "projectId": "pid123",
+  "recordKey": "f85...7e1",
+  "specPattern": "cypress/e2e/record_pass*",
+  "tags": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "testingType": "e2e",
+  "runnerCapabilities": {
+    "dynamicSpecsInSerialMode": true,
+    "skipSpecAction": true,
+    "protocolMountVersion": 2
+  }
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run unknown 422 errors and exits when there is an unknown 422 response 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 422
+  "message": "An unknown message here from the server."
+There is likely something wrong with the request.
+The --tag flag you passed was: nightly
+The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
+The --parallel flag you passed was: true
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - free plan exceeds monthly private tests errors and exits when on free plan and over recorded runs limit 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+To continue recording tests this month you must upgrade your account. Please visit your billing to upgrade to another billing plan.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - free plan exceeds monthly tests errors and exits when on free plan and over recorded tests limit 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
+To continue recording tests this month you must upgrade your account. Please visit your billing to upgrade to another billing plan.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - parallel feature not available in plan errors and exits when attempting parallel run when not available in plan 1'] = `
+Parallelization is not included under your current billing plan.
+To run your tests in parallel, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with parallelization.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - grouping feature not available in plan errors and exits when attempting parallel run when not available in plan 1'] = `
+Grouping is not included under your current billing plan.
+To run your tests with groups, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with grouping.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - unknown error errors and exits when there\'s an unknown 402 error 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 402
+  "error": "Something went wrong"
+There is likely something wrong with the request.
+The --tag flag you passed was: 
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - auto cancel not available in plan errors and exits when auto cancel not available in plan 1'] = `
+Auto Cancellation is not included under your current billing plan.
+To enable this service, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with Auto Cancellation.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance errors and exits on createInstance error 1'] = `
-  (Run Finished)
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                               │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/                                             │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceTests without parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: foo, Parallel: false                                            │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
+  Running:                                                                  (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: 1
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - over tests limit warns when over test results 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceTests with parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
-Your plan is now in a grace period, which means you will have the full benefits of your current plan until 2999-12-31.
-Please visit your billing to upgrade your plan.
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                             │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  Running:                                                                  (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceResults errors and exits in serial 1'] = `
@@ -1596,43 +1510,15 @@
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  (Run Finished)
-       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  Recorded Run:
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings paid plan - over private tests limit warns when over private test results 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of test results under your current billing plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors update instance stdout warns but proceeds 1'] = `
@@ -1688,10 +1574,18 @@
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
   - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+Warning: We encountered an error communicating with our servers.
+This run will proceed, but will not be recorded.
+This error will not affect or change the exit code.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
@@ -1712,12 +1606,7 @@
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings paid plan - over tests limit warns when over test results 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of test results under your current billing plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
-To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors uploading assets warns but proceeds 1'] = `
@@ -1757,7 +1646,7 @@
   │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
   │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Video:        true                                                                             │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
   │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
@@ -1769,14 +1658,21 @@
   -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+  (Video)
+  -  Video output: /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Video - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Video - Failed Uploading 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/videos/ - 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+  - Screenshot - Failed Uploading 2/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png - 500 - "Internal Server Error"
@@ -1797,12 +1693,25 @@
-exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings free plan - over tests limit v2 warns when over test results 1'] = `
-You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free billing plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors api retries on error warns and does not create or update instances 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 3 more times in X second(s)...
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 2 more times in X second(s)...
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
@@ -1813,10 +1722,16 @@
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
   │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
   │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
   │ Run URL:                               │
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 3 more times in X second(s)...
@@ -1858,6 +1773,7 @@
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
@@ -1882,117 +1798,118 @@
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 errors and exits 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] socket errors fails after retrying 1'] = `
 We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+RequestError: Error: socket hang up
+We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+RequestError: Error: socket hang up
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 500 when grouping without parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] 500 status code errors with empty body fails after retrying 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
 We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
 StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
 The --group flag you passed was: foo
 The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance 500 without parallelization - does not proceed 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] 500 status code errors with body fails after retrying 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-  (Run Starting)
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
 We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
 StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create instance errors and exits on createInstance error 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F2] 404 status code with JSON body fails without retrying 1'] = `
+We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
+This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
-  (Run Starting)
+Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                               │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/                                             │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceTests without parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F2] 404 status code with empty body fails without retrying 1'] = `
+We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
+This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
-  (Run Starting)
+Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: foo, Parallel: false                                            │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
+Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
-  Running:                                                                  (1 of 2)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 422 status code with invalid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
 We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+DecryptionError: JWE Recipients missing or incorrect type
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
 The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: 1
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceTests with parallelization errors and exits 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 201 status code with invalid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+DecryptionError: JWE Recipients missing or incorrect type
-  (Run Starting)
+Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
-  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                             │
-  │ Run URL:                               │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+The --group flag you passed was: foo
+The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-  Running:                                                                  (1 of 2)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 200 status code with empty body fails without retrying 1'] = `
 We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+DecryptionError: General JWE must be an object
 Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
@@ -2001,7 +1918,50 @@ The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceResults errors and exits in serial 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F4] 412 status code with valid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
+Recording this run failed. The request was invalid.
+Recording is not working
+  "attempted to send invalid data"
+Request Sent:
+  "projectId": "cy12345"
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F5] 422 status code with valid decryption on createRun errors and exits when group name is in use 1'] = `
+You passed the --group flag, but this group name has already been used for this run.
+The existing run is:
+The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
+If you are trying to parallelize this run, then also pass the --parallel flag, else pass a different group name.
+exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [W1] warning message renders preflight warning messages prior to run warnings 1'] = `
+Warning from Cypress Cloud: 
+This feature will not be supported soon, please check with Cypress to learn more:
+You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still be recorded until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue recording tests on Cypress Cloud in the future.
@@ -2012,7 +1972,7 @@ exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceResults errors and exits
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
   │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
   │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2048,17 +2008,45 @@ exports['e2e record api interaction errors postInstanceResults errors and exits
-  (Screenshots)
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+  Recorded Run:
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - over private tests limit warns when over private test results 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still be recorded until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue recording tests on Cypress Cloud in the future.
@@ -2067,8 +2055,8 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                               │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                 │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
   │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2076,45 +2064,48 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'
-  Running:                                                      (1 of 2)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  This spec and its tests were skipped because the run has been canceled.
-  Running:                                                                  (2 of 2)
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
-  b spec
-    ✓ b test
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
   1 passing
+  1 pending
-  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
   │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                   │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
@@ -2123,11 +2114,9 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ -             SKIPPED        -        -        -        -        - │
-  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
-  │ ✔                           XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-    -  The run was canceled                     XX:XX        1        1        -        -        -  
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
@@ -2135,11 +2124,16 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing 1'
   Recorded Run:
-  Exiting with non-zero exit code because the run was canceled.
-exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing in parallel 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - over tests limit warns when over test results 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
+Your plan is now in a grace period, which means you will have the full benefits of your current plan until 2999-12-31.
+Please visit your billing to upgrade your plan.
@@ -2148,54 +2142,57 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing in
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                               │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                 │
-  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: abc, Parallel: true                                             │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
-  Running:                                                      (1 of 2)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  This spec and its tests were skipped because the run has been canceled.
-  Running:                                                                  (2 of 2)
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
-  b spec
-    ✓ b test
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
   1 passing
+  1 pending
-  │ Tests:        1                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
   │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                   │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  (Screenshots)
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
@@ -2204,11 +2201,9 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing in
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ -             SKIPPED        -        -        -        -        - │
-  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
-  │ ✔                           XX:XX        1        1        -        -        - │
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-    -  The run was canceled                     XX:XX        1        1        -        -        -  
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
@@ -2216,11 +2211,14 @@ exports['e2e record api skips specs records tests and exits without executing in
   Recorded Run:
-  Exiting with non-zero exit code because the run was canceled.
-exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - parallel feature warns when using parallel feature 1'] = `
+Parallelization is not included under your free plan.
+Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still run in parallel until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue running your tests in parallel in the future.
@@ -2229,8 +2227,8 @@ exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                           │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/, cypress/e2e/                             │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
   │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2238,65 +2236,48 @@ exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 2)
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
-  0 passing
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
   │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-  Running:                                                                     (2 of 2)
-  Estimated: X second(s)
-  0 passing
-  (Results)
+  (Screenshots)
-  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
-  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
-  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
-  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                      │
-  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
@@ -2305,11 +2286,9 @@ exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        -        -        -        -        - │
-  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
-  │ ✔                              XX:XX        -        -        -        -        - │
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        -        -        -        -        -  
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
@@ -2319,62 +2298,12 @@ exports['e2e record empty specs succeeds when empty spec file 1'] = `
-exports['e2e record quiet mode respects quiet mode 1'] = `
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 412 errors and exits when request schema is invalid 1'] = `
-Recording this run failed. The request was invalid.
-Request Validation Error
-  "ci is the wrong type, saw null, expected object",
-  "commit is the wrong type, saw null, expected object",
-  "platform is the wrong type, saw null, expected object"
-Request Sent:
-  "ci": null,
-  "specs": [
-    "cypress/e2e/"
-  ],
-  "commit": null,
-  "group": null,
-  "platform": null,
-  "parallel": null,
-  "ciBuildId": null,
-  "projectId": "pid123",
-  "recordKey": "f85...7e1",
-  "specPattern": "cypress/e2e/record_pass*",
-  "tags": [
-    ""
-  ],
-  "testingType": "e2e",
-  "runnerCapabilities": {
-    "dynamicSpecsInSerialMode": true,
-    "skipSpecAction": true,
-    "protocolMountVersion": 2
-  }
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings grace period - grouping feature warns when using parallel feature 1'] = `
+Grouping is not included under your free plan.
+Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still run with groups until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue running your tests with groups in the future.
-exports['e2e record video recording when video=false does not upload when not enabled 1'] = `
@@ -2397,7 +2326,6 @@ exports['e2e record video recording when video=false does not upload when not en
   record pass
-plugin stdout
     ✓ passes
     - is pending
@@ -2431,7 +2359,6 @@ plugin stdout
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
@@ -2456,137 +2383,180 @@ plugin stdout
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors create run 402 - auto cancel not available in plan errors and exits when auto cancel not available in plan 1'] = `
-Auto Cancellation is not included under your current billing plan.
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings paid plan - over private tests limit warns when over private test results 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of test results under your current billing plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
-To enable this service, please visit your billing and upgrade to another plan with Auto Cancellation.
+To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
-exports['e2e record misconfiguration errors and exits when no browser found 1'] = `
-Can't run because you've entered an invalid browser name.
+  (Run Starting)
-Browser: browserDoesNotExist was not found on your system or is not supported by Cypress.
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-Cypress supports the following browsers:
- - electron
- - chrome
- - chromium
- - chrome:canary
- - edge
- - firefox
-You can also use a custom browser:
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
-Available browsers found on your system are:
-- browser1
-- browser2
-- browser3
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] 500 status code errors with empty body fails after retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+  (Results)
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  (Screenshots)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F2] 404 status code with JSON body fails without retrying 1'] = `
-We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
-Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F2] 404 status code with empty body fails without retrying 1'] = `
-We could not find a Cypress Cloud project with the projectId: pid123
+  (Run Finished)
-This projectId came from your cypress-with-project-id.config.js file or an environment variable.
-Please log into Cypress Cloud and find your project.
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-We will list the correct projectId in the 'Settings' tab.
-Alternatively, you can create a new project directly from within the Cypress app.
+  Recorded Run:
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 201 status code with invalid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings paid plan - over tests limit warns when over test results 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of test results under your current billing plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
-DecryptionError: JWE Recipients missing or incorrect type
+To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  (Run Starting)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 200 status code with empty body fails without retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-DecryptionError: General JWE must be an object
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F4] 412 status code with valid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
-Recording this run failed. The request was invalid.
-Recording is not working
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
-  "attempted to send invalid data"
+  (Results)
-Request Sent:
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  "projectId": "cy12345"
+  (Screenshots)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [W1] warning message renders preflight warning messages prior to run warnings 1'] = `
-Warning from Cypress Cloud: 
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-This feature will not be supported soon, please check with Cypress to learn more:
-You've exceeded the limit of private test results under your free plan this month. The limit is 500 private test results.
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-Your plan is now in a grace period, which means your tests will still be recorded until 2999-12-31. Please upgrade your plan to continue recording tests on Cypress Cloud in the future.
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings free plan - over tests limit v2 warns when over test results 1'] = `
+You've exceeded the limit of test results under your free billing plan this month. The limit is 500 test results.
+To continue getting the full benefits of your current plan, please visit your billing to upgrade.
@@ -2599,7 +2569,7 @@
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
   │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
   │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
-  │ Params:     Tag: nightly, Group: foo, Parallel: true                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2668,64 +2638,94 @@
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] socket errors fails after retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+exports['e2e record api interaction warnings create run warnings unknown warning warns with unknown warning code 1'] = `
+Warning from Cypress Cloud: You are almost out of time
-RequestError: Error: socket hang up
-We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
+  "code": "OUT_OF_TIME",
+  "hadTime": 1000,
+  "name": "OutOfTime",
+  "spentTime": 999
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-RequestError: Error: socket hang up
+  (Run Starting)
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F3] 422 status code with invalid decryption fails without retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-DecryptionError: JWE Recipients missing or incorrect type
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Screenshots)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F1] 500 status code errors with body fails after retrying 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Nothing to upload - Test Replay is disabled for this project. Enable Test Replay in Cloud project settings
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "Internal Server Error"
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-The --group flag you passed was: foo
-The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: ciBuildId123
+  (Run Finished)
-exports['e2e record api interaction errors sendPreflight [F5] 422 status code with valid decryption on createRun errors and exits when group name is in use 1'] = `
-You passed the --group flag, but this group name has already been used for this run.
-The existing run is:
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
-The --group flag you passed was: e2e-tests
-If you are trying to parallelize this run, then also pass the --parallel flag, else pass a different group name.
+  Recorded Run:
@@ -2892,13 +2892,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled passing retrieves the capture proto
-exports['capture-protocol api errors fetch script 500 continues 1'] = `
-We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
-StatusCodeError: 500 - "500 - Internal Server Error"
-We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
+exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled when the tab crashes in chrome posts accurate test results 1'] = `
@@ -2907,8 +2901,8 @@ We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/chrome_tab_crash*, cypress/e2e/record_pass*                            │
   │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2916,7 +2910,57 @@ We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Running:                                                          (1 of 2)
+  Estimated: X second(s)
+  a test suite with a browser crash
+    ✓ navigates to about:blank
+We detected that the Chrome Renderer process just crashed.
+We have failed the current spec but will continue running the next spec.
+This can happen for a number of different reasons.
+If you're running lots of tests on a memory intense application.
+  - Try increasing the CPU/memory on the machine you're running on.
+  - Try enabling experimentalMemoryManagement in your config file.
+  - Try lowering numTestsKeptInMemory in your config file during 'cypress open'.
+You can learn more here:
+  (Results)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
+  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
+  │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
+  │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                           │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+  (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Video - Nothing to upload 
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
+  - Test Replay - 1 kB
+  (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
+  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1
+  Running:                                                               (2 of 2)
   Estimated: X second(s)
@@ -2954,11 +2998,12 @@ We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - Error downloading capture code: 500 - "500 - Internal Server Error"
+  - Test Replay 
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
@@ -2967,9 +3012,11 @@ We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  │ ✖                   XX:XX        2        1        1        -        - │
+  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
   │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        4        2        1        1        -  
@@ -2979,7 +3026,7 @@ We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
-exports['capture-protocol api errors error report 500 continues 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled when there is an async error thrown from config file posts accurate test results 1'] = `
@@ -2988,8 +3035,8 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors error report 500 continues 1'] = `
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                    │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/                                                  │
   │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -2997,50 +3044,45 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors error report 500 continues 1'] = `
-  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
+  Running:                                                           (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
-  record pass
-    ✓ passes
-    - is pending
+  suite
+    ✓ is true
+Your configFile threw an error from: cypress-with-project-id.config.js
-  1 passing
-  1 pending
+We stopped running your tests because your config file crashed.
+Error: Async error from plugins file
+      [stack trace lines]
   │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
   │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
+  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                            │
-  (Screenshots)
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Screenshot - Nothing to upload 
   - Test Replay - 1 kB
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
+  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1
@@ -3049,9 +3091,9 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors error report 500 continues 1'] = `
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  │ ✖                    XX:XX        2        1        1        -        - │
-    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+    ✖  1 of 1 failed (100%)                     XX:XX        2        1        1        -        -  
@@ -3224,7 +3266,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error initi
-exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors non-fatal error encountered during protocol capture reports the error to the protocol error endpoint 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in protocol beforeSpec displays the error and reports the fatal error to the cloud via artifacts 1'] = `
@@ -3280,12 +3322,11 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors non-fatal e
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - 1 kB
+  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - Error in beforeSpec
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
@@ -3306,7 +3347,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors non-fatal e
-exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in protocol beforeSpec displays the error and reports the fatal error to the cloud via artifacts 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in protocol beforeTest displays the error and reports the fatal error to the cloud via artifacts 1'] = `
@@ -3362,7 +3403,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in pr
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - Error in beforeSpec
+  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - error in beforeTest
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
@@ -3387,7 +3428,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in pr
-exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in protocol beforeTest displays the error and reports the fatal error to the cloud via artifacts 1'] = `
+exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors non-fatal error encountered during protocol capture reports the error to the protocol error endpoint 1'] = `
@@ -3443,11 +3484,12 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in pr
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - error in beforeTest
+  - Test Replay - 1 kB
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
@@ -3468,7 +3510,7 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled protocol runtime errors error in pr
-exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 7 times and succeeds on the last call continues 1'] = `
+exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 8 times and fails continues 1'] = `
@@ -3524,12 +3566,12 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 7 times and succeeds o
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - 1 kB
+  - Test Replay 
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
   - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
+  - Test Replay - Failed Uploading 2/2 - Internal Server Error
@@ -3550,7 +3592,7 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 7 times and succeeds o
-exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 8 times and fails continues 1'] = `
+exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 7 times and succeeds on the last call continues 1'] = `
@@ -3606,12 +3648,12 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 8 times and fails cont
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay 
+  - Test Replay - 1 kB
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
   - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay - Failed Uploading 2/2 - Internal Server Error
+  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
@@ -3632,7 +3674,13 @@ exports['capture-protocol api errors upload 500 - retries 8 times and fails cont
-exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled crashing does not hang when the tab crashes & continues with next spec 1'] = `
+exports['capture-protocol api errors fetch script 500 continues 1'] = `
+We encountered an unexpected error communicating with our servers.
+StatusCodeError: 500 - "500 - Internal Server Error"
+We will retry 1 more time in X second(s)...
@@ -3641,8 +3689,8 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled crashing does not hang when the tab
   │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
   │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
-  │ Specs:      2 found (,                                │
-  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/chrome_tab_crash*, cypress/e2e/record_pass*                            │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
   │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
   │ Run URL:                               │
@@ -3650,63 +3698,88 @@ exports['e2e record capture-protocol enabled crashing does not hang when the tab
-  Running:                                                          (1 of 2)
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
-  1) navigates to about /html
-We detected that the Chrome Renderer process just crashed.
-We have failed the current spec but will continue running the next spec.
-This can happen for a number of different reasons.
+  record pass
+    ✓ passes
+    - is pending
-If you're running lots of tests on a memory intense application.
-  - Try increasing the CPU/memory on the machine you're running on.
-  - Try enabling experimentalMemoryManagement in your config file.
-  - Try lowering numTestsKeptInMemory in your config file during 'cypress open'.
-You can learn more here:
+  1 passing
+  1 pending
-  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
-  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
-  │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
-  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Tests:        2                                                                                │
+  │ Passing:      1                                                                                │
+  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
+  │ Pending:      1                                                                                │
   │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
   │ Screenshots:  1                                                                                │
   │ Video:        false                                                                            │
   │ Duration:     X seconds                                                                        │
   │ Estimated:    X second(s)                                                                      │
-  │ Spec Ran:                                                           │
+  │ Spec Ran:                                                                │
-  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ to about html      (1000x660)
-     (failed).png                                                                                   
+  -  /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png                 (400x1022)
   (Uploading Cloud Artifacts)
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
-  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ to about html (failed).png
-  - Test Replay - 1 kB
+  - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  - Test Replay - Failed Capturing - Error downloading capture code: 500 - "500 - Internal Server Error"
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
-  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/2 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ to about html (failed).png
-  - Test Replay - Done Uploading 1 kB 2/2
+  - Screenshot - Done Uploading 1 kB 1/1 /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
+  (Run Finished)
+       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
+  Recorded Run:
+exports['capture-protocol api errors error report 500 continues 1'] = `
+  (Run Starting)
+  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+  │ Cypress:    1.2.3                                                                              │
+  │ Browser:    FooBrowser 88                                                                      │
+  │ Specs:      1 found (                                                        │
+  │ Searched:   cypress/e2e/record_pass*                                                           │
+  │ Params:     Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                          │
+  │ Run URL:                               │
+  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-  Running:                                                               (2 of 2)
+  Running:                                                               (1 of 1)
   Estimated: X second(s)
@@ -3744,7 +3817,7 @@
   - Video - Nothing to upload 
   - Screenshot - 1 kB /XXX/XXX/XXX/cypress/screenshots/ it passes.png
-  - Test Replay 
+  - Test Replay - 1 kB
   (Uploaded Cloud Artifacts)
@@ -3758,11 +3831,9 @@
        Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
-  │ ✖                   XX:XX        -        -        1        -        - │
-  ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
   │ ✔                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        - │
-    ✖  1 of 2 failed (50%)                      XX:XX        2        1        1        1        -  
+    ✔  All specs passed!                        XX:XX        2        1        -        1        -  
diff --git a/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress-with-project-id.config.js b/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress-with-project-id.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..135e9da2ecc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress-with-project-id.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module.exports = {
+  'projectId': 'pid123',
+  'e2e': {
+    'supportFile': false,
+    setupNodeEvents (on, config) {
+      on('before:spec', () => {
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          throw new Error('Async error from plugins file')
+        }, 1000)
+      })
+      return config
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress/e2e/ b/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress/e2e/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8c710948ce29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system-tests/projects/config-with-crashing-plugin/cypress/e2e/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+describe('suite', function () {
+  it('is true', () => {
+    expect(true)
+    cy.wait(150)
+  })
+  it('is still true', () => {
+  // the config should crash before this test completes;
+  // this is a long wait in order to improve predictability
+    cy.wait(10000)
+    expect(true)
+  })
diff --git a/system-tests/projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/ b/system-tests/projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/
index 3fdc3b581c42..893f2a751a81 100644
--- a/system-tests/projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/
+++ b/system-tests/projects/e2e/cypress/e2e/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-it('navigates to about /html', () => {
-  cy.visit('/html')
-  cy.contains('Herman Melville')
+describe('a test suite with a browser crash', function () {
+  it('navigates to about:blank', () => {
+    cy.visit('/index.html')
+  })
-it('crashes the chrome tab', () => {
-  Cypress.automation('remote:debugger:protocol', { command: 'Page.navigate', params: { url: 'chrome://crash', transitionType: 'typed' } })
-  cy.visit('localhost')
+  it('crashes the chrome tab', () => {
+    Cypress.automation('remote:debugger:protocol', { command: 'Page.navigate', params: { url: 'chrome://crash', transitionType: 'typed' } })
+    cy.visit('localhost')
+  })
diff --git a/system-tests/test/record_spec.js b/system-tests/test/record_spec.js
index 8e4a435a2c5b..9233b727b567 100644
--- a/system-tests/test/record_spec.js
+++ b/system-tests/test/record_spec.js
@@ -2308,17 +2308,56 @@ describe('e2e record', () => {
-      describe('crashing', () => {
+      describe('when the tab crashes in chrome', () => {
-        it('does not hang when the tab crashes & continues with next spec', function () {
+        it('posts accurate test results', function () {
           return systemTests.exec(this, {
-            browser: 'chrome',
             key: 'f858a2bc-b469-4e48-be67-0876339ee7e1',
             configFile: 'cypress-with-project-id.config.js',
+            browser: 'chrome',
             spec: 'chrome_tab_crash*,record_pass*',
             record: true,
             snapshot: true,
             expectedExitCode: 1,
+          }).then(() => {
+            const requests = getRequests()
+            const postResultsRequest = requests.find((r) => r.url === `POST /instances/${instanceId}/results`)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.exception).to.include('Chrome Renderer process just crashed')
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.tests).to.have.length(2)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.stats.suites).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.stats.tests).to.equal(2)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.stats.passes).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.stats.failures).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest.body.stats.skipped).to.equal(0)
+          })
+        })
+      })
+      describe('when there is an async error thrown from config file', () => {
+        enableCaptureProtocol()
+        it('posts accurate test results', function () {
+          return systemTests.exec(this, {
+            key: 'f858a2bc-b469-4e48-be67-0876339ee7e1',
+            browser: 'chrome',
+            project: 'config-with-crashing-plugin',
+            spec: '',
+            configFile: 'cypress-with-project-id.config.js',
+            record: true,
+            snapshot: true,
+            expectedExitCode: 1,
+          }).then(() => {
+            const requests = getRequests()
+            const postResultsRequest = requests.find((r) => r.url === `POST /instances/${instanceId}/results`)
+            console.log(postResultsRequest)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.exception).to.include('Your configFile threw an error')
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.tests).to.have.length(2)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.stats.suites).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.stats.tests).to.equal(2)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.stats.passes).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.stats.failures).to.equal(1)
+            expect(postResultsRequest?.body.stats.skipped).to.equal(0)