* option:dossier basse qualité Has option
* option:qualité basse qualité Has option
* init:autoselect ffmpeg/avconv / + perso install (ffmpeg static install (from http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/static/))
* init:photo camera available test during
* video fps option
* resume if log exist ?
* Video generation on the fly during capture
* fix error label (goto) on the fly
* camera settings by scene. arduino push button : next scene + scene num display. scene cam settings option file
* after new camera settings by scene, photo review and adjust ?
* video streams (WIP)
* video ratio : by parameter else nearest from photo ratio
* local control failback
* ffmpeg failed output parse

* low battery programme hang ! ??? ---> STATE STOP +++ WARNING !!!!
* camera setting unavailable - gphoto release cam between capture ?
* en reprise (-f -v) la premiere video genere contient des anciennes images : pour reproduire, faire un shooting normal (20f) et 3 video. puis stop puis reprise -f 21 - v 4 , 

* ERROR linking images files >> sur reprise