- Can someone make a GUI interface for this code?
pip install hdwallet
pip install termcolor
pip install requests
pip install colored
pip install coloredlogs
pip install asyncio
If you dont have Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 , You can download from here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691126&fixForIE=.exe. (Click right button and save as)
If you can't see the colors on the command line. Open Powershell as administrator and run the following line of code.
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console VirtualTerminalLevel -Type DWORD 1
- Get api from bscscan and etherscan.
- Enter the apis in the APIKeys.txt ETHAPI:BSCAPI
- Run checkerV5.py
- Accounts with a balance will be displayed in valid.txt.
- ETHAPI = 'https://etherscan.io/register Sign up and get API KEY
- BSCAPI = 'https://bscscan.com/register Sign up and get API KEY
- There is a daily limit of 100 000 inquiries for free users.
- Enjoy :)