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Starter TODO app built in meteor. View layer rendered with react using material-ui components, redux to manage state, react router, and flexboxgrid for responsive behavior.

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⚛ React Mobile App Boilerplate for Meteor ☄

Starter TODO app built in meteor. View layer rendered with react using material-ui components, redux to manage state, react router, and flexboxgrid for responsive behavior.

Quick and easy deploy to heroku with instructions to build out for android.

###Technologies Used 🤖

  • Meteor
  • Meteor Mocha For Testing
  • AccountsUI
  • SCSS
  • React
  • react-addons-pure-render-mixin
  • react-dom
  • classnames
  • react-router
  • flexboxgrid
  • material-ui
  • redux
  • thunk
  • alanning:roles
  • tracker-react

###Getting Started 🔥

First, Install Meteor.

Then do the following:

#on windows you may need powershell if you
#run into issues with gitbash and meteor
git clone
meteor npm install
meteor run

###File & Folder Structure 📂

  |-- .gitignore
  |-- package.json
  |-- npm-shrinkwrap.json
  |-- .travis.yml
  |-- .meteor
  |-- client
  |   |-- main.html #render target
  |   |-- main.jsx #imports html and startup
  |   |-- main.scss #use custom scss here
  |-- imports
  |   |-- api
  |   |   |-- #your serverside methods & tests go here myfile.tests.js
  |   |-- actions
  |       |-- #Put your thunks here    
  |   |-- reducers
  |   |   |-- drawer.js #manages open/close drawer state
  |   |   |-- index.js #combines reducers using redux
  |   |-- startup
  |   |   |-- client
  |   |       |-- index.js #imports routes and accounts config
  |   |       |-- routes.jsx #edit routes here
  |   |       |-- accounts-config.js #edit accounts ui configuration here
  |   |-- ui
  |       |-- components
  |       |   |-- #your components go here
  |       |-- layouts
  |       |   |-- #the apps layouts go here
  |       |-- pages
  |           |-- #Put your page components here
  |-- server
      |-- main.js #imports from api

###Running tests ✅

On first run pass the terminal npm run prep-test every other time just run npm run test

If prep test fails run sudo npm i spacejam -g

If you need to pass additional parameters to spacejam, edit the package.json or alter this command line chain:

#we use 8080 to run the tests concurrently with our server instance on 3000
TEST_WATCH=1 spacejam test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha --port 8080

###Material-UI 🖥

Material-UI is a set of React components that implement Google's Material Design.

You can checkout components and their markup here:

###flexboxgrid 💪

flexboxgrid is a grid system based on the flex display property. The markup is identical to Twitter bootstrap in most cases. See the examples here:

###First Admin

Follow the following instructions to create the initial admin user:

// open your chrome console after you've logged in and run this:
// copy out the returned id

With your new User ID copied, clone settings.json.example and rename it to settings.json and paste it in as a string value for the adminId attribute.

Save, and restart the server with --settings settings.json as a flag. You should be able to visit localhost:3000/admin in your browser if this worked.

###Deployment 🚀

Deploy using the Meteor Horse Buildpack and Heroku

heroku buildpacks:set
  • Add the MongoLab addon:
heroku addons:create mongolab
  • Set the ROOT_URL environment variable. This is required for bundling and running the app. Either define it explicitly, or enable the Dyno Metadata labs addon to default to https://<appname>
heroku config:set ROOT_URL="https://<appname>" # or other URL

Once that's done, you can deploy your app using this build pack any time by pushing to heroku:

git push heroku master

###Sync your local settings w/ Heroku 🔄

heroku config:add METEOR_SETTINGS="$(cat settings.json)"

###Running on android 📱

In the shell with your device connected run:

MONGO_URL="mongodb://<username>:<password>@<mlab url><portnumber>/<dbname>" meteor run android-device --mobile-server=https://<appname>

###Generating Icons and splashes 🖌

Use meteor image asset generator here.

Follow the instructions and copy the resulting resources folder over the one in this project.


Starter TODO app built in meteor. View layer rendered with react using material-ui components, redux to manage state, react router, and flexboxgrid for responsive behavior.






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