diff --git a/daprdocs/content/en/getting-started/quickstarts/workflow-quickstart.md b/daprdocs/content/en/getting-started/quickstarts/workflow-quickstart.md
index d139561cb04..bec440e1d81 100644
--- a/daprdocs/content/en/getting-started/quickstarts/workflow-quickstart.md
+++ b/daprdocs/content/en/getting-started/quickstarts/workflow-quickstart.md
@@ -21,7 +21,245 @@ In this guide, you'll:
-{{< tabs ".NET" "Python" >}}
+{{< tabs "Python" ".NET" "Java" >}}
+{{% codetab %}}
+The `order-processor` console app starts and manages the `order_processing_workflow`, which simulates purchasing items from a store. The workflow consists of five unique workflow activities, or tasks:
+- `notify_activity`: Utilizes a logger to print out messages throughout the workflow. These messages notify you when:
+ - You have insufficient inventory
+ - Your payment couldn't be processed, etc.
+- `process_payment_activity`: Processes and authorizes the payment.
+- `verify_inventory_activity`: Checks the state store to ensure there is enough inventory present for purchase.
+- `update_inventory_activity`: Removes the requested items from the state store and updates the store with the new remaining inventory value.
+- `request_approval_activity`: Seeks approval from the manager if payment is greater than 50,000 USD.
+### Step 1: Pre-requisites
+For this example, you will need:
+- [Dapr CLI and initialized environment](https://docs.dapr.io/getting-started).
+- [Python 3.7+ installed](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
+- [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
+### Step 2: Set up the environment
+Clone the [sample provided in the Quickstarts repo](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows).
+git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
+In a new terminal window, navigate to the `order-processor` directory:
+cd workflows/python/sdk/order-processor
+Install the Dapr Python SDK package:
+pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+### Step 3: Run the order processor app
+In the terminal, start the order processor app alongside a Dapr sidecar:
+dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../components/ -- python3 app.py
+> **Note:** Since Python3.exe is not defined in Windows, you may need to use `python app.py` instead of `python3 app.py`.
+This starts the `order-processor` app with unique workflow ID and runs the workflow activities.
+Expected output:
+== APP == Starting order workflow, purchasing 10 of cars
+== APP == 2023-06-06 09:35:52.945 durabletask-worker INFO: Successfully connected to Waiting for work items...
+== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Received order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars at $150000 !
+== APP == INFO:VerifyInventoryActivity:Verifying inventory for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da of 10 cars
+== APP == INFO:VerifyInventoryActivity:There are 100 Cars available for purchase
+== APP == INFO:RequestApprovalActivity:Requesting approval for payment of 165000 USD for 10 cars
+== APP == 2023-06-06 09:36:05.969 durabletask-worker INFO: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da Event raised: manager_approval
+== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Payment for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da has been approved!
+== APP == INFO:ProcessPaymentActivity:Processing payment: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars at 150000 USD
+== APP == INFO:ProcessPaymentActivity:Payment for request ID f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da processed successfully
+== APP == INFO:UpdateInventoryActivity:Checking inventory for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars
+== APP == INFO:UpdateInventoryActivity:There are now 90 cars left in stock
+== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da has completed!
+== APP == 2023-06-06 09:36:06.106 durabletask-worker INFO: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da: Orchestration completed with status: COMPLETED
+== APP == Workflow completed! Result: Completed
+== APP == Purchase of item is Completed
+### (Optional) Step 4: View in Zipkin
+If you have Zipkin configured for Dapr locally on your machine, you can view the workflow trace spans in the Zipkin web UI (typically at `http://localhost:9411/zipkin/`).
+### What happened?
+When you ran `dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../components/ -- python3 app.py`:
+1. A unique order ID for the workflow is generated (in the above example, `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da`) and the workflow is scheduled.
+1. The `NotifyActivity` workflow activity sends a notification saying an order for 10 cars has been received.
+1. The `ReserveInventoryActivity` workflow activity checks the inventory data, determines if you can supply the ordered item, and responds with the number of cars in stock.
+1. Your workflow starts and notifies you of its status.
+1. The `ProcessPaymentActivity` workflow activity begins processing payment for order `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da` and confirms if successful.
+1. The `UpdateInventoryActivity` workflow activity updates the inventory with the current available cars after the order has been processed.
+1. The `NotifyActivity` workflow activity sends a notification saying that order `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da` has completed.
+1. The workflow terminates as completed.
+#### `order-processor/app.py`
+In the application's program file:
+- The unique workflow order ID is generated
+- The workflow is scheduled
+- The workflow status is retrieved
+- The workflow and the workflow activities it invokes are registered
+class WorkflowConsoleApp:
+ def main(self):
+ # Register workflow and activities
+ workflowRuntime = WorkflowRuntime(settings.DAPR_RUNTIME_HOST, settings.DAPR_GRPC_PORT)
+ workflowRuntime.register_workflow(order_processing_workflow)
+ workflowRuntime.register_activity(notify_activity)
+ workflowRuntime.register_activity(requst_approval_activity)
+ workflowRuntime.register_activity(verify_inventory_activity)
+ workflowRuntime.register_activity(process_payment_activity)
+ workflowRuntime.register_activity(update_inventory_activity)
+ workflowRuntime.start()
+ print("==========Begin the purchase of item:==========", flush=True)
+ item_name = default_item_name
+ order_quantity = 10
+ total_cost = int(order_quantity) * baseInventory[item_name].per_item_cost
+ order = OrderPayload(item_name=item_name, quantity=int(order_quantity), total_cost=total_cost)
+ # Start Workflow
+ print(f'Starting order workflow, purchasing {order_quantity} of {item_name}', flush=True)
+ start_resp = daprClient.start_workflow(workflow_component=workflow_component,
+ workflow_name=workflow_name,
+ input=order)
+ _id = start_resp.instance_id
+ def prompt_for_approval(daprClient: DaprClient):
+ daprClient.raise_workflow_event(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component,
+ event_name="manager_approval", event_data={'approval': True})
+ approval_seeked = False
+ start_time = datetime.now()
+ while True:
+ time_delta = datetime.now() - start_time
+ state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
+ if not state:
+ print("Workflow not found!") # not expected
+ elif state.runtime_status == "Completed" or\
+ state.runtime_status == "Failed" or\
+ state.runtime_status == "Terminated":
+ print(f'Workflow completed! Result: {state.runtime_status}', flush=True)
+ break
+ if time_delta.total_seconds() >= 10:
+ state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
+ if total_cost > 50000 and (
+ state.runtime_status != "Completed" or
+ state.runtime_status != "Failed" or
+ state.runtime_status != "Terminated"
+ ) and not approval_seeked:
+ approval_seeked = True
+ threading.Thread(target=prompt_for_approval(daprClient), daemon=True).start()
+ print("Purchase of item is ", state.runtime_status, flush=True)
+ def restock_inventory(self, daprClient: DaprClient, baseInventory):
+ for key, item in baseInventory.items():
+ print(f'item: {item}')
+ item_str = f'{{"name": "{item.item_name}", "quantity": {item.quantity},\
+ "per_item_cost": {item.per_item_cost}}}'
+ daprClient.save_state("statestore-actors", key, item_str)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = WorkflowConsoleApp()
+ app.main()
+#### `order-processor/workflow.py`
+In `workflow.py`, the workflow is defined as a class with all of its associated tasks (determined by workflow activities).
+ def order_processing_workflow(ctx: DaprWorkflowContext, order_payload_str: OrderPayload):
+ """Defines the order processing workflow.
+ When the order is received, the inventory is checked to see if there is enough inventory to
+ fulfill the order. If there is enough inventory, the payment is processed and the inventory is
+ updated. If there is not enough inventory, the order is rejected.
+ If the total order is greater than $50,000, the order is sent to a manager for approval.
+ """
+ order_id = ctx.instance_id
+ order_payload=json.loads(order_payload_str)
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
+ input=Notification(message=('Received order ' +order_id+ ' for '
+ +f'{order_payload["quantity"]}' +' ' +f'{order_payload["item_name"]}'
+ +' at $'+f'{order_payload["total_cost"]}' +' !')))
+ result = yield ctx.call_activity(verify_inventory_activity,
+ input=InventoryRequest(request_id=order_id,
+ item_name=order_payload["item_name"],
+ quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
+ if not result.success:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
+ input=Notification(message='Insufficient inventory for '
+ +f'{order_payload["item_name"]}'+'!'))
+ return OrderResult(processed=False)
+ if order_payload["total_cost"] > 50000:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(requst_approval_activity, input=order_payload)
+ approval_task = ctx.wait_for_external_event("manager_approval")
+ timeout_event = ctx.create_timer(timedelta(seconds=200))
+ winner = yield when_any([approval_task, timeout_event])
+ if winner == timeout_event:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
+ input=Notification(message='Payment for order '+order_id
+ +' has been cancelled due to timeout!'))
+ return OrderResult(processed=False)
+ approval_result = yield approval_task
+ if approval_result["approval"]:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
+ message=f'Payment for order {order_id} has been approved!'))
+ else:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
+ message=f'Payment for order {order_id} has been rejected!'))
+ return OrderResult(processed=False)
+ yield ctx.call_activity(process_payment_activity, input=PaymentRequest(
+ request_id=order_id, item_being_purchased=order_payload["item_name"],
+ amount=order_payload["total_cost"], quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
+ try:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(update_inventory_activity,
+ input=PaymentRequest(request_id=order_id,
+ item_being_purchased=order_payload["item_name"],
+ amount=order_payload["total_cost"],
+ quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
+ except Exception:
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
+ input=Notification(message=f'Order {order_id} Failed!'))
+ return OrderResult(processed=False)
+ yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
+ message=f'Order {order_id} has completed!'))
+ return OrderResult(processed=True)
+{{% /codetab %}}
{{% codetab %}}
@@ -254,27 +492,35 @@ The `Activities` directory holds the four workflow activities used by the workfl
- `ProcessPaymentActivity.cs`
- `UpdateInventoryActivity.cs`
+## Watch the demo
+Watch [this video to walk through the Dapr Workflow .NET demo](https://youtu.be/BxiKpEmchgQ?t=2564):
{{% /codetab %}}
{{% codetab %}}
-The `order-processor` console app starts and manages the `order_processing_workflow`, which simulates purchasing items from a store. The workflow consists of five unique workflow activities, or tasks:
+The `order-processor` console app starts and manages the lifecycle of an order processing workflow that stores and retrieves data in a state store. The workflow consists of four workflow activities, or tasks:
+- `NotifyActivity`: Utilizes a logger to print out messages throughout the workflow
+- `RequestApprovalActivity`: Requests approval for processing payment
+- `ReserveInventoryActivity`: Checks the state store to ensure that there is enough inventory for the purchase
+- `ProcessPaymentActivity`: Processes and authorizes the payment
+- `UpdateInventoryActivity`: Removes the requested items from the state store and updates the store with the new remaining inventory value
-- `notify_activity`: Utilizes a logger to print out messages throughout the workflow. These messages notify you when:
- - You have insufficient inventory
- - Your payment couldn't be processed, etc.
-- `process_payment_activity`: Processes and authorizes the payment.
-- `verify_inventory_activity`: Checks the state store to ensure there is enough inventory present for purchase.
-- `update_inventory_activity`: Removes the requested items from the state store and updates the store with the new remaining inventory value.
-- `request_approval_activity`: Seeks approval from the manager if payment is greater than 50,000 USD.
### Step 1: Pre-requisites
For this example, you will need:
- [Dapr CLI and initialized environment](https://docs.dapr.io/getting-started).
-- [Python 3.7+ installed](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
+- Java JDK 11 (or greater):
+ - [Microsoft JDK 11](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download#openjdk-11)
+ - [Oracle JDK 11](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html#JDK11)
+ - [OpenJDK 11](https://jdk.java.net/11/)
+- [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/install.html) version 3.x.
- [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
@@ -287,16 +533,16 @@ Clone the [sample provided in the Quickstarts repo](https://github.com/dapr/quic
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
-In a new terminal window, navigate to the `order-processor` directory:
+Navigate to the `order-processor` directory:
-cd workflows/python/sdk/order-processor
+cd workflows/java/sdk/order-processor
-Install the Dapr Python SDK package:
+Install the dependencies:
-pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+mvn clean install
### Step 3: Run the order processor app
@@ -304,54 +550,72 @@ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In the terminal, start the order processor app alongside a Dapr sidecar:
-dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../components/ -- python3 app.py
+dapr run --app-id WorkflowConsoleApp --resources-path ../../../components/ --dapr-grpc-port 50001 -- java -jar target/OrderProcessingService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.WorkflowConsoleApp
-> **Note:** Since Python3.exe is not defined in Windows, you may need to use `python app.py` instead of `python3 app.py`.
This starts the `order-processor` app with unique workflow ID and runs the workflow activities.
Expected output:
+== APP == *** Welcome to the Dapr Workflow console app sample!
+== APP == *** Using this app, you can place orders that start workflows.
+== APP == Start workflow runtime
+== APP == Sep 20, 2023 3:23:05 PM com.microsoft.durabletask.DurableTaskGrpcWorker startAndBlock
+== APP == INFO: Durable Task worker is connecting to sidecar at
+== APP == ==========Begin the purchase of item:==========
== APP == Starting order workflow, purchasing 10 of cars
-== APP == 2023-06-06 09:35:52.945 durabletask-worker INFO: Successfully connected to Waiting for work items...
-== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Received order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars at $150000 !
-== APP == INFO:VerifyInventoryActivity:Verifying inventory for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da of 10 cars
-== APP == INFO:VerifyInventoryActivity:There are 100 Cars available for purchase
-== APP == INFO:RequestApprovalActivity:Requesting approval for payment of 165000 USD for 10 cars
-== APP == 2023-06-06 09:36:05.969 durabletask-worker INFO: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da Event raised: manager_approval
-== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Payment for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da has been approved!
-== APP == INFO:ProcessPaymentActivity:Processing payment: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars at 150000 USD
-== APP == INFO:ProcessPaymentActivity:Payment for request ID f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da processed successfully
-== APP == INFO:UpdateInventoryActivity:Checking inventory for order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da for 10 cars
-== APP == INFO:UpdateInventoryActivity:There are now 90 cars left in stock
-== APP == INFO:NotifyActivity:Order f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da has completed!
-== APP == 2023-06-06 09:36:06.106 durabletask-worker INFO: f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da: Orchestration completed with status: COMPLETED
-== APP == Workflow completed! Result: Completed
-== APP == Purchase of item is Completed
+== APP == scheduled new workflow instance of OrderProcessingWorkflow with instance ID: edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.workflows.WorkflowContext - Starting Workflow: io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.OrderProcessingWorkflow
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.workflows.WorkflowContext - Instance ID(order ID): edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.workflows.WorkflowContext - Current Orchestration Time: 2023-09-20T19:23:09.755Z
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.workflows.WorkflowContext - Received Order: OrderPayload [itemName=cars, totalCost=150000, quantity=10]
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.NotifyActivity - Received Order: OrderPayload [itemName=cars, totalCost=150000, quantity=10]
+== APP == workflow instance edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797 started
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.ReserveInventoryActivity - Reserving inventory for order 'edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797' of 10 cars
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.ReserveInventoryActivity - There are 100 cars available for purchase
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.ReserveInventoryActivity - Reserved inventory for order 'edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797' of 10 cars
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.RequestApprovalActivity - Requesting approval for order: OrderPayload [itemName=cars, totalCost=150000, quantity=10]
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.RequestApprovalActivity - Approved requesting approval for order: OrderPayload [itemName=cars, totalCost=150000, quantity=10]
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.ProcessPaymentActivity - Processing payment: edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797 for 10 cars at $150000
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.ProcessPaymentActivity - Payment for request ID 'edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797' processed successfully
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.UpdateInventoryActivity - Updating inventory for order 'edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797' of 10 cars
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.UpdateInventoryActivity - Updated inventory for order 'edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797': there are now 90 cars left in stock
+== APP == [Thread-0] INFO io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows.activities.NotifyActivity - Order completed! : edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797
+== APP == workflow instance edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797 completed, out is: {"processed":true}
### (Optional) Step 4: View in Zipkin
-If you have Zipkin configured for Dapr locally on your machine, you can view the workflow trace spans in the Zipkin web UI (typically at `http://localhost:9411/zipkin/`).
+If you have Zipkin configured for Dapr locally on your machine, you can
+Running `dapr init` launches the [openzipkin/zipkin](https://hub.docker.com/r/openzipkin/zipkin/) Docker container. If the container has stopped running, launch the Zipkin Docker container with the following command:
+docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
+View the workflow trace spans in the Zipkin web UI (typically at `http://localhost:9411/zipkin/`).
### What happened?
-When you ran `dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../components/ -- python3 app.py`:
+When you ran `dapr run`:
-1. A unique order ID for the workflow is generated (in the above example, `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da`) and the workflow is scheduled.
+1. A unique order ID for the workflow is generated (in the above example, `edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797`) and the workflow is scheduled.
1. The `NotifyActivity` workflow activity sends a notification saying an order for 10 cars has been received.
1. The `ReserveInventoryActivity` workflow activity checks the inventory data, determines if you can supply the ordered item, and responds with the number of cars in stock.
-1. Your workflow starts and notifies you of its status.
-1. The `ProcessPaymentActivity` workflow activity begins processing payment for order `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da` and confirms if successful.
+1. Once approved, your workflow starts and notifies you of its status.
+1. The `ProcessPaymentActivity` workflow activity begins processing payment for order `edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797` and confirms if successful.
1. The `UpdateInventoryActivity` workflow activity updates the inventory with the current available cars after the order has been processed.
-1. The `NotifyActivity` workflow activity sends a notification saying that order `f4e1926e-3721-478d-be8a-f5bebd1995da` has completed.
+1. The `NotifyActivity` workflow activity sends a notification saying that order `edceba90-9c45-4be8-ad40-60d16e060797` has completed.
1. The workflow terminates as completed.
-#### `order-processor/app.py`
+#### `order-processor/WorkflowConsoleApp.java`
In the application's program file:
- The unique workflow order ID is generated
@@ -359,151 +623,227 @@ In the application's program file:
- The workflow status is retrieved
- The workflow and the workflow activities it invokes are registered
-class WorkflowConsoleApp:
- def main(self):
- # Register workflow and activities
- workflowRuntime = WorkflowRuntime(settings.DAPR_RUNTIME_HOST, settings.DAPR_GRPC_PORT)
- workflowRuntime.register_workflow(order_processing_workflow)
- workflowRuntime.register_activity(notify_activity)
- workflowRuntime.register_activity(requst_approval_activity)
- workflowRuntime.register_activity(verify_inventory_activity)
- workflowRuntime.register_activity(process_payment_activity)
- workflowRuntime.register_activity(update_inventory_activity)
- workflowRuntime.start()
- print("==========Begin the purchase of item:==========", flush=True)
- item_name = default_item_name
- order_quantity = 10
+package io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows;
+import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
+import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
+import io.dapr.workflows.client.DaprWorkflowClient;
+public class WorkflowConsoleApp {
+ private static final String STATE_STORE_NAME = "statestore-actors";
+ // ...
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("*** Welcome to the Dapr Workflow console app sample!");
+ System.out.println("*** Using this app, you can place orders that start workflows.");
+ // Wait for the sidecar to become available
+ Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
+ // Register the OrderProcessingWorkflow and its activities with the builder.
+ WorkflowRuntimeBuilder builder = new WorkflowRuntimeBuilder().registerWorkflow(OrderProcessingWorkflow.class);
+ builder.registerActivity(NotifyActivity.class);
+ builder.registerActivity(ProcessPaymentActivity.class);
+ builder.registerActivity(RequestApprovalActivity.class);
+ builder.registerActivity(ReserveInventoryActivity.class);
+ builder.registerActivity(UpdateInventoryActivity.class);
+ // Build the workflow runtime
+ try (WorkflowRuntime runtime = builder.build()) {
+ System.out.println("Start workflow runtime");
+ runtime.start(false);
+ }
- total_cost = int(order_quantity) * baseInventory[item_name].per_item_cost
- order = OrderPayload(item_name=item_name, quantity=int(order_quantity), total_cost=total_cost)
+ InventoryItem inventory = prepareInventoryAndOrder();
- # Start Workflow
- print(f'Starting order workflow, purchasing {order_quantity} of {item_name}', flush=True)
- start_resp = daprClient.start_workflow(workflow_component=workflow_component,
- workflow_name=workflow_name,
- input=order)
- _id = start_resp.instance_id
- def prompt_for_approval(daprClient: DaprClient):
- daprClient.raise_workflow_event(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component,
- event_name="manager_approval", event_data={'approval': True})
+ DaprWorkflowClient workflowClient = new DaprWorkflowClient();
+ try (workflowClient) {
+ executeWorkflow(workflowClient, inventory);
+ }
- approval_seeked = False
- start_time = datetime.now()
- while True:
- time_delta = datetime.now() - start_time
- state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
- if not state:
- print("Workflow not found!") # not expected
- elif state.runtime_status == "Completed" or\
- state.runtime_status == "Failed" or\
- state.runtime_status == "Terminated":
- print(f'Workflow completed! Result: {state.runtime_status}', flush=True)
- break
- if time_delta.total_seconds() >= 10:
- state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
- if total_cost > 50000 and (
- state.runtime_status != "Completed" or
- state.runtime_status != "Failed" or
- state.runtime_status != "Terminated"
- ) and not approval_seeked:
- approval_seeked = True
- threading.Thread(target=prompt_for_approval(daprClient), daemon=True).start()
- print("Purchase of item is ", state.runtime_status, flush=True)
+ }
+ // Start the workflow runtime, pulling and executing tasks
+ private static void executeWorkflow(DaprWorkflowClient workflowClient, InventoryItem inventory) {
+ System.out.println("==========Begin the purchase of item:==========");
+ String itemName = inventory.getName();
+ int orderQuantity = inventory.getQuantity();
+ int totalcost = orderQuantity * inventory.getPerItemCost();
+ OrderPayload order = new OrderPayload();
+ order.setItemName(itemName);
+ order.setQuantity(orderQuantity);
+ order.setTotalCost(totalcost);
+ System.out.println("Starting order workflow, purchasing " + orderQuantity + " of " + itemName);
+ String instanceId = workflowClient.scheduleNewWorkflow(OrderProcessingWorkflow.class, order);
+ System.out.printf("scheduled new workflow instance of OrderProcessingWorkflow with instance ID: %s%n",
+ instanceId);
+ // Check workflow instance start status
+ try {
+ workflowClient.waitForInstanceStart(instanceId, Duration.ofSeconds(10), false);
+ System.out.printf("workflow instance %s started%n", instanceId);
+ } catch (TimeoutException e) {
+ System.out.printf("workflow instance %s did not start within 10 seconds%n", instanceId);
+ return;
+ }
- def restock_inventory(self, daprClient: DaprClient, baseInventory):
- for key, item in baseInventory.items():
- print(f'item: {item}')
- item_str = f'{{"name": "{item.item_name}", "quantity": {item.quantity},\
- "per_item_cost": {item.per_item_cost}}}'
- daprClient.save_state("statestore-actors", key, item_str)
+ // Check workflow instance complete status
+ try {
+ WorkflowInstanceStatus workflowStatus = workflowClient.waitForInstanceCompletion(instanceId,
+ Duration.ofSeconds(30),
+ true);
+ if (workflowStatus != null) {
+ System.out.printf("workflow instance %s completed, out is: %s %n", instanceId,
+ workflowStatus.getSerializedOutput());
+ } else {
+ System.out.printf("workflow instance %s not found%n", instanceId);
+ }
+ } catch (TimeoutException e) {
+ System.out.printf("workflow instance %s did not complete within 30 seconds%n", instanceId);
+ }
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = WorkflowConsoleApp()
- app.main()
+ }
+ private static InventoryItem prepareInventoryAndOrder() {
+ // prepare 100 cars in inventory
+ InventoryItem inventory = new InventoryItem();
+ inventory.setName("cars");
+ inventory.setPerItemCost(15000);
+ inventory.setQuantity(100);
+ DaprClient daprClient = new DaprClientBuilder().build();
+ restockInventory(daprClient, inventory);
+ // prepare order for 10 cars
+ InventoryItem order = new InventoryItem();
+ order.setName("cars");
+ order.setPerItemCost(15000);
+ order.setQuantity(10);
+ return order;
+ }
+ private static void restockInventory(DaprClient daprClient, InventoryItem inventory) {
+ String key = inventory.getName();
+ daprClient.saveState(STATE_STORE_NAME, key, inventory).block();
+ }
-#### `order-processor/workflow.py`
+#### `OrderProcessingWorkflow.java`
+In `OrderProcessingWorkflow.java`, the workflow is defined as a class with all of its associated tasks (determined by workflow activities).
+package io.dapr.quickstarts.workflows;
+import io.dapr.workflows.Workflow;
+public class OrderProcessingWorkflow extends Workflow {
+ @Override
+ public WorkflowStub create() {
+ return ctx -> {
+ Logger logger = ctx.getLogger();
+ String orderId = ctx.getInstanceId();
+ logger.info("Starting Workflow: " + ctx.getName());
+ logger.info("Instance ID(order ID): " + orderId);
+ logger.info("Current Orchestration Time: " + ctx.getCurrentInstant());
+ OrderPayload order = ctx.getInput(OrderPayload.class);
+ logger.info("Received Order: " + order.toString());
+ OrderResult orderResult = new OrderResult();
+ orderResult.setProcessed(false);
+ // Notify the user that an order has come through
+ Notification notification = new Notification();
+ notification.setMessage("Received Order: " + order.toString());
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ // Determine if there is enough of the item available for purchase by checking
+ // the inventory
+ InventoryRequest inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest();
+ inventoryRequest.setRequestId(orderId);
+ inventoryRequest.setItemName(order.getItemName());
+ inventoryRequest.setQuantity(order.getQuantity());
+ InventoryResult inventoryResult = ctx.callActivity(ReserveInventoryActivity.class.getName(),
+ inventoryRequest, InventoryResult.class).await();
+ // If there is insufficient inventory, fail and let the user know
+ if (!inventoryResult.isSuccess()) {
+ notification.setMessage("Insufficient inventory for order : " + order.getItemName());
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ ctx.complete(orderResult);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Require orders over a certain threshold to be approved
+ if (order.getTotalCost() > 5000) {
+ ApprovalResult approvalResult = ctx.callActivity(RequestApprovalActivity.class.getName(),
+ order, ApprovalResult.class).await();
+ if (approvalResult != ApprovalResult.Approved) {
+ notification.setMessage("Order " + order.getItemName() + " was not approved.");
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ ctx.complete(orderResult);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // There is enough inventory available so the user can purchase the item(s).
+ // Process their payment
+ PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest();
+ paymentRequest.setRequestId(orderId);
+ paymentRequest.setItemBeingPurchased(order.getItemName());
+ paymentRequest.setQuantity(order.getQuantity());
+ paymentRequest.setAmount(order.getTotalCost());
+ boolean isOK = ctx.callActivity(ProcessPaymentActivity.class.getName(),
+ paymentRequest, boolean.class).await();
+ if (!isOK) {
+ notification.setMessage("Payment failed for order : " + orderId);
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ ctx.complete(orderResult);
+ return;
+ }
+ inventoryResult = ctx.callActivity(UpdateInventoryActivity.class.getName(),
+ inventoryRequest, InventoryResult.class).await();
+ if (!inventoryResult.isSuccess()) {
+ // If there is an error updating the inventory, refund the user
+ // paymentRequest.setAmount(-1 * paymentRequest.getAmount());
+ // ctx.callActivity(ProcessPaymentActivity.class.getName(),
+ // paymentRequest).await();
+ // Let users know their payment processing failed
+ notification.setMessage("Order failed to update inventory! : " + orderId);
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ ctx.complete(orderResult);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Let user know their order was processed
+ notification.setMessage("Order completed! : " + orderId);
+ ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
+ // Complete the workflow with order result is processed
+ orderResult.setProcessed(true);
+ ctx.complete(orderResult);
+ };
+ }
-In `workflow.py`, the workflow is defined as a class with all of its associated tasks (determined by workflow activities).
+#### `activities` directory
- def order_processing_workflow(ctx: DaprWorkflowContext, order_payload_str: OrderPayload):
- """Defines the order processing workflow.
- When the order is received, the inventory is checked to see if there is enough inventory to
- fulfill the order. If there is enough inventory, the payment is processed and the inventory is
- updated. If there is not enough inventory, the order is rejected.
- If the total order is greater than $50,000, the order is sent to a manager for approval.
- """
- order_id = ctx.instance_id
- order_payload=json.loads(order_payload_str)
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
- input=Notification(message=('Received order ' +order_id+ ' for '
- +f'{order_payload["quantity"]}' +' ' +f'{order_payload["item_name"]}'
- +' at $'+f'{order_payload["total_cost"]}' +' !')))
- result = yield ctx.call_activity(verify_inventory_activity,
- input=InventoryRequest(request_id=order_id,
- item_name=order_payload["item_name"],
- quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
- if not result.success:
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
- input=Notification(message='Insufficient inventory for '
- +f'{order_payload["item_name"]}'+'!'))
- return OrderResult(processed=False)
- if order_payload["total_cost"] > 50000:
- yield ctx.call_activity(requst_approval_activity, input=order_payload)
- approval_task = ctx.wait_for_external_event("manager_approval")
- timeout_event = ctx.create_timer(timedelta(seconds=200))
- winner = yield when_any([approval_task, timeout_event])
- if winner == timeout_event:
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
- input=Notification(message='Payment for order '+order_id
- +' has been cancelled due to timeout!'))
- return OrderResult(processed=False)
- approval_result = yield approval_task
- if approval_result["approval"]:
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
- message=f'Payment for order {order_id} has been approved!'))
- else:
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
- message=f'Payment for order {order_id} has been rejected!'))
- return OrderResult(processed=False)
- yield ctx.call_activity(process_payment_activity, input=PaymentRequest(
- request_id=order_id, item_being_purchased=order_payload["item_name"],
- amount=order_payload["total_cost"], quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
- try:
- yield ctx.call_activity(update_inventory_activity,
- input=PaymentRequest(request_id=order_id,
- item_being_purchased=order_payload["item_name"],
- amount=order_payload["total_cost"],
- quantity=order_payload["quantity"]))
- except Exception:
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity,
- input=Notification(message=f'Order {order_id} Failed!'))
- return OrderResult(processed=False)
+The `Activities` directory holds the four workflow activities used by the workflow, defined in the following files:
+- [`NotifyActivity.java`](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows/java/sdk/order-processor/src/main/java/io/dapr/quickstarts/workflows/activities/NotifyActivity.java)
+- [`RequestApprovalActivity`](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows/java/sdk/order-processor/src/main/java/io/dapr/quickstarts/workflows/activities/RequestApprovalActivity.java)
+- [`ReserveInventoryActivity`](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows/java/sdk/order-processor/src/main/java/io/dapr/quickstarts/workflows/activities/ReserveInventoryActivity.java)
+- [`ProcessPaymentActivity`](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows/java/sdk/order-processor/src/main/java/io/dapr/quickstarts/workflows/activities/ProcessPaymentActivity.java)
+- [`UpdateInventoryActivity`](https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts/tree/master/workflows/java/sdk/order-processor/src/main/java/io/dapr/quickstarts/workflows/activities/UpdateInventoryActivity.java)
- yield ctx.call_activity(notify_activity, input=Notification(
- message=f'Order {order_id} has completed!'))
- return OrderResult(processed=True)
{{% /codetab %}}
{{< /tabs >}}
-## Watch the demo
-Watch [this video to walk through the Dapr Workflow .NET demo](https://youtu.be/BxiKpEmchgQ?t=2564):
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