diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index d8515c3c50f..458f94a8edc 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -10,19 +10,6 @@ creating a new release entry be sure to copy & paste the span tag with the
updated. Only the first match gets replaced, so it's fine to leave the old
ones in. -->
-## __cylc-8.1.0 (Upcoming)__
-### Enhancements
-[#5032](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/5032) - set a default limit of
-100 for the "default" queue.
-[#5055](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/5055) - Hard-code the serial
-numbers of Cylc Lint's style issues and allow users to ignore Cylc Lint issues
-using `--ignore `.
## __cylc-8.0.3 (Released 2022-10-17)__
diff --git a/tests/functional/job-submission/01-job-nn-localhost/db.sqlite3 b/tests/functional/job-submission/01-job-nn-localhost/db.sqlite3
index d3d43bdad13..a4af19fc6a9 100644
--- a/tests/functional/job-submission/01-job-nn-localhost/db.sqlite3
+++ b/tests/functional/job-submission/01-job-nn-localhost/db.sqlite3
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ CREATE TABLE task_late_flags(cycle TEXT, name TEXT, value INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(c
CREATE TABLE task_outputs(cycle TEXT, name TEXT, flow_nums TEXT, outputs TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(cycle, name, flow_nums));
CREATE TABLE task_pool(cycle TEXT, name TEXT, flow_nums TEXT, status TEXT, is_held INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(cycle, name, flow_nums));
INSERT INTO task_pool VALUES('1','foo','["1", "2"]','waiting', 0);
-CREATE TABLE task_states(name TEXT, cycle TEXT, flow_nums TEXT, time_created TEXT, time_updated TEXT, submit_num INTEGER, status TEXT, flow_wait INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(name, cycle, flow_nums));
-INSERT INTO task_states VALUES('foo','1','["1", "2"]', '2019-06-14T11:30:16+01:00','2019-06-14T11:40:24+01:00',99,'waiting','0');
+CREATE TABLE task_states(name TEXT, cycle TEXT, flow_nums TEXT, time_created TEXT, time_updated TEXT, submit_num INTEGER, status TEXT, flow_wait INTEGER, is_manual_submit INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(name, cycle, flow_nums));
+INSERT INTO task_states VALUES('foo','1','["1", "2"]', '2019-06-14T11:30:16+01:00','2019-06-14T11:40:24+01:00',99,'waiting','0', '0');
CREATE TABLE task_prerequisites(cycle TEXT, name TEXT, flow_nums TEXT, prereq_name TEXT, prereq_cycle TEXT, prereq_output TEXT, satisfied TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(cycle, name, flow_nums, prereq_name, prereq_cycle, prereq_output));
CREATE TABLE task_timeout_timers(cycle TEXT, name TEXT, timeout REAL, PRIMARY KEY(cycle, name));
CREATE TABLE xtriggers(signature TEXT, results TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(signature));