/* Dictionary data abstraction. * Maps from strings to pointers. * Stores as a sorted list of key/value pairs. * O(n) on inserts and deletes. * O(log n) on searches */ #include "owl.h" #define INITSIZE 30 #define GROWBY 3 / 2 void owl_dict_create(owl_dict *d) { d->size=0; d->els=g_new(owl_dict_el, INITSIZE); d->avail=INITSIZE; } int owl_dict_get_size(const owl_dict *d) { return(d->size); } /* Finds the position of an element with key k, or of the element where * this element would logically go, and stores the index in pos. * Returns 1 if found, else 0. */ int _owl_dict_find_pos(const owl_dict *d, const char *k, int *pos) { int lo = 0, hi = d->size; while (lo < hi) { int mid = (lo + hi)/2; /* lo goes up and we can't hit hi, so no +1 */ int cmp = strcmp(k, d->els[mid].k); if (cmp < 0) { hi = mid; } else if (cmp > 0) { lo = mid+1; } else { *pos = mid; return 1; } } *pos = lo; return 0; } /* returns the value corresponding to key k */ void *owl_dict_find_element(const owl_dict *d, const char *k) { int found, pos; found = _owl_dict_find_pos(d, k, &pos); if (!found) { return(NULL); } return(d->els[pos].v); } /* Returns a GPtrArray of dictionary keys. Duplicates the keys, so * they will need to be freed by the caller with g_free. */ CALLER_OWN GPtrArray *owl_dict_get_keys(const owl_dict *d) { GPtrArray *keys = g_ptr_array_sized_new(d->size); int i; for (i = 0; i < d->size; i++) { g_ptr_array_add(keys, g_strdup(d->els[i].k)); } return keys; } void owl_dict_noop_delete(void *x) { return; } /* Returns 0 on success. Will copy the key but make a reference to the value. Will clobber an existing entry with the same key iff delete_on_replace!=NULL, and will run delete_on_replace on the old element. Will return -2 if replace=NULL and match was found. */ int owl_dict_insert_element(owl_dict *d, const char *k, void *v, void (*delete_on_replace)(void *old)) { int pos, found; found = _owl_dict_find_pos(d, k, &pos); if (found && delete_on_replace) { delete_on_replace(d->els[pos].v); d->els[pos].v = v; return(0); } else if (found && !delete_on_replace) { return(-2); } else { if (d->size + 1 > d->avail) { int avail = MAX(d->avail * GROWBY, d->size + 1); d->els = g_renew(owl_dict_el, d->els, avail); d->avail = avail; if (d->els==NULL) return(-1); } if (pos!=d->size) { /* shift forward to leave us a slot */ memmove(d->els+pos+1, d->els+pos, sizeof(owl_dict_el)*(d->size-pos)); } d->size++; d->els[pos].k = g_strdup(k); d->els[pos].v = v; return(0); } } /* Doesn't free the value of the element, but does * return it so the caller can free it. */ CALLER_OWN void *owl_dict_remove_element(owl_dict *d, const char *k) { int i; int pos, found; void *v; found = _owl_dict_find_pos(d, k, &pos); if (!found) return(NULL); g_free(d->els[pos].k); v = d->els[pos].v; for (i=pos; i<d->size-1; i++) { d->els[i]=d->els[i+1]; } d->size--; return(v); } /* elefree should free the value as well */ void owl_dict_cleanup(owl_dict *d, void (*elefree)(void *)) { int i; for (i=0; i<d->size; i++) { g_free(d->els[i].k); if (elefree) (elefree)(d->els[i].v); } if (d->els) g_free(d->els); }