A collection of tools and documentation for building microservice architectures.
- 12-Factor App: Very popular methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.
- Robustness Principle: "Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept."
- "A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked." --John Gall
- PackageCloud.io: Private repository for Maven and Python packages.
- Kitematic
- Consul.io: Distributed service discovery and key-value store commonly used in Docker setups.
- Kompose: Tool for transforming docker-compose configs into Kubernetes manifests.
- Hystrix: Latency and fault tolerance library designed by Netflix.
- Terraform: Tool for creating, changing, and improving production infrastructure.
- queues.io: List of services for handling queues.
- Prometheus
- cAdvisor: Exposes metrics from Docker containers.
- DataDog
- New Relic
- PaperTrail
- SumoLogic
- Kibana: The "K" in ELK stack.
- LogDNA
- InfluxDB: (aka TICK stack)
- SimianArmy: A set of tools developed by Netflix for chaos testing.
- Concourse CI: Container-oriented CI.
- Pact.io: Contract testing framework.
- CusterRunner: Massively parallel test runner.
- OWASP Dependency Check: Utility that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.
- DevOps Topologies: Lists DevOps patterns and antipatterns.
- DotEnv: Tool for loading environment variables from .env files.