diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 35aca76..aad242b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ const responsiveImage = require('responsive?sizes[]=100,sizes[]=200,sizes[]=300! // responsiveImage.images => [{height: 50, path: '2fefae46cb857bc750fa5e5eed4a0cde-100.jpg', width: 100}, {height: 100, path: '2fefae46cb857bc750fa5e5eed4a0cde-200.jpg', width: 200}, {height: 150, path: '2fefae46cb857bc750fa5e5eed4a0cde-300.jpg', width: 300}] // responsiveImage.src => '2fefae46cb857bc750fa5e5eed4a0cde-100.jpg' // responsiveImage.toString() => '2fefae46cb857bc750fa5e5eed4a0cde-100.jpg' -React.render(, el); +ReactDOM.render(, el); // Or you can just use it as props, `srcSet` and `src` will be set properly -React.render(, el); +ReactDOM.render(, el); ``` Or use it in CSS (only the first resized image will be used, if you use multiple `sizes`): @@ -38,13 +38,32 @@ Or use it in CSS (only the first resized image will be used, if you use multiple } ``` +```js +// Outputs placeholder image as a data URI, and three images with 100, 200, and 300px widths +const responsiveImage = require('responsive?placeholder=true&sizes[]=100,sizes[]=200,sizes[]=300!myImage.jpg'); + +// responsiveImage.placeholder => '…' +ReactDOM.render( +
+ +
, el); +``` + + ### Options -- `sizes: array`: specify all widths you want to use; if a specified size exceeds the original image's width, the latter will be used (i.e. images won't be scaled up). You may also declare a default `sizes` array in `responsiveLoader` in your `webpack.config.js`. -- `size: integer`: specify one width you want to use; if the specified size exceeds the original image's width, the latter will be used (i.e. images won't be scaled up) -- `quality: integer`: JPEG compression quality; defaults to `95` -- `ext: string`: either `png`, `jpg`, or `gif`; use to convert to another format; defaults to original file's extension -- `background: hex`: Background fill when converting transparent to opaque images; defaults to `0xFFFFFFFF` (note: make sure this is a valid hex number) +- `sizes: array` — specify all widths you want to use; if a specified size exceeds the original image's width, the latter will be used (i.e. images won't be scaled up). You may also declare a default `sizes` array in `responsiveLoader` in your `webpack.config.js`. +- `size: integer` — specify one width you want to use; if the specified size exceeds the original image's width, the latter will be used (i.e. images won't be scaled up) +- `quality: integer` — JPEG compression quality; defaults to `95` +- `ext: string` — either `png`, `jpg`, or `gif`; use to convert to another format; defaults to original file's extension +- `background: hex` — Background fill when converting transparent to opaque images; defaults to `0xFFFFFFFF` (note: make sure this is a valid hex number) +- `placeholder: bool` — A true or false value to specify wether to output a placeholder image as a data URI. (Defaults to `false`) +- `placeholderSize: integer` — A number value specifying the width of the placeholder image, if enabled with the option above. (Defaults to `40`) ### Examples @@ -62,7 +81,9 @@ module.exports = { ]} }, responsiveLoader: { - sizes: [300, 600, 1200, 2000] + sizes: [300, 600, 1200, 2000], + placeholder: true, + placeholderSize: 50 } } ``` diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index 101dd98..9632939 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module.exports = function loader(content) { const sizes = query.sizes || query.size || options.sizes || [Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER]; const name = query.name || options.name || '[hash]-[width].'; const outputContext = query.context || options.context || ''; + const outputPlaceholder = query.placeholder || query.placeholder !== false && options.placeholder || false; + const placeholderSize = query.placeholderSize || options.placeholderSize || 40; // JPEG compression const quality = parseInt(query.quality, 10) || options.quality || 95; // Useful when converting from PNG to JPG @@ -87,14 +89,46 @@ module.exports = function loader(content) { } }); + if (outputPlaceholder) { + q.defer(function generatePlaceholder(queueCallback) { + img + .clone() + .resize(placeholderSize, jimp.AUTO) + .quality(quality) + .background(background) + .getBuffer(mime, function resizeCallback(queueErr, buf) { + if (err) { + return queueCallback(queueErr); + } + + const placeholder = buf.toString('base64'); + return queueCallback(null, JSON.stringify('data:' + (mime ? mime + ';' : '') + 'base64,' + placeholder)); + }); + }); + } + return q.awaitAll((queueErr, files) => { + 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line + let placeholder; + if (outputPlaceholder) { + placeholder = files.pop(); + } + const srcset = files.map(f => f.src).join('+","+'); const images = files.map(f => '{path:' + f.path + ',width:' + f.width + ',height:' + f.height + '}').join(','); - const firstImagePath = files[0].path; - - loaderCallback(null, 'module.exports = {srcSet:' + srcset + ',images:[' + images + '],src:' + firstImagePath + ',toString:function(){return ' + firstImagePath + '}};'); + const firstImage = files[0]; + + loaderCallback(null, 'module.exports = {' + + 'srcSet:' + srcset + ',' + + 'images:[' + images + '],' + + 'src:' + firstImage.path + ',' + + 'toString:function(){return ' + firstImage.path + '},' + + 'placeholder: ' + placeholder + ',' + + 'width:' + firstImage.width + ',' + + 'height:' + firstImage.height + + '};'); }); }); }; diff --git a/test/index.js b/test/index.js index 45b20a1..321d9b1 100644 --- a/test/index.js +++ b/test/index.js @@ -46,3 +46,16 @@ test('output should be relative to context', t => { t.equal(multi.toString(), 'foobar/test/9a7bdeb1304946f1fcd4a691409f286a-500.jpg'); t.end(); }); + +test('with placeholder image', t => { + const output = require('../index?placeholder=true!./cat-1000.jpg'); + t.equal(output.placeholder, ''); + t.end(); +}); + +test('output first resized image height & width', t => { + const output = require('../index?size=500!./cat-1000.jpg'); + t.equal(output.height, 450); + t.equal(output.width, 500); + t.end(); +});