diff --git a/content/docs/csidriver/troubleshooting/powerflex.md b/content/docs/csidriver/troubleshooting/powerflex.md index 7a395a95a8..8feff23291 100644 --- a/content/docs/csidriver/troubleshooting/powerflex.md +++ b/content/docs/csidriver/troubleshooting/powerflex.md @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ description: Troubleshooting PowerFlex Driver | When a node goes down, the block volumes attached to the node cannot be attached to another node | This is a known issue and has been reported at https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-attacher/issues/215. Workaround:
1. Force delete the pod running on the node that went down
2. Delete the volumeattachment to the node that went down.
Now the volume can be attached to the new node. | | CSI-PowerFlex volumes cannot mount; are being recognized as multipath devices | CSI-PowerFlex does not support multipath; to fix:
1. Remove any multipath mapping involving a powerflex volume with `multipath -f `
2. Blacklist CSI-PowerFlex volumes in multipath config file | | When attempting a driver upgrade, you see: ```spec.fsGroupPolicy: Invalid value: "xxx": field is immutable``` | You cannot upgrade between drivers with different fsGroupPolicies. See [upgrade documentation](../../upgradation/drivers/powerflex) for more details | + | When accessing ROX mode PVC in OpenShift where the worker nodes are non-root user, you see: ```Permission denied``` while accesing the PVC mount location from the pod. | Set the ```securityContext``` for ROX mode PVC pod as below, as it defines privileges for the pods or containers.

       runAsUser: 0
       runAsGroup: 0 | >*Note*: `vxflexos-controller-*` is the controller pod that acquires leader lease