# Pronote integration for Home Assistant ## Installation ### Using HACS [![Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/hacs_repository.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/hacs_repository/?owner=delphiki&repository=hass-pronote&category=integration) OR If you can't find the integration, add this repository to HACS, then: HACS > Integrations > **Pronote** ### Manual install Copy the `pronote` folder from latest release to the `custom_components` folder in your `config` folder. ## Configuration Click on the following button: [![Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration of a specific brand.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/brand.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/brand/?brand=pronote) Or go to : Settings > Devices & Sevices > Integrations > Add Integration, and search for "Pronote" You can choose between two options when adding a config entry. ### Option 1: using username and password Use your Pronote URL with username, password and ENT (optional): ![Pronote config flow](doc/config_flow_username_password.png) ### Option 2: using the QR Code Install the following Chrome Extension: [QR Code Reader](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/qr-code-reader/likadllkkidlligfcdhfnnbkjigdkmci) (only needed for setup). Create the QR Code from your Pronote account: ![image](doc/generate_qr_code.png) Use the extension to scan the QR Code: ![image](doc/scan_qr_code.png) And copy the JSON ouput that looks like: ```json {"jeton":"XXXXXXXXXXX[...]XXXXXXXXXXXXXX","login":"YYYYYYYYYYYYYY","url":"https://[id of your school].index-education.net/pronote/..."} ``` Paste it, and enter the PIN code used for the generation: ![image](doc/config_flow_qr_code.png) ### Parent account If using a Parent account, you'll have to select the child you want to add: ![image](doc/config_flow_parent.png) ## Usage This integration provides several sensors, always prefixed with `pronote_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME` (where `LASTNAME` and `FIRSTNAME` are replaced), for example `sensor.pronote_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_timetable_today`. | Sensor | Description | |--------|-------------| | `sensor.pronote_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME` | basic informations about your child | | `[...]_timetable_today` | today's timetable | | `[...]_timetable_tomorrow` | tomorrow's timetable | | `[...]_timetable_next_day` | next school day timetable | | `[...]_timetable_period` | timetable for next 15 days | | `[...]_timetable_ical_url` | iCal URL for the timetable (if available) | | `[...]_grades` | latest grades | | `[...]_homework` | homework | | `[...]_homework_period` | homework for max 15 days | | `[...]_absences` | absences | | `[...]_evaluations` | evaluations | | `[...]_averages` | averages | | `[...]_punishments` | punishments | | `[...]_delays` | delays | | `[...]_information_and_surveys` | information_and_surveys | | `[...]_menus` | menus (if available) | The sensors are updated every 15 minutes. ## Cards Cards are available here: https://github.com/delphiki/lovelace-pronote